[WebAssembly] Fix incorrect DW_TAG_pointer_type size in test

It should be 64 bits not 32 for wasm64-unknown-unknown. I noticed this
because this test was failing in our CHERI fork of LLVM due to a larger
.debug_abbrev section size. It turns out this happens because we add
DW_AT_byte_size for non-default pointer sizes to allow debugging our
hybrid compilation mode where we can have two different kinds of pointers.

Reviewed By: aardappel

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D99410
This commit is contained in:
Alex Richardson 2021-03-31 09:15:22 +01:00
parent 43b9fa3ce0
commit 8fa570c969
1 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -275,10 +275,10 @@ attributes #0 = { noinline nounwind optnone "correctly-rounded-divide-sqrt-fp-ma
!5 = !{!0, !6}
!6 = !DIGlobalVariableExpression(var: !7, expr: !DIExpression())
!7 = distinct !DIGlobalVariable(name: "ptr2", scope: !2, file: !3, line: 5, type: !8, isLocal: false, isDefinition: true)
!8 = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_pointer_type, baseType: !9, size: 32)
!8 = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_pointer_type, baseType: !9, size: 64)
!9 = !DISubroutineType(types: !10)
!10 = !{null}
!11 = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_pointer_type, baseType: !12, size: 32)
!11 = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_pointer_type, baseType: !12, size: 64)
!12 = !DIBasicType(name: "int", size: 32, encoding: DW_ATE_signed)
!13 = !{i32 2, !"Dwarf Version", i32 4}
!14 = !{i32 2, !"Debug Info Version", i32 3}