forked from OSchip/llvm-project
Removing the Makefile/Perl build system.
This change deletes the Makefile+Perl build system and all files used by it which aren't used by the CMake build system. This included many Perl files, *.mk files, iomp* files. This change also updates the README's and index.html to instruct the user to use the CMake build system. All mentioning of the Perl+Makefile based system are removed. Differential Revision: llvm-svn: 247583
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
#// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
include $(omp_root)/tools/
.PHONY: default all omp
default: omp
all: omp stubs
omp: info mkdir
@echo $(omp_root)/tools/ $(build_args) --arch=$(arch) --mode=$(mode) lib inc common -- -j$(jobs)
$(omp_root)/tools/ $(build_args) --arch=$(arch) --mode=$(mode) lib inc common -- -j$(jobs)
stubs: mkdir
@echo $(omp_root)/tools/ $(build_args) --arch=$(arch) --mode=$(mode) --stubs lib inc common -- -j$(jobs)
$(omp_root)/tools/ $(build_args) --arch=$(arch) --mode=$(mode) --stubs lib inc common -- -j$(jobs)
.PHONY: clean info
$(shell $(RM) -rf $(omp_root)$(SLASH)tmp)
@echo clean done
$(shell $(MD) $(omp_root)$(SLASH)tmp >$(NUL) 2>$(NUL))
@echo Created $(omp_root)$(SLASH)tmp directory
@echo omp_root=$(omp_root)
@echo omp_os=$(omp_os)
@echo arch=$(arch)
ifeq "$(arch)" "mic"
@echo mic_arch=$(mic_arch)
@echo compiler=$(compiler)
@echo mic=$(mic)
@echo mode=$(mode)
@echo jobs=$(jobs)
libomp_path=$(shell $(omp_root)/tools/
test_path=$(shell $(omp_root)/tools/
# Please do not change this rule.
# -------------------------------
# Intentionally changing directory into "testsuite" in order to generate output results and errors
# over there and keep this directory clean.
test: omp
@$(Verb) if which llvm-lit &> /dev/null; then \
if [ -d "$(omp_root)$(SLASH)..$(SLASH)testsuite$(SLASH)LLVM-IR" ] ; then \
export TESTSUITE_TEMP=$(realpath $(omp_root))$(SLASH)tmp ; \
export LIBRARY_PATH=$(libomp_path):$(LIBRARY_PATH) ; \
export C_INCLUDE_PATH=$(libomp_path)$(SLASH)..$(SLASH)..$(SLASH)common$(SLASH)include:$(C_INCLUDE_PATH) ; \
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(libomp_path):$(LD_LIBRARY_PATH) ; \
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(libomp_path):$(DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH) ; \
cd $(omp_root)$(SLASH)..$(SLASH)testsuite ; \
make ctest ; \
python ; \
llvm-lit -j 1 $(realpath $(omp_root))$(SLASH)..$(SLASH)testsuite$(SLASH)LLVM-IR$(SLASH)$(test_path) -v ; \
else \
echo "No test directory" ; exit 1; \
fi; else echo "No llvm-lit in $(PATH)"; exit 1; fi
make -C ..$(SLASH)testsuite cleanall
@ -23,77 +23,35 @@
How to Build the LLVM* OpenMP* Runtime Library
In-tree build:
The library can be built either using Cmake, or using a makefile that
in turn invokes various Perl scripts. For porting, non X86
architectures, and for those already familiar with Cmake that may be
an easier route to take than the one described here.
$ cd where-you-want-to-live
Check out openmp into llvm/projects
$ cd where-you-want-to-build
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake path/to/llvm -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=<C compiler> -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=<C++ compiler>
$ make omp
Building with CMake
The runtime/Build_With_CMake.txt file has a description of how to
build with Cmake.
Out-of-tree build:
Building with the Makefile
The Makefile at the top-level will attempt to detect what it needs to
build the LLVM* OpenMP* Runtime Library. To see the default settings,
$ cd where-you-want-to-live
Check out openmp
$ cd where-you-want-to-live/openmp/runtime
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake path/to/openmp -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=<C compiler> -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=<C++ compiler>
$ make
make info
For details about building, please look at Build_With_CMake.txt
You can change the Makefile's behavior with the following options:
omp_root: The path to the top-level directory containing the top-level
Makefile. By default, this will take on the value of the
current working directory.
omp_os: Operating system. By default, the build will attempt to
detect this. Currently supports "linux", "freebsd", "macos", and
arch: Architecture. By default, the build will attempt to
detect this if not specified by the user. Currently
supported values are
"32" for IA-32 architecture
"32e" for Intel(R) 64 architecture
"mic" for Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture
"arm" for ARM* architecture
"aarch64" for Aarch64 (64-bit ARM) architecture
"ppc64" for IBM(R) Power architecture (big endian)
"ppc64le" for IBM(R) Power architecture (little endian)
If "mic" is specified then "icc" will be used as the
compiler, and appropriate k1om binutils will be used. The
necessary packages must be installed on the build machine
for this to be possible (but an Intel(R) Xeon Phi(TM)
coprocessor card is not required to build the library).
compiler: Which compiler to use for the build. Defaults to "icc"
or "icl" depending on the value of omp_os. Also supports
some versions of "gcc"* when omp_os is "linux". The selected
compiler should be installed and in the user's path. The
corresponding Fortran compiler should also be in the path.
See "Supported RTL Build Configurations" below for more
information on compiler versions.
mode: Library mode: default is "release". Also supports "debug".
jobs: The number of parallel jobs for the underlying call to make.
This value is sent as the parameter to the -j flag for make.
This value defaults to "1", but can be set to any positive integer.
To use any of the options above, simple add <option_name>=<value>. For
example, if you want to build with gcc instead of icc, type:
make compiler=gcc
On OS X* machines, it is possible to build universal (or fat) libraries which
include both IA-32 architecture and Intel(R) 64 architecture objects in a
single archive; just build the 32 and 32e libraries separately, then invoke
make again with a special argument as follows:
make compiler=clang build_args=fat
Architectures Supported
* IA-32 architecture
* Intel(R) 64 architecture
* Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture
* ARM* architecture
* Aarch64 (64-bit ARM) architecture
* IBM(R) Power architecture (big endian)
* IBM(R) Power architecture (little endian)
Supported RTL Build Configurations
@ -112,7 +70,7 @@ Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture
(1) On IA-32 architecture and Intel(R) 64, icc/icl versions 12.x are
supported (12.1 is recommended).
(2) GCC* version 4.6.2 is supported.
(2) GCC* version 4.7 is supported.
(3) For icc on OS X*, OS X* version 10.5.8 is supported.
(4) Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture not supported.
(5) On Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture, icc/icl versions 13.0
@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
#// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This file contains definitions common for OpenMP RTL and DSL makefiles.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Include really common definitions.
include $(LIBOMP_WORK)tools/src/
# Directories.
# Check and normalize LIBOMP_EXPORTS.
ifeq "$(LIBOMP_EXPORTS)" ""
$(error LIBOMP_EXPORTS environment variable must be set)
ifneq "$(words $(LIBOMP_EXPORTS))" "1"
$(error LIBOMP_EXPORTS must not contain spaces)
override LIBOMP_EXPORTS := $(subst \,/,$(LIBOMP_EXPORTS))
ifeq "$(filter %/,$(LIBOMP_EXPORTS))" ""
# Output directories.
out_dir = $(LIBOMP_EXPORTS)
out_cmn_dir = $(out_dir)common$(suffix)/
out_ptf_dir = $(out_dir)$(platform)$(suffix)/
_out_lib_dir = $(out_dir)$(1)$(suffix)/lib$(if $(filter mac_%,$(1)),.thin)/
out_lib_dir = $(call _out_lib_dir,$(platform))
ifneq "$(arch)" "mic"
out_l10n_dir = $(out_lib_dir)$(if $(filter lin mac,$(os)),locale/)
out_l10n_dir = $(out_lib_dir)
ifeq "$(os)" "mac"
_out_lib_fat_dir = $(out_dir)$(1)$(suffix)/lib/
out_lib_fat_dir = $(call _out_lib_fat_dir,$(platform))
out_l10n_fat_dir = $(out_lib_fat_dir)locale/
# Retrieve build number,
ifeq "$(clean)" ""
# Parse kmp_version.c file, look for "#define KMP_VERSION_BUILD yyyymmdd" string,
# leave only "yyyymmdd". Note: Space after $$1 is important, it helps to detect possible errors.
build := $(strip $(shell $(perl) -p -e '$$_ =~ s{^(?:\s*\#define\s+KMP_VERSION_BUILD\s+([0-9]{8})|.*)\s*\n}{$$1 }' $(LIBOMP_WORK)src/kmp_version.c))
ifneq "$(words $(build))" "1"
$(error Failed to pase "kmp_version.c", cannot extract build number)
$(call say,Build : $(build)$(if $(filter 00000000,$(build)), (development)))
# end of file #
@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
* include/30/iomp.h.var
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#ifndef __IOMP_H
# define __IOMP_H
# ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
# endif
# define kmp_set_stacksize kmpc_set_stacksize
# define kmp_set_stacksize_s kmpc_set_stacksize_s
# define kmp_set_blocktime kmpc_set_blocktime
# define kmp_set_library kmpc_set_library
# define kmp_set_defaults kmpc_set_defaults
# define kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc kmpc_set_affinity_mask_proc
# define kmp_unset_affinity_mask_proc kmpc_unset_affinity_mask_proc
# define kmp_get_affinity_mask_proc kmpc_get_affinity_mask_proc
# define kmp_malloc kmpc_malloc
# define kmp_calloc kmpc_calloc
# define kmp_realloc kmpc_realloc
# define kmp_free kmpc_free
# if defined(_WIN32)
# define __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION __cdecl
# else
# endif
# include <stdlib.h>
/* kmp API functions */
extern int __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_get_stacksize (void);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_stacksize (int);
extern size_t __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_get_stacksize_s (void);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_stacksize_s (size_t);
extern int __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_get_blocktime (void);
extern int __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_get_library (void);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_blocktime (int);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_library (int);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_library_serial (void);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_library_turnaround (void);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_library_throughput (void);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_defaults (char const *);
/* affinity API functions */
typedef void * kmp_affinity_mask_t;
extern int __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_affinity (kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
extern int __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_get_affinity (kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
extern int __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_get_affinity_max_proc (void);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_create_affinity_mask (kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_destroy_affinity_mask (kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
extern int __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc (int, kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
extern int __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_unset_affinity_mask_proc (int, kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
extern int __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_get_affinity_mask_proc (int, kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
extern void * __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_malloc (size_t);
extern void * __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_calloc (size_t, size_t);
extern void * __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_realloc (void *, size_t);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_free (void *);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_warnings_on(void);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_warnings_off(void);
/* Warning:
The following typedefs are not standard, deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
typedef int omp_int_t;
typedef double omp_wtime_t;
# ifdef __cplusplus
# endif
#endif /* __IOMP_H */
@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
! include/30/iomp_lib.h.var
!// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
!// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
!// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
!*** omp_integer_kind and omp_logical_kind appear to be predefined by gcc and
!*** gfortran (definitions do not appear in the omp.h / omp_lib.h /omp_lib.f).
!*** omp_real_kind is not predefined, however.
integer, parameter :: kmp_version_major = $KMP_VERSION_MAJOR
integer, parameter :: kmp_version_minor = $KMP_VERSION_MINOR
integer, parameter :: kmp_version_build = $KMP_VERSION_BUILD
character(*) kmp_build_date
parameter( kmp_build_date = '$KMP_BUILD_DATE' )
integer, parameter :: omp_real_kind = 4
!*** kmp_* type extensions
integer, parameter :: kmp_pointer_kind = $KMP_INT_PTR_KIND
integer, parameter :: kmp_size_t_kind = $KMP_INT_PTR_KIND
integer, parameter :: kmp_affinity_mask_kind = $KMP_INT_PTR_KIND
!*** kmp_* entry points
external kmp_set_stacksize
external kmp_set_stacksize_s
external kmp_set_blocktime
external kmp_set_library_serial
external kmp_set_library_turnaround
external kmp_set_library_throughput
external kmp_set_library
external kmp_set_defaults
external kmp_get_stacksize
integer kmp_get_stacksize
external kmp_get_stacksize_s
integer (kind = kmp_size_t_kind) kmp_get_stacksize_s
external kmp_get_blocktime
integer kmp_get_blocktime
external kmp_get_library
integer kmp_get_library
external kmp_set_affinity
integer kmp_set_affinity
external kmp_get_affinity
integer kmp_get_affinity
external kmp_get_affinity_max_proc
integer kmp_get_affinity_max_proc
external kmp_create_affinity_mask
external kmp_destroy_affinity_mask
external kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc
integer kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc
external kmp_unset_affinity_mask_proc
integer kmp_unset_affinity_mask_proc
external kmp_get_affinity_mask_proc
integer kmp_get_affinity_mask_proc
external kmp_malloc
integer (kind = kmp_pointer_kind) kmp_malloc
external kmp_calloc
integer (kind = kmp_pointer_kind) kmp_calloc
external kmp_realloc
integer (kind = kmp_pointer_kind) kmp_realloc
external kmp_free
external kmp_set_warnings_on
external kmp_set_warnings_off
@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
* include/40/iomp.h.var
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#ifndef __IOMP_H
# define __IOMP_H
# ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
# endif
# define kmp_set_stacksize kmpc_set_stacksize
# define kmp_set_stacksize_s kmpc_set_stacksize_s
# define kmp_set_blocktime kmpc_set_blocktime
# define kmp_set_library kmpc_set_library
# define kmp_set_defaults kmpc_set_defaults
# define kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc kmpc_set_affinity_mask_proc
# define kmp_unset_affinity_mask_proc kmpc_unset_affinity_mask_proc
# define kmp_get_affinity_mask_proc kmpc_get_affinity_mask_proc
# define kmp_malloc kmpc_malloc
# define kmp_calloc kmpc_calloc
# define kmp_realloc kmpc_realloc
# define kmp_free kmpc_free
# if defined(_WIN32)
# define __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION __cdecl
# else
# endif
# include <stdlib.h>
/* kmp API functions */
extern int __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_get_stacksize (void);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_stacksize (int);
extern size_t __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_get_stacksize_s (void);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_stacksize_s (size_t);
extern int __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_get_blocktime (void);
extern int __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_get_library (void);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_blocktime (int);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_library (int);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_library_serial (void);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_library_turnaround (void);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_library_throughput (void);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_defaults (char const *);
/* affinity API functions */
typedef void * kmp_affinity_mask_t;
extern int __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_affinity (kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
extern int __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_get_affinity (kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
extern int __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_get_affinity_max_proc (void);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_create_affinity_mask (kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_destroy_affinity_mask (kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
extern int __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc (int, kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
extern int __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_unset_affinity_mask_proc (int, kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
extern int __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_get_affinity_mask_proc (int, kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
extern void * __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_malloc (size_t);
extern void * __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_calloc (size_t, size_t);
extern void * __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_realloc (void *, size_t);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_free (void *);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_warnings_on(void);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_warnings_off(void);
/* schedule kind constants */
typedef enum kmp_cancel_kind_t {
kmp_cancel_parallel = 1,
kmp_cancel_loop = 2,
kmp_cancel_sections = 3,
kmp_cancel_taskgroup = 4
} kmp_cancel_kind_t;
extern int __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_get_cancellation_status(kmp_cancel_kind_t);
/* Warning:
The following typedefs are not standard, deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
typedef int omp_int_t;
typedef double omp_wtime_t;
# ifdef __cplusplus
# endif
#endif /* __IOMP_H */
@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
! include/40/iomp_lib.h.var
!// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
!// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
!// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
!*** omp_integer_kind and omp_logical_kind appear to be predefined by gcc and
!*** gfortran (definitions do not appear in the omp.h / omp_lib.h /omp_lib.f).
!*** omp_real_kind is not predefined, however.
integer, parameter :: kmp_version_major = $KMP_VERSION_MAJOR
integer, parameter :: kmp_version_minor = $KMP_VERSION_MINOR
integer, parameter :: kmp_version_build = $KMP_VERSION_BUILD
character(*) kmp_build_date
parameter( kmp_build_date = '$KMP_BUILD_DATE' )
integer, parameter :: omp_real_kind = 4
!*** kmp_* type extensions
integer, parameter :: kmp_pointer_kind = $KMP_INT_PTR_KIND
integer, parameter :: kmp_size_t_kind = $KMP_INT_PTR_KIND
integer, parameter :: kmp_affinity_mask_kind = $KMP_INT_PTR_KIND
!*** kmp_* entry points
external kmp_set_stacksize
external kmp_set_stacksize_s
external kmp_set_blocktime
external kmp_set_library_serial
external kmp_set_library_turnaround
external kmp_set_library_throughput
external kmp_set_library
external kmp_set_defaults
external kmp_get_stacksize
integer kmp_get_stacksize
external kmp_get_stacksize_s
integer (kind = kmp_size_t_kind) kmp_get_stacksize_s
external kmp_get_blocktime
integer kmp_get_blocktime
external kmp_get_library
integer kmp_get_library
external kmp_set_affinity
integer kmp_set_affinity
external kmp_get_affinity
integer kmp_get_affinity
external kmp_get_affinity_max_proc
integer kmp_get_affinity_max_proc
external kmp_create_affinity_mask
external kmp_destroy_affinity_mask
external kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc
integer kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc
external kmp_unset_affinity_mask_proc
integer kmp_unset_affinity_mask_proc
external kmp_get_affinity_mask_proc
integer kmp_get_affinity_mask_proc
external kmp_malloc
integer (kind = kmp_pointer_kind) kmp_malloc
external kmp_calloc
integer (kind = kmp_pointer_kind) kmp_calloc
external kmp_realloc
integer (kind = kmp_pointer_kind) kmp_realloc
external kmp_free
external kmp_set_warnings_on
external kmp_set_warnings_off
@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
* include/41/iomp.h.var
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#ifndef __IOMP_H
# define __IOMP_H
# ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
# endif
# define kmp_set_stacksize kmpc_set_stacksize
# define kmp_set_stacksize_s kmpc_set_stacksize_s
# define kmp_set_blocktime kmpc_set_blocktime
# define kmp_set_library kmpc_set_library
# define kmp_set_defaults kmpc_set_defaults
# define kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc kmpc_set_affinity_mask_proc
# define kmp_unset_affinity_mask_proc kmpc_unset_affinity_mask_proc
# define kmp_get_affinity_mask_proc kmpc_get_affinity_mask_proc
# define kmp_malloc kmpc_malloc
# define kmp_calloc kmpc_calloc
# define kmp_realloc kmpc_realloc
# define kmp_free kmpc_free
# if defined(_WIN32)
# define __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION __cdecl
# else
# endif
# include <stdlib.h>
/* kmp API functions */
extern int __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_get_stacksize (void);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_stacksize (int);
extern size_t __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_get_stacksize_s (void);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_stacksize_s (size_t);
extern int __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_get_blocktime (void);
extern int __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_get_library (void);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_blocktime (int);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_library (int);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_library_serial (void);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_library_turnaround (void);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_library_throughput (void);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_defaults (char const *);
/* affinity API functions */
typedef void * kmp_affinity_mask_t;
extern int __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_affinity (kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
extern int __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_get_affinity (kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
extern int __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_get_affinity_max_proc (void);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_create_affinity_mask (kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_destroy_affinity_mask (kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
extern int __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc (int, kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
extern int __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_unset_affinity_mask_proc (int, kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
extern int __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_get_affinity_mask_proc (int, kmp_affinity_mask_t *);
extern void * __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_malloc (size_t);
extern void * __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_calloc (size_t, size_t);
extern void * __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_realloc (void *, size_t);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_free (void *);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_warnings_on(void);
extern void __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_set_warnings_off(void);
/* schedule kind constants */
typedef enum kmp_cancel_kind_t {
kmp_cancel_parallel = 1,
kmp_cancel_loop = 2,
kmp_cancel_sections = 3,
kmp_cancel_taskgroup = 4
} kmp_cancel_kind_t;
extern int __KAI_KMPC_CONVENTION kmp_get_cancellation_status(kmp_cancel_kind_t);
/* Warning:
The following typedefs are not standard, deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
typedef int omp_int_t;
typedef double omp_wtime_t;
# ifdef __cplusplus
# endif
#endif /* __IOMP_H */
@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
! include/41/iomp_lib.h.var
!// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
!// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
!// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
!*** omp_integer_kind and omp_logical_kind appear to be predefined by gcc and
!*** gfortran (definitions do not appear in the omp.h / omp_lib.h /omp_lib.f).
!*** omp_real_kind is not predefined, however.
integer, parameter :: kmp_version_major = $KMP_VERSION_MAJOR
integer, parameter :: kmp_version_minor = $KMP_VERSION_MINOR
integer, parameter :: kmp_version_build = $KMP_VERSION_BUILD
character(*) kmp_build_date
parameter( kmp_build_date = '$KMP_BUILD_DATE' )
integer, parameter :: omp_real_kind = 4
!*** kmp_* type extensions
integer, parameter :: kmp_pointer_kind = $KMP_INT_PTR_KIND
integer, parameter :: kmp_size_t_kind = $KMP_INT_PTR_KIND
integer, parameter :: kmp_affinity_mask_kind = $KMP_INT_PTR_KIND
!*** kmp_* entry points
external kmp_set_stacksize
external kmp_set_stacksize_s
external kmp_set_blocktime
external kmp_set_library_serial
external kmp_set_library_turnaround
external kmp_set_library_throughput
external kmp_set_library
external kmp_set_defaults
external kmp_get_stacksize
integer kmp_get_stacksize
external kmp_get_stacksize_s
integer (kind = kmp_size_t_kind) kmp_get_stacksize_s
external kmp_get_blocktime
integer kmp_get_blocktime
external kmp_get_library
integer kmp_get_library
external kmp_set_affinity
integer kmp_set_affinity
external kmp_get_affinity
integer kmp_get_affinity
external kmp_get_affinity_max_proc
integer kmp_get_affinity_max_proc
external kmp_create_affinity_mask
external kmp_destroy_affinity_mask
external kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc
integer kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc
external kmp_unset_affinity_mask_proc
integer kmp_unset_affinity_mask_proc
external kmp_get_affinity_mask_proc
integer kmp_get_affinity_mask_proc
external kmp_malloc
integer (kind = kmp_pointer_kind) kmp_malloc
external kmp_calloc
integer (kind = kmp_pointer_kind) kmp_calloc
external kmp_realloc
integer (kind = kmp_pointer_kind) kmp_realloc
external kmp_free
external kmp_set_warnings_on
external kmp_set_warnings_off
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
// libiomp.rc.var
//// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
//// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
//// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#include "winres.h"
#pragma code_page(1252)
// Parts of FILEVERSION and PRODUCTVERSION are 16-bit fields, entire build date yyyymmdd
// does not fit into one version part, so we need to split it into yyyy and mmdd:
FILEOS VOS_NT_WINDOWS32 // Windows* Server* 2003, XP*, 2000, or NT*
BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
BLOCK "040904b0" // U.S. English, Unicode (0x04b0 == 1200)
// FileDescription and LegalCopyright should be short.
VALUE "FileDescription", "Intel(R) OpenMP* Runtime Library${{ our $MESSAGE_CATALOG; $MESSAGE_CATALOG ? " Message Catalog" : "" }}\0"
// Following values may be relatively long.
VALUE "CompanyName", "Intel Corporation\0"
// VALUE "LegalTrademarks", "\0" // Not used for now.
VALUE "ProductName", "Intel(R) OpenMP* Runtime Library\0"
VALUE "InternalName", "$KMP_FILE\0"
VALUE "OriginalFilename", "$KMP_FILE\0"
VALUE "Comments",
"Intel(R) OpenMP* ${{ our ( $MESSAGE_CATALOG, $KMP_TYPE ); $MESSAGE_CATALOG ? "Runtime Library Message Catalog" : "$KMP_TYPE Library" }} "
"for $KMP_ARCH architecture built on $KMP_BUILD_DATE.\0"
VALUE "PrivateBuild",
"This is a development build for internal testing purposes only. "
"Do not distribute it outside of Intel.\0"
// VALUE "SpecialBuild", "\0" // Not used for now.
BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
VALUE "Translation", ${{ our ( $MESSAGE_CATALOG, $LANGUAGE ); $MESSAGE_CATALOG ? $LANGUAGE : 1033 }}, 1200
// 1033 -- U.S. English, 1200 -- Unicode
// end of file //
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
# #
#// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
# --- Copy files to out directories ---
$(out_cmn_dir)include/% : % $(out_cmn_dir)include/.dir .rebuild
$(cp) $< $@
$(out_cmn_dir)include_compat/% : % $(out_cmn_dir)include_compat/.dir .rebuild
$(cp) $< $@
# Fat: touch .touch file on every update in $(out_lib_dir), so we will know should we update fat
# goal or not.
$(out_lib_dir)% : % $(out_lib_dir).dir .rebuild
$(cp) $< $@
ifneq "$(out_lib_fat_dir)" ""
$(touch) $(dir $@).touch
.PHONY: libomp_aliases
libomp_aliases: $(out_lib_dir).dir .rebuild $(out_lib_dir)$(lib_file)
ifeq "$(os)" "win"
cd $(out_lib_dir) ; $(cp) $(lib_file) libiomp5md$(dll) ; $(cp) $(imp_file) libiomp5md$(lib)
cd $(out_lib_dir) ; ln -sf $(lib_file) libiomp5$(dll)
$(out_ptf_dir)include/% : % $(out_ptf_dir)include/.dir .rebuild
$(cp) $< $@
$(out_ptf_dir)include_compat/% : % $(out_ptf_dir)include_compat/.dir .rebuild
$(cp) $< $@
$(out_l10n_dir)%/$(cat_file) : l10n/%/$(cat_file) $(out_l10n_dir)%/.dir .rebuild
$(cp) $< $@
ifeq "$(os)" "mac"
$(out_l10n_fat_dir)%/$(cat_file) : l10n/%/$(cat_file) $(out_l10n_fat_dir)%/.dir .rebuild
$(cp) $< $@
# --- Include really common rules ---
include $(LIBOMP_WORK)tools/src/
# --- Building helper tools from sources ---
.PRECIOUS: %$(exe) # Do not delete automatically created files.
%$(exe) : $(tools_dir)%.cpp .rebuild
$(cxx) $(cxx-out)$@ $<
# --- Fat libraries ---
# Every time new file is copied to $(out_lib_dir) directory we update $(out_lib_dir).rebuild file,
# so we know should we rebuild fat libraries or not.
# Note: Original implementation built fat libraries in mac_32 directory, then copied all the
# libraries from mac_32 to mac_32e directory. However, this may work wrong if exports/mac_*/lib/
# contains other libraries. So now we build fat libraries twice: in both mac_32
# and mac_32e directories.
ifeq "$(platform)" "mac_32e"
.PHONY : fat
fat : $(call _out_lib_fat_dir,mac_32).done $(call _out_lib_fat_dir,mac_32e).done
$(call _out_lib_fat_dir,mac_32).done \
$(call _out_lib_fat_dir,mac_32e).done : \
$(call _out_lib_dir,mac_32).touch \
$(call _out_lib_dir,mac_32e).touch \
$(tools_dir) \
$(call _out_lib_fat_dir,mac_32).dir $(call _out_lib_fat_dir,mac_32e).dir .rebuild
$(perl) $(tools_dir) \
--output=$(dir $@) $(call _out_lib_dir,mac_32) $(call _out_lib_dir,mac_32e)
$(touch) $@
# end of file #
@ -1,756 +0,0 @@
#// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
# Pragmas.
use strict;
use warnings;
# Standard modules.
use Data::Dumper; # Not actually used, but useful for debugging dumps.
# Enable `libomp/tools/lib/' module directory.
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
# LIBOMP modules.
use Build;
use LibOMP;
use Platform ":vars";
use Uname;
use tools;
our $VERSION = "0.017";
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Important variables.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
my $root_dir = $ENV{ LIBOMP_WORK };
my %makefiles = (
rtl => cat_file( $root_dir, "src", "" ),
timelimit => cat_file( $root_dir, "tools", "src", "timelimit", "" ),
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parse command line.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Possible options.
# * targets: comma separated list of targets the option has meaning for. For example,
# "version" option (4 or 5) has a meaning only for "rtl" target, while "mode" option has
# meaning for all targets.
# * base: If base is true this is a base option. All the possible values of base options are
# iterated if "--all" option is specified. If base is 0, this is an extra option.
# * params: A hash of possible option values. "*" denotes default option value. For example,
# if "versio" option is not specified, "--version=5" will be used implicitly.
# * suffux: Only for extra options. Subroutine returning suffix for build and output
# directories. ** When you do not want an option to be part of the suffix, set its base=2
my $opts = {
"target" => { targets => "", base => 1, parms => { map( ( $_ => "" ), keys( %makefiles ) ), rtl => "*" }, },
"version" => { targets => "rtl", base => 1, parms => { 5 => "*", 4 => "" }, },
"lib-type" => { targets => "rtl", base => 1, parms => { normal => "*", stubs => "" }, },
"link-type" => { targets => "rtl", base => 1, parms => { dynamic => "*", static => "" }, },
"mode" => { targets => "rtl,dsl,timelimit", base => 0, parms => { release => "*", diag => "", debug => "" }, suffix => sub { substr( $_[ 0 ], 0, 3 ); } },
"omp-version" => { targets => "rtl", base => 0, parms => { 40 => "", 30 => "", 41 => "*" }, suffix => sub { $_[ 0 ]; } },
"coverage" => { targets => "rtl", base => 0, parms => { off => "*", on => "" }, suffix => sub { $_[ 0 ] eq "on" ? "c1" : "c0"; } },
"stats" => { targets => "rtl", base => 0, parms => { off => "*", on => "" }, suffix => sub { $_[ 0 ] eq "on" ? "s1" : "s0"; } },
"ompt-support" => { targets => "rtl", base => 0, parms => { off => "*", on => "" }, suffix => sub { $_[ 0 ] eq "on" ? "ompt" : "" } },
"ompt-blame" => { targets => "rtl", base => 0, parms => { off => "", on => "*" }, suffix => sub { $_[ 0 ] eq "on" ? "" : "no-ompt-blame" } },
"ompt-trace" => { targets => "rtl", base => 0, parms => { off => "", on => "*" }, suffix => sub { $_[ 0 ] eq "on" ? "" : "no-ompt-trace" } },
my $synonyms = {
"debug" => [ qw{ dbg debg } ],
# This array specifies order of options to process, so it cannot be initialized with keys( %$opts ).
my @all_opts = qw{ target version lib-type link-type mode omp-version coverage stats ompt-support ompt-blame ompt-trace };
# This is the list of base options.
my @base_opts = grep( $opts->{ $_ }->{ base } == 1, @all_opts );
# This is the list of extra options.
my @extra_opts = grep( $opts->{ $_ }->{ base } == 0, @all_opts );
sub suffix($$$) {
my ( $opt, $value, $skip_if_default ) = @_;
my $suffix = "";
if ( not $skip_if_default or $value ne $opts->{ $opt }->{ dflt } ) {
$suffix = $opts->{ $opt }->{ suffix }->( $value );
}; # if
return $suffix;
}; # sub suffix
my $scuts = {}; # Shortcuts. Will help to locate proper item in $opts.
foreach my $opt ( keys( %$opts ) ) {
foreach my $parm ( keys( %{ $opts->{ $opt }->{ parms } } ) ) {
if ( $parm !~ m{\A(?:[012]|on|off)\z} ) {
$scuts->{ $parm } = $opts->{ $opt };
}; # if
if ( $opts->{ $opt }->{ parms }->{ $parm } eq "*" ) {
$opts->{ $opt }->{ dflt } = $parm;
}; # if
}; # foreach $parm
}; # foreach $opt
sub parse_option(@) {
# This function is called to process every option. $name is option name, $value is option value.
# For boolean options $value is either 1 or 0,
my ( $name, $value ) = @_;
if ( $name eq "all" or $name eq "ALL" ) {
foreach my $opt ( keys( %$opts ) ) {
if ( $opts->{ $opt }->{ base } or $name eq "ALL" ) {
foreach my $parm ( keys( %{ $opts->{ $opt }->{ parms } } ) ) {
$opts->{ $opt }->{ parms }->{ $parm } = 1;
}; # foreach $parm
}; # if
}; # foreach $opt
}; # if
if ( exists( $opts->{ $name } ) ) {
# Suppose it is option with explicit value, like "target=normal".
if ( $value eq "all" ) {
foreach my $parm ( keys( %{ $opts->{ $name }->{ parms } } ) ) {
$opts->{ $name }->{ parms }->{ $parm } = 1;
}; # foreach
} elsif ( exists( $opts->{ $name }->{ parms }->{ $value } ) ) {
$opts->{ $name }->{ parms }->{ $value } = 1;
} elsif ( $value eq "" and exists( $opts->{ $name }->{ parms }->{ on } ) ) {
$opts->{ $name }->{ parms }->{ on } = 1;
} else {
cmdline_error( "Illegal value of \"$name\" option: \"$value\"" );
}; # if
}; # if
# Ok, it is not an option with explicit value. Try to treat is as a boolean option.
if ( exists( $scuts->{ $name } ) ) {
( $value eq "1" or $value eq "0" ) or die "Internal error; stopped";
$scuts->{ $name }->{ parms }->{ $name } = $value;
}; # if
# No, it is not a valid option at all.
cmdline_error( "Illegal option: \"$name\"" );
}; # sub parse_option
my $clean = 0;
my $clean_common = 0;
my $clobber = 0;
my $test_deps = 1;
my $test_touch = 1;
my @goals;
sub synonyms($) {
my ( $opt ) = @_;
return exists( $synonyms->{ $opt } ) ? "|" . join( "|", @{ $synonyms->{ $opt } } ) : "";
}; # sub synonyms
my @specs = (
map( ( "$_" . synonyms( $_ ) . "=s" => \&parse_option ), keys( %$opts ) ),
map( ( "$_" . synonyms( $_ ) . "!" => \&parse_option ), keys( %$scuts ) ),
my $answer;
"all" => \&parse_option,
"ALL" => \&parse_option,
"answer=s" => \$answer,
"test-deps!" => \$test_deps,
"test-touch!" => \$test_touch,
"version|ver:s" =>
sub {
# It is a tricky option. It specifies library version to build and it is also a standard
# option to request tool version.
if ( $_[ 1 ] eq "" ) {
# No arguments => version request.
print( "$tool version $VERSION\n" );
exit( 0 );
} else {
# Arguments => version to build.
parse_option( @_ )
@goals = @ARGV;
if ( grep( $_ eq "clobber", @goals ) ) {
$clobber = 1;
}; # if
if ( grep( $_ eq "clean", @goals ) ) {
$clean = 1;
}; # if
# Ok, now $opts is fulfilled with 0, 1 (explicitly set by the user) and "" and "*" (original
# values). In each option at least one 1 should be present (otherwise there is nothing to build).
foreach my $opt ( keys( %$opts ) ) {
if ( not grep( $_ eq "1", values( %{ $opts->{ $opt }->{ parms } } ) ) ) {
# No explicit "1" found. Enable default choice by replacing "*" with "1".
foreach my $parm ( keys( %{ $opts->{ $opt }->{ parms } } ) ) {
if ( $opts->{ $opt }->{ parms }->{ $parm } eq "*" ) {
$opts->{ $opt }->{ parms }->{ $parm } = 1;
}; # if
}; # foreach $parm
}; # if
}; # foreach $opt
# Clear $opts. Leave only "1".
foreach my $opt ( keys( %$opts ) ) {
foreach my $parm ( keys( %{ $opts->{ $opt }->{ parms } } ) ) {
if ( $opts->{ $opt }->{ parms }->{ $parm } ne "1" ) {
delete( $opts->{ $opt }->{ parms }->{ $parm } );
}; # if
}; # foreach $parm
}; # foreach $opt
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Fill job queue.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub enqueue_jobs($$@);
sub enqueue_jobs($$@) {
my ( $jobs, $set, @rest ) = @_;
if ( @rest ) {
my $opt = shift( @rest );
if (
exists( $set->{ target } )
$opts->{ $opt }->{ targets } !~ m{(?:\A|,)$set->{ target }(?:,|\z)}
) {
# This option does not have meananing for the target,
# do not iterate, just use default value.
enqueue_jobs( $jobs, { $opt => $opts->{ $opt }->{ dflt }, %$set }, @rest );
} else {
foreach my $parm ( sort( keys( %{ $opts->{ $opt }->{ parms } } ) ) ) {
enqueue_jobs( $jobs, { $opt => $parm, %$set }, @rest );
}; # foreach $parm
}; # if
} else {
my $makefile = $makefiles{ $set->{ target } };
my @base = map( substr( $set->{ $_ }, 0, 3 ), @base_opts );
my @extra = map( suffix( $_, $set->{ $_ }, 0 ), @extra_opts );
my @ex = grep( $_ ne "", map( suffix( $_, $set->{ $_ }, 1 ), @extra_opts ) );
# Shortened version of @extra -- only non-default values.
my $suffix = ( @extra ? "." . join( ".", @extra ) : "" );
my $knights = index( $suffix, "kn" ) - 1;
if ( $target_arch !~ "mic" and $knights > 0 ) {
$suffix = substr( $suffix, 0, $knights );
my $suf = ( @ex ? "." . join( ".", @ex ) : "" );
# Shortened version of $siffix -- only non-default values.
my $build_dir = join( "-", $target_platform, join( "_", @base ) . $suffix, Uname::host_name() );
my $out_arch_dir = cat_dir( $ENV{ LIBOMP_EXPORTS }, $target_platform . $suf );
my $out_cmn_dir = cat_dir( $ENV{ LIBOMP_EXPORTS }, "common" );
makefile => $makefile,
make_args => [
"os=" . $target_os,
"arch=" . $target_arch,
"MIC_ARCH=" . $target_mic_arch,
"date=" . Build::tstr( $Build::start ),
"TEST_DEPS=" . ( $test_deps ? "on" : "off" ),
"TEST_TOUCH=" . ( $test_touch ? "on" : "off" ),
"COVERAGE=" . $set->{ coverage },
# Option "mode" controls 3 make flags:
# debug => Full debugging : diagnostics, debug info, no optimization.
# diag => Only diagnostics : diagnostics, debug info, optimization.
# release => Production build : no diagnostics, no debug info, optimization.
"DEBUG_INFO=" . ( $set->{ mode } ne "release" ? "on" : "off" ),
"DIAG=" . ( $set->{ mode } ne "release" ? "on" : "off" ),
"OPTIMIZATION=" . ( $set->{ mode } ne "debug" ? "on" : "off" ),
"LIB_TYPE=" . substr( $set->{ "lib-type" }, 0, 4 ),
"LINK_TYPE=" . substr( $set->{ "link-type" }, 0, 4 ),
"OMP_VERSION=" . $set->{ "omp-version" },
"VERSION=" . $set->{ version },
"suffix=" . $suf,
"stats=" . $set->{ stats },
"OMPT_SUPPORT=" . $set->{ "ompt-support" },
"OMPT_BLAME=" . $set->{ "ompt-blame" },
"OMPT_TRACE=" . $set->{ "ompt-trace" },
build_dir => $build_dir
); # push
}; # if
}; # sub enqueue_jobs
my @jobs;
enqueue_jobs( \@jobs, {}, @all_opts );
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do the work.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
my $exit = 0;
if ( $clobber ) {
my @dirs = ( $ENV{ LIBOMP_TMP }, $ENV{ LIBOMP_EXPORTS }, cat_dir( $root_dir, "tools", "bin" ) );
my $rc = 0;
"Clobber " . join( ", ", map( "\"" . Build::shorter( $_ ) . "\"", @dirs ) ) . " dirs? ",
if ( $answer =~ m{\Ay}i ) {
info( "Clobbering..." );
$rc = Build::clean( @dirs );
info( Build::rstr( $rc ) );
}; # if
if ( $rc != 0 ) {
$exit = 3;
}; # if
} else { # Build or clean.
if ( @jobs ) {
my $total = @jobs; # Total number of jobs.
my $n = 0; # Current job number.
Build::progress( "", "" ); # Output empty line to log file.
my $goals = join( " ", @goals );
Build::progress( "Goals", $goals eq "" ? "(all)" : $goals );
Build::progress( "Configurations", scalar( @jobs ) );
foreach my $job ( @jobs ) {
++ $n;
my $base = get_file( $job->{ build_dir } );
Build::progress( "Making", "%3d of %3d : %s", $n, $total, $base );
$job->{ rc } = Build::make( $job, $clean, sprintf( "%d/%d", $n, $total ) );
}; # my $job
my $failures = Build::summary();
if ( $failures > 0 ) {
$exit = 3;
}; # if
} else {
info( "Nothing to do." );
}; # if
}; # if
# And exit.
exit( $exit );
=head1 NAME
B<> -- Build one or more configurations of OMP RTL libraries.
B<> I<option>... [B<-->] I<make-option>... I<variable>... I<goal>...
=head1 OPTIONS
=item B<--all>
Build all base configurations.
=item B<--ALL>
Build really all configurations, including extra ones.
=item B<--answer=>I<str>
Use specified string as default answer to all questions.
=item B<--architecture=>I<arch>
Specify target architecture to build. Default is architecture of host machine. I<arch> can be C<32>,
C<32e>, C<mic>, or one of known aliases like C<IA32>.
If architecture is not specified explicitly, value of LIBOMP_ARCH environment variable is used.
If LIBOMP_ARCH is not defined, host architecture detected.
=item B<--os=>I<os>
Specify target OS. Default is OS of host machine. I<os> can be C<lin>, C<mac>, C<win>,
or one of known aliases like C<Linux>, C<WinNT>, etc.
=item B<--mic-arch=>I<arch>
Specify architecture of Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture card. Default is C<knf>. I<arch> can be C<knf>, C<knc>, C<knl>.
=item B<-->[B<no->]B<test-deps>
Enable or disable C<test-deps>. The test runs in any case, but result of disabled test is ignored.
By default, test is enabled.
=item B<-->[B<no->]B<test-touch>
Enable or disable C<test-touch>. The test runs in any case, but result of disabled test is ignored.
By default, test is enabled.
=item Base Configuration Selection Options
=item B<--target=>I<target>
Build specified target, either C<rtl> (OMP Runtime Library; default),
or C<timelimit> (program used in testing), or C<all>.
=item B<--lib-type=>I<lib>
Build specified library, either C<normal> (default), or C<stubs>, or C<all>.
=item B<--link-type=>I<type>
Build specified link type, either C<dynamic> (default) or C<all>.
=item Extra Configuration Selection Options
=item B<--cover=>I<switch>
Build for code coverage data collection. I<switch> can be C<off> (default), C<on>
or C<all>.
=item B<--mode=>I<mode>
Build library of specified I<mode>, either C<debug>, C<diag>, C<release> (default), or C<all>.
Mode controls 3 features:
feature/mode debug diag release
debug info o o
diagnostics (asserts, traces) o o
code optimization o o
=item Shortcuts
If option with C<no> prefix is used, corresponding configuration will B<not> be built.
Useful for excluding some configurations if one or more other options specified with C<all>
value (see Examples).
=item B<-->[B<no>]B<11>
Build files for compiler C<11>.
=item B<-->[B<no>]B<12>
Build files for compiler C<12>.
=item B<-->[B<no>]B<debug>
=item B<-->[B<no>]B<debg>
=item B<-->[B<no>]B<dbg>
Build debuggable library.
=item B<-->[B<no>]B<diag>
Build library with diagnostics enabled.
=item B<-->[B<no>]B<dynamic>
Build dynamic library (default).
=item B<-->[B<no>]B<normal>
Build normal library (default).
=item B<-->[B<no>]B<release>
Build release library (default).
=item B<-->[B<no>]B<rtl>
Build OMP RTL (default).
=item B<-->[B<no>]B<stubs>
Build stubs library.
=item B<-->[B<no>]B<timelimit>
Build timelimit utility program.
=item Standard Options
=item B<--doc>
=item B<--manual>
Print full help message and exit.
=item B<--help>
Print short help message and exit.
=item B<--usage>
Print very short usage message and exit.
=item B<--verbose>
Do print informational messages.
=item B<--version>
Print program version and exit.
=item B<--quiet>
Work quiet, do not print informational messages.
=item I<make-option>
Any option for makefile, for example C<-k> or C<-n>. If you pass some options to makefile, C<-->
delimiter is mandatory, otherwise C<> processes all the options internally.
=item I<variable>
Define makefile variable in form I<name>B<=>I<value>. Most makefile capabilities are
accessible through C<> options, so there is no need in defining make variables in command
=item I<goal>
Makefile goal to build (or clean).
=item B<all>
Build C<lib>, C<tests>, C<inc>.
=item B<common>
Build common (architecture-independent) files. Common files are not configuration-dependent, so
there is no point in building it for more than one configuration (thought it is harmless).
However, do not build common files on many machines simultaneously.
=item B<clean>
Delete the export files and clean build directory of configuration(s) specified by options. Note
that C<clean> goal cannot be mixed with other goals (except for C<clean-common>).
=item B<clean-common>
Delete the common files in F<exports/> directory.
=item B<clobber>
Clean F<export/> and F<tmp/> directories. If C<clobber> is specified, other goals and/or options
do not matter.
Note: Clobbering is potentialy dangerous operation, because it deletes content of directory
pointed by If C<LIBOMP_TMP> environment variable, so C<> asks a confirmation before
clobbering. To suppress the question, use option C<--answer=yes>.
=item B<fat>
C<mac_32e> only: Build fat libraries for both mac_32 and mac_32e. Should be run when C<lib>
goal is built on both C<mac_32> and C<mac_32e>.
=item I<file.o>
(Windows* OS: I<file.obj>) Build specified object file only.
=item I<file.i>
Create preprocessed source file.
=item B<force-tests>
Force performing tests.
=item B<force-test-deps>
Force performing test-deps.
=item B<force-test-instr>
Force performing test-instr.
=item B<force-test-relo>
Force performing test-relo.
=item B<force-test-touch>
Force performing test-touch.
=item B<inc>
Build Fortran include files, omp_lib.h, omp_lib.mod and omp_lib_kinds.mod.
=item B<lib>
Build library (on Windows* OS in case of dynamic linking, it also builds import library).
=item B<tests>
Perform tests: C<test-deps>, C<test-instr>, C<test-relo>, and C<test-touch>.
=item B<test-deps>
Check the library dependencies.
=item B<test-instr>
Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture only: check the library does not contain undesired instructions.
=item B<test-relo>
Linux* OS with dynamic linking only: check the library does not contain position-dependent
=item B<test-touch>
Build a very simple application with native compiler (GNU on Linux* OS and OS X*, MS
on Windows* OS), check it does not depend on C<libirc> library, and run it.
C<> constructs the name of a build directory, creates the directory if it
does not exist, changes to it, and runs make to build the goals in specified configuration.
If more than one configuration are specified in command line C<> builds them all.
Being run with C<clean> goal, C<> does not build but deletes export files and
cleans build directories of configuration specified by other options. For example,
C< --all clean> means "clean build directories for all configurations",
it does B<not> mean "clean then build all".
C<clear-common> goal deletes common files in F<exports/> directory.
Since common files are really common and not architecture and/or configuration dependent,
there are no much meaning in combining C<clear-common> with configuration selection options.
For example, C< --all clean-common> deletes the same files 13 times.
However, it does not hurt and can be used in conjunction with C<clear> goal.
C<clobber> goal instructs C<> to clean exports and all build
directories, e. g. clean everything under F<exports/> and F<tmp/> directories.
Logs are saved automatically, there is no need in explicit output redirection.
Log file for each particular configuration is named F<build.log> and located in build directory.
Summary log file (just result of each configuration) is saved in F<tmp/> directory.
Log files are never overwritten. C<> always appends output to log files.
However (obviously), C<clear> deletes log file for cleared configurations,
and C<clobber> deletes all summary log files.
=head2 Environment Variables
Specifies target architecture. If not present, host architecture is used. Environment variable may
be overriden by C<--architecture> command line option.
Specifies directory for output files. If not set, C<$LIBOMP_WORK/exports/> used by default.
=item B<LIBOMP_OS>
Specifies target OS. If not present, host OS is used. Environment variable may
be overriden by C<--os> command line option.
Directory for temporary files. C<> creates build directories there. If not set,
C<$LIBOMP_WORK/tmp/> used by default.
On Windows* OS F<tmp/> directory on local drive speeds up the build process.
Root of libomp directory tree, contains F<src/>, F<tools/>, and F<exports/> subdirs.
If not set, C<> guesses the root dir (it is a parent of dir containing C<>).
Note: Guessing it not reliable. Please set C<LIBOMP_WORK> environment variable appropriately.
=head2 Development
Build normal (performance) dynamic library for debugging:
$ --debug
Build all libraries (normal, stub; dynamic RTL) for debugging:
$ --all --debug
Do a clean build for all:
$ --all --debug clean && --all --debug
Debugging libraries are saved in F<exports/I<platform>.deb/>.
=head2 Promotion
=item 1
Clobber everything; on one machine:
$ clobber
=item 2
Build common headers, on one machine:
$ common
=item 3
Build all platform-dependent files, on all machines:
$ --all
=item 4
Build OS X* universal (fat) libraries, on C<mac_32e>:
$ fat
# end of file #
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
# LIBOMP modules.
use Build;
use LibOMP;
use Platform ":vars";
use Uname;
use tools;
my $root_dir = $ENV{ LIBOMP_WORK };
print join('', $target_platform, "/");
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
# LIBOMP modules.
use Build;
use LibOMP;
use Platform ":vars";
use Uname;
use tools;
my $root_dir = $ENV{ LIBOMP_WORK };
print join('', $root_dir, "/", "exports", "/", $target_platform, "/", "lib");
@ -1,605 +0,0 @@
#// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
# Pragmas.
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
# LIBOMP modules.
use Platform ":vars";
use tools;
our $VERSION = "0.015";
my $pedantic;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helper functions
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub run($\$\$;\$) {
my ( $cmd, $stdout, $stderr, $path ) = @_;
my ( @path, $rc );
@path = which( $cmd->[ 0 ], -all => 1 );
if ( @path > 0 ) {
if ( @path > 1 and $pedantic ) {
warning( "More than one \"$cmd->[ 0 ]\" found in PATH:", map( " $_", @path ) );
}; # if
debug( "\"$cmd->[ 0 ]\" full path is \"$path[ 0 ]\"." );
if ( defined( $path ) ) {
$$path = $path[ 0 ];
}; # if
debug( "Executing command: \"" . join ( " ", @$cmd ) . "\"." );
$rc =
-ignore_signal => 1, -ignore_status => 1,
-stdout => $stdout, -stderr => $stderr, -stdin => undef
if ( $rc < 0 ) {
warning( "Cannot run \"$cmd->[ 0 ]\": $@" );
}; # if
debug( "stdout:", $$stdout, "(eof)", "stderr:", $$stderr, "(eof)" );
} else {
warning( "No \"$cmd->[ 0 ]\" found in PATH." );
$rc = -1;
}; # if
return $rc;
}; # sub run
sub get_arch($$$) {
my ( $name, $str, $exps ) = @_;
my ( $arch, $count );
$count = 0;
foreach my $re ( keys( %$exps ) ) {
if ( $str =~ $re ) {
$arch = $exps->{ $re };
++ $count;
}; # if
}; # for
if ( $count != 1 or not Platform::canon_arch( $arch ) ) {
warning( "Cannot detect $name architecture: $str" );
return undef;
}; # if
return $arch;
}; # sub get_arch
sub encode($) {
my ( $str ) = @_;
$str =~ s{ }{_}g;
return $str;
}; # sub encode
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# get_xxx_version subroutines.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Some of get_xxx_version() subroutines accept an argument -- a tool name. For example,
# get_intel_compiler_version() can report version of C, C++, or Fortran compiler. The tool for
# report should be specified by argument, for example: get_intel_compiler_version( "ifort" ).
# get_xxx_version() subroutines returns list of one or two elements:
# 1. The first element is short tool name (like "gcc", "g++", "icl", etc).
# 2. The second element is version string.
# If returned list contain just one element, it means there is a problem with the tool.
sub get_perl_version() {
my ( $rc, $stdout, $stderr, $version );
my $tool = "perl";
my ( @ret ) = ( $tool );
$rc = run( [ $tool, "--version" ], $stdout, $stderr );
if ( $rc >= 0 ) {
# Typical perl output:
# This is perl, v5.10.0 built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi
# This is perl, v5.8.8 built for MSWin32-x64-multi-thread
# This is perl, v5.10.1 (*) built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi
if ( $stdout !~ m{^This is perl.*v(\d+\.\d+(?:\.\d+)).*built for}m ) {
warning( "Cannot parse perl output:", $stdout, "(oef)" );
}; # if
$version = $1;
if ( $target_os eq "win" ) {
if ( $stdout !~ m{Binary build (.*) provided by ActiveState } ) {
warning( "Perl is not ActiveState one" );
}; # if
}; # if
}; # if
push( @ret, $version );
return @ret;
}; # sub get_perl_version
sub get_gnu_make_version() {
my ( $rc, $stdout, $stderr, $version );
my $tool = "make";
my ( @ret ) = ( $tool );
my ( $path );
$rc = run( [ $tool, "--version" ], $stdout, $stderr, $path );
if ( $rc >= 0 ) {
# Typical make output:
# GNU Make version 3.79.1, by Richard Stallman and Roland McGrath.
# GNU Make 3.81
if ( $stdout =~ m{^GNU Make (?:version )?(\d+\.\d+(?:\.\d+)?)(?:,|\s)} ) {
$version = $1;
}; # if
if ( $target_os eq "win" and $stdout =~ m{built for ([a-z0-9-]+)} ) {
my $built_for = $1;
debug( "GNU Make built for: \"$built_for\"." );
if ( $built_for =~ m{cygwin}i ) {
warning( "\"$path\" is a Cygwin make, it is *not* suitable." );
return @ret;
}; # if
}; # if
}; # if
push( @ret, $version );
return @ret;
}; # sub get_gnu_make_version
sub get_intel_compiler_version($) {
my ( $tool ) = @_; # Tool name, like "icc", "icpc", "icl", or "ifort".
my ( @ret ) = ( $tool );
my ( $rc, $stdout, $stderr, $tool_re );
my $version;
my $ic_archs = {
qr{32-bit|IA-32} => "32",
qr{Intel\(R\) 64} => "32e",
qr{Intel\(R\) [M][I][C] Architecture} => "32e",
$tool_re = quotemeta( $tool );
$rc = run( [ $tool, ( $target_os eq "win" ? () : ( "-V" ) ) ], $stdout, $stderr );
if ( $rc < 0 ) {
return @ret;
}; # if
# Intel compiler version string is in the first line of stderr. Get it.
#$stderr =~ m{\A(.*\n?)};
# AC: Let's look for version string in the first line which contains "Intel" string.
# This allows to use 11.1 and 12.0 compilers on new MAC machines by ignoring
# huge number of warnings issued by old compilers.
$stderr =~ m{^(Intel.*)$}m;
my $vstr = $1;
my ( $apl, $ver, $bld, $pkg );
if ( 0 ) {
} elsif ( $vstr =~ m{^Intel.*?Compiler\s+(.*?),?\s+Version\s+(.*?)\s+Build\s+(\S+)(?:\s+Package ID: (\S+))?} ) {
# 9.x, 10.x, 11.0.
( $apl, $ver, $bld, $pkg ) = ( $1, $2, $3, $4 );
} elsif ( $vstr =~ m{^Intel's (.*?) Compiler,?\s+Version\s+(.*?)\s+Build\s+(\S+)} ) {
# 11.1
( $apl, $ver, $bld ) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
} else {
warning( "Cannot parse ${tool}'s stderr:", $stderr, "(eof)" );
return @ret;
}; # if
my $ic_arch = get_arch( "Intel compiler", $apl, $ic_archs );
if ( not defined( $ic_arch ) ) {
return @ret;
}; # if
if ( Platform::canon_arch( $ic_arch ) ne $target_arch and not (Platform::canon_arch($ic_arch) eq "32e" and $target_arch eq "mic" )) {
warning( "Target architecture is $target_arch, $tool for $ic_arch found." );
return @ret;
}; # if
# Normalize version.
my $stage;
$ver =~ s{\s+}{ }g;
$ver = lc( $ver );
if ( $ver =~ m{\A(\d+\.\d+(?:\.\d+)?) ([a-z]+)\a}i ) {
( $version, $stage ) = ( $1, $2 );
} else {
( $version, $stage ) = ( $ver, "" );
}; # if
# Parse package.
if ( defined( $pkg ) ) {
if ( $pkg !~ m{\A[lwm]_[a-z]+_[a-z]_(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\z}i ) {
warning( "Cannot parse Intel compiler package: $pkg" );
return @ret;
}; # if
$pkg = $1;
$version = $pkg;
}; # if
push( @ret, "$version " . ( $stage ? "$stage " : "" ) . "($bld) for $ic_arch" );
# Ok, version of Intel compiler found successfully. Now look at config file.
# Installer of Intel compiler tends to add a path to MS linker into compiler config file.
# It leads to troubles. For example, all the environment set up for MS VS 2005, but Intel
# compiler uses lnker from MS VS 2003 because it is specified in config file.
# To avoid such troubles, make sure:
# ICLCFG/IFORTCFG environment variable exists or
# compiler config file does not exist, or
# compiler config file does not specify linker.
if ( $target_os eq "win" ) {
if ( not exists( $ENV{ uc( $tool . "cfg" ) } ) ) {
# If ICLCFG/IFORTCFG environment varianle exists, everything is ok.
# Otherwise check compiler's config file.
my $path = which( $tool );
$path =~ s{\.exe\z}{}i; # Drop ".exe" suffix.
$path .= ".cfg"; # And add ".cfg" one.
if ( -f $path ) {
# If no config file exists, it is ok.
# Otherwise analyze its content.
my $bulk = read_file( $path );
$bulk =~ s{#.*\n}{}g; # Remove comments.
my @options = ( "Qvc", "Qlocation,link," );
foreach my $opt ( @options ) {
if ( $bulk =~ m{[-/]$opt} ) {
warning( "Compiler config file \"$path\" contains \"-$opt\" option." );
}; # if
}; # foreach
}; # if
}; # if
}; # if
return @ret;
}; # sub get_intel_compiler_version
sub get_gnu_compiler_version($) {
my ( $tool ) = @_;
my ( @ret ) = ( $tool );
my ( $rc, $stdout, $stderr, $version );
$rc = run( [ $tool, "--version" ], $stdout, $stderr );
if ( $rc >= 0 ) {
my ( $ver, $bld );
if ( $target_os eq "mac" ) {
# i686-apple-darwin8-gcc-4.0.1 (GCC) 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5367)
# i686-apple-darwin9-gcc-4.0.1 (GCC) 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5484)
# i686-apple-darwin11-llvm-gcc-4.2 (GCC) 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2336.9.00)
$stdout =~ m{^.*? \(GCC\) (\d+\.\d+\.\d+) \(.*Apple.*?Inc\. build (\d+)\)}m;
( $ver, $bld ) = ( $1, $2 );
} else {
if ( 0 ) {
} elsif ( $stdout =~ m{^.*? \(GCC\) (\d+\.\d+\.\d+)(?: (\d+))?}m ) {
# g++ (GCC) 3.2.3 20030502 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.3-20)
# GNU Fortran (GCC) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)
( $ver, $bld ) = ( $1, $2 );
} elsif ( $stdout =~ m{^.*? \(SUSE Linux\) (\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s+\[.*? (\d+)\]}m ) {
# gcc (SUSE Linux) 4.3.2 [gcc-4_3-branch revision 141291]
( $ver, $bld ) = ( $1, $2 );
} elsif ( $stdout =~ m{^.*? \(SUSE Linux\) (\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s+\d+\s+\[.*? (\d+)\]}m ) {
# gcc (SUSE Linux) 4.7.2 20130108 [gcc-4_7-branch revision 195012]
( $ver, $bld ) = ( $1, $2 );
} elsif ( $stdout =~ m{^.*? \((Debian|Ubuntu).*?\) (\d+\.\d+\.\d+)}m ) {
# gcc (Debian 4.7.2-22) 4.7.2
# Debian support from Sylvestre Ledru
# Thanks!
$ver = $2;
}; # if
}; # if
if ( defined( $ver ) ) {
$version = $ver . ( defined( $bld ) ? " ($bld)" : "" );
} else {
warning( "Cannot parse GNU compiler version:", $stdout, "(eof)" );
}; # if
}; # if
push( @ret, $version );
return @ret;
}; # sub get_gnu_compiler_version
sub get_clang_compiler_version($) {
my ( $tool ) = @_;
my ( @ret ) = ( $tool );
my ( $rc, $stdout, $stderr, $version );
$rc = run( [ $tool, "--version" ], $stdout, $stderr );
if ( $rc >= 0 ) {
my ( $ver, $bld );
if ( $target_os eq "mac" ) {
# Apple LLVM version 4.2 (clang-425.0.28) (based on LLVM 3.2svn)
$stdout =~ m{^.*? (\d+\.\d+) \(.*-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\)}m;
( $ver, $bld ) = ( $1, $2 );
# For custom clang versions.
if ( not defined($ver) and $stdout =~ m{^.*? (\d+\.\d+)( \((.*)\))?}m ) {
( $ver, $bld ) = ( $1, $3 );
} else {
if ( 0 ) {
} elsif ( $stdout =~ m{^.*? (\d+\.\d+)( \((.*)\))?}m ) {
# clang version 3.3 (tags/RELEASE_33/final)
( $ver, $bld ) = ( $1, $3 );
}; # if
if ( defined( $ver ) ) {
$version = $ver . ( defined( $bld ) ? " ($bld)" : "" );
} else {
warning( "Cannot parse Clang compiler version:", $stdout, "(eof)" );
}; # if
}; # if
push( @ret, $version );
return @ret;
}; # sub get_gnu_compiler_version
sub get_ms_compiler_version() {
my ( $rc, $stdout, $stderr, $version );
my $tool = "cl";
my ( @ret ) = ( $tool );
my $mc_archs = {
qr{80x86|x86} => "IA-32 architecture",
qr{AMD64|x64} => "Intel(R) 64",
$rc = run( [ $tool ], $stdout, $stderr );
if ( $rc < 0 ) {
return @ret;
}; # if
if ( $stderr !~ m{^Microsoft .* Compiler Version (.*?) for (.*)\s*$}m ) {
warning( "Cannot parse MS compiler output:", $stderr, "(eof)" );
return @ret;
}; # if
my ( $ver, $apl ) = ( $1, $2 );
if ( $ver !~ m{\A\d+(?:\.\d+)+\z} ) {
warning( "Cannot parse MS compiler version: $ver" );
return @ret;
}; # if
my $mc_arch = get_arch( "MS compiler", $apl, $mc_archs );
if ( not defined( $mc_arch ) ) {
return @ret;
}; # if
if ( Platform::canon_arch( $mc_arch ) ne $target_arch ) {
warning( "Target architecture is $target_arch, $tool for $mc_arch found" );
return @ret;
}; # if
$version = "$ver for $target_arch";
push( @ret, $version );
return @ret;
}; # sub get_ms_compiler_version
sub get_ms_linker_version() {
my ( $rc, $stdout, $stderr, $version );
my $tool = "link";
my ( @ret ) = ( $tool );
my ( $path );
$rc = run( [ $tool ], $stdout, $stderr, $path );
if ( $rc < 0 ) {
return @ret;
}; # if
if ( $stdout !~ m{^Microsoft \(R\) Incremental Linker Version (\d+(?:\.\d+)+)\s*$}m ) {
warning( "Cannot parse MS linker output:", $stdout, "(eof)" );
if ( $stderr =~ m{^link: missing operand} ) {
warning( "Seems \"$path\" is a Unix-like \"link\" program, not MS linker." );
}; # if
return @ret;
}; # if
$version = ( $1 );
push( @ret, $version );
return @ret;
}; # sub get_ms_linker_version
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "main" program.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
my $make;
my $intel = 1; # Check Intel compilers.
my $fortran = 0; # Check for corresponding Fortran compiler, ifort for intel
# gfortran for gnu
# gfortran for clang
my $clang = 0; # Check Clang Compilers.
my $intel_compilers = {
"lin" => { c => "icc", cpp => "icpc", f => "ifort" },
"mac" => { c => "icc", cpp => "icpc", f => "ifort" },
"win" => { c => "icl", cpp => undef, f => "ifort" },
my $gnu_compilers = {
"lin" => { c => "gcc", cpp => "g++", f => "gfortran" },
"mac" => { c => "gcc", cpp => "g++", f => "gfortran" },
my $clang_compilers = {
"lin" => { c => "clang", cpp => "clang++" },
"mac" => { c => "clang", cpp => "clang++" },
"intel!" => \$intel,
"fortran" => \$fortran,
"clang" => \$clang,
"make" => \$make,
"pedantic" => \$pedantic,
my @versions;
push( @versions, [ "Perl", get_perl_version() ] );
push( @versions, [ "GNU Make", get_gnu_make_version() ] );
if ( $intel ) {
my $ic = $intel_compilers->{ $target_os };
push( @versions, [ "Intel C Compiler", get_intel_compiler_version( $ic->{ c } ) ] );
if ( defined( $ic->{ cpp } ) ) {
# If Intel C++ compiler has a name different from C compiler, check it as well.
push( @versions, [ "Intel C++ Compiler", get_intel_compiler_version( $ic->{ cpp } ) ] );
}; # if
# fortran check must be explicitly specified on command line with --fortran
if ( $fortran ) {
if ( defined( $ic->{ f } ) ) {
push( @versions, [ "Intel Fortran Compiler", get_intel_compiler_version( $ic->{ f } ) ] );
}; # if
}; # if
if ( $target_os eq "lin" or $target_os eq "mac" ) {
# check for clang/gnu tools because touch-test.c is compiled with them.
if ( $clang or $target_os eq "mac" ) { # OS X* >= 10.9 discarded GNU compilers.
push( @versions, [ "Clang C Compiler", get_clang_compiler_version( $clang_compilers->{ $target_os }->{ c } ) ] );
push( @versions, [ "Clang C++ Compiler", get_clang_compiler_version( $clang_compilers->{ $target_os }->{ cpp } ) ] );
} else {
push( @versions, [ "GNU C Compiler", get_gnu_compiler_version( $gnu_compilers->{ $target_os }->{ c } ) ] );
push( @versions, [ "GNU C++ Compiler", get_gnu_compiler_version( $gnu_compilers->{ $target_os }->{ cpp } ) ] );
# if intel fortran has been checked then gnu fortran is unnecessary
# also, if user specifies clang as build compiler, then gfortran is assumed fortran compiler
if ( $fortran and not $intel ) {
push( @versions, [ "GNU Fortran Compiler", get_gnu_compiler_version( $gnu_compilers->{ $target_os }->{ f } ) ] );
if ( $target_os eq "win" ) {
push( @versions, [ "MS C/C++ Compiler", get_ms_compiler_version() ] );
push( @versions, [ "MS Linker", get_ms_linker_version() ] );
}; # if
my $count = 0;
foreach my $item ( @versions ) {
my ( $title, $tool, $version ) = @$item;
if ( not defined( $version ) ) {
$version = "--- N/A ---";
++ $count;
}; # if
if ( $make ) {
printf( "%s=%s\n", encode( $tool ), encode( $version ) );
} else {
printf( "%-25s: %s\n", $title, $version );
}; # if
}; # foreach
exit( $count == 0 ? 0 : 1 );
=head1 NAME
B<> -- Check development tools availability and versions.
B<> I<OPTION>...
=head1 OPTIONS
=item B<--make>
Produce output suitable for using in makefile: short tool names (e. g. "icc" instead of "Intel C
Compiler"), spaces in version strings replaced with underscores.
=item Tools selection
=item B<-->[B<no->]B<-gnu-fortran>
Check GNU Fortran compiler. By default, it is not checked.
=item B<-->[B<no->]B<intel>
Check Intel C, C++ and Fortran compilers. This is default.
=item Platform selection
=item B<--architecture=>I<str>
Specify target architecture. Used in cross-builds, for example when building 32-bit applications on
Intel(R) 64 machine.
If architecture is not specified explicitly, value of LIBOMP_ARCH environment variable is used.
If LIBOMP_ARCH is not defined, host architecture detected.
=item B<--os=>I<str>
Specify target OS name. Used in cross-builds, for example when building Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture applications on
Windows* OS.
If OS is not specified explicitly, value of LIBOMP_OS environment variable is used.
If LIBOMP_OS is not defined, host OS detected.
=head2 Standard Options
=item B<--doc>
=item B<--manual>
Print full help message and exit.
=item B<--help>
Print short help message and exit.
=item B<--usage>
Print very short usage message and exit.
=item B<--verbose>
Do print informational messages.
=item B<--version>
Print version and exit.
=item B<--quiet>
Work quiet, do not print informational messages.
This script checks availability and versions of development tools. By default, the script checks:
Perl, GNU Make, Intel compilers, GNU C and C++ compilers (Linux* OS and OS X*),
Microsoft C/C++ compiler and linker (Windows* OS).
The sript prints nice looking table or machine-readable strings.
=head2 EXIT
=item *
0 -- All programs found.
=item *
1 -- Some of tools are not found.
Perl : 5.8.0
GNU Make : 3.79.1
Intel C Compiler : 11.0 (20080930) for 32e
Intel C++ Compiler : 11.0 (20080930) for 32e
Intel Fortran Compiler : 10.1.008 (20070913) for 32e
GNU C Compiler : 3.2.3 (20030502)
GNU C++ Compiler : 3.2.3 (20030502)
> --make
# end of file #
@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
#// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
ifndef omp_os
# Windows sets environment variable OS; for other systems, ask uname
ifeq ($(OS),)
OS:=$(shell uname)
ifeq ($(OS),)
$(error "Cannot detect operating system")
export omp_os=$(OS)
ifeq ($(OS), Windows_NT)
export omp_os=windows
ifeq ($(OS), Linux)
export omp_os=linux
ifeq ($(OS), FreeBSD)
export omp_os=freebsd
ifeq ($(OS), Darwin)
export omp_os=macos
endif # !omp_os
# Compiling for the Intel(R) Many Integrated Core architecture is non-trivial at the next layer
# of script down, but we can make it consistent here.
ifneq "$(filter knf knc knl, $(arch))" ""
# I really do mean this...
# have top-level arch=mic and then mic_arch = flavor of mic
override mic_arch:=$(arch)
override arch:=mic
override mic:=yes
ifeq "$(arch)" "mic"
# default flavor of mic is knc
override mic:=yes
override mic:=no
ifeq (,$(wildcard $(omp_root)/tools/$(omp_os).inc))
$(error "$(omp_os)" is not supported. Add tools/$(omp_os).inc file with os-specific settings )
# detect arch and runtime versions, provide common host-specific definitions
include $(omp_root)/tools/$(omp_os).inc
ifeq ($(arch),)
$(error Architecture not detected)
# Setting defaults
ifeq "$(filter 32 32e 64 mic,$(arch))" ""
ifeq "$(omp_os)" "windows"
ifneq "$(mic)" "no"
ifeq "$(compiler)" "gcc"
$(error Compiling the runtime with gcc is not supported on Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture)
# Add Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture kind (knf, knc, knl, etc.)
build_args += --mic-arch=$(mic_arch)
# Check that the binutils for Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture are available
# First we see whether the objdump on the user's path supports the k1om architecture.
hask1om = $(shell if (x86_64-k1om-linux-objdump --help | grep -s k1om); then echo OK; else echo KO; fi)
ifneq "$(hask1om)" "OK"
# Appropriate binutils are not already set up, so try to add them from the default place.
micBinPath = /usr/linux-k1om-4.7/bin
micBinPresent = $(shell if test -d $(micBinPath); then echo OK; else echo KO; fi)
ifneq "$(micBinPresent)" "OK"
# We can't find them in the normal place, so complain.
$(error Compiling for Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture requires that the cross-hosted binutils are available in $(micBinPath).\
See the Tools tab at
export PATH := $(micBinPath):${PATH}
# number of parallel build jobs
export BUILD_COMPILER := $(compiler)
@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
#// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
use tools;
our $VERSION = "0.005";
my $name_rexp = qr{[A-Za-z_]+[A-Za-z0-9_]*};
my $keyword_rexp = qr{if|else|end|omp};
sub error($$$) {
my ( $input, $msg, $bulk ) = @_;
my $pos = pos( $$bulk );
$$bulk =~ m{^(.*?)\G(.*?)$}m or die "Internal error";
my ( $pre, $post ) = ( $1, $2 );
my $n = scalar( @{ [ substr( $$bulk, 0, $pos ) =~ m{\n}g ] } ) + 1;
runtime_error( "\"$input\" line $n: $msg:", ">>> " . $pre . "--[HERE]-->" . $post );
}; # sub error
sub evaluate($$$\$) {
my ( $expr, $strict, $input, $bulk ) = @_;
my $value;
{ # Signal handler will be restored on exit from this block.
# In case of "use strict; use warnings" eval issues warnings to stderr. This direct
# output may confuse user, so we need to catch it and prepend with our info.
local $SIG{ __WARN__ } = sub { die @_; };
$value =
"package __EXPAND_VARS__;\n" .
( $strict ? "use strict; use warnings;\n" : "no strict; no warnings;\n" ) .
if ( $@ ) {
# Drop location information -- increasing eval number and constant "line 3"
# is useless for the user.
$@ =~ s{ at \(eval \d+\) line \d+}{}g;
$@ =~ s{\s*\z}{};
error( $input, "Cannot evaluate expression \"\${{$expr}}\": $@", $bulk );
}; # if
if ( $strict and not defined( $value ) ) {
error( $input, "Substitution value is undefined", $bulk );
}; # if
return $value;
}; # sub evaluate
# Parse command line.
my ( @defines, $input, $output, $strict );
"D|define=s" => \@defines,
"strict!" => \$strict,
if ( @ARGV < 2 ) {
cmdline_error( "Not enough argument" );
}; # if
if ( @ARGV > 2 ) {
cmdline_error( "Too many argument(s)" );
}; # if
( $input, $output ) = @ARGV;
foreach my $define ( @defines ) {
my ( $equal, $name, $value );
$equal = index( $define, "=" );
if ( $equal < 0 ) {
$name = $define;
$value = "";
} else {
$name = substr( $define, 0, $equal );
$value = substr( $define, $equal + 1 );
}; # if
if ( $name eq "" ) {
cmdline_error( "Illegal definition: \"$define\": variable name should not be empty." );
}; # if
if ( $name !~ m{\A$name_rexp\z} ) {
"Illegal definition: \"$define\": " .
"variable name should consist of alphanumeric characters."
}; # if
eval( "\$__EXPAND_VARS__::$name = \$value;" );
if ( $@ ) {
die( "Internal error: $@" );
}; # if
}; # foreach $define
# Do the work.
my $bulk;
# Read input file.
$bulk = read_file( $input );
# Do the replacements.
$bulk =~
my $value;
if ( defined( $1 ) ) {
# Keyword. Leave it as is.
$value = "\$$1";
} elsif ( defined( $2 ) ) {
# Variable to expand.
my $name = $2;
$value = eval( "\$__EXPAND_VARS__::$name" );
if ( $@ ) {
die( "Internal error" );
}; # if
if ( $strict and not defined( $value ) ) {
error( $input, "Variable \"\$$name\" not defined", \$bulk );
}; # if
} else {
# Perl code to evaluate.
my $expr = $3;
$value = evaluate( $expr, $strict, $input, $bulk );
}; # if
# Process conditionals.
# Dirty patch! Nested conditionals not supported!
# TODO: Implement nested constructs.
$bulk =~
s{^\$if +([^\n]*) *\n(.*\n)\$else *\n(.*\n)\$end *\n}
my ( $expr, $then_part, $else_part ) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
my $value = evaluate( $expr, $strict, $input, $bulk );
if ( $value ) {
$value = $then_part;
} else {
$value = $else_part;
}; # if
# Write output.
write_file( $output, \$bulk );
exit( 0 );
=head1 NAME
B<> -- Simple text preprocessor.
B<> I<OPTION>... I<input> I<output>
=head1 OPTIONS
=item B<-D> I<name>[B<=>I<value>]
=item B<--define=>I<name>[B<=>I<value>]
Define variable.
=item B<--strict>
In strict mode, the script issues error on using undefined variables and executes Perl code
with C<use strict; use warnings;> pragmas.
=head2 Standard Options
=item B<--doc>
=item B<--manual>
Print full help message and exit.
=item B<--help>
Print short help message and exit.
=item B<--usage>
Print very short usage message and exit.
=item B<--verbose>
Do print informational messages.
=item B<--version>
Print version and exit.
=item B<--quiet>
Work quiet, do not print informational messages.
=item I<input>
Input file name.
=item I<output>
Output file name.
This script reads input file, makes substitutes and writes output file.
There are two form of substitutes:
=item Variables
Variables are referenced in input file in form:
Name of variable should consist of alphanumeric characters (Latin letters, digits, and underscores).
Variables are defined in command line with C<-D> or C<--define> options.
=item Perl Code
Perl code is specified in input file in form:
${{ ...code... }}
The code is evaluated, and is replaced with its result. Note: in strict mode, you should declare
variable before use. See examples.
Replace occurrences of C<$year>, C<$month>, and C<$day> in C<input.txt> file with C<2007>, C<09>, C<01>
respectively and write result to C<output.txt> file:
$ cat input.var
Today is $year-$month-$day.
$ -D year=2007 -D month=09 -D day=01 input.var output.txt && cat output.txt
Today is 2007-09-01.
Using Perl code:
$ cat input.var
${{ localtime(); }}
$ -D year=2007 -D month=09 -D day=01 input.var output.txt && cat output.txt
Now Tue May 5 20:54:13 2009
Using strict mode for catching bugs:
$ cat input.var
${{ "year : " . substr( $date, 0, 4 ); }}
$ input.var output.txt && cat output.txt
year :
Oops, why it does not print year? Let us use strict mode:
$ --strict input.var output.txt && cat output.txt
|||| (x) "test.var": Cannot evaluate expression "${{ "year : " . substr( $date, 0, 4 ); }}": Global symbol "$date" requires explicit package name
Ok, variable is not defined. Let us define it:
$ --strict -D date=20090501 input.var output.txt && cat output.txt
|||| (x) "test.var": Cannot evaluate expression "${{ "year : " . substr( $date, 0, 4 ); }}": Variable "$date" is not imported
What is wrong? Variable should be declared:
$ cat input.var
${{ our $date; "year : " . substr( $date, 0, 4 ); }}
$ --strict -D date=20090501 input.var output.txt && cat output.txt
year : 2009
# end of file #
@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
#// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Glob ":glob";
use File::Temp;
use Cwd;
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
use tools;
use Uname;
use Platform ":vars";
our $VERSION = "0.005";
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Subroutines.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub windows {
my ( $arch, $output, @args ) = @_;
my %files;
# TODO: Check the archives are of specified architecture.
foreach my $arg ( @args ) {
foreach my $archive ( bsd_glob( $arg ) ) {
info( "Processing \"$archive\"..." );
my $bulk;
execute( [ "lib.exe", "/nologo", "/list", $archive ], -stdout => \$bulk );
my @members = split( "\n", $bulk );
foreach my $member ( @members ) {
my $file = get_file( $member );
my $path = cat_file( $output, $file );
if ( exists( $files{ $file } ) ) {
"Extraction \"$file\" member from \"$archive\" archive failed:",
"\"$file\" member has already been extracted from \"$files{ $file }\" archive"
}; # if
$files{ $file } = $archive;
info( " Writing \"$path\"..." );
execute( [ "lib.exe", "/nologo", "/extract:" . $member, "/out:" . $path, $archive ] );
}; # foreach $member
}; # foreach $archive
}; # foreach $arg
}; # sub windows
sub linux {
my ( $arch, $output, @archives ) = @_;
# TODO: Check the archives are of specified architecture.
my $cwd = Cwd::cwd();
change_dir( $output );
foreach my $archive ( @archives ) {
info( "Processing \"$archive\"..." );
my $path = abs_path( $archive, $cwd );
execute( [ "ar", "xo", $path ] );
}; # foreach $archive
change_dir( $cwd );
}; # sub linux
my %mac_arch = (
"32" => "i386",
"32e" => "x86_64"
sub darwin {
my ( $arch, $output, @archives ) = @_;
my $cwd = getcwd();
change_dir( $output );
if ( defined( $arch ) ) {
if ( not defined( $mac_arch{ $arch } ) ) {
runtime_error( "Architecture \"$arch\" is not a valid one for OS X*" );
}; # if
$arch = $mac_arch{ $arch };
}; # if
foreach my $archive ( @archives ) {
info( "Processing \"$archive\"..." );
my $path = abs_path( $archive, $cwd );
my $temp;
# Whether archive is a fat or thin?
my $bulk;
execute( [ "file", $path ], -stdout => \$bulk );
if ( $bulk =~ m{Mach-O universal binary} ) {
# Archive is fat, extracy thin archive first.
if ( not defined( $arch ) ) {
"\"$archive\" archive is universal binary, " .
"please specify architecture to work with"
}; # if
( undef, $temp ) = File::Temp::tempfile();
execute( [ "libtool", "-static", "-arch_only", $arch, "-o", $temp, $path ] );
$path = $temp;
}; # if
execute( [ "ar", "xo", $path ] ); # Extract members.
if ( defined( $temp ) ) { # Delete temp file, if any.
del_file( $temp );
}; # if
}; # foreach $archive
change_dir( $cwd );
}; # sub darwin
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parse command line.
my $output = ".";
my @args;
"o|output-directory=s" => \$output,
@args = @ARGV;
if ( not -e $output ) {
runtime_error( "Output directory \"$output\" does not exist" );
}; # if
if ( not -d $output ) {
runtime_error( "\"$output\" is not a directory" );
}; # if
if ( not -w $output ) {
runtime_error( "Output directory \"$output\" is not writable" );
}; # if
if ( $target_os eq "win" ) {
*process = \&windows;
} elsif ( $target_os eq "lin") {
*process = \&linux;
} elsif ( $target_os eq "mac" ) {
*process = \&darwin;
} else {
runtime_error( "OS \"$target_os\" not supported" );
}; # if
# Do the work.
process( $target_arch, $output, @args );
exit( 0 );
=head1 NAME
B<> -- Extract all object files from static library.
B<> I<option>... I<archive>...
=head1 OPTIONS
=item B<--architecture=>I<arch>
Specify architecture to work with. The option is mandatory on OS X* in case of universal archive.
In other cases the option should not be used. I<arch> may be one of C<32> or C<32e>.
=item B<--os=>I<str>
Specify OS name. By default OS is autodetected.
Depending on OS, B<> uses different external tools for handling static
libraries: F<ar> (in case of "lin" and "mac") or F<lib.exe> (in case of "win").
=item B<--output-directory=>I<dir>
Specify directory to write extracted members to. Current directory is used by default.
=item B<--help>
Print short help message and exit.
=item B<--doc>
=item B<--manual>
Print full documentation and exit.
=item B<--quiet>
Do not print information messages.
=item B<--version>
Print version and exit.
=item I<archive>
A name of archive file (static library). Multiple archives may be specified.
The script extracts all the members (object files) from archive (static library) to specified
directory. Commands to perform this action differ on different OSes. On Linux* OS, simple command
ar xo libfile.a
is enough (in case of extracting files to current directory).
On OS X*, it is a bit compilicated with universal ("fat") binaries -- C<ar> cannot
operate on fat archives, so "thin" archive should be extracted from the universal binary first.
On Windows* OS, library manager (C<lib.exe>) can extract only one object file, so operation should be
repeated for every object file in the library.
B<> detects OS automatically. But detection can be overrided with B<--os> option.
It may be helpful in cross-build environments.
B<> effectively encapsulates all these details and provides uniform way for
extracting object files from static libraries, which helps to keep makefiles simple and clean.
Extract object files from library F<libirc.lib>, and put them into F<obj/> directory:
$ --output=obj libirc.lib
Extract object files from library F<libirc.a>. Use Linux* OS tools (F<ar>), even if run on another OS:
$ --os=lin libirc.a
Extract object files from library F<libirc.a>, if it is a OS X* universal binary, use i386
architecture. Be quiet:
$ --quiet --arch=i386 libirc.a
# end of file #
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
#// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
include tools/
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
#// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
####### Detections and Commands ###############################################
ifndef arch
uname_m:=$(shell uname -m)
ifeq ($(uname_m),i686)
export arch:=32
ifeq ($(uname_m),x86_64)
export arch:=32e
ifndef arch
export arch:=$(uname_m)
CMD=sh -c
CWD=$(shell pwd)
RM?=rm -f
RMR?=rm -rf
MD?=mkdir -p
NUL= /dev/null
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
#// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
####### Detections and Commands ###############################################
ifndef arch
ifeq ($(shell /usr/sbin/sysctl -n hw.machine),Power Macintosh)
ifeq ($(shell /usr/sbin/sysctl -n hw.optional.64bitops),1)
export arch:=ppc64
export arch:=ppc32
ifeq ($(shell /usr/sbin/sysctl -n hw.optional.x86_64 2>/dev/null),1)
export arch:=intel64
export arch:=ia32
CWD=$(shell pwd)
RM?=rm -f
RMR?=rm -rf
MD?=mkdir -p
NUL= /dev/null
@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
#// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Dir;
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
use tools;
our $VERSION = "0.003";
# Subroutines.
sub check_dir($$) {
# Make sure a directory is a readable directory.
my ( $dir, $type ) = @_;
-e $dir or runtime_error( "Directory \"$dir\" does not exist" );
-d $dir or runtime_error( "\"$dir\" is not a directory" );
-r $dir or runtime_error( "Directory \"$dir\" is not readable" );
}; # sub check_dir
sub read_dir($) {
# Return list of files (not subdirectories) of specified directory.
my ( $dir ) = @_;
my $handle;
my $entry;
my @files;
$handle = IO::Dir->new( $dir ) or runtime_error( "Cannot open \"$dir\" directory: $!" );
while ( $entry = $handle->read() ) {
my $path = "$dir/$entry";
if ( $entry !~ m{\A\.} and -f $path ) {
push( @files, $entry );
}; # if
}; # while
@files = sort( @files );
return @files;
}; # sub read_dir
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main program.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parse command line.
my @dirs; # List of input directories.
my @files; # List of files.
my $output; # Output directory.
"output=s" => \$output
@ARGV == 0 and cmdline_error( "No input directories specified" );
# Check input and output directories.
# Make shure there is no duplicated directories.
my %dirs;
$dirs{ $output } = "";
foreach my $dir ( @ARGV ) {
if ( exists( $dirs{ $dir } ) ) {
cmdline_error( "Directory \"$dir\" has already been specified" );
}; # if
$dirs{ $dir } = "";
push( @dirs, $dir );
}; # foreach $dir
undef( %dirs );
# Make sure all dirs are exist, dirs, and readable.
check_dir( $output, "output" );
foreach my $dir ( @dirs ) {
check_dir( $dir, "input" );
}; # foreach $dir
# All input dirs should contain exactly the same list of files.
my @errors;
@files = read_dir( $dirs[ 0 ] );
foreach my $dir ( @dirs ) {
my %files = map( ( $_ => 0 ), @files );
foreach my $file ( read_dir( $dir ) ) {
if ( not exists( $files{ $file } ) ) {
push( @errors, "Extra file: `" . cat_file( $dir, $file ) . "'." );
}; # if
$files{ $file } = 1;
}; # foreach $file
foreach my $file ( keys( %files ) ) {
if ( $files{ $file } == 0 ) {
push( @errors, "Missed file: `" . cat_file( $dir, $file ) . "'." );
}; # if
}; # foreach $file
}; # foreach $dir
if ( @errors ) {
runtime_error( @errors );
}; # if
# Make fat binaries.
foreach my $file ( sort( @files ) ) {
info( "Making \"$file\"..." );
my $output_file = cat_file( $output, $file );
del_file( $output_file );
"-output", $output_file,
map( cat_file( $_, $file ), @dirs )
}; # foreach $entry
exit( 0 );
=head1 NAME
B<> -- Make set of fat (universal) binaries.
=head1 OPTIONS
=item B<--output=>I<DIR>
Name of output directory to place fat binaries to. Directory must exist and be writable.
=item Standard Options
=item B<--doc>
=item B<--manual>
Print full help message and exit.
=item B<--help>
Print short help message and exit.
=item B<--usage>
Print very short usage message and exit.
=item B<--verbose>
Do print informational messages.
=item B<--version>
Print program version and exit.
=item B<--quiet>
Work quiet, do not print informational messages.
=item I<INPUT_DIR>
Name of input directory to get thin files from. Directory must exist and be readable. At least one
directory required.
The script creates set of Mac-O fat (universal, multi-architecture) binaries from set of thin
(single-architecture) files.
The scripts reads files from input directory (or directoriers). It is assumed that one input
directory keeps files for one architecture (e. g. i386), another directory contains files for
another architecture (e. g. x86_64), etc. All input directories must contain the same set of files.
The script issues an error if sets of files in input directories differ.
If the script finishes successfully, output directory will contain the set universal binaries
built from files with the same name in input directories.
Get thin binaries from C<mac_32.thin/> and C<mac_32e.thin/> directories, and put fat binaries to
C<mac.fat/> directory:
$ --output=mac.fat mac_32.thin mac_32e.thin
# end of file #
@ -1,520 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <strstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
typedef std::string string_t;
typedef std::vector< string_t > strings_t;
typedef std::map< string_t, string_t > str_hash_t;
typedef std::pair< string_t, string_t > str_pair_t;
#ifdef _WIN32
typedef long long int64_t;
shift( strings_t & strs ) {
string_t first = strs.front();
strs.erase( strs.begin() );
return first;
} // shift
str_hash_t const & hash,
string_t const & key
) {
string_t value;
str_hash_t::const_iterator it = hash.find( key );
if ( it != hash.end() ) {
value = it->second;
}; // if
return value;
} // find
void die( string_t const & message ) {
std::cerr << message << std::endl;
exit( 1 );
} // die
void stop( string_t const & message ) {
printf( "%s\n", message.c_str() );
exit( 1 );
// An entry in the symbol table of a .obj file.
struct symbol_t {
long long name;
unsigned value;
unsigned short section_num;
unsigned short type;
char storage_class;
char nAux;
}; // struct symbol_t
class _rstream_t : public std::istrstream {
const char * buf;
_rstream_t( pair< const char *, streamsize > p )
: istrstream( p.first, p.second ), buf( p.first )
~_rstream_t() {
delete [] buf;
}; // class _rstream_t
/* A stream encapuslating the content of a file or the content of a string, overriding the
>> operator to read various integer types in binary form, as well as a symbol table
class rstream_t : public _rstream_t {
template< typename type_t >
inline rstream_t & do_read( type_t & x ) {
read( (char*) & x, sizeof( type_t ) );
return * this;
static pair<const char*, streamsize> getBuf(const char *fileName) {
ifstream raw(fileName,ios::binary | ios::in);
stop("rstream.getBuf: Error opening file");
streampos fileSize = raw.tellg();
if(fileSize < 0)
stop("rstream.getBuf: Error reading file");
char *buf = new char[fileSize];
||||, fileSize);
return pair<const char*, streamsize>(buf,fileSize);
// construct from a string
rstream_t( const char * buf, streamsize size ) :
_rstream_t( pair< const char *, streamsize >( buf, size ) )
/* construct from a file whole content is fully read once to initialize the content of
this stream
rstream_t( string_t const & fileName )
: _rstream_t( getBuf( fileName.c_str() ) )
rstream_t & operator >>( int & x ) {
return do_read(x);
rstream_t & operator >>(unsigned &x) {
return do_read(x);
rstream_t & operator>>(short &x) {
return do_read(x);
rstream_t & operator>>(unsigned short &x) {
return do_read(x);
rstream_t & operator>>( symbol_t & e ) {
read((char*)&e, 18);
return *this;
}; // class rstream_t
// string table in a .OBJ file
class StringTable {
map<string, unsigned> directory;
size_t length;
char *data;
// make <directory> from <length> bytes in <data>
void makeDirectory(void) {
unsigned i = 4;
while(i < length) {
string s = string(data + i);
directory.insert(make_pair(s, i));
i += s.size() + 1;
// initialize <length> and <data> with contents specified by the arguments
void init(const char *_data) {
unsigned _length = *(unsigned*)_data;
if(_length < sizeof(unsigned) || _length != *(unsigned*)_data)
stop("StringTable.init: Invalid symbol table");
if(_data[_length - 1]) {
// to prevent runaway strings, make sure the data ends with a zero
data = new char[length = _length + 1];
data[_length] = 0;
} else {
data = new char[length = _length];
*(unsigned*)data = length;
memcpy( data + sizeof(unsigned), _data + sizeof(unsigned), length - sizeof(unsigned) );
StringTable( rstream_t & f ) {
/* Construct string table by reading from f.
streampos s;
unsigned strSize;
char *strData;
s = f.tellg();
if(strSize < sizeof(unsigned))
stop("StringTable: Invalid string table");
strData = new char[strSize];
*(unsigned*)strData = strSize;
// read the raw data into <strData>
|||| + sizeof(unsigned), strSize - sizeof(unsigned));
s = f.tellg() - s;
if(s < strSize)
stop("StringTable: Unexpected EOF");
StringTable(const set<string> &strings) {
/* Construct string table from given strings.
char *p;
set<string>::const_iterator it;
size_t s;
// count required size for data
for(length = sizeof(unsigned), it = strings.begin(); it != strings.end(); ++it) {
size_t l = (*it).size();
if(l > (unsigned) 0xFFFFFFFF)
stop("StringTable: String too long");
if(l > 8) {
length += l + 1;
if(length > (unsigned) 0xFFFFFFFF)
stop("StringTable: Symbol table too long");
data = new char[length];
*(unsigned*)data = length;
// populate data and directory
for(p = data + sizeof(unsigned), it = strings.begin(); it != strings.end(); ++it) {
const string &str = *it;
size_t l = str.size();
if(l > 8) {
directory.insert(make_pair(str, p - data));
memcpy(p, str.c_str(), l);
p[l] = 0;
p += l + 1;
~StringTable() {
delete[] data;
/* Returns encoding for given string based on this string table.
Error if string length is greater than 8 but string is not in
the string table--returns 0.
int64_t encode(const string &str) {
int64_t r;
if(str.size() <= 8) {
// encoded directly
((char*)&r)[7] = 0;
strncpy((char*)&r, str.c_str(), 8);
return r;
} else {
// represented as index into table
map<string,unsigned>::const_iterator it = directory.find(str);
if(it == directory.end())
stop("StringTable::encode: String now found in string table");
((unsigned*)&r)[0] = 0;
((unsigned*)&r)[1] = (*it).second;
return r;
/* Returns string represented by x based on this string table.
Error if x references an invalid position in the table--returns
the empty string.
string decode(int64_t x) const {
if(*(unsigned*)&x == 0) {
// represented as index into table
unsigned &p = ((unsigned*)&x)[1];
if(p >= length)
stop("StringTable::decode: Invalid string table lookup");
return string(data + p);
} else {
// encoded directly
char *p = (char*)&x;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 8 && p[i]; ++i);
return string(p, i);
void write(ostream &os) {
os.write(data, length);
string_t const & src, // Name of source file.
string_t const & dst, // Name of destination file.
str_hash_t const & redefs // List of redefinititions.
) {
set< string > strings; // set of all occurring symbols, appropriately prefixed
streampos fileSize;
size_t strTabStart;
unsigned symTabStart;
unsigned symNEntries;
int i;
string const error_reading = "Error reading \"" + src + "\" file: ";
rstream_t in( src );
in.seekg( 0, ios::end );
fileSize = in.tellg();
in.seekg( 8 );
in >> symTabStart >> symNEntries;
strTabStart = symTabStart + 18 * size_t( symNEntries );
in.seekg( strTabStart );
if ( in.eof() ) {
stop( error_reading + "Unexpected end of file" );
StringTable stringTableOld( in ); // Read original string table.
if ( in.tellg() != fileSize ) {
stop( error_reading + "Unexpected data after string table" );
// compute set of occurring strings with prefix added
for ( i = 0; i < symNEntries; ++ i ) {
symbol_t e;
in.seekg( symTabStart + i * 18 );
if ( in.eof() ) {
stop("hideSymbols: Unexpected EOF");
in >> e;
if ( ) {
stop("hideSymbols: File read error");
if ( e.nAux ) {
i += e.nAux;
const string & s = stringTableOld.decode( );
// if symbol is extern and found in <hide>, prefix and insert into strings,
// otherwise, just insert into strings without prefix
string_t name = find( redefs, s );
strings.insert( name != "" && e.storage_class == 2 ? name : s );
ofstream out( dst.c_str(), ios::trunc | ios::out | ios::binary );
if ( ! out.is_open() ) {
stop("hideSymbols: Error opening output file");
// make new string table from string set
StringTable stringTableNew = StringTable( strings );
// copy input file to output file up to just before the symbol table
in.seekg( 0 );
char * buf = new char[ symTabStart ];
|||| buf, symTabStart );
out.write( buf, symTabStart );
delete [] buf;
// copy input symbol table to output symbol table with name translation
for ( i = 0; i < symNEntries; ++ i ) {
symbol_t e;
in.seekg( symTabStart + i * 18 );
if ( in.eof() ) {
stop("hideSymbols: Unexpected EOF");
in >> e;
if ( ) {
stop("hideSymbols: File read error");
const string & s = stringTableOld.decode( );
out.seekp( symTabStart + i * 18 );
string_t name = find( redefs, s );
|||| = stringTableNew.encode( ( e.storage_class == 2 && name != "" ) ? name : s );
out.write( (char*) & e, 18 );
if ( ) {
stop( "hideSymbols: File write error" );
if ( e.nAux ) {
// copy auxiliary symbol table entries
int nAux = e.nAux;
for (int j = 1; j <= nAux; ++j ) {
in >> e;
out.seekp( symTabStart + ( i + j ) * 18 );
out.write( (char*) & e, 18 );
i += nAux;
// output string table
stringTableNew.write( out );
split( string_t const & str, char ch, string_t & head, string_t & tail ) {
string_t::size_type pos = str.find( ch );
if ( pos == string_t::npos ) {
head = str;
tail = "";
} else {
head = str.substr( 0, pos );
tail = str.substr( pos + 1 );
}; // if
} // split
void help() {
<< "NAME\n"
<< " objcopy -- copy and translate object files\n"
<< "\n"
<< " objcopy options... source destination\n"
<< "\n"
<< "OPTIONS\n"
<< " --help Print this help and exit.\n"
<< " --redefine-sym old=new\n"
<< " Rename \"old\" symbol in source object file to \"new\" symbol in\n"
<< " destination object file.\n"
<< " --redefine-syms sym_file\n"
<< " For each pair \"old new\" in sym_file rename \"old\" symbol in \n"
<< " source object file to \"new\" symbol in destination object file.\n"
<< "\n"
<< " source The name of source object file.\n"
<< " destination\n"
<< " The name of destination object file.\n"
<< "\n"
<< " This program implements a minor bit of Linux* OS's objcopy utility on Windows* OS.\n"
<< " It can copy object files and edit its symbol table.\n"
<< "\n"
<< " \n"
<< " > objcopy --redefine-sym fastcpy=__xxx_fastcpy a.obj b.obj\n"
<< "\n";
} // help
main( int argc, char const * argv[] ) {
strings_t args( argc - 1 );
str_hash_t redefs;
strings_t files;
std::copy( argv + 1, argv + argc, args.begin() );
while ( args.size() > 0 ) {
string_t arg = shift( args );
if ( arg.substr( 0, 2 ) == "--" ) {
// An option.
if ( 0 ) {
} else if ( arg == "--help" ) {
return 0;
} else if ( arg == "--redefine-sym" ) {
if ( args.size() == 0 ) {
die( "\"" + arg + "\" option requires an argument" );
}; // if
// read list of symbol pairs "old new" from command line.
string_t redef = shift( args );
string_t old_sym;
string_t new_sym;
split( redef, '=', old_sym, new_sym );
if ( old_sym.length() == 0 || new_sym.length() == 0 ) {
die( "Illegal redefinition: \"" + redef + "\"; neither old symbol nor new symbol may be empty" );
}; // if
redefs.insert( str_pair_t( old_sym, new_sym ) );
} else if ( arg == "--redefine-syms" ) {
if ( args.size() == 0 ) {
die( "\"" + arg + "\" option requires an argument" );
}; // if
// read list of symbol pairs "old new" from file.
string_t fname = shift( args );
string_t redef;
ifstream ifs( fname.c_str() );
while ( ifs.good() ) {
getline( ifs, redef );// get pair of old/new symbols separated by space
string_t old_sym;
string_t new_sym;
// AC: gcount() does not work here (always return 0), so comment it
//if ( ifs.gcount() ) { // skip empty lines
split( redef, ' ', old_sym, new_sym );
if ( old_sym.length() == 0 || new_sym.length() == 0 ) {
break; // end of file reached (last empty line)
//die( "Illegal redefinition: \"" + redef + "\"; neither old symbol nor new symbol may be empty" );
}; // if
redefs.insert( str_pair_t( old_sym, new_sym ) );
} else {
die( "Illegal option: \"" + arg + "\"" );
}; // if
} else {
// Not an option, a file name.
if ( files.size() >= 2 ) {
die( "Too many files specified; two files required (use --help option for help)" );
}; // if
files.push_back( arg );
}; // if
}; // while
if ( files.size() < 2 ) {
die( "Not enough files specified; two files required (use --help option for help)" );
}; // if
obj_copy( files[ 0 ], files[ 1 ], redefs );
return 0;
} // main
// end of file //
@ -1,642 +0,0 @@
#// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Glob ":glob";
use Data::Dumper;
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
use tools;
use Platform ":vars";
our $VERSION = "0.004";
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set of objects: # Ref to hash, keys are names of objects.
# object0: # Ref to hash of two elements with keys "defined" and "undefined".
# defined: # Ref to array of symbols defined in object0.
# - symbol0 # Symbol name.
# - ...
# undefined: # Ref to array of symbols referenced in object0.
# - symbol0
# - ...
# object1:
# ...
# ...
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set of symbols: # Ref to hash, keys are names of symbols.
# symbol0: # Ref to array of object names where the symbol0 is defined.
# - object0 # Object file name.
# - ...
# symbol1:
# ...
# ...
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub dump_objects($$$) {
my ( $title, $objects, $dump ) = @_;
if ( $dump > 0 ) {
STDERR->print( $title, "\n" );
foreach my $object ( sort( keys( %$objects ) ) ) {
STDERR->print( " $object\n" );
if ( $dump > 1 ) {
STDERR->print( " Defined symbols:\n" );
foreach my $symbol ( sort( @{ $objects->{ $object }->{ defined } } ) ) {
STDERR->print( " $symbol\n" );
}; # foreach $symbol
STDERR->print( " Undefined symbols:\n" );
foreach my $symbol ( sort( @{ $objects->{ $object }->{ undefined } } ) ) {
STDERR->print( " $symbol\n" );
}; # foreach $symbol
}; # if
}; # foreach $object
}; # if
}; # sub dump_objects
sub dump_symbols($$$) {
my ( $title, $symbols, $dump ) = @_;
if ( $dump > 0 ) {
STDERR->print( $title, "\n" );
foreach my $symbol ( sort( keys( %$symbols ) ) ) {
STDERR->print( " $symbol\n" );
if ( $dump > 1 ) {
foreach my $object ( sort( @{ $symbols->{ $symbol } } ) ) {
STDERR->print( " $object\n" );
}; # foreach
}; # if
}; # foreach $object
}; # if
}; # sub dump_symbols
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name:
# load_symbols -- Fulfill objects data structure with symbol names.
# Synopsis:
# load_symbols( $objects );
# Arguments:
# $objects (in/out) -- Set of objects. On enter, it is expected that top-level hash has filled
# with object names only. On exit, it is completely fulfilled with lists of symbols
# defined or referenced in each object file.
# Returns:
# Nothing.
# Example:
# my $objects = { foo.o => {} };
# load_symbols( $objects );
# # Now $objects is { goo.o => { defined => [ ... ], undefined => [ ... ] } }.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This version of load_symbols parses output of nm command and works on Linux* OS and OS X*.
sub _load_symbols_nm($) {
my $objects = shift( @_ );
# It is a ref to hash. Keys are object names, values are empty hashes (for now).
my @bulk;
if ( %$objects ) {
# Do not run nm if a set of objects is empty -- nm will try to open a.out in this case.
my $tool;
if($target_arch eq "mic") {
$tool = "x86_64-k1om-linux-nm"
} else {
$tool = "nm"
"-g", # Display only external (global) symbols.
"-o", # Precede each symbol by the name of the input file.
keys( %$objects )
# Running nm once (rather than once per object) improves performance
# drastically.
-stdout => \@bulk
}; # if
foreach my $line ( @bulk ) {
if ( $line !~ m{^(.*):(?: ?[0-9a-f]*| *) ([A-Za-z]) (.*)$} ) {
die "Cannot parse nm output, line:\n $line\n";
}; # if
my ( $file, $tag, $symbol ) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
if ( not exists( $objects->{ $file } ) ) {
die "nm reported unknown object file:\n $line\n";
}; # if
# AC: exclude some libc symbols from renaming, otherwise we have problems
# in tests for gfortran + static libomp on Lin_32.
# These symbols came from libtbbmalloc.a
if ( $target_os eq "lin" ) {
if ( $symbol =~ m{__i686} ) {
# AC: added "w" to tags of undefined symbols, e.g. malloc is weak in libirc v12.1.
if ( $tag eq "U" or $tag eq "w" ) { # Symbol not defined.
push( @{ $objects->{ $file }->{ undefined } }, $symbol );
} else { # Symbol defined.
push( @{ $objects->{ $file }->{ defined } }, $symbol );
}; # if
}; # foreach
return undef;
}; # sub _load_symbols_nm
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This version of load_symbols parses output of link command and works on Windows* OS.
sub _load_symbols_link($) {
my $objects = shift( @_ );
# It is a ref to hash. Keys are object names, values are empty hashes (for now).
my @bulk;
if ( %$objects ) {
# Do not run nm if a set of objects is empty -- nm will try to open a.out in this case.
keys( %$objects )
# Running nm once (rather than once per object) improves performance
# drastically.
-stdout => \@bulk
}; # if
my $num_re = qr{[0-9A-F]{3,4}};
my $addr_re = qr{[0-9A-F]{8}};
my $tag_re = qr{DEBUG|ABS|UNDEF|SECT[0-9A-F]+};
my $class_re = qr{Static|External|Filename|Label|BeginFunction|EndFunction|WeakExternal|\.bf or\.ef};
my $file;
foreach my $line ( @bulk ) {
if ( $line =~ m{\ADump of file (.*?)\n\z} ) {
$file = $1;
if ( not exists( $objects->{ $file } ) ) {
die "link reported unknown object file:\n $line\n";
}; # if
} elsif ( $line =~ m{\A$num_re } ) {
if ( not defined( $file ) ) {
die "link reported symbol of unknown object file:\n $line\n";
}; # if
if ( $line !~ m{\A$num_re $addr_re ($tag_re)\s+notype(?: \(\))?\s+($class_re)\s+\| (.*?)\n\z} ) {
die "Cannot parse link output, line:\n $line\n";
}; # if
my ( $tag, $class, $symbol ) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
# link.exe /dump sometimes prints comments for symbols, e. g.:
# ".?0_memcopyA ([Entry] ?0_memcopyA)", or "??_C@_01A@r?$AA@ (`string')".
# Strip these comments.
$symbol =~ s{ \(.*\)\z}{};
if ( $class eq "External" ) {
if ( $tag eq "UNDEF" ) { # Symbol not defined.
push( @{ $objects->{ $file }->{ undefined } }, $symbol );
} else { # Symbol defined.
push( @{ $objects->{ $file }->{ defined } }, $symbol );
}; # if
}; # if
} else {
# Ignore all other lines.
}; # if
}; # foreach
return undef;
}; # sub _load_symbols_link
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name:
# symbols -- Construct set of symbols with specified tag in the specified set of objects.
# Synopsis:
# my $symbols = defined_symbols( $objects, $tag );
# Arguments:
# $objects (in) -- Set of objects.
# $tag (in) -- A tag, "defined" or "undefined".
# Returns:
# Set of symbols with the specified tag.
sub symbols($$) {
my $objects = shift( @_ );
my $tag = shift( @_ );
my $symbols = {};
foreach my $object ( keys( %$objects ) ) {
foreach my $symbol ( @{ $objects->{ $object }->{ $tag } } ) {
push( @{ $symbols->{ $symbol } }, $object );
}; # foreach $symbol
}; # foreach $object
return $symbols;
}; # sub symbols
sub defined_symbols($) {
my $objects = shift( @_ );
my $defined = symbols( $objects, "defined" );
return $defined;
}; # sub defined_symbols
sub undefined_symbols($) {
my $objects = shift( @_ );
my $defined = symbols( $objects, "defined" );
my $undefined = symbols( $objects, "undefined" );
foreach my $symbol ( keys( %$defined ) ) {
delete( $undefined->{ $symbol } );
}; # foreach symbol
return $undefined;
}; # sub undefined_symbols
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name:
# _required_extra_objects -- Select a subset of extra objects required to resolve undefined
# symbols in a set of objects. It is a helper sub for required_extra_objects().
# Synopsis:
# my $required = _required_extra_objects( $objects, $extra, $symbols );
# Arguments:
# $objects (in) -- A set of objects to be searched for undefined symbols.
# $extra (in) -- A set of extra objects to be searched for defined symbols to resolve undefined
# symbols in objects.
# $symbols (in/out) -- Set of symbols defined in the set of external objects. At the first call
# it should consist of all the symbols defined in all the extra objects. Symbols defined in
# the selected subset of extra objects are removed from set of defined symbols, because
# they are out of interest for subsequent calls.
# Returns:
# A subset of extra objects required by the specified set of objects.
sub _required_extra_objects($$$$) {
my $objects = shift( @_ );
my $extra = shift( @_ );
my $symbols = shift( @_ );
my $dump = shift( @_ );
my $required = {};
if ( $dump > 0 ) {
STDERR->print( "Required extra objects:\n" );
}; # if
foreach my $object ( keys( %$objects ) ) {
foreach my $symbol ( @{ $objects->{ $object }->{ undefined } } ) {
if ( exists( $symbols->{ $symbol } ) ) {
# Add all objects where the symbol is defined to the required objects.
foreach my $req_obj ( @{ $symbols->{ $symbol } } ) {
if ( $dump > 0 ) {
STDERR->print( " $req_obj\n" );
if ( $dump > 1 ) {
STDERR->print( " by $object\n" );
STDERR->print( " due to $symbol\n" );
}; # if
}; # if
$required->{ $req_obj } = $extra->{ $req_obj };
}; # foreach $req_obj
# Delete the symbol from list of defined symbols.
delete( $symbols->{ $symbol } );
}; # if
}; # foreach $symbol
}; # foreach $object
return $required;
}; # sub _required_extra_objects
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name:
# required_extra_objects -- Select a subset of extra objects required to resolve undefined
# symbols in a set of base objects and selected extra objects.
# Synopsis:
# my $required = required_extra_objects( $base, $extra );
# Arguments:
# $base (in/out) -- A set of base objects to be searched for undefined symbols. On enter, it is
# expected that top-level hash has filled with object names only. On exit, it is completely
# fulfilled with lists of symbols defined and/or referenced in each object file.
# $extra (in/out) -- A set of extra objects to be searched for defined symbols required to
# resolve undefined symbols in a set of base objects. Usage is similar to base objects.
# Returns:
# A subset of extra object files.
sub required_extra_objects($$$) {
my $base = shift( @_ );
my $extra = shift( @_ );
my $dump = shift( @_ );
# Load symbols for each object.
load_symbols( $base );
load_symbols( $extra );
if ( $dump ) {
dump_objects( "Base objects:", $base, $dump );
dump_objects( "Extra objects:", $extra, $dump );
}; # if
# Collect symbols defined in extra objects.
my $symbols = defined_symbols( $extra );
my $required = {};
# Select extra objects required by base objects.
my $delta = _required_extra_objects( $base, $extra, $symbols, $dump );
while ( %$delta ) {
%$required = ( %$required, %$delta );
# Probably, just selected objects require some more objects.
$delta = _required_extra_objects( $delta, $extra, $symbols, $dump );
}; # while
if ( $dump ) {
my $base_undefined = undefined_symbols( $base );
my $req_undefined = undefined_symbols( $required );
dump_symbols( "Symbols undefined in base objects:", $base_undefined, $dump );
dump_symbols( "Symbols undefined in required objects:", $req_undefined, $dump );
}; # if
return $required;
}; # sub required_extra_objects
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name:
# copy_objects -- Copy (and optionally edit) object files to specified directory.
# Synopsis:
# copy_objects( $objects, $target, $prefix, @symbols );
# Arguments:
# $objects (in) -- A set of object files.
# $target (in) -- A name of target directory. Directory must exist.
# $prefix (in) -- A prefix to add to all the symbols listed in @symbols. If prefix is undefined,
# object files are just copied.
# @symbols (in) -- List of symbol names to be renamed.
# Returns:
# None.
sub copy_objects($$;$\@) {
my $objects = shift( @_ );
my $target = shift( @_ );
my $prefix = shift( @_ );
my $symbols = shift( @_ );
my $tool;
my @redefine;
my @redefine_;
my $syms_file = "__kmp_sym_pairs.log";
if ( $target_arch eq "mic" ) {
$tool = "x86_64-k1om-linux-objcopy"
} else {
$tool = "objcopy"
if ( not -e $target ) {
die "\"$target\" directory does not exist\n";
}; # if
if ( not -d $target ) {
die "\"$target\" is not a directory\n";
}; # if
if ( defined( $prefix ) and @$symbols ) {
my %a = map ( ( "$_ $prefix$_" => 1 ), @$symbols );
@redefine_ = keys( %a );
}; # if
foreach my $line ( @redefine_ ) {
$line =~ s{$prefix(\W+)}{$1$prefix};
push( @redefine, $line );
write_file( $syms_file, \@redefine );
foreach my $src ( sort( keys( %$objects ) ) ) {
my $dst = cat_file( $target, get_file( $src ) );
if ( @redefine ) {
execute( [ $tool, "--redefine-syms", $syms_file, $src, $dst ] );
} else {
copy_file( $src, $dst, -overwrite => 1 );
}; # if
}; # foreach $object
}; # sub copy_objects
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
my $base = {};
my $extra = {};
my $switcher = $base;
my $dump = 0;
my $print_base;
my $print_extra;
my $copy_base;
my $copy_extra;
my $prefix;
# Parse command line.
Getopt::Long::Configure( "permute" );
"base" => sub { $switcher = $base; },
"extra" => sub { $switcher = $extra; },
"print-base" => \$print_base,
"print-extra" => \$print_extra,
"print-all" => sub { $print_base = 1; $print_extra = 1; },
"copy-base=s" => \$copy_base,
"copy-extra=s" => \$copy_extra,
"copy-all=s" => sub { $copy_base = $_[ 1 ]; $copy_extra = $_[ 1 ]; },
"dump" => sub { ++ $dump; },
"prefix=s" => \$prefix,
"<>" =>
sub {
my $arg = $_[ 0 ];
my @args;
if ( $^O eq "MSWin32" ) {
# Windows* OS does not expand wildcards. Do it...
@args = bsd_glob( $arg );
} else {
@args = ( $arg );
}; # if
foreach my $object ( @args ) {
if ( exists( $base->{ $object } ) or exists( $extra->{ $object } ) ) {
die "Object \"$object\" has already been specified.\n";
}; # if
$switcher->{ $object } = { defined => [], undefined => [] };
}; # foreach
if ( not %$base ) {
cmdline_error( "No base objects specified" );
}; # if
if ( $target_os eq "win" ) {
*load_symbols = \&_load_symbols_link;
} elsif ( $target_os eq "lin" ) {
*load_symbols = \&_load_symbols_nm;
} elsif ( $target_os eq "mac" ) {
*load_symbols = \&_load_symbols_nm;
} else {
runtime_error( "OS \"$target_os\" not supported" );
}; # if
# Do the work.
my $required = required_extra_objects( $base, $extra, $dump );
if ( $print_base ) {
print( map( "$_\n", sort( keys( %$base ) ) ) );
}; # if
if ( $print_extra ) {
print( map( "$_\n", sort( keys( %$required ) ) ) );
}; # if
my @symbols;
if ( defined( $prefix ) ) {
foreach my $object ( sort( keys( %$required ) ) ) {
push( @symbols, @{ $required->{ $object }->{ defined } } );
}; # foreach $objects
}; # if
if ( $copy_base ) {
copy_objects( $base, $copy_base, $prefix, @symbols );
}; # if
if ( $copy_extra ) {
copy_objects( $required, $copy_extra, $prefix, @symbols );
}; # if
exit( 0 );
=head1 NAME
B<> -- Select a required extra object files.
B<> I<option>... [--base] I<file>... --extra I<file>...
B<> works with two sets of object files -- a set of I<base> objects
and a set of I<extra> objects, and selects those extra objects which are required for resolving
undefined symbols in base objects I<and> selected extra objects.
Selected object files may be copied to specified location or their names may be printed to stdout,
a name per line. Additionally, symbols defined in selected extra objects may be renamed.
Depending on OS, different external tools may be used. For example, B<> uses
F<link.exe> on "win" and F<nm> on "lin" and "mac" OSes. Normally OS is autodetected, but
detection can be overrided with B<--os> option. It may be helpful in cross-build environments.
=head1 OPTIONS
=item B<--base>
The list of base objects follows this option.
=item B<--extra>
List of extra objects follows this option.
=item B<--print-all>
Print list of base objects and list of required extra objects.
=item B<--print-base>
Print list of base objects.
=item B<--print-extra>
Print list of selected extra objects.
=item B<--copy-all=>I<dir>
Copy all base and selected extra objects to specified directory. The directory must exist. Existing
files are overwritten.
=item B<--copy-base=>I<dir>
Copy all base objects to specified directory.
=item B<--copy-extra=>I<dir>
Copy selected extra objects to specified directory.
=item B<--prefix=>I<str>
If prefix is specified, copied object files are edited -- symbols defined in selected extra
object files are renamed (in all the copied object files) by adding this prefix.
F<objcopy> program should be available for performing this operation.
=item B<--os=>I<str>
Specify OS name. By default OS is autodetected.
Depending on OS, B<> uses different external tools.
=item B<--help>
Print short help message and exit.
=item B<--doc>
=item B<--manual>
Print full documentation and exit.
=item B<--version>
Print version and exit.
=item I<file>
A name of object file.
$ --base obj/*.o --extra ../lib/obj/*.o --print-extra > required.lst
$ ar cr libx.a obj/*.o $(cat required.lst)
$ --base internal/*.o --extra external/*.o --prefix=__xyz_ --copy-all=obj
$ ar cr xyz.a obj/*.o
# end of file #
@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
# #
#// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This file contains really common definitions used by multiple makefiles. Modify it carefully!
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check tools versions.
ifeq "$(clean)" "" # Do not check tools if clean goal specified.
check_tools_flags = --make
# determine if fortran check is required from goals
# MAKECMDGOALS is like argv for gnu make
ifneq "$(filter mod all,$(MAKECMDGOALS))" ""
check_tools_flags += --fortran
ifeq "$(MAKECMDGOALS)" "" # will default to all if no goals specified on command line
check_tools_flags += --fortran
ifneq "$(filter gcc clang,$(c))" "" # if build compiler is gcc or clang
check_tools_flags += --nointel
ifeq "$(c)" "clang"
check_tools_flags += --clang
curr_tools := $(strip $(shell $(perl) $(tools_dir) $(oa-opts) $(check_tools_flags)))
ifeq "$(curr_tools)" ""
$(error failed)
ifneq "$(findstring N/A,$(curr_tools))" ""
missed_tools := $(filter %---_N/A_---,$(curr_tools))
missed_tools := $(subst =---_N/A_---,,$(missed_tools))
missed_tools := $(subst $(space),$(comma)$(space),$(missed_tools))
$(error Development tools not found: $(missed_tools))
prev_tools := $(strip $(shell [ -e tools.cfg ] && cat tools.cfg))
$(call say,Tools : $(curr_tools))
ifeq "$(prev_tools)" ""
# No saved config file, let us create it.
dummy := $(shell echo "$(curr_tools)" > tools.cfg)
# Check the saved config file matches current configuration.
ifneq "$(curr_tools)" "$(prev_tools)"
# Show the differtence between previous and current tools.
$(call say,Old tools : $(filter-out $(curr_tools),$(prev_tools)))
$(call say,New tools : $(filter-out $(prev_tools),$(curr_tools)))
# And initiate rebuild.
$(call say,Tools changed$(comma) rebuilding...)
dummy := $(shell $(rm) .rebuild && echo "$(curr_tools)" > tools.cfg)
# Check config.
ifeq "$(curr_config)" ""
$(error makefile must define `curr_config' variable)
prev_config := $(shell [ -e build.cfg ] && cat build.cfg)
curr_config := $(strip $(curr_config))
ifeq "$(clean)" "" # Do not check config if clean goal specified.
$(call say,Config : $(curr_config))
ifeq "$(prev_config)" ""
# No saved config file, let us create it.
dummy := $(shell echo "$(curr_config)" > build.cfg)
# Check saved config file matches current configuration.
ifneq "$(curr_config)" "$(prev_config)"
# Show the differtence between previous and current configurations.
$(call say,Old config : $(filter-out $(curr_config),$(prev_config)))
$(call say,New config : $(filter-out $(prev_config),$(curr_config)))
# And initiate rebuild.
$(call say,Configuration changed$(comma) rebuilding...)
dummy := $(shell $(rm) .rebuild && echo "$(curr_config)" > build.cfg)
# end of file #
@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
# #
#// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This file contains really common definitions used by multiple makefiles. Modify it carefully!
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Some tricky variables.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
empty :=
space := $(empty) $(empty)
comma := ,
ifeq "$(date)" ""
$(error Caller should specify "date" variable.)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helper finctions.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Synopsis:
# $(call say,text-to-print-to-the-screen)
# Description:
# The function prints its argument to the screen. In case of older makes it is analog of
# $(warning), starting from make 3.81 is is analog of $(info).
say = $(warning $(1))
ifneq "$(filter 3.81,$(MAKE_VERSION))" ""
say = $(info $(1))
# Synopsis:
# architecture = $(call legal_arch,32)
# Description:
# The function return printable name of specified architecture, IA-32 architecture or Intel(R) 64.
legal_arch = $(if $(filter 32,$(1)),IA-32,$(if $(filter 32e,$(1)),Intel(R) 64,$(if $(filter l1,$(1)),L1OM,$(if $(filter arm,$(1)),ARM,$(if $(filter ppc64,$(1)),PPC64,$(if $(filter ppc64le,$(1)),PPC64LE,$(if $(filter aarch64,$(1)),AArch64,$(if $(filter mic,$(1)),Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture,$(error Bad architecture specified: $(1))))))))))
# Synopsis:
# var_name = $(call check_variable,var,list)
# Description:
# The function verifies the value of var varibale. If it is empty, the first word from the list
# is assigned to var as default value. Otherwise the var value must match one of words in the
# list, or error is issued.
# Example:
# LINK_TYPE = $(call check_variable,LINK_TYPE,static dynamic)
check_variable = $(call _check_variable_words,$(1))$(call _check_variable_value,$(1),$(2))
# Synopsis:
# $(call _check_variable_words,var)
# Description:
# Checks that variable var is empty or single word. In case of multiple words an error is
# issued. It is helper function for check_variable.
_check_variable_words = $(if $(filter 0 1,$(words $($(1)))),,\
$(error Illegal value of $(1): "$($(1))"))
# Synopsis:
# $(call _check_variable_value,var)
# Description:
# If variable var is empty, the function returns the first word from the list. If variable is
# not empty and match one of words in the list, variable's value returned. Otherwise, error is
# issued. It is helper function for check_variable.
_check_variable_value = $(if $($(1)),$(if $(filter $(2),$($(1))),$($(1)),\
$(error Illegal value of $(1): "$($(1))")),$(firstword $(2)))
# Synopsis:
# $(call debug,var)
# Description:
# If LIBOMP_MAKE_DEBUG is not empty, var name and value printed. Use this for debug purpose.
ifeq "$(LIBOMP_MAKE_DEBUG)" ""
debug =
debug = $(call say,debug: $(1)="$($(1))")
# Synopsis:
# $(call header,target)
# Description:
# Returns a string to print to show build progress.
header = ----- $(marker) --- $(1) -----
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Global make settings.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Non-empty CDPATH may lead to problems on some platforms: simple "cd dir" (where "dir" is an
# existing directory in current one) fails. Clearing CDPATH solves the problem.
.SUFFIXES : # Clean default list of suffixes.
.DELETE_ON_ERROR : # Delete target file in case of error.
$(call say,$(call header,making $(if $(MAKECMDGOALS),$(MAKECMDGOALS),all)))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check clean and clobber goals.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "clean" goal must be specified alone, otherwise we have troubles with dependency files.
clean := $(filter clean%,$(MAKECMDGOALS))
ifneq "$(clean)" "" # "clean" goal is present in command line.
ifneq "$(filter-out clean%,$(MAKECMDGOALS))" "" # there are non-clean goals.
$(error "clean" goals must not be mixed with other goals)
# Issue error on "clobber" target.
ifneq "$(filter clobber,$(MAKECMDGOALS))" ""
$(error There is no clobber goal in makefile)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Mandatory variables passed from
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
os := $(call check_variable,os,lin mac win)
arch := $(call check_variable,arch,32 32e 64 arm ppc64 ppc64le aarch64 mic)
ifeq "$(arch)" "mic" # We want the flavor of mic (knf, knc, knl, etc.)
platform := $(os)_$(MIC_ARCH)
platform := $(os)_$(arch)
platform := $(call check_variable,platform,lin_32 lin_32e lin_64 lin_arm lin_knc lin_knf mac_32 mac_32e win_32 win_32e win_64 lin_ppc64 lin_ppc64le lin_aarch64)
# oa-opts means "os and arch options". They are passed to almost all perl scripts.
oa-opts := --os=$(os) --arch=$(arch)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Directories.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ifeq "$(LIBOMP_WORK)" ""
$(error Internal error: LIBOMP_WORK variable must be set in
tools_dir = $(LIBOMP_WORK)tools/
# We do not define src/ and other directories here because they depends on target (RTL, DSL, tools).
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# File suffixes.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ifeq "$(os)" "win" # win
asm = .asm
obj = .obj
lib = .lib
dll = .dll
exe = .exe
cat = $(dll)
else # lin, mic or mac
asm = .s
obj = .o
lib = .a
ifeq "$(os)" "mac"
dll = .dylib
dll = .so
exe = $(empty)
cat = .cat
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# File manipulation and misc commands.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
target = @echo "$(call header,$@)"
ifeq "$(os)" "win"
cp = cp -f
rm = rm -f
mkdir = mkdir -p
touch = touch
perl = perl
slash = \\
else # lin, mic or mac
cp = cp -f
rm = rm -f
mkdir = mkdir -p
touch = touch
perl = perl
slash = /
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Common non-configuration options.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# They may affect build process but does not affect result.
# If TEST_DEPS is "off", test deps is still performed, but its result is ignored.
TEST_DEPS := $(call check_variable,TEST_DEPS,on off)
# The same for test touch.
TEST_TOUCH := $(call check_variable,TEST_TOUCH,on off)
td-i = $(if $(filter off,$(TEST_DEPS)),-)
tt-i = $(if $(filter off,$(TEST_TOUCH)),-)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Common targets.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# All common targets are defined as phony. It allows " --all test-xxx".
# Makefile can define actions for a particiular test or leave it no-op.
# all, the default target, should be the first one.
.PHONY : all
all :
.PHONY : common clean clean-common fat inc l10n lib
.PHONY : force-tests tests
.PHONY : force-test-touch test-touch
.PHONY : force-test-relo test-relo
.PHONY : force-test-execstack test-execstack
.PHONY : force-test-instr test-instr
.PHONY : force-test-deps test-deps
tests = touch relo execstack instr deps
tests : $(addprefix test-,$(tests))
force-tests : $(addprefix force-test-,$(tests))
# end of file #
@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
# #
#// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This file contains really common definitions used by multiple makefiles. Modify it carefully!
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --- Creating a directory ---
# A directory cannot be a target, because in Linux* OS directory's timestamp is updated each time a
# file is created or deleted in the directory. We use ".dir" file in place of directory. If such
# file exists, it means directory exists also.
.PRECIOUS : %/.dir # Do not delete automatically created files.
%/.dir :
$(mkdir) $(dir $@)
$(touch) $@
# --- Rebuilding ---
# Removing or touching .rebuild file causes rebuild.
# To let it work, .rebuild should be added as prerequisite to every rule (dependency with commands)
# except clean* and force*, in this and other makefiles.
.rebuild :
$(touch) $@
# -- Creating dependency file for C/C++ ---
%.d : %.c .rebuild
$(c) $(cpp-flags) $(c-flags) $(c-flags-m) $< > $@
%.d : %.cpp .rebuild
$(cxx) $(cpp-flags) $(cxx-flags) $(cxx-flags-m) $< > $@
# -- Creating preprocessed file for C/C++ ---
%.i : %.c .rebuild
$(c) $(cpp-flags) $(c-flags) -P $(c-out)$@ $<
%.i : %.cpp .rebuild
$(cxx) $(cpp-flags) $(cxx-flags) -P $(cxx-out)$@ $<
# -- Compiling C/C++ files ---
%$(obj) : %.c .rebuild
$(c) $(cpp-flags) $(c-flags) $(c-out)$@ $<
%$(obj) : %.cpp .rebuild
$(cxx) $(cpp-flags) $(cxx-flags) $(cxx-out)$@ $<
# -- Generate assembly files ---
%$(asm) : %.c .rebuild
$(c) $(cpp-flags) $(c-flags) -S $(c-out)$@ $<
%$(asm) : %.cpp .rebuild
$(cxx) $(cpp-flags) $(cxx-flags) -S $(cxx-out)$@ $<
# -- Compiling asm files ---
%$(obj) : %$(asm) .rebuild
# There is a bug on mic: icc does not work with "-x assembler-with-cpp" option, so we have
# to preprocess file manually and then assembly it.
ifeq "$(arch)" "mic"
$(c) -E $(cpp-flags) $< > $@.tmp
$(as) $(as-flags) -x assembler $(as-out)$@ $@.tmp
$(as) $(as-flags) $(as-out)$@ $<
# -- Expanding variables in template files ---
# General rule "% : %.var" does not work good, so we have to write more specific rules:
# "%.h : %.h.var", etc.
.PRECIOUS : %.h %.f %.rc # Do not delete automatically created files.
expand-vars = $(perl) $(tools_dir) --strict $(ev-flags) $< $@
# Any generated file depends on kmp_version.c, because we extract build number from that file.
%.h : %.h.var \
kmp_version.c $(tools_dir) .rebuild
%.f : %.f.var \
kmp_version.c $(tools_dir) .rebuild
%.f90 : %.f90.var \
kmp_version.c $(tools_dir) .rebuild
%.rc : %.rc.var \
kmp_version.c $(tools_dir) .rebuild
# -- Making static library ---
.PRECIOUS : %$(lib) # Do not delete automatically created files.
%$(lib) : %$(lib).lst .rebuild
$(rm) $@
$(ar) $(ar-flags) $(ar-out)$@ $$(cat $<)
# strip debug info in case it is requested (works for Linux* OS only)
ifneq "$(dbg_strip)" ""
ifeq "$(DEBUG_INFO)" "off"
ifeq "$(arch)" "mic"
x86_64-k1om-linux-objcopy --strip-debug $@
objcopy --strip-debug $@
# -- Making dynamic library ---
.PRECIOUS : %$(dll) # Do not delete automatically created files.
# should properly define imp_file, def_file, res_file, and pdb_file:
# lin and mac: def_file and res_file should be empty, imp_file and pdb_file do not matter.
# win: all the variabe may be empty; if a variable specified, it affects ld-flags.
# Note: imp_file and pdb_file are side effect of building this target.
# Note: to workaround CQ215229 $ld-flags-extra introduced to keep options be placed after objects
%$(dll) : %$(dll).lst $(def_file) $(res_file) .rebuild
$(ld) $(ld-flags-dll) $(ld-flags) $(ld-out)$@ $$(cat $<) $(ld-flags-extra) $(res_file)
# If stripped pdb exist, rename it to normal pdb name. See for explanation.
ifneq "$(pdb_file)" ""
ifeq "$(DEBUG_INFO)" "off"
mv $(pdb_file) $(pdb_file).nonstripped
mv $(pdb_file).stripped $(pdb_file)
ifneq "$(pdb_file)" ""
$(pdb_file) : $(lib_file)
%.dbg : %$(dll) .rebuild
ifeq "$(arch)" "mic"
x86_64-k1om-linux-objcopy --only-keep-debug $< $@
objcopy --only-keep-debug $< $@
.PRECIOUS: %.res # Do not delete automatically created files.
%.res : %.rc .rebuild
rc -fo$@ $<
# --- Building helper tools from sources ---
.PRECIOUS: %$(exe) # Do not delete automatically created files.
%$(exe) : $(tools_dir)%.cpp .rebuild
$(cxx) $(cxx-out)$@ $<
# --- Forcing a test ---
test-%/.force : test-%/.dir
$(rm) $(dir $@).{test,force}
# --- Removing a file in build directory ---
rm-% :
$(rm) $(patsubst rm-%,%,$@)
# end of file #
@ -1,487 +0,0 @@
# #
#// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Dev tools and general options (like -fpic, -O2 or -g).
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# c -- C compiler.
# cxx -- C++ compiler.
# cpp -- C preprocessor.
# fort -- Fortran compiler.
# as -- Assembler.
# ar -- Librarian (static library maker).
# ld -- Linker (dynamic library maker).
# *-out -- Flag denoting output file. If space between flag and file name required, add explicit
# space to variable, e. g.: "c-out = -o$(space)".
# *-flags -- Flags to appropriate program, e. g. c-flags -- flags for C compiler, etc.
# --- Common definitions ---
# Add current directory (it contains generated files).
# Note: It is important to specify current dir as "./" (not just "."). Otherwise Intel compiler
# on Windows* OS generates such a dependency: "kmp_runtime.obj: .\", and make complains
# "No rule to build .\". Using "./" solves the problem.
cpp-flags += -I ./
# For non-x86 architecture
ifeq "$(filter 32 32e 64 mic,$(arch))" ""
cpp-flags += $(shell pkg-config --cflags libffi)
# Add all VPATH directories to path for searching include files.
cpp-flags += $(foreach i,$(VPATH),-I $(i))
cpp-flags += -D USE_DEBUGGER=1
# Shouldn't this be being set from the command line somehow?
cpp-flags += -D USE_ITT_BUILD
ifeq "$(OPTIMIZATION)" "on"
cpp-flags += -D NDEBUG
cpp-flags += -D _DEBUG -D BUILD_DEBUG
ifeq "$(os)" "win"
# This is forced since VS2010 tool produces inconsistent directives
# between objects, resulting in a link failure.
cpp-flags += -D _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL=0
# --- Linux* OS, Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture and OS X* definitions ---
ifneq "$(filter lin mac,$(os))" ""
# --- C/C++ ---
ifeq "$(c)" ""
c = icc
# C++ compiler is a complement to C compiler.
ifeq "$(c)" "icc"
cxx = icpc
ifeq "$(c)" "gcc"
cxx = g++
ifeq "$(c)" "clang"
cxx = clang++
# Output file flag.
c-out = -o$(space)
cxx-out = -o$(space)
# Compile only, no link.
c-flags += -c
cxx-flags += -c
# Generating dependecy file.
c-flags-m += -M -MG
cxx-flags-m += -M -MG
# Enable C99 language.
ifneq "$(CPLUSPLUS)" "on"
c-flags += -std=gnu99
# Generate position-independent code (SDL requirements).
c-flags += -fPIC
cxx-flags += -fPIC
# Emit debugging information.
ifeq "$(DEBUG_INFO)" "on"
c-flags += -g
cxx-flags += -g
# Instrument program for profiling, gather extra information.
ifeq "$(COVERAGE)" "on"
ifeq "$(c)" "icc"
c-flags += -prof_genx
ifeq "$(cxx)" "icpc"
cxx-flags += -prof_genx
# Turn optimization on or off.
ifeq "$(OPTIMIZATION)" "on"
# -inline-min-size=1 improves performance of PARALLEL EPCC up to 10% on fxi64lin01,
# doesn't change performance on fxe64lin01.
# Presence of the -inline-min-size=1 switch should only help
# to promote performance stability between changes,
# even if it has no observable impact right now.
ifneq "$(filter icl icl.exe,$(c))" ""
c-flags += -O2 -inline-min-size=1
c-flags += -O2
ifneq "$(filter icl icl.exe,$(cxx))" ""
cxx-flags += -O2 -inline-min-size=1
cxx-flags += -O2
c-flags += -O0
cxx-flags += -O0
# --- Assembler ---
ifeq "$(c)" "icc"
as = icc
ifeq "$(c)" "gcc"
as = gcc
ifeq "$(c)" "clang"
as = clang
as-out = -o$(space)
as-flags += $(cpp-flags)
# Compile only, no link.
as-flags += -c
as-flags += -x assembler-with-cpp
# --- Fortran ---
ifeq "$(c)" "icc"
fort = ifort
ifeq "$(c)" "gcc"
fort = gfortran
ifeq "$(c)" "clang"
fort = gfortran
ifeq "$(fort)" ""
fort = ifort
fort-out = -o$(space)
fort-flags += -c
# --- Linux* OS definitions ---
ifeq "$(os)" "lin"
ifneq "$(arch)" "mic"
# --- C/C++ ---
# On lin_32, we want to maintain stack alignment to be compatible with GNU binaries built with
# compiler.
ifeq "$(c)" "icc"
ifeq "$(arch)" "32"
c-flags += -falign-stack=maintain-16-byte
cxx-flags += -falign-stack=maintain-16-byte
# Generate code that will run on any Pentium or later processor.
ifeq "$(arch)" "32"
c-flags += -mia32
cxx-flags += -mia32
ifeq "$(c)" "gcc"
ifeq "$(arch)" "arm"
c-flags += -marm
# --- Librarian ---
ar = ar
ar-out = $(empty)
ar-flags += cr
# --- Linker ---
# Use ld by default, however, makefile may specify ld=$(c) before including
ifeq "$(ld)" ""
ld = $(c)
ld-flags-dll += -shared
ifeq "$(ld)" "ld"
ld-out = -o$(space)
ifeq "$(arch)" "32"
ld-flags += -m elf_i386
ifeq "$(arch)" "32e"
ld-flags += -m elf_x86_64
ld-flags += -x -lc -ldl
# SDL (Security Development Lifecycle) flags:
# -z noexecstack - Stack execution protection.
# -z relro -z now - Data relocation and protection.
ld-flags += -z relro -z now
ld-flags += -z noexecstack
ld-flags-dll += -soname=$(@F)
ifeq "$(ld)" "$(c)"
ld-out = $(c-out)
# SDL (Security Development Lifecycle) flags:
# -z noexecstack - Stack execution protection.
# -z relro -z now - Data relocation and protection.
ld-flags += -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now
ld-flags += -Wl,-z,noexecstack
ld-flags-dll += -Wl,-soname=$(@F)
ifeq "$(ld)" "$(cxx)"
ld-out = $(cxx-out)
# SDL (Security Development Lifecycle) flags:
# -z noexecstack - Stack execution protection.
# -z relro -z now - Data relocation and protection.
ld-flags += -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now
ld-flags += -Wl,-z,noexecstack
ld-flags-dll += -Wl,-soname=$(@F)
# --- Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture definitions ---
ifeq "$(arch)" "mic"
# --- C/C++ ---
# Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture specific options, need clarification for purpose:
#c-flags += -mmic -mP2OPT_intrin_disable_name=memcpy -mP2OPT_intrin_disable_name=memset -mGLOB_freestanding -mGLOB_nonstandard_lib -nostdlib -fno-builtin
#cxx-flags += -mmic -mP2OPT_intrin_disable_name=memcpy -mP2OPT_intrin_disable_name=memset -mGLOB_freestanding -mGLOB_nonstandard_lib -nostdlib -fno-builtin
# icc for mic has a bug: it generates dependencies for target like file.obj, while real object
# files are named file.o. -MT is a workaround for the problem.
c-flags-m += -MT $(basename $@).o
cxx-flags-m += -MT $(basename $@).o
# --- Librarian ---
ar = ar
ar-out = $(empty)
ar-flags += cr
# --- Linker ---
# Use $(c) by default, however, makefile may specify another linker (e.g. ld=ld) before including
ifeq "$(ld)" ""
ld = $(c)
ifeq "$(ld)" "ld"
ld-out = -o$(space)
ld-flags += -m elf_l1om_fbsd
ld-flags-dll += -shared -x -lc
# SDL (Security Development Lifecycle) flags:
# -z noexecstack - Stack execution protection.
# -z relro -z now - Data relocation and protection.
ld-flags += -z noexecstack
ld-flags += -z relro -z now
ld-flags-dll += -soname=$(@F)
# Now find out path to libraries.
ld-flags-L := $(shell $(c) -Wl,-v -\# 2>&1 | grep -e "-L")
$(call debug,ld-flags-L)
# Remove continuation characters; first add a space to the end (" -Lpath1 /" -> "-Lpath1 / ")
ld-flags-L := $(filter-out \,$(ld-flags-L))
$(call debug,ld-flags-L)
# Linker treats backslash ('\') as an escape symbol, so replace it with forward slash.
ld-flags-L := $(subst \,/,$(ld-flags-L))
$(call debug,ld-flags-L)
ld-flags += $(ld-flags-L)
ifeq "$(ld)" "$(c)"
ld-out = $(c-out)
ld-flags-dll += -shared -Wl,-x -Wl,-soname=$(@F)
# SDL (Security Development Lifecycle) flags:
# -z noexecstack - Stack execution protection.
# -z relro -z now - Data relocation and protection.
ld-flags += -Wl,-z,noexecstack
ld-flags += -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now
ifeq "$(ld)" "$(cxx)"
ld-out = $(cxx-out)
ld-flags-dll += -shared -Wl,-x -Wl,-soname=$(@F)
# SDL (Security Development Lifecycle) flags:
# -z noexecstack - Stack execution protection.
# -z relro -z now - Data relocation and protection.
ld-flags += -Wl,-z,noexecstack
ld-flags += -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now
# --- OS X* definitions ---
ifeq "$(os)" "mac"
# --- Librarian ---
ar = libtool
ar-out = -o$(space)
ar-flags += -static
# --- Linker ---
# Use C compiler as linker by default, however, makefile may specify ld=$(libtool) before
# including
ifeq "$(ld)" ""
ld = $(c)
ifeq "$(ld)" "libtool"
ld-out = -o$(space)
ld-flags-dll += -dynamic
ld-flags += -lc -ldl
ifeq "$(ld)" "$(c)"
ld-out = $(c-out)
ld-flags-dll += -dynamiclib
ifeq "$(ld)" "$(cxx)"
ld-out = $(cxx-out)
ld-flags-dll += -dynamiclib
# These options suitable for any linker, either C compiler or libtool.
ld-flags-dll += -headerpad_max_install_names
ld-flags-dll += -install_name $(@F)
# --- Windows* OS definitions ---
ifeq "$(os)" "win"
# Disable warning "function "..." (declared at line ... of ...) was declared deprecated...".
# --- C/C++ ---
ifeq "$(c)" ""
c = icl.exe
cxx = $(c)
# Often default icl.cfg file in compiler bin/ directory contains options -Qvc and
# -Qlocation,link. Setting ICLCFG (and IFORTCFG) to specially prepared empty config file
# overrides default config.
ICLCFG = $(tools_dir)icc.cfg
IFORTCFG = $(tools_dir)icc.cfg
export ICLCFG
# Output file.
c-out = -o$(space)
cxx-out = -o$(space)
# Disable annoying compiler logo.
c-flags += -nologo
cxx-flags += -nologo
# Generate code that will run on any Pentium or later processor.
ifeq "$(arch)" "32"
c-flags += -arch:ia32
cxx-flags += -arch:ia32
# Compile only, no link.
c-flags += -c
cxx-flags += -c
# -QM -- Generate dependency file.
# -QMM -- do not include system headers. On Windows* OS, system headers may be located in
# "C:\Program Files\...", but path with space confuses make, so we exclude system
# headers.
# -QMG -- Treat missed headers as generated. We do have some generated include files.
c-flags-m += -QM -QMM -QMG
cxx-flags-m += -QM -QMM -QMG
# Enable C99 language.
ifneq "$(CPLUSPLUS)" "on"
c-flags += -Qstd=gnu99
# Enable C++ exception handling.
# ??? Why we disable it on Linux* OS?
cxx-flags += -EHsc
ifeq "$(arch)" "32"
ifneq "$(filter icl icl.exe,$(c))" ""
c-flags += -Qsafeseh
ifneq "$(filter icl icl.exe,$(cxx))" ""
cxx-flags += -Qsafeseh
# Emit debugging information.
ifeq "$(DEBUG_INFO)" "on"
c-flags += -Zi
cxx-flags += -Zi
# Instrument program for profiling, gather extra information.
ifeq "$(COVERAGE)" "on"
c-flags += -Qprof_genx
cxx-flags += -Qprof_genx
# Turn optimization on or off.
ifeq "$(OPTIMIZATION)" "on"
# Presence of the -inline-min-size=1 switch should only help
# to promote performance stability between changes,
# even if it has no observable impact right now.
# See the Linux* OS section above.
ifneq "$(filter icl icl.exe,$(c))" ""
c-flags += -O2 -Qinline-min-size=1
c-flags += -O2
ifneq "$(filter icl icl.exe,$(cxx))" ""
cxx-flags += -O2 -Qinline-min-size=1
cxx-flags += -O2
c-flags += -Od
cxx-flags += -Od
# Enable stack frame runtime error checking.
# !!! 0Obsolete option. Should use /RTC instead.
c-flags += -RTC1
cxx-flags += -RTC1
# SDL (Security Development Lifecycle) flags:
# GS - Stack-based Buffer Overrun Detection
# DynamicBase - Image Randomization
c-flags += -GS -DynamicBase
cxx-flags += -GS -DynamicBase
# --- Assembler ---
ifeq "$(arch)" "32"
as = ml
ifeq "$(arch)" "32e"
as = ml64
ifeq "$(as)" "ias"
as-out = -o$(space)
ifneq "$(filter ml ml64,$(as))" ""
as-out = -Fo
as-flags += -nologo -c
# SDL (Security Development Lifecycle) flags:
# DynamicBase - Image Randomization
as-flags += -DynamicBase
# --- Fortran ---
fort = ifort
fort-out = -o$(space)
fort-flags += -nologo
fort-flags += -c
# SDL (Security Development Lifecycle) flags:
# GS - Stack-based Buffer Overrun Detection
# DynamicBase - Image Randomization
fort-flags += -GS -DynamicBase
# --- Librarian ---
ar = link.exe
ar-out = -out:
# Generate static library. Must be the first option.
ar-flags += -lib
# Turn off tool banner.
ar-flags += -nologo
# --- Linker ---
ld = link.exe
ld-out = -out:
# Generate dynamic library.
ld-flags-dll += -dll
# Turn off tool banner.
ld-flags += -nologo
# Generate pdb (Program DataBase, debug information) file.
# If DEBUG_INFO is on, generate normal (full-featured) pdb file. Otherwise, we need only
# stripped pdb. But stripped pdb cannot be generated alone, we have to generate normal *and*
# stripped pdb. After generating both pdb files we rename stripped pdb to normal pdb name (see
ifeq "$(DEBUG_INFO)" "on"
ld-flags += $(if $(pdb_file),-debug -pdb:$(pdb_file))
ld-flags += $(if $(pdb_file),-debug -pdb:$(pdb_file) -pdbstripped:$(pdb_file).stripped)
# Use def file, if $(def_file) is specified.
ld-flags += $(if $(def_file),-def:$(def_file))
# Generate import library, if $(imp_file) is specified.
ld-flags += $(if $(imp_file),-implib:$(imp_file))
# Specify architecture.
ifeq "$(arch)" "32"
ar-flags += -machine:i386
ld-flags += -machine:i386
ifeq "$(arch)" "32e"
ar-flags += -machine:amd64
ld-flags += -machine:amd64
ifeq "$(arch)" "32"
as-flags += -safeseh
ld-flags += -safeseh
# SDL (Security Development Lifecycle) flags:
# NXCompat - Data Execution Prevention
ld-flags += -NXCompat -DynamicBase
# end of file #
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
#// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
export SHELL = cmd
# TODO give an error if archs doesn't match
ifndef arch
$(error Could not detect arch: please specify on command line.)
CMD=cmd /C
CWD=$(shell cmd /C echo %CD%)
RM=cmd /C del /Q /F
RD=cmd /C rmdir
MD=cmd /c mkdir
NUL = nul
@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
#// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
#// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
#// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Glob ":glob";
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
use tools;
our $VERSION = "0.02";
sub wipe($$$) {
my ( $input, $output, $wipe ) = @_;
my $bulk = read_file( $input, -binary => 1 );
$bulk =~ s{($wipe)}{ " " x length( $1 ) }ge;
write_file( $output, \$bulk, -binary => 1 );
return undef;
}; # sub wipe
my @wipe;
my $target = ".";
"wipe-literal=s" =>
sub { my $arg = $_[ 1 ]; push( @wipe, qr{@{ [ quotemeta( $arg ) ] }} ); },
"wipe-regexp=s" =>
sub { my $arg = $_[ 1 ]; push( @wipe, qr{$arg} ); },
"target-directory=s" => \$target,
# Convert strings to regular expression.
my $wipe = qr{@{ [ join( "|", @wipe ) ] }};
my %jobs;
# Collect files to process.
# jobs: output -> input.
foreach my $arg ( @ARGV ) {
my @inputs = ( $^O eq "MSWin32" ? bsd_glob( $arg ) : ( $arg ) );
foreach my $input ( @inputs ) {
my $file = get_file( $input );
my $output = cat_file( $target, $file );
if ( exists( $jobs{ $output } ) ) {
"\"$jobs{ $output }\" and \"$input\" input files tend to be written " .
"to the same output file \"$output\""
}; # if
$jobs{ $output } = $input;
}; # foreach
}; # foreach $file
# Process files.
%jobs = reverse( %jobs ); # jobs: input -> output.
foreach my $input ( sort( keys( %jobs ) ) ) {
my $output = $jobs{ $input };
info( "\"$input\" -> \"$output\"" );
wipe( $input, $output, $wipe );
}; # foreach $input
exit( 0 );
# Embedded documentation.
=head1 NAME
B<> -- Wipe string in text or binary files.
B<> I<OPTION>... I<FILE>...
=head1 OPTIONS
=item B<--doc>
=item B<--manual>
Print full help message and exit.
=item B<--help>
Print short help message and exit.
=item B<--target-directory=>I<dir>
Directory to put result files to. By default result files are written in the current working
=item B<--usage>
Print very short usage message and exit.
=item B<--version>
Print version and exit.
=item B<--wipe-literal=>I<str>
Specify literal string to wipe. Multiple literals are allowed.
=item B<--wipe-regexp=>I<str>
Specify Perl regular expression to wipe. Multiple regular expressions may be specified.
Be careful. Protect special characters from beign interpreted by shell.
=item I<file>
File name to wipe string in.
The script wipes strings in files. String may be specified literally or by Perl regular expression.
Strings are wiped by replacing characters with spaces, so size of file remains the same. The script
may be applied to both text and binary files.
Result files are written by default to current directory, or to directory specified by
B<--target-directory> option, if any. If multiple input files tend to be written to the same output
file (e. g. identically named input files located in different directories), the script generates an
The script reads entire file, process it, and the writes to disk. Therefore it is (almost) safe to
update files in-place (see examples).
Wipe "Copyright" word in all the files with "txt" suffix in current directory, overwrite original
files (update them in-place):
|||| --wipe-literal="Copyright" *.txt
Wipe "Copyright" and "Copyleft" words in all the files with "txt" suffix in current directory,
write result files to ../wiped directory:
|||| --wipe-literal=Copyright --wipe-literal=Copyleft --target-dir=../wiped *.txt
Wipe "Copyright" and "Copyleft" words in files from "doc" directory, write result files to current
|||| --wipe-regexp="Copyright|Copyleft" doc/*
Wipe "defaultlib" directive in all the library files:
|||| --wipe-regexp="-defaultlib:[A-Za-z0-9_.]+" *.lib
(Be careful: the script does not analyze structure of library and object files, it just wipes
U<strings>, so it wipes all the occurrences of strings matching to specified regular expression.)
# end of file #
@ -23,77 +23,35 @@
How to Build the LLVM* OpenMP* Runtime Library
In-tree build:
The library can be built either using Cmake, or using a makefile that
in turn invokes various Perl scripts. For porting, non X86
architectures, and for those already familiar with Cmake that may be
an easier route to take than the one described here.
$ cd where-you-want-to-live
Check out openmp into llvm/projects
$ cd where-you-want-to-build
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake path/to/llvm -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=<C compiler> -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=<C++ compiler>
$ make omp
Building with CMake
The runtime/Build_With_CMake.txt file has a description of how to
build with Cmake.
Out-of-tree build:
Building with the Makefile
The Makefile at the top-level will attempt to detect what it needs to
build the LLVM* OpenMP* Runtime Library. To see the default settings,
$ cd where-you-want-to-live
Check out openmp
$ cd where-you-want-to-live/openmp/runtime
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake path/to/openmp -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=<C compiler> -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=<C++ compiler>
$ make
make info
For details about building, please look at Build_With_CMake.txt
You can change the Makefile's behavior with the following options:
omp_root: The path to the top-level directory containing the top-level
Makefile. By default, this will take on the value of the
current working directory.
omp_os: Operating system. By default, the build will attempt to
detect this. Currently supports "linux", "freebsd", "macos", and
arch: Architecture. By default, the build will attempt to
detect this if not specified by the user. Currently
supported values are
"32" for IA-32 architecture
"32e" for Intel(R) 64 architecture
"mic" for Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture
"arm" for ARM* architecture
"aarch64" for Aarch64 (64-bit ARM) architecture
"ppc64" for IBM(R) Power architecture (big endian)
"ppc64le" for IBM(R) Power architecture (little endian)
If "mic" is specified then "icc" will be used as the
compiler, and appropriate k1om binutils will be used. The
necessary packages must be installed on the build machine
for this to be possible (but an Intel(R) Xeon Phi(TM)
coprocessor card is not required to build the library).
compiler: Which compiler to use for the build. Defaults to "icc"
or "icl" depending on the value of omp_os. Also supports
some versions of "gcc"* when omp_os is "linux". The selected
compiler should be installed and in the user's path. The
corresponding Fortran compiler should also be in the path.
See "Supported RTL Build Configurations" below for more
information on compiler versions.
mode: Library mode: default is "release". Also supports "debug".
jobs: The number of parallel jobs for the underlying call to make.
This value is sent as the parameter to the -j flag for make.
This value defaults to "1", but can be set to any positive integer.
To use any of the options above, simple add <option_name>=<value>. For
example, if you want to build with gcc instead of icc, type:
make compiler=gcc
On OS X* machines, it is possible to build universal (or fat) libraries which
include both IA-32 architecture and Intel(R) 64 architecture objects in a
single archive; just build the 32 and 32e libraries separately, then invoke
make again with a special argument as follows:
make compiler=clang build_args=fat
Architectures Supported
* IA-32 architecture
* Intel(R) 64 architecture
* Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture
* ARM* architecture
* Aarch64 (64-bit ARM) architecture
* IBM(R) Power architecture (big endian)
* IBM(R) Power architecture (little endian)
Supported RTL Build Configurations
@ -112,7 +70,7 @@ Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture
(1) On IA-32 architecture and Intel(R) 64, icc/icl versions 12.x are
supported (12.1 is recommended).
(2) GCC* version 4.6.2 is supported.
(2) GCC* version 4.7 is supported.
(3) For icc on OS X*, OS X* version 10.5.8 is supported.
(4) Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture not supported.
(5) On Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture, icc/icl versions 13.0
@ -159,19 +159,31 @@
Note that for an in-tree build, you should check out openmp to llvm/projects.
<p>In-tree build:</p>
<li><code>cd openmp/runtime</code></li>
<li><code>make compiler=gcc</code></li>
<li><code>cd where-you-want-to-live</code></li>
<li>Check out openmp into llvm/projects</li>
<li><code>cd where-you-want-to-build</code></li>
<li><code>mkdir build && cd build</code></li>
<li><code>cmake path/to/llvm -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=<C compiler> -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=<C++ compiler></code></li>
<li><code>make omp</code></li>
<p>Out-of-tree build:</p>
<li><code>cd where-you-want-to-live</code></li>
<li>Check out openmp</li>
<li><code>cd where-you-want-to-live/openmp/runtime</code></li>
<li><code>mkdir build && cd build</code></li>
<li><code>cmake path/to/openmp -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=<C compiler> -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=<C++ compiler></code></li>
<p>Full details of how to build are in the
<a href="README.txt">README.txt</a>
which also describes a CMake based build system which may be more
convenient on some platforms and for porting to new platforms than
the make and Perl based system.
<a href="README.txt">README.txt</a> and Build_With_CMake.txt (inside the runtime/ subdirectory)
Reference in New Issue