[flang] Target construct of EXIT statements are now identified

Original-commit: flang-compiler/f18@2000ae4904
Reviewed-on: https://github.com/flang-compiler/f18/pull/24
Tree-same-pre-rewrite: false
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Stephane Chauveau 2018-03-06 17:29:22 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 68ef98cb5c
commit 325d2d677c
1 changed files with 143 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -884,6 +884,10 @@ public:
construct_name_.clear() ;
// Should operate with Symbol instead of Identifier
const sm::Identifier * GetConstructName(SMap::Index stmt) {
auto it = construct_name_.find(stmt);
if ( it == construct_name_.end() ) {
@ -1518,7 +1522,11 @@ public:
bool Pre(const DerivedTypeStmt &x) {
InitStmt(x, StmtClass::DerivedType);
auto &sema = InitStmt(x, StmtClass::DerivedType);
auto name = sm::Identifier::get(std::get<1>(x.t));
SetConstructName(sema.stmt_index, name);
return true ;
@ -1530,7 +1538,11 @@ public:
bool Pre(const EndTypeStmt &x) {
InitStmt(x, StmtClass::EndType);
auto & sema = InitStmt(x, StmtClass::EndType);
auto name = sm::Identifier::get(x.v) ;
CheckStatementName(sema.stmt_index, name, false);
return true ;
@ -2843,7 +2855,135 @@ public:
bool Pre(const ExitStmt &x) {
InitStmt(x, StmtClass::Exit);
auto & sema = InitStmt(x, StmtClass::Exit);
auto & smap = GetStatementMap() ;
// the name of the construct we are looking for (can be null)
const sm::Identifier * target_name = sm::Identifier::get(x.v) ;
// Remark: I am currently search the target construct by
// only considering its identifer but this is actually incorrect
// because of scopes.
// For instance, consider the following piece of code
// outer: do i=1,n
// inner: do j=1,n
// block
// import, only :: A,i
// outer: do k=1,3
// ...
// enddo outer
// if (A(i)==0) EXIT outer
// A(i) = 42
// end block
// enddo inner
// enddo outer
// The current implemntation would match the i-loop even though
// its name should not be visible because of the IMPORT, ONLY
// statement.
// The proper way should be:
// - resolve the name to an existing symbol
// - fail is that symbol is not a construct name (by design
// there is no issue with forward references)
// - and then explore the parent constructs to match their
// respective symbol (stored in the Statement Map?)
// Remark: if the symbol holds the SIndex of the construct
// then the match should be done usng that.
SMap::Index target_construct = SMap::None ;
SMap::Index construct = sema.stmt_index ;
// At that point, construct refers to EXIT statment which is not a
// construct index (i.e. a Start statement). However, in the loop below,
// it will be assigned a proper construct index.
bool done=false ;
while (!done)
construct = smap.StartOfConstruct(smap.GetParent(construct));
assert( smap.GetGroup(construct) == StmtGroup::Start ) ;
auto construct_name = GetConstructName(construct);
StmtClass construct_class = smap.GetClass(construct);
switch(construct_class) {
case StmtClass::LabelDo:
case StmtClass::LabelDoWhile:
case StmtClass::NonLabelDo:
case StmtClass::NonLabelDoWhile:
if ( ! target_name ) {
// The default target is the first loop
target_construct = construct;
done = true;
} else if ( construct_name == target_name ) {
target_construct = construct;
done = true;
case StmtClass::LabelDoConcurrent:
case StmtClass::NonLabelDoConcurrent:
case StmtClass::ChangeTeam:
case StmtClass::Critical:
// C1167 An exit-stmt shall not appear within a CHANGE TEAM, CRITICAL, or DO CONCURRENT construct
// if it belongs to that construct or an outer construct.
FAIL("EXIT statement cannot be used to exit a " << StmtClassText(construct_class) << "statement");
break ;
case StmtClass::IfThen:
case StmtClass::SelectCase:
case StmtClass::SelectRank:
case StmtClass::SelectType:
case StmtClass::Block:
case StmtClass::Associate:
case StmtClass::WhereConstruct:
// Those constructs that can be 'exited' if explicitly named
if ( target_name ) {
if ( construct_name == target_name ) {
target_construct = construct;
done = true;
case StmtClass::Program:
case StmtClass::Function:
case StmtClass::Subroutine:
// We need to stop here.
done = true;
case StmtClass::If:
// This is a non-construct IF that owns the EXIT statement
// TODO: If you hit that internal error then that means that
// we forgot to handle a construct that is susceptible to
// contain an EXIT statement
if ( target_construct == SMap::None ) {
if ( target_name ) {
FAIL("No construct named '" << target_name->name() << "' found arount EXIT statement" ) ;
} else {
FAIL("No loop found arount EXIT statement" ) ;
TRACE("Target of EXIT statement #" << sema.stmt_index << " is statement #" << target_construct );
// TODO: Do something with target_construct
return true ;