Upgrade Google Benchmark library to ToT

llvm-svn: 346984
This commit is contained in:
Eric Fiselier 2018-11-15 19:22:53 +00:00
parent b144c7a6fb
commit 782a15a0d1
57 changed files with 2963 additions and 860 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Language: Cpp
BasedOnStyle: Google

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
*.dylib *.dylib
*.cmake *.cmake
!/cmake/*.cmake !/cmake/*.cmake
*~ *~
*.pyc *.pyc
__pycache__ __pycache__
@ -41,6 +42,17 @@ build.ninja
install_manifest.txt install_manifest.txt
rules.ninja rules.ninja
# bazel output symlinks.
# out-of-source build top-level folders. # out-of-source build top-level folders.
build/ build/
_build/ _build/
# in-source dependencies
# Visual Studio 2015/2017 cache/options directory

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Install a newer CMake version
curl -sSL https://cmake.org/files/v3.6/cmake-3.6.1-Linux-x86_64.sh -o install-cmake.sh
chmod +x install-cmake.sh
sudo ./install-cmake.sh --prefix=/usr/local --skip-license
# Checkout LLVM sources
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/llvm-mirror/llvm.git llvm-source
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/llvm-mirror/libcxx.git llvm-source/projects/libcxx
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/llvm-mirror/libcxxabi.git llvm-source/projects/libcxxabi
# Setup libc++ options
if [ -z "$BUILD_32_BITS" ]; then
export BUILD_32_BITS=OFF && echo disabling 32 bit build
# Build and install libc++ (Use unstable ABI for better sanitizer coverage)
mkdir llvm-build && cd llvm-build
make cxx -j2
sudo make install-cxxabi install-cxx
cd ../

View File

@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
sudo: required
dist: trusty
language: cpp
- /usr/local/bin:$PATH
- compiler: gcc
- lcov
- compiler: gcc
- compiler: gcc
- compiler: gcc
- g++-multilib
- compiler: gcc
- g++-multilib
- compiler: gcc
- EXTRA_FLAGS="-fno-omit-frame-pointer -g -O2 -fsanitize=undefined,address -fuse-ld=gold"
- compiler: clang
env: COMPILER=clang++ C_COMPILER=clang BUILD_TYPE=Debug
- compiler: clang
env: COMPILER=clang++ C_COMPILER=clang BUILD_TYPE=Release
# Clang w/ libc++
- compiler: clang
- COMPILER=clang++-3.8 C_COMPILER=clang-3.8 BUILD_TYPE=Debug
- EXTRA_FLAGS="-stdlib=libc++"
- compiler: clang
- COMPILER=clang++-3.8 C_COMPILER=clang-3.8 BUILD_TYPE=Release
- EXTRA_FLAGS="-stdlib=libc++"
# Clang w/ 32bit libc++
- compiler: clang
- clang-3.8
- g++-multilib
- COMPILER=clang++-3.8 C_COMPILER=clang-3.8 BUILD_TYPE=Debug
- EXTRA_FLAGS="-stdlib=libc++ -m32"
# Clang w/ 32bit libc++
- compiler: clang
- clang-3.8
- g++-multilib
- COMPILER=clang++-3.8 C_COMPILER=clang-3.8 BUILD_TYPE=Release
- EXTRA_FLAGS="-stdlib=libc++ -m32"
# Clang w/ libc++, ASAN, UBSAN
- compiler: clang
- COMPILER=clang++-3.8 C_COMPILER=clang-3.8 BUILD_TYPE=Debug
- EXTRA_FLAGS="-stdlib=libc++ -g -O2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fsanitize=undefined,address -fno-sanitize-recover=all"
- UBSAN_OPTIONS=print_stacktrace=1
# Clang w/ libc++ and MSAN
- compiler: clang
- COMPILER=clang++-3.8 C_COMPILER=clang-3.8 BUILD_TYPE=Debug
- EXTRA_FLAGS="-stdlib=libc++ -g -O2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fsanitize=memory -fsanitize-memory-track-origins"
# Clang w/ libc++ and MSAN
- compiler: clang
- COMPILER=clang++-3.8 C_COMPILER=clang-3.8 BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
- EXTRA_FLAGS="-stdlib=libc++ -g -O2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fsanitize=thread -fno-sanitize-recover=all"
- os: osx
osx_image: xcode8.3
compiler: clang
- os: osx
osx_image: xcode8.3
compiler: clang
- COMPILER=clang++ BUILD_TYPE=Release
- os: osx
osx_image: xcode8.3
compiler: clang
- os: osx
osx_image: xcode8.3
compiler: gcc
- if [ -n "${LIBCXX_BUILD}" ]; then
source .travis-libcxx-setup.sh;
- if [ -n "${ENABLE_SANITIZER}" ]; then
export EXTRA_OPTIONS="";
- mkdir -p build && cd build
- if [ -z "$BUILD_32_BITS" ]; then
export BUILD_32_BITS=OFF && echo disabling 32 bit build;
- if [ -n "${INSTALL_GCC6_FROM_PPA}" ]; then
sudo add-apt-repository -y "ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test";
sudo apt-get update --option Acquire::Retries=100 --option Acquire::http::Timeout="60";
- if [ -n "${INSTALL_GCC6_FROM_PPA}" ]; then
travis_wait sudo -E apt-get -yq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends install g++-6;
- if [ "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == "linux" -a "${BUILD_32_BITS}" == "OFF" ]; then
travis_wait sudo -E apt-get -y --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends install llvm-3.9-tools;
sudo cp /usr/lib/llvm-3.9/bin/FileCheck /usr/local/bin/;
- if [ "${BUILD_TYPE}" == "Coverage" -a "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == "linux" ]; then
pip install --user --upgrade pip;
travis_wait pip install --user cpp-coveralls;
- if [ "${C_COMPILER}" == "gcc-7" -a "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == "osx" ]; then
rm -f /usr/local/include/c++;
brew update;
travis_wait brew install gcc@7;
- if [ "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == "linux" ]; then
sudo apt-get update -qq;
sudo apt-get install -qq unzip;
wget https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases/download/0.10.1/bazel-0.10.1-installer-linux-x86_64.sh --output-document bazel-installer.sh;
travis_wait sudo bash bazel-installer.sh;
- if [ "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == "osx" ]; then
curl -L -o bazel-installer.sh https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases/download/0.10.1/bazel-0.10.1-installer-darwin-x86_64.sh;
travis_wait sudo bash bazel-installer.sh;
- make
- ctest -C ${BUILD_TYPE} --output-on-failure
- bazel test -c dbg --define google_benchmark.have_regex=posix --announce_rc --verbose_failures --test_output=errors --keep_going //test/...
- if [ "${BUILD_TYPE}" == "Coverage" -a "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == "linux" ]; then
coveralls --include src --include include --gcov-options '\-lp' --root .. --build-root .;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
import os
import ycm_core
# These are the compilation flags that will be used in case there's no
# compilation database set (by default, one is not set).
flags = [
# ...and the same thing goes for the magic -x option which specifies the
# language that the files to be compiled are written in. This is mostly
# relevant for c++ headers.
# For a C project, you would set this to 'c' instead of 'c++'.
'-x', 'c++',
'-I', 'include',
'-isystem', '/usr/include',
'-isystem', '/usr/local/include',
# Set this to the absolute path to the folder (NOT the file!) containing the
# compile_commands.json file to use that instead of 'flags'. See here for
# more details: http://clang.llvm.org/docs/JSONCompilationDatabase.html
# Most projects will NOT need to set this to anything; you can just change the
# 'flags' list of compilation flags. Notice that YCM itself uses that approach.
compilation_database_folder = ''
if os.path.exists( compilation_database_folder ):
database = ycm_core.CompilationDatabase( compilation_database_folder )
database = None
def DirectoryOfThisScript():
return os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath( __file__ ) )
def MakeRelativePathsInFlagsAbsolute( flags, working_directory ):
if not working_directory:
return list( flags )
new_flags = []
make_next_absolute = False
path_flags = [ '-isystem', '-I', '-iquote', '--sysroot=' ]
for flag in flags:
new_flag = flag
if make_next_absolute:
make_next_absolute = False
if not flag.startswith( '/' ):
new_flag = os.path.join( working_directory, flag )
for path_flag in path_flags:
if flag == path_flag:
make_next_absolute = True
if flag.startswith( path_flag ):
path = flag[ len( path_flag ): ]
new_flag = path_flag + os.path.join( working_directory, path )
if new_flag:
new_flags.append( new_flag )
return new_flags
def IsHeaderFile( filename ):
extension = os.path.splitext( filename )[ 1 ]
return extension in [ '.h', '.hxx', '.hpp', '.hh' ]
def GetCompilationInfoForFile( filename ):
# The compilation_commands.json file generated by CMake does not have entries
# for header files. So we do our best by asking the db for flags for a
# corresponding source file, if any. If one exists, the flags for that file
# should be good enough.
if IsHeaderFile( filename ):
basename = os.path.splitext( filename )[ 0 ]
for extension in SOURCE_EXTENSIONS:
replacement_file = basename + extension
if os.path.exists( replacement_file ):
compilation_info = database.GetCompilationInfoForFile(
replacement_file )
if compilation_info.compiler_flags_:
return compilation_info
return None
return database.GetCompilationInfoForFile( filename )
def FlagsForFile( filename, **kwargs ):
if database:
# Bear in mind that compilation_info.compiler_flags_ does NOT return a
# python list, but a "list-like" StringVec object
compilation_info = GetCompilationInfoForFile( filename )
if not compilation_info:
return None
final_flags = MakeRelativePathsInFlagsAbsolute(
compilation_info.compiler_working_dir_ )
relative_to = DirectoryOfThisScript()
final_flags = MakeRelativePathsInFlagsAbsolute( flags, relative_to )
return {
'flags': final_flags,
'do_cache': True

View File

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ Maxim Vafin <maxvafin@gmail.com>
MongoDB Inc. MongoDB Inc.
Nick Hutchinson <nshutchinson@gmail.com> Nick Hutchinson <nshutchinson@gmail.com>
Oleksandr Sochka <sasha.sochka@gmail.com> Oleksandr Sochka <sasha.sochka@gmail.com>
Ori Livneh <ori.livneh@gmail.com>
Paul Redmond <paul.redmond@gmail.com> Paul Redmond <paul.redmond@gmail.com>
Radoslav Yovchev <radoslav.tm@gmail.com> Radoslav Yovchev <radoslav.tm@gmail.com>
Roman Lebedev <lebedev.ri@gmail.com> Roman Lebedev <lebedev.ri@gmail.com>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
name = "windows",
values = {
"cpu": "x64_windows",
visibility = [":__subpackages__"],
name = "benchmark",
srcs = glob(
exclude = ["src/benchmark_main.cc"],
hdrs = ["include/benchmark/benchmark.h"],
linkopts = select({
":windows": ["-DEFAULTLIB:shlwapi.lib"],
"//conditions:default": ["-pthread"],
strip_include_prefix = "include",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
name = "benchmark_main",
srcs = ["src/benchmark_main.cc"],
hdrs = ["include/benchmark/benchmark.h"],
strip_include_prefix = "include",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
deps = [":benchmark"],
name = "benchmark_internal_headers",
hdrs = glob(["src/*.h"]),
visibility = ["//test:__pkg__"],

View File

@ -16,7 +16,11 @@ option(BENCHMARK_ENABLE_TESTING "Enable testing of the benchmark library." ON)
option(BENCHMARK_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS "Enable the use of exceptions in the benchmark library." ON) option(BENCHMARK_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS "Enable the use of exceptions in the benchmark library." ON)
option(BENCHMARK_ENABLE_LTO "Enable link time optimisation of the benchmark library." OFF) option(BENCHMARK_ENABLE_LTO "Enable link time optimisation of the benchmark library." OFF)
option(BENCHMARK_USE_LIBCXX "Build and test using libc++ as the standard library." OFF) option(BENCHMARK_USE_LIBCXX "Build and test using libc++ as the standard library." OFF)
option(BENCHMARK_BUILD_32_BITS "Build a 32 bit version of the library." OFF) if(NOT MSVC)
option(BENCHMARK_BUILD_32_BITS "Build a 32 bit version of the library." OFF)
set(BENCHMARK_BUILD_32_BITS OFF CACHE BOOL "Build a 32 bit version of the library - unsupported when using MSVC)" FORCE)
option(BENCHMARK_ENABLE_INSTALL "Enable installation of benchmark. (Projects embedding benchmark may want to turn this OFF.)" ON) option(BENCHMARK_ENABLE_INSTALL "Enable installation of benchmark. (Projects embedding benchmark may want to turn this OFF.)" ON)
# Allow unmet dependencies to be met using CMake's ExternalProject mechanics, which # Allow unmet dependencies to be met using CMake's ExternalProject mechanics, which
@ -75,7 +79,7 @@ get_git_version(GIT_VERSION)
# Tell the user what versions we are using # Tell the user what versions we are using
string(REGEX MATCH "[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+" VERSION ${GIT_VERSION}) string(REGEX MATCH "[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+" VERSION ${GIT_VERSION})
message("-- Version: ${VERSION}") message(STATUS "Version: ${VERSION}")
# The version of the libraries # The version of the libraries
@ -90,7 +94,7 @@ if (BENCHMARK_BUILD_32_BITS)
add_required_cxx_compiler_flag(-m32) add_required_cxx_compiler_flag(-m32)
endif() endif()
# Turn compiler warnings up to 11 # Turn compiler warnings up to 11
@ -99,6 +103,7 @@ if ("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "MSVC")
add_cxx_compiler_flag(-EHs-) add_cxx_compiler_flag(-EHs-)
add_cxx_compiler_flag(-EHa-) add_cxx_compiler_flag(-EHa-)
endif() endif()
# Link time optimisation # Link time optimisation
@ -189,7 +194,7 @@ else()
endif() endif()
elseif("${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "Clang") elseif("${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID}" MATCHES "Clang")
include(llvm-toolchain) include(llvm-toolchain)
endif() endif()
endif() endif()
@ -214,12 +219,12 @@ else()
endif() endif()
add_cxx_compiler_flag(-stdlib=libc++) add_cxx_compiler_flag(-stdlib=libc++)
add_cxx_compiler_flag(-nostdinc++) add_cxx_compiler_flag(-nostdinc++)
message("libc++ header path must be manually specified using CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS") message(WARNING "libc++ header path must be manually specified using CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS")
# Adding -nodefaultlibs directly to CMAKE_<TYPE>_LINKER_FLAGS will break # Adding -nodefaultlibs directly to CMAKE_<TYPE>_LINKER_FLAGS will break
# configuration checks such as 'find_package(Threads)' # configuration checks such as 'find_package(Threads)'

View File

@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ Matt Clarkson <mattyclarkson@gmail.com>
Maxim Vafin <maxvafin@gmail.com> Maxim Vafin <maxvafin@gmail.com>
Nick Hutchinson <nshutchinson@gmail.com> Nick Hutchinson <nshutchinson@gmail.com>
Oleksandr Sochka <sasha.sochka@gmail.com> Oleksandr Sochka <sasha.sochka@gmail.com>
Ori Livneh <ori.livneh@gmail.com>
Pascal Leroy <phl@google.com> Pascal Leroy <phl@google.com>
Paul Redmond <paul.redmond@gmail.com> Paul Redmond <paul.redmond@gmail.com>
Pierre Phaneuf <pphaneuf@google.com> Pierre Phaneuf <pphaneuf@google.com>

View File

@ -6,11 +6,9 @@
A library to support the benchmarking of functions, similar to unit-tests. A library to support the benchmarking of functions, similar to unit-tests.
Discussion group: https://groups.google.com/d/forum/benchmark-discuss [Discussion group](https://groups.google.com/d/forum/benchmark-discuss)
IRC channel: https://freenode.net #googlebenchmark IRC channel: [freenode](https://freenode.net) #googlebenchmark
[Known issues and common problems](#known-issues)
[Additional Tooling Documentation](docs/tools.md) [Additional Tooling Documentation](docs/tools.md)
@ -47,11 +45,10 @@ to `CMAKE_ARGS`.
For Ubuntu and Debian Based System For Ubuntu and Debian Based System
First make sure you have git and cmake installed (If not please install it) First make sure you have git and cmake installed (If not please install them)
``` ```
sudo apt-get install git sudo apt-get install git cmake
sudo apt-get install cmake
``` ```
Now, let's clone the repository and build it Now, let's clone the repository and build it
@ -59,22 +56,20 @@ Now, let's clone the repository and build it
``` ```
git clone https://github.com/google/benchmark.git git clone https://github.com/google/benchmark.git
cd benchmark cd benchmark
git clone https://github.com/google/googletest.git # If you want to build tests and don't use BENCHMARK_DOWNLOAD_DEPENDENCIES, then
# git clone https://github.com/google/googletest.git
mkdir build mkdir build
cd build cd build
make make
``` ```
We need to install the library globally now If you need to install the library globally
``` ```
sudo make install sudo make install
``` ```
Now you have google/benchmark installed in your machine
Note: Don't forget to link to pthread library while building
## Stable and Experimental Library Versions ## Stable and Experimental Library Versions
The main branch contains the latest stable version of the benchmarking library; The main branch contains the latest stable version of the benchmarking library;
@ -87,15 +82,16 @@ to use, test, and provide feedback on the new features are encouraged to try
this branch. However, this branch provides no stability guarantees and reserves this branch. However, this branch provides no stability guarantees and reserves
the right to change and break the API at any time. the right to change and break the API at any time.
## Prerequisite knowledge ## Further knowledge
Before attempting to understand this framework one should ideally have some familiarity with the structure and format of the Google Test framework, upon which it is based. Documentation for Google Test, including a "Getting Started" (primer) guide, is available here:
It may help to read the [Google Test documentation](https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/master/googletest/docs/primer.md)
as some of the structural aspects of the APIs are similar.
## Example usage ## Example usage
### Basic usage ### Basic usage
Define a function that executes the code to be measured. Define a function that executes the code to be measured, register it as a
benchmark function using the `BENCHMARK` macro, and ensure an appropriate `main`
function is available:
```c++ ```c++
#include <benchmark/benchmark.h> #include <benchmark/benchmark.h>
@ -123,7 +119,23 @@ Don't forget to inform your linker to add benchmark library e.g. through
`BENCHMARK_MAIN();` at the end of the source file and link against `BENCHMARK_MAIN();` at the end of the source file and link against
`-lbenchmark_main` to get the same default behavior. `-lbenchmark_main` to get the same default behavior.
The benchmark library will reporting the timing for the code within the `for(...)` loop. The benchmark library will measure and report the timing for code within the
`for(...)` loop.
#### Platform-specific libraries
When the library is built using GCC it is necessary to link with the pthread
library due to how GCC implements `std::thread`. Failing to link to pthread will
lead to runtime exceptions (unless you're using libc++), not linker errors. See
[issue #67](https://github.com/google/benchmark/issues/67) for more details. You
can link to pthread by adding `-pthread` to your linker command. Note, you can
also use `-lpthread`, but there are potential issues with ordering of command
line parameters if you use that.
If you're running benchmarks on Windows, the shlwapi library (`-lshlwapi`) is
also required.
If you're running benchmarks on solaris, you'll want the kstat library linked in
too (`-lkstat`).
### Passing arguments ### Passing arguments
Sometimes a family of benchmarks can be implemented with just one routine that Sometimes a family of benchmarks can be implemented with just one routine that
@ -522,15 +534,7 @@ order to manually set the time unit, you can specify it manually:
BENCHMARK(BM_test)->Unit(benchmark::kMillisecond); BENCHMARK(BM_test)->Unit(benchmark::kMillisecond);
``` ```
## Controlling number of iterations ### Reporting the mean, median and standard deviation by repeated benchmarks
In all cases, the number of iterations for which the benchmark is run is
governed by the amount of time the benchmark takes. Concretely, the number of
iterations is at least one, not more than 1e9, until CPU time is greater than
the minimum time, or the wallclock time is 5x minimum time. The minimum time is
set as a flag `--benchmark_min_time` or per benchmark by calling `MinTime` on
the registered benchmark object.
## Reporting the mean, median and standard deviation by repeated benchmarks
By default each benchmark is run once and that single result is reported. By default each benchmark is run once and that single result is reported.
However benchmarks are often noisy and a single result may not be representative However benchmarks are often noisy and a single result may not be representative
of the overall behavior. For this reason it's possible to repeatedly rerun the of the overall behavior. For this reason it's possible to repeatedly rerun the
@ -541,12 +545,20 @@ The number of runs of each benchmark is specified globally by the
`Repetitions` on the registered benchmark object. When a benchmark is run more `Repetitions` on the registered benchmark object. When a benchmark is run more
than once the mean, median and standard deviation of the runs will be reported. than once the mean, median and standard deviation of the runs will be reported.
Additionally the `--benchmark_report_aggregates_only={true|false}` flag or Additionally the `--benchmark_report_aggregates_only={true|false}`,
`ReportAggregatesOnly(bool)` function can be used to change how repeated tests `--benchmark_display_aggregates_only={true|false}` flags or
are reported. By default the result of each repeated run is reported. When this `ReportAggregatesOnly(bool)`, `DisplayAggregatesOnly(bool)` functions can be
option is `true` only the mean, median and standard deviation of the runs is reported. used to change how repeated tests are reported. By default the result of each
Calling `ReportAggregatesOnly(bool)` on a registered benchmark object overrides repeated run is reported. When `report aggregates only` option is `true`,
the value of the flag for that benchmark. only the aggregates (i.e. mean, median and standard deviation, maybe complexity
measurements if they were requested) of the runs is reported, to both the
reporters - standard output (console), and the file.
However when only the `display aggregates only` option is `true`,
only the aggregates are displayed in the standard output, while the file
output still contains everything.
Calling `ReportAggregatesOnly(bool)` / `DisplayAggregatesOnly(bool)` on a
registered benchmark object overrides the value of the appropriate flag for that
## User-defined statistics for repeated benchmarks ## User-defined statistics for repeated benchmarks
While having mean, median and standard deviation is nice, this may not be While having mean, median and standard deviation is nice, this may not be
@ -653,9 +665,12 @@ In multithreaded benchmarks, each counter is set on the calling thread only.
When the benchmark finishes, the counters from each thread will be summed; When the benchmark finishes, the counters from each thread will be summed;
the resulting sum is the value which will be shown for the benchmark. the resulting sum is the value which will be shown for the benchmark.
The `Counter` constructor accepts two parameters: the value as a `double` The `Counter` constructor accepts three parameters: the value as a `double`
and a bit flag which allows you to show counters as rates and/or as ; a bit flag which allows you to show counters as rates, and/or as per-thread
per-thread averages: iteration, and/or as per-thread averages, and/or iteration invariants;
and a flag specifying the 'unit' - i.e. is 1k a 1000 (default,
`benchmark::Counter::OneK::kIs1000`), or 1024
```c++ ```c++
// sets a simple counter // sets a simple counter
@ -671,6 +686,9 @@ per-thread averages:
// There's also a combined flag: // There's also a combined flag:
state.counters["FooAvgRate"] = Counter(numFoos,benchmark::Counter::kAvgThreadsRate); state.counters["FooAvgRate"] = Counter(numFoos,benchmark::Counter::kAvgThreadsRate);
// This says that we process with the rate of state.range(0) bytes every iteration:
state.counters["BytesProcessed"] = Counter(state.range(0), benchmark::Counter::kIsIterationInvariantRate, benchmark::Counter::OneK::kIs1024);
``` ```
When you're compiling in C++11 mode or later you can use `insert()` with When you're compiling in C++11 mode or later you can use `insert()` with
@ -810,8 +828,29 @@ BM_memcpy/32 12 ns 12 ns 54687500
BM_memcpy/32k 1834 ns 1837 ns 357143 BM_memcpy/32k 1834 ns 1837 ns 357143
``` ```
## Runtime and reporting considerations
When the benchmark binary is executed, each benchmark function is run serially.
The number of iterations to run is determined dynamically by running the
benchmark a few times and measuring the time taken and ensuring that the
ultimate result will be statistically stable. As such, faster benchmark
functions will be run for more iterations than slower benchmark functions, and
the number of iterations is thus reported.
## Output Formats In all cases, the number of iterations for which the benchmark is run is
governed by the amount of time the benchmark takes. Concretely, the number of
iterations is at least one, not more than 1e9, until CPU time is greater than
the minimum time, or the wallclock time is 5x minimum time. The minimum time is
set per benchmark by calling `MinTime` on the registered benchmark object.
Average timings are then reported over the iterations run. If multiple
repetitions are requested using the `--benchmark_repetitions` command-line
option, or at registration time, the benchmark function will be run several
times and statistical results across these repetitions will also be reported.
As well as the per-benchmark entries, a preamble in the report will include
information about the machine on which the benchmarks are run.
### Output Formats
The library supports multiple output formats. Use the The library supports multiple output formats. Use the
`--benchmark_format=<console|json|csv>` flag to set the format type. `console` `--benchmark_format=<console|json|csv>` flag to set the format type. `console`
is the default format. is the default format.
@ -879,14 +918,19 @@ name,iterations,real_time,cpu_time,bytes_per_second,items_per_second,label
"BM_SetInsert/1024/10",106365,17238.4,8421.53,4.74973e+06,1.18743e+06, "BM_SetInsert/1024/10",106365,17238.4,8421.53,4.74973e+06,1.18743e+06,
``` ```
## Output Files ### Output Files
The library supports writing the output of the benchmark to a file specified The library supports writing the output of the benchmark to a file specified
by `--benchmark_out=<filename>`. The format of the output can be specified by `--benchmark_out=<filename>`. The format of the output can be specified
using `--benchmark_out_format={json|console|csv}`. Specifying using `--benchmark_out_format={json|console|csv}`. Specifying
`--benchmark_out` does not suppress the console output. `--benchmark_out` does not suppress the console output.
## Result comparison
It is possible to compare the benchmarking results. See [Additional Tooling Documentation](docs/tools.md)
## Debug vs Release ## Debug vs Release
By default, benchmark builds as a debug library. You will see a warning in the output when this is the case. To build it as a release library instead, use: By default, benchmark builds as a debug library. You will see a warning in the
output when this is the case. To build it as a release library instead, use:
``` ```
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
@ -898,16 +942,11 @@ To enable link-time optimisation, use
``` ```
If you are using gcc, you might need to set `GCC_AR` and `GCC_RANLIB` cmake cache variables, if autodetection fails. If you are using gcc, you might need to set `GCC_AR` and `GCC_RANLIB` cmake
If you are using clang, you may need to set `LLVMAR_EXECUTABLE`, `LLVMNM_EXECUTABLE` and `LLVMRANLIB_EXECUTABLE` cmake cache variables. cache variables, if autodetection fails.
## Linking against the library If you are using clang, you may need to set `LLVMAR_EXECUTABLE`,
When the library is built using GCC it is necessary to link with `-pthread`,
due to how GCC implements `std::thread`.
For GCC 4.x failing to link to pthreads will lead to runtime exceptions, not linker errors.
See [issue #67](https://github.com/google/benchmark/issues/67) for more details.
## Compiler Support ## Compiler Support
@ -937,14 +976,3 @@ sudo cpupower frequency-set --governor performance
./mybench ./mybench
sudo cpupower frequency-set --governor powersave sudo cpupower frequency-set --governor powersave
``` ```
# Known Issues
### Windows with CMake
* Users must manually link `shlwapi.lib`. Failure to do so may result
in unresolved symbols.
### Solaris
* Users must explicitly link with kstat library (-lkstat compilation flag).

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
workspace(name = "com_github_google_benchmark")
name = "com_google_googletest",
urls = ["https://github.com/google/googletest/archive/3f0cf6b62ad1eb50d8736538363d3580dd640c3e.zip"],
strip_prefix = "googletest-3f0cf6b62ad1eb50d8736538363d3580dd640c3e",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
version: '{build}'
image: Visual Studio 2017
- Debug
- Release
- compiler: msvc-15-seh
generator: "Visual Studio 15 2017"
- compiler: msvc-15-seh
generator: "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"
- compiler: msvc-14-seh
generator: "Visual Studio 14 2015"
- compiler: msvc-14-seh
generator: "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64"
- compiler: gcc-5.3.0-posix
generator: "MinGW Makefiles"
cxx_path: 'C:\mingw-w64\i686-5.3.0-posix-dwarf-rt_v4-rev0\mingw32\bin'
fast_finish: true
# git bash conflicts with MinGW makefiles
- if "%generator%"=="MinGW Makefiles" (set "PATH=%PATH:C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin;=%")
- if not "%cxx_path%"=="" (set "PATH=%PATH%;%cxx_path%")
- md _build -Force
- cd _build
- echo %configuration%
- cmake -G "%generator%" "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=%configuration%" -DBENCHMARK_DOWNLOAD_DEPENDENCIES=ON ..
- cmake --build . --config %configuration%
- ctest -c %configuration% --timeout 300 --output-on-failure
- path: '_build/CMakeFiles/*.log'
name: logs
- path: '_build/Testing/**/*.xml'
name: test_results

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ function(cxx_feature_check FILE)
endif() endif()
message("-- Performing Test ${FEATURE}") message(STATUS "Performing Test ${FEATURE}")
try_compile(COMPILE_${FEATURE} try_compile(COMPILE_${FEATURE}
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ function(cxx_feature_check FILE)
set(RUN_${FEATURE} 1) set(RUN_${FEATURE} 1)
endif() endif()
else() else()
message("-- Performing Test ${FEATURE}") message(STATUS "Performing Test ${FEATURE}")
@ -51,14 +51,14 @@ function(cxx_feature_check FILE)
endif() endif()
message("-- Performing Test ${FEATURE} -- success") message(STATUS "Performing Test ${FEATURE} -- success")
add_definitions(-DHAVE_${VAR}) add_definitions(-DHAVE_${VAR})
else() else()
message("-- Performing Test ${FEATURE} -- failed to compile") message(STATUS "Performing Test ${FEATURE} -- failed to compile")
else() else()
message("-- Performing Test ${FEATURE} -- compiled but failed to run") message(STATUS "Performing Test ${FEATURE} -- compiled but failed to run")
endif() endif()
endif() endif()
endfunction() endfunction()

View File

@ -49,6 +49,6 @@ function(get_git_version var)
set(GIT_VERSION "v0.0.0") set(GIT_VERSION "v0.0.0")
endif() endif()
message("-- git Version: ${GIT_VERSION}") message(STATUS "git Version: ${GIT_VERSION}")
endfunction() endfunction()

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ macro(build_external_gtest)
include(ExternalProject) include(ExternalProject)
list(APPEND GTEST_FLAGS -stdlib=libc++) list(APPEND GTEST_FLAGS -stdlib=libc++)
else() else()
message(WARNING "Unsupported compiler (${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}) when using libc++") message(WARNING "Unsupported compiler (${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}) when using libc++")
@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ macro(build_external_gtest)
endmacro(build_external_gtest) endmacro(build_external_gtest)
add_subdirectory(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/googletest) add_subdirectory(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/googletest)
set(GTEST_BOTH_LIBRARIES gtest gmock gmock_main) set(GTEST_BOTH_LIBRARIES gtest gmock gmock_main)
foreach(HEADER test mock) foreach(HEADER test mock)
# CMake 2.8 and older don't respect INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES, so we # CMake 2.8 and older don't respect INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES, so we

View File

@ -1,84 +1,25 @@
# Benchmark Tools # Benchmark Tools
## compare_bench.py
The `compare_bench.py` utility which can be used to compare the result of benchmarks.
The program is invoked like:
``` bash
$ compare_bench.py <old-benchmark> <new-benchmark> [benchmark options]...
Where `<old-benchmark>` and `<new-benchmark>` either specify a benchmark executable file, or a JSON output file. The type of the input file is automatically detected. If a benchmark executable is specified then the benchmark is run to obtain the results. Otherwise the results are simply loaded from the output file.
`[benchmark options]` will be passed to the benchmarks invocations. They can be anything that binary accepts, be it either normal `--benchmark_*` parameters, or some custom parameters your binary takes.
The sample output using the JSON test files under `Inputs/` gives:
``` bash
$ ./compare_bench.py ./gbench/Inputs/test1_run1.json ./gbench/Inputs/test1_run2.json
Comparing ./gbench/Inputs/test1_run1.json to ./gbench/Inputs/test1_run2.json
Benchmark Time CPU Time Old Time New CPU Old CPU New
BM_SameTimes +0.0000 +0.0000 10 10 10 10
BM_2xFaster -0.5000 -0.5000 50 25 50 25
BM_2xSlower +1.0000 +1.0000 50 100 50 100
BM_1PercentFaster -0.0100 -0.0100 100 99 100 99
BM_1PercentSlower +0.0100 +0.0100 100 101 100 101
BM_10PercentFaster -0.1000 -0.1000 100 90 100 90
BM_10PercentSlower +0.1000 +0.1000 100 110 100 110
BM_100xSlower +99.0000 +99.0000 100 10000 100 10000
BM_100xFaster -0.9900 -0.9900 10000 100 10000 100
BM_10PercentCPUToTime +0.1000 -0.1000 100 110 100 90
BM_ThirdFaster -0.3333 -0.3334 100 67 100 67
BM_BadTimeUnit -0.9000 +0.2000 0 0 0 1
As you can note, the values in `Time` and `CPU` columns are calculated as `(new - old) / |old|`.
When a benchmark executable is run, the raw output from the benchmark is printed in real time to stdout. The sample output using `benchmark/basic_test` for both arguments looks like:
./compare_bench.py test/basic_test test/basic_test --benchmark_filter=BM_empty.*
RUNNING: test/basic_test --benchmark_filter=BM_empty.* --benchmark_out=/tmp/tmpN7LF3a
Run on (8 X 4000 MHz CPU s)
2017-11-07 23:28:36
Benchmark Time CPU Iterations
BM_empty 4 ns 4 ns 170178757
BM_empty/threads:8 1 ns 7 ns 103868920
BM_empty_stop_start 0 ns 0 ns 1000000000
BM_empty_stop_start/threads:8 0 ns 0 ns 1403031720
RUNNING: /test/basic_test --benchmark_filter=BM_empty.* --benchmark_out=/tmp/tmplvrIp8
Run on (8 X 4000 MHz CPU s)
2017-11-07 23:28:38
Benchmark Time CPU Iterations
BM_empty 4 ns 4 ns 169534855
BM_empty/threads:8 1 ns 7 ns 104188776
BM_empty_stop_start 0 ns 0 ns 1000000000
BM_empty_stop_start/threads:8 0 ns 0 ns 1404159424
Comparing ../build/test/basic_test to ../build/test/basic_test
Benchmark Time CPU Time Old Time New CPU Old CPU New
BM_empty -0.0048 -0.0049 4 4 4 4
BM_empty/threads:8 -0.0123 -0.0054 1 1 7 7
BM_empty_stop_start -0.0000 -0.0000 0 0 0 0
BM_empty_stop_start/threads:8 -0.0029 +0.0001 0 0 0 0
As you can note, the values in `Time` and `CPU` columns are calculated as `(new - old) / |old|`.
Obviously this example doesn't give any useful output, but it's intended to show the output format when 'compare_bench.py' needs to run benchmarks.
## compare.py ## compare.py
The `compare.py` can be used to compare the result of benchmarks. The `compare.py` can be used to compare the result of benchmarks.
**NOTE**: the utility relies on the scipy package which can be installed using [these instructions](https://www.scipy.org/install.html).
### Displaying aggregates only
The switch `-a` / `--display_aggregates_only` can be used to control the
displayment of the normal iterations vs the aggregates. When passed, it will
be passthrough to the benchmark binaries to be run, and will be accounted for
in the tool itself; only the aggregates will be displayed, but not normal runs.
It only affects the display, the separate runs will still be used to calculate
the U test.
### Modes of operation
There are three modes of operation: There are three modes of operation:
1. Just compare two benchmarks, what `compare_bench.py` did. 1. Just compare two benchmarks
The program is invoked like: The program is invoked like:
``` bash ``` bash
@ -240,3 +181,19 @@ Benchmark Time CPU Time Old
``` ```
This is a mix of the previous two modes, two (potentially different) benchmark binaries are run, and a different filter is applied to each one. This is a mix of the previous two modes, two (potentially different) benchmark binaries are run, and a different filter is applied to each one.
As you can note, the values in `Time` and `CPU` columns are calculated as `(new - old) / |old|`. As you can note, the values in `Time` and `CPU` columns are calculated as `(new - old) / |old|`.
### U test
If there is a sufficient repetition count of the benchmarks, the tool can do
a [U Test](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mann%E2%80%93Whitney_U_test), of the
null hypothesis that it is equally likely that a randomly selected value from
one sample will be less than or greater than a randomly selected value from a
second sample.
If the calculated p-value is below this value is lower than the significance
level alpha, then the result is said to be statistically significant and the
null hypothesis is rejected. Which in other words means that the two benchmarks
aren't identical.
**WARNING**: requires **LARGE** (no less than 9) number of repetitions to be

View File

@ -241,8 +241,21 @@ BENCHMARK(BM_test)->Unit(benchmark::kMillisecond);
#endif #endif
#ifndef __has_builtin
#define __has_builtin(x) 0
#if defined(__GNUC__) || __has_builtin(__builtin_unreachable)
#define BENCHMARK_UNREACHABLE() __builtin_unreachable()
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
#define BENCHMARK_UNREACHABLE() __assume(false)
#define BENCHMARK_UNREACHABLE() ((void)0)
namespace benchmark { namespace benchmark {
class BenchmarkReporter; class BenchmarkReporter;
class MemoryManager;
void Initialize(int* argc, char** argv); void Initialize(int* argc, char** argv);
@ -255,7 +268,7 @@ bool ReportUnrecognizedArguments(int argc, char** argv);
// of each matching benchmark. Otherwise run each matching benchmark and // of each matching benchmark. Otherwise run each matching benchmark and
// report the results. // report the results.
// //
// The second and third overload use the specified 'console_reporter' and // The second and third overload use the specified 'display_reporter' and
// 'file_reporter' respectively. 'file_reporter' will write to the file // 'file_reporter' respectively. 'file_reporter' will write to the file
// specified // specified
// by '--benchmark_output'. If '--benchmark_output' is not given the // by '--benchmark_output'. If '--benchmark_output' is not given the
@ -263,16 +276,13 @@ bool ReportUnrecognizedArguments(int argc, char** argv);
// //
// RETURNS: The number of matching benchmarks. // RETURNS: The number of matching benchmarks.
size_t RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(); size_t RunSpecifiedBenchmarks();
size_t RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(BenchmarkReporter* console_reporter); size_t RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(BenchmarkReporter* display_reporter);
size_t RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(BenchmarkReporter* console_reporter, size_t RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(BenchmarkReporter* display_reporter,
BenchmarkReporter* file_reporter); BenchmarkReporter* file_reporter);
// If this routine is called, peak memory allocation past this point in the // Register a MemoryManager instance that will be used to collect and report
// benchmark is reported at the end of the benchmark report line. (It is // allocation measurements for benchmark runs.
// computed by running the benchmark once with a single iteration and a memory void RegisterMemoryManager(MemoryManager* memory_manager);
// tracer.)
// TODO(dominic)
// void MemoryUsage();
namespace internal { namespace internal {
class Benchmark; class Benchmark;
@ -363,11 +373,20 @@ class Counter {
kAvgIterationsRate = kIsRate | kAvgIterations kAvgIterationsRate = kIsRate | kAvgIterations
}; };
enum OneK {
// 1'000 items per 1k
kIs1000 = 1000,
// 1'024 items per 1k
kIs1024 = 1024
double value; double value;
Flags flags; Flags flags;
OneK oneK;
Counter(double v = 0., Flags f = kDefaults) : value(v), flags(f) {} Counter(double v = 0., Flags f = kDefaults, OneK k = kIs1000)
: value(v), flags(f), oneK(k) {}
BENCHMARK_ALWAYS_INLINE operator double const&() const { return value; } BENCHMARK_ALWAYS_INLINE operator double const&() const { return value; }
BENCHMARK_ALWAYS_INLINE operator double&() { return value; } BENCHMARK_ALWAYS_INLINE operator double&() { return value; }
@ -406,22 +425,35 @@ struct Statistics {
std::string name_; std::string name_;
StatisticsFunc* compute_; StatisticsFunc* compute_;
Statistics(std::string name, StatisticsFunc* compute) Statistics(const std::string& name, StatisticsFunc* compute)
: name_(name), compute_(compute) {} : name_(name), compute_(compute) {}
}; };
namespace internal { namespace internal {
struct BenchmarkInstance;
class ThreadTimer; class ThreadTimer;
class ThreadManager; class ThreadManager;
enum ReportMode enum AggregationReportMode
#if defined(BENCHMARK_HAS_CXX11) #if defined(BENCHMARK_HAS_CXX11)
: unsigned : unsigned
#else #else
#endif #endif
{ RM_Unspecified, // The mode has not been manually specified {
RM_Default, // The mode is user-specified as default. // The mode has not been manually specified
RM_ReportAggregatesOnly }; ARM_Unspecified = 0,
// The mode is user-specified.
// This may or may not be set when the following bit-flags are set.
ARM_Default = 1U << 0U,
// File reporter should only output aggregates.
ARM_FileReportAggregatesOnly = 1U << 1U,
// Display reporter should only output aggregates
ARM_DisplayReportAggregatesOnly = 1U << 2U,
// Both reporters should only display aggregates.
ARM_ReportAggregatesOnly =
ARM_FileReportAggregatesOnly | ARM_DisplayReportAggregatesOnly
} // namespace internal } // namespace internal
// State is passed to a running Benchmark and contains state for the // State is passed to a running Benchmark and contains state for the
@ -517,16 +549,21 @@ class State {
// Set the number of bytes processed by the current benchmark // Set the number of bytes processed by the current benchmark
// execution. This routine is typically called once at the end of a // execution. This routine is typically called once at the end of a
// throughput oriented benchmark. If this routine is called with a // throughput oriented benchmark.
// value > 0, the report is printed in MB/sec instead of nanoseconds
// per iteration.
// //
// REQUIRES: a benchmark has exited its benchmarking loop. // REQUIRES: a benchmark has exited its benchmarking loop.
void SetBytesProcessed(int64_t bytes) { bytes_processed_ = bytes; } void SetBytesProcessed(int64_t bytes) {
counters["bytes_per_second"] =
Counter(static_cast<double>(bytes), Counter::kIsRate, Counter::kIs1024);
int64_t bytes_processed() const { return bytes_processed_; } int64_t bytes_processed() const {
if (counters.find("bytes_per_second") != counters.end())
return static_cast<int64_t>(counters.at("bytes_per_second"));
return 0;
// If this routine is called with complexity_n > 0 and complexity report is // If this routine is called with complexity_n > 0 and complexity report is
// requested for the // requested for the
@ -546,10 +583,17 @@ class State {
// //
// REQUIRES: a benchmark has exited its benchmarking loop. // REQUIRES: a benchmark has exited its benchmarking loop.
void SetItemsProcessed(int64_t items) { items_processed_ = items; } void SetItemsProcessed(int64_t items) {
counters["items_per_second"] =
Counter(static_cast<double>(items), benchmark::Counter::kIsRate);
int64_t items_processed() const { return items_processed_; } int64_t items_processed() const {
if (counters.find("items_per_second") != counters.end())
return static_cast<int64_t>(counters.at("items_per_second"));
return 0;
// If this routine is called, the specified label is printed at the // If this routine is called, the specified label is printed at the
// end of the benchmark report line for the currently executing // end of the benchmark report line for the currently executing
@ -612,9 +656,6 @@ class State {
private: // items we don't need on the first cache line private: // items we don't need on the first cache line
std::vector<int64_t> range_; std::vector<int64_t> range_;
int64_t bytes_processed_;
int64_t items_processed_;
int64_t complexity_n_; int64_t complexity_n_;
public: public:
@ -625,12 +666,11 @@ class State {
// Number of threads concurrently executing the benchmark. // Number of threads concurrently executing the benchmark.
const int threads; const int threads;
// TODO(EricWF) make me private private:
State(size_t max_iters, const std::vector<int64_t>& ranges, int thread_i, State(size_t max_iters, const std::vector<int64_t>& ranges, int thread_i,
int n_threads, internal::ThreadTimer* timer, int n_threads, internal::ThreadTimer* timer,
internal::ThreadManager* manager); internal::ThreadManager* manager);
void StartKeepRunning(); void StartKeepRunning();
// Implementation of KeepRunning() and KeepRunningBatch(). // Implementation of KeepRunning() and KeepRunningBatch().
// is_batch must be true unless n is 1. // is_batch must be true unless n is 1.
@ -638,7 +678,8 @@ class State {
void FinishKeepRunning(); void FinishKeepRunning();
internal::ThreadTimer* timer_; internal::ThreadTimer* timer_;
internal::ThreadManager* manager_; internal::ThreadManager* manager_;
friend struct internal::BenchmarkInstance;
}; };
inline BENCHMARK_ALWAYS_INLINE bool State::KeepRunning() { inline BENCHMARK_ALWAYS_INLINE bool State::KeepRunning() {
@ -827,8 +868,12 @@ class Benchmark {
// Specify if each repetition of the benchmark should be reported separately // Specify if each repetition of the benchmark should be reported separately
// or if only the final statistics should be reported. If the benchmark // or if only the final statistics should be reported. If the benchmark
// is not repeated then the single result is always reported. // is not repeated then the single result is always reported.
// Applies to *ALL* reporters (display and file).
Benchmark* ReportAggregatesOnly(bool value = true); Benchmark* ReportAggregatesOnly(bool value = true);
// Same as ReportAggregatesOnly(), but applies to display reporter only.
Benchmark* DisplayAggregatesOnly(bool value = true);
// If a particular benchmark is I/O bound, runs multiple threads internally or // If a particular benchmark is I/O bound, runs multiple threads internally or
// if for some reason CPU timings are not representative, call this method. If // if for some reason CPU timings are not representative, call this method. If
// called, the elapsed time will be used to control how many iterations are // called, the elapsed time will be used to control how many iterations are
@ -888,9 +933,6 @@ class Benchmark {
virtual void Run(State& state) = 0; virtual void Run(State& state) = 0;
// Used inside the benchmark implementation
struct Instance;
protected: protected:
explicit Benchmark(const char* name); explicit Benchmark(const char* name);
Benchmark(Benchmark const&); Benchmark(Benchmark const&);
@ -902,7 +944,7 @@ class Benchmark {
friend class BenchmarkFamilies; friend class BenchmarkFamilies;
std::string name_; std::string name_;
ReportMode report_mode_; AggregationReportMode aggregation_report_mode_;
std::vector<std::string> arg_names_; // Args for all benchmark runs std::vector<std::string> arg_names_; // Args for all benchmark runs
std::vector<std::vector<int64_t> > args_; // Args for all benchmark runs std::vector<std::vector<int64_t> > args_; // Args for all benchmark runs
TimeUnit time_unit_; TimeUnit time_unit_;
@ -1242,6 +1284,7 @@ struct CPUInfo {
double cycles_per_second; double cycles_per_second;
std::vector<CacheInfo> caches; std::vector<CacheInfo> caches;
bool scaling_enabled; bool scaling_enabled;
std::vector<double> load_avg;
static const CPUInfo& Get(); static const CPUInfo& Get();
@ -1266,23 +1309,30 @@ class BenchmarkReporter {
}; };
struct Run { struct Run {
enum RunType { RT_Iteration, RT_Aggregate };
Run() Run()
: error_occurred(false), : run_type(RT_Iteration),
iterations(1), iterations(1),
time_unit(kNanosecond), time_unit(kNanosecond),
real_accumulated_time(0), real_accumulated_time(0),
cpu_accumulated_time(0), cpu_accumulated_time(0),
max_heapbytes_used(0), max_heapbytes_used(0),
complexity(oNone), complexity(oNone),
complexity_lambda(), complexity_lambda(),
complexity_n(0), complexity_n(0),
report_big_o(false), report_big_o(false),
report_rms(false), report_rms(false),
counters() {} counters(),
max_bytes_used(0) {}
std::string benchmark_name; std::string benchmark_name() const;
std::string run_name;
RunType run_type; // is this a measurement, or an aggregate?
std::string aggregate_name;
std::string report_label; // Empty if not set by benchmark. std::string report_label; // Empty if not set by benchmark.
bool error_occurred; bool error_occurred;
std::string error_message; std::string error_message;
@ -1304,10 +1354,6 @@ class BenchmarkReporter {
// accumulated time. // accumulated time.
double GetAdjustedCPUTime() const; double GetAdjustedCPUTime() const;
// Zero if not set by benchmark.
double bytes_per_second;
double items_per_second;
// This is set to 0.0 if memory tracing is not enabled. // This is set to 0.0 if memory tracing is not enabled.
double max_heapbytes_used; double max_heapbytes_used;
@ -1324,6 +1370,11 @@ class BenchmarkReporter {
bool report_rms; bool report_rms;
UserCounters counters; UserCounters counters;
// Memory metrics.
bool has_memory_result;
double allocs_per_iter;
int64_t max_bytes_used;
}; };
// Construct a BenchmarkReporter with the output stream set to 'std::cout' // Construct a BenchmarkReporter with the output stream set to 'std::cout'
@ -1438,6 +1489,29 @@ class BENCHMARK_DEPRECATED_MSG("The CSV Reporter will be removed in a future rel
std::set<std::string> user_counter_names_; std::set<std::string> user_counter_names_;
}; };
// If a MemoryManager is registered, it can be used to collect and report
// allocation metrics for a run of the benchmark.
class MemoryManager {
struct Result {
Result() : num_allocs(0), max_bytes_used(0) {}
// The number of allocations made in total between Start and Stop.
int64_t num_allocs;
// The peak memory use between Start and Stop.
int64_t max_bytes_used;
virtual ~MemoryManager() {}
// Implement this to start recording allocation information.
virtual void Start() = 0;
// Implement this to stop recording and fill out the given Result structure.
virtual void Stop(Result* result) = 0;
inline const char* GetTimeUnitString(TimeUnit unit) { inline const char* GetTimeUnitString(TimeUnit unit) {
switch (unit) { switch (unit) {
case kMillisecond: case kMillisecond:
@ -1445,9 +1519,9 @@ inline const char* GetTimeUnitString(TimeUnit unit) {
case kMicrosecond: case kMicrosecond:
return "us"; return "us";
case kNanosecond: case kNanosecond:
return "ns"; return "ns";
} }
} }
inline double GetTimeUnitMultiplier(TimeUnit unit) { inline double GetTimeUnitMultiplier(TimeUnit unit) {
@ -1457,9 +1531,9 @@ inline double GetTimeUnitMultiplier(TimeUnit unit) {
case kMicrosecond: case kMicrosecond:
return 1e6; return 1e6;
case kNanosecond: case kNanosecond:
return 1e9; return 1e9;
} }
} }
} // namespace benchmark } // namespace benchmark

View File

@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
import argparse
import errno
import logging
import os
import platform
import re
import sys
import subprocess
import tempfile
import winreg
except ImportError:
import _winreg as winreg
import urllib.request as request
except ImportError:
import urllib as request
import urllib.parse as parse
except ImportError:
import urlparse as parse
class EmptyLogger(object):
Provides an implementation that performs no logging
def debug(self, *k, **kw):
def info(self, *k, **kw):
def warn(self, *k, **kw):
def error(self, *k, **kw):
def critical(self, *k, **kw):
def setLevel(self, *k, **kw):
urls = (
A list of mingw-build repositories
def repository(urls = urls, log = EmptyLogger()):
Downloads and parse mingw-build repository files and parses them
log.info('getting mingw-builds repository')
versions = {}
re_sourceforge = re.compile(r'http://sourceforge.net/projects/([^/]+)/files')
re_sub = r'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/\1'
for url in urls:
log.debug(' - requesting: %s', url)
socket = request.urlopen(url)
repo = socket.read()
if not isinstance(repo, str):
repo = repo.decode();
for entry in repo.split('\n')[:-1]:
value = entry.split('|')
version = tuple([int(n) for n in value[0].strip().split('.')])
version = versions.setdefault(version, {})
arch = value[1].strip()
if arch == 'x32':
arch = 'i686'
elif arch == 'x64':
arch = 'x86_64'
arch = version.setdefault(arch, {})
threading = arch.setdefault(value[2].strip(), {})
exceptions = threading.setdefault(value[3].strip(), {})
revision = exceptions.setdefault(int(value[4].strip()[3:]),
re_sourceforge.sub(re_sub, value[5].strip()))
return versions
def find_in_path(file, path=None):
Attempts to find an executable in the path
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
file += '.exe'
if path is None:
path = os.environ.get('PATH', '')
if type(path) is type(''):
path = path.split(os.pathsep)
return list(filter(os.path.exists,
map(lambda dir, file=file: os.path.join(dir, file), path)))
def find_7zip(log = EmptyLogger()):
Attempts to find 7zip for unpacking the mingw-build archives
log.info('finding 7zip')
path = find_in_path('7z')
if not path:
key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'SOFTWARE\7-Zip')
path, _ = winreg.QueryValueEx(key, 'Path')
path = [os.path.join(path, '7z.exe')]
log.debug('found \'%s\'', path[0])
return path[0]
def unpack(archive, location, log = EmptyLogger()):
Unpacks a mingw-builds archive
sevenzip = find_7zip(log)
log.info('unpacking %s', os.path.basename(archive))
cmd = [sevenzip, 'x', archive, '-o' + location, '-y']
log.debug(' - %r', cmd)
with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout = devnull)
def download(url, location, log = EmptyLogger()):
Downloads and unpacks a mingw-builds archive
log.info('downloading MinGW')
log.debug(' - url: %s', url)
log.debug(' - location: %s', location)
re_content = re.compile(r'attachment;[ \t]*filename=(")?([^"]*)(")?[\r\n]*')
stream = request.urlopen(url)
content = stream.getheader('Content-Disposition') or ''
except AttributeError:
content = stream.headers.getheader('Content-Disposition') or ''
matches = re_content.match(content)
if matches:
filename = matches.group(2)
parsed = parse.urlparse(stream.geturl())
filename = os.path.basename(parsed.path)
except OSError as e:
if e.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(location):
archive = os.path.join(location, filename)
with open(archive, 'wb') as out:
while True:
buf = stream.read(1024)
if not buf:
unpack(archive, location, log = log)
possible = os.path.join(location, 'mingw64')
if not os.path.exists(possible):
possible = os.path.join(location, 'mingw32')
if not os.path.exists(possible):
raise ValueError('Failed to find unpacked MinGW: ' + possible)
return possible
def root(location = None, arch = None, version = None, threading = None,
exceptions = None, revision = None, log = EmptyLogger()):
Returns the root folder of a specific version of the mingw-builds variant
of gcc. Will download the compiler if needed
# Get the repository if we don't have all the information
if not (arch and version and threading and exceptions and revision):
versions = repository(log = log)
# Determine some defaults
version = version or max(versions.keys())
if not arch:
arch = platform.machine().lower()
if arch == 'x86':
arch = 'i686'
elif arch == 'amd64':
arch = 'x86_64'
if not threading:
keys = versions[version][arch].keys()
if 'posix' in keys:
threading = 'posix'
elif 'win32' in keys:
threading = 'win32'
threading = keys[0]
if not exceptions:
keys = versions[version][arch][threading].keys()
if 'seh' in keys:
exceptions = 'seh'
elif 'sjlj' in keys:
exceptions = 'sjlj'
exceptions = keys[0]
if revision == None:
revision = max(versions[version][arch][threading][exceptions].keys())
if not location:
location = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'mingw-builds')
# Get the download url
url = versions[version][arch][threading][exceptions][revision]
# Tell the user whatzzup
log.info('finding MinGW %s', '.'.join(str(v) for v in version))
log.debug(' - arch: %s', arch)
log.debug(' - threading: %s', threading)
log.debug(' - exceptions: %s', exceptions)
log.debug(' - revision: %s', revision)
log.debug(' - url: %s', url)
# Store each specific revision differently
slug = '{version}-{arch}-{threading}-{exceptions}-rev{revision}'
slug = slug.format(
version = '.'.join(str(v) for v in version),
arch = arch,
threading = threading,
exceptions = exceptions,
revision = revision
if arch == 'x86_64':
root_dir = os.path.join(location, slug, 'mingw64')
elif arch == 'i686':
root_dir = os.path.join(location, slug, 'mingw32')
raise ValueError('Unknown MinGW arch: ' + arch)
# Download if needed
if not os.path.exists(root_dir):
downloaded = download(url, os.path.join(location, slug), log = log)
if downloaded != root_dir:
raise ValueError('The location of mingw did not match\n%s\n%s'
% (downloaded, root_dir))
return root_dir
def str2ver(string):
Converts a version string into a tuple
version = tuple(int(v) for v in string.split('.'))
if len(version) is not 3:
raise ValueError()
except ValueError:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
'please provide a three digit version string')
return version
def main():
Invoked when the script is run directly by the python interpreter
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description = 'Downloads a specific version of MinGW',
formatter_class = argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter
help = 'the location to download the compiler to',
default = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'mingw-builds'))
parser.add_argument('--arch', required = True, choices = ['i686', 'x86_64'],
help = 'the target MinGW architecture string')
parser.add_argument('--version', type = str2ver,
help = 'the version of GCC to download')
parser.add_argument('--threading', choices = ['posix', 'win32'],
help = 'the threading type of the compiler')
parser.add_argument('--exceptions', choices = ['sjlj', 'seh', 'dwarf'],
help = 'the method to throw exceptions')
parser.add_argument('--revision', type=int,
help = 'the revision of the MinGW release')
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
group.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
help='increase the script output verbosity')
group.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true',
help='only print errors and warning')
args = parser.parse_args()
# Create the logger
logger = logging.getLogger('mingw')
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(message)s')
if args.quiet:
if args.verbose:
# Get MinGW
root_dir = root(location = args.location, arch = args.arch,
version = args.version, threading = args.threading,
exceptions = args.exceptions, revision = args.revision,
log = logger)
sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % os.path.join(root_dir, 'bin'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
except IOError as e:
sys.stderr.write('IO error: %s\n' % e)
except OSError as e:
sys.stderr.write('OS error: %s\n' % e)
except KeyboardInterrupt as e:

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#include "benchmark/benchmark.h" #include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
#include "benchmark_api_internal.h" #include "benchmark_api_internal.h"
#include "benchmark_runner.h"
#include "internal_macros.h" #include "internal_macros.h"
@ -34,6 +35,7 @@
#include <memory> #include <memory>
#include <string> #include <string>
#include <thread> #include <thread>
#include <utility>
#include "check.h" #include "check.h"
#include "colorprint.h" #include "colorprint.h"
@ -72,10 +74,19 @@ DEFINE_int32(benchmark_repetitions, 1,
"The number of runs of each benchmark. If greater than 1, the " "The number of runs of each benchmark. If greater than 1, the "
"mean and standard deviation of the runs will be reported."); "mean and standard deviation of the runs will be reported.");
DEFINE_bool(benchmark_report_aggregates_only, false, DEFINE_bool(
"Report the result of each benchmark repetitions. When 'true' is " benchmark_report_aggregates_only, false,
"specified only the mean, standard deviation, and other statistics " "Report the result of each benchmark repetitions. When 'true' is specified "
"are reported for repeated benchmarks."); "only the mean, standard deviation, and other statistics are reported for "
"repeated benchmarks. Affects all reporters.");
benchmark_display_aggregates_only, false,
"Display the result of each benchmark repetitions. When 'true' is "
"specified only the mean, standard deviation, and other statistics are "
"displayed for repeated benchmarks. Unlike "
"benchmark_report_aggregates_only, only affects the display reporter, but "
"*NOT* file reporter, which will still contain all the output.");
DEFINE_string(benchmark_format, "console", DEFINE_string(benchmark_format, "console",
"The format to use for console output. Valid values are " "The format to use for console output. Valid values are "
@ -103,193 +114,11 @@ DEFINE_int32(v, 0, "The level of verbose logging to output");
namespace benchmark { namespace benchmark {
namespace {
static const size_t kMaxIterations = 1000000000;
} // end namespace
namespace internal { namespace internal {
// FIXME: wouldn't LTO mess this up?
void UseCharPointer(char const volatile*) {} void UseCharPointer(char const volatile*) {}
namespace {
BenchmarkReporter::Run CreateRunReport(
const benchmark::internal::Benchmark::Instance& b,
const internal::ThreadManager::Result& results, double seconds) {
// Create report about this benchmark run.
BenchmarkReporter::Run report;
report.benchmark_name = b.name;
report.error_occurred = results.has_error_;
report.error_message = results.error_message_;
report.report_label = results.report_label_;
// This is the total iterations across all threads.
report.iterations = results.iterations;
report.time_unit = b.time_unit;
if (!report.error_occurred) {
double bytes_per_second = 0;
if (results.bytes_processed > 0 && seconds > 0.0) {
bytes_per_second = (results.bytes_processed / seconds);
double items_per_second = 0;
if (results.items_processed > 0 && seconds > 0.0) {
items_per_second = (results.items_processed / seconds);
if (b.use_manual_time) {
report.real_accumulated_time = results.manual_time_used;
} else {
report.real_accumulated_time = results.real_time_used;
report.cpu_accumulated_time = results.cpu_time_used;
report.bytes_per_second = bytes_per_second;
report.items_per_second = items_per_second;
report.complexity_n = results.complexity_n;
report.complexity = b.complexity;
report.complexity_lambda = b.complexity_lambda;
report.statistics = b.statistics;
report.counters = results.counters;
internal::Finish(&report.counters, results.iterations, seconds, b.threads);
return report;
// Execute one thread of benchmark b for the specified number of iterations.
// Adds the stats collected for the thread into *total.
void RunInThread(const benchmark::internal::Benchmark::Instance* b,
size_t iters, int thread_id,
internal::ThreadManager* manager) {
internal::ThreadTimer timer;
State st(iters, b->arg, thread_id, b->threads, &timer, manager);
CHECK(st.iterations() >= st.max_iterations)
<< "Benchmark returned before State::KeepRunning() returned false!";
MutexLock l(manager->GetBenchmarkMutex());
internal::ThreadManager::Result& results = manager->results;
results.iterations += st.iterations();
results.cpu_time_used += timer.cpu_time_used();
results.real_time_used += timer.real_time_used();
results.manual_time_used += timer.manual_time_used();
results.bytes_processed += st.bytes_processed();
results.items_processed += st.items_processed();
results.complexity_n += st.complexity_length_n();
internal::Increment(&results.counters, st.counters);
std::vector<BenchmarkReporter::Run> RunBenchmark(
const benchmark::internal::Benchmark::Instance& b,
std::vector<BenchmarkReporter::Run>* complexity_reports) {
std::vector<BenchmarkReporter::Run> reports; // return value
const bool has_explicit_iteration_count = b.iterations != 0;
size_t iters = has_explicit_iteration_count ? b.iterations : 1;
std::unique_ptr<internal::ThreadManager> manager;
std::vector<std::thread> pool(b.threads - 1);
const int repeats =
b.repetitions != 0 ? b.repetitions : FLAGS_benchmark_repetitions;
const bool report_aggregates_only =
repeats != 1 &&
(b.report_mode == internal::RM_Unspecified
? FLAGS_benchmark_report_aggregates_only
: b.report_mode == internal::RM_ReportAggregatesOnly);
for (int repetition_num = 0; repetition_num < repeats; repetition_num++) {
for (;;) {
// Try benchmark
VLOG(2) << "Running " << b.name << " for " << iters << "\n";
manager.reset(new internal::ThreadManager(b.threads));
for (std::size_t ti = 0; ti < pool.size(); ++ti) {
pool[ti] = std::thread(&RunInThread, &b, iters,
static_cast<int>(ti + 1), manager.get());
RunInThread(&b, iters, 0, manager.get());
for (std::thread& thread : pool) thread.join();
internal::ThreadManager::Result results;
MutexLock l(manager->GetBenchmarkMutex());
results = manager->results;
// Adjust real/manual time stats since they were reported per thread.
results.real_time_used /= b.threads;
results.manual_time_used /= b.threads;
VLOG(2) << "Ran in " << results.cpu_time_used << "/"
<< results.real_time_used << "\n";
// Base decisions off of real time if requested by this benchmark.
double seconds = results.cpu_time_used;
if (b.use_manual_time) {
seconds = results.manual_time_used;
} else if (b.use_real_time) {
seconds = results.real_time_used;
const double min_time =
!IsZero(b.min_time) ? b.min_time : FLAGS_benchmark_min_time;
// clang-format off
// turn off clang-format since it mangles prettiness here
// Determine if this run should be reported; Either it has
// run for a sufficient amount of time or because an error was reported.
const bool should_report = repetition_num > 0
|| has_explicit_iteration_count // An exact iteration count was requested
|| results.has_error_
|| iters >= kMaxIterations // No chance to try again, we hit the limit.
|| seconds >= min_time // the elapsed time is large enough
// CPU time is specified but the elapsed real time greatly exceeds the
// minimum time. Note that user provided timers are except from this
// sanity check.
|| ((results.real_time_used >= 5 * min_time) && !b.use_manual_time);
// clang-format on
if (should_report) {
BenchmarkReporter::Run report = CreateRunReport(b, results, seconds);
if (!report.error_occurred && b.complexity != oNone)
// See how much iterations should be increased by
// Note: Avoid division by zero with max(seconds, 1ns).
double multiplier = min_time * 1.4 / std::max(seconds, 1e-9);
// If our last run was at least 10% of FLAGS_benchmark_min_time then we
// use the multiplier directly. Otherwise we use at most 10 times
// expansion.
// NOTE: When the last run was at least 10% of the min time the max
// expansion should be 14x.
bool is_significant = (seconds / min_time) > 0.1;
multiplier = is_significant ? multiplier : std::min(10.0, multiplier);
if (multiplier <= 1.0) multiplier = 2.0;
double next_iters = std::max(multiplier * iters, iters + 1.0);
if (next_iters > kMaxIterations) {
next_iters = kMaxIterations;
VLOG(3) << "Next iters: " << next_iters << ", " << multiplier << "\n";
iters = static_cast<int>(next_iters + 0.5);
// Calculate additional statistics
auto stat_reports = ComputeStats(reports);
if ((b.complexity != oNone) && b.last_benchmark_instance) {
auto additional_run_stats = ComputeBigO(*complexity_reports);
stat_reports.insert(stat_reports.end(), additional_run_stats.begin(),
if (report_aggregates_only) reports.clear();
reports.insert(reports.end(), stat_reports.begin(), stat_reports.end());
return reports;
} // namespace
} // namespace internal } // namespace internal
State::State(size_t max_iters, const std::vector<int64_t>& ranges, int thread_i, State::State(size_t max_iters, const std::vector<int64_t>& ranges, int thread_i,
@ -302,8 +131,6 @@ State::State(size_t max_iters, const std::vector<int64_t>& ranges, int thread_i,
finished_(false), finished_(false),
error_occurred_(false), error_occurred_(false),
range_(ranges), range_(ranges),
complexity_n_(0), complexity_n_(0),
counters(), counters(),
thread_index(thread_i), thread_index(thread_i),
@ -394,25 +221,25 @@ void State::FinishKeepRunning() {
namespace internal { namespace internal {
namespace { namespace {
void RunBenchmarks(const std::vector<Benchmark::Instance>& benchmarks, void RunBenchmarks(const std::vector<BenchmarkInstance>& benchmarks,
BenchmarkReporter* console_reporter, BenchmarkReporter* display_reporter,
BenchmarkReporter* file_reporter) { BenchmarkReporter* file_reporter) {
// Note the file_reporter can be null. // Note the file_reporter can be null.
CHECK(console_reporter != nullptr); CHECK(display_reporter != nullptr);
// Determine the width of the name field using a minimum width of 10. // Determine the width of the name field using a minimum width of 10.
bool has_repetitions = FLAGS_benchmark_repetitions > 1; bool might_have_aggregates = FLAGS_benchmark_repetitions > 1;
size_t name_field_width = 10; size_t name_field_width = 10;
size_t stat_field_width = 0; size_t stat_field_width = 0;
for (const Benchmark::Instance& benchmark : benchmarks) { for (const BenchmarkInstance& benchmark : benchmarks) {
name_field_width = name_field_width =
std::max<size_t>(name_field_width, benchmark.name.size()); std::max<size_t>(name_field_width, benchmark.name.size());
has_repetitions |= benchmark.repetitions > 1; might_have_aggregates |= benchmark.repetitions > 1;
for (const auto& Stat : *benchmark.statistics) for (const auto& Stat : *benchmark.statistics)
stat_field_width = std::max<size_t>(stat_field_width, Stat.name_.size()); stat_field_width = std::max<size_t>(stat_field_width, Stat.name_.size());
} }
if (has_repetitions) name_field_width += 1 + stat_field_width; if (might_have_aggregates) name_field_width += 1 + stat_field_width;
// Print header here // Print header here
BenchmarkReporter::Context context; BenchmarkReporter::Context context;
@ -429,22 +256,36 @@ void RunBenchmarks(const std::vector<Benchmark::Instance>& benchmarks,
std::flush(reporter->GetErrorStream()); std::flush(reporter->GetErrorStream());
}; };
if (console_reporter->ReportContext(context) && if (display_reporter->ReportContext(context) &&
(!file_reporter || file_reporter->ReportContext(context))) { (!file_reporter || file_reporter->ReportContext(context))) {
flushStreams(console_reporter); flushStreams(display_reporter);
flushStreams(file_reporter); flushStreams(file_reporter);
for (const auto& benchmark : benchmarks) { for (const auto& benchmark : benchmarks) {
std::vector<BenchmarkReporter::Run> reports = RunResults run_results = RunBenchmark(benchmark, &complexity_reports);
RunBenchmark(benchmark, &complexity_reports);
console_reporter->ReportRuns(reports); auto report = [&run_results](BenchmarkReporter* reporter,
if (file_reporter) file_reporter->ReportRuns(reports); bool report_aggregates_only) {
flushStreams(console_reporter); assert(reporter);
// If there are no aggregates, do output non-aggregates.
report_aggregates_only &= !run_results.aggregates_only.empty();
if (!report_aggregates_only)
if (!run_results.aggregates_only.empty())
report(display_reporter, run_results.display_report_aggregates_only);
if (file_reporter)
report(file_reporter, run_results.file_report_aggregates_only);
flushStreams(file_reporter); flushStreams(file_reporter);
} }
} }
console_reporter->Finalize(); display_reporter->Finalize();
if (file_reporter) file_reporter->Finalize(); if (file_reporter) file_reporter->Finalize();
flushStreams(console_reporter); flushStreams(display_reporter);
flushStreams(file_reporter); flushStreams(file_reporter);
} }
@ -471,15 +312,20 @@ bool IsZero(double n) {
ConsoleReporter::OutputOptions GetOutputOptions(bool force_no_color) { ConsoleReporter::OutputOptions GetOutputOptions(bool force_no_color) {
int output_opts = ConsoleReporter::OO_Defaults; int output_opts = ConsoleReporter::OO_Defaults;
if ((FLAGS_benchmark_color == "auto" && IsColorTerminal()) || auto is_benchmark_color = [force_no_color] () -> bool {
IsTruthyFlagValue(FLAGS_benchmark_color)) { if (force_no_color) {
return false;
if (FLAGS_benchmark_color == "auto") {
return IsColorTerminal();
return IsTruthyFlagValue(FLAGS_benchmark_color);
if (is_benchmark_color()) {
output_opts |= ConsoleReporter::OO_Color; output_opts |= ConsoleReporter::OO_Color;
} else { } else {
output_opts &= ~ConsoleReporter::OO_Color; output_opts &= ~ConsoleReporter::OO_Color;
} }
if (force_no_color) {
output_opts &= ~ConsoleReporter::OO_Color;
if (FLAGS_benchmark_counters_tabular) { if (FLAGS_benchmark_counters_tabular) {
output_opts |= ConsoleReporter::OO_Tabular; output_opts |= ConsoleReporter::OO_Tabular;
} else { } else {
@ -494,11 +340,11 @@ size_t RunSpecifiedBenchmarks() {
return RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(nullptr, nullptr); return RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(nullptr, nullptr);
} }
size_t RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(BenchmarkReporter* console_reporter) { size_t RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(BenchmarkReporter* display_reporter) {
return RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(console_reporter, nullptr); return RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(display_reporter, nullptr);
} }
size_t RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(BenchmarkReporter* console_reporter, size_t RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(BenchmarkReporter* display_reporter,
BenchmarkReporter* file_reporter) { BenchmarkReporter* file_reporter) {
std::string spec = FLAGS_benchmark_filter; std::string spec = FLAGS_benchmark_filter;
if (spec.empty() || spec == "all") if (spec.empty() || spec == "all")
@ -506,15 +352,15 @@ size_t RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(BenchmarkReporter* console_reporter,
// Setup the reporters // Setup the reporters
std::ofstream output_file; std::ofstream output_file;
std::unique_ptr<BenchmarkReporter> default_console_reporter; std::unique_ptr<BenchmarkReporter> default_display_reporter;
std::unique_ptr<BenchmarkReporter> default_file_reporter; std::unique_ptr<BenchmarkReporter> default_file_reporter;
if (!console_reporter) { if (!display_reporter) {
default_console_reporter = internal::CreateReporter( default_display_reporter = internal::CreateReporter(
FLAGS_benchmark_format, internal::GetOutputOptions()); FLAGS_benchmark_format, internal::GetOutputOptions());
console_reporter = default_console_reporter.get(); display_reporter = default_display_reporter.get();
} }
auto& Out = console_reporter->GetOutputStream(); auto& Out = display_reporter->GetOutputStream();
auto& Err = console_reporter->GetErrorStream(); auto& Err = display_reporter->GetErrorStream();
std::string const& fname = FLAGS_benchmark_out; std::string const& fname = FLAGS_benchmark_out;
if (fname.empty() && file_reporter) { if (fname.empty() && file_reporter) {
@ -538,7 +384,7 @@ size_t RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(BenchmarkReporter* console_reporter,
file_reporter->SetErrorStream(&output_file); file_reporter->SetErrorStream(&output_file);
} }
std::vector<internal::Benchmark::Instance> benchmarks; std::vector<internal::BenchmarkInstance> benchmarks;
if (!FindBenchmarksInternal(spec, &benchmarks, &Err)) return 0; if (!FindBenchmarksInternal(spec, &benchmarks, &Err)) return 0;
if (benchmarks.empty()) { if (benchmarks.empty()) {
@ -549,12 +395,16 @@ size_t RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(BenchmarkReporter* console_reporter,
if (FLAGS_benchmark_list_tests) { if (FLAGS_benchmark_list_tests) {
for (auto const& benchmark : benchmarks) Out << benchmark.name << "\n"; for (auto const& benchmark : benchmarks) Out << benchmark.name << "\n";
} else { } else {
internal::RunBenchmarks(benchmarks, console_reporter, file_reporter); internal::RunBenchmarks(benchmarks, display_reporter, file_reporter);
} }
return benchmarks.size(); return benchmarks.size();
} }
void RegisterMemoryManager(MemoryManager* manager) {
internal::memory_manager = manager;
namespace internal { namespace internal {
void PrintUsageAndExit() { void PrintUsageAndExit() {
@ -564,7 +414,8 @@ void PrintUsageAndExit() {
" [--benchmark_filter=<regex>]\n" " [--benchmark_filter=<regex>]\n"
" [--benchmark_min_time=<min_time>]\n" " [--benchmark_min_time=<min_time>]\n"
" [--benchmark_repetitions=<num_repetitions>]\n" " [--benchmark_repetitions=<num_repetitions>]\n"
" [--benchmark_report_aggregates_only={true|false}\n" " [--benchmark_report_aggregates_only={true|false}]\n"
" [--benchmark_display_aggregates_only={true|false}]\n"
" [--benchmark_format=<console|json|csv>]\n" " [--benchmark_format=<console|json|csv>]\n"
" [--benchmark_out=<filename>]\n" " [--benchmark_out=<filename>]\n"
" [--benchmark_out_format=<json|console|csv>]\n" " [--benchmark_out_format=<json|console|csv>]\n"
@ -588,6 +439,8 @@ void ParseCommandLineFlags(int* argc, char** argv) {
&FLAGS_benchmark_repetitions) || &FLAGS_benchmark_repetitions) ||
ParseBoolFlag(argv[i], "benchmark_report_aggregates_only", ParseBoolFlag(argv[i], "benchmark_report_aggregates_only",
&FLAGS_benchmark_report_aggregates_only) || &FLAGS_benchmark_report_aggregates_only) ||
ParseBoolFlag(argv[i], "benchmark_display_aggregates_only",
&FLAGS_benchmark_display_aggregates_only) ||
ParseStringFlag(argv[i], "benchmark_format", &FLAGS_benchmark_format) || ParseStringFlag(argv[i], "benchmark_format", &FLAGS_benchmark_format) ||
ParseStringFlag(argv[i], "benchmark_out", &FLAGS_benchmark_out) || ParseStringFlag(argv[i], "benchmark_out", &FLAGS_benchmark_out) ||
ParseStringFlag(argv[i], "benchmark_out_format", ParseStringFlag(argv[i], "benchmark_out_format",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#include "benchmark_api_internal.h"
namespace benchmark {
namespace internal {
State BenchmarkInstance::Run(
size_t iters, int thread_id, internal::ThreadTimer* timer,
internal::ThreadManager* manager) const {
State st(iters, arg, thread_id, threads, timer, manager);
return st;
} // internal
} // benchmark

View File

@ -2,10 +2,12 @@
#include "benchmark/benchmark.h" #include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
#include "commandlineflags.h"
#include <cmath> #include <cmath>
#include <iosfwd> #include <iosfwd>
#include <limits> #include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <string> #include <string>
#include <vector> #include <vector>
@ -13,10 +15,10 @@ namespace benchmark {
namespace internal { namespace internal {
// Information kept per benchmark we may want to run // Information kept per benchmark we may want to run
struct Benchmark::Instance { struct BenchmarkInstance {
std::string name; std::string name;
Benchmark* benchmark; Benchmark* benchmark;
ReportMode report_mode; AggregationReportMode aggregation_report_mode;
std::vector<int64_t> arg; std::vector<int64_t> arg;
TimeUnit time_unit; TimeUnit time_unit;
int range_multiplier; int range_multiplier;
@ -31,10 +33,13 @@ struct Benchmark::Instance {
double min_time; double min_time;
size_t iterations; size_t iterations;
int threads; // Number of concurrent threads to us int threads; // Number of concurrent threads to us
State Run(size_t iters, int thread_id, internal::ThreadTimer* timer,
internal::ThreadManager* manager) const;
}; };
bool FindBenchmarksInternal(const std::string& re, bool FindBenchmarksInternal(const std::string& re,
std::vector<Benchmark::Instance>* benchmarks, std::vector<BenchmarkInstance>* benchmarks,
std::ostream* Err); std::ostream* Err);
bool IsZero(double n); bool IsZero(double n);

View File

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class BenchmarkFamilies {
// Extract the list of benchmark instances that match the specified // Extract the list of benchmark instances that match the specified
// regular expression. // regular expression.
bool FindBenchmarks(std::string re, bool FindBenchmarks(std::string re,
std::vector<Benchmark::Instance>* benchmarks, std::vector<BenchmarkInstance>* benchmarks,
std::ostream* Err); std::ostream* Err);
private: private:
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ void BenchmarkFamilies::ClearBenchmarks() {
} }
bool BenchmarkFamilies::FindBenchmarks( bool BenchmarkFamilies::FindBenchmarks(
std::string spec, std::vector<Benchmark::Instance>* benchmarks, std::string spec, std::vector<BenchmarkInstance>* benchmarks,
std::ostream* ErrStream) { std::ostream* ErrStream) {
CHECK(ErrStream); CHECK(ErrStream);
auto& Err = *ErrStream; auto& Err = *ErrStream;
@ -152,10 +152,10 @@ bool BenchmarkFamilies::FindBenchmarks(
for (auto const& args : family->args_) { for (auto const& args : family->args_) {
for (int num_threads : *thread_counts) { for (int num_threads : *thread_counts) {
Benchmark::Instance instance; BenchmarkInstance instance;
instance.name = family->name_; instance.name = family->name_;
instance.benchmark = family.get(); instance.benchmark = family.get();
instance.report_mode = family->report_mode_; instance.aggregation_report_mode = family->aggregation_report_mode_;
instance.arg = args; instance.arg = args;
instance.time_unit = family->time_unit_; instance.time_unit = family->time_unit_;
instance.range_multiplier = family->range_multiplier_; instance.range_multiplier = family->range_multiplier_;
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ Benchmark* RegisterBenchmarkInternal(Benchmark* bench) {
// FIXME: This function is a hack so that benchmark.cc can access // FIXME: This function is a hack so that benchmark.cc can access
// `BenchmarkFamilies` // `BenchmarkFamilies`
bool FindBenchmarksInternal(const std::string& re, bool FindBenchmarksInternal(const std::string& re,
std::vector<Benchmark::Instance>* benchmarks, std::vector<BenchmarkInstance>* benchmarks,
std::ostream* Err) { std::ostream* Err) {
return BenchmarkFamilies::GetInstance()->FindBenchmarks(re, benchmarks, Err); return BenchmarkFamilies::GetInstance()->FindBenchmarks(re, benchmarks, Err);
} }
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ bool FindBenchmarksInternal(const std::string& re,
Benchmark::Benchmark(const char* name) Benchmark::Benchmark(const char* name)
: name_(name), : name_(name),
report_mode_(RM_Unspecified), aggregation_report_mode_(ARM_Unspecified),
time_unit_(kNanosecond), time_unit_(kNanosecond),
range_multiplier_(kRangeMultiplier), range_multiplier_(kRangeMultiplier),
min_time_(0), min_time_(0),
@ -369,7 +369,23 @@ Benchmark* Benchmark::Repetitions(int n) {
} }
Benchmark* Benchmark::ReportAggregatesOnly(bool value) { Benchmark* Benchmark::ReportAggregatesOnly(bool value) {
report_mode_ = value ? RM_ReportAggregatesOnly : RM_Default; aggregation_report_mode_ = value ? ARM_ReportAggregatesOnly : ARM_Default;
return this;
Benchmark* Benchmark::DisplayAggregatesOnly(bool value) {
// If we were called, the report mode is no longer 'unspecified', in any case.
aggregation_report_mode_ = static_cast<AggregationReportMode>(
aggregation_report_mode_ | ARM_Default);
if (value) {
aggregation_report_mode_ = static_cast<AggregationReportMode>(
aggregation_report_mode_ | ARM_DisplayReportAggregatesOnly);
} else {
aggregation_report_mode_ = static_cast<AggregationReportMode>(
aggregation_report_mode_ & ~ARM_DisplayReportAggregatesOnly);
return this; return this;
} }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "benchmark_runner.h"
#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
#include "benchmark_api_internal.h"
#include "internal_macros.h"
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <utility>
#include "check.h"
#include "colorprint.h"
#include "commandlineflags.h"
#include "complexity.h"
#include "counter.h"
#include "internal_macros.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "mutex.h"
#include "re.h"
#include "statistics.h"
#include "string_util.h"
#include "thread_manager.h"
#include "thread_timer.h"
namespace benchmark {
namespace internal {
MemoryManager* memory_manager = nullptr;
namespace {
static const size_t kMaxIterations = 1000000000;
BenchmarkReporter::Run CreateRunReport(
const benchmark::internal::BenchmarkInstance& b,
const internal::ThreadManager::Result& results, size_t memory_iterations,
const MemoryManager::Result& memory_result, double seconds) {
// Create report about this benchmark run.
BenchmarkReporter::Run report;
report.run_name = b.name;
report.error_occurred = results.has_error_;
report.error_message = results.error_message_;
report.report_label = results.report_label_;
// This is the total iterations across all threads.
report.iterations = results.iterations;
report.time_unit = b.time_unit;
if (!report.error_occurred) {
if (b.use_manual_time) {
report.real_accumulated_time = results.manual_time_used;
} else {
report.real_accumulated_time = results.real_time_used;
report.cpu_accumulated_time = results.cpu_time_used;
report.complexity_n = results.complexity_n;
report.complexity = b.complexity;
report.complexity_lambda = b.complexity_lambda;
report.statistics = b.statistics;
report.counters = results.counters;
if (memory_iterations > 0) {
report.has_memory_result = true;
report.allocs_per_iter =
memory_iterations ? static_cast<double>(memory_result.num_allocs) /
: 0;
report.max_bytes_used = memory_result.max_bytes_used;
internal::Finish(&report.counters, results.iterations, seconds, b.threads);
return report;
// Execute one thread of benchmark b for the specified number of iterations.
// Adds the stats collected for the thread into *total.
void RunInThread(const BenchmarkInstance* b, size_t iters, int thread_id,
ThreadManager* manager) {
internal::ThreadTimer timer;
State st = b->Run(iters, thread_id, &timer, manager);
CHECK(st.iterations() >= st.max_iterations)
<< "Benchmark returned before State::KeepRunning() returned false!";
MutexLock l(manager->GetBenchmarkMutex());
internal::ThreadManager::Result& results = manager->results;
results.iterations += st.iterations();
results.cpu_time_used += timer.cpu_time_used();
results.real_time_used += timer.real_time_used();
results.manual_time_used += timer.manual_time_used();
results.complexity_n += st.complexity_length_n();
internal::Increment(&results.counters, st.counters);
class BenchmarkRunner {
BenchmarkRunner(const benchmark::internal::BenchmarkInstance& b_,
std::vector<BenchmarkReporter::Run>* complexity_reports_)
: b(b_),
min_time(!IsZero(b.min_time) ? b.min_time : FLAGS_benchmark_min_time),
repeats(b.repetitions != 0 ? b.repetitions
: FLAGS_benchmark_repetitions),
has_explicit_iteration_count(b.iterations != 0),
pool(b.threads - 1),
iters(has_explicit_iteration_count ? b.iterations : 1) {
run_results.display_report_aggregates_only =
(FLAGS_benchmark_report_aggregates_only ||
run_results.file_report_aggregates_only =
if (b.aggregation_report_mode != internal::ARM_Unspecified) {
run_results.display_report_aggregates_only =
(b.aggregation_report_mode &
run_results.file_report_aggregates_only =
(b.aggregation_report_mode & internal::ARM_FileReportAggregatesOnly);
for (int repetition_num = 0; repetition_num < repeats; repetition_num++) {
const bool is_the_first_repetition = repetition_num == 0;
// Calculate additional statistics
run_results.aggregates_only = ComputeStats(run_results.non_aggregates);
// Maybe calculate complexity report
if ((b.complexity != oNone) && b.last_benchmark_instance) {
auto additional_run_stats = ComputeBigO(complexity_reports);
RunResults&& get_results() { return std::move(run_results); }
RunResults run_results;
const benchmark::internal::BenchmarkInstance& b;
std::vector<BenchmarkReporter::Run>& complexity_reports;
const double min_time;
const int repeats;
const bool has_explicit_iteration_count;
std::vector<std::thread> pool;
size_t iters; // preserved between repetitions!
// So only the first repetition has to find/calculate it,
// the other repetitions will just use that precomputed iteration count.
struct IterationResults {
internal::ThreadManager::Result results;
size_t iters;
double seconds;
IterationResults DoNIterations() {
VLOG(2) << "Running " << b.name << " for " << iters << "\n";
std::unique_ptr<internal::ThreadManager> manager;
manager.reset(new internal::ThreadManager(b.threads));
// Run all but one thread in separate threads
for (std::size_t ti = 0; ti < pool.size(); ++ti) {
pool[ti] = std::thread(&RunInThread, &b, iters, static_cast<int>(ti + 1),
// And run one thread here directly.
// (If we were asked to run just one thread, we don't create new threads.)
// Yes, we need to do this here *after* we start the separate threads.
RunInThread(&b, iters, 0, manager.get());
// The main thread has finished. Now let's wait for the other threads.
for (std::thread& thread : pool) thread.join();
IterationResults i;
// Acquire the measurements/counters from the manager, UNDER THE LOCK!
MutexLock l(manager->GetBenchmarkMutex());
i.results = manager->results;
// And get rid of the manager.
// Adjust real/manual time stats since they were reported per thread.
i.results.real_time_used /= b.threads;
i.results.manual_time_used /= b.threads;
VLOG(2) << "Ran in " << i.results.cpu_time_used << "/"
<< i.results.real_time_used << "\n";
// So for how long were we running?
i.iters = iters;
// Base decisions off of real time if requested by this benchmark.
i.seconds = i.results.cpu_time_used;
if (b.use_manual_time) {
i.seconds = i.results.manual_time_used;
} else if (b.use_real_time) {
i.seconds = i.results.real_time_used;
return i;
size_t PredictNumItersNeeded(const IterationResults& i) const {
// See how much iterations should be increased by.
// Note: Avoid division by zero with max(seconds, 1ns).
double multiplier = min_time * 1.4 / std::max(i.seconds, 1e-9);
// If our last run was at least 10% of FLAGS_benchmark_min_time then we
// use the multiplier directly.
// Otherwise we use at most 10 times expansion.
// NOTE: When the last run was at least 10% of the min time the max
// expansion should be 14x.
bool is_significant = (i.seconds / min_time) > 0.1;
multiplier = is_significant ? multiplier : std::min(10.0, multiplier);
if (multiplier <= 1.0) multiplier = 2.0;
// So what seems to be the sufficiently-large iteration count? Round up.
const size_t max_next_iters =
0.5 + std::max(multiplier * i.iters, i.iters + 1.0);
// But we do have *some* sanity limits though..
const size_t next_iters = std::min(max_next_iters, kMaxIterations);
VLOG(3) << "Next iters: " << next_iters << ", " << multiplier << "\n";
return next_iters; // round up before conversion to integer.
bool ShouldReportIterationResults(const IterationResults& i) const {
// Determine if this run should be reported;
// Either it has run for a sufficient amount of time
// or because an error was reported.
return i.results.has_error_ ||
i.iters >= kMaxIterations || // Too many iterations already.
i.seconds >= min_time || // The elapsed time is large enough.
// CPU time is specified but the elapsed real time greatly exceeds
// the minimum time.
// Note that user provided timers are except from this sanity check.
((i.results.real_time_used >= 5 * min_time) && !b.use_manual_time);
void DoOneRepetition(bool is_the_first_repetition) {
IterationResults i;
// We *may* be gradually increasing the length (iteration count)
// of the benchmark until we decide the results are significant.
// And once we do, we report those last results and exit.
// Please do note that the if there are repetitions, the iteration count
// is *only* calculated for the *first* repetition, and other repetitions
// simply use that precomputed iteration count.
for (;;) {
i = DoNIterations();
// Do we consider the results to be significant?
// If we are doing repetitions, and the first repetition was already done,
// it has calculated the correct iteration time, so we have run that very
// iteration count just now. No need to calculate anything. Just report.
// Else, the normal rules apply.
const bool results_are_significant = !is_the_first_repetition ||
has_explicit_iteration_count ||
if (results_are_significant) break; // Good, let's report them!
// Nope, bad iteration. Let's re-estimate the hopefully-sufficient
// iteration count, and run the benchmark again...
iters = PredictNumItersNeeded(i);
assert(iters > i.iters &&
"if we did more iterations than we want to do the next time, "
"then we should have accepted the current iteration run.");
// Oh, one last thing, we need to also produce the 'memory measurements'..
MemoryManager::Result memory_result;
size_t memory_iterations = 0;
if (memory_manager != nullptr) {
// Only run a few iterations to reduce the impact of one-time
// allocations in benchmarks that are not properly managed.
memory_iterations = std::min<size_t>(16, iters);
std::unique_ptr<internal::ThreadManager> manager;
manager.reset(new internal::ThreadManager(1));
RunInThread(&b, memory_iterations, 0, manager.get());
// Ok, now actualy report.
BenchmarkReporter::Run report = CreateRunReport(
b, i.results, memory_iterations, memory_result, i.seconds);
if (!report.error_occurred && b.complexity != oNone)
} // end namespace
RunResults RunBenchmark(
const benchmark::internal::BenchmarkInstance& b,
std::vector<BenchmarkReporter::Run>* complexity_reports) {
internal::BenchmarkRunner r(b, complexity_reports);
return r.get_results();
} // end namespace internal
} // end namespace benchmark

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "benchmark_api_internal.h"
#include "internal_macros.h"
namespace benchmark {
namespace internal {
extern MemoryManager* memory_manager;
struct RunResults {
std::vector<BenchmarkReporter::Run> non_aggregates;
std::vector<BenchmarkReporter::Run> aggregates_only;
bool display_report_aggregates_only = false;
bool file_report_aggregates_only = false;
RunResults RunBenchmark(
const benchmark::internal::BenchmarkInstance& b,
std::vector<BenchmarkReporter::Run>* complexity_reports);
} // namespace internal
} // end namespace benchmark

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
#include "internal_macros.h" #include "internal_macros.h"
#include <Windows.h> #include <windows.h>
#include <io.h> #include <io.h>
#else #else
#include <unistd.h> #include <unistd.h>

View File

@ -182,12 +182,15 @@ std::vector<BenchmarkReporter::Run> ComputeBigO(
result_cpu = MinimalLeastSq(n, cpu_time, reports[0].complexity); result_cpu = MinimalLeastSq(n, cpu_time, reports[0].complexity);
result_real = MinimalLeastSq(n, real_time, result_cpu.complexity); result_real = MinimalLeastSq(n, real_time, result_cpu.complexity);
} }
std::string benchmark_name =
reports[0].benchmark_name.substr(0, reports[0].benchmark_name.find('/')); std::string run_name = reports[0].benchmark_name().substr(
0, reports[0].benchmark_name().find('/'));
// Get the data from the accumulator to BenchmarkReporter::Run's. // Get the data from the accumulator to BenchmarkReporter::Run's.
Run big_o; Run big_o;
big_o.benchmark_name = benchmark_name + "_BigO"; big_o.run_name = run_name;
big_o.run_type = BenchmarkReporter::Run::RT_Aggregate;
big_o.aggregate_name = "BigO";
big_o.iterations = 0; big_o.iterations = 0;
big_o.real_accumulated_time = result_real.coef; big_o.real_accumulated_time = result_real.coef;
big_o.cpu_accumulated_time = result_cpu.coef; big_o.cpu_accumulated_time = result_cpu.coef;
@ -203,8 +206,10 @@ std::vector<BenchmarkReporter::Run> ComputeBigO(
// Only add label to mean/stddev if it is same for all runs // Only add label to mean/stddev if it is same for all runs
Run rms; Run rms;
rms.run_name = run_name;
big_o.report_label = reports[0].report_label; big_o.report_label = reports[0].report_label;
rms.benchmark_name = benchmark_name + "_RMS"; rms.run_type = BenchmarkReporter::Run::RT_Aggregate;
rms.aggregate_name = "RMS";
rms.report_label = big_o.report_label; rms.report_label = big_o.report_label;
rms.iterations = 0; rms.iterations = 0;
rms.real_accumulated_time = result_real.rms / multiplier; rms.real_accumulated_time = result_real.rms / multiplier;

View File

@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ void ConsoleReporter::PrintRunData(const Run& result) {
auto name_color = auto name_color =
(result.report_big_o || result.report_rms) ? COLOR_BLUE : COLOR_GREEN; (result.report_big_o || result.report_rms) ? COLOR_BLUE : COLOR_GREEN;
printer(Out, name_color, "%-*s ", name_field_width_, printer(Out, name_color, "%-*s ", name_field_width_,
result.benchmark_name.c_str()); result.benchmark_name().c_str());
if (result.error_occurred) { if (result.error_occurred) {
printer(Out, COLOR_RED, "ERROR OCCURRED: \'%s\'", printer(Out, COLOR_RED, "ERROR OCCURRED: \'%s\'",
@ -114,18 +114,6 @@ void ConsoleReporter::PrintRunData(const Run& result) {
printer(Out, COLOR_DEFAULT, "\n"); printer(Out, COLOR_DEFAULT, "\n");
return; return;
} }
// Format bytes per second
std::string rate;
if (result.bytes_per_second > 0) {
rate = StrCat(" ", HumanReadableNumber(result.bytes_per_second), "B/s");
// Format items per second
std::string items;
if (result.items_per_second > 0) {
items =
StrCat(" ", HumanReadableNumber(result.items_per_second), " items/s");
const double real_time = result.GetAdjustedRealTime(); const double real_time = result.GetAdjustedRealTime();
const double cpu_time = result.GetAdjustedCPUTime(); const double cpu_time = result.GetAdjustedCPUTime();
@ -150,7 +138,7 @@ void ConsoleReporter::PrintRunData(const Run& result) {
for (auto& c : result.counters) { for (auto& c : result.counters) {
const std::size_t cNameLen = std::max(std::string::size_type(10), const std::size_t cNameLen = std::max(std::string::size_type(10),
c.first.length()); c.first.length());
auto const& s = HumanReadableNumber(c.second.value, 1000); auto const& s = HumanReadableNumber(c.second.value, c.second.oneK);
if (output_options_ & OO_Tabular) { if (output_options_ & OO_Tabular) {
if (c.second.flags & Counter::kIsRate) { if (c.second.flags & Counter::kIsRate) {
printer(Out, COLOR_DEFAULT, " %*s/s", cNameLen - 2, s.c_str()); printer(Out, COLOR_DEFAULT, " %*s/s", cNameLen - 2, s.c_str());
@ -164,14 +152,6 @@ void ConsoleReporter::PrintRunData(const Run& result) {
} }
} }
if (!rate.empty()) {
printer(Out, COLOR_DEFAULT, " %*s", 13, rate.c_str());
if (!items.empty()) {
printer(Out, COLOR_DEFAULT, " %*s", 18, items.c_str());
if (!result.report_label.empty()) { if (!result.report_label.empty()) {
printer(Out, COLOR_DEFAULT, " %s", result.report_label.c_str()); printer(Out, COLOR_DEFAULT, " %s", result.report_label.c_str());
} }

View File

@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ void CSVReporter::ReportRuns(const std::vector<Run>& reports) {
// save the names of all the user counters // save the names of all the user counters
for (const auto& run : reports) { for (const auto& run : reports) {
for (const auto& cnt : run.counters) { for (const auto& cnt : run.counters) {
if (cnt.first == "bytes_per_second" || cnt.first == "items_per_second")
user_counter_names_.insert(cnt.first); user_counter_names_.insert(cnt.first);
} }
} }
@ -69,6 +71,8 @@ void CSVReporter::ReportRuns(const std::vector<Run>& reports) {
// check that all the current counters are saved in the name set // check that all the current counters are saved in the name set
for (const auto& run : reports) { for (const auto& run : reports) {
for (const auto& cnt : run.counters) { for (const auto& cnt : run.counters) {
if (cnt.first == "bytes_per_second" || cnt.first == "items_per_second")
CHECK(user_counter_names_.find(cnt.first) != user_counter_names_.end()) CHECK(user_counter_names_.find(cnt.first) != user_counter_names_.end())
<< "All counters must be present in each run. " << "All counters must be present in each run. "
<< "Counter named \"" << cnt.first << "Counter named \"" << cnt.first
@ -88,7 +92,7 @@ void CSVReporter::PrintRunData(const Run& run) {
// Field with embedded double-quote characters must be doubled and the field // Field with embedded double-quote characters must be doubled and the field
// delimited with double-quotes. // delimited with double-quotes.
std::string name = run.benchmark_name; std::string name = run.benchmark_name();
ReplaceAll(&name, "\"", "\"\""); ReplaceAll(&name, "\"", "\"\"");
Out << '"' << name << "\","; Out << '"' << name << "\",";
if (run.error_occurred) { if (run.error_occurred) {
@ -117,12 +121,12 @@ void CSVReporter::PrintRunData(const Run& run) {
} }
Out << ","; Out << ",";
if (run.bytes_per_second > 0.0) { if (run.counters.find("bytes_per_second") != run.counters.end()) {
Out << run.bytes_per_second; Out << run.counters.at("bytes_per_second");
} }
Out << ","; Out << ",";
if (run.items_per_second > 0.0) { if (run.counters.find("items_per_second") != run.counters.end()) {
Out << run.items_per_second; Out << run.counters.at("items_per_second");
} }
Out << ","; Out << ",";
if (!run.report_label.empty()) { if (!run.report_label.empty()) {

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ extern "C" uint64_t __rdtsc();
#pragma intrinsic(__rdtsc) #pragma intrinsic(__rdtsc)
#endif #endif
#include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h> #include <time.h>
#endif #endif

View File

@ -11,9 +11,6 @@
#ifndef __has_feature #ifndef __has_feature
#define __has_feature(x) 0 #define __has_feature(x) 0
#endif #endif
#ifndef __has_builtin
#define __has_builtin(x) 0
#if defined(__clang__) #if defined(__clang__)
#if !defined(COMPILER_CLANG) #if !defined(COMPILER_CLANG)
@ -43,6 +40,9 @@
#elif defined(_WIN32) #elif defined(_WIN32)
#if defined(__MINGW32__)
#elif defined(__APPLE__) #elif defined(__APPLE__)
#include "TargetConditionals.h" #include "TargetConditionals.h"
@ -87,14 +87,6 @@
#endif #endif
#if defined(COMPILER_GCC) || __has_builtin(__builtin_unreachable)
#define BENCHMARK_UNREACHABLE() __builtin_unreachable()
#elif defined(COMPILER_MSVC)
#define BENCHMARK_UNREACHABLE() __assume(false)
#define BENCHMARK_UNREACHABLE() ((void)0)
// clang-format on // clang-format on

View File

@ -78,7 +78,12 @@ bool JSONReporter::ReportContext(const Context& context) {
out << indent << FormatKV("date", walltime_value) << ",\n"; out << indent << FormatKV("date", walltime_value) << ",\n";
if (Context::executable_name) { if (Context::executable_name) {
out << indent << FormatKV("executable", Context::executable_name) << ",\n"; // windows uses backslash for its path separator,
// which must be escaped in JSON otherwise it blows up conforming JSON
// decoders
std::string executable_name = Context::executable_name;
ReplaceAll(&executable_name, "\\", "\\\\");
out << indent << FormatKV("executable", executable_name) << ",\n";
} }
CPUInfo const& info = context.cpu_info; CPUInfo const& info = context.cpu_info;
@ -111,6 +116,12 @@ bool JSONReporter::ReportContext(const Context& context) {
} }
indent = std::string(4, ' '); indent = std::string(4, ' ');
out << indent << "],\n"; out << indent << "],\n";
out << indent << "\"load_avg\": [";
for (auto it = info.load_avg.begin(); it != info.load_avg.end();) {
out << *it++;
if (it != info.load_avg.end()) out << ",";
out << "],\n";
#if defined(NDEBUG) #if defined(NDEBUG)
const char build_type[] = "release"; const char build_type[] = "release";
@ -154,7 +165,20 @@ void JSONReporter::Finalize() {
void JSONReporter::PrintRunData(Run const& run) { void JSONReporter::PrintRunData(Run const& run) {
std::string indent(6, ' '); std::string indent(6, ' ');
std::ostream& out = GetOutputStream(); std::ostream& out = GetOutputStream();
out << indent << FormatKV("name", run.benchmark_name) << ",\n"; out << indent << FormatKV("name", run.benchmark_name()) << ",\n";
out << indent << FormatKV("run_name", run.run_name) << ",\n";
out << indent << FormatKV("run_type", [&run]() -> const char* {
switch (run.run_type) {
case BenchmarkReporter::Run::RT_Iteration:
return "iteration";
case BenchmarkReporter::Run::RT_Aggregate:
return "aggregate";
}()) << ",\n";
if (run.run_type == BenchmarkReporter::Run::RT_Aggregate) {
out << indent << FormatKV("aggregate_name", run.aggregate_name) << ",\n";
if (run.error_occurred) { if (run.error_occurred) {
out << indent << FormatKV("error_occurred", run.error_occurred) << ",\n"; out << indent << FormatKV("error_occurred", run.error_occurred) << ",\n";
out << indent << FormatKV("error_message", run.error_message) << ",\n"; out << indent << FormatKV("error_message", run.error_message) << ",\n";
@ -175,17 +199,16 @@ void JSONReporter::PrintRunData(Run const& run) {
} else if (run.report_rms) { } else if (run.report_rms) {
out << indent << FormatKV("rms", run.GetAdjustedCPUTime()); out << indent << FormatKV("rms", run.GetAdjustedCPUTime());
} }
if (run.bytes_per_second > 0.0) {
out << ",\n"
<< indent << FormatKV("bytes_per_second", run.bytes_per_second);
if (run.items_per_second > 0.0) {
out << ",\n"
<< indent << FormatKV("items_per_second", run.items_per_second);
for (auto& c : run.counters) { for (auto& c : run.counters) {
out << ",\n" << indent << FormatKV(c.first, c.second); out << ",\n" << indent << FormatKV(c.first, c.second);
} }
if (run.has_memory_result) {
out << ",\n" << indent << FormatKV("allocs_per_iter", run.allocs_per_iter);
out << ",\n" << indent << FormatKV("max_bytes_used", run.max_bytes_used);
if (!run.report_label.empty()) { if (!run.report_label.empty()) {
out << ",\n" << indent << FormatKV("label", run.report_label); out << ",\n" << indent << FormatKV("label", run.report_label);
} }

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#include <vector> #include <vector>
#include "check.h" #include "check.h"
#include "string_util.h"
namespace benchmark { namespace benchmark {
@ -54,6 +55,14 @@ void BenchmarkReporter::PrintBasicContext(std::ostream *out,
Out << "\n"; Out << "\n";
} }
} }
if (!info.load_avg.empty()) {
Out << "Load Average: ";
for (auto It = info.load_avg.begin(); It != info.load_avg.end();) {
Out << StrFormat("%.2f", *It++);
if (It != info.load_avg.end()) Out << ", ";
Out << "\n";
if (info.scaling_enabled) { if (info.scaling_enabled) {
Out << "***WARNING*** CPU scaling is enabled, the benchmark " Out << "***WARNING*** CPU scaling is enabled, the benchmark "
@ -72,6 +81,14 @@ const char *BenchmarkReporter::Context::executable_name;
BenchmarkReporter::Context::Context() : cpu_info(CPUInfo::Get()) {} BenchmarkReporter::Context::Context() : cpu_info(CPUInfo::Get()) {}
std::string BenchmarkReporter::Run::benchmark_name() const {
std::string name = run_name;
if (run_type == RT_Aggregate) {
name += "_" + aggregate_name;
return name;
double BenchmarkReporter::Run::GetAdjustedRealTime() const { double BenchmarkReporter::Run::GetAdjustedRealTime() const {
double new_time = real_accumulated_time * GetTimeUnitMultiplier(time_unit); double new_time = real_accumulated_time * GetTimeUnitMultiplier(time_unit);
if (iterations != 0) new_time /= static_cast<double>(iterations); if (iterations != 0) new_time /= static_cast<double>(iterations);

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
#include "internal_macros.h" #include "internal_macros.h"
#include <Windows.h> #include <windows.h>
#endif #endif
namespace benchmark { namespace benchmark {

View File

@ -91,13 +91,9 @@ std::vector<BenchmarkReporter::Run> ComputeStats(
// Accumulators. // Accumulators.
std::vector<double> real_accumulated_time_stat; std::vector<double> real_accumulated_time_stat;
std::vector<double> cpu_accumulated_time_stat; std::vector<double> cpu_accumulated_time_stat;
std::vector<double> bytes_per_second_stat;
std::vector<double> items_per_second_stat;
real_accumulated_time_stat.reserve(reports.size()); real_accumulated_time_stat.reserve(reports.size());
cpu_accumulated_time_stat.reserve(reports.size()); cpu_accumulated_time_stat.reserve(reports.size());
// All repetitions should be run with the same number of iterations so we // All repetitions should be run with the same number of iterations so we
// can take this information from the first benchmark. // can take this information from the first benchmark.
@ -123,13 +119,11 @@ std::vector<BenchmarkReporter::Run> ComputeStats(
// Populate the accumulators. // Populate the accumulators.
for (Run const& run : reports) { for (Run const& run : reports) {
CHECK_EQ(reports[0].benchmark_name, run.benchmark_name); CHECK_EQ(reports[0].benchmark_name(), run.benchmark_name());
CHECK_EQ(run_iterations, run.iterations); CHECK_EQ(run_iterations, run.iterations);
if (run.error_occurred) continue; if (run.error_occurred) continue;
real_accumulated_time_stat.emplace_back(run.real_accumulated_time); real_accumulated_time_stat.emplace_back(run.real_accumulated_time);
cpu_accumulated_time_stat.emplace_back(run.cpu_accumulated_time); cpu_accumulated_time_stat.emplace_back(run.cpu_accumulated_time);
// user counters // user counters
for (auto const& cnt : run.counters) { for (auto const& cnt : run.counters) {
auto it = counter_stats.find(cnt.first); auto it = counter_stats.find(cnt.first);
@ -147,24 +141,43 @@ std::vector<BenchmarkReporter::Run> ComputeStats(
} }
} }
const double iteration_rescale_factor =
double(reports.size()) / double(run_iterations);
for (const auto& Stat : *reports[0].statistics) { for (const auto& Stat : *reports[0].statistics) {
// Get the data from the accumulator to BenchmarkReporter::Run's. // Get the data from the accumulator to BenchmarkReporter::Run's.
Run data; Run data;
data.benchmark_name = reports[0].benchmark_name + "_" + Stat.name_; data.run_name = reports[0].benchmark_name();
data.run_type = BenchmarkReporter::Run::RT_Aggregate;
data.aggregate_name = Stat.name_;
data.report_label = report_label; data.report_label = report_label;
data.iterations = run_iterations;
// It is incorrect to say that an aggregate is computed over
// run's iterations, because those iterations already got averaged.
// Similarly, if there are N repetitions with 1 iterations each,
// an aggregate will be computed over N measurements, not 1.
// Thus it is best to simply use the count of separate reports.
data.iterations = reports.size();
data.real_accumulated_time = Stat.compute_(real_accumulated_time_stat); data.real_accumulated_time = Stat.compute_(real_accumulated_time_stat);
data.cpu_accumulated_time = Stat.compute_(cpu_accumulated_time_stat); data.cpu_accumulated_time = Stat.compute_(cpu_accumulated_time_stat);
data.bytes_per_second = Stat.compute_(bytes_per_second_stat);
data.items_per_second = Stat.compute_(items_per_second_stat); // We will divide these times by data.iterations when reporting, but the
// data.iterations is not nessesairly the scale of these measurements,
// because in each repetition, these timers are sum over all the iterations.
// And if we want to say that the stats are over N repetitions and not
// M iterations, we need to multiply these by (N/M).
data.real_accumulated_time *= iteration_rescale_factor;
data.cpu_accumulated_time *= iteration_rescale_factor;
data.time_unit = reports[0].time_unit; data.time_unit = reports[0].time_unit;
// user counters // user counters
for (auto const& kv : counter_stats) { for (auto const& kv : counter_stats) {
// Do *NOT* rescale the custom counters. They are already properly scaled.
const auto uc_stat = Stat.compute_(kv.second.s); const auto uc_stat = Stat.compute_(kv.second.s);
auto c = Counter(uc_stat, counter_stats[kv.first].c.flags); auto c = Counter(uc_stat, counter_stats[kv.first].c.flags,
data.counters[kv.first] = c; data.counters[kv.first] = c;
} }

View File

@ -15,10 +15,10 @@
#include "internal_macros.h" #include "internal_macros.h"
#include <Shlwapi.h> #include <shlwapi.h>
#undef StrCat // Don't let StrCat in string_util.h be renamed to lstrcatA #undef StrCat // Don't let StrCat in string_util.h be renamed to lstrcatA
#include <VersionHelpers.h> #include <versionhelpers.h>
#include <Windows.h> #include <windows.h>
#else #else
#include <fcntl.h> #include <fcntl.h>
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ std::vector<CPUInfo::CacheInfo> GetCacheSizesMacOSX() {
std::string name; std::string name;
std::string type; std::string type;
int level; int level;
size_t num_sharing; uint64_t num_sharing;
} Cases[] = {{"hw.l1dcachesize", "Data", 1, CacheCounts[1]}, } Cases[] = {{"hw.l1dcachesize", "Data", 1, CacheCounts[1]},
{"hw.l1icachesize", "Instruction", 1, CacheCounts[1]}, {"hw.l1icachesize", "Instruction", 1, CacheCounts[1]},
{"hw.l2cachesize", "Unified", 2, CacheCounts[2]}, {"hw.l2cachesize", "Unified", 2, CacheCounts[2]},
@ -404,7 +404,13 @@ int GetNumCPUs() {
if (ln.empty()) continue; if (ln.empty()) continue;
size_t SplitIdx = ln.find(':'); size_t SplitIdx = ln.find(':');
std::string value; std::string value;
#if defined(__s390__)
// s390 has another format in /proc/cpuinfo
// it needs to be parsed differently
if (SplitIdx != std::string::npos) value = ln.substr(Key.size()+1,SplitIdx-Key.size()-1);
if (SplitIdx != std::string::npos) value = ln.substr(SplitIdx + 1); if (SplitIdx != std::string::npos) value = ln.substr(SplitIdx + 1);
if (ln.size() >= Key.size() && ln.compare(0, Key.size(), Key) == 0) { if (ln.size() >= Key.size() && ln.compare(0, Key.size(), Key) == 0) {
NumCPUs++; NumCPUs++;
if (!value.empty()) { if (!value.empty()) {
@ -571,6 +577,24 @@ double GetCPUCyclesPerSecond() {
return static_cast<double>(cycleclock::Now() - start_ticks); return static_cast<double>(cycleclock::Now() - start_ticks);
} }
std::vector<double> GetLoadAvg() {
#if defined BENCHMARK_OS_FREEBSD || defined(BENCHMARK_OS_LINUX) || \
constexpr int kMaxSamples = 3;
std::vector<double> res(kMaxSamples, 0.0);
const int nelem = getloadavg(res.data(), kMaxSamples);
if (nelem < 1) {
} else {
return res;
return {};
} // end namespace } // end namespace
const CPUInfo& CPUInfo::Get() { const CPUInfo& CPUInfo::Get() {
@ -582,6 +606,7 @@ CPUInfo::CPUInfo()
: num_cpus(GetNumCPUs()), : num_cpus(GetNumCPUs()),
cycles_per_second(GetCPUCyclesPerSecond()), cycles_per_second(GetCPUCyclesPerSecond()),
caches(GetCacheSizes()), caches(GetCacheSizes()),
scaling_enabled(CpuScalingEnabled(num_cpus)) {} scaling_enabled(CpuScalingEnabled(num_cpus)),
load_avg(GetLoadAvg()) {}
} // end namespace benchmark } // end namespace benchmark

View File

@ -42,8 +42,6 @@ class ThreadManager {
double real_time_used = 0; double real_time_used = 0;
double cpu_time_used = 0; double cpu_time_used = 0;
double manual_time_used = 0; double manual_time_used = 0;
int64_t bytes_processed = 0;
int64_t items_processed = 0;
int64_t complexity_n = 0; int64_t complexity_n = 0;
std::string report_label_; std::string report_label_;
std::string error_message_; std::string error_message_;

View File

@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
#include "internal_macros.h" #include "internal_macros.h"
#include <Shlwapi.h> #include <shlwapi.h>
#undef StrCat // Don't let StrCat in string_util.h be renamed to lstrcatA #undef StrCat // Don't let StrCat in string_util.h be renamed to lstrcatA
#include <VersionHelpers.h> #include <versionhelpers.h>
#include <Windows.h> #include <windows.h>
#else #else
#include <fcntl.h> #include <fcntl.h>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
check_cxx_compiler_flag(-O3 BENCHMARK_HAS_O3_FLAG)
check_cxx_compiler_flag(-g0 BENCHMARK_HAS_G0_FLAG)
check_cxx_compiler_flag(-fno-stack-protector BENCHMARK_HAS_FNO_STACK_PROTECTOR_FLAG)
list(APPEND ASM_TEST_FLAGS -fno-stack-protector)
macro(add_filecheck_test name)
cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "" "" "CHECK_PREFIXES" ${ARGV})
add_library(${name} OBJECT ${name}.cc)
set_target_properties(${name} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-S ${ASM_TEST_FLAGS}")
add_custom_target(copy_${name} ALL
COMMAND ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/strip_asm.py
add_dependencies(copy_${name} ${name})
foreach(prefix ${ARG_CHECK_PREFIXES})
add_test(NAME run_${name}_${prefix}
${LLVM_FILECHECK_EXE} ${name}.cc

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
# "-Wshorten-64-to-32",
"cxx03_test.cc": ["-std=c++03"],
# Some of the issues with DoNotOptimize only occur when optimization is enabled
"donotoptimize_test.cc": ["-O3"],
TEST_ARGS = ["--benchmark_min_time=0.01"]
"user_counters_tabular_test.cc": ["--benchmark_counters_tabular=true"],
name = "output_test_helper",
testonly = 1,
srcs = ["output_test_helper.cc"],
hdrs = ["output_test.h"],
copts = TEST_COPTS,
deps = [
name = test_src[:-len(".cc")],
size = "small",
srcs = [test_src],
args = TEST_ARGS + PER_SRC_TEST_ARGS.get(test_src, []),
copts = TEST_COPTS + PER_SRC_COPTS.get(test_src, []),
deps = [
] + (
["@com_google_googletest//:gtest_main"] if (test_src[-len("gtest.cc"):] == "gtest.cc") else []
# FIXME: Add support for assembly tests to bazel.
# See Issue #556
# https://github.com/google/benchmark/issues/556
) for test_src in glob(["*test.cc"], exclude = ["*_assembly_test.cc", "link_main_test.cc"])
name = "link_main_test",
size = "small",
srcs = ["link_main_test.cc"],
copts = TEST_COPTS,
deps = ["//:benchmark_main"],

View File

@ -125,9 +125,21 @@ add_test(templated_fixture_test templated_fixture_test --benchmark_min_time=0.01
compile_output_test(user_counters_test) compile_output_test(user_counters_test)
add_test(user_counters_test user_counters_test --benchmark_min_time=0.01) add_test(user_counters_test user_counters_test --benchmark_min_time=0.01)
add_test(report_aggregates_only_test report_aggregates_only_test --benchmark_min_time=0.01)
add_test(display_aggregates_only_test display_aggregates_only_test --benchmark_min_time=0.01)
compile_output_test(user_counters_tabular_test) compile_output_test(user_counters_tabular_test)
add_test(user_counters_tabular_test user_counters_tabular_test --benchmark_counters_tabular=true --benchmark_min_time=0.01) add_test(user_counters_tabular_test user_counters_tabular_test --benchmark_counters_tabular=true --benchmark_min_time=0.01)
add_test(user_counters_thousands_test user_counters_thousands_test --benchmark_min_time=0.01)
add_test(memory_manager_test memory_manager_test --benchmark_min_time=0.01)
check_cxx_compiler_flag(-std=c++03 BENCHMARK_HAS_CXX03_FLAG) check_cxx_compiler_flag(-std=c++03 BENCHMARK_HAS_CXX03_FLAG)
compile_benchmark_test(cxx03_test) compile_benchmark_test(cxx03_test)

View File

@ -12,9 +12,10 @@ namespace {
int CONCAT(dummy, __LINE__) = AddComplexityTest(__VA_ARGS__) int CONCAT(dummy, __LINE__) = AddComplexityTest(__VA_ARGS__)
int AddComplexityTest(std::string big_o_test_name, std::string rms_test_name, int AddComplexityTest(std::string test_name, std::string big_o_test_name,
std::string big_o) { std::string rms_test_name, std::string big_o) {
SetSubstitutions({{"%bigo_name", big_o_test_name}, SetSubstitutions({{"%name", test_name},
{"%bigo_name", big_o_test_name},
{"%rms_name", rms_test_name}, {"%rms_name", rms_test_name},
{"%bigo_str", "[ ]* %float " + big_o}, {"%bigo_str", "[ ]* %float " + big_o},
{"%bigo", big_o}, {"%bigo", big_o},
@ -25,12 +26,18 @@ int AddComplexityTest(std::string big_o_test_name, std::string rms_test_name,
{"^%bigo_name", MR_Not}, // Assert we we didn't only matched a name. {"^%bigo_name", MR_Not}, // Assert we we didn't only matched a name.
{"^%rms_name %rms %rms[ ]*$", MR_Next}}); {"^%rms_name %rms %rms[ ]*$", MR_Next}});
AddCases(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"%bigo_name\",$"}, AddCases(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"%bigo_name\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"%name\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"aggregate\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"aggregate_name\": \"BigO\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"cpu_coefficient\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"cpu_coefficient\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"real_coefficient\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"real_coefficient\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"big_o\": \"%bigo\",$", MR_Next}, {"\"big_o\": \"%bigo\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"time_unit\": \"ns\"$", MR_Next}, {"\"time_unit\": \"ns\"$", MR_Next},
{"}", MR_Next}, {"}", MR_Next},
{"\"name\": \"%rms_name\",$"}, {"\"name\": \"%rms_name\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"%name\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"aggregate\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"aggregate_name\": \"RMS\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"rms\": %float$", MR_Next}, {"\"rms\": %float$", MR_Next},
{"}", MR_Next}}); {"}", MR_Next}});
AddCases(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"%bigo_name\",,%float,%float,%bigo,,,,,$"}, AddCases(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"%bigo_name\",,%float,%float,%bigo,,,,,$"},
@ -59,6 +66,7 @@ BENCHMARK(BM_Complexity_O1)->Range(1, 1 << 18)->Complexity([](int64_t) {
return 1.0; return 1.0;
}); });
const char *one_test_name = "BM_Complexity_O1";
const char *big_o_1_test_name = "BM_Complexity_O1_BigO"; const char *big_o_1_test_name = "BM_Complexity_O1_BigO";
const char *rms_o_1_test_name = "BM_Complexity_O1_RMS"; const char *rms_o_1_test_name = "BM_Complexity_O1_RMS";
const char *enum_big_o_1 = "\\([0-9]+\\)"; const char *enum_big_o_1 = "\\([0-9]+\\)";
@ -69,13 +77,16 @@ const char *auto_big_o_1 = "(\\([0-9]+\\))|(lgN)";
const char *lambda_big_o_1 = "f\\(N\\)"; const char *lambda_big_o_1 = "f\\(N\\)";
// Add enum tests // Add enum tests
ADD_COMPLEXITY_CASES(big_o_1_test_name, rms_o_1_test_name, enum_big_o_1); ADD_COMPLEXITY_CASES(one_test_name, big_o_1_test_name, rms_o_1_test_name,
// Add auto enum tests // Add auto enum tests
ADD_COMPLEXITY_CASES(big_o_1_test_name, rms_o_1_test_name, auto_big_o_1); ADD_COMPLEXITY_CASES(one_test_name, big_o_1_test_name, rms_o_1_test_name,
// Add lambda tests // Add lambda tests
ADD_COMPLEXITY_CASES(big_o_1_test_name, rms_o_1_test_name, lambda_big_o_1); ADD_COMPLEXITY_CASES(one_test_name, big_o_1_test_name, rms_o_1_test_name,
// ========================================================================= // // ========================================================================= //
// --------------------------- Testing BigO O(N) --------------------------- // // --------------------------- Testing BigO O(N) --------------------------- //
@ -112,16 +123,19 @@ BENCHMARK(BM_Complexity_O_N)
->Range(1 << 10, 1 << 16) ->Range(1 << 10, 1 << 16)
->Complexity(); ->Complexity();
const char *n_test_name = "BM_Complexity_O_N";
const char *big_o_n_test_name = "BM_Complexity_O_N_BigO"; const char *big_o_n_test_name = "BM_Complexity_O_N_BigO";
const char *rms_o_n_test_name = "BM_Complexity_O_N_RMS"; const char *rms_o_n_test_name = "BM_Complexity_O_N_RMS";
const char *enum_auto_big_o_n = "N"; const char *enum_auto_big_o_n = "N";
const char *lambda_big_o_n = "f\\(N\\)"; const char *lambda_big_o_n = "f\\(N\\)";
// Add enum tests // Add enum tests
ADD_COMPLEXITY_CASES(big_o_n_test_name, rms_o_n_test_name, enum_auto_big_o_n); ADD_COMPLEXITY_CASES(n_test_name, big_o_n_test_name, rms_o_n_test_name,
// Add lambda tests // Add lambda tests
ADD_COMPLEXITY_CASES(big_o_n_test_name, rms_o_n_test_name, lambda_big_o_n); ADD_COMPLEXITY_CASES(n_test_name, big_o_n_test_name, rms_o_n_test_name,
// ========================================================================= // // ========================================================================= //
// ------------------------- Testing BigO O(N*lgN) ------------------------- // // ------------------------- Testing BigO O(N*lgN) ------------------------- //
@ -148,18 +162,19 @@ BENCHMARK(BM_Complexity_O_N_log_N)
->Range(1 << 10, 1 << 16) ->Range(1 << 10, 1 << 16)
->Complexity(); ->Complexity();
const char *n_lg_n_test_name = "BM_Complexity_O_N_log_N";
const char *big_o_n_lg_n_test_name = "BM_Complexity_O_N_log_N_BigO"; const char *big_o_n_lg_n_test_name = "BM_Complexity_O_N_log_N_BigO";
const char *rms_o_n_lg_n_test_name = "BM_Complexity_O_N_log_N_RMS"; const char *rms_o_n_lg_n_test_name = "BM_Complexity_O_N_log_N_RMS";
const char *enum_auto_big_o_n_lg_n = "NlgN"; const char *enum_auto_big_o_n_lg_n = "NlgN";
const char *lambda_big_o_n_lg_n = "f\\(N\\)"; const char *lambda_big_o_n_lg_n = "f\\(N\\)";
// Add enum tests // Add enum tests
ADD_COMPLEXITY_CASES(big_o_n_lg_n_test_name, rms_o_n_lg_n_test_name, ADD_COMPLEXITY_CASES(n_lg_n_test_name, big_o_n_lg_n_test_name,
enum_auto_big_o_n_lg_n); rms_o_n_lg_n_test_name, enum_auto_big_o_n_lg_n);
// Add lambda tests // Add lambda tests
ADD_COMPLEXITY_CASES(big_o_n_lg_n_test_name, rms_o_n_lg_n_test_name, ADD_COMPLEXITY_CASES(n_lg_n_test_name, big_o_n_lg_n_test_name,
lambda_big_o_n_lg_n); rms_o_n_lg_n_test_name, lambda_big_o_n_lg_n);
// ========================================================================= // // ========================================================================= //
// --------------------------- TEST CASES END ------------------------------ // // --------------------------- TEST CASES END ------------------------------ //

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
#undef NDEBUG
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
#include "output_test.h"
// Ok this test is super ugly. We want to check what happens with the file
// reporter in the presence of DisplayAggregatesOnly().
// We do not care about console output, the normal tests check that already.
void BM_SummaryRepeat(benchmark::State& state) {
for (auto _ : state) {
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
const std::string output = GetFileReporterOutput(argc, argv);
if (SubstrCnt(output, "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3") != 6 ||
SubstrCnt(output, "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3\"") != 3 ||
SubstrCnt(output, "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_mean\"") != 1 ||
SubstrCnt(output, "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_median\"") !=
1 ||
SubstrCnt(output, "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_stddev\"") !=
1) {
std::cout << "Precondition mismatch. Expected to only find 6 "
"occurrences of \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3\" substring:\n"
"\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3\", "
"\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3\", "
"\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3\", "
"\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_mean\", "
"\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_median\", "
"\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_stddev\"\nThe entire "
std::cout << output;
return 1;
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
#include <memory>
#include "../src/check.h"
#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
#include "output_test.h"
class TestMemoryManager : public benchmark::MemoryManager {
void Start() {}
void Stop(Result* result) {
result->num_allocs = 42;
result->max_bytes_used = 42000;
void BM_empty(benchmark::State& state) {
for (auto _ : state) {
ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_empty %console_report$"}});
ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_empty\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_empty\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
{"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"time_unit\": \"ns\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"allocs_per_iter\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"max_bytes_used\": 42000$", MR_Next},
{"}", MR_Next}});
ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_empty\",%csv_report$"}});
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
std::unique_ptr<benchmark::MemoryManager> mm(new TestMemoryManager());
RunOutputTests(argc, argv);

View File

@ -60,6 +60,13 @@ int SetSubstitutions(
// Run all output tests. // Run all output tests.
void RunOutputTests(int argc, char* argv[]); void RunOutputTests(int argc, char* argv[]);
// Count the number of 'pat' substrings in the 'haystack' string.
int SubstrCnt(const std::string& haystack, const std::string& pat);
// Run registered benchmarks with file reporter enabled, and return the content
// outputted by the file reporter.
std::string GetFileReporterOutput(int argc, char* argv[]);
// ========================================================================= // // ========================================================================= //
// ------------------------- Results checking ------------------------------ // // ------------------------- Results checking ------------------------------ //
// ========================================================================= // // ========================================================================= //

View File

@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring> #include <cstring>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream> #include <iostream>
#include <map> #include <map>
#include <memory> #include <memory>
#include <sstream> #include <sstream>
#include <streambuf>
#include "../src/benchmark_api_internal.h" #include "../src/benchmark_api_internal.h"
#include "../src/check.h" // NOTE: check.h is for internal use only! #include "../src/check.h" // NOTE: check.h is for internal use only!
@ -41,9 +44,11 @@ SubMap& GetSubstitutions() {
{"%hrfloat", "[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([eE][-+][0-9]+)?[kMGTPEZYmunpfazy]?"}, {"%hrfloat", "[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([eE][-+][0-9]+)?[kMGTPEZYmunpfazy]?"},
{"%int", "[ ]*[0-9]+"}, {"%int", "[ ]*[0-9]+"},
{" %s ", "[ ]+"}, {" %s ", "[ ]+"},
{"%time", "[ ]*[0-9]{1,6} ns"}, {"%time", "[ ]*[0-9]+ ns"},
{"%console_report", "[ ]*[0-9]{1,6} ns [ ]*[0-9]{1,6} ns [ ]*[0-9]+"}, {"%console_report", "[ ]*[0-9]+ ns [ ]*[0-9]+ ns [ ]*[0-9]+"},
{"%console_us_report", "[ ]*[0-9] us [ ]*[0-9] us [ ]*[0-9]+"}, {"%console_time_only_report", "[ ]*[0-9]+ ns [ ]*[0-9]+ ns"},
{"%console_us_report", "[ ]*[0-9]+ us [ ]*[0-9]+ us [ ]*[0-9]+"},
{"%console_us_time_only_report", "[ ]*[0-9]+ us [ ]*[0-9]+ us"},
{"%csv_header", {"%csv_header",
"name,iterations,real_time,cpu_time,time_unit,bytes_per_second," "name,iterations,real_time,cpu_time,time_unit,bytes_per_second,"
"items_per_second,label,error_occurred,error_message"}, "items_per_second,label,error_occurred,error_message"},
@ -423,3 +428,37 @@ void RunOutputTests(int argc, char* argv[]) {
CHECK(std::strcmp(csv.name, "CSVReporter") == 0); CHECK(std::strcmp(csv.name, "CSVReporter") == 0);
internal::GetResultsChecker().CheckResults(csv.out_stream); internal::GetResultsChecker().CheckResults(csv.out_stream);
} }
int SubstrCnt(const std::string& haystack, const std::string& pat) {
if (pat.length() == 0) return 0;
int count = 0;
for (size_t offset = haystack.find(pat); offset != std::string::npos;
offset = haystack.find(pat, offset + pat.length()))
return count;
std::string GetFileReporterOutput(int argc, char* argv[]) {
std::vector<char*> new_argv(argv, argv + argc);
assert(static_cast<decltype(new_argv)::size_type>(argc) == new_argv.size());
std::string tmp_file_name = std::tmpnam(nullptr);
std::cout << "Will be using this as the tmp file: " << tmp_file_name << '\n';
std::string tmp = "--benchmark_out=";
tmp += tmp_file_name;
argc = int(new_argv.size());
benchmark::Initialize(&argc, new_argv.data());
// Read the output back from the file, and delete the file.
std::ifstream tmp_stream(tmp_file_name);
std::string output = std::string((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(tmp_stream)),
return output;

View File

@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ struct TestCase {
void CheckRun(Run const& run) const { void CheckRun(Run const& run) const {
// clang-format off // clang-format off
CHECK(name == run.benchmark_name) << "expected " << name << " got " CHECK(name == run.benchmark_name()) << "expected " << name << " got "
<< run.benchmark_name; << run.benchmark_name();
if (label) { if (label) {
CHECK(run.report_label == label) << "expected " << label << " got " CHECK(run.report_label == label) << "expected " << label << " got "
<< run.report_label; << run.report_label;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
#undef NDEBUG
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
#include "output_test.h"
// Ok this test is super ugly. We want to check what happens with the file
// reporter in the presence of ReportAggregatesOnly().
// We do not care about console output, the normal tests check that already.
void BM_SummaryRepeat(benchmark::State& state) {
for (auto _ : state) {
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
const std::string output = GetFileReporterOutput(argc, argv);
if (SubstrCnt(output, "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3") != 3 ||
SubstrCnt(output, "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_mean\"") != 1 ||
SubstrCnt(output, "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_median\"") !=
1 ||
SubstrCnt(output, "\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_stddev\"") !=
1) {
std::cout << "Precondition mismatch. Expected to only find three "
"occurrences of \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3\" substring:\n"
"\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_mean\", "
"\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_median\", "
"\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_stddev\"\nThe entire "
std::cout << output;
return 1;
return 0;

View File

@ -17,18 +17,20 @@ static int AddContextCases() {
{ {
{"%int[-/]%int[-/]%int %int:%int:%int$", MR_Default}, {"%int[-/]%int[-/]%int %int:%int:%int$", MR_Default},
{"Running .*/reporter_output_test(\\.exe)?$", MR_Next}, {"Running .*/reporter_output_test(\\.exe)?$", MR_Next},
{"Run on \\(%int X %float MHz CPU s\\)", MR_Next}, {"Run on \\(%int X %float MHz CPU s?\\)", MR_Next},
}); });
AddCases(TC_JSONOut, AddCases(TC_JSONOut,
{{"^\\{", MR_Default}, {{"^\\{", MR_Default},
{"\"context\":", MR_Next}, {"\"context\":", MR_Next},
{"\"date\": \"", MR_Next}, {"\"date\": \"", MR_Next},
{"\"executable\": \".*/reporter_output_test(\\.exe)?\",", MR_Next}, {"\"executable\": \".*(/|\\\\)reporter_output_test(\\.exe)?\",",
{"\"num_cpus\": %int,$", MR_Next}, {"\"num_cpus\": %int,$", MR_Next},
{"\"mhz_per_cpu\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"mhz_per_cpu\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"cpu_scaling_enabled\": ", MR_Next}, {"\"cpu_scaling_enabled\": ", MR_Next},
{"\"caches\": \\[$", MR_Next}}); {"\"caches\": \\[$", MR_Next}});
auto const& Caches = benchmark::CPUInfo::Get().caches; auto const& Info = benchmark::CPUInfo::Get();
auto const& Caches = Info.caches;
if (!Caches.empty()) { if (!Caches.empty()) {
AddCases(TC_ConsoleErr, {{"CPU Caches:$", MR_Next}}); AddCases(TC_ConsoleErr, {{"CPU Caches:$", MR_Next}});
} }
@ -45,8 +47,13 @@ static int AddContextCases() {
{"\"num_sharing\": %int$", MR_Next}, {"\"num_sharing\": %int$", MR_Next},
{"}[,]{0,1}$", MR_Next}}); {"}[,]{0,1}$", MR_Next}});
} }
AddCases(TC_JSONOut, {{"],$"}}); AddCases(TC_JSONOut, {{"],$"}});
auto const& LoadAvg = Info.load_avg;
if (!LoadAvg.empty()) {
{{"Load Average: (%float, ){0,2}%float$", MR_Next}});
AddCases(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"load_avg\": \\[(%float,?){0,3}],$", MR_Next}});
return 0; return 0;
} }
int dummy_register = AddContextCases(); int dummy_register = AddContextCases();
@ -64,6 +71,8 @@ BENCHMARK(BM_basic);
ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_basic %console_report$"}}); ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_basic %console_report$"}});
ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_basic\",$"}, ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_basic\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_basic\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next}, {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
{"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
@ -82,9 +91,11 @@ void BM_bytes_per_second(benchmark::State& state) {
} }
BENCHMARK(BM_bytes_per_second); BENCHMARK(BM_bytes_per_second);
ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_bytes_per_second %console_report "
{{"^BM_bytes_per_second %console_report +%float[kM]{0,1}B/s$"}}); "bytes_per_second=%float[kM]{0,1}/s$"}});
ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_bytes_per_second\",$"}, ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_bytes_per_second\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_bytes_per_second\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next}, {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
{"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
@ -104,9 +115,11 @@ void BM_items_per_second(benchmark::State& state) {
} }
BENCHMARK(BM_items_per_second); BENCHMARK(BM_items_per_second);
ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_items_per_second %console_report "
{{"^BM_items_per_second %console_report +%float[kM]{0,1} items/s$"}}); "items_per_second=%float[kM]{0,1}/s$"}});
ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_items_per_second\",$"}, ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_items_per_second\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_items_per_second\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next}, {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
{"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
@ -128,6 +141,8 @@ BENCHMARK(BM_label);
ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_label %console_report some label$"}}); ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_label %console_report some label$"}});
ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_label\",$"}, ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_label\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_label\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next}, {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
{"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
@ -149,6 +164,8 @@ void BM_error(benchmark::State& state) {
ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_error[ ]+ERROR OCCURRED: 'message'$"}}); ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_error[ ]+ERROR OCCURRED: 'message'$"}});
ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_error\",$"}, ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_error\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_error\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"error_occurred\": true,$", MR_Next}, {"\"error_occurred\": true,$", MR_Next},
{"\"error_message\": \"message\",$", MR_Next}}); {"\"error_message\": \"message\",$", MR_Next}});
@ -165,7 +182,9 @@ void BM_no_arg_name(benchmark::State& state) {
} }
BENCHMARK(BM_no_arg_name)->Arg(3); BENCHMARK(BM_no_arg_name)->Arg(3);
ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_no_arg_name/3 %console_report$"}}); ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_no_arg_name/3 %console_report$"}});
ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_no_arg_name/3\",$"}}); ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_no_arg_name/3\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_no_arg_name/3\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next}});
ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_no_arg_name/3\",%csv_report$"}}); ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_no_arg_name/3\",%csv_report$"}});
// ========================================================================= // // ========================================================================= //
@ -178,7 +197,9 @@ void BM_arg_name(benchmark::State& state) {
} }
BENCHMARK(BM_arg_name)->ArgName("first")->Arg(3); BENCHMARK(BM_arg_name)->ArgName("first")->Arg(3);
ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_arg_name/first:3 %console_report$"}}); ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_arg_name/first:3 %console_report$"}});
ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_arg_name/first:3\",$"}}); ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_arg_name/first:3\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_arg_name/first:3\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next}});
ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_arg_name/first:3\",%csv_report$"}}); ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_arg_name/first:3\",%csv_report$"}});
// ========================================================================= // // ========================================================================= //
@ -192,7 +213,10 @@ void BM_arg_names(benchmark::State& state) {
BENCHMARK(BM_arg_names)->Args({2, 5, 4})->ArgNames({"first", "", "third"}); BENCHMARK(BM_arg_names)->Args({2, 5, 4})->ArgNames({"first", "", "third"});
ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut,
{{"^BM_arg_names/first:2/5/third:4 %console_report$"}}); {{"^BM_arg_names/first:2/5/third:4 %console_report$"}});
ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_arg_names/first:2/5/third:4\",$"}}); ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut,
{{"\"name\": \"BM_arg_names/first:2/5/third:4\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_arg_names/first:2/5/third:4\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next}});
ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_arg_names/first:2/5/third:4\",%csv_report$"}}); ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_arg_names/first:2/5/third:4\",%csv_report$"}});
// ========================================================================= // // ========================================================================= //
@ -221,16 +245,33 @@ void BM_Repeat(benchmark::State& state) {
} }
// need two repetitions min to be able to output any aggregate output // need two repetitions min to be able to output any aggregate output
BENCHMARK(BM_Repeat)->Repetitions(2); BENCHMARK(BM_Repeat)->Repetitions(2);
ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_Repeat/repeats:2 %console_report$"}, ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut,
{"^BM_Repeat/repeats:2 %console_report$"}, {{"^BM_Repeat/repeats:2 %console_report$"},
{"^BM_Repeat/repeats:2_mean %console_report$"}, {"^BM_Repeat/repeats:2 %console_report$"},
{"^BM_Repeat/repeats:2_median %console_report$"}, {"^BM_Repeat/repeats:2_mean %console_time_only_report [ ]*2$"},
{"^BM_Repeat/repeats:2_stddev %console_report$"}}); {"^BM_Repeat/repeats:2_median %console_time_only_report [ ]*2$"},
{"^BM_Repeat/repeats:2_stddev %console_time_only_report [ ]*2$"}});
ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:2\",$"}, ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:2\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:2\"", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:2\",$"}, {"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:2\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:2\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:2_mean\",$"}, {"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:2_mean\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:2\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"aggregate\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"aggregate_name\": \"mean\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": 2,$", MR_Next},
{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:2_median\",$"}, {"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:2_median\",$"},
{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:2_stddev\",$"}}); {"\"run_name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:2\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"aggregate\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"aggregate_name\": \"median\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": 2,$", MR_Next},
{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:2_stddev\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:2\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"aggregate\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"aggregate_name\": \"stddev\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": 2,$", MR_Next}});
ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:2\",%csv_report$"}, ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:2\",%csv_report$"},
{"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:2\",%csv_report$"}, {"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:2\",%csv_report$"},
{"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:2_mean\",%csv_report$"}, {"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:2_mean\",%csv_report$"},
@ -238,18 +279,37 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:2\",%csv_report$"},
{"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:2_stddev\",%csv_report$"}}); {"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:2_stddev\",%csv_report$"}});
// but for two repetitions, mean and median is the same, so let's repeat.. // but for two repetitions, mean and median is the same, so let's repeat..
BENCHMARK(BM_Repeat)->Repetitions(3); BENCHMARK(BM_Repeat)->Repetitions(3);
ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_Repeat/repeats:3 %console_report$"}, ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut,
{"^BM_Repeat/repeats:3 %console_report$"}, {{"^BM_Repeat/repeats:3 %console_report$"},
{"^BM_Repeat/repeats:3 %console_report$"}, {"^BM_Repeat/repeats:3 %console_report$"},
{"^BM_Repeat/repeats:3_mean %console_report$"}, {"^BM_Repeat/repeats:3 %console_report$"},
{"^BM_Repeat/repeats:3_median %console_report$"}, {"^BM_Repeat/repeats:3_mean %console_time_only_report [ ]*3$"},
{"^BM_Repeat/repeats:3_stddev %console_report$"}}); {"^BM_Repeat/repeats:3_median %console_time_only_report [ ]*3$"},
{"^BM_Repeat/repeats:3_stddev %console_time_only_report [ ]*3$"}});
ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",$"}, ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",$"}, {"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",$"}, {"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3_mean\",$"}, {"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3_mean\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"aggregate\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"aggregate_name\": \"mean\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": 3,$", MR_Next},
{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3_median\",$"}, {"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3_median\",$"},
{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3_stddev\",$"}}); {"\"run_name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"aggregate\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"aggregate_name\": \"median\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": 3,$", MR_Next},
{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3_stddev\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"aggregate\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"aggregate_name\": \"stddev\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": 3,$", MR_Next}});
ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",%csv_report$"}, ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",%csv_report$"},
{"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",%csv_report$"}, {"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",%csv_report$"},
{"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",%csv_report$"}, {"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",%csv_report$"},
@ -258,20 +318,41 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:3\",%csv_report$"},
{"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:3_stddev\",%csv_report$"}}); {"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:3_stddev\",%csv_report$"}});
// median differs between even/odd number of repetitions, so just to be sure // median differs between even/odd number of repetitions, so just to be sure
BENCHMARK(BM_Repeat)->Repetitions(4); BENCHMARK(BM_Repeat)->Repetitions(4);
ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_Repeat/repeats:4 %console_report$"}, ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut,
{"^BM_Repeat/repeats:4 %console_report$"}, {{"^BM_Repeat/repeats:4 %console_report$"},
{"^BM_Repeat/repeats:4 %console_report$"}, {"^BM_Repeat/repeats:4 %console_report$"},
{"^BM_Repeat/repeats:4 %console_report$"}, {"^BM_Repeat/repeats:4 %console_report$"},
{"^BM_Repeat/repeats:4_mean %console_report$"}, {"^BM_Repeat/repeats:4 %console_report$"},
{"^BM_Repeat/repeats:4_median %console_report$"}, {"^BM_Repeat/repeats:4_mean %console_time_only_report [ ]*4$"},
{"^BM_Repeat/repeats:4_stddev %console_report$"}}); {"^BM_Repeat/repeats:4_median %console_time_only_report [ ]*4$"},
{"^BM_Repeat/repeats:4_stddev %console_time_only_report [ ]*4$"}});
ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:4\",$"}, ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:4\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:4\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:4\",$"}, {"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:4\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:4\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:4\",$"}, {"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:4\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:4\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:4\",$"}, {"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:4\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:4\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:4_mean\",$"}, {"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:4_mean\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:4\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"aggregate\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"aggregate_name\": \"mean\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": 4,$", MR_Next},
{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:4_median\",$"}, {"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:4_median\",$"},
{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:4_stddev\",$"}}); {"\"run_name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:4\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"aggregate\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"aggregate_name\": \"median\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": 4,$", MR_Next},
{"\"name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:4_stddev\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_Repeat/repeats:4\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"aggregate\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"aggregate_name\": \"stddev\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": 4,$", MR_Next}});
ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:4\",%csv_report$"}, ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:4\",%csv_report$"},
{"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:4\",%csv_report$"}, {"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:4\",%csv_report$"},
{"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:4\",%csv_report$"}, {"^\"BM_Repeat/repeats:4\",%csv_report$"},
@ -288,7 +369,9 @@ void BM_RepeatOnce(benchmark::State& state) {
} }
BENCHMARK(BM_RepeatOnce)->Repetitions(1)->ReportAggregatesOnly(); BENCHMARK(BM_RepeatOnce)->Repetitions(1)->ReportAggregatesOnly();
ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_RepeatOnce/repeats:1 %console_report$"}}); ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_RepeatOnce/repeats:1 %console_report$"}});
ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_RepeatOnce/repeats:1\",$"}}); ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_RepeatOnce/repeats:1\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_RepeatOnce/repeats:1\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next}});
ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_RepeatOnce/repeats:1\",%csv_report$"}}); ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_RepeatOnce/repeats:1\",%csv_report$"}});
// Test that non-aggregate data is not reported // Test that non-aggregate data is not reported
@ -297,20 +380,72 @@ void BM_SummaryRepeat(benchmark::State& state) {
} }
} }
BENCHMARK(BM_SummaryRepeat)->Repetitions(3)->ReportAggregatesOnly(); BENCHMARK(BM_SummaryRepeat)->Repetitions(3)->ReportAggregatesOnly();
{{".*BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3 ", MR_Not},
{"^BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_mean %console_time_only_report [ ]*3$"},
{"^BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_median %console_time_only_report [ ]*3$"},
{"^BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_stddev %console_time_only_report [ ]*3$"}});
{{".*BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3 ", MR_Not}, {{".*BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3 ", MR_Not},
{"^BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_mean %console_report$"}, {"\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_mean\",$"},
{"^BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_median %console_report$"}, {"\"run_name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3\",$", MR_Next},
{"^BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_stddev %console_report$"}}); {"\"run_type\": \"aggregate\",$", MR_Next},
ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{".*BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3 ", MR_Not}, {"\"aggregate_name\": \"mean\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_mean\",$"}, {"\"iterations\": 3,$", MR_Next},
{"\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_median\",$"}, {"\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_median\",$"},
{"\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_stddev\",$"}}); {"\"run_name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"aggregate\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"aggregate_name\": \"median\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": 3,$", MR_Next},
{"\"name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_stddev\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"aggregate\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"aggregate_name\": \"stddev\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": 3,$", MR_Next}});
ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{".*BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3 ", MR_Not}, ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{".*BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3 ", MR_Not},
{"^\"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_mean\",%csv_report$"}, {"^\"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_mean\",%csv_report$"},
{"^\"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_median\",%csv_report$"}, {"^\"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_median\",%csv_report$"},
{"^\"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_stddev\",%csv_report$"}}); {"^\"BM_SummaryRepeat/repeats:3_stddev\",%csv_report$"}});
// Test that non-aggregate data is not displayed.
// NOTE: this test is kinda bad. we are only testing the display output.
// But we don't check that the file output still contains everything...
void BM_SummaryDisplay(benchmark::State& state) {
for (auto _ : state) {
{{".*BM_SummaryDisplay/repeats:2 ", MR_Not},
{"^BM_SummaryDisplay/repeats:2_mean %console_time_only_report [ ]*2$"},
{"^BM_SummaryDisplay/repeats:2_median %console_time_only_report [ ]*2$"},
{"^BM_SummaryDisplay/repeats:2_stddev %console_time_only_report [ ]*2$"}});
{{".*BM_SummaryDisplay/repeats:2 ", MR_Not},
{"\"name\": \"BM_SummaryDisplay/repeats:2_mean\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_SummaryDisplay/repeats:2\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"aggregate\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"aggregate_name\": \"mean\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": 2,$", MR_Next},
{"\"name\": \"BM_SummaryDisplay/repeats:2_median\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_SummaryDisplay/repeats:2\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"aggregate\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"aggregate_name\": \"median\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": 2,$", MR_Next},
{"\"name\": \"BM_SummaryDisplay/repeats:2_stddev\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_SummaryDisplay/repeats:2\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"aggregate\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"aggregate_name\": \"stddev\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": 2,$", MR_Next}});
{{".*BM_SummaryDisplay/repeats:2 ", MR_Not},
// Test repeats with custom time unit.
void BM_RepeatTimeUnit(benchmark::State& state) { void BM_RepeatTimeUnit(benchmark::State& state) {
for (auto _ : state) { for (auto _ : state) {
} }
@ -319,18 +454,34 @@ BENCHMARK(BM_RepeatTimeUnit)
->Repetitions(3) ->Repetitions(3)
->ReportAggregatesOnly() ->ReportAggregatesOnly()
->Unit(benchmark::kMicrosecond); ->Unit(benchmark::kMicrosecond);
{{".*BM_RepeatTimeUnit/repeats:3 ", MR_Not},
{"^BM_RepeatTimeUnit/repeats:3_mean %console_us_time_only_report [ ]*3$"},
{"^BM_RepeatTimeUnit/repeats:3_median %console_us_time_only_report [ "
{"^BM_RepeatTimeUnit/repeats:3_stddev %console_us_time_only_report [ "
{{".*BM_RepeatTimeUnit/repeats:3 ", MR_Not}, {{".*BM_RepeatTimeUnit/repeats:3 ", MR_Not},
{"^BM_RepeatTimeUnit/repeats:3_mean %console_us_report$"}, {"\"name\": \"BM_RepeatTimeUnit/repeats:3_mean\",$"},
{"^BM_RepeatTimeUnit/repeats:3_median %console_us_report$"}, {"\"run_name\": \"BM_RepeatTimeUnit/repeats:3\",$", MR_Next},
{"^BM_RepeatTimeUnit/repeats:3_stddev %console_us_report$"}}); {"\"run_type\": \"aggregate\",$", MR_Next},
ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{".*BM_RepeatTimeUnit/repeats:3 ", MR_Not}, {"\"aggregate_name\": \"mean\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"name\": \"BM_RepeatTimeUnit/repeats:3_mean\",$"}, {"\"iterations\": 3,$", MR_Next},
{"\"time_unit\": \"us\",?$"}, {"\"time_unit\": \"us\",?$"},
{"\"name\": \"BM_RepeatTimeUnit/repeats:3_median\",$"}, {"\"name\": \"BM_RepeatTimeUnit/repeats:3_median\",$"},
{"\"time_unit\": \"us\",?$"}, {"\"run_name\": \"BM_RepeatTimeUnit/repeats:3\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"name\": \"BM_RepeatTimeUnit/repeats:3_stddev\",$"}, {"\"run_type\": \"aggregate\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"time_unit\": \"us\",?$"}}); {"\"aggregate_name\": \"median\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": 3,$", MR_Next},
{"\"time_unit\": \"us\",?$"},
{"\"name\": \"BM_RepeatTimeUnit/repeats:3_stddev\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_RepeatTimeUnit/repeats:3\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"aggregate\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"aggregate_name\": \"stddev\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": 3,$", MR_Next},
{"\"time_unit\": \"us\",?$"}});
{{".*BM_RepeatTimeUnit/repeats:3 ", MR_Not}, {{".*BM_RepeatTimeUnit/repeats:3 ", MR_Not},
{"^\"BM_RepeatTimeUnit/repeats:3_mean\",%csv_us_report$"}, {"^\"BM_RepeatTimeUnit/repeats:3_mean\",%csv_us_report$"},
@ -346,37 +497,92 @@ const auto UserStatistics = [](const std::vector<double>& v) {
}; };
void BM_UserStats(benchmark::State& state) { void BM_UserStats(benchmark::State& state) {
for (auto _ : state) { for (auto _ : state) {
state.SetIterationTime(150 / 10e8);
} }
} }
// clang-format off // clang-format off
->Repetitions(3) ->Repetitions(3)
->ComputeStatistics("", UserStatistics); ->ComputeStatistics("", UserStatistics);
// clang-format on // clang-format on
// check that user-provided stats is calculated, and is after the default-ones // check that user-provided stats is calculated, and is after the default-ones
// empty string as name is intentional, it would sort before anything else // empty string as name is intentional, it would sort before anything else
ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_UserStats/repeats:3 %console_report$"}, ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_UserStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time [ "
{"^BM_UserStats/repeats:3 %console_report$"}, "]* 150 ns %time [ ]*5$"},
{"^BM_UserStats/repeats:3 %console_report$"}, {"^BM_UserStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time [ "
{"^BM_UserStats/repeats:3_mean %console_report$"}, "]* 150 ns %time [ ]*5$"},
{"^BM_UserStats/repeats:3_median %console_report$"}, {"^BM_UserStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time [ "
{"^BM_UserStats/repeats:3_stddev %console_report$"}, "]* 150 ns %time [ ]*5$"},
{"^BM_UserStats/repeats:3_ %console_report$"}}); {"^BM_UserStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/"
ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_UserStats/repeats:3\",$"}, "manual_time_mean [ ]* 150 ns %time [ ]*3$"},
{"\"name\": \"BM_UserStats/repeats:3\",$"}, {"^BM_UserStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/"
{"\"name\": \"BM_UserStats/repeats:3\",$"}, "manual_time_median [ ]* 150 ns %time [ ]*3$"},
{"\"name\": \"BM_UserStats/repeats:3_mean\",$"}, {"^BM_UserStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/"
{"\"name\": \"BM_UserStats/repeats:3_median\",$"}, "manual_time_stddev [ ]* 0 ns %time [ ]*3$"},
{"\"name\": \"BM_UserStats/repeats:3_stddev\",$"}, {"^BM_UserStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time_ "
{"\"name\": \"BM_UserStats/repeats:3_\",$"}}); "[ ]* 150 ns %time [ ]*3$"}});
ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_UserStats/repeats:3\",%csv_report$"}, ADD_CASES(
{"^\"BM_UserStats/repeats:3\",%csv_report$"}, TC_JSONOut,
{"^\"BM_UserStats/repeats:3\",%csv_report$"}, {{"\"name\": \"BM_UserStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time\",$"},
{"^\"BM_UserStats/repeats:3_mean\",%csv_report$"}, {"\"run_name\": \"BM_UserStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time\",$",
{"^\"BM_UserStats/repeats:3_median\",%csv_report$"}, MR_Next},
{"^\"BM_UserStats/repeats:3_stddev\",%csv_report$"}, {"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"^\"BM_UserStats/repeats:3_\",%csv_report$"}}); {"\"iterations\": 5,$", MR_Next},
{"\"real_time\": 1\\.5(0)*e\\+(0)*2,$", MR_Next},
{"\"name\": \"BM_UserStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_UserStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time\",$",
{"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": 5,$", MR_Next},
{"\"real_time\": 1\\.5(0)*e\\+(0)*2,$", MR_Next},
{"\"name\": \"BM_UserStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_UserStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time\",$",
{"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": 5,$", MR_Next},
{"\"real_time\": 1\\.5(0)*e\\+(0)*2,$", MR_Next},
{"\"name\": \"BM_UserStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time_mean\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_UserStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time\",$",
{"\"run_type\": \"aggregate\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"aggregate_name\": \"mean\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": 3,$", MR_Next},
{"\"real_time\": 1\\.5(0)*e\\+(0)*2,$", MR_Next},
{"\"name\": \"BM_UserStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time_median\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_UserStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time\",$",
{"\"run_type\": \"aggregate\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"aggregate_name\": \"median\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": 3,$", MR_Next},
{"\"real_time\": 1\\.5(0)*e\\+(0)*2,$", MR_Next},
{"\"name\": \"BM_UserStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time_stddev\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_UserStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time\",$",
{"\"run_type\": \"aggregate\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"aggregate_name\": \"stddev\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": 3,$", MR_Next},
{"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"name\": \"BM_UserStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time_\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_UserStats/iterations:5/repeats:3/manual_time\",$",
{"\"run_type\": \"aggregate\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"aggregate_name\": \"\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": 3,$", MR_Next},
{"\"real_time\": 1\\.5(0)*e\\+(0)*2,$", MR_Next}});
// ========================================================================= // // ========================================================================= //
// --------------------------- TEST CASES END ------------------------------ // // --------------------------- TEST CASES END ------------------------------ //

View File

@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ struct TestCase {
typedef benchmark::BenchmarkReporter::Run Run; typedef benchmark::BenchmarkReporter::Run Run;
void CheckRun(Run const& run) const { void CheckRun(Run const& run) const {
CHECK(name == run.benchmark_name) CHECK(name == run.benchmark_name())
<< "expected " << name << " got " << run.benchmark_name; << "expected " << name << " got " << run.benchmark_name();
CHECK(error_occurred == run.error_occurred); CHECK(error_occurred == run.error_occurred);
CHECK(error_message == run.error_message); CHECK(error_message == run.error_message);
if (error_occurred) { if (error_occurred) {

View File

@ -69,18 +69,21 @@ void BM_Counters_Tabular(benchmark::State& state) {
}); });
} }
BENCHMARK(BM_Counters_Tabular)->ThreadRange(1, 16); BENCHMARK(BM_Counters_Tabular)->ThreadRange(1, 16);
ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Counters_Tabular/threads:%int\",$"}, ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut,
{"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next}, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Counters_Tabular/threads:%int\",$"},
{"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"run_name\": \"BM_Counters_Tabular/threads:%int\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"time_unit\": \"ns\",$", MR_Next}, {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
{"\"Bar\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"Bat\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"Baz\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"time_unit\": \"ns\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"Foo\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"Bar\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"Frob\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"Bat\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"Lob\": %float$", MR_Next}, {"\"Baz\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"}", MR_Next}}); {"\"Foo\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"Frob\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"Lob\": %float$", MR_Next},
{"}", MR_Next}});
ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_Counters_Tabular/threads:%int\",%csv_report," ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_Counters_Tabular/threads:%int\",%csv_report,"
"%float,%float,%float,%float,%float,%float$"}}); "%float,%float,%float,%float,%float,%float$"}});
// VS2013 does not allow this function to be passed as a lambda argument // VS2013 does not allow this function to be passed as a lambda argument
@ -113,18 +116,22 @@ void BM_CounterRates_Tabular(benchmark::State& state) {
}); });
} }
BENCHMARK(BM_CounterRates_Tabular)->ThreadRange(1, 16); BENCHMARK(BM_CounterRates_Tabular)->ThreadRange(1, 16);
ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_CounterRates_Tabular/threads:%int\",$"}, ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut,
{"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next}, {{"\"name\": \"BM_CounterRates_Tabular/threads:%int\",$"},
{"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"run_name\": \"BM_CounterRates_Tabular/threads:%int\",$",
{"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, MR_Next},
{"\"time_unit\": \"ns\",$", MR_Next}, {"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"Bar\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
{"\"Bat\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"Baz\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"Foo\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"time_unit\": \"ns\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"Frob\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"Bar\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"Lob\": %float$", MR_Next}, {"\"Bat\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"}", MR_Next}}); {"\"Baz\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"Foo\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"Frob\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"Lob\": %float$", MR_Next},
{"}", MR_Next}});
ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_CounterRates_Tabular/threads:%int\",%csv_report," ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_CounterRates_Tabular/threads:%int\",%csv_report,"
"%float,%float,%float,%float,%float,%float$"}}); "%float,%float,%float,%float,%float,%float$"}});
// VS2013 does not allow this function to be passed as a lambda argument // VS2013 does not allow this function to be passed as a lambda argument
@ -157,15 +164,18 @@ void BM_CounterSet0_Tabular(benchmark::State& state) {
}); });
} }
BENCHMARK(BM_CounterSet0_Tabular)->ThreadRange(1, 16); BENCHMARK(BM_CounterSet0_Tabular)->ThreadRange(1, 16);
ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_CounterSet0_Tabular/threads:%int\",$"}, ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut,
{"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next}, {{"\"name\": \"BM_CounterSet0_Tabular/threads:%int\",$"},
{"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"run_name\": \"BM_CounterSet0_Tabular/threads:%int\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"time_unit\": \"ns\",$", MR_Next}, {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
{"\"Bar\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"Baz\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"Foo\": %float$", MR_Next}, {"\"time_unit\": \"ns\",$", MR_Next},
{"}", MR_Next}}); {"\"Bar\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"Baz\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"Foo\": %float$", MR_Next},
{"}", MR_Next}});
ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_CounterSet0_Tabular/threads:%int\",%csv_report," ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_CounterSet0_Tabular/threads:%int\",%csv_report,"
"%float,,%float,%float,,"}}); "%float,,%float,%float,,"}});
// VS2013 does not allow this function to be passed as a lambda argument // VS2013 does not allow this function to be passed as a lambda argument
@ -189,15 +199,18 @@ void BM_CounterSet1_Tabular(benchmark::State& state) {
}); });
} }
BENCHMARK(BM_CounterSet1_Tabular)->ThreadRange(1, 16); BENCHMARK(BM_CounterSet1_Tabular)->ThreadRange(1, 16);
ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_CounterSet1_Tabular/threads:%int\",$"}, ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut,
{"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next}, {{"\"name\": \"BM_CounterSet1_Tabular/threads:%int\",$"},
{"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"run_name\": \"BM_CounterSet1_Tabular/threads:%int\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"time_unit\": \"ns\",$", MR_Next}, {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
{"\"Bar\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"Baz\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"Foo\": %float$", MR_Next}, {"\"time_unit\": \"ns\",$", MR_Next},
{"}", MR_Next}}); {"\"Bar\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"Baz\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"Foo\": %float$", MR_Next},
{"}", MR_Next}});
ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_CounterSet1_Tabular/threads:%int\",%csv_report," ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_CounterSet1_Tabular/threads:%int\",%csv_report,"
"%float,,%float,%float,,"}}); "%float,,%float,%float,,"}});
// VS2013 does not allow this function to be passed as a lambda argument // VS2013 does not allow this function to be passed as a lambda argument
@ -225,15 +238,18 @@ void BM_CounterSet2_Tabular(benchmark::State& state) {
}); });
} }
BENCHMARK(BM_CounterSet2_Tabular)->ThreadRange(1, 16); BENCHMARK(BM_CounterSet2_Tabular)->ThreadRange(1, 16);
ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_CounterSet2_Tabular/threads:%int\",$"}, ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut,
{"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next}, {{"\"name\": \"BM_CounterSet2_Tabular/threads:%int\",$"},
{"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"run_name\": \"BM_CounterSet2_Tabular/threads:%int\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"time_unit\": \"ns\",$", MR_Next}, {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
{"\"Bat\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"Baz\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"Foo\": %float$", MR_Next}, {"\"time_unit\": \"ns\",$", MR_Next},
{"}", MR_Next}}); {"\"Bat\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"Baz\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"Foo\": %float$", MR_Next},
{"}", MR_Next}});
ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_CounterSet2_Tabular/threads:%int\",%csv_report," ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_CounterSet2_Tabular/threads:%int\",%csv_report,"
",%float,%float,%float,,"}}); ",%float,%float,%float,,"}});
// VS2013 does not allow this function to be passed as a lambda argument // VS2013 does not allow this function to be passed as a lambda argument

View File

@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ BENCHMARK(BM_Counters_Simple);
ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut,
{{"^BM_Counters_Simple %console_report bar=%hrfloat foo=%hrfloat$"}}); {{"^BM_Counters_Simple %console_report bar=%hrfloat foo=%hrfloat$"}});
ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Counters_Simple\",$"}, ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Counters_Simple\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_Counters_Simple\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next}, {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
{"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
@ -66,19 +68,22 @@ void BM_Counters_WithBytesAndItemsPSec(benchmark::State& state) {
state.SetItemsProcessed(150); state.SetItemsProcessed(150);
} }
BENCHMARK(BM_Counters_WithBytesAndItemsPSec); BENCHMARK(BM_Counters_WithBytesAndItemsPSec);
ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_Counters_WithBytesAndItemsPSec %console_report "
{{"^BM_Counters_WithBytesAndItemsPSec %console_report " "bar=%hrfloat bytes_per_second=%hrfloat/s "
"bar=%hrfloat foo=%hrfloat +%hrfloatB/s +%hrfloat items/s$"}}); "foo=%hrfloat items_per_second=%hrfloat/s$"}});
ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Counters_WithBytesAndItemsPSec\",$"}, ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut,
{"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next}, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Counters_WithBytesAndItemsPSec\",$"},
{"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"run_name\": \"BM_Counters_WithBytesAndItemsPSec\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"time_unit\": \"ns\",$", MR_Next}, {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
{"\"bytes_per_second\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"items_per_second\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"bar\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"time_unit\": \"ns\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"foo\": %float$", MR_Next}, {"\"bar\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"}", MR_Next}}); {"\"bytes_per_second\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"foo\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"items_per_second\": %float$", MR_Next},
{"}", MR_Next}});
ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_Counters_WithBytesAndItemsPSec\"," ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_Counters_WithBytesAndItemsPSec\","
"%csv_bytes_items_report,%float,%float$"}}); "%csv_bytes_items_report,%float,%float$"}});
// VS2013 does not allow this function to be passed as a lambda argument // VS2013 does not allow this function to be passed as a lambda argument
@ -110,6 +115,8 @@ ADD_CASES(
TC_ConsoleOut, TC_ConsoleOut,
{{"^BM_Counters_Rate %console_report bar=%hrfloat/s foo=%hrfloat/s$"}}); {{"^BM_Counters_Rate %console_report bar=%hrfloat/s foo=%hrfloat/s$"}});
ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Counters_Rate\",$"}, ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Counters_Rate\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_Counters_Rate\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next}, {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
{"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
@ -141,14 +148,17 @@ void BM_Counters_Threads(benchmark::State& state) {
BENCHMARK(BM_Counters_Threads)->ThreadRange(1, 8); BENCHMARK(BM_Counters_Threads)->ThreadRange(1, 8);
ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_Counters_Threads/threads:%int %console_report " ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_Counters_Threads/threads:%int %console_report "
"bar=%hrfloat foo=%hrfloat$"}}); "bar=%hrfloat foo=%hrfloat$"}});
ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Counters_Threads/threads:%int\",$"}, ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut,
{"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next}, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Counters_Threads/threads:%int\",$"},
{"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"run_name\": \"BM_Counters_Threads/threads:%int\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"time_unit\": \"ns\",$", MR_Next}, {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
{"\"bar\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"foo\": %float$", MR_Next}, {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"}", MR_Next}}); {"\"time_unit\": \"ns\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"bar\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"foo\": %float$", MR_Next},
{"}", MR_Next}});
{{"^\"BM_Counters_Threads/threads:%int\",%csv_report,%float,%float$"}}); {{"^\"BM_Counters_Threads/threads:%int\",%csv_report,%float,%float$"}});
@ -174,14 +184,17 @@ void BM_Counters_AvgThreads(benchmark::State& state) {
BENCHMARK(BM_Counters_AvgThreads)->ThreadRange(1, 8); BENCHMARK(BM_Counters_AvgThreads)->ThreadRange(1, 8);
ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_Counters_AvgThreads/threads:%int " ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_Counters_AvgThreads/threads:%int "
"%console_report bar=%hrfloat foo=%hrfloat$"}}); "%console_report bar=%hrfloat foo=%hrfloat$"}});
ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Counters_AvgThreads/threads:%int\",$"}, ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut,
{"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next}, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Counters_AvgThreads/threads:%int\",$"},
{"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"run_name\": \"BM_Counters_AvgThreads/threads:%int\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"time_unit\": \"ns\",$", MR_Next}, {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
{"\"bar\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"foo\": %float$", MR_Next}, {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"}", MR_Next}}); {"\"time_unit\": \"ns\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"bar\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"foo\": %float$", MR_Next},
{"}", MR_Next}});
{{"^\"BM_Counters_AvgThreads/threads:%int\",%csv_report,%float,%float$"}}); {{"^\"BM_Counters_AvgThreads/threads:%int\",%csv_report,%float,%float$"}});
@ -210,6 +223,9 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_Counters_AvgThreadsRate/threads:%int "
"%console_report bar=%hrfloat/s foo=%hrfloat/s$"}}); "%console_report bar=%hrfloat/s foo=%hrfloat/s$"}});
{{"\"name\": \"BM_Counters_AvgThreadsRate/threads:%int\",$"}, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Counters_AvgThreadsRate/threads:%int\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_Counters_AvgThreadsRate/threads:%int\",$",
{"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next}, {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
{"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
@ -242,14 +258,17 @@ void BM_Counters_IterationInvariant(benchmark::State& state) {
BENCHMARK(BM_Counters_IterationInvariant); BENCHMARK(BM_Counters_IterationInvariant);
ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_Counters_IterationInvariant %console_report " ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_Counters_IterationInvariant %console_report "
"bar=%hrfloat foo=%hrfloat$"}}); "bar=%hrfloat foo=%hrfloat$"}});
ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Counters_IterationInvariant\",$"}, ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut,
{"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next}, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Counters_IterationInvariant\",$"},
{"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"run_name\": \"BM_Counters_IterationInvariant\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"time_unit\": \"ns\",$", MR_Next}, {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
{"\"bar\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"foo\": %float$", MR_Next}, {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"}", MR_Next}}); {"\"time_unit\": \"ns\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"bar\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"foo\": %float$", MR_Next},
{"}", MR_Next}});
{{"^\"BM_Counters_IterationInvariant\",%csv_report,%float,%float$"}}); {{"^\"BM_Counters_IterationInvariant\",%csv_report,%float,%float$"}});
// VS2013 does not allow this function to be passed as a lambda argument // VS2013 does not allow this function to be passed as a lambda argument
@ -281,6 +300,9 @@ ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_Counters_kIsIterationInvariantRate "
"%console_report bar=%hrfloat/s foo=%hrfloat/s$"}}); "%console_report bar=%hrfloat/s foo=%hrfloat/s$"}});
{{"\"name\": \"BM_Counters_kIsIterationInvariantRate\",$"}, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Counters_kIsIterationInvariantRate\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_Counters_kIsIterationInvariantRate\",$",
{"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next}, {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
{"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
@ -316,14 +338,17 @@ void BM_Counters_AvgIterations(benchmark::State& state) {
BENCHMARK(BM_Counters_AvgIterations); BENCHMARK(BM_Counters_AvgIterations);
ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_Counters_AvgIterations %console_report " ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_Counters_AvgIterations %console_report "
"bar=%hrfloat foo=%hrfloat$"}}); "bar=%hrfloat foo=%hrfloat$"}});
ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Counters_AvgIterations\",$"}, ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut,
{"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next}, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Counters_AvgIterations\",$"},
{"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"run_name\": \"BM_Counters_AvgIterations\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"time_unit\": \"ns\",$", MR_Next}, {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
{"\"bar\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"foo\": %float$", MR_Next}, {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"}", MR_Next}}); {"\"time_unit\": \"ns\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"bar\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"foo\": %float$", MR_Next},
{"}", MR_Next}});
{{"^\"BM_Counters_AvgIterations\",%csv_report,%float,%float$"}}); {{"^\"BM_Counters_AvgIterations\",%csv_report,%float,%float$"}});
// VS2013 does not allow this function to be passed as a lambda argument // VS2013 does not allow this function to be passed as a lambda argument
@ -351,14 +376,17 @@ void BM_Counters_kAvgIterationsRate(benchmark::State& state) {
BENCHMARK(BM_Counters_kAvgIterationsRate); BENCHMARK(BM_Counters_kAvgIterationsRate);
ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_Counters_kAvgIterationsRate " ADD_CASES(TC_ConsoleOut, {{"^BM_Counters_kAvgIterationsRate "
"%console_report bar=%hrfloat/s foo=%hrfloat/s$"}}); "%console_report bar=%hrfloat/s foo=%hrfloat/s$"}});
ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Counters_kAvgIterationsRate\",$"}, ADD_CASES(TC_JSONOut,
{"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next}, {{"\"name\": \"BM_Counters_kAvgIterationsRate\",$"},
{"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"run_name\": \"BM_Counters_kAvgIterationsRate\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"time_unit\": \"ns\",$", MR_Next}, {"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
{"\"bar\": %float,$", MR_Next}, {"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"foo\": %float$", MR_Next}, {"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"}", MR_Next}}); {"\"time_unit\": \"ns\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"bar\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"foo\": %float$", MR_Next},
{"}", MR_Next}});
ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_Counters_kAvgIterationsRate\",%csv_report," ADD_CASES(TC_CSVOut, {{"^\"BM_Counters_kAvgIterationsRate\",%csv_report,"
"%float,%float$"}}); "%float,%float$"}});
// VS2013 does not allow this function to be passed as a lambda argument // VS2013 does not allow this function to be passed as a lambda argument

View File

@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
#undef NDEBUG
#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
#include "output_test.h"
// ========================================================================= //
// ------------------------ Thousands Customisation ------------------------ //
// ========================================================================= //
void BM_Counters_Thousands(benchmark::State& state) {
for (auto _ : state) {
namespace bm = benchmark;
bm::Counter(1000 * 1000, bm::Counter::kDefaults)},
{"t1_1000000Base1000", bm::Counter(1000 * 1000, bm::Counter::kDefaults,
{"t2_1000000Base1024", bm::Counter(1000 * 1000, bm::Counter::kDefaults,
{"t3_1048576Base1000", bm::Counter(1024 * 1024, bm::Counter::kDefaults,
{"t4_1048576Base1024", bm::Counter(1024 * 1024, bm::Counter::kDefaults,
{"^BM_Counters_Thousands/repeats:2 %console_report "
"t0_1000000DefaultBase=1000k "
"t1_1000000Base1000=1000k t2_1000000Base1024=976.56[23]k "
"t3_1048576Base1000=1048.58k t4_1048576Base1024=1024k$"},
{"^BM_Counters_Thousands/repeats:2 %console_report "
"t0_1000000DefaultBase=1000k "
"t1_1000000Base1000=1000k t2_1000000Base1024=976.56[23]k "
"t3_1048576Base1000=1048.58k t4_1048576Base1024=1024k$"},
{"^BM_Counters_Thousands/repeats:2_mean %console_report "
"t0_1000000DefaultBase=1000k t1_1000000Base1000=1000k "
"t2_1000000Base1024=976.56[23]k t3_1048576Base1000=1048.58k "
{"^BM_Counters_Thousands/repeats:2_median %console_report "
"t0_1000000DefaultBase=1000k t1_1000000Base1000=1000k "
"t2_1000000Base1024=976.56[23]k t3_1048576Base1000=1048.58k "
{"^BM_Counters_Thousands/repeats:2_stddev %console_time_only_report [ "
"]*2 t0_1000000DefaultBase=0 t1_1000000Base1000=0 "
"t2_1000000Base1024=0 t3_1048576Base1000=0 t4_1048576Base1024=0$"},
{{"\"name\": \"BM_Counters_Thousands/repeats:2\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_Counters_Thousands/repeats:2\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
{"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"time_unit\": \"ns\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"t0_1000000DefaultBase\": 1\\.(0)*e\\+(0)*6,$", MR_Next},
{"\"t1_1000000Base1000\": 1\\.(0)*e\\+(0)*6,$", MR_Next},
{"\"t2_1000000Base1024\": 1\\.(0)*e\\+(0)*6,$", MR_Next},
{"\"t3_1048576Base1000\": 1\\.048576(0)*e\\+(0)*6,$", MR_Next},
{"\"t4_1048576Base1024\": 1\\.048576(0)*e\\+(0)*6$", MR_Next},
{"}", MR_Next}});
{{"\"name\": \"BM_Counters_Thousands/repeats:2\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_Counters_Thousands/repeats:2\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"iteration\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": %int,$", MR_Next},
{"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"time_unit\": \"ns\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"t0_1000000DefaultBase\": 1\\.(0)*e\\+(0)*6,$", MR_Next},
{"\"t1_1000000Base1000\": 1\\.(0)*e\\+(0)*6,$", MR_Next},
{"\"t2_1000000Base1024\": 1\\.(0)*e\\+(0)*6,$", MR_Next},
{"\"t3_1048576Base1000\": 1\\.048576(0)*e\\+(0)*6,$", MR_Next},
{"\"t4_1048576Base1024\": 1\\.048576(0)*e\\+(0)*6$", MR_Next},
{"}", MR_Next}});
{{"\"name\": \"BM_Counters_Thousands/repeats:2_mean\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_Counters_Thousands/repeats:2\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"aggregate\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"aggregate_name\": \"mean\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": 2,$", MR_Next},
{"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"time_unit\": \"ns\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"t0_1000000DefaultBase\": 1\\.(0)*e\\+(0)*6,$", MR_Next},
{"\"t1_1000000Base1000\": 1\\.(0)*e\\+(0)*6,$", MR_Next},
{"\"t2_1000000Base1024\": 1\\.(0)*e\\+(0)*6,$", MR_Next},
{"\"t3_1048576Base1000\": 1\\.048576(0)*e\\+(0)*6,$", MR_Next},
{"\"t4_1048576Base1024\": 1\\.048576(0)*e\\+(0)*6$", MR_Next},
{"}", MR_Next}});
{{"\"name\": \"BM_Counters_Thousands/repeats:2_median\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_Counters_Thousands/repeats:2\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"aggregate\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"aggregate_name\": \"median\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": 2,$", MR_Next},
{"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"time_unit\": \"ns\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"t0_1000000DefaultBase\": 1\\.(0)*e\\+(0)*6,$", MR_Next},
{"\"t1_1000000Base1000\": 1\\.(0)*e\\+(0)*6,$", MR_Next},
{"\"t2_1000000Base1024\": 1\\.(0)*e\\+(0)*6,$", MR_Next},
{"\"t3_1048576Base1000\": 1\\.048576(0)*e\\+(0)*6,$", MR_Next},
{"\"t4_1048576Base1024\": 1\\.048576(0)*e\\+(0)*6$", MR_Next},
{"}", MR_Next}});
{{"\"name\": \"BM_Counters_Thousands/repeats:2_stddev\",$"},
{"\"run_name\": \"BM_Counters_Thousands/repeats:2\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"run_type\": \"aggregate\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"aggregate_name\": \"stddev\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"iterations\": 2,$", MR_Next},
{"\"real_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"cpu_time\": %float,$", MR_Next},
{"\"time_unit\": \"ns\",$", MR_Next},
{"\"t0_1000000DefaultBase\": 0\\.(0)*e\\+(0)*,$", MR_Next},
{"\"t1_1000000Base1000\": 0\\.(0)*e\\+(0)*,$", MR_Next},
{"\"t2_1000000Base1024\": 0\\.(0)*e\\+(0)*,$", MR_Next},
{"\"t3_1048576Base1000\": 0\\.(0)*e\\+(0)*,$", MR_Next},
{"\"t4_1048576Base1024\": 0\\.(0)*e\\+(0)*$", MR_Next},
{"}", MR_Next}});
// VS2013 does not allow this function to be passed as a lambda argument
void CheckThousands(Results const& e) {
if (e.name != "BM_Counters_Thousands/repeats:2")
return; // Do not check the aggregates!
// check that the values are within 0.01% of the expected values
CHECK_FLOAT_COUNTER_VALUE(e, "t0_1000000DefaultBase", EQ, 1000 * 1000,
CHECK_FLOAT_COUNTER_VALUE(e, "t1_1000000Base1000", EQ, 1000 * 1000, 0.0001);
CHECK_FLOAT_COUNTER_VALUE(e, "t2_1000000Base1024", EQ, 1000 * 1000, 0.0001);
CHECK_FLOAT_COUNTER_VALUE(e, "t3_1048576Base1000", EQ, 1024 * 1024, 0.0001);
CHECK_FLOAT_COUNTER_VALUE(e, "t4_1048576Base1024", EQ, 1024 * 1024, 0.0001);
CHECK_BENCHMARK_RESULTS("BM_Counters_Thousands", &CheckThousands);
// ========================================================================= //
// --------------------------- TEST CASES END ------------------------------ //
// ========================================================================= //
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { RunOutputTests(argc, argv); }

View File

@ -36,6 +36,17 @@ def create_parser():
parser = ArgumentParser( parser = ArgumentParser(
description='versatile benchmark output compare tool') description='versatile benchmark output compare tool')
help="If there are repetitions, by default, we display everything - the"
" actual runs, and the aggregates computed. Sometimes, it is "
"desirable to only view the aggregates. E.g. when there are a lot "
"of repetitions. Do note that only the display is affected. "
"Internally, all the actual runs are still used, e.g. for U test.")
utest = parser.add_argument_group() utest = parser.add_argument_group()
utest.add_argument( utest.add_argument(
'--no-utest', '--no-utest',
@ -200,6 +211,9 @@ def main():
check_inputs(test_baseline, test_contender, benchmark_options) check_inputs(test_baseline, test_contender, benchmark_options)
if args.display_aggregates_only:
benchmark_options += ['--benchmark_display_aggregates_only=true']
options_baseline = [] options_baseline = []
options_contender = [] options_contender = []
@ -223,7 +237,8 @@ def main():
# Diff and output # Diff and output
output_lines = gbench.report.generate_difference_report( output_lines = gbench.report.generate_difference_report(
json1, json2, args.utest, args.utest_alpha) json1, json2, args.display_aggregates_only,
args.utest, args.utest_alpha)
print(description) print(description)
for ln in output_lines: for ln in output_lines:
print(ln) print(ln)
@ -246,6 +261,7 @@ class TestParser(unittest.TestCase):
def test_benchmarks_basic(self): def test_benchmarks_basic(self):
parsed = self.parser.parse_args( parsed = self.parser.parse_args(
['benchmarks', self.testInput0, self.testInput1]) ['benchmarks', self.testInput0, self.testInput1])
self.assertTrue(parsed.utest) self.assertTrue(parsed.utest)
self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'benchmarks') self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'benchmarks')
self.assertEqual(parsed.test_baseline[0].name, self.testInput0) self.assertEqual(parsed.test_baseline[0].name, self.testInput0)
@ -255,6 +271,7 @@ class TestParser(unittest.TestCase):
def test_benchmarks_basic_without_utest(self): def test_benchmarks_basic_without_utest(self):
parsed = self.parser.parse_args( parsed = self.parser.parse_args(
['--no-utest', 'benchmarks', self.testInput0, self.testInput1]) ['--no-utest', 'benchmarks', self.testInput0, self.testInput1])
self.assertFalse(parsed.utest) self.assertFalse(parsed.utest)
self.assertEqual(parsed.utest_alpha, 0.05) self.assertEqual(parsed.utest_alpha, 0.05)
self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'benchmarks') self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'benchmarks')
@ -262,9 +279,20 @@ class TestParser(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(parsed.test_contender[0].name, self.testInput1) self.assertEqual(parsed.test_contender[0].name, self.testInput1)
self.assertFalse(parsed.benchmark_options) self.assertFalse(parsed.benchmark_options)
def test_benchmarks_basic_display_aggregates_only(self):
parsed = self.parser.parse_args(
['-a', 'benchmarks', self.testInput0, self.testInput1])
self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'benchmarks')
self.assertEqual(parsed.test_baseline[0].name, self.testInput0)
self.assertEqual(parsed.test_contender[0].name, self.testInput1)
def test_benchmarks_basic_with_utest_alpha(self): def test_benchmarks_basic_with_utest_alpha(self):
parsed = self.parser.parse_args( parsed = self.parser.parse_args(
['--alpha=0.314', 'benchmarks', self.testInput0, self.testInput1]) ['--alpha=0.314', 'benchmarks', self.testInput0, self.testInput1])
self.assertTrue(parsed.utest) self.assertTrue(parsed.utest)
self.assertEqual(parsed.utest_alpha, 0.314) self.assertEqual(parsed.utest_alpha, 0.314)
self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'benchmarks') self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'benchmarks')
@ -275,6 +303,7 @@ class TestParser(unittest.TestCase):
def test_benchmarks_basic_without_utest_with_utest_alpha(self): def test_benchmarks_basic_without_utest_with_utest_alpha(self):
parsed = self.parser.parse_args( parsed = self.parser.parse_args(
['--no-utest', '--alpha=0.314', 'benchmarks', self.testInput0, self.testInput1]) ['--no-utest', '--alpha=0.314', 'benchmarks', self.testInput0, self.testInput1])
self.assertFalse(parsed.utest) self.assertFalse(parsed.utest)
self.assertEqual(parsed.utest_alpha, 0.314) self.assertEqual(parsed.utest_alpha, 0.314)
self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'benchmarks') self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'benchmarks')
@ -285,6 +314,7 @@ class TestParser(unittest.TestCase):
def test_benchmarks_with_remainder(self): def test_benchmarks_with_remainder(self):
parsed = self.parser.parse_args( parsed = self.parser.parse_args(
['benchmarks', self.testInput0, self.testInput1, 'd']) ['benchmarks', self.testInput0, self.testInput1, 'd'])
self.assertTrue(parsed.utest) self.assertTrue(parsed.utest)
self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'benchmarks') self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'benchmarks')
self.assertEqual(parsed.test_baseline[0].name, self.testInput0) self.assertEqual(parsed.test_baseline[0].name, self.testInput0)
@ -294,6 +324,7 @@ class TestParser(unittest.TestCase):
def test_benchmarks_with_remainder_after_doubleminus(self): def test_benchmarks_with_remainder_after_doubleminus(self):
parsed = self.parser.parse_args( parsed = self.parser.parse_args(
['benchmarks', self.testInput0, self.testInput1, '--', 'e']) ['benchmarks', self.testInput0, self.testInput1, '--', 'e'])
self.assertTrue(parsed.utest) self.assertTrue(parsed.utest)
self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'benchmarks') self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'benchmarks')
self.assertEqual(parsed.test_baseline[0].name, self.testInput0) self.assertEqual(parsed.test_baseline[0].name, self.testInput0)
@ -303,6 +334,7 @@ class TestParser(unittest.TestCase):
def test_filters_basic(self): def test_filters_basic(self):
parsed = self.parser.parse_args( parsed = self.parser.parse_args(
['filters', self.testInput0, 'c', 'd']) ['filters', self.testInput0, 'c', 'd'])
self.assertTrue(parsed.utest) self.assertTrue(parsed.utest)
self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'filters') self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'filters')
self.assertEqual(parsed.test[0].name, self.testInput0) self.assertEqual(parsed.test[0].name, self.testInput0)
@ -313,6 +345,7 @@ class TestParser(unittest.TestCase):
def test_filters_with_remainder(self): def test_filters_with_remainder(self):
parsed = self.parser.parse_args( parsed = self.parser.parse_args(
['filters', self.testInput0, 'c', 'd', 'e']) ['filters', self.testInput0, 'c', 'd', 'e'])
self.assertTrue(parsed.utest) self.assertTrue(parsed.utest)
self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'filters') self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'filters')
self.assertEqual(parsed.test[0].name, self.testInput0) self.assertEqual(parsed.test[0].name, self.testInput0)
@ -323,6 +356,7 @@ class TestParser(unittest.TestCase):
def test_filters_with_remainder_after_doubleminus(self): def test_filters_with_remainder_after_doubleminus(self):
parsed = self.parser.parse_args( parsed = self.parser.parse_args(
['filters', self.testInput0, 'c', 'd', '--', 'f']) ['filters', self.testInput0, 'c', 'd', '--', 'f'])
self.assertTrue(parsed.utest) self.assertTrue(parsed.utest)
self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'filters') self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'filters')
self.assertEqual(parsed.test[0].name, self.testInput0) self.assertEqual(parsed.test[0].name, self.testInput0)
@ -333,6 +367,7 @@ class TestParser(unittest.TestCase):
def test_benchmarksfiltered_basic(self): def test_benchmarksfiltered_basic(self):
parsed = self.parser.parse_args( parsed = self.parser.parse_args(
['benchmarksfiltered', self.testInput0, 'c', self.testInput1, 'e']) ['benchmarksfiltered', self.testInput0, 'c', self.testInput1, 'e'])
self.assertTrue(parsed.utest) self.assertTrue(parsed.utest)
self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'benchmarksfiltered') self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'benchmarksfiltered')
self.assertEqual(parsed.test_baseline[0].name, self.testInput0) self.assertEqual(parsed.test_baseline[0].name, self.testInput0)
@ -344,6 +379,7 @@ class TestParser(unittest.TestCase):
def test_benchmarksfiltered_with_remainder(self): def test_benchmarksfiltered_with_remainder(self):
parsed = self.parser.parse_args( parsed = self.parser.parse_args(
['benchmarksfiltered', self.testInput0, 'c', self.testInput1, 'e', 'f']) ['benchmarksfiltered', self.testInput0, 'c', self.testInput1, 'e', 'f'])
self.assertTrue(parsed.utest) self.assertTrue(parsed.utest)
self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'benchmarksfiltered') self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'benchmarksfiltered')
self.assertEqual(parsed.test_baseline[0].name, self.testInput0) self.assertEqual(parsed.test_baseline[0].name, self.testInput0)
@ -355,6 +391,7 @@ class TestParser(unittest.TestCase):
def test_benchmarksfiltered_with_remainder_after_doubleminus(self): def test_benchmarksfiltered_with_remainder_after_doubleminus(self):
parsed = self.parser.parse_args( parsed = self.parser.parse_args(
['benchmarksfiltered', self.testInput0, 'c', self.testInput1, 'e', '--', 'g']) ['benchmarksfiltered', self.testInput0, 'c', self.testInput1, 'e', '--', 'g'])
self.assertTrue(parsed.utest) self.assertTrue(parsed.utest)
self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'benchmarksfiltered') self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'benchmarksfiltered')
self.assertEqual(parsed.test_baseline[0].name, self.testInput0) self.assertEqual(parsed.test_baseline[0].name, self.testInput0)
@ -365,7 +402,7 @@ class TestParser(unittest.TestCase):
if __name__ == '__main__': if __name__ == '__main__':
# unittest.main() #unittest.main()
main() main()
# vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4

View File

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
compare_bench.py - Compare two benchmarks or their results and report the
import argparse
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import sys
import gbench
from gbench import util, report
from gbench.util import *
def check_inputs(in1, in2, flags):
Perform checking on the user provided inputs and diagnose any abnormalities
in1_kind, in1_err = classify_input_file(in1)
in2_kind, in2_err = classify_input_file(in2)
output_file = find_benchmark_flag('--benchmark_out=', flags)
output_type = find_benchmark_flag('--benchmark_out_format=', flags)
if in1_kind == IT_Executable and in2_kind == IT_Executable and output_file:
print(("WARNING: '--benchmark_out=%s' will be passed to both "
"benchmarks causing it to be overwritten") % output_file)
if in1_kind == IT_JSON and in2_kind == IT_JSON and len(flags) > 0:
print("WARNING: passing --benchmark flags has no effect since both "
"inputs are JSON")
if output_type is not None and output_type != 'json':
print(("ERROR: passing '--benchmark_out_format=%s' to 'compare_bench.py`"
" is not supported.") % output_type)
def main():
parser = ArgumentParser(
description='compare the results of two benchmarks')
'test1', metavar='test1', type=str, nargs=1,
help='A benchmark executable or JSON output file')
'test2', metavar='test2', type=str, nargs=1,
help='A benchmark executable or JSON output file')
'benchmark_options', metavar='benchmark_options', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER,
help='Arguments to pass when running benchmark executables'
args, unknown_args = parser.parse_known_args()
# Parse the command line flags
test1 = args.test1[0]
test2 = args.test2[0]
if unknown_args:
# should never happen
print("Unrecognized positional argument arguments: '%s'"
% unknown_args)
benchmark_options = args.benchmark_options
check_inputs(test1, test2, benchmark_options)
# Run the benchmarks and report the results
json1 = gbench.util.run_or_load_benchmark(test1, benchmark_options)
json2 = gbench.util.run_or_load_benchmark(test2, benchmark_options)
output_lines = gbench.report.generate_difference_report(json1, json2)
print('Comparing %s to %s' % (test1, test2))
for ln in output_lines:
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
"benchmarks": [ "benchmarks": [
{ {
"name": "BM_One", "name": "BM_One",
"run_type": "aggregate",
"iterations": 1000, "iterations": 1000,
"real_time": 10, "real_time": 10,
"cpu_time": 100, "cpu_time": 100,
@ -25,15 +26,40 @@
"name": "BM_Two", "name": "BM_Two",
"iterations": 1000, "iterations": 1000,
"real_time": 8, "real_time": 8,
"cpu_time": 86,
"time_unit": "ns"
"name": "short",
"run_type": "aggregate",
"iterations": 1000,
"real_time": 8,
"cpu_time": 80, "cpu_time": 80,
"time_unit": "ns" "time_unit": "ns"
}, },
{ {
"name": "short", "name": "short",
"run_type": "aggregate",
"iterations": 1000,
"real_time": 8,
"cpu_time": 77,
"time_unit": "ns"
"name": "medium",
"run_type": "iteration",
"iterations": 1000, "iterations": 1000,
"real_time": 8, "real_time": 8,
"cpu_time": 80, "cpu_time": 80,
"time_unit": "ns" "time_unit": "ns"
"name": "medium",
"run_type": "iteration",
"iterations": 1000,
"real_time": 9,
"cpu_time": 82,
"time_unit": "ns"
} }
] ]
} }

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
}, },
{ {
"name": "BM_Two", "name": "BM_Two",
"run_type": "aggregate",
"iterations": 1000, "iterations": 1000,
"real_time": 10, "real_time": 10,
"cpu_time": 89, "cpu_time": 89,
@ -25,14 +26,39 @@
"name": "BM_Two", "name": "BM_Two",
"iterations": 1000, "iterations": 1000,
"real_time": 7, "real_time": 7,
"cpu_time": 70, "cpu_time": 72,
"time_unit": "ns" "time_unit": "ns"
}, },
{ {
"name": "short", "name": "short",
"run_type": "aggregate",
"iterations": 1000, "iterations": 1000,
"real_time": 8, "real_time": 7,
"cpu_time": 80, "cpu_time": 75,
"time_unit": "ns"
"name": "short",
"run_type": "aggregate",
"iterations": 762,
"real_time": 4.54,
"cpu_time": 66.6,
"time_unit": "ns"
"name": "short",
"run_type": "iteration",
"iterations": 1000,
"real_time": 800,
"cpu_time": 1,
"time_unit": "ns"
"name": "medium",
"run_type": "iteration",
"iterations": 1200,
"real_time": 5,
"cpu_time": 53,
"time_unit": "ns" "time_unit": "ns"
} }
] ]

View File

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ BC_UNDERLINE = BenchmarkColor('UNDERLINE', '\033[4m')
UTEST_OPTIMAL_REPETITIONS = 9 # Lowest reasonable number, More is better. UTEST_OPTIMAL_REPETITIONS = 9 # Lowest reasonable number, More is better.
UTEST_COL_NAME = "_pvalue"
def color_format(use_color, fmt_str, *args, **kwargs): def color_format(use_color, fmt_str, *args, **kwargs):
@ -93,9 +94,103 @@ def filter_benchmark(json_orig, family, replacement=""):
return filtered return filtered
def get_unique_benchmark_names(json):
While *keeping* the order, give all the unique 'names' used for benchmarks.
seen = set()
uniqued = [x['name'] for x in json['benchmarks']
if x['name'] not in seen and
(seen.add(x['name']) or True)]
return uniqued
def intersect(list1, list2):
Given two lists, get a new list consisting of the elements only contained
in *both of the input lists*, while preserving the ordering.
return [x for x in list1 if x in list2]
def partition_benchmarks(json1, json2):
While preserving the ordering, find benchmarks with the same names in
both of the inputs, and group them.
(i.e. partition/filter into groups with common name)
json1_unique_names = get_unique_benchmark_names(json1)
json2_unique_names = get_unique_benchmark_names(json2)
names = intersect(json1_unique_names, json2_unique_names)
partitions = []
for name in names:
# Pick the time unit from the first entry of the lhs benchmark.
time_unit = (x['time_unit']
for x in json1['benchmarks'] if x['name'] == name).next()
# Filter by name and time unit.
lhs = [x for x in json1['benchmarks'] if x['name'] == name and
x['time_unit'] == time_unit]
rhs = [x for x in json2['benchmarks'] if x['name'] == name and
x['time_unit'] == time_unit]
partitions.append([lhs, rhs])
return partitions
def extract_field(partition, field_name):
# The count of elements may be different. We want *all* of them.
lhs = [x[field_name] for x in partition[0]]
rhs = [x[field_name] for x in partition[1]]
return [lhs, rhs]
def print_utest(partition, utest_alpha, first_col_width, use_color=True):
timings_time = extract_field(partition, 'real_time')
timings_cpu = extract_field(partition, 'cpu_time')
min_rep_cnt = min(len(timings_time[0]),
# Does *everything* has at least UTEST_MIN_REPETITIONS repetitions?
if min_rep_cnt < UTEST_MIN_REPETITIONS:
return []
def get_utest_color(pval):
return BC_FAIL if pval >= utest_alpha else BC_OKGREEN
time_pvalue = mannwhitneyu(
timings_time[0], timings_time[1], alternative='two-sided').pvalue
cpu_pvalue = mannwhitneyu(
timings_cpu[0], timings_cpu[1], alternative='two-sided').pvalue
dsc = "U Test, Repetitions: {} vs {}".format(
len(timings_cpu[0]), len(timings_cpu[1]))
dsc_color = BC_OKGREEN
dsc_color = BC_WARNING
dsc += ". WARNING: Results unreliable! {}+ repetitions recommended.".format(
special_str = "{}{:<{}s}{endc}{}{:16.4f}{endc}{}{:16.4f}{endc}{} {}"
last_name = partition[0][0]['name']
return [color_format(use_color,
"{}{}".format(last_name, UTEST_COL_NAME),
get_utest_color(time_pvalue), time_pvalue,
get_utest_color(cpu_pvalue), cpu_pvalue,
dsc_color, dsc,
def generate_difference_report( def generate_difference_report(
json1, json1,
json2, json2,
utest=False, utest=False,
utest_alpha=0.05, utest_alpha=0.05,
use_color=True): use_color=True):
@ -112,103 +207,65 @@ def generate_difference_report(
return b return b
return None return None
utest_col_name = "_pvalue"
first_col_width = max( first_col_width = max(
first_col_width, first_col_width,
len('Benchmark')) len('Benchmark'))
first_col_width += len(utest_col_name) first_col_width += len(UTEST_COL_NAME)
first_line = "{:<{}s}Time CPU Time Old Time New CPU Old CPU New".format( first_line = "{:<{}s}Time CPU Time Old Time New CPU Old CPU New".format(
'Benchmark', 12 + first_col_width) 'Benchmark', 12 + first_col_width)
output_strs = [first_line, '-' * len(first_line)] output_strs = [first_line, '-' * len(first_line)]
last_name = None partitions = partition_benchmarks(json1, json2)
timings_time = [[], []] for partition in partitions:
timings_cpu = [[], []] # Careful, we may have different repetition count.
for i in range(min(len(partition[0]), len(partition[1]))):
bn = partition[0][i]
other_bench = partition[1][i]
gen = (bn for bn in json1['benchmarks'] # *If* we were asked to only display aggregates,
if 'real_time' in bn and 'cpu_time' in bn) # and if it is non-aggregate, then skip it.
for bn in gen: if display_aggregates_only and 'run_type' in bn and 'run_type' in other_bench:
fmt_str = "{}{:<{}s}{endc}{}{:+16.4f}{endc}{}{:+16.4f}{endc}{:14.0f}{:14.0f}{endc}{:14.0f}{:14.0f}" assert bn['run_type'] == other_bench['run_type']
special_str = "{}{:<{}s}{endc}{}{:16.4f}{endc}{}{:16.4f}{endc}{} {}" if bn['run_type'] != 'aggregate':
if last_name is None: fmt_str = "{}{:<{}s}{endc}{}{:+16.4f}{endc}{}{:+16.4f}{endc}{:14.0f}{:14.0f}{endc}{:14.0f}{:14.0f}"
last_name = bn['name']
if last_name != bn['name']:
if ((len(timings_time[0]) >= UTEST_MIN_REPETITIONS) and
(len(timings_time[1]) >= UTEST_MIN_REPETITIONS) and
(len(timings_cpu[0]) >= UTEST_MIN_REPETITIONS) and
(len(timings_cpu[1]) >= UTEST_MIN_REPETITIONS)):
if utest:
def get_utest_color(pval):
if pval >= utest_alpha:
return BC_FAIL
time_pvalue = mannwhitneyu(
timings_time[0], timings_time[1], alternative='two-sided').pvalue
cpu_pvalue = mannwhitneyu(
timings_cpu[0], timings_cpu[1], alternative='two-sided').pvalue
dsc = "U Test, Repetitions: {}".format(len(timings_cpu[0]))
dsc_color = BC_OKGREEN
if len(timings_cpu[0]) < UTEST_OPTIMAL_REPETITIONS:
dsc_color = BC_WARNING
dsc += ". WARNING: Results unreliable! {}+ repetitions recommended.".format(
output_strs += [color_format(use_color,
last_name = bn['name']
timings_time = [[], []]
timings_cpu = [[], []]
other_bench = find_test(bn['name']) def get_color(res):
if not other_bench: if res > 0.05:
continue return BC_FAIL
elif res > -0.07:
return BC_WHITE
return BC_CYAN
if bn['time_unit'] != other_bench['time_unit']: tres = calculate_change(bn['real_time'], other_bench['real_time'])
continue cpures = calculate_change(bn['cpu_time'], other_bench['cpu_time'])
output_strs += [color_format(use_color,
def get_color(res): # After processing the whole partition, if requested, do the U test.
if res > 0.05: if utest:
return BC_FAIL output_strs += print_utest(partition,
elif res > -0.07: utest_alpha=utest_alpha,
return BC_WHITE first_col_width=first_col_width,
else: use_color=use_color)
return BC_CYAN
tres = calculate_change(timings_time[0][-1], timings_time[1][-1])
cpures = calculate_change(timings_cpu[0][-1], timings_cpu[1][-1])
output_strs += [color_format(use_color,
return output_strs return output_strs
############################################################################### ###############################################################################
# Unit tests # Unit tests
@ -216,6 +273,33 @@ def generate_difference_report(
import unittest import unittest
class TestGetUniqueBenchmarkNames(unittest.TestCase):
def load_results(self):
import json
testInputs = os.path.join(
testOutput = os.path.join(testInputs, 'test3_run0.json')
with open(testOutput, 'r') as f:
json = json.load(f)
return json
def test_basic(self):
expect_lines = [
'short', # These two are not sorted
'medium', # These two are not sorted
json = self.load_results()
output_lines = get_unique_benchmark_names(json)
self.assertEqual(len(output_lines), len(expect_lines))
for i in range(0, len(output_lines)):
self.assertEqual(expect_lines[i], output_lines[i])
class TestReportDifference(unittest.TestCase): class TestReportDifference(unittest.TestCase):
def load_results(self): def load_results(self):
import json import json
@ -259,7 +343,7 @@ class TestReportDifference(unittest.TestCase):
for i in range(0, len(output_lines)): for i in range(0, len(output_lines)):
parts = [x for x in output_lines[i].split(' ') if x] parts = [x for x in output_lines[i].split(' ') if x]
self.assertEqual(len(parts), 7) self.assertEqual(len(parts), 7)
self.assertEqual(parts, expect_lines[i]) self.assertEqual(expect_lines[i], parts)
class TestReportDifferenceBetweenFamilies(unittest.TestCase): class TestReportDifferenceBetweenFamilies(unittest.TestCase):
@ -293,7 +377,7 @@ class TestReportDifferenceBetweenFamilies(unittest.TestCase):
for i in range(0, len(output_lines)): for i in range(0, len(output_lines)):
parts = [x for x in output_lines[i].split(' ') if x] parts = [x for x in output_lines[i].split(' ') if x]
self.assertEqual(len(parts), 7) self.assertEqual(len(parts), 7)
self.assertEqual(parts, expect_lines[i]) self.assertEqual(expect_lines[i], parts)
class TestReportDifferenceWithUTest(unittest.TestCase): class TestReportDifferenceWithUTest(unittest.TestCase):
@ -316,13 +400,15 @@ class TestReportDifferenceWithUTest(unittest.TestCase):
expect_lines = [ expect_lines = [
['BM_One', '-0.1000', '+0.1000', '10', '9', '100', '110'], ['BM_One', '-0.1000', '+0.1000', '10', '9', '100', '110'],
['BM_Two', '+0.1111', '-0.0111', '9', '10', '90', '89'], ['BM_Two', '+0.1111', '-0.0111', '9', '10', '90', '89'],
['BM_Two', '+0.2500', '+0.1125', '8', '10', '80', '89'], ['BM_Two', '-0.1250', '-0.1628', '8', '7', '86', '72'],
['BM_Two_pvalue', ['BM_Two_pvalue',
'0.2207', '0.6985',
'0.6831', '0.6985',
'U', 'U',
'Test,', 'Test,',
'Repetitions:', 'Repetitions:',
'2.', '2.',
'Results', 'Results',
@ -330,18 +416,103 @@ class TestReportDifferenceWithUTest(unittest.TestCase):
'9+', '9+',
'repetitions', 'repetitions',
'recommended.'], 'recommended.'],
['short', '+0.0000', '+0.0000', '8', '8', '80', '80'], ['short', '-0.1250', '-0.0625', '8', '7', '80', '75'],
['short', '-0.4325', '-0.1351', '8', '5', '77', '67'],
['medium', '-0.3750', '-0.3375', '8', '5', '80', '53'],
] ]
json1, json2 = self.load_results() json1, json2 = self.load_results()
output_lines_with_header = generate_difference_report( output_lines_with_header = generate_difference_report(
json1, json2, True, 0.05, use_color=False) json1, json2, utest=True, utest_alpha=0.05, use_color=False)
output_lines = output_lines_with_header[2:] output_lines = output_lines_with_header[2:]
print("\n") print("\n")
print("\n".join(output_lines_with_header)) print("\n".join(output_lines_with_header))
self.assertEqual(len(output_lines), len(expect_lines)) self.assertEqual(len(output_lines), len(expect_lines))
for i in range(0, len(output_lines)): for i in range(0, len(output_lines)):
parts = [x for x in output_lines[i].split(' ') if x] parts = [x for x in output_lines[i].split(' ') if x]
self.assertEqual(parts, expect_lines[i]) self.assertEqual(expect_lines[i], parts)
class TestReportDifferenceWithUTestWhileDisplayingAggregatesOnly(
def load_results(self):
import json
testInputs = os.path.join(
testOutput1 = os.path.join(testInputs, 'test3_run0.json')
testOutput2 = os.path.join(testInputs, 'test3_run1.json')
with open(testOutput1, 'r') as f:
json1 = json.load(f)
with open(testOutput2, 'r') as f:
json2 = json.load(f)
return json1, json2
def test_utest(self):
expect_lines = []
expect_lines = [
['BM_One', '-0.1000', '+0.1000', '10', '9', '100', '110'],
['BM_Two', '+0.1111', '-0.0111', '9', '10', '90', '89'],
['BM_Two', '-0.1250', '-0.1628', '8', '7', '86', '72'],
['short', '-0.1250', '-0.0625', '8', '7', '80', '75'],
['short', '-0.4325', '-0.1351', '8', '5', '77', '67'],
json1, json2 = self.load_results()
output_lines_with_header = generate_difference_report(
json1, json2, display_aggregates_only=True,
utest=True, utest_alpha=0.05, use_color=False)
output_lines = output_lines_with_header[2:]
self.assertEqual(len(output_lines), len(expect_lines))
for i in range(0, len(output_lines)):
parts = [x for x in output_lines[i].split(' ') if x]
self.assertEqual(expect_lines[i], parts)
if __name__ == '__main__': if __name__ == '__main__':