forked from OSchip/llvm-project
[MLIR][TableGen] Automatic detection and elimination of redundant methods
- Change OpClass new method addition to find and eliminate any existing methods that are made redundant by the newly added method, as well as detect if the newly added method will be redundant and return nullptr in that case. - To facilitate that, add the notion of resolved and unresolved parameters, where resolved parameters have each parameter type known, so that redundancy checks on methods with same name but different parameter types can be done. - Eliminate existing code to avoid adding conflicting/redundant build methods and rely on this new mechanism to eliminate conflicting build methods. Fixes Differential Revision:
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,35 +24,190 @@
#include "mlir/Support/LLVM.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <set>
#include <string>
namespace mlir {
namespace tblgen {
class FmtObjectBase;
// Class for holding a single parameter of an op's method for C++ code emission.
class OpMethodParameter {
// Properties (qualifiers) for the parameter.
enum Property {
PP_None = 0x0,
PP_Optional = 0x1,
OpMethodParameter(StringRef type, StringRef name, StringRef defaultValue = "",
Property properties = PP_None)
: type(type), name(name), defaultValue(defaultValue),
properties(properties) {}
OpMethodParameter(StringRef type, StringRef name, Property property)
: OpMethodParameter(type, name, "", property) {}
// Writes the parameter as a part of a method declaration to `os`.
void writeDeclTo(raw_ostream &os) const { writeTo(os, /*emitDefault=*/true); }
// Writes the parameter as a part of a method definition to `os`
void writeDefTo(raw_ostream &os) const { writeTo(os, /*emitDefault=*/false); }
const std::string &getType() const { return type; }
bool hasDefaultValue() const { return !defaultValue.empty(); }
void writeTo(raw_ostream &os, bool emitDefault) const;
std::string type;
std::string name;
std::string defaultValue;
Property properties;
// Base class for holding parameters of an op's method for C++ code emission.
class OpMethodParameters {
// Discriminator for LLVM-style RTTI.
enum ParamsKind {
// Separate type and name for each parameter is not known.
// Each parameter is resolved to a type and name.
OpMethodParameters(ParamsKind kind) : kind(kind) {}
virtual ~OpMethodParameters() {}
// LLVM-style RTTI support.
ParamsKind getKind() const { return kind; }
// Writes the parameters as a part of a method declaration to `os`.
virtual void writeDeclTo(raw_ostream &os) const = 0;
// Writes the parameters as a part of a method definition to `os`
virtual void writeDefTo(raw_ostream &os) const = 0;
// Factory methods to create the correct type of `OpMethodParameters`
// object based on the arguments.
static std::unique_ptr<OpMethodParameters> create();
static std::unique_ptr<OpMethodParameters> create(StringRef params);
static std::unique_ptr<OpMethodParameters>
create(llvm::SmallVectorImpl<OpMethodParameter> &¶ms);
static std::unique_ptr<OpMethodParameters>
create(StringRef type, StringRef name, StringRef defaultValue = "");
const ParamsKind kind;
// Class for holding unresolved parameters.
class OpMethodUnresolvedParameters : public OpMethodParameters {
OpMethodUnresolvedParameters(StringRef params)
: OpMethodParameters(PK_Unresolved), parameters(params) {}
// write the parameters as a part of a method declaration to the given `os`.
void writeDeclTo(raw_ostream &os) const override;
// write the parameters as a part of a method definition to the given `os`
void writeDefTo(raw_ostream &os) const override;
// LLVM-style RTTI support.
static bool classof(const OpMethodParameters *params) {
return params->getKind() == PK_Unresolved;
std::string parameters;
// Class for holding resolved parameters.
class OpMethodResolvedParameters : public OpMethodParameters {
OpMethodResolvedParameters() : OpMethodParameters(PK_Resolved) {}
OpMethodResolvedParameters(llvm::SmallVectorImpl<OpMethodParameter> &¶ms)
: OpMethodParameters(PK_Resolved) {
for (OpMethodParameter ¶m : params)
OpMethodResolvedParameters(StringRef type, StringRef name,
StringRef defaultValue)
: OpMethodParameters(PK_Resolved) {
parameters.emplace_back(type, name, defaultValue);
// Returns the number of parameters.
size_t getNumParameters() const { return parameters.size(); }
// Returns if this method makes the `other` method redundant. Note that this
// is more than just finding conflicting methods. This method determines if
// the 2 set of parameters are conflicting and if so, returns true if this
// method has a more general set of parameters that can replace all possible
// calls to the `other` method.
bool makesRedundant(const OpMethodResolvedParameters &other) const;
// write the parameters as a part of a method declaration to the given `os`.
void writeDeclTo(raw_ostream &os) const override;
// write the parameters as a part of a method definition to the given `os`
void writeDefTo(raw_ostream &os) const override;
// LLVM-style RTTI support.
static bool classof(const OpMethodParameters *params) {
return params->getKind() == PK_Resolved;
llvm::SmallVector<OpMethodParameter, 4> parameters;
// Class for holding the signature of an op's method for C++ code emission
class OpMethodSignature {
OpMethodSignature(StringRef retType, StringRef name, StringRef params);
template <typename... Args>
OpMethodSignature(StringRef retType, StringRef name, Args &&...args)
: returnType(retType), methodName(name),
parameters(OpMethodParameters::create(std::forward<Args>(args)...)) {}
OpMethodSignature(OpMethodSignature &&) = default;
// Returns if a method with this signature makes a method with `other`
// signature redundant. Only supports resolved parameters.
bool makesRedundant(const OpMethodSignature &other) const;
// Returns the number of parameters (for resolved parameters).
size_t getNumParameters() const {
return cast<OpMethodResolvedParameters>(parameters.get())
// Returns the name of the method.
StringRef getName() const { return methodName; }
// Writes the signature as a method declaration to the given `os`.
void writeDeclTo(raw_ostream &os) const;
// Writes the signature as the start of a method definition to the given `os`.
// `namePrefix` is the prefix to be prepended to the method name (typically
// namespaces for qualifying the method definition).
void writeDefTo(raw_ostream &os, StringRef namePrefix) const;
// Returns true if the given C++ `type` ends with '&' or '*', or is empty.
static bool elideSpaceAfterType(StringRef type);
std::string returnType;
std::string methodName;
std::string parameters;
std::unique_ptr<OpMethodParameters> parameters;
// Class for holding the body of an op's method for C++ code emission
@ -79,13 +234,22 @@ public:
// querying properties.
enum Property {
MP_None = 0x0,
MP_Static = 0x1, // Static method
MP_Constructor = 0x2, // Constructor
MP_Private = 0x4, // Private method
MP_Static = 0x1,
MP_Constructor = 0x2,
MP_Private = 0x4,
MP_Declaration = 0x8,
MP_StaticDeclaration = MP_Static | MP_Declaration,
OpMethod(StringRef retType, StringRef name, StringRef params,
Property property, bool declOnly);
template <typename... Args>
OpMethod(StringRef retType, StringRef name, Property property, unsigned id,
Args &&...args)
: properties(property),
methodSignature(retType, name, std::forward<Args>(args)...),
methodBody(properties & MP_Declaration), id(id) {}
OpMethod(OpMethod &&) = default;
virtual ~OpMethod() = default;
OpMethodBody &body() { return methodBody; }
@ -96,8 +260,20 @@ public:
// Returns true if this is a private method.
bool isPrivate() const { return properties & MP_Private; }
// Returns the name of this method.
StringRef getName() const { return methodSignature.getName(); }
// Returns the ID for this method
unsigned getID() const { return id; }
// Returns if this method makes the `other` method redundant.
bool makesRedundant(const OpMethod &other) const {
return methodSignature.makesRedundant(other.methodSignature);
// Writes the method as a declaration to the given `os`.
virtual void writeDeclTo(raw_ostream &os) const;
// Writes the method as a definition to the given `os`. `namePrefix` is the
// prefix to be prepended to the method name (typically namespaces for
// qualifying the method definition).
@ -105,18 +281,18 @@ public:
Property properties;
// Whether this method only contains a declaration.
bool isDeclOnly;
OpMethodSignature methodSignature;
OpMethodBody methodBody;
const unsigned id;
// Class for holding an op's constructor method for C++ code emission.
class OpConstructor : public OpMethod {
OpConstructor(StringRef retType, StringRef name, StringRef params,
Property property, bool declOnly)
: OpMethod(retType, name, params, property, declOnly){};
template <typename... Args>
OpConstructor(StringRef className, Property property, unsigned id,
Args &&...args)
: OpMethod("", className, property, id, std::forward<Args>(args)...){};
// Add member initializer to constructor initializing `name` with `value`.
void addMemberInitializer(StringRef name, StringRef value);
@ -137,12 +313,33 @@ class Class {
explicit Class(StringRef name);
// Creates a new method in this class.
OpMethod &newMethod(StringRef retType, StringRef name, StringRef params = "",
OpMethod::Property = OpMethod::MP_None,
bool declOnly = false);
// Adds a new method to this class and prune redundant methods. Returns null
// if the method was not added (because an existing method would make it
// redundant), else returns a pointer to the added method. Note that this call
// may also delete existing methods that are made redundant by a method to the
// class.
template <typename... Args>
OpMethod *addMethodAndPrune(StringRef retType, StringRef name,
OpMethod::Property properties, Args &&...args) {
auto newMethod = std::make_unique<OpMethod>(
retType, name, properties, nextMethodID++, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return addMethodAndPrune(methods, std::move(newMethod));
OpConstructor &newConstructor(StringRef params = "", bool declOnly = false);
template <typename... Args>
OpMethod *addMethodAndPrune(StringRef retType, StringRef name,
Args &&...args) {
return addMethodAndPrune(retType, name, OpMethod::MP_None,
template <typename... Args>
OpConstructor *addConstructorAndPrune(Args &&...args) {
auto newConstructor = std::make_unique<OpConstructor>(
getClassName(), OpMethod::MP_Constructor, nextMethodID++,
return addMethodAndPrune(constructors, std::move(newConstructor));
// Creates a new field in this class.
void newField(StringRef type, StringRef name, StringRef defaultValue = "");
@ -156,9 +353,63 @@ public:
StringRef getClassName() const { return className; }
// Get a list of all the methods to emit, filtering out hidden ones.
void forAllMethods(llvm::function_ref<void(const OpMethod &)> func) const {
using ConsRef = const std::unique_ptr<OpConstructor> &;
using MethodRef = const std::unique_ptr<OpMethod> &;
llvm::for_each(constructors, [&](ConsRef ptr) { func(*ptr); });
llvm::for_each(methods, [&](MethodRef ptr) { func(*ptr); });
// For deterministic code generation, keep methods sorted in the order in
// which they were generated.
template <typename MethodTy>
struct MethodCompare {
bool operator()(const std::unique_ptr<MethodTy> &x,
const std::unique_ptr<MethodTy> &y) {
return x->getID() < y->getID();
template <typename MethodTy>
using MethodSet =
std::set<std::unique_ptr<MethodTy>, MethodCompare<MethodTy>>;
template <typename MethodTy>
MethodTy *addMethodAndPrune(MethodSet<MethodTy> &set,
std::unique_ptr<MethodTy> &&newMethod) {
// Check if the new method will be made redundant by existing methods.
for (auto &method : set)
if (method->makesRedundant(*newMethod))
return nullptr;
// We can add this a method to the set. Prune any existing methods that will
// be made redundant by adding this new method. Note that the redundant
// check between two methods is more than a conflict check. makesRedundant()
// below will check if the new method conflicts with an existing method and
// if so, returns true if the new method makes the existing method redundant
// because all calls to the existing method can be subsumed by the new
// method. So makesRedundant() does a combined job of finding conflicts and
// deciding which of the 2 conflicting methods survive.
// Note: llvm::erase_if does not work with sets of std::unique_ptr, so doing
// it manually here.
for (auto it = set.begin(), end = set.end(); it != end;) {
if (newMethod->makesRedundant(*(it->get())))
it = set.erase(it);
MethodTy *ret = newMethod.get();
return ret;
std::string className;
SmallVector<OpConstructor, 2> constructors;
SmallVector<OpMethod, 8> methods;
MethodSet<OpConstructor> constructors;
MethodSet<OpMethod> methods;
unsigned nextMethodID = 0;
SmallVector<std::string, 4> fields;
@ -9,50 +9,157 @@
#include "mlir/TableGen/OpClass.h"
#include "mlir/TableGen/Format.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Sequence.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <unordered_set>
#define DEBUG_TYPE "mlir-tblgen-opclass"
using namespace mlir;
using namespace mlir::tblgen;
namespace {
// Returns space to be emitted after the given C++ `type`. return "" if the
// ends with '&' or '*', or is empty, else returns " ".
StringRef getSpaceAfterType(StringRef type) {
return (type.empty() || type.endswith("&") || type.endswith("*")) ? "" : " ";
} // namespace
// OpMethodParameter definitions
void OpMethodParameter::writeTo(raw_ostream &os, bool emitDefault) const {
if (properties & PP_Optional)
os << "/*optional*/";
os << type << getSpaceAfterType(type) << name;
if (emitDefault && !defaultValue.empty())
os << " = " << defaultValue;
// OpMethodParameters definitions
// Factory methods to construct the correct type of `OpMethodParameters`
// object based on the arguments.
std::unique_ptr<OpMethodParameters> OpMethodParameters::create() {
return std::make_unique<OpMethodResolvedParameters>();
OpMethodParameters::create(StringRef params) {
return std::make_unique<OpMethodUnresolvedParameters>(params);
OpMethodParameters::create(llvm::SmallVectorImpl<OpMethodParameter> &¶ms) {
return std::make_unique<OpMethodResolvedParameters>(std::move(params));
OpMethodParameters::create(StringRef type, StringRef name,
StringRef defaultValue) {
return std::make_unique<OpMethodResolvedParameters>(type, name, defaultValue);
// OpMethodUnresolvedParameters definitions
void OpMethodUnresolvedParameters::writeDeclTo(raw_ostream &os) const {
os << parameters;
void OpMethodUnresolvedParameters::writeDefTo(raw_ostream &os) const {
// We need to remove the default values for parameters in method definition.
// TODO: We are using '=' and ',' as delimiters for parameter
// initializers. This is incorrect for initializer list with more than one
// element. Change to a more robust approach.
llvm::SmallVector<StringRef, 4> tokens;
StringRef params = parameters;
while (!params.empty()) {
std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> parts = params.split("=");
params = parts.second.split(',').second;
llvm::interleaveComma(tokens, os, [&](StringRef token) { os << token; });
// OpMethodResolvedParameters definitions
// Returns true if a method with these parameters makes a method with parameters
// `other` redundant. This should return true only if all possible calls to the
// other method can be replaced by calls to this method.
bool OpMethodResolvedParameters::makesRedundant(
const OpMethodResolvedParameters &other) const {
const size_t otherNumParams = other.getNumParameters();
const size_t thisNumParams = getNumParameters();
// All calls to the other method can be replaced this method only if this
// method has the same or more arguments number of arguments as the other, and
// the common arguments have the same type.
if (thisNumParams < otherNumParams)
return false;
for (int idx : llvm::seq<int>(0, otherNumParams))
if (parameters[idx].getType() != other.parameters[idx].getType())
return false;
// If all the common arguments have the same type, we can elide the other
// method if this method has the same number of arguments as other or the
// first argument after the common ones has a default value (and by C++
// requirement, all the later ones will also have a default value).
return thisNumParams == otherNumParams ||
void OpMethodResolvedParameters::writeDeclTo(raw_ostream &os) const {
llvm::interleaveComma(parameters, os, [&](const OpMethodParameter ¶m) {
void OpMethodResolvedParameters::writeDefTo(raw_ostream &os) const {
llvm::interleaveComma(parameters, os, [&](const OpMethodParameter ¶m) {
// OpMethodSignature definitions
OpMethodSignature::OpMethodSignature(StringRef retType, StringRef name,
StringRef params)
: returnType(retType), methodName(name), parameters(params) {}
// Returns if a method with this signature makes a method with `other` signature
// redundant. Only supports resolved parameters.
bool OpMethodSignature::makesRedundant(const OpMethodSignature &other) const {
if (methodName != other.methodName)
return false;
auto *resolvedThis = dyn_cast<OpMethodResolvedParameters>(parameters.get());
auto *resolvedOther =
if (resolvedThis && resolvedOther)
return resolvedThis->makesRedundant(*resolvedOther);
return false;
void OpMethodSignature::writeDeclTo(raw_ostream &os) const {
os << returnType << (elideSpaceAfterType(returnType) ? "" : " ") << methodName
<< "(" << parameters << ")";
os << returnType << getSpaceAfterType(returnType) << methodName << "(";
os << ")";
void OpMethodSignature::writeDefTo(raw_ostream &os,
StringRef namePrefix) const {
// We need to remove the default values for parameters in method definition.
// TODO: We are using '=' and ',' as delimiters for parameter
// initializers. This is incorrect for initializer list with more than one
// element. Change to a more robust approach.
auto removeParamDefaultValue = [](StringRef params) {
std::string result;
std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> parts;
while (!params.empty()) {
parts = params.split("=");
result.append(result.empty() ? "" : ", ");
result += parts.first;
params = parts.second.split(",").second;
return result;
os << returnType << (elideSpaceAfterType(returnType) ? "" : " ") << namePrefix
<< (namePrefix.empty() ? "" : "::") << methodName << "("
<< removeParamDefaultValue(parameters) << ")";
bool OpMethodSignature::elideSpaceAfterType(StringRef type) {
return type.empty() || type.endswith("&") || type.endswith("*");
os << returnType << getSpaceAfterType(returnType) << namePrefix
<< (namePrefix.empty() ? "" : "::") << methodName << "(";
os << ")";
@ -90,10 +197,6 @@ void OpMethodBody::writeTo(raw_ostream &os) const {
// OpMethod definitions
OpMethod::OpMethod(StringRef retType, StringRef name, StringRef params,
OpMethod::Property property, bool declOnly)
: properties(property), isDeclOnly(declOnly),
methodSignature(retType, name, params), methodBody(declOnly) {}
void OpMethod::writeDeclTo(raw_ostream &os) const {
if (isStatic())
@ -103,9 +206,9 @@ void OpMethod::writeDeclTo(raw_ostream &os) const {
void OpMethod::writeDefTo(raw_ostream &os, StringRef namePrefix) const {
if (isDeclOnly)
// Do not write definition if the method is decl only.
if (properties & MP_Declaration)
methodSignature.writeDefTo(os, namePrefix);
os << " {\n";
@ -122,7 +225,8 @@ void OpConstructor::addMemberInitializer(StringRef name, StringRef value) {
void OpConstructor::writeDefTo(raw_ostream &os, StringRef namePrefix) const {
if (isDeclOnly)
// Do not write definition if the method is decl only.
if (properties & MP_Declaration)
methodSignature.writeDefTo(os, namePrefix);
@ -137,18 +241,6 @@ void OpConstructor::writeDefTo(raw_ostream &os, StringRef namePrefix) const {
Class::Class(StringRef name) : className(name) {}
OpMethod &Class::newMethod(StringRef retType, StringRef name, StringRef params,
OpMethod::Property property, bool declOnly) {
methods.emplace_back(retType, name, params, property, declOnly);
return methods.back();
OpConstructor &Class::newConstructor(StringRef params, bool declOnly) {
constructors.emplace_back("", getClassName(), params,
OpMethod::MP_Constructor, declOnly);
return constructors.back();
void Class::newField(StringRef type, StringRef name, StringRef defaultValue) {
std::string varName = formatv("{0} {1}", type, name).str();
std::string field = defaultValue.empty()
@ -156,43 +248,42 @@ void Class::newField(StringRef type, StringRef name, StringRef defaultValue) {
: formatv("{0} = {1}", varName, defaultValue).str();
void Class::writeDeclTo(raw_ostream &os) const {
bool hasPrivateMethod = false;
os << "class " << className << " {\n";
os << "public:\n";
for (const auto &method :
llvm::concat<const OpMethod>(constructors, methods)) {
forAllMethods([&](const OpMethod &method) {
if (!method.isPrivate()) {
os << '\n';
} else {
hasPrivateMethod = true;
os << '\n';
os << "private:\n";
if (hasPrivateMethod) {
for (const auto &method :
llvm::concat<const OpMethod>(constructors, methods)) {
forAllMethods([&](const OpMethod &method) {
if (method.isPrivate()) {
os << '\n';
os << '\n';
for (const auto &field : fields)
os.indent(2) << field << ";\n";
os << "};\n";
void Class::writeDefTo(raw_ostream &os) const {
for (const auto &method :
llvm::concat<const OpMethod>(constructors, methods)) {
forAllMethods([&](const OpMethod &method) {
method.writeDefTo(os, className);
os << "\n\n";
@ -217,14 +308,14 @@ void OpClass::writeDeclTo(raw_ostream &os) const {
os << " using Adaptor = " << className << "Adaptor;\n";
bool hasPrivateMethod = false;
for (const auto &method : methods) {
forAllMethods([&](const OpMethod &method) {
if (!method.isPrivate()) {
os << "\n";
} else {
hasPrivateMethod = true;
// TODO: Add line control markers to make errors easier to debug.
if (!extraClassDeclaration.empty())
@ -232,12 +323,12 @@ void OpClass::writeDeclTo(raw_ostream &os) const {
if (hasPrivateMethod) {
os << "\nprivate:\n";
for (const auto &method : methods) {
forAllMethods([&](const OpMethod &method) {
if (method.isPrivate()) {
os << "\n";
os << "};\n";
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ def BOp : NS_Op<"b_op", []> {
TypedArrayAttrBase<SomeAttr, "SomeAttr array">:$some_attr_array,
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ def BOp : NS_Op<"b_op", []> {
// DEF: if (!((tblgen_str_attr.isa<::mlir::StringAttr>())))
// DEF: if (!((tblgen_elements_attr.isa<::mlir::ElementsAttr>())))
// DEF: if (!((tblgen_function_attr.isa<::mlir::FlatSymbolRefAttr>())))
// DEF: if (!(((tblgen_type_attr.isa<::mlir::TypeAttr>())) && ((tblgen_type_attr.cast<::mlir::TypeAttr>().getValue().isa<SomeType>()))))
// DEF: if (!(((tblgen_some_type_attr.isa<::mlir::TypeAttr>())) && ((tblgen_some_type_attr.cast<::mlir::TypeAttr>().getValue().isa<SomeType>()))))
// DEF: if (!((tblgen_array_attr.isa<::mlir::ArrayAttr>())))
// DEF: if (!(((tblgen_some_attr_array.isa<::mlir::ArrayAttr>())) && (::llvm::all_of(tblgen_some_attr_array.cast<::mlir::ArrayAttr>(), [](::mlir::Attribute attr) { return (some-condition); }))))
// DEF: if (!(((tblgen_type_attr.isa<::mlir::TypeAttr>())) && ((tblgen_type_attr.cast<::mlir::TypeAttr>().getValue().isa<::mlir::Type>()))))
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ def BOp : NS_Op<"b_op", []> {
// DEF: ::llvm::StringRef BOp::str_attr()
// DEF: ::mlir::ElementsAttr BOp::elements_attr()
// DEF: ::llvm::StringRef BOp::function_attr()
// DEF: SomeType BOp::type_attr()
// DEF: SomeType BOp::some_type_attr()
// DEF: ::mlir::ArrayAttr BOp::array_attr()
// DEF: ::mlir::ArrayAttr BOp::some_attr_array()
// DEF: ::mlir::Type BOp::type_attr()
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ def OpK : NS_Op<"only_input_is_variadic_with_same_value_type_op", [SameOperandsA
let results = (outs AnyTensor:$result);
// CHECK-LABEL: OpK::build(::mlir::OpBuilder &odsBuilder, ::mlir::OperationState &odsState, ::mlir::ValueRange operands, ::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::NamedAttribute> attributes )
// CHECK-LABEL: OpK::build(::mlir::OpBuilder &odsBuilder, ::mlir::OperationState &odsState, ::mlir::ValueRange operands, ::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::NamedAttribute> attributes)
// CHECK: odsState.addTypes({operands[0].getType()});
// Test with inferred shapes and interleaved with operands/attributes.
@ -232,10 +232,6 @@ private:
// operand's type as all results' types.
void genUseOperandAsResultTypeCollectiveParamBuilder();
// Returns true if the inferred collective param build method should be
// generated.
bool shouldGenerateInferredTypeCollectiveParamBuilder();
// Generates the build() method that takes aggregate operands/attributes
// parameters. This build() method uses inferred types as result types.
// Requires: The type needs to be inferable via InferTypeOpInterface.
@ -268,7 +264,7 @@ private:
// `resultTypeNames` with the names for parameters for specifying result
// types. The given `typeParamKind` and `attrParamKind` controls how result
// types and attributes are placed in the parameter list.
void buildParamList(std::string ¶mList,
void buildParamList(llvm::SmallVectorImpl<OpMethodParameter> ¶mList,
SmallVectorImpl<std::string> &resultTypeNames,
TypeParamKind typeParamKind,
AttrParamKind attrParamKind = AttrParamKind::WrappedAttr);
@ -497,8 +493,10 @@ void OpEmitter::genAttrGetters() {
Dialect opDialect = op.getDialect();
// Emit the derived attribute body.
auto emitDerivedAttr = [&](StringRef name, Attribute attr) {
auto &method = opClass.newMethod(attr.getReturnType(), name);
auto &body = method.body();
auto *method = opClass.addMethodAndPrune(attr.getReturnType(), name);
if (!method)
auto &body = method->body();
body << " " << attr.getDerivedCodeBody() << "\n";
@ -513,8 +511,8 @@ void OpEmitter::genAttrGetters() {
"::" + attr.getReturnType())
: attr.getReturnType().str();
auto &method = opClass.newMethod(returnType, name);
auto &body = method.body();
auto *method = opClass.addMethodAndPrune(returnType, name);
auto &body = method->body();
body << " auto attr = " << name << "Attr();\n";
if (attr.hasDefaultValue()) {
// Returns the default value if not set.
@ -536,9 +534,11 @@ void OpEmitter::genAttrGetters() {
// referring to the attributes via accessors instead of having to use
// the string interface for better compile time verification.
auto emitAttrWithStorageType = [&](StringRef name, Attribute attr) {
auto &method =
opClass.newMethod(attr.getStorageType(), (name + "Attr").str());
auto &body = method.body();
auto *method =
opClass.addMethodAndPrune(attr.getStorageType(), (name + "Attr").str());
if (!method)
auto &body = method->body();
body << " return this->getAttr(\"" << name << "\").";
if (attr.isOptional() || attr.hasDefaultValue())
body << "dyn_cast_or_null<";
@ -568,19 +568,19 @@ void OpEmitter::genAttrGetters() {
// attribute. This enables, for example, avoiding adding an attribute that
// overlaps with a derived attribute.
auto &method =
opClass.newMethod("bool", "isDerivedAttribute",
"::llvm::StringRef name", OpMethod::MP_Static);
auto &body = method.body();
auto *method = opClass.addMethodAndPrune("bool", "isDerivedAttribute",
"::llvm::StringRef", "name");
auto &body = method->body();
for (auto namedAttr : derivedAttrs)
body << " if (name == \"" << << "\") return true;\n";
body << " return false;";
// Generate method to materialize derived attributes as a DictionaryAttr.
OpMethod &method = opClass.newMethod("::mlir::DictionaryAttr",
auto &body = method.body();
auto *method = opClass.addMethodAndPrune("::mlir::DictionaryAttr",
auto &body = method->body();
auto nonMaterializable =
make_filter_range(derivedAttrs, [](const NamedAttribute &namedAttr) {
@ -628,9 +628,11 @@ void OpEmitter::genAttrSetters() {
// to the attributes via setters instead of having to use the string interface
// for better compile time verification.
auto emitAttrWithStorageType = [&](StringRef name, Attribute attr) {
auto &method = opClass.newMethod("void", (name + "Attr").str(),
(attr.getStorageType() + " attr").str());
auto &body = method.body();
auto *method = opClass.addMethodAndPrune("void", (name + "Attr").str(),
attr.getStorageType(), "attr");
if (!method)
auto &body = method->body();
body << " this->getOperation()->setAttr(\"" << name << "\", attr);";
@ -650,13 +652,15 @@ generateValueRangeStartAndEnd(Class &opClass, StringRef methodName,
int numVariadic, int numNonVariadic,
StringRef rangeSizeCall, bool hasAttrSegmentSize,
StringRef sizeAttrInit, RangeT &&odsValues) {
auto &method = opClass.newMethod("std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>", methodName,
"unsigned index");
auto *method = opClass.addMethodAndPrune("std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>",
methodName, "unsigned", "index");
if (!method)
auto &body = method->body();
if (numVariadic == 0) {
method.body() << " return {index, 1};\n";
body << " return {index, 1};\n";
} else if (hasAttrSegmentSize) {
method.body() << sizeAttrInit << attrSizedSegmentValueRangeCalcCode;
body << sizeAttrInit << attrSizedSegmentValueRangeCalcCode;
} else {
// Because the op can have arbitrarily interleaved variadic and non-variadic
// operands, we need to embed a list in the "sink" getter method for
@ -666,9 +670,8 @@ generateValueRangeStartAndEnd(Class &opClass, StringRef methodName,
for (auto &it : odsValues)
isVariadic.push_back(it.isVariableLength() ? "true" : "false");
std::string isVariadicList = llvm::join(isVariadic, ", ");
method.body() << formatv(sameVariadicSizeValueRangeCalcCode, isVariadicList,
numNonVariadic, numVariadic, rangeSizeCall,
body << formatv(sameVariadicSizeValueRangeCalcCode, isVariadicList,
numNonVariadic, numVariadic, rangeSizeCall, "operand");
@ -721,9 +724,11 @@ static void generateNamedOperandGetters(const Operator &op, Class &opClass,
rangeSizeCall, attrSizedOperands, sizeAttrInit,
const_cast<Operator &>(op).getOperands());
auto &m = opClass.newMethod(rangeType, "getODSOperands", "unsigned index");
m.body() << formatv(valueRangeReturnCode, rangeBeginCall,
auto *m = opClass.addMethodAndPrune(rangeType, "getODSOperands", "unsigned",
auto &body = m->body();
body << formatv(valueRangeReturnCode, rangeBeginCall,
// Then we emit nicer named getter methods by redirecting to the "sink" getter
// method.
@ -733,15 +738,15 @@ static void generateNamedOperandGetters(const Operator &op, Class &opClass,
if (operand.isOptional()) {
auto &m = opClass.newMethod("::mlir::Value",;
m.body() << " auto operands = getODSOperands(" << i << ");\n"
<< " return operands.empty() ? Value() : *operands.begin();";
m = opClass.addMethodAndPrune("::mlir::Value",;
m->body() << " auto operands = getODSOperands(" << i << ");\n"
<< " return operands.empty() ? Value() : *operands.begin();";
} else if (operand.isVariadic()) {
auto &m = opClass.newMethod(rangeType,;
m.body() << " return getODSOperands(" << i << ");";
m = opClass.addMethodAndPrune(rangeType,;
m->body() << " return getODSOperands(" << i << ");";
} else {
auto &m = opClass.newMethod("::mlir::Value",;
m.body() << " return *getODSOperands(" << i << ").begin();";
m = opClass.addMethodAndPrune("::mlir::Value",;
m->body() << " return *getODSOperands(" << i << ").begin();";
@ -764,9 +769,9 @@ void OpEmitter::genNamedOperandSetters() {
const auto &operand = op.getOperand(i);
if (
auto &m = opClass.newMethod("::mlir::MutableOperandRange",
( + "Mutable").str());
auto &body = m.body();
auto *m = opClass.addMethodAndPrune("::mlir::MutableOperandRange",
( + "Mutable").str());
auto &body = m->body();
body << " auto range = getODSOperandIndexAndLength(" << i << ");\n"
<< " return ::mlir::MutableOperandRange(getOperation(), "
"range.first, range.second";
@ -812,10 +817,11 @@ void OpEmitter::genNamedResultGetters() {
numNormalResults, "getOperation()->getNumResults()", attrSizedResults,
formatv(opSegmentSizeAttrInitCode, "result_segment_sizes").str(),
auto &m = opClass.newMethod("::mlir::Operation::result_range",
"getODSResults", "unsigned index");
m.body() << formatv(valueRangeReturnCode, "getOperation()->result_begin()",
auto *m = opClass.addMethodAndPrune("::mlir::Operation::result_range",
"getODSResults", "unsigned", "index");
m->body() << formatv(valueRangeReturnCode, "getOperation()->result_begin()",
for (int i = 0; i != numResults; ++i) {
const auto &result = op.getResult(i);
@ -823,17 +829,17 @@ void OpEmitter::genNamedResultGetters() {
if (result.isOptional()) {
auto &m = opClass.newMethod("::mlir::Value",;
m = opClass.addMethodAndPrune("::mlir::Value",;
<< " auto results = getODSResults(" << i << ");\n"
<< " return results.empty() ? ::mlir::Value() : *results.begin();";
} else if (result.isVariadic()) {
auto &m =
m.body() << " return getODSResults(" << i << ");";
m = opClass.addMethodAndPrune("::mlir::Operation::result_range",
m->body() << " return getODSResults(" << i << ");";
} else {
auto &m = opClass.newMethod("::mlir::Value",;
m.body() << " return *getODSResults(" << i << ").begin();";
m = opClass.addMethodAndPrune("::mlir::Value",;
m->body() << " return *getODSResults(" << i << ").begin();";
@ -847,15 +853,15 @@ void OpEmitter::genNamedRegionGetters() {
// Generate the accessors for a varidiadic region.
if (region.isVariadic()) {
auto &m =
m.body() << formatv(
auto *m = opClass.addMethodAndPrune("::mlir::MutableArrayRef<Region>",
m->body() << formatv(
" return this->getOperation()->getRegions().drop_front({0});", i);
auto &m = opClass.newMethod("::mlir::Region &",;
m.body() << formatv(" return this->getOperation()->getRegion({0});", i);
auto *m = opClass.addMethodAndPrune("::mlir::Region &",;
m->body() << formatv(" return this->getOperation()->getRegion({0});", i);
@ -868,16 +874,18 @@ void OpEmitter::genNamedSuccessorGetters() {
// Generate the accessors for a variadic successor list.
if (successor.isVariadic()) {
auto &m = opClass.newMethod("::mlir::SuccessorRange",;
m.body() << formatv(
auto *m =
m->body() << formatv(
" return {std::next(this->getOperation()->successor_begin(), {0}), "
auto &m = opClass.newMethod("::mlir::Block *",;
m.body() << formatv(" return this->getOperation()->getSuccessor({0});", i);
auto *m = opClass.addMethodAndPrune("::mlir::Block *",;
m->body() << formatv(" return this->getOperation()->getSuccessor({0});",
@ -917,14 +925,16 @@ void OpEmitter::genSeparateArgParamBuilder() {
// inferring result type.
auto emit = [&](AttrParamKind attrType, TypeParamKind paramKind,
bool inferType) {
std::string paramList;
llvm::SmallVector<OpMethodParameter, 4> paramList;
llvm::SmallVector<std::string, 4> resultNames;
buildParamList(paramList, resultNames, paramKind, attrType);
auto &m =
opClass.newMethod("void", "build", paramList, OpMethod::MP_Static);
auto &body = m.body();
auto *m = opClass.addMethodAndPrune("void", "build", OpMethod::MP_Static,
// If the builder is redundant, skip generating the method.
if (!m)
auto &body = m->body();
body, /*isRawValueAttr=*/attrType == AttrParamKind::UnwrappedValue);
@ -979,54 +989,13 @@ void OpEmitter::genSeparateArgParamBuilder() {
llvm_unreachable("unhandled TypeParamKind");
// A separate arg param builder method will have a signature which is
// ambiguous with the collective params build method (generated in
// `genCollectiveParamBuilder` function below) if it has a single
// `ArrayReg<Type>` parameter for result types and a single `ArrayRef<Value>`
// parameter for the operands, no parameters after that, and the collective
// params build method has `attributes` as its last parameter (with
// a default value). This will happen when all of the following are true:
// 1. [`attributes` as last parameter in collective params build method]:
// getNumVariadicRegions must be 0 (otherwise the collective params build
// method ends with a `numRegions` param, and we don't specify default
// value for attributes).
// 2. [single `ArrayRef<Value>` parameter for operands, and no parameters
// after that]: numArgs() must be 1 (if not, each arg gets a separate param
// in the build methods generated here) and the single arg must be a
// non-attribute variadic argument.
// 3. [single `ArrayReg<Type>` parameter for result types]:
// 3a. paramKind should be Collective, or
// 3b. paramKind should be Separate and there should be a single variadic
// result
// In that case, skip generating such ambiguous build methods here.
// Some of the build methods generated here may be amiguous, but TableGen's
// ambiguous function detection will elide those ones.
for (auto attrType : attrBuilderType) {
// Case 3b above.
if (!(op.hasNoVariadicRegions() && op.hasSingleVariadicArg() &&
emit(attrType, TypeParamKind::Separate, /*inferType=*/false);
if (canInferType(op)) {
// When inferType = true, the generated build method does not have
// result types. If the op has a single variadic arg, then this build
// method will be ambiguous with the collective inferred build method
// generated in `genInferredTypeCollectiveParamBuilder`. If we are going
// to generate that collective inferred method, suppress generating the
// ambiguous build method here.
bool buildMethodAmbiguous =
op.hasSingleVariadicArg() &&
if (!buildMethodAmbiguous)
emit(attrType, TypeParamKind::None, /*inferType=*/true);
// The separate arg + collective param kind method will be:
// (a) Same as the separate arg + separate param kind method if there is
// only one variadic result.
// (b) Ambiguous with the collective params method under conditions in (3a)
// above.
// In either case, skip generating such build method.
if (!op.hasSingleVariadicResult() &&
!(op.hasNoVariadicRegions() && op.hasSingleVariadicArg()))
emit(attrType, TypeParamKind::Collective, /*inferType=*/false);
emit(attrType, TypeParamKind::Separate, /*inferType=*/false);
if (canInferType(op))
emit(attrType, TypeParamKind::None, /*inferType=*/true);
emit(attrType, TypeParamKind::Collective, /*inferType=*/false);
@ -1034,19 +1003,23 @@ void OpEmitter::genUseOperandAsResultTypeCollectiveParamBuilder() {
int numResults = op.getNumResults();
// Signature
std::string params =
std::string("::mlir::OpBuilder &odsBuilder, ::mlir::OperationState &") +
builderOpState +
", ::mlir::ValueRange operands, ::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::NamedAttribute> "
if (op.getNumVariadicRegions()) {
params += ", unsigned numRegions";
} else {
// Provide default value for `attributes` since its the last parameter
params += " = {}";
auto &m = opClass.newMethod("void", "build", params, OpMethod::MP_Static);
auto &body = m.body();
llvm::SmallVector<OpMethodParameter, 4> paramList;
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::OpBuilder &", "odsBuilder");
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::OperationState &", builderOpState);
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::ValueRange", "operands");
// Provide default value for `attributes` when its the last parameter
StringRef attributesDefaultValue = op.getNumVariadicRegions() ? "" : "{}";
"attributes", attributesDefaultValue);
if (op.getNumVariadicRegions())
paramList.emplace_back("unsigned", "numRegions");
auto *m = opClass.addMethodAndPrune("void", "build", OpMethod::MP_Static,
// If the builder is redundant, skip generating the method
if (!m)
auto &body = m->body();
// Operands
body << " " << builderOpState << ".addOperands(operands);\n";
@ -1068,19 +1041,20 @@ void OpEmitter::genUseOperandAsResultTypeCollectiveParamBuilder() {
<< llvm::join(resultTypes, ", ") << "});\n\n";
bool OpEmitter::shouldGenerateInferredTypeCollectiveParamBuilder() {
return canInferType(op) && op.getNumSuccessors() == 0;
void OpEmitter::genInferredTypeCollectiveParamBuilder() {
// TODO: Expand to support regions.
std::string params =
std::string("::mlir::OpBuilder &odsBuilder, ::mlir::OperationState &") +
builderOpState +
", ::mlir::ValueRange operands, ::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::NamedAttribute> "
"attributes = {}";
auto &m = opClass.newMethod("void", "build", params, OpMethod::MP_Static);
auto &body = m.body();
SmallVector<OpMethodParameter, 4> paramList;
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::OpBuilder &", "odsBuilder");
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::OperationState &", builderOpState);
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::ValueRange", "operands");
"attributes", "{}");
auto *m = opClass.addMethodAndPrune("void", "build", OpMethod::MP_Static,
// If the builder is redundant, skip generating the method
if (!m)
auto &body = m->body();
int numResults = op.getNumResults();
int numVariadicResults = op.getNumVariableLengthResults();
@ -1128,12 +1102,17 @@ void OpEmitter::genInferredTypeCollectiveParamBuilder() {
void OpEmitter::genUseOperandAsResultTypeSeparateParamBuilder() {
std::string paramList;
llvm::SmallVector<OpMethodParameter, 4> paramList;
llvm::SmallVector<std::string, 4> resultNames;
buildParamList(paramList, resultNames, TypeParamKind::None);
auto &m = opClass.newMethod("void", "build", paramList, OpMethod::MP_Static);
auto *m = opClass.addMethodAndPrune("void", "build", OpMethod::MP_Static,
// If the builder is redundant, skip generating the method
if (!m)
auto &body = m->body();
auto numResults = op.getNumResults();
if (numResults == 0)
@ -1143,20 +1122,26 @@ void OpEmitter::genUseOperandAsResultTypeSeparateParamBuilder() {
const char *index = op.getOperand(0).isVariadic() ? ".front()" : "";
std::string resultType =
formatv("{0}{1}.getType()", getArgumentName(op, 0), index).str();
m.body() << " " << builderOpState << ".addTypes({" << resultType;
body << " " << builderOpState << ".addTypes({" << resultType;
for (int i = 1; i != numResults; ++i)
m.body() << ", " << resultType;
m.body() << "});\n\n";
body << ", " << resultType;
body << "});\n\n";
void OpEmitter::genUseAttrAsResultTypeBuilder() {
std::string params =
std::string("::mlir::OpBuilder &odsBuilder, ::mlir::OperationState &") +
builderOpState +
", ::mlir::ValueRange operands, ::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::NamedAttribute> "
auto &m = opClass.newMethod("void", "build", params, OpMethod::MP_Static);
auto &body = m.body();
SmallVector<OpMethodParameter, 4> paramList;
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::OpBuilder &", "odsBuilder");
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::OperationState &", builderOpState);
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::ValueRange", "operands");
"attributes", "{}");
auto *m = opClass.addMethodAndPrune("void", "build", OpMethod::MP_Static,
// If the builder is redundant, skip generating the method
if (!m)
auto &body = m->body();
// Push all result types to the operation state
std::string resultType;
@ -1196,11 +1181,12 @@ void OpEmitter::genBuilder() {
StringRef body = builderDef->getValueAsString("body");
bool hasBody = !body.empty();
auto &method =
opClass.newMethod("void", "build", params, OpMethod::MP_Static,
OpMethod::Property properties =
hasBody ? OpMethod::MP_Static : OpMethod::MP_StaticDeclaration;
auto *method =
opClass.addMethodAndPrune("void", "build", properties, params);
if (hasBody)
method.body() << body;
method->body() << body;
if (op.skipDefaultBuilders()) {
@ -1226,21 +1212,8 @@ void OpEmitter::genBuilder() {
// to facilitate different call patterns.
if (op.getNumVariableLengthResults() == 0) {
if (op.getTrait("::mlir::OpTrait::SameOperandsAndResultType")) {
// If the operation has a single variadic input, then the build method
// generated by `genUseOperandAsResultTypeSeparateParamBuilder` will be
// ambiguous with the one generated by
// `genUseOperandAsResultTypeCollectiveParamBuilder` (they both will have
// a single `ValueRange` argument for operands, and the collective one
// will have a `ArrayRef<NamedAttribute>` argument initialized to empty).
// Suppress such ambiguous build method.
if (!op.hasSingleVariadicArg())
// The build method generated by the inferred type collective param
// builder and one generated here have the same arguments and hence
// generating both will be ambiguous. Enable just one of them.
if (!shouldGenerateInferredTypeCollectiveParamBuilder())
if (op.getTrait("::mlir::OpTrait::FirstAttrDerivedResultType"))
@ -1255,21 +1228,25 @@ void OpEmitter::genCollectiveParamBuilder() {
int numOperands = op.getNumOperands();
int numVariadicOperands = op.getNumVariableLengthOperands();
int numNonVariadicOperands = numOperands - numVariadicOperands;
// Signature
std::string params =
std::string("::mlir::OpBuilder &, ::mlir::OperationState &") +
builderOpState +
", ::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::Type> resultTypes, ::mlir::ValueRange "
"operands, "
"::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::NamedAttribute> attributes";
if (op.getNumVariadicRegions()) {
params += ", unsigned numRegions";
} else {
// Provide default value for `attributes` since its the last parameter
params += " = {}";
auto &m = opClass.newMethod("void", "build", params, OpMethod::MP_Static);
auto &body = m.body();
SmallVector<OpMethodParameter, 4> paramList;
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::OpBuilder &", "");
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::OperationState &", builderOpState);
paramList.emplace_back("::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::Type>", "resultTypes");
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::ValueRange", "operands");
// Provide default value for `attributes` when its the last parameter
StringRef attributesDefaultValue = op.getNumVariadicRegions() ? "" : "{}";
"attributes", attributesDefaultValue);
if (op.getNumVariadicRegions())
paramList.emplace_back("unsigned", "numRegions");
auto *m = opClass.addMethodAndPrune("void", "build", OpMethod::MP_Static,
// If the builder is redundant, skip generating the method
if (!m)
auto &body = m->body();
// Operands
if (numVariadicOperands == 0 || numNonVariadicOperands != 0)
@ -1299,11 +1276,11 @@ void OpEmitter::genCollectiveParamBuilder() {
// Generate builder that infers type too.
// TODO: Expand to handle regions and successors.
if (shouldGenerateInferredTypeCollectiveParamBuilder())
if (canInferType(op) && op.getNumSuccessors() == 0)
void OpEmitter::buildParamList(std::string ¶mList,
void OpEmitter::buildParamList(SmallVectorImpl<OpMethodParameter> ¶mList,
SmallVectorImpl<std::string> &resultTypeNames,
TypeParamKind typeParamKind,
AttrParamKind attrParamKind) {
@ -1311,8 +1288,8 @@ void OpEmitter::buildParamList(std::string ¶mList,
auto numResults = op.getNumResults();
paramList = "::mlir::OpBuilder &odsBuilder, ::mlir::OperationState &";
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::OpBuilder &", "odsBuilder");
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::OperationState &", builderOpState);
switch (typeParamKind) {
case TypeParamKind::None:
@ -1325,19 +1302,18 @@ void OpEmitter::buildParamList(std::string ¶mList,
if (resultName.empty())
resultName = std::string(formatv("resultType{0}", i));
StringRef type = result.isVariadic() ? "::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::Type>"
: "::mlir::Type";
OpMethodParameter::Property properties = OpMethodParameter::PP_None;
if (result.isOptional())
paramList.append(", /*optional*/::mlir::Type ");
else if (result.isVariadic())
paramList.append(", ::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::Type> ");
paramList.append(", ::mlir::Type ");
properties = OpMethodParameter::PP_Optional;
paramList.emplace_back(type, resultName, properties);
} break;
case TypeParamKind::Collective: {
paramList.append(", ::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::Type> resultTypes");
paramList.emplace_back("::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::Type>", "resultTypes");
} break;
@ -1376,64 +1352,64 @@ void OpEmitter::buildParamList(std::string ¶mList,
auto argument = op.getArg(i);
if (<tblgen::NamedTypeConstraint *>()) {
const auto &operand = op.getOperand(numOperands);
StringRef type =
operand.isVariadic() ? "::mlir::ValueRange" : "::mlir::Value";
OpMethodParameter::Property properties = OpMethodParameter::PP_None;
if (operand.isOptional())
paramList.append(", /*optional*/::mlir::Value ");
else if (operand.isVariadic())
paramList.append(", ::mlir::ValueRange ");
paramList.append(", ::mlir::Value ");
paramList.append(getArgumentName(op, numOperands));
properties = OpMethodParameter::PP_Optional;
paramList.emplace_back(type, getArgumentName(op, numOperands),
} else {
const auto &namedAttr = op.getAttribute(numAttrs);
const auto &attr = namedAttr.attr;
paramList.append(", ");
OpMethodParameter::Property properties = OpMethodParameter::PP_None;
if (attr.isOptional())
properties = OpMethodParameter::PP_Optional;
StringRef type;
switch (attrParamKind) {
case AttrParamKind::WrappedAttr:
type = attr.getStorageType();
case AttrParamKind::UnwrappedValue:
if (canUseUnwrappedRawValue(attr)) {
} else {
if (canUseUnwrappedRawValue(attr))
type = attr.getReturnType();
type = attr.getStorageType();
paramList.append(" ");
std::string defaultValue;
// Attach default value if requested and possible.
if (attrParamKind == AttrParamKind::UnwrappedValue &&
i >= defaultValuedAttrStartIndex) {
bool isString = attr.getReturnType() == "::llvm::StringRef";
paramList.append(" = ");
if (isString)
defaultValue += attr.getDefaultValue();
if (isString)
paramList.emplace_back(type,, defaultValue, properties);
/// Insert parameters for each successor.
for (const NamedSuccessor &succ : op.getSuccessors()) {
paramList += (succ.isVariadic() ? ", ::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::Block *> "
: ", ::mlir::Block *");
paramList +=;
StringRef type = succ.isVariadic() ? "::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::Block *>"
: "::mlir::Block *";
/// Insert parameters for variadic regions.
for (const NamedRegion ®ion : op.getRegions()) {
for (const NamedRegion ®ion : op.getRegions())
if (region.isVariadic())
paramList += llvm::formatv(", unsigned {0}Count",;
void OpEmitter::genCodeForAddingArgAndRegionForBuilder(OpMethodBody &body,
@ -1520,10 +1496,12 @@ void OpEmitter::genCanonicalizerDecls() {
if (!def.getValueAsBit("hasCanonicalizer"))
const char *const params =
"::mlir::OwningRewritePatternList &results, ::mlir::MLIRContext *context";
opClass.newMethod("void", "getCanonicalizationPatterns", params,
OpMethod::MP_Static, /*declOnly=*/true);
SmallVector<OpMethodParameter, 2> paramList;
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::OwningRewritePatternList &", "results");
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::MLIRContext *", "context");
opClass.addMethodAndPrune("void", "getCanonicalizationPatterns",
void OpEmitter::genFolderDecls() {
@ -1532,17 +1510,16 @@ void OpEmitter::genFolderDecls() {
if (def.getValueAsBit("hasFolder")) {
if (hasSingleResult) {
const char *const params = "::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::Attribute> operands";
opClass.newMethod("::mlir::OpFoldResult", "fold", params,
"::mlir::OpFoldResult", "fold", OpMethod::MP_Declaration,
"::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::Attribute>", "operands");
} else {
const char *const params =
"::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::Attribute> operands, "
"::llvm::SmallVectorImpl<::mlir::OpFoldResult> &results";
opClass.newMethod("::mlir::LogicalResult", "fold", params,
SmallVector<OpMethodParameter, 2> paramList;
paramList.emplace_back("::llvm::ArrayRef<::mlir::Attribute>", "operands");
paramList.emplace_back("::llvm::SmallVectorImpl<::mlir::OpFoldResult> &",
opClass.addMethodAndPrune("::mlir::LogicalResult", "fold",
OpMethod::MP_Declaration, std::move(paramList));
@ -1566,16 +1543,14 @@ void OpEmitter::genOpInterfaceMethod(const tblgen::InterfaceOpTrait *opTrait) {
std::string args;
llvm::raw_string_ostream os(args);
interleaveComma(method.getArguments(), os,
[&](const InterfaceMethod::Argument &arg) {
os << arg.type << " " <<;
opClass.newMethod(method.getReturnType(), method.getName(), os.str(),
method.isStatic() ? OpMethod::MP_Static
: OpMethod::MP_None,
SmallVector<OpMethodParameter, 4> paramList;
for (const InterfaceMethod::Argument &arg : method.getArguments())
auto properties = method.isStatic() ? OpMethod::MP_StaticDeclaration
: OpMethod::MP_Declaration;
opClass.addMethodAndPrune(method.getReturnType(), method.getName(),
properties, std::move(paramList));
@ -1634,15 +1609,14 @@ void OpEmitter::genSideEffectInterfaceMethods() {
resolveDecorators(op.getResultDecorators(i), i, EffectKind::Result);
for (auto &it : interfaceEffects) {
auto effectsParam =
"EffectInstance<{0}>> &effects",
// Generate the 'getEffects' method.
auto &getEffects = opClass.newMethod("void", "getEffects", effectsParam);
auto &body = getEffects.body();
std::string type = llvm::formatv("::mlir::SmallVectorImpl<::mlir::"
"SideEffects::EffectInstance<{0}>> &",
auto *getEffects =
opClass.addMethodAndPrune("void", "getEffects", type, "effects");
auto &body = getEffects->body();
// Add effect instances for each of the locations marked on the operation.
for (auto &location : it.second) {
@ -1667,21 +1641,24 @@ void OpEmitter::genTypeInterfaceMethods() {
if (!op.allResultTypesKnown())
auto &method = opClass.newMethod(
"::mlir::LogicalResult", "inferReturnTypes",
"::mlir::MLIRContext* context, "
"::llvm::Optional<::mlir::Location> location, "
"::mlir::ValueRange operands, ::mlir::DictionaryAttr attributes, "
"::mlir::RegionRange regions, "
"::llvm::SmallVectorImpl<::mlir::Type>& inferredReturnTypes",
auto &os = method.body();
os << " inferredReturnTypes.resize(" << op.getNumResults() << ");\n";
SmallVector<OpMethodParameter, 4> paramList;
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::MLIRContext *", "context");
paramList.emplace_back("::llvm::Optional<::mlir::Location>", "location");
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::ValueRange", "operands");
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::DictionaryAttr", "attributes");
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::RegionRange", "regions");
auto *method =
opClass.addMethodAndPrune("::mlir::LogicalResult", "inferReturnTypes",
OpMethod::MP_Static, std::move(paramList));
auto &body = method->body();
body << " inferredReturnTypes.resize(" << op.getNumResults() << ");\n";
FmtContext fctx;
os << " ::mlir::Builder odsBuilder(context);\n";
body << " ::mlir::Builder odsBuilder(context);\n";
auto emitType =
[&](const tblgen::Operator::ArgOrType &type) -> OpMethodBody & {
@ -1690,24 +1667,24 @@ void OpEmitter::genTypeInterfaceMethods() {
assert(!op.getArg(argIndex).is<NamedAttribute *>());
auto arg = op.getArgToOperandOrAttribute(argIndex);
if (arg.kind() == Operator::OperandOrAttribute::Kind::Operand)
return os << "operands[" << arg.operandOrAttributeIndex()
return body << "operands[" << arg.operandOrAttributeIndex()
<< "].getType()";
return body << "attributes[" << arg.operandOrAttributeIndex()
<< "].getType()";
return os << "attributes[" << arg.operandOrAttributeIndex()
<< "].getType()";
} else {
return os << tgfmt(*type.getType().getBuilderCall(), &fctx);
return body << tgfmt(*type.getType().getBuilderCall(), &fctx);
for (int i = 0, e = op.getNumResults(); i != e; ++i) {
os << " inferredReturnTypes[" << i << "] = ";
body << " inferredReturnTypes[" << i << "] = ";
auto types = op.getSameTypeAsResult(i);
emitType(types[0]) << ";\n";
if (types.size() == 1)
// TODO: We could verify equality here, but skipping that for verification.
os << " return ::mlir::success();";
body << " return ::mlir::success();";
void OpEmitter::genParser() {
@ -1715,14 +1692,17 @@ void OpEmitter::genParser() {
hasStringAttribute(def, "assemblyFormat"))
auto &method = opClass.newMethod(
"::mlir::ParseResult", "parse",
"::mlir::OpAsmParser &parser, ::mlir::OperationState &result",
SmallVector<OpMethodParameter, 2> paramList;
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::OpAsmParser &", "parser");
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::OperationState &", "result");
auto *method =
opClass.addMethodAndPrune("::mlir::ParseResult", "parse",
OpMethod::MP_Static, std::move(paramList));
FmtContext fctx;
fctx.addSubst("cppClass", opClass.getClassName());
auto parser = def.getValueAsString("parser").ltrim().rtrim(" \t\v\f\r");
method.body() << " " << tgfmt(parser, &fctx);
method->body() << " " << tgfmt(parser, &fctx);
void OpEmitter::genPrinter() {
@ -1734,17 +1714,17 @@ void OpEmitter::genPrinter() {
if (!codeInit)
auto &method = opClass.newMethod("void", "print", "::mlir::OpAsmPrinter &p");
auto *method =
opClass.addMethodAndPrune("void", "print", "::mlir::OpAsmPrinter &", "p");
FmtContext fctx;
fctx.addSubst("cppClass", opClass.getClassName());
auto printer = codeInit->getValue().ltrim().rtrim(" \t\v\f\r");
method.body() << " " << tgfmt(printer, &fctx);
method->body() << " " << tgfmt(printer, &fctx);
void OpEmitter::genVerifier() {
auto &method =
opClass.newMethod("::mlir::LogicalResult", "verify", /*params=*/"");
auto &body = method.body();
auto *method = opClass.addMethodAndPrune("::mlir::LogicalResult", "verify");
auto &body = method->body();
body << " if (failed(" << op.getAdaptorName()
<< "(*this).verify(this->getLoc()))) "
<< "return ::mlir::failure();\n";
@ -1988,9 +1968,9 @@ void OpEmitter::genTraits() {
void OpEmitter::genOpNameGetter() {
auto &method = opClass.newMethod("::llvm::StringRef", "getOperationName",
/*params=*/"", OpMethod::MP_Static);
method.body() << " return \"" << op.getOperationName() << "\";\n";
auto *method = opClass.addMethodAndPrune(
"::llvm::StringRef", "getOperationName", OpMethod::MP_Static);
method->body() << " return \"" << op.getOperationName() << "\";\n";
void OpEmitter::genOpAsmInterface() {
@ -2014,9 +1994,9 @@ void OpEmitter::genOpAsmInterface() {
// Generate the right accessor for the number of results.
auto &method = opClass.newMethod("void", "getAsmResultNames",
"OpAsmSetValueNameFn setNameFn");
auto &body = method.body();
auto *method = opClass.addMethodAndPrune("void", "getAsmResultNames",
"OpAsmSetValueNameFn", "setNameFn");
auto &body = method->body();
for (int i = 0; i != numResults; ++i) {
body << " auto resultGroup" << i << " = getODSResults(" << i << ");\n"
<< " if (!llvm::empty(resultGroup" << i << "))\n"
@ -2057,22 +2037,23 @@ OpOperandAdaptorEmitter::OpOperandAdaptorEmitter(const Operator &op)
const auto *attrSizedOperands =
auto &constructor = adaptor.newConstructor(
? "::mlir::ValueRange values, ::mlir::DictionaryAttr attrs"
: "::mlir::ValueRange values, ::mlir::DictionaryAttr attrs = "
constructor.addMemberInitializer("odsOperands", "values");
constructor.addMemberInitializer("odsAttrs", "attrs");
SmallVector<OpMethodParameter, 2> paramList;
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::ValueRange", "values");
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::DictionaryAttr", "attrs",
attrSizedOperands ? "" : "nullptr");
auto *constructor = adaptor.addConstructorAndPrune(std::move(paramList));
constructor->addMemberInitializer("odsOperands", "values");
constructor->addMemberInitializer("odsAttrs", "attrs");
auto &constructor = adaptor.newConstructor(
llvm::formatv("{0}& op", op.getCppClassName()).str());
auto *constructor = adaptor.addConstructorAndPrune(
llvm::formatv("{0}&", op.getCppClassName()).str(), "op");
std::string sizeAttrInit =
@ -2087,7 +2068,7 @@ OpOperandAdaptorEmitter::OpOperandAdaptorEmitter(const Operator &op)
auto emitAttr = [&](StringRef name, Attribute attr) {
auto &body = adaptor.newMethod(attr.getStorageType(), name).body();
auto &body = adaptor.addMethodAndPrune(attr.getStorageType(), name)->body();
body << " assert(odsAttrs && \"no attributes when constructing adapter\");"
<< "\n " << attr.getStorageType() << " attr = "
<< "odsAttrs.get(\"" << name << "\").";
@ -2120,9 +2101,9 @@ OpOperandAdaptorEmitter::OpOperandAdaptorEmitter(const Operator &op)
void OpOperandAdaptorEmitter::addVerification() {
auto &method = adaptor.newMethod("::mlir::LogicalResult", "verify",
/*params=*/"::mlir::Location loc");
auto &body = method.body();
auto *method = adaptor.addMethodAndPrune("::mlir::LogicalResult", "verify",
"::mlir::Location", "loc");
auto &body = method->body();
const char *checkAttrSizedValueSegmentsCode = R"(
@ -922,11 +922,14 @@ static void genCustomDirectiveParser(CustomDirective *dir, OpMethodBody &body) {
void OperationFormat::genParser(Operator &op, OpClass &opClass) {
auto &method = opClass.newMethod(
"::mlir::ParseResult", "parse",
"::mlir::OpAsmParser &parser, ::mlir::OperationState &result",
auto &body = method.body();
llvm::SmallVector<OpMethodParameter, 4> paramList;
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::OpAsmParser &", "parser");
paramList.emplace_back("::mlir::OperationState &", "result");
auto *method =
opClass.addMethodAndPrune("::mlir::ParseResult", "parse",
OpMethod::MP_Static, std::move(paramList));
auto &body = method->body();
// Generate variables to store the operands and type within the format. This
// allows for referencing these variables in the presence of optional
@ -1611,8 +1614,9 @@ void OperationFormat::genElementPrinter(Element *element, OpMethodBody &body,
void OperationFormat::genPrinter(Operator &op, OpClass &opClass) {
auto &method = opClass.newMethod("void", "print", "::mlir::OpAsmPrinter &p");
auto &body = method.body();
auto *method =
opClass.addMethodAndPrune("void", "print", "::mlir::OpAsmPrinter &p");
auto &body = method->body();
// Emit the operation name, trimming the prefix if this is the standard
// dialect.
Reference in New Issue