Fix OCaml bindings crash, PR8847.

If we call only external functions from a module, then its 'let _' bindings
don't get executed, which means that the exceptions don't get registered for use
in the C code.
This in turn causes llvm_raise to call raise_with_arg() with a NULL pointer and
cause a segmentation fault.

The workaround is to declare all 'external' functions as 'val' in these .mli

Also added a separate testcase (the testcase must call only external functions
for the bug to occur).

llvm-svn: 122497
This commit is contained in:
Torok Edwin 2010-12-23 15:49:26 +00:00
parent dfa40f8f19
commit 5abf51bde0
4 changed files with 535 additions and 519 deletions

View File

@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ exception Error of string
memory buffer [mb] in the context [context]. Returns [m] if successful, or
raises [Error msg] otherwise, where [msg] is a description of the error
encountered. See the function [llvm::getBitcodeModule]. *)
external get_module : Llvm.llcontext -> Llvm.llmemorybuffer -> Llvm.llmodule
= "llvm_get_module"
val get_module : Llvm.llcontext -> Llvm.llmemorybuffer -> Llvm.llmodule
(** [parse_bitcode context mb] parses the bitcode for a new module [m] from the
memory buffer [mb] in the context [context]. Returns [m] if successful, or
raises [Error msg] otherwise, where [msg] is a description of the error
encountered. See the function [llvm::ParseBitcodeFile]. *)
external parse_bitcode : Llvm.llcontext -> Llvm.llmemorybuffer -> Llvm.llmodule
= "llvm_parse_bitcode"
val parse_bitcode : Llvm.llcontext -> Llvm.llmemorybuffer -> Llvm.llmodule

View File

@ -25,58 +25,58 @@ module GenericValue: sig
(** [of_float fpty n] boxes the float [n] in a float-valued generic value
according to the floating point type [fpty]. See the fields
[llvm::GenericValue::DoubleVal] and [llvm::GenericValue::FloatVal]. *)
external of_float : Llvm.lltype -> float -> t = "llvm_genericvalue_of_float"
val of_float : Llvm.lltype -> float -> t
(** [of_pointer v] boxes the pointer value [v] in a generic value. See the
field [llvm::GenericValue::PointerVal]. *)
external of_pointer : 'a -> t = "llvm_genericvalue_of_pointer"
val of_pointer : 'a -> t
(** [of_int32 n w] boxes the int32 [i] in a generic value with the bitwidth
[w]. See the field [llvm::GenericValue::IntVal]. *)
external of_int32 : Llvm.lltype -> int32 -> t = "llvm_genericvalue_of_int32"
val of_int32 : Llvm.lltype -> int32 -> t
(** [of_int n w] boxes the int [i] in a generic value with the bitwidth
[w]. See the field [llvm::GenericValue::IntVal]. *)
external of_int : Llvm.lltype -> int -> t = "llvm_genericvalue_of_int"
val of_int : Llvm.lltype -> int -> t
(** [of_natint n w] boxes the native int [i] in a generic value with the
bitwidth [w]. See the field [llvm::GenericValue::IntVal]. *)
external of_nativeint : Llvm.lltype -> nativeint -> t
= "llvm_genericvalue_of_nativeint"
val of_nativeint : Llvm.lltype -> nativeint -> t
(** [of_int64 n w] boxes the int64 [i] in a generic value with the bitwidth
[w]. See the field [llvm::GenericValue::IntVal]. *)
external of_int64 : Llvm.lltype -> int64 -> t = "llvm_genericvalue_of_int64"
val of_int64 : Llvm.lltype -> int64 -> t
(** [as_float fpty gv] unboxes the floating point-valued generic value [gv] of
floating point type [fpty]. See the fields [llvm::GenericValue::DoubleVal]
and [llvm::GenericValue::FloatVal]. *)
external as_float : Llvm.lltype -> t -> float = "llvm_genericvalue_as_float"
val as_float : Llvm.lltype -> t -> float
(** [as_pointer gv] unboxes the pointer-valued generic value [gv]. See the
field [llvm::GenericValue::PointerVal]. *)
external as_pointer : t -> 'a = "llvm_genericvalue_as_pointer"
val as_pointer : t -> 'a
(** [as_int32 gv] unboxes the integer-valued generic value [gv] as an [int32].
Is invalid if [gv] has a bitwidth greater than 32 bits. See the field
[llvm::GenericValue::IntVal]. *)
external as_int32 : t -> int32 = "llvm_genericvalue_as_int32"
val as_int32 : t -> int32
(** [as_int gv] unboxes the integer-valued generic value [gv] as an [int].
Is invalid if [gv] has a bitwidth greater than the host bit width (but the
most significant bit may be lost). See the field
[llvm::GenericValue::IntVal]. *)
external as_int : t -> int = "llvm_genericvalue_as_int"
val as_int : t -> int
(** [as_natint gv] unboxes the integer-valued generic value [gv] as a
[nativeint]. Is invalid if [gv] has a bitwidth greater than
[nativeint]. See the field [llvm::GenericValue::IntVal]. *)
external as_nativeint : t -> nativeint = "llvm_genericvalue_as_nativeint"
val as_nativeint : t -> nativeint
(** [as_int64 gv] returns the integer-valued generic value [gv] as an [int64].
Is invalid if [gv] has a bitwidth greater than [int64]. See the field
[llvm::GenericValue::IntVal]. *)
external as_int64 : t -> int64 = "llvm_genericvalue_as_int64"
val as_int64 : t -> int64
@ -91,73 +91,73 @@ module ExecutionEngine: sig
interpreter. Raises [Error msg] if an error occurrs. The execution engine
is not garbage collected and must be destroyed with [dispose ee].
See the function [llvm::EngineBuilder::create]. *)
external create : Llvm.llmodule -> t = "llvm_ee_create"
val create : Llvm.llmodule -> t
(** [create_interpreter m] creates a new interpreter, taking ownership of the
module [m] if successful. Raises [Error msg] if an error occurrs. The
execution engine is not garbage collected and must be destroyed with
[dispose ee].
See the function [llvm::EngineBuilder::create]. *)
external create_interpreter : Llvm.llmodule -> t = "llvm_ee_create_interpreter"
val create_interpreter : Llvm.llmodule -> t
(** [create_jit m optlevel] creates a new JIT (just-in-time compiler), taking
ownership of the module [m] if successful with the desired optimization
level [optlevel]. Raises [Error msg] if an error occurrs. The execution
engine is not garbage collected and must be destroyed with [dispose ee].
See the function [llvm::EngineBuilder::create]. *)
external create_jit : Llvm.llmodule -> int -> t = "llvm_ee_create_jit"
val create_jit : Llvm.llmodule -> int -> t
(** [dispose ee] releases the memory used by the execution engine and must be
invoked to avoid memory leaks. *)
external dispose : t -> unit = "llvm_ee_dispose"
val dispose : t -> unit
(** [add_module m ee] adds the module [m] to the execution engine [ee]. *)
external add_module : Llvm.llmodule -> t -> unit = "llvm_ee_add_module"
val add_module : Llvm.llmodule -> t -> unit
(** [remove_module m ee] removes the module [m] from the execution engine
[ee], disposing of [m] and the module referenced by [mp]. Raises
[Error msg] if an error occurs. *)
external remove_module : Llvm.llmodule -> t -> Llvm.llmodule
= "llvm_ee_remove_module"
val remove_module : Llvm.llmodule -> t -> Llvm.llmodule
(** [find_function n ee] finds the function named [n] defined in any of the
modules owned by the execution engine [ee]. Returns [None] if the function
is not found and [Some f] otherwise. *)
external find_function : string -> t -> Llvm.llvalue option
= "llvm_ee_find_function"
val find_function : string -> t -> Llvm.llvalue option
(** [run_function f args ee] synchronously executes the function [f] with the
arguments [args], which must be compatible with the parameter types. *)
external run_function : Llvm.llvalue -> GenericValue.t array -> t ->
val run_function : Llvm.llvalue -> GenericValue.t array -> t ->
= "llvm_ee_run_function"
(** [run_static_ctors ee] executes the static constructors of each module in
the execution engine [ee]. *)
external run_static_ctors : t -> unit = "llvm_ee_run_static_ctors"
val run_static_ctors : t -> unit
(** [run_static_dtors ee] executes the static destructors of each module in
the execution engine [ee]. *)
external run_static_dtors : t -> unit = "llvm_ee_run_static_dtors"
val run_static_dtors : t -> unit
(** [run_function_as_main f args env ee] executes the function [f] as a main
function, passing it [argv] and [argc] according to the string array
[args], and [envp] as specified by the array [env]. Returns the integer
return value of the function. *)
external run_function_as_main : Llvm.llvalue -> string array ->
val run_function_as_main : Llvm.llvalue -> string array ->
(string * string) array -> t -> int
= "llvm_ee_run_function_as_main"
(** [free_machine_code f ee] releases the memory in the execution engine [ee]
used to store the machine code for the function [f]. *)
external free_machine_code : Llvm.llvalue -> t -> unit
= "llvm_ee_free_machine_code"
val free_machine_code : Llvm.llvalue -> t -> unit
(** [target_data ee] is the target data owned by the execution engine
[ee]. *)
external target_data : t -> Llvm_target.TargetData.t
= "LLVMGetExecutionEngineTargetData"
val target_data : t -> Llvm_target.TargetData.t
external initialize_native_target : unit -> bool
= "llvm_initialize_native_target"
val initialize_native_target : unit -> bool

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
(* RUN: %ocamlopt -warn-error A llvm.cmxa llvm_bitreader.cmxa llvm_executionengine.cmxa %s -o %t
* RUN: %t </dev/null
let context = Llvm.global_context ()
(* this used to crash, we must not use 'external' in .mli files, but 'val' if we
* want the let _ bindings executed, see *)
let _ =
ignore (Llvm_bitreader.get_module context (Llvm.MemoryBuffer.of_stdin ()))
Llvm_bitreader.Error _ -> ();;
let _ =
ignore (Llvm.MemoryBuffer.of_file "/path/to/nonexistent/file")
Llvm.IoError _ -> ();;