[mlir][PDLL] Add hover support to the PDLL language server

This adds support for providing information when hovering over
operation names, variables, patters, constraints, and rewrites.

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D121542
This commit is contained in:
River Riddle 2022-03-11 00:18:44 -08:00
parent 52b34df9d6
commit 41ae211458
5 changed files with 350 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -52,6 +52,12 @@ struct LSPServer {
void onReference(const ReferenceParams &params,
Callback<std::vector<Location>> reply);
// Hover
void onHover(const TextDocumentPositionParams &params,
Callback<Optional<Hover>> reply);
// Fields
@ -84,6 +90,7 @@ void LSPServer::onInitialize(const InitializeParams &params,
{"definitionProvider", true},
{"referencesProvider", true},
{"hoverProvider", true},
llvm::json::Object result{
@ -154,6 +161,14 @@ void LSPServer::onReference(const ReferenceParams &params,
// Hover
void LSPServer::onHover(const TextDocumentPositionParams &params,
Callback<Optional<Hover>> reply) {
reply(server.findHover(params.textDocument.uri, params.position));
// Entry Point
@ -183,6 +198,9 @@ LogicalResult mlir::lsp::runPdllLSPServer(PDLLServer &server,
messageHandler.method("textDocument/references", &lspServer,
// Hover
messageHandler.method("textDocument/hover", &lspServer, &LSPServer::onHover);
// Diagnostics
lspServer.publishDiagnostics =

View File

@ -244,6 +244,27 @@ struct PDLDocument {
void findReferencesOf(const lsp::URIForFile &uri, const lsp::Position &pos,
std::vector<lsp::Location> &references);
// Hover
Optional<lsp::Hover> findHover(const lsp::URIForFile &uri,
const lsp::Position &hoverPos);
Optional<lsp::Hover> findHover(const ast::Decl *decl,
const SMRange &hoverRange);
lsp::Hover buildHoverForOpName(const ods::Operation *op,
const SMRange &hoverRange);
lsp::Hover buildHoverForVariable(const ast::VariableDecl *varDecl,
const SMRange &hoverRange);
lsp::Hover buildHoverForPattern(const ast::PatternDecl *patternDecl,
const SMRange &hoverRange);
lsp::Hover buildHoverForCoreConstraint(const ast::CoreConstraintDecl *decl,
const SMRange &hoverRange);
template <typename T>
lsp::Hover buildHoverForUserConstraintOrRewrite(StringRef typeName,
const T *decl,
const SMRange &hoverRange);
// Fields
@ -320,6 +341,157 @@ void PDLDocument::findReferencesOf(const lsp::URIForFile &uri,
references.push_back(getLocationFromLoc(sourceMgr, refLoc, uri));
// PDLDocument: Hover
Optional<lsp::Hover> PDLDocument::findHover(const lsp::URIForFile &uri,
const lsp::Position &hoverPos) {
SMLoc posLoc = hoverPos.getAsSMLoc(sourceMgr);
SMRange hoverRange;
const PDLIndexSymbol *symbol = index.lookup(posLoc, &hoverRange);
if (!symbol)
return llvm::None;
// Add hover for operation names.
if (const auto *op = symbol->definition.dyn_cast<const ods::Operation *>())
return buildHoverForOpName(op, hoverRange);
const auto *decl = symbol->definition.get<const ast::Decl *>();
return findHover(decl, hoverRange);
Optional<lsp::Hover> PDLDocument::findHover(const ast::Decl *decl,
const SMRange &hoverRange) {
// Add hover for variables.
if (const auto *varDecl = dyn_cast<ast::VariableDecl>(decl))
return buildHoverForVariable(varDecl, hoverRange);
// Add hover for patterns.
if (const auto *patternDecl = dyn_cast<ast::PatternDecl>(decl))
return buildHoverForPattern(patternDecl, hoverRange);
// Add hover for core constraints.
if (const auto *cst = dyn_cast<ast::CoreConstraintDecl>(decl))
return buildHoverForCoreConstraint(cst, hoverRange);
// Add hover for user constraints.
if (const auto *cst = dyn_cast<ast::UserConstraintDecl>(decl))
return buildHoverForUserConstraintOrRewrite("Constraint", cst, hoverRange);
// Add hover for user rewrites.
if (const auto *rewrite = dyn_cast<ast::UserRewriteDecl>(decl))
return buildHoverForUserConstraintOrRewrite("Rewrite", rewrite, hoverRange);
return llvm::None;
lsp::Hover PDLDocument::buildHoverForOpName(const ods::Operation *op,
const SMRange &hoverRange) {
lsp::Hover hover(lsp::Range(sourceMgr, hoverRange));
llvm::raw_string_ostream hoverOS(hover.contents.value);
hoverOS << "**OpName**: `" << op->getName() << "`\n***\n"
<< op->getSummary() << "\n***\n"
<< op->getDescription();
return hover;
lsp::Hover PDLDocument::buildHoverForVariable(const ast::VariableDecl *varDecl,
const SMRange &hoverRange) {
lsp::Hover hover(lsp::Range(sourceMgr, hoverRange));
llvm::raw_string_ostream hoverOS(hover.contents.value);
hoverOS << "**Variable**: `" << varDecl->getName().getName() << "`\n***\n"
<< "Type: `" << varDecl->getType() << "`\n";
return hover;
PDLDocument::buildHoverForPattern(const ast::PatternDecl *patternDecl,
const SMRange &hoverRange) {
lsp::Hover hover(lsp::Range(sourceMgr, hoverRange));
llvm::raw_string_ostream hoverOS(hover.contents.value);
hoverOS << "**Pattern**";
if (const ast::Name *name = patternDecl->getName())
hoverOS << ": `" << name->getName() << "`";
hoverOS << "\n***\n";
if (Optional<uint16_t> benefit = patternDecl->getBenefit())
hoverOS << "Benefit: " << *benefit << "\n";
if (patternDecl->hasBoundedRewriteRecursion())
hoverOS << "HasBoundedRewriteRecursion\n";
hoverOS << "RootOp: `"
<< patternDecl->getRootRewriteStmt()->getRootOpExpr()->getType()
<< "`\n";
return hover;
PDLDocument::buildHoverForCoreConstraint(const ast::CoreConstraintDecl *decl,
const SMRange &hoverRange) {
lsp::Hover hover(lsp::Range(sourceMgr, hoverRange));
llvm::raw_string_ostream hoverOS(hover.contents.value);
hoverOS << "**Constraint**: `";
TypeSwitch<const ast::Decl *>(decl)
.Case([&](const ast::AttrConstraintDecl *) { hoverOS << "Attr"; })
.Case([&](const ast::OpConstraintDecl *opCst) {
hoverOS << "Op";
if (Optional<StringRef> name = opCst->getName())
hoverOS << "<" << name << ">";
.Case([&](const ast::TypeConstraintDecl *) { hoverOS << "Type"; })
.Case([&](const ast::TypeRangeConstraintDecl *) {
hoverOS << "TypeRange";
.Case([&](const ast::ValueConstraintDecl *) { hoverOS << "Value"; })
.Case([&](const ast::ValueRangeConstraintDecl *) {
hoverOS << "ValueRange";
hoverOS << "`\n";
return hover;
template <typename T>
lsp::Hover PDLDocument::buildHoverForUserConstraintOrRewrite(
StringRef typeName, const T *decl, const SMRange &hoverRange) {
lsp::Hover hover(lsp::Range(sourceMgr, hoverRange));
llvm::raw_string_ostream hoverOS(hover.contents.value);
hoverOS << "**" << typeName << "**: `" << decl->getName().getName()
<< "`\n***\n";
ArrayRef<ast::VariableDecl *> inputs = decl->getInputs();
if (!inputs.empty()) {
hoverOS << "Parameters:\n";
for (const ast::VariableDecl *input : inputs)
hoverOS << "* " << input->getName().getName() << ": `"
<< input->getType() << "`\n";
hoverOS << "***\n";
ast::Type resultType = decl->getResultType();
if (auto resultTupleTy = resultType.dyn_cast<ast::TupleType>()) {
if (resultTupleTy.empty())
return hover;
hoverOS << "Results:\n";
for (auto it : llvm::zip(resultTupleTy.getElementNames(),
resultTupleTy.getElementTypes())) {
StringRef name = std::get<0>(it);
hoverOS << "* " << (name.empty() ? "" : (name + ": ")) << "`"
<< std::get<1>(it) << "`\n";
} else {
hoverOS << "Results:\n* `" << resultType << "`\n";
hoverOS << "***\n";
return hover;
// PDLTextFileChunk
@ -371,6 +543,8 @@ public:
std::vector<lsp::Location> &locations);
void findReferencesOf(const lsp::URIForFile &uri, lsp::Position pos,
std::vector<lsp::Location> &references);
Optional<lsp::Hover> findHover(const lsp::URIForFile &uri,
lsp::Position hoverPos);
/// Find the PDL document that contains the given position, and update the
@ -458,6 +632,17 @@ void PDLTextFile::findReferencesOf(const lsp::URIForFile &uri,
Optional<lsp::Hover> PDLTextFile::findHover(const lsp::URIForFile &uri,
lsp::Position hoverPos) {
PDLTextFileChunk &chunk = getChunkFor(hoverPos);
Optional<lsp::Hover> hoverInfo = chunk.document.findHover(uri, hoverPos);
// Adjust any locations within this file for the offset of this chunk.
if (chunk.lineOffset != 0 && hoverInfo && hoverInfo->range)
return hoverInfo;
PDLTextFileChunk &PDLTextFile::getChunkFor(lsp::Position &pos) {
if (chunks.size() == 1)
return *chunks.front();
@ -521,3 +706,11 @@ void lsp::PDLLServer::findReferencesOf(const URIForFile &uri,
if (fileIt != impl->files.end())
fileIt->second->findReferencesOf(uri, pos, references);
Optional<lsp::Hover> lsp::PDLLServer::findHover(const URIForFile &uri,
const Position &hoverPos) {
auto fileIt = impl->files.find(uri.file());
if (fileIt != impl->files.end())
return fileIt->second->findHover(uri, hoverPos);
return llvm::None;

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
namespace mlir {
namespace lsp {
struct Diagnostic;
struct Hover;
struct Location;
struct Position;
class URIForFile;
@ -47,6 +48,10 @@ public:
void findReferencesOf(const URIForFile &uri, const Position &pos,
std::vector<Location> &references);
/// Find a hover description for the given hover position, or None if one
/// couldn't be found.
Optional<Hover> findHover(const URIForFile &uri, const Position &hoverPos);
struct Impl;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
// RUN: mlir-pdll-lsp-server -lit-test < %s | FileCheck %s
// -----
"text":"Constraint FooCst();\nRewrite FooRewrite(op: Op) -> Op;\nPattern Foo {\nlet root: Op;\nerase root;\n}"
// -----
// Hover on a variable.
// CHECK: "id": 1,
// CHECK-NEXT: "jsonrpc": "2.0",
// CHECK-NEXT: "result": {
// CHECK-NEXT: "contents": {
// CHECK-NEXT: "kind": "markdown",
// CHECK-NEXT: "value": "**Variable**: `root`\n***\nType: `Op`\n"
// CHECK-NEXT: "range": {
// CHECK-NEXT: "end": {
// CHECK-NEXT: "character": 8,
// CHECK-NEXT: "line": 3
// CHECK-NEXT: "start": {
// CHECK-NEXT: "character": 4,
// CHECK-NEXT: "line": 3
// -----
// Hover on a pattern.
// CHECK: "id": 1,
// CHECK-NEXT: "jsonrpc": "2.0",
// CHECK-NEXT: "result": {
// CHECK-NEXT: "contents": {
// CHECK-NEXT: "kind": "markdown",
// CHECK-NEXT: "value": "**Pattern**: `Foo`\n***\nRootOp: `Op`\n"
// CHECK-NEXT: "range": {
// CHECK-NEXT: "end": {
// CHECK-NEXT: "character": 11,
// CHECK-NEXT: "line": 2
// CHECK-NEXT: "start": {
// CHECK-NEXT: "character": 8,
// CHECK-NEXT: "line": 2
// -----
// Hover on a core constraint.
// CHECK: "id": 1,
// CHECK-NEXT: "jsonrpc": "2.0",
// CHECK-NEXT: "result": {
// CHECK-NEXT: "contents": {
// CHECK-NEXT: "kind": "markdown",
// CHECK-NEXT: "value": "**Constraint**: `Op`\n"
// CHECK-NEXT: "range": {
// CHECK-NEXT: "end": {
// CHECK-NEXT: "character": 12,
// CHECK-NEXT: "line": 3
// CHECK-NEXT: "start": {
// CHECK-NEXT: "character": 10,
// CHECK-NEXT: "line": 3
// -----
// Hover on a user constraint.
// CHECK: "id": 1,
// CHECK-NEXT: "jsonrpc": "2.0",
// CHECK-NEXT: "result": {
// CHECK-NEXT: "contents": {
// CHECK-NEXT: "kind": "markdown",
// CHECK-NEXT: "value": "**Constraint**: `FooCst`\n***\n"
// CHECK-NEXT: "range": {
// CHECK-NEXT: "end": {
// CHECK-NEXT: "character": 17,
// CHECK-NEXT: "line": 0
// CHECK-NEXT: "start": {
// CHECK-NEXT: "character": 11,
// CHECK-NEXT: "line": 0
// -----
// Hover on a user rewrite.
// CHECK: "id": 1,
// CHECK-NEXT: "jsonrpc": "2.0",
// CHECK-NEXT: "result": {
// CHECK-NEXT: "contents": {
// CHECK-NEXT: "kind": "markdown",
// CHECK-NEXT: "value": "**Rewrite**: `FooRewrite`\n***\nParameters:\n* op: `Op`\n***\nResults:\n* `Op`\n***\n"
// CHECK-NEXT: "range": {
// CHECK-NEXT: "end": {
// CHECK-NEXT: "character": 18,
// CHECK-NEXT: "line": 1
// CHECK-NEXT: "start": {
// CHECK-NEXT: "character": 8,
// CHECK-NEXT: "line": 1
// -----
// -----

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
// CHECK-NEXT: "result": {
// CHECK-NEXT: "capabilities": {
// CHECK-NEXT: "definitionProvider": true,
// CHECK-NEXT: "hoverProvider": true,
// CHECK-NEXT: "referencesProvider": true,
// CHECK-NEXT: "textDocumentSync": {
// CHECK-NEXT: "change": 1,