EDSC bindings: expose generic Op construction interface

EDSC Expressions can now be used to build arbitrary MLIR operations identified
by their canonical name, i.e. the name obtained from
`OpClass::getOperationName()` for registered operations.  Expose this
functionality to the C API and Python bindings.  This exposes builder-level
interface to Python and avoids the need for experimental Python code to
implement EDSC free function calls for constructing each op type.

This modification required exposing mlir::Attribute to the C API and Python
bindings, which only supports integer attributes for now.

This is step 4/n to making EDSCs more generalizable.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 236306776
This commit is contained in:
Alex Zinenko 2019-03-01 06:39:05 -08:00 committed by jpienaar
parent 229bd9ba21
commit 4bd5d28391
5 changed files with 225 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ namespace python {
namespace py = pybind11;
struct PythonAttribute;
struct PythonBindable;
struct PythonExpr;
struct PythonStmt;
@ -123,6 +124,17 @@ struct PythonMLIRModule {
return declaration;
// Create a custom op given its name and arguments.
PythonExpr op(const std::string &name, PythonType type,
const py::list &arguments, const py::list &successors,
py::kwargs attributes);
// Create an integer attribute.
PythonAttribute integerAttr(PythonType type, int64_t value);
// Create a boolean attribute.
PythonAttribute boolAttr(bool value);
void compile() {
auto created = mlir::ExecutionEngine::create(module.get());
@ -216,6 +228,26 @@ struct PythonBlock {
edsc_block_t blk;
struct PythonAttribute {
PythonAttribute() : attr(nullptr) {}
PythonAttribute(const mlir_attr_t &a) : attr(a) {}
PythonAttribute(const PythonAttribute &other) = default;
operator mlir_attr_t() { return attr; }
std::string str() {
if (!attr)
return "##null attr##";
std::string res;
llvm::raw_string_ostream os(res);
Attribute::getFromOpaquePointer(reinterpret_cast<const void *>(attr))
return res;
mlir_attr_t attr;
struct PythonIndexed : public edsc_indexed_t {
PythonIndexed(PythonExpr e) : edsc_indexed_t{makeIndexed(e)} {}
PythonIndexed(PythonBindable b) : edsc_indexed_t{makeIndexed(b)} {}
@ -273,28 +305,33 @@ private:
edsc_mlir_emitter_t c_emitter;
template <typename ListTy, typename PythonTy, typename Ty>
ListTy makeCList(SmallVectorImpl<Ty> &owning, const py::list &list) {
for (auto &inp : list) {
return ListTy{owning.data(), owning.size()};
static edsc_stmt_list_t makeCStmts(llvm::SmallVectorImpl<edsc_stmt_t> &owning,
const py::list &stmts) {
for (auto &inp : stmts) {
return edsc_stmt_list_t{owning.data(), owning.size()};
return makeCList<edsc_stmt_list_t, PythonStmt>(owning, stmts);
static edsc_expr_list_t makeCExprs(llvm::SmallVectorImpl<edsc_expr_t> &owning,
const py::list &exprs) {
for (auto &inp : exprs) {
return edsc_expr_list_t{owning.data(), owning.size()};
return makeCList<edsc_expr_list_t, PythonExpr>(owning, exprs);
static mlir_type_list_t makeCTypes(llvm::SmallVectorImpl<mlir_type_t> &owning,
const py::list &types) {
for (auto &inp : types) {
return mlir_type_list_t{owning.data(), owning.size()};
return makeCList<mlir_type_list_t, PythonType>(owning, types);
static edsc_block_list_t
makeCBlocks(llvm::SmallVectorImpl<edsc_block_t> &owning,
const py::list &blocks) {
return makeCList<edsc_block_list_t, PythonBlock>(owning, blocks);
PythonExpr::PythonExpr(const PythonBindable &bindable) : expr{bindable.expr} {}
@ -390,6 +427,37 @@ void MLIRFunctionEmitter::emitBlockBody(PythonBlock block) {
PythonExpr PythonMLIRModule::op(const std::string &name, PythonType type,
const py::list &arguments,
const py::list &successors,
py::kwargs attributes) {
SmallVector<edsc_expr_t, 8> owningExprs;
SmallVector<edsc_block_t, 4> owningBlocks;
SmallVector<mlir_named_attr_t, 4> owningAttrs;
SmallVector<std::string, 4> owningAttrNames;
for (const auto &kvp : attributes) {
auto value = kvp.second.cast<PythonAttribute>();
owningAttrs.push_back({owningAttrNames.back().c_str(), value});
return PythonExpr(::Op(mlir_context_t(&mlirContext), name.c_str(), type,
makeCExprs(owningExprs, arguments),
makeCBlocks(owningBlocks, successors),
{owningAttrs.data(), owningAttrs.size()}));
PythonAttribute PythonMLIRModule::integerAttr(PythonType type, int64_t value) {
return PythonAttribute(::makeIntegerAttr(type, value));
PythonAttribute PythonMLIRModule::boolAttr(bool value) {
return PythonAttribute(::makeBoolAttr(&mlirContext, value));
PythonBlock PythonBlock::set(const py::list &stmts) {
SmallVector<edsc_stmt_t, 8> owning;
::BlockSetBody(blk, makeCStmts(owning, stmts));
@ -548,6 +616,11 @@ PYBIND11_MODULE(pybind, m) {
.def("set", &PythonBlock::set)
.def("__str__", &PythonBlock::str);
py::class_<PythonAttribute>(m, "Attribute",
"Wrapping class for mlir::Attribute")
.def("__str__", &PythonAttribute::str);
py::class_<PythonType>(m, "Type", "Wrapping class for mlir::Type.")
.def("__str__", &PythonType::str);
@ -565,6 +638,15 @@ PYBIND11_MODULE(pybind, m) {
"directly require integration with a tensor library (e.g. numpy). This "
"is left as the prerogative of libraries and frameworks for now.")
.def("op", &PythonMLIRModule::op, py::arg("name"), py::arg("type"),
py::arg("arguments"), py::arg("successors") = py::list(),
"Creates a new expression identified by its canonical name.")
.def("boolAttr", &PythonMLIRModule::boolAttr,
"Creates an mlir::BoolAttr with the given value")
"integerAttr", &PythonMLIRModule::integerAttr,
"Creates an mlir::IntegerAttr of the given type with the given value "
"in the context associated with this MLIR module.")
.def("declare_function", &PythonMLIRModule::declareFunction,
"Declares a new mlir::Function in the current mlir::Module. The "
"function has no definition and can be linked to an external "

View File

@ -30,6 +30,17 @@ class EdscTest(unittest.TestCase):
str = expr.__str__()
self.assertIn("($1 * ($2 + $3))", str)
def testCustomOp(self):
with E.ContextManager():
a, b = (E.Expr(E.Bindable(self.i32Type)) for _ in range(2))
c1 = self.module.op(
self.i32Type, [],
value=self.module.integerAttr(self.i32Type, 42))
expr = self.module.op("addi", self.i32Type, [c1, b])
str = expr.__str__()
self.assertIn("addi(42, $2)", str)
def testOneLoop(self):
with E.ContextManager():
i, lb, ub, step = list(
@ -319,6 +330,39 @@ class EdscTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertNotEqual(self.module.get_engine_address(), 0)
def testCustomOpEmission(self):
f = self.module.make_function("fooer", [self.i32Type, self.i32Type], [])
with E.ContextManager():
emitter = E.MLIRFunctionEmitter(f)
funcArg1, funcArg2 = emitter.bind_function_arguments()
boolAttr = self.module.boolAttr(True)
expr = self.module.op(
"foo", self.i32Type, [funcArg1, funcArg2], attr=boolAttr)
block = E.Block([E.Stmt(expr), E.Return()])
code = str(f)
self.assertIn('%0 = "foo"(%arg0, %arg1) {attr: true} : (i32, i32) -> i32',
# Create 'addi' using the generic Op interface. We need an operation known
# to the execution engine so that the engine can compile it.
def testCustomOpCompilation(self):
f = self.module.make_function("adder", [self.i32Type], [])
with E.ContextManager():
emitter = E.MLIRFunctionEmitter(f)
funcArg, = emitter.bind_function_arguments()
c1 = self.module.op(
self.i32Type, [],
value=self.module.integerAttr(self.i32Type, 42))
expr = self.module.op("addi", self.i32Type, [c1, funcArg])
block = E.Block([E.Stmt(expr), E.Return()])
self.assertNotEqual(self.module.get_engine_address(), 0)
def testMLIREmission(self):
shape = [3, 4, 5]
m = self.module.make_memref_type(self.f32Type, shape)

View File

@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ typedef void *mlir_context_t;
typedef const void *mlir_type_t;
/// Opaque C type for mlir::Function*.
typedef void *mlir_func_t;
/// Opaque C type for mlir::Attribute.
typedef const void *mlir_attr_t;
/// Opaque C type for mlir::edsc::MLIREmiter.
typedef void *edsc_mlir_emitter_t;
/// Opaque C type for mlir::edsc::Expr.
@ -85,6 +87,21 @@ typedef struct {
uint64_t n;
} edsc_indexed_list_t;
typedef struct {
edsc_block_t *list;
uint64_t n;
} edsc_block_list_t;
typedef struct {
const char *name;
mlir_attr_t value;
} mlir_named_attr_t;
typedef struct {
mlir_named_attr_t *list;
uint64_t n;
} mlir_named_attr_list_t;
/// Minimal C API for exposing EDSCs to Swift, Python and other languages.
/// Returns a simple scalar mlir::Type using the following convention:
@ -113,6 +130,13 @@ mlir_type_t makeFunctionType(mlir_context_t context, mlir_type_list_t inputs,
/// Returns an `mlir::IndexType`.
mlir_type_t makeIndexType(mlir_context_t context);
/// Returns an `mlir::IntegerAttr` of the specified type that contains the given
/// value.
mlir_attr_t makeIntegerAttr(mlir_type_t type, int64_t value);
/// Returns an `mlir::BoolAttr` with the given value.
mlir_attr_t makeBoolAttr(mlir_context_t context, bool value);
/// Returns the arity of `function`.
unsigned getFunctionArity(mlir_func_t function);
@ -212,6 +236,12 @@ edsc_indexed_t makeIndexed(edsc_expr_t expr);
/// - `indexed` must not have been indexed previously.
edsc_indexed_t index(edsc_indexed_t indexed, edsc_expr_list_t indices);
/// Returns an opaque expression that will emit an abstract operation identified
/// by its name.
edsc_expr_t Op(mlir_context_t context, const char *name, mlir_type_t resultType,
edsc_expr_list_t arguments, edsc_block_list_t successors,
mlir_named_attr_list_t attrs);
/// Returns an opaque expression that will emit an mlir::LoadOp.
edsc_expr_t Load(edsc_indexed_t indexed, edsc_expr_list_t indices);

View File

@ -128,6 +128,14 @@ public:
void print(raw_ostream &os) const;
void dump() const;
/// Get an opaque pointer to the attribute.
const void *getAsOpaquePointer() const { return attr; }
/// Construct an attribute from the opaque pointer representation.
static Attribute getFromOpaquePointer(const void *ptr) {
return Attribute(
const_cast<ImplType *>(reinterpret_cast<const ImplType *>(ptr)));
friend ::llvm::hash_code hash_value(Attribute arg);

View File

@ -408,6 +408,20 @@ llvm::SmallVector<Expr, 8> mlir::edsc::makeNewExprs(unsigned n, Type type) {
return res;
template <typename Target, size_t N, typename Source>
SmallVector<Target, N> convertCList(Source list) {
SmallVector<Target, N> result;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < list.n; ++i) {
return result;
SmallVector<StmtBlock, 4> makeBlocks(edsc_block_list_t list) {
return convertCList<StmtBlock, 4>(list);
static llvm::SmallVector<Expr, 8> makeExprs(edsc_expr_list_t exprList) {
llvm::SmallVector<Expr, 8> exprs;
@ -425,6 +439,28 @@ static void fillStmts(edsc_stmt_list_t enclosedStmts,
edsc_expr_t Op(mlir_context_t context, const char *name, mlir_type_t resultType,
edsc_expr_list_t arguments, edsc_block_list_t successors,
mlir_named_attr_list_t attrs) {
mlir::MLIRContext *ctx = reinterpret_cast<mlir::MLIRContext *>(context);
auto blocks = makeBlocks(successors);
SmallVector<NamedAttribute, 4> attributes;
for (int i = 0; i < attrs.n; ++i) {
auto attribute = Attribute::getFromOpaquePointer(
reinterpret_cast<const void *>(attrs.list[i].value));
auto name = Identifier::get(attrs.list[i].name, ctx);
attributes.emplace_back(name, attribute);
return VariadicExpr(
name, makeExprs(arguments),
Type::getFromOpaquePointer(reinterpret_cast<const void *>(resultType)),
attributes, blocks);
Expr mlir::edsc::alloc(llvm::ArrayRef<Expr> sizes, Type memrefType) {
return VariadicExpr::make<AllocOp>(sizes, memrefType);
@ -880,6 +916,7 @@ void mlir::edsc::Expr::print(raw_ostream &os) const {
// Special case for integer constants that are printed as is. Use
// sign-extended result for everything but i1 (booleans).
if (this->is_op<ConstantIndexOp>() || this->is_op<ConstantIntOp>()) {
APInt value = getAttribute("value").cast<IntegerAttr>().getValue();
if (value.getBitWidth() == 1)
os << value.getZExtValue();
@ -1328,6 +1365,18 @@ mlir_type_t makeIndexType(mlir_context_t context) {
return mlir_type_t{type.getAsOpaquePointer()};
mlir_attr_t makeIntegerAttr(mlir_type_t type, int64_t value) {
auto ty = Type::getFromOpaquePointer(reinterpret_cast<const void *>(type));
auto attr = IntegerAttr::get(ty, value);
return mlir_attr_t{attr.getAsOpaquePointer()};
mlir_attr_t makeBoolAttr(mlir_context_t context, bool value) {
auto *ctx = reinterpret_cast<mlir::MLIRContext *>(context);
auto attr = BoolAttr::get(value, ctx);
return mlir_attr_t{attr.getAsOpaquePointer()};
unsigned getFunctionArity(mlir_func_t function) {
auto *f = reinterpret_cast<mlir::Function *>(function);
return f->getNumArguments();