forked from OSchip/llvm-project
This creates a valid Python API for Windows, pending some issues. The changes included are -
- Ported the SWIG wrapper shell scripts to Python so that they would work on Windows too along with other platforms - Updated CMake handling to fix SWIG errors and manage sym-linking on Windows to liblldb.dll - More build fixes for Windows The pending issues are that two Python modules, termios and pexpect are not available on Windows. These are currently required for the Python command interpreter to be used from within LLDB. llvm-svn: 212111
This commit is contained in:
"Disables the Python scripting integration.")
"Disables the Curses integration.")
"Enables using new Python scripts for SWIG API generation .")
# If we are not building as a part of LLVM, build LLDB as an
# standalone project, using LLVM as an external library:
set(LLDB_DISABLE_PYTHON 0 CACHE BOOL "Disables the Python scripting integration.")
add_definitions( -DLLDB_DISABLE_PYTHON )
@ -94,9 +97,14 @@ macro(add_lldb_definitions)
if (MSVC)
# this definition will stop python from auto linking python27_d.lib when Python.h is included
find_package(PythonLibs REQUIRED)
@ -202,7 +210,7 @@ macro(add_lldb_library name)
add_library(${name} ${libkind} ${srcs})
llvm_add_library(${name} ${libkind} ${srcs})
##add_dependencies(${name} ${LLVM_COMMON_DEPENDS})
@ -249,14 +257,7 @@ macro(add_lldb_library name)
macro(add_lldb_executable name)
#add_llvm_executable(${name} ${ARGN})
llvm_process_sources( ALL_FILES ${ARGN} )
add_executable(${name} ${ALL_FILES})
#target_link_libraries(${name} ${CLANG_USED_LIBS})
#llvm_config( ${name} ${LLVM_LINK_COMPONENTS} )
#add_dependencies(${name} ${LLVM_COMMON_DEPENDS})
add_llvm_executable(${name} ${ARGN})
set_target_properties(${name} PROPERTIES FOLDER "lldb executables")
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ public:
static lldb::thread_t
ThreadCreate (const char *name,
thread_func_t thread_function,
lldb::thread_func_t thread_function,
void *thread_arg,
lldb::SBError *err);
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ public:
lldb::SBError *err);
static bool
ThreadJoin (lldb::thread_t thread,
thread_result_t *result,
lldb::thread_result_t *result,
lldb::SBError *err);
@ -49,7 +49,10 @@ char* realpath(const char * name, char * resolved);
#include <stdint.h>
#include <io.h>
typedef unsigned short mode_t;
typedef uint32_t pid_t;
int usleep(uint32_t useconds);
@ -13,22 +13,46 @@
// Python.h needs to be included before any system headers in order to avoid redefinition of macros
// Python is disabled in this build
// If this is a visual studio build
#if defined( _MSC_VER )
// Special case for debug build since python unfortunately
// adds library to the linker path through a #pragma directive
#if defined( _DEBUG )
// Python forces a header link to python27_d.lib when building debug.
// To get around this (because most python packages for Windows
// don't come with debug python libraries), we undefine _DEBUG, include
// python.h and then restore _DEBUG.
#if defined(__linux__)
// features.h will define _POSIX_C_SOURCE if _GNU_SOURCE is defined. This value
// may be different from the value that Python defines it to be which results
// in a warning. Undefine _POSIX_C_SOURCE before including Python.h The same
// holds for _XOPEN_SOURCE.
// The problem with this is that any system level headers included from
// python.h were also effectively included in 'release' mode when we undefined
// _DEBUG. To work around this we include headers that python includes
// before undefining _DEBUG.
# include <stdlib.h>
// Undefine to force python to link against the release distro
# undef _DEBUG
# include <Python.h>
# define _DEBUG
#include <Python.h>
#include <Python.h>
#if defined(__linux__)
// features.h will define _POSIX_C_SOURCE if _GNU_SOURCE is defined. This value
// may be different from the value that Python defines it to be which results
// in a warning. Undefine _POSIX_C_SOURCE before including Python.h The same
// holds for _XOPEN_SOURCE.
// Include python for non windows machines
#include <Python.h>
#endif // LLDB_lldb_python_h_
@ -2,7 +2,23 @@ set(LLVM_NO_RTTI 1)
file(GLOB SWIG_INPUTS Python/interface/*.i)
DEPENDS ${LLDB_SOURCE_DIR}/scripts/lldb.swig
COMMENT "Python script building LLDB Python wrapper")
set_source_files_properties(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/LLDBWrapPython.cpp PROPERTIES GENERATED 1)
ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(swig_wrapper ALL echo -n
# Install the LLDB python module on all operating systems
else ()
DEPENDS ${LLDB_SOURCE_DIR}/scripts/lldb.swig
@ -11,17 +27,18 @@ add_custom_command(
COMMENT "Building lldb python wrapper")
set_source_files_properties(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/LLDBWrapPython.cpp PROPERTIES GENERATED 1)
set_source_files_properties(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/LLDBWrapPython.cpp PROPERTIES GENERATED 1)
ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(swig_wrapper ALL echo -n
ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(swig_wrapper ALL echo -n
# Install the LLDB python module on all operating systems (except Windows)
# Install the LLDB python module on all operating systems (except Windows)
endif ()
# build Python modules
@ -0,0 +1,782 @@
""" Python SWIG wrapper creation script Windows/LINUX/OSX platform
Overview: Creates SWIG Python C++ Script Bridge wrapper code. This
script is called by in turn.
Environment: OS: Windows Vista or newer, LINUX, OSX.
IDE: Visual Studio 2013 Plugin Python Tools (PTVS)
Script: Python 2.6/2.7.5 x64
Other: SWIG 2.0.11
Gotchas: Python debug complied pythonXX_d.lib is required for SWIG
to build correct LLDBWrapperPython.cpp in order for Visual
Studio to compile successfully. The release version of the
Python lib will not work.
LLDB (dir) CMakeLists.txt uses windows environmental
variables $PYTHON_INCLUDE and $PYTHON_LIB to locate
Python files required for the build.
Copyright: None.
# Python modules:
import os # Provide directory and file handling, determine OS information
import time # Time access and conversions
import subprocess # Call external programs
import shutil # File handling
# Third party modules:
# In-house modules:
import utilsOsType # Determine the OS type this script is running on
import utilsDebug # Debug Python scripts
# User facing text:
strMsgLldbDisablePythonEnv = "Python build aborted as LLDB_DISABLE_PYTHON \
environmental variable is defined";
strMsgLldbDisableGccEnv = "Python build aborted as GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS \
environmental variable is defined";
strMsgHdrFiles = "Header files are:";
strMsgIFaceFiles = "SWIG interface files are";
strErrMsgProgFail = "Program failure: ";
strMsgFileNewrSwigOpFile = "\'%s\' is newer than \'%s\'\nSWIG file will need to be re-built";
strMsgFileNotExist = "\'%s\' could not be found\nSWIG file will need to be re-built";
strErrMsgOsTypeUnknown = "Unable to determine current OS type";
strMsgNotNeedUpdate = "Everything is up-to-date";
strMsgSwigNeedRebuild = "SWIG needs to be re-run";
strErrMsgSwigParamsMissing = "This script was not passed either '--swigExePath \
or the '--swigExeName' argument. Both are required.";
strMsgSwigExecute = "SWIG executing the following:\n\'%s'";
strErrMsgSwigExecute = "SWIG failed: %s";
strErrMsgPythonExecute = "Python script '%s' failed: %s";
strMsgSwigNoGenDep = "SWIG ran with no generated dependencies, script exit early";
strMsgSwigGenDep = "SWIG ran and generated dependencies, script exit early, deleted '%s'";
strErrMsgFrameWkPyDirNotExist = "Unable to find the LLDB. Framework directory is '%s'";
strMsgFoundLldbFrameWkDir = "Found '%s'";
strErrMsgModifyPythonLldbPyFileNotFound = "Unable to find '%s' in '%s'";
# Details: Retrieve the list of hard coded lldb header file names and
# put in the program's dictArgs map container. Make paths compatible
# with the current OS.
# Note this does not necessarily match the content of those
# directories. The resultant header string is inserted into the
# dictionary vDictArgs key "--headerFiles".
# Args: vDictArgs - (RW) Program input parameters.
# Returns: Bool - True = success, False = failure.
# Throws: None.
def get_header_files( vDictArgs ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "Python script get_header_files()" );
listHeaderFiles = [ "/include/lldb/API/lldb.h", # .sh has /include/lldb/lldb.h 21/11/2013
"/include/lldb/API/SBWatchpoint.h" ];
bDebug = vDictArgs.has_key( "-d" );
strRt = vDictArgs[ "--srcRoot" ];
strRt = os.path.normcase( strRt );
strHeaderFiles = "";
for strHdr in listHeaderFiles[ 0: len( listHeaderFiles ) ]:
strHdr = os.path.normcase( strHdr );
strHeaderFiles += " %s%s" % (strRt, strHdr);
if bDebug:
print strMsgHdrFiles;
print strHeaderFiles;
vDictArgs[ "--headerFiles" ] = strHeaderFiles;
return True;
# Details: Retrieve the list of hard coded lldb SWIG interface file names and
# put in the program's dictArgs map container. Make paths compatible
# with the current OS.
# Note this does not necessarily match the content of those
# directories. The resultant interface string is inserted into the
# dictionary vDictArgs key "--ifaceFiles".
# Args: vDictArgs - (RW) Program input parameters.
# Returns: Bool - True = success, False = failure.
# Throws: None.
def get_interface_files( vDictArgs ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "Python script get_interface_files()" );
listIFaceFiles = [ "/scripts/Python/interface/SBAddress.i",
"/scripts/Python/interface/SBWatchpoint.i" ];
bDebug = vDictArgs.has_key( "-d" );
strRt = vDictArgs[ "--srcRoot" ];
strRt = os.path.normcase( strRt );
strInterfaceFiles = "";
for strIFace in listIFaceFiles[ 0: len( listIFaceFiles ) ]:
strIFace = os.path.normcase( strIFace );
strInterfaceFiles += " %s%s" % (strRt, strIFace);
if bDebug:
print strMsgIFaceFiles;
print strInterfaceFiles;
vDictArgs[ "--ifaceFiles" ] = strInterfaceFiles;
return True;
# Details: Compare which file is newer.
# Args: vFile1 - (R) File name path.
# vFile2 - (R) File name path.
# Returns: Int - 0 = both not exist, 1 = file 1 newer, 2 = file 2 newer,
# 3 = file 1 not exist.
# Throws: None.
def which_file_is_newer( vFile1, vFile2 ):
bF1 = os.path.exists( vFile1 );
bF2 = os.path.exists( vFile2 );
if bF1 == False and bF2 == False:
return 0; # Both files not exist
if bF1 == False:
return 3; # File 1 not exist
if bF2 == False:
return 1; # File 1 is newer / file 2 not exist
f1Stamp = os.path.getmtime( vFile1 );
f2Stamp = os.path.getmtime( vFile2 );
if f1Stamp > f2Stamp:
return 1; # File 1 is newer
return 2; # File 2 is newer than file 1
# Details: Determine whether the specified file exists.
# Args: vDictArgs - (R) Program input parameters.
# vstrFileNamePath - (R) Check this file exists.
# Returns: Bool - True = Files exists, false = not found.
# Throws: None.
def check_file_exists( vDictArgs, vstrFileNamePath ):
bExists = False;
bDebug = vDictArgs.has_key( "-d" );
if os.path.exists( vstrFileNamePath ):
bExists = True;
elif bDebug:
print strMsgFileNotExist % vstrFileNamePath;
return bExists;
# Details: Determine whether the specified file is newer than the
# LLDBWrapPython.cpp file.
# Args: vDictArgs - (R) Program input parameters.
# vstrSwigOpFileNamePath - (R) LLDBWrapPython.cpp file.
# vstrFileNamePath - (R) Specific file.
# Returns: Bool - True = SWIG update required, false = no update required.
# Throws: None.
def check_newer_file( vDictArgs, vstrSwigOpFileNamePath, vstrFileNamePath ):
bNeedUpdate = False;
bDebug = vDictArgs.has_key( "-d" );
strMsg = "";
nResult = which_file_is_newer( vstrFileNamePath, vstrSwigOpFileNamePath );
if nResult == 1:
strMsg = strMsgFileNewrSwigOpFile % (vstrFileNamePath,
bNeedUpdate = True;
elif nResult == 3:
strMsg = strMsgFileNotExist % vstrFileNamePath;
bNeedUpdate = True;
if bNeedUpdate and bDebug:
print strMsg;
return bNeedUpdate;
# Details: Determine whether the any files in the list are newer than the
# LLDBWrapPython.cpp file.
# Args: vDictArgs - (R) Program input parameters.
# vstrSwigOpFileNamePath - (R) LLDBWrapPython.cpp file.
# vstrFiles - (R) Multi string file names ' ' delimiter.
# Returns: Bool - True = SWIG update required, false = no update required.
# Throws: None.
def check_newer_files( vDictArgs, vstrSwigOpFileNamePath, vstrFiles ):
bNeedUpdate = False;
listFiles = vstrFiles.split();
for strFile in listFiles:
if check_newer_file( vDictArgs, vstrSwigOpFileNamePath, strFile ):
bNeedUpdate = True;
return bNeedUpdate;
# Details: Retrieve the directory path for Python's dist_packages/
# site_package folder on a Windows platform.
# Args: vDictArgs - (R) Program input parameters.
# Returns: Bool - True = function success, False = failure.
# Str - Python Framework directory path.
# strErrMsg - Error description on task failure.
# Throws: None.
def get_framework_python_dir_windows( vDictArgs ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "Python script get_framework_python_dir_windows()" );
bOk = True;
strWkDir = "";
strErrMsg = "";
# We are being built by LLVM, so use the PYTHON_INSTALL_DIR argument,
# and append the python version directory to the end of it. Depending
# on the system other stuff may need to be put here as well.
from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib;
strPythonInstallDir = "";
bHaveArgPrefix = vDictArgs.has_key( "--prefix" );
if bHaveArgPrefix:
strPythonInstallDir = vDictArgs[ "--prefix" ];
if strPythonInstallDir.__len__() != 0:
strWkDir = get_python_lib( True, False, strPythonInstallDir );
strWkDir = get_python_lib( True, False );
strWkDir += "/lldb";
strWkDir = os.path.normcase( strWkDir );
return (bOk, strWkDir, strErrMsg);
# Details: Retrieve the directory path for Python's dist_packages/
# site_package folder on a UNIX style platform.
# Args: vDictArgs - (R) Program input parameters.
# Returns: Bool - True = function success, False = failure.
# Str - Python Framework directory path.
# strErrMsg - Error description on task failure.
# Throws: None.
def get_framework_python_dir_other_platforms( vDictArgs ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "Python script get_framework_python_dir_other_platform()" );
bOk = True;
strWkDir = "";
strErrMsg = "";
bDbg = vDictArgs.has_key( "-d" );
bMakeFileCalled = vDictArgs.has_key( "-m" );
if bMakeFileCalled:
dbg.dump_text( "Built by LLVM" );
return get_framework_python_dir_windows( vDictArgs );
dbg.dump_text( "Built by XCode" );
# We are being built by XCode, so all the lldb Python files can go
# into the LLDB.framework/Resources/Python subdirectory.
strWkDir = vDictArgs[ "--targetDir" ];
strWkDir += "/LLDB.framework";
if os.path.exists( strWkDir ):
if bDbg:
print strMsgFoundLldbFrameWkDir % strWkDir;
strWkDir += "/Resources/Python/lldb";
strWkDir = os.path.normcase( strWkDir );
bOk = False;
strErrMsg = strErrMsgFrameWkPyDirNotExist % strWkDir;
return (bOk, strWkDir, strErrMsg);
# Details: Retrieve the directory path for Python's dist_packages/
# site_package folder depending on the type of OS platform being
# used.
# Args: vDictArgs - (R) Program input parameters.
# Returns: Bool - True = function success, False = failure.
# Str - Python Framework directory path.
# strErrMsg - Error description on task failure.
# Throws: None.
def get_framework_python_dir( vDictArgs ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "Python script get_framework_python_dir()" );
bOk = True;
strWkDir = "";
strErrMsg = "";
eOSType = utilsOsType.determine_os_type();
if eOSType == utilsOsType.EnumOsType.Unknown:
bOk = False;
strErrMsg = strErrMsgOsTypeUnknown;
elif eOSType == utilsOsType.EnumOsType.Windows:
bOk, strWkDir, strErrMsg = get_framework_python_dir_windows( vDictArgs );
bOk, strWkDir, strErrMsg = get_framework_python_dir_other_platforms( vDictArgs );
return (bOk, strWkDir, strErrMsg);
# Details: Retrieve the configuration build path if present and valid (using
# parameter --cfgBlddir or copy the Python Framework directory.
# Args: vDictArgs - (R) Program input parameters.
# vstrFrameworkPythonDir - (R) Python framework directory.
# Returns: Bool - True = function success, False = failure.
# Str - Config directory path.
# strErrMsg - Error description on task failure.
# Throws: None.
def get_config_build_dir( vDictArgs, vstrFrameworkPythonDir ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "Python script get_config_build_dir()" );
bOk = True;
strErrMsg = "";
strConfigBldDir = "";
bHaveConfigBldDir = vDictArgs.has_key( "--cfgBldDir" );
if bHaveConfigBldDir:
strConfigBldDir = vDictArgs[ "--cfgBldDir" ];
if (bHaveConfigBldDir == False) or (strConfigBldDir.__len__() == 0):
strConfigBldDir = vstrFrameworkPythonDir;
return (bOk, strConfigBldDir, strErrMsg);
# Details: Do a SWIG code rebuild. Any number returned by SWIG which is not
# zero is treated as an error. The generate dependencies flag decides
# how SWIG is rebuilt and if set false will cause the script to exit
# immediately with the exit status + 200 if status is not zero.
# Args: vDictArgs - (R) Program input parameters.
# vstrSwigDepFile - (R) SWIG dependency file.
# vstrCfgBldDir - (R) Configuration build directory.
# vstrSwigOpFile - (R) SWIG output file.
# vstrSwigIpFile - (R) SWIG input file.
# Returns: Bool - True = function success, False = failure.
# strMsg - Error or status message.
# nExitResult - Exit result of SWIG executable.
# - 0 = Success.
# - 1 = Success, exit this script and parent script.
# - +200 = A SWIG error status result.
# Throws: None.
def do_swig_rebuild( vDictArgs, vstrSwigDepFile, vstrCfgBldDir,
vstrSwigOpFile, vstrSwigIpFile ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "Python script do_swig_rebuild()" );
bOk = True;
strMsg = "";
bDbg = vDictArgs.has_key( "-d" );
bGenDependencies = vDictArgs.has_key( "-M" );
strSwigExePath = vDictArgs[ "--swigExePath" ];
strSwigExeName = vDictArgs[ "--swigExeName" ];
strSrcRoot = vDictArgs[ "--srcRoot" ];
# Build SWIG path to executable
if strSwigExePath != "":
strSwig = "%s/%s" % (strSwigExePath, strSwigExeName);
strSwig = os.path.normcase( strSwig );
strSwig = strSwigExeName;
strCfg = vstrCfgBldDir;
strOp = vstrSwigOpFile;
strIp = vstrSwigIpFile;
strSi = os.path.normcase( "./." );
strRoot = strSrcRoot + "/include";
strRoot = os.path.normcase( strRoot );
strDep = "";
if bGenDependencies:
strDep = vstrSwigDepFile + ".tmp";
# Build the SWIG args list
strCmd = "%s " % strSwig;
strCmd += "-c++ ";
strCmd += "-shadow ";
strCmd += "-python ";
strCmd += "-threads ";
strCmd += "-I\"%s\" " % strRoot;
strCmd += "-I\"%s\" " % strSi;
strCmd += "-D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS ";
if bGenDependencies:
strCmd += "-MMD -MF \"%s\" " % strDep;
strCmd += "-outdir \"%s\" " % strCfg;
strCmd += "-o \"%s\" " % strOp;
strCmd += "\"%s\" " % strIp;
if bDbg:
print strMsgSwigExecute % strCmd;
# Execute SWIG
process = subprocess.Popen( strCmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True );
# Wait for SWIG process to terminate
strStdOut, strStdErr = process.communicate();
nResult = process.returncode;
if nResult != 0:
bOk = False;
nResult += 200;
strMsg = strErrMsgSwigExecute % strStdErr;
if bDbg and (strStdOut.__len__() != 0):
strMsg = strStdOut;
if bGenDependencies:
if bOk:
if os.path.exists( strDep ):
shutil.move( strDep, vstrSwigDepFile );
os.remove( strDep );
nResult = 1; # Exit this script and parent script
if bDbg:
strMsg = strMsgSwigGenDep % strDep;
strMsg = strMsgSwigNoGenDep + strMsg;
return bOk, strMsg, nResult;
# Details: Execute another Python script from this script in a separate
# process. No data is passed back to the caller script. It is
# assumed should any exit result be returned that -ve numbers are
# error conditions. A zero or +ve numbers mean ok/warning/status.
# Args: vDictArgs - (R) Program input parameters.
# vstrArgs - (R) Space separated parameters passed to python.
# Returns: Bool - True = function success, False = failure.
# strMsg - Error or status message.
# Throws: None.
def run_python_script( vDictArgs, vstrArgs ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "Python script run_python_script()" );
bOk = True;
strMsg = "";
bDbg = vDictArgs.has_key( "-d" );
strPy = "python %s" % vstrArgs;
process = subprocess.Popen( strPy, shell=True );
strStdOut, strStdErr = process.communicate();
nResult = process.returncode;
if nResult < 0:
bOk = False;
strErr = strStdErr;
if strErr == None:
strErr = "No error given";
strMsg = strErrMsgPythonExecute % (vstrArgs, strErr);
if bDbg:
strOut = strStdOut;
if strOut == None:
strOut = "No status given";
strMsg = strOut;
return bOk, strMsg;
# Details: Implement the iterator protocol and/or eq/ne operators for some
# lldb objects.
# Append global variable to lldb Python module.
# And initialize the lldb debugger subsystem.
# Args: vDictArgs - (R) Program input parameters.
# vstrCfgBldDir - (R) Configuration build directory.
# Returns: Bool - True = function success, False = failure.
# strMsg - Error or status message.
# Throws: None.
def do_modify_python_lldb( vDictArgs, vstrCfgBldDir ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "Python script do_modify_python_lldb()" );
bOk = True;
strMsg = "";
bDbg = vDictArgs.has_key( "-d" );
strCwd = vDictArgs[ "--srcRoot" ]; # /llvm/tools/lldb
strCwd += "/scripts/Python";
strPyScript = "";
strPath = "%s/%s" % (strCwd, strPyScript);
strPath = os.path.normcase( strPath );
bOk = os.path.exists( strPath );
if not bOk:
strMsg = strErrMsgModifyPythonLldbPyFileNotFound % (strPyScript, strPath);
return bOk, strMsg;
strPyArgs = "%s %s" % (strPath, vstrCfgBldDir);
bOk, strMsg = run_python_script( vDictArgs, strPyArgs );
return bOk, strMsg;
""" Details: Program main entry point fn. Called by another Python script.
Details: This script is to be called by another Python script. It is not
intended to be called directly i.e from the command line.
If environmental variable "LLDB_DISABLE_PYTHON" is defined/exists
it will cause the script to end early creating nothing.
If environmental variable "GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS" is
defined/exists it will cause the script to end early creating
Args: vDictArgs - (R) Map of parameter names to values. Used to for the
the SWIG required parameters to create code. Note
this container does get amended with more data.
-d (optional) Determines whether or not this script
outputs additional information when running.
-m (optional) Specify called from Makefile system. If given locate
the LLDBWrapPython.cpp in --srcRoot/source folder
else in the --targetDir folder.
-M (optional) Specify want SWIG to generate a dependency file.
--srcRoot The root of the lldb source tree.
--targetDir Where the lldb framework/shared library gets put.
--cfgBldDir Where the program will
(optional) put the file it generated from running
--prefix Is the root directory used to determine where
(optional) third-party modules for scripting languages should
be installed. Where non-Darwin systems want to put
the .py and .so files so that Python can find them
automatically. Python install directory.
--swigExePath File path the SWIG executable. (Determined and
passed by to here)
--swigExeName The file name of the SWIG executable. (Determined
and passed by to
Results: 0 Success
1 Success, generated dependencies removed
-100+ Error from this script to the caller script.
-100 Error program failure with optional message.
-200+ - 200 +- the SWIG exit result.
def main( vDictArgs ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "Python script main()" );
bOk = True;
strMsg = "";
strErrMsgProgFail = "";
if not( vDictArgs.has_key( "--swigExePath" ) and vDictArgs.has_key( "--swigExeName" ) ):
strErrMsgProgFail += strErrMsgSwigParamsMissing;
return (-100, strErrMsgProgFail );
bDebug = vDictArgs.has_key( "-d" );
strSwigDepFile = "";
strSwigDepOptions = "";
bGenDependencies = vDictArgs.has_key( "-M" );
if bGenDependencies:
strSwigDepFile = vDictArgs[ "--targetDir" ] + "/LLDBWrapPython.cpp.d";
strSwigDepOptions = "-MMD -MF \"%s.tmp\"" % strSwigDepFile;
strSwigDepFile = os.path.normcase( strSwigDepFile );
strSwigDepOptions = os.path.normcase( strSwigDepOptions );
bMakeFileCalled = vDictArgs.has_key( "-m" );
strSwigOutputFile = ""
if bMakeFileCalled:
strSwigOutputFile = vDictArgs[ "--targetDir" ] + "/LLDBWrapPython.cpp";
strSwigOutputFile = vDictArgs[ "--srcRoot" ] + "/source/LLDBWrapPython.cpp";
strSwigOutputFile = os.path.normcase( strSwigOutputFile );
strRt = vDictArgs[ "--srcRoot" ];
strSwigInputFile = strRt + "/scripts/lldb.swig";
strSwigPythonExtensions = strRt + "/scripts/Python/python-extensions.swig";
strSwigPythonWrapper = strRt + "/scripts/Python/python-wrapper.swig";
strSwigPythonTypemaps = strRt + "/scripts/Python/python-typemaps.swig";
strSwigPythonSwigsafecast = strRt + "/scripts/Python/python-swigsafecast.swig";
strSwigInputFile = os.path.normcase( strSwigInputFile );
strSwigPythonExtensions = os.path.normcase( strSwigPythonExtensions );
strSwigPythonWrapper = os.path.normcase( strSwigPythonWrapper );
strSwigPythonTypemaps = os.path.normcase( strSwigPythonTypemaps );
strSwigPythonSwigsafecast = os.path.normcase( strSwigPythonSwigsafecast );
strEnvVarLLDBDisablePython = os.getenv( "LLDB_DISABLE_PYTHON", None );
# We don't want Python for this build, but touch the output file so we
# don't have to conditionalize the build on this as well.
# Note, at present iOS doesn't have Python, so if you're building for
# iOS be sure to set LLDB_DISABLE_PYTHON to 1.
if (strEnvVarLLDBDisablePython != None) and \
(strEnvVarLLDBDisablePython == "1"):
os.remove( strSwigOutputFile );
open( strSwigOutputFile, 'w' ).close(); # Touch the file
if bDebug:
strMsg = strMsgLldbDisablePython;
return (0, strMsg );
# If this project is being built with LLDB_DISABLE_PYTHON defined,
# don't bother generating Python swig bindings -- we don't have
# Python available.
strEnvVarGccPreprocessDefs = os.getenv( "GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS",
None );
if (strEnvVarGccPreprocessDefs != None) or \
(strEnvVarLLDBDisablePython != None):
os.remove( strSwigOutputFile );
open( strSwigOutputFile, 'w' ).close(); # Touch the file
if bDebug:
strMsg = strMsgLldbDisableGccEnv;
return (0, strMsg);
bOk = bOk and get_header_files( vDictArgs );
bOk = bOk and get_interface_files( vDictArgs );
strFrameworkPythonDir = "";
if bOk:
bNeedUpdate = (check_file_exists( vDictArgs, strSwigOutputFile ) == False);
dbg.dump_object( "check_file_exists strSwigOutputFile, bNeedUpdate =", bNeedUpdate);
if bNeedUpdate == False:
bNeedUpdate = check_newer_files( vDictArgs, strSwigOutputFile, vDictArgs[ "--headerFiles" ] );
dbg.dump_object( "check_newer_files header files than strSwigOutputFile, bNeedUpdate =", bNeedUpdate);
if bNeedUpdate == False:
bNeedUpdate = check_newer_files( vDictArgs, strSwigOutputFile, vDictArgs[ "--ifaceFiles" ] );
dbg.dump_object( "check_newer_files iface files than strSwigOutputFile, bNeedUpdate =", bNeedUpdate);
if bNeedUpdate == False:
bNeedUpdate = check_newer_file( vDictArgs, strSwigOutputFile, strSwigInputFile );
dbg.dump_object( "check_newer_files strSwigInputFile than strSwigOutputFile, bNeedUpdate =", bNeedUpdate);
if bNeedUpdate == False:
bNeedUpdate = check_newer_file( vDictArgs, strSwigOutputFile, strSwigPythonExtensions );
dbg.dump_object( "check_newer_files strSwigPythonExtensions than strSwigOutputFile, bNeedUpdate =", bNeedUpdate);
if bNeedUpdate == False:
bNeedUpdate = check_newer_file( vDictArgs, strSwigOutputFile, strSwigPythonWrapper );
dbg.dump_object( "check_newer_files strSwigPythonWrapper than strSwigOutputFile, bNeedUpdate =", bNeedUpdate);
if bNeedUpdate == False:
bNeedUpdate = check_newer_file( vDictArgs, strSwigOutputFile, strSwigPythonTypemaps );
dbg.dump_object( "check_newer_files strSwigPythonTypemaps than strSwigOutputFile, bNeedUpdate =", bNeedUpdate);
if bNeedUpdate == False:
bNeedUpdate = check_newer_file( vDictArgs, strSwigOutputFile, strSwigPythonSwigsafecast );
dbg.dump_object( "check_newer_files strSwigPythonSwigsafecast than strSwigOutputFile, bNeedUpdate =", bNeedUpdate);
# Determine where to put the files
bOk, strFrameworkPythonDir, strMsg = get_framework_python_dir( vDictArgs );
if bOk:
bOk, strCfgBldDir, strMsg = get_config_build_dir( vDictArgs, strFrameworkPythonDir );
if bOk and (bNeedUpdate == False):
strDllPath = strFrameworkPythonDir + "/";
strDllPath = os.path.normcase( strDllPath );
bSymbolicLink = check_file_exists( vDictArgs, strDllPath ) and os.path.islink( strDllPath );
bNeedUpdate = not bSymbolicLink;
dbg.dump_object( "check_file_exists( vDictArgs, strDllPath ) and os.path.islink( strDllPath ), bNeedUpdate =", bNeedUpdate);
if bOk and (bNeedUpdate == False):
strInitPiPath = strFrameworkPythonDir + "/";
strInitPiPath = os.path.normcase( strInitPiPath );
print strInitPiPath
bNeedUpdate = not check_file_exists( vDictArgs, strInitPiPath );
dbg.dump_object( "check_file_exists( vDictArgs, strInitPiPath ), bNeedUpdate =", bNeedUpdate);
if bOk:
if (bNeedUpdate == False):
strMsg = strMsgNotNeedUpdate;
return (0, strMsg );
print strMsgSwigNeedRebuild;
bOk, strMsg, nExitResult = do_swig_rebuild( vDictArgs, strSwigDepFile,
strSwigInputFile );
bGenDependencies = vDictArgs.has_key( "-M" );
if bGenDependencies == True:
return (nExitResult, strMsg);
if bOk:
bOk, strMsg = do_modify_python_lldb( vDictArgs, strCfgBldDir );
if bOk:
return (0, strMsg );
strErrMsgProgFail += strMsg;
return (-100, strErrMsgProgFail );
# This script can be called by another Python script by calling the main()
# function directly
if __name__ == "__main__":
print "Script cannot be called directly, called by";
@ -0,0 +1,624 @@
""" Python SWIG post process script for each language
Overview: Python script(s) to post process SWIG Python C++ Script
Bridge wrapper code on the Windows/LINUX/OSX platform.
The Python scripts are equivalent to the shell script (.sh)
For the Python script interpreter (external to liblldb) to
be able to import and use the lldb module, there must be
two files, and, that it can find.
is generated by SWIG at the same time it generates the C++
file. is actually a symlink file that points to
the LLDB shared library/framework.
The Python script interpreter needs to be able to
automatically find these two files. On Darwin systems it
searches in the LLDB.framework, as well as in all the normal
Python search paths. On non-Darwin systems these files will
need to be put some place where Python will find them.
This shell script creates the symlink in the
appropriate place, and copies the (and
|||| file to the correct directory.
Environment: OS: Windows Vista or newer, LINUX, OSX.
IDE: Visual Studio 2013 Plugin Python Tools (PTVS)
Script: Python 2.6/2.7.5 x64
Other: None.
Gotchas: Python debug complied pythonXX_d.lib is required for SWIG
to build correct LLDBWrapperPython.cpp in order for Visual
Studio to compile successfully. The release version of the
Python lib will not work (20/12/2013).
LLDB (dir) CMakeLists.txt uses windows environmental
variables $PYTHON_INCLUDE and $PYTHON_LIB to locate
Python files required for the build.
Copyright: None.
# Python modules:
import os # Provide directory and file handling, determine OS information
import sys # System specific parameters and functions
import errno # OS error results
import shutil # High-level operations on files and collections of files
import subprocess # Call external programs
import ctypes # Invoke Windows API for creating symlinks
# Third party modules:
# In-house modules:
import utilsOsType # Determine the OS type this script is running on
import utilsDebug # Debug Python scripts
# User facing text:
strMsgOsVersion = "The current OS is %s";
strMsgPyVersion = "The Python version is %d.%d";
strErrMsgProgFail = "Program failure: ";
strErrMsgFrameWkPyDirNotExist = "Unable to find the LLDB.framework directory '%s'";
strMsgFoundLldbFrameWkDir = "Found '%s'";
strMsgPyFileLocatedHere = "Python file will be put in '%s'";
strMsgFrameWkPyExists = "'%s' already exists";
strMsgFrameWkPyMkDir = "Making directory '%s'";
strErrMsgCreateFrmWkPyDirFailed = "Unable to create directory '%s' error: %s";
strMsglldbsoExists = "'%s' already exists";
strMsglldbsoMk = "Creating symlink for";
strErrMsgCpLldbpy = "copying lldb to lldb package directory";
strErrMsgCreatePyPkgMissingSlash = "Parameter 3 fn create_py_pkg() missing slash";
strErrMsgMkLinkExecute = "Command mklink failed: %s";
strErrMsgMakeSymlink = "creating symbolic link";
strErrMsgUnexpected = "Unexpected error: %s";
# Details: Copy files needed by lldb/macosx/ to build libheap.dylib.
# Args: vDictArgs - (R) Program input parameters.
# vstrFrameworkPythonDir - (R) Python framework directory.
# Returns: Bool - True = function success, False = failure.
# Str - Error description on task failure.
# Throws: None.
def macosx_copy_file_for_heap( vDictArgs, vstrFrameworkPythonDir ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "Python script macosx_copy_file_for_heap()" );
bOk = True;
strMsg = "";
eOSType = utilsOsType.determine_os_type();
if eOSType != utilsOsType.EnumOsType.Darwin:
return (bOk, strMsg);
strHeapDir = vstrFrameworkPythonDir + "/macosx/heap";
strHeapDir = os.path.normcase( strHeapDir );
if (os.path.exists( strHeapDir ) and os.path.isdir( strHeapDir )):
return (bOk, strMsg);
os.makedirs( strHeapDir );
strRoot = vDictArgs[ "--srcRoot" ];
strSrc = strRoot + "/examples/darwin/heap_find/heap/heap_find.cpp";
shutil.copy( strSrc, strHeapDir );
strSrc = strRoot + "/examples/darwin/heap_find/heap/Makefile";
shutil.copy( strSrc, strHeapDir );
return (bOk, strMsg);
# Details: Create Python packages and Python __init__ files.
# Args: vDictArgs - (R) Program input parameters.
# vstrFrameworkPythonDir - (R) Python framework directory.
# vstrPkgDir - (R) Destination for copied Python files.
# vListPkgFiles - (R) List of source Python files.
# Returns: Bool - True = function success, False = failure.
# Str - Error description on task failure.
# Throws: None.
def create_py_pkg( vDictArgs, vstrFrameworkPythonDir, vstrPkgDir, vListPkgFiles ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "Python script create_py_pkg()" );
dbg.dump_object( "Package file(s):", vListPkgFiles );
bOk = True;
strMsg = "";
if vstrPkgDir.__len__() != 0 and vstrPkgDir[ 0 ] != "/":
bOk = False;
strMsg = strErrMsgCreatePyPkgMissingSlash;
return (bOk, strMsg);
strPkgName = vstrPkgDir;
strPkgName = "lldb" + strPkgName.replace( "/", "." );
strPkgName = os.path.normcase( strPkgName );
strPkgDir = vstrFrameworkPythonDir;
strPkgDir += vstrPkgDir;
strPkgDir = os.path.normcase( strPkgDir );
if not(os.path.exists( strPkgDir ) and os.path.isdir( strPkgDir )):
os.makedirs( strPkgDir );
for strPkgFile in vListPkgFiles:
if os.path.exists( strPkgFile ) and os.path.isfile( strPkgFile ):
strPyFile = os.path.normcase( strPkgFile );
shutil.copy( strPyFile, strPkgDir );
# Create a packet init files if there wasn't one
strPkgIniFile = strPkgDir + "/";
strPkgIniFile = os.path.normcase( strPkgIniFile );
if os.path.exists( strPkgIniFile ) and os.path.isfile( strPkgIniFile ):
return (bOk, strMsg);
strPyScript = "__all__ = [";
strDelimiter = "";
for strPkgFile in vListPkgFiles:
strPyFile = os.path.normcase( strPkgFile );
if os.path.exists( strPyFile ) and os.path.isfile( strPyFile ):
strBaseName = os.path.basename( strPkgFile );
nPos = strBaseName.find( "." );
if nPos != -1:
strBaseName = strBaseName[ 0 : nPos ];
strPyScript += "%s\"%s\"" % (strDelimiter, strBaseName);
strDelimiter = ",";
strPyScript += "]\n";
strPyScript += "for x in __all__:\n";
strPyScript += "\t__import__('%s.' + x)" % strPkgName;
file = open( strPkgIniFile, "w" );
file.write( strPyScript );
return (bOk, strMsg);
# Details: Copy the file into the lldb package directory and rename
# to
# Args: vstrFrameworkPythonDir - (R) Python framework directory.
# vstrCfgBldDir - (R) Config directory path.
# Returns: Bool - True = function success, False = failure.
# Str - Error description on task failure.
# Throws: None.
def copy_lldbpy_file_to_lldb_pkg_dir( vstrFrameworkPythonDir, vstrCfgBldDir ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "Python script copy_lldbpy_file_to_lldb_pkg_dir()" );
bOk = True;
strMsg = "";
strSrc = vstrCfgBldDir + "/";
strSrc = os.path.normcase( strSrc );
strDst = vstrFrameworkPythonDir + "/";
strDst = os.path.normcase( strDst );
if not os.path.exists( strSrc ):
return (bOk, strMsg);
shutil.copyfile( strSrc, strDst );
except IOError as e:
bOk = False;
strMsg = "I/O error( %d ): %s %s" % (e.errno, e.strerror, strErrMsgCpLldbpy);
if e.errno == 2:
strMsg += " Src:'%s' Dst:'%s'" % (strSrc, strDst);
bOk = False;
strMsg = strErrMsgUnexpected % sys.exec_info()[ 0 ];
return (bOk, strMsg);
# Details: Make the symbolic that the script bridge for Python will need in
# the Python framework directory. Code for specific to Windows.
# Args: vDictArgs - (R) Program input parameters.
# vstrFrameworkPythonDir - (R) Python framework directory.
# vstrDllName - (R) File name for _lldb.dll.
# Returns: Bool - True = function success, False = failure.
# Str - Error description on task failure.
# Throws: None.
def make_symlink_windows( vDictArgs, vstrFrameworkPythonDir, vstrDllName ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "Python script make_symlink_windows()" );
bOk = True;
strMsg = "";
bDbg = vDictArgs.has_key( "-d" );
strTarget = vstrDllName + ".pyd";
strDLLPath = "%s\\%s" % (vstrFrameworkPythonDir, strTarget);
strTarget = os.path.normcase( strDLLPath );
strSrc = "";
os.chdir( vstrFrameworkPythonDir );
bMakeFileCalled = vDictArgs.has_key( "-m" );
if not bMakeFileCalled:
strSrc = os.path.normcase( "../../../LLDB" );
strLibFileExtn = ".dll";
strSrc = os.path.normcase( "../../../bin/liblldb%s" % strLibFileExtn );
if os.path.isfile( strTarget ):
if bDbg:
print strMsglldbsoExists % strTarget;
return (bOk, strMsg);
if bDbg:
print strMsglldbsoMk;
csl = ctypes.windll.kernel32.CreateHardLinkW
csl.argtypes = (ctypes.c_wchar_p, ctypes.c_wchar_p, ctypes.c_uint32)
csl.restype = ctypes.c_ubyte
if csl(strTarget, strSrc, 0) == 0:
raise ctypes.WinError()
except Exception as e:
bOk = False;
strMsg = "WinError( %d ): %s %s" % (e.errno, e.strerror, strErrMsgMakeSymlink);
strMsg += " Src:'%s' Target:'%s'" % (strSrc, strTarget);
return (bOk, strMsg);
# Details: Make the symbolic link that the script bridge for Python will need in
# the Python framework directory. Code for all platforms apart from
# Windows.
# Args: vDictArgs - (R) Program input parameters.
# vstrFrameworkPythonDir - (R) Python framework directory.
# vstrSoName - (R) File name for
# Returns: Bool - True = function success, False = failure.
# Str - Error description on task failure.
# Throws: None.
def make_symlink_other_platforms( vDictArgs, vstrFrameworkPythonDir, vstrSoPath ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "Python script make_symlink_other_platforms()" );
bOk = True;
strMsg = "";
bDbg = vDictArgs.has_key( "-d" );
strTarget = vstrSoPath + ".so";
strSoPath = "%s/%s" % (vstrFrameworkPythonDir, strTarget);
strTarget = os.path.normcase( strSoPath );
strSrc = "";
os.chdir( vstrFrameworkPythonDir );
bMakeFileCalled = vDictArgs.has_key( "-m" );
if not bMakeFileCalled:
strSrc = os.path.normcase( "../../../LLDB" );
strLibFileExtn = "";
eOSType = utilsOsType.determine_os_type();
if eOSType == utilsOsType.EnumOsType.Linux:
strLibFileExtn = ".so";
elif eOSType == utilsOsType.EnumOsType.Darwin:
strLibFileExtn = ".dylib";
strSrc = os.path.normcase( "../../../liblldb%s" % strLibFileExtn );
if os.path.islink( strTarget ):
if bDbg:
print strMsglldbsoExists % strTarget;
return (bOk, strMsg);
if bDbg:
print strMsglldbsoMk;
os.symlink( strSrc, strTarget );
except OSError as e:
bOk = False;
strMsg = "OSError( %d ): %s %s" % (e.errno, e.strerror, strErrMsgMakeSymlink);
strMsg += " Src:'%s' Target:'%s'" % (strSrc, strTarget);
bOk = False;
strMsg = strErrMsgUnexpected % sys.exec_info()[ 0 ];
return (bOk, strMsg);
# Details: Make the symlink that the script bridge for Python will need in
# the Python framework directory.
# Args: vDictArgs - (R) Program input parameters.
# vstrFrameworkPythonDir - (R) Python framework directory.
# Returns: Bool - True = function success, False = failure.
# strErrMsg - Error description on task failure.
# Throws: None.
def make_symlink( vDictArgs, vstrFrameworkPythonDir ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "Python script make_symlink()" );
bOk = True;
strWkDir = "";
strErrMsg = "";
strSoFileName = "_lldb";
eOSType = utilsOsType.determine_os_type();
if eOSType == utilsOsType.EnumOsType.Unknown:
bOk = False;
strErrMsg = strErrMsgOsTypeUnknown;
elif eOSType == utilsOsType.EnumOsType.Windows:
bOk, strErrMsg = make_symlink_windows( vDictArgs,
strSoFileName );
bOk, strErrMsg = make_symlink_other_platforms( vDictArgs,
strSoFileName );
return (bOk, strErrMsg);
# Details: Look for the directory in which to put the Python files; if it
# does not already exist, attempt to make it.
# Args: vDictArgs - (R) Program input parameters.
# vstrFrameworkPythonDir - (R) Python framework directory.
# Returns: Bool - True = function success, False = failure.
# Str - Error description on task failure.
# Throws: None.
def find_or_create_python_dir( vDictArgs, vstrFrameworkPythonDir ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "Python script find_or_create_python_dir()" );
bOk = True;
strMsg = "";
bDbg = vDictArgs.has_key( "-d" );
if os.path.isdir( vstrFrameworkPythonDir ):
if bDbg:
print strMsgFrameWkPyExists % vstrFrameworkPythonDir;
return (bOk, strMsg);
if bDbg:
print strMsgFrameWkPyMkDir % vstrFrameworkPythonDir;
os.makedirs( vstrFrameworkPythonDir );
except OSError as exception:
bOk = False;
strMsg = strErrMsgCreateFrmWkPyDirFailed % (vstrFrameworkPythonDir,
os.strerror( exception.errno ));
return (bOk, strMsg);
# Details: Retrieve the configuration build path if present and valid (using
# parameter --cfgBlddir or copy the Python Framework directory.
# Args: vDictArgs - (R) Program input parameters.
# vstrFrameworkPythonDir - (R) Python framework directory.
# Returns: Bool - True = function success, False = failure.
# Str - Config directory path.
# strErrMsg - Error description on task failure.
# Throws: None.
def get_config_build_dir( vDictArgs, vstrFrameworkPythonDir ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "Python script get_config_build_dir()" );
bOk = True;
strErrMsg = "";
strConfigBldDir = "";
bHaveConfigBldDir = vDictArgs.has_key( "--cfgBldDir" );
if bHaveConfigBldDir:
strConfigBldDir = vDictArgs[ "--cfgBldDir" ];
if (bHaveConfigBldDir == False) or (strConfigBldDir.__len__() == 0):
strConfigBldDir = vstrFrameworkPythonDir;
return (bOk, strConfigBldDir, strErrMsg);
# Details: Determine where to put the files. Retrieve the directory path for
# Python's dist_packages/ site_package folder on a Windows platform.
# Args: vDictArgs - (R) Program input parameters.
# Returns: Bool - True = function success, False = failure.
# Str - Python Framework directory path.
# strErrMsg - Error description on task failure.
# Throws: None.
def get_framework_python_dir_windows( vDictArgs ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "Python script get_framework_python_dir_windows()" );
bOk = True;
strWkDir = "";
strErrMsg = "";
# We are being built by LLVM, so use the PYTHON_INSTALL_DIR argument,
# and append the python version directory to the end of it. Depending
# on the system other stuff may need to be put here as well.
from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib;
strPythonInstallDir = "";
bHaveArgPrefix = vDictArgs.has_key( "--prefix" );
if bHaveArgPrefix:
strPythonInstallDir = vDictArgs[ "--prefix" ];
bHaveArgCmakeBuildConfiguration = vDictArgs.has_key( "--cmakeBuildConfiguration" );
if bHaveArgCmakeBuildConfiguration:
strPythonInstallDir += '/' + vDictArgs[ "--cmakeBuildConfiguration" ];
if strPythonInstallDir.__len__() != 0:
strWkDir = get_python_lib( True, False, strPythonInstallDir );
strWkDir = get_python_lib( True, False );
strWkDir += "/lldb";
strWkDir = os.path.normcase( strWkDir );
return (bOk, strWkDir, strErrMsg);
# Details: Retrieve the directory path for Python's dist_packages/
# site_package folder on a UNIX style platform.
# Args: vDictArgs - (R) Program input parameters.
# Returns: Bool - True = function success, False = failure.
# Str - Python Framework directory path.
# strErrMsg - Error description on task failure.
# Throws: None.
def get_framework_python_dir_other_platforms( vDictArgs ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "Python script get_framework_python_dir_other_platform()" );
bOk = True;
strWkDir = "";
strErrMsg = "";
bDbg = vDictArgs.has_key( "-d" );
bMakeFileCalled = vDictArgs.has_key( "-m" );
if bMakeFileCalled:
dbg.dump_text( "Built by LLVM" );
return get_framework_python_dir_windows( vDictArgs );
dbg.dump_text( "Built by XCode" );
# We are being built by XCode, so all the lldb Python files can go
# into the LLDB.framework/Resources/Python subdirectory.
strWkDir = vDictArgs[ "--targetDir" ];
strWkDir += "/LLDB.framework";
if os.path.exists( strWkDir ):
if bDbg:
print strMsgFoundLldbFrameWkDir % strWkDir;
strWkDir += "/Resources/Python/lldb";
strWkDir = os.path.normcase( strWkDir );
bOk = False;
strErrMsg = strErrMsgFrameWkPyDirNotExist % strWkDir;
return (bOk, strWkDir, strErrMsg);
# Details: Retrieve the directory path for Python's dist_packages/
# site_package folder depending on the type of OS platform being
# used.
# Args: vDictArgs - (R) Program input parameters.
# Returns: Bool - True = function success, False = failure.
# Str - Python Framework directory path.
# strErrMsg - Error description on task failure.
# Throws: None.
def get_framework_python_dir( vDictArgs ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "Python script get_framework_python_dir()" );
bOk = True;
strWkDir = "";
strErrMsg = "";
eOSType = utilsOsType.determine_os_type();
if eOSType == utilsOsType.EnumOsType.Unknown:
bOk = False;
strErrMsg = strErrMsgOsTypeUnknown;
elif eOSType == utilsOsType.EnumOsType.Windows:
bOk, strWkDir, strErrMsg = get_framework_python_dir_windows( vDictArgs );
bOk, strWkDir, strErrMsg = get_framework_python_dir_other_platforms( vDictArgs );
return (bOk, strWkDir, strErrMsg);
""" Details: Program main entry point fn. Called by another Python script.
Details: This script is to be called by another Python script. It is not
intended to be called directly i.e from the command line.
Args: vDictArgs - (R) Map of parameter names to values.
-d (optional) Determines whether or not this script
outputs additional information when running.
-m (optional) Specify called from Makefile system. If given locate
the LLDBWrapPython.cpp in --srcRoot/source folder
else in the --targetDir folder.
--srcRoot The root of the lldb source tree.
--targetDir Where the lldb framework/shared library gets put.
--cfgBlddir Where the program will
(optional) put the file it generated from running
--prefix Is the root directory used to determine where
(optional) third-party modules for scripting languages should
be installed. Where non-Darwin systems want to put
the .py and .so files so that Python can find them
automatically. Python install directory.
Results: 0 Success
-100+ Error from this script to the caller script.
-100 Error program failure with optional message.
def main( vDictArgs ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "Python script main()" );
bOk = True;
strMsg = "";
strErrMsgProgFail = "";
bDbg = vDictArgs.has_key( "-d" );
eOSType = utilsOsType.determine_os_type();
if bDbg:
pyVersion = sys.version_info;
print strMsgOsVersion % utilsOsType.EnumOsType.name_of( eOSType );
print strMsgPyVersion % (pyVersion[ 0 ], pyVersion[ 1 ]);
bOk, strFrameworkPythonDir, strMsg = get_framework_python_dir( vDictArgs );
if bOk:
bOk, strCfgBldDir, strMsg = get_config_build_dir( vDictArgs, strFrameworkPythonDir );
if bOk and bDbg:
print strMsgPyFileLocatedHere % strFrameworkPythonDir;
if bOk:
bOk, strMsg = find_or_create_python_dir( vDictArgs, strFrameworkPythonDir );
if bOk:
bOk, strMsg = make_symlink( vDictArgs, strFrameworkPythonDir );
if bOk:
bOk, strMsg = copy_lldbpy_file_to_lldb_pkg_dir( strFrameworkPythonDir,
strCfgBldDir );
strRoot = vDictArgs[ "--srcRoot" ];
if bOk:
# lldb
listPkgFiles = [ strRoot + "/source/Interpreter/" ];
bOk, strMsg = create_py_pkg( vDictArgs, strFrameworkPythonDir, "", listPkgFiles );
if bOk:
# lldb/formatters/cpp
listPkgFiles = [ strRoot + "/examples/synthetic/",
strRoot + "/examples/synthetic/" ];
bOk, strMsg = create_py_pkg( vDictArgs, strFrameworkPythonDir, "/formatters/cpp", listPkgFiles );
if bOk:
# Make an empty in lldb/runtime as this is required for
# Python to recognize lldb.runtime as a valid package (and hence,
# lldb.runtime.objc as a valid contained package)
listPkgFiles = [];
bOk, strMsg = create_py_pkg( vDictArgs, strFrameworkPythonDir, "/runtime", listPkgFiles );
if bOk:
# lldb/formatters
# Having these files copied here ensure that lldb/formatters is a
# valid package itself
listPkgFiles = [ strRoot + "/examples/summaries/cocoa/",
strRoot + "/examples/summaries/cocoa/",
strRoot + "/examples/summaries/cocoa/",
strRoot + "/examples/summaries/cocoa/" ];
bOk, strMsg = create_py_pkg( vDictArgs, strFrameworkPythonDir, "/formatters", listPkgFiles );
if bOk:
# lldb/utils
listPkgFiles = [ strRoot + "/examples/python/" ];
bOk, strMsg = create_py_pkg( vDictArgs, strFrameworkPythonDir, "/utils", listPkgFiles );
if bOk and (eOSType == utilsOsType.EnumOsType.Darwin):
# lldb/macosx
listPkgFiles = [ strRoot + "/examples/python/",
strRoot + "/examples/darwin/heap_find/" ];
bOk, strMsg = create_py_pkg( vDictArgs, strFrameworkPythonDir, "/macosx", listPkgFiles );
if bOk and (eOSType == utilsOsType.EnumOsType.Darwin):
# lldb/diagnose
listPkgFiles = [ strRoot + "/examples/python/",
strRoot + "/examples/python/" ];
bOk, strMsg = create_py_pkg( vDictArgs, strFrameworkPythonDir, "/diagnose", listPkgFiles );
if bOk:
bOk, strMsg = macosx_copy_file_for_heap( vDictArgs, strFrameworkPythonDir );
if bOk:
return (0, strMsg );
strErrMsgProgFail += strMsg;
return (-100, strErrMsgProgFail );
# This script can be called by another Python script by calling the main()
# function directly
if __name__ == "__main__":
print "Script cannot be called directly, called by";
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ public:
static lldb::thread_t
ThreadCreate (const char *name,
void *(*thread_function)(void *),
void *thread_arg,
lldb::SBError *err);
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ public:
lldb::SBError *err);
static bool
ThreadJoin (lldb::thread_t thread,
void **result,
lldb::thread_result_t *result,
lldb::SBError *err);
@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
""" SWIG creates Python C++ Script Bridge wrapper code Windows/LINUX/OSX platform
Overview: Python script(s) to build the SWIG Python C++ Script
Bridge wrapper code on the Windows/LINUX/OSX platform.
The Python scripts are equivalent to the shell script (.sh)
For each scripting language lib lldb supports, we need to
create the appropriate Script Bridge wrapper classes for
that language so that users can call Script Bridge
functions from within the script interpreter.
We use SWIG to help create the appropriate wrapper
classes/functions for the scripting language. In some
cases the file generated by SWIG may need some tweaking
before it is completely ready to use.
Environment: OS: Windows Vista or newer,LINUX,OSX.
IDE: Visual Studio 2013 Plugin Python Tools (PTVS)
Script: Python 2.6/2.7.5 x64
Other: SWIG 2.0.11
Gotchas: For Windows OS it is assumed the SWIG executable can be
found in the %PATH% environmental variable.
Copyright: None.
# Python modules:
import sys # Provide argument parsing
import os # Provide directory and file handling
# Third party modules:
# In-house modules:
import utilsArgsParse # Parse and validate this script's input arguments
import utilsOsType # Determine the OS type this script is running on
import utilsDebug # Debug Python scripts
# Instantiations:
gbDbgVerbose = False; # True = Turn on script function tracing, False = off.
gbDbgFlag = False; # Global debug mode flag, set by input parameter
# --dbgFlag. True = operate in debug mode.
gbMakeFileFlag = False; # True = yes called from makefile system, False = not.
gbSwigGenDepFileFlag = False; # True = SWIG generate a dependency file.
# User facing text:
strMsgErrorNoMain = "Program called by another Python script not allowed";
strExitMsgSuccess = "Program successful";
strExitMsgError = "Program error: ";
strParameter = "Parameter: ";
strMsgErrorOsTypeUnknown = "Unable to determine OS type"
strSwigFileFound = "Found the \'lldb.swig\' file\n";
strSwigFileFoundNotFound = "Unable to locate the file \'%s\'"
strSwigExeFileNotFound = "Unable to locate the SWIG executable file \'swig\'";
strSwigScriptDirNotFound = "Unable to locate the SWIG script directory \'/script\'";
strSwigScriptNotFound = "Unable to locate the SWIG script file \'%s\' in \'%s\'. Is it a script directory?";
strSwigScriptLangFound = "Found \'%s\' build script.";
strSwigScriptLangsFound = "Found the following script languages:";
strSwigExecuteMsg = "Executing \'%s\' build script...";
strSwigExecuteError = "Executing \'%s\' build script failed: ";
strHelpInfo = "\
Python script(s) to build the SWIG Python C++ Script \n\
Bridge wrapper code on various platforms. The Python \n\
scripts are equivalent to the shell script (.sh) files \n\
run on others platforms.\n\
Args: -h (optional) Print help information on this program.\n\
-d (optional) Determines whether or not this script\n\
outputs additional information when running.\n\
-m (optional) Specify called from Makefile system.\n\
-M (optional) Specify want SWIG to generate a dependency \n\
--srcRoot= The root of the lldb source tree.\n\
--targetDir= Where the lldb framework/shared library gets put.\n\
--cfgBldDir= (optional) Where the program \n\
will put the file it generated from running\n\
--prefix= (optional) Is the root directory used to determine where\n\
third-party modules for scripting languages should\n\
be installed. Where non-Darwin systems want to put\n\
the .py and .so files so that Python can find them\n\
automatically. Python install directory.\n\
--argsFile= The args are read from a file instead of the\n\
command line. Other command line args are ignored.\n\
|||| --srcRoot=ADirPath --targetDir=ADirPath\n\
--cfgBldDir=ADirPath --prefix=ADirPath -m -d\n\
strHelpInfoExtraWindows = "\
On the Windows platform the PATH environmental variable needs to be \n\
extended to include the installed SWIG executable path so it can be \n\
be found by this Python script. The SWIG executable name is 'swig'."
strHelpInfoExtraNonWindows = "\
This Python script looks for the SWIG executable 'swig' in the following \n\
directories '/usr/bin', '/usr/local/bin'. If not found the script will \n\
# Details: Retrieve the script -h help information based on the OS currently.
# Args: None.
# Returns: Str - Help Text.
# Throws: None.
def get_help_information():
strHelpMsg = strHelpInfo;
eOSType = utilsOsType.determine_os_type();
if eOSType == utilsOsType.EnumOsType.Windows:
strHelpMsg += strHelpInfoExtraWindows;
strHelpMsg += strHelpInfoExtraNonWindows;
return strHelpMsg;
# Details: Exit the program on success. Called on program successfully done
# its work. Returns a status result to the caller.
# Args: vnResult - (R) 0 or greater indicating success.
# vMsg - (R) Success message if any to show success to user.
# Returns: None.
# Throws: None.
def program_exit_success( vnResult, vMsg ):
strMsg = "";
if vMsg.__len__() == 0:
strMsg = "%s (%d)" % (strExitMsgSuccess, vnResult);
strMsg = "%s: %s (%d)" % (strExitMsgSuccess, vMsg, vnResult);
print strMsg;
sys.exit( vnResult );
# Details: Exit the program with error. Called on exit program failed its
# task. Returns a status result to the caller.
# Args: vnResult - (R) A negative number indicating error condition.
# vMsg - (R) Error message to show to user.
# Returns: None.
# Throws: None.
def program_exit_on_failure( vnResult, vMsg ):
print "%s%s (%d)" % (strExitMsgError, vMsg, vnResult);
sys.exit( vnResult );
# Details: Exit the program return a exit result number and print a message.
# Positive numbers and zero are returned for success other error
# occurred.
# Args: vnResult - (R) A -ve (an error), 0 or +ve number (ok or status).
# vMsg - (R) Error message to show to user.
# Returns: None.
# Throws: None.
def program_exit( vnResult, vMsg ):
if vnResult >= 0:
program_exit_success( vnResult, vMsg );
program_exit_on_failure( vnResult, vMsg );
# Details: Dump input parameters.
# Args: vDictArgs - (R) Map of input args to value.
# Returns: None.
# Throws: None.
def print_out_input_parameters( vDictArgs ):
for arg, val in vDictArgs.iteritems():
strEqs = "";
strQ = "";
if val.__len__() != 0:
strEqs = " =";
strQ = "\"";
print "%s%s%s %s%s%s\n" % (strParameter, arg, strEqs, strQ, val, strQ);
# Details: Locate the lldb.swig file. No checking for path correctness is
# done here as assumed all values checked already. Path is adapted
# to be compatible with the platform file system.
# Args: vstrSrcRoot - (R) Directory path to the lldb source root.
# veOSType - (R) Current OS type enumeration.
# Returns: Bool - True = Success.
# - False = Failure file not found.
# Str - Error message.
# Throws: None.
def check_lldb_swig_file_exists( vstrSrcRoot, veOSType ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "check_lldb_swig_file_exists()" );
bOk = True;
strStatusMsg = "";
strSwigFilePathName = "/scripts/lldb.swig";
strFullPath = os.path.normcase( vstrSrcRoot + strSwigFilePathName );
bOk = os.path.isfile( strFullPath );
if bOk:
if gbDbgFlag:
print strSwigFileFound;
strStatusMsg = strSwigFileFoundNotFound % strFullPath;
return (bOk, strStatusMsg);
# Details: Locate SWIG sub script language directory and the script within
# and execute SWIG for that script language.
# Args: vStrScriptLang - (R) Name of the script language to build.
# vSwigBuildFileName - (R) Prefix file name to build full name.
# vDictArgs - (R) Program input parameters.
# Returns: Int - 0 = Success, < 0 some error condition.
# Str - Error message.
# Throws: None.
def run_swig( vStrScriptLang, vSwigBuildFileName, vDictArgs ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "run_swig()" );
nResult = 0;
strStatusMsg = "";
strScriptFile = vSwigBuildFileName % vStrScriptLang;
strScriptFileDir = "%s%s/%s" % (vDictArgs[ "--srcRoot" ], "/scripts",
strScriptFilePath = "%s/%s" % (strScriptFileDir, strScriptFile);
# Check for the existence of the script file
strPath = os.path.normcase( strScriptFilePath );
bOk = os.path.exists( strPath );
if bOk == False:
strDir = os.path.normcase( strScriptFileDir );
strStatusMsg = strSwigScriptNotFound % (strScriptFile, strDir);
return (-9, strStatusMsg);
if gbDbgFlag:
print strSwigScriptLangFound % vStrScriptLang;
print strSwigExecuteMsg % vStrScriptLang;
# Change where Python looks for our modules
strDir = os.path.normcase( strScriptFileDir );
sys.path.append( strDir );
# Execute the specific language script
dictArgs = vDictArgs; # Remove any args not required before passing on
strModuleName = strScriptFile[ : strScriptFile.__len__() - 3 ];
module = __import__( strModuleName );
nResult, strStatusMsg = module.main( dictArgs );
# Revert sys path
sys.path.remove( strDir );
return (nResult, strStatusMsg);
# Details: Step through each SWIG sub directory script language supported
# type and execute SWIG to build wrapper code based on that language.
# If an error occurs for a build this function will return with an
# error and not continue with proceed script builds.
# For each scripting language, make sure the build script for that
# language exists.
# For now the only language we support is Python, but we expect this
# to change.
# Args: vDictArgs - (R) Program input parameters.
# Returns: Int - 0 = Success, < 0 some error condition.
# Str - Error message.
# Throws: None.
def run_swig_for_each_script_supported( vDictArgs ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "run_swig_for_each_script_supported()" );
nResult = 0;
strStatusMsg = "";
strSwigScriptDir = vDictArgs[ "--srcRoot" ] + "/scripts";
strSwigBuildFileName = "";
# Check for the existence of the SWIG scripts folder
strScriptsDir = os.path.normcase( strSwigScriptDir );
bOk = os.path.exists( strScriptsDir );
if bOk == False:
return (-8, strSwigScriptDirNotFound);
# Look for any script language directories to build for
listDirs = [];
nDepth = 1;
for strPath, listDirs, listFiles in os.walk( strSwigScriptDir ):
nDepth = nDepth - 1;
if nDepth == 0:
if gbDbgFlag:
print strSwigScriptLangsFound,
for dir in listDirs:
print dir,
print "\n";
# Iterate script directory find any script language directories
for scriptLang in listDirs:
dbg.dump_text( "Executing language script for \'%s\'" % scriptLang );
nResult, strStatusMsg = run_swig( scriptLang, strSwigBuildFileName,
vDictArgs );
if nResult < 0:
if nResult < 0:
strTmp = strSwigExecuteError % scriptLang;
strTmp += strStatusMsg;
strStatusMsg = strTmp;
return (nResult, strStatusMsg);
# Details: Dummy function - system unknown. Function should not be called.
# Args: vDictArgs - (R) Program input parameters.
# Returns: Bool - False = Program logic error.
# Str - Error message.
# Throws: None.
def check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists_Unknown( vDictArgs ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists_Unknown()" );
# Do nothing
return (False, strMsgErrorOsTypeUnknown);
# Details: Locate the SWIG executable file in a Windows system. Several hard
# coded predetermined possible file path locations are searched.
# (This is good candidate for a derived class object)
# Args: vDictArgs - (W) Program input parameters.
# Returns: Bool - True = Success.
# - False = Failure file not found.
# Str - Error message.
# Throws: None.
def check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists_windows( vDictArgs ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists_windows()" );
# Will always be true as it assumed the path to SWIG executable will be
# in the OS system environmental variable %PATH%. Easier this way as the
# user may have renamed the directory and or custom path installation.
bExeFileFound = True;
vDictArgs[ "--swigExePath" ] = "";
vDictArgs[ "--swigExeName" ] = "swig.exe";
return (bExeFileFound, None);
# Details: Locate the SWIG executable file in a Linux system. Several hard
# coded predetermined possible file path locations are searched.
# (This is good candidate for a derived class object)
# Args: vDictArgs - (W) Program input parameters.
# Returns: Bool - True = Success.
# - False = Failure file not found.
# Str - Error message.
# Throws: None.
def check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists_Linux( vDictArgs ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists_Linux()" );
bExeFileFound = False;
strSwigExe = "swig";
strSwigExePath = "/usr/bin";
strExe = os.path.normcase( "%s/%s" % (strSwigExePath, strSwigExe) );
if os.path.isfile( strExe ) and os.access( strExe, os.X_OK ):
bExeFileFound = True;
vDictArgs[ "--swigExePath" ] = os.path.normcase( strSwigExePath );
vDictArgs[ "--swigExeName" ] = strSwigExe;
return (bExeFileFound, None);
strSwigExePath = "/usr/local/bin";
strExe = os.path.normcase( "%s/%s" % (strSwigExePath, strSwigExe) );
if os.path.isfile( strExe ) and os.access( strExe, os.X_OK ):
bExeFileFound = True;
vDictArgs[ "--swigExePath" ] = os.path.normcase( strSwigExePath );
vDictArgs[ "--swigExeName" ] = strSwigExe;
return (bExeFileFound, None);
return (bExeFileFound, strSwigExeFileNotFound);
# Details: Locate the SWIG executable file in a OSX system. Several hard
# coded predetermined possible file path locations are searched.
# (This is good candidate for a derived class object)
# Args: vDictArgs - (W) Program input parameters.
# Returns: Bool - True = Success.
# - False = Failure file not found.
# Str - Error message.
# Throws: None.
def check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists_Darwin( vDictArgs ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists_Darwin()" );
bExeFileFound = False;
# ToDo: Find the SWIG executable and add the path to the args dictionary
#vDictArgs.[ "--swigExePath" ] = "/usr/bin/swig";
strStatusMsg = "Sorry function 'check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists_Darwin()' is not implemented";
return (bExeFileFound, strStatusMsg);
# Details: Locate the SWIG executable file. Several hard coded predetermined
# possible file path locations are searched.
# Args: vDictArgs - (RW) Program input parameters.
# veOSType - (R) Current OS type enumeration.
# Returns: Bool - True = Success.
# - False = Failure file not found.
# Str - Error message.
# Throws: None.
def check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists( vDictArgs, veOSType ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists()" );
bExeFileFound = False;
strStatusMsg = "";
switch = { 0 : check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists_Unknown,
1 : check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists_windows,
2 : check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists_Linux,
3 : check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists_Darwin }
bExeFileFound, strStatusMsg = switch[ veOSType ]( vDictArgs );
return (bExeFileFound, strStatusMsg);
# Details: Validate the arguments passed to the program. This function exits
# the program should error with the arguments be found.
# Args: vArgv - (R) List of arguments and values.
# Returns: Int - 0 = success, -ve = some failure.
# Dict - Map of arguments names to argument values
# Throws: None.
def validate_arguments( vArgv ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "validate_arguments()" );
strMsg = "";
dictArgs = {};
nResult = 0;
strListArgs = "hdmM"; # Format "hiox:" = -h -i -o -x <arg>
listLongArgs = ["srcRoot=", "targetDir=", "cfgBldDir=", "prefix=",
dictArgReq = { "-h": "o", # o = optional, m = mandatory
"-d": "o",
"-m": "o",
"-M": "o",
"--srcRoot": "m",
"--targetDir": "m",
"--cfgBldDir": "o",
"--prefix": "o",
"--argsFile": "o" };
strHelpInfo = get_help_information();
# Check for mandatory parameters
nResult, dictArgs, strMsg = utilsArgsParse.parse( vArgv, strListArgs,
strHelpInfo );
if nResult < 0:
program_exit_on_failure( nResult, strMsg );
# User input -h for help
if nResult == 1:
program_exit_success( 0, strMsg );
return (nResult, dictArgs);
# Details: Program's main() with arguments passed in from the command line.
# Program either exits normally or with error from this function -
# top most level function.
# Args: vArgv - (R) List of arguments and values.
# Returns: None
# Throws: None.
def main( vArgv ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "main()" );
bOk = False;
dictArgs = {};
nResult = 0;
strMsg = "";
# The validate arguments fn will exit the program if tests fail
nResult, dictArgs = validate_arguments( vArgv );
eOSType = utilsOsType.determine_os_type();
if eOSType == utilsOsType.EnumOsType.Unknown:
program_exit( -4, strMsgErrorOsTypeUnknown );
global gbDbgFlag;
gbDbgFlag = dictArgs.has_key( "-d" );
if gbDbgFlag:
print_out_input_parameters( dictArgs );
# Check to see if we were called from the Makefile system. If we were, check
# if the caller wants SWIG to generate a dependency file.
# Not used in this program, but passed through to the language script file
# called by this program
global gbMakeFileFlag;
global gbSwigGenDepFileFlag;
gbMakeFileFlag = dictArgs.has_key( "-m" );
gbSwigGenDepFileFlag = dictArgs.has_key( "-M" );
bOk, strMsg = check_lldb_swig_file_exists( dictArgs[ "--srcRoot" ], eOSType );
if bOk == False:
program_exit( -3, strMsg );
bOk, strMsg = check_lldb_swig_executable_file_exists( dictArgs, eOSType );
if bOk == False:
program_exit( -6, strMsg );
nResult, strMsg = run_swig_for_each_script_supported( dictArgs );
program_exit( nResult, strMsg );
""" Details: Program main entry point.
Args: -h (optional) Print help information on this program.
-d (optional) Determines whether or not this script
outputs additional information when running.
-m (optional) Specify called from Makefile system. If given locate
the LLDBWrapPython.cpp in --srcRoot/source folder
else in the --targetDir folder.
-M (optional) Specify want SWIG to generate a dependency file.
--srcRoot= The root of the lldb source tree.
--targetDir= Where the lldb framework/shared library gets put.
--cfgBldDir= Where the program will
(optional) put the file it generated from running
--prefix= Is the root directory used to determine where
(optional) third-party modules for scripting languages should
be installed. Where non-Darwin systems want to put
the .py and .so files so that Python can find them
automatically. Python install directory.
--argsFile= The args are read from a file instead of the
command line. Other command line args are ignored.
|||| --srcRoot=ADirPath --targetDir=ADirPath
--cfgBldDir=ADirPath --prefix=ADirPath -m -d
Results: 0 Success
-1 Error - invalid parameters passed.
-2 Error - incorrect number of mandatory parameters passed.
-3 Error - unable to locate lldb.swig file.
-4 Error - unable to determine OS type.
-5 Error - program called by another Python script not allowed.
-6 Error - unable to locate the swig executable file.
-7 Error - SWIG script execution failed.
-8 Error - unable to locate the SWIG scripts folder.
-9 Error - unable to locate the SWIG language script file.
-100+ - Error messages from the SWIG language script file.
-200+ - 200 +- the SWIG exit result.
# Called using "__main__" when not imported i.e. from the command line
if __name__ == "__main__":
utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose.bVerboseOn = gbDbgVerbose;
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "__main__" );
main( sys.argv[ 1: ] );
program_exit( -5, strMsgErrorNoMain );
@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
""" Post process SWIG Bridge wrapper code Python script for Windows/LINUX/OSX platform
Overview: Python script(s) to finish off the SWIG Python C++ Script
Bridge wrapper code on the Windows/LINUX/OSX platform.
The Python scripts are equivalent to the shell script (.sh)
We use SWIG to create a C++ file containing the appropriate
wrapper classes and functions for each scripting language,
before liblldb is built (thus the C++ file can be compiled
into liblldb. In some cases, additional work may need to be
done after liblldb has been compiled, to make the scripting
language stuff fully functional. Any such post-processing
is handled through the Python scripts called here.
Environment: OS: Windows Vista or newer,LINUX,OSX.
IDE: Visual Studio 2013 Plugin Python Tools (PTVS)
Script: Python 2.6/2.7.5 x64
Other: None.
Gotchas: None.
Copyright: None.
# Python modules:
import sys # Provide argument parsing
import os # Provide directory and file handling
# Third party modules:
# In-house modules:
import utilsArgsParse # Parse and validate this script's input arguments
import utilsOsType # Determine the OS type this script is running on
import utilsDebug # Debug Python scripts
# Instantiations:
gbDbgVerbose = False; # True = Turn on script function tracing, False = off.
gbDbgFlag = False; # Global debug mode flag, set by input parameter
# --dbgFlag. True = operate in debug mode.
gbMakeFileFlag = False; # True = yes called from makefile system, False = not.
# User facing text:
strMsgErrorNoMain = "Program called by another Python script not allowed";
strExitMsgSuccess = "Program successful";
strExitMsgError = "Program error: ";
strParameter = "Parameter: ";
strMsgErrorOsTypeUnknown = "Unable to determine OS type"
strScriptDirNotFound = "Unable to locate the script directory \'/script\'";
strScriptLangsFound = "Found the following script languages:";
strPostProcessError = "Executing \'%s\' post process script failed: ";
strScriptNotFound = "Unable to locate the post process script file \'%s\' in \'%s\'";
strScriptLangFound = "Found \'%s\' build script.";
strScriptLangsFound = "Found the following script languages:";
strExecuteMsg = "Executing \'%s\' build script...";
strExecuteError = "Executing \'%s\' build script failed: ";
strHelpInfo = "\
Python script(s) to finish off the SWIG Python C++ Script \n\
Bridge wrapper code on the Windows/LINUX/OSX platform. The Python \n\
scripts are equivalent to the shell script (.sh) files \n\
run on others platforms.\n\
Args: -h (optional) Print help information on this program.\n\
-d (optional) Determines whether or not this script\n\
outputs additional information when running.\n\
-m (optional) Specify called from Makefile system.\n\
--srcRoot= The root of the lldb source tree.\n\
--targetDir= Where the lldb framework/shared library gets put.\n\
--cfgBldDir= (optional) Where the program \n\
will put the file it generated from running\n\
--prefix= (optional) Is the root directory used to determine where\n\
third-party modules for scripting languages should\n\
be installed. Where non-Darwin systems want to put\n\
the .py and .so files so that Python can find them\n\
automatically. Python install directory.\n\
--cmakeBuildConfiguration= (optional) Is the build configuration(Debug, Release, RelWithDebugInfo)\n\
used to determine where the bin and lib directories are \n\
created for a Windows build.\n\
--argsFile= The args are read from a file instead of the\n\
command line. Other command line args are ignored.\n\
|||| --srcRoot=ADirPath --targetDir=ADirPath\n\
--cfgBldDir=ADirPath --prefix=ADirPath -m -d\n\
# Details: Exit the program on success. Called on program successfully done
# its work. Returns a status result to the caller.
# Args: vnResult - (R) 0 or greater indicating success.
# vMsg - (R) Success message if any to show success to user.
# Returns: None.
# Throws: None.
def program_exit_success( vnResult, vMsg ):
strMsg = "";
if vMsg.__len__() == 0:
strMsg = "%s (%d)" % (strExitMsgSuccess, vnResult);
strMsg = "%s: %s (%d)" % (strExitMsgSuccess, vMsg, vnResult);
print strMsg;
sys.exit( vnResult );
# Details: Exit the program with error. Called on exit program failed its
# task. Returns a status result to the caller.
# Args: vnResult - (R) A negative number indicating error condition.
# vMsg - (R) Error message to show to user.
# Returns: None.
# Throws: None.
def program_exit_on_failure( vnResult, vMsg ):
print "%s%s (%d)" % (strExitMsgError, vMsg, vnResult);
sys.exit( vnResult );
# Details: Exit the program return a exit result number and print a message.
# Positive numbers and zero are returned for success other error
# occurred.
# Args: vnResult - (R) A -ve (an error), 0 or +ve number (ok or status).
# vMsg - (R) Error message to show to user.
# Returns: None.
# Throws: None.
def program_exit( vnResult, vMsg ):
if vnResult >= 0:
program_exit_success( vnResult, vMsg );
program_exit_on_failure( vnResult, vMsg );
# Details: Dump input parameters.
# Args: vDictArgs - (R) Map of input args to value.
# Returns: None.
# Throws: None.
def print_out_input_parameters( vDictArgs ):
for arg, val in vDictArgs.iteritems():
strEqs = "";
strQ = "";
if val.__len__() != 0:
strEqs = " =";
strQ = "\"";
print "%s%s%s %s%s%s\n" % (strParameter, arg, strEqs, strQ, val, strQ);
# Details: Validate the arguments passed to the program. This function exits
# the program should error with the arguments be found.
# Args: vArgv - (R) List of arguments and values.
# Returns: Int - 0 = success, -ve = some failure.
# Dict - Map of arguments names to argument values
# Throws: None.
def validate_arguments( vArgv ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "validate_arguments()" );
strMsg = "";
dictArgs = {};
nResult = 0;
strListArgs = "hdm"; # Format "hiox:" = -h -i -o -x <arg>
listLongArgs = ["srcRoot=", "targetDir=", "cfgBldDir=", "prefix=", "cmakeBuildConfiguration=",
dictArgReq = { "-h": "o", # o = optional, m = mandatory
"-d": "o",
"-m": "o",
"--srcRoot": "m",
"--targetDir": "m",
"--cfgBldDir": "o",
"--prefix": "o",
"--cmakeBuildConfiguration": "o",
"--argsFile": "o" };
# Check for mandatory parameters
nResult, dictArgs, strMsg = utilsArgsParse.parse( vArgv, strListArgs,
strHelpInfo );
if nResult < 0:
program_exit_on_failure( nResult, strMsg );
# User input -h for help
if nResult == 1:
program_exit_success( 0, strMsg );
return (nResult, dictArgs);
# Details: Locate post process script language directory and the script within
# and execute.
# Args: vStrScriptLang - (R) Name of the script language to build.
# vstrFinishFileName - (R) Prefix file name to build full name.
# vDictArgs - (R) Program input parameters.
# Returns: Int - 0 = Success, < 0 some error condition.
# Str - Error message.
# Throws: None.
def run_post_process( vStrScriptLang, vstrFinishFileName, vDictArgs ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "run_post_process()" );
nResult = 0;
strStatusMsg = "";
strScriptFile = vstrFinishFileName % vStrScriptLang;
strScriptFileDir = "%s%s/%s" % (vDictArgs[ "--srcRoot" ], "/scripts",
strScriptFilePath = "%s/%s" % (strScriptFileDir, strScriptFile);
# Check for the existence of the script file
strPath = os.path.normcase( strScriptFilePath );
bOk = os.path.exists( strPath );
if bOk == False:
strDir = os.path.normcase( strScriptFileDir );
strStatusMsg = strScriptNotFound % (strScriptFile, strDir);
return (-9, strStatusMsg);
if gbDbgFlag:
print strScriptLangFound % vStrScriptLang;
print strExecuteMsg % vStrScriptLang;
# Change where Python looks for our modules
strDir = os.path.normcase( strScriptFileDir );
sys.path.append( strDir );
# Execute the specific language script
dictArgs = vDictArgs; # Remove any args not required before passing on
strModuleName = strScriptFile[ : strScriptFile.__len__() - 3 ];
module = __import__( strModuleName );
nResult, strStatusMsg = module.main( dictArgs );
# Revert sys path
sys.path.remove( strDir );
return (nResult, strStatusMsg);
# Details: Step through each script language sub directory supported
# and execute post processing script for each scripting language,
# make sure the build script for that language exists.
# For now the only language we support is Python, but we expect this
# to change.
# Args: vDictArgs - (R) Program input parameters.
# Returns: Int - 0 = Success, < 0 some error condition.
# Str - Error message.
# Throws: None.
def run_post_process_for_each_script_supported( vDictArgs ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "run_post_process_for_each_script_supported()" );
nResult = 0;
strStatusMsg = "";
strScriptDir = vDictArgs[ "--srcRoot" ] + "/scripts";
strFinishFileName = "";
# Check for the existence of the scripts folder
strScriptsDir = os.path.normcase( strScriptDir );
bOk = os.path.exists( strScriptsDir );
if bOk == False:
return (-8, strScriptDirNotFound);
# Look for any script language directories to build for
listDirs = [];
nDepth = 1;
for strPath, listDirs, listFiles in os.walk( strScriptDir ):
nDepth = nDepth - 1;
if nDepth == 0:
if gbDbgFlag:
print strScriptLangsFound,
for dir in listDirs:
print dir,
print "\n";
# Iterate script directory find any script language directories
for scriptLang in listDirs:
dbg.dump_text( "Executing language script for \'%s\'" % scriptLang );
nResult, strStatusMsg = run_post_process( scriptLang, strFinishFileName,
vDictArgs );
if nResult < 0:
if nResult < 0:
strTmp = strPostProcessError % scriptLang;
strTmp += strStatusMsg;
strStatusMsg = strTmp;
return (nResult, strStatusMsg);
# Details: Program's main() with arguments passed in from the command line.
# Program either exits normally or with error from this function -
# top most level function.
# Args: vArgv - (R) List of arguments and values.
# Returns: None
# Throws: None.
def main( vArgv ):
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "main()" );
bOk = False;
dictArgs = {};
nResult = 0;
strMsg = "";
# The validate arguments fn will exit the program if tests fail
nResult, dictArgs = validate_arguments( vArgv );
eOSType = utilsOsType.determine_os_type();
if eOSType == utilsOsType.EnumOsType.Unknown:
program_exit( -4, strMsgErrorOsTypeUnknown );
global gbDbgFlag;
gbDbgFlag = dictArgs.has_key( "-d" );
if gbDbgFlag:
print_out_input_parameters( dictArgs );
# Check to see if we were called from the Makefile system. If we were, check
# if the caller wants SWIG to generate a dependency file.
# Not used in this program, but passed through to the language script file
# called by this program
global gbMakeFileFlag;
gbMakeFileFlag = dictArgs.has_key( "-m" );
nResult, strMsg = run_post_process_for_each_script_supported( dictArgs );
program_exit( nResult, strMsg );
""" Details: Program main entry point.
Args: -h (optional) Print help information on this program.
-d (optional) Determines whether or not this script
outputs additional information when running.
-m (optional) Specify called from Makefile system. If given locate
the LLDBWrapPython.cpp in --srcRoot/source folder
else in the --targetDir folder.
--srcRoot= The root of the lldb source tree.
--targetDir= Where the lldb framework/shared library gets put.
--cfgBldDir= Where the program will
(optional) put the file it generated from running
--prefix= Is the root directory used to determine where
(optional) third-party modules for scripting languages should
be installed. Where non-Darwin systems want to put
the .py and .so files so that Python can find them
automatically. Python install directory.
--cmakeBuildConfiguration= (optional) Is the build configuration(Debug, Release, RelWithDebugInfo)\n\
used to determine where the bin and lib directories are \n\
created for a Windows build.\n\
--argsFile= The args are read from a file instead of the
command line. Other command line args are ignored.
|||| --srcRoot=ADirPath --targetDir=ADirPath
--cfgBldDir=ADirPath --prefix=ADirPath -m -d
Results: 0 Success
-1 Error - invalid parameters passed.
-2 Error - incorrect number of mandatory parameters passed.
-4 Error - unable to determine OS type.
-5 Error - program not run with name of "__main__".
-8 Error - unable to locate the scripts folder.
-9 Error - unable to locate the post process language script
-100+ - Error messages from the child language script file.
# Called using "__main__" when not imported i.e. from the command line
if __name__ == "__main__":
utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose.bVerboseOn = gbDbgVerbose;
dbg = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "__main__" );
main( sys.argv[ 1: ] );
program_exit( -5, strMsgErrorNoMain );
@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
""" Utility module handle program args and give help
Overview: Python module to parse and validate program parameters
against those required by the program whether mandatory
or optional.
Also give help information on arguments required by the
Environment: OS: Windows/LINUX/OSX
IDE: Visual Studio 2013 Plugin Python Tools (PTVS)
Script: Python 2.6 x64
Gotchas: None.
Copyright: None.
# Python modules:
import sys # Provide argument parsing
import getopt # Parse command line arguments
# Third party modules:
# In-house modules:
import utilsOsType # Determine the OS type this script is running on
# Instantiations:
# User facing text:
strMsgErrorInvalidParameters = "Invalid parameters entered, -h for help. \nYou entered:\n";
strMsgErrorInvalidNoParams = "No parameters entered, -h for help\n";
strMsgErrorNumberParameters = "Number of parameters entered incorrect, %d parameters required. You entered:\n";
strMsgArgFileNotImplemented = "Sorry the --argFile is not implemented";
# Details: Validate the arguments passed in against the mandatory and
# optional arguments specified. The argument format for the parameters
# is required to work with the module getopt function getopt().
# Parameter vDictArgReq specifies which parameters are mandatory and
# which are optional. The format is for example:
# dictArgReq = { "-h": "o", # o = optional, m = mandatory
# "-m": "m",
# "--targetDir": "m",
# "--cfgBldDir": "o" };
# Args: vArgv - (R) List of arguments and values.
# vstrListArgs - (R) List of small arguments.
# vListLongArgs - (R) List of long arguments.
# vDictArgReq - (R) Map of arguments required.
# vstrHelpInfo - (R) Formatted help text.
# Returns: Int - 0 success.
# 1 success display information, do nothing else.
# -1 error invalid parameters.
# -2 error incorrect number of mandatory parameters.
# Dict - Map of arguments names to argument values
# Str - Error message.
# Throws: None.
def parse( vArgv, vstrListArgs, vListLongArgs, vDictArgReq, vstrHelpInfo ):
dictArgs = {};
dictDummy = {};
strDummy = "";
# Validate parameters above and error on not recognised
dictOptsNeeded, dictArgsLeftOver = getopt.getopt( vArgv,
vListLongArgs );
except getopt.GetoptError:
strMsg = strMsgErrorInvalidParameters;
strMsg += str( vArgv );
return (-1, dictDummy, strMsg);
if len( dictOptsNeeded ) == 0:
strMsg = strMsgErrorInvalidNoParams;
return (-1, dictDummy, strMsg);
# Look for help -h before anything else
for opt, arg in dictOptsNeeded:
if opt == '-h':
return (1, dictDummy, vstrHelpInfo );
# Look for the --argFile if found ignore other command line arguments
for opt, arg in dictOptsNeeded:
if opt == '--argsFile':
return (1, dictDummy, strMsgArgFileNotImplemented);
# Count the number of mandatory args required (if any one found)
countMandatory = 0;
for opt, man in vDictArgReq.iteritems():
if man == "m":
countMandatory = countMandatory + 1;
# Extract short args
listArgs = [];
for arg in vstrListArgs:
if (arg == '-h') or (arg == ':'):
listArgs.append( arg );
# Append to arg dictionary the option and its value
bFoundNoInputValue = False;
countMandatoryOpts = 0;
for opt, val in dictOptsNeeded:
match = 0;
for arg in listArgs:
argg = "-" + arg;
if opt == argg:
if "m" == vDictArgReq[ opt ]:
countMandatoryOpts = countMandatoryOpts + 1;
dictArgs[ opt ] = val;
match = 1;
if match == 0:
for arg in vListLongArgs:
argg = "--" + arg[:arg.__len__() - 1];
if opt == argg:
if "m" == vDictArgReq[ opt ]:
countMandatoryOpts = countMandatoryOpts + 1;
dictArgs[ opt ] = val;
if val.__len__() == 0:
bFoundNoInputValue = True;
# Do any of the long arguments not have a value attached
if bFoundNoInputValue:
strMsg = strMsgErrorInvalidParameters;
strMsg += str( vArgv );
return (-1, dictDummy, strMsg);
# Debug only
#print countMandatoryOpts
#print countMandatory
# Do we have the exact number of mandatory arguments
if (countMandatoryOpts > 0) and (countMandatory != countMandatoryOpts):
strMsg = strMsgErrorNumberParameters % countMandatory;
strMsg += str( vArgv );
return (-2, dictDummy, strMsg);
return (0, dictArgs, strDummy);
@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
""" Utility module to help debug Python scripts
Overview: Python module to supply functions to help debug Python
Environment: OS: Windows/LINUX/OSX
IDE: Visual Studio 2013 Plugin Python Tools (PTVS)
Script: Python 2.6 x64
Gotchas: None.
Copyright: None.
# Python modules:
# Third party modules:
# In-house modules:
# Instantiations:
# Details: Class to implement simple stack function trace. Instantiation the
# class as the first function you want to trace. Example:
# obj = utilsDebug.CDebugFnVerbose( "validate_arguments()" );
# Gotchas: This class will not work in properly in a multi-threaded
# environment.
# Authors: Illya Rudkin 28/11/2013.
# Changes: None.
class CDebugFnVerbose:
# Public static properties:
bVerboseOn = False; # True = turn on function tracing, False = turn off.
# Public:
# Details: CDebugFnVerbose constructor.
# Type: Method.
# Args: vstrFnName - (R) Text description i.e. a function name.
# Return: None.
# Throws: None.
# CDebugFnVerbose( vstrFnName )
# Details: Print out information on the object specified.
# Type: Method.
# Args: vstrText - (R) Some helper text description.
# vObject - (R) Some Python type object.
# Return: None.
# Throws: None.
def dump_object( self, vstrText, vObject ):
if CDebugFnVerbose.bVerboseOn == False:
print "%d%s> Dp: %s" % (CDebugFnVerbose.__nLevel, self.__get_dots(),
print vObject;
# Details: Print out some progress text given by the client.
# Type: Method.
# Args: vstrText - (R) Some helper text description.
# Return: None.
# Throws: None.
def dump_text( self, vstrText ):
if CDebugFnVerbose.bVerboseOn == False:
print "%d%s> Dp: %s" % (CDebugFnVerbose.__nLevel, self.__get_dots(),
# Private methods:
def __init__( self, vstrFnName ):
self.__indent_out( vstrFnName );
# Class destructor
def __del__( self ):
# Details: Build an indentation string of dots based on the __nLevel.
# Type: Method.
# Args: None.
# Return: Str - variable length string.
# Throws: None.
def __get_dots( self ):
return "".join( "." for i in range( 0, CDebugFnVerbose.__nLevel ) );
# Details: Build and print out debug verbosity text indicating the function
# just exited from.
# Type: Method.
# Args: None.
# Return: None.
# Throws: None.
def __indent_back( self ):
if CDebugFnVerbose.bVerboseOn:
print "%d%s< fn: %s" % (CDebugFnVerbose.__nLevel, self.__get_dots(),
CDebugFnVerbose.__nLevel -= 1;
# Details: Build and print out debug verbosity text indicating the function
# just entered.
# Type: Method.
# Args: vstrFnName - (R) Name of the function entered.
# Return: None.
# Throws: None.
def __indent_out( self, vstrFnName ):
CDebugFnVerbose.__nLevel += 1;
self.__strFnName = vstrFnName;
if CDebugFnVerbose.bVerboseOn:
print "%d%s> fn: %s" % ( CDebugFnVerbose.__nLevel, self.__get_dots(),
# Private statics attributes:
__nLevel = 0; # Indentation level counter
# Private attributes:
__strFnName = "";
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
""" Utility module to determine the OS Python running on
Overview: Python module to supply functions and an enumeration to
help determine the platform type, bit size and OS currently
being used.
Environment: OS: Windows/LINUX/OSX
IDE: Visual Studio 2013 Plugin Python Tools (PTVS)
Script: Python 2.6 x64
Gotchas: None.
Copyright: None.
# Python modules:
import sys # Provide system information
# Third party modules:
# In-house modules:
# Instantiations:
# Enumerations:
# Details: Class to implement a 'C' style enumeration type.
# Gotchas: None.
# Authors: Illya Rudkin 28/11/2013.
# Changes: None.
class EnumOsType( object ):
values = [ "Unknown",
"Darwin" ]; # OSX
class __metaclass__( type ):
# Details: Fn acts as an enumeration.
# Args: vName - (R) Enumeration to match.
# Returns: Int - Matching enumeration/index.
# Throws: None.
def __getattr__( self, vName ):
return self.values.index( vName );
# Details: Reverse fast lookup of the values list.
# Args: vI - (R) Index / enumeration.
# Returns: Str - text description matching enumeration.
# Throws: None.
def name_of( self, vI ):
return EnumOsType.values[ vI ];
# Details: Determine what operating system is currently running on.
# Args: None.
# Returns: EnumOsType - The OS type being used ATM.
# Throws: None.
def determine_os_type():
eOSType = EnumOsType.Unknown;
strOS = sys.platform
if strOS == "win32":
eOSType = EnumOsType.Windows;
elif (strOS == "linux") or (strOS == "linux2"):
eOSType = EnumOsType.Linux;
elif strOS == "darwin":
eOSType == EnumOsType.Darwin;
return eOSType;
@ -327,6 +327,15 @@ endif ()
# FIXME: implement svn/git revision and repository parsing solution on Windows. There is an SVN-only
# revision parsing solution in tools/clang/lib/Basic/CMakelists.txt.
# Add a Post-Build Event to copy over Python files and create the symlink to for the Python API(hardlink on Windows)
add_custom_command( TARGET liblldb
COMMAND python ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../scripts/ "--srcRoot=${LLDB_SOURCE_DIR}" "--targetDir=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}" "--cfgBldDir=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}" "--prefix=${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" "--cmakeBuildConfiguration=${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}" -m
COMMENT "Python script sym-linking LLDB Python API")
endif ()
endif ()
install(TARGETS liblldb
@ -589,7 +589,12 @@ ScriptInterpreterPython::ExecuteOneLine (const char *command, CommandReturnObjec
input_file_sp = debugger.GetInputFile();
// Set output to a temporary file so we can forward the results on to the result object
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// pipe is not supported on windows so default to a fail condition
int err = 1;
int err = pipe(pipe_fds);
if (err == 0)
std::unique_ptr<ConnectionFileDescriptor> conn_ap(new ConnectionFileDescriptor(pipe_fds[0], true));
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ DynamicRegisterInfo::SetRegisterInfo (const lldb_private::PythonDictionary &dict
RegisterInfo reg_info;
std::vector<uint32_t> value_regs;
std::vector<uint32_t> invalidate_regs;
bzero (®_info, sizeof(reg_info));
memset(®_info, 0, sizeof(reg_info));
|||| = ConstString (reg_info_dict.GetItemForKeyAsString(name_pystr)).GetCString();
if ( == NULL)
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "lldb/Host/windows/win32.h"
typedef uint32_t pid_t;
// empty functions
int posix_openpt(int flag) { return 0; }
Reference in New Issue