Update git-llvm script to push to GitHub

Note: This patch should not be pushed until SVN has become read-only.
It should be the first patch committed directly to GitHub.

This patch updates git-llvm to check for merge commits and then push
changes to GitHub if none are found.  All logic related to SVN has been

Reviewers: jyknight

Subscribers: lenary, llvm-commits

Tags: #llvm

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D67772
This commit is contained in:
Tom Stellard 2019-10-22 09:19:39 -07:00
parent 186155b89c
commit 3bf7fddeb0
1 changed files with 66 additions and 422 deletions

View File

@ -13,6 +13,17 @@ git-llvm integration
This file provides integration for git.
The git llvm push sub-command can be used to push changes to GitHub. It is
designed to be a thin wrapper around git, and its main purpose is to
detect and prevent merge commits from being pushed to the main repository.
git-llvm push <upstream-branch>
This will push changes from the current HEAD to the branch <upstream-branch>.
from __future__ import print_function
@ -24,6 +35,8 @@ import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import getpass
import github
assert sys.version_info >= (2, 7)
@ -78,6 +91,10 @@ VERBOSE = False
QUIET = False
dev_null_fd = None
GIT_ORG = 'llvm'
GIT_REPO = 'llvm-project'
GIT_URL = 'github.com/{}/{}.git'.format(GIT_ORG, GIT_REPO)
def eprint(*args, **kwargs):
print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
@ -115,14 +132,6 @@ def ask_confirm(prompt):
return query.lower() == 'y'
def split_first_path_component(d):
# Assuming we have a git path, it'll use slashes even on windows...I hope.
if '/' in d:
return d.split('/', 1)
return (d, None)
def get_dev_null():
"""Lazily create a /dev/null fd for use in shell()"""
global dev_null_fd
@ -132,7 +141,7 @@ def get_dev_null():
def shell(cmd, strip=True, cwd=None, stdin=None, die_on_failure=True,
ignore_errors=False, text=True):
ignore_errors=False, text=True, print_raw_stderr=False):
# Escape args when logging for easy repro.
quoted_cmd = [quote(arg) for arg in cmd]
log_verbose('Running in %s: %s' % (cwd, ' '.join(quoted_cmd)))
@ -153,6 +162,7 @@ def shell(cmd, strip=True, cwd=None, stdin=None, die_on_failure=True,
if p.returncode == 0 or ignore_errors:
if stderr and not ignore_errors:
if not print_raw_stderr:
eprint('`%s` printed to stderr:' % ' '.join(quoted_cmd))
if strip:
@ -190,284 +200,58 @@ def program_exists(cmd):
return False
def get_default_rev_range():
# Get the newest common ancestor between HEAD and our upstream branch.
upstream_rev = git('merge-base', 'HEAD', '@{upstream}', ignore_errors=True)
if not upstream_rev:
eprint("Warning: git-llvm assumes that origin/master is the upstream "
"branch but git does not.")
eprint("To make this warning go away: git branch -u origin/master")
eprint("To avoid this warning when creating branches: "
"git checkout -b MyBranchName origin/master")
upstream_rev = git('merge-base', 'HEAD', 'origin/master')
return '%s..' % upstream_rev
def get_fetch_url():
return 'https://{}'.format(GIT_URL)
def get_revs_to_push(rev_range):
if not rev_range:
rev_range = get_default_rev_range()
# Use git show rather than some plumbing command to figure out which revs
# are in rev_range because it handles single revs (HEAD^) and ranges
# (foo..bar) like we want.
return git('show', '--reverse', '--quiet',
'--pretty=%h', rev_range).splitlines()
def get_push_url(user='', token='', ssh=False):
if ssh:
return 'ssh://{}'.format(GIT_URL)
return 'https://{}@{}'.format(token, GIT_URL)
def clean_svn(svn_repo):
svn(svn_repo, 'revert', '-R', '.')
def get_revs_to_push(branch):
# Fetch the latest upstream to determine which commits will be pushed.
git('fetch', get_fetch_url(), branch)
# Unfortunately it appears there's no svn equivalent for git clean, so we
# have to do it ourselves.
for line in svn(svn_repo, 'status', '--no-ignore').split('\n'):
if not line.startswith('?'):
filename = line[1:].strip()
filepath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(svn_repo, filename))
abs_svn_repo = os.path.abspath(svn_repo)
# Safety check that the directory we are about to delete is
# actually within our svn staging dir.
if not filepath.startswith(abs_svn_repo):
die("Path to clean (%s) is not in svn staging dir (%s)"
% (filepath, abs_svn_repo))
if os.path.isdir(filepath):
commits = git('rev-list', '--ancestry-path', 'FETCH_HEAD..HEAD').splitlines()
# Reverse the order so we commit the oldest commit first
return commits
def svn_init(svn_root):
if not os.path.exists(svn_root):
log('Creating svn staging directory: (%s)' % (svn_root))
svn(svn_root, 'checkout', '--depth=empty',
'https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/', '.')
log("svn staging area ready in '%s'" % svn_root)
if not os.path.isdir(svn_root):
die("Can't initialize svn staging dir (%s)" % svn_root)
def git_push_one_rev(rev, dry_run, branch, github_ctx, github_token):
# Check if this a merge commit by counting the number of parent commits.
# More than 1 parent commmit means this is a merge.
num_parents = len(git('show', '--no-patch', '--format="%P"', rev).split())
if num_parents > 1:
raise Exception("Merge commit detected, cannot push ", rev)
def fix_eol_style_native(rev, svn_sr_path, files):
"""Fix line endings before applying patches with Unix endings
if num_parents != 1:
raise Exception("Error detecting number of parents for ", rev)
SVN on Windows will check out files with CRLF for files with the
svn:eol-style property set to "native". This breaks `git apply`, which
typically works with Unix-line ending patches. Work around the problem here
by doing a dos2unix up front for files with svn:eol-style set to "native".
SVN will not commit a mass line ending re-doing because it detects the line
ending format for files with this property.
# Skip files that don't exist in SVN yet.
files = [f for f in files if os.path.exists(os.path.join(svn_sr_path, f))]
# Use ignore_errors because 'svn propget' prints errors if the file doesn't
# have the named property. There doesn't seem to be a way to suppress that.
eol_props = svn(svn_sr_path, 'propget', 'svn:eol-style', *files,
crlf_files = []
if len(files) == 1:
# No need to split propget output on ' - ' when we have one file.
if eol_props.strip() in ['native', 'CRLF']:
crlf_files = files
for eol_prop in eol_props.split('\n'):
# Remove spare CR.
eol_prop = eol_prop.strip('\r')
if not eol_prop:
prop_parts = eol_prop.rsplit(' - ', 1)
if len(prop_parts) != 2:
eprint("unable to parse svn propget line:")
(f, eol_style) = prop_parts
if eol_style == 'native':
if crlf_files:
# Reformat all files with native SVN line endings to Unix format. SVN
# knows files with native line endings are text files. It will commit
# just the diff, and not a mass line ending change.
shell(['dos2unix'] + crlf_files, ignore_errors=True, cwd=svn_sr_path)
if dry_run:
print("[DryRun] Would push", rev)
def split_subrepo(f, git_to_svn_mapping):
# Given a path, splits it into (subproject, rest-of-path). If the path is
# not in a subproject, returns ('', full-path).
subproject, remainder = split_first_path_component(f)
if subproject in git_to_svn_mapping:
return subproject, remainder
return '', f
def get_all_parent_dirs(name):
parts = []
head, tail = os.path.split(name)
while head:
head, tail = os.path.split(head)
return parts
def svn_push_one_rev(svn_repo, rev, git_to_svn_mapping, dry_run):
def split_status(x):
x = x.split('\t')
return x[1], x[0]
files_status = [split_status(x) for x in
git('diff-tree', '--no-commit-id', '--name-status',
'--no-renames', '-r', rev).split('\n')]
if not files_status:
raise RuntimeError('Empty diff for rev %s?' % rev)
# Split files by subrepo
subrepo_files = collections.defaultdict(list)
for f, st in files_status:
subrepo, remainder = split_subrepo(f, git_to_svn_mapping)
subrepo_files[subrepo].append((remainder, st))
status = svn(svn_repo, 'status', '--no-ignore')
if status:
die("Can't push git rev %s because status in svn staging dir (%s) is "
"not empty:\n%s" % (rev, svn_repo, status))
svn_dirs_to_update = set()
for sr, files_status in iteritems(subrepo_files):
svn_sr_path = git_to_svn_mapping[sr]
for f, _ in files_status:
os.path.dirname(os.path.join(svn_sr_path, f)))
# We also need to svn update any parent directories which are not yet
# present
parent_dirs = set()
for dir in svn_dirs_to_update:
parent_dirs = set(dir for dir in parent_dirs
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(svn_repo, dir)))
# Sort by length to ensure that the parent directories are passed to svn
# before child directories.
sorted_dirs_to_update = sorted(svn_dirs_to_update, key=len)
# SVN update only in the affected directories.
svn(svn_repo, 'update', '--depth=files', *sorted_dirs_to_update)
for sr, files_status in iteritems(subrepo_files):
svn_sr_path = os.path.join(svn_repo, git_to_svn_mapping[sr])
if os.name == 'nt':
fix_eol_style_native(rev, svn_sr_path,
[f for f, _ in files_status])
# We use text=False (and pass '--binary') so that we can get an exact
# diff that can be passed as-is to 'git apply' without any line ending,
# encoding, or other mangling.
diff = git('show', '--binary', rev, '--',
*(os.path.join(sr, f) for f, _ in files_status),
strip=False, text=False)
# git is the only thing that can handle its own patches...
if sr == '':
prefix_strip = '-p1'
prefix_strip = '-p2'
shell(['git', 'apply', prefix_strip, '-'], cwd=svn_sr_path,
stdin=diff, die_on_failure=False, text=False)
except RuntimeError as e:
eprint("Patch doesn't apply: maybe you should try `git pull -r` "
# Handle removed files and directories. We need to be careful not to
# remove directories just because they _look_ empty in the svn tree, as
# we might be missing sibling directories in the working copy. So, only
# remove parent directories if they're empty on both the git and svn
# sides.
maybe_dirs_to_remove = set()
for f, st in files_status:
if st == 'D':
svn(svn_sr_path, 'remove', f)
elif not (st == 'A' or st == 'M' or st == 'T'):
# Add is handled below, and nothing needs to be done for Modify.
# (FIXME: Type-change between symlink and file might need some
# special handling, but let's ignore that for now.)
die("Unexpected git status for %r: %r" % (f, st))
maybe_dirs_to_remove = sorted(maybe_dirs_to_remove, key=len)
for f in maybe_dirs_to_remove:
if(not os.path.exists(os.path.join(svn_sr_path, f)) and
git('ls-tree', '-d', rev, os.path.join(sr, f)) == ''):
svn(svn_sr_path, 'remove', f)
status_lines = svn(svn_repo, 'status', '--no-ignore').split('\n')
for l in status_lines:
f = l[1:].strip()
if l.startswith('?') or l.startswith('I'):
svn(svn_repo, 'add', '--no-ignore', f)
# Now we're ready to commit.
commit_msg = git('show', '--pretty=%B', '--quiet', rev)
if not dry_run:
commit_args = ['commit', '-m', commit_msg]
if '--force-interactive' in svn(svn_repo, 'commit', '--help'):
log(svn(svn_repo, *commit_args))
log('Committed %s to svn.' % rev)
log("Would have committed %s to svn, if this weren't a dry run." % rev)
# Second push to actually push the commit
git('push', get_push_url(token = github_token), '{}:{}'.format(rev, branch), print_raw_stderr=True)
def cmd_push(args):
'''Push changes back to SVN: this is extracted from Justin Lebar's script
available here: https://github.com/jlebar/llvm-repo-tools/
Note: a current limitation is that git does not track file rename, so they
will show up in SVN as delete+add.
# Get the git root
git_root = git('rev-parse', '--show-toplevel')
if not os.path.isdir(git_root):
die("Can't find git root dir")
# Push from the root of the git repo
# Get the remote URL, and check if it's one of the standalone repos.
git_remote_url = git('ls-remote', '--get-url', 'origin')
git_remote_url = git_remote_url.rstrip('.git').rstrip('/')
git_remote_repo_name = git_remote_url.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
split_repo_path = SPLIT_REPO_NAMES.get(git_remote_repo_name)
if split_repo_path:
git_to_svn_mapping = {'': split_repo_path}
# Default to the monorepo mapping
git_to_svn_mapping = LLVM_MONOREPO_SVN_MAPPING
# We need a staging area for SVN, let's hide it in the .git directory.
dot_git_dir = git('rev-parse', '--git-common-dir')
# Not all versions of git support --git-common-dir and just print the
# unknown command back. If this happens, fall back to --git-dir
if dot_git_dir == '--git-common-dir':
dot_git_dir = git('rev-parse', '--git-dir')
svn_root = os.path.join(dot_git_dir, 'llvm-upstream-svn')
rev_range = args.rev_range
'''Push changes to git:'''
dry_run = args.dry_run
revs = get_revs_to_push(rev_range)
if not args.force and not revs:
die('Nothing to push: No revs in range %s.' % rev_range)
revs = get_revs_to_push(args.branch)
log('%sPushing %d %s commit%s:\n%s' %
if not revs:
die('Nothing to push')
log('%sPushing %d commit%s:\n%s' %
('[DryRun] ' if dry_run else '', len(revs),
'split-repo (%s)' % split_repo_path
if split_repo_path else 'monorepo',
's' if len(revs) != 1 else '',
'\n'.join(' ' + git('show', '--oneline', '--quiet', c)
for c in revs)))
@ -477,132 +261,18 @@ def cmd_push(args):
if not ask_confirm("Are you sure you want to create %d commits?" % len(revs)):
# FIXME: I'm really trying to avoid prompting twice for the password, the only
# way I can see to do that is require an authentication token instead of a
# password, because you can embedded authentication tokens into the URL.
github_token = getpass.getpass("Auth token for https://github.com':")
g = github.Github(github_token)
for r in revs:
svn_push_one_rev(svn_root, r, git_to_svn_mapping, dry_run)
def lookup_llvm_svn_id(git_commit_hash):
# Use --format=%b to get the raw commit message, without any extra
# whitespace.
commit_msg = git('log', '-1', '--format=%b', git_commit_hash,
if len(commit_msg) == 0:
die("Can't find git commit " + git_commit_hash)
# If a commit has multiple "llvm-svn:" lines (e.g. if the commit is
# reverting/quoting a previous commit), choose the last one, which should
# be the authoritative one.
svn_match_iter = re.finditer('^llvm-svn: (\d{5,7})$', commit_msg,
svn_match = None
for m in svn_match_iter:
svn_match = m.group(1)
if svn_match:
return int(svn_match)
die("Can't find svn revision in git commit " + git_commit_hash)
def cmd_svn_lookup(args):
'''Find the SVN revision id for a given git commit hash.
This is identified by 'llvm-svn: NNNNNN' in the git commit message.'''
# Get the git root
git_root = git('rev-parse', '--show-toplevel')
if not os.path.isdir(git_root):
die("Can't find git root dir")
# Run commands from the root
log('r' + str(lookup_llvm_svn_id(args.git_commit_hash)))
def git_hash_by_svn_rev(svn_rev):
'''Find the git hash for a given svn revision.
This check is paranoid: 'llvm-svn: NNNNNN' could exist on its own line
somewhere else in the commit message. Look in the full log message to see
if it's actually on the last line.
Since this check is expensive (we're searching every single commit), limit
to the past 10k commits (about 5 months).
possible_hashes = git(
'log', '--format=%H', '--grep', '^llvm-svn: %d$' % svn_rev,
matching_hashes = [h for h in possible_hashes
if lookup_llvm_svn_id(h) == svn_rev]
if len(matching_hashes) > 1:
die("svn revision r%d has ambiguous commits: %s" % (
svn_rev, ', '.join(matching_hashes)))
elif len(matching_hashes) < 1:
die("svn revision r%d matches no commits" % svn_rev)
return matching_hashes[0]
def cmd_revert(args):
'''Revert a commit by either SVN id (rNNNNNN) or git hash. This also
populates the git commit message with both the SVN revision and git hash of
the change being reverted.'''
# Get the git root
git_root = git('rev-parse', '--show-toplevel')
if not os.path.isdir(git_root):
die("Can't find git root dir")
# Run commands from the root
# Check for a client branch first.
open_files = git('status', '-uno', '-s', '--porcelain')
if len(open_files) > 0:
die("Found open files. Please stash and then revert.\n" + open_files)
# If the revision looks like rNNNNNN (or with a callsign, e.g. rLLDNNNNNN),
# use that. Otherwise, look for it in the git commit.
svn_match = re.match('^r[A-Z]*(\d{5,7})$', args.revision)
if svn_match:
# If the revision looks like rNNNNNN, use that as the svn revision, and
# grep through git commits to find which one corresponds to that svn
# revision.
svn_rev = int(svn_match.group(1))
git_hash = git_hash_by_svn_rev(svn_rev)
# Otherwise, this looks like a git hash, so we just need to grab the
# svn revision from the end of the commit message. Get the actual git
# hash in case the revision is something like "HEAD~1"
git_hash = git('rev-parse', '--verify', args.revision + '^{commit}')
svn_rev = lookup_llvm_svn_id(git_hash)
msg = git('log', '-1', '--format=%s', git_hash)
log_verbose('Ready to revert r%d (%s): "%s"' % (svn_rev, git_hash, msg))
revert_args = ['revert', '--no-commit', git_hash]
# TODO: Running --edit doesn't seem to work, with errors that stdin is not
# a tty.
commit_args = [
'commit', '-m', 'Revert ' + msg,
'-m', 'This reverts r%d (git commit %s)' % (svn_rev, git_hash)]
if args.dry_run:
log("Would have run the following commands, if this weren't a"
"dry run:\n"
'1) git %s\n2) git %s' % (
' '.join(quote(arg) for arg in revert_args),
' '.join(quote(arg) for arg in commit_args)))
commit_log = git(*commit_args)
log('Created revert of r%d: %s' % (svn_rev, commit_log))
log("Run 'git llvm push -n' to inspect your changes and "
"run 'git llvm push' when ready")
git_push_one_rev(r, dry_run, args.branch, g, github_token)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if not program_exists('svn'):
die('error: git-llvm needs svn command, but svn is not installed.')
if not program_exists('git'):
die('error: git-llvm needs git command, but git is not installed.')
argv = sys.argv[1:]
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(
@ -634,40 +304,14 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
help='Do not ask for confirmation when pushing multiple commits.')
help="revs to push (default: everything not in the branch's "
'upstream, or not in origin/master if the branch lacks '
'an explicit upstream)')
help="branch to push (default: everything not in the branch's "
parser_revert = subcommands.add_parser(
'revert', description=cmd_revert.__doc__,
help='Revert a commit locally.')
help='Revision to revert. Can either be an SVN revision number '
"(rNNNNNN) or a git commit hash (anything that doesn't look "
'like an SVN revision number).')
help='Do everything other than perform a revert. Prints the git '
'revert command it would have run.')
parser_svn_lookup = subcommands.add_parser(
'svn-lookup', description=cmd_svn_lookup.__doc__,
help='Find the llvm-svn revision for a given commit.')
help='git_commit_hash for which we will look up the svn revision id.')
args = p.parse_args(argv)
VERBOSE = args.verbose
QUIET = args.quiet