forked from OSchip/llvm-project
Remove <experimental/string_view>; use <string_view> instead. See
llvm-svn: 324290
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,811 +8,4 @@
string_view synopsis
namespace std {
namespace experimental {
inline namespace library_fundamentals_v1 {
// 7.2, Class template basic_string_view
template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>>
class basic_string_view;
// 7.9, basic_string_view non-member comparison functions
template<class charT, class traits>
constexpr bool operator==(basic_string_view<charT, traits> x,
basic_string_view<charT, traits> y) noexcept;
template<class charT, class traits>
constexpr bool operator!=(basic_string_view<charT, traits> x,
basic_string_view<charT, traits> y) noexcept;
template<class charT, class traits>
constexpr bool operator< (basic_string_view<charT, traits> x,
basic_string_view<charT, traits> y) noexcept;
template<class charT, class traits>
constexpr bool operator> (basic_string_view<charT, traits> x,
basic_string_view<charT, traits> y) noexcept;
template<class charT, class traits>
constexpr bool operator<=(basic_string_view<charT, traits> x,
basic_string_view<charT, traits> y) noexcept;
template<class charT, class traits>
constexpr bool operator>=(basic_string_view<charT, traits> x,
basic_string_view<charT, traits> y) noexcept;
// see below, sufficient additional overloads of comparison functions
// 7.10, Inserters and extractors
template<class charT, class traits>
basic_ostream<charT, traits>&
operator<<(basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os,
basic_string_view<charT, traits> str);
// basic_string_view typedef names
typedef basic_string_view<char> string_view;
typedef basic_string_view<char16_t> u16string_view;
typedef basic_string_view<char32_t> u32string_view;
typedef basic_string_view<wchar_t> wstring_view;
template<class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>>
class basic_string_view {
// types
typedef traits traits_type;
typedef charT value_type;
typedef charT* pointer;
typedef const charT* const_pointer;
typedef charT& reference;
typedef const charT& const_reference;
typedef implementation-defined const_iterator;
typedef const_iterator iterator;
typedef reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
typedef const_reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
static constexpr size_type npos = size_type(-1);
// 7.3, basic_string_view constructors and assignment operators
constexpr basic_string_view() noexcept;
constexpr basic_string_view(const basic_string_view&) noexcept = default;
basic_string_view& operator=(const basic_string_view&) noexcept = default;
template<class Allocator>
basic_string_view(const basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>& str) noexcept;
constexpr basic_string_view(const charT* str);
constexpr basic_string_view(const charT* str, size_type len);
// 7.4, basic_string_view iterator support
constexpr const_iterator begin() const noexcept;
constexpr const_iterator end() const noexcept;
constexpr const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept;
constexpr const_iterator cend() const noexcept;
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const noexcept;
const_reverse_iterator rend() const noexcept;
const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const noexcept;
const_reverse_iterator crend() const noexcept;
// 7.5, basic_string_view capacity
constexpr size_type size() const noexcept;
constexpr size_type length() const noexcept;
constexpr size_type max_size() const noexcept;
constexpr bool empty() const noexcept;
// 7.6, basic_string_view element access
constexpr const_reference operator[](size_type pos) const;
constexpr const_reference at(size_type pos) const;
constexpr const_reference front() const;
constexpr const_reference back() const;
constexpr const_pointer data() const noexcept;
// 7.7, basic_string_view modifiers
constexpr void clear() noexcept;
constexpr void remove_prefix(size_type n);
constexpr void remove_suffix(size_type n);
constexpr void swap(basic_string_view& s) noexcept;
// 7.8, basic_string_view string operations
template<class Allocator>
explicit operator basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator>() const;
template<class Allocator = allocator<charT>>
basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator> to_string(
const Allocator& a = Allocator()) const;
size_type copy(charT* s, size_type n, size_type pos = 0) const;
constexpr basic_string_view substr(size_type pos = 0, size_type n = npos) const;
constexpr int compare(basic_string_view s) const noexcept;
constexpr int compare(size_type pos1, size_type n1, basic_string_view s) const;
constexpr int compare(size_type pos1, size_type n1,
basic_string_view s, size_type pos2, size_type n2) const;
constexpr int compare(const charT* s) const;
constexpr int compare(size_type pos1, size_type n1, const charT* s) const;
constexpr int compare(size_type pos1, size_type n1,
const charT* s, size_type n2) const;
constexpr size_type find(basic_string_view s, size_type pos = 0) const noexcept;
constexpr size_type find(charT c, size_type pos = 0) const noexcept;
constexpr size_type find(const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const;
constexpr size_type find(const charT* s, size_type pos = 0) const;
constexpr size_type rfind(basic_string_view s, size_type pos = npos) const noexcept;
constexpr size_type rfind(charT c, size_type pos = npos) const noexcept;
constexpr size_type rfind(const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const;
constexpr size_type rfind(const charT* s, size_type pos = npos) const;
constexpr size_type find_first_of(basic_string_view s, size_type pos = 0) const noexcept;
constexpr size_type find_first_of(charT c, size_type pos = 0) const noexcept;
constexpr size_type find_first_of(const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const;
constexpr size_type find_first_of(const charT* s, size_type pos = 0) const;
constexpr size_type find_last_of(basic_string_view s, size_type pos = npos) const noexcept;
constexpr size_type find_last_of(charT c, size_type pos = npos) const noexcept;
constexpr size_type find_last_of(const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const;
constexpr size_type find_last_of(const charT* s, size_type pos = npos) const;
constexpr size_type find_first_not_of(basic_string_view s, size_type pos = 0) const noexcept;
constexpr size_type find_first_not_of(charT c, size_type pos = 0) const noexcept;
constexpr size_type find_first_not_of(const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const;
constexpr size_type find_first_not_of(const charT* s, size_type pos = 0) const;
constexpr size_type find_last_not_of(basic_string_view s, size_type pos = npos) const noexcept;
constexpr size_type find_last_not_of(charT c, size_type pos = npos) const noexcept;
constexpr size_type find_last_not_of(const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const;
constexpr size_type find_last_not_of(const charT* s, size_type pos = npos) const;
const_pointer data_; // exposition only
size_type size_; // exposition only
} // namespace fundamentals_v1
} // namespace experimental
// 7.11, Hash support
template <class T> struct hash;
template <> struct hash<experimental::string_view>;
template <> struct hash<experimental::u16string_view>;
template <> struct hash<experimental::u32string_view>;
template <> struct hash<experimental::wstring_view>;
} // namespace std
#include <experimental/__config>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <ostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iomanip>
#include <__debug>
#pragma GCC system_header
#include <__undef_macros>
template<class _CharT, class _Traits = _VSTD::char_traits<_CharT> >
class _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS basic_string_view {
// types
typedef _Traits traits_type;
typedef _CharT value_type;
typedef const _CharT* pointer;
typedef const _CharT* const_pointer;
typedef const _CharT& reference;
typedef const _CharT& const_reference;
typedef const_pointer const_iterator; // See [string.view.iterators]
typedef const_iterator iterator;
typedef _VSTD::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
typedef const_reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
static _LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR const size_type npos = -1; // size_type(-1);
// [string.view.cons], construct/copy
basic_string_view() _NOEXCEPT : __data (nullptr), __size(0) {}
basic_string_view(const basic_string_view&) _NOEXCEPT = default;
basic_string_view& operator=(const basic_string_view&) _NOEXCEPT = default;
template<class _Allocator>
basic_string_view(const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Allocator>& __str) _NOEXCEPT
: __data (, __size(__str.size()) {}
basic_string_view(const _CharT* __s, size_type __len)
: __data(__s), __size(__len)
// _LIBCPP_ASSERT(__len == 0 || __s != nullptr, "string_view::string_view(_CharT *, size_t): received nullptr");
basic_string_view(const _CharT* __s)
: __data(__s), __size(_Traits::length(__s)) {}
// [string.view.iterators], iterators
const_iterator begin() const _NOEXCEPT { return cbegin(); }
const_iterator end() const _NOEXCEPT { return cend(); }
const_iterator cbegin() const _NOEXCEPT { return __data; }
const_iterator cend() const _NOEXCEPT { return __data + __size; }
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const _NOEXCEPT { return const_reverse_iterator(cend()); }
const_reverse_iterator rend() const _NOEXCEPT { return const_reverse_iterator(cbegin()); }
const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const _NOEXCEPT { return const_reverse_iterator(cend()); }
const_reverse_iterator crend() const _NOEXCEPT { return const_reverse_iterator(cbegin()); }
// [string.view.capacity], capacity
size_type size() const _NOEXCEPT { return __size; }
size_type length() const _NOEXCEPT { return __size; }
size_type max_size() const _NOEXCEPT { return _VSTD::numeric_limits<size_type>::max(); }
empty() const _NOEXCEPT { return __size == 0; }
// [string.view.access], element access
const_reference operator[](size_type __pos) const { return __data[__pos]; }
const_reference at(size_type __pos) const
return __pos >= size()
? (__throw_out_of_range("string_view::at"), __data[0])
: __data[__pos];
const_reference front() const
return _LIBCPP_ASSERT(!empty(), "string_view::front(): string is empty"), __data[0];
const_reference back() const
return _LIBCPP_ASSERT(!empty(), "string_view::back(): string is empty"), __data[__size-1];
const_pointer data() const _NOEXCEPT { return __data; }
// [string.view.modifiers], modifiers:
void clear() _NOEXCEPT
__data = nullptr;
__size = 0;
void remove_prefix(size_type __n) _NOEXCEPT
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(__n <= size(), "remove_prefix() can't remove more than size()");
__data += __n;
__size -= __n;
void remove_suffix(size_type __n) _NOEXCEPT
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(__n <= size(), "remove_suffix() can't remove more than size()");
__size -= __n;
void swap(basic_string_view& __other) _NOEXCEPT
const value_type *__p = __data;
__data = __other.__data;
__other.__data = __p;
size_type __sz = __size;
__size = __other.__size;
__other.__size = __sz;
// _VSTD::swap( __data, __other.__data );
// _VSTD::swap( __size, __other.__size );
// [string.view.ops], string operations:
template<class _Allocator>
_LIBCPP_EXPLICIT operator basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Allocator>() const
{ return basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Allocator>( begin(), end()); }
template<class _Allocator = allocator<_CharT> >
basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Allocator>
to_string( const _Allocator& __a = _Allocator()) const
{ return basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Allocator> ( begin(), end(), __a ); }
size_type copy(_CharT* __s, size_type __n, size_type __pos = 0) const
if ( __pos > size())
size_type __rlen = _VSTD::min( __n, size() - __pos );
_VSTD::copy_n(begin() + __pos, __rlen, __s );
return __rlen;
basic_string_view substr(size_type __pos = 0, size_type __n = npos) const
// if (__pos > size())
// __throw_out_of_range("string_view::substr");
// size_type __rlen = _VSTD::min( __n, size() - __pos );
// return basic_string_view(data() + __pos, __rlen);
return __pos > size()
? (__throw_out_of_range("string_view::substr"), basic_string_view())
: basic_string_view(data() + __pos, _VSTD::min(__n, size() - __pos));
_LIBCPP_CONSTEXPR_AFTER_CXX11 int compare(basic_string_view __sv) const _NOEXCEPT
size_type __rlen = _VSTD::min( size(), __sv.size());
int __retval = _Traits::compare(data(),, __rlen);
if ( __retval == 0 ) // first __rlen chars matched
__retval = size() == __sv.size() ? 0 : ( size() < __sv.size() ? -1 : 1 );
return __retval;
int compare(size_type __pos1, size_type __n1, basic_string_view __sv) const
return substr(__pos1, __n1).compare(__sv);
int compare( size_type __pos1, size_type __n1,
basic_string_view _sv, size_type __pos2, size_type __n2) const
return substr(__pos1, __n1).compare(_sv.substr(__pos2, __n2));
int compare(const _CharT* __s) const
return compare(basic_string_view(__s));
int compare(size_type __pos1, size_type __n1, const _CharT* __s) const
return substr(__pos1, __n1).compare(basic_string_view(__s));
int compare(size_type __pos1, size_type __n1, const _CharT* __s, size_type __n2) const
return substr(__pos1, __n1).compare(basic_string_view(__s, __n2));
// find
size_type find(basic_string_view __s, size_type __pos = 0) const _NOEXCEPT
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(__s.size() == 0 || != nullptr, "string_view::find(): received nullptr");
return _VSTD::__str_find<value_type, size_type, traits_type, npos>
(data(), size(),, __pos, __s.size());
size_type find(_CharT __c, size_type __pos = 0) const _NOEXCEPT
return _VSTD::__str_find<value_type, size_type, traits_type, npos>
(data(), size(), __c, __pos);
size_type find(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos, size_type __n) const
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(__n == 0 || __s != nullptr, "string_view::find(): received nullptr");
return _VSTD::__str_find<value_type, size_type, traits_type, npos>
(data(), size(), __s, __pos, __n);
size_type find(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos = 0) const
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(__s != nullptr, "string_view::find(): received nullptr");
return _VSTD::__str_find<value_type, size_type, traits_type, npos>
(data(), size(), __s, __pos, traits_type::length(__s));
// rfind
size_type rfind(basic_string_view __s, size_type __pos = npos) const _NOEXCEPT
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(__s.size() == 0 || != nullptr, "string_view::find(): received nullptr");
return _VSTD::__str_rfind<value_type, size_type, traits_type, npos>
(data(), size(),, __pos, __s.size());
size_type rfind(_CharT __c, size_type __pos = npos) const _NOEXCEPT
return _VSTD::__str_rfind<value_type, size_type, traits_type, npos>
(data(), size(), __c, __pos);
size_type rfind(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos, size_type __n) const
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(__n == 0 || __s != nullptr, "string_view::rfind(): received nullptr");
return _VSTD::__str_rfind<value_type, size_type, traits_type, npos>
(data(), size(), __s, __pos, __n);
size_type rfind(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos=npos) const
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(__s != nullptr, "string_view::rfind(): received nullptr");
return _VSTD::__str_rfind<value_type, size_type, traits_type, npos>
(data(), size(), __s, __pos, traits_type::length(__s));
// find_first_of
size_type find_first_of(basic_string_view __s, size_type __pos = 0) const _NOEXCEPT
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(__s.size() == 0 || != nullptr, "string_view::find_first_of(): received nullptr");
return _VSTD::__str_find_first_of<value_type, size_type, traits_type, npos>
(data(), size(),, __pos, __s.size());
size_type find_first_of(_CharT __c, size_type __pos = 0) const _NOEXCEPT
{ return find(__c, __pos); }
size_type find_first_of(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos, size_type __n) const
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(__n == 0 || __s != nullptr, "string_view::find_first_of(): received nullptr");
return _VSTD::__str_find_first_of<value_type, size_type, traits_type, npos>
(data(), size(), __s, __pos, __n);
size_type find_first_of(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos=0) const
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(__s != nullptr, "string_view::find_first_of(): received nullptr");
return _VSTD::__str_find_first_of<value_type, size_type, traits_type, npos>
(data(), size(), __s, __pos, traits_type::length(__s));
// find_last_of
size_type find_last_of(basic_string_view __s, size_type __pos=npos) const _NOEXCEPT
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(__s.size() == 0 || != nullptr, "string_view::find_last_of(): received nullptr");
return _VSTD::__str_find_last_of<value_type, size_type, traits_type, npos>
(data(), size(),, __pos, __s.size());
size_type find_last_of(_CharT __c, size_type __pos = npos) const _NOEXCEPT
{ return rfind(__c, __pos); }
size_type find_last_of(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos, size_type __n) const
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(__n == 0 || __s != nullptr, "string_view::find_last_of(): received nullptr");
return _VSTD::__str_find_last_of<value_type, size_type, traits_type, npos>
(data(), size(), __s, __pos, __n);
size_type find_last_of(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos=npos) const
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(__s != nullptr, "string_view::find_last_of(): received nullptr");
return _VSTD::__str_find_last_of<value_type, size_type, traits_type, npos>
(data(), size(), __s, __pos, traits_type::length(__s));
// find_first_not_of
size_type find_first_not_of(basic_string_view __s, size_type __pos=0) const _NOEXCEPT
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(__s.size() == 0 || != nullptr, "string_view::find_first_not_of(): received nullptr");
return _VSTD::__str_find_first_not_of<value_type, size_type, traits_type, npos>
(data(), size(),, __pos, __s.size());
size_type find_first_not_of(_CharT __c, size_type __pos=0) const _NOEXCEPT
return _VSTD::__str_find_first_not_of<value_type, size_type, traits_type, npos>
(data(), size(), __c, __pos);
size_type find_first_not_of(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos, size_type __n) const
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(__n == 0 || __s != nullptr, "string_view::find_first_not_of(): received nullptr");
return _VSTD::__str_find_first_not_of<value_type, size_type, traits_type, npos>
(data(), size(), __s, __pos, __n);
size_type find_first_not_of(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos=0) const
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(__s != nullptr, "string_view::find_first_not_of(): received nullptr");
return _VSTD::__str_find_first_not_of<value_type, size_type, traits_type, npos>
(data(), size(), __s, __pos, traits_type::length(__s));
// find_last_not_of
size_type find_last_not_of(basic_string_view __s, size_type __pos=npos) const _NOEXCEPT
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(__s.size() == 0 || != nullptr, "string_view::find_last_not_of(): received nullptr");
return _VSTD::__str_find_last_not_of<value_type, size_type, traits_type, npos>
(data(), size(),, __pos, __s.size());
size_type find_last_not_of(_CharT __c, size_type __pos=npos) const _NOEXCEPT
return _VSTD::__str_find_last_not_of<value_type, size_type, traits_type, npos>
(data(), size(), __c, __pos);
size_type find_last_not_of(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos, size_type __n) const
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(__n == 0 || __s != nullptr, "string_view::find_last_not_of(): received nullptr");
return _VSTD::__str_find_last_not_of<value_type, size_type, traits_type, npos>
(data(), size(), __s, __pos, __n);
size_type find_last_not_of(const _CharT* __s, size_type __pos=npos) const
_LIBCPP_ASSERT(__s != nullptr, "string_view::find_last_not_of(): received nullptr");
return _VSTD::__str_find_last_not_of<value_type, size_type, traits_type, npos>
(data(), size(), __s, __pos, traits_type::length(__s));
const value_type* __data;
size_type __size;
// [string.view.comparison]
// operator ==
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
bool operator==(basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> __lhs,
basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> __rhs) _NOEXCEPT
if ( __lhs.size() != __rhs.size()) return false;
return == 0;
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
bool operator==(basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> __lhs,
typename _VSTD::common_type<basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> >::type __rhs) _NOEXCEPT
if ( __lhs.size() != __rhs.size()) return false;
return == 0;
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
bool operator==(typename _VSTD::common_type<basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> >::type __lhs,
basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> __rhs) _NOEXCEPT
if ( __lhs.size() != __rhs.size()) return false;
return == 0;
// operator !=
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
bool operator!=(basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> __lhs, basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> __rhs) _NOEXCEPT
if ( __lhs.size() != __rhs.size())
return true;
return != 0;
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
bool operator!=(basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> __lhs,
typename _VSTD::common_type<basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> >::type __rhs) _NOEXCEPT
if ( __lhs.size() != __rhs.size())
return true;
return != 0;
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
bool operator!=(typename _VSTD::common_type<basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> >::type __lhs,
basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> __rhs) _NOEXCEPT
if ( __lhs.size() != __rhs.size())
return true;
return != 0;
// operator <
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
bool operator<(basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> __lhs, basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> __rhs) _NOEXCEPT
return < 0;
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
bool operator<(basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> __lhs,
typename _VSTD::common_type<basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> >::type __rhs) _NOEXCEPT
return < 0;
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
bool operator<(typename _VSTD::common_type<basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> >::type __lhs,
basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> __rhs) _NOEXCEPT
return < 0;
// operator >
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
bool operator> (basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> __lhs, basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> __rhs) _NOEXCEPT
return > 0;
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
bool operator>(basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> __lhs,
typename _VSTD::common_type<basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> >::type __rhs) _NOEXCEPT
return > 0;
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
bool operator>(typename _VSTD::common_type<basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> >::type __lhs,
basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> __rhs) _NOEXCEPT
return > 0;
// operator <=
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
bool operator<=(basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> __lhs, basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> __rhs) _NOEXCEPT
return <= 0;
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
bool operator<=(basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> __lhs,
typename _VSTD::common_type<basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> >::type __rhs) _NOEXCEPT
return <= 0;
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
bool operator<=(typename _VSTD::common_type<basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> >::type __lhs,
basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> __rhs) _NOEXCEPT
return <= 0;
// operator >=
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
bool operator>=(basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> __lhs, basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> __rhs) _NOEXCEPT
return >= 0;
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
bool operator>=(basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> __lhs,
typename _VSTD::common_type<basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> >::type __rhs) _NOEXCEPT
return >= 0;
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
bool operator>=(typename _VSTD::common_type<basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> >::type __lhs,
basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> __rhs) _NOEXCEPT
return >= 0;
// []
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>&
operator<<(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __os, basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> __sv)
return _VSTD::__put_character_sequence(__os,, __sv.size());
typedef basic_string_view<char> string_view;
typedef basic_string_view<char16_t> u16string_view;
typedef basic_string_view<char32_t> u32string_view;
typedef basic_string_view<wchar_t> wstring_view;
// [string.view.hash]
// Shamelessly stolen from <string>
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS hash<std::experimental::basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> >
: public unary_function<std::experimental::basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits>, size_t>
size_t operator()(const std::experimental::basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits>& __val) const _NOEXCEPT;
template<class _CharT, class _Traits>
hash<std::experimental::basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> >::operator()(
const std::experimental::basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits>& __val) const _NOEXCEPT
return __do_string_hash(, + __val.size());
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER > 11
template <class _CharT, class _Traits>
__quoted_output_proxy<_CharT, const _CharT *, _Traits>
quoted ( std::experimental::basic_string_view <_CharT, _Traits> __sv,
_CharT __delim = _CharT('"'), _CharT __escape=_CharT('\\'))
return __quoted_output_proxy<_CharT, const _CharT *, _Traits>
(, + __sv.size(), __delim, __escape );
#error "<experimental/string_view> has been removed. Use <string_view> instead."
@ -558,10 +558,6 @@ module std [system] {
header "experimental/string"
export *
module string_view {
header "experimental/string_view"
export *
module system_error {
header "experimental/system_error"
export *
@ -153,7 +153,6 @@
#include <experimental/regex>
#include <experimental/set>
#include <experimental/string>
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <experimental/system_error>
#include <experimental/tuple>
#include <experimental/type_traits>
@ -267,8 +267,6 @@ TEST_MACROS();
#include <experimental/string>
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <experimental/system_error>
#include <experimental/tuple>
@ -7,6 +7,4 @@
#include <experimental/string_view>
int main () {}
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
# Disable all of the filesystem tests if the correct feature is not available.
if 'msvc' in config.available_features:
config.unsupported = True
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include <experimental/string_view>
int main () {}
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// NOTE: Older versions of clang have a bug where they fail to evaluate
// string_view::at as a constant expression.
// XFAIL: clang-3.4, clang-3.3
// <string_view>
// constexpr const _CharT& at(size_type _pos) const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
template <typename CharT>
void test ( const CharT *s, size_t len ) {
std::experimental::basic_string_view<CharT> sv ( s, len );
assert ( sv.length() == len );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i ) {
assert ( == s[i] );
assert ( & == s + i );
try {; } catch ( const std::out_of_range & ) { return ; }
assert ( false );
int main () {
test ( "ABCDE", 5 );
test ( "a", 1 );
test ( L"ABCDE", 5 );
test ( L"a", 1 );
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
test ( u"ABCDE", 5 );
test ( u"a", 1 );
test ( U"ABCDE", 5 );
test ( U"a", 1 );
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
constexpr std::experimental::basic_string_view<char> sv ( "ABC", 2 );
static_assert ( sv.length() == 2, "" );
static_assert ( == 'A', "" );
static_assert ( == 'B', "" );
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// constexpr const _CharT& front();
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
template <typename CharT>
bool test ( const CharT *s, size_t len ) {
std::experimental::basic_string_view<CharT> sv ( s, len );
assert ( sv.length() == len );
assert ( sv.back() == s[len-1] );
return &sv.back() == s + len - 1;
int main () {
assert ( test ( "ABCDE", 5 ));
assert ( test ( "a", 1 ));
assert ( test ( L"ABCDE", 5 ));
assert ( test ( L"a", 1 ));
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
assert ( test ( u"ABCDE", 5 ));
assert ( test ( u"a", 1 ));
assert ( test ( U"ABCDE", 5 ));
assert ( test ( U"a", 1 ));
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
constexpr std::experimental::basic_string_view<char> sv ( "ABC", 2 );
static_assert ( sv.length() == 2, "" );
static_assert ( sv.back() == 'B', "" );
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// constexpr const _CharT* data() const noexcept;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
template <typename CharT>
void test ( const CharT *s, size_t len ) {
std::experimental::basic_string_view<CharT> sv ( s, len );
assert ( sv.length() == len );
assert ( == s );
int main () {
test ( "ABCDE", 5 );
test ( "a", 1 );
test ( L"ABCDE", 5 );
test ( L"a", 1 );
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
test ( u"ABCDE", 5 );
test ( u"a", 1 );
test ( U"ABCDE", 5 );
test ( U"a", 1 );
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
constexpr const char *s = "ABC";
constexpr std::experimental::basic_string_view<char> sv( s, 2 );
static_assert( sv.length() == 2, "" );
static_assert( == s, "" );
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// constexpr const _CharT& back();
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
template <typename CharT>
bool test ( const CharT *s, size_t len ) {
std::experimental::basic_string_view<CharT> sv ( s, len );
assert ( sv.length() == len );
assert ( sv.front() == s[0] );
return &sv.front() == s;
int main () {
assert ( test ( "ABCDE", 5 ));
assert ( test ( "a", 1 ));
assert ( test ( L"ABCDE", 5 ));
assert ( test ( L"a", 1 ));
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
assert ( test ( u"ABCDE", 5 ));
assert ( test ( u"a", 1 ));
assert ( test ( U"ABCDE", 5 ));
assert ( test ( U"a", 1 ));
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
constexpr std::experimental::basic_string_view<char> sv ( "ABC", 2 );
static_assert ( sv.length() == 2, "" );
static_assert ( sv.front() == 'A', "" );
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// constexpr const _CharT& operator[](size_type _pos) const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
template <typename CharT>
void test ( const CharT *s, size_t len ) {
std::experimental::basic_string_view<CharT> sv ( s, len );
assert ( sv.length() == len );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i ) {
assert ( sv[i] == s[i] );
assert ( &sv[i] == s + i );
int main () {
test ( "ABCDE", 5 );
test ( "a", 1 );
test ( L"ABCDE", 5 );
test ( L"a", 1 );
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
test ( u"ABCDE", 5 );
test ( u"a", 1 );
test ( U"ABCDE", 5 );
test ( U"a", 1 );
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
constexpr std::experimental::basic_string_view<char> sv ( "ABC", 2 );
static_assert ( sv.length() == 2, "" );
static_assert ( sv[0] == 'A', "" );
static_assert ( sv[1] == 'B', "" );
@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// [string.view.capacity], capacity
// constexpr size_type size() const noexcept;
// constexpr size_type length() const noexcept;
// constexpr size_type max_size() const noexcept;
// constexpr bool empty() const noexcept;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
template<typename SV>
void test1 () {
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
constexpr SV sv1;
static_assert ( sv1.size() == 0, "" );
static_assert ( sv1.empty(), "");
static_assert ( sv1.size() == sv1.length(), "" );
static_assert ( sv1.max_size() > sv1.size(), "");
SV sv1;
assert ( sv1.size() == 0 );
assert ( sv1.empty());
assert ( sv1.size() == sv1.length());
assert ( sv1.max_size() > sv1.size());
template<typename CharT>
void test2 ( const CharT *s, size_t len ) {
std::experimental::basic_string_view<CharT> sv1 ( s );
assert ( sv1.size() == len );
assert ( == s );
assert ( sv1.empty() == (len == 0));
assert ( sv1.size() == sv1.length());
assert ( sv1.max_size() > sv1.size());
int main () {
typedef std::experimental::string_view string_view;
typedef std::experimental::u16string_view u16string_view;
typedef std::experimental::u32string_view u32string_view;
typedef std::experimental::wstring_view wstring_view;
test1<string_view> ();
test1<u16string_view> ();
test1<u32string_view> ();
test1<wstring_view> ();
test2 ( "ABCDE", 5 );
test2 ( "a", 1 );
test2 ( "", 0 );
test2 ( L"ABCDE", 5 );
test2 ( L"a", 1 );
test2 ( L"", 0 );
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
test2 ( u"ABCDE", 5 );
test2 ( u"a", 1 );
test2 ( u"", 0 );
test2 ( U"ABCDE", 5 );
test2 ( U"a", 1 );
test2 ( U"", 0 );
@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string>
// template<class charT, class traits>
// constexpr bool operator==(basic_string_view<charT,traits> lhs, const charT* rhs);
// template<class charT, class traits>
// constexpr bool operator==(const charT* lhs, basic_string_view<charT,traits> rhs);
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
template <class S>
test(S lhs, const typename S::value_type* rhs, bool x)
assert((lhs == rhs) == x);
assert((rhs == lhs) == x);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
test(S(""), "", true);
test(S(""), "abcde", false);
test(S(""), "abcdefghij", false);
test(S(""), "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", false);
test(S("abcde"), "", false);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", true);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdefghij", false);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", false);
test(S("abcdefghij"), "", false);
test(S("abcdefghij"), "abcde", false);
test(S("abcdefghij"), "abcdefghij", true);
test(S("abcdefghij"), "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", false);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), "", false);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), "abcde", false);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), "abcdefghij", false);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", true);
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert ( sv1 == "", "" );
static_assert ( "" == sv1, "" );
static_assert (!(sv1 == "abcde"), "" );
static_assert (!("abcde" == sv1), "" );
static_assert ( sv2 == "abcde", "" );
static_assert ( "abcde" == sv2, "" );
static_assert (!(sv2 == "abcde0"), "" );
static_assert (!("abcde0" == sv2), "" );
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string>
// template<class charT, class traits, class Allocator>
// bool operator==(const charT* lhs, const basic_string<charT,traits> rhs);
// template<class charT, class traits, class Allocator>
// bool operator==(const basic_string_view<charT,traits> lhs, const CharT* rhs);
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
template <class S>
test(const std::string &lhs, S rhs, bool x)
assert((lhs == rhs) == x);
assert((rhs == lhs) == x);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
test("", S(""), true);
test("", S("abcde"), false);
test("", S("abcdefghij"), false);
test("", S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), false);
test("abcde", S(""), false);
test("abcde", S("abcde"), true);
test("abcde", S("abcdefghij"), false);
test("abcde", S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), false);
test("abcdefghij", S(""), false);
test("abcdefghij", S("abcde"), false);
test("abcdefghij", S("abcdefghij"), true);
test("abcdefghij", S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), false);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", S(""), false);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", S("abcde"), false);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", S("abcdefghij"), false);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), true);
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// template<class charT, class traits, class Allocator>
// constexpr bool operator==(const basic_string_view<charT,traits> lhs,
// const basic_string_view<charT,traits> rhs);
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
template <class S>
test(S lhs, S rhs, bool x)
assert((lhs == rhs) == x);
assert((rhs == lhs) == x);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
test(S(""), S(""), true);
test(S(""), S("abcde"), false);
test(S(""), S("abcdefghij"), false);
test(S(""), S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), false);
test(S("abcde"), S(""), false);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcde"), true);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdefghij"), false);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), false);
test(S("abcdefghij"), S(""), false);
test(S("abcdefghij"), S("abcde"), false);
test(S("abcdefghij"), S("abcdefghij"), true);
test(S("abcdefghij"), S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), false);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), S(""), false);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), S("abcde"), false);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), S("abcdefghij"), false);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), true);
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2;
constexpr SV sv3 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert ( sv1 == sv2, "" );
static_assert (!(sv1 == sv3), "" );
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string>
// template<class charT, class traits, class Allocator>
// constexpr bool operator>=(const charT* lhs, basic_string_wiew<charT,traits> rhs);
// template<class charT, class traits, class Allocator>
// constexpr bool operator>=(basic_string_wiew<charT,traits> lhs, const charT* rhs);
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
template <class S>
test(const typename S::value_type* lhs, const S& rhs, bool x, bool y)
assert((lhs >= rhs) == x);
assert((rhs >= lhs) == y);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
test("", S(""), true, true);
test("", S("abcde"), false, true);
test("", S("abcdefghij"), false, true);
test("", S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), false, true);
test("abcde", S(""), true, false);
test("abcde", S("abcde"), true, true);
test("abcde", S("abcdefghij"), false, true);
test("abcde", S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), false, true);
test("abcdefghij", S(""), true, false);
test("abcdefghij", S("abcde"), true, false);
test("abcdefghij", S("abcdefghij"), true, true);
test("abcdefghij", S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), false, true);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", S(""), true, false);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", S("abcde"), true, false);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", S("abcdefghij"), true, false);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), true, true);
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert ( sv1 >= "", "" );
static_assert ( "" >= sv1, "" );
static_assert (!(sv1 >= "abcde"), "" );
static_assert ( "abcde" >= sv1, "" );
static_assert ( sv2 >= "", "" );
static_assert (!("" >= sv2), "" );
static_assert ( sv2 >= "abcde", "" );
static_assert ( "abcde" >= sv2, "" );
static_assert (!(sv2 >= "abcde0"), "" );
static_assert ( "abcde0" >= sv2, "" );
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string>
// template<class charT, class traits, class Allocator>
// bool operator>=(const basic_string<charT,traits,Allocator>& lhs,
// basic_string_view<charT,traits> rhs);
// bool operator>=(basic_string_view<charT,traits> lhs,
// const basic_string<charT,traits,Allocator>& rhs);
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
template <class S>
test(const S& lhs, const typename S::value_type* rhs, bool x, bool y)
assert((lhs >= rhs) == x);
assert((rhs >= lhs) == y);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
test(S(""), "", true, true);
test(S(""), "abcde", false, true);
test(S(""), "abcdefghij", false, true);
test(S(""), "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", false, true);
test(S("abcde"), "", true, false);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", true, true);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdefghij", false, true);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", false, true);
test(S("abcdefghij"), "", true, false);
test(S("abcdefghij"), "abcde", true, false);
test(S("abcdefghij"), "abcdefghij", true, true);
test(S("abcdefghij"), "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", false, true);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), "", true, false);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), "abcde", true, false);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), "abcdefghij", true, false);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", true, true);
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string>
// template<class charT, class traits>
// constexpr bool operator>=(basic_string_view<charT,traits> lhs,
// basic_string_view<charT,traits> rhs);
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
template <class S>
test(const S& lhs, const S& rhs, bool x, bool y)
assert((lhs >= rhs) == x);
assert((rhs >= lhs) == y);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
test(S(""), S(""), true, true);
test(S(""), S("abcde"), false, true);
test(S(""), S("abcdefghij"), false, true);
test(S(""), S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), false, true);
test(S("abcde"), S(""), true, false);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcde"), true, true);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdefghij"), false, true);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), false, true);
test(S("abcdefghij"), S(""), true, false);
test(S("abcdefghij"), S("abcde"), true, false);
test(S("abcdefghij"), S("abcdefghij"), true, true);
test(S("abcdefghij"), S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), false, true);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), S(""), true, false);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), S("abcde"), true, false);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), S("abcdefghij"), true, false);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), true, true);
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert ( sv1 >= sv1, "" );
static_assert ( sv2 >= sv2, "" );
static_assert (!(sv1 >= sv2), "" );
static_assert ( sv2 >= sv1, "" );
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string>
// constexpr template<class charT, class traits, class Allocator>
// bool operator>(const charT* lhs, basic_string_wiew<charT,traits> rhs);
// constexpr template<class charT, class traits, class Allocator>
// bool operator>(basic_string_wiew<charT,traits> lhs, const charT* rhs);
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
template <class S>
test(const typename S::value_type* lhs, const S& rhs, bool x, bool y)
assert((lhs > rhs) == x);
assert((rhs > lhs) == y);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
test("", S(""), false, false);
test("", S("abcde"), false, true);
test("", S("abcdefghij"), false, true);
test("", S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), false, true);
test("abcde", S(""), true, false);
test("abcde", S("abcde"), false, false);
test("abcde", S("abcdefghij"), false, true);
test("abcde", S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), false, true);
test("abcdefghij", S(""), true, false);
test("abcdefghij", S("abcde"), true, false);
test("abcdefghij", S("abcdefghij"), false, false);
test("abcdefghij", S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), false, true);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", S(""), true, false);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", S("abcde"), true, false);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", S("abcdefghij"), true, false);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), false, false);
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert (!(sv1 > ""), "" );
static_assert (!("" > sv1), "" );
static_assert (!(sv1 > "abcde"), "" );
static_assert ( "abcde" > sv1, "" );
static_assert ( sv2 > "", "" );
static_assert (!("" > sv2), "" );
static_assert (!(sv2 > "abcde"), "" );
static_assert (!("abcde" > sv2), "" );
static_assert (!(sv2 > "abcde0"), "" );
static_assert ( "abcde0" > sv2, "" );
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string>
// template<class charT, class traits, class Allocator>
// bool operator>(const basic_string<charT,traits,Allocator>& lhs,
// basic_string_view<charT,traits> rhs);
// bool operator>(basic_string_view<charT,traits> lhs,
// const basic_string<charT,traits,Allocator>& rhs);
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
template <class S>
test(const S& lhs, const typename S::value_type* rhs, bool x, bool y)
assert((lhs > rhs) == x);
assert((rhs > lhs) == y);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
test(S(""), "", false, false);
test(S(""), "abcde", false, true);
test(S(""), "abcdefghij", false, true);
test(S(""), "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", false, true);
test(S("abcde"), "", true, false);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", false, false);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdefghij", false, true);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", false, true);
test(S("abcdefghij"), "", true, false);
test(S("abcdefghij"), "abcde", true, false);
test(S("abcdefghij"), "abcdefghij", false, false);
test(S("abcdefghij"), "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", false, true);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), "", true, false);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), "abcde", true, false);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), "abcdefghij", true, false);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", false, false);
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string>
// template<class charT, class traits>
// constexpr bool operator>(basic_string_view<charT,traits> lhs,
// basic_string_view<charT,traits> rhs);
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
template <class S>
test(const S& lhs, const S& rhs, bool x, bool y)
assert((lhs > rhs) == x);
assert((rhs > lhs) == y);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
test(S(""), S(""), false, false);
test(S(""), S("abcde"), false, true);
test(S(""), S("abcdefghij"), false, true);
test(S(""), S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), false, true);
test(S("abcde"), S(""), true, false);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcde"), false, false);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdefghij"), false, true);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), false, true);
test(S("abcdefghij"), S(""), true, false);
test(S("abcdefghij"), S("abcde"), true, false);
test(S("abcdefghij"), S("abcdefghij"), false, false);
test(S("abcdefghij"), S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), false, true);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), S(""), true, false);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), S("abcde"), true, false);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), S("abcdefghij"), true, false);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), false, false);
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert (!(sv1 > sv1), "" );
static_assert (!(sv2 > sv2), "" );
static_assert (!(sv1 > sv2), "" );
static_assert ( sv2 > sv1, "" );
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string>
// template<class charT, class traits, class Allocator>
// constexpr bool operator<=(const charT* lhs, basic_string_wiew<charT,traits> rhs);
// template<class charT, class traits, class Allocator>
// constexpr bool operator<=(basic_string_wiew<charT,traits> lhs, const charT* rhs);
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
template <class S>
test(const typename S::value_type* lhs, const S& rhs, bool x, bool y)
assert((lhs <= rhs) == x);
assert((rhs <= lhs) == y);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
test("", S(""), true, true);
test("", S("abcde"), true, false);
test("", S("abcdefghij"), true, false);
test("", S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), true, false);
test("abcde", S(""), false, true);
test("abcde", S("abcde"), true, true);
test("abcde", S("abcdefghij"), true, false);
test("abcde", S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), true, false);
test("abcdefghij", S(""), false, true);
test("abcdefghij", S("abcde"), false, true);
test("abcdefghij", S("abcdefghij"), true, true);
test("abcdefghij", S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), true, false);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", S(""), false, true);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", S("abcde"), false, true);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", S("abcdefghij"), false, true);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), true, true);
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert ( sv1 <= "", "" );
static_assert ( "" <= sv1, "" );
static_assert ( sv1 <= "abcde", "" );
static_assert (!("abcde" <= sv1), "" );
static_assert (!(sv2 <= ""), "" );
static_assert ( "" <= sv2, "" );
static_assert ( sv2 <= "abcde", "" );
static_assert ( "abcde" <= sv2, "" );
static_assert ( sv2 <= "abcde0", "" );
static_assert (!("abcde0" <= sv2), "" );
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string>
// template<class charT, class traits, class Allocator>
// bool operator<=(const basic_string<charT,traits,Allocator>& lhs,
// basic_string_view<charT,traits> rhs);
// bool operator<=(basic_string_view<charT,traits> lhs,
// const basic_string<charT,traits,Allocator>& rhs);
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
template <class S>
test(const S& lhs, const typename S::value_type* rhs, bool x, bool y)
assert((lhs <= rhs) == x);
assert((rhs <= lhs) == y);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
test(S(""), "", true, true);
test(S(""), "abcde", true, false);
test(S(""), "abcdefghij", true, false);
test(S(""), "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", true, false);
test(S("abcde"), "", false, true);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", true, true);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdefghij", true, false);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", true, false);
test(S("abcdefghij"), "", false, true);
test(S("abcdefghij"), "abcde", false, true);
test(S("abcdefghij"), "abcdefghij", true, true);
test(S("abcdefghij"), "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", true, false);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), "", false, true);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), "abcde", false, true);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), "abcdefghij", false, true);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", true, true);
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string>
// template<class charT, class traits>
// constexpr bool operator<=(basic_string_view<charT,traits> lhs,
// basic_string_view<charT,traits> rhs);
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
template <class S>
test(const S& lhs, const S& rhs, bool x, bool y)
assert((lhs <= rhs) == x);
assert((rhs <= lhs) == y);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
test(S(""), S(""), true, true);
test(S(""), S("abcde"), true, false);
test(S(""), S("abcdefghij"), true, false);
test(S(""), S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), true, false);
test(S("abcde"), S(""), false, true);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcde"), true, true);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdefghij"), true, false);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), true, false);
test(S("abcdefghij"), S(""), false, true);
test(S("abcdefghij"), S("abcde"), false, true);
test(S("abcdefghij"), S("abcdefghij"), true, true);
test(S("abcdefghij"), S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), true, false);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), S(""), false, true);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), S("abcde"), false, true);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), S("abcdefghij"), false, true);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), true, true);
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert ( sv1 <= sv1, "" );
static_assert ( sv2 <= sv2, "" );
static_assert ( sv1 <= sv2, "" );
static_assert (!(sv2 <= sv1), "" );
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string>
// template<class charT, class traits, class Allocator>
// constexpr bool operator<(const charT* lhs, basic_string_wiew<charT,traits> rhs);
// template<class charT, class traits, class Allocator>
// constexpr bool operator<(basic_string_wiew<charT,traits> lhs, const charT* rhs);
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
template <class S>
test(const typename S::value_type* lhs, const S& rhs, bool x, bool y)
assert((lhs < rhs) == x);
assert((rhs < lhs) == y);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
test("", S(""), false, false);
test("", S("abcde"), true, false);
test("", S("abcdefghij"), true, false);
test("", S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), true, false);
test("abcde", S(""), false, true);
test("abcde", S("abcde"), false, false);
test("abcde", S("abcdefghij"), true, false);
test("abcde", S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), true, false);
test("abcdefghij", S(""), false, true);
test("abcdefghij", S("abcde"), false, true);
test("abcdefghij", S("abcdefghij"), false, false);
test("abcdefghij", S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), true, false);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", S(""), false, true);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", S("abcde"), false, true);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", S("abcdefghij"), false, true);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), false, false);
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert (!(sv1 < ""), "" );
static_assert (!("" < sv1), "" );
static_assert ( sv1 < "abcde", "" );
static_assert (!("abcde" < sv1), "" );
static_assert (!(sv2 < ""), "" );
static_assert ( "" < sv2, "" );
static_assert (!(sv2 < "abcde"), "" );
static_assert (!("abcde" < sv2), "" );
static_assert ( sv2 < "abcde0", "" );
static_assert (!("abcde0" < sv2), "" );
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string>
// template<class charT, class traits, class Allocator>
// bool operator<(const basic_string<charT,traits,Allocator>& lhs,
// basic_string_view<charT,traits> rhs);
// bool operator<(basic_string_view<charT,traits> lhs,
// const basic_string<charT,traits,Allocator>& rhs);
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
template <class S>
test(const S& lhs, const typename S::value_type* rhs, bool x, bool y)
assert((lhs < rhs) == x);
assert((rhs < lhs) == y);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
test(S(""), "", false, false);
test(S(""), "abcde", true, false);
test(S(""), "abcdefghij", true, false);
test(S(""), "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", true, false);
test(S("abcde"), "", false, true);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", false, false);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdefghij", true, false);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", true, false);
test(S("abcdefghij"), "", false, true);
test(S("abcdefghij"), "abcde", false, true);
test(S("abcdefghij"), "abcdefghij", false, false);
test(S("abcdefghij"), "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", true, false);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), "", false, true);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), "abcde", false, true);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), "abcdefghij", false, true);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", false, false);
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string>
// template<class charT, class traits>
// constexpr bool operator<(basic_string_view<charT,traits> lhs,
// basic_string_view<charT,traits> rhs);
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
template <class S>
test(const S& lhs, const S& rhs, bool x, bool y)
assert((lhs < rhs) == x);
assert((rhs < lhs) == y);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
test(S(""), S(""), false, false);
test(S(""), S("abcde"), true, false);
test(S(""), S("abcdefghij"), true, false);
test(S(""), S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), true, false);
test(S("abcde"), S(""), false, true);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcde"), false, false);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdefghij"), true, false);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), true, false);
test(S("abcdefghij"), S(""), false, true);
test(S("abcdefghij"), S("abcde"), false, true);
test(S("abcdefghij"), S("abcdefghij"), false, false);
test(S("abcdefghij"), S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), true, false);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), S(""), false, true);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), S("abcde"), false, true);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), S("abcdefghij"), false, true);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), false, false);
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert (!(sv1 < sv1), "" );
static_assert (!(sv2 < sv2), "" );
static_assert ( sv1 < sv2, "" );
static_assert (!(sv2 < sv1), "" );
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string>
// template<class charT, class traits>
// constexpr bool operator!=(basic_string_view<charT,traits> lhs, const charT* rhs);
// template<class charT, class traits>
// constexpr bool operator!=(const charT* lhs, basic_string_view<charT,traits> rhs);
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
template <class S>
test(S lhs, const typename S::value_type* rhs, bool x)
assert((lhs != rhs) == x);
assert((rhs != lhs) == x);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
test(S(""), "", false);
test(S(""), "abcde", true);
test(S(""), "abcdefghij", true);
test(S(""), "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", true);
test(S("abcde"), "", true);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", false);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdefghij", true);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", true);
test(S("abcdefghij"), "", true);
test(S("abcdefghij"), "abcde", true);
test(S("abcdefghij"), "abcdefghij", false);
test(S("abcdefghij"), "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", true);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), "", true);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), "abcde", true);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), "abcdefghij", true);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", false);
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert (!(sv1 != ""), "" );
static_assert (!("" != sv1), "" );
static_assert ( sv1 != "abcde", "" );
static_assert ( "abcde" != sv1, "" );
static_assert (!(sv2 != "abcde"), "" );
static_assert (!("abcde" != sv2), "" );
static_assert ( sv2 != "abcde0", "" );
static_assert ( "abcde0" != sv2, "" );
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string>
// template<class charT, class traits, class Allocator>
// bool operator!=(const basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator> &lhs, basic_string_view<charT,traits> rhs);
// template<class charT, class traits, class Allocator>
// bool operator!=(basic_string_view<charT,traits> lhs, const basic_string<charT, traits, Allocator> &rhs);
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
template <class S>
test(const std::string &lhs, S rhs, bool x)
assert((lhs != rhs) == x);
assert((rhs != lhs) == x);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
test("", S(""), false);
test("", S("abcde"), true);
test("", S("abcdefghij"), true);
test("", S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), true);
test("abcde", S(""), true);
test("abcde", S("abcde"), false);
test("abcde", S("abcdefghij"), true);
test("abcde", S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), true);
test("abcdefghij", S(""), true);
test("abcdefghij", S("abcde"), true);
test("abcdefghij", S("abcdefghij"), false);
test("abcdefghij", S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), true);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", S(""), true);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", S("abcde"), true);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", S("abcdefghij"), true);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), false);
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// template<class charT, class traits, class Allocator>
// constexpr bool operator!=(const basic_string_view<charT,traits> lhs,
// const basic_string_view<charT,traits> rhs);
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
template <class S>
test(S lhs, S rhs, bool x)
assert((lhs != rhs) == x);
assert((rhs != lhs) == x);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
test(S(""), S(""), false);
test(S(""), S("abcde"), true);
test(S(""), S("abcdefghij"), true);
test(S(""), S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), true);
test(S("abcde"), S(""), true);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcde"), false);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdefghij"), true);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), true);
test(S("abcdefghij"), S(""), true);
test(S("abcdefghij"), S("abcde"), true);
test(S("abcdefghij"), S("abcdefghij"), false);
test(S("abcdefghij"), S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), true);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), S(""), true);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), S("abcde"), true);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), S("abcdefghij"), true);
test(S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), S("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), false);
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2;
constexpr SV sv3 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert (!( sv1 != sv2), "" );
static_assert ( sv1 != sv3, "" );
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// constexpr basic_string_view () noexcept;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
template<typename T>
void test () {
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
constexpr T sv1;
static_assert ( sv1.size() == 0, "" );
static_assert ( sv1.empty(), "");
T sv1;
assert ( sv1.size() == 0 );
assert ( sv1.empty());
int main () {
typedef std::experimental::string_view string_view;
typedef std::experimental::u16string_view u16string_view;
typedef std::experimental::u32string_view u32string_view;
typedef std::experimental::wstring_view wstring_view;
test<string_view> ();
test<u16string_view> ();
test<u32string_view> ();
test<wstring_view> ();
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// constexpr basic_string_view(const _CharT* _s)
// : __data (_s), __size(_Traits::length(_s)) {}
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <string>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
template<typename CharT>
size_t StrLen ( const CharT *s ) {
size_t retVal = 0;
while ( *s != 0 ) { ++retVal; ++s; }
return retVal;
template<typename CharT>
void test ( const CharT *s ) {
std::experimental::basic_string_view<CharT> sv1 ( s );
assert ( sv1.size() == StrLen( s ));
assert ( == s );
int main () {
test ( "QBCDE" );
test ( "A" );
test ( "" );
test ( L"QBCDE" );
test ( L"A" );
test ( L"" );
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
test ( u"QBCDE" );
test ( u"A" );
test ( u"" );
test ( U"QBCDE" );
test ( U"A" );
test ( U"" );
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
constexpr std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> sv1 ( "ABCDE" );
static_assert ( sv1.size() == 5, "");
@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// constexpr basic_string_view(const _CharT* _s, size_type _len)
// : __data (_s), __size(_len) {}
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <string>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
template<typename CharT>
void test ( const CharT *s, size_t sz ) {
std::experimental::basic_string_view<CharT> sv1 ( s, sz );
assert ( sv1.size() == sz );
assert ( == s );
int main () {
test ( "QBCDE", 5 );
test ( "QBCDE", 2 );
test ( "", 0 );
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
constexpr const char *s = "QBCDE";
constexpr std::experimental::basic_string_view<char> sv1 ( s, 2 );
static_assert ( sv1.size() == 2, "" );
static_assert ( == s, "" );
test ( L"QBCDE", 5 );
test ( L"QBCDE", 2 );
test ( L"", 0 );
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
constexpr const wchar_t *s = L"QBCDE";
constexpr std::experimental::basic_string_view<wchar_t> sv1 ( s, 2 );
static_assert ( sv1.size() == 2, "" );
static_assert ( == s, "" );
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
test ( u"QBCDE", 5 );
test ( u"QBCDE", 2 );
test ( u"", 0 );
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
constexpr const char16_t *s = u"QBCDE";
constexpr std::experimental::basic_string_view<char16_t> sv1 ( s, 2 );
static_assert ( sv1.size() == 2, "" );
static_assert ( == s, "" );
test ( U"QBCDE", 5 );
test ( U"QBCDE", 2 );
test ( U"", 0 );
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
constexpr const char32_t *s = U"QBCDE";
constexpr std::experimental::basic_string_view<char32_t> sv1 ( s, 2 );
static_assert ( sv1.size() == 2, "" );
static_assert ( == s, "" );
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// template<class Allocator>
// basic_string_view(const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, Allocator>& _str) noexcept
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <string>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
struct dummy_char_traits : public std::char_traits<char> {};
template<typename CharT, typename Traits>
void test ( const std::basic_string<CharT, Traits> &str ) {
std::experimental::basic_string_view<CharT, Traits> sv1 ( str );
assert ( sv1.size() == str.size());
assert ( ==;
int main () {
test ( std::string("QBCDE") );
test ( std::string("") );
test ( std::string() );
test ( std::wstring(L"QBCDE") );
test ( std::wstring(L"") );
test ( std::wstring() );
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
test ( std::u16string{u"QBCDE"} );
test ( std::u16string{u""} );
test ( std::u16string{} );
test ( std::u32string{U"QBCDE"} );
test ( std::u32string{U""} );
test ( std::u32string{} );
test ( std::basic_string<char, dummy_char_traits>("QBCDE") );
test ( std::basic_string<char, dummy_char_traits>("") );
test ( std::basic_string<char, dummy_char_traits>() );
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// template<class Allocator>
// basic_string_view(const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, Allocator>& _str) noexcept
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <string>
#include <cassert>
struct dummy_char_traits : public std::char_traits<char> {};
int main () {
using string_view = std::experimental::basic_string_view<char>;
using string = std:: basic_string <char, dummy_char_traits>;
string s{"QBCDE"};
string_view sv1 ( s );
assert ( sv1.size() == s.size());
assert ( ==;
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// template<class Allocator>
// basic_string_view(const basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, Allocator>& _str) noexcept
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <string>
#include <cassert>
struct dummy_char_traits : public std::char_traits<char> {};
int main () {
using string_view = std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, dummy_char_traits>;
using string = std:: basic_string <char>;
string s{"QBCDE"};
string_view sv1 ( s );
assert ( sv1.size() == s.size());
assert ( ==;
@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// constexpr size_type find(charT c, size_type pos = 0) const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
template <class S>
test(const S& s, typename S::value_type c, typename S::size_type pos,
typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find(c, pos) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(pos <= x && x + 1 <= s.size());
template <class S>
test(const S& s, typename S::value_type c, typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find(c) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(0 <= x && x + 1 <= s.size());
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
test(S(""), 'c', 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), 'c', 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), 'c', 0, 2);
test(S("abcde"), 'c', 1, 2);
test(S("abcde"), 'c', 2, 2);
test(S("abcde"), 'c', 4, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), 'c', 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), 'c', 6, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), 'c', 0, 2);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), 'c', 1, 2);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), 'c', 5, 7);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), 'c', 9, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), 'c', 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), 'c', 11, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 'c', 0, 2);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 'c', 1, 2);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 'c', 10, 12);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 'c', 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 'c', 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 'c', 21, S::npos);
test(S(""), 'c', S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), 'c', 2);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), 'c', 2);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 'c', 2);
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert (sv1.find( 'c', 0 ) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv1.find( 'c', 1 ) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find( 'c', 0 ) == 2, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find( 'c', 1 ) == 2, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find( 'c', 2 ) == 2, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find( 'c', 3 ) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find( 'c', 4 ) == SV::npos, "" );
@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// constexpr size_type find_first_not_of(charT c, size_type pos = 0) const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
template <class S>
test(const S& s, typename S::value_type c, typename S::size_type pos,
typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find_first_not_of(c, pos) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(pos <= x && x < s.size());
template <class S>
test(const S& s, typename S::value_type c, typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find_first_not_of(c) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(x < s.size());
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
test(S(""), 'q', 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), 'q', 1, S::npos);
test(S("kitcj"), 'q', 0, 0);
test(S("qkamf"), 'q', 1, 1);
test(S("nhmko"), 'q', 2, 2);
test(S("tpsaf"), 'q', 4, 4);
test(S("lahfb"), 'q', 5, S::npos);
test(S("irkhs"), 'q', 6, S::npos);
test(S("gmfhdaipsr"), 'q', 0, 0);
test(S("kantesmpgj"), 'q', 1, 1);
test(S("odaftiegpm"), 'q', 5, 5);
test(S("oknlrstdpi"), 'q', 9, 9);
test(S("eolhfgpjqk"), 'q', 10, S::npos);
test(S("pcdrofikas"), 'q', 11, S::npos);
test(S("nbatdlmekrgcfqsophij"), 'q', 0, 0);
test(S("bnrpehidofmqtcksjgla"), 'q', 1, 1);
test(S("jdmciepkaqgotsrfnhlb"), 'q', 10, 10);
test(S("jtdaefblsokrmhpgcnqi"), 'q', 19, 19);
test(S("hkbgspofltajcnedqmri"), 'q', 20, S::npos);
test(S("oselktgbcapndfjihrmq"), 'q', 21, S::npos);
test(S(""), 'q', S::npos);
test(S("q"), 'q', S::npos);
test(S("qqq"), 'q', S::npos);
test(S("csope"), 'q', 0);
test(S("gfsmthlkon"), 'q', 0);
test(S("laenfsbridchgotmkqpj"), 'q', 0);
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert (sv1.find_first_not_of( 'q', 0 ) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv1.find_first_not_of( 'q', 1 ) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_first_not_of( 'q', 0 ) == 0, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_first_not_of( 'q', 1 ) == 1, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_first_not_of( 'q', 5 ) == SV::npos, "" );
@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// constexpr size_type find_first_not_of(const charT* s, size_type pos = 0) const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
template <class S>
test(const S& s, const typename S::value_type* str, typename S::size_type pos,
typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find_first_not_of(str, pos) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(pos <= x && x < s.size());
template <class S>
test(const S& s, const typename S::value_type* str, typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find_first_not_of(str) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(x < s.size());
template <class S>
void test0()
test(S(""), "", 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "laenf", 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "pqlnkmbdjo", 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "qkamfogpnljdcshbreti", 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "", 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "bjaht", 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "hjlcmgpket", 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "htaobedqikfplcgjsmrn", 1, S::npos);
test(S("fodgq"), "", 0, 0);
test(S("qanej"), "dfkap", 0, 0);
test(S("clbao"), "ihqrfebgad", 0, 0);
test(S("mekdn"), "ngtjfcalbseiqrphmkdo", 0, S::npos);
test(S("srdfq"), "", 1, 1);
test(S("oemth"), "ikcrq", 1, 1);
test(S("cdaih"), "dmajblfhsg", 1, 3);
test(S("qohtk"), "oqftjhdmkgsblacenirp", 1, S::npos);
test(S("cshmd"), "", 2, 2);
test(S("lhcdo"), "oebqi", 2, 2);
test(S("qnsoh"), "kojhpmbsfe", 2, S::npos);
test(S("pkrof"), "acbsjqogpltdkhinfrem", 2, S::npos);
test(S("fmtsp"), "", 4, 4);
test(S("khbpm"), "aobjd", 4, 4);
test(S("pbsji"), "pcbahntsje", 4, 4);
test(S("mprdj"), "fhepcrntkoagbmldqijs", 4, S::npos);
test(S("eqmpa"), "", 5, S::npos);
test(S("omigs"), "kocgb", 5, S::npos);
test(S("onmje"), "fbslrjiqkm", 5, S::npos);
test(S("oqmrj"), "jeidpcmalhfnqbgtrsko", 5, S::npos);
test(S("schfa"), "", 6, S::npos);
test(S("igdsc"), "qngpd", 6, S::npos);
test(S("brqgo"), "rodhqklgmb", 6, S::npos);
test(S("tnrph"), "thdjgafrlbkoiqcspmne", 6, S::npos);
test(S("hcjitbfapl"), "", 0, 0);
test(S("daiprenocl"), "ashjd", 0, 2);
test(S("litpcfdghe"), "mgojkldsqh", 0, 1);
test(S("aidjksrolc"), "imqnaghkfrdtlopbjesc", 0, S::npos);
test(S("qpghtfbaji"), "", 1, 1);
test(S("gfshlcmdjr"), "nadkh", 1, 1);
test(S("nkodajteqp"), "ofdrqmkebl", 1, 4);
test(S("gbmetiprqd"), "bdfjqgatlksriohemnpc", 1, S::npos);
test(S("crnklpmegd"), "", 5, 5);
test(S("jsbtafedoc"), "prqgn", 5, 5);
test(S("qnmodrtkeb"), "pejafmnokr", 5, 6);
test(S("cpebqsfmnj"), "odnqkgijrhabfmcestlp", 5, S::npos);
test(S("lmofqdhpki"), "", 9, 9);
test(S("hnefkqimca"), "rtjpa", 9, S::npos);
test(S("drtasbgmfp"), "ktsrmnqagd", 9, 9);
test(S("lsaijeqhtr"), "rtdhgcisbnmoaqkfpjle", 9, S::npos);
test(S("elgofjmbrq"), "", 10, S::npos);
test(S("mjqdgalkpc"), "dplqa", 10, S::npos);
test(S("kthqnfcerm"), "dkacjoptns", 10, S::npos);
test(S("dfsjhanorc"), "hqfimtrgnbekpdcsjalo", 10, S::npos);
test(S("eqsgalomhb"), "", 11, S::npos);
test(S("akiteljmoh"), "lofbc", 11, S::npos);
test(S("hlbdfreqjo"), "astoegbfpn", 11, S::npos);
test(S("taqobhlerg"), "pdgreqomsncafklhtibj", 11, S::npos);
test(S("snafbdlghrjkpqtoceim"), "", 0, 0);
test(S("aemtbrgcklhndjisfpoq"), "lbtqd", 0, 0);
test(S("pnracgfkjdiholtbqsem"), "tboimldpjh", 0, 1);
test(S("dicfltehbsgrmojnpkaq"), "slcerthdaiqjfnobgkpm", 0, S::npos);
test(S("jlnkraeodhcspfgbqitm"), "", 1, 1);
test(S("lhosrngtmfjikbqpcade"), "aqibs", 1, 1);
test(S("rbtaqjhgkneisldpmfoc"), "gtfblmqinc", 1, 3);
test(S("gpifsqlrdkbonjtmheca"), "mkqpbtdalgniorhfescj", 1, S::npos);
test(S("hdpkobnsalmcfijregtq"), "", 10, 10);
test(S("jtlshdgqaiprkbcoenfm"), "pblas", 10, 11);
test(S("fkdrbqltsgmcoiphneaj"), "arosdhcfme", 10, 13);
test(S("crsplifgtqedjohnabmk"), "blkhjeogicatqfnpdmsr", 10, S::npos);
test(S("niptglfbosehkamrdqcj"), "", 19, 19);
test(S("copqdhstbingamjfkler"), "djkqc", 19, 19);
test(S("mrtaefilpdsgocnhqbjk"), "lgokshjtpb", 19, S::npos);
test(S("kojatdhlcmigpbfrqnes"), "bqjhtkfepimcnsgrlado", 19, S::npos);
test(S("eaintpchlqsbdgrkjofm"), "", 20, S::npos);
test(S("gjnhidfsepkrtaqbmclo"), "nocfa", 20, S::npos);
test(S("spocfaktqdbiejlhngmr"), "bgtajmiedc", 20, S::npos);
test(S("rphmlekgfscndtaobiqj"), "lsckfnqgdahejiopbtmr", 20, S::npos);
test(S("liatsqdoegkmfcnbhrpj"), "", 21, S::npos);
test(S("binjagtfldkrspcomqeh"), "gfsrt", 21, S::npos);
test(S("latkmisecnorjbfhqpdg"), "pfsocbhjtm", 21, S::npos);
test(S("lecfratdjkhnsmqpoigb"), "tpflmdnoicjgkberhqsa", 21, S::npos);
template <class S>
void test1()
test(S(""), "", S::npos);
test(S(""), "laenf", S::npos);
test(S(""), "pqlnkmbdjo", S::npos);
test(S(""), "qkamfogpnljdcshbreti", S::npos);
test(S("nhmko"), "", 0);
test(S("lahfb"), "irkhs", 0);
test(S("gmfhd"), "kantesmpgj", 2);
test(S("odaft"), "oknlrstdpiqmjbaghcfe", S::npos);
test(S("eolhfgpjqk"), "", 0);
test(S("nbatdlmekr"), "bnrpe", 2);
test(S("jdmciepkaq"), "jtdaefblso", 2);
test(S("hkbgspoflt"), "oselktgbcapndfjihrmq", S::npos);
test(S("gprdcokbnjhlsfmtieqa"), "", 0);
test(S("qjghlnftcaismkropdeb"), "bjaht", 0);
test(S("pnalfrdtkqcmojiesbhg"), "hjlcmgpket", 1);
test(S("pniotcfrhqsmgdkjbael"), "htaobedqikfplcgjsmrn", S::npos);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert (sv1.find_first_not_of( "", 0) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv1.find_first_not_of( "irkhs", 0) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_first_not_of( "", 0) == 0, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_first_not_of( "gfsrt", 0) == 0, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_first_not_of( "lecar", 0) == 1, "" );
@ -1,393 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// constexpr size_type find_first_not_of(const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
template <class S>
test(const S& s, const typename S::value_type* str, typename S::size_type pos,
typename S::size_type n, typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find_first_not_of(str, pos, n) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(pos <= x && x < s.size());
template <class S>
void test0()
test(S(""), "", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "irkhs", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "kante", 0, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "oknlr", 0, 2, S::npos);
test(S(""), "pcdro", 0, 4, S::npos);
test(S(""), "bnrpe", 0, 5, S::npos);
test(S(""), "jtdaefblso", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "oselktgbca", 0, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "eqgaplhckj", 0, 5, S::npos);
test(S(""), "bjahtcmnlp", 0, 9, S::npos);
test(S(""), "hjlcmgpket", 0, 10, S::npos);
test(S(""), "htaobedqikfplcgjsmrn", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "hpqiarojkcdlsgnmfetb", 0, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "dfkaprhjloqetcsimnbg", 0, 10, S::npos);
test(S(""), "ihqrfebgadntlpmjksoc", 0, 19, S::npos);
test(S(""), "ngtjfcalbseiqrphmkdo", 0, 20, S::npos);
test(S(""), "", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "lbtqd", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "tboim", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "slcer", 1, 2, S::npos);
test(S(""), "cbjfs", 1, 4, S::npos);
test(S(""), "aqibs", 1, 5, S::npos);
test(S(""), "gtfblmqinc", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "mkqpbtdalg", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "kphatlimcd", 1, 5, S::npos);
test(S(""), "pblasqogic", 1, 9, S::npos);
test(S(""), "arosdhcfme", 1, 10, S::npos);
test(S(""), "blkhjeogicatqfnpdmsr", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "bmhineprjcoadgstflqk", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "djkqcmetslnghpbarfoi", 1, 10, S::npos);
test(S(""), "lgokshjtpbemarcdqnfi", 1, 19, S::npos);
test(S(""), "bqjhtkfepimcnsgrlado", 1, 20, S::npos);
test(S("eaint"), "", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("binja"), "gfsrt", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("latkm"), "pfsoc", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("lecfr"), "tpflm", 0, 2, 0);
test(S("eqkst"), "sgkec", 0, 4, 1);
test(S("cdafr"), "romds", 0, 5, 0);
test(S("prbhe"), "qhjistlgmr", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("lbisk"), "pedfirsglo", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("hrlpd"), "aqcoslgrmk", 0, 5, 0);
test(S("ehmja"), "dabckmepqj", 0, 9, 1);
test(S("mhqgd"), "pqscrjthli", 0, 10, 0);
test(S("tgklq"), "kfphdcsjqmobliagtren", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("bocjs"), "rokpefncljibsdhqtagm", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("grbsd"), "afionmkphlebtcjqsgrd", 0, 10, 0);
test(S("ofjqr"), "aenmqplidhkofrjbctsg", 0, 19, S::npos);
test(S("btlfi"), "osjmbtcadhiklegrpqnf", 0, 20, S::npos);
test(S("clrgb"), "", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("tjmek"), "osmia", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("bgstp"), "ckonl", 1, 1, 1);
test(S("hstrk"), "ilcaj", 1, 2, 1);
test(S("kmspj"), "lasiq", 1, 4, 1);
test(S("tjboh"), "kfqmr", 1, 5, 1);
test(S("ilbcj"), "klnitfaobg", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("jkngf"), "gjhmdlqikp", 1, 1, 1);
test(S("gfcql"), "skbgtahqej", 1, 5, 1);
test(S("dqtlg"), "bjsdgtlpkf", 1, 9, 1);
test(S("bthpg"), "bjgfmnlkio", 1, 10, 1);
test(S("dgsnq"), "lbhepotfsjdqigcnamkr", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("rmfhp"), "tebangckmpsrqdlfojhi", 1, 1, 1);
test(S("jfdam"), "joflqbdkhtegimscpanr", 1, 10, 3);
test(S("edapb"), "adpmcohetfbsrjinlqkg", 1, 19, S::npos);
test(S("brfsm"), "iacldqjpfnogbsrhmetk", 1, 20, S::npos);
test(S("ndrhl"), "", 2, 0, 2);
test(S("mrecp"), "otkgb", 2, 0, 2);
test(S("qlasf"), "cqsjl", 2, 1, 2);
test(S("smaqd"), "dpifl", 2, 2, 2);
test(S("hjeni"), "oapht", 2, 4, 2);
test(S("ocmfj"), "cifts", 2, 5, 2);
test(S("hmftq"), "nmsckbgalo", 2, 0, 2);
test(S("fklad"), "tpksqhamle", 2, 1, 2);
test(S("dirnm"), "tpdrchmkji", 2, 5, 3);
test(S("hrgdc"), "ijagfkblst", 2, 9, 3);
test(S("ifakg"), "kpocsignjb", 2, 10, 2);
test(S("ebrgd"), "pecqtkjsnbdrialgmohf", 2, 0, 2);
test(S("rcjml"), "aiortphfcmkjebgsndql", 2, 1, 2);
test(S("peqmt"), "sdbkeamglhipojqftrcn", 2, 10, 2);
test(S("frehn"), "ljqncehgmfktroapidbs", 2, 19, S::npos);
test(S("tqolf"), "rtcfodilamkbenjghqps", 2, 20, S::npos);
test(S("cjgao"), "", 4, 0, 4);
test(S("kjplq"), "mabns", 4, 0, 4);
test(S("herni"), "bdnrp", 4, 1, 4);
test(S("tadrb"), "scidp", 4, 2, 4);
test(S("pkfeo"), "agbjl", 4, 4, 4);
test(S("hoser"), "jfmpr", 4, 5, S::npos);
test(S("kgrsp"), "rbpefghsmj", 4, 0, 4);
test(S("pgejb"), "apsfntdoqc", 4, 1, 4);
test(S("thlnq"), "ndkjeisgcl", 4, 5, 4);
test(S("nbmit"), "rnfpqatdeo", 4, 9, S::npos);
test(S("jgmib"), "bntjlqrfik", 4, 10, S::npos);
test(S("ncrfj"), "kcrtmpolnaqejghsfdbi", 4, 0, 4);
test(S("ncsik"), "lobheanpkmqidsrtcfgj", 4, 1, 4);
test(S("sgbfh"), "athdkljcnreqbgpmisof", 4, 10, S::npos);
test(S("dktbn"), "qkdmjialrscpbhefgont", 4, 19, S::npos);
test(S("fthqm"), "dmasojntqleribkgfchp", 4, 20, S::npos);
test(S("klopi"), "", 5, 0, S::npos);
test(S("dajhn"), "psthd", 5, 0, S::npos);
test(S("jbgno"), "rpmjd", 5, 1, S::npos);
test(S("hkjae"), "dfsmk", 5, 2, S::npos);
template <class S>
void test1()
test(S("gbhqo"), "skqne", 5, 4, S::npos);
test(S("ktdor"), "kipnf", 5, 5, S::npos);
test(S("ldprn"), "hmrnqdgifl", 5, 0, S::npos);
test(S("egmjk"), "fsmjcdairn", 5, 1, S::npos);
test(S("armql"), "pcdgltbrfj", 5, 5, S::npos);
test(S("cdhjo"), "aekfctpirg", 5, 9, S::npos);
test(S("jcons"), "ledihrsgpf", 5, 10, S::npos);
test(S("cbrkp"), "mqcklahsbtirgopefndj", 5, 0, S::npos);
test(S("fhgna"), "kmlthaoqgecrnpdbjfis", 5, 1, S::npos);
test(S("ejfcd"), "sfhbamcdptojlkrenqgi", 5, 10, S::npos);
test(S("kqjhe"), "pbniofmcedrkhlstgaqj", 5, 19, S::npos);
test(S("pbdjl"), "mongjratcskbhqiepfdl", 5, 20, S::npos);
test(S("gajqn"), "", 6, 0, S::npos);
test(S("stedk"), "hrnat", 6, 0, S::npos);
test(S("tjkaf"), "gsqdt", 6, 1, S::npos);
test(S("dthpe"), "bspkd", 6, 2, S::npos);
test(S("klhde"), "ohcmb", 6, 4, S::npos);
test(S("bhlki"), "heatr", 6, 5, S::npos);
test(S("lqmoh"), "pmblckedfn", 6, 0, S::npos);
test(S("mtqin"), "aceqmsrbik", 6, 1, S::npos);
test(S("dpqbr"), "lmbtdehjrn", 6, 5, S::npos);
test(S("kdhmo"), "teqmcrlgib", 6, 9, S::npos);
test(S("jblqp"), "njolbmspac", 6, 10, S::npos);
test(S("qmjgl"), "pofnhidklamecrbqjgst", 6, 0, S::npos);
test(S("rothp"), "jbhckmtgrqnosafedpli", 6, 1, S::npos);
test(S("ghknq"), "dobntpmqklicsahgjerf", 6, 10, S::npos);
test(S("eopfi"), "tpdshainjkbfoemlrgcq", 6, 19, S::npos);
test(S("dsnmg"), "oldpfgeakrnitscbjmqh", 6, 20, S::npos);
test(S("jnkrfhotgl"), "", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("dltjfngbko"), "rqegt", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("bmjlpkiqde"), "dashm", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("skrflobnqm"), "jqirk", 0, 2, 0);
test(S("jkpldtshrm"), "rckeg", 0, 4, 0);
test(S("ghasdbnjqo"), "jscie", 0, 5, 0);
test(S("igrkhpbqjt"), "efsphndliq", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("ikthdgcamf"), "gdicosleja", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("pcofgeniam"), "qcpjibosfl", 0, 5, 2);
test(S("rlfjgesqhc"), "lrhmefnjcq", 0, 9, 4);
test(S("itphbqsker"), "dtablcrseo", 0, 10, 0);
test(S("skjafcirqm"), "apckjsftedbhgomrnilq", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("tcqomarsfd"), "pcbrgflehjtiadnsokqm", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("rocfeldqpk"), "nsiadegjklhobrmtqcpf", 0, 10, 0);
test(S("cfpegndlkt"), "cpmajdqnolikhgsbretf", 0, 19, 1);
test(S("fqbtnkeasj"), "jcflkntmgiqrphdosaeb", 0, 20, S::npos);
test(S("shbcqnmoar"), "", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("bdoshlmfin"), "ontrs", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("khfrebnsgq"), "pfkna", 1, 1, 1);
test(S("getcrsaoji"), "ekosa", 1, 2, 2);
test(S("fjiknedcpq"), "anqhk", 1, 4, 1);
test(S("tkejgnafrm"), "jekca", 1, 5, 4);
test(S("jnakolqrde"), "ikemsjgacf", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("lcjptsmgbe"), "arolgsjkhm", 1, 1, 1);
test(S("itfsmcjorl"), "oftkbldhre", 1, 5, 3);
test(S("omchkfrjea"), "gbkqdoeftl", 1, 9, 1);
test(S("cigfqkated"), "sqcflrgtim", 1, 10, 5);
test(S("tscenjikml"), "fmhbkislrjdpanogqcet", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("qcpaemsinf"), "rnioadktqlgpbcjsmhef", 1, 1, 1);
test(S("gltkojeipd"), "oakgtnldpsefihqmjcbr", 1, 10, 5);
test(S("qistfrgnmp"), "gbnaelosidmcjqktfhpr", 1, 19, 5);
test(S("bdnpfcqaem"), "akbripjhlosndcmqgfet", 1, 20, S::npos);
test(S("ectnhskflp"), "", 5, 0, 5);
test(S("fgtianblpq"), "pijag", 5, 0, 5);
test(S("mfeqklirnh"), "jrckd", 5, 1, 5);
test(S("astedncjhk"), "qcloh", 5, 2, 5);
test(S("fhlqgcajbr"), "thlmp", 5, 4, 5);
test(S("epfhocmdng"), "qidmo", 5, 5, 5);
test(S("apcnsibger"), "lnegpsjqrd", 5, 0, 5);
test(S("aqkocrbign"), "rjqdablmfs", 5, 1, 6);
test(S("ijsmdtqgce"), "enkgpbsjaq", 5, 5, 5);
test(S("clobgsrken"), "kdsgoaijfh", 5, 9, 6);
test(S("jbhcfposld"), "trfqgmckbe", 5, 10, 5);
test(S("oqnpblhide"), "igetsracjfkdnpoblhqm", 5, 0, 5);
test(S("lroeasctif"), "nqctfaogirshlekbdjpm", 5, 1, 5);
test(S("bpjlgmiedh"), "csehfgomljdqinbartkp", 5, 10, 6);
test(S("pamkeoidrj"), "qahoegcmplkfsjbdnitr", 5, 19, 8);
test(S("espogqbthk"), "dpteiajrqmsognhlfbkc", 5, 20, S::npos);
test(S("shoiedtcjb"), "", 9, 0, 9);
test(S("ebcinjgads"), "tqbnh", 9, 0, 9);
test(S("dqmregkcfl"), "akmle", 9, 1, 9);
test(S("ngcrieqajf"), "iqfkm", 9, 2, 9);
test(S("qosmilgnjb"), "tqjsr", 9, 4, 9);
test(S("ikabsjtdfl"), "jplqg", 9, 5, S::npos);
test(S("ersmicafdh"), "oilnrbcgtj", 9, 0, 9);
test(S("fdnplotmgh"), "morkglpesn", 9, 1, 9);
test(S("fdbicojerm"), "dmicerngat", 9, 5, S::npos);
test(S("mbtafndjcq"), "radgeskbtc", 9, 9, 9);
test(S("mlenkpfdtc"), "ljikprsmqo", 9, 10, 9);
test(S("ahlcifdqgs"), "trqihkcgsjamfdbolnpe", 9, 0, 9);
test(S("bgjemaltks"), "lqmthbsrekajgnofcipd", 9, 1, 9);
test(S("pdhslbqrfc"), "jtalmedribkgqsopcnfh", 9, 10, 9);
test(S("dirhtsnjkc"), "spqfoiclmtagejbndkrh", 9, 19, S::npos);
test(S("dlroktbcja"), "nmotklspigjrdhcfaebq", 9, 20, S::npos);
test(S("ncjpmaekbs"), "", 10, 0, S::npos);
test(S("hlbosgmrak"), "hpmsd", 10, 0, S::npos);
test(S("pqfhsgilen"), "qnpor", 10, 1, S::npos);
test(S("gqtjsbdckh"), "otdma", 10, 2, S::npos);
test(S("cfkqpjlegi"), "efhjg", 10, 4, S::npos);
test(S("beanrfodgj"), "odpte", 10, 5, S::npos);
test(S("adtkqpbjfi"), "bctdgfmolr", 10, 0, S::npos);
test(S("iomkfthagj"), "oaklidrbqg", 10, 1, S::npos);
template <class S>
void test2()
test(S("sdpcilonqj"), "dnjfsagktr", 10, 5, S::npos);
test(S("gtfbdkqeml"), "nejaktmiqg", 10, 9, S::npos);
test(S("bmeqgcdorj"), "pjqonlebsf", 10, 10, S::npos);
test(S("etqlcanmob"), "dshmnbtolcjepgaikfqr", 10, 0, S::npos);
test(S("roqmkbdtia"), "iogfhpabtjkqlrnemcds", 10, 1, S::npos);
test(S("kadsithljf"), "ngridfabjsecpqltkmoh", 10, 10, S::npos);
test(S("sgtkpbfdmh"), "athmknplcgofrqejsdib", 10, 19, S::npos);
test(S("qgmetnabkl"), "ldobhmqcafnjtkeisgrp", 10, 20, S::npos);
test(S("cqjohampgd"), "", 11, 0, S::npos);
test(S("hobitmpsan"), "aocjb", 11, 0, S::npos);
test(S("tjehkpsalm"), "jbrnk", 11, 1, S::npos);
test(S("ngfbojitcl"), "tqedg", 11, 2, S::npos);
test(S("rcfkdbhgjo"), "nqskp", 11, 4, S::npos);
test(S("qghptonrea"), "eaqkl", 11, 5, S::npos);
test(S("hnprfgqjdl"), "reaoicljqm", 11, 0, S::npos);
test(S("hlmgabenti"), "lsftgajqpm", 11, 1, S::npos);
test(S("ofcjanmrbs"), "rlpfogmits", 11, 5, S::npos);
test(S("jqedtkornm"), "shkncmiaqj", 11, 9, S::npos);
test(S("rfedlasjmg"), "fpnatrhqgs", 11, 10, S::npos);
test(S("talpqjsgkm"), "sjclemqhnpdbgikarfot", 11, 0, S::npos);
test(S("lrkcbtqpie"), "otcmedjikgsfnqbrhpla", 11, 1, S::npos);
test(S("cipogdskjf"), "bonsaefdqiprkhlgtjcm", 11, 10, S::npos);
test(S("nqedcojahi"), "egpscmahijlfnkrodqtb", 11, 19, S::npos);
test(S("hefnrkmctj"), "kmqbfepjthgilscrndoa", 11, 20, S::npos);
test(S("atqirnmekfjolhpdsgcb"), "", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("echfkmlpribjnqsaogtd"), "prboq", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("qnhiftdgcleajbpkrosm"), "fjcqh", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("chamfknorbedjitgslpq"), "fmosa", 0, 2, 0);
test(S("njhqpibfmtlkaecdrgso"), "qdbok", 0, 4, 0);
test(S("ebnghfsqkprmdcljoiat"), "amslg", 0, 5, 0);
test(S("letjomsgihfrpqbkancd"), "smpltjneqb", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("nblgoipcrqeaktshjdmf"), "flitskrnge", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("cehkbngtjoiflqapsmrd"), "pgqihmlbef", 0, 5, 0);
test(S("mignapfoklbhcqjetdrs"), "cfpdqjtgsb", 0, 9, 0);
test(S("ceatbhlsqjgpnokfrmdi"), "htpsiaflom", 0, 10, 0);
test(S("ocihkjgrdelpfnmastqb"), "kpjfiaceghsrdtlbnomq", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("noelgschdtbrjfmiqkap"), "qhtbomidljgafneksprc", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("dkclqfombepritjnghas"), "nhtjobkcefldimpsaqgr", 0, 10, 0);
test(S("miklnresdgbhqcojftap"), "prabcjfqnoeskilmtgdh", 0, 19, 11);
test(S("htbcigojaqmdkfrnlsep"), "dtrgmchilkasqoebfpjn", 0, 20, S::npos);
test(S("febhmqtjanokscdirpgl"), "", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("loakbsqjpcrdhftniegm"), "sqome", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("reagphsqflbitdcjmkno"), "smfte", 1, 1, 1);
test(S("jitlfrqemsdhkopncabg"), "ciboh", 1, 2, 2);
test(S("mhtaepscdnrjqgbkifol"), "haois", 1, 4, 2);
test(S("tocesrfmnglpbjihqadk"), "abfki", 1, 5, 1);
test(S("lpfmctjrhdagneskbqoi"), "frdkocntmq", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("lsmqaepkdhncirbtjfgo"), "oasbpedlnr", 1, 1, 1);
test(S("epoiqmtldrabnkjhcfsg"), "kltqmhgand", 1, 5, 1);
test(S("emgasrilpknqojhtbdcf"), "gdtfjchpmr", 1, 9, 3);
test(S("hnfiagdpcklrjetqbsom"), "ponmcqblet", 1, 10, 2);
test(S("nsdfebgajhmtricpoklq"), "sgphqdnofeiklatbcmjr", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("atjgfsdlpobmeiqhncrk"), "ljqprsmigtfoneadckbh", 1, 1, 1);
test(S("sitodfgnrejlahcbmqkp"), "ligeojhafnkmrcsqtbdp", 1, 10, 2);
test(S("fraghmbiceknltjpqosd"), "lsimqfnjarbopedkhcgt", 1, 19, 13);
test(S("pmafenlhqtdbkirjsogc"), "abedmfjlghniorcqptks", 1, 20, S::npos);
test(S("pihgmoeqtnakrjslcbfd"), "", 10, 0, 10);
test(S("gjdkeprctqblnhiafsom"), "hqtoa", 10, 0, 10);
test(S("mkpnblfdsahrcqijteog"), "cahif", 10, 1, 10);
test(S("gckarqnelodfjhmbptis"), "kehis", 10, 2, 10);
test(S("gqpskidtbclomahnrjfe"), "kdlmh", 10, 4, 11);
test(S("pkldjsqrfgitbhmaecno"), "paeql", 10, 5, 10);
test(S("aftsijrbeklnmcdqhgop"), "aghoqiefnb", 10, 0, 10);
test(S("mtlgdrhafjkbiepqnsoc"), "jrbqaikpdo", 10, 1, 10);
test(S("pqgirnaefthokdmbsclj"), "smjonaeqcl", 10, 5, 10);
test(S("kpdbgjmtherlsfcqoina"), "eqbdrkcfah", 10, 9, 11);
test(S("jrlbothiknqmdgcfasep"), "kapmsienhf", 10, 10, 10);
test(S("mjogldqferckabinptsh"), "jpqotrlenfcsbhkaimdg", 10, 0, 10);
test(S("apoklnefbhmgqcdrisjt"), "jlbmhnfgtcqprikeados", 10, 1, 10);
test(S("ifeopcnrjbhkdgatmqls"), "stgbhfmdaljnpqoicker", 10, 10, 11);
test(S("ckqhaiesmjdnrgolbtpf"), "oihcetflbjagdsrkmqpn", 10, 19, 11);
test(S("bnlgapfimcoterskqdjh"), "adtclebmnpjsrqfkigoh", 10, 20, S::npos);
test(S("kgdlrobpmjcthqsafeni"), "", 19, 0, 19);
test(S("dfkechomjapgnslbtqir"), "beafg", 19, 0, 19);
test(S("rloadknfbqtgmhcsipje"), "iclat", 19, 1, 19);
test(S("mgjhkolrnadqbpetcifs"), "rkhnf", 19, 2, 19);
test(S("cmlfakiojdrgtbsphqen"), "clshq", 19, 4, 19);
test(S("kghbfipeomsntdalrqjc"), "dtcoj", 19, 5, S::npos);
test(S("eldiqckrnmtasbghjfpo"), "rqosnjmfth", 19, 0, 19);
test(S("abqjcfedgotihlnspkrm"), "siatdfqglh", 19, 1, 19);
test(S("qfbadrtjsimkolcenhpg"), "mrlshtpgjq", 19, 5, 19);
test(S("abseghclkjqifmtodrnp"), "adlcskgqjt", 19, 9, 19);
test(S("ibmsnlrjefhtdokacqpg"), "drshcjknaf", 19, 10, 19);
test(S("mrkfciqjebaponsthldg"), "etsaqroinghpkjdlfcbm", 19, 0, 19);
test(S("mjkticdeoqshpalrfbgn"), "sgepdnkqliambtrocfhj", 19, 1, 19);
test(S("rqnoclbdejgiphtfsakm"), "nlmcjaqgbsortfdihkpe", 19, 10, S::npos);
test(S("plkqbhmtfaeodjcrsing"), "racfnpmosldibqkghjet", 19, 19, S::npos);
test(S("oegalhmstjrfickpbndq"), "fjhdsctkqeiolagrnmbp", 19, 20, S::npos);
test(S("rdtgjcaohpblniekmsfq"), "", 20, 0, S::npos);
test(S("ofkqbnjetrmsaidphglc"), "ejanp", 20, 0, S::npos);
test(S("grkpahljcftesdmonqib"), "odife", 20, 1, S::npos);
test(S("jimlgbhfqkteospardcn"), "okaqd", 20, 2, S::npos);
test(S("gftenihpmslrjkqadcob"), "lcdbi", 20, 4, S::npos);
test(S("bmhldogtckrfsanijepq"), "fsqbj", 20, 5, S::npos);
test(S("nfqkrpjdesabgtlcmoih"), "bigdomnplq", 20, 0, S::npos);
test(S("focalnrpiqmdkstehbjg"), "apiblotgcd", 20, 1, S::npos);
test(S("rhqdspkmebiflcotnjga"), "acfhdenops", 20, 5, S::npos);
test(S("rahdtmsckfboqlpniegj"), "jopdeamcrk", 20, 9, S::npos);
test(S("fbkeiopclstmdqranjhg"), "trqncbkgmh", 20, 10, S::npos);
test(S("lifhpdgmbconstjeqark"), "tomglrkencbsfjqpihda", 20, 0, S::npos);
template <class S>
void test3()
test(S("pboqganrhedjmltsicfk"), "gbkhdnpoietfcmrslajq", 20, 1, S::npos);
test(S("klchabsimetjnqgorfpd"), "rtfnmbsglkjaichoqedp", 20, 10, S::npos);
test(S("sirfgmjqhctndbklaepo"), "ohkmdpfqbsacrtjnlgei", 20, 19, S::npos);
test(S("rlbdsiceaonqjtfpghkm"), "dlbrteoisgphmkncajfq", 20, 20, S::npos);
test(S("ecgdanriptblhjfqskom"), "", 21, 0, S::npos);
test(S("fdmiarlpgcskbhoteqjn"), "sjrlo", 21, 0, S::npos);
test(S("rlbstjqopignecmfadkh"), "qjpor", 21, 1, S::npos);
test(S("grjpqmbshektdolcafni"), "odhfn", 21, 2, S::npos);
test(S("sakfcohtqnibprjmlged"), "qtfin", 21, 4, S::npos);
test(S("mjtdglasihqpocebrfkn"), "hpqfo", 21, 5, S::npos);
test(S("okaplfrntghqbmeicsdj"), "fabmertkos", 21, 0, S::npos);
test(S("sahngemrtcjidqbklfpo"), "brqtgkmaej", 21, 1, S::npos);
test(S("dlmsipcnekhbgoaftqjr"), "nfrdeihsgl", 21, 5, S::npos);
test(S("ahegrmqnoiklpfsdbcjt"), "hlfrosekpi", 21, 9, S::npos);
test(S("hdsjbnmlegtkqripacof"), "atgbkrjdsm", 21, 10, S::npos);
test(S("pcnedrfjihqbalkgtoms"), "blnrptjgqmaifsdkhoec", 21, 0, S::npos);
test(S("qjidealmtpskrbfhocng"), "ctpmdahebfqjgknloris", 21, 1, S::npos);
test(S("qeindtagmokpfhsclrbj"), "apnkeqthrmlbfodiscgj", 21, 10, S::npos);
test(S("kpfegbjhsrnodltqciam"), "jdgictpframeoqlsbknh", 21, 19, S::npos);
test(S("hnbrcplsjfgiktoedmaq"), "qprlsfojamgndekthibc", 21, 20, S::npos);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert (sv1.find_first_not_of( "", 0, 0) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv1.find_first_not_of( "irkhs", 0, 5) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_first_not_of( "", 0, 0) == 0, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_first_not_of( "gfsrt", 0, 5) == 0, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_first_not_of( "lecar", 0, 5) == 1, "" );
@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// size_type find_first_not_of(const basic_string& str, size_type pos = 0) const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
template <class S>
test(const S& s, const S& str, typename S::size_type pos, typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find_first_not_of(str, pos) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(pos <= x && x < s.size());
template <class S>
test(const S& s, const S& str, typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find_first_not_of(str) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(x < s.size());
template <class S>
void test0()
test(S(""), S(""), 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), S("laenf"), 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), S("pqlnkmbdjo"), 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), S("qkamfogpnljdcshbreti"), 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), S(""), 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), S("bjaht"), 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), S("hjlcmgpket"), 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), S("htaobedqikfplcgjsmrn"), 1, S::npos);
test(S("fodgq"), S(""), 0, 0);
test(S("qanej"), S("dfkap"), 0, 0);
test(S("clbao"), S("ihqrfebgad"), 0, 0);
test(S("mekdn"), S("ngtjfcalbseiqrphmkdo"), 0, S::npos);
test(S("srdfq"), S(""), 1, 1);
test(S("oemth"), S("ikcrq"), 1, 1);
test(S("cdaih"), S("dmajblfhsg"), 1, 3);
test(S("qohtk"), S("oqftjhdmkgsblacenirp"), 1, S::npos);
test(S("cshmd"), S(""), 2, 2);
test(S("lhcdo"), S("oebqi"), 2, 2);
test(S("qnsoh"), S("kojhpmbsfe"), 2, S::npos);
test(S("pkrof"), S("acbsjqogpltdkhinfrem"), 2, S::npos);
test(S("fmtsp"), S(""), 4, 4);
test(S("khbpm"), S("aobjd"), 4, 4);
test(S("pbsji"), S("pcbahntsje"), 4, 4);
test(S("mprdj"), S("fhepcrntkoagbmldqijs"), 4, S::npos);
test(S("eqmpa"), S(""), 5, S::npos);
test(S("omigs"), S("kocgb"), 5, S::npos);
test(S("onmje"), S("fbslrjiqkm"), 5, S::npos);
test(S("oqmrj"), S("jeidpcmalhfnqbgtrsko"), 5, S::npos);
test(S("schfa"), S(""), 6, S::npos);
test(S("igdsc"), S("qngpd"), 6, S::npos);
test(S("brqgo"), S("rodhqklgmb"), 6, S::npos);
test(S("tnrph"), S("thdjgafrlbkoiqcspmne"), 6, S::npos);
test(S("hcjitbfapl"), S(""), 0, 0);
test(S("daiprenocl"), S("ashjd"), 0, 2);
test(S("litpcfdghe"), S("mgojkldsqh"), 0, 1);
test(S("aidjksrolc"), S("imqnaghkfrdtlopbjesc"), 0, S::npos);
test(S("qpghtfbaji"), S(""), 1, 1);
test(S("gfshlcmdjr"), S("nadkh"), 1, 1);
test(S("nkodajteqp"), S("ofdrqmkebl"), 1, 4);
test(S("gbmetiprqd"), S("bdfjqgatlksriohemnpc"), 1, S::npos);
test(S("crnklpmegd"), S(""), 5, 5);
test(S("jsbtafedoc"), S("prqgn"), 5, 5);
test(S("qnmodrtkeb"), S("pejafmnokr"), 5, 6);
test(S("cpebqsfmnj"), S("odnqkgijrhabfmcestlp"), 5, S::npos);
test(S("lmofqdhpki"), S(""), 9, 9);
test(S("hnefkqimca"), S("rtjpa"), 9, S::npos);
test(S("drtasbgmfp"), S("ktsrmnqagd"), 9, 9);
test(S("lsaijeqhtr"), S("rtdhgcisbnmoaqkfpjle"), 9, S::npos);
test(S("elgofjmbrq"), S(""), 10, S::npos);
test(S("mjqdgalkpc"), S("dplqa"), 10, S::npos);
test(S("kthqnfcerm"), S("dkacjoptns"), 10, S::npos);
test(S("dfsjhanorc"), S("hqfimtrgnbekpdcsjalo"), 10, S::npos);
test(S("eqsgalomhb"), S(""), 11, S::npos);
test(S("akiteljmoh"), S("lofbc"), 11, S::npos);
test(S("hlbdfreqjo"), S("astoegbfpn"), 11, S::npos);
test(S("taqobhlerg"), S("pdgreqomsncafklhtibj"), 11, S::npos);
test(S("snafbdlghrjkpqtoceim"), S(""), 0, 0);
test(S("aemtbrgcklhndjisfpoq"), S("lbtqd"), 0, 0);
test(S("pnracgfkjdiholtbqsem"), S("tboimldpjh"), 0, 1);
test(S("dicfltehbsgrmojnpkaq"), S("slcerthdaiqjfnobgkpm"), 0, S::npos);
test(S("jlnkraeodhcspfgbqitm"), S(""), 1, 1);
test(S("lhosrngtmfjikbqpcade"), S("aqibs"), 1, 1);
test(S("rbtaqjhgkneisldpmfoc"), S("gtfblmqinc"), 1, 3);
test(S("gpifsqlrdkbonjtmheca"), S("mkqpbtdalgniorhfescj"), 1, S::npos);
test(S("hdpkobnsalmcfijregtq"), S(""), 10, 10);
test(S("jtlshdgqaiprkbcoenfm"), S("pblas"), 10, 11);
test(S("fkdrbqltsgmcoiphneaj"), S("arosdhcfme"), 10, 13);
test(S("crsplifgtqedjohnabmk"), S("blkhjeogicatqfnpdmsr"), 10, S::npos);
test(S("niptglfbosehkamrdqcj"), S(""), 19, 19);
test(S("copqdhstbingamjfkler"), S("djkqc"), 19, 19);
test(S("mrtaefilpdsgocnhqbjk"), S("lgokshjtpb"), 19, S::npos);
test(S("kojatdhlcmigpbfrqnes"), S("bqjhtkfepimcnsgrlado"), 19, S::npos);
test(S("eaintpchlqsbdgrkjofm"), S(""), 20, S::npos);
test(S("gjnhidfsepkrtaqbmclo"), S("nocfa"), 20, S::npos);
test(S("spocfaktqdbiejlhngmr"), S("bgtajmiedc"), 20, S::npos);
test(S("rphmlekgfscndtaobiqj"), S("lsckfnqgdahejiopbtmr"), 20, S::npos);
test(S("liatsqdoegkmfcnbhrpj"), S(""), 21, S::npos);
test(S("binjagtfldkrspcomqeh"), S("gfsrt"), 21, S::npos);
test(S("latkmisecnorjbfhqpdg"), S("pfsocbhjtm"), 21, S::npos);
test(S("lecfratdjkhnsmqpoigb"), S("tpflmdnoicjgkberhqsa"), 21, S::npos);
template <class S>
void test1()
test(S(""), S(""), S::npos);
test(S(""), S("laenf"), S::npos);
test(S(""), S("pqlnkmbdjo"), S::npos);
test(S(""), S("qkamfogpnljdcshbreti"), S::npos);
test(S("nhmko"), S(""), 0);
test(S("lahfb"), S("irkhs"), 0);
test(S("gmfhd"), S("kantesmpgj"), 2);
test(S("odaft"), S("oknlrstdpiqmjbaghcfe"), S::npos);
test(S("eolhfgpjqk"), S(""), 0);
test(S("nbatdlmekr"), S("bnrpe"), 2);
test(S("jdmciepkaq"), S("jtdaefblso"), 2);
test(S("hkbgspoflt"), S("oselktgbcapndfjihrmq"), S::npos);
test(S("gprdcokbnjhlsfmtieqa"), S(""), 0);
test(S("qjghlnftcaismkropdeb"), S("bjaht"), 0);
test(S("pnalfrdtkqcmojiesbhg"), S("hjlcmgpket"), 1);
test(S("pniotcfrhqsmgdkjbael"), S("htaobedqikfplcgjsmrn"), S::npos);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string>
// constexpr size_type find_first_of(charT c, size_type pos = 0) const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
template <class S>
test(const S& s, typename S::value_type c, typename S::size_type pos,
typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find_first_of(c, pos) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(pos <= x && x < s.size());
template <class S>
test(const S& s, typename S::value_type c, typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find_first_of(c) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(x < s.size());
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
test(S(""), 'e', 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), 'e', 1, S::npos);
test(S("kitcj"), 'e', 0, S::npos);
test(S("qkamf"), 'e', 1, S::npos);
test(S("nhmko"), 'e', 2, S::npos);
test(S("tpsaf"), 'e', 4, S::npos);
test(S("lahfb"), 'e', 5, S::npos);
test(S("irkhs"), 'e', 6, S::npos);
test(S("gmfhdaipsr"), 'e', 0, S::npos);
test(S("kantesmpgj"), 'e', 1, 4);
test(S("odaftiegpm"), 'e', 5, 6);
test(S("oknlrstdpi"), 'e', 9, S::npos);
test(S("eolhfgpjqk"), 'e', 10, S::npos);
test(S("pcdrofikas"), 'e', 11, S::npos);
test(S("nbatdlmekrgcfqsophij"), 'e', 0, 7);
test(S("bnrpehidofmqtcksjgla"), 'e', 1, 4);
test(S("jdmciepkaqgotsrfnhlb"), 'e', 10, S::npos);
test(S("jtdaefblsokrmhpgcnqi"), 'e', 19, S::npos);
test(S("hkbgspofltajcnedqmri"), 'e', 20, S::npos);
test(S("oselktgbcapndfjihrmq"), 'e', 21, S::npos);
test(S(""), 'e', S::npos);
test(S("csope"), 'e', 4);
test(S("gfsmthlkon"), 'e', S::npos);
test(S("laenfsbridchgotmkqpj"), 'e', 2);
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert (sv1.find_first_of( 'e', 0 ) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv1.find_first_of( 'e', 1 ) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_first_of( 'q', 0 ) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_first_of( 'e', 1 ) == 4, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_first_of( 'e', 5 ) == SV::npos, "" );
@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string>
// constexpr size_type find_first_of(const charT* s, size_type pos = 0) const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
template <class S>
test(const S& s, const typename S::value_type* str, typename S::size_type pos,
typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find_first_of(str, pos) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(pos <= x && x < s.size());
template <class S>
test(const S& s, const typename S::value_type* str, typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find_first_of(str) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(x < s.size());
template <class S>
void test0()
test(S(""), "", 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "laenf", 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "pqlnkmbdjo", 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "qkamfogpnljdcshbreti", 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "", 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "bjaht", 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "hjlcmgpket", 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "htaobedqikfplcgjsmrn", 1, S::npos);
test(S("fodgq"), "", 0, S::npos);
test(S("qanej"), "dfkap", 0, 1);
test(S("clbao"), "ihqrfebgad", 0, 2);
test(S("mekdn"), "ngtjfcalbseiqrphmkdo", 0, 0);
test(S("srdfq"), "", 1, S::npos);
test(S("oemth"), "ikcrq", 1, S::npos);
test(S("cdaih"), "dmajblfhsg", 1, 1);
test(S("qohtk"), "oqftjhdmkgsblacenirp", 1, 1);
test(S("cshmd"), "", 2, S::npos);
test(S("lhcdo"), "oebqi", 2, 4);
test(S("qnsoh"), "kojhpmbsfe", 2, 2);
test(S("pkrof"), "acbsjqogpltdkhinfrem", 2, 2);
test(S("fmtsp"), "", 4, S::npos);
test(S("khbpm"), "aobjd", 4, S::npos);
test(S("pbsji"), "pcbahntsje", 4, S::npos);
test(S("mprdj"), "fhepcrntkoagbmldqijs", 4, 4);
test(S("eqmpa"), "", 5, S::npos);
test(S("omigs"), "kocgb", 5, S::npos);
test(S("onmje"), "fbslrjiqkm", 5, S::npos);
test(S("oqmrj"), "jeidpcmalhfnqbgtrsko", 5, S::npos);
test(S("schfa"), "", 6, S::npos);
test(S("igdsc"), "qngpd", 6, S::npos);
test(S("brqgo"), "rodhqklgmb", 6, S::npos);
test(S("tnrph"), "thdjgafrlbkoiqcspmne", 6, S::npos);
test(S("hcjitbfapl"), "", 0, S::npos);
test(S("daiprenocl"), "ashjd", 0, 0);
test(S("litpcfdghe"), "mgojkldsqh", 0, 0);
test(S("aidjksrolc"), "imqnaghkfrdtlopbjesc", 0, 0);
test(S("qpghtfbaji"), "", 1, S::npos);
test(S("gfshlcmdjr"), "nadkh", 1, 3);
test(S("nkodajteqp"), "ofdrqmkebl", 1, 1);
test(S("gbmetiprqd"), "bdfjqgatlksriohemnpc", 1, 1);
test(S("crnklpmegd"), "", 5, S::npos);
test(S("jsbtafedoc"), "prqgn", 5, S::npos);
test(S("qnmodrtkeb"), "pejafmnokr", 5, 5);
test(S("cpebqsfmnj"), "odnqkgijrhabfmcestlp", 5, 5);
test(S("lmofqdhpki"), "", 9, S::npos);
test(S("hnefkqimca"), "rtjpa", 9, 9);
test(S("drtasbgmfp"), "ktsrmnqagd", 9, S::npos);
test(S("lsaijeqhtr"), "rtdhgcisbnmoaqkfpjle", 9, 9);
test(S("elgofjmbrq"), "", 10, S::npos);
test(S("mjqdgalkpc"), "dplqa", 10, S::npos);
test(S("kthqnfcerm"), "dkacjoptns", 10, S::npos);
test(S("dfsjhanorc"), "hqfimtrgnbekpdcsjalo", 10, S::npos);
test(S("eqsgalomhb"), "", 11, S::npos);
test(S("akiteljmoh"), "lofbc", 11, S::npos);
test(S("hlbdfreqjo"), "astoegbfpn", 11, S::npos);
test(S("taqobhlerg"), "pdgreqomsncafklhtibj", 11, S::npos);
test(S("snafbdlghrjkpqtoceim"), "", 0, S::npos);
test(S("aemtbrgcklhndjisfpoq"), "lbtqd", 0, 3);
test(S("pnracgfkjdiholtbqsem"), "tboimldpjh", 0, 0);
test(S("dicfltehbsgrmojnpkaq"), "slcerthdaiqjfnobgkpm", 0, 0);
test(S("jlnkraeodhcspfgbqitm"), "", 1, S::npos);
test(S("lhosrngtmfjikbqpcade"), "aqibs", 1, 3);
test(S("rbtaqjhgkneisldpmfoc"), "gtfblmqinc", 1, 1);
test(S("gpifsqlrdkbonjtmheca"), "mkqpbtdalgniorhfescj", 1, 1);
test(S("hdpkobnsalmcfijregtq"), "", 10, S::npos);
test(S("jtlshdgqaiprkbcoenfm"), "pblas", 10, 10);
test(S("fkdrbqltsgmcoiphneaj"), "arosdhcfme", 10, 10);
test(S("crsplifgtqedjohnabmk"), "blkhjeogicatqfnpdmsr", 10, 10);
test(S("niptglfbosehkamrdqcj"), "", 19, S::npos);
test(S("copqdhstbingamjfkler"), "djkqc", 19, S::npos);
test(S("mrtaefilpdsgocnhqbjk"), "lgokshjtpb", 19, 19);
test(S("kojatdhlcmigpbfrqnes"), "bqjhtkfepimcnsgrlado", 19, 19);
test(S("eaintpchlqsbdgrkjofm"), "", 20, S::npos);
test(S("gjnhidfsepkrtaqbmclo"), "nocfa", 20, S::npos);
test(S("spocfaktqdbiejlhngmr"), "bgtajmiedc", 20, S::npos);
test(S("rphmlekgfscndtaobiqj"), "lsckfnqgdahejiopbtmr", 20, S::npos);
test(S("liatsqdoegkmfcnbhrpj"), "", 21, S::npos);
test(S("binjagtfldkrspcomqeh"), "gfsrt", 21, S::npos);
test(S("latkmisecnorjbfhqpdg"), "pfsocbhjtm", 21, S::npos);
test(S("lecfratdjkhnsmqpoigb"), "tpflmdnoicjgkberhqsa", 21, S::npos);
template <class S>
void test1()
test(S(""), "", S::npos);
test(S(""), "laenf", S::npos);
test(S(""), "pqlnkmbdjo", S::npos);
test(S(""), "qkamfogpnljdcshbreti", S::npos);
test(S("nhmko"), "", S::npos);
test(S("lahfb"), "irkhs", 2);
test(S("gmfhd"), "kantesmpgj", 0);
test(S("odaft"), "oknlrstdpiqmjbaghcfe", 0);
test(S("eolhfgpjqk"), "", S::npos);
test(S("nbatdlmekr"), "bnrpe", 0);
test(S("jdmciepkaq"), "jtdaefblso", 0);
test(S("hkbgspoflt"), "oselktgbcapndfjihrmq", 0);
test(S("gprdcokbnjhlsfmtieqa"), "", S::npos);
test(S("qjghlnftcaismkropdeb"), "bjaht", 1);
test(S("pnalfrdtkqcmojiesbhg"), "hjlcmgpket", 0);
test(S("pniotcfrhqsmgdkjbael"), "htaobedqikfplcgjsmrn", 0);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert (sv1.find_first_of( "", 0) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv1.find_first_of( "irkhs", 0) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_first_of( "", 0) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_first_of( "gfsrt", 0) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_first_of( "lecar", 0) == 0, "" );
@ -1,393 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string>
// constexpr size_type find_first_of(const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
template <class S>
test(const S& s, const typename S::value_type* str, typename S::size_type pos,
typename S::size_type n, typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find_first_of(str, pos, n) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(pos <= x && x < s.size());
template <class S>
void test0()
test(S(""), "", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "irkhs", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "kante", 0, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "oknlr", 0, 2, S::npos);
test(S(""), "pcdro", 0, 4, S::npos);
test(S(""), "bnrpe", 0, 5, S::npos);
test(S(""), "jtdaefblso", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "oselktgbca", 0, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "eqgaplhckj", 0, 5, S::npos);
test(S(""), "bjahtcmnlp", 0, 9, S::npos);
test(S(""), "hjlcmgpket", 0, 10, S::npos);
test(S(""), "htaobedqikfplcgjsmrn", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "hpqiarojkcdlsgnmfetb", 0, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "dfkaprhjloqetcsimnbg", 0, 10, S::npos);
test(S(""), "ihqrfebgadntlpmjksoc", 0, 19, S::npos);
test(S(""), "ngtjfcalbseiqrphmkdo", 0, 20, S::npos);
test(S(""), "", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "lbtqd", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "tboim", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "slcer", 1, 2, S::npos);
test(S(""), "cbjfs", 1, 4, S::npos);
test(S(""), "aqibs", 1, 5, S::npos);
test(S(""), "gtfblmqinc", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "mkqpbtdalg", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "kphatlimcd", 1, 5, S::npos);
test(S(""), "pblasqogic", 1, 9, S::npos);
test(S(""), "arosdhcfme", 1, 10, S::npos);
test(S(""), "blkhjeogicatqfnpdmsr", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "bmhineprjcoadgstflqk", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "djkqcmetslnghpbarfoi", 1, 10, S::npos);
test(S(""), "lgokshjtpbemarcdqnfi", 1, 19, S::npos);
test(S(""), "bqjhtkfepimcnsgrlado", 1, 20, S::npos);
test(S("eaint"), "", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S("binja"), "gfsrt", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S("latkm"), "pfsoc", 0, 1, S::npos);
test(S("lecfr"), "tpflm", 0, 2, S::npos);
test(S("eqkst"), "sgkec", 0, 4, 0);
test(S("cdafr"), "romds", 0, 5, 1);
test(S("prbhe"), "qhjistlgmr", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S("lbisk"), "pedfirsglo", 0, 1, S::npos);
test(S("hrlpd"), "aqcoslgrmk", 0, 5, S::npos);
test(S("ehmja"), "dabckmepqj", 0, 9, 0);
test(S("mhqgd"), "pqscrjthli", 0, 10, 1);
test(S("tgklq"), "kfphdcsjqmobliagtren", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S("bocjs"), "rokpefncljibsdhqtagm", 0, 1, S::npos);
test(S("grbsd"), "afionmkphlebtcjqsgrd", 0, 10, S::npos);
test(S("ofjqr"), "aenmqplidhkofrjbctsg", 0, 19, 0);
test(S("btlfi"), "osjmbtcadhiklegrpqnf", 0, 20, 0);
test(S("clrgb"), "", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S("tjmek"), "osmia", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S("bgstp"), "ckonl", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S("hstrk"), "ilcaj", 1, 2, S::npos);
test(S("kmspj"), "lasiq", 1, 4, 2);
test(S("tjboh"), "kfqmr", 1, 5, S::npos);
test(S("ilbcj"), "klnitfaobg", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S("jkngf"), "gjhmdlqikp", 1, 1, 3);
test(S("gfcql"), "skbgtahqej", 1, 5, S::npos);
test(S("dqtlg"), "bjsdgtlpkf", 1, 9, 2);
test(S("bthpg"), "bjgfmnlkio", 1, 10, 4);
test(S("dgsnq"), "lbhepotfsjdqigcnamkr", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S("rmfhp"), "tebangckmpsrqdlfojhi", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S("jfdam"), "joflqbdkhtegimscpanr", 1, 10, 1);
test(S("edapb"), "adpmcohetfbsrjinlqkg", 1, 19, 1);
test(S("brfsm"), "iacldqjpfnogbsrhmetk", 1, 20, 1);
test(S("ndrhl"), "", 2, 0, S::npos);
test(S("mrecp"), "otkgb", 2, 0, S::npos);
test(S("qlasf"), "cqsjl", 2, 1, S::npos);
test(S("smaqd"), "dpifl", 2, 2, 4);
test(S("hjeni"), "oapht", 2, 4, S::npos);
test(S("ocmfj"), "cifts", 2, 5, 3);
test(S("hmftq"), "nmsckbgalo", 2, 0, S::npos);
test(S("fklad"), "tpksqhamle", 2, 1, S::npos);
test(S("dirnm"), "tpdrchmkji", 2, 5, 2);
test(S("hrgdc"), "ijagfkblst", 2, 9, 2);
test(S("ifakg"), "kpocsignjb", 2, 10, 3);
test(S("ebrgd"), "pecqtkjsnbdrialgmohf", 2, 0, S::npos);
test(S("rcjml"), "aiortphfcmkjebgsndql", 2, 1, S::npos);
test(S("peqmt"), "sdbkeamglhipojqftrcn", 2, 10, 3);
test(S("frehn"), "ljqncehgmfktroapidbs", 2, 19, 2);
test(S("tqolf"), "rtcfodilamkbenjghqps", 2, 20, 2);
test(S("cjgao"), "", 4, 0, S::npos);
test(S("kjplq"), "mabns", 4, 0, S::npos);
test(S("herni"), "bdnrp", 4, 1, S::npos);
test(S("tadrb"), "scidp", 4, 2, S::npos);
test(S("pkfeo"), "agbjl", 4, 4, S::npos);
test(S("hoser"), "jfmpr", 4, 5, 4);
test(S("kgrsp"), "rbpefghsmj", 4, 0, S::npos);
test(S("pgejb"), "apsfntdoqc", 4, 1, S::npos);
test(S("thlnq"), "ndkjeisgcl", 4, 5, S::npos);
test(S("nbmit"), "rnfpqatdeo", 4, 9, 4);
test(S("jgmib"), "bntjlqrfik", 4, 10, 4);
test(S("ncrfj"), "kcrtmpolnaqejghsfdbi", 4, 0, S::npos);
test(S("ncsik"), "lobheanpkmqidsrtcfgj", 4, 1, S::npos);
test(S("sgbfh"), "athdkljcnreqbgpmisof", 4, 10, 4);
test(S("dktbn"), "qkdmjialrscpbhefgont", 4, 19, 4);
test(S("fthqm"), "dmasojntqleribkgfchp", 4, 20, 4);
test(S("klopi"), "", 5, 0, S::npos);
test(S("dajhn"), "psthd", 5, 0, S::npos);
test(S("jbgno"), "rpmjd", 5, 1, S::npos);
test(S("hkjae"), "dfsmk", 5, 2, S::npos);
template <class S>
void test1()
test(S("gbhqo"), "skqne", 5, 4, S::npos);
test(S("ktdor"), "kipnf", 5, 5, S::npos);
test(S("ldprn"), "hmrnqdgifl", 5, 0, S::npos);
test(S("egmjk"), "fsmjcdairn", 5, 1, S::npos);
test(S("armql"), "pcdgltbrfj", 5, 5, S::npos);
test(S("cdhjo"), "aekfctpirg", 5, 9, S::npos);
test(S("jcons"), "ledihrsgpf", 5, 10, S::npos);
test(S("cbrkp"), "mqcklahsbtirgopefndj", 5, 0, S::npos);
test(S("fhgna"), "kmlthaoqgecrnpdbjfis", 5, 1, S::npos);
test(S("ejfcd"), "sfhbamcdptojlkrenqgi", 5, 10, S::npos);
test(S("kqjhe"), "pbniofmcedrkhlstgaqj", 5, 19, S::npos);
test(S("pbdjl"), "mongjratcskbhqiepfdl", 5, 20, S::npos);
test(S("gajqn"), "", 6, 0, S::npos);
test(S("stedk"), "hrnat", 6, 0, S::npos);
test(S("tjkaf"), "gsqdt", 6, 1, S::npos);
test(S("dthpe"), "bspkd", 6, 2, S::npos);
test(S("klhde"), "ohcmb", 6, 4, S::npos);
test(S("bhlki"), "heatr", 6, 5, S::npos);
test(S("lqmoh"), "pmblckedfn", 6, 0, S::npos);
test(S("mtqin"), "aceqmsrbik", 6, 1, S::npos);
test(S("dpqbr"), "lmbtdehjrn", 6, 5, S::npos);
test(S("kdhmo"), "teqmcrlgib", 6, 9, S::npos);
test(S("jblqp"), "njolbmspac", 6, 10, S::npos);
test(S("qmjgl"), "pofnhidklamecrbqjgst", 6, 0, S::npos);
test(S("rothp"), "jbhckmtgrqnosafedpli", 6, 1, S::npos);
test(S("ghknq"), "dobntpmqklicsahgjerf", 6, 10, S::npos);
test(S("eopfi"), "tpdshainjkbfoemlrgcq", 6, 19, S::npos);
test(S("dsnmg"), "oldpfgeakrnitscbjmqh", 6, 20, S::npos);
test(S("jnkrfhotgl"), "", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S("dltjfngbko"), "rqegt", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S("bmjlpkiqde"), "dashm", 0, 1, 8);
test(S("skrflobnqm"), "jqirk", 0, 2, 8);
test(S("jkpldtshrm"), "rckeg", 0, 4, 1);
test(S("ghasdbnjqo"), "jscie", 0, 5, 3);
test(S("igrkhpbqjt"), "efsphndliq", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S("ikthdgcamf"), "gdicosleja", 0, 1, 5);
test(S("pcofgeniam"), "qcpjibosfl", 0, 5, 0);
test(S("rlfjgesqhc"), "lrhmefnjcq", 0, 9, 0);
test(S("itphbqsker"), "dtablcrseo", 0, 10, 1);
test(S("skjafcirqm"), "apckjsftedbhgomrnilq", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S("tcqomarsfd"), "pcbrgflehjtiadnsokqm", 0, 1, S::npos);
test(S("rocfeldqpk"), "nsiadegjklhobrmtqcpf", 0, 10, 4);
test(S("cfpegndlkt"), "cpmajdqnolikhgsbretf", 0, 19, 0);
test(S("fqbtnkeasj"), "jcflkntmgiqrphdosaeb", 0, 20, 0);
test(S("shbcqnmoar"), "", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S("bdoshlmfin"), "ontrs", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S("khfrebnsgq"), "pfkna", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S("getcrsaoji"), "ekosa", 1, 2, 1);
test(S("fjiknedcpq"), "anqhk", 1, 4, 4);
test(S("tkejgnafrm"), "jekca", 1, 5, 1);
test(S("jnakolqrde"), "ikemsjgacf", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S("lcjptsmgbe"), "arolgsjkhm", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S("itfsmcjorl"), "oftkbldhre", 1, 5, 1);
test(S("omchkfrjea"), "gbkqdoeftl", 1, 9, 4);
test(S("cigfqkated"), "sqcflrgtim", 1, 10, 1);
test(S("tscenjikml"), "fmhbkislrjdpanogqcet", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S("qcpaemsinf"), "rnioadktqlgpbcjsmhef", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S("gltkojeipd"), "oakgtnldpsefihqmjcbr", 1, 10, 1);
test(S("qistfrgnmp"), "gbnaelosidmcjqktfhpr", 1, 19, 1);
test(S("bdnpfcqaem"), "akbripjhlosndcmqgfet", 1, 20, 1);
test(S("ectnhskflp"), "", 5, 0, S::npos);
test(S("fgtianblpq"), "pijag", 5, 0, S::npos);
test(S("mfeqklirnh"), "jrckd", 5, 1, S::npos);
test(S("astedncjhk"), "qcloh", 5, 2, 6);
test(S("fhlqgcajbr"), "thlmp", 5, 4, S::npos);
test(S("epfhocmdng"), "qidmo", 5, 5, 6);
test(S("apcnsibger"), "lnegpsjqrd", 5, 0, S::npos);
test(S("aqkocrbign"), "rjqdablmfs", 5, 1, 5);
test(S("ijsmdtqgce"), "enkgpbsjaq", 5, 5, 7);
test(S("clobgsrken"), "kdsgoaijfh", 5, 9, 5);
test(S("jbhcfposld"), "trfqgmckbe", 5, 10, S::npos);
test(S("oqnpblhide"), "igetsracjfkdnpoblhqm", 5, 0, S::npos);
test(S("lroeasctif"), "nqctfaogirshlekbdjpm", 5, 1, S::npos);
test(S("bpjlgmiedh"), "csehfgomljdqinbartkp", 5, 10, 5);
test(S("pamkeoidrj"), "qahoegcmplkfsjbdnitr", 5, 19, 5);
test(S("espogqbthk"), "dpteiajrqmsognhlfbkc", 5, 20, 5);
test(S("shoiedtcjb"), "", 9, 0, S::npos);
test(S("ebcinjgads"), "tqbnh", 9, 0, S::npos);
test(S("dqmregkcfl"), "akmle", 9, 1, S::npos);
test(S("ngcrieqajf"), "iqfkm", 9, 2, S::npos);
test(S("qosmilgnjb"), "tqjsr", 9, 4, S::npos);
test(S("ikabsjtdfl"), "jplqg", 9, 5, 9);
test(S("ersmicafdh"), "oilnrbcgtj", 9, 0, S::npos);
test(S("fdnplotmgh"), "morkglpesn", 9, 1, S::npos);
test(S("fdbicojerm"), "dmicerngat", 9, 5, 9);
test(S("mbtafndjcq"), "radgeskbtc", 9, 9, S::npos);
test(S("mlenkpfdtc"), "ljikprsmqo", 9, 10, S::npos);
test(S("ahlcifdqgs"), "trqihkcgsjamfdbolnpe", 9, 0, S::npos);
test(S("bgjemaltks"), "lqmthbsrekajgnofcipd", 9, 1, S::npos);
test(S("pdhslbqrfc"), "jtalmedribkgqsopcnfh", 9, 10, S::npos);
test(S("dirhtsnjkc"), "spqfoiclmtagejbndkrh", 9, 19, 9);
test(S("dlroktbcja"), "nmotklspigjrdhcfaebq", 9, 20, 9);
test(S("ncjpmaekbs"), "", 10, 0, S::npos);
test(S("hlbosgmrak"), "hpmsd", 10, 0, S::npos);
test(S("pqfhsgilen"), "qnpor", 10, 1, S::npos);
test(S("gqtjsbdckh"), "otdma", 10, 2, S::npos);
test(S("cfkqpjlegi"), "efhjg", 10, 4, S::npos);
test(S("beanrfodgj"), "odpte", 10, 5, S::npos);
test(S("adtkqpbjfi"), "bctdgfmolr", 10, 0, S::npos);
test(S("iomkfthagj"), "oaklidrbqg", 10, 1, S::npos);
template <class S>
void test2()
test(S("sdpcilonqj"), "dnjfsagktr", 10, 5, S::npos);
test(S("gtfbdkqeml"), "nejaktmiqg", 10, 9, S::npos);
test(S("bmeqgcdorj"), "pjqonlebsf", 10, 10, S::npos);
test(S("etqlcanmob"), "dshmnbtolcjepgaikfqr", 10, 0, S::npos);
test(S("roqmkbdtia"), "iogfhpabtjkqlrnemcds", 10, 1, S::npos);
test(S("kadsithljf"), "ngridfabjsecpqltkmoh", 10, 10, S::npos);
test(S("sgtkpbfdmh"), "athmknplcgofrqejsdib", 10, 19, S::npos);
test(S("qgmetnabkl"), "ldobhmqcafnjtkeisgrp", 10, 20, S::npos);
test(S("cqjohampgd"), "", 11, 0, S::npos);
test(S("hobitmpsan"), "aocjb", 11, 0, S::npos);
test(S("tjehkpsalm"), "jbrnk", 11, 1, S::npos);
test(S("ngfbojitcl"), "tqedg", 11, 2, S::npos);
test(S("rcfkdbhgjo"), "nqskp", 11, 4, S::npos);
test(S("qghptonrea"), "eaqkl", 11, 5, S::npos);
test(S("hnprfgqjdl"), "reaoicljqm", 11, 0, S::npos);
test(S("hlmgabenti"), "lsftgajqpm", 11, 1, S::npos);
test(S("ofcjanmrbs"), "rlpfogmits", 11, 5, S::npos);
test(S("jqedtkornm"), "shkncmiaqj", 11, 9, S::npos);
test(S("rfedlasjmg"), "fpnatrhqgs", 11, 10, S::npos);
test(S("talpqjsgkm"), "sjclemqhnpdbgikarfot", 11, 0, S::npos);
test(S("lrkcbtqpie"), "otcmedjikgsfnqbrhpla", 11, 1, S::npos);
test(S("cipogdskjf"), "bonsaefdqiprkhlgtjcm", 11, 10, S::npos);
test(S("nqedcojahi"), "egpscmahijlfnkrodqtb", 11, 19, S::npos);
test(S("hefnrkmctj"), "kmqbfepjthgilscrndoa", 11, 20, S::npos);
test(S("atqirnmekfjolhpdsgcb"), "", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S("echfkmlpribjnqsaogtd"), "prboq", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S("qnhiftdgcleajbpkrosm"), "fjcqh", 0, 1, 4);
test(S("chamfknorbedjitgslpq"), "fmosa", 0, 2, 3);
test(S("njhqpibfmtlkaecdrgso"), "qdbok", 0, 4, 3);
test(S("ebnghfsqkprmdcljoiat"), "amslg", 0, 5, 3);
test(S("letjomsgihfrpqbkancd"), "smpltjneqb", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S("nblgoipcrqeaktshjdmf"), "flitskrnge", 0, 1, 19);
test(S("cehkbngtjoiflqapsmrd"), "pgqihmlbef", 0, 5, 2);
test(S("mignapfoklbhcqjetdrs"), "cfpdqjtgsb", 0, 9, 2);
test(S("ceatbhlsqjgpnokfrmdi"), "htpsiaflom", 0, 10, 2);
test(S("ocihkjgrdelpfnmastqb"), "kpjfiaceghsrdtlbnomq", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S("noelgschdtbrjfmiqkap"), "qhtbomidljgafneksprc", 0, 1, 16);
test(S("dkclqfombepritjnghas"), "nhtjobkcefldimpsaqgr", 0, 10, 1);
test(S("miklnresdgbhqcojftap"), "prabcjfqnoeskilmtgdh", 0, 19, 0);
test(S("htbcigojaqmdkfrnlsep"), "dtrgmchilkasqoebfpjn", 0, 20, 0);
test(S("febhmqtjanokscdirpgl"), "", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S("loakbsqjpcrdhftniegm"), "sqome", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S("reagphsqflbitdcjmkno"), "smfte", 1, 1, 6);
test(S("jitlfrqemsdhkopncabg"), "ciboh", 1, 2, 1);
test(S("mhtaepscdnrjqgbkifol"), "haois", 1, 4, 1);
test(S("tocesrfmnglpbjihqadk"), "abfki", 1, 5, 6);
test(S("lpfmctjrhdagneskbqoi"), "frdkocntmq", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S("lsmqaepkdhncirbtjfgo"), "oasbpedlnr", 1, 1, 19);
test(S("epoiqmtldrabnkjhcfsg"), "kltqmhgand", 1, 5, 4);
test(S("emgasrilpknqojhtbdcf"), "gdtfjchpmr", 1, 9, 1);
test(S("hnfiagdpcklrjetqbsom"), "ponmcqblet", 1, 10, 1);
test(S("nsdfebgajhmtricpoklq"), "sgphqdnofeiklatbcmjr", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S("atjgfsdlpobmeiqhncrk"), "ljqprsmigtfoneadckbh", 1, 1, 7);
test(S("sitodfgnrejlahcbmqkp"), "ligeojhafnkmrcsqtbdp", 1, 10, 1);
test(S("fraghmbiceknltjpqosd"), "lsimqfnjarbopedkhcgt", 1, 19, 1);
test(S("pmafenlhqtdbkirjsogc"), "abedmfjlghniorcqptks", 1, 20, 1);
test(S("pihgmoeqtnakrjslcbfd"), "", 10, 0, S::npos);
test(S("gjdkeprctqblnhiafsom"), "hqtoa", 10, 0, S::npos);
test(S("mkpnblfdsahrcqijteog"), "cahif", 10, 1, 12);
test(S("gckarqnelodfjhmbptis"), "kehis", 10, 2, S::npos);
test(S("gqpskidtbclomahnrjfe"), "kdlmh", 10, 4, 10);
test(S("pkldjsqrfgitbhmaecno"), "paeql", 10, 5, 15);
test(S("aftsijrbeklnmcdqhgop"), "aghoqiefnb", 10, 0, S::npos);
test(S("mtlgdrhafjkbiepqnsoc"), "jrbqaikpdo", 10, 1, S::npos);
test(S("pqgirnaefthokdmbsclj"), "smjonaeqcl", 10, 5, 11);
test(S("kpdbgjmtherlsfcqoina"), "eqbdrkcfah", 10, 9, 10);
test(S("jrlbothiknqmdgcfasep"), "kapmsienhf", 10, 10, 11);
test(S("mjogldqferckabinptsh"), "jpqotrlenfcsbhkaimdg", 10, 0, S::npos);
test(S("apoklnefbhmgqcdrisjt"), "jlbmhnfgtcqprikeados", 10, 1, 18);
test(S("ifeopcnrjbhkdgatmqls"), "stgbhfmdaljnpqoicker", 10, 10, 10);
test(S("ckqhaiesmjdnrgolbtpf"), "oihcetflbjagdsrkmqpn", 10, 19, 10);
test(S("bnlgapfimcoterskqdjh"), "adtclebmnpjsrqfkigoh", 10, 20, 10);
test(S("kgdlrobpmjcthqsafeni"), "", 19, 0, S::npos);
test(S("dfkechomjapgnslbtqir"), "beafg", 19, 0, S::npos);
test(S("rloadknfbqtgmhcsipje"), "iclat", 19, 1, S::npos);
test(S("mgjhkolrnadqbpetcifs"), "rkhnf", 19, 2, S::npos);
test(S("cmlfakiojdrgtbsphqen"), "clshq", 19, 4, S::npos);
test(S("kghbfipeomsntdalrqjc"), "dtcoj", 19, 5, 19);
test(S("eldiqckrnmtasbghjfpo"), "rqosnjmfth", 19, 0, S::npos);
test(S("abqjcfedgotihlnspkrm"), "siatdfqglh", 19, 1, S::npos);
test(S("qfbadrtjsimkolcenhpg"), "mrlshtpgjq", 19, 5, S::npos);
test(S("abseghclkjqifmtodrnp"), "adlcskgqjt", 19, 9, S::npos);
test(S("ibmsnlrjefhtdokacqpg"), "drshcjknaf", 19, 10, S::npos);
test(S("mrkfciqjebaponsthldg"), "etsaqroinghpkjdlfcbm", 19, 0, S::npos);
test(S("mjkticdeoqshpalrfbgn"), "sgepdnkqliambtrocfhj", 19, 1, S::npos);
test(S("rqnoclbdejgiphtfsakm"), "nlmcjaqgbsortfdihkpe", 19, 10, 19);
test(S("plkqbhmtfaeodjcrsing"), "racfnpmosldibqkghjet", 19, 19, 19);
test(S("oegalhmstjrfickpbndq"), "fjhdsctkqeiolagrnmbp", 19, 20, 19);
test(S("rdtgjcaohpblniekmsfq"), "", 20, 0, S::npos);
test(S("ofkqbnjetrmsaidphglc"), "ejanp", 20, 0, S::npos);
test(S("grkpahljcftesdmonqib"), "odife", 20, 1, S::npos);
test(S("jimlgbhfqkteospardcn"), "okaqd", 20, 2, S::npos);
test(S("gftenihpmslrjkqadcob"), "lcdbi", 20, 4, S::npos);
test(S("bmhldogtckrfsanijepq"), "fsqbj", 20, 5, S::npos);
test(S("nfqkrpjdesabgtlcmoih"), "bigdomnplq", 20, 0, S::npos);
test(S("focalnrpiqmdkstehbjg"), "apiblotgcd", 20, 1, S::npos);
test(S("rhqdspkmebiflcotnjga"), "acfhdenops", 20, 5, S::npos);
test(S("rahdtmsckfboqlpniegj"), "jopdeamcrk", 20, 9, S::npos);
test(S("fbkeiopclstmdqranjhg"), "trqncbkgmh", 20, 10, S::npos);
test(S("lifhpdgmbconstjeqark"), "tomglrkencbsfjqpihda", 20, 0, S::npos);
template <class S>
void test3()
test(S("pboqganrhedjmltsicfk"), "gbkhdnpoietfcmrslajq", 20, 1, S::npos);
test(S("klchabsimetjnqgorfpd"), "rtfnmbsglkjaichoqedp", 20, 10, S::npos);
test(S("sirfgmjqhctndbklaepo"), "ohkmdpfqbsacrtjnlgei", 20, 19, S::npos);
test(S("rlbdsiceaonqjtfpghkm"), "dlbrteoisgphmkncajfq", 20, 20, S::npos);
test(S("ecgdanriptblhjfqskom"), "", 21, 0, S::npos);
test(S("fdmiarlpgcskbhoteqjn"), "sjrlo", 21, 0, S::npos);
test(S("rlbstjqopignecmfadkh"), "qjpor", 21, 1, S::npos);
test(S("grjpqmbshektdolcafni"), "odhfn", 21, 2, S::npos);
test(S("sakfcohtqnibprjmlged"), "qtfin", 21, 4, S::npos);
test(S("mjtdglasihqpocebrfkn"), "hpqfo", 21, 5, S::npos);
test(S("okaplfrntghqbmeicsdj"), "fabmertkos", 21, 0, S::npos);
test(S("sahngemrtcjidqbklfpo"), "brqtgkmaej", 21, 1, S::npos);
test(S("dlmsipcnekhbgoaftqjr"), "nfrdeihsgl", 21, 5, S::npos);
test(S("ahegrmqnoiklpfsdbcjt"), "hlfrosekpi", 21, 9, S::npos);
test(S("hdsjbnmlegtkqripacof"), "atgbkrjdsm", 21, 10, S::npos);
test(S("pcnedrfjihqbalkgtoms"), "blnrptjgqmaifsdkhoec", 21, 0, S::npos);
test(S("qjidealmtpskrbfhocng"), "ctpmdahebfqjgknloris", 21, 1, S::npos);
test(S("qeindtagmokpfhsclrbj"), "apnkeqthrmlbfodiscgj", 21, 10, S::npos);
test(S("kpfegbjhsrnodltqciam"), "jdgictpframeoqlsbknh", 21, 19, S::npos);
test(S("hnbrcplsjfgiktoedmaq"), "qprlsfojamgndekthibc", 21, 20, S::npos);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert (sv1.find_first_of( "", 0, 0) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv1.find_first_of( "irkhs", 0, 5) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_first_of( "", 0, 0) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_first_of( "gfsrt", 0, 5) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_first_of( "lecar", 0, 5) == 0, "" );
@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string>
// size_type find_first_of(const basic_string_view& str, size_type pos = 0) const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
template <class S>
test(const S& s, const S& str, typename S::size_type pos, typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find_first_of(str, pos) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(pos <= x && x < s.size());
template <class S>
test(const S& s, const S& str, typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find_first_of(str) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(x < s.size());
template <class S>
void test0()
test(S(""), S(""), 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), S("laenf"), 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), S("pqlnkmbdjo"), 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), S("qkamfogpnljdcshbreti"), 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), S(""), 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), S("bjaht"), 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), S("hjlcmgpket"), 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), S("htaobedqikfplcgjsmrn"), 1, S::npos);
test(S("fodgq"), S(""), 0, S::npos);
test(S("qanej"), S("dfkap"), 0, 1);
test(S("clbao"), S("ihqrfebgad"), 0, 2);
test(S("mekdn"), S("ngtjfcalbseiqrphmkdo"), 0, 0);
test(S("srdfq"), S(""), 1, S::npos);
test(S("oemth"), S("ikcrq"), 1, S::npos);
test(S("cdaih"), S("dmajblfhsg"), 1, 1);
test(S("qohtk"), S("oqftjhdmkgsblacenirp"), 1, 1);
test(S("cshmd"), S(""), 2, S::npos);
test(S("lhcdo"), S("oebqi"), 2, 4);
test(S("qnsoh"), S("kojhpmbsfe"), 2, 2);
test(S("pkrof"), S("acbsjqogpltdkhinfrem"), 2, 2);
test(S("fmtsp"), S(""), 4, S::npos);
test(S("khbpm"), S("aobjd"), 4, S::npos);
test(S("pbsji"), S("pcbahntsje"), 4, S::npos);
test(S("mprdj"), S("fhepcrntkoagbmldqijs"), 4, 4);
test(S("eqmpa"), S(""), 5, S::npos);
test(S("omigs"), S("kocgb"), 5, S::npos);
test(S("onmje"), S("fbslrjiqkm"), 5, S::npos);
test(S("oqmrj"), S("jeidpcmalhfnqbgtrsko"), 5, S::npos);
test(S("schfa"), S(""), 6, S::npos);
test(S("igdsc"), S("qngpd"), 6, S::npos);
test(S("brqgo"), S("rodhqklgmb"), 6, S::npos);
test(S("tnrph"), S("thdjgafrlbkoiqcspmne"), 6, S::npos);
test(S("hcjitbfapl"), S(""), 0, S::npos);
test(S("daiprenocl"), S("ashjd"), 0, 0);
test(S("litpcfdghe"), S("mgojkldsqh"), 0, 0);
test(S("aidjksrolc"), S("imqnaghkfrdtlopbjesc"), 0, 0);
test(S("qpghtfbaji"), S(""), 1, S::npos);
test(S("gfshlcmdjr"), S("nadkh"), 1, 3);
test(S("nkodajteqp"), S("ofdrqmkebl"), 1, 1);
test(S("gbmetiprqd"), S("bdfjqgatlksriohemnpc"), 1, 1);
test(S("crnklpmegd"), S(""), 5, S::npos);
test(S("jsbtafedoc"), S("prqgn"), 5, S::npos);
test(S("qnmodrtkeb"), S("pejafmnokr"), 5, 5);
test(S("cpebqsfmnj"), S("odnqkgijrhabfmcestlp"), 5, 5);
test(S("lmofqdhpki"), S(""), 9, S::npos);
test(S("hnefkqimca"), S("rtjpa"), 9, 9);
test(S("drtasbgmfp"), S("ktsrmnqagd"), 9, S::npos);
test(S("lsaijeqhtr"), S("rtdhgcisbnmoaqkfpjle"), 9, 9);
test(S("elgofjmbrq"), S(""), 10, S::npos);
test(S("mjqdgalkpc"), S("dplqa"), 10, S::npos);
test(S("kthqnfcerm"), S("dkacjoptns"), 10, S::npos);
test(S("dfsjhanorc"), S("hqfimtrgnbekpdcsjalo"), 10, S::npos);
test(S("eqsgalomhb"), S(""), 11, S::npos);
test(S("akiteljmoh"), S("lofbc"), 11, S::npos);
test(S("hlbdfreqjo"), S("astoegbfpn"), 11, S::npos);
test(S("taqobhlerg"), S("pdgreqomsncafklhtibj"), 11, S::npos);
test(S("snafbdlghrjkpqtoceim"), S(""), 0, S::npos);
test(S("aemtbrgcklhndjisfpoq"), S("lbtqd"), 0, 3);
test(S("pnracgfkjdiholtbqsem"), S("tboimldpjh"), 0, 0);
test(S("dicfltehbsgrmojnpkaq"), S("slcerthdaiqjfnobgkpm"), 0, 0);
test(S("jlnkraeodhcspfgbqitm"), S(""), 1, S::npos);
test(S("lhosrngtmfjikbqpcade"), S("aqibs"), 1, 3);
test(S("rbtaqjhgkneisldpmfoc"), S("gtfblmqinc"), 1, 1);
test(S("gpifsqlrdkbonjtmheca"), S("mkqpbtdalgniorhfescj"), 1, 1);
test(S("hdpkobnsalmcfijregtq"), S(""), 10, S::npos);
test(S("jtlshdgqaiprkbcoenfm"), S("pblas"), 10, 10);
test(S("fkdrbqltsgmcoiphneaj"), S("arosdhcfme"), 10, 10);
test(S("crsplifgtqedjohnabmk"), S("blkhjeogicatqfnpdmsr"), 10, 10);
test(S("niptglfbosehkamrdqcj"), S(""), 19, S::npos);
test(S("copqdhstbingamjfkler"), S("djkqc"), 19, S::npos);
test(S("mrtaefilpdsgocnhqbjk"), S("lgokshjtpb"), 19, 19);
test(S("kojatdhlcmigpbfrqnes"), S("bqjhtkfepimcnsgrlado"), 19, 19);
test(S("eaintpchlqsbdgrkjofm"), S(""), 20, S::npos);
test(S("gjnhidfsepkrtaqbmclo"), S("nocfa"), 20, S::npos);
test(S("spocfaktqdbiejlhngmr"), S("bgtajmiedc"), 20, S::npos);
test(S("rphmlekgfscndtaobiqj"), S("lsckfnqgdahejiopbtmr"), 20, S::npos);
test(S("liatsqdoegkmfcnbhrpj"), S(""), 21, S::npos);
test(S("binjagtfldkrspcomqeh"), S("gfsrt"), 21, S::npos);
test(S("latkmisecnorjbfhqpdg"), S("pfsocbhjtm"), 21, S::npos);
test(S("lecfratdjkhnsmqpoigb"), S("tpflmdnoicjgkberhqsa"), 21, S::npos);
template <class S>
void test1()
test(S(""), S(""), S::npos);
test(S(""), S("laenf"), S::npos);
test(S(""), S("pqlnkmbdjo"), S::npos);
test(S(""), S("qkamfogpnljdcshbreti"), S::npos);
test(S("nhmko"), S(""), S::npos);
test(S("lahfb"), S("irkhs"), 2);
test(S("gmfhd"), S("kantesmpgj"), 0);
test(S("odaft"), S("oknlrstdpiqmjbaghcfe"), 0);
test(S("eolhfgpjqk"), S(""), S::npos);
test(S("nbatdlmekr"), S("bnrpe"), 0);
test(S("jdmciepkaq"), S("jtdaefblso"), 0);
test(S("hkbgspoflt"), S("oselktgbcapndfjihrmq"), 0);
test(S("gprdcokbnjhlsfmtieqa"), S(""), S::npos);
test(S("qjghlnftcaismkropdeb"), S("bjaht"), 1);
test(S("pnalfrdtkqcmojiesbhg"), S("hjlcmgpket"), 0);
test(S("pniotcfrhqsmgdkjbael"), S("htaobedqikfplcgjsmrn"), 0);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// const size_type find_last_not_of(charT c, size_type pos = npos) const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
template <class S>
test(const S& s, typename S::value_type c, typename S::size_type pos,
typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find_last_not_of(c, pos) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(x <= pos && x < s.size());
template <class S>
test(const S& s, typename S::value_type c, typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find_last_not_of(c) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(x < s.size());
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
test(S(""), 'i', 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), 'i', 1, S::npos);
test(S("kitcj"), 'i', 0, 0);
test(S("qkamf"), 'i', 1, 1);
test(S("nhmko"), 'i', 2, 2);
test(S("tpsaf"), 'i', 4, 4);
test(S("lahfb"), 'i', 5, 4);
test(S("irkhs"), 'i', 6, 4);
test(S("gmfhdaipsr"), 'i', 0, 0);
test(S("kantesmpgj"), 'i', 1, 1);
test(S("odaftiegpm"), 'i', 5, 4);
test(S("oknlrstdpi"), 'i', 9, 8);
test(S("eolhfgpjqk"), 'i', 10, 9);
test(S("pcdrofikas"), 'i', 11, 9);
test(S("nbatdlmekrgcfqsophij"), 'i', 0, 0);
test(S("bnrpehidofmqtcksjgla"), 'i', 1, 1);
test(S("jdmciepkaqgotsrfnhlb"), 'i', 10, 10);
test(S("jtdaefblsokrmhpgcnqi"), 'i', 19, 18);
test(S("hkbgspofltajcnedqmri"), 'i', 20, 18);
test(S("oselktgbcapndfjihrmq"), 'i', 21, 19);
test(S(""), 'i', S::npos);
test(S("csope"), 'i', 4);
test(S("gfsmthlkon"), 'i', 9);
test(S("laenfsbridchgotmkqpj"), 'i', 19);
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert (sv1.find_last_not_of( 'i', 0 ) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv1.find_last_not_of( 'i', 1 ) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_last_not_of( 'a', 0 ) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_last_not_of( 'a', 1 ) == 1, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_last_not_of( 'e', 5 ) == 3, "" );
@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// constexpr size_type find_last_not_of(const charT* s, size_type pos = npos) const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
template <class S>
test(const S& s, const typename S::value_type* str, typename S::size_type pos,
typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find_last_not_of(str, pos) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(x <= pos && x < s.size());
template <class S>
test(const S& s, const typename S::value_type* str, typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find_last_not_of(str) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(x < s.size());
template <class S>
void test0()
test(S(""), "", 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "laenf", 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "pqlnkmbdjo", 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "qkamfogpnljdcshbreti", 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "", 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "bjaht", 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "hjlcmgpket", 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "htaobedqikfplcgjsmrn", 1, S::npos);
test(S("fodgq"), "", 0, 0);
test(S("qanej"), "dfkap", 0, 0);
test(S("clbao"), "ihqrfebgad", 0, 0);
test(S("mekdn"), "ngtjfcalbseiqrphmkdo", 0, S::npos);
test(S("srdfq"), "", 1, 1);
test(S("oemth"), "ikcrq", 1, 1);
test(S("cdaih"), "dmajblfhsg", 1, 0);
test(S("qohtk"), "oqftjhdmkgsblacenirp", 1, S::npos);
test(S("cshmd"), "", 2, 2);
test(S("lhcdo"), "oebqi", 2, 2);
test(S("qnsoh"), "kojhpmbsfe", 2, 1);
test(S("pkrof"), "acbsjqogpltdkhinfrem", 2, S::npos);
test(S("fmtsp"), "", 4, 4);
test(S("khbpm"), "aobjd", 4, 4);
test(S("pbsji"), "pcbahntsje", 4, 4);
test(S("mprdj"), "fhepcrntkoagbmldqijs", 4, S::npos);
test(S("eqmpa"), "", 5, 4);
test(S("omigs"), "kocgb", 5, 4);
test(S("onmje"), "fbslrjiqkm", 5, 4);
test(S("oqmrj"), "jeidpcmalhfnqbgtrsko", 5, S::npos);
test(S("schfa"), "", 6, 4);
test(S("igdsc"), "qngpd", 6, 4);
test(S("brqgo"), "rodhqklgmb", 6, S::npos);
test(S("tnrph"), "thdjgafrlbkoiqcspmne", 6, S::npos);
test(S("hcjitbfapl"), "", 0, 0);
test(S("daiprenocl"), "ashjd", 0, S::npos);
test(S("litpcfdghe"), "mgojkldsqh", 0, S::npos);
test(S("aidjksrolc"), "imqnaghkfrdtlopbjesc", 0, S::npos);
test(S("qpghtfbaji"), "", 1, 1);
test(S("gfshlcmdjr"), "nadkh", 1, 1);
test(S("nkodajteqp"), "ofdrqmkebl", 1, 0);
test(S("gbmetiprqd"), "bdfjqgatlksriohemnpc", 1, S::npos);
test(S("crnklpmegd"), "", 5, 5);
test(S("jsbtafedoc"), "prqgn", 5, 5);
test(S("qnmodrtkeb"), "pejafmnokr", 5, 4);
test(S("cpebqsfmnj"), "odnqkgijrhabfmcestlp", 5, S::npos);
test(S("lmofqdhpki"), "", 9, 9);
test(S("hnefkqimca"), "rtjpa", 9, 8);
test(S("drtasbgmfp"), "ktsrmnqagd", 9, 9);
test(S("lsaijeqhtr"), "rtdhgcisbnmoaqkfpjle", 9, S::npos);
test(S("elgofjmbrq"), "", 10, 9);
test(S("mjqdgalkpc"), "dplqa", 10, 9);
test(S("kthqnfcerm"), "dkacjoptns", 10, 9);
test(S("dfsjhanorc"), "hqfimtrgnbekpdcsjalo", 10, S::npos);
test(S("eqsgalomhb"), "", 11, 9);
test(S("akiteljmoh"), "lofbc", 11, 9);
test(S("hlbdfreqjo"), "astoegbfpn", 11, 8);
test(S("taqobhlerg"), "pdgreqomsncafklhtibj", 11, S::npos);
test(S("snafbdlghrjkpqtoceim"), "", 0, 0);
test(S("aemtbrgcklhndjisfpoq"), "lbtqd", 0, 0);
test(S("pnracgfkjdiholtbqsem"), "tboimldpjh", 0, S::npos);
test(S("dicfltehbsgrmojnpkaq"), "slcerthdaiqjfnobgkpm", 0, S::npos);
test(S("jlnkraeodhcspfgbqitm"), "", 1, 1);
test(S("lhosrngtmfjikbqpcade"), "aqibs", 1, 1);
test(S("rbtaqjhgkneisldpmfoc"), "gtfblmqinc", 1, 0);
test(S("gpifsqlrdkbonjtmheca"), "mkqpbtdalgniorhfescj", 1, S::npos);
test(S("hdpkobnsalmcfijregtq"), "", 10, 10);
test(S("jtlshdgqaiprkbcoenfm"), "pblas", 10, 9);
test(S("fkdrbqltsgmcoiphneaj"), "arosdhcfme", 10, 9);
test(S("crsplifgtqedjohnabmk"), "blkhjeogicatqfnpdmsr", 10, S::npos);
test(S("niptglfbosehkamrdqcj"), "", 19, 19);
test(S("copqdhstbingamjfkler"), "djkqc", 19, 19);
test(S("mrtaefilpdsgocnhqbjk"), "lgokshjtpb", 19, 16);
test(S("kojatdhlcmigpbfrqnes"), "bqjhtkfepimcnsgrlado", 19, S::npos);
test(S("eaintpchlqsbdgrkjofm"), "", 20, 19);
test(S("gjnhidfsepkrtaqbmclo"), "nocfa", 20, 18);
test(S("spocfaktqdbiejlhngmr"), "bgtajmiedc", 20, 19);
test(S("rphmlekgfscndtaobiqj"), "lsckfnqgdahejiopbtmr", 20, S::npos);
test(S("liatsqdoegkmfcnbhrpj"), "", 21, 19);
test(S("binjagtfldkrspcomqeh"), "gfsrt", 21, 19);
test(S("latkmisecnorjbfhqpdg"), "pfsocbhjtm", 21, 19);
test(S("lecfratdjkhnsmqpoigb"), "tpflmdnoicjgkberhqsa", 21, S::npos);
template <class S>
void test1()
test(S(""), "", S::npos);
test(S(""), "laenf", S::npos);
test(S(""), "pqlnkmbdjo", S::npos);
test(S(""), "qkamfogpnljdcshbreti", S::npos);
test(S("nhmko"), "", 4);
test(S("lahfb"), "irkhs", 4);
test(S("gmfhd"), "kantesmpgj", 4);
test(S("odaft"), "oknlrstdpiqmjbaghcfe", S::npos);
test(S("eolhfgpjqk"), "", 9);
test(S("nbatdlmekr"), "bnrpe", 8);
test(S("jdmciepkaq"), "jtdaefblso", 9);
test(S("hkbgspoflt"), "oselktgbcapndfjihrmq", S::npos);
test(S("gprdcokbnjhlsfmtieqa"), "", 19);
test(S("qjghlnftcaismkropdeb"), "bjaht", 18);
test(S("pnalfrdtkqcmojiesbhg"), "hjlcmgpket", 17);
test(S("pniotcfrhqsmgdkjbael"), "htaobedqikfplcgjsmrn", S::npos);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert (sv1.find_last_not_of( "", 0) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv1.find_last_not_of( "irkhs", 5) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_last_not_of( "", 0) == 0, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_last_not_of( "gfsrt", 5) == 4, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_last_not_of( "lecar", 5) == 3, "" );
@ -1,393 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string>
// constexpr size_type find_last_not_of(const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
template <class S>
test(const S& s, const typename S::value_type* str, typename S::size_type pos,
typename S::size_type n, typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find_last_not_of(str, pos, n) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(x <= pos && x < s.size());
template <class S>
void test0()
test(S(""), "", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "irkhs", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "kante", 0, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "oknlr", 0, 2, S::npos);
test(S(""), "pcdro", 0, 4, S::npos);
test(S(""), "bnrpe", 0, 5, S::npos);
test(S(""), "jtdaefblso", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "oselktgbca", 0, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "eqgaplhckj", 0, 5, S::npos);
test(S(""), "bjahtcmnlp", 0, 9, S::npos);
test(S(""), "hjlcmgpket", 0, 10, S::npos);
test(S(""), "htaobedqikfplcgjsmrn", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "hpqiarojkcdlsgnmfetb", 0, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "dfkaprhjloqetcsimnbg", 0, 10, S::npos);
test(S(""), "ihqrfebgadntlpmjksoc", 0, 19, S::npos);
test(S(""), "ngtjfcalbseiqrphmkdo", 0, 20, S::npos);
test(S(""), "", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "lbtqd", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "tboim", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "slcer", 1, 2, S::npos);
test(S(""), "cbjfs", 1, 4, S::npos);
test(S(""), "aqibs", 1, 5, S::npos);
test(S(""), "gtfblmqinc", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "mkqpbtdalg", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "kphatlimcd", 1, 5, S::npos);
test(S(""), "pblasqogic", 1, 9, S::npos);
test(S(""), "arosdhcfme", 1, 10, S::npos);
test(S(""), "blkhjeogicatqfnpdmsr", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "bmhineprjcoadgstflqk", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "djkqcmetslnghpbarfoi", 1, 10, S::npos);
test(S(""), "lgokshjtpbemarcdqnfi", 1, 19, S::npos);
test(S(""), "bqjhtkfepimcnsgrlado", 1, 20, S::npos);
test(S("eaint"), "", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("binja"), "gfsrt", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("latkm"), "pfsoc", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("lecfr"), "tpflm", 0, 2, 0);
test(S("eqkst"), "sgkec", 0, 4, S::npos);
test(S("cdafr"), "romds", 0, 5, 0);
test(S("prbhe"), "qhjistlgmr", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("lbisk"), "pedfirsglo", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("hrlpd"), "aqcoslgrmk", 0, 5, 0);
test(S("ehmja"), "dabckmepqj", 0, 9, S::npos);
test(S("mhqgd"), "pqscrjthli", 0, 10, 0);
test(S("tgklq"), "kfphdcsjqmobliagtren", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("bocjs"), "rokpefncljibsdhqtagm", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("grbsd"), "afionmkphlebtcjqsgrd", 0, 10, 0);
test(S("ofjqr"), "aenmqplidhkofrjbctsg", 0, 19, S::npos);
test(S("btlfi"), "osjmbtcadhiklegrpqnf", 0, 20, S::npos);
test(S("clrgb"), "", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("tjmek"), "osmia", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("bgstp"), "ckonl", 1, 1, 1);
test(S("hstrk"), "ilcaj", 1, 2, 1);
test(S("kmspj"), "lasiq", 1, 4, 1);
test(S("tjboh"), "kfqmr", 1, 5, 1);
test(S("ilbcj"), "klnitfaobg", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("jkngf"), "gjhmdlqikp", 1, 1, 1);
test(S("gfcql"), "skbgtahqej", 1, 5, 1);
test(S("dqtlg"), "bjsdgtlpkf", 1, 9, 1);
test(S("bthpg"), "bjgfmnlkio", 1, 10, 1);
test(S("dgsnq"), "lbhepotfsjdqigcnamkr", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("rmfhp"), "tebangckmpsrqdlfojhi", 1, 1, 1);
test(S("jfdam"), "joflqbdkhtegimscpanr", 1, 10, S::npos);
test(S("edapb"), "adpmcohetfbsrjinlqkg", 1, 19, S::npos);
test(S("brfsm"), "iacldqjpfnogbsrhmetk", 1, 20, S::npos);
test(S("ndrhl"), "", 2, 0, 2);
test(S("mrecp"), "otkgb", 2, 0, 2);
test(S("qlasf"), "cqsjl", 2, 1, 2);
test(S("smaqd"), "dpifl", 2, 2, 2);
test(S("hjeni"), "oapht", 2, 4, 2);
test(S("ocmfj"), "cifts", 2, 5, 2);
test(S("hmftq"), "nmsckbgalo", 2, 0, 2);
test(S("fklad"), "tpksqhamle", 2, 1, 2);
test(S("dirnm"), "tpdrchmkji", 2, 5, 1);
test(S("hrgdc"), "ijagfkblst", 2, 9, 1);
test(S("ifakg"), "kpocsignjb", 2, 10, 2);
test(S("ebrgd"), "pecqtkjsnbdrialgmohf", 2, 0, 2);
test(S("rcjml"), "aiortphfcmkjebgsndql", 2, 1, 2);
test(S("peqmt"), "sdbkeamglhipojqftrcn", 2, 10, 2);
test(S("frehn"), "ljqncehgmfktroapidbs", 2, 19, S::npos);
test(S("tqolf"), "rtcfodilamkbenjghqps", 2, 20, S::npos);
test(S("cjgao"), "", 4, 0, 4);
test(S("kjplq"), "mabns", 4, 0, 4);
test(S("herni"), "bdnrp", 4, 1, 4);
test(S("tadrb"), "scidp", 4, 2, 4);
test(S("pkfeo"), "agbjl", 4, 4, 4);
test(S("hoser"), "jfmpr", 4, 5, 3);
test(S("kgrsp"), "rbpefghsmj", 4, 0, 4);
test(S("pgejb"), "apsfntdoqc", 4, 1, 4);
test(S("thlnq"), "ndkjeisgcl", 4, 5, 4);
test(S("nbmit"), "rnfpqatdeo", 4, 9, 3);
test(S("jgmib"), "bntjlqrfik", 4, 10, 2);
test(S("ncrfj"), "kcrtmpolnaqejghsfdbi", 4, 0, 4);
test(S("ncsik"), "lobheanpkmqidsrtcfgj", 4, 1, 4);
test(S("sgbfh"), "athdkljcnreqbgpmisof", 4, 10, 3);
test(S("dktbn"), "qkdmjialrscpbhefgont", 4, 19, 2);
test(S("fthqm"), "dmasojntqleribkgfchp", 4, 20, S::npos);
test(S("klopi"), "", 5, 0, 4);
test(S("dajhn"), "psthd", 5, 0, 4);
test(S("jbgno"), "rpmjd", 5, 1, 4);
test(S("hkjae"), "dfsmk", 5, 2, 4);
template <class S>
void test1()
test(S("gbhqo"), "skqne", 5, 4, 4);
test(S("ktdor"), "kipnf", 5, 5, 4);
test(S("ldprn"), "hmrnqdgifl", 5, 0, 4);
test(S("egmjk"), "fsmjcdairn", 5, 1, 4);
test(S("armql"), "pcdgltbrfj", 5, 5, 3);
test(S("cdhjo"), "aekfctpirg", 5, 9, 4);
test(S("jcons"), "ledihrsgpf", 5, 10, 3);
test(S("cbrkp"), "mqcklahsbtirgopefndj", 5, 0, 4);
test(S("fhgna"), "kmlthaoqgecrnpdbjfis", 5, 1, 4);
test(S("ejfcd"), "sfhbamcdptojlkrenqgi", 5, 10, 1);
test(S("kqjhe"), "pbniofmcedrkhlstgaqj", 5, 19, 2);
test(S("pbdjl"), "mongjratcskbhqiepfdl", 5, 20, S::npos);
test(S("gajqn"), "", 6, 0, 4);
test(S("stedk"), "hrnat", 6, 0, 4);
test(S("tjkaf"), "gsqdt", 6, 1, 4);
test(S("dthpe"), "bspkd", 6, 2, 4);
test(S("klhde"), "ohcmb", 6, 4, 4);
test(S("bhlki"), "heatr", 6, 5, 4);
test(S("lqmoh"), "pmblckedfn", 6, 0, 4);
test(S("mtqin"), "aceqmsrbik", 6, 1, 4);
test(S("dpqbr"), "lmbtdehjrn", 6, 5, 4);
test(S("kdhmo"), "teqmcrlgib", 6, 9, 4);
test(S("jblqp"), "njolbmspac", 6, 10, 3);
test(S("qmjgl"), "pofnhidklamecrbqjgst", 6, 0, 4);
test(S("rothp"), "jbhckmtgrqnosafedpli", 6, 1, 4);
test(S("ghknq"), "dobntpmqklicsahgjerf", 6, 10, 1);
test(S("eopfi"), "tpdshainjkbfoemlrgcq", 6, 19, S::npos);
test(S("dsnmg"), "oldpfgeakrnitscbjmqh", 6, 20, S::npos);
test(S("jnkrfhotgl"), "", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("dltjfngbko"), "rqegt", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("bmjlpkiqde"), "dashm", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("skrflobnqm"), "jqirk", 0, 2, 0);
test(S("jkpldtshrm"), "rckeg", 0, 4, 0);
test(S("ghasdbnjqo"), "jscie", 0, 5, 0);
test(S("igrkhpbqjt"), "efsphndliq", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("ikthdgcamf"), "gdicosleja", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("pcofgeniam"), "qcpjibosfl", 0, 5, S::npos);
test(S("rlfjgesqhc"), "lrhmefnjcq", 0, 9, S::npos);
test(S("itphbqsker"), "dtablcrseo", 0, 10, 0);
test(S("skjafcirqm"), "apckjsftedbhgomrnilq", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("tcqomarsfd"), "pcbrgflehjtiadnsokqm", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("rocfeldqpk"), "nsiadegjklhobrmtqcpf", 0, 10, 0);
test(S("cfpegndlkt"), "cpmajdqnolikhgsbretf", 0, 19, S::npos);
test(S("fqbtnkeasj"), "jcflkntmgiqrphdosaeb", 0, 20, S::npos);
test(S("shbcqnmoar"), "", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("bdoshlmfin"), "ontrs", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("khfrebnsgq"), "pfkna", 1, 1, 1);
test(S("getcrsaoji"), "ekosa", 1, 2, 0);
test(S("fjiknedcpq"), "anqhk", 1, 4, 1);
test(S("tkejgnafrm"), "jekca", 1, 5, 0);
test(S("jnakolqrde"), "ikemsjgacf", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("lcjptsmgbe"), "arolgsjkhm", 1, 1, 1);
test(S("itfsmcjorl"), "oftkbldhre", 1, 5, 0);
test(S("omchkfrjea"), "gbkqdoeftl", 1, 9, 1);
test(S("cigfqkated"), "sqcflrgtim", 1, 10, S::npos);
test(S("tscenjikml"), "fmhbkislrjdpanogqcet", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("qcpaemsinf"), "rnioadktqlgpbcjsmhef", 1, 1, 1);
test(S("gltkojeipd"), "oakgtnldpsefihqmjcbr", 1, 10, S::npos);
test(S("qistfrgnmp"), "gbnaelosidmcjqktfhpr", 1, 19, S::npos);
test(S("bdnpfcqaem"), "akbripjhlosndcmqgfet", 1, 20, S::npos);
test(S("ectnhskflp"), "", 5, 0, 5);
test(S("fgtianblpq"), "pijag", 5, 0, 5);
test(S("mfeqklirnh"), "jrckd", 5, 1, 5);
test(S("astedncjhk"), "qcloh", 5, 2, 5);
test(S("fhlqgcajbr"), "thlmp", 5, 4, 5);
test(S("epfhocmdng"), "qidmo", 5, 5, 5);
test(S("apcnsibger"), "lnegpsjqrd", 5, 0, 5);
test(S("aqkocrbign"), "rjqdablmfs", 5, 1, 4);
test(S("ijsmdtqgce"), "enkgpbsjaq", 5, 5, 5);
test(S("clobgsrken"), "kdsgoaijfh", 5, 9, 3);
test(S("jbhcfposld"), "trfqgmckbe", 5, 10, 5);
test(S("oqnpblhide"), "igetsracjfkdnpoblhqm", 5, 0, 5);
test(S("lroeasctif"), "nqctfaogirshlekbdjpm", 5, 1, 5);
test(S("bpjlgmiedh"), "csehfgomljdqinbartkp", 5, 10, 1);
test(S("pamkeoidrj"), "qahoegcmplkfsjbdnitr", 5, 19, S::npos);
test(S("espogqbthk"), "dpteiajrqmsognhlfbkc", 5, 20, S::npos);
test(S("shoiedtcjb"), "", 9, 0, 9);
test(S("ebcinjgads"), "tqbnh", 9, 0, 9);
test(S("dqmregkcfl"), "akmle", 9, 1, 9);
test(S("ngcrieqajf"), "iqfkm", 9, 2, 9);
test(S("qosmilgnjb"), "tqjsr", 9, 4, 9);
test(S("ikabsjtdfl"), "jplqg", 9, 5, 8);
test(S("ersmicafdh"), "oilnrbcgtj", 9, 0, 9);
test(S("fdnplotmgh"), "morkglpesn", 9, 1, 9);
test(S("fdbicojerm"), "dmicerngat", 9, 5, 8);
test(S("mbtafndjcq"), "radgeskbtc", 9, 9, 9);
test(S("mlenkpfdtc"), "ljikprsmqo", 9, 10, 9);
test(S("ahlcifdqgs"), "trqihkcgsjamfdbolnpe", 9, 0, 9);
test(S("bgjemaltks"), "lqmthbsrekajgnofcipd", 9, 1, 9);
test(S("pdhslbqrfc"), "jtalmedribkgqsopcnfh", 9, 10, 9);
test(S("dirhtsnjkc"), "spqfoiclmtagejbndkrh", 9, 19, 3);
test(S("dlroktbcja"), "nmotklspigjrdhcfaebq", 9, 20, S::npos);
test(S("ncjpmaekbs"), "", 10, 0, 9);
test(S("hlbosgmrak"), "hpmsd", 10, 0, 9);
test(S("pqfhsgilen"), "qnpor", 10, 1, 9);
test(S("gqtjsbdckh"), "otdma", 10, 2, 9);
test(S("cfkqpjlegi"), "efhjg", 10, 4, 9);
test(S("beanrfodgj"), "odpte", 10, 5, 9);
test(S("adtkqpbjfi"), "bctdgfmolr", 10, 0, 9);
test(S("iomkfthagj"), "oaklidrbqg", 10, 1, 9);
template <class S>
void test2()
test(S("sdpcilonqj"), "dnjfsagktr", 10, 5, 8);
test(S("gtfbdkqeml"), "nejaktmiqg", 10, 9, 9);
test(S("bmeqgcdorj"), "pjqonlebsf", 10, 10, 8);
test(S("etqlcanmob"), "dshmnbtolcjepgaikfqr", 10, 0, 9);
test(S("roqmkbdtia"), "iogfhpabtjkqlrnemcds", 10, 1, 9);
test(S("kadsithljf"), "ngridfabjsecpqltkmoh", 10, 10, 7);
test(S("sgtkpbfdmh"), "athmknplcgofrqejsdib", 10, 19, 5);
test(S("qgmetnabkl"), "ldobhmqcafnjtkeisgrp", 10, 20, S::npos);
test(S("cqjohampgd"), "", 11, 0, 9);
test(S("hobitmpsan"), "aocjb", 11, 0, 9);
test(S("tjehkpsalm"), "jbrnk", 11, 1, 9);
test(S("ngfbojitcl"), "tqedg", 11, 2, 9);
test(S("rcfkdbhgjo"), "nqskp", 11, 4, 9);
test(S("qghptonrea"), "eaqkl", 11, 5, 7);
test(S("hnprfgqjdl"), "reaoicljqm", 11, 0, 9);
test(S("hlmgabenti"), "lsftgajqpm", 11, 1, 9);
test(S("ofcjanmrbs"), "rlpfogmits", 11, 5, 9);
test(S("jqedtkornm"), "shkncmiaqj", 11, 9, 7);
test(S("rfedlasjmg"), "fpnatrhqgs", 11, 10, 8);
test(S("talpqjsgkm"), "sjclemqhnpdbgikarfot", 11, 0, 9);
test(S("lrkcbtqpie"), "otcmedjikgsfnqbrhpla", 11, 1, 9);
test(S("cipogdskjf"), "bonsaefdqiprkhlgtjcm", 11, 10, 8);
test(S("nqedcojahi"), "egpscmahijlfnkrodqtb", 11, 19, S::npos);
test(S("hefnrkmctj"), "kmqbfepjthgilscrndoa", 11, 20, S::npos);
test(S("atqirnmekfjolhpdsgcb"), "", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("echfkmlpribjnqsaogtd"), "prboq", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("qnhiftdgcleajbpkrosm"), "fjcqh", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("chamfknorbedjitgslpq"), "fmosa", 0, 2, 0);
test(S("njhqpibfmtlkaecdrgso"), "qdbok", 0, 4, 0);
test(S("ebnghfsqkprmdcljoiat"), "amslg", 0, 5, 0);
test(S("letjomsgihfrpqbkancd"), "smpltjneqb", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("nblgoipcrqeaktshjdmf"), "flitskrnge", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("cehkbngtjoiflqapsmrd"), "pgqihmlbef", 0, 5, 0);
test(S("mignapfoklbhcqjetdrs"), "cfpdqjtgsb", 0, 9, 0);
test(S("ceatbhlsqjgpnokfrmdi"), "htpsiaflom", 0, 10, 0);
test(S("ocihkjgrdelpfnmastqb"), "kpjfiaceghsrdtlbnomq", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("noelgschdtbrjfmiqkap"), "qhtbomidljgafneksprc", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("dkclqfombepritjnghas"), "nhtjobkcefldimpsaqgr", 0, 10, 0);
test(S("miklnresdgbhqcojftap"), "prabcjfqnoeskilmtgdh", 0, 19, S::npos);
test(S("htbcigojaqmdkfrnlsep"), "dtrgmchilkasqoebfpjn", 0, 20, S::npos);
test(S("febhmqtjanokscdirpgl"), "", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("loakbsqjpcrdhftniegm"), "sqome", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("reagphsqflbitdcjmkno"), "smfte", 1, 1, 1);
test(S("jitlfrqemsdhkopncabg"), "ciboh", 1, 2, 0);
test(S("mhtaepscdnrjqgbkifol"), "haois", 1, 4, 0);
test(S("tocesrfmnglpbjihqadk"), "abfki", 1, 5, 1);
test(S("lpfmctjrhdagneskbqoi"), "frdkocntmq", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("lsmqaepkdhncirbtjfgo"), "oasbpedlnr", 1, 1, 1);
test(S("epoiqmtldrabnkjhcfsg"), "kltqmhgand", 1, 5, 1);
test(S("emgasrilpknqojhtbdcf"), "gdtfjchpmr", 1, 9, 0);
test(S("hnfiagdpcklrjetqbsom"), "ponmcqblet", 1, 10, 0);
test(S("nsdfebgajhmtricpoklq"), "sgphqdnofeiklatbcmjr", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("atjgfsdlpobmeiqhncrk"), "ljqprsmigtfoneadckbh", 1, 1, 1);
test(S("sitodfgnrejlahcbmqkp"), "ligeojhafnkmrcsqtbdp", 1, 10, 0);
test(S("fraghmbiceknltjpqosd"), "lsimqfnjarbopedkhcgt", 1, 19, S::npos);
test(S("pmafenlhqtdbkirjsogc"), "abedmfjlghniorcqptks", 1, 20, S::npos);
test(S("pihgmoeqtnakrjslcbfd"), "", 10, 0, 10);
test(S("gjdkeprctqblnhiafsom"), "hqtoa", 10, 0, 10);
test(S("mkpnblfdsahrcqijteog"), "cahif", 10, 1, 10);
test(S("gckarqnelodfjhmbptis"), "kehis", 10, 2, 10);
test(S("gqpskidtbclomahnrjfe"), "kdlmh", 10, 4, 9);
test(S("pkldjsqrfgitbhmaecno"), "paeql", 10, 5, 10);
test(S("aftsijrbeklnmcdqhgop"), "aghoqiefnb", 10, 0, 10);
test(S("mtlgdrhafjkbiepqnsoc"), "jrbqaikpdo", 10, 1, 10);
test(S("pqgirnaefthokdmbsclj"), "smjonaeqcl", 10, 5, 10);
test(S("kpdbgjmtherlsfcqoina"), "eqbdrkcfah", 10, 9, 8);
test(S("jrlbothiknqmdgcfasep"), "kapmsienhf", 10, 10, 10);
test(S("mjogldqferckabinptsh"), "jpqotrlenfcsbhkaimdg", 10, 0, 10);
test(S("apoklnefbhmgqcdrisjt"), "jlbmhnfgtcqprikeados", 10, 1, 10);
test(S("ifeopcnrjbhkdgatmqls"), "stgbhfmdaljnpqoicker", 10, 10, 8);
test(S("ckqhaiesmjdnrgolbtpf"), "oihcetflbjagdsrkmqpn", 10, 19, S::npos);
test(S("bnlgapfimcoterskqdjh"), "adtclebmnpjsrqfkigoh", 10, 20, S::npos);
test(S("kgdlrobpmjcthqsafeni"), "", 19, 0, 19);
test(S("dfkechomjapgnslbtqir"), "beafg", 19, 0, 19);
test(S("rloadknfbqtgmhcsipje"), "iclat", 19, 1, 19);
test(S("mgjhkolrnadqbpetcifs"), "rkhnf", 19, 2, 19);
test(S("cmlfakiojdrgtbsphqen"), "clshq", 19, 4, 19);
test(S("kghbfipeomsntdalrqjc"), "dtcoj", 19, 5, 17);
test(S("eldiqckrnmtasbghjfpo"), "rqosnjmfth", 19, 0, 19);
test(S("abqjcfedgotihlnspkrm"), "siatdfqglh", 19, 1, 19);
test(S("qfbadrtjsimkolcenhpg"), "mrlshtpgjq", 19, 5, 19);
test(S("abseghclkjqifmtodrnp"), "adlcskgqjt", 19, 9, 19);
test(S("ibmsnlrjefhtdokacqpg"), "drshcjknaf", 19, 10, 19);
test(S("mrkfciqjebaponsthldg"), "etsaqroinghpkjdlfcbm", 19, 0, 19);
test(S("mjkticdeoqshpalrfbgn"), "sgepdnkqliambtrocfhj", 19, 1, 19);
test(S("rqnoclbdejgiphtfsakm"), "nlmcjaqgbsortfdihkpe", 19, 10, 18);
test(S("plkqbhmtfaeodjcrsing"), "racfnpmosldibqkghjet", 19, 19, 7);
test(S("oegalhmstjrfickpbndq"), "fjhdsctkqeiolagrnmbp", 19, 20, S::npos);
test(S("rdtgjcaohpblniekmsfq"), "", 20, 0, 19);
test(S("ofkqbnjetrmsaidphglc"), "ejanp", 20, 0, 19);
test(S("grkpahljcftesdmonqib"), "odife", 20, 1, 19);
test(S("jimlgbhfqkteospardcn"), "okaqd", 20, 2, 19);
test(S("gftenihpmslrjkqadcob"), "lcdbi", 20, 4, 18);
test(S("bmhldogtckrfsanijepq"), "fsqbj", 20, 5, 18);
test(S("nfqkrpjdesabgtlcmoih"), "bigdomnplq", 20, 0, 19);
test(S("focalnrpiqmdkstehbjg"), "apiblotgcd", 20, 1, 19);
test(S("rhqdspkmebiflcotnjga"), "acfhdenops", 20, 5, 18);
test(S("rahdtmsckfboqlpniegj"), "jopdeamcrk", 20, 9, 18);
test(S("fbkeiopclstmdqranjhg"), "trqncbkgmh", 20, 10, 17);
test(S("lifhpdgmbconstjeqark"), "tomglrkencbsfjqpihda", 20, 0, 19);
template <class S>
void test3()
test(S("pboqganrhedjmltsicfk"), "gbkhdnpoietfcmrslajq", 20, 1, 19);
test(S("klchabsimetjnqgorfpd"), "rtfnmbsglkjaichoqedp", 20, 10, 19);
test(S("sirfgmjqhctndbklaepo"), "ohkmdpfqbsacrtjnlgei", 20, 19, 1);
test(S("rlbdsiceaonqjtfpghkm"), "dlbrteoisgphmkncajfq", 20, 20, S::npos);
test(S("ecgdanriptblhjfqskom"), "", 21, 0, 19);
test(S("fdmiarlpgcskbhoteqjn"), "sjrlo", 21, 0, 19);
test(S("rlbstjqopignecmfadkh"), "qjpor", 21, 1, 19);
test(S("grjpqmbshektdolcafni"), "odhfn", 21, 2, 19);
test(S("sakfcohtqnibprjmlged"), "qtfin", 21, 4, 19);
test(S("mjtdglasihqpocebrfkn"), "hpqfo", 21, 5, 19);
test(S("okaplfrntghqbmeicsdj"), "fabmertkos", 21, 0, 19);
test(S("sahngemrtcjidqbklfpo"), "brqtgkmaej", 21, 1, 19);
test(S("dlmsipcnekhbgoaftqjr"), "nfrdeihsgl", 21, 5, 18);
test(S("ahegrmqnoiklpfsdbcjt"), "hlfrosekpi", 21, 9, 19);
test(S("hdsjbnmlegtkqripacof"), "atgbkrjdsm", 21, 10, 19);
test(S("pcnedrfjihqbalkgtoms"), "blnrptjgqmaifsdkhoec", 21, 0, 19);
test(S("qjidealmtpskrbfhocng"), "ctpmdahebfqjgknloris", 21, 1, 19);
test(S("qeindtagmokpfhsclrbj"), "apnkeqthrmlbfodiscgj", 21, 10, 19);
test(S("kpfegbjhsrnodltqciam"), "jdgictpframeoqlsbknh", 21, 19, 7);
test(S("hnbrcplsjfgiktoedmaq"), "qprlsfojamgndekthibc", 21, 20, S::npos);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert (sv1.find_last_not_of( "", 0, 0) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv1.find_last_not_of( "irkhs", 0, 5) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_last_not_of( "", 0, 0) == 0, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_last_not_of( "gfsrt", 5, 0) == 4, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_last_not_of( "lecar", 5, 0) == 4, "" );
@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// size_type find_last_not_of(const basic_string& str, size_type pos = npos) const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
template <class S>
test(const S& s, const S& str, typename S::size_type pos, typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find_last_not_of(str, pos) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(x <= pos && x < s.size());
template <class S>
test(const S& s, const S& str, typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find_last_not_of(str) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(x < s.size());
template <class S>
void test0()
test(S(""), S(""), 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), S("laenf"), 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), S("pqlnkmbdjo"), 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), S("qkamfogpnljdcshbreti"), 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), S(""), 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), S("bjaht"), 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), S("hjlcmgpket"), 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), S("htaobedqikfplcgjsmrn"), 1, S::npos);
test(S("fodgq"), S(""), 0, 0);
test(S("qanej"), S("dfkap"), 0, 0);
test(S("clbao"), S("ihqrfebgad"), 0, 0);
test(S("mekdn"), S("ngtjfcalbseiqrphmkdo"), 0, S::npos);
test(S("srdfq"), S(""), 1, 1);
test(S("oemth"), S("ikcrq"), 1, 1);
test(S("cdaih"), S("dmajblfhsg"), 1, 0);
test(S("qohtk"), S("oqftjhdmkgsblacenirp"), 1, S::npos);
test(S("cshmd"), S(""), 2, 2);
test(S("lhcdo"), S("oebqi"), 2, 2);
test(S("qnsoh"), S("kojhpmbsfe"), 2, 1);
test(S("pkrof"), S("acbsjqogpltdkhinfrem"), 2, S::npos);
test(S("fmtsp"), S(""), 4, 4);
test(S("khbpm"), S("aobjd"), 4, 4);
test(S("pbsji"), S("pcbahntsje"), 4, 4);
test(S("mprdj"), S("fhepcrntkoagbmldqijs"), 4, S::npos);
test(S("eqmpa"), S(""), 5, 4);
test(S("omigs"), S("kocgb"), 5, 4);
test(S("onmje"), S("fbslrjiqkm"), 5, 4);
test(S("oqmrj"), S("jeidpcmalhfnqbgtrsko"), 5, S::npos);
test(S("schfa"), S(""), 6, 4);
test(S("igdsc"), S("qngpd"), 6, 4);
test(S("brqgo"), S("rodhqklgmb"), 6, S::npos);
test(S("tnrph"), S("thdjgafrlbkoiqcspmne"), 6, S::npos);
test(S("hcjitbfapl"), S(""), 0, 0);
test(S("daiprenocl"), S("ashjd"), 0, S::npos);
test(S("litpcfdghe"), S("mgojkldsqh"), 0, S::npos);
test(S("aidjksrolc"), S("imqnaghkfrdtlopbjesc"), 0, S::npos);
test(S("qpghtfbaji"), S(""), 1, 1);
test(S("gfshlcmdjr"), S("nadkh"), 1, 1);
test(S("nkodajteqp"), S("ofdrqmkebl"), 1, 0);
test(S("gbmetiprqd"), S("bdfjqgatlksriohemnpc"), 1, S::npos);
test(S("crnklpmegd"), S(""), 5, 5);
test(S("jsbtafedoc"), S("prqgn"), 5, 5);
test(S("qnmodrtkeb"), S("pejafmnokr"), 5, 4);
test(S("cpebqsfmnj"), S("odnqkgijrhabfmcestlp"), 5, S::npos);
test(S("lmofqdhpki"), S(""), 9, 9);
test(S("hnefkqimca"), S("rtjpa"), 9, 8);
test(S("drtasbgmfp"), S("ktsrmnqagd"), 9, 9);
test(S("lsaijeqhtr"), S("rtdhgcisbnmoaqkfpjle"), 9, S::npos);
test(S("elgofjmbrq"), S(""), 10, 9);
test(S("mjqdgalkpc"), S("dplqa"), 10, 9);
test(S("kthqnfcerm"), S("dkacjoptns"), 10, 9);
test(S("dfsjhanorc"), S("hqfimtrgnbekpdcsjalo"), 10, S::npos);
test(S("eqsgalomhb"), S(""), 11, 9);
test(S("akiteljmoh"), S("lofbc"), 11, 9);
test(S("hlbdfreqjo"), S("astoegbfpn"), 11, 8);
test(S("taqobhlerg"), S("pdgreqomsncafklhtibj"), 11, S::npos);
test(S("snafbdlghrjkpqtoceim"), S(""), 0, 0);
test(S("aemtbrgcklhndjisfpoq"), S("lbtqd"), 0, 0);
test(S("pnracgfkjdiholtbqsem"), S("tboimldpjh"), 0, S::npos);
test(S("dicfltehbsgrmojnpkaq"), S("slcerthdaiqjfnobgkpm"), 0, S::npos);
test(S("jlnkraeodhcspfgbqitm"), S(""), 1, 1);
test(S("lhosrngtmfjikbqpcade"), S("aqibs"), 1, 1);
test(S("rbtaqjhgkneisldpmfoc"), S("gtfblmqinc"), 1, 0);
test(S("gpifsqlrdkbonjtmheca"), S("mkqpbtdalgniorhfescj"), 1, S::npos);
test(S("hdpkobnsalmcfijregtq"), S(""), 10, 10);
test(S("jtlshdgqaiprkbcoenfm"), S("pblas"), 10, 9);
test(S("fkdrbqltsgmcoiphneaj"), S("arosdhcfme"), 10, 9);
test(S("crsplifgtqedjohnabmk"), S("blkhjeogicatqfnpdmsr"), 10, S::npos);
test(S("niptglfbosehkamrdqcj"), S(""), 19, 19);
test(S("copqdhstbingamjfkler"), S("djkqc"), 19, 19);
test(S("mrtaefilpdsgocnhqbjk"), S("lgokshjtpb"), 19, 16);
test(S("kojatdhlcmigpbfrqnes"), S("bqjhtkfepimcnsgrlado"), 19, S::npos);
test(S("eaintpchlqsbdgrkjofm"), S(""), 20, 19);
test(S("gjnhidfsepkrtaqbmclo"), S("nocfa"), 20, 18);
test(S("spocfaktqdbiejlhngmr"), S("bgtajmiedc"), 20, 19);
test(S("rphmlekgfscndtaobiqj"), S("lsckfnqgdahejiopbtmr"), 20, S::npos);
test(S("liatsqdoegkmfcnbhrpj"), S(""), 21, 19);
test(S("binjagtfldkrspcomqeh"), S("gfsrt"), 21, 19);
test(S("latkmisecnorjbfhqpdg"), S("pfsocbhjtm"), 21, 19);
test(S("lecfratdjkhnsmqpoigb"), S("tpflmdnoicjgkberhqsa"), 21, S::npos);
template <class S>
void test1()
test(S(""), S(""), S::npos);
test(S(""), S("laenf"), S::npos);
test(S(""), S("pqlnkmbdjo"), S::npos);
test(S(""), S("qkamfogpnljdcshbreti"), S::npos);
test(S("nhmko"), S(""), 4);
test(S("lahfb"), S("irkhs"), 4);
test(S("gmfhd"), S("kantesmpgj"), 4);
test(S("odaft"), S("oknlrstdpiqmjbaghcfe"), S::npos);
test(S("eolhfgpjqk"), S(""), 9);
test(S("nbatdlmekr"), S("bnrpe"), 8);
test(S("jdmciepkaq"), S("jtdaefblso"), 9);
test(S("hkbgspoflt"), S("oselktgbcapndfjihrmq"), S::npos);
test(S("gprdcokbnjhlsfmtieqa"), S(""), 19);
test(S("qjghlnftcaismkropdeb"), S("bjaht"), 18);
test(S("pnalfrdtkqcmojiesbhg"), S("hjlcmgpket"), 17);
test(S("pniotcfrhqsmgdkjbael"), S("htaobedqikfplcgjsmrn"), S::npos);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// constexpr size_type find_last_of(charT c, size_type pos = npos) const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
template <class S>
test(const S& s, typename S::value_type c, typename S::size_type pos,
typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find_last_of(c, pos) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(x <= pos && x < s.size());
template <class S>
test(const S& s, typename S::value_type c, typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find_last_of(c) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(x < s.size());
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
test(S(""), 'm', 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), 'm', 1, S::npos);
test(S("kitcj"), 'm', 0, S::npos);
test(S("qkamf"), 'm', 1, S::npos);
test(S("nhmko"), 'm', 2, 2);
test(S("tpsaf"), 'm', 4, S::npos);
test(S("lahfb"), 'm', 5, S::npos);
test(S("irkhs"), 'm', 6, S::npos);
test(S("gmfhdaipsr"), 'm', 0, S::npos);
test(S("kantesmpgj"), 'm', 1, S::npos);
test(S("odaftiegpm"), 'm', 5, S::npos);
test(S("oknlrstdpi"), 'm', 9, S::npos);
test(S("eolhfgpjqk"), 'm', 10, S::npos);
test(S("pcdrofikas"), 'm', 11, S::npos);
test(S("nbatdlmekrgcfqsophij"), 'm', 0, S::npos);
test(S("bnrpehidofmqtcksjgla"), 'm', 1, S::npos);
test(S("jdmciepkaqgotsrfnhlb"), 'm', 10, 2);
test(S("jtdaefblsokrmhpgcnqi"), 'm', 19, 12);
test(S("hkbgspofltajcnedqmri"), 'm', 20, 17);
test(S("oselktgbcapndfjihrmq"), 'm', 21, 18);
test(S(""), 'm', S::npos);
test(S("csope"), 'm', S::npos);
test(S("gfsmthlkon"), 'm', 3);
test(S("laenfsbridchgotmkqpj"), 'm', 15);
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert (sv1.find_last_of( 'i', 0 ) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv1.find_last_of( 'i', 1 ) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_last_of( 'a', 0 ) == 0, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_last_of( 'a', 1 ) == 0, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_last_of( 'e', 5 ) == 4, "" );
@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// constexpr size_type find_last_of(const charT* s, size_type pos = npos) const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
template <class S>
test(const S& s, const typename S::value_type* str, typename S::size_type pos,
typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find_last_of(str, pos) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(x <= pos && x < s.size());
template <class S>
test(const S& s, const typename S::value_type* str, typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find_last_of(str) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(x < s.size());
template <class S>
void test0()
test(S(""), "", 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "laenf", 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "pqlnkmbdjo", 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "qkamfogpnljdcshbreti", 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "", 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "bjaht", 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "hjlcmgpket", 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "htaobedqikfplcgjsmrn", 1, S::npos);
test(S("fodgq"), "", 0, S::npos);
test(S("qanej"), "dfkap", 0, S::npos);
test(S("clbao"), "ihqrfebgad", 0, S::npos);
test(S("mekdn"), "ngtjfcalbseiqrphmkdo", 0, 0);
test(S("srdfq"), "", 1, S::npos);
test(S("oemth"), "ikcrq", 1, S::npos);
test(S("cdaih"), "dmajblfhsg", 1, 1);
test(S("qohtk"), "oqftjhdmkgsblacenirp", 1, 1);
test(S("cshmd"), "", 2, S::npos);
test(S("lhcdo"), "oebqi", 2, S::npos);
test(S("qnsoh"), "kojhpmbsfe", 2, 2);
test(S("pkrof"), "acbsjqogpltdkhinfrem", 2, 2);
test(S("fmtsp"), "", 4, S::npos);
test(S("khbpm"), "aobjd", 4, 2);
test(S("pbsji"), "pcbahntsje", 4, 3);
test(S("mprdj"), "fhepcrntkoagbmldqijs", 4, 4);
test(S("eqmpa"), "", 5, S::npos);
test(S("omigs"), "kocgb", 5, 3);
test(S("onmje"), "fbslrjiqkm", 5, 3);
test(S("oqmrj"), "jeidpcmalhfnqbgtrsko", 5, 4);
test(S("schfa"), "", 6, S::npos);
test(S("igdsc"), "qngpd", 6, 2);
test(S("brqgo"), "rodhqklgmb", 6, 4);
test(S("tnrph"), "thdjgafrlbkoiqcspmne", 6, 4);
test(S("hcjitbfapl"), "", 0, S::npos);
test(S("daiprenocl"), "ashjd", 0, 0);
test(S("litpcfdghe"), "mgojkldsqh", 0, 0);
test(S("aidjksrolc"), "imqnaghkfrdtlopbjesc", 0, 0);
test(S("qpghtfbaji"), "", 1, S::npos);
test(S("gfshlcmdjr"), "nadkh", 1, S::npos);
test(S("nkodajteqp"), "ofdrqmkebl", 1, 1);
test(S("gbmetiprqd"), "bdfjqgatlksriohemnpc", 1, 1);
test(S("crnklpmegd"), "", 5, S::npos);
test(S("jsbtafedoc"), "prqgn", 5, S::npos);
test(S("qnmodrtkeb"), "pejafmnokr", 5, 5);
test(S("cpebqsfmnj"), "odnqkgijrhabfmcestlp", 5, 5);
test(S("lmofqdhpki"), "", 9, S::npos);
test(S("hnefkqimca"), "rtjpa", 9, 9);
test(S("drtasbgmfp"), "ktsrmnqagd", 9, 7);
test(S("lsaijeqhtr"), "rtdhgcisbnmoaqkfpjle", 9, 9);
test(S("elgofjmbrq"), "", 10, S::npos);
test(S("mjqdgalkpc"), "dplqa", 10, 8);
test(S("kthqnfcerm"), "dkacjoptns", 10, 6);
test(S("dfsjhanorc"), "hqfimtrgnbekpdcsjalo", 10, 9);
test(S("eqsgalomhb"), "", 11, S::npos);
test(S("akiteljmoh"), "lofbc", 11, 8);
test(S("hlbdfreqjo"), "astoegbfpn", 11, 9);
test(S("taqobhlerg"), "pdgreqomsncafklhtibj", 11, 9);
test(S("snafbdlghrjkpqtoceim"), "", 0, S::npos);
test(S("aemtbrgcklhndjisfpoq"), "lbtqd", 0, S::npos);
test(S("pnracgfkjdiholtbqsem"), "tboimldpjh", 0, 0);
test(S("dicfltehbsgrmojnpkaq"), "slcerthdaiqjfnobgkpm", 0, 0);
test(S("jlnkraeodhcspfgbqitm"), "", 1, S::npos);
test(S("lhosrngtmfjikbqpcade"), "aqibs", 1, S::npos);
test(S("rbtaqjhgkneisldpmfoc"), "gtfblmqinc", 1, 1);
test(S("gpifsqlrdkbonjtmheca"), "mkqpbtdalgniorhfescj", 1, 1);
test(S("hdpkobnsalmcfijregtq"), "", 10, S::npos);
test(S("jtlshdgqaiprkbcoenfm"), "pblas", 10, 10);
test(S("fkdrbqltsgmcoiphneaj"), "arosdhcfme", 10, 10);
test(S("crsplifgtqedjohnabmk"), "blkhjeogicatqfnpdmsr", 10, 10);
test(S("niptglfbosehkamrdqcj"), "", 19, S::npos);
test(S("copqdhstbingamjfkler"), "djkqc", 19, 16);
test(S("mrtaefilpdsgocnhqbjk"), "lgokshjtpb", 19, 19);
test(S("kojatdhlcmigpbfrqnes"), "bqjhtkfepimcnsgrlado", 19, 19);
test(S("eaintpchlqsbdgrkjofm"), "", 20, S::npos);
test(S("gjnhidfsepkrtaqbmclo"), "nocfa", 20, 19);
test(S("spocfaktqdbiejlhngmr"), "bgtajmiedc", 20, 18);
test(S("rphmlekgfscndtaobiqj"), "lsckfnqgdahejiopbtmr", 20, 19);
test(S("liatsqdoegkmfcnbhrpj"), "", 21, S::npos);
test(S("binjagtfldkrspcomqeh"), "gfsrt", 21, 12);
test(S("latkmisecnorjbfhqpdg"), "pfsocbhjtm", 21, 17);
test(S("lecfratdjkhnsmqpoigb"), "tpflmdnoicjgkberhqsa", 21, 19);
template <class S>
void test1()
test(S(""), "", S::npos);
test(S(""), "laenf", S::npos);
test(S(""), "pqlnkmbdjo", S::npos);
test(S(""), "qkamfogpnljdcshbreti", S::npos);
test(S("nhmko"), "", S::npos);
test(S("lahfb"), "irkhs", 2);
test(S("gmfhd"), "kantesmpgj", 1);
test(S("odaft"), "oknlrstdpiqmjbaghcfe", 4);
test(S("eolhfgpjqk"), "", S::npos);
test(S("nbatdlmekr"), "bnrpe", 9);
test(S("jdmciepkaq"), "jtdaefblso", 8);
test(S("hkbgspoflt"), "oselktgbcapndfjihrmq", 9);
test(S("gprdcokbnjhlsfmtieqa"), "", S::npos);
test(S("qjghlnftcaismkropdeb"), "bjaht", 19);
test(S("pnalfrdtkqcmojiesbhg"), "hjlcmgpket", 19);
test(S("pniotcfrhqsmgdkjbael"), "htaobedqikfplcgjsmrn", 19);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert (sv1.find_last_of( "", 0) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv1.find_last_of( "irkhs", 5) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_last_of( "", 0) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_last_of( "gfsrt", 5) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_last_of( "lecar", 5) == 4, "" );
@ -1,393 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// constexpr size_type find_last_of(const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
template <class S>
test(const S& s, const typename S::value_type* str, typename S::size_type pos,
typename S::size_type n, typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find_last_of(str, pos, n) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(x <= pos && x < s.size());
template <class S>
void test0()
test(S(""), "", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "irkhs", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "kante", 0, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "oknlr", 0, 2, S::npos);
test(S(""), "pcdro", 0, 4, S::npos);
test(S(""), "bnrpe", 0, 5, S::npos);
test(S(""), "jtdaefblso", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "oselktgbca", 0, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "eqgaplhckj", 0, 5, S::npos);
test(S(""), "bjahtcmnlp", 0, 9, S::npos);
test(S(""), "hjlcmgpket", 0, 10, S::npos);
test(S(""), "htaobedqikfplcgjsmrn", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "hpqiarojkcdlsgnmfetb", 0, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "dfkaprhjloqetcsimnbg", 0, 10, S::npos);
test(S(""), "ihqrfebgadntlpmjksoc", 0, 19, S::npos);
test(S(""), "ngtjfcalbseiqrphmkdo", 0, 20, S::npos);
test(S(""), "", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "lbtqd", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "tboim", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "slcer", 1, 2, S::npos);
test(S(""), "cbjfs", 1, 4, S::npos);
test(S(""), "aqibs", 1, 5, S::npos);
test(S(""), "gtfblmqinc", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "mkqpbtdalg", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "kphatlimcd", 1, 5, S::npos);
test(S(""), "pblasqogic", 1, 9, S::npos);
test(S(""), "arosdhcfme", 1, 10, S::npos);
test(S(""), "blkhjeogicatqfnpdmsr", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "bmhineprjcoadgstflqk", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "djkqcmetslnghpbarfoi", 1, 10, S::npos);
test(S(""), "lgokshjtpbemarcdqnfi", 1, 19, S::npos);
test(S(""), "bqjhtkfepimcnsgrlado", 1, 20, S::npos);
test(S("eaint"), "", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S("binja"), "gfsrt", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S("latkm"), "pfsoc", 0, 1, S::npos);
test(S("lecfr"), "tpflm", 0, 2, S::npos);
test(S("eqkst"), "sgkec", 0, 4, 0);
test(S("cdafr"), "romds", 0, 5, S::npos);
test(S("prbhe"), "qhjistlgmr", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S("lbisk"), "pedfirsglo", 0, 1, S::npos);
test(S("hrlpd"), "aqcoslgrmk", 0, 5, S::npos);
test(S("ehmja"), "dabckmepqj", 0, 9, 0);
test(S("mhqgd"), "pqscrjthli", 0, 10, S::npos);
test(S("tgklq"), "kfphdcsjqmobliagtren", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S("bocjs"), "rokpefncljibsdhqtagm", 0, 1, S::npos);
test(S("grbsd"), "afionmkphlebtcjqsgrd", 0, 10, S::npos);
test(S("ofjqr"), "aenmqplidhkofrjbctsg", 0, 19, 0);
test(S("btlfi"), "osjmbtcadhiklegrpqnf", 0, 20, 0);
test(S("clrgb"), "", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S("tjmek"), "osmia", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S("bgstp"), "ckonl", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S("hstrk"), "ilcaj", 1, 2, S::npos);
test(S("kmspj"), "lasiq", 1, 4, S::npos);
test(S("tjboh"), "kfqmr", 1, 5, S::npos);
test(S("ilbcj"), "klnitfaobg", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S("jkngf"), "gjhmdlqikp", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S("gfcql"), "skbgtahqej", 1, 5, 0);
test(S("dqtlg"), "bjsdgtlpkf", 1, 9, 0);
test(S("bthpg"), "bjgfmnlkio", 1, 10, 0);
test(S("dgsnq"), "lbhepotfsjdqigcnamkr", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S("rmfhp"), "tebangckmpsrqdlfojhi", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S("jfdam"), "joflqbdkhtegimscpanr", 1, 10, 1);
test(S("edapb"), "adpmcohetfbsrjinlqkg", 1, 19, 1);
test(S("brfsm"), "iacldqjpfnogbsrhmetk", 1, 20, 1);
test(S("ndrhl"), "", 2, 0, S::npos);
test(S("mrecp"), "otkgb", 2, 0, S::npos);
test(S("qlasf"), "cqsjl", 2, 1, S::npos);
test(S("smaqd"), "dpifl", 2, 2, S::npos);
test(S("hjeni"), "oapht", 2, 4, 0);
test(S("ocmfj"), "cifts", 2, 5, 1);
test(S("hmftq"), "nmsckbgalo", 2, 0, S::npos);
test(S("fklad"), "tpksqhamle", 2, 1, S::npos);
test(S("dirnm"), "tpdrchmkji", 2, 5, 2);
test(S("hrgdc"), "ijagfkblst", 2, 9, 2);
test(S("ifakg"), "kpocsignjb", 2, 10, 0);
test(S("ebrgd"), "pecqtkjsnbdrialgmohf", 2, 0, S::npos);
test(S("rcjml"), "aiortphfcmkjebgsndql", 2, 1, S::npos);
test(S("peqmt"), "sdbkeamglhipojqftrcn", 2, 10, 1);
test(S("frehn"), "ljqncehgmfktroapidbs", 2, 19, 2);
test(S("tqolf"), "rtcfodilamkbenjghqps", 2, 20, 2);
test(S("cjgao"), "", 4, 0, S::npos);
test(S("kjplq"), "mabns", 4, 0, S::npos);
test(S("herni"), "bdnrp", 4, 1, S::npos);
test(S("tadrb"), "scidp", 4, 2, S::npos);
test(S("pkfeo"), "agbjl", 4, 4, S::npos);
test(S("hoser"), "jfmpr", 4, 5, 4);
test(S("kgrsp"), "rbpefghsmj", 4, 0, S::npos);
test(S("pgejb"), "apsfntdoqc", 4, 1, S::npos);
test(S("thlnq"), "ndkjeisgcl", 4, 5, 3);
test(S("nbmit"), "rnfpqatdeo", 4, 9, 4);
test(S("jgmib"), "bntjlqrfik", 4, 10, 4);
test(S("ncrfj"), "kcrtmpolnaqejghsfdbi", 4, 0, S::npos);
test(S("ncsik"), "lobheanpkmqidsrtcfgj", 4, 1, S::npos);
test(S("sgbfh"), "athdkljcnreqbgpmisof", 4, 10, 4);
test(S("dktbn"), "qkdmjialrscpbhefgont", 4, 19, 4);
test(S("fthqm"), "dmasojntqleribkgfchp", 4, 20, 4);
test(S("klopi"), "", 5, 0, S::npos);
test(S("dajhn"), "psthd", 5, 0, S::npos);
test(S("jbgno"), "rpmjd", 5, 1, S::npos);
test(S("hkjae"), "dfsmk", 5, 2, S::npos);
template <class S>
void test1()
test(S("gbhqo"), "skqne", 5, 4, 3);
test(S("ktdor"), "kipnf", 5, 5, 0);
test(S("ldprn"), "hmrnqdgifl", 5, 0, S::npos);
test(S("egmjk"), "fsmjcdairn", 5, 1, S::npos);
test(S("armql"), "pcdgltbrfj", 5, 5, 4);
test(S("cdhjo"), "aekfctpirg", 5, 9, 0);
test(S("jcons"), "ledihrsgpf", 5, 10, 4);
test(S("cbrkp"), "mqcklahsbtirgopefndj", 5, 0, S::npos);
test(S("fhgna"), "kmlthaoqgecrnpdbjfis", 5, 1, S::npos);
test(S("ejfcd"), "sfhbamcdptojlkrenqgi", 5, 10, 4);
test(S("kqjhe"), "pbniofmcedrkhlstgaqj", 5, 19, 4);
test(S("pbdjl"), "mongjratcskbhqiepfdl", 5, 20, 4);
test(S("gajqn"), "", 6, 0, S::npos);
test(S("stedk"), "hrnat", 6, 0, S::npos);
test(S("tjkaf"), "gsqdt", 6, 1, S::npos);
test(S("dthpe"), "bspkd", 6, 2, S::npos);
test(S("klhde"), "ohcmb", 6, 4, 2);
test(S("bhlki"), "heatr", 6, 5, 1);
test(S("lqmoh"), "pmblckedfn", 6, 0, S::npos);
test(S("mtqin"), "aceqmsrbik", 6, 1, S::npos);
test(S("dpqbr"), "lmbtdehjrn", 6, 5, 3);
test(S("kdhmo"), "teqmcrlgib", 6, 9, 3);
test(S("jblqp"), "njolbmspac", 6, 10, 4);
test(S("qmjgl"), "pofnhidklamecrbqjgst", 6, 0, S::npos);
test(S("rothp"), "jbhckmtgrqnosafedpli", 6, 1, S::npos);
test(S("ghknq"), "dobntpmqklicsahgjerf", 6, 10, 4);
test(S("eopfi"), "tpdshainjkbfoemlrgcq", 6, 19, 4);
test(S("dsnmg"), "oldpfgeakrnitscbjmqh", 6, 20, 4);
test(S("jnkrfhotgl"), "", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S("dltjfngbko"), "rqegt", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S("bmjlpkiqde"), "dashm", 0, 1, S::npos);
test(S("skrflobnqm"), "jqirk", 0, 2, S::npos);
test(S("jkpldtshrm"), "rckeg", 0, 4, S::npos);
test(S("ghasdbnjqo"), "jscie", 0, 5, S::npos);
test(S("igrkhpbqjt"), "efsphndliq", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S("ikthdgcamf"), "gdicosleja", 0, 1, S::npos);
test(S("pcofgeniam"), "qcpjibosfl", 0, 5, 0);
test(S("rlfjgesqhc"), "lrhmefnjcq", 0, 9, 0);
test(S("itphbqsker"), "dtablcrseo", 0, 10, S::npos);
test(S("skjafcirqm"), "apckjsftedbhgomrnilq", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S("tcqomarsfd"), "pcbrgflehjtiadnsokqm", 0, 1, S::npos);
test(S("rocfeldqpk"), "nsiadegjklhobrmtqcpf", 0, 10, S::npos);
test(S("cfpegndlkt"), "cpmajdqnolikhgsbretf", 0, 19, 0);
test(S("fqbtnkeasj"), "jcflkntmgiqrphdosaeb", 0, 20, 0);
test(S("shbcqnmoar"), "", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S("bdoshlmfin"), "ontrs", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S("khfrebnsgq"), "pfkna", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S("getcrsaoji"), "ekosa", 1, 2, 1);
test(S("fjiknedcpq"), "anqhk", 1, 4, S::npos);
test(S("tkejgnafrm"), "jekca", 1, 5, 1);
test(S("jnakolqrde"), "ikemsjgacf", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S("lcjptsmgbe"), "arolgsjkhm", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S("itfsmcjorl"), "oftkbldhre", 1, 5, 1);
test(S("omchkfrjea"), "gbkqdoeftl", 1, 9, 0);
test(S("cigfqkated"), "sqcflrgtim", 1, 10, 1);
test(S("tscenjikml"), "fmhbkislrjdpanogqcet", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S("qcpaemsinf"), "rnioadktqlgpbcjsmhef", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S("gltkojeipd"), "oakgtnldpsefihqmjcbr", 1, 10, 1);
test(S("qistfrgnmp"), "gbnaelosidmcjqktfhpr", 1, 19, 1);
test(S("bdnpfcqaem"), "akbripjhlosndcmqgfet", 1, 20, 1);
test(S("ectnhskflp"), "", 5, 0, S::npos);
test(S("fgtianblpq"), "pijag", 5, 0, S::npos);
test(S("mfeqklirnh"), "jrckd", 5, 1, S::npos);
test(S("astedncjhk"), "qcloh", 5, 2, S::npos);
test(S("fhlqgcajbr"), "thlmp", 5, 4, 2);
test(S("epfhocmdng"), "qidmo", 5, 5, 4);
test(S("apcnsibger"), "lnegpsjqrd", 5, 0, S::npos);
test(S("aqkocrbign"), "rjqdablmfs", 5, 1, 5);
test(S("ijsmdtqgce"), "enkgpbsjaq", 5, 5, S::npos);
test(S("clobgsrken"), "kdsgoaijfh", 5, 9, 5);
test(S("jbhcfposld"), "trfqgmckbe", 5, 10, 4);
test(S("oqnpblhide"), "igetsracjfkdnpoblhqm", 5, 0, S::npos);
test(S("lroeasctif"), "nqctfaogirshlekbdjpm", 5, 1, S::npos);
test(S("bpjlgmiedh"), "csehfgomljdqinbartkp", 5, 10, 5);
test(S("pamkeoidrj"), "qahoegcmplkfsjbdnitr", 5, 19, 5);
test(S("espogqbthk"), "dpteiajrqmsognhlfbkc", 5, 20, 5);
test(S("shoiedtcjb"), "", 9, 0, S::npos);
test(S("ebcinjgads"), "tqbnh", 9, 0, S::npos);
test(S("dqmregkcfl"), "akmle", 9, 1, S::npos);
test(S("ngcrieqajf"), "iqfkm", 9, 2, 6);
test(S("qosmilgnjb"), "tqjsr", 9, 4, 8);
test(S("ikabsjtdfl"), "jplqg", 9, 5, 9);
test(S("ersmicafdh"), "oilnrbcgtj", 9, 0, S::npos);
test(S("fdnplotmgh"), "morkglpesn", 9, 1, 7);
test(S("fdbicojerm"), "dmicerngat", 9, 5, 9);
test(S("mbtafndjcq"), "radgeskbtc", 9, 9, 6);
test(S("mlenkpfdtc"), "ljikprsmqo", 9, 10, 5);
test(S("ahlcifdqgs"), "trqihkcgsjamfdbolnpe", 9, 0, S::npos);
test(S("bgjemaltks"), "lqmthbsrekajgnofcipd", 9, 1, 6);
test(S("pdhslbqrfc"), "jtalmedribkgqsopcnfh", 9, 10, 7);
test(S("dirhtsnjkc"), "spqfoiclmtagejbndkrh", 9, 19, 9);
test(S("dlroktbcja"), "nmotklspigjrdhcfaebq", 9, 20, 9);
test(S("ncjpmaekbs"), "", 10, 0, S::npos);
test(S("hlbosgmrak"), "hpmsd", 10, 0, S::npos);
test(S("pqfhsgilen"), "qnpor", 10, 1, 1);
test(S("gqtjsbdckh"), "otdma", 10, 2, 2);
test(S("cfkqpjlegi"), "efhjg", 10, 4, 7);
test(S("beanrfodgj"), "odpte", 10, 5, 7);
test(S("adtkqpbjfi"), "bctdgfmolr", 10, 0, S::npos);
test(S("iomkfthagj"), "oaklidrbqg", 10, 1, 1);
template <class S>
void test2()
test(S("sdpcilonqj"), "dnjfsagktr", 10, 5, 9);
test(S("gtfbdkqeml"), "nejaktmiqg", 10, 9, 8);
test(S("bmeqgcdorj"), "pjqonlebsf", 10, 10, 9);
test(S("etqlcanmob"), "dshmnbtolcjepgaikfqr", 10, 0, S::npos);
test(S("roqmkbdtia"), "iogfhpabtjkqlrnemcds", 10, 1, 8);
test(S("kadsithljf"), "ngridfabjsecpqltkmoh", 10, 10, 9);
test(S("sgtkpbfdmh"), "athmknplcgofrqejsdib", 10, 19, 9);
test(S("qgmetnabkl"), "ldobhmqcafnjtkeisgrp", 10, 20, 9);
test(S("cqjohampgd"), "", 11, 0, S::npos);
test(S("hobitmpsan"), "aocjb", 11, 0, S::npos);
test(S("tjehkpsalm"), "jbrnk", 11, 1, 1);
test(S("ngfbojitcl"), "tqedg", 11, 2, 7);
test(S("rcfkdbhgjo"), "nqskp", 11, 4, 3);
test(S("qghptonrea"), "eaqkl", 11, 5, 9);
test(S("hnprfgqjdl"), "reaoicljqm", 11, 0, S::npos);
test(S("hlmgabenti"), "lsftgajqpm", 11, 1, 1);
test(S("ofcjanmrbs"), "rlpfogmits", 11, 5, 7);
test(S("jqedtkornm"), "shkncmiaqj", 11, 9, 9);
test(S("rfedlasjmg"), "fpnatrhqgs", 11, 10, 9);
test(S("talpqjsgkm"), "sjclemqhnpdbgikarfot", 11, 0, S::npos);
test(S("lrkcbtqpie"), "otcmedjikgsfnqbrhpla", 11, 1, S::npos);
test(S("cipogdskjf"), "bonsaefdqiprkhlgtjcm", 11, 10, 9);
test(S("nqedcojahi"), "egpscmahijlfnkrodqtb", 11, 19, 9);
test(S("hefnrkmctj"), "kmqbfepjthgilscrndoa", 11, 20, 9);
test(S("atqirnmekfjolhpdsgcb"), "", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S("echfkmlpribjnqsaogtd"), "prboq", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S("qnhiftdgcleajbpkrosm"), "fjcqh", 0, 1, S::npos);
test(S("chamfknorbedjitgslpq"), "fmosa", 0, 2, S::npos);
test(S("njhqpibfmtlkaecdrgso"), "qdbok", 0, 4, S::npos);
test(S("ebnghfsqkprmdcljoiat"), "amslg", 0, 5, S::npos);
test(S("letjomsgihfrpqbkancd"), "smpltjneqb", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S("nblgoipcrqeaktshjdmf"), "flitskrnge", 0, 1, S::npos);
test(S("cehkbngtjoiflqapsmrd"), "pgqihmlbef", 0, 5, S::npos);
test(S("mignapfoklbhcqjetdrs"), "cfpdqjtgsb", 0, 9, S::npos);
test(S("ceatbhlsqjgpnokfrmdi"), "htpsiaflom", 0, 10, S::npos);
test(S("ocihkjgrdelpfnmastqb"), "kpjfiaceghsrdtlbnomq", 0, 0, S::npos);
test(S("noelgschdtbrjfmiqkap"), "qhtbomidljgafneksprc", 0, 1, S::npos);
test(S("dkclqfombepritjnghas"), "nhtjobkcefldimpsaqgr", 0, 10, S::npos);
test(S("miklnresdgbhqcojftap"), "prabcjfqnoeskilmtgdh", 0, 19, 0);
test(S("htbcigojaqmdkfrnlsep"), "dtrgmchilkasqoebfpjn", 0, 20, 0);
test(S("febhmqtjanokscdirpgl"), "", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S("loakbsqjpcrdhftniegm"), "sqome", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S("reagphsqflbitdcjmkno"), "smfte", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S("jitlfrqemsdhkopncabg"), "ciboh", 1, 2, 1);
test(S("mhtaepscdnrjqgbkifol"), "haois", 1, 4, 1);
test(S("tocesrfmnglpbjihqadk"), "abfki", 1, 5, S::npos);
test(S("lpfmctjrhdagneskbqoi"), "frdkocntmq", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S("lsmqaepkdhncirbtjfgo"), "oasbpedlnr", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S("epoiqmtldrabnkjhcfsg"), "kltqmhgand", 1, 5, S::npos);
test(S("emgasrilpknqojhtbdcf"), "gdtfjchpmr", 1, 9, 1);
test(S("hnfiagdpcklrjetqbsom"), "ponmcqblet", 1, 10, 1);
test(S("nsdfebgajhmtricpoklq"), "sgphqdnofeiklatbcmjr", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S("atjgfsdlpobmeiqhncrk"), "ljqprsmigtfoneadckbh", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S("sitodfgnrejlahcbmqkp"), "ligeojhafnkmrcsqtbdp", 1, 10, 1);
test(S("fraghmbiceknltjpqosd"), "lsimqfnjarbopedkhcgt", 1, 19, 1);
test(S("pmafenlhqtdbkirjsogc"), "abedmfjlghniorcqptks", 1, 20, 1);
test(S("pihgmoeqtnakrjslcbfd"), "", 10, 0, S::npos);
test(S("gjdkeprctqblnhiafsom"), "hqtoa", 10, 0, S::npos);
test(S("mkpnblfdsahrcqijteog"), "cahif", 10, 1, S::npos);
test(S("gckarqnelodfjhmbptis"), "kehis", 10, 2, 7);
test(S("gqpskidtbclomahnrjfe"), "kdlmh", 10, 4, 10);
test(S("pkldjsqrfgitbhmaecno"), "paeql", 10, 5, 6);
test(S("aftsijrbeklnmcdqhgop"), "aghoqiefnb", 10, 0, S::npos);
test(S("mtlgdrhafjkbiepqnsoc"), "jrbqaikpdo", 10, 1, 9);
test(S("pqgirnaefthokdmbsclj"), "smjonaeqcl", 10, 5, 5);
test(S("kpdbgjmtherlsfcqoina"), "eqbdrkcfah", 10, 9, 10);
test(S("jrlbothiknqmdgcfasep"), "kapmsienhf", 10, 10, 9);
test(S("mjogldqferckabinptsh"), "jpqotrlenfcsbhkaimdg", 10, 0, S::npos);
test(S("apoklnefbhmgqcdrisjt"), "jlbmhnfgtcqprikeados", 10, 1, S::npos);
test(S("ifeopcnrjbhkdgatmqls"), "stgbhfmdaljnpqoicker", 10, 10, 10);
test(S("ckqhaiesmjdnrgolbtpf"), "oihcetflbjagdsrkmqpn", 10, 19, 10);
test(S("bnlgapfimcoterskqdjh"), "adtclebmnpjsrqfkigoh", 10, 20, 10);
test(S("kgdlrobpmjcthqsafeni"), "", 19, 0, S::npos);
test(S("dfkechomjapgnslbtqir"), "beafg", 19, 0, S::npos);
test(S("rloadknfbqtgmhcsipje"), "iclat", 19, 1, 16);
test(S("mgjhkolrnadqbpetcifs"), "rkhnf", 19, 2, 7);
test(S("cmlfakiojdrgtbsphqen"), "clshq", 19, 4, 16);
test(S("kghbfipeomsntdalrqjc"), "dtcoj", 19, 5, 19);
test(S("eldiqckrnmtasbghjfpo"), "rqosnjmfth", 19, 0, S::npos);
test(S("abqjcfedgotihlnspkrm"), "siatdfqglh", 19, 1, 15);
test(S("qfbadrtjsimkolcenhpg"), "mrlshtpgjq", 19, 5, 17);
test(S("abseghclkjqifmtodrnp"), "adlcskgqjt", 19, 9, 16);
test(S("ibmsnlrjefhtdokacqpg"), "drshcjknaf", 19, 10, 16);
test(S("mrkfciqjebaponsthldg"), "etsaqroinghpkjdlfcbm", 19, 0, S::npos);
test(S("mjkticdeoqshpalrfbgn"), "sgepdnkqliambtrocfhj", 19, 1, 10);
test(S("rqnoclbdejgiphtfsakm"), "nlmcjaqgbsortfdihkpe", 19, 10, 19);
test(S("plkqbhmtfaeodjcrsing"), "racfnpmosldibqkghjet", 19, 19, 19);
test(S("oegalhmstjrfickpbndq"), "fjhdsctkqeiolagrnmbp", 19, 20, 19);
test(S("rdtgjcaohpblniekmsfq"), "", 20, 0, S::npos);
test(S("ofkqbnjetrmsaidphglc"), "ejanp", 20, 0, S::npos);
test(S("grkpahljcftesdmonqib"), "odife", 20, 1, 15);
test(S("jimlgbhfqkteospardcn"), "okaqd", 20, 2, 12);
test(S("gftenihpmslrjkqadcob"), "lcdbi", 20, 4, 19);
test(S("bmhldogtckrfsanijepq"), "fsqbj", 20, 5, 19);
test(S("nfqkrpjdesabgtlcmoih"), "bigdomnplq", 20, 0, S::npos);
test(S("focalnrpiqmdkstehbjg"), "apiblotgcd", 20, 1, 3);
test(S("rhqdspkmebiflcotnjga"), "acfhdenops", 20, 5, 19);
test(S("rahdtmsckfboqlpniegj"), "jopdeamcrk", 20, 9, 19);
test(S("fbkeiopclstmdqranjhg"), "trqncbkgmh", 20, 10, 19);
test(S("lifhpdgmbconstjeqark"), "tomglrkencbsfjqpihda", 20, 0, S::npos);
template <class S>
void test3()
test(S("pboqganrhedjmltsicfk"), "gbkhdnpoietfcmrslajq", 20, 1, 4);
test(S("klchabsimetjnqgorfpd"), "rtfnmbsglkjaichoqedp", 20, 10, 17);
test(S("sirfgmjqhctndbklaepo"), "ohkmdpfqbsacrtjnlgei", 20, 19, 19);
test(S("rlbdsiceaonqjtfpghkm"), "dlbrteoisgphmkncajfq", 20, 20, 19);
test(S("ecgdanriptblhjfqskom"), "", 21, 0, S::npos);
test(S("fdmiarlpgcskbhoteqjn"), "sjrlo", 21, 0, S::npos);
test(S("rlbstjqopignecmfadkh"), "qjpor", 21, 1, 6);
test(S("grjpqmbshektdolcafni"), "odhfn", 21, 2, 13);
test(S("sakfcohtqnibprjmlged"), "qtfin", 21, 4, 10);
test(S("mjtdglasihqpocebrfkn"), "hpqfo", 21, 5, 17);
test(S("okaplfrntghqbmeicsdj"), "fabmertkos", 21, 0, S::npos);
test(S("sahngemrtcjidqbklfpo"), "brqtgkmaej", 21, 1, 14);
test(S("dlmsipcnekhbgoaftqjr"), "nfrdeihsgl", 21, 5, 19);
test(S("ahegrmqnoiklpfsdbcjt"), "hlfrosekpi", 21, 9, 14);
test(S("hdsjbnmlegtkqripacof"), "atgbkrjdsm", 21, 10, 16);
test(S("pcnedrfjihqbalkgtoms"), "blnrptjgqmaifsdkhoec", 21, 0, S::npos);
test(S("qjidealmtpskrbfhocng"), "ctpmdahebfqjgknloris", 21, 1, 17);
test(S("qeindtagmokpfhsclrbj"), "apnkeqthrmlbfodiscgj", 21, 10, 17);
test(S("kpfegbjhsrnodltqciam"), "jdgictpframeoqlsbknh", 21, 19, 19);
test(S("hnbrcplsjfgiktoedmaq"), "qprlsfojamgndekthibc", 21, 20, 19);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert (sv1.find_last_of( "", 0, 0) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv1.find_last_of( "irkhs", 0, 5) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_last_of( "", 0, 0) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_last_of( "gfsrt", 5, 5) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find_last_of( "lecar", 5, 5) == 4, "" );
@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// size_type find_last_of(const basic_string& str, size_type pos = npos) const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
template <class S>
test(const S& s, const S& str, typename S::size_type pos, typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find_last_of(str, pos) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(x <= pos && x < s.size());
template <class S>
test(const S& s, const S& str, typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find_last_of(str) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(x < s.size());
template <class S>
void test0()
test(S(""), S(""), 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), S("laenf"), 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), S("pqlnkmbdjo"), 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), S("qkamfogpnljdcshbreti"), 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), S(""), 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), S("bjaht"), 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), S("hjlcmgpket"), 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), S("htaobedqikfplcgjsmrn"), 1, S::npos);
test(S("fodgq"), S(""), 0, S::npos);
test(S("qanej"), S("dfkap"), 0, S::npos);
test(S("clbao"), S("ihqrfebgad"), 0, S::npos);
test(S("mekdn"), S("ngtjfcalbseiqrphmkdo"), 0, 0);
test(S("srdfq"), S(""), 1, S::npos);
test(S("oemth"), S("ikcrq"), 1, S::npos);
test(S("cdaih"), S("dmajblfhsg"), 1, 1);
test(S("qohtk"), S("oqftjhdmkgsblacenirp"), 1, 1);
test(S("cshmd"), S(""), 2, S::npos);
test(S("lhcdo"), S("oebqi"), 2, S::npos);
test(S("qnsoh"), S("kojhpmbsfe"), 2, 2);
test(S("pkrof"), S("acbsjqogpltdkhinfrem"), 2, 2);
test(S("fmtsp"), S(""), 4, S::npos);
test(S("khbpm"), S("aobjd"), 4, 2);
test(S("pbsji"), S("pcbahntsje"), 4, 3);
test(S("mprdj"), S("fhepcrntkoagbmldqijs"), 4, 4);
test(S("eqmpa"), S(""), 5, S::npos);
test(S("omigs"), S("kocgb"), 5, 3);
test(S("onmje"), S("fbslrjiqkm"), 5, 3);
test(S("oqmrj"), S("jeidpcmalhfnqbgtrsko"), 5, 4);
test(S("schfa"), S(""), 6, S::npos);
test(S("igdsc"), S("qngpd"), 6, 2);
test(S("brqgo"), S("rodhqklgmb"), 6, 4);
test(S("tnrph"), S("thdjgafrlbkoiqcspmne"), 6, 4);
test(S("hcjitbfapl"), S(""), 0, S::npos);
test(S("daiprenocl"), S("ashjd"), 0, 0);
test(S("litpcfdghe"), S("mgojkldsqh"), 0, 0);
test(S("aidjksrolc"), S("imqnaghkfrdtlopbjesc"), 0, 0);
test(S("qpghtfbaji"), S(""), 1, S::npos);
test(S("gfshlcmdjr"), S("nadkh"), 1, S::npos);
test(S("nkodajteqp"), S("ofdrqmkebl"), 1, 1);
test(S("gbmetiprqd"), S("bdfjqgatlksriohemnpc"), 1, 1);
test(S("crnklpmegd"), S(""), 5, S::npos);
test(S("jsbtafedoc"), S("prqgn"), 5, S::npos);
test(S("qnmodrtkeb"), S("pejafmnokr"), 5, 5);
test(S("cpebqsfmnj"), S("odnqkgijrhabfmcestlp"), 5, 5);
test(S("lmofqdhpki"), S(""), 9, S::npos);
test(S("hnefkqimca"), S("rtjpa"), 9, 9);
test(S("drtasbgmfp"), S("ktsrmnqagd"), 9, 7);
test(S("lsaijeqhtr"), S("rtdhgcisbnmoaqkfpjle"), 9, 9);
test(S("elgofjmbrq"), S(""), 10, S::npos);
test(S("mjqdgalkpc"), S("dplqa"), 10, 8);
test(S("kthqnfcerm"), S("dkacjoptns"), 10, 6);
test(S("dfsjhanorc"), S("hqfimtrgnbekpdcsjalo"), 10, 9);
test(S("eqsgalomhb"), S(""), 11, S::npos);
test(S("akiteljmoh"), S("lofbc"), 11, 8);
test(S("hlbdfreqjo"), S("astoegbfpn"), 11, 9);
test(S("taqobhlerg"), S("pdgreqomsncafklhtibj"), 11, 9);
test(S("snafbdlghrjkpqtoceim"), S(""), 0, S::npos);
test(S("aemtbrgcklhndjisfpoq"), S("lbtqd"), 0, S::npos);
test(S("pnracgfkjdiholtbqsem"), S("tboimldpjh"), 0, 0);
test(S("dicfltehbsgrmojnpkaq"), S("slcerthdaiqjfnobgkpm"), 0, 0);
test(S("jlnkraeodhcspfgbqitm"), S(""), 1, S::npos);
test(S("lhosrngtmfjikbqpcade"), S("aqibs"), 1, S::npos);
test(S("rbtaqjhgkneisldpmfoc"), S("gtfblmqinc"), 1, 1);
test(S("gpifsqlrdkbonjtmheca"), S("mkqpbtdalgniorhfescj"), 1, 1);
test(S("hdpkobnsalmcfijregtq"), S(""), 10, S::npos);
test(S("jtlshdgqaiprkbcoenfm"), S("pblas"), 10, 10);
test(S("fkdrbqltsgmcoiphneaj"), S("arosdhcfme"), 10, 10);
test(S("crsplifgtqedjohnabmk"), S("blkhjeogicatqfnpdmsr"), 10, 10);
test(S("niptglfbosehkamrdqcj"), S(""), 19, S::npos);
test(S("copqdhstbingamjfkler"), S("djkqc"), 19, 16);
test(S("mrtaefilpdsgocnhqbjk"), S("lgokshjtpb"), 19, 19);
test(S("kojatdhlcmigpbfrqnes"), S("bqjhtkfepimcnsgrlado"), 19, 19);
test(S("eaintpchlqsbdgrkjofm"), S(""), 20, S::npos);
test(S("gjnhidfsepkrtaqbmclo"), S("nocfa"), 20, 19);
test(S("spocfaktqdbiejlhngmr"), S("bgtajmiedc"), 20, 18);
test(S("rphmlekgfscndtaobiqj"), S("lsckfnqgdahejiopbtmr"), 20, 19);
test(S("liatsqdoegkmfcnbhrpj"), S(""), 21, S::npos);
test(S("binjagtfldkrspcomqeh"), S("gfsrt"), 21, 12);
test(S("latkmisecnorjbfhqpdg"), S("pfsocbhjtm"), 21, 17);
test(S("lecfratdjkhnsmqpoigb"), S("tpflmdnoicjgkberhqsa"), 21, 19);
template <class S>
void test1()
test(S(""), S(""), S::npos);
test(S(""), S("laenf"), S::npos);
test(S(""), S("pqlnkmbdjo"), S::npos);
test(S(""), S("qkamfogpnljdcshbreti"), S::npos);
test(S("nhmko"), S(""), S::npos);
test(S("lahfb"), S("irkhs"), 2);
test(S("gmfhd"), S("kantesmpgj"), 1);
test(S("odaft"), S("oknlrstdpiqmjbaghcfe"), 4);
test(S("eolhfgpjqk"), S(""), S::npos);
test(S("nbatdlmekr"), S("bnrpe"), 9);
test(S("jdmciepkaq"), S("jtdaefblso"), 8);
test(S("hkbgspoflt"), S("oselktgbcapndfjihrmq"), 9);
test(S("gprdcokbnjhlsfmtieqa"), S(""), S::npos);
test(S("qjghlnftcaismkropdeb"), S("bjaht"), 19);
test(S("pnalfrdtkqcmojiesbhg"), S("hjlcmgpket"), 19);
test(S("pniotcfrhqsmgdkjbael"), S("htaobedqikfplcgjsmrn"), 19);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string>
// constexpr size_type find(const charT* s, size_type pos = 0) const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
template <class S>
test(const S& s, const typename S::value_type* str, typename S::size_type pos,
typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find(str, pos) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
typename S::size_type n = S::traits_type::length(str);
assert(pos <= x && x + n <= s.size());
template <class S>
test(const S& s, const typename S::value_type* str, typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find(str) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
typename S::size_type n = S::traits_type::length(str);
assert(0 <= x && x + n <= s.size());
template <class S>
void test0()
test(S(""), "", 0, 0);
test(S(""), "abcde", 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcde", 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "", 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcde", 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcde", 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "", 0, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 0, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "", 1, 1);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "", 2, 2);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 2, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 2, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 2, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "", 4, 4);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 4, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 4, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 4, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "", 5, 5);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "", 6, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 6, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 6, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 6, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "", 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "", 1, 1);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 1, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "", 5, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 5, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "", 9, 9);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 9, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 9, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 9, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "", 10, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "", 11, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 11, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 11, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 11, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "", 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "", 1, 1);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 1, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "", 10, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 10, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 10, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "", 19, 19);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "", 20, 20);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "", 21, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 21, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 21, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 21, S::npos);
template <class S>
void test1()
test(S(""), "", 0);
test(S(""), "abcde", S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcde", S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "", 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "", 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "", 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert (sv1.find( "") == 0, "" );
static_assert (sv1.find( "abcde") == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find( "") == 0, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find( "abcde") == 0, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find( "abcde", 1) == SV::npos, "" );
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// constexpr size_type find(const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
template <class S>
test(const S& s, const typename S::value_type* str, typename S::size_type pos,
typename S::size_type n, typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find(str, pos, n) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(pos <= x && x + n <= s.size());
template <class S>
void test0()
test(S(""), "", 0, 0, 0);
test(S(""), "abcde", 0, 0, 0);
test(S(""), "abcde", 0, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcde", 0, 2, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcde", 0, 4, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcde", 0, 5, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcde", 0, 0, 0);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcde", 0, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcde", 0, 5, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcde", 0, 9, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcde", 0, 10, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 0, 0);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 10, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 19, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 20, S::npos);
test(S(""), "", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcde", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcde", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcde", 1, 2, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcde", 1, 4, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcde", 1, 5, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcde", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcde", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcde", 1, 5, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcde", 1, 9, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcde", 1, 10, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 10, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 19, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 0, 2, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 0, 4, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 0, 5, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 5, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 9, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 1, 2, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 1, 4, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 1, 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, 9, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "", 2, 0, 2);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 2, 0, 2);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 2, 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 2, 2, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 2, 4, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 2, 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 2, 0, 2);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 2, 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 2, 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 2, 9, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 2, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 2, 0, 2);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 2, 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 2, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 2, 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 2, 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "", 4, 0, 4);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 4, 0, 4);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 4, 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 4, 2, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 4, 4, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 4, 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 4, 0, 4);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 4, 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 4, 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 4, 9, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 4, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 4, 0, 4);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 4, 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 4, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 4, 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 4, 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "", 5, 0, 5);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 5, 0, 5);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 5, 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 5, 2, S::npos);
template <class S>
void test1()
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 5, 4, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 5, 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 5, 0, 5);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 5, 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 5, 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 5, 9, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 5, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 5, 0, 5);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 5, 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 5, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 5, 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 5, 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "", 6, 0, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 6, 0, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 6, 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 6, 2, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 6, 4, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 6, 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 6, 0, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 6, 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 6, 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 6, 9, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 6, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 6, 0, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 6, 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 6, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 6, 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 6, 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 0, 2, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 0, 4, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 0, 5, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 5, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 9, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 10, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 10, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 1, 1, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 1, 2, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 1, 4, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 1, 5, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, 1, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, 5, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, 9, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 1, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "", 5, 0, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 5, 0, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 5, 1, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 5, 2, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 5, 4, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 5, 5, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 5, 0, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 5, 1, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 5, 5, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 5, 9, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 5, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 5, 0, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 5, 1, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 5, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 5, 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 5, 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "", 9, 0, 9);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 9, 0, 9);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 9, 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 9, 2, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 9, 4, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 9, 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 9, 0, 9);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 9, 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 9, 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 9, 9, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 9, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 9, 0, 9);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 9, 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 9, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 9, 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 9, 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "", 10, 0, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 10, 0, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 10, 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 10, 2, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 10, 4, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 10, 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 10, 0, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 10, 1, S::npos);
template <class S>
void test2()
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 10, 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 10, 9, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 10, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 10, 0, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 10, 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 10, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 10, 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 10, 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "", 11, 0, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 11, 0, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 11, 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 11, 2, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 11, 4, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 11, 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 11, 0, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 11, 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 11, 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 11, 9, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 11, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 11, 0, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 11, 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 11, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 11, 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 11, 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 0, 2, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 0, 4, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 0, 5, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 5, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 9, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 10, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 10, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 19, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 20, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 1, 1, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 1, 2, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 1, 4, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 1, 5, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, 1, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, 5, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, 9, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, 10, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 1, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 10, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "", 10, 0, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 10, 0, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 10, 1, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 10, 2, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 10, 4, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 10, 5, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 10, 0, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 10, 1, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 10, 5, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 10, 9, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 10, 10, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 10, 0, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 10, 1, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 10, 10, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 10, 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 10, 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "", 19, 0, 19);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 19, 0, 19);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 19, 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 19, 2, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 19, 4, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 19, 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 19, 0, 19);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 19, 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 19, 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 19, 9, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 19, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 19, 0, 19);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 19, 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 19, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 19, 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 19, 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "", 20, 0, 20);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 20, 0, 20);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 20, 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 20, 2, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 20, 4, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 20, 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 20, 0, 20);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 20, 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 20, 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 20, 9, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 20, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 20, 0, 20);
template <class S>
void test3()
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 20, 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 20, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 20, 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 20, 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "", 21, 0, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 21, 0, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 21, 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 21, 2, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 21, 4, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 21, 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 21, 0, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 21, 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 21, 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 21, 9, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 21, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 21, 0, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 21, 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 21, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 21, 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 21, 20, S::npos);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert (sv1.find( "", 0, 0 ) == 0, "" );
static_assert (sv1.find( "abcde", 0, 0 ) == 0, "" );
static_assert (sv1.find( "abcde", 0, 1 ) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find( "", 0, 0 ) == 0, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find( "abcde", 0, 0 ) == 0, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find( "abcde", 0, 1 ) == 0, "" );
@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// constexpr size_type find(const basic_string_view& str, size_type pos = 0) const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
template <class S>
test(const S& s, const S& str, typename S::size_type pos, typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find(str, pos) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(pos <= x && x + str.size() <= s.size());
template <class S>
test(const S& s, const S& str, typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find(str) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(0 <= x && x + str.size() <= s.size());
template <class S>
void test0()
test(S(""), S(""), 0, 0);
test(S(""), S("abcde"), 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), S("abcdeabcde"), 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), S(""), 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), S("abcde"), 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), S("abcdeabcde"), 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S(""), 0, 0);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcde"), 0, 0);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 0, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 0, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S(""), 1, 1);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcde"), 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S(""), 2, 2);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcde"), 2, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 2, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 2, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S(""), 4, 4);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcde"), 4, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 4, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 4, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S(""), 5, 5);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcde"), 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S(""), 6, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcde"), 6, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 6, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 6, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S(""), 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcde"), 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 0, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S(""), 1, 1);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcde"), 1, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S(""), 5, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcde"), 5, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S(""), 9, 9);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcde"), 9, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 9, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 9, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S(""), 10, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcde"), 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S(""), 11, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcde"), 11, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 11, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 11, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S(""), 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcde"), 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S(""), 1, 1);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcde"), 1, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 1, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S(""), 10, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcde"), 10, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 10, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S(""), 19, 19);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcde"), 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S(""), 20, 20);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcde"), 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S(""), 21, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcde"), 21, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 21, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 21, S::npos);
template <class S>
void test1()
test(S(""), S(""), 0);
test(S(""), S("abcde"), S::npos);
test(S(""), S("abcdeabcde"), S::npos);
test(S(""), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S(""), 0);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcde"), 0);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S(""), 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcde"), 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S(""), 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcde"), 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 0);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert (sv1.find(sv1) == 0, "" );
static_assert (sv1.find(sv2) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find(sv1) == 0, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find(sv2) == 0, "" );
static_assert (sv2.find(sv2, 1 ) == SV::npos, "" );
@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// constexpr size_type rfind(charT c, size_type pos = npos) const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
template <class S>
test(const S& s, typename S::value_type c, typename S::size_type pos,
typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.rfind(c, pos) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(x <= pos && x + 1 <= s.size());
template <class S>
test(const S& s, typename S::value_type c, typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.rfind(c) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(x + 1 <= s.size());
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
test(S(""), 'b', 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), 'b', 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), 'b', 0, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), 'b', 1, 1);
test(S("abcde"), 'b', 2, 1);
test(S("abcde"), 'b', 4, 1);
test(S("abcde"), 'b', 5, 1);
test(S("abcde"), 'b', 6, 1);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), 'b', 0, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), 'b', 1, 1);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), 'b', 5, 1);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), 'b', 9, 6);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), 'b', 10, 6);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), 'b', 11, 6);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 'b', 0, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 'b', 1, 1);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 'b', 10, 6);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 'b', 19, 16);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 'b', 20, 16);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 'b', 21, 16);
test(S(""), 'b', S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), 'b', 1);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), 'b', 6);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 'b', 16);
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert (sv1.rfind( 'b', 0 ) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv1.rfind( 'b', 1 ) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv2.rfind( 'b', 0 ) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv2.rfind( 'b', 1 ) == 1, "" );
static_assert (sv2.rfind( 'b', 2 ) == 1, "" );
static_assert (sv2.rfind( 'b', 3 ) == 1, "" );
static_assert (sv2.rfind( 'b', 4 ) == 1, "" );
@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// constexpr size_type rfind(const charT* s, size_type pos = npos) const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
template <class S>
test(const S& s, const typename S::value_type* str, typename S::size_type pos,
typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.rfind(str, pos) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
typename S::size_type n = S::traits_type::length(str);
assert(x <= pos && x + n <= s.size());
template <class S>
test(const S& s, const typename S::value_type* str, typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.rfind(str) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
typename S::size_type pos = s.size();
typename S::size_type n = S::traits_type::length(str);
assert(x <= pos && x + n <= s.size());
template <class S>
void test0()
test(S(""), "", 0, 0);
test(S(""), "abcde", 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcde", 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), "", 1, 0);
test(S(""), "abcde", 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcde", 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "", 0, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 0, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "", 1, 1);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 1, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "", 2, 2);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 2, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 2, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 2, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "", 4, 4);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 4, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 4, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 4, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "", 5, 5);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 5, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "", 6, 5);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 6, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 6, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 6, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "", 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "", 1, 1);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 1, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "", 5, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 5, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 5, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "", 9, 9);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 9, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 9, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 9, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "", 10, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 10, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 10, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "", 11, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 11, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 11, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 11, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "", 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "", 1, 1);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 1, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "", 10, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 10, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 10, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 10, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "", 19, 19);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 19, 15);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 19, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 19, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "", 20, 20);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 20, 15);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 20, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 20, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "", 21, 20);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 21, 15);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 21, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 21, 0);
template <class S>
void test1()
test(S(""), "", 0);
test(S(""), "abcde", S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcde", S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "", 5);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "", 10);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "", 20);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 15);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert (sv1.rfind( "") == 0, "" );
static_assert (sv1.rfind( "abcde") == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv2.rfind( "") == 5, "" );
static_assert (sv2.rfind( "abcde") == 0, "" );
static_assert (sv2.rfind( "abcde", 1) == 0, "" );
@ -1,393 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// constexpr size_type rfind(const charT* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
template <class S>
test(const S& s, const typename S::value_type* str, typename S::size_type pos,
typename S::size_type n, typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.rfind(str, pos, n) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(x <= pos && x + n <= s.size());
template <class S>
void test0()
test(S(""), "", 0, 0, 0);
test(S(""), "abcde", 0, 0, 0);
test(S(""), "abcde", 0, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcde", 0, 2, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcde", 0, 4, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcde", 0, 5, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcde", 0, 0, 0);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcde", 0, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcde", 0, 5, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcde", 0, 9, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcde", 0, 10, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 0, 0);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 10, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 19, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 20, S::npos);
test(S(""), "", 1, 0, 0);
test(S(""), "abcde", 1, 0, 0);
test(S(""), "abcde", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcde", 1, 2, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcde", 1, 4, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcde", 1, 5, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcde", 1, 0, 0);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcde", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcde", 1, 5, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcde", 1, 9, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcde", 1, 10, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 0, 0);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 10, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 19, S::npos);
test(S(""), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 0, 2, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 0, 4, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 0, 5, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 5, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 9, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 1, 1, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 1, 2, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 1, 4, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 1, 5, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, 1, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, 5, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, 9, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 1, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "", 2, 0, 2);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 2, 0, 2);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 2, 1, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 2, 2, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 2, 4, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 2, 5, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 2, 0, 2);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 2, 1, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 2, 5, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 2, 9, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 2, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 2, 0, 2);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 2, 1, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 2, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 2, 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 2, 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "", 4, 0, 4);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 4, 0, 4);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 4, 1, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 4, 2, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 4, 4, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 4, 5, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 4, 0, 4);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 4, 1, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 4, 5, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 4, 9, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 4, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 4, 0, 4);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 4, 1, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 4, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 4, 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 4, 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "", 5, 0, 5);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 5, 0, 5);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 5, 1, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 5, 2, 0);
template <class S>
void test1()
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 5, 4, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 5, 5, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 5, 0, 5);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 5, 1, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 5, 5, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 5, 9, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 5, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 5, 0, 5);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 5, 1, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 5, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 5, 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 5, 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "", 6, 0, 5);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 6, 0, 5);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 6, 1, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 6, 2, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 6, 4, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcde", 6, 5, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 6, 0, 5);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 6, 1, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 6, 5, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 6, 9, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcde", 6, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 6, 0, 5);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 6, 1, 0);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 6, 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 6, 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 6, 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 0, 2, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 0, 4, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 0, 5, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 5, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 9, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 10, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 10, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 1, 1, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 1, 2, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 1, 4, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 1, 5, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, 1, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, 5, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, 9, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, 10, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 1, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 10, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "", 5, 0, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 5, 0, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 5, 1, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 5, 2, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 5, 4, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 5, 5, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 5, 0, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 5, 1, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 5, 5, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 5, 9, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 5, 10, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 5, 0, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 5, 1, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 5, 10, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 5, 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 5, 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "", 9, 0, 9);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 9, 0, 9);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 9, 1, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 9, 2, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 9, 4, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 9, 5, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 9, 0, 9);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 9, 1, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 9, 5, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 9, 9, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 9, 10, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 9, 0, 9);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 9, 1, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 9, 10, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 9, 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 9, 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "", 10, 0, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 10, 0, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 10, 1, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 10, 2, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 10, 4, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 10, 5, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 10, 0, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 10, 1, 5);
template <class S>
void test2()
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 10, 5, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 10, 9, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 10, 10, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 10, 0, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 10, 1, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 10, 10, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 10, 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 10, 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "", 11, 0, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 11, 0, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 11, 1, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 11, 2, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 11, 4, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcde", 11, 5, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 11, 0, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 11, 1, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 11, 5, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 11, 9, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 11, 10, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 11, 0, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 11, 1, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 11, 10, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 11, 19, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 11, 20, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 0, 2, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 0, 4, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 0, 5, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 5, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 9, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 0, 10, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 1, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 10, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 19, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 0, 20, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 1, 1, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 1, 2, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 1, 4, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 1, 5, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, 1, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, 5, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, 9, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 1, 10, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 0, 1);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 1, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 10, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 19, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 1, 20, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "", 10, 0, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 10, 0, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 10, 1, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 10, 2, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 10, 4, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 10, 5, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 10, 0, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 10, 1, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 10, 5, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 10, 9, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 10, 10, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 10, 0, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 10, 1, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 10, 10, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 10, 19, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 10, 20, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "", 19, 0, 19);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 19, 0, 19);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 19, 1, 15);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 19, 2, 15);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 19, 4, 15);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 19, 5, 15);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 19, 0, 19);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 19, 1, 15);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 19, 5, 15);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 19, 9, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 19, 10, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 19, 0, 19);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 19, 1, 15);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 19, 10, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 19, 19, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 19, 20, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "", 20, 0, 20);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 20, 0, 20);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 20, 1, 15);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 20, 2, 15);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 20, 4, 15);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 20, 5, 15);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 20, 0, 20);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 20, 1, 15);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 20, 5, 15);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 20, 9, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 20, 10, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 20, 0, 20);
template <class S>
void test3()
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 20, 1, 15);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 20, 10, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 20, 19, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 20, 20, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "", 21, 0, 20);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 21, 0, 20);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 21, 1, 15);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 21, 2, 15);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 21, 4, 15);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcde", 21, 5, 15);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 21, 0, 20);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 21, 1, 15);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 21, 5, 15);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 21, 9, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcde", 21, 10, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 21, 0, 20);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 21, 1, 15);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 21, 10, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 21, 19, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), "abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde", 21, 20, 0);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert (sv1.rfind( "", 0, 0 ) == 0, "" );
static_assert (sv1.rfind( "abcde", 0, 0 ) == 0, "" );
static_assert (sv1.rfind( "abcde", 0, 1 ) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv2.rfind( "", 0, 0 ) == 0, "" );
static_assert (sv2.rfind( "abcde", 0, 0 ) == 0, "" );
static_assert (sv2.rfind( "abcde", 0, 1 ) == 0, "" );
@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// constexpr size_type rfind(const basic_string& str, size_type pos = npos) const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
template <class S>
test(const S& s, const S& str, typename S::size_type pos, typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.rfind(str, pos) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(x <= pos && x + str.size() <= s.size());
template <class S>
test(const S& s, const S& str, typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.rfind(str) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(0 <= x && x + str.size() <= s.size());
template <class S>
void test0()
test(S(""), S(""), 0, 0);
test(S(""), S("abcde"), 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), S("abcdeabcde"), 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), S(""), 1, 0);
test(S(""), S("abcde"), 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), S("abcdeabcde"), 1, S::npos);
test(S(""), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S(""), 0, 0);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcde"), 0, 0);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 0, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 0, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S(""), 1, 1);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcde"), 1, 0);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S(""), 2, 2);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcde"), 2, 0);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 2, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 2, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S(""), 4, 4);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcde"), 4, 0);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 4, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 4, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S(""), 5, 5);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcde"), 5, 0);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S(""), 6, 5);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcde"), 6, 0);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 6, S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 6, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S(""), 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcde"), 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 0, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S(""), 1, 1);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcde"), 1, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 1, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 1, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S(""), 5, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcde"), 5, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 5, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 5, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S(""), 9, 9);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcde"), 9, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 9, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 9, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S(""), 10, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcde"), 10, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 10, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 10, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S(""), 11, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcde"), 11, 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 11, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 11, S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S(""), 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcde"), 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 0, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S(""), 1, 1);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcde"), 1, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 1, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 1, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S(""), 10, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcde"), 10, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 10, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 10, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S(""), 19, 19);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcde"), 19, 15);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 19, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 19, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S(""), 20, 20);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcde"), 20, 15);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 20, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 20, 0);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S(""), 21, 20);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcde"), 21, 15);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 21, 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 21, 0);
template <class S>
void test1()
test(S(""), S(""), 0);
test(S(""), S("abcde"), S::npos);
test(S(""), S("abcdeabcde"), S::npos);
test(S(""), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S(""), 5);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcde"), 0);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), S::npos);
test(S("abcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S(""), 10);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcde"), 5);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 0);
test(S("abcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S::npos);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S(""), 20);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcde"), 15);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcde"), 10);
test(S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), S("abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde"), 0);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view S;
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert (sv1.rfind(sv1) == 0, "" );
static_assert (sv1.rfind(sv2) == SV::npos, "" );
static_assert (sv2.rfind(sv1) == 5, "" );
static_assert (sv2.rfind(sv2) == 0, "" );
static_assert (sv2.rfind(sv2, 1) == 0, "" );
@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <functional>
// template <class T>
// struct hash
// : public unary_function<T, size_t>
// {
// size_t operator()(T val) const;
// };
// Not very portable
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include <type_traits>
using std::experimental::string_view;
template <class T>
typedef std::hash<T> H;
static_assert((std::is_same<typename H::argument_type, T>::value), "" );
static_assert((std::is_same<typename H::result_type, std::size_t>::value), "" );
H h;
// std::string g1 = "1234567890";
// std::string g2 = "1234567891";
typedef typename T::value_type char_type;
char_type g1 [ 10 ];
char_type g2 [ 10 ];
for ( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i )
g1[i] = g2[9-i] = '0' + i;
T s1(g1, 10);
T s2(g2, 10);
assert(h(s1) != h(s2));
int main()
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string>
// template<class charT, class traits, class Allocator>
// basic_ostream<charT, traits>&
// operator<<(basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os,
// const basic_string_view<charT,traits> str);
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <sstream>
#include <cassert>
using std::experimental::string_view;
using std::experimental::wstring_view;
int main()
std::ostringstream out;
string_view sv("some text");
out << sv;
assert(sv == out.str());
std::ostringstream out;
std::string s("some text");
string_view sv(s);
out << sv;
assert(" " + s == out.str());
std::wostringstream out;
wstring_view sv(L"some text");
out << sv;
assert(sv == out.str());
std::wostringstream out;
std::wstring s(L"some text");
wstring_view sv(s);
out << sv;
assert(L" " + s == out.str());
@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// constexpr const_iterator begin() const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
template <class S>
test(S s)
const S& cs = s;
typename S::iterator b = s.begin();
typename S::const_iterator cb1 = cs.begin();
typename S::const_iterator cb2 = s.cbegin();
if (!s.empty())
assert( *b == s[0]);
assert( &*b == &s[0]);
assert( *cb1 == s[0]);
assert(&*cb1 == &s[0]);
assert( *cb2 == s[0]);
assert(&*cb2 == &s[0]);
assert( b == cb1);
assert( b == cb2);
assert(cb1 == cb2);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view string_view;
typedef std::experimental::u16string_view u16string_view;
typedef std::experimental::u32string_view u32string_view;
typedef std::experimental::wstring_view wstring_view;
test(string_view ());
test(wstring_view ());
test(string_view ( "123"));
test(wstring_view (L"123"));
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
constexpr string_view sv { "123", 3 };
constexpr u16string_view u16sv {u"123", 3 };
constexpr u32string_view u32sv {U"123", 3 };
constexpr wstring_view wsv {L"123", 3 };
static_assert ( *sv.begin() == sv[0], "" );
static_assert ( *u16sv.begin() == u16sv[0], "" );
static_assert ( *u32sv.begin() == u32sv[0], "" );
static_assert ( *wsv.begin() == wsv[0], "" );
static_assert ( *sv.cbegin() == sv[0], "" );
static_assert ( *u16sv.cbegin() == u16sv[0], "" );
static_assert ( *u32sv.cbegin() == u32sv[0], "" );
static_assert ( *wsv.cbegin() == wsv[0], "" );
@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// constexpr const_iterator end() const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
template <class S>
test(S s)
const S& cs = s;
typename S::iterator e = s.end();
typename S::const_iterator ce1 = cs.end();
typename S::const_iterator ce2 = s.cend();
if (s.empty())
assert( e == s.begin());
assert(ce1 == cs.begin());
assert(ce2 == s.begin());
assert( e != s.begin());
assert(ce1 != cs.begin());
assert(ce2 != s.begin());
assert( e - s.begin() == static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(s.size()));
assert(ce1 - cs.begin() == static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(cs.size()));
assert(ce2 - s.cbegin() == static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(s.size()));
assert( e == ce1);
assert( e == ce2);
assert(ce1 == ce2);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view string_view;
typedef std::experimental::u16string_view u16string_view;
typedef std::experimental::u32string_view u32string_view;
typedef std::experimental::wstring_view wstring_view;
test(string_view ());
test(wstring_view ());
test(string_view ( "123"));
test(wstring_view (L"123"));
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
constexpr string_view sv { "123", 3 };
constexpr u16string_view u16sv {u"123", 3 };
constexpr u32string_view u32sv {U"123", 3 };
constexpr wstring_view wsv {L"123", 3 };
static_assert ( sv.begin() != sv.end(), "" );
static_assert ( u16sv.begin() != u16sv.end(), "" );
static_assert ( u32sv.begin() != u32sv.end(), "" );
static_assert ( wsv.begin() != wsv.end(), "" );
static_assert ( sv.begin() != sv.cend(), "" );
static_assert ( u16sv.begin() != u16sv.cend(), "" );
static_assert ( u32sv.begin() != u32sv.cend(), "" );
static_assert ( wsv.begin() != wsv.cend(), "" );
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// const_iterator rbegin() const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
template <class S>
test(S s)
const S& cs = s;
typename S::reverse_iterator b = s.rbegin();
typename S::const_reverse_iterator cb1 = cs.rbegin();
typename S::const_reverse_iterator cb2 = s.crbegin();
if (!s.empty())
const size_t last = s.size() - 1;
assert( *b == s[last]);
assert( &*b == &s[last]);
assert( *cb1 == s[last]);
assert(&*cb1 == &s[last]);
assert( *cb2 == s[last]);
assert(&*cb2 == &s[last]);
assert( b == cb1);
assert( b == cb2);
assert(cb1 == cb2);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view string_view;
typedef std::experimental::u16string_view u16string_view;
typedef std::experimental::u32string_view u32string_view;
typedef std::experimental::wstring_view wstring_view;
test(string_view ());
test(wstring_view ());
test(string_view ( "123"));
test(wstring_view (L"123"));
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// constexpr const_iterator rend() const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
template <class S>
test(S s)
const S& cs = s;
typename S::reverse_iterator e = s.rend();
typename S::const_reverse_iterator ce1 = cs.rend();
typename S::const_reverse_iterator ce2 = s.crend();
if (s.empty())
assert( e == s.rbegin());
assert(ce1 == cs.rbegin());
assert(ce2 == s.rbegin());
assert( e != s.rbegin());
assert(ce1 != cs.rbegin());
assert(ce2 != s.rbegin());
assert( e - s.rbegin() == static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(s.size()));
assert(ce1 - cs.rbegin() == static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(cs.size()));
assert(ce2 - s.crbegin() == static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(s.size()));
assert( e == ce1);
assert( e == ce2);
assert(ce1 == ce2);
int main()
typedef std::experimental::string_view string_view;
typedef std::experimental::u16string_view u16string_view;
typedef std::experimental::u32string_view u32string_view;
typedef std::experimental::wstring_view wstring_view;
test(string_view ());
test(wstring_view ());
test(string_view ( "123"));
test(wstring_view (L"123"));
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// void clear() noexcept
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
template<typename CharT>
void test ( const CharT *s, size_t len ) {
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<CharT> SV;
SV sv1 ( s );
assert ( sv1.size() == len );
assert ( == s );
sv1.clear ();
assert ( == nullptr );
assert ( sv1.size() == 0 );
assert ( sv1 == SV());
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
constexpr size_t test_ce ( size_t n ) {
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char> SV;
SV sv1{ "ABCDEFGHIJKL", n };
return sv1.size();
int main () {
test ( "ABCDE", 5 );
test ( "a", 1 );
test ( "", 0 );
test ( L"ABCDE", 5 );
test ( L"a", 1 );
test ( L"", 0 );
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
test ( u"ABCDE", 5 );
test ( u"a", 1 );
test ( u"", 0 );
test ( U"ABCDE", 5 );
test ( U"a", 1 );
test ( U"", 0 );
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
static_assert ( test_ce (5) == 0, "" );
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// void remove_prefix(size_type _n)
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include "test_macros.h"
template<typename CharT>
void test ( const CharT *s, size_t len ) {
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<CharT> SV;
SV sv1 ( s );
assert ( sv1.size() == len );
assert ( == s );
if ( len > 0 ) {
sv1.remove_prefix ( 1 );
assert ( sv1.size() == (len - 1));
assert ( == (s + 1));
sv1.remove_prefix ( len - 1 );
assert ( sv1.size() == 0 );
sv1.remove_prefix ( 0 );
assert ( sv1.size() == 0 );
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
constexpr size_t test_ce ( size_t n, size_t k ) {
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char> SV;
SV sv1{ "ABCDEFGHIJKL", n };
sv1.remove_prefix ( k );
return sv1.size();
int main () {
test ( "ABCDE", 5 );
test ( "a", 1 );
test ( "", 0 );
test ( L"ABCDE", 5 );
test ( L"a", 1 );
test ( L"", 0 );
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
test ( u"ABCDE", 5 );
test ( u"a", 1 );
test ( u"", 0 );
test ( U"ABCDE", 5 );
test ( U"a", 1 );
test ( U"", 0 );
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
static_assert ( test_ce ( 5, 0 ) == 5, "" );
static_assert ( test_ce ( 5, 1 ) == 4, "" );
static_assert ( test_ce ( 5, 5 ) == 0, "" );
static_assert ( test_ce ( 9, 3 ) == 6, "" );
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// void remove_suffix(size_type _n)
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
template<typename CharT>
void test ( const CharT *s, size_t len ) {
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<CharT> SV;
SV sv1 ( s );
assert ( sv1.size() == len );
assert ( == s );
if ( len > 0 ) {
sv1.remove_suffix ( 1 );
assert ( sv1.size() == (len - 1));
assert ( == s);
sv1.remove_suffix ( len - 1 );
assert ( sv1.size() == 0 );
sv1.remove_suffix ( 0 );
assert ( sv1.size() == 0 );
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
constexpr size_t test_ce ( size_t n, size_t k ) {
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char> SV;
SV sv1{ "ABCDEFGHIJKL", n };
sv1.remove_suffix ( k );
return sv1.size();
int main () {
test ( "ABCDE", 5 );
test ( "a", 1 );
test ( "", 0 );
test ( L"ABCDE", 5 );
test ( L"a", 1 );
test ( L"", 0 );
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
test ( u"ABCDE", 5 );
test ( u"a", 1 );
test ( u"", 0 );
test ( U"ABCDE", 5 );
test ( U"a", 1 );
test ( U"", 0 );
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
static_assert ( test_ce ( 5, 0 ) == 5, "" );
static_assert ( test_ce ( 5, 1 ) == 4, "" );
static_assert ( test_ce ( 5, 5 ) == 0, "" );
static_assert ( test_ce ( 9, 3 ) == 6, "" );
@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// void swap(basic_string_view& _other) noexcept
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
template<typename CharT>
void test ( const CharT *s, size_t len ) {
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<CharT> SV;
SV sv1(s);
SV sv2;
assert ( sv1.size() == len );
assert ( == s );
assert ( sv2.size() == 0 );
sv1.swap ( sv2 );
assert ( sv1.size() == 0 );
assert ( sv2.size() == len );
assert ( == s );
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
constexpr size_t test_ce ( size_t n, size_t k ) {
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char> SV;
SV sv1{ "ABCDEFGHIJKL", n };
SV sv2 {, k };
sv1.swap ( sv2 );
return sv1.size();
int main () {
test ( "ABCDE", 5 );
test ( "a", 1 );
test ( "", 0 );
test ( L"ABCDE", 5 );
test ( L"a", 1 );
test ( L"", 0 );
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
test ( u"ABCDE", 5 );
test ( u"a", 1 );
test ( u"", 0 );
test ( U"ABCDE", 5 );
test ( U"a", 1 );
test ( U"", 0 );
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
static_assert ( test_ce (2, 3) == 3, "" );
static_assert ( test_ce (5, 3) == 3, "" );
static_assert ( test_ce (0, 1) == 1, "" );
@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <iomanip>
// quoted
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
// quoted is C++14 only
bool is_skipws ( const std::istream *is ) {
return ( is->flags() & std::ios_base::skipws ) != 0;
bool is_skipws ( const std::wistream *is ) {
return ( is->flags() & std::ios_base::skipws ) != 0;
void round_trip ( const char *p ) {
std::stringstream ss;
bool skippingws = is_skipws ( &ss );
std::experimental::string_view sv {p};
ss << std::quoted(sv);
std::string s;
ss >> std::quoted(s);
assert ( s == sv );
assert ( skippingws == is_skipws ( &ss ));
void round_trip_ws ( const char *p ) {
std::stringstream ss;
std::noskipws ( ss );
bool skippingws = is_skipws ( &ss );
std::experimental::string_view sv {p};
ss << std::quoted(sv);
std::string s;
ss >> std::quoted(s);
assert ( s == sv );
assert ( skippingws == is_skipws ( &ss ));
void round_trip_d ( const char *p, char delim ) {
std::stringstream ss;
std::experimental::string_view sv {p};
ss << std::quoted(sv, delim);
std::string s;
ss >> std::quoted(s, delim);
assert ( s == sv );
void round_trip_e ( const char *p, char escape ) {
std::stringstream ss;
std::experimental::string_view sv {p};
ss << std::quoted(sv, '"', escape );
std::string s;
ss >> std::quoted(s, '"', escape );
assert ( s == sv );
std::string quote ( const char *p, char delim='"', char escape='\\' ) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << std::quoted(p, delim, escape);
std::string s;
ss >> s; // no quote
return s;
std::string unquote ( const char *p, char delim='"', char escape='\\' ) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << p;
std::string s;
ss >> std::quoted(s, delim, escape);
return s;
void round_trip ( const wchar_t *p ) {
std::wstringstream ss;
bool skippingws = is_skipws ( &ss );
std::experimental::wstring_view sv {p};
ss << std::quoted(sv);
std::wstring s;
ss >> std::quoted(s);
assert ( s == sv );
assert ( skippingws == is_skipws ( &ss ));
void round_trip_ws ( const wchar_t *p ) {
std::wstringstream ss;
std::noskipws ( ss );
bool skippingws = is_skipws ( &ss );
std::experimental::wstring_view sv {p};
ss << std::quoted(sv);
std::wstring s;
ss >> std::quoted(s);
assert ( s == sv );
assert ( skippingws == is_skipws ( &ss ));
void round_trip_d ( const wchar_t *p, wchar_t delim ) {
std::wstringstream ss;
std::experimental::wstring_view sv {p};
ss << std::quoted(sv, delim);
std::wstring s;
ss >> std::quoted(s, delim);
assert ( s == sv );
void round_trip_e ( const wchar_t *p, wchar_t escape ) {
std::wstringstream ss;
std::experimental::wstring_view sv {p};
ss << std::quoted(sv, wchar_t('"'), escape );
std::wstring s;
ss >> std::quoted(s, wchar_t('"'), escape );
assert ( s == sv );
std::wstring quote ( const wchar_t *p, wchar_t delim='"', wchar_t escape='\\' ) {
std::wstringstream ss;
std::experimental::wstring_view sv {p};
ss << std::quoted(sv, delim, escape);
std::wstring s;
ss >> s; // no quote
return s;
std::wstring unquote ( const wchar_t *p, wchar_t delim='"', wchar_t escape='\\' ) {
std::wstringstream ss;
std::experimental::wstring_view sv {p};
ss << sv;
std::wstring s;
ss >> std::quoted(s, delim, escape);
return s;
int main()
round_trip ( "" );
round_trip_ws ( "" );
round_trip_d ( "", 'q' );
round_trip_e ( "", 'q' );
round_trip ( L"" );
round_trip_ws ( L"" );
round_trip_d ( L"", 'q' );
round_trip_e ( L"", 'q' );
round_trip ( "Hi" );
round_trip_ws ( "Hi" );
round_trip_d ( "Hi", '!' );
round_trip_e ( "Hi", '!' );
assert ( quote ( "Hi", '!' ) == "!Hi!" );
assert ( quote ( "Hi!", '!' ) == R"(!Hi\!!)" );
round_trip ( L"Hi" );
round_trip_ws ( L"Hi" );
round_trip_d ( L"Hi", '!' );
round_trip_e ( L"Hi", '!' );
assert ( quote ( L"Hi", '!' ) == L"!Hi!" );
assert ( quote ( L"Hi!", '!' ) == LR"(!Hi\!!)" );
round_trip ( "Hi Mom" );
round_trip_ws ( "Hi Mom" );
round_trip ( L"Hi Mom" );
round_trip_ws ( L"Hi Mom" );
assert ( quote ( "" ) == "\"\"" );
assert ( quote ( L"" ) == L"\"\"" );
assert ( quote ( "a" ) == "\"a\"" );
assert ( quote ( L"a" ) == L"\"a\"" );
// missing end quote - must not hang
assert ( unquote ( "\"abc" ) == "abc" );
assert ( unquote ( L"\"abc" ) == L"abc" );
assert ( unquote ( "abc" ) == "abc" ); // no delimiter
assert ( unquote ( L"abc" ) == L"abc" ); // no delimiter
assert ( unquote ( "abc def" ) == "abc" ); // no delimiter
assert ( unquote ( L"abc def" ) == L"abc" ); // no delimiter
assert ( unquote ( "" ) == "" ); // nothing there
assert ( unquote ( L"" ) == L"" ); // nothing there
int main() {}
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// template<class _Allocator>
// explicit operator basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Allocator>() const
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
template<typename CharT>
void test ( const CharT *s ) {
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<CharT> string_view_t;
typedef std::basic_string<CharT> string_t;
string_view_t sv1 ( s );
string_t str = (string_t) sv1;
assert ( sv1.size() == str.size ());
assert ( std::char_traits<CharT>::compare (,, sv1.size()) == 0 );
string_view_t sv1;
string_t str = (string_t) sv1;
assert ( sv1.size() == 0);
assert ( sv1.size() == str.size ());
int main () {
test ( "ABCDE");
test ( "a" );
test ( "" );
test ( L"ABCDE" );
test ( L"a" );
test ( L"" );
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
test ( u"ABCDE" );
test ( u"a" );
test ( u"" );
test ( U"ABCDE" );
test ( U"a" );
test ( U"" );
@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// constexpr int compare(const charT* s) const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
int sign ( int x ) { return x > 0 ? 1 : ( x < 0 ? -1 : 0 ); }
template<typename CharT>
void test1 ( std::experimental::basic_string_view<CharT> sv1, const CharT *s, int expected ) {
assert ( sign( == sign(expected));
template<typename CharT>
test( const CharT *s1, const CharT *s2, int expected)
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<CharT> string_view_t;
string_view_t sv1 ( s1 );
test1 ( sv1, s2, expected );
int main()
test("", "", 0);
test("", "abcde", -5);
test("", "abcdefghij", -10);
test("", "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcde", "", 5);
test("abcde", "abcde", 0);
test("abcde", "abcdefghij", -5);
test("abcde", "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -15);
test("abcdefghij", "", 10);
test("abcdefghij", "abcde", 5);
test("abcdefghij", "abcdefghij", 0);
test("abcdefghij", "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", "", 20);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", "abcde", 15);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", "abcdefghij", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0);
test(L"", L"", 0);
test(L"", L"abcde", -5);
test(L"", L"abcdefghij", -10);
test(L"", L"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test(L"abcde", L"", 5);
test(L"abcde", L"abcde", 0);
test(L"abcde", L"abcdefghij", -5);
test(L"abcde", L"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -15);
test(L"abcdefghij", L"", 10);
test(L"abcdefghij", L"abcde", 5);
test(L"abcdefghij", L"abcdefghij", 0);
test(L"abcdefghij", L"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -10);
test(L"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", L"", 20);
test(L"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", L"abcde", 15);
test(L"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", L"abcdefghij", 10);
test(L"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", L"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0);
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
test(U"", U"", 0);
test(U"", U"abcde", -5);
test(U"", U"abcdefghij", -10);
test(U"", U"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test(U"abcde", U"", 5);
test(U"abcde", U"abcde", 0);
test(U"abcde", U"abcdefghij", -5);
test(U"abcde", U"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -15);
test(U"abcdefghij", U"", 10);
test(U"abcdefghij", U"abcde", 5);
test(U"abcdefghij", U"abcdefghij", 0);
test(U"abcdefghij", U"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -10);
test(U"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", U"", 20);
test(U"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", U"abcde", 15);
test(U"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", U"abcdefghij", 10);
test(U"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", U"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0);
test(u"", u"", 0);
test(u"", u"abcde", -5);
test(u"", u"abcdefghij", -10);
test(u"", u"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test(u"abcde", u"", 5);
test(u"abcde", u"abcde", 0);
test(u"abcde", u"abcdefghij", -5);
test(u"abcde", u"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -15);
test(u"abcdefghij", u"", 10);
test(u"abcdefghij", u"abcde", 5);
test(u"abcdefghij", u"abcdefghij", 0);
test(u"abcdefghij", u"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -10);
test(u"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", u"", 20);
test(u"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", u"abcde", 15);
test(u"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", u"abcdefghij", 10);
test(u"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", u"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0);
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert ("") == 0, "" );
static_assert ("abcde") == -1, "" );
static_assert ("") == 1, "" );
static_assert ("abcde") == 0, "" );
@ -1,453 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// constexpr int compare(size_type pos1, size_type n1, const charT* s) const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
int sign ( int x ) { return x > 0 ? 1 : ( x < 0 ? -1 : 0 ); }
template<typename CharT>
void test1 ( std::experimental::basic_string_view<CharT> sv1,
size_t pos1, size_t n1, const CharT *s, int expected ) {
if (pos1 > sv1.size()) {
try {
||||, n1, s);
} catch (const std::out_of_range&) {
} catch (...) {
} else {
assert(sign(, n1, s)) == sign(expected));
template<typename CharT>
test( const CharT *s1, size_t pos1, size_t n1, const CharT *s2, int expected)
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<CharT> string_view_t;
string_view_t sv1 ( s1 );
test1 ( sv1, pos1, n1, s2, expected );
void test0()
test("", 0, 0, "", 0);
test("", 0, 0, "abcde", -5);
test("", 0, 0, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("", 0, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("", 0, 1, "", 0);
test("", 0, 1, "abcde", -5);
test("", 0, 1, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("", 0, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("", 1, 0, "", 0);
test("", 1, 0, "abcde", 0);
test("", 1, 0, "abcdefghij", 0);
test("", 1, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0);
test("abcde", 0, 0, "", 0);
test("abcde", 0, 0, "abcde", -5);
test("abcde", 0, 0, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcde", 0, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcde", 0, 1, "", 1);
test("abcde", 0, 1, "abcde", -4);
test("abcde", 0, 1, "abcdefghij", -9);
test("abcde", 0, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -19);
test("abcde", 0, 2, "", 2);
test("abcde", 0, 2, "abcde", -3);
test("abcde", 0, 2, "abcdefghij", -8);
test("abcde", 0, 2, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -18);
test("abcde", 0, 4, "", 4);
test("abcde", 0, 4, "abcde", -1);
test("abcde", 0, 4, "abcdefghij", -6);
test("abcde", 0, 4, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -16);
test("abcde", 0, 5, "", 5);
test("abcde", 0, 5, "abcde", 0);
test("abcde", 0, 5, "abcdefghij", -5);
test("abcde", 0, 5, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -15);
test("abcde", 0, 6, "", 5);
test("abcde", 0, 6, "abcde", 0);
test("abcde", 0, 6, "abcdefghij", -5);
test("abcde", 0, 6, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -15);
test("abcde", 1, 0, "", 0);
test("abcde", 1, 0, "abcde", -5);
test("abcde", 1, 0, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcde", 1, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcde", 1, 1, "", 1);
test("abcde", 1, 1, "abcde", 1);
test("abcde", 1, 1, "abcdefghij", 1);
test("abcde", 1, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1);
test("abcde", 1, 2, "", 2);
test("abcde", 1, 2, "abcde", 1);
test("abcde", 1, 2, "abcdefghij", 1);
test("abcde", 1, 2, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1);
test("abcde", 1, 3, "", 3);
test("abcde", 1, 3, "abcde", 1);
test("abcde", 1, 3, "abcdefghij", 1);
test("abcde", 1, 3, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1);
test("abcde", 1, 4, "", 4);
test("abcde", 1, 4, "abcde", 1);
test("abcde", 1, 4, "abcdefghij", 1);
test("abcde", 1, 4, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1);
test("abcde", 1, 5, "", 4);
test("abcde", 1, 5, "abcde", 1);
test("abcde", 1, 5, "abcdefghij", 1);
test("abcde", 1, 5, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1);
test("abcde", 2, 0, "", 0);
test("abcde", 2, 0, "abcde", -5);
test("abcde", 2, 0, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcde", 2, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcde", 2, 1, "", 1);
test("abcde", 2, 1, "abcde", 2);
test("abcde", 2, 1, "abcdefghij", 2);
test("abcde", 2, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 2);
test("abcde", 2, 2, "", 2);
test("abcde", 2, 2, "abcde", 2);
test("abcde", 2, 2, "abcdefghij", 2);
test("abcde", 2, 2, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 2);
test("abcde", 2, 3, "", 3);
test("abcde", 2, 3, "abcde", 2);
test("abcde", 2, 3, "abcdefghij", 2);
test("abcde", 2, 3, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 2);
test("abcde", 2, 4, "", 3);
test("abcde", 2, 4, "abcde", 2);
test("abcde", 2, 4, "abcdefghij", 2);
test("abcde", 2, 4, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 2);
test("abcde", 4, 0, "", 0);
test("abcde", 4, 0, "abcde", -5);
test("abcde", 4, 0, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcde", 4, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcde", 4, 1, "", 1);
test("abcde", 4, 1, "abcde", 4);
test("abcde", 4, 1, "abcdefghij", 4);
test("abcde", 4, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 4);
test("abcde", 4, 2, "", 1);
test("abcde", 4, 2, "abcde", 4);
test("abcde", 4, 2, "abcdefghij", 4);
test("abcde", 4, 2, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 4);
test("abcde", 5, 0, "", 0);
test("abcde", 5, 0, "abcde", -5);
test("abcde", 5, 0, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcde", 5, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcde", 5, 1, "", 0);
test("abcde", 5, 1, "abcde", -5);
test("abcde", 5, 1, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcde", 5, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
void test1()
test("abcde", 6, 0, "", 0);
test("abcde", 6, 0, "abcde", 0);
test("abcde", 6, 0, "abcdefghij", 0);
test("abcde", 6, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 0, "", 0);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 0, "abcde", -5);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 0, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 1, "", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 1, "abcde", -4);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 1, "abcdefghij", -9);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -19);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 5, "", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 5, "abcde", 0);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 5, "abcdefghij", -5);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 5, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -15);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 9, "", 9);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 9, "abcde", 4);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 9, "abcdefghij", -1);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 9, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -11);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 10, "", 10);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 10, "abcde", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 10, "abcdefghij", 0);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 10, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -10);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 11, "", 10);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 11, "abcde", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 11, "abcdefghij", 0);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 11, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -10);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 0, "", 0);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 0, "abcde", -5);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 0, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 1, "", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 1, "abcde", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 1, "abcdefghij", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 4, "", 4);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 4, "abcde", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 4, "abcdefghij", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 4, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 8, "", 8);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 8, "abcde", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 8, "abcdefghij", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 8, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 9, "", 9);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 9, "abcde", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 9, "abcdefghij", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 9, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 10, "", 9);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 10, "abcde", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 10, "abcdefghij", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 10, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 0, "", 0);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 0, "abcde", -5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 0, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 1, "", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 1, "abcde", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 1, "abcdefghij", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 2, "", 2);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 2, "abcde", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 2, "abcdefghij", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 2, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 4, "", 4);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 4, "abcde", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 4, "abcdefghij", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 4, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 5, "", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 5, "abcde", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 5, "abcdefghij", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 5, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 6, "", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 6, "abcde", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 6, "abcdefghij", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 6, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 9, 0, "", 0);
test("abcdefghij", 9, 0, "abcde", -5);
test("abcdefghij", 9, 0, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcdefghij", 9, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcdefghij", 9, 1, "", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 9, 1, "abcde", 9);
test("abcdefghij", 9, 1, "abcdefghij", 9);
test("abcdefghij", 9, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 9);
test("abcdefghij", 9, 2, "", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 9, 2, "abcde", 9);
test("abcdefghij", 9, 2, "abcdefghij", 9);
test("abcdefghij", 9, 2, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 9);
test("abcdefghij", 10, 0, "", 0);
test("abcdefghij", 10, 0, "abcde", -5);
test("abcdefghij", 10, 0, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcdefghij", 10, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcdefghij", 10, 1, "", 0);
test("abcdefghij", 10, 1, "abcde", -5);
test("abcdefghij", 10, 1, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcdefghij", 10, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcdefghij", 11, 0, "", 0);
test("abcdefghij", 11, 0, "abcde", 0);
test("abcdefghij", 11, 0, "abcdefghij", 0);
test("abcdefghij", 11, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0);
void test2()
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 0, "", 0);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 0, "abcde", -5);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 0, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 1, "", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 1, "abcde", -4);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 1, "abcdefghij", -9);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -19);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 10, "", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 10, "abcde", 5);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 10, "abcdefghij", 0);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 10, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 19, "", 19);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 19, "abcde", 14);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 19, "abcdefghij", 9);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 19, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 20, "", 20);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 20, "abcde", 15);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 20, "abcdefghij", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 20, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 21, "", 20);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 21, "abcde", 15);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 21, "abcdefghij", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 21, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 0, "", 0);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 0, "abcde", -5);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 0, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 1, "", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 1, "abcde", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 1, "abcdefghij", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 9, "", 9);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 9, "abcde", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 9, "abcdefghij", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 9, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 18, "", 18);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 18, "abcde", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 18, "abcdefghij", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 18, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 19, "", 19);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 19, "abcde", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 19, "abcdefghij", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 19, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 20, "", 19);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 20, "abcde", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 20, "abcdefghij", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 20, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 0, "", 0);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 0, "abcde", -5);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 0, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 1, "", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 1, "abcde", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 1, "abcdefghij", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 5, "", 5);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 5, "abcde", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 5, "abcdefghij", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 5, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 9, "", 9);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 9, "abcde", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 9, "abcdefghij", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 9, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 10, "", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 10, "abcde", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 10, "abcdefghij", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 10, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 11, "", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 11, "abcde", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 11, "abcdefghij", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 11, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 19, 0, "", 0);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 19, 0, "abcde", -5);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 19, 0, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 19, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 19, 1, "", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 19, 1, "abcde", 19);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 19, 1, "abcdefghij", 19);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 19, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 19);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 19, 2, "", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 19, 2, "abcde", 19);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 19, 2, "abcdefghij", 19);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 19, 2, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 19);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 20, 0, "", 0);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 20, 0, "abcde", -5);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 20, 0, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 20, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 20, 1, "", 0);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 20, 1, "abcde", -5);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 20, 1, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 20, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 21, 0, "", 0);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 21, 0, "abcde", 0);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 21, 0, "abcdefghij", 0);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 21, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0);
int main()
test("", 0, 0, "", 0);
test("", 0, 0, "abcde", -5);
test("", 0, 0, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("", 0, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcde", 0, 2, "", 5);
test("abcde", 0, 6,"abcde", 0);
test("abcde", 0, 6, "abcdefghij", -5);
test("abcde", 0, 6, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -15);
test("abcdefghij", 3, 3, "", 10);
test("abcdefghij", 3, 3,"abcde", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 3, 3, "def", 0);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 4, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 5, 5, "", 20);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 8, "abcde", 15);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 12, "abcdefghij", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, -1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0);
test(L"", 0, 0, L"", 0);
test(L"", 0, 0, L"abcde", -5);
test(L"", 0, 0, L"abcdefghij", -10);
test(L"", 0, 0, L"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test(L"abcde", 0, 2, L"", 5);
test(L"abcde", 0, 6, L"abcde", 0);
test(L"abcde", 0, 6, L"abcdefghij", -5);
test(L"abcde", 0, 6, L"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -15);
test(L"abcdefghij", 3, 3, L"", 10);
test(L"abcdefghij", 3, 3, L"abcde", 5);
test(L"abcdefghij", 3, 3, L"def", 0);
test(L"abcdefghij", 0, 4, L"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -10);
test(L"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 5, 5, L"", 20);
test(L"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 8, L"abcde", 15);
test(L"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 12, L"abcdefghij", 10);
test(L"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, -1, L"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0);
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
test(U"", 0, 0, U"", 0);
test(U"", 0, 0, U"abcde", -5);
test(U"", 0, 0, U"abcdefghij", -10);
test(U"", 0, 0, U"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test(U"abcde", 0, 2, U"", 5);
test(U"abcde", 0, 6, U"abcde", 0);
test(U"abcde", 0, 6, U"abcdefghij", -5);
test(U"abcde", 0, 6, U"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -15);
test(U"abcdefghij", 3, 3, U"", 10);
test(U"abcdefghij", 3, 3, U"abcde", 5);
test(U"abcdefghij", 3, 3, U"def", 0);
test(U"abcdefghij", 0, 4, U"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -10);
test(U"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 5, 5, U"", 20);
test(U"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 8, U"abcde", 15);
test(U"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 12, U"abcdefghij", 10);
test(U"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, -1, U"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0);
test(u"", 0, 0, u"", 0);
test(u"", 0, 0, u"abcde", -5);
test(u"", 0, 0, u"abcdefghij", -10);
test(u"", 0, 0, u"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test(u"abcde", 0, 2, u"", 5);
test(u"abcde", 0, 6, u"abcde", 0);
test(u"abcde", 0, 6, u"abcdefghij", -5);
test(u"abcde", 0, 6, u"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -15);
test(u"abcdefghij", 3, 3, u"", 10);
test(u"abcdefghij", 3, 3, u"abcde", 5);
test(u"abcdefghij", 3, 3, u"def", 0);
test(u"abcdefghij", 0, 4, u"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -10);
test(u"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 5, 5, u"", 20);
test(u"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 8, u"abcde", 15);
test(u"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 12, u"abcdefghij", 10);
test(u"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, -1, u"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0);
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1;
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 5 };
static_assert (, 0, "") == 0, "" );
static_assert (, 0, "abcde") == -1, "" );
static_assert (, 2, "") == 1, "" );
static_assert (, 6, "abcde") == 0, "" );
@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// constexpr int compare(size_type pos1, size_type n1, basic_string_view str) const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
int sign ( int x ) { return x > 0 ? 1 : ( x < 0 ? -1 : 0 ); }
template<typename CharT>
void test1 ( std::experimental::basic_string_view<CharT> sv1, size_t pos1, size_t n1,
std::experimental::basic_string_view<CharT> sv2, int expected ) {
if (pos1 > sv1.size()) {
try {
||||, n1, sv2);
} catch (const std::out_of_range&) {
} catch (...) {
} else {
assert ( sign(, n1, sv2)) == sign(expected));
template<typename CharT>
void test ( const CharT *s1, size_t pos1, size_t n1, const CharT *s2, int expected ) {
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<CharT> string_view_t;
string_view_t sv1 ( s1 );
string_view_t sv2 ( s2 );
test1(sv1, pos1, n1, sv2, expected);
void test0()
test("", 0, 0, "", 0);
test("", 0, 0, "abcde", -5);
test("", 0, 0, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("", 0, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("", 0, 1, "", 0);
test("", 0, 1, "abcde", -5);
test("", 0, 1, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("", 0, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("", 1, 0, "", 0);
test("", 1, 0, "abcde", 0);
test("", 1, 0, "abcdefghij", 0);
test("", 1, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0);
test("abcde", 0, 0, "", 0);
test("abcde", 0, 0, "abcde", -5);
test("abcde", 0, 0, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcde", 0, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcde", 0, 1, "", 1);
test("abcde", 0, 1, "abcde", -4);
test("abcde", 0, 1, "abcdefghij", -9);
test("abcde", 0, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -19);
test("abcde", 0, 2, "", 2);
test("abcde", 0, 2, "abcde", -3);
test("abcde", 0, 2, "abcdefghij", -8);
test("abcde", 0, 2, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -18);
test("abcde", 0, 4, "", 4);
test("abcde", 0, 4, "abcde", -1);
test("abcde", 0, 4, "abcdefghij", -6);
test("abcde", 0, 4, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -16);
test("abcde", 0, 5, "", 5);
test("abcde", 0, 5, "abcde", 0);
test("abcde", 0, 5, "abcdefghij", -5);
test("abcde", 0, 5, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -15);
test("abcde", 0, 6, "", 5);
test("abcde", 0, 6, "abcde", 0);
test("abcde", 0, 6, "abcdefghij", -5);
test("abcde", 0, 6, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -15);
test("abcde", 1, 0, "", 0);
test("abcde", 1, 0, "abcde", -5);
test("abcde", 1, 0, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcde", 1, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcde", 1, 1, "", 1);
test("abcde", 1, 1, "abcde", 1);
test("abcde", 1, 1, "abcdefghij", 1);
test("abcde", 1, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1);
test("abcde", 1, 2, "", 2);
test("abcde", 1, 2, "abcde", 1);
test("abcde", 1, 2, "abcdefghij", 1);
test("abcde", 1, 2, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1);
test("abcde", 1, 3, "", 3);
test("abcde", 1, 3, "abcde", 1);
test("abcde", 1, 3, "abcdefghij", 1);
test("abcde", 1, 3, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1);
test("abcde", 1, 4, "", 4);
test("abcde", 1, 4, "abcde", 1);
test("abcde", 1, 4, "abcdefghij", 1);
test("abcde", 1, 4, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1);
test("abcde", 1, 5, "", 4);
test("abcde", 1, 5, "abcde", 1);
test("abcde", 1, 5, "abcdefghij", 1);
test("abcde", 1, 5, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1);
test("abcde", 2, 0, "", 0);
test("abcde", 2, 0, "abcde", -5);
test("abcde", 2, 0, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcde", 2, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcde", 2, 1, "", 1);
test("abcde", 2, 1, "abcde", 2);
test("abcde", 2, 1, "abcdefghij", 2);
test("abcde", 2, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 2);
test("abcde", 2, 2, "", 2);
test("abcde", 2, 2, "abcde", 2);
test("abcde", 2, 2, "abcdefghij", 2);
test("abcde", 2, 2, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 2);
test("abcde", 2, 3, "", 3);
test("abcde", 2, 3, "abcde", 2);
test("abcde", 2, 3, "abcdefghij", 2);
test("abcde", 2, 3, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 2);
test("abcde", 2, 4, "", 3);
test("abcde", 2, 4, "abcde", 2);
test("abcde", 2, 4, "abcdefghij", 2);
test("abcde", 2, 4, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 2);
test("abcde", 4, 0, "", 0);
test("abcde", 4, 0, "abcde", -5);
test("abcde", 4, 0, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcde", 4, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcde", 4, 1, "", 1);
test("abcde", 4, 1, "abcde", 4);
test("abcde", 4, 1, "abcdefghij", 4);
test("abcde", 4, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 4);
test("abcde", 4, 2, "", 1);
test("abcde", 4, 2, "abcde", 4);
test("abcde", 4, 2, "abcdefghij", 4);
test("abcde", 4, 2, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 4);
test("abcde", 5, 0, "", 0);
test("abcde", 5, 0, "abcde", -5);
test("abcde", 5, 0, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcde", 5, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcde", 5, 1, "", 0);
test("abcde", 5, 1, "abcde", -5);
test("abcde", 5, 1, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcde", 5, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
void test1()
test("abcde", 6, 0, "", 0);
test("abcde", 6, 0, "abcde", 0);
test("abcde", 6, 0, "abcdefghij", 0);
test("abcde", 6, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 0, "", 0);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 0, "abcde", -5);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 0, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 1, "", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 1, "abcde", -4);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 1, "abcdefghij", -9);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -19);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 5, "", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 5, "abcde", 0);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 5, "abcdefghij", -5);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 5, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -15);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 9, "", 9);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 9, "abcde", 4);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 9, "abcdefghij", -1);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 9, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -11);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 10, "", 10);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 10, "abcde", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 10, "abcdefghij", 0);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 10, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -10);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 11, "", 10);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 11, "abcde", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 11, "abcdefghij", 0);
test("abcdefghij", 0, 11, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -10);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 0, "", 0);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 0, "abcde", -5);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 0, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 1, "", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 1, "abcde", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 1, "abcdefghij", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 4, "", 4);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 4, "abcde", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 4, "abcdefghij", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 4, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 8, "", 8);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 8, "abcde", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 8, "abcdefghij", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 8, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 9, "", 9);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 9, "abcde", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 9, "abcdefghij", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 9, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 10, "", 9);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 10, "abcde", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 10, "abcdefghij", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 1, 10, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 0, "", 0);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 0, "abcde", -5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 0, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 1, "", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 1, "abcde", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 1, "abcdefghij", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 2, "", 2);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 2, "abcde", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 2, "abcdefghij", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 2, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 4, "", 4);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 4, "abcde", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 4, "abcdefghij", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 4, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 5, "", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 5, "abcde", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 5, "abcdefghij", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 5, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 6, "", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 6, "abcde", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 6, "abcdefghij", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 5, 6, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 5);
test("abcdefghij", 9, 0, "", 0);
test("abcdefghij", 9, 0, "abcde", -5);
test("abcdefghij", 9, 0, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcdefghij", 9, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcdefghij", 9, 1, "", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 9, 1, "abcde", 9);
test("abcdefghij", 9, 1, "abcdefghij", 9);
test("abcdefghij", 9, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 9);
test("abcdefghij", 9, 2, "", 1);
test("abcdefghij", 9, 2, "abcde", 9);
test("abcdefghij", 9, 2, "abcdefghij", 9);
test("abcdefghij", 9, 2, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 9);
test("abcdefghij", 10, 0, "", 0);
test("abcdefghij", 10, 0, "abcde", -5);
test("abcdefghij", 10, 0, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcdefghij", 10, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcdefghij", 10, 1, "", 0);
test("abcdefghij", 10, 1, "abcde", -5);
test("abcdefghij", 10, 1, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcdefghij", 10, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcdefghij", 11, 0, "", 0);
test("abcdefghij", 11, 0, "abcde", 0);
test("abcdefghij", 11, 0, "abcdefghij", 0);
test("abcdefghij", 11, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0);
void test2()
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 0, "", 0);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 0, "abcde", -5);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 0, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 1, "", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 1, "abcde", -4);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 1, "abcdefghij", -9);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -19);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 10, "", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 10, "abcde", 5);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 10, "abcdefghij", 0);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 10, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 19, "", 19);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 19, "abcde", 14);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 19, "abcdefghij", 9);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 19, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 20, "", 20);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 20, "abcde", 15);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 20, "abcdefghij", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 20, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 21, "", 20);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 21, "abcde", 15);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 21, "abcdefghij", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0, 21, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 0, "", 0);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 0, "abcde", -5);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 0, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 1, "", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 1, "abcde", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 1, "abcdefghij", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 9, "", 9);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 9, "abcde", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 9, "abcdefghij", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 9, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 18, "", 18);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 18, "abcde", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 18, "abcdefghij", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 18, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 19, "", 19);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 19, "abcde", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 19, "abcdefghij", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 19, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 20, "", 19);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 20, "abcde", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 20, "abcdefghij", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1, 20, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 0, "", 0);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 0, "abcde", -5);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 0, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 1, "", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 1, "abcde", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 1, "abcdefghij", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 5, "", 5);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 5, "abcde", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 5, "abcdefghij", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 5, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 9, "", 9);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 9, "abcde", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 9, "abcdefghij", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 9, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 10, "", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 10, "abcde", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 10, "abcdefghij", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 10, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 11, "", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 11, "abcde", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 11, "abcdefghij", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10, 11, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 19, 0, "", 0);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 19, 0, "abcde", -5);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 19, 0, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 19, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 19, 1, "", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 19, 1, "abcde", 19);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 19, 1, "abcdefghij", 19);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 19, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 19);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 19, 2, "", 1);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 19, 2, "abcde", 19);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 19, 2, "abcdefghij", 19);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 19, 2, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 19);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 20, 0, "", 0);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 20, 0, "abcde", -5);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 20, 0, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 20, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 20, 1, "", 0);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 20, 1, "abcde", -5);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 20, 1, "abcdefghij", -10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 20, 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 21, 0, "", 0);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 21, 0, "abcde", 0);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 21, 0, "abcdefghij", 0);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 21, 0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0);
int main () {
test("abcde", 5, 1, "", 0);
test("abcde", 2, 4, "", 3);
test("abcde", 2, 4, "abcde", 2);
test("ABCde", 2, 4, "abcde", -1);
test(L"abcde", 5, 1, L"", 0);
test(L"abcde", 2, 4, L"", 3);
test(L"abcde", 2, 4, L"abcde", 2);
test(L"ABCde", 2, 4, L"abcde", -1);
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
test(u"abcde", 5, 1, u"", 0);
test(u"abcde", 2, 4, u"", 3);
test(u"abcde", 2, 4, u"abcde", 2);
test(u"ABCde", 2, 4, u"abcde", -1);
test(U"abcde", 5, 1, U"", 0);
test(U"abcde", 2, 4, U"", 3);
test(U"abcde", 2, 4, U"abcde", 2);
test(U"ABCde", 2, 4, U"abcde", -1);
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1 { "abcde", 5 };
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 0 };
static_assert (, 1, sv2) == 0, "" );
static_assert (, 4, sv2) == 1, "" );
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// constexpr int compare(basic_string_view str) const noexcept;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "constexpr_char_traits.hpp"
int sign ( int x ) { return x > 0 ? 1 : ( x < 0 ? -1 : 0 ); }
template<typename CharT>
void test1 ( std::experimental::basic_string_view<CharT> sv1,
std::experimental::basic_string_view<CharT> sv2, int expected ) {
assert ( sign( == sign(expected));
template<typename CharT>
void test ( const CharT *s1, const CharT *s2, int expected ) {
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<CharT> string_view_t;
string_view_t sv1 ( s1 );
string_view_t sv2 ( s2 );
test1(sv1, sv2, expected);
int main () {
test("", "", 0);
test("", "abcde", -5);
test("", "abcdefghij", -10);
test("", "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test("abcde", "", 5);
test("abcde", "abcde", 0);
test("abcde", "abcdefghij", -5);
test("abcde", "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -15);
test("abcdefghij", "", 10);
test("abcdefghij", "abcde", 5);
test("abcdefghij", "abcdefghij", 0);
test("abcdefghij", "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", "", 20);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", "abcde", 15);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", "abcdefghij", 10);
test("abcdefghijklmnopqrst", "abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0);
test(L"", L"", 0);
test(L"", L"abcde", -5);
test(L"", L"abcdefghij", -10);
test(L"", L"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test(L"abcde", L"", 5);
test(L"abcde", L"abcde", 0);
test(L"abcde", L"abcdefghij", -5);
test(L"abcde", L"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -15);
test(L"abcdefghij", L"", 10);
test(L"abcdefghij", L"abcde", 5);
test(L"abcdefghij", L"abcdefghij", 0);
test(L"abcdefghij", L"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -10);
test(L"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", L"", 20);
test(L"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", L"abcde", 15);
test(L"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", L"abcdefghij", 10);
test(L"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", L"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0);
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
test(u"", u"", 0);
test(u"", u"abcde", -5);
test(u"", u"abcdefghij", -10);
test(u"", u"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test(u"abcde", u"", 5);
test(u"abcde", u"abcde", 0);
test(u"abcde", u"abcdefghij", -5);
test(u"abcde", u"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -15);
test(u"abcdefghij", u"", 10);
test(u"abcdefghij", u"abcde", 5);
test(u"abcdefghij", u"abcdefghij", 0);
test(u"abcdefghij", u"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -10);
test(u"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", u"", 20);
test(u"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", u"abcde", 15);
test(u"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", u"abcdefghij", 10);
test(u"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", u"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0);
test(U"", U"", 0);
test(U"", U"abcde", -5);
test(U"", U"abcdefghij", -10);
test(U"", U"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -20);
test(U"abcde", U"", 5);
test(U"abcde", U"abcde", 0);
test(U"abcde", U"abcdefghij", -5);
test(U"abcde", U"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -15);
test(U"abcdefghij", U"", 10);
test(U"abcdefghij", U"abcde", 5);
test(U"abcdefghij", U"abcdefghij", 0);
test(U"abcdefghij", U"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", -10);
test(U"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", U"", 20);
test(U"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", U"abcde", 15);
test(U"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", U"abcdefghij", 10);
test(U"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", U"abcdefghijklmnopqrst", 0);
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<char, constexpr_char_traits<char>> SV;
constexpr SV sv1 { "abcde", 5 };
constexpr SV sv2 { "abcde", 5 };
constexpr SV sv3 { "edcba0", 6 };
static_assert ( == 0, "" );
static_assert ( == 0, "" );
static_assert ( > 0, "" );
static_assert ( < 0, "" );
@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// size_type copy(charT* s, size_type n, size_type pos = 0) const;
// Throws: out_of_range if pos > size().
// Remarks: Let rlen be the smaller of n and size() - pos.
// Requires: [s, s+rlen) is a valid range.
// Effects: Equivalent to std::copy_n(begin() + pos, rlen, s).
// Returns: rlen.
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
template<typename CharT>
void test1 ( std::experimental::basic_string_view<CharT> sv, size_t n, size_t pos ) {
const size_t rlen = std::min ( n, sv.size() - pos );
CharT *dest1 = new CharT [rlen + 1]; dest1[rlen] = 0;
CharT *dest2 = new CharT [rlen + 1]; dest2[rlen] = 0;
if (pos > sv.size()) {
try {
sv.copy(dest1, n, pos);
} catch (const std::out_of_range&) {
} catch (...) {
} else {
sv.copy(dest1, n, pos);
std::copy_n(sv.begin() + pos, rlen, dest2);
for ( size_t i = 0; i <= rlen; ++i )
assert ( dest1[i] == dest2[i] );
delete [] dest1;
delete [] dest2;
template<typename CharT>
void test ( const CharT *s ) {
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<CharT> string_view_t;
string_view_t sv1 ( s );
test1(sv1, 0, 0);
test1(sv1, 1, 0);
test1(sv1, 20, 0);
test1(sv1, sv1.size(), 0);
test1(sv1, 20, string_view_t::npos);
test1(sv1, 0, 3);
test1(sv1, 2, 3);
test1(sv1, 100, 3);
test1(sv1, 100, string_view_t::npos);
test1(sv1, sv1.size(), string_view_t::npos);
test1(sv1, sv1.size() + 1, 0);
test1(sv1, sv1.size() + 1, 1);
test1(sv1, sv1.size() + 1, string_view_t::npos);
int main () {
test ( "ABCDE");
test ( "a" );
test ( "" );
test ( L"ABCDE" );
test ( L"a" );
test ( L"" );
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
test ( u"ABCDE" );
test ( u"a" );
test ( u"" );
test ( U"ABCDE" );
test ( U"a" );
test ( U"" );
@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// constexpr basic_string_view substr(size_type pos = 0, size_type n = npos) const;
// Throws: out_of_range if pos > size().
// Effects: Determines the effective length rlen of the string to reference as the smaller of n and size() - pos.
// Returns: basic_string_view(data()+pos, rlen).
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
template<typename CharT>
void test1 ( std::experimental::basic_string_view<CharT> sv, size_t n, size_t pos ) {
if (pos > sv.size()) {
try {
std::experimental::basic_string_view<CharT> sv1 = sv.substr(pos, n);
} catch (const std::out_of_range&) {
} catch (...) {
} else {
std::experimental::basic_string_view<CharT> sv1 = sv.substr(pos, n);
const size_t rlen = std::min ( n, sv.size() - pos );
assert ( sv1.size() == rlen );
for ( size_t i = 0; i <= rlen; ++i )
assert ( sv[pos+i] == sv1[i] );
template<typename CharT>
void test ( const CharT *s ) {
typedef std::experimental::basic_string_view<CharT> string_view_t;
string_view_t sv1 ( s );
test1(sv1, 0, 0);
test1(sv1, 1, 0);
test1(sv1, 20, 0);
test1(sv1, sv1.size(), 0);
test1(sv1, 0, 3);
test1(sv1, 2, 3);
test1(sv1, 100, 3);
test1(sv1, 0, string_view_t::npos);
test1(sv1, 2, string_view_t::npos);
test1(sv1, sv1.size(), string_view_t::npos);
test1(sv1, sv1.size() + 1, 0);
test1(sv1, sv1.size() + 1, 1);
test1(sv1, sv1.size() + 1, string_view_t::npos);
int main () {
test ( "ABCDE");
test ( "a" );
test ( "" );
test ( L"ABCDE" );
test ( L"a" );
test ( L"" );
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
test ( u"ABCDE" );
test ( u"a" );
test ( u"" );
test ( U"ABCDE" );
test ( U"a" );
test ( U"" );
#if TEST_STD_VER > 11
constexpr std::experimental::string_view sv1 { "ABCDE", 5 };
constexpr std::experimental::string_view sv2 = sv1.substr ( 0, 3 );
static_assert ( sv2.size() == 3, "" );
static_assert ( sv2[0] == 'A', "" );
static_assert ( sv2[1] == 'B', "" );
static_assert ( sv2[2] == 'C', "" );
constexpr std::experimental::string_view sv2 = sv1.substr ( 3, 0 );
static_assert ( sv2.size() == 0, "" );
constexpr std::experimental::string_view sv2 = sv1.substr ( 3, 3 );
static_assert ( sv2.size() == 2, "" );
static_assert ( sv2[0] == 'D', "" );
static_assert ( sv2[1] == 'E', "" );
@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// <string_view>
// template<class Allocator>
// explicit operator basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, Allocator> () const;
// template<class _CharT, class _Traits = char_traits<_CharT>, class Allocator = allocator<_CharT> >
// basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, Allocator> to_string (
// basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits> _sv, const Allocator& _a = Allocator()) const;
#include <experimental/string_view>
#include <cassert>
#include "min_allocator.h"
template<typename CharT>
void test ( const CharT *s ) {
typedef std::basic_string<CharT> String ;
const std::experimental::basic_string_view<CharT> sv1 ( s );
String str1 = (String) sv1;
assert ( sv1.size() == str1.size ());
assert ( std::char_traits<CharT>::compare (,, sv1.size()) == 0 );
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
auto str2 = sv1.to_string(min_allocator<CharT>());
assert ( sv1.size() == str2.size ());
assert ( std::char_traits<CharT>::compare (,, sv1.size()) == 0 );
const std::experimental::basic_string_view<CharT> sv1;
String str1 = (String) sv1;
assert ( sv1.size() == 0);
assert ( sv1.size() == str1.size ());
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
auto str2 = sv1.to_string(min_allocator<CharT>());
assert ( sv1.size() == str2.size ());
int main () {
test ( "ABCDE");
test ( "a" );
test ( "" );
test ( L"ABCDE" );
test ( L"a" );
test ( L"" );
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
test ( u"ABCDE" );
test ( u"a" );
test ( u"" );
test ( U"ABCDE" );
test ( U"a" );
test ( U"" );
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include <experimental/string_view>
int main () {}
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include <experimental/string_view>
int main () {}
Reference in New Issue