diff --git a/mlir/docs/Dialects/Linalg.md b/mlir/docs/Dialects/Linalg.md
index 1ed5a2c2a264..f45775a5e2ed 100644
--- a/mlir/docs/Dialects/Linalg.md
+++ b/mlir/docs/Dialects/Linalg.md
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-# Linalg Dialect
+# Linalg Dialect: The Case For Compiler-Friendly Custom Operations
-To generate the documentation:
+Table of contents:
+1. [Introduction: Inception and Evolution](#introduction)
+2. [Prior Art](#prior_art)
+ 1. [Lessons from ONNX](#lessonsonnx)
+ 2. [Lessons from LIFT](#lessonslift)
+ 3. [Lessons from XLA](#lessonsxla)
+ 4. [Lessons from Halide and TVM](#lessonshalide)
+ 5. [Lessons from Polyhedral compilers](#lessonspolyhedral)
+ 6. [Lessons from the Affine dialect](#lessonsaffine)
+3. [Core Guiding Principles](#guiding_principles)
+ 1. [Transformations and Simplicity First](#transformations_first)
+ 2. [Preservation of Information](#information_preservation)
+ - [Declarative Specification: Avoid Raising](#declarative_specification)
+ - [Progressive Lowering: Don't Lose Information too Quickly](#progressive_lowering)
+ 3. [Composable and Declarative Transformations](#declarative_transformations)
+ 4. [Suitability for Search and Machine Learning](#suitability_for_search)
+ 5. [Extensibility and Future-Proofness](#future)
+4. [Key Observations](#keyobservation)
+ 1. [Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs](#data_and_compute)
+ 2. [Preserving Structure in the IR](#preserving_structure)
+ 3. [Dialect Needs Not Be Closed Under Transformations](#dialect_not_closed)
+5. [Key Design Decisions](#keyobservation)
+6. [Set of Key Transformations](#key_transformations)
+7. [High-Level Description of Linalg Ops](#linalg_ops)
+ 1. [Payload-Carrying Ops](#payload_ops)
+ 1. [Property 1: Input and Output Operands Define The Iteration Space](#prop1)
+ 2. [Property 2: Reversible Mappings Between Control and Data Structures](#prop2)
+ 3. [Property 3: The Type Of Iterators is Defined Explicitly](#prop3)
+ 4. [Property 4: The Compute Payload is Specified With a Region](#prop4)
+ 5. [Property 5: May Map To an External Library Call](#prop5)
+ 6. [Property 6: Perfectly Nested Writes To The Whole Output Operands](#prop6)
+ 8. [Putting it Together](#summary)
+ 2. [Data Representation: Views](#views)
+ 3. [Metadata Ops](#metadata_ops)
+ 4. [Named Payload-Carrying Ops](#named_ops)
+8. [Open Issues and Design Alternatives](#open_issues)
-mlir-tblgen --gen-op-doc -I /path/to/mlir/include \
+# Introduction
+## Positioning
+In his latest MLIR Open Design meeting presentation, Chris laid out a compelling
+for an MLIR-based codegen that would make the best use of the multi-level properties of
+the infrastructure and be driven by search. The MLIR Linalg dialect aims at bringing an answer
+to the higher-level codegen problem. This document describes the key design principles
+that led to the existing implementation of Linalg and aims at exposing the tradeoffs
+involved when building higher-level Intermediate Representations (IR) and Dialects to
+facilitate code generation. Linalg is designed to interoperate nicely within a
+ *Mixture Of Expert Compilers* environment (i.e. the *CGSel* box).
+This work is inspired by a wealth of [prior art](#prior_art) in
+the field, from which it seeks to learn key lessons. This documentation
+and introspection effort also comes in the context of the proposal for a
+working group for discussing the [Development of high-level Tensor Compute
+Primitives dialect(s) and
+We hope that the lessons from prior art, the design principles outlined in
+this doc and the architecture of Linalg can help inform the community on a
+path to defining these High-Level Tensor Compute Primitives.
+## Inception
+Linalg started as a pragmatic dialect to bootstrap code generation in MLIR, by
+*defining away* complex code generation problems like precise dependence
+analysis or polyhedral code generation and by introducing the ability to call
+into fast library implementations when available. Linalg **defines ops and
+transformations declaratively** and was originally restricted to ops with
+*linear-algebra like* semantics (`pointwise`, `matmul`, `conv`...). This
+approach enables building a high-level productivity-first codegen solution that
+leverages *both* compiler optimizations *and* efficient library implementations
+so as not to miss out on simple performance benefits. For example, if
+one's favorite HPC library or ISA has a `matmul` primitive running at 95% of
+the achievable peak performance, for operands stored in some memory, one should
+be able to **use the primitive** when possible *and* generate code otherwise.
+However, as the design of Linalg co-evolved with the design of MLIR, it became
+apparent that it could extend to larger application domains than just machine
+learning on dense tensors.
+The design and evolution of Linalg follows a *codegen-friendly* approach where
+the IR and the transformations evolve hand-in-hand.
+The key idea is that op semantics *declare* and transport information that is
+traditionally obtained by compiler analyses.
+This information captures the legality and applicability of transformations and
+is **not lost by lowering prematurely to loop or CFG form**. The key
+transformations are designed so as to **preserve this information** as long as
+necessary. For example, `linalg.matmul` remains `linalg.matmul` after tiling
+and fusion.
+Furthermore, Linalg decouples transformation validity from profitability
+considerations and voluntarily leaves the latter aside in the first iteration
+(see the [suitability for search](#suitability_for_search) guiding principle).
+The first incarnation of these ideas was presented as an example at the
+EuroLLVM 2019 developer's meeting as part of the
+[Linalg section](https://llvm.org/devmtg/2019-04/slides/Tutorial-AminiVasilacheZinenko-MLIR.pdf)
+of the first [MLIR Tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyICUIZ56wQ).
+## Evolution
+Since the initial implementation, the design has evolved with, and partially
+driven the evolution of the core MLIR infrastructure to use
+[ODS](https://mlir.llvm.org/docs/OpDefinitions/) and
+[Declarative Rewrite Rules](https://mlir.llvm.org/docs/DeclarativeRewrites/)
+among others. The approach adopted by Linalg was extended to become
+[StructuredOps abstractions](
+with Linalg becoming its incarnation on tensors and buffers.
+It is complemented by the
+[Vector dialect](https://mlir.llvm.org/docs/Dialects/Vector/),
+which define structured operations on vectors, following the same rationale and
+design principles as Linalg. (Vector dialect includes the higher-level
+operations on multi-dimensional vectors and abstracts away the lowering to
+single-dimensional vectors).
+The Linalg dialect itself grew beyond linear algebra-like operations to become
+more expressive, in particular by providing an abstraction of a loop nest
+supporting parallelism, reductions and sliding windows around arbitrary MLIR
+[regions](https://mlir.llvm.org/docs/LangRef/#regions). It also has the
+potential of growing beyond *dense* linear-algebra to support richer data
+types, such as sparse and ragged tensors and buffers.
+Linalg design remains open to evolution and cross-pollination with other
+dialects and approaches. It has been successfully used as the staging ground
+for code generation-related abstractions, spinning off the generalization of
+the following:
+- the `!linalg.view` type folded into the *"Strided MemRef"* type while
+preserving structure to allow calling into external C++ libraries with
+unsurprising ABI conventions;
+- the `linalg.view` and `linalg.subview` ops evolved into the standard dialect;
+- the `linalg.for`, `linalg.load` and `linalg.store` ops evolved into a prelude
+to the *structured control flow* dialect (currently still named `LoopOps`).
+More components can be extracted, redesigned and generalized when new uses or
+requirements arise.
+Several [design questions](#open_issues) remain open in Linalg, which does not
+claim to be a general solution to all compilation problems.
+It does aim at driving thinking and implementations of domain-specific
+abstractions where programmer's intent can be captured at a very high level,
+directly in the IR.
+Given the evolution of the scope, it becomes apparent that a better name than
+"Linalg" could remove some of the confusions related to the dialect (and the
+underlying approach), its goals and limitations.
+# Prior Art
+Linalg draws inspiration from decades of prior art to design a modern a
+pragmatic solution. The following non-exhaustive list refers to some of the
+projects that influenced Linalg design:
+- [ONNX](https://onnx.ai/),
+- [LIFT](https://www.lift-project.org/),
+- [XLA](https://www.tensorflow.org/xla/architecture),
+- [Halide](https://halide-lang.org/) and [TVM](https://tvm.apache.org/),
+- [TACO](http://tensor-compiler.org/),
+- [Darkroom](http://darkroom-lang.org/) and [Terra](http://terralang.org/),
+- [Sigma-LL](http://spiral.ece.cmu.edu:8080/pub-spiral/pubfile/cgo16-preprint_248.pdf),
+- [Tensor Comprehensions](https://research.fb.com/blog/2018/02/announcing-tensor-comprehensions/),
+- [Polyhedral Compilers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polytope_model),
+- the [Affine dialect](https://mlir.llvm.org/docs/Dialects/Affine/) in MLIR,
+- Generic Loop Transformations (see Ken Kennedy's
+[Optimizing Compilers for Modern Architectures](
+- Traditional compiler CFGs with SSA forms.
+Additionally, experience with the following tools proved very valuable when
+thinking holistically about how all these components interplay all the way
+up to the user and down to the hardware:
+- the [Torch](http://torch.ch/) machine-learning framework,
+- the LLVM compiler, specifically in JIT mode,
+- high-performance libraries (MKL, CUBLAS, FBFFT)
+- the [PeachPy](https://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/flame/BLISRetreat/BLISRetreatTalks/PeachPy.pdf) assembler
+- current and potentially upcoming hardware ISAs.
+The novelty of MLIR's code base and its unprecedented support for defining and
+mixing abstractions, enabling one to reflect on and integrate the key elements
+of the prior art success as well as avoid the common pitfalls in the area of
+code generation. Thus, instead of diverging into a discussion about the
+implications of adopting any of the existing solutions, Linalg had the
+possibility to build on all of them and learn from their experience while
+leveraging the benefit of hindsight.
+The following reflections on prior art have influenced the design of Linalg.
+The discussion is by no means exhaustive but should capture the key motivations
+behind Linalg.
+## Lessons from ONNX
+ONNX is a specification of operations that appear in Machine Learning
+workloads. As such, it is predominantly driven by the expressiveness requirements
+of ML, and less by the considerations of IR design for HPC code generation.
+Similarly to ONNX, Linalg defines *"semantically charged" named ops*.
+But it also considers *transformations on these ops* as a key component and
+defines the IR to support the transformations, preferring transformations over
+expressiveness if necessary.
+Linalg hopes to additionally address the following:
+- facilitate frontend-compiler co-design by taking into account compiler
+ transformations and lowerings in op definition;
+- minimize the set of available ops by making them non-overlapping with each
+ other, thus simplifying the intermediate representation.
+## Lessons from LIFT
+[LIFT](https://www.lift-project.org/) is a system to write computational
+kernels based on functional abstractions. Transformations are
+represented by additional nodes in the IR, whose semantics are at the
+level of the algorithm (e.g. `partialReduce`).
+LIFT applies and composes transformations by using [local rewrite
+rules](https://www.lift-project.org/presentations/2015/ICFP-2015.pdf) that
+embed these additional nodes directly in the functional abstraction.
+Similarly to LIFT, Linalg uses local rewrite rules implemented with the MLIR
+[Declarative Rewrite Rules](https://mlir.llvm.org/docs/DeclarativeRewrites/)
+Linalg builds on, and helps separate concerns in the LIFT approach as follows:
+- transformations are either separated from the representation or expressed as
+ composable attributes that are independent of the actual computation,
+ avoiding intricate effects on performance;
+- abstractions are split into smaller components (e.g., control flow and data
+ structure abstractions) potentially reusable across different dialects in the
+ MLIR's open ecosystem.
+LIFT is expected to further influence the design of Linalg as it evolve. In
+particular, extending the data structure abstractions to support non-dense
+tensors can use the experience of LIFT abstractions for
+and [position-dependent
+## Lessons from XLA
+[XLA](https://www.tensorflow.org/xla/architecture) is one of the first
+post-Theano ML compilers that was introduced as a pragmatic compilation
+solution for TensorFlow. It shines on Google's xPU
+hardware and is an important piece of the puzzle. It is particularly good at
+(1) transforming code back and forth between the scalar and the vector
+worlds, (2) passing function boundaries for handling both host and device
+code, and (3) complying to stringent requirements imposed by energy-efficient
+XLA followed a pragmatic design process where the compiler is given perfect
+knowledge of each op's semantic, all starting from the mighty `conv` and
+`matmul` ops. XLA transformations consist of writing emitters that compose, as C++
+functions. Perfect op semantics knowledge has 2 big benefits: (1) transformations are
+correct by construction (2) very strong performance on difficult xPU targets.
+Similarly, Linalg ops *"know their semantics"* and *"know how to transform and
+lower themselves"*. The means by which this information is made available and
+how it is used in MLIR are, however, very different.
+Linalg hopes to additionally address the following:
+- HLOs are expressive as a whole, but each op has very limited and fixed
+semantics: ops are not configurable. As a consequence, HLOs have evolved into
+a too large set of ops whose semantics intersect.
+This echoes the ops proliferation problem also exhibited by ONNX.
+- Reliance on perfect op knowledge leads to situations where transformations and
+ops end up needing to know about each other's semantics (e.g. during fusion).
+Since the transformations themselves are not simple local rewrite patterns
+(unlike LIFT), code complexity grows quickly.
+- XLA lacks an independent IR that can be inspected, unit tested and used
+independently. This monolithic design makes the system not portable: xPU passes
+and GPU passes do not share much code.
+## Lessons from Halide and TVM
+[Halide](https://halide-lang.org/) is a DSL embedded in C++ that provides a
+way of metaprogramming the HalideIR and applying transformations declaratively
+to let the expert user transform and optimize the program in tailored ways.
+Halide, initially targeted the SIGGRAPH community but is now more generally
+applicable. [TVM](https://tvm.apache.org/) is an evolution of Halide into the
+machine learning and deep-neural network space, based on HalideIR.
+The Halide transformation methodology follows similar principles to the
+compiler transformation frameworks, but without the strengths (and especially
+complexity) of the polyhedral model.
+Halide particularly shines at making the HPC transformation methodology
+accessible to $\Omega$(10-100) users, at a time when polyhedral tools are
+still only accessible to $\Omega$(1-10) users. Halide makes heavy usage of
+canonicalization rules that are also very prevalent in MLIR.
+Linalg hopes to additionally address the following:
+- Halide scheduling is powerful and explores a large swath of possible
+transformations. But it's still too hard for newcomers to use or extend. The
+level of performance you get from Halide is very different depending on
+whether one is a seasoned veteran or a newcomer. This is especially true as
+the number of transformations grow.
+- Halide raises rather than lowers in two ways, going counter-current to the
+design goals we set for high-level codegen abstractions in in MLIR. First,
+canonical Halide front-end code uses explicit indexing and math on scalar
+values, so to target BLAS/DNN libraries one needs to add pattern matching
+which is similarly brittle as in the affine case. While Halide's performance
+is on par with the libraries on programmable targets (CPU/GPU), that
+approach doesn't work on mobile accelerators or on xPUs, where the framework
+ingests whole-tensor operations.
+Second, reductions and scans are expressed using serial iteration, again
+requiring pattern matching before they can be transformed (e.g. to do a
+reduction using atomics, or hierarchically). The lesson to draw is that we
+should start with higher-level primitives than Halide.
+Lessons from Polyhedral compilers
+The polyhedral model has been on the cutting edge of loop-level optimization for
+decades, with several incarnations in production compilers such as
+[GRAPHITE](https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/Graphite) for GCC and
+[Polly](https://polly.llvm.org) for LLVM. Although it has proved crucial to
+generate efficient code from domain-specific languages such as
+[PolyMage](http://mcl.csa.iisc.ac.in/polymage.html) and [Tensor
+Comprehensions](https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3355606), it has never been
+fully included into mainstream general-purpose optimization pipelines. Detailed
+analysis of the role of polyhedral transformations is provided in the
+[simplified polyhedral
+form](https://mlir.llvm.org/docs/RationaleSimplifiedPolyhedralForm/) document
+dating back to the inception of MLIR.
+In particular, polyhedral abstractions have proved challenging to integrate with
+a more conventional compiler due to the following.
+- The transformed code (or IR) quickly gets complex and thus hard to analyze and
+ understand.
+- Code generation from the mathematical form used in the polyhedral model relies
+ on non-trivial exponentially complex algorithms.
+- The mathematical form is rarely composable with the SSA representation and
+ related algorithms, on which most mainstream compilers are built today.
+- Expressiveness limitations, although addressed in the scientific literature
+ through, e.g., summary functions, often remain present in actual
+ implementations.
+The Affine dialect in MLIR was specifically designed to address the integration
+problems mention above. In particular, it maintains the IR in the same form
+(loops with additional constraints on how the bounds are expressed) throughout
+the transformation, decreasing the need for one-shot conversion between
+drastically different representations. It also embeds the polyhedral
+representation into the SSA form by using MLIR regions and thus allows one to
+combine polyhedral and SSA-based transformations.
+## Lessons from the Affine dialect
+The Affine dialect in MLIR brings the polyhedral abstraction closer to the
+conventional SSA representation. It addresses several long-standing integration
+challenges as described above and is likely to be more suitable when compiling
+from a C language-level abstraction.
+MLIR makes it possible to start from a higher-level abstraction than C, for
+example in machine learning workloads. In such cases, it may be possible to
+avoid complex analyses (data-flow analysis across loop iterations is
+exponentially complex) required for polyhedral transformation by leveraging the
+information available at higher levels of abstractions, similarly to DSL
+compilers. Linalg intends to use this information when available and ensure
+*legality of transformations by construction*, by integrating legality
+preconditions in the op semantics (for example, loop tiling can be applied to
+the loop nest computing a matrix multiplication, no need to additionally rely on
+affine dependence analysis to check this). This information is not readily
+available in the Affine dialect, and can only be derived using potentially
+expensive pattern-matching algorithms.
+Informed by the practical experience in polyhedral compilation and with the
+Affine dialects in particular, Linalg takes the following decisions.
+- **Discourage loop skewing**: the loop skewing transformation, that is
+ sometimes used to enable parallelization, often has surprising (negative)
+ effects on performance. In particular, polyhedral auto-transformation can be
+ expressed in a simpler way without loop skewing; skewing often leads to
+ complex control flow hampering performance on accelerators such as GPUs.
+ Moreover, the problems loop skewing addresses can be better addressed by other
+ approaches, e.g., diamond tiling. In the more restricted case of ML workloads,
+ multi-for loops with induction variables independent of each other (referred
+ to as hyper-rectangular iteration domains in the literature) such as the
+ proposed
+ [affine.parallel]((https://llvm.discourse.group/t/rfc-add-affine-parallel/350)
+ are sufficient in the majority of cases.
+- **Declarative Tiling**: the *tiling* transformation is ubiquitous in HPC code
+ generation. It can be seen as a decomposition of either the iteration space or
+ the data space into smaller regular parts, referred to as tiles. Polyhedral
+ approaches, including the Affine dialect, mostly opt for iteration space
+ tiling, which introduces additional control flow and complex address
+ expressions. If the tile sizes are not known during the transformation (so
+ called parametric tiling), the address expressions and conditions quickly
+ become non-affine or require exponentially complex algorithms to reason about
+ them. Linalg focuses tiling on the data space instead, creating views into the
+ buffers that leverage MLIR's strided `memref` abstraction. These views compose
+ and the complexity of access expressions remains predictable.
+- **Preserve high-level information**: Linalg maintains the information provided
+ by the op semantics as long as necessary for transformations. For example, the
+ result of tiling a matrix multiplication is loops around a smaller matrix
+ multiplication. Even with pattern-matching on top of the Affine dialect, this
+ would have required another step of pattern-matching after the transformation.
+Given these choices, Linalg intends to be a better fit for **high-level
+compilation** were significantly more information is readily available in the
+input representation and should be leveraged before lowering to other
+abstractions. Affine remains a strong abstraction for mid-level transformation
+and is used as a lowering target for Linalg, enabling further transformations
+and combination of semantically-loaded and lower-level inputs. As such, Linalg
+is intended to complement Affine rather than replace it.
+# Core Guiding Principles
+## Transformations and Simplicity First
+The purpose of the Linalg IR and its operations is primarily to (1) develop a
+set of key transformations and (2) make them correct by construction (3) make
+them very simple to implement, apply, verify and especially maintain.
+The problem at hand is fundamentally driven by compilation of domain-specific
+workloads for high-performance and parallel hardware architectures: **this is
+an HPC compilation problem**.
+The selection of relevant transformations follows a codesign approach and
+involves considerations related to:
+- concrete current and future needs of the application domain,
+- concrete current and future hardware properties and ISAs,
+- understanding of strengths and limitations of [existing approaches](#prior_art),
+- taking advantage of the coexistence of multiple levels of IR in MLIR,
+One needs to be methodical to avoid proliferation and redundancy. A given
+transformation could exist at multiple levels of abstraction but **just
+because one can write transformation X at level Y absolutely does not mean
+one should**. This is where evaluation of existing
+systems and acknowledgement of their strengths and weaknesses is crucial:
+simplicity and maintainability aspects must be first-order concerns. Without
+this additional effort of introspection, a design will not stand the test of
+time. At the same time, complexity is very hard to ward off. It seems one needs
+to suffer complexity to be prompted to take a step back and rethink
+This is not merely a reimplementation of idea X in system Y: simplicity
+**must be the outcome** of this introspection effort.
+## Preservation of Information
+The last two decades have seen a proliferation of Domain-Specific Languages
+(DSLs) that have been very successful at limited application domains.
+The main commonality between these systems is their use of a significantly
+richer structural information than CFGs or loops.
+Still, another commonality of existing systems is to lower to LLVM very quickly,
+and cross a wide abstraction gap in a single step. This process often drops
+semantic information that will later needs to be reconstructed,
+when it is not irremediably lost.
+These remarks, coupled with MLIR's suitability for defining IR at multiple
+levels of abstraction led to the following 2 principles.
+### Declarative Specification: Avoid Raising
+Compiler transformations need static structural information (e.g. loop-nests,
+graphs of basic blocks, pure functions etc). When that structural information
+is lost, it needs to be reconstructed.
+A good illustration of this phenomenon is the notion of *raising* in polyhedral
+compilers: multiple polyhedral tools start by raising from a simplified C
+form or from SSA IR into a higher-level representation that is more amenable
+to loop transformations.
+In advanced polyhedral compilers, a second type of raising
+may typically exist to detect particular patterns (often variations of
+BLAS). Such patterns may be broken by transformations making their detection
+very fragile or even just impossible (incorrect).
+MLIR makes it easy to define op semantics declaratively thanks to the use of
+regions and attributes. This is an ideal opportunity to define new abstractions
+to convey user-intent directly into the proper abstraction.
+### Progressive Lowering: Don't Lose Information too Quickly
+Lowering too quickly to affine, generic loops or CFG form reduces the
+amount of structure available to derive transformations from. While
+manipulating loops is a net gain compared to CFG form for a certain class of
+transformations, important information is still lost (e.g. parallel loops, or
+mapping of a loop nest to an external implementation).
+This creates non-trivial phase ordering issues. For instance, loop fusion may
+easily destroy the ability to detect a BLAS pattern. One possible alternative
+is to perform loop fusion, tiling, intra-tile loop distribution and then hope to
+detect the BLAS pattern. Such a scheme presents difficult phase-ordering
+constraints that will likely interfere with other decisions and passes.
+Instead, certain Linalg ops are designed to maintain high-level information
+across transformations such as tiling and fusion.
+## Composable and Declarative Transformations
+Complex and impactful transformations need not be hard to manipulate, write or
+maintain. Mixing XLA-style high-level op semantics knowledge with generic
+properties to describe these semantics, directly in MLIR, is a promising way to:
+- Design transformations that are (1) correct by construction, (2) easy to
+write, (3) easy to verify and (4) easy to maintain.
+- Provide a way to specify transformations and the units of IR they manipulate
+declaratively. In turn this allows using local pattern rewrite rules in MLIR
+(i.e. [DRR](https://mlir.llvm.org/docs/DeclarativeRewrites/)).
+- Allow creating customizable passes declaratively by simply selecting rewrite
+rules. This allows mixing transformations, canonicalizations, constant folding
+and other enabling rewrites in a single pass. The result is a system where pass
+fusion is very simple to obtain and gives hope to solving certain
+[phase ordering issues](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/201059.201061).
+## Suitability for Search and Machine Learning
+The concept of compiler heuristics bears similarities to hand-crafted
+human-engineered features: it is ripe for disruption by machine-learning
+techniques. To enable search, compiler transformations should be fine-grained,
+[composable](#declarative_transformations) and expose tuning parameters that
+can modify their behavior. Previous experience with Tensor Comprehensions showed
+that, fixing a few predefined strategies with parametric transformations and
+tuning knobs, can already provide great results. In that previous work, simple
+genetic search was sufficient. This requires code versions obtainable by the
+various transformations to encompass versions that get close to the roofline
+Of course, we are not advocating for using ML everywhere in the stack
+immediately: low-level compilation and machine models are still quite performant
+in LLVM. However, for the high-level and mid-level optimization problems,
+models need to be conditioned on the low-level compiler which acts as a
+blackbox. For these reasons we prioritize the design of IR and transformations
+with search-friendly properties over building cost models.
+## Extensibility and Future-Proofness
+MLIR defines IR for structured control flow and structured data types. In
+particular, the `MemRefType` represents dense non-contiguous memory regions.
+This structure should extend beyond simple dense data types and generalize to
+ragged, sparse and mixed dens/sparse tensors as well as to trees, hash tables,
+tables of records and maybe even graphs.
+For such more advanced data types, the control-flow required to traverse the
+data structures, termination conditions etc are much less simple to analyze and
+characterize statically. As a consequence we need to also design solutions that
+stand a chance of evolving into runtime and inspector-executor style of
+computations. While there is no concrete solution today to solve these problems
+in MLIR, it is pretty clear that perfect static knowledge and analyses will not
+be serious contenders for these problems.
+# Key Observations
+The following key observations have influenced the design of Linalg and helped
+reconcile [core guiding principles](#guiding_principles) with real-world
+requirements when producing an implementation based on MLIR.
+## Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs
+This is a twist on Niklaus Wirth's formulation but captures the essence of the
+design of Linalg: control-flow does not exist in a vacuum, independently of
+On the contrary, there is a very strong relationship between control-flow and
+data structures: one cannot exist without the other. This has multiple
+implications on the [semantics of Linalg Ops](#linalg_ops).
+## Preserving Structure in the IR
+Perfectly nested loops form a particularly important class of structure that
+enables key loop transformations such as tiling and mapping to library calls.
+Unfortunately, this type of structure is easily broken by transformations such
+as partial loop fusion. Tiling and mapping to library calls become more
+challenging, or even infeasible.
+Linalg GenericOps adopt perfect-nestedness as a first-class property: the
+structure cannot be broken and is transported in the IR by construction. This
+may seem limiting but in practice it combines nicely with the next observation.
+## The Dialect Need not be Closed Under Transformations
+This is probably the most surprising and counter-intuitive observation. When one
+designs IR for transformations, closed-ness is often a nonnegotiable property.
+This is a key design principle of polyhedral IRs such as
+[URUK](http://icps.u-strasbg.fr/~bastoul/research/papers/GVBCPST06-IJPP.pdf) and
+[ISL-based IRs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integer_set_library):
+they are closed under affine transformations.
+In MLIR, multiple dialects coexist and form a coherent whole. After
+experimenting with different alternatives, it became clear that strict dialect
+closed-ness wasn't necessary and could be relaxed.
+In practice, MLIR is designed as an infrastructure for ***progressive
+lowering***. Linalg fully embraces this notion and thinks of codegen in terms of
+*reducing some potential function*. At this time, this potential is not yet
+well-defined but the analogy with physics is still relevant.
+Linalg-based codegen and
+transformations start from higher-level IR ops and dialects. Then each
+transformation application reduces the potential by introducing lower-level IR
+ops, thus reducing the potential, all the way to Loops + VectorOps and LLVMIR.
+When closed-ness under
+transformation would dictate that the potential remains constant, Linalg
+advocates for ***monotonicity*** under transformations.
+Very concretely, despite the fact that GenericOp only allow perfectly nested
+semantics, once tiling and fusion kick in, imperfectly nested loops are gradually
+In other words, imperfectly nested control flow appears as ***the result of
+applying key transformations***.
+# Set of Key Transformations
+The following key transformations have been central to driving the design of
+Linalg. They are all implemented in terms of the properties of the
+`linalg.generic` OpInterface and avoid the pitfall of relying on hardcoded
+one-off op knowledge.
+The textual form description of these transformations is left for future
+work. Still, it is useful to at list the key transformations that are
+performed on the Linalg IR and that have influenced its design:
+1. Progressive Buffer Allocation.
+2. Parametric Tiling.
+3. Promotion to Temporary Buffer in Fast Memory.
+4. Tiled Producer-Consumer Fusion with Parametric Tile-And-Fuse.
+5. Map to Parallel and Reduction Loops and Hardware.
+6. Vectorization: Rewrite in Vector Form.
+7. Lower to Loops (Affine and/or Generic).
+8. Lower to Library Calls or Special Instructions, Intrinsics or ISA.
+9. Partially Lower to Iterations Over a Finer-Grained Linalg Op.
+# High-Level Description of Linalg Ops
+Linalg takes at least some inspiration from all previously [listed prior
+art](#prior_art). The design enables the definition of ***CustomOps*** with
+generic properties that enable [key transformations](#key_transformations),
+including lowering to scalar load/store and other operations or to external
+library calls and intrinsics.
+These ops can have ***either tensor or buffer operands***.
+## Payload-Carrying Ops
+Linalg defines two payload carrying operations that implement the [structured ops](
+) abstraction on tensors and buffers. This is architected as two generic operations
+`linalg.generic` (resp. `linalg.indexed_generic`) that can expressing custom
+operations with *index-free semantics* (resp. *indexing semantics*).
+The properties of these generic ops are the result of applying the
+[guiding principles](#guiding_principles). They are listed next, with a brief example
+and discussion for each .
+### Property 1: Input and Output Operands Define The Iteration Space
+A `linalg.generic` op fully *derives* the specification of its iteration space
+from its operands.
+The property enforces that a localized IR element (the op) *has* all the information
+needed to synthesize the control-flow required to iterate over its operands,
+according to their type. This notion of IR localization bears some resemblance
+to [URUK](http://icps.u-strasbg.fr/~bastoul/research/papers/GVBCPST06-IJPP.pdf)
+and *schedule trees* in
+Consider the following, partially specified, `linalg.generic` example:
+#attrs = {args_in: 1, args_out: 1}
+func @example(%A: memref,
+ %B: memref>) {
+ linalg.generic #attrs (%2, %3): memref,
+ memref>
+ return
+The property "*Input and Output Operands Define The Iteration Space*" is
+materialized by a lowering into a form that will resemble:
+func @example(%A: memref,
+ %B: memref>) {
+ %M = "dim" %A, 0: index
+ %N = "dim" %B, 0: index
+ %eq = eq %M, %N: i1 // iteration space is consistent with data
+ assert(%eq): (i1) -> ()
+ for %i = 0 to %M {
+ %a = load %A[%i]: memref
+ %b = load %B[%i]: memref, layout2>
+ // compute arg types match elemental tensor types
+ %c = "some_compute"(%a, %b): (f32, vector<4xf32>) -> (vector<4xf32>)
+ store %c, %B[%i]: memref, layout2>
+ }
+ return
+The property participates in simplifying analyses and transformations. For
+instance, it guarantees no out-of bounds access can occur by construction
+(assuming dynamic operand dimensions agree with each other, which is the
+purpose of the `assert` runtime check).
+Before lowering to loop form, loop induction variables and iterators are *not yet
+materialized*. This is a necessary property if we want an abstraction that
+works on both tensor values and buffers because ***values don’t escape
+The main implications are that:
+1. The semantics of the ops are *restricted to operate on structured data
+types*, on which we can define an iterator.
+2. This does not model arbitrary code with side-effects.
+We do not think these are serious limitations in practice because MLIR is all
+about mixing different levels of abstractions in the same IR. As long as
+Linalg can progressively lower to the next level of abstraction, it can also
+be just bypassed for things that do not fit.
+At the same time, conditioning op semantics on structured data types is a very
+promising path towards extensibility to non-dense tensors as experience with
+LIFT abstractions for
+and [position-dependent
+as well as [TACO](http://tensor-compiler.org/), has shown.
+### Property 2: Reversible Mappings Between Control and Data Structures
+A `linalg.generic` *defines* the mapping between the iteration space (i.e. the
+loops) and the data.
+Consider the following, partially specified, `linalg.generic` example:
+#indexing_maps = {
+ (i, j) -> (j, i),
+ (i, j) -> (j)
+#attrs = {args_in: 1, args_out: 1, indexings: indexing_maps}
+func @example(%A: memref,
+ %B: memref>) {
+ linalg.generic #attrs (%A, %B): memref,
+ memref>
+ return
+The property "*Reversible Mappings Between Control and Data Structures*" is
+materialized by a lowering into a form that will resemble:
+#attrs = {args_in: 1, args_out: 1, indexings: indexing_maps}
+func @example(%A: memref,
+ %B: memref>) {
+ // loop bounds determined from data sizes by “inverting the map”
+ %J = "dim" %2, 0: index
+ %I = "dim" %2, 1: index
+ %J2 = "dim" %3, 0: index
+ // iteration space is consistent with data + mapping inference
+ %eq = "eq" %J, %J2: i1
+ "assert" %eq: (i1) -> ()
+ for %i = 0 to %I { // loop order is fully defined by indexing maps
+ for %j = 0 to %J { // arbitrary permutations are possible
+ %a = "load" %2, %j, %i: memref<8x?xf32>
+ %b = "load" %3, %j: memref>
+ %c = "some_compute"(%a, %b): (f32, vector<4xf32>) -> (vector<4xf32>)
+ "store" %c, %3, %j: memref>
+ }
+ }
+ return
+This mapping needs to be reversible because we want to be
+able to go back and forth between the two and answer questions such as:
+- Given a subset of the iteration space, what subset of data does it read and
+- Given a subset of data read or written, what subset of the iteration space
+is responsible for this read or write?
+Answering these `2` questions is one of the main analyses that Linalg uses to
+implement transformations such as tiling, tiled producer-consumer fusion, and
+promotion to temporary buffers in fast memory.
+In the current implementation, `linalg.generic` uses a list of [AffineMaps]().
+This is a pragmatic short-term solution, but in the longer term note that
+this property could be even evaluated dynamically, similarly to
+inspector-executor algorithms.
+### Property 3: The Type Of Iterators is Defined Explicitly
+A `linalg.generic` op fully *declares* the type of its iterators. This
+information is used in transformations.
+These properties are derived from established practice in the field and mirror
+the properties from Ken Kennedy's [Optimizing Compilers for Modern Architectures](
+The key idea of legality of loop transformations expressed by Kennedy is
+that ***the lexicographic order of all dependence vectors must be
+This can be better captured directly at the loop level thanks to specific
+iterator types, among which:
+*parallel*, *reduction*, *partition*, *permutable/monotonic*, *sequential*,
+*dependence distance*, ...
+These types are traditionally the result of complex dependence analyses and
+have been referred to as "*bands*" in the polyhedral community (e.g. *parallel
+bands*, *permutable bands*, etc, in
+[ISL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integer_set_library) schedule tree
+Specifying the information declaratively in a `linalg.generic` allows
+conveying properties that may be hard (or even impossible) to derive from
+lower-level information. These properties can be brought all the way to the
+moment when they are useful for transformations, used and then discarded.
+Additionally, these properties may also be viewed as a contract that the
+frontend/user guarantees and that the compiler may take advantage of. The
+common example is the use of data-dependent reduction semantics for
+specifying histogram computations. If the frontend has additional knowledge
+that proper atomic operations are available, it may be better to specify
+parallel semantics and use the special atomic in the computation region.
+At this time, Linalg only has an explicit use for *parallel* and *reduction*
+loops but previous experience shows that the abstraction generalizes.
+### Property 4: The Compute Payload is Specified With a Region
+A `linalg.generic` op has a compute payload that is fully generic thanks to
+the use of
+The region takes as arguments the scalar elemental types of the tensor or
+buffer operands of the `linalg.generic`. For flexibility and ability to match
+library calls, additional special values may be passed. For instance, a
+`linalg.fill` operation takes a buffer and an additional scalar value.
+At this time there are no additional restrictions to the region
+semantics. This is meant to allow the exploration of various design tradeoffs
+at the intersection of regions and iterator types.
+In particular, the frontend is responsible for the semantics of iterator types
+to correspond to the operations inside the region: the region can capture
+buffers arbitrarily and write into them. If this conflicts with some parallel
+iterator requirement, this is undefined behavior.
+Concretely, consider the following, partially specified, `linalg.generic`
+#indexing_maps = {
+ (i, j) -> (i, j),
+ (i, j) -> (i, j)
+#attrs = {args_in: 1, args_out: 1, indexings: #indexing_maps}
+func @example(%A: memref, %B: memref, %C: memref) {
+ linalg.generic #attrs (%A, %B, %C) {
+ ^bb0(%a: f32, %b: f32):
+ %c = addf %a, %b : f32
+ return %c : f32
+ }: memref, memref, memref
+ return
+The property "*The Compute Payload is Specified With a Region*" is
+materialized by a lowering into a form that will resemble:
+func @example(%A: memref, %B: memref, %C: memref) {
+ %M = dim %A, 0: index
+ %N = dim %B, 1: index
+ for %i = 0 to %M {
+ for %j = 0 to %N {
+ %a = load %A[%i, %j]: memref
+ %b = load %B[%i, %j]: memref>
+ %c = addf %a, %b : f32
+ store %c, %C[%i, %j]: memref
+ }
+ }
+ return
+In the process of lowering to loops and lower-level constructs, similar
+requirements are encountered, as are discussed in the [inlined call op
+We expect to be able to reuse the common lower-level infrastructure provided
+it evolves to support both region arguments and captures.
+### Property 5: May Map To an External Library Call
+A `linalg.generic` op may map to an external library call by specifying a
+`SymbolAttr`. At this level of abstraction, the important glue is the ability
+to perform transformations that preserve the structure necessary to ***call
+the external library after different transformations have been applied***.
+This involves considerations related to preservation of op semantics
+and integration at the ABI level. Regardless of whether one wants to use
+external library calls or a custom ISA, the problem for codegen is similar:
+preservation of a fixed granularity.
+Consider the following, partially specified, `linalg.generic`
+#fun_attr = "pointwise_add"
+#indexing_maps = {
+ (i, j) -> (i, j),
+ (i, j) -> (i, j)
+#attrs = {args_in: 1, args_out: 1, indexings: #indexing_maps, fun: #fun_attr}
+func @example(%A: memref, %B: memref, %C: memref) {
+ linalg.generic #attrs (%A, %B, %C) {
+ ^bb0(%a: f32, %b: f32):
+ %c = addf %a, %b : f32
+ return %c : f32
+ }: memref, memref, memref
+ return
+The property "*Map To an External Library Call*" is
+materialized by a lowering into a form that will resemble:
+func @pointwise_add_sxsxf32_sxsxf32(memref, memref, memref) -> ()
+func @example(%A: memref, %B: memref, %C: memref) {
+ call @pointwise_add_sxsxf32_sxsxf32 (%A, %B, %C):
+ (memref, memref, memref) -> ()
+ return
+Which, after lowering to LLVM resembles:
+func @pointwise_add_sxsxf32_sxsxf32(!llvm<"{ float*, i64, [2 x i64], [3 x i64] }*">,
+ !llvm<"{ float*, i64, [2 x i64], [3 x i64] }*">,
+ !llvm<"{ float*, i64, [2 x i64], [3 x i64] }*">) -> ()
+func @example(%A: !llvm<"{ float*, i64, [2 x i64], [3 x i64] }*">,
+ %B: !llvm<"{ float*, i64, [2 x i64], [3 x i64] }*">,
+ %C: !llvm<"{ float*, i64, [2 x i64], [3 x i64] }*">) {
+ llvm.call @pointwise_add_sxsxf32_sxsxf32 (%A, %B, %C):
+ (!llvm<"{ float*, i64, [2 x i64], [3 x i64] }*">...) -> ()
+ return
+#### Convention For External Library Interoperability
+The `linalg` dialect adopts a convention that is similar to `BLAS` when
+offloading operations to fast library implementations: pass a non-owning
+pointer to input and output data with additional metadata. This convention
+is also found in libraries such as `MKL`, `OpenBLAS`, `BLIS`, `cuBLAS`,
+`cuDNN`, etc.. and more generally at interface points across language
+boundaries (e.g. C++ / Python).
+Generally, `linalg` passes non-owning pointers to View data structures
+to pre-compiled library calls linked externally.
+There is an [ongoing
+on the topic of extending interoperability in the presence of key attributes.
+### Property 6: Perfectly Nested Writes To The Whole Output Operands
+A `linalg.generic` op represents a perfectly nested loop nest that writes the
+entire memory region. This is a structural constraint across regions and
+loops that has proven to be key in simplifying transformations.
+One particular point to mention is that converting imperfectly nested code
+into perfectly nested code can often be done with enough loop distribution
+and embedding of conditionals down to the innermost loop level.
+Previous experience with Tensor Comprehensions gave us the intuition that
+forcing innermost control-flow nesting is a lot like writing data-parallel
+code with arrays of boolean values and predication.
+This type of trick has also been used before in polyhedral compilers to
+convert non-affine control into affine compute dependencies.
+While it may be possible to automate such rewrites from generic IR,
+`linalg.generic` just forces the semantics for now.
+The key implication is that this conversion to deep predication needs to be
+undone once we are done with Linalg transformations.
+After iterators and induction variables are materialized (i.e. after lowering
+out of `linalg.generic` occurred), the overall performance will be greatly
+influenced by the quality of canonicalizations, foldings and *Loop Independent
+Code Motion* (LICM).
+In the grander scheme, the reliance on late LICM was deemed a necessary risk.
+### Putting it Together
+As it stands, the six properties above define the semantics of a
+`linalg.generic` op. It is an open question whether all of these semantics are
+strictly necessary in practice and whether some should or could be derived
+automatically while still maintaining the [core guiding
+For the time being, we have settled on the combination of these properties
+because of empirical evidence building and working on multiple high-level
+compilers. As we lay those down and engage more with the community, we expect
+multiple rounds of discussions and design changes to the original architecture.
+## Data Representation: Views
+The current implementation uses the [Strided MemRef (a.k.a View)](
+abstraction. The name *View* is used interchangeably in `linalg` to signify
+*Strided MemRef*.
+In the future we expect to use other structured data types and
+support ragged, mixed-sparse and other types. As mentioned
+[previously](#lessonslift) we expect to draw on the
+experience from existing LIFT abstractions for
+and [position-dependent
+## Metadata Ops
+A set of ops that manipulate metadata but do not move memory. These ops take
+`view` operands + extra attributes and return new `view`s. The returned
+`view`s generally alias the operand `view`. At the moment the existing ops
+ * `std.view`,
+ * `std.subview`,
+ * `linalg.range`,
+ * `linalg.slice`,
+ * `linalg.transpose`.
+ * `linalg.reshape`,
+Future ops are added on a per-need basis but should include:
+ * `linalg.tile`,
+ * `linalg.intersection`,
+ * `linalg.convex_union`,
+ * `linalg.difference` (would need to work on a list of views).
+These additional operations correspond to abstractions that have been known to
+work in the field of large-scale distributed stencil computations.
+In a longer-term future, the abstractions from [Legion data-centric
+programming model](https://legion.stanford.edu/overview/) seem generally
+## Named Payload-Carrying Ops
+Additionally, `linalg` provides a small subset of commonly named operations:
+ * `linalg.copy`,
+ * `linalg.fill`,
+ * `linalg.dot`,
+ * `linalg.matmul`,
+ * `linalg.conv`.
+These named operations adhere to the `linalg.generic` op interface. Work is in
+progress to define declarative mechanisms to automatically generate named ops
+from a description in terms of only the generic op interface.
+This is the main reason there are only a small number of ops today: we expect
+them to be auto-generated from Tablegen soon.
+# Open Issues and Design Alternatives
+Multiple open issues and design alternatives are in flight and it is time to
+lay them out for the community to discuss and pick apart:
+1. Should `linalg.generic` support nesting?
+2. Should `linalg.generic` regions take views or only scalars?
+3. Should we try to solve automatic differentiation at this level of
+4. Are all the six properties really necessary?
+5. Is this relying too much on declarative specification and would we be
+better off relying more on analyses?
+6. Is this general enough for the community's needs? If not how should this be
+extended, if at all?
+These key questions (and much more) should be really thought of in the general
+context of MLIR in which different levels of IR interoperate seamlessly. In
+practice, it is not necessary (or beneficial) to try and solve all problems in the
+same IR.