diff --git a/mlir/lib/Target/SPIRV/Serialization/Serializer.cpp b/mlir/lib/Target/SPIRV/Serialization/Serializer.cpp
index 64aa8806c0e6..7d83f6a39254 100644
--- a/mlir/lib/Target/SPIRV/Serialization/Serializer.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Target/SPIRV/Serialization/Serializer.cpp
@@ -805,11 +805,15 @@ uint32_t Serializer::prepareConstantInt(Location loc, IntegerAttr intAttr,
   auto opcode =
       isSpec ? spirv::Opcode::OpSpecConstant : spirv::Opcode::OpConstant;
-  // According to SPIR-V spec, "When the type's bit width is less than 32-bits,
-  // the literal's value appears in the low-order bits of the word, and the
-  // high-order bits must be 0 for a floating-point type, or 0 for an integer
-  // type with Signedness of 0, or sign extended when Signedness is 1."
-  if (bitwidth == 32 || bitwidth == 16) {
+  switch (bitwidth) {
+    // According to SPIR-V spec, "When the type's bit width is less than
+    // 32-bits, the literal's value appears in the low-order bits of the word,
+    // and the high-order bits must be 0 for a floating-point type, or 0 for an
+    // integer type with Signedness of 0, or sign extended when Signedness
+    // is 1."
+  case 32:
+  case 16:
+  case 8: {
     uint32_t word = 0;
     if (isSigned) {
       word = static_cast<int32_t>(value.getSExtValue());
@@ -818,10 +822,10 @@ uint32_t Serializer::prepareConstantInt(Location loc, IntegerAttr intAttr,
     (void)encodeInstructionInto(typesGlobalValues, opcode,
                                 {typeID, resultID, word});
-  }
-  // According to SPIR-V spec: "When the type's bit width is larger than one
-  // word, the literal’s low-order words appear first."
-  else if (bitwidth == 64) {
+  } break;
+    // According to SPIR-V spec: "When the type's bit width is larger than one
+    // word, the literal’s low-order words appear first."
+  case 64: {
     struct DoubleWord {
       uint32_t word1;
       uint32_t word2;
@@ -833,7 +837,8 @@ uint32_t Serializer::prepareConstantInt(Location loc, IntegerAttr intAttr,
     (void)encodeInstructionInto(typesGlobalValues, opcode,
                                 {typeID, resultID, words.word1, words.word2});
-  } else {
+  } break;
+  default: {
     std::string valueStr;
     llvm::raw_string_ostream rss(valueStr);
     value.print(rss, /*isSigned=*/false);
@@ -842,6 +847,7 @@ uint32_t Serializer::prepareConstantInt(Location loc, IntegerAttr intAttr,
         << bitwidth << "-bit integer literal: " << rss.str();
     return 0;
+  }
   if (!isSpec) {
     constIDMap[intAttr] = resultID;
diff --git a/mlir/test/Target/SPIRV/constant.mlir b/mlir/test/Target/SPIRV/constant.mlir
index e9955ce707f3..d79fbdce9899 100644
--- a/mlir/test/Target/SPIRV/constant.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Target/SPIRV/constant.mlir
@@ -85,6 +85,32 @@ spv.module Logical GLSL450 requires #spv.vce<v1.0, [Shader], []> {
+  // CHECK-LABEL: @i8_const
+  spv.func @i8_const() -> () "None" {
+    // CHECK: spv.Constant 0 : i8
+    %0 = spv.Constant 0 : i8
+    // CHECK: spv.Constant -1 : i8
+    %1 = spv.Constant 255 : i8
+    // CHECK: spv.Constant 0 : si8
+    %2 = spv.Constant 0 : si8
+    // CHECK: spv.Constant 127 : si8
+    %3 = spv.Constant 127 : si8
+    // CHECK: spv.Constant -128 : si8
+    %4 = spv.Constant -128 : si8
+    // CHECK: spv.Constant 0 : i8
+    %5 = spv.Constant 0 : ui8
+    // CHECK: spv.Constant -1 : i8
+    %6 = spv.Constant 255 : ui8
+    %10 = spv.IAdd %0, %1: i8
+    %11 = spv.IAdd %2, %3: si8
+    %12 = spv.IAdd %3, %4: si8
+    %13 = spv.IAdd %5, %6: ui8
+    spv.Return
+  }
   // CHECK-LABEL: @float_const
   spv.func @float_const() -> () "None" {
     // CHECK: spv.Constant 0.000000e+00 : f32