Refactor the architecture of mlir-reduce

Add iterator for ReductionNode traversal and use range to indicate the
region we would like to keep. Refactor the interaction between
Now it'll be easier to add new traversal type and OpReducer

Reviewed By: jpienaar, rriddle

Differential Revision:
This commit is contained in:
Chia-hung Duan 2021-04-14 13:19:36 -07:00 committed by Jacques Pienaar
parent f347f0e0b8
commit 6b0cef3e02
14 changed files with 410 additions and 585 deletions

View File

@ -15,65 +15,52 @@
#include "mlir/IR/Region.h"
#include <limits>
#include "mlir/Reducer/ReductionNode.h"
#include "mlir/Reducer/ReductionTreeUtils.h"
#include "mlir/Reducer/Tester.h"
namespace mlir {
class OpReducerImpl {
llvm::function_ref<std::vector<Operation *>(ModuleOp)> getSpecificOps);
/// Return the name of this reducer class.
StringRef getName();
/// Return the initial transformSpace containing the transformable indices.
std::vector<bool> initTransformSpace(ModuleOp module);
/// Generate variants by removing OpType operations from the module in the
/// parent and link the variants as childs in the Reduction Tree Pass.
void generateVariants(ReductionNode *parent, const Tester &test,
int numVariants);
/// Generate variants by removing OpType operations from the module in the
/// parent and link the variants as childs in the Reduction Tree Pass. The
/// transform argument defines the function used to remove the OpTpye
/// operations in range of indexed OpType operations.
void generateVariants(ReductionNode *parent, const Tester &test,
int numVariants,
llvm::function_ref<void(ModuleOp, int, int)> transform);
llvm::function_ref<std::vector<Operation *>(ModuleOp)> getSpecificOps;
/// The OpReducer class defines a variant generator method that produces
/// multiple variants by eliminating different OpType operations from the
/// parent module.
template <typename OpType>
class OpReducer {
OpReducer() : impl(new OpReducerImpl(getSpecificOps)) {}
virtual ~OpReducer() = default;
/// According to rangeToKeep, try to reduce the given module. We implicitly
/// number each interesting operation and rangeToKeep indicates that if an
/// operation's number falls into certain range, then we will not try to
/// reduce that operation.
virtual void reduce(ModuleOp module,
ArrayRef<ReductionNode::Range> rangeToKeep) = 0;
/// Return the number of certain kind of operations that we would like to
/// reduce. This can be used to build a range map to exclude uninterested
/// operations.
virtual int getNumTargetOps(ModuleOp module) const = 0;
/// Returns the vector of pointer to the OpType operations in the module.
static std::vector<Operation *> getSpecificOps(ModuleOp module) {
std::vector<Operation *> ops;
for (auto op : module.getOps<OpType>()) {
return ops;
/// Reducer is a helper class to remove potential uninteresting operations from
/// module.
template <typename OpType>
class Reducer : public OpReducer {
~Reducer() override = default;
int getNumTargetOps(ModuleOp module) const override {
return std::distance(module.getOps<OpType>().begin(),
/// Deletes the OpType operations in the module in the specified index.
static void deleteOps(ModuleOp module, int start, int end) {
void reduce(ModuleOp module,
ArrayRef<ReductionNode::Range> rangeToKeep) override {
std::vector<Operation *> opsToRemove;
size_t keepIndex = 0;
for (auto op : enumerate(getSpecificOps(module))) {
for (auto op : enumerate(module.getOps<OpType>())) {
int index = op.index();
if (index >= start && index < end)
if (keepIndex < rangeToKeep.size() &&
index == rangeToKeep[keepIndex].second)
if (keepIndex == rangeToKeep.size() ||
index < rangeToKeep[keepIndex].first)
@ -82,24 +69,6 @@ public:
/// Return the name of this reducer class.
StringRef getName() { return impl->getName(); }
/// Return the initial transformSpace containing the transformable indices.
std::vector<bool> initTransformSpace(ModuleOp module) {
return impl->initTransformSpace(module);
/// Generate variants by removing OpType operations from the module in the
/// parent and link the variants as childs in the Reduction Tree Pass.
void generateVariants(ReductionNode *parent, const Tester &test,
int numVariants) {
impl->generateVariants(parent, test, numVariants, deleteOps);
std::unique_ptr<OpReducerImpl> impl;
} // end namespace mlir

View File

@ -17,82 +17,129 @@
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include "mlir/Reducer/Tester.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ToolOutputFile.h"
namespace mlir {
/// This class defines the ReductionNode which is used to wrap the module of
/// a generated variant and keep track of the necessary metadata for the
/// reduction pass. The nodes are linked together in a reduction tree structure
/// which defines the relationship between all the different generated variants.
/// Defines the traversal method options to be used in the reduction tree
/// traversal.
enum TraversalMode { SinglePath, Backtrack, MultiPath };
/// This class defines the ReductionNode which is used to generate variant and
/// keep track of the necessary metadata for the reduction pass. The nodes are
/// linked together in a reduction tree structure which defines the relationship
/// between all the different generated variants.
class ReductionNode {
ReductionNode(ModuleOp module, ReductionNode *parent);
template <TraversalMode mode>
class iterator;
ReductionNode(ModuleOp module, ReductionNode *parent,
std::vector<bool> transformSpace);
using Range = std::pair<int, int>;
/// Calculates and initializes the size and interesting values of the node.
void measureAndTest(const Tester &test);
ReductionNode(ReductionNode *parent, std::vector<Range> range,
llvm::SpecificBumpPtrAllocator<ReductionNode> &allocator);
/// Returns the module.
ModuleOp getModule() const { return module; }
ReductionNode *getParent() const;
/// Returns true if the size and interestingness have been calculated.
bool isEvaluated() const;
/// Returns the size in bytes of the module.
int getSize() const;
size_t getSize() const;
/// Returns true if the module exhibits the interesting behavior.
bool isInteresting() const;
Tester::Interestingness isInteresting() const;
/// Returns the pointer to a child variant by index.
ReductionNode *getVariant(unsigned long index) const;
std::vector<Range> getRanges() const;
/// Returns the number of child variants.
int variantsSize() const;
std::vector<ReductionNode *> &getVariants();
/// Returns true if the vector containing the child variants is empty.
bool variantsEmpty() const;
/// Split the ranges and generate new variants.
std::vector<ReductionNode *> generateNewVariants();
/// Sort the child variants and remove the uninteresting ones.
void organizeVariants(const Tester &test);
/// Returns the number of child variants.
int transformSpaceSize();
/// Returns a vector indicating the transformed indices as true.
const std::vector<bool> getTransformSpace();
/// Update the interestingness result from tester.
void update(std::pair<Tester::Interestingness, size_t> result);
/// Link a child variant node.
void linkVariant(ReductionNode *newVariant);
/// A custom BFS iterator. The difference between
/// llvm/ADT/BreadthFirstIterator.h is the graph we're exploring is dynamic.
/// We may explore more neighbors at certain node if we didn't find interested
/// event. As a result, we defer pushing adjacent nodes until poping the last
/// visited node. The graph exploration strategy will be put in
/// getNeighbors().
/// Subclass BaseIterator and implement traversal strategy in getNeighbors().
template <typename T>
class BaseIterator {
BaseIterator(ReductionNode *node) { visitQueue.push(node); }
BaseIterator(const BaseIterator &) = default;
BaseIterator() = default;
// This is the MLIR module of this variant.
ModuleOp module;
static BaseIterator end() { return BaseIterator(); }
// This is true if the module has been evaluated and it exhibits the
// interesting behavior.
bool interesting;
bool operator==(const BaseIterator &i) {
return visitQueue == i.visitQueue;
bool operator!=(const BaseIterator &i) { return !(*this == i); }
// This indicates the number of characters in the printed module if the module
// has been evaluated.
int size;
BaseIterator &operator++() {
ReductionNode *top = visitQueue.front();
std::vector<ReductionNode *> neighbors = getNeighbors(top);
for (ReductionNode *node : neighbors)
return *this;
// This indicates if the module has been evaluated (measured and tested).
bool evaluated;
BaseIterator operator++(int) {
BaseIterator tmp = *this;
return tmp;
// Indicates the indices in the node that have been transformed in previous
// levels of the reduction tree.
std::vector<bool> transformSpace;
ReductionNode &operator*() const { return *(visitQueue.front()); }
ReductionNode *operator->() const { return visitQueue.front(); }
// This points to the child variants that were created using this node as a
// starting point.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ReductionNode>> variants;
std::vector<ReductionNode *> getNeighbors(ReductionNode *node) {
return static_cast<T *>(this)->getNeighbors(node);
std::queue<ReductionNode *> visitQueue;
/// The size of module after applying the range constraints.
size_t size;
/// This is true if the module has been evaluated and it exhibits the
/// interesting behavior.
Tester::Interestingness interesting;
ReductionNode *parent;
/// We will only keep the operation with index falls into the ranges.
/// For example, number each function in a certain module and then we will
/// remove the functions with index outside the ranges and see if the
/// resulting module is still interesting.
std::vector<Range> ranges;
/// This points to the child variants that were created using this node as a
/// starting point.
std::vector<ReductionNode *> variants;
llvm::SpecificBumpPtrAllocator<ReductionNode> &allocator;
// Specialized iterator for SinglePath traversal
template <>
class ReductionNode::iterator<SinglePath>
: public BaseIterator<iterator<SinglePath>> {
friend BaseIterator<iterator<SinglePath>>;
using BaseIterator::BaseIterator;
std::vector<ReductionNode *> getNeighbors(ReductionNode *node);
} // end namespace mlir

View File

@ -22,131 +22,40 @@
#include "PassDetail.h"
#include "ReductionNode.h"
#include "mlir/Reducer/Passes/OpReducer.h"
#include "mlir/Reducer/ReductionTreeUtils.h"
#include "mlir/Reducer/Tester.h"
#define DEBUG_TYPE "mlir-reduce"
namespace mlir {
// Defines the traversal method options to be used in the reduction tree
/// traversal.
enum TraversalMode { SinglePath, Backtrack, MultiPath };
/// This class defines the Reduction Tree Pass. It provides a framework to
/// to implement a reduction pass using a tree structure to keep track of the
/// generated reduced variants.
template <typename Reducer, TraversalMode mode>
class ReductionTreePass
: public ReductionTreeBase<ReductionTreePass<Reducer, mode>> {
class ReductionTreePass : public ReductionTreeBase<ReductionTreePass> {
ReductionTreePass(const ReductionTreePass &pass)
: ReductionTreeBase<ReductionTreePass<Reducer, mode>>(pass),
root(new ReductionNode(pass.root->getModule().clone(), nullptr)),
test(pass.test) {}
: ReductionTreeBase<ReductionTreePass>(pass), opType(pass.opType),
mode(pass.mode), test(pass.test) {}
ReductionTreePass(const Tester &test) : test(test) {}
ReductionTreePass(StringRef opType, TraversalMode mode, const Tester &test)
: opType(opType), mode(mode), test(test) {}
/// Runs the pass instance in the pass pipeline.
void runOnOperation() override {
ModuleOp module = this->getOperation();
Reducer reducer;
std::vector<bool> transformSpace = reducer.initTransformSpace(module);
ReductionNode *reduced;
this->root =
std::make_unique<ReductionNode>(module, nullptr, transformSpace);
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "\nReduction Tree Pass: " << reducer.getName(););
switch (mode) {
case SinglePath:
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " (Single Path)\n";);
reduced = singlePathTraversal();
llvm::report_fatal_error("Traversal method not currently supported.");
void runOnOperation() override;
// Points to the root node in this reduction tree.
std::unique_ptr<ReductionNode> root;
template <typename IteratorType>
ModuleOp findOptimal(ModuleOp module, std::unique_ptr<OpReducer> reducer,
ReductionNode *node);
// This object defines the variant generation at each level of the reduction
// tree.
Reducer reducer;
/// The name of operation that we will try to remove.
StringRef opType;
// This is used to test the interesting behavior of the reduction nodes in the
// tree.
TraversalMode mode;
/// This is used to test the interesting behavior of the reduction nodes in
/// the tree.
const Tester &test;
/// Traverse the most reduced path in the reduction tree by generating the
/// variants at each level using the Reducer parameter's generateVariants
/// function. Stops when no new successful variants can be created at the
/// current level.
ReductionNode *singlePathTraversal() {
ReductionNode *currNode = root.get();
ReductionNode *smallestNode = currNode;
int tSpaceSize = currNode->transformSpaceSize();
std::vector<int> path;
ReductionTreeUtils::updateSmallestNode(currNode, smallestNode, path);
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "\nGenerating 1 variant: applying the ");
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "transformation to the entire module\n");
reducer.generateVariants(currNode, test, 1);
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Testing\n");
if (!currNode->variantsEmpty())
return currNode->getVariant(0);
while (tSpaceSize != 1) {
ReductionTreeUtils::updateSmallestNode(currNode, smallestNode, path);
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "\nGenerating 2 variants: applying the ");
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "transformation to two different sections ");
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "of transformable indices\n");
reducer.generateVariants(currNode, test, 2);
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Testing\n");
if (currNode->variantsEmpty())
currNode = currNode->getVariant(0);
tSpaceSize = currNode->transformSpaceSize();
if (tSpaceSize == 1) {
ReductionTreeUtils::updateSmallestNode(currNode, smallestNode, path);
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "\nGenerating 1 variants: applying the ");
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "transformation to the only transformable");
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "index\n");
reducer.generateVariants(currNode, test, 1);
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Testing\n");
if (!currNode->variantsEmpty()) {
currNode = currNode->getVariant(0);
ReductionTreeUtils::updateSmallestNode(currNode, smallestNode, path);
return currNode;
} // end namespace mlir

View File

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
//===- ReductionTreeUtils.h - Reduction Tree utilities ----------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines the Reduction Tree Utilities. It defines pass independent
// methods that help in the reduction passes of the MLIR Reduce tool.
#include <tuple>
#include "PassDetail.h"
#include "ReductionNode.h"
#include "mlir/Reducer/Tester.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
namespace mlir {
// Defines the utilities for the implementation of custom reduction
// passes using the ReductionTreePass framework.
namespace ReductionTreeUtils {
/// Update the golden module's content with that of the reduced module.
void updateGoldenModule(ModuleOp &golden, ModuleOp reduced);
/// Update the smallest node traversed so far in the reduction tree and
/// print the debugging information for the currNode being traversed.
void updateSmallestNode(ReductionNode *currNode, ReductionNode *&smallestNode,
std::vector<int> path);
/// Create a transform space index vector based on the specified number of
/// indices.
std::vector<bool> createTransformSpace(ModuleOp module, int numIndices);
/// Create the specified number of variants by applying the transform method
/// to different ranges of indices in the parent module. The isDeletion boolean
/// specifies if the transformation is the deletion of indices.
void createVariants(ReductionNode *parent, const Tester &test, int numVariants,
llvm::function_ref<void(ModuleOp, int, int)> transform,
bool isDeletion);
} // namespace ReductionTreeUtils
} // end namespace mlir

View File

@ -32,12 +32,21 @@ namespace mlir {
/// case file.
class Tester {
enum class Interestingness {
Tester(StringRef testScript, ArrayRef<std::string> testScriptArgs);
/// Runs the interestingness testing script on a MLIR test case file. Returns
/// true if the interesting behavior is present in the test case or false
/// otherwise.
bool isInteresting(StringRef testCase) const;
std::pair<Interestingness, size_t> isInteresting(ModuleOp module) const;
/// Return whether the file in the given path is interesting.
Interestingness isInteresting(StringRef testCase) const;
StringRef testScript;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

View File

@ -16,15 +16,40 @@
#include "mlir/Reducer/Tester.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ToolOutputFile.h"
using namespace mlir;
Tester::Tester(StringRef scriptName, ArrayRef<std::string> scriptArgs)
: testScript(scriptName), testScriptArgs(scriptArgs) {}
std::pair<Tester::Interestingness, size_t>
Tester::isInteresting(ModuleOp module) const {
SmallString<128> filepath;
int fd;
// Print module to temporary file.
std::error_code ec =
llvm::sys::fs::createTemporaryFile("mlir-reduce", "mlir", fd, filepath);
if (ec)
llvm::report_fatal_error("Error making unique filename: " + ec.message());
llvm::ToolOutputFile out(filepath, fd);
if (out.os().has_error())
llvm::report_fatal_error("Error emitting the IR to file '" + filepath);
size_t size = out.os().tell();
return std::make_pair(isInteresting(filepath), size);
/// Runs the interestingness testing script on a MLIR test case file. Returns
/// true if the interesting behavior is present in the test case or false
/// otherwise.
bool Tester::isInteresting(StringRef testCase) const {
Tester::Interestingness Tester::isInteresting(StringRef testCase) const {
std::vector<StringRef> testerArgs;
@ -44,7 +69,7 @@ bool Tester::isInteresting(StringRef testCase) const {
if (!result)
return false;
return Interestingness::False;
return true;
return Interestingness::True;

View File

@ -45,9 +45,8 @@ set(LIBS

View File

@ -36,21 +36,25 @@ void OptReductionPass::runOnOperation() {
PassManager pmTransform(context);
std::pair<Tester::Interestingness, int> original = test.isInteresting(module);
if (failed(
ReductionNode original(module, nullptr);
std::pair<Tester::Interestingness, int> reduced =
ReductionNode reduced(moduleVariant, nullptr);
if (reduced.isInteresting() && reduced.getSize() < original.getSize()) {
ReductionTreeUtils::updateGoldenModule(module, reduced.getModule().clone());
if (reduced.first == Tester::Interestingness::True &&
reduced.second < original.second) {
module.getBody()->begin(), moduleVariant.getBody()->getOperations());
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "\nSuccessful Transformed version\n\n");
} else {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "\nUnsuccessful Transformed version\n\n");
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Pass Complete\n\n");

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
//===- OpReducer.cpp - Operation Reducer ------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines the OpReducer class. It defines a variant generator method
// with the purpose of producing different variants by eliminating a
// parameterizable type of operations from the parent module.
#include "mlir/Reducer/Passes/OpReducer.h"
using namespace mlir;
llvm::function_ref<std::vector<Operation *>(ModuleOp)> getSpecificOps)
: getSpecificOps(getSpecificOps) {}
/// Return the name of this reducer class.
StringRef OpReducerImpl::getName() {
return StringRef("High Level Operation Reduction");
/// Return the initial transformSpace containing the transformable indices.
std::vector<bool> OpReducerImpl::initTransformSpace(ModuleOp module) {
auto ops = getSpecificOps(module);
int numOps = std::distance(ops.begin(), ops.end());
return ReductionTreeUtils::createTransformSpace(module, numOps);
/// Generate variants by removing opType operations from the module in the
/// parent and link the variants as childs in the Reduction Tree Pass.
void OpReducerImpl::generateVariants(
ReductionNode *parent, const Tester &test, int numVariants,
llvm::function_ref<void(ModuleOp, int, int)> transform) {
ReductionTreeUtils::createVariants(parent, test, numVariants, transform,

View File

@ -15,116 +15,138 @@
#include "mlir/Reducer/ReductionNode.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
using namespace mlir;
/// Sets up the metadata and links the node to its parent.
ReductionNode::ReductionNode(ModuleOp module, ReductionNode *parent)
: module(module), evaluated(false) {
if (parent != nullptr)
ReductionNode::ReductionNode(ModuleOp module, ReductionNode *parent,
std::vector<bool> transformSpace)
: module(module), evaluated(false), transformSpace(transformSpace) {
if (parent != nullptr)
/// Calculates and updates the size and interesting values of the module.
void ReductionNode::measureAndTest(const Tester &test) {
SmallString<128> filepath;
int fd;
// Print module to temporary file.
std::error_code ec =
llvm::sys::fs::createTemporaryFile("mlir-reduce", "mlir", fd, filepath);
if (ec)
llvm::report_fatal_error("Error making unique filename: " + ec.message());
llvm::ToolOutputFile out(filepath, fd);
if (out.os().has_error())
llvm::report_fatal_error("Error emitting bitcode to file '" + filepath);
size = out.os().tell();
interesting = test.isInteresting(filepath);
evaluated = true;
/// Returns true if the size and interestingness have been calculated.
bool ReductionNode::isEvaluated() const { return evaluated; }
ReductionNode *parent, std::vector<Range> ranges,
llvm::SpecificBumpPtrAllocator<ReductionNode> &allocator)
: size(std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()),
/// Root node will have the parent pointer point to themselves.
parent(parent == nullptr ? this : parent), ranges(ranges),
allocator(allocator) {}
/// Returns the size in bytes of the module.
int ReductionNode::getSize() const { return size; }
size_t ReductionNode::getSize() const { return size; }
ReductionNode *ReductionNode::getParent() const { return parent; }
/// Returns true if the module exhibits the interesting behavior.
bool ReductionNode::isInteresting() const { return interesting; }
/// Returns the pointers to the child variants.
ReductionNode *ReductionNode::getVariant(unsigned long index) const {
if (index < variants.size())
return variants[index].get();
return nullptr;
Tester::Interestingness ReductionNode::isInteresting() const {
return interesting;
/// Returns the number of child variants.
int ReductionNode::variantsSize() const { return variants.size(); }
/// Returns true if the child variants vector is empty.
bool ReductionNode::variantsEmpty() const { return variants.empty(); }
/// Link a child variant node.
void ReductionNode::linkVariant(ReductionNode *newVariant) {
std::unique_ptr<ReductionNode> ptrVariant(newVariant);
std::vector<ReductionNode::Range> ReductionNode::getRanges() const {
return ranges;
/// Sort the child variants and remove the uninteresting ones.
void ReductionNode::organizeVariants(const Tester &test) {
// Ensure all variants are evaluated.
for (auto &var : variants)
if (!var->isEvaluated())
std::vector<ReductionNode *> &ReductionNode::getVariants() { return variants; }
// Sort variants by interestingness and size.
variants.begin(), variants.end(), [](const auto *lhs, const auto *rhs) {
if (lhs->get()->isInteresting() && !rhs->get()->isInteresting())
return 0;
#include <iostream>
if (!lhs->get()->isInteresting() && rhs->get()->isInteresting())
return 1;
/// If we haven't explored any variants from this node, we will create N
/// variants, N is the length of `ranges` if N > 1. Otherwise, we will split the
/// max element in `ranges` and create 2 new variants for each call.
std::vector<ReductionNode *> ReductionNode::generateNewVariants() {
std::vector<ReductionNode *> newNodes;
return (lhs->get()->getSize(), rhs->get()->getSize());
int interestingCount = 0;
for (auto &var : variants) {
if (var->isInteresting()) {
} else {
// If we haven't created new variant, then we can create varients by removing
// each of them respectively. For example, given {{1, 3}, {4, 9}}, we can
// produce variants with range {{1, 3}} and {{4, 9}}.
if (variants.size() == 0 && ranges.size() != 1) {
for (const Range &range : ranges) {
std::vector<Range> subRanges = ranges;
llvm::erase_value(subRanges, range);
ReductionNode *newNode = allocator.Allocate();
new (newNode) ReductionNode(this, subRanges, allocator);
return newNodes;
// Remove uninteresting variants.
// At here, we have created the type of variants mentioned above. We would
// like to split the max range into 2 to create 2 new variants. Continue on
// the above example, we split the range {4, 9} into {4, 6}, {6, 9}, and
// create two variants with range {{1, 3}, {4, 6}} and {{1, 3}, {6, 9}}. The
// result ranges vector will be {{1, 3}, {4, 6}, {6, 9}}.
auto maxElement = std::max_element(
ranges.begin(), ranges.end(), [](const Range &lhs, const Range &rhs) {
return (lhs.second - lhs.first) > (rhs.second - rhs.first);
// We can't split range with lenght 1, which means we can't produce new
// variant.
if (maxElement->second - maxElement->first == 1)
return {};
auto createNewNode = [this](const std::vector<Range> &ranges) {
ReductionNode *newNode = allocator.Allocate();
new (newNode) ReductionNode(this, ranges, allocator);
return newNode;
Range maxRange = *maxElement;
std::vector<Range> subRanges = ranges;
auto subRangesIter = subRanges.begin() + (maxElement - ranges.begin());
int half = (maxRange.first + maxRange.second) / 2;
*subRangesIter = std::make_pair(maxRange.first, half);
*subRangesIter = std::make_pair(half, maxRange.second);
variants.insert(variants.end(), newNodes.begin(), newNodes.end());
auto it = ranges.insert(maxElement, std::make_pair(half, maxRange.second));
it = ranges.insert(it, std::make_pair(maxRange.first, half));
// Remove the range that has been split.
ranges.erase(it + 2);
return newNodes;
/// Returns the number of non transformed indices.
int ReductionNode::transformSpaceSize() {
return std::count(transformSpace.begin(), transformSpace.end(), false);
void ReductionNode::update(std::pair<Tester::Interestingness, size_t> result) {
std::tie(interesting, size) = result;
/// Returns a vector of the transformable indices in the Module.
const std::vector<bool> ReductionNode::getTransformSpace() {
return transformSpace;
std::vector<ReductionNode *>
ReductionNode::iterator<SinglePath>::getNeighbors(ReductionNode *node) {
// Single Path: Traverses the smallest successful variant at each level until
// no new successful variants can be created at that level.
llvm::ArrayRef<ReductionNode *> variantsFromParent =
// The parent node created several variants and they may be waiting for
// examing interestingness. In Single Path approach, we will select the
// smallest variant to continue our exploration. Thus we should wait until the
// last variant to be examed then do the following traversal decision.
if (!llvm::all_of(variantsFromParent, [](ReductionNode *node) {
return node->isInteresting() != Tester::Interestingness::Untested;
})) {
return {};
ReductionNode *smallest = nullptr;
for (ReductionNode *node : variantsFromParent) {
if (node->isInteresting() != Tester::Interestingness::True)
if (smallest == nullptr || node->getSize() < smallest->getSize())
smallest = node;
if (smallest != nullptr) {
// We got a smallest one, keep traversing from this node.
node = smallest;
} else {
// None of these variants is interesting, let the parent node to generate
// more variants.
node = node->getParent();
return node->generateNewVariants();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
//===- ReductionTreePass.cpp - ReductionTreePass Implementation -----------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines the Reduction Tree Pass class. It provides a framework for
// the implementation of different reduction passes in the MLIR Reduce tool. It
// allows for custom specification of the variant generation behavior. It
// implements methods that define the different possible traversals of the
// reduction tree.
#include "mlir/Reducer/ReductionTreePass.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
using namespace mlir;
static std::unique_ptr<OpReducer> getOpReducer(llvm::StringRef opType) {
if (opType == ModuleOp::getOperationName())
return std::make_unique<Reducer<ModuleOp>>();
else if (opType == FuncOp::getOperationName())
return std::make_unique<Reducer<FuncOp>>();
llvm_unreachable("Now only supports two built-in ops");
void ReductionTreePass::runOnOperation() {
ModuleOp module = this->getOperation();
std::unique_ptr<OpReducer> reducer = getOpReducer(opType);
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> ranges = {
{0, reducer->getNumTargetOps(module)}};
llvm::SpecificBumpPtrAllocator<ReductionNode> allocator;
ReductionNode *root = allocator.Allocate();
new (root) ReductionNode(nullptr, ranges, allocator);
ModuleOp golden = module;
switch (mode) {
case TraversalMode::SinglePath:
golden = findOptimal<ReductionNode::iterator<TraversalMode::SinglePath>>(
module, std::move(reducer), root);
llvm_unreachable("Unsupported mode");
if (golden != module) {
template <typename IteratorType>
ModuleOp ReductionTreePass::findOptimal(ModuleOp module,
std::unique_ptr<OpReducer> reducer,
ReductionNode *root) {
std::pair<Tester::Interestingness, size_t> initStatus =
ReductionNode *smallestNode = root;
ModuleOp golden = module;
IteratorType iter(root);
while (iter != IteratorType::end()) {
ModuleOp cloneModule = module.clone();
ReductionNode &currentNode = *iter;
reducer->reduce(cloneModule, currentNode.getRanges());
std::pair<Tester::Interestingness, size_t> result =
if (result.first == Tester::Interestingness::True &&
result.second < smallestNode->getSize()) {
smallestNode = &currentNode;
golden = cloneModule;
} else {
return golden;

View File

@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
//===- ReductionTreeUtils.cpp - Reduction Tree Utilities ------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines the Reduction Tree Utilities. It defines pass independent
// methods that help in a reduction pass of the MLIR Reduce tool.
#include "mlir/Reducer/ReductionTreeUtils.h"
#define DEBUG_TYPE "mlir-reduce"
using namespace mlir;
/// Update the golden module's content with that of the reduced module.
void ReductionTreeUtils::updateGoldenModule(ModuleOp &golden,
ModuleOp reduced) {
/// Update the smallest node traversed so far in the reduction tree and
/// print the debugging information for the currNode being traversed.
void ReductionTreeUtils::updateSmallestNode(ReductionNode *currNode,
ReductionNode *&smallestNode,
std::vector<int> path) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "\nTree Path: root");
#ifndef NDEBUG
for (int nodeIndex : path)
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " -> " << nodeIndex);
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "\nSize (chars): " << currNode->getSize());
if (currNode->getSize() < smallestNode->getSize()) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " - new smallest node!");
smallestNode = currNode;
/// Create a transform space index vector based on the specified number of
/// indices.
std::vector<bool> ReductionTreeUtils::createTransformSpace(ModuleOp module,
int numIndices) {
std::vector<bool> transformSpace;
for (int i = 0; i < numIndices; ++i)
return transformSpace;
/// Translate section start and end into a vector of ranges specifying the
/// section in the non transformed indices in the transform space.
static std::vector<std::tuple<int, int>> getRanges(std::vector<bool> tSpace,
int start, int end) {
std::vector<std::tuple<int, int>> ranges;
int rangeStart = 0;
int rangeEnd = 0;
bool inside = false;
int transformableCount = 0;
for (auto element : llvm::enumerate(tSpace)) {
int index = element.index();
bool value = element.value();
if (start <= transformableCount && transformableCount < end) {
if (!value && !inside) {
inside = true;
rangeStart = index;
if (value && inside) {
rangeEnd = index;
ranges.push_back(std::make_tuple(rangeStart, rangeEnd));
inside = false;
if (!value)
if (transformableCount == end && inside) {
ranges.push_back(std::make_tuple(rangeStart, index + 1));
inside = false;
return ranges;
/// Create the specified number of variants by applying the transform method
/// to different ranges of indices in the parent module. The isDeletion boolean
/// specifies if the transformation is the deletion of indices.
void ReductionTreeUtils::createVariants(
ReductionNode *parent, const Tester &test, int numVariants,
llvm::function_ref<void(ModuleOp, int, int)> transform, bool isDeletion) {
std::vector<bool> newTSpace;
ModuleOp module = parent->getModule();
std::vector<bool> parentTSpace = parent->getTransformSpace();
int indexCount = parent->transformSpaceSize();
std::vector<std::tuple<int, int>> ranges;
// No new variants can be created.
if (indexCount == 0)
// Create a single variant by transforming the unique index.
if (indexCount == 1) {
ModuleOp variantModule = module.clone();
if (isDeletion) {
transform(variantModule, 0, 1);
} else {
ranges = getRanges(parentTSpace, 0, parentTSpace.size());
transform(variantModule, std::get<0>(ranges[0]), std::get<1>(ranges[0]));
new ReductionNode(variantModule, parent, newTSpace);
// Create the specified number of variants.
for (int i = 0; i < numVariants; ++i) {
ModuleOp variantModule = module.clone();
newTSpace = parent->getTransformSpace();
int sectionSize = indexCount / numVariants;
int sectionStart = sectionSize * i;
int sectionEnd = sectionSize * (i + 1);
if (i == numVariants - 1)
sectionEnd = indexCount;
if (isDeletion)
transform(variantModule, sectionStart, sectionEnd);
ranges = getRanges(parentTSpace, sectionStart, sectionEnd);
for (auto range : ranges) {
int rangeStart = std::get<0>(range);
int rangeEnd = std::get<1>(range);
for (int x = rangeStart; x < rangeEnd; ++x)
newTSpace[x] = true;
if (!isDeletion)
transform(variantModule, rangeStart, rangeEnd);
// Create Reduction Node in the Reduction tree
new ReductionNode(variantModule, parent, newTSpace);

View File

@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// Initialize test environment.
const Tester test(testFilename, testArguments);
if (!test.isInteresting(inputFilename))
if (test.isInteresting(inputFilename) != Tester::Interestingness::True)
"Input test case does not exhibit interesting behavior");
@ -118,11 +118,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
} else if (passTestSpecifier == "function-reducer") {
// Reduction tree pass with OpReducer variant generation and single path
// Reduction tree pass with Reducer variant generation and single path
// traversal.
std::make_unique<ReductionTreePass<OpReducer<FuncOp>, SinglePath>>(
FuncOp::getOperationName(), TraversalMode::SinglePath, test));
ModuleOp m = moduleRef.get().clone();