[libc][mem*] Address facility + test enum support

This patch is a subpart of D125768 intented to make the review easier.

The `Address` struct represents a pointer but also adds compile time knowledge
like alignment or temporal/non-temporal that helps with downstream instruction

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D125966
This commit is contained in:
Guillaume Chatelet 2022-05-31 08:09:34 +00:00
parent beab8e871e
commit 4cbfd2e7eb
4 changed files with 224 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -85,6 +85,16 @@ template <typename Type> struct IsArithmetic {
IsIntegral<Type>::Value || IsFloatingPointType<Type>::Value;
// Compile time type selection.
template <bool _, class TrueT, class FalseT> struct Conditional {
using type = TrueT;
template <class TrueT, class FalseT> struct Conditional<false, TrueT, FalseT> {
using type = FalseT;
template <bool Cond, typename TrueT, typename FalseT>
using ConditionalType = typename Conditional<Cond, TrueT, FalseT>::type;
} // namespace cpp
} // namespace __llvm_libc

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@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
//===-- Strongly typed address with alignment and access semantics --------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "src/__support/CPP/TypeTraits.h" // cpp::ConditionalType
#include "src/string/memory_utils/utils.h" // is_power2
#include <stddef.h> // size_t
#include <stdint.h> // uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, uint64_t
namespace __llvm_libc {
// Utility to enable static_assert(false) in templates.
template <bool flag = false> static void DeferredStaticAssert(const char *msg) {
static_assert(flag, "compilation error");
// A non-coercible type to represent raw data.
enum class ubyte : unsigned char { ZERO = 0 };
// Address attribute specifying whether the underlying load / store operations
// are temporal or non-temporal.
enum class Temporality { TEMPORAL, NON_TEMPORAL };
// Address attribute specifying whether the underlying load / store operations
// are aligned or unaligned.
enum class Aligned { NO, YES };
// Address attribute to discriminate between readable and writable addresses.
enum class Permission { Read, Write };
// Address is semantically equivalent to a pointer but also conveys compile time
// information that helps with instructions selection (aligned/unaligned,
// temporal/non-temporal).
template <size_t Alignment, Permission P, Temporality TS> struct Address {
static constexpr size_t ALIGNMENT = Alignment;
static constexpr Permission PERMISSION = P;
static constexpr Temporality TEMPORALITY = TS;
static constexpr bool IS_READ = P == Permission::Read;
static constexpr bool IS_WRITE = P == Permission::Write;
using PointeeType = cpp::ConditionalType<!IS_WRITE, const ubyte, ubyte>;
using VoidType = cpp::ConditionalType<!IS_WRITE, const void, void>;
Address(VoidType *ptr) : ptr_(reinterpret_cast<PointeeType *>(ptr)) {}
PointeeType *ptr() const {
return reinterpret_cast<PointeeType *>(
__builtin_assume_aligned(ptr_, ALIGNMENT));
PointeeType *const ptr_;
template <size_t ByteOffset> auto offset(size_t byte_offset) const {
static constexpr size_t NewAlignment = commonAlign<ByteOffset>();
return Address<NewAlignment, PERMISSION, TEMPORALITY>(ptr_ + byte_offset);
static constexpr size_t gcd(size_t A, size_t B) {
return B == 0 ? A : gcd(B, A % B);
template <size_t ByteOffset> static constexpr size_t commonAlign() {
constexpr size_t GCD = gcd(ByteOffset, ALIGNMENT);
if constexpr (is_power2(GCD))
return GCD;
return 1;
template <typename T> struct IsAddressType : public cpp::FalseValue {};
template <size_t Alignment, Permission P, Temporality TS>
struct IsAddressType<Address<Alignment, P, TS>> : public cpp::TrueValue {};
// Reinterpret the address as a pointer to T.
// This is not UB since the underlying pointer always refers to a `char` in a
// buffer of raw data.
template <typename T, typename AddrT> static T *as(AddrT addr) {
return reinterpret_cast<T *>(addr.ptr());
// Offsets the address by a compile time amount, this allows propagating
// alignment whenever possible.
template <size_t ByteOffset, typename AddrT>
static auto offsetAddr(AddrT addr) {
return addr.template offset<ByteOffset>(ByteOffset);
// Offsets the address by a runtime amount but assuming that the resulting
// address will be Alignment aligned.
template <size_t Alignment, typename AddrT>
static auto offsetAddrAssumeAligned(AddrT addr, size_t byte_offset) {
return Address<Alignment, AddrT::PERMISSION, AddrT::TEMPORALITY>(addr.ptr_ +
// Offsets the address by a runtime amount that is assumed to be a multiple of
// ByteOffset. This allows to propagate the address alignment whenever possible.
template <size_t ByteOffset, typename AddrT>
static auto offsetAddrMultiplesOf(AddrT addr, ptrdiff_t byte_offset) {
return addr.template offset<ByteOffset>(byte_offset);
// User friendly aliases for common address types.
template <size_t Alignment>
using SrcAddr = Address<Alignment, Permission::Read, Temporality::TEMPORAL>;
template <size_t Alignment>
using DstAddr = Address<Alignment, Permission::Write, Temporality::TEMPORAL>;
template <size_t Alignment>
using NtSrcAddr =
Address<Alignment, Permission::Read, Temporality::NON_TEMPORAL>;
template <size_t Alignment>
using NtDstAddr =
Address<Alignment, Permission::Write, Temporality::NON_TEMPORAL>;
} // namespace __llvm_libc

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ add_libc_unittest(

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@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
#include "utils/UnitTest/Test.h"
#include <src/string/memory_utils/address.h>
namespace __llvm_libc {
TEST(LlvmLibcAddress, AliasAreAddresses) {
TEST(LlvmLibcAddress, AliasHaveRightPermissions) {
TEST(LlvmLibcAddress, AliasHaveRightSemantic) {
TEST(LlvmLibcAddress, AliasHaveRightAlignment) {
ASSERT_EQ(SrcAddr<1>::ALIGNMENT, size_t(1));
ASSERT_EQ(SrcAddr<4>::ALIGNMENT, size_t(4));
TEST(LlvmLibcAddress, NarrowAlignment) {
// Address 8-byte aligned, offset by 8.
ASSERT_EQ(offsetAddr<8>(SrcAddr<8>(nullptr)).ALIGNMENT, 8UL);
// Address 16-byte aligned, offset by 4.
ASSERT_EQ(offsetAddr<4>(SrcAddr<16>(nullptr)).ALIGNMENT, 4UL);
// Address 4-byte aligned, offset by 16.
ASSERT_EQ(offsetAddr<16>(SrcAddr<4>(nullptr)).ALIGNMENT, 4UL);
// Address 4-byte aligned, offset by 1.
ASSERT_EQ(offsetAddr<1>(SrcAddr<4>(nullptr)).ALIGNMENT, 1UL);
// Address 4-byte aligned, offset by 2.
ASSERT_EQ(offsetAddr<2>(SrcAddr<4>(nullptr)).ALIGNMENT, 2UL);
// Address 4-byte aligned, offset by 6.
ASSERT_EQ(offsetAddr<6>(SrcAddr<4>(nullptr)).ALIGNMENT, 2UL);
// Address 4-byte aligned, offset by 10.
ASSERT_EQ(offsetAddr<10>(SrcAddr<4>(nullptr)).ALIGNMENT, 2UL);
// Address 8-byte aligned, offset by 6.
ASSERT_EQ(offsetAddr<6>(SrcAddr<8>(nullptr)).ALIGNMENT, 2UL);
TEST(LlvmLibcAddress, OffsetAddr) {
ubyte a;
SrcAddr<1> addr(&a);
ASSERT_EQ((const void *)offsetAddr<4>(addr).ptr(), (const void *)(&a + 4));
ASSERT_EQ((const void *)offsetAddr<32>(addr).ptr(), (const void *)(&a + 32));
TEST(LlvmLibcAddress, AssumeAligned) {
SrcAddr<16> addr(nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(offsetAddrAssumeAligned<8>(addr, 0).ALIGNMENT, 8UL);
ASSERT_EQ(offsetAddrAssumeAligned<1>(addr, 0).ALIGNMENT, 1UL);
ASSERT_EQ(offsetAddrMultiplesOf<4>(addr, 0).ALIGNMENT, 4UL);
ASSERT_EQ(offsetAddrMultiplesOf<32>(addr, 0).ALIGNMENT, 16UL);
TEST(LlvmLibcAddress, offsetAddrAssumeAligned) {
ubyte a;
SrcAddr<1> addr(&a);
ASSERT_EQ((const void *)offsetAddrAssumeAligned<1>(addr, 17).ptr(),
(const void *)(&a + 17));
TEST(LlvmLibcAddress, offsetAddrMultiplesOf) {
ubyte a;
SrcAddr<1> addr(&a);
ASSERT_EQ((const void *)offsetAddrMultiplesOf<4>(addr, 16).ptr(),
(const void *)(&a + 16));
} // namespace __llvm_libc