[cmake] Loosen multi-distribution restrictions

We've found that there are cases where it's useful to be able to include
the same target in multiple distributions (e.g. if you want a
distribution that's a superset of another distribution, for convenience
purposes), and that there are cases where the distribution of a target
and its umbrella can legitimately differ (e.g. the LTO library would
commonly be distributed alongside your tools, but it also falls under
the llvm-libraries umbrella, which would commonly be distributed
separately). Relax the restrictions while providing an option to restore
them (which is mostly useful to ensure you aren't accidentally placing
targets in the wrong distributions).

There could be further refinements here (e.g. excluding a target from an
umbrella if it's explicitly included in some other distribution, or
having variables to control which targets are allowed to be duplicated
or placed in a separate distribution than their umbrellas), but we can
punt on those until there's an actual need.
This commit is contained in:
Shoaib Meenai 2022-04-13 18:28:27 -07:00
parent 094ad0667c
commit 7226e7fd14
2 changed files with 44 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -41,11 +41,17 @@ function(llvm_distribution_build_target_map)
foreach(distribution ${LLVM_DISTRIBUTIONS})
foreach(target ${LLVM_${distribution}_DISTRIBUTION_COMPONENTS})
# We don't allow a target to be in multiple distributions, because we
# wouldn't know which export set to place it in.
get_property(current_distribution GLOBAL PROPERTY LLVM_DISTRIBUTION_FOR_${target})
if(current_distribution AND NOT current_distribution STREQUAL distribution)
message(SEND_ERROR "Target ${target} cannot be in multiple distributions ${distribution} and ${current_distribution}")
# By default, we allow a target to be in multiple distributions, and use
# the last one to determine its export set. We disallow this in strict
# mode, emitting a single error at the end for readability.
get_property(current_distribution GLOBAL PROPERTY LLVM_DISTRIBUTION_FOR_${target})
if(current_distribution AND NOT current_distribution STREQUAL distribution)
"Target ${target} cannot be in multiple distributions \
${distribution} and ${current_distribution}\n"
set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY LLVM_DISTRIBUTION_FOR_${target} ${distribution})
@ -78,13 +84,18 @@ function(get_llvm_distribution target in_distribution_var distribution_var)
get_property(distribution GLOBAL PROPERTY LLVM_DISTRIBUTION_FOR_${target})
get_property(umbrella_distribution GLOBAL PROPERTY LLVM_DISTRIBUTION_FOR_${ARG_UMBRELLA})
if(distribution AND umbrella_distribution AND NOT distribution STREQUAL umbrella_distribution)
message(SEND_ERROR "Target ${target} has different distribution ${distribution} from its"
" umbrella target ${ARG_UMBRELLA} distribution ${umbrella_distribution}")
elseif(NOT distribution)
if(LLVM_STRICT_DISTRIBUTIONS AND distribution AND umbrella_distribution AND
NOT distribution STREQUAL umbrella_distribution)
"Target ${target} has different distribution ${distribution} from its \
umbrella target's (${ARG_UMBRELLA}) distribution ${umbrella_distribution}\n"
if(NOT distribution)
set(distribution ${umbrella_distribution})
set(${in_distribution_var} YES PARENT_SCOPE)
if(distribution STREQUAL "<DEFAULT>")
@ -212,6 +223,18 @@ endfunction()
# where ${distribution} is the distribution name in lowercase, or "distribution"
# for the default distribution.
# This function is called towards the end of LLVM's CMakeLists.txt, so all
# errors will have been seen by now.
string(PREPEND errors
"Strict distribution errors (turn off LLVM_STRICT_DISTRIBUTIONS to bypass):\n"
message(FATAL_ERROR "${errors}")
set(distributions "${LLVM_DISTRIBUTIONS}")
if(NOT distributions)
# CMake seemingly doesn't distinguish between an empty list and a list

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@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ then setting the *LLVM_<distribution>_DISTRIBUTION_COMPONENTS* variable to the
list of targets for that distribution. For each distribution, the build system
generates an ``install-${distribution}-distribution`` target, where
``${distribution}`` is the name of the distribution in lowercase, to install
that distribution. Each target can only be in one distribution.
that distribution.
Each distribution creates its own set of CMake exports, and the target to
install the CMake exports for a particular distribution for a project is named
@ -118,6 +118,17 @@ any components specified in *LLVM_RUNTIME_DISTRIBUTION_COMPONENTS* are not
automatically added to any distribution. Instead, you must include the targets
explicitly in some *LLVM_<distribution>_DISTRIBUTION_COMPONENTS* list.
By default, each target can appear in multiple distributions; a target will be
installed as part of all distributions it appears in, and it'll be exported by
the last distribution it appears in (the order of distributions is the order
they appear in *LLVM_DISTRIBUTIONS*). We also define some umbrella targets (e.g.
``llvm-libraries`` to install all LLVM libraries); a target can appear in a
different distribution than its umbrella, in which case the target will be
exported by the distribution it appears in (and not the distribution its
umbrella appears in). Set *LLVM_STRICT_DISTRIBUTIONS* to ``On`` if you want to
enforce a target appearing in only one distribution and umbrella distributions
being consistent with target distributions.
We strongly encourage looking at ``clang/cmake/caches/MultiDistributionExample.cmake``
as an example of configuring multiple distributions.