Initial checkin of bugpoint

llvm-svn: 4789
This commit is contained in:
Chris Lattner 2002-11-20 22:28:10 +00:00
parent e4dbb1af42
commit 73a6bdd958
8 changed files with 619 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
//===- BugDriver.cpp - Top-Level BugPoint class implementation ------------===//
// This class contains all of the shared state and information that is used by
// the BugPoint tool to track down errors in optimizations. This class is the
// main driver class that invokes all sub-functionality.
#include "BugDriver.h"
#include "llvm/Module.h"
#include "llvm/Bytecode/Reader.h"
#include "llvm/Assembly/Parser.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/Linker.h"
#include "llvm/Pass.h"
#include <memory>
/// ParseInputFile - Given a bytecode or assembly input filename, parse and
/// return it, or return null if not possible.
Module *BugDriver::ParseInputFile(const std::string &InputFilename) const {
Module *Result = 0;
try {
Result = ParseBytecodeFile(InputFilename);
if (!Result && !(Result = ParseAssemblyFile(InputFilename))){
std::cerr << ToolName << ": could not read input file '"
<< InputFilename << "'!\n";
} catch (const ParseException &E) {
std::cerr << ToolName << ": " << E.getMessage() << "\n";
Result = 0;
return Result;
// This method takes the specified list of LLVM input files, attempts to load
// them, either as assembly or bytecode, then link them together.
bool BugDriver::addSources(const std::vector<std::string> &Filenames) {
assert(Program == 0 && "Cannot call addSources multiple times!");
assert(!Filenames.empty() && "Must specify at least on input filename!");
// Load the first input file...
Program = ParseInputFile(Filenames[0]);
if (Program == 0) return true;
std::cout << "Read input file : '" << Filenames[0] << "'\n";
for (unsigned i = 1, e = Filenames.size(); i != e; ++i) {
std::auto_ptr<Module> M(ParseInputFile(Filenames[i]));
if (M.get() == 0) return true;
std::cout << "Linking in input file: '" << Filenames[i] << "'\n";
std::string ErrorMessage;
if (LinkModules(Program, M.get(), &ErrorMessage)) {
std::cerr << ToolName << ": error linking in '" << Filenames[i] << "': "
<< ErrorMessage << "\n";
return true;
std::cout << "*** All input ok\n";
// All input files read successfully!
return false;
/// run - The top level method that is invoked after all of the instance
/// variables are set up from command line arguments.
bool BugDriver::run() {
// The first thing that we must do is determine what the problem is. Does the
// optimization series crash the compiler, or does it produce illegal code? We
// make the top-level decision by trying to run all of the passes on the the
// input program, which should generate a bytecode file. If it does generate
// a bytecode file, then we know the compiler didn't crash, so try to diagnose
// a miscompilation.
std::cout << "Running selected passes on program to test for crash: ";
if (runPasses(PassesToRun))
return debugCrash();
return debugMiscompilation();
/// debugMiscompilation - This method is used when the passes selected are not
/// crashing, but the generated output is semantically different from the
/// input.
bool BugDriver::debugMiscompilation() {
std::cout << "*** Debugging miscompilation!\n";
std::cerr << "Sorry, bugpoint cannot debug a miscompilation yet!\n";
// If no reference output was specified, run the program without optimizations
// to get a reference output.
return true;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
//===- BugDriver.h - Top-Level BugPoint class -------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This class contains all of the shared state and information that is used by
// the BugPoint tool to track down errors in optimizations. This class is the
// main driver class that invokes all sub-functionality.
#include <vector>
#include <string>
class PassInfo;
class Module;
class Function;
class BugDriver {
const std::string ToolName; // Name of bugpoint
Module *Program; // The raw program, linked together
std::vector<const PassInfo*> PassesToRun;
BugDriver(const char *toolname) : ToolName(toolname), Program(0) {}
// Set up methods... these methods are used to copy information about the
// command line arguments into instance variables of BugDriver.
bool addSources(const std::vector<std::string> &FileNames);
template<class It>
void addPasses(It I, It E) { PassesToRun.insert(PassesToRun.end(), I, E); }
/// run - The top level method that is invoked after all of the instance
/// variables are set up from command line arguments.
bool run();
/// debugCrash - This method is called when some pass crashes on input. It
/// attempts to prune down the testcase to something reasonable, and figure
/// out exactly which pass is crashing.
bool debugCrash();
/// debugPassCrash - This method is called when the specified pass crashes on
/// Program as input. It tries to reduce the testcase to something that still
/// crashes, but it smaller.
bool debugPassCrash(const PassInfo *PI);
/// debugMiscompilation - This method is used when the passes selected are not
/// crashing, but the generated output is semantically different from the
/// input.
bool debugMiscompilation();
/// ParseInputFile - Given a bytecode or assembly input filename, parse and
/// return it, or return null if not possible.
Module *ParseInputFile(const std::string &InputFilename) const;
/// removeFile - Delete the specified file
void removeFile(const std::string &Filename) const;
/// writeProgramToFile - This writes the current "Program" to the named
/// bytecode file. If an error occurs, true is returned.
bool writeProgramToFile(const std::string &Filename) const;
/// EmitProgressBytecode - This function is used to output the current Program
/// to a file named "bugpoing-ID.bc".
void EmitProgressBytecode(const PassInfo *Pass, const std::string &ID);
/// runPasses - Run the specified passes on Program, outputting a bytecode
/// file and writting the filename into OutputFile if successful. If the
/// optimizations fail for some reason (optimizer crashes), return true,
/// otherwise return false. If DeleteOutput is set to true, the bytecode is
/// deleted on success, and the filename string is undefined. This prints to
/// cout a single line message indicating whether compilation was successful
/// or failed.
bool runPasses(const std::vector<const PassInfo*> &PassesToRun,
std::string &OutputFilename, bool DeleteOutput = false) const;
/// runPasses - Just like the method above, but this just returns true or
/// false indicating whether or not the optimizer crashed on the specified
/// input (true = crashed).
bool runPasses(const std::vector<const PassInfo*> &PassesToRun,
bool DeleteOutput = true) const {
std::string Filename;
return runPasses(PassesToRun, Filename, DeleteOutput);
/// runPass - Run only the specified pass on the program.
bool runPass(const PassInfo *P, bool DeleteOutput = true) const {
return runPasses(std::vector<const PassInfo*>(1, P), DeleteOutput);
/// extractFunctionFromModule - This method is used to extract the specified
/// (non-external) function from the current program, slim down the module,
/// and then return it. This does not modify Program at all, it modifies a
/// copy, which it returns.
Module *extractFunctionFromModule(Function *F) const;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
//===- CrashDebugger.cpp - Debug compilation crashes ----------------------===//
// This file defines the bugpoint internals that narrow down compilation crashes
#include "BugDriver.h"
#include "llvm/Module.h"
#include "llvm/Bytecode/Writer.h"
#include "llvm/Pass.h"
#include <fstream>
/// debugCrash - This method is called when some pass crashes on input. It
/// attempts to prune down the testcase to something reasonable, and figure
/// out exactly which pass is crashing.
bool BugDriver::debugCrash() {
std::cout << "\n*** Debugging optimizer crash!\n";
// Determine which pass causes the optimizer to crash... using binary search
unsigned LastToPass = 0, LastToCrash = PassesToRun.size();
while (LastToPass != LastToCrash) {
unsigned Mid = (LastToCrash+LastToPass+1) / 2;
std::vector<const PassInfo*> P(PassesToRun.begin(),
std::cout << "Checking to see if the first " << Mid << " passes crash: ";
if (runPasses(P))
LastToCrash = Mid-1;
LastToPass = Mid;
// Make sure something crashed. :)
if (LastToCrash >= PassesToRun.size()) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: No passes crashed!\n";
return true;
// Calculate which pass it is that crashes...
const PassInfo *CrashingPass = PassesToRun[LastToCrash];
std::cout << "\n*** Found crashing pass '-" << CrashingPass->getPassArgument()
<< "': " << CrashingPass->getPassName() << "\n";
// Compile the program with just the passes that don't crash.
if (LastToPass != 0) {
// Don't bother doing this if the first pass crashes...
std::vector<const PassInfo*> P(PassesToRun.begin(),
std::string Filename;
std::cout << "Running passes that don't crash to get input for pass: ";
if (runPasses(P, Filename)) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: Running the first " << LastToPass
<< " passes crashed this time!\n";
return true;
// Assuming everything was successful, we now have a valid bytecode file in
// OutputName. Use it for "Program" Instead.
delete Program;
Program = ParseInputFile(Filename);
// Delete the file now.
return debugPassCrash(CrashingPass);
/// CountFunctions - return the number of non-external functions defined in the
/// module.
static unsigned CountFunctions(Module *M) {
unsigned N = 0;
for (Module::iterator I = M->begin(), E = M->end(); I != E; ++I)
if (!I->isExternal())
return N;
/// debugPassCrash - This method is called when the specified pass crashes on
/// Program as input. It tries to reduce the testcase to something that still
/// crashes, but it smaller.
bool BugDriver::debugPassCrash(const PassInfo *Pass) {
EmitProgressBytecode(Pass, "passinput");
if (CountFunctions(Program) > 1) {
// Attempt to reduce the input program down to a single function that still
// crashes.
std::cout << "\n*** Attempting to reduce the testcase to one function\n";
for (Module::iterator I = Program->begin(), E = Program->end(); I != E; ++I)
if (!I->isExternal()) {
// Extract one function from the module...
Module *M = extractFunctionFromModule(I);
// Make the function the current program...
std::swap(Program, M);
// Find out if the pass still crashes on this pass...
std::cout << "Checking function '" << I->getName() << "': ";
if (runPass(Pass)) {
// Yup, it does, we delete the old module, and continue trying to
// reduce the testcase...
delete M;
EmitProgressBytecode(Pass, "reduced-"+I->getName());
// This pass didn't crash on this function, try the next one.
delete Program;
Program = M;
return false;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
//===- ExtractFunction.cpp - Extract a function from Program --------------===//
// This file implements a method that extracts a function from program, cleans
// it up, and returns it as a new module.
#include "BugDriver.h"
#include "llvm/Module.h"
#include "llvm/PassManager.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/IPO.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/Cloning.h"
/// extractFunctionFromModule - This method is used to extract the specified
/// (non-external) function from the current program, slim down the module, and
/// then return it. This does not modify Program at all, it modifies a copy,
/// which it returns.
Module *BugDriver::extractFunctionFromModule(Function *F) const {
Module *Result = CloneModule(Program);
// Translate from the old module to the new copied module...
F = Result->getFunction(F->getName(), F->getFunctionType());
// In addition to just parsing the input from GCC, we also want to spiff it up
// a little bit. Do this now.
PassManager Passes;
Passes.add(createFunctionExtractionPass(F)); // Extract the function
Passes.add(createGlobalDCEPass()); // Delete unreachable globals
Passes.add(createFunctionResolvingPass()); // Delete prototypes
Passes.add(createDeadTypeEliminationPass()); // Remove dead types...*Result);
return Result;

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
LEVEL = ../..
TOOLNAME = bugpoint
OPTLIBS = instrument profpaths scalaropts ipo
ANALIBS = datastructure ipa target.a analysis
USEDLIBS = ipo scalaropts $(ANALIBS) \
transformutils asmparser bcreader bcwriter vmcore support
include $(LEVEL)/Makefile.common

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@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
//===- OptimizerDriver.cpp - Allow BugPoint to run passes safely ----------===//
// This file defines an interface that allows bugpoint to run various passes
// without the threat of a buggy pass corrupting bugpoint (of course bugpoint
// may have it's own bugs, but that's another story...). It acheives this by
// forking a copy of itself and having the child process do the optimizations.
// If this client dies, we can always fork a new one. :)
#include "BugDriver.h"
#include "llvm/PassManager.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/Verifier.h"
#include "llvm/Bytecode/WriteBytecodePass.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fstream>
/// removeFile - Delete the specified file
void BugDriver::removeFile(const std::string &Filename) const {
/// writeProgramToFile - This writes the current "Program" to the named bytecode
/// file. If an error occurs, true is returned.
bool BugDriver::writeProgramToFile(const std::string &Filename) const {
std::ofstream Out(Filename.c_str());
if (!Out.good()) return true;
WriteBytecodeToFile(Program, Out);
return false;
/// EmitProgressBytecode - This function is used to output the current Program
/// to a file named "bugpoing-ID.bc".
void BugDriver::EmitProgressBytecode(const PassInfo *Pass,
const std::string &ID) {
// Output the input to the current pass to a bytecode file, emit a message
// telling the user how to reproduce it: opt -foo blah.bc
std::string Filename = "bugpoint-" + ID + ".bc";
if (writeProgramToFile(Filename)) {
std::cerr << "Error opening file '" << Filename << "' for writing!\n";
std::cout << "Emitted bytecode to 'bugpoint-" << Filename << ".bc'\n";
std::cout << "\n*** You can reproduce the problem with: ";
unsigned PassType = Pass->getPassType();
if (PassType & PassInfo::Analysis)
std::cout << "analyze";
else if (PassType & PassInfo::Optimization)
std::cout << "opt";
else if (PassType & PassInfo::LLC)
std::cout << "llc";
std::cout << "bugpoint";
std::cout << " " << Filename << " -" << Pass->getPassArgument() << "\n";
static void RunChild(Module *Program,const std::vector<const PassInfo*> &Passes,
const std::string &OutFilename) {
std::ofstream OutFile(OutFilename.c_str());
if (!OutFile.good()) {
std::cerr << "Error opening bytecode file: " << OutFilename << "\n";
PassManager PM;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = Passes.size(); i != e; ++i) {
if (Passes[i]->getNormalCtor())
std::cerr << "Cannot create pass yet: " << Passes[i]->getPassName()
<< "\n";
// Check that the module is well formed on completion of optimization
// Write bytecode out to disk as the last step...
PM.add(new WriteBytecodePass(&OutFile));
// Run all queued passes.*Program);
/// runPasses - Run the specified passes on Program, outputting a bytecode file
/// and writting the filename into OutputFile if successful. If the
/// optimizations fail for some reason (optimizer crashes), return true,
/// otherwise return false. If DeleteOutput is set to true, the bytecode is
/// deleted on success, and the filename string is undefined. This prints to
/// cout a single line message indicating whether compilation was successful or
/// failed.
bool BugDriver::runPasses(const std::vector<const PassInfo*> &Passes,
std::string &OutputFilename, bool DeleteOutput) const{
std::cout << std::flush;
// Agree on a temporary file name to use....
char FNBuffer[] = "bugpoint-output.bc-XXXXXX";
int TempFD;
if ((TempFD = mkstemp(FNBuffer)) == -1) {
std::cerr << ToolName << ": ERROR: Cannot create temporary"
<< " file in the current directory!\n";
OutputFilename = FNBuffer;
// We don't need to hold the temp file descriptor... we will trust that noone
// will overwrite/delete the file while we are working on it...
pid_t child_pid;
switch (child_pid = fork()) {
case -1: // Error occurred
std::cerr << ToolName << ": Error forking!\n";
case 0: // Child process runs passes.
RunChild(Program, Passes, OutputFilename);
exit(0); // If we finish successfully, return 0!
default: // Parent continues...
// Wait for the child process to get done.
int Status;
if (wait(&Status) != child_pid) {
std::cerr << "Error waiting for child process!\n";
// If we are supposed to delete the bytecode file, remove it now
// unconditionally... this may fail if the file was never created, but that's
// ok.
if (DeleteOutput)
std::cout << (Status ? "Crashed!\n" : "Success!\n");
// Was the child successful?
return Status != 0;

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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
//===- TestPasses.cpp - "buggy" passes used to test bugpoint --------------===//
// This file contains "buggy" passes that are used to test bugpoint, to check
// that it is narrowing down testcases correctly.
#include "llvm/Pass.h"
#include "llvm/iOther.h"
#include "llvm/Support/InstVisitor.h"
#include "llvm/Constant.h"
#include "llvm/BasicBlock.h"
namespace {
/// CrashOnCalls - This pass is used to test bugpoint. It intentionally
/// crashes on any call instructions.
class CrashOnCalls : public BasicBlockPass {
virtual void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const {
bool runOnBasicBlock(BasicBlock &BB) {
for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB.begin(), E = BB.end(); I != E; ++I)
if (isa<CallInst>(*I))
return false;
"BugPoint Test Pass - Intentionally crash on CallInsts");
namespace {
/// DeleteCalls - This pass is used to test bugpoint. It intentionally
/// deletes all call instructions, "misoptimizing" the program.
class DeleteCalls : public BasicBlockPass {
bool runOnBasicBlock(BasicBlock &BB) {
for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB.begin(), E = BB.end(); I != E; ++I)
if (CallInst *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(&*I)) {
if (!CI->use_empty())
return false;
"BugPoint Test Pass - Intentionally 'misoptimize' CallInsts");

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
// LLVM BugPoint Utility
// This program is an automated compiler debugger tool. It is used to narrow
// down miscompilations and crash problems to a specific pass in the compiler,
// and the specific Module or Function input that is causing the problem.
#include "BugDriver.h"
#include "Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/PassNameParser.h"
static cl::list<std::string>
InputFilenames(cl::Positional, cl::OneOrMore,
cl::desc("<input llvm ll/bc files>"));
// The AnalysesList is automatically populated with registered Passes by the
// PassNameParser.
static cl::list<const PassInfo*, bool, PassNameParser>
PassList(cl::desc("Passes available:"), cl::OneOrMore);
//InputArgv(cl::ConsumeAfter, cl::desc("<program arguments>..."));
//Verbose("v", cl::desc("Enable verbose output"));
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv);
BugDriver D(argv[0]);
if (D.addSources(InputFilenames)) return 1;
D.addPasses(PassList.begin(), PassList.end());