forked from OSchip/llvm-project
[mlir][sparse] support affine expression on sparse dimensions (analysis implementation)
Reviewed By: aartbik Differential Revision:
This commit is contained in:
@ -148,14 +148,29 @@ struct LatPoint {
/// independently from the basic algorithm if bottlenecks are identified.
class Merger {
/// Constructs a merger for the given number of tensors and loops. The
/// user supplies the number of tensors involved in the kernel, with the
/// last tensor in this set denoting the output tensor. The merger adds an
/// additional synthetic tensor at the end of this set to represent all
/// invariant expressions in the kernel.
Merger(unsigned t, unsigned l)
: outTensor(t - 1), syntheticTensor(t), numTensors(t + 1), numLoops(l),
/// Constructs a merger for the given number of tensors, native loops, and
/// filter loops. The user supplies the number of tensors involved in the
/// kernel, with the last tensor in this set denoting the output tensor. The
/// merger adds an additional synthetic tensor at the end of this set to
/// represent all invariant expressions in the kernel.
/// In addition to natives
/// loops (which are specified by the GenericOp), extra filter loops are
/// needed in order to handle affine expressions on sparse dimensions.
/// E.g., (d0, d1, d2) => (d0 + d1, d2), a naive implementation of the filter
/// loop could be generated as:
/// for (coord : sparse_dim[0])
/// if (coord == d0 + d1) {
/// generated_code;
/// }
/// }
/// to filter out coordinates that are not equal to the affine expression
/// result.
/// TODO: we want to make the filter loop more efficient in the future, e.g.,
/// by avoiding scanning the full stored index sparse (keeping the last
/// position in ordered list) or even apply binary search to find the index.
Merger(unsigned t, unsigned l, unsigned fl)
: outTensor(t - 1), syntheticTensor(t), numTensors(t + 1),
numNativeLoops(l), numLoops(l + fl), hasSparseOut(false),
std::vector<DimLevelType>(numLoops, DimLevelType::Undef)),
@ -231,6 +246,15 @@ public:
/// Bit translation (get loop index).
unsigned index(unsigned b) const { return b / numTensors; }
/// Get the number of total loops (native loops + filter loops).
unsigned getNumLoops() const { return numLoops; }
/// Get the number of native loops.
unsigned getNumNativeLoops() const { return numNativeLoops; }
/// Get the number of filter loops.
unsigned getNumFilterLoops() const { return numLoops - numNativeLoops; }
/// Get the starting filter loop index.
unsigned getFilterLoopStartingIdx() const { return getNumNativeLoops(); }
/// Returns true if bit corresponds to index of output tensor.
bool isOutTensor(unsigned b, unsigned i) const {
return tensor(b) == outTensor && index(b) == i;
@ -242,6 +266,11 @@ public:
/// expressions).
unsigned getSynTensorID() const { return syntheticTensor; }
bool isFilterLoop(unsigned ldx) const {
assert(ldx < numLoops);
return ldx >= numNativeLoops;
/// Returns true if given tensor iterates *only* in the given tensor
/// expression. For the output tensor, this defines a "simply dynamic"
/// operation [Bik96]. For instance: a(i) *= 2.0 or a(i) += a(i) for
@ -345,6 +374,7 @@ private:
const unsigned outTensor;
const unsigned syntheticTensor;
const unsigned numTensors;
const unsigned numNativeLoops;
const unsigned numLoops;
bool hasSparseOut;
// Map that converts pair<tensor id, loop id> to the corresponding dimension
@ -329,6 +329,12 @@ Operation *SparseTensorLoopEmitter::enterLoopOverTensorAtDim(
return loop;
Operation *SparseTensorLoopEmitter::enterFilterLoopOverTensorAtDim(
OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, size_t tid, size_t dim, AffineExpr affine,
MutableArrayRef<Value> reduc) {
llvm_unreachable("need to be implemented");
void SparseTensorLoopEmitter::genDenseAffineAddressAtCurLevel(
OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, size_t tid, size_t dim,
AffineExpr affine) {
@ -406,6 +406,11 @@ public:
ArrayRef<size_t> extraTids = {},
ArrayRef<size_t> extraDims = {});
Operation *enterFilterLoopOverTensorAtDim(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
size_t tid, size_t dim,
AffineExpr affine,
MutableArrayRef<Value> reduc = {});
void genDenseAffineAddressAtCurLevel(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
size_t tid, size_t dim,
AffineExpr affine);
@ -155,8 +155,11 @@ static AffineMap permute(MLIRContext *context, AffineMap m,
/// Helper method to inspect affine expressions. Rejects cases where the
/// same index is used more than once. Also rejects compound affine
/// expressions in sparse dimensions.
/// filterIdx stores the current filter loop idx should be used for the next
/// compound affine sparse level, and it will be incremented by one when
/// used.
static bool findAffine(Merger &merger, unsigned tensor, unsigned dim,
AffineExpr a, DimLevelType dlt,
AffineExpr a, DimLevelType dlt, unsigned &filterLdx,
bool setLvlFormat = true) {
switch (a.getKind()) {
case AffineExprKind::DimId: {
@ -169,22 +172,68 @@ static bool findAffine(Merger &merger, unsigned tensor, unsigned dim,
return true;
case AffineExprKind::Add:
case AffineExprKind::Mul: {
if (!isDenseDLT(dlt))
return false; // compound only in dense dim
auto binOp = a.cast<AffineBinaryOpExpr>();
// We do not set dim level format for affine expresssion like d0 + d1 on
// both loop index at d0 and d1,
return findAffine(merger, tensor, dim, binOp.getLHS(), dlt, false) &&
findAffine(merger, tensor, dim, binOp.getRHS(), dlt, false);
case AffineExprKind::Mul:
case AffineExprKind::Constant: {
if (!isDenseDLT(dlt) && setLvlFormat) {
assert(isUndefDLT(merger.getDimLevelType(tensor, filterLdx)));
// Use a filter loop for sparse affine expression.
merger.setDimAndDimLevelType(tensor, filterLdx++, dim, dlt);
if (auto binOp = a.dyn_cast<AffineBinaryOpExpr>()) {
// We do not set dim level format for affine expresssion like d0 + d1 on
// either loop index at d0 or d1.
// We continue the recursion merely to check whether current affine is
// admissible or not.
return findAffine(merger, tensor, dim, binOp.getLHS(), dlt, filterLdx,
false) &&
findAffine(merger, tensor, dim, binOp.getRHS(), dlt, filterLdx,
// Falls through when it is a constant Affine
return true;
case AffineExprKind::Constant:
return isDenseDLT(dlt); // const only in dense dim
return false;
/// Get the total number of compound affine expressions in affineMap that are
/// attached to the given tensor. For the following inputs:
/// affineMap = (d0, d1, d2) => (d0 + d1, d2)
/// tensor = ["compressed", "compressed"]
/// Returns 1 (because the first level is compressed and its corresponding
/// affineMap is d0 + d1)
static unsigned getNumCompoundAffineOnSparseDims(AffineMap affineMap,
Value tensor) {
unsigned num = 0;
auto enc = getSparseTensorEncoding(tensor.getType());
if (enc) {
ArrayRef<AffineExpr> exps = affineMap.getResults();
for (unsigned rank = 0; rank < exps.size(); rank++) {
auto aidx = toOrigDim(enc, rank);
auto affine = exps[aidx];
if (!affine.isa<AffineDimExpr>())
if (!isDenseDLT(getDimLevelType(enc, rank)))
return num;
/// Get the total number of compound affine expressions attached on a sparse
/// level in the given GenericOp.
static unsigned getNumCompoundAffineOnSparseDims(linalg::GenericOp op) {
unsigned num = 0;
for (OpOperand &t : op->getOpOperands())
num += getNumCompoundAffineOnSparseDims(op.getMatchingIndexingMap(&t),
return num;
/// Helper method to inspect sparse encodings in the tensor types.
/// Fills the per-dimension sparsity information for all tensors.
/// Returns true if the sparse annotations and affine subscript
@ -192,19 +241,22 @@ static bool findAffine(Merger &merger, unsigned tensor, unsigned dim,
/// no annotations are found or inadmissible constructs occur.
static bool findSparseAnnotations(Merger &merger, linalg::GenericOp op) {
bool annotated = false;
unsigned filterLdx = merger.getFilterLoopStartingIdx();
for (OpOperand &t : op->getOpOperands()) {
auto map = op.getMatchingIndexingMap(&t);
auto enc = getSparseTensorEncoding(t.get().getType());
if (enc)
annotated = true;
assert(map.getNumResults() == op.getRank(&t));
for (unsigned d = 0, rank = map.getNumResults(); d < rank; d++) {
unsigned tensor = t.getOperandNumber();
AffineExpr a = map.getResult(toOrigDim(enc, d));
if (!findAffine(merger, tensor, d, a, getDimLevelType(enc, d)))
if (!findAffine(merger, tensor, d, a, getDimLevelType(enc, d), filterLdx))
return false; // inadmissible affine expression
assert(filterLdx == merger.getNumLoops());
return annotated;
@ -214,34 +266,58 @@ static bool findSparseAnnotations(Merger &merger, linalg::GenericOp op) {
/// latest possible index.
static bool topSortOptimal(unsigned n,
ArrayRef<utils::IteratorType> iteratorTypes,
std::vector<unsigned> &topSort,
const Merger &merger, std::vector<unsigned> &topSort,
std::vector<unsigned> &inDegree,
std::vector<std::vector<bool>> &adjM) {
std::vector<unsigned> redIt; // reduce iterator with 0 degree
std::vector<unsigned> parIt; // parallel iterator with 0 degree
std::vector<unsigned> redIt; // reduce iterator with 0 degree
std::vector<unsigned> parIt; // parallel iterator with 0 degree
std::vector<unsigned> filterIt; // filter loop with 0 degree
for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (inDegree[i] == 0) {
if (linalg::isReductionIterator(iteratorTypes[i]))
if (merger.isFilterLoop(i))
else if (linalg::isReductionIterator(iteratorTypes[i]))
while (!redIt.empty() || !parIt.empty()) {
// We always choose parallel iterator if there is any.
auto &it = !parIt.empty() ? parIt : redIt;
while (!redIt.empty() || !parIt.empty() || !filterIt.empty()) {
// We always choose in order of filter loop -> parallel loop -> reduction
// loop because
// 1. Putting reduction loop early might make the loop sequence
// inadmissible.
// 2. Filter loops should be put as early as possible for better
// performance, since only one (if any) iteration will carry the
// computation. E.g., for (1 to N)
// for (1 to M)
// for (1 to K)
// if (xxx)
// O(X) computation => O(NMK+NMX) time complexity
// By putting the filter loop one level up, we got
// for (1 to N)
// for (1 to K)
// if (xxx)
// for (1 to M)
// O(X) computation => O(NK+NMX) time complexity
auto &it = !filterIt.empty() ? filterIt : (!parIt.empty() ? parIt : redIt);
auto src = it.back();
// Update in-degree, and push 0-degree node into worklist.
for (unsigned dst = 0; dst < n; dst++)
for (unsigned dst = 0; dst < n; dst++) {
if (adjM[src][dst] && --inDegree[dst] == 0) {
if (linalg::isReductionIterator(iteratorTypes[dst]))
if (merger.isFilterLoop(dst))
else if (linalg::isReductionIterator(iteratorTypes[dst]))
return topSort.size() == n;
@ -340,7 +416,7 @@ static bool computeIterationGraph(Merger &merger, linalg::GenericOp op,
OpOperand *skip = nullptr) {
// Set up an n x n from/to adjacency matrix of the iteration graph
// for the implicit loop indices i_0 .. i_n-1.
unsigned n = op.getNumLoops();
unsigned n = merger.getNumLoops();
std::vector<std::vector<bool>> adjM(n, std::vector<bool>(n, false));
std::vector<unsigned> inDegree(n, 0); // in-degree of each node.
auto iteratorTypes = op.getIteratorTypesArray();
@ -352,7 +428,7 @@ static bool computeIterationGraph(Merger &merger, linalg::GenericOp op,
// Get map and encoding.
auto map = op.getMatchingIndexingMap(&t);
auto enc = getSparseTensorEncoding(t.get().getType());
assert(map.getNumDims() == n);
assert(map.getNumDims() + getNumCompoundAffineOnSparseDims(op) == n);
// Skip dense tensor constraints when not requested.
if (!(mask & SortMask::kIncludeDense) && !enc)
@ -364,6 +440,19 @@ static bool computeIterationGraph(Merger &merger, linalg::GenericOp op,
AffineExpr ta = map.getResult(toOrigDim(enc, d));
Optional<unsigned> tldx = merger.getLoopIdx(t.getOperandNumber(), d);
// Filter loops should be constructed after all the dependent loops,
// i.e., d0 + d1 < filter_loop(d0 + d1)
if (tldx && merger.isFilterLoop(tldx.value())) {
assert(!ta.isa<AffineDimExpr>() &&
!isDenseDLT(getDimLevelType(enc, d)));
addAffineOrderings(adjM, inDegree, ta, AffineExpr(), llvm::None, tldx);
// Now that the ordering of affine expression is captured by filter
// loop idx, we only need to ensure the affine ordering against filter
// loop. Thus, we reset the affine express to nil here to mark it as
// resolved.
ta = AffineExpr();
if (d > 0) {
AffineExpr fa = map.getResult(toOrigDim(enc, d - 1));
Optional<unsigned> fldx =
@ -377,6 +466,11 @@ static bool computeIterationGraph(Merger &merger, linalg::GenericOp op,
if (!(mask & SortMask::kIncludeDense))
tryLoosenAffineDenseConstraints(op, fldx, fa, tldx, ta);
// (d0 + d1) < (d2 + d3), or
// filter_loop_d-1 < (d2 + d3), or
// (d0 + d1) < filter_loop_d, or
// filter_loop_d-1 < filter_loop_d depending on whether fa/ta is reset
// above.
addAffineOrderings(adjM, inDegree, fa, ta, fldx, tldx);
@ -402,7 +496,7 @@ static bool computeIterationGraph(Merger &merger, linalg::GenericOp op,
// Report failure for a cyclic iteration graph.
return topSortOptimal(n, iteratorTypes, topSort, inDegree, adjM);
return topSortOptimal(n, iteratorTypes, merger, topSort, inDegree, adjM);
/// Returns true if tensor materializes uninitialized into the computation.
@ -430,9 +524,8 @@ static bool isAdmissibleTensorExp(Merger &merger, linalg::GenericOp op,
// An all-dense annotated "sparse" output tensor becomes a linearized random
// access 1-dim memref. Also admissible since insertions cannot occur.
bool allDense = true;
auto iteratorTypes = op.getIteratorTypesArray();
unsigned numLoops = iteratorTypes.size();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numLoops; i++)
unsigned numLoops = merger.getNumLoops(); // numNativeLoops + numFilterLoops
for (unsigned i = 0; i < merger.getNumLoops(); i++)
if (isCompressedDLT(merger.getDimLevelType(tensor, i)) ||
isSingletonDLT(merger.getDimLevelType(tensor, i))) {
allDense = false;
@ -443,19 +536,31 @@ static bool isAdmissibleTensorExp(Merger &merger, linalg::GenericOp op,
if (allDense)
return true;
// TODO: support compound affine expression on sparse output.
if (getNumCompoundAffineOnSparseDims(op.getMatchingIndexingMap(lhs),
lhs->get()) != 0)
return false;
// A tensor expression with a sparse output tensor that changes its values
// but not its nonzero structure, an operation called "simply dynamic" in
// [Bik96,Ch9], is also admissible without special codegen.
if (merger.isSingleCondition(tensor, exp))
return true;
// Accept "truly dynamic" if the output tensor materializes uninitialized
// into the computation and insertions occur in lexicographic index order.
if (isMaterializing(lhs->get())) {
auto iteratorTypes = op.getIteratorTypesArray();
unsigned nest = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numLoops; i++) {
if (linalg::isReductionIterator(iteratorTypes[topSort[i]]))
break; // terminate at first reduction
if (!merger.isFilterLoop(topSort[i])) {
// We only count non-filter loops as filter loops should be considered
// as a special type of parallel loops.
if (linalg::isReductionIterator(iteratorTypes[topSort[i]]))
break; // terminate at first reduction
// Determine admissible dynamic insertion situations:
// (1) fully injective, since there are no reductions,
@ -878,7 +983,14 @@ static void genInvariants(Merger &merger, CodeGen &codegen, OpBuilder &builder,
auto enc = getSparseTensorEncoding(t.get().getType());
for (unsigned d = 0, rank = map.getNumResults(); d < rank; d++) {
AffineExpr a = map.getResult(toOrigDim(enc, d));
if (!isInvariantAffine(codegen, a, ldx, atLevel))
Optional<unsigned> sldx = merger.getLoopIdx(t.getOperandNumber(), d);
if (sldx && merger.isFilterLoop(sldx.value())) {
if (!codegen.getLoopIdxValue(sldx.value()))
// The filter loops has not been constructed.
if (sldx.value() == ldx)
atLevel = true;
} else if (!isInvariantAffine(codegen, a, ldx, atLevel))
return; // still in play
// All exhausted at this level (atLevel denotes exactly at this level).
@ -1003,6 +1115,16 @@ static Operation *genFor(Merger &merger, CodeGen &codegen, OpBuilder &builder,
Operation *loop =
genLoopBoundary(codegen, merger, [&](MutableArrayRef<Value> reduc) {
if (merger.isFilterLoop(idx)) {
OpOperand *t = &op->getOpOperand(tid);
auto enc = getSparseTensorEncoding(t->get().getType());
// Retrieves the affine expression for the filter loop.
AffineExpr a =
op.getMatchingIndexingMap(t).getResult(toOrigDim(enc, dim));
return codegen.loopEmitter.enterFilterLoopOverTensorAtDim(
builder, loc, tid, dim, a, reduc);
return codegen.loopEmitter.enterLoopOverTensorAtDim(
builder, loc, tid, dim, reduc, isParallel, extraTids, extraDims);
@ -1488,7 +1610,8 @@ public:
return failure();
unsigned numTensors = op->getNumOperands();
unsigned numLoops = op.getNumLoops();
Merger merger(numTensors, numLoops);
unsigned numFilterLoops = getNumCompoundAffineOnSparseDims(op);
Merger merger(numTensors, numLoops, numFilterLoops);
if (!findSparseAnnotations(merger, op))
return failure();
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ class MergerTestBase : public ::testing::Test {
MergerTestBase(unsigned numTensors, unsigned numLoops)
: numTensors(numTensors), numLoops(numLoops),
merger(numTensors, numLoops) {}
merger(numTensors, numLoops, /*numFilterLoops=*/0) {}
/// Expression construction helpers.
Reference in New Issue