forked from OSchip/llvm-project
Move some documentation from the header file into ProgrammersManual. About to improve.
llvm-svn: 52360
This commit is contained in:
@ -138,7 +138,8 @@ with another <tt>Value</tt></a> </li>
<li><a href="#AbstractTypeUser">The AbstractTypeUser Class</a></li>
<li><a href="#SymbolTable">The <tt>ValueSymbolTable</tt> and <tt>TypeSymbolTable</tt> classes </a></li>
<li><a href="#SymbolTable">The <tt>ValueSymbolTable</tt> and <tt>TypeSymbolTable</tt> classes</a></li>
<li><a href="#UserLayout">The <tt>User</tt> and owned <tt>Use</tt> classes' memory layout</a></li>
<li><a href="#coreclasses">The Core LLVM Class Hierarchy Reference</a>
@ -173,7 +174,8 @@ with another <tt>Value</tt></a> </li>
<div class="doc_author">
<p>Written by <a href="">Chris Lattner</a>,
<a href="">Dinakar Dhurjati</a>,
<a href="">Joel Stanley</a>, and
<a href="">Gabor Greif</a>,
<a href="">Joel Stanley</a> and
<a href="">Reid Spencer</a></p>
@ -2207,7 +2209,7 @@ names for types.</p>
by most clients. It should only be used when iteration over the symbol table
names themselves are required, which is very special purpose. Note that not
all LLVM
<a href="#Value">Value</a>s have names, and those without names (i.e. they have
<tt><a href="#Value">Value</a></tt>s have names, and those without names (i.e. they have
an empty name) do not exist in the symbol table.
@ -2223,7 +2225,184 @@ insert entries into the symbol table.</p>
<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
<!-- ======================================================================= -->
<div class="doc_subsection">
<a name="UserLayout">The <tt>User</tt> and owned <tt>Use</tt> classes' memory layout</a>
<div class="doc_text">
<p>The <tt><a href="">
User</a></tt> class provides a base for expressing the ownership of <tt>User</tt>
towards other <tt><a href="">
Value</a></tt>s. The <tt><a href="">
Use</a></tt> helper class is employed to do the bookkeeping and facilitate O(1)
addition and removal.</p>
--- Interaction and relationship between User and Use objects ---
A subclass of User can choose between incorporating its Use objects
or refer to them out-of-line by means of a pointer. A mixed variant
(some Uses inline others hung off) is impractical and breaks the invariant
that the Use objects belonging to the same User form a contiguous array.
We have 2 different layouts in the User (sub)classes:
Layout a)
The Use object(s) are inside (resp. at fixed offset) of the User
object and there are a fixed number of them.
Layout b)
The Use object(s) are referenced by a pointer to an
array from the User object and there may be a variable
number of them.
Initially each layout will possess a direct pointer to the
start of the array of Uses. Though not mandatory for layout a),
we stick to this redundancy for the sake of simplicity.
The User object will also store the number of Use objects it
has. (Theoretically this information can also be calculated
given the scheme presented below.)
Special forms of allocation operators (operator new)
will enforce the following memory layouts:
# Layout a) will be modelled by prepending the User object
# by the Use[] array.
# ...---.---.---.---.-------...
# | P | P | P | P | User
# '''---'---'---'---'-------'''
# Layout b) will be modelled by pointing at the Use[] array.
# .-------...
# | User
# '-------'''
# |
# v
# .---.---.---.---...
# | P | P | P | P |
# '---'---'---'---'''
(In the above figures 'P' stands for the Use** that
is stored in each Use object in the member Use::Prev)
Since the Use objects will be deprived of the direct pointer to
their User objects, there must be a fast and exact method to
recover it. This is accomplished by the following scheme:
A bit-encoding in the 2 LSBits of the Use::Prev will allow to find the
start of the User object:
00 --> binary digit 0
01 --> binary digit 1
10 --> stop and calc (s)
11 --> full stop (S)
Given a Use*, all we have to do is to walk till we get
a stop and we either have a User immediately behind or
we have to walk to the next stop picking up digits
and calculating the offset:
| 1 | s | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | s | 1 | 1 | 0 | s | 1 | 1 | s | 1 | S | User (or User*)
|+15 |+10 |+6 |+3 |+1
| | | | |__>
| | | |__________>
| | |______________________>
| |______________________________________>
Only the significant number of bits need to be stored between the
stops, so that the worst case is 20 memory accesses when there are
1000 Use objects.
The following literate Haskell fragment demonstrates the concept:
> import Test.QuickCheck
> digits :: Int -> [Char] -> [Char]
> digits 0 acc = '0' : acc
> digits 1 acc = '1' : acc
> digits n acc = digits (n `div` 2) $ digits (n `mod` 2) acc
> dist :: Int -> [Char] -> [Char]
> dist 0 [] = ['S']
> dist 0 acc = acc
> dist 1 acc = let r = dist 0 acc in 's' : digits (length r) r
> dist n acc = dist (n - 1) $ dist 1 acc
> takeLast n ss = reverse $ take n $ reverse ss
> test = takeLast 40 $ dist 20 []
Printing <test> gives: "1s100000s11010s10100s1111s1010s110s11s1S"
The reverse algorithm computes the
length of the string just by examining
a certain prefix:
> pref :: [Char] -> Int
> pref "S" = 1
> pref ('s':'1':rest) = decode 2 1 rest
> pref (_:rest) = 1 + pref rest
> decode walk acc ('0':rest) = decode (walk + 1) (acc * 2) rest
> decode walk acc ('1':rest) = decode (walk + 1) (acc * 2 + 1) rest
> decode walk acc _ = walk + acc
Now, as expected, printing <pref test> gives 40.
We can quickCheck this with following property:
> testcase = dist 2000 []
> testcaseLength = length testcase
> identityProp n = n > 0 && n <= testcaseLength ==> length arr == pref arr
> where arr = takeLast n testcase
As expected <quickCheck identityProp> gives:
*Main> quickCheck identityProp
OK, passed 100 tests.
Let's be a bit more exhaustive:
> deepCheck p = check (defaultConfig { configMaxTest = 500 }) p
And here is the result of <deepCheck identityProp>:
*Main> deepCheck identityProp
OK, passed 500 tests.
To maintain the invariant that the 2 LSBits of each Use** in Use
never change after being set up, setters of Use::Prev must re-tag the
new Use** on every modification. Accordingly getters must strip the
tag bits.
For layout b) instead of the User we will find a pointer (User* with LSBit set).
Following this pointer brings us to the User. A portable trick will ensure
that the first bytes of User (if interpreted as a pointer) will never have
the LSBit set.
<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
<div class="doc_section">
<a name="coreclasses">The Core LLVM Class Hierarchy Reference </a>
@ -23,171 +23,6 @@
namespace llvm {
--- Interaction and relationship between User and Use objects ---
A subclass of User can choose between incorporating its Use objects
or refer to them out-of-line by means of a pointer. A mixed variant
(some Uses inline others hung off) is impractical and breaks the invariant
that the Use objects belonging to the same User form a contiguous array.
We have 2 different layouts in the User (sub)classes:
Layout a)
The Use object(s) are inside (resp. at fixed offset) of the User
object and there are a fixed number of them.
Layout b)
The Use object(s) are referenced by a pointer to an
array from the User object and there may be a variable
number of them.
Initially each layout will possess a direct pointer to the
start of the array of Uses. Though not mandatory for layout a),
we stick to this redundancy for the sake of simplicity.
The User object will also store the number of Use objects it
has. (Theoretically this information can also be calculated
given the scheme presented below.)
Special forms of allocation operators (operator new)
will enforce the following memory layouts:
# Layout a) will be modelled by prepending the User object
# by the Use[] array.
# ...---.---.---.---.-------...
# | P | P | P | P | User
# '''---'---'---'---'-------'''
# Layout b) will be modelled by pointing at the Use[] array.
# .-------...
# | User
# '-------'''
# |
# v
# .---.---.---.---...
# | P | P | P | P |
# '---'---'---'---'''
(In the above figures 'P' stands for the Use** that
is stored in each Use object in the member Use::Prev)
Since the Use objects will be deprived of the direct pointer to
their User objects, there must be a fast and exact method to
recover it. This is accomplished by the following scheme:
A bit-encoding in the 2 LSBits of the Use::Prev will allow to find the
start of the User object:
00 --> binary digit 0
01 --> binary digit 1
10 --> stop and calc (s)
11 --> full stop (S)
Given a Use*, all we have to do is to walk till we get
a stop and we either have a User immediately behind or
we have to walk to the next stop picking up digits
and calculating the offset:
| 1 | s | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | s | 1 | 1 | 0 | s | 1 | 1 | s | 1 | S | User (or User*)
|+15 |+10 |+6 |+3 |+1
| | | | |__>
| | | |__________>
| | |______________________>
| |______________________________________>
Only the significant number of bits need to be stored between the
stops, so that the worst case is 20 memory accesses when there are
1000 Use objects.
The following literate Haskell fragment demonstrates the concept:
> import Test.QuickCheck
> digits :: Int -> [Char] -> [Char]
> digits 0 acc = '0' : acc
> digits 1 acc = '1' : acc
> digits n acc = digits (n `div` 2) $ digits (n `mod` 2) acc
> dist :: Int -> [Char] -> [Char]
> dist 0 [] = ['S']
> dist 0 acc = acc
> dist 1 acc = let r = dist 0 acc in 's' : digits (length r) r
> dist n acc = dist (n - 1) $ dist 1 acc
> takeLast n ss = reverse $ take n $ reverse ss
> test = takeLast 40 $ dist 20 []
Printing <test> gives: "1s100000s11010s10100s1111s1010s110s11s1S"
The reverse algorithm computes the
length of the string just by examining
a certain prefix:
> pref :: [Char] -> Int
> pref "S" = 1
> pref ('s':'1':rest) = decode 2 1 rest
> pref (_:rest) = 1 + pref rest
> decode walk acc ('0':rest) = decode (walk + 1) (acc * 2) rest
> decode walk acc ('1':rest) = decode (walk + 1) (acc * 2 + 1) rest
> decode walk acc _ = walk + acc
Now, as expected, printing <pref test> gives 40.
We can quickCheck this with following property:
> testcase = dist 2000 []
> testcaseLength = length testcase
> identityProp n = n > 0 && n <= testcaseLength ==> length arr == pref arr
> where arr = takeLast n testcase
As expected <quickCheck identityProp> gives:
*Main> quickCheck identityProp
OK, passed 100 tests.
Let's be a bit more exhaustive:
> deepCheck p = check (defaultConfig { configMaxTest = 500 }) p
And here is the result of <deepCheck identityProp>:
*Main> deepCheck identityProp
OK, passed 500 tests.
To maintain the invariant that the 2 LSBits of each Use** in Use
never change after being set up, setters of Use::Prev must re-tag the
new Use** on every modification. Accordingly getters must strip the
tag bits.
For layout b) instead of the User we will find a pointer (User* with LSBit set).
Following this pointer brings us to the User. A portable trick will ensure
that the first bytes of User (if interpreted as a pointer) will never have
the LSBit set.
/// OperandTraits - Compile-time customization of
/// operand-related allocators and accessors
/// for use of the User class
Reference in New Issue