change the concatenation avoidance algorithm to be partially table-driven

and avoid computing the spelling of tokens when not needed.  This speeds
up -E on 447.dealII by 2.2%

llvm-svn: 40421
This commit is contained in:
Chris Lattner 2007-07-23 06:09:34 +00:00
parent e4c566c604
commit 4418ce1091
1 changed files with 130 additions and 41 deletions

View File

@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ public:
void SetEmittedTokensOnThisLine() { EmittedTokensOnThisLine = true; }
bool hasEmittedTokensOnThisLine() const { return EmittedTokensOnThisLine; }
virtual void FileChanged(SourceLocation Loc, FileChangeReason Reason,
DirectoryLookup::DirType FileType);
@ -305,6 +306,67 @@ struct UnknownPragmaHandler : public PragmaHandler {
} // end anonymous namespace
enum AvoidConcatInfo {
/// By default, a token never needs to avoid concatenation. Most tokens (e.g.
/// ',', ')', etc) don't cause a problem when concatenated.
aci_never_avoid_concat = 0,
/// aci_custom_firstchar - AvoidConcat contains custom code to handle this
/// token's requirements, and it needs to know the first character of the
/// token.
aci_custom_firstchar = 1,
/// aci_custom - AvoidConcat contains custom code to handle this token's
/// requirements, but it doesn't need to know the first character of the
/// token.
aci_custom = 2,
/// aci_avoid_equal - Many tokens cannot be safely followed by an '='
/// character. For example, "<<" turns into "<<=" when followed by an =.
aci_avoid_equal = 4
/// This array contains information for each token on what action to take when
/// avoiding concatenation of tokens in the AvoidConcat method.
static char TokenInfo[tok::NUM_TOKENS];
/// InitAvoidConcatTokenInfo - Tokens that must avoid concatenation should be
/// marked by this function.
static void InitAvoidConcatTokenInfo() {
// These tokens have custom code in AvoidConcat.
TokenInfo[tok::identifier ] |= aci_custom;
TokenInfo[tok::numeric_constant] |= aci_custom_firstchar;
TokenInfo[tok::period ] |= aci_custom_firstchar;
TokenInfo[tok::amp ] |= aci_custom_firstchar;
TokenInfo[tok::plus ] |= aci_custom_firstchar;
TokenInfo[tok::minus ] |= aci_custom_firstchar;
TokenInfo[tok::slash ] |= aci_custom_firstchar;
TokenInfo[tok::less ] |= aci_custom_firstchar;
TokenInfo[tok::greater ] |= aci_custom_firstchar;
TokenInfo[tok::pipe ] |= aci_custom_firstchar;
TokenInfo[tok::percent ] |= aci_custom_firstchar;
TokenInfo[tok::colon ] |= aci_custom_firstchar;
TokenInfo[tok::hash ] |= aci_custom_firstchar;
TokenInfo[tok::arrow ] |= aci_custom_firstchar;
// These tokens change behavior if followed by an '='.
TokenInfo[tok::amp ] |= aci_avoid_equal; // &=
TokenInfo[tok::plus ] |= aci_avoid_equal; // +=
TokenInfo[tok::minus ] |= aci_avoid_equal; // -=
TokenInfo[tok::slash ] |= aci_avoid_equal; // /=
TokenInfo[tok::less ] |= aci_avoid_equal; // <=
TokenInfo[tok::greater ] |= aci_avoid_equal; // >=
TokenInfo[tok::pipe ] |= aci_avoid_equal; // |=
TokenInfo[tok::percent ] |= aci_avoid_equal; // %=
TokenInfo[tok::star ] |= aci_avoid_equal; // *=
TokenInfo[tok::exclaim ] |= aci_avoid_equal; // !=
TokenInfo[tok::lessless ] |= aci_avoid_equal; // <<=
TokenInfo[tok::greaterequal] |= aci_avoid_equal; // >>=
TokenInfo[tok::caret ] |= aci_avoid_equal; // ^=
TokenInfo[tok::equal ] |= aci_avoid_equal; // ==
/// AvoidConcat - If printing PrevTok immediately followed by Tok would cause
/// the two individual tokens to be lexed as a single token, return true (which
/// causes a space to be printed between them). This allows the output of -E
@ -320,16 +382,35 @@ bool PrintPPOutputPPCallbacks::AvoidConcat(const Token &PrevTok,
const Token &Tok) {
char Buffer[256];
// If we haven't emitted a token on this line yet, PrevTok isn't useful to
// look at and no concatenation could happen anyway.
if (!EmittedTokensOnThisLine)
return false;
tok::TokenKind PrevKind = PrevTok.getKind();
if (PrevTok.getIdentifierInfo()) // Language keyword or named operator.
PrevKind = tok::identifier;
// Look up information on when we should avoid concatenation with prevtok.
unsigned ConcatInfo = TokenInfo[PrevKind];
// If prevtok never causes a problem for anything after it, return quickly.
if (ConcatInfo == 0) return false;
if (ConcatInfo & aci_avoid_equal) {
// If the next token is '=' or '==', avoid concatenation.
if (Tok.getKind() == tok::equal ||
Tok.getKind() == tok::equalequal)
return true;
ConcatInfo &= ~ConcatInfo;
if (ConcatInfo == 0) return false;
// Basic algorithm: we look at the first character of the second token, and
// determine whether it, if appended to the first token, would form (or would
// contribute) to a larger token if concatenated.
char FirstChar;
if (IdentifierInfo *II = Tok.getIdentifierInfo()) {
char FirstChar = 0;
if (ConcatInfo & aci_custom) {
// If the token does not need to know the first character, don't get it.
} else if (IdentifierInfo *II = Tok.getIdentifierInfo()) {
// Avoid spelling identifiers, the most common form of token.
FirstChar = II->getName()[0];
} else if (!Tok.needsCleaning()) {
@ -344,51 +425,55 @@ bool PrintPPOutputPPCallbacks::AvoidConcat(const Token &PrevTok,
FirstChar = PP.getSpelling(Tok)[0];
tok::TokenKind PrevKind = PrevTok.getKind();
if (PrevTok.getIdentifierInfo()) // Language keyword or named operator.
PrevKind = tok::identifier;
switch (PrevKind) {
default: return false;
default: assert(0 && "InitAvoidConcatTokenInfo built wrong");
case tok::identifier: // id+id or id+number or id+L"foo".
return isalnum(FirstChar) || FirstChar == '_';
if (Tok.getKind() == tok::numeric_constant || Tok.getIdentifierInfo() ||
Tok.getKind() == tok::wide_string_literal /* ||
Tok.getKind() == tok::wide_char_literal*/)
return true;
if (Tok.getKind() != tok::char_constant)
return false;
// FIXME: need a wide_char_constant!
if (!Tok.needsCleaning()) {
SourceManager &SrcMgr = PP.getSourceManager();
return *SrcMgr.getCharacterData(SrcMgr.getPhysicalLoc(Tok.getLocation()))
== 'L';
} else if (Tok.getLength() < 256) {
const char *TokPtr = Buffer;
PP.getSpelling(Tok, TokPtr);
return TokPtr[0] == 'L';
} else {
return PP.getSpelling(Tok)[0] == 'L';
case tok::numeric_constant:
return isalnum(FirstChar) || Tok.getKind() == tok::numeric_constant ||
FirstChar == '+' || FirstChar == '-' || FirstChar == '.';
case tok::period: // ..., .*, .1234
return FirstChar == '.' || FirstChar == '*' || isdigit(FirstChar);
case tok::amp: // &&, &=
return FirstChar == '&' || FirstChar == '=';
case tok::plus: // ++, +=
return FirstChar == '+' || FirstChar == '=';
case tok::minus: // --, ->, -=, ->*
return FirstChar == '-' || FirstChar == '>' || FirstChar == '=';
case tok::slash: // /=, /*, //
return FirstChar == '=' || FirstChar == '*' || FirstChar == '/';
case tok::less: // <<, <<=, <=, <?=, <?, <:, <%
return FirstChar == '<' || FirstChar == '?' || FirstChar == '=' ||
FirstChar == ':' || FirstChar == '%';
case tok::greater: // >>, >=, >>=, >?=, >?
return FirstChar == '>' || FirstChar == '?' || FirstChar == '=';
case tok::pipe: // ||, |=
return FirstChar == '|' || FirstChar == '=';
case tok::percent: // %=, %>, %:
return FirstChar == '=' || FirstChar == '>' || FirstChar == ':';
case tok::amp: // &&
return FirstChar == '&';
case tok::plus: // ++
return FirstChar == '+';
case tok::minus: // --, ->, ->*
return FirstChar == '-' || FirstChar == '>';
case tok::slash: //, /*, //
return FirstChar == '*' || FirstChar == '/';
case tok::less: // <<, <<=, <:, <%
return FirstChar == '<' || FirstChar == ':' || FirstChar == '%';
case tok::greater: // >>, >>=
return FirstChar == '>';
case tok::pipe: // ||
return FirstChar == '|';
case tok::percent: // %>, %:
return FirstChar == '>' || FirstChar == ':';
case tok::colon: // ::, :>
return FirstChar == ':' || FirstChar == '>';
case tok::hash: // ##, #@, %:%:
return FirstChar == '#' || FirstChar == '@' || FirstChar == '%';
case tok::arrow: // ->*
return FirstChar == '*';
case tok::star: // *=
case tok::exclaim: // !=
case tok::lessless: // <<=
case tok::greaterequal: // >>=
case tok::caret: // ^=
case tok::equal: // ==
// Cases that concatenate only if the next char is =.
return FirstChar == '=';
@ -401,6 +486,7 @@ void clang::DoPrintPreprocessedInput(unsigned MainFileID, Preprocessor &PP,
PP.SetCommentRetentionState(EnableCommentOutput, EnableMacroCommentOutput);
Token Tok, PrevTok;
char Buffer[256];
@ -423,8 +509,11 @@ void clang::DoPrintPreprocessedInput(unsigned MainFileID, Preprocessor &PP,
if (Tok.isAtStartOfLine()) {
} else if (Tok.hasLeadingSpace() ||
// If we haven't emitted a token on this line yet, PrevTok isn't
// useful to look at and no concatenation could happen anyway.
(!Callbacks->hasEmittedTokensOnThisLine() &&
// Don't print "-" next to "-", it would form "--".
Callbacks->AvoidConcat(PrevTok, Tok)) {
Callbacks->AvoidConcat(PrevTok, Tok))) {
OutputChar(' ');