forked from OSchip/llvm-project
[llvm-exegesis] Analysis: Show inconsistencies between checked-in and measured data.
Summary: We now highlight any sched classes whose measurements do not match the LLVM SchedModel. "bad" clusters are marked in red. Screenshot in phabricator diff. Reviewers: gchatelet Subscribers: tschuett, mgrang, RKSimon, llvm-commits Differential Revision: llvm-svn: 333884
This commit is contained in:
@ -168,20 +168,15 @@ Analysis::makePointsPerSchedClass() const {
return PointsPerSchedClass;
void Analysis::printSchedClassClustersHtml(std::vector<size_t> PointIds,
llvm::raw_ostream &OS) const {
// Sort the points by cluster id so that we can display them grouped by
// cluster.
llvm::sort(PointIds.begin(), PointIds.end(),
[this](const size_t A, const size_t B) {
return Clustering_.getClusterIdForPoint(A) <
void Analysis::printSchedClassClustersHtml(
const std::vector<SchedClassCluster> &Clusters, const SchedClass &SC,
llvm::raw_ostream &OS) const {
const auto &Points = Clustering_.getPoints();
OS << "<table class=\"sched-class-clusters\">";
OS << "<tr><th>ClusterId</th><th>Opcode/Config</th>";
for (const auto &Measurement : Points[PointIds[0]].Measurements) {
for (const auto &Measurement :
Points[Clusters[0].getPointIds()[0]].Measurements) {
OS << "<th>";
if (Measurement.DebugString.empty())
writeEscaped<kEscapeHtml>(OS, Measurement.Key);
@ -190,29 +185,24 @@ void Analysis::printSchedClassClustersHtml(std::vector<size_t> PointIds,
OS << "</th>";
OS << "</tr>";
for (size_t I = 0, E = PointIds.size(); I < E;) {
const auto &CurrentClusterId =
OS << "<tr><td>";
writeClusterId<kEscapeHtml>(OS, CurrentClusterId);
for (const SchedClassCluster &Cluster : Clusters) {
OS << "<tr class=\""
<< (Cluster.measurementsMatch(*SubtargetInfo_, SC, Clustering_)
? "good-cluster"
: "bad-cluster")
<< "\"><td>";
OS << "</td><td><ul>";
std::vector<BenchmarkMeasureStats> MeasurementStats(
for (; I < E &&
Clustering_.getClusterIdForPoint(PointIds[I]) == CurrentClusterId;
++I) {
const auto &Point = Points[PointIds[I]];
for (const size_t PointId : Cluster.getPointIds()) {
const auto &Point = Points[PointId];
OS << "<li><span class=\"mono\">";
writeEscaped<kEscapeHtml>(OS, Point.Key.OpcodeName);
OS << "</span> <span class=\"mono\">";
writeEscaped<kEscapeHtml>(OS, Point.Key.Config);
OS << "</span></li>";
for (size_t J = 0, F = Point.Measurements.size(); J < F; ++J) {
OS << "</ul></td>";
for (const auto &Stats : MeasurementStats) {
for (const auto &Stats : Cluster.getRepresentative()) {
OS << "<td class=\"measurement\">";
writeMeasurementValue<kEscapeHtml>(OS, Stats.avg());
OS << "<br><span class=\"minmax\">[";
@ -300,25 +290,101 @@ getNonRedundantWriteProcRes(const llvm::MCSchedClassDesc &SCDesc,
return Result;
void Analysis::printSchedClassDescHtml(const llvm::MCSchedClassDesc &SCDesc,
Analysis::SchedClass::SchedClass(const llvm::MCSchedClassDesc &SD,
const llvm::MCSubtargetInfo &STI)
: SCDesc(SD),
NonRedundantWriteProcRes(getNonRedundantWriteProcRes(SD, STI)),
STI.getSchedModel(), NonRedundantWriteProcRes)) {}
void Analysis::SchedClassCluster::addPoint(
size_t PointId, const InstructionBenchmarkClustering &Clustering) {
const auto &Point = Clustering.getPoints()[PointId];
if (ClusterId.isUndef()) {
ClusterId = Clustering.getClusterIdForPoint(PointId);
for (size_t I = 0, E = Point.Measurements.size(); I < E; ++I) {
assert(ClusterId == Clustering.getClusterIdForPoint(PointId));
bool Analysis::SchedClassCluster::measurementsMatch(
const llvm::MCSubtargetInfo &STI, const SchedClass &SC,
const InstructionBenchmarkClustering &Clustering) const {
const size_t NumMeasurements = Representative.size();
std::vector<BenchmarkMeasure> ClusterCenterPoint(NumMeasurements);
std::vector<BenchmarkMeasure> SchedClassPoint(NumMeasurements);
// Latency case.
const std::string &Mode = Clustering.getPoints()[0].Key.Mode;
if (Mode == "latency") { // FIXME: use an enum.
if (NumMeasurements != 1) {
<< "invalid number of measurements in latency mode: expected 1, got "
<< NumMeasurements << "\n";
return false;
// Find the latency.
SchedClassPoint[0].Value = 0.0;
for (unsigned I = 0; I < SC.SCDesc.NumWriteLatencyEntries; ++I) {
const llvm::MCWriteLatencyEntry *const WLE =
STI.getWriteLatencyEntry(&SC.SCDesc, I);
SchedClassPoint[0].Value =
std::max<double>(SchedClassPoint[0].Value, WLE->Cycles);
ClusterCenterPoint[0].Value = Representative[0].avg();
} else if (Mode == "uops") {
for (int I = 0, E = Representative.size(); I < E; ++I) {
// Find the pressure on ProcResIdx `Key`.
uint16_t ProcResIdx = 0;
if (!llvm::to_integer(Representative[I].key(), ProcResIdx, 10)) {
llvm::errs() << "expected ProcResIdx key, got "
<< Representative[I].key() << "\n";
return false;
const auto ProcResPressureIt =
[ProcResIdx](const std::pair<uint16_t, float> &WPR) {
return WPR.first == ProcResIdx;
SchedClassPoint[I].Value =
ProcResPressureIt == SC.IdealizedProcResPressure.end()
? 0.0
: ProcResPressureIt->second;
ClusterCenterPoint[I].Value = Representative[I].avg();
} else {
llvm::errs() << "unimplemented measurement matching for mode ''" << Mode
<< "''\n";
return false;
return Clustering.isNeighbour(ClusterCenterPoint, SchedClassPoint);
void Analysis::printSchedClassDescHtml(const SchedClass &SC,
llvm::raw_ostream &OS) const {
OS << "<table class=\"sched-class-desc\">";
OS << "<tr><th>Valid</th><th>Variant</th><th>uOps</th><th>Latency</"
"th><th>WriteProcRes</th><th title=\"This is the idealized unit "
"resource (port) pressure assuming ideal distribution\">Idealized "
"Resource Pressure</th></tr>";
if (SCDesc.isValid()) {
if (SC.SCDesc.isValid()) {
const auto &SM = SubtargetInfo_->getSchedModel();
OS << "<tr><td>✔</td>";
OS << "<td>" << (SCDesc.isVariant() ? "✔" : "✕") << "</td>";
OS << "<td>" << SCDesc.NumMicroOps << "</td>";
OS << "<td>" << (SC.SCDesc.isVariant() ? "✔" : "✕")
<< "</td>";
OS << "<td>" << SC.SCDesc.NumMicroOps << "</td>";
// Latencies.
OS << "<td><ul>";
for (int I = 0, E = SCDesc.NumWriteLatencyEntries; I < E; ++I) {
for (int I = 0, E = SC.SCDesc.NumWriteLatencyEntries; I < E; ++I) {
const auto *const Entry =
SubtargetInfo_->getWriteLatencyEntry(&SCDesc, I);
SubtargetInfo_->getWriteLatencyEntry(&SC.SCDesc, I);
OS << "<li>" << Entry->Cycles;
if (SCDesc.NumWriteLatencyEntries > 1) {
if (SC.SCDesc.NumWriteLatencyEntries > 1) {
// Dismabiguate if more than 1 latency.
OS << " (WriteResourceID " << Entry->WriteResourceID << ")";
@ -327,8 +393,7 @@ void Analysis::printSchedClassDescHtml(const llvm::MCSchedClassDesc &SCDesc,
OS << "</ul></td>";
// WriteProcRes.
OS << "<td><ul>";
const auto ProcRes = getNonRedundantWriteProcRes(SCDesc, *SubtargetInfo_);
for (const auto &WPR : ProcRes) {
for (const auto &WPR : SC.NonRedundantWriteProcRes) {
OS << "<li><span class=\"mono\">";
@ -337,7 +402,7 @@ void Analysis::printSchedClassDescHtml(const llvm::MCSchedClassDesc &SCDesc,
OS << "</ul></td>";
// Idealized port pressure.
OS << "<td><ul>";
for (const auto &Pressure : computeIdealizedProcResPressure(SM, ProcRes)) {
for (const auto &Pressure : SC.IdealizedProcResPressure) {
OS << "<li><span class=\"mono\">";
writeEscaped<kEscapeHtml>(OS, SubtargetInfo_->getSchedModel()
@ -401,12 +466,21 @@ table.sched-class-desc td {
span.mono {
font-family: monospace;
span.minmax {
color: #888;
td.measurement {
text-align: center;
tr.good-cluster td.measurement {
color: #292
tr.bad-cluster td.measurement {
color: #922
tr.good-cluster td.measurement span.minmax {
color: #888;
tr.bad-cluster td.measurement span.minmax {
color: #888;
@ -414,46 +488,65 @@ td.measurement {
template <>
llvm::Error Analysis::run<Analysis::PrintSchedClassInconsistencies>(
llvm::raw_ostream &OS) const {
const auto &FirstPoint = Clustering_.getPoints()[0];
// Print the header.
OS << "<!DOCTYPE html><html>" << kHtmlHead << "<body>";
OS << "<h1><span class=\"mono\">llvm-exegesis</span> Analysis Results</h1>";
OS << "<h3>Triple: <span class=\"mono\">";
writeEscaped<kEscapeHtml>(OS, Clustering_.getPoints()[0].LLVMTriple);
writeEscaped<kEscapeHtml>(OS, FirstPoint.LLVMTriple);
OS << "</span></h3><h3>Cpu: <span class=\"mono\">";
writeEscaped<kEscapeHtml>(OS, Clustering_.getPoints()[0].CpuName);
writeEscaped<kEscapeHtml>(OS, FirstPoint.CpuName);
OS << "</span></h3>";
// All the points in a scheduling class should be in the same cluster.
// Print any scheduling class for which this is not the case.
for (const auto &SchedClassAndPoints : makePointsPerSchedClass()) {
std::unordered_set<size_t> ClustersForSchedClass;
for (const size_t PointId : SchedClassAndPoints.second) {
const auto &ClusterId = Clustering_.getClusterIdForPoint(PointId);
if (!ClusterId.isValid())
continue; // Ignore noise and errors.
if (ClustersForSchedClass.size() <= 1)
continue; // Nothing weird.
const auto SchedClassId = SchedClassAndPoints.first;
const std::vector<size_t> &SchedClassPoints = SchedClassAndPoints.second;
const auto &SchedModel = SubtargetInfo_->getSchedModel();
const llvm::MCSchedClassDesc *const SCDesc =
if (!SCDesc)
const SchedClass SC(*SCDesc, *SubtargetInfo_);
// Bucket sched class points into sched class clusters.
std::vector<SchedClassCluster> SchedClassClusters;
for (const size_t PointId : SchedClassPoints) {
const auto &ClusterId = Clustering_.getClusterIdForPoint(PointId);
if (!ClusterId.isValid())
continue; // Ignore noise and errors. FIXME: take noise into account ?
auto SchedClassClusterIt =
std::find_if(SchedClassClusters.begin(), SchedClassClusters.end(),
[ClusterId](const SchedClassCluster &C) {
return == ClusterId;
if (SchedClassClusterIt == SchedClassClusters.end()) {
SchedClassClusterIt = std::prev(SchedClassClusters.end());
SchedClassClusterIt->addPoint(PointId, Clustering_);
// Print any scheduling class that has at least one cluster that does not
// match the checked-in data.
if (std::all_of(SchedClassClusters.begin(), SchedClassClusters.end(),
[this, &SC](const SchedClassCluster &C) {
return C.measurementsMatch(*SubtargetInfo_, SC,
continue; // Nothing weird.
OS << "<div class=\"inconsistency\"><p>Sched Class <span "
#if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(LLVM_ENABLE_DUMP)
writeEscaped<kEscapeHtml>(OS, SCDesc->Name);
OS << SchedClassAndPoints.first;
OS << SchedClassId;
OS << "</span> contains instructions with distinct performance "
"characteristics, falling into "
<< ClustersForSchedClass.size() << " clusters:</p>";
printSchedClassClustersHtml(SchedClassAndPoints.second, OS);
OS << "<p>llvm data:</p>";
printSchedClassDescHtml(*SCDesc, OS);
OS << "</span> contains instructions whose performance characteristics do"
" not match that of LLVM:</p>";
printSchedClassClustersHtml(SchedClassClusters, SC, OS);
OS << "<p>llvm SchedModel data:</p>";
printSchedClassDescHtml(SC, OS);
OS << "</div>";
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
#include "llvm/Support/TargetRegistry.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
@ -40,11 +41,55 @@ public:
template <typename Pass> llvm::Error run(llvm::raw_ostream &OS) const;
using ClusterId = InstructionBenchmarkClustering::ClusterId;
// An llvm::MCSchedClassDesc augmented with some additional data.
struct SchedClass {
SchedClass(const llvm::MCSchedClassDesc &SD,
const llvm::MCSubtargetInfo &STI);
const llvm::MCSchedClassDesc &SCDesc;
const llvm::SmallVector<llvm::MCWriteProcResEntry, 8>
const std::vector<std::pair<uint16_t, float>> IdealizedProcResPressure;
// Represents the intersection of a sched class and a cluster.
class SchedClassCluster {
const InstructionBenchmarkClustering::ClusterId &id() const {
return ClusterId;
const std::vector<size_t> &getPointIds() const { return PointIds; }
// Return the cluster centroid.
const std::vector<BenchmarkMeasureStats> &getRepresentative() const {
return Representative;
// Returns true if the cluster representative measurements match that of SC.
measurementsMatch(const llvm::MCSubtargetInfo &STI, const SchedClass &SC,
const InstructionBenchmarkClustering &Clustering) const;
void addPoint(size_t PointId,
const InstructionBenchmarkClustering &Clustering);
InstructionBenchmarkClustering::ClusterId ClusterId;
std::vector<size_t> PointIds;
// Measurement stats for the points in the SchedClassCluster.
std::vector<BenchmarkMeasureStats> Representative;
void printInstructionRowCsv(size_t PointId, llvm::raw_ostream &OS) const;
void printSchedClassClustersHtml(std::vector<size_t> PointIds,
llvm::raw_ostream &OS) const;
void printSchedClassDescHtml(const llvm::MCSchedClassDesc &SCDesc,
printSchedClassClustersHtml(const std::vector<SchedClassCluster> &Clusters,
const SchedClass &SC,
llvm::raw_ostream &OS) const;
void printSchedClassDescHtml(const SchedClass &SC,
llvm::raw_ostream &OS) const;
// Builds a map of Sched Class -> indices of points that belong to the sched
@ -77,6 +77,8 @@ public:
double min() const { return MinValue; }
double max() const { return MaxValue; }
const std::string &key() const { return Key; }
std::string Key;
double SumValues = 0.0;
@ -29,38 +29,41 @@ namespace exegesis {
// [1]
// [2]
namespace {
// Finds the points at distance less than sqrt(EpsilonSquared) of Q (not
// including Q).
std::vector<size_t> rangeQuery(const std::vector<InstructionBenchmark> &Points,
const size_t Q, const double EpsilonSquared) {
InstructionBenchmarkClustering::rangeQuery(const size_t Q) const {
std::vector<size_t> Neighbors;
const auto &QMeasurements = Points[Q].Measurements;
for (size_t P = 0, NumPoints = Points.size(); P < NumPoints; ++P) {
const auto &QMeasurements = Points_[Q].Measurements;
for (size_t P = 0, NumPoints = Points_.size(); P < NumPoints; ++P) {
if (P == Q)
const auto &PMeasurements = Points[P].Measurements;
const auto &PMeasurements = Points_[P].Measurements;
if (PMeasurements.empty()) // Error point.
double DistanceSquared = 0;
for (size_t I = 0, E = QMeasurements.size(); I < E; ++I) {
const auto Diff = PMeasurements[I].Value - QMeasurements[I].Value;
DistanceSquared += Diff * Diff;
if (DistanceSquared <= EpsilonSquared) {
if (isNeighbour(PMeasurements, QMeasurements)) {
return Neighbors;
} // namespace
bool InstructionBenchmarkClustering::isNeighbour(
const std::vector<BenchmarkMeasure> &P,
const std::vector<BenchmarkMeasure> &Q) const {
double DistanceSquared = 0.0;
for (size_t I = 0, E = P.size(); I < E; ++I) {
const auto Diff = P[I].Value - Q[I].Value;
DistanceSquared += Diff * Diff;
return DistanceSquared <= EpsilonSquared_;
const std::vector<InstructionBenchmark> &Points)
: Points_(Points), NoiseCluster_(ClusterId::noise()),
ErrorCluster_(ClusterId::error()) {}
const std::vector<InstructionBenchmark> &Points,
const double EpsilonSquared)
: Points_(Points), EpsilonSquared_(EpsilonSquared),
NoiseCluster_(ClusterId::noise()), ErrorCluster_(ClusterId::error()) {}
llvm::Error InstructionBenchmarkClustering::validateAndSetup() {
@ -97,12 +100,11 @@ llvm::Error InstructionBenchmarkClustering::validateAndSetup() {
return llvm::Error::success();
void InstructionBenchmarkClustering::dbScan(const size_t MinPts,
const double EpsilonSquared) {
void InstructionBenchmarkClustering::dbScan(const size_t MinPts) {
for (size_t P = 0, NumPoints = Points_.size(); P < NumPoints; ++P) {
if (!ClusterIdForPoint_[P].isUndef())
continue; // Previously processed in inner loop.
const auto Neighbors = rangeQuery(Points_, P, EpsilonSquared);
const auto Neighbors = rangeQuery(P);
if (Neighbors.size() + 1 < MinPts) { // Density check.
// The region around P is not dense enough to create a new cluster, mark
// as noise for now.
@ -136,7 +138,7 @@ void InstructionBenchmarkClustering::dbScan(const size_t MinPts,
ClusterIdForPoint_[Q] = CurrentCluster.Id;
// And extend to the neighbors of Q if the region is dense enough.
const auto Neighbors = rangeQuery(Points_, Q, EpsilonSquared);
const auto Neighbors = rangeQuery(Q);
if (Neighbors.size() + 1 >= MinPts) {
ToProcess.insert(Neighbors.begin(), Neighbors.end());
@ -155,7 +157,7 @@ llvm::Expected<InstructionBenchmarkClustering>
const std::vector<InstructionBenchmark> &Points, const size_t MinPts,
const double Epsilon) {
InstructionBenchmarkClustering Clustering(Points);
InstructionBenchmarkClustering Clustering(Points, Epsilon * Epsilon);
if (auto Error = Clustering.validateAndSetup()) {
return std::move(Error);
@ -163,7 +165,7 @@ InstructionBenchmarkClustering::create(
return Clustering; // Nothing to cluster.
Clustering.dbScan(MinPts, Epsilon * Epsilon);
return Clustering;
@ -33,12 +33,10 @@ public:
static ClusterId noise() { return ClusterId(kNoise); }
static ClusterId error() { return ClusterId(kError); }
static ClusterId makeValid(size_t Id) {
return ClusterId(Id);
static ClusterId makeValid(size_t Id) { return ClusterId(Id); }
ClusterId() : Id_(kUndef) {}
bool operator==(const ClusterId &O) const { return Id_ == O.Id_; }
bool operator<(const ClusterId &O) const {return Id_ < O.Id_; }
bool operator<(const ClusterId &O) const { return Id_ < O.Id_; }
bool isValid() const { return Id_ <= kMaxValid; }
bool isUndef() const { return Id_ == kUndef; }
@ -53,7 +51,8 @@ public:
explicit ClusterId(size_t Id) : Id_(Id) {}
static constexpr const size_t kMaxValid = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() - 4;
static constexpr const size_t kMaxValid =
std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() - 4;
static constexpr const size_t kNoise = kMaxValid + 1;
static constexpr const size_t kError = kMaxValid + 2;
static constexpr const size_t kUndef = kMaxValid + 3;
@ -88,12 +87,19 @@ public:
const std::vector<Cluster> &getValidClusters() const { return Clusters_; }
// Returns true if the given point is within a distance Epsilon of each other.
bool isNeighbour(const std::vector<BenchmarkMeasure> &P,
const std::vector<BenchmarkMeasure> &Q) const;
const std::vector<InstructionBenchmark> &Points);
const std::vector<InstructionBenchmark> &Points, double EpsilonSquared);
llvm::Error validateAndSetup();
void dbScan(size_t MinPts, double EpsilonSquared);
void dbScan(size_t MinPts);
std::vector<size_t> rangeQuery(size_t Q) const;
const std::vector<InstructionBenchmark> &Points_;
const double EpsilonSquared_;
int NumDimensions_ = 0;
// ClusterForPoint_[P] is the cluster id for Points[P].
std::vector<ClusterId> ClusterIdForPoint_;
Reference in New Issue