Use temporary output to avoid running index-test with the same commands multiple times.

llvm-svn: 76513
This commit is contained in:
Argyrios Kyrtzidis 2009-07-21 00:06:46 +00:00
parent a8cf0beeef
commit 851b208a20
7 changed files with 168 additions and 62 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
; ModuleID = '/Users/argiris/proj/llvm/tools/clang/test/CodeGenObjC/object-incr-decr-1.m'
target datalayout = "e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:32:64-f32:32:32-f64:32:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-f80:128:128"
target triple = "i386-apple-darwin9"
module asm ""
module asm ""
type opaque ; type %0
%struct._objc_cache = type opaque
%struct._objc_category = type { i8*, i8*, %struct._objc_method_list*, %struct._objc_method_list*, %struct._objc_protocol_list*, i32, %struct._prop_list_t* }
%struct._objc_class = type { %struct._objc_class*, %struct._objc_class*, i8*, i32, i32, i32, %struct._objc_ivar_list*, %struct._objc_method_list*, %struct._objc_cache*, %struct._objc_protocol_list*, i8*, %struct._objc_class_extension* }
%struct._objc_class_extension = type { i32, i8*, %struct._prop_list_t* }
%struct._objc_exception_data = type { [18 x i32], [4 x i8*] }
%struct._objc_ivar = type { i8*, i8*, i32 }
%struct._objc_ivar_list = type opaque
%struct._objc_method = type { %struct.objc_selector*, i8*, i8* }
%struct._objc_method_description = type { %struct.objc_selector*, i8* }
%struct._objc_method_description_list = type { i32, [0 x %struct._objc_method_description] }
%struct._objc_method_list = type opaque
%struct._objc_module = type { i32, i32, i8*, %struct._objc_symtab* }
%struct._objc_protocol = type { %struct._objc_protocol_extension*, i8*, %struct._objc_protocol_list*, %struct._objc_method_description_list*, %struct._objc_method_description_list* }
%struct._objc_protocol_extension = type { i32, %struct._objc_method_description_list*, %struct._objc_method_description_list*, %struct._prop_list_t* }
%struct._objc_protocol_list = type { %struct._objc_protocol_list*, i32, [0 x %struct._objc_protocol] }
%struct._objc_super = type <{ i8*, i8* }>
%struct._objc_symtab = type { i32, %struct.objc_selector*, i16, i16, [0 x i8*] }
%struct._prop_list_t = type { i32, i32, [0 x %struct._prop_t] }
%struct._prop_t = type { i8*, i8* }
%struct.objc_selector = type opaque
@"\01L_OBJC_IMAGE_INFO" = internal constant [2 x i32] [i32 0, i32 16], section "__OBJC, __image_info,regular" ; <[2 x i32]*> [#uses=1]
@"\01L_OBJC_CLASS_NAME_" = internal global [1 x i8] zeroinitializer, section "__TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals", align 1 ; <[1 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
@"\01L_OBJC_MODULES" = internal global %struct._objc_module { i32 7, i32 16, i8* getelementptr ([1 x i8]* @"\01L_OBJC_CLASS_NAME_", i32 0, i32 0), %struct._objc_symtab* null }, section "__OBJC,__module_info,regular,no_dead_strip", align 4 ; <%struct._objc_module*> [#uses=1]
@llvm.used = appending global [3 x i8*] [i8* bitcast ([2 x i32]* @"\01L_OBJC_IMAGE_INFO" to i8*), i8* getelementptr ([1 x i8]* @"\01L_OBJC_CLASS_NAME_", i32 0, i32 0), i8* bitcast (%struct._objc_module* @"\01L_OBJC_MODULES" to i8*)], section "llvm.metadata" ; <[3 x i8*]*> [#uses=0]
define %0* @foo() nounwind {
%retval = alloca %0* ; <%0**> [#uses=2]
%f = alloca %0*, align 4 ; <%0**> [#uses=9]
%tmp = load %0** %f ; <%0*> [#uses=1]
%0 = bitcast %0* %tmp to i8* ; <i8*> [#uses=1]
%add.ptr = getelementptr i8* %0, i32 24 ; <i8*> [#uses=1]
%1 = bitcast %0** %f to i8** ; <i8**> [#uses=1]
store i8* %add.ptr, i8** %1
%tmp1 = load %0** %f ; <%0*> [#uses=1]
%2 = bitcast %0* %tmp1 to i8* ; <i8*> [#uses=1]
%add.ptr2 = getelementptr i8* %2, i32 -24 ; <i8*> [#uses=1]
%3 = bitcast %0** %f to i8** ; <i8**> [#uses=1]
store i8* %add.ptr2, i8** %3
%tmp3 = load %0** %f ; <%0*> [#uses=1]
%4 = bitcast %0* %tmp3 to i8* ; <i8*> [#uses=1]
%add.ptr4 = getelementptr i8* %4, i32 -24 ; <i8*> [#uses=1]
%5 = bitcast %0** %f to i8** ; <i8**> [#uses=1]
store i8* %add.ptr4, i8** %5
%tmp5 = load %0** %f ; <%0*> [#uses=1]
%6 = bitcast %0* %tmp5 to i8* ; <i8*> [#uses=1]
%add.ptr6 = getelementptr i8* %6, i32 24 ; <i8*> [#uses=1]
%7 = bitcast %0** %f to i8** ; <i8**> [#uses=1]
store i8* %add.ptr6, i8** %7
%tmp7 = load %0** %f ; <%0*> [#uses=1]
store %0* %tmp7, %0** %retval
%8 = load %0** %retval ; <%0*> [#uses=1]
ret %0* %8

View File

@ -1,15 +1,4 @@
// RUN: clang-cc -emit-pch -o %t.ast %s && // Run lines are sensitive to line numbers and come below the code.
// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:22:6 | grep "starts here" &&
// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:22:6 | grep "block comment" &&
// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:28:6 | grep "BCPL" &&
// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:28:6 | grep "But" &&
// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:28:6 | grep "NOT" | count 0 &&
// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:30:6 | grep "member"
//! It all starts here. //! It all starts here.
/*! It's a little odd to continue line this, /*! It's a little odd to continue line this,
@ -28,3 +17,18 @@ void f(int, int);
void g(int); void g(int);
void h(int); ///< This is a member comment. void h(int); ///< This is a member comment.
// RUN: clang-cc -emit-pch -o %t.ast %s &&
// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:11:6 > %t &&
// RUN: grep "starts here" %t &&
// RUN: grep "block comment" %t &&
// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:17:6 > %t &&
// RUN: grep "BCPL" %t &&
// RUN: grep "But" %t &&
// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:19:6 > %t &&
// RUN: grep "NOT" %t | count 0 &&
// RUN: grep "member" %t

View File

@ -14,11 +14,14 @@ Cls Cls::operator +(const Cls &RHS) {
} }
// RUN: clang-cc -emit-pch %s -o %t.ast && // RUN: clang-cc -emit-pch %s -o %t.ast &&
// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:10:17 -print-decls | count 2 &&
// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:10:17 -print-decls | grep ':5:9,' && // RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:10:17 -print-decls > %t &&
// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:10:17 -print-decls | grep ':13:10,' && // RUN: cat %t | count 2 &&
// RUN: grep ':5:9,' %t &&
// RUN: grep ':13:10,' %t &&
// Yep, we can show references of '+' plus signs that are overloaded, w00t! // Yep, we can show references of '+' plus signs that are overloaded, w00t!
// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:5:15 -print-refs | count 2 && // RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:5:15 -print-refs > %t &&
// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:5:15 -print-refs | grep ':10:17,' && // RUN: cat %t | count 2 &&
// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:5:15 -print-refs | grep ':10:22,' // RUN: grep ':10:17,' %t &&
// RUN: grep ':10:22,' %t

View File

@ -1,15 +1,25 @@
// RUN: clang-cc -emit-pch %S/t1.c -o %t1.ast && // RUN: clang-cc -emit-pch %S/t1.c -o %t1.ast &&
// RUN: clang-cc -emit-pch %S/t2.c -o %t2.ast && // RUN: clang-cc -emit-pch %S/t2.c -o %t2.ast &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:8:7 -print-decls | count 3 &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:8:7 -print-decls | grep 'foo.h:4:6,' | count 2 && // RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:8:7 -print-decls > %t &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:8:7 -print-decls | grep 't2.c:5:6,' && // RUN: cat %t | count 3 &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:5:47 -print-decls | count 1 && // RUN: grep 'foo.h:4:6,' %t | count 2 &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:5:47 -print-decls | grep 't1.c:5:12,' && // RUN: grep 't2.c:5:6,' %t &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:6:20 -print-decls | count 1 &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:6:20 -print-decls | grep 't1.c:3:19,' && // RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:5:47 -print-decls > %t &&
// RUN: cat %t | count 1 &&
// RUN: grep 't1.c:5:12,' %t &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:6:20 -print-decls > %t &&
// RUN: cat %t | count 1 &&
// RUN: grep 't1.c:3:19,' %t &&
// field test // field test
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:21:6 -print-decls | count 1 &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:21:6 -print-decls | grep 't1.c:12:7,' && // RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:21:6 -print-decls > %t &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:22:21 -print-decls | count 1 && // RUN: cat %t | count 1 &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:22:21 -print-decls | grep 't1.c:16:7,' // RUN: grep 't1.c:12:7,' %t &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:22:21 -print-decls > %t &&
// RUN: cat %t | count 1 &&
// RUN: grep 't1.c:16:7,' %t

View File

@ -1,10 +1,18 @@
// RUN: clang-cc -emit-pch %S/t1.c -o %t1.ast && // RUN: clang-cc -emit-pch %S/t1.c -o %t1.ast &&
// RUN: clang-cc -emit-pch %S/t2.c -o %t2.ast && // RUN: clang-cc -emit-pch %S/t2.c -o %t2.ast &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/foo.h:1:14 -print-defs | count 1 &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/foo.h:1:14 -print-defs | grep 't2.c:3:5,' && // RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/foo.h:1:14 -print-defs > %t &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/foo.h:3:9 -print-defs | count 1 && // RUN: cat %t | count 1 &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/foo.h:3:9 -print-defs | grep 't1.c:3:6,' && // RUN: grep 't2.c:3:5,' %t &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/foo.h:4:9 -print-defs | count 1 &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/foo.h:4:9 -print-defs | grep 't2.c:5:6,' && // RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/foo.h:3:9 -print-defs > %t &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:8:7 -print-defs | count 1 && // RUN: cat %t | count 1 &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:8:7 -print-defs | grep 't2.c:5:6,' // RUN: grep 't1.c:3:6,' %t &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/foo.h:4:9 -print-defs > %t &&
// RUN: cat %t | count 1 &&
// RUN: grep 't2.c:5:6,' %t &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:8:7 -print-defs > %t &&
// RUN: cat %t | count 1 &&
// RUN: grep 't2.c:5:6,' %t

View File

@ -1,25 +1,41 @@
// RUN: clang-cc -emit-pch %S/t1.c -o %t1.ast && // RUN: clang-cc -emit-pch %S/t1.c -o %t1.ast &&
// RUN: clang-cc -emit-pch %S/t2.c -o %t2.ast && // RUN: clang-cc -emit-pch %S/t2.c -o %t2.ast &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/foo.h:1:14 -print-refs | count 3 &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/foo.h:1:14 -print-refs | grep 't1.c:4:19,' && // RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/foo.h:1:14 -print-refs > %t &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/foo.h:1:14 -print-refs | grep 't2.c:6:3,' && // RUN: cat %t | count 3 &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/foo.h:1:14 -print-refs | grep 't2.c:7:12,' && // RUN: grep 't1.c:4:19,' %t &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/foo.h:3:9 -print-refs | count 1 && // RUN: grep 't2.c:6:3,' %t &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/foo.h:3:9 -print-refs | grep 't2.c:7:3,' && // RUN: grep 't2.c:7:12,' %t &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/foo.h:4:9 -print-refs | count 1 &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/foo.h:4:9 -print-refs | grep 't1.c:8:3,' && // RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/foo.h:3:9 -print-refs > %t &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:3:22 -print-refs | count 1 && // RUN: cat %t | count 1 &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:3:22 -print-refs | grep 't1.c:6:17,' && // RUN: grep 't2.c:7:3,' %t &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:4:11 -print-refs | count 1 &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:4:11 -print-refs | grep 't1.c:6:5,' && // RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/foo.h:4:9 -print-refs > %t &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:5:30 -print-refs | count 3 && // RUN: cat %t | count 1 &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:5:30 -print-refs | grep 't1.c:5:27,' && // RUN: grep 't1.c:8:3,' %t &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:5:30 -print-refs | grep 't1.c:5:44,' &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:5:30 -print-refs | grep 't1.c:6:26,' && // RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:3:22 -print-refs > %t &&
// RUN: cat %t | count 1 &&
// RUN: grep 't1.c:6:17,' %t &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:4:11 -print-refs > %t &&
// RUN: cat %t | count 1 &&
// RUN: grep 't1.c:6:5,' %t &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:5:30 -print-refs > %t &&
// RUN: cat %t | count 3 &&
// RUN: grep 't1.c:5:27,' %t &&
// RUN: grep 't1.c:5:44,' %t &&
// RUN: grep 't1.c:6:26,' %t &&
// field test // field test
// FIXME: References point at the start of MemberExpr, make them point at the field instead. // FIXME: References point at the start of MemberExpr, make them point at the field instead.
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:12:7 -print-refs | count 1 && // RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:12:7 -print-refs > %t &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:12:7 -print-refs | grep 't1.c:21:3,' && // RUN: cat %t | count 1 &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:16:7 -print-refs | count 1 && // RUN: grep 't1.c:21:3,' %t &&
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:16:7 -print-refs | grep 't1.c:22:3,'
// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/t1.c:16:7 -print-refs > %t &&
// RUN: cat %t | count 1 &&
// RUN: grep 't1.c:22:3,' %t

View File

@ -24,11 +24,16 @@ struct S {
// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:7:23 | grep param2 && // RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:7:23 | grep param2 &&
// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:8:10 | grep local_var1 && // RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:8:10 | grep local_var1 &&
// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:9:15 | grep for_var && // RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:9:15 | grep for_var &&
// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:9:43 | grep top_func_def &&
// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:9:43 | grep '++for_var' && // RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:9:43 > %t &&
// RUN: grep top_func_def %s &&
// RUN: grep '++for_var' %s &&
// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:10:9 | grep local_var2 && // RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:10:9 | grep local_var2 &&
// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:10:30 | grep local_var2 &&
// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:10:30 | grep 'for_var + 1' && // RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:10:30 > %t &&
// RUN: grep local_var2 %t &&
// RUN: grep 'for_var + 1' %t &&
// fields test. // fields test.
// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:15:10 | grep field_var // RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:15:10 | grep field_var