forked from OSchip/llvm-project
MEGAPATCH checkin.
For details, See: docs/2002-06-25-MegaPatchInfo.txt llvm-svn: 2779
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,51 +8,196 @@
// real_type - Provide a macro to get the real type of a value that might be
// a use. This provides a typedef 'Type' that is the argument type for all
// non UseTy types, and is the contained pointer type of the use if it is a
// UseTy.
template <class X> class real_type { typedef X Type; };
#include <assert.h>
// Type Checking Templates
// isa<x> Support Templates
template<typename FromCl> struct isa_impl_cl;
// Define a template that can be specialized by smart pointers to reflect the
// fact that they are automatically dereferenced, and are not involved with the
// template selection process... the default implementation is a noop.
template<typename From> struct simplify_type {
typedef From SimpleType; // The real type this represents...
// An accessor to get the real value...
static SimpleType &getSimplifiedValue(From &Val) { return Val; }
template<typename From> struct simplify_type<const From> {
typedef const From SimpleType;
static SimpleType &getSimplifiedValue(const From &Val) {
return simplify_type<From>::getSimplifiedValue((From&)Val);
// isa<X> - Return true if the parameter to the template is an instance of the
// template type argument. Used like this:
// if (isa<Type>(myVal)) { ... }
// if (isa<Type*>(myVal)) { ... }
template <class X, class Y>
inline bool isa(Y Val) {
assert(Val && "isa<Ty>(NULL) invoked!");
return X::classof(Val);
template <typename To, typename From>
inline bool isa_impl(const From &Val) {
return To::classof(&Val);
template<typename To, typename From, typename SimpleType>
struct isa_impl_wrap {
// When From != SimplifiedType, we can simplify the type some more by using
// the simplify_type template.
static bool doit(const From &Val) {
return isa_impl_cl<const SimpleType>::template
isa<To>(simplify_type<const From>::getSimplifiedValue(Val));
template<typename To, typename FromTy>
struct isa_impl_wrap<To, const FromTy, const FromTy> {
// When From == SimpleType, we are as simple as we are going to get.
static bool doit(const FromTy &Val) {
return isa_impl<To,FromTy>(Val);
// isa_impl_cl - Use class partial specialization to transform types to a single
// cannonical form for isa_impl.
template<typename FromCl>
struct isa_impl_cl {
template<class ToCl>
static bool isa(const FromCl &Val) {
return isa_impl_wrap<ToCl,const FromCl,
simplify_type<const FromCl>::SimpleType>::doit(Val);
// Specialization used to strip const qualifiers off of the FromCl type...
template<typename FromCl>
struct isa_impl_cl<const FromCl> {
template<class ToCl>
static bool isa(const FromCl &Val) {
return isa_impl_cl<FromCl>::template isa<ToCl>(Val);
// Define pointer traits in terms of base traits...
template<class FromCl>
struct isa_impl_cl<FromCl*> {
template<class ToCl>
static bool isa(FromCl *Val) {
return isa_impl_cl<FromCl>::template isa<ToCl>(*Val);
// Define reference traits in terms of base traits...
template<class FromCl>
struct isa_impl_cl<FromCl&> {
template<class ToCl>
static bool isa(FromCl &Val) {
return isa_impl_cl<FromCl>::template isa<ToCl>(&Val);
template <class X, class Y>
inline bool isa(const Y &Val) {
return isa_impl_cl<Y>::template isa<X>(Val);
// cast<x> Support Templates
template<class To, class From> struct cast_retty;
// Calculate what type the 'cast' function should return, based on a requested
// type of To and a source type of From.
template<class To, class From> struct cast_retty_impl {
typedef To& ret_type; // Normal case, return Ty&
template<class To, class From> struct cast_retty_impl<To, const From> {
typedef const To &ret_type; // Normal case, return Ty&
template<class To, class From> struct cast_retty_impl<To, From*> {
typedef To* ret_type; // Pointer arg case, return Ty*
template<class To, class From> struct cast_retty_impl<To, const From*> {
typedef const To* ret_type; // Constant pointer arg case, return const Ty*
template<class To, class From> struct cast_retty_impl<To, const From*const> {
typedef const To* ret_type; // Constant pointer arg case, return const Ty*
template<class To, class From, class SimpleFrom>
struct cast_retty_wrap {
// When the simplified type and the from type are not the same, use the type
// simplifier to reduce the type, then reuse cast_retty_impl to get the
// resultant type.
typedef typename cast_retty<To, SimpleFrom>::ret_type ret_type;
template<class To, class FromTy>
struct cast_retty_wrap<To, FromTy, FromTy> {
// When the simplified type is equal to the from type, use it directly.
typedef typename cast_retty_impl<To,FromTy>::ret_type ret_type;
template<class To, class From>
struct cast_retty {
typedef typename cast_retty_wrap<To, From,
simplify_type<From>::SimpleType>::ret_type ret_type;
// Ensure the non-simple values are converted using the simplify_type template
// that may be specialized by smart pointers...
template<class To, class From, class SimpleFrom> struct cast_convert_val {
// This is not a simple type, use the template to simplify it...
static cast_retty<To, From>::ret_type doit(const From &Val) {
return cast_convert_val<To, SimpleFrom,
template<class To, class FromTy> struct cast_convert_val<To,FromTy,FromTy> {
// This _is_ a simple type, just cast it.
static cast_retty<To, FromTy>::ret_type doit(const FromTy &Val) {
return (cast_retty<To, FromTy>::ret_type)Val;
// cast<X> - Return the argument parameter cast to the specified type. This
// casting operator asserts that the type is correct, so it does not return null
// on failure. But it will correctly return NULL when the input is NULL.
// Used Like this:
// cast< Instruction>(myVal)->getParent()
// cast<const Instruction>(myVal)->getParent()
// cast<Instruction>(myVal)->getParent()
template <class X, class Y>
inline X *cast(Y Val) {
inline cast_retty<X, Y>::ret_type cast(const Y &Val) {
assert(isa<X>(Val) && "cast<Ty>() argument of uncompatible type!");
return (X*)(real_type<Y>::Type)Val;
return cast_convert_val<X, Y, simplify_type<Y>::SimpleType>::doit(Val);
// cast_or_null<X> - Functionally identical to cast, except that a null value is
// accepted.
template <class X, class Y>
inline X *cast_or_null(Y Val) {
assert((Val == 0 || isa<X>(Val)) &&
"cast_or_null<Ty>() argument of uncompatible type!");
return (X*)(real_type<Y>::Type)Val;
inline cast_retty<X, Y*>::ret_type cast_or_null(Y *Val) {
if (Val == 0) return 0;
assert(isa<X>(Val) && "cast_or_null<Ty>() argument of uncompatible type!");
return cast<X>(Val);
@ -65,16 +210,81 @@ inline X *cast_or_null(Y Val) {
template <class X, class Y>
inline X *dyn_cast(Y Val) {
return isa<X>(Val) ? cast<X>(Val) : 0;
inline cast_retty<X, Y*>::ret_type dyn_cast(Y *Val) {
return isa<X>(Val) ? cast<X, Y*>(Val) : 0;
// dyn_cast_or_null<X> - Functionally identical to dyn_cast, except that a null
// value is accepted.
template <class X, class Y>
inline X *dyn_cast_or_null(Y Val) {
return (Val && isa<X>(Val)) ? cast<X>(Val) : 0;
inline cast_retty<X, Y*>::ret_type dyn_cast_or_null(Y *Val) {
return (Val && isa<X>(Val)) ? cast<X, Y*>(Val) : 0;
#include <iostream>
struct bar {
bar() {}
bar(const bar &);
struct foo {
void ext() const;
/* static bool classof(const bar *X) {
cerr << "Classof: " << X << "\n";
return true;
template <> inline bool isa_impl<foo,bar>(const bar &Val) {
cerr << "Classof: " << &Val << "\n";
return true;
bar *fub();
void test(bar &B1, const bar *B2) {
// test various configurations of const
const bar &B3 = B1;
const bar *const B4 = B2;
// test isa
if (!isa<foo>(B1)) return;
if (!isa<foo>(B2)) return;
if (!isa<foo>(B3)) return;
if (!isa<foo>(B4)) return;
// test cast
foo &F1 = cast<foo>(B1);
const foo *F3 = cast<foo>(B2);
const foo *F4 = cast<foo>(B2);
const foo &F8 = cast<foo>(B3);
const foo *F9 = cast<foo>(B4);
foo *F10 = cast<foo>(fub());
// test cast_or_null
const foo *F11 = cast_or_null<foo>(B2);
const foo *F12 = cast_or_null<foo>(B2);
const foo *F13 = cast_or_null<foo>(B4);
const foo *F14 = cast_or_null<foo>(fub()); // Shouldn't print.
// These lines are errors...
//foo *F20 = cast<foo>(B2); // Yields const foo*
//foo &F21 = cast<foo>(B3); // Yields const foo&
//foo *F22 = cast<foo>(B4); // Yields const foo*
//foo &F23 = cast_or_null<foo>(B1);
//const foo &F24 = cast_or_null<foo>(B3);
bar *fub() { return 0; }
void main() {
bar B;
test(B, &B);
@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
//===-- <Support/ilist> - Intrusive Linked List Template ---------*- C++ -*--=//
// This file defines classes to implement an intrusive doubly linked list class
// (ie each node of the list must contain a next and previous field for the
// list.
// The ilist_traits trait class is used to gain access to the next and previous
// fields of the node type that the list is instantiated with. If it is not
// specialized, the list defaults to using the getPrev(), getNext() method calls
// to get the next and previous pointers.
// The ilist class itself, should be a plug in replacement for list, assuming
// that the nodes contain next/prev pointers. This list replacement does not
// provides a constant time size() method, so be careful to use empty() when you
// really want to know if I'm empty.
// The ilist class is implemented by allocating a 'tail' node when the list is
// created (using ilist_traits<>::createEndMarker()). This tail node is
// absolutely required because the user must be able to compute end()-1. Because
// of this, users of the direct next/prev links will see an extra link on the
// end of the list, which should be ignored.
// Requirements for a user of this list:
// 1. The user must provide {g|s}et{Next|Prev} methods, or specialize
// ilist_traits to provide an alternate way of getting and setting next and
// prev links.
#include <assert.h>
#include <iterator>
template<typename NodeTy, typename Traits> class iplist;
template<typename NodeTy> class ilist_iterator;
// Template traits for intrusive list. By specializing this template class, you
// can change what next/prev fields are used to store the links...
template<typename NodeTy>
struct ilist_traits {
static NodeTy *getPrev(NodeTy *N) { return N->getPrev(); }
static NodeTy *getNext(NodeTy *N) { return N->getNext(); }
static const NodeTy *getPrev(const NodeTy *N) { return N->getPrev(); }
static const NodeTy *getNext(const NodeTy *N) { return N->getNext(); }
static void setPrev(NodeTy *N, NodeTy *Prev) { N->setPrev(Prev); }
static void setNext(NodeTy *N, NodeTy *Next) { N->setNext(Next); }
static NodeTy *createNode() { return new NodeTy(); }
static NodeTy *createNode(const NodeTy &V) { return new NodeTy(V); }
void addNodeToList(NodeTy *NTy) {}
void removeNodeFromList(NodeTy *NTy) {}
void transferNodesFromList(iplist<NodeTy, ilist_traits> &L2,
ilist_iterator<NodeTy> first,
ilist_iterator<NodeTy> last) {}
// Const traits are the same as nonconst traits...
template<typename Ty>
struct ilist_traits<const Ty> : public ilist_traits<Ty> {};
// ilist_iterator<Node> - Iterator for intrusive list.
template<typename NodeTy>
class ilist_iterator : public std::bidirectional_iterator<NodeTy, ptrdiff_t> {
typedef ilist_traits<NodeTy> Traits;
pointer NodePtr;
typedef size_t size_type;
ilist_iterator(pointer NP) : NodePtr(NP) {}
ilist_iterator() : NodePtr(0) {}
// This is templated so that we can allow constructing a const iterator from
// a nonconst iterator...
template<class node_ty>
ilist_iterator(const ilist_iterator<node_ty> &RHS)
: NodePtr(RHS.getNodePtrUnchecked()) {}
// This is templated so that we can allow assigning to a const iterator from
// a nonconst iterator...
template<class node_ty>
const ilist_iterator &operator=(const ilist_iterator<node_ty> &RHS) {
NodePtr = RHS.getNodePtrUnchecked();
return *this;
// Accessors...
operator pointer() const {
assert(Traits::getNext(NodePtr) != 0 && "Dereferencing end()!");
return NodePtr;
reference operator*() const {
assert(Traits::getNext(NodePtr) != 0 && "Dereferencing end()!");
return *NodePtr;
pointer operator->() { return &operator*(); }
const pointer operator->() const { return &operator*(); }
// Comparison operators
bool operator==(const ilist_iterator &RHS) const {
return NodePtr == RHS.NodePtr;
bool operator!=(const ilist_iterator &RHS) const {
return NodePtr != RHS.NodePtr;
// Increment and decrement operators...
ilist_iterator &operator--() { // predecrement - Back up
NodePtr = Traits::getPrev(NodePtr);
assert(NodePtr && "--'d off the beginning of an ilist!");
return *this;
ilist_iterator &operator++() { // preincrement - Advance
NodePtr = Traits::getNext(NodePtr);
assert(NodePtr && "++'d off the end of an ilist!");
return *this;
ilist_iterator operator--(int) { // postdecrement operators...
ilist_iterator tmp = *this;
return tmp;
ilist_iterator operator++(int) { // postincrement operators...
ilist_iterator tmp = *this;
return tmp;
// Dummy operators to make errors apparent...
template<class X> void operator+(X Val) {}
template<class X> void operator-(X Val) {}
// Internal interface, do not use...
pointer getNodePtrUnchecked() const { return NodePtr; }
// iplist - The subset of list functionality that can safely be used on nodes of
// polymorphic types, ie a heterogeneus list with a common base class that holds
// the next/prev pointers...
template<typename NodeTy, typename Traits=ilist_traits<NodeTy> >
class iplist : public Traits {
NodeTy *Head, *Tail;
static bool op_less(NodeTy &L, NodeTy &R) { return L < R; }
static bool op_equal(NodeTy &L, NodeTy &R) { return L == R; }
typedef NodeTy *pointer;
typedef const NodeTy *const_pointer;
typedef NodeTy &reference;
typedef const NodeTy &const_reference;
typedef NodeTy value_type;
typedef ilist_iterator<NodeTy> iterator;
typedef ilist_iterator<const NodeTy> const_iterator;
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
typedef reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
iplist() : Head(createNode()), Tail(Head) {
setNext(Head, 0);
setPrev(Head, 0);
~iplist() { clear(); delete Tail; }
// Iterator creation methods...
iterator begin() { return iterator(Head); }
const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(Head); }
iterator end() { return iterator(Tail); }
const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(Tail); }
// reverse iterator creation methods...
reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator(end()); }
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const{ return const_reverse_iterator(end()); }
reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator(begin()); }
const_reverse_iterator rend() const {return const_reverse_iterator(begin());}
// Miscellaneous inspection routines...
size_type max_size() const { return size_type(-1); }
bool empty() const { return Head == Tail; }
// Front and back accessor functions...
reference front() {
assert(!empty() && "Called front() on empty list!");
return *Head;
const_reference front() const {
assert(!empty() && "Called front() on empty list!");
return *Head;
reference back() {
assert(!empty() && "Called back() on empty list!");
return *getPrev(Tail);
const_reference back() const {
assert(!empty() && "Called back() on empty list!");
return *getPrev(Tail);
void swap(iplist &RHS) {
abort(); // Swap does not use list traits callback correctly yet!
std::swap(Head, RHS.Head);
std::swap(Tail, RHS.Tail);
iterator insert(iterator where, NodeTy *New) {
NodeTy *CurNode = where.getNodePtrUnchecked(), *PrevNode = getPrev(CurNode);
setNext(New, CurNode);
setPrev(New, PrevNode);
if (PrevNode)
setNext(PrevNode, New);
Head = New;
setPrev(CurNode, New);
addNodeToList(New); // Notify traits that we added a node...
return New;
NodeTy *remove(iterator &IT) {
assert(IT != end() && "Cannot remove end of list!");
NodeTy *Node = &*IT;
NodeTy *NextNode = getNext(Node);
NodeTy *PrevNode = getPrev(Node);
if (PrevNode)
setNext(PrevNode, NextNode);
Head = NextNode;
setPrev(NextNode, PrevNode);
IT = NextNode;
removeNodeFromList(Node); // Notify traits that we added a node...
return Node;
NodeTy *remove(const iterator &IT) {
iterator MutIt = IT;
return remove(MutIt);
// erase - remove a node from the controlled sequence... and delete it.
iterator erase(iterator where) {
delete remove(where);
return where;
// transfer - The heart of the splice function. Move linked list nodes from
// [first, last) into position.
void transfer(iterator position, iplist &L2, iterator first, iterator last) {
assert(first != last && "Should be checked by callers");
if (position != last) {
// Remove [first, last) from its old position.
NodeTy *First = &*first, *Prev = getPrev(First);
NodeTy *Next = last.getNodePtrUnchecked(), *Last = getPrev(Next);
if (Prev)
setNext(Prev, Next);
L2.Head = Next;
setPrev(Next, Prev);
// Splice [first, last) into its new position.
NodeTy *PosNext = position.getNodePtrUnchecked();
NodeTy *PosPrev = getPrev(PosNext);
// Fix head of list...
if (PosPrev)
setNext(PosPrev, First);
Head = First;
setPrev(First, PosPrev);
// Fix end of list...
setNext(Last, PosNext);
setPrev(PosNext, Last);
transferNodesFromList(L2, First, PosNext);
// Functionality derived from other functions defined above...
size_type size() const {
size_type Result = 0;
std::distance(begin(), end(), Result);
return Result;
iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last) {
while (first != last)
first = erase(first);
return last;
void clear() { erase(begin(), end()); }
// Front and back inserters...
void push_front(NodeTy *val) { insert(begin(), val); }
void push_back(NodeTy *val) { insert(end(), val); }
void pop_front() {
assert(!empty() && "pop_front() on empty list!");
void pop_back() {
assert(!empty() && "pop_back() on empty list!");
iterator t = end(); erase(--t);
// Special forms of insert...
template<class InIt> void insert(iterator where, InIt first, InIt last) {
for (; first != last; ++first) insert(where, *first);
// Splice members - defined in terms of transfer...
void splice(iterator where, iplist &L2) {
if (!L2.empty())
transfer(where, L2, L2.begin(), L2.end());
void splice(iterator where, iplist &L2, iterator first) {
iterator last = first; ++last;
if (where == first || where == last) return; // No change
transfer(where, L2, first, last);
void splice(iterator where, iplist &L2, iterator first, iterator last) {
if (first != last) transfer(where, L2, first, last);
// High-Level Functionality that shouldn't really be here, but is part of list
// These two functions are actually called remove/remove_if in list<>, but
// they actually do the job of erase, rename them accordingly.
void erase(const NodeTy &val) {
for (iterator I = begin(), E = end(); I != E; ) {
iterator next = I; ++next;
if (*I == val) erase(I);
I = next;
template<class Pr1> void erase_if(Pr1 pred) {
for (iterator I = begin(), E = end(); I != E; ) {
iterator next = I; ++next;
if (pred(*I)) erase(I);
I = next;
template<class Pr2> void unique(Pr2 pred) {
if (empty()) return;
for (iterator I = begin(), E = end(), Next = begin(); ++Next != E;) {
if (pred(*I))
I = Next;
Next = I;
void unique() { unique(op_equal); }
template<class Pr3> void merge(iplist &right, Pr3 pred) {
iterator first1 = begin(), last1 = end();
iterator first2 = right.begin(), last2 = right.end();
while (first1 != last1 && first2 != last2)
if (pred(*first2, *first1)) {
iterator next = first2;
transfer(first1, right, first2, ++next);
first2 = next;
} else {
if (first2 != last2) transfer(last1, right, first2, last2);
void merge(iplist &right) { return merge(right, op_less); }
template<class Pr3> void sort(Pr3 pred);
void sort() { sort(op_less); }
void reverse();
template<typename NodeTy>
struct ilist : public iplist<NodeTy> {
ilist() {}
ilist(const ilist &right) {
insert(begin(), right.begin(), right.end());
explicit ilist(size_type count) {
insert(begin(), count, NodeTy());
ilist(size_type count, const NodeTy &val) {
insert(begin(), count, val);
template<class InIt> ilist(InIt first, InIt last) {
insert(begin(), first, last);
// Forwarding functions: A workaround for GCC 2.95 which does not correctly
// support 'using' declarations to bring a hidden member into scope.
iterator insert(iterator a, NodeTy *b){ return iplist<NodeTy>::insert(a, b); }
void push_front(NodeTy *a) { iplist<NodeTy>::push_front(a); }
void push_back(NodeTy *a) { iplist<NodeTy>::push_back(a); }
// Main implementation here - Insert for a node passed by value...
iterator insert(iterator where, const NodeTy &val) {
return insert(where, createNode(val));
// Front and back inserters...
void push_front(const NodeTy &val) { insert(begin(), val); }
void push_back(const NodeTy &val) { insert(end(), val); }
// Special forms of insert...
template<class InIt> void insert(iterator where, InIt first, InIt last) {
for (; first != last; ++first) insert(where, *first);
void insert(iterator where, size_type count, const NodeTy &val) {
for (; count != 0; --count) insert(where, val);
// Assign special forms...
void assign(size_type count, const NodeTy &val) {
iterator I = begin();
for (; I != end() && count != 0; ++I, --count)
*I = val;
if (count != 0)
insert(end(), n, val);
erase(I, end());
template<class InIt> void assign(InIt first, InIt last) {
iterator first1 = begin(), last1 = end();
for ( ; first1 != last1 && first2 != last2; ++first1, ++first2)
*first1 = *first2;
if (first2 == last2)
erase(first1, last1);
insert(last1, first2, last2);
// Resize members...
void resize(size_type newsize, NodeTy val) {
iterator i = begin();
size_type len = 0;
for ( ; i != end() && len < newsize; ++i, ++len) /* empty*/ ;
if (len == newsize)
erase(i, end());
else // i == end()
insert(end(), newsize - len, val);
void resize(size_type newsize) { resize(newsize, NodeTy()); }
namespace std {
// Ensure that swap uses the fast list swap...
template<class Ty>
void swap(iplist<Ty> &Left, iplist<Ty> &Right) {
} // End 'std' extensions...
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ public:
virtual const char *getPassName() const { return "Call Graph Construction"; }
// run - Compute the call graph for the specified module.
virtual bool run(Module *TheModule);
virtual bool run(Module &M);
// getAnalysisUsage - This obviously provides a call graph
virtual void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const {
@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ public:
virtual const char *getPassName() const { return "Data Structure Analysis"; }
// run - Do nothing, because methods are analyzed lazily
virtual bool run(Module *TheModule) { return false; }
virtual bool run(Module &TheModule) { return false; }
// getDSGraph - Return the data structure graph for the specified method.
// Since method graphs are lazily computed, we may have to create one on the
@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ public:
DomSetMapType Doms;
void calcForwardDominatorSet(Function *F);
void calcPostDominatorSet(Function *F);
void calcForwardDominatorSet(Function &F);
void calcPostDominatorSet(Function &F);
// DominatorSet ctor - Build either the dominator set or the post-dominator
// set for a function...
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ public:
else return "Dominator Set Construction";
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function *F);
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function &F);
// Accessor interface:
typedef DomSetMapType::const_iterator const_iterator;
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ public:
else return "Immediate Dominators Construction";
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function *F) {
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function &F) {
IDoms.clear(); // Reset from the last time we were run...
DominatorSet *DS;
if (isPostDominator())
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ public:
else return "Dominator Tree Construction";
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function *F) {
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function &F) {
DominatorSet *DS;
if (isPostDominator())
@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ public:
else return "Dominance Frontier Construction";
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function *) {
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function &) {
DominatorTree *DT;
if (isPostDominator())
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ public:
// values of various types. If they are deemed to be 'unsafe' note that the
// type is not safe to transform.
virtual bool run(Module *M);
virtual bool run(Module &M);
// printResults - Loop over the results of the analysis, printing out unsafe
// types.
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ private:
// run - This incorporates all types used by the specified module
bool run(Module *M);
bool run(Module &M);
// getAnalysisUsage - Of course, we provide ourself...
@ -162,22 +162,18 @@ class InstForest : public std::vector<InstTreeNode<Payload> *> {
// ctor - Create an instruction forest for the specified method...
InstForest(Function *F) {
for (Function::iterator MI = F->begin(), ME = F->end(); MI != ME; ++MI) {
BasicBlock *BB = *MI;
for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB->begin(), E = BB->end(); I != E; ++I) {
Instruction *Inst = *I;
if (!getInstNode(Inst)) { // Do we already have a tree for this inst?
for (Function::iterator BB = F->begin(), BBE = F->end(); BB != BBE; ++BB)
for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB->begin(), E = BB->end(); I != E; ++I)
if (!getInstNode(I)) { // Do we already have a tree for this inst?
// No, create one! InstTreeNode ctor automatically adds the
// created node into our InstMap
push_back(new InstTreeNode<Payload>(*this, Inst, 0));
push_back(new InstTreeNode<Payload>(*this, I, 0));
// dtor - Free the trees...
~InstForest() {
for (unsigned i = size(); i > 0; --i)
for (unsigned i = size(); i != 0; --i)
delete operator[](i-1);
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ public:
IntervalIterator() {} // End iterator, empty stack
IntervalIterator(Function *M, bool OwnMemory) : IOwnMem(OwnMemory) {
OrigContainer = M;
if (!ProcessInterval(M->front())) {
if (!ProcessInterval(&M->front())) {
assert(0 && "ProcessInterval should never fail for first interval!");
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ public:
const char *getPassName() const { return "Interval Partition Construction"; }
// run - Calculate the interval partition for this function
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function *F);
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function &F);
// IntervalPartition ctor - Build a reduced interval partition from an
// existing interval graph. This takes an additional boolean parameter to
@ -79,16 +79,16 @@ public:
// getLoopFor - Return the inner most loop that BB lives in. If a basic block
// is in no loop (for example the entry node), null is returned.
const Loop *getLoopFor(BasicBlock *BB) const {
std::map<BasicBlock *, Loop*>::const_iterator I = BBMap.find(BB);
const Loop *getLoopFor(const BasicBlock *BB) const {
std::map<BasicBlock *, Loop*>::const_iterator I=BBMap.find((BasicBlock*)BB);
return I != BBMap.end() ? I->second : 0;
inline const Loop *operator[](BasicBlock *BB) const {
inline const Loop *operator[](const BasicBlock *BB) const {
return getLoopFor(BB);
// getLoopDepth - Return the loop nesting level of the specified block...
unsigned getLoopDepth(BasicBlock *BB) const {
unsigned getLoopDepth(const BasicBlock *BB) const {
const Loop *L = getLoopFor(BB);
return L ? L->getLoopDepth() : 0;
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ public:
// runOnFunction - Pass framework implementation
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function *F);
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function &F);
virtual void releaseMemory();
@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ Pass *createVerifierPass();
// verifyModule - Check a module for errors, printing messages on stderr.
// Return true if the module is corrupt.
bool verifyModule(const Module *M);
bool verifyModule(const Module &M);
// verifyFunction - Check a function for errors, useful for use when debugging a
// pass.
bool verifyFunction(const Function *F);
bool verifyFunction(const Function &F);
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ public:
if (DeleteStream) delete Out;
bool run(Module *M) {
(*Out) << M;
bool run(Module &M) {
(*Out) << (Value&)M;
return false;
@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ public:
// runOnFunction - This pass just prints a banner followed by the function as
// it's processed.
bool runOnFunction(Function *F) {
(*Out) << Banner << (Value*)F;
bool runOnFunction(Function &F) {
(*Out) << Banner << (Value&)F;
return false;
@ -209,11 +209,11 @@ template <> struct GraphTraits<Inverse<const BasicBlock*> > {
// except that the root node is implicitly the first node of the function.
template <> struct GraphTraits<Function*> : public GraphTraits<BasicBlock*> {
static NodeType *getEntryNode(Function *F) { return F->getEntryNode(); }
static NodeType *getEntryNode(Function *F) { return &F->getEntryNode(); }
template <> struct GraphTraits<const Function*> :
public GraphTraits<const BasicBlock*> {
static NodeType *getEntryNode(const Function *F) { return F->getEntryNode(); }
static NodeType *getEntryNode(const Function *F) { return &F->getEntryNode();}
@ -225,13 +225,13 @@ template <> struct GraphTraits<const Function*> :
template <> struct GraphTraits<Inverse<Function*> > :
public GraphTraits<Inverse<BasicBlock*> > {
static NodeType *getEntryNode(Inverse<Function*> G) {
return G.Graph->front();
return &G.Graph->getEntryNode();
template <> struct GraphTraits<Inverse<const Function*> > :
public GraphTraits<Inverse<const BasicBlock*> > {
static NodeType *getEntryNode(Inverse<const Function *> G) {
return G.Graph->front();
return &G.Graph->getEntryNode();
@ -35,22 +35,22 @@ public:
typedef IIty reference;
template<class M> InstIterator(M &m)
: BBs(m.getBasicBlocks()), BB(BBs.begin()) { // begin ctor
: BBs(m.getBasicBlockList()), BB(BBs.begin()) { // begin ctor
if (BB != BBs.end()) {
BI = (*BB)->begin();
BI = BB->begin();
template<class M> InstIterator(M &m, bool)
: BBs(m.getBasicBlocks()), BB(BBs.end()) { // end ctor
: BBs(m.getBasicBlockList()), BB(BBs.end()) { // end ctor
// Accessors to get at the underlying iterators...
inline BBIty &getBasicBlockIterator() { return BB; }
inline BIty &getInstructionIterator() { return BI; }
inline IIty operator*() const { return *BI; }
inline IIty operator*() const { return &*BI; }
inline IIty operator->() const { return operator*(); }
inline bool operator==(const InstIterator &y) const {
@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ public:
InstIterator& operator--() {
while (BB == BBs.end() || BI == (*BB)->begin()) {
while (BB == BBs.end() || BI == BB->begin()) {
BI = (*BB)->end();
BI = BB->end();
return *this;
@ -87,19 +87,19 @@ private:
inline void advanceToNextBB() {
// The only way that the II could be broken is if it is now pointing to
// the end() of the current BasicBlock and there are successor BBs.
while (BI == (*BB)->end()) {
while (BI == BB->end()) {
if (BB == BBs.end()) break;
BI = (*BB)->begin();
BI = BB->begin();
typedef InstIterator<ValueHolder<BasicBlock, Function, Function>,
typedef InstIterator<iplist<BasicBlock>,
Function::iterator, BasicBlock::iterator,
Instruction*> inst_iterator;
typedef InstIterator<const ValueHolder<BasicBlock, Function, Function>,
typedef InstIterator<const iplist<BasicBlock>,
const Instruction*> const_inst_iterator;
@ -112,5 +112,13 @@ inline const_inst_iterator inst_begin(const Function *F) {
inline const_inst_iterator inst_end(const Function *F) {
return const_inst_iterator(*F, true);
inline inst_iterator inst_begin(Function &F) { return inst_iterator(F); }
inline inst_iterator inst_end(Function &F) { return inst_iterator(F, true); }
inline const_inst_iterator inst_begin(const Function &F) {
return const_inst_iterator(F);
inline const_inst_iterator inst_end(const Function &F) {
return const_inst_iterator(F, true);
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class AllocationInst; class MemAccessInst;
return ((SubClass*)this)->visit##CLASS_TO_VISIT((CLASS_TO_VISIT*)I)
return ((SubClass*)this)->visit##CLASS_TO_VISIT((CLASS_TO_VISIT&)I)
template<typename SubClass, typename RetTy=void>
@ -78,26 +78,32 @@ struct InstVisitor {
// Define visitors for modules, functions and basic blocks...
void visit(Module *M) {
void visit(Module &M) {
visit(M->begin(), M->end());
visit(M.begin(), M.end());
void visit(Function *F) {
void visit(Function &F) {
visit(F->begin(), F->end());
visit(F.begin(), F.end());
void visit(BasicBlock *BB) {
void visit(BasicBlock &BB) {
visit(BB->begin(), BB->end());
visit(BB.begin(), BB.end());
// Forwarding functions so that the user can visit with pointers AND refs.
void visit(Module *M) { visit(*M); }
void visit(Function *F) { visit(*F); }
void visit(BasicBlock *BB) { visit(*BB); }
RetTy visit(Instruction *I) { return visit(*I); }
// visit - Finally, code to visit an instruction...
RetTy visit(Instruction *I) {
switch (I->getOpcode()) {
RetTy visit(Instruction &I) {
switch (I.getOpcode()) {
// Build the switch statement using the Instruction.def file...
case Instruction::OPCODE:return ((SubClass*)this)->visit##OPCODE((CLASS*)I);
case Instruction::OPCODE:return ((SubClass*)this)->visit##OPCODE((CLASS&)I);
#include "llvm/Instruction.def"
default: assert(0 && "Unknown instruction type encountered!");
@ -116,9 +122,9 @@ struct InstVisitor {
// When visiting a module, function or basic block directly, these methods get
// called to indicate when transitioning into a new unit.
void visitModule (Module *M) {}
void visitFunction (Function *F) {}
void visitBasicBlock(BasicBlock *BB) {}
void visitModule (Module &M) {}
void visitFunction (Function &F) {}
void visitBasicBlock(BasicBlock &BB) {}
// Define instruction specific visitor functions that can be overridden to
@ -133,49 +139,49 @@ struct InstVisitor {
// this, we do not autoexpand "Other" instructions, we do it manually.
#define HANDLE_OTHER_INST(NUM, OPCODE, CLASS) // Ignore "other" instructions
#include "llvm/Instruction.def"
// Implement all "other" instructions, except for PHINode
RetTy visitCast(CastInst *I) { DELEGATE(CastInst); }
RetTy visitCall(CallInst *I) { DELEGATE(CallInst); }
RetTy visitShr(ShiftInst *I) { DELEGATE(ShiftInst); }
RetTy visitShl(ShiftInst *I) { DELEGATE(ShiftInst); }
RetTy visitUserOp1(Instruction *I) { DELEGATE(Instruction); }
RetTy visitUserOp2(Instruction *I) { DELEGATE(Instruction); }
RetTy visitCast(CastInst &I) { DELEGATE(CastInst); }
RetTy visitCall(CallInst &I) { DELEGATE(CallInst); }
RetTy visitShr(ShiftInst &I) { DELEGATE(ShiftInst); }
RetTy visitShl(ShiftInst &I) { DELEGATE(ShiftInst); }
RetTy visitUserOp1(Instruction &I) { DELEGATE(Instruction); }
RetTy visitUserOp2(Instruction &I) { DELEGATE(Instruction); }
// Specific Instruction type classes... note that all of the casts are
// neccesary because we use the instruction classes as opaque types...
RetTy visitReturnInst(ReturnInst *I) { DELEGATE(TerminatorInst);}
RetTy visitBranchInst(BranchInst *I) { DELEGATE(TerminatorInst);}
RetTy visitSwitchInst(SwitchInst *I) { DELEGATE(TerminatorInst);}
RetTy visitInvokeInst(InvokeInst *I) { DELEGATE(TerminatorInst);}
RetTy visitGenericUnaryInst(GenericUnaryInst *I) { DELEGATE(UnaryOperator); }
RetTy visitGenericBinaryInst(GenericBinaryInst *I){ DELEGATE(BinaryOperator);}
RetTy visitSetCondInst(SetCondInst *I) { DELEGATE(BinaryOperator);}
RetTy visitMallocInst(MallocInst *I) { DELEGATE(AllocationInst);}
RetTy visitAllocaInst(AllocaInst *I) { DELEGATE(AllocationInst);}
RetTy visitFreeInst(FreeInst *I) { DELEGATE(Instruction); }
RetTy visitLoadInst(LoadInst *I) { DELEGATE(MemAccessInst); }
RetTy visitStoreInst(StoreInst *I) { DELEGATE(MemAccessInst); }
RetTy visitGetElementPtrInst(GetElementPtrInst *I){ DELEGATE(MemAccessInst); }
RetTy visitPHINode(PHINode *I) { DELEGATE(Instruction); }
RetTy visitCastInst(CastInst *I) { DELEGATE(Instruction); }
RetTy visitCallInst(CallInst *I) { DELEGATE(Instruction); }
RetTy visitShiftInst(ShiftInst *I) { DELEGATE(Instruction); }
RetTy visitReturnInst(ReturnInst &I) { DELEGATE(TerminatorInst);}
RetTy visitBranchInst(BranchInst &I) { DELEGATE(TerminatorInst);}
RetTy visitSwitchInst(SwitchInst &I) { DELEGATE(TerminatorInst);}
RetTy visitInvokeInst(InvokeInst &I) { DELEGATE(TerminatorInst);}
RetTy visitGenericUnaryInst(GenericUnaryInst &I) { DELEGATE(UnaryOperator); }
RetTy visitGenericBinaryInst(GenericBinaryInst &I){ DELEGATE(BinaryOperator);}
RetTy visitSetCondInst(SetCondInst &I) { DELEGATE(BinaryOperator);}
RetTy visitMallocInst(MallocInst &I) { DELEGATE(AllocationInst);}
RetTy visitAllocaInst(AllocaInst &I) { DELEGATE(AllocationInst);}
RetTy visitFreeInst(FreeInst &I) { DELEGATE(Instruction); }
RetTy visitLoadInst(LoadInst &I) { DELEGATE(MemAccessInst); }
RetTy visitStoreInst(StoreInst &I) { DELEGATE(MemAccessInst); }
RetTy visitGetElementPtrInst(GetElementPtrInst &I){ DELEGATE(MemAccessInst); }
RetTy visitPHINode(PHINode &I) { DELEGATE(Instruction); }
RetTy visitCastInst(CastInst &I) { DELEGATE(Instruction); }
RetTy visitCallInst(CallInst &I) { DELEGATE(Instruction); }
RetTy visitShiftInst(ShiftInst &I) { DELEGATE(Instruction); }
// Next level propogators... if the user does not overload a specific
// instruction type, they can overload one of these to get the whole class
// of instructions...
RetTy visitTerminatorInst(TerminatorInst *I) { DELEGATE(Instruction); }
RetTy visitUnaryOperator (UnaryOperator *I) { DELEGATE(Instruction); }
RetTy visitBinaryOperator(BinaryOperator *I) { DELEGATE(Instruction); }
RetTy visitAllocationInst(AllocationInst *I) { DELEGATE(Instruction); }
RetTy visitMemAccessInst (MemAccessInst *I) { DELEGATE(Instruction); }
RetTy visitTerminatorInst(TerminatorInst &I) { DELEGATE(Instruction); }
RetTy visitUnaryOperator (UnaryOperator &I) { DELEGATE(Instruction); }
RetTy visitBinaryOperator(BinaryOperator &I) { DELEGATE(Instruction); }
RetTy visitAllocationInst(AllocationInst &I) { DELEGATE(Instruction); }
RetTy visitMemAccessInst (MemAccessInst &I) { DELEGATE(Instruction); }
// If the user wants a 'default' case, they can choose to override this
// function. If this function is not overloaded in the users subclass, then
@ -183,7 +189,7 @@ struct InstVisitor {
// Note that you MUST override this function if your return type is not void.
void visitInstruction(Instruction *I) {} // Ignore unhandled instructions
void visitInstruction(Instruction &I) {} // Ignore unhandled instructions
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ public:
// run - do the transformation
virtual bool run(Module *M);
virtual bool run(Module &M);
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ private:
// functions for functions than need to be copied because they have a new
// signature type.
void processGlobals(Module *M);
void processGlobals(Module &M);
// transformFunction - This transforms the instructions of the function to use
// the new types.
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ private:
// removeDeadGlobals - This removes the old versions of functions that are no
// longer needed.
void removeDeadGlobals(Module *M);
void removeDeadGlobals(Module &M);
// ConvertType - Convert from the old type system to the new one...
@ -95,31 +95,30 @@ void CallGraph::addToCallGraph(Function *M) {
// Look for an indirect method call...
for (Function::iterator BBI = M->begin(), BBE = M->end(); BBI != BBE; ++BBI) {
BasicBlock *BB = *BBI;
for (Function::iterator BB = M->begin(), BBE = M->end(); BB != BBE; ++BB)
for (BasicBlock::iterator II = BB->begin(), IE = BB->end(); II != IE; ++II){
Instruction *I = *II;
Instruction &I = *II;
if (CallInst *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(I)) {
if (CallInst *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(&I)) {
if (CI->getCalledFunction() == 0)
} else if (InvokeInst *II = dyn_cast<InvokeInst>(I)) {
} else if (InvokeInst *II = dyn_cast<InvokeInst>(&I)) {
if (II->getCalledFunction() == 0)
bool CallGraph::run(Module *TheModule) {
bool CallGraph::run(Module &M) {
Mod = TheModule;
Mod = &M;
ExternalNode = getNodeFor(0);
Root = 0;
// Add every method to the call graph...
for_each(Mod->begin(), Mod->end(), bind_obj(this,&CallGraph::addToCallGraph));
for (Module::iterator I = M.begin(), E = M.end(); I != E; ++I)
// If we didn't find a main method, use the external call graph node
if (Root == 0) Root = ExternalNode;
@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
#include "llvm/Analysis/FindUnsafePointerTypes.h"
#include "llvm/Assembly/CachedWriter.h"
#include "llvm/Type.h"
#include "llvm/Instruction.h"
#include "llvm/Module.h"
#include "llvm/Support/InstIterator.h"
#include "Support/CommandLine.h"
@ -50,21 +49,20 @@ static inline bool isSafeInstruction(const Instruction *I) {
bool FindUnsafePointerTypes::run(Module *Mod) {
for (Module::iterator MI = Mod->begin(), ME = Mod->end();
MI != ME; ++MI) {
const Function *M = *MI; // We don't need/want write access
for (const_inst_iterator I = inst_begin(M), E = inst_end(M); I != E; ++I) {
const Instruction *Inst = *I;
const Type *ITy = Inst->getType();
bool FindUnsafePointerTypes::run(Module &Mod) {
for (Module::iterator FI = Mod.begin(), E = Mod.end();
FI != E; ++FI) {
const Function *F = FI; // We don't need/want write access
for (const_inst_iterator I = inst_begin(F), E = inst_end(F); I != E; ++I) {
const Type *ITy = I->getType();
if (isa<PointerType>(ITy) && !UnsafeTypes.count((PointerType*)ITy))
if (!isSafeInstruction(Inst)) {
if (!isSafeInstruction(*I)) {
if (PrintFailures) {
CachedWriter CW(M->getParent(), std::cerr);
CachedWriter CW(F->getParent(), std::cerr);
CW << "FindUnsafePointerTypes: Type '" << ITy
<< "' marked unsafe in '" << M->getName() << "' by:\n" << Inst;
<< "' marked unsafe in '" << F->getName() << "' by:\n" << **I;
@ -7,10 +7,8 @@
#include "llvm/Analysis/FindUsedTypes.h"
#include "llvm/Assembly/CachedWriter.h"
#include "llvm/SymbolTable.h"
#include "llvm/GlobalVariable.h"
#include "llvm/DerivedTypes.h"
#include "llvm/Module.h"
#include "llvm/Instruction.h"
#include "llvm/Support/InstIterator.h"
AnalysisID FindUsedTypes::ID(AnalysisID::create<FindUsedTypes>());
@ -42,25 +40,25 @@ void FindUsedTypes::IncorporateSymbolTable(const SymbolTable *ST) {
// run - This incorporates all types used by the specified module
bool FindUsedTypes::run(Module *m) {
bool FindUsedTypes::run(Module &m) {
UsedTypes.clear(); // reset if run multiple times...
if (IncludeSymbolTables && m->hasSymbolTable())
IncorporateSymbolTable(m->getSymbolTable()); // Add symtab first...
if (IncludeSymbolTables && m.hasSymbolTable())
IncorporateSymbolTable(m.getSymbolTable()); // Add symtab first...
// Loop over global variables, incorporating their types
for (Module::const_giterator I = m->gbegin(), E = m->gend(); I != E; ++I)
for (Module::const_giterator I = m.gbegin(), E = m.gend(); I != E; ++I)
for (Module::iterator MI = m->begin(), ME = m->end(); MI != ME; ++MI) {
const Function *M = *MI;
if (IncludeSymbolTables && M->hasSymbolTable())
IncorporateSymbolTable(M->getSymbolTable()); // Add symtab first...
for (Module::iterator MI = m.begin(), ME = m.end(); MI != ME; ++MI) {
const Function &F = *MI;
if (IncludeSymbolTables && F.hasSymbolTable())
IncorporateSymbolTable(F.getSymbolTable()); // Add symtab first...
// Loop over all of the instructions in the function, adding their return
// type as well as the types of their operands.
for (const_inst_iterator II = inst_begin(M), IE = inst_end(M);
for (const_inst_iterator II = inst_begin(F), IE = inst_end(F);
II != IE; ++II) {
const Instruction *I = *II;
const Type *Ty = I->getType();
@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ static bool isLoopInvariant(const Value *V, const Loop *L) {
if (isa<Constant>(V) || isa<Argument>(V) || isa<GlobalValue>(V))
return true;
Instruction *I = cast<Instruction>(V);
BasicBlock *BB = I->getParent();
const Instruction *I = cast<Instruction>(V);
const BasicBlock *BB = I->getParent();
return !L->contains(BB);
@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ enum InductionVariable::iType
InductionVariable::Classify(const Value *Start, const Value *Step,
const Loop *L = 0) {
// Check for cannonical and simple linear expressions now...
if (ConstantInt *CStart = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(Start))
if (ConstantInt *CStep = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(Step)) {
if (const ConstantInt *CStart = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(Start))
if (const ConstantInt *CStep = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(Step)) {
if (CStart->equalsInt(0) && CStep->equalsInt(1))
return Cannonical;
@ -51,19 +51,17 @@ void IntervalPartition::updatePredecessors(Interval *Int) {
// IntervalPartition ctor - Build the first level interval partition for the
// specified function...
bool IntervalPartition::runOnFunction(Function *F) {
assert(F->front() && "Cannot operate on prototypes!");
bool IntervalPartition::runOnFunction(Function &F) {
// Pass false to intervals_begin because we take ownership of it's memory
function_interval_iterator I = intervals_begin(F, false);
assert(I != intervals_end(F) && "No intervals in function!?!?!");
function_interval_iterator I = intervals_begin(&F, false);
assert(I != intervals_end(&F) && "No intervals in function!?!?!");
addIntervalToPartition(RootInterval = *I);
++I; // After the first one...
// Add the rest of the intervals to the partition...
for_each(I, intervals_end(F),
for_each(I, intervals_end(&F),
bind_obj(this, &IntervalPartition::addIntervalToPartition));
// Now that we know all of the successor information, propogate this to the
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ void LoopInfo::releaseMemory() {
// LoopInfo implementation
bool LoopInfo::runOnFunction(Function *F) {
bool LoopInfo::runOnFunction(Function &) {
Calculate(getAnalysis<DominatorSet>()); // Update
return false;
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ using std::set;
AnalysisID DominatorSet::ID(AnalysisID::create<DominatorSet>(), true);
AnalysisID DominatorSet::PostDomID(AnalysisID::create<DominatorSet>(), true);
bool DominatorSet::runOnFunction(Function *F) {
bool DominatorSet::runOnFunction(Function &F) {
Doms.clear(); // Reset from the last time we were run...
if (isPostDominator())
@ -40,17 +40,17 @@ bool DominatorSet::dominates(Instruction *A, Instruction *B) const {
// Loop through the basic block until we find A or B.
BasicBlock::iterator I = BBA->begin();
for (; *I != A && *I != B; ++I) /*empty*/;
for (; &*I != A && &*I != B; ++I) /*empty*/;
// A dominates B if it is found first in the basic block...
return *I == A;
return &*I == A;
// calcForwardDominatorSet - This method calculates the forward dominator sets
// for the specified function.
void DominatorSet::calcForwardDominatorSet(Function *M) {
Root = M->getEntryNode();
void DominatorSet::calcForwardDominatorSet(Function &F) {
Root = &F.getEntryNode();
assert(pred_begin(Root) == pred_end(Root) &&
"Root node has predecessors in function!");
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ void DominatorSet::calcForwardDominatorSet(Function *M) {
Changed = false;
DomSetType WorkingSet;
df_iterator<Function*> It = df_begin(M), End = df_end(M);
df_iterator<Function*> It = df_begin(&F), End = df_end(&F);
for ( ; It != End; ++It) {
BasicBlock *BB = *It;
pred_iterator PI = pred_begin(BB), PEnd = pred_end(BB);
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ void DominatorSet::calcForwardDominatorSet(Function *M) {
// only have a single exit node (return stmt), then calculates the post
// dominance sets for the function.
void DominatorSet::calcPostDominatorSet(Function *F) {
void DominatorSet::calcPostDominatorSet(Function &F) {
// Since we require that the unify all exit nodes pass has been run, we know
// that there can be at most one return instruction in the function left.
// Get it.
@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ void DominatorSet::calcPostDominatorSet(Function *F) {
Root = getAnalysis<UnifyFunctionExitNodes>().getExitNode();
if (Root == 0) { // No exit node for the function? Postdomsets are all empty
for (Function::iterator FI = F->begin(), FE = F->end(); FI != FE; ++FI)
Doms[*FI] = DomSetType();
for (Function::iterator FI = F.begin(), FE = F.end(); FI != FE; ++FI)
Doms[FI] = DomSetType();
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Module *ParseAssemblyFile(const string &Filename) { // throw (ParseException)
if (Result) { // Check to see that it is valid...
if (verifyModule(Result)) {
if (verifyModule(*Result)) {
delete Result;
throw ParseException(Filename, "Source file is not well formed LLVM!");
@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ string CurFilename;
#define UR_OUT(X)
// This contains info used when building the body of a method. It is destroyed
// when the method is completed.
// This contains info used when building the body of a function. It is
// destroyed when the function is completed.
typedef vector<Value *> ValueList; // Numbered defs
static void ResolveDefinitions(vector<ValueList> &LateResolvers,
@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ static struct PerModuleInfo {
GlobalRefsType GlobalRefs;
void ModuleDone() {
// If we could not resolve some methods at method compilation time (calls to
// methods before they are defined), resolve them now... Types are resolved
// when the constant pool has been completely parsed.
// If we could not resolve some functions at function compilation time
// (calls to functions before they are defined), resolve them now... Types
// are resolved when the constant pool has been completely parsed.
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ static struct PerModuleInfo {
Values.clear(); // Clear out method local definitions
Values.clear(); // Clear out function local definitions
CurrentModule = 0;
@ -132,13 +132,13 @@ static struct PerModuleInfo {
} CurModule;
static struct PerFunctionInfo {
Function *CurrentFunction; // Pointer to current method being created
Function *CurrentFunction; // Pointer to current function being created
vector<ValueList> Values; // Keep track of numbered definitions
vector<ValueList> LateResolveValues;
vector<PATypeHolder> Types;
map<ValID, PATypeHolder> LateResolveTypes;
bool isDeclare; // Is this method a forward declararation?
bool isDeclare; // Is this function a forward declararation?
inline PerFunctionInfo() {
CurrentFunction = 0;
@ -156,12 +156,12 @@ static struct PerFunctionInfo {
// resolve the branches now...
ResolveDefinitions(LateResolveValues, &CurModule.LateResolveValues);
Values.clear(); // Clear out method local definitions
Values.clear(); // Clear out function local definitions
CurrentFunction = 0;
isDeclare = false;
} CurMeth; // Info for the current method...
} CurMeth; // Info for the current function...
static bool inFunctionScope() { return CurMeth.CurrentFunction != 0; }
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ static const Type *getTypeVal(const ValID &D, bool DoNotImprovise = false) {
Value *N = SymTab ? SymTab->lookup(Type::TypeTy, Name) : 0;
if (N == 0) {
// Symbol table doesn't automatically chain yet... because the method
// Symbol table doesn't automatically chain yet... because the function
// hasn't been added to the module...
SymTab = CurModule.CurrentModule->getSymbolTable();
@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ OptInternal : INTERNAL { $$ = true; } | /*empty*/ { $$ = false; };
// Types includes all predefined types... except void, because it can only be
// used in specific contexts (method returning void for example). To have
// used in specific contexts (function returning void for example). To have
// access to it, a user must explicitly use TypesV.
@ -810,7 +810,7 @@ UpRTypes : '\\' EUINT64VAL { // Type UpReference
delete $1;
// TypeList - Used for struct declarations and as a basis for method type
// TypeList - Used for struct declarations and as a basis for function type
// declaration type lists
TypeListI : UpRTypes {
@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ TypeListI : UpRTypes {
($$=$1)->push_back(*$3); delete $3;
// ArgTypeList - List of types for a method type declaration...
// ArgTypeList - List of types for a function type declaration...
ArgTypeListI : TypeListI
| TypeListI ',' DOTDOTDOT {
@ -1011,7 +1011,7 @@ Module : FunctionList {
// FunctionList - A list of methods, preceeded by a constant pool.
// FunctionList - A list of functions, preceeded by a constant pool.
FunctionList : FunctionList Function {
$$ = $1;
@ -1164,10 +1164,11 @@ FunctionHeaderH : OptInternal TypesV FuncName '(' ArgList ')' {
// Yes it is. If this is the case, either we need to be a forward decl,
// or it needs to be.
if (!CurMeth.isDeclare && !M->isExternal())
ThrowException("Redefinition of method '" + FunctionName + "'!");
ThrowException("Redefinition of function '" + FunctionName + "'!");
// If we found a preexisting method prototype, remove it from the module,
// so that we don't get spurious conflicts with global & local variables.
// If we found a preexisting function prototype, remove it from the
// module, so that we don't get spurious conflicts with global & local
// variables.
@ -1182,10 +1183,8 @@ FunctionHeaderH : OptInternal TypesV FuncName '(' ArgList ')' {
// Add all of the arguments we parsed to the method...
// Add all of the arguments we parsed to the function...
if ($5 && !CurMeth.isDeclare) { // Is null if empty...
Function::ArgumentListType &ArgList = M->getArgumentList();
for (list<pair<Argument*, char*> >::iterator I = $5->begin();
I != $5->end(); ++I) {
if (setValueName(I->first, I->second)) { // Insert into symtab...
@ -1193,7 +1192,7 @@ FunctionHeaderH : OptInternal TypesV FuncName '(' ArgList ')' {
delete $5; // We're now done with the argument list
} else if ($5) {
@ -1212,7 +1211,7 @@ BEGIN : BEGINTOK | '{'; // Allow BEGIN or '{' to start a function
FunctionHeader : FunctionHeaderH BEGIN {
$$ = CurMeth.CurrentFunction;
// Resolve circular types before we parse the body of the method.
// Resolve circular types before we parse the body of the function.
@ -1275,10 +1274,10 @@ ResolvedVal : Types ValueRef {
BasicBlockList : BasicBlockList BasicBlock {
($$ = $1)->getBasicBlocks().push_back($2);
($$ = $1)->getBasicBlockList().push_back($2);
| FunctionHeader BasicBlock { // Do not allow methods with 0 basic blocks
($$ = $1)->getBasicBlocks().push_back($2);
| FunctionHeader BasicBlock { // Do not allow functions with 0 basic blocks
($$ = $1)->getBasicBlockList().push_back($2);
@ -1358,7 +1357,7 @@ BBTerminatorInst : RET ResolvedVal { // Return with a result...
delete $2;
Value *V = getVal(PMTy, $3); // Get the method we're calling...
Value *V = getVal(PMTy, $3); // Get the function we're calling...
BasicBlock *Normal = dyn_cast<BasicBlock>($8);
BasicBlock *Except = dyn_cast<BasicBlock>($10);
@ -1494,7 +1493,7 @@ InstVal : BinaryOps Types ValueRef ',' ValueRef {
delete $2;
Value *V = getVal(PMTy, $3); // Get the method we're calling...
Value *V = getVal(PMTy, $3); // Get the function we're calling...
// Create the call node...
if (!$5) { // Has no arguments?
@ -1489,18 +1489,17 @@ namespace {
bool runOnFunction(Function *F);
bool runOnFunction(Function &F);
} // end anonymous namespace
InstructionSchedulingWithSSA::runOnFunction(Function *M)
bool InstructionSchedulingWithSSA::runOnFunction(Function &F)
if (SchedDebugLevel == Sched_Disable)
return false;
SchedGraphSet graphSet(M, target);
SchedGraphSet graphSet(&F, target);
if (SchedDebugLevel >= Sched_PrintSchedGraphs)
@ -1520,7 +1519,7 @@ InstructionSchedulingWithSSA::runOnFunction(Function *M)
// expensive!
SchedPriorities schedPrio(M, graph,getAnalysis<FunctionLiveVarInfo>());
SchedPriorities schedPrio(&F, graph,getAnalysis<FunctionLiveVarInfo>());
SchedulingManager S(target, graph, schedPrio);
ChooseInstructionsForDelaySlots(S, bb, graph); // modifies graph
@ -1533,7 +1532,7 @@ InstructionSchedulingWithSSA::runOnFunction(Function *M)
if (SchedDebugLevel >= Sched_PrintMachineCode)
cerr << "\n*** Machine instructions after INSTRUCTION SCHEDULING\n";
return false;
@ -985,7 +985,7 @@ SchedGraphSet::buildGraphsForMethod(const Function *F,
const TargetMachine& target)
for (Function::const_iterator BI = F->begin(); BI != F->end(); ++BI)
addGraph(new SchedGraph(*BI, target));
addGraph(new SchedGraph(BI, target));
@ -84,29 +84,20 @@ void LiveRangeInfo::constructLiveRanges() {
// first find the live ranges for all incoming args of the function since
// those LRs start from the start of the function
// get the argument list
const Function::ArgumentListType& ArgList = Meth->getArgumentList();
Function::ArgumentListType::const_iterator ArgIt = ArgList.begin();
for( ; ArgIt != ArgList.end() ; ++ArgIt) { // for each argument
LiveRange * ArgRange = new LiveRange(); // creates a new LR and
const Value *Val = (const Value *) *ArgIt;
ArgRange->insert(Val); // add the arg (def) to it
LiveRangeMap[Val] = ArgRange;
for (Function::const_aiterator AI = Meth->abegin(); AI != Meth->aend(); ++AI){
LiveRange *ArgRange = new LiveRange(); // creates a new LR and
ArgRange->insert(AI); // add the arg (def) to it
LiveRangeMap[AI] = ArgRange;
// create a temp machine op to find the register class of value
//const MachineOperand Op(MachineOperand::MO_VirtualRegister);
unsigned rcid = MRI.getRegClassIDOfValue( Val );
ArgRange->setRegClass(RegClassList[ rcid ] );
unsigned rcid = MRI.getRegClassIDOfValue(AI);
if( DEBUG_RA > 1) {
cerr << " adding LiveRange for argument "
<< RAV((const Value *)*ArgIt) << "\n";
if( DEBUG_RA > 1)
cerr << " adding LiveRange for argument " << RAV(AI) << "\n";
// Now suggest hardware registers for these function args
@ -123,7 +114,7 @@ void LiveRangeInfo::constructLiveRanges() {
// the same Value in machine instructions.
// get the iterator for machine instructions
const MachineCodeForBasicBlock& MIVec = (*BBI)->getMachineInstrVec();
const MachineCodeForBasicBlock& MIVec = BBI->getMachineInstrVec();
// iterate over all the machine instructions in BB
for(MachineCodeForBasicBlock::const_iterator MInstIterator = MIVec.begin();
@ -275,7 +266,7 @@ void LiveRangeInfo::coalesceLRs()
BBI != BBE; ++BBI) {
// get the iterator for machine instructions
const MachineCodeForBasicBlock& MIVec = (*BBI)->getMachineInstrVec();
const MachineCodeForBasicBlock& MIVec = BBI->getMachineInstrVec();
MachineCodeForBasicBlock::const_iterator MInstIterator = MIVec.begin();
// iterate over all the machine instructions in BB
@ -49,12 +49,11 @@ namespace {
const char *getPassName() const { return "Register Allocation"; }
bool runOnFunction(Function *F) {
bool runOnFunction(Function &F) {
cerr << "\n******************** Function "<< F->getName()
<< " ********************\n";
cerr << "\n********* Function "<< F.getName() << " ***********\n";
PhyRegAlloc PRA(F, Target, &getAnalysis<FunctionLiveVarInfo>(),
PhyRegAlloc PRA(&F, Target, &getAnalysis<FunctionLiveVarInfo>(),
@ -87,7 +86,7 @@ PhyRegAlloc::PhyRegAlloc(Function *F, const TargetMachine& tm,
// create each RegisterClass and put in RegClassList
for(unsigned int rc=0; rc < NumOfRegClasses; rc++)
for (unsigned rc=0; rc < NumOfRegClasses; rc++)
RegClassList.push_back(new RegClass(F, MRI.getMachineRegClass(rc),
@ -97,7 +96,7 @@ PhyRegAlloc::PhyRegAlloc(Function *F, const TargetMachine& tm,
// Destructor: Deletes register classes
PhyRegAlloc::~PhyRegAlloc() {
for( unsigned int rc=0; rc < NumOfRegClasses; rc++)
for ( unsigned rc=0; rc < NumOfRegClasses; rc++)
delete RegClassList[rc];
@ -120,7 +119,7 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::createIGNodeListsAndIGs() {
if (HMI->first) {
LiveRange *L = HMI->second; // get the LiveRange
if (!L) {
if( DEBUG_RA) {
if (DEBUG_RA) {
cerr << "\n*?!?Warning: Null liver range found for: "
<< RAV(HMI->first) << "\n";
@ -128,7 +127,7 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::createIGNodeListsAndIGs() {
// if the Value * is not null, and LR
// is not yet written to the IGNodeList
if( !(L->getUserIGNode()) ) {
if (!(L->getUserIGNode()) ) {
RegClass *const RC = // RegClass of first value in the LR
RegClassList[ L->getRegClass()->getID() ];
@ -138,10 +137,10 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::createIGNodeListsAndIGs() {
// init RegClassList
for( unsigned int rc=0; rc < NumOfRegClasses ; rc++)
for ( unsigned rc=0; rc < NumOfRegClasses ; rc++)
cerr << "LRLists Created!\n";
@ -171,7 +170,7 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::addInterference(const Value *Def,
// for each live var in live variable set
for( ; LIt != LVSet->end(); ++LIt) {
for ( ; LIt != LVSet->end(); ++LIt) {
if (DEBUG_RA > 1)
cerr << "< Def=" << RAV(Def) << ", Lvar=" << RAV(*LIt) << "> ";
@ -184,7 +183,7 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::addInterference(const Value *Def,
// doesn't have a dominating def - see Assumptions above
if (LROfVar) {
if(LROfDef == LROfVar) // do not set interf for same LR
if (LROfDef == LROfVar) // do not set interf for same LR
// if 2 reg classes are the same set interference
@ -212,20 +211,20 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::addInterference(const Value *Def,
void PhyRegAlloc::setCallInterferences(const MachineInstr *MInst,
const ValueSet *LVSetAft) {
cerr << "\n For call inst: " << *MInst;
ValueSet::const_iterator LIt = LVSetAft->begin();
// for each live var in live variable set after machine inst
for( ; LIt != LVSetAft->end(); ++LIt) {
for ( ; LIt != LVSetAft->end(); ++LIt) {
// get the live range corresponding to live var
LiveRange *const LR = LRI.getLiveRangeForValue(*LIt );
if( LR && DEBUG_RA) {
if (LR && DEBUG_RA) {
cerr << "\n\tLR Aft Call: ";
@ -233,9 +232,9 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::setCallInterferences(const MachineInstr *MInst,
// LR can be null if it is a const since a const
// doesn't have a dominating def - see Assumptions above
if( LR ) {
if (LR ) {
if( DEBUG_RA) {
if (DEBUG_RA) {
cerr << "\n ++Added call interf for LR: " ;
@ -259,7 +258,7 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::setCallInterferences(const MachineInstr *MInst,
// If the CALL is an indirect call, find the LR of the function pointer.
// That has a call interference because it conflicts with outgoing args.
if( const Value *AddrVal = argDesc->getIndirectFuncPtr()) {
if (const Value *AddrVal = argDesc->getIndirectFuncPtr()) {
LiveRange *AddrValLR = LRI.getLiveRangeForValue( AddrVal );
assert( AddrValLR && "No LR for indirect addr val of call");
@ -278,7 +277,7 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::setCallInterferences(const MachineInstr *MInst,
void PhyRegAlloc::buildInterferenceGraphs()
if(DEBUG_RA) cerr << "Creating interference graphs ...\n";
if (DEBUG_RA) cerr << "Creating interference graphs ...\n";
unsigned BBLoopDepthCost;
for (Function::const_iterator BBI = Meth->begin(), BBE = Meth->end();
@ -286,26 +285,26 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::buildInterferenceGraphs()
// find the 10^(loop_depth) of this BB
BBLoopDepthCost = (unsigned) pow(10.0, LoopDepthCalc->getLoopDepth(*BBI));
BBLoopDepthCost = (unsigned)pow(10.0, LoopDepthCalc->getLoopDepth(BBI));
// get the iterator for machine instructions
const MachineCodeForBasicBlock& MIVec = (*BBI)->getMachineInstrVec();
const MachineCodeForBasicBlock& MIVec = BBI->getMachineInstrVec();
MachineCodeForBasicBlock::const_iterator MII = MIVec.begin();
// iterate over all the machine instructions in BB
for( ; MII != MIVec.end(); ++MII) {
for ( ; MII != MIVec.end(); ++MII) {
const MachineInstr *MInst = *MII;
// get the LV set after the instruction
const ValueSet &LVSetAI = LVI->getLiveVarSetAfterMInst(MInst, *BBI);
const ValueSet &LVSetAI = LVI->getLiveVarSetAfterMInst(MInst, BBI);
const bool isCallInst = TM.getInstrInfo().isCall(MInst->getOpCode());
if( isCallInst ) {
if (isCallInst ) {
// set the isCallInterference flag of each live range wich extends
// accross this call instruction. This information is used by graph
// coloring algo to avoid allocating volatile colors to live ranges
@ -339,9 +338,9 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::buildInterferenceGraphs()
// instr (currently, only calls have this).
unsigned NumOfImpRefs = MInst->getNumImplicitRefs();
if( NumOfImpRefs > 0 ) {
for(unsigned z=0; z < NumOfImpRefs; z++)
if( MInst->implicitRefIsDefined(z) )
if ( NumOfImpRefs > 0 ) {
for (unsigned z=0; z < NumOfImpRefs; z++)
if (MInst->implicitRefIsDefined(z) )
addInterference( MInst->getImplicitRef(z), &LVSetAI, isCallInst );
@ -355,7 +354,7 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::buildInterferenceGraphs()
cerr << "Interference graphs calculted!\n";
@ -380,14 +379,14 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::addInterf4PseudoInstr(const MachineInstr *MInst) {
assert((LROfOp1 || !It1.isDef()) && "No LR for Def in PSEUDO insruction");
MachineInstr::const_val_op_iterator It2 = It1;
for(++It2; It2 != ItE; ++It2) {
for (++It2; It2 != ItE; ++It2) {
const LiveRange *LROfOp2 = LRI.getLiveRangeForValue(*It2);
if (LROfOp2) {
RegClass *RCOfOp1 = LROfOp1->getRegClass();
RegClass *RCOfOp2 = LROfOp2->getRegClass();
if( RCOfOp1 == RCOfOp2 ){
if (RCOfOp1 == RCOfOp2 ){
RCOfOp1->setInterference( LROfOp1, LROfOp2 );
setInterf = true;
@ -409,21 +408,14 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::addInterf4PseudoInstr(const MachineInstr *MInst) {
void PhyRegAlloc::addInterferencesForArgs() {
// get the InSet of root BB
const ValueSet &InSet = LVI->getInSetOfBB(Meth->front());
const ValueSet &InSet = LVI->getInSetOfBB(&Meth->front());
// get the argument list
const Function::ArgumentListType &ArgList = Meth->getArgumentList();
// get an iterator to arg list
Function::ArgumentListType::const_iterator ArgIt = ArgList.begin();
for( ; ArgIt != ArgList.end() ; ++ArgIt) { // for each argument
addInterference((Value*)*ArgIt, &InSet, false);// add interferences between
// args and LVars at start
if( DEBUG_RA > 1)
cerr << " - %% adding interference for argument "
<< RAV((const Value *)*ArgIt) << "\n";
for (Function::const_aiterator AI = Meth->abegin(); AI != Meth->aend(); ++AI) {
// add interferences between args and LVars at start
addInterference(AI, &InSet, false);
if (DEBUG_RA > 1)
cerr << " - %% adding interference for argument " << RAV(AI) << "\n";
@ -472,9 +464,9 @@ AppendInstructions(std::vector<MachineInstr *> &IAft,
MachineInstr* OrigMI = *MII;
std::vector<MachineInstr *>::iterator AdIt;
for( AdIt = IAft.begin(); AdIt != IAft.end() ; ++AdIt )
for ( AdIt = IAft.begin(); AdIt != IAft.end() ; ++AdIt )
if(DEBUG_RA) {
if (DEBUG_RA) {
if (OrigMI) cerr << "For MInst: " << *OrigMI;
cerr << msg << " APPENDed instr: " << **AdIt << "\n";
@ -487,25 +479,22 @@ AppendInstructions(std::vector<MachineInstr *> &IAft,
void PhyRegAlloc::updateMachineCode()
const BasicBlock* entryBB = Meth->getEntryNode();
if (entryBB) {
MachineCodeForBasicBlock& MIVec = entryBB->getMachineInstrVec();
MachineCodeForBasicBlock::iterator MII = MIVec.begin();
MachineCodeForBasicBlock& MIVec = Meth->getEntryNode().getMachineInstrVec();
// Insert any instructions needed at method entry
PrependInstructions(AddedInstrAtEntry.InstrnsBefore, MIVec, MII,
"At function entry: \n");
assert(AddedInstrAtEntry.InstrnsAfter.empty() &&
"InstrsAfter should be unnecessary since we are just inserting at "
"the function entry point here.");
// Insert any instructions needed at method entry
MachineCodeForBasicBlock::iterator MII = MIVec.begin();
PrependInstructions(AddedInstrAtEntry.InstrnsBefore, MIVec, MII,
"At function entry: \n");
assert(AddedInstrAtEntry.InstrnsAfter.empty() &&
"InstrsAfter should be unnecessary since we are just inserting at "
"the function entry point here.");
for (Function::const_iterator BBI = Meth->begin(), BBE = Meth->end();
BBI != BBE; ++BBI) {
// iterate over all the machine instructions in BB
MachineCodeForBasicBlock& MIVec = (*BBI)->getMachineInstrVec();
for(MachineCodeForBasicBlock::iterator MII = MIVec.begin();
MachineCodeForBasicBlock &MIVec = BBI->getMachineInstrVec();
for (MachineCodeForBasicBlock::iterator MII = MIVec.begin();
MII != MIVec.end(); ++MII) {
MachineInstr *MInst = *MII;
@ -530,7 +519,7 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::updateMachineCode()
if (TM.getInstrInfo().isCall(Opcode))
MRI.colorCallArgs(MInst, LRI, &AI, *this, *BBI);
MRI.colorCallArgs(MInst, LRI, &AI, *this, BBI);
else if (TM.getInstrInfo().isReturn(Opcode))
MRI.colorRetValue(MInst, LRI, &AI);
@ -540,7 +529,7 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::updateMachineCode()
// if this machine instr is call, insert caller saving code
if( (TM.getInstrInfo()).isCall( MInst->getOpCode()) )
if ((TM.getInstrInfo()).isCall( MInst->getOpCode()) )
MRI.insertCallerSavingCode(MInst, *BBI, *this );
@ -551,22 +540,22 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::updateMachineCode()
// mcInfo.popAllTempValues(TM);
// TODO ** : do later
//for(MachineInstr::val_const_op_iterator OpI(MInst);!OpI.done();++OpI) {
//for (MachineInstr::val_const_op_iterator OpI(MInst);!OpI.done();++OpI) {
// Now replace set the registers for operands in the machine instruction
for(unsigned OpNum=0; OpNum < MInst->getNumOperands(); ++OpNum) {
for (unsigned OpNum=0; OpNum < MInst->getNumOperands(); ++OpNum) {
MachineOperand& Op = MInst->getOperand(OpNum);
if( Op.getOperandType() == MachineOperand::MO_VirtualRegister ||
if (Op.getOperandType() == MachineOperand::MO_VirtualRegister ||
Op.getOperandType() == MachineOperand::MO_CCRegister) {
const Value *const Val = Op.getVRegValue();
// delete this condition checking later (must assert if Val is null)
if( !Val) {
if (!Val) {
cerr << "Warning: NULL Value found for operand\n";
@ -575,7 +564,7 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::updateMachineCode()
LiveRange *const LR = LRI.getLiveRangeForValue(Val);
if ( !LR ) {
if (!LR ) {
// nothing to worry if it's a const or a label
@ -586,7 +575,7 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::updateMachineCode()
// if register is not allocated, mark register as invalid
if( Op.getAllocatedRegNum() == -1)
if (Op.getAllocatedRegNum() == -1)
Op.setRegForValue( MRI.getInvalidRegNum());
@ -595,7 +584,7 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::updateMachineCode()
unsigned RCID = (LR->getRegClass())->getID();
if( LR->hasColor() ) {
if (LR->hasColor() ) {
Op.setRegForValue( MRI.getUnifiedRegNum(RCID, LR->getColor()) );
else {
@ -604,7 +593,7 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::updateMachineCode()
// for spilled opeands in this machine instruction
//assert(0 && "LR must be spilled");
insertCode4SpilledLR(LR, MInst, *BBI, OpNum );
insertCode4SpilledLR(LR, MInst, BBI, OpNum );
@ -620,7 +609,7 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::updateMachineCode()
// If there are instructions to be added, *before* this machine
// instruction, add them now.
if(AddedInstrMap.count(MInst)) {
if (AddedInstrMap.count(MInst)) {
PrependInstructions(AddedInstrMap[MInst].InstrnsBefore, MIVec, MII,"");
@ -638,7 +627,7 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::updateMachineCode()
if ((delay=TM.getInstrInfo().getNumDelaySlots(MInst->getOpCode())) >0){
move2DelayedInstr(MInst, *(MII+delay) );
if(DEBUG_RA) cerr<< "\nMoved an added instr after the delay slot";
if (DEBUG_RA) cerr<< "\nMoved an added instr after the delay slot";
else {
@ -698,10 +687,10 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::insertCode4SpilledLR(const LiveRange *LR,
AdIMid.begin(), AdIMid.end());
if (MIBef)
if (MIAft)
AI.InstrnsAfter.insert(AI.InstrnsAfter.begin(), MIAft);
} else { // if this is a Def
@ -722,14 +711,16 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::insertCode4SpilledLR(const LiveRange *LR,
} // if !DEF
cerr << "\nFor Inst " << *MInst;
cerr << " - SPILLED LR: "; printSet(*LR);
cerr << "\n - Added Instructions:";
if (MIBef) cerr << *MIBef;
for (vector<MachineInstr*>::const_iterator II=AdIMid.begin();
II != AdIMid.end(); ++II)
cerr << **II;
if (MIAft) cerr << *MIAft;
if (DEBUG_RA) {
cerr << "\nFor Inst " << *MInst;
cerr << " - SPILLED LR: "; printSet(*LR);
cerr << "\n - Added Instructions:";
if (MIBef) cerr << *MIBef;
for (vector<MachineInstr*>::const_iterator II=AdIMid.begin();
II != AdIMid.end(); ++II)
cerr << **II;
if (MIAft) cerr << *MIAft;
Op.setRegForValue(TmpRegU); // set the opearnd
@ -755,7 +746,7 @@ int PhyRegAlloc::getUsableUniRegAtMI(RegClass *RC,
int RegU = getUnusedUniRegAtMI(RC, MInst, LVSetBef);
if( RegU != -1) {
if (RegU != -1) {
// we found an unused register, so we can simply use it
MIBef = MIAft = NULL;
@ -799,20 +790,20 @@ int PhyRegAlloc::getUnusedUniRegAtMI(RegClass *RC,
std::vector<bool> &IsColorUsedArr = RC->getIsColorUsedArr();
for(unsigned i=0; i < NumAvailRegs; i++) // Reset array
for (unsigned i=0; i < NumAvailRegs; i++) // Reset array
IsColorUsedArr[i] = false;
ValueSet::const_iterator LIt = LVSetBef->begin();
// for each live var in live variable set after machine inst
for( ; LIt != LVSetBef->end(); ++LIt) {
for ( ; LIt != LVSetBef->end(); ++LIt) {
// get the live range corresponding to live var
LiveRange *const LRofLV = LRI.getLiveRangeForValue(*LIt );
// LR can be null if it is a const since a const
// doesn't have a dominating def - see Assumptions above
if( LRofLV && LRofLV->getRegClass() == RC && LRofLV->hasColor() )
if (LRofLV && LRofLV->getRegClass() == RC && LRofLV->hasColor() )
IsColorUsedArr[ LRofLV->getColor() ] = true;
@ -822,7 +813,7 @@ int PhyRegAlloc::getUnusedUniRegAtMI(RegClass *RC,
setRelRegsUsedByThisInst(RC, MInst);
for(unsigned c=0; c < NumAvailRegs; c++) // find first unused color
for (unsigned c=0; c < NumAvailRegs; c++) // find first unused color
if (!IsColorUsedArr[c])
return MRI.getUnifiedRegNum(RC->getID(), c);
@ -841,12 +832,12 @@ int PhyRegAlloc::getUniRegNotUsedByThisInst(RegClass *RC,
unsigned NumAvailRegs = RC->getNumOfAvailRegs();
for(unsigned i=0; i < NumAvailRegs ; i++) // Reset array
for (unsigned i=0; i < NumAvailRegs ; i++) // Reset array
IsColorUsedArr[i] = false;
setRelRegsUsedByThisInst(RC, MInst);
for(unsigned c=0; c < RC->getNumOfAvailRegs(); c++)// find first unused color
for (unsigned c=0; c < RC->getNumOfAvailRegs(); c++)// find first unused color
if (!IsColorUsedArr[c])
return MRI.getUnifiedRegNum(RC->getID(), c);
@ -865,19 +856,19 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::setRelRegsUsedByThisInst(RegClass *RC,
vector<bool> &IsColorUsedArr = RC->getIsColorUsedArr();
for(unsigned OpNum=0; OpNum < MInst->getNumOperands(); ++OpNum) {
for (unsigned OpNum=0; OpNum < MInst->getNumOperands(); ++OpNum) {
const MachineOperand& Op = MInst->getOperand(OpNum);
if( Op.getOperandType() == MachineOperand::MO_VirtualRegister ||
if (Op.getOperandType() == MachineOperand::MO_VirtualRegister ||
Op.getOperandType() == MachineOperand::MO_CCRegister ) {
const Value *const Val = Op.getVRegValue();
if( Val )
if( MRI.getRegClassIDOfValue(Val) == RC->getID() ) {
if (Val )
if (MRI.getRegClassIDOfValue(Val) == RC->getID() ) {
int Reg;
if( (Reg=Op.getAllocatedRegNum()) != -1) {
if ((Reg=Op.getAllocatedRegNum()) != -1) {
IsColorUsedArr[Reg] = true;
else {
@ -885,8 +876,8 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::setRelRegsUsedByThisInst(RegClass *RC,
// a register but it has a LR and that received a color
LiveRange *LROfVal = LRI.getLiveRangeForValue(Val);
if( LROfVal)
if( LROfVal->hasColor() )
if (LROfVal)
if (LROfVal->hasColor() )
IsColorUsedArr[LROfVal->getColor()] = true;
@ -900,12 +891,12 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::setRelRegsUsedByThisInst(RegClass *RC,
// If there are implicit references, mark them as well
for(unsigned z=0; z < MInst->getNumImplicitRefs(); z++) {
for (unsigned z=0; z < MInst->getNumImplicitRefs(); z++) {
LiveRange *const LRofImpRef =
LRI.getLiveRangeForValue( MInst->getImplicitRef(z) );
if(LRofImpRef && LRofImpRef->hasColor())
if (LRofImpRef && LRofImpRef->hasColor())
IsColorUsedArr[LRofImpRef->getColor()] = true;
@ -957,35 +948,35 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::printMachineCode()
for (Function::const_iterator BBI = Meth->begin(), BBE = Meth->end();
BBI != BBE; ++BBI) {
cerr << "\n"; printLabel(*BBI); cerr << ": ";
cerr << "\n"; printLabel(BBI); cerr << ": ";
// get the iterator for machine instructions
MachineCodeForBasicBlock& MIVec = (*BBI)->getMachineInstrVec();
MachineCodeForBasicBlock& MIVec = BBI->getMachineInstrVec();
MachineCodeForBasicBlock::iterator MII = MIVec.begin();
// iterate over all the machine instructions in BB
for( ; MII != MIVec.end(); ++MII) {
for ( ; MII != MIVec.end(); ++MII) {
MachineInstr *const MInst = *MII;
cerr << "\n\t";
cerr << TargetInstrDescriptors[MInst->getOpCode()].opCodeString;
for(unsigned OpNum=0; OpNum < MInst->getNumOperands(); ++OpNum) {
for (unsigned OpNum=0; OpNum < MInst->getNumOperands(); ++OpNum) {
MachineOperand& Op = MInst->getOperand(OpNum);
if( Op.getOperandType() == MachineOperand::MO_VirtualRegister ||
if (Op.getOperandType() == MachineOperand::MO_VirtualRegister ||
Op.getOperandType() == MachineOperand::MO_CCRegister /*||
Op.getOperandType() == MachineOperand::MO_PCRelativeDisp*/ ) {
const Value *const Val = Op.getVRegValue () ;
// ****this code is temporary till NULL Values are fixed
if( ! Val ) {
if (! Val ) {
cerr << "\t<*NULL*>";
// if a label or a constant
if(isa<BasicBlock>(Val)) {
if (isa<BasicBlock>(Val)) {
cerr << "\t"; printLabel( Op.getVRegValue () );
} else {
// else it must be a register value
@ -997,17 +988,17 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::printMachineCode()
cerr << "(" << Val << ")";
if( Op.opIsDef() )
if (Op.opIsDef() )
cerr << "*";
const LiveRange *LROfVal = LRI.getLiveRangeForValue(Val);
if( LROfVal )
if( LROfVal->hasSpillOffset() )
if (LROfVal )
if (LROfVal->hasSpillOffset() )
cerr << "$";
else if(Op.getOperandType() == MachineOperand::MO_MachineRegister) {
else if (Op.getOperandType() == MachineOperand::MO_MachineRegister) {
cerr << "\t" << "%" << MRI.getUnifiedRegName(Op.getMachineRegNum());
@ -1018,10 +1009,10 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::printMachineCode()
unsigned NumOfImpRefs = MInst->getNumImplicitRefs();
if( NumOfImpRefs > 0) {
if (NumOfImpRefs > 0) {
cerr << "\tImplicit:";
for(unsigned z=0; z < NumOfImpRefs; z++)
for (unsigned z=0; z < NumOfImpRefs; z++)
cerr << RAV(MInst->getImplicitRef(z)) << "\t";
@ -1047,7 +1038,7 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::colorCallRetArgs()
CallRetInstrListType &CallRetInstList = LRI.getCallRetInstrList();
CallRetInstrListType::const_iterator It = CallRetInstList.begin();
for( ; It != CallRetInstList.end(); ++It ) {
for ( ; It != CallRetInstList.end(); ++It ) {
const MachineInstr *const CRMI = *It;
unsigned OpCode = CRMI->getOpCode();
@ -1076,8 +1067,8 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::colorCallRetArgs()
void PhyRegAlloc::colorIncomingArgs()
const BasicBlock *const FirstBB = Meth->front();
const MachineInstr *FirstMI = FirstBB->getMachineInstrVec().front();
const BasicBlock &FirstBB = Meth->front();
const MachineInstr *FirstMI = FirstBB.getMachineInstrVec().front();
assert(FirstMI && "No machine instruction in entry BB");
MRI.colorMethodArgs(Meth, LRI, &AddedInstrAtEntry);
@ -1104,19 +1095,19 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::printLabel(const Value *const Val) {
void PhyRegAlloc::markUnusableSugColors()
if(DEBUG_RA ) cerr << "\nmarking unusable suggested colors ...\n";
if (DEBUG_RA ) cerr << "\nmarking unusable suggested colors ...\n";
// hash map iterator
LiveRangeMapType::const_iterator HMI = (LRI.getLiveRangeMap())->begin();
LiveRangeMapType::const_iterator HMIEnd = (LRI.getLiveRangeMap())->end();
for(; HMI != HMIEnd ; ++HMI ) {
for (; HMI != HMIEnd ; ++HMI ) {
if (HMI->first) {
LiveRange *L = HMI->second; // get the LiveRange
if (L) {
if(L->hasSuggestedColor()) {
if (L->hasSuggestedColor()) {
int RCID = L->getRegClass()->getID();
if( MRI.isRegVolatile( RCID, L->getSuggestedColor()) &&
if (MRI.isRegVolatile( RCID, L->getSuggestedColor()) &&
L->isCallInterference() )
L->setSuggestedColorUsable( false );
@ -1142,7 +1133,7 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::allocateStackSpace4SpilledLRs() {
LiveRangeMapType::const_iterator HMI = LRI.getLiveRangeMap()->begin();
LiveRangeMapType::const_iterator HMIEnd = LRI.getLiveRangeMap()->end();
for( ; HMI != HMIEnd ; ++HMI) {
for ( ; HMI != HMIEnd ; ++HMI) {
if (HMI->first && HMI->second) {
LiveRange *L = HMI->second; // get the LiveRange
if (!L->hasColor()) // NOTE: ** allocating the size of long Type **
@ -1176,25 +1167,25 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::allocateRegisters()
if (DEBUG_RA) {
// print all LRs in all reg classes
for( unsigned int rc=0; rc < NumOfRegClasses ; rc++)
RegClassList[ rc ]->printIGNodeList();
for ( unsigned rc=0; rc < NumOfRegClasses ; rc++)
// print IGs in all register classes
for( unsigned int rc=0; rc < NumOfRegClasses ; rc++)
RegClassList[ rc ]->printIG();
for ( unsigned rc=0; rc < NumOfRegClasses ; rc++)
LRI.coalesceLRs(); // coalesce all live ranges
if( DEBUG_RA) {
if (DEBUG_RA) {
// print all LRs in all reg classes
for( unsigned int rc=0; rc < NumOfRegClasses ; rc++)
for ( unsigned rc=0; rc < NumOfRegClasses ; rc++)
RegClassList[ rc ]->printIGNodeList();
// print IGs in all register classes
for( unsigned int rc=0; rc < NumOfRegClasses ; rc++)
for ( unsigned rc=0; rc < NumOfRegClasses ; rc++)
RegClassList[ rc ]->printIG();
@ -1206,7 +1197,7 @@ void PhyRegAlloc::allocateRegisters()
// color all register classes using the graph coloring algo
for( unsigned int rc=0; rc < NumOfRegClasses ; rc++)
for (unsigned rc=0; rc < NumOfRegClasses ; rc++)
RegClassList[ rc ]->colorAllRegs();
// Atter grpah coloring, if some LRs did not receive a color (i.e, spilled)
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ static void ConvertOperandToType(User *U, Value *OldVal, Value *NewVal,
static bool AllIndicesZero(const MemAccessInst *MAI) {
for (User::const_op_iterator S = MAI->idx_begin(), E = MAI->idx_end();
S != E; ++S)
if (!isa<Constant>(*S) || !cast<Constant>(*S)->isNullValue())
if (!isa<Constant>(S->get()) || !cast<Constant>(S->get())->isNullValue())
return false;
return true;
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ static Instruction *ConvertMallocToType(MallocInst *MI, const Type *Ty,
unsigned Scale = (unsigned)ScaleVal * OldTypeSize / DataSize;
// Locate the malloc instruction, because we may be inserting instructions
It = find(BB->getInstList().begin(), BB->getInstList().end(), MI);
It = MI;
// If we have a scale, apply it first...
if (Expr.Var) {
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ static Instruction *ConvertMallocToType(MallocInst *MI, const Type *Ty,
if (Expr.Var->getType() != Type::UIntTy) {
Instruction *CI = new CastInst(Expr.Var, Type::UIntTy);
if (Expr.Var->hasName()) CI->setName(Expr.Var->getName()+"-uint");
It = BB->getInstList().insert(It, CI)+1;
It = ++BB->getInstList().insert(It, CI);
Expr.Var = CI;
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ static Instruction *ConvertMallocToType(MallocInst *MI, const Type *Ty,
BinaryOperator::create(Instruction::Mul, Expr.Var,
ConstantUInt::get(Type::UIntTy, Scale));
if (Expr.Var->hasName()) ScI->setName(Expr.Var->getName()+"-scl");
It = BB->getInstList().insert(It, ScI)+1;
It = ++BB->getInstList().insert(It, ScI);
Expr.Var = ScI;
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ static Instruction *ConvertMallocToType(MallocInst *MI, const Type *Ty,
BinaryOperator::create(Instruction::Add, Expr.Var,
ConstantUInt::get(Type::UIntTy, Offset));
if (Expr.Var->hasName()) AddI->setName(Expr.Var->getName()+"-off");
It = BB->getInstList().insert(It, AddI)+1;
It = ++BB->getInstList().insert(It, AddI);
Expr.Var = AddI;
@ -193,9 +193,10 @@ bool ExpressionConvertableToType(Value *V, const Type *Ty,
// We also do not allow conversion of a cast that casts from a ptr to array
// of X to a *X. For example: cast [4 x %List *] * %val to %List * *
if (PointerType *SPT = dyn_cast<PointerType>(I->getOperand(0)->getType()))
if (PointerType *DPT = dyn_cast<PointerType>(I->getType()))
if (ArrayType *AT = dyn_cast<ArrayType>(SPT->getElementType()))
if (const PointerType *SPT =
if (const PointerType *DPT = dyn_cast<PointerType>(I->getType()))
if (const ArrayType *AT = dyn_cast<ArrayType>(SPT->getElementType()))
if (AT->getElementType() == DPT->getElementType())
return false;
@ -475,7 +476,7 @@ Value *ConvertExpressionToType(Value *V, const Type *Ty, ValueMapCache &VMC) {
// and we could convert this to an appropriate GEP for the new type.
const PointerType *NewSrcTy = PointerType::get(PVTy);
BasicBlock::iterator It = find(BIL.begin(), BIL.end(), I);
BasicBlock::iterator It = I;
// Check to see if 'N' is an expression that can be converted to
// the appropriate size... if so, allow it.
@ -519,9 +520,7 @@ Value *ConvertExpressionToType(Value *V, const Type *Ty, ValueMapCache &VMC) {
assert(Res->getType() == Ty && "Didn't convert expr to correct type!");
BasicBlock::iterator It = find(BIL.begin(), BIL.end(), I);
assert(It != BIL.end() && "Instruction not in own basic block??");
BIL.insert(It, Res);
BIL.insert(I, Res);
// Add the instruction to the expression map
VMC.ExprMap[I] = Res;
@ -618,9 +617,10 @@ static bool OperandConvertableToType(User *U, Value *V, const Type *Ty,
// We also do not allow conversion of a cast that casts from a ptr to array
// of X to a *X. For example: cast [4 x %List *] * %val to %List * *
if (PointerType *SPT = dyn_cast<PointerType>(I->getOperand(0)->getType()))
if (PointerType *DPT = dyn_cast<PointerType>(I->getType()))
if (ArrayType *AT = dyn_cast<ArrayType>(SPT->getElementType()))
if (const PointerType *SPT =
if (const PointerType *DPT = dyn_cast<PointerType>(I->getType()))
if (const ArrayType *AT = dyn_cast<ArrayType>(SPT->getElementType()))
if (AT->getElementType() == DPT->getElementType())
return false;
return true;
@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ static bool OperandConvertableToType(User *U, Value *V, const Type *Ty,
// a whole structure at a time), so the level raiser must be trying to
// store into the first field. Check for this and allow it now:
if (StructType *SElTy = dyn_cast<StructType>(ElTy)) {
if (const StructType *SElTy = dyn_cast<StructType>(ElTy)) {
unsigned Offset = 0;
std::vector<Value*> Indices;
ElTy = getStructOffsetType(ElTy, Offset, Indices, false);
@ -817,9 +817,9 @@ static bool OperandConvertableToType(User *U, Value *V, const Type *Ty,
// Are we trying to change the function pointer value to a new type?
if (OpNum == 0) {
PointerType *PTy = dyn_cast<PointerType>(Ty);
const PointerType *PTy = dyn_cast<PointerType>(Ty);
if (PTy == 0) return false; // Can't convert to a non-pointer type...
FunctionType *MTy = dyn_cast<FunctionType>(PTy->getElementType());
const FunctionType *MTy = dyn_cast<FunctionType>(PTy->getElementType());
if (MTy == 0) return false; // Can't convert to a non ptr to function...
// Perform sanity checks to make sure that new function type has the
@ -926,7 +926,7 @@ static void ConvertOperandToType(User *U, Value *OldVal, Value *NewVal,
if (isa<PointerType>(NewTy)) {
Value *IndexVal = I->getOperand(OldVal == I->getOperand(0) ? 1 : 0);
std::vector<Value*> Indices;
BasicBlock::iterator It = find(BIL.begin(), BIL.end(), I);
BasicBlock::iterator It = I;
if (const Type *ETy = ConvertableToGEP(NewTy, IndexVal, Indices, &It)) {
// If successful, convert the add to a GEP
@ -1016,7 +1016,7 @@ static void ConvertOperandToType(User *U, Value *OldVal, Value *NewVal,
// Convert a one index getelementptr into just about anything that is
// desired.
BasicBlock::iterator It = find(BIL.begin(), BIL.end(), I);
BasicBlock::iterator It = I;
const Type *OldElTy = cast<PointerType>(I->getType())->getElementType();
unsigned DataSize = TD.getTypeSize(OldElTy);
Value *Index = I->getOperand(1);
@ -1025,7 +1025,7 @@ static void ConvertOperandToType(User *U, Value *OldVal, Value *NewVal,
// Insert a multiply of the old element type is not a unit size...
Index = BinaryOperator::create(Instruction::Mul, Index,
ConstantUInt::get(Type::UIntTy, DataSize));
It = BIL.insert(It, cast<Instruction>(Index))+1;
It = ++BIL.insert(It, cast<Instruction>(Index));
// Perform the conversion now...
@ -1042,7 +1042,7 @@ static void ConvertOperandToType(User *U, Value *OldVal, Value *NewVal,
// Convert a getelementptr sbyte * %reg111, uint 16 freely back to
// anything that is a pointer type...
BasicBlock::iterator It = find(BIL.begin(), BIL.end(), I);
BasicBlock::iterator It = I;
// Check to see if the second argument is an expression that can
// be converted to the appropriate size... if so, allow it.
@ -1086,8 +1086,8 @@ static void ConvertOperandToType(User *U, Value *OldVal, Value *NewVal,
std::vector<Value*> Params(I->op_begin()+1, I->op_end());
if (Meth == OldVal) { // Changing the function pointer?
PointerType *NewPTy = cast<PointerType>(NewVal->getType());
FunctionType *NewTy = cast<FunctionType>(NewPTy->getElementType());
const PointerType *NewPTy = cast<PointerType>(NewVal->getType());
const FunctionType *NewTy = cast<FunctionType>(NewPTy->getElementType());
const FunctionType::ParamTypes &PTs = NewTy->getParamTypes();
// Get an iterator to the call instruction so that we can insert casts for
@ -1096,7 +1096,7 @@ static void ConvertOperandToType(User *U, Value *OldVal, Value *NewVal,
// compatible. The reason for this is that we prefer to have resolved
// functions but casted arguments if possible.
BasicBlock::iterator It = find(BIL.begin(), BIL.end(), I);
BasicBlock::iterator It = I;
// Convert over all of the call operands to their new types... but only
// convert over the part that is not in the vararg section of the call.
@ -1107,7 +1107,7 @@ static void ConvertOperandToType(User *U, Value *OldVal, Value *NewVal,
// is a lossless cast...
Params[i] = new CastInst(Params[i], PTs[i], "call.resolve.cast");
It = BIL.insert(It, cast<Instruction>(Params[i]))+1;
It = ++BIL.insert(It, cast<Instruction>(Params[i]));
Meth = NewVal; // Update call destination to new value
@ -1130,7 +1130,7 @@ static void ConvertOperandToType(User *U, Value *OldVal, Value *NewVal,
// If the instruction was newly created, insert it into the instruction
// stream.
BasicBlock::iterator It = find(BIL.begin(), BIL.end(), I);
BasicBlock::iterator It = I;
assert(It != BIL.end() && "Instruction not in own basic block??");
BIL.insert(It, Res); // Keep It pointing to old instruction
@ -1186,7 +1186,7 @@ static void RecursiveDelete(ValueMapCache &Cache, Instruction *I) {
for (User::op_iterator OI = I->op_begin(), OE = I->op_end();
OI != OE; ++OI)
if (Instruction *U = dyn_cast<Instruction>(*OI)) {
if (Instruction *U = dyn_cast<Instruction>(OI->get())) {
*OI = 0;
RecursiveDelete(Cache, U);
@ -13,8 +13,6 @@
#include "llvm/Transforms/CleanupGCCOutput.h"
#include "llvm/Module.h"
#include "llvm/Function.h"
#include "llvm/BasicBlock.h"
#include "llvm/SymbolTable.h"
#include "llvm/DerivedTypes.h"
#include "llvm/Pass.h"
@ -34,7 +32,7 @@ namespace {
struct FunctionResolvingPass : public Pass {
const char *getPassName() const { return "Resolve Functions"; }
bool run(Module *M);
bool run(Module &M);
@ -50,12 +48,10 @@ static void ConvertCallTo(CallInst *CI, Function *Dest) {
BasicBlock *BB = CI->getParent();
// Get an iterator to where we want to insert cast instructions if the
// Keep an iterator to where we want to insert cast instructions if the
// argument types don't agree.
BasicBlock::iterator BBI = find(BB->begin(), BB->end(), CI);
assert(BBI != BB->end() && "CallInst not in parent block?");
BasicBlock::iterator BBI = CI;
assert(CI->getNumOperands()-1 == ParamTys.size() &&
"Function calls resolved funny somehow, incompatible number of args");
@ -68,7 +64,7 @@ static void ConvertCallTo(CallInst *CI, Function *Dest) {
if (V->getType() != ParamTys[i-1]) { // Must insert a cast...
Instruction *Cast = new CastInst(V, ParamTys[i-1]);
BBI = BB->getInstList().insert(BBI, Cast)+1;
BBI = ++BB->getInstList().insert(BBI, Cast);
V = Cast;
@ -80,7 +76,7 @@ static void ConvertCallTo(CallInst *CI, Function *Dest) {
// Replace the old call instruction with a new call instruction that calls
// the real function.
BBI = BB->getInstList().insert(BBI, NewCall)+1;
BBI = ++BB->getInstList().insert(BBI, NewCall);
// Remove the old call instruction from the program...
@ -110,8 +106,8 @@ static void ConvertCallTo(CallInst *CI, Function *Dest) {
bool FunctionResolvingPass::run(Module *M) {
SymbolTable *ST = M->getSymbolTable();
bool FunctionResolvingPass::run(Module &M) {
SymbolTable *ST = M.getSymbolTable();
if (!ST) return false;
std::map<string, vector<Function*> > Functions;
@ -151,9 +147,8 @@ bool FunctionResolvingPass::run(Module *M) {
// warnings... here we will actually DCE the function so that it isn't
// used later.
if (Functions[i]->use_size() == 0) {
delete Functions[i];
if (Functions[i]->use_empty()) {
Changed = true;
@ -20,18 +20,16 @@
#include "llvm/Transforms/FunctionInlining.h"
#include "llvm/Module.h"
#include "llvm/Function.h"
#include "llvm/Pass.h"
#include "llvm/iTerminators.h"
#include "llvm/iPHINode.h"
#include "llvm/iOther.h"
#include "llvm/Type.h"
#include "llvm/Argument.h"
#include "Support/StatisticReporter.h"
static Statistic<> NumInlined("inline\t\t- Number of functions inlined");
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
static Statistic<> NumInlined("inline\t\t- Number of functions inlined");
using std::cerr;
// RemapInstruction - Convert the instruction operands from referencing the
@ -65,17 +63,16 @@ static inline void RemapInstruction(Instruction *I,
// exists in the instruction stream. Similiarly this will inline a recursive
// function by one level.
bool InlineFunction(BasicBlock::iterator CIIt) {
assert(isa<CallInst>(*CIIt) && "InlineFunction only works on CallInst nodes");
assert((*CIIt)->getParent() && "Instruction not embedded in basic block!");
assert((*CIIt)->getParent()->getParent() && "Instruction not in function!");
bool InlineFunction(CallInst *CI) {
assert(isa<CallInst>(CI) && "InlineFunction only works on CallInst nodes");
assert(CI->getParent() && "Instruction not embedded in basic block!");
assert(CI->getParent()->getParent() && "Instruction not in function!");
CallInst *CI = cast<CallInst>(*CIIt);
const Function *CalledMeth = CI->getCalledFunction();
if (CalledMeth == 0 || // Can't inline external function or indirect call!
CalledMeth->isExternal()) return false;
const Function *CalledFunc = CI->getCalledFunction();
if (CalledFunc == 0 || // Can't inline external function or indirect call!
CalledFunc->isExternal()) return false;
//cerr << "Inlining " << CalledMeth->getName() << " into "
//cerr << "Inlining " << CalledFunc->getName() << " into "
// << CurrentMeth->getName() << "\n";
BasicBlock *OrigBB = CI->getParent();
@ -84,7 +81,7 @@ bool InlineFunction(BasicBlock::iterator CIIt) {
// immediately before the call. The original basic block now ends with an
// unconditional branch to NewBB, and NewBB starts with the call instruction.
BasicBlock *NewBB = OrigBB->splitBasicBlock(CIIt);
BasicBlock *NewBB = OrigBB->splitBasicBlock(CI);
// Remove (unlink) the CallInst from the start of the new basic block.
@ -95,8 +92,8 @@ bool InlineFunction(BasicBlock::iterator CIIt) {
// function.
PHINode *PHI = 0;
if (CalledMeth->getReturnType() != Type::VoidTy) {
PHI = new PHINode(CalledMeth->getReturnType(), CI->getName());
if (CalledFunc->getReturnType() != Type::VoidTy) {
PHI = new PHINode(CalledFunc->getReturnType(), CI->getName());
// The PHI node should go at the front of the new basic block to merge all
// possible incoming values.
@ -118,19 +115,17 @@ bool InlineFunction(BasicBlock::iterator CIIt) {
// Add the function arguments to the mapping: (start counting at 1 to skip the
// function reference itself)
Function::ArgumentListType::const_iterator PTI =
Function::const_aiterator PTI = CalledFunc->abegin();
for (unsigned a = 1, E = CI->getNumOperands(); a != E; ++a, ++PTI)
ValueMap[*PTI] = CI->getOperand(a);
ValueMap[PTI] = CI->getOperand(a);
ValueMap[NewBB] = NewBB; // Returns get converted to reference NewBB
// Loop over all of the basic blocks in the function, inlining them as
// appropriate. Keep track of the first basic block of the function...
for (Function::const_iterator BI = CalledMeth->begin();
BI != CalledMeth->end(); ++BI) {
const BasicBlock *BB = *BI;
for (Function::const_iterator BB = CalledFunc->begin();
BB != CalledFunc->end(); ++BB) {
assert(BB->getTerminator() && "BasicBlock doesn't have terminator!?!?");
// Create a new basic block to copy instructions into!
@ -148,23 +143,24 @@ bool InlineFunction(BasicBlock::iterator CIIt) {
// Loop over all instructions copying them over...
Instruction *NewInst;
for (BasicBlock::const_iterator II = BB->begin();
II != (BB->end()-1); ++II) {
IBB->getInstList().push_back((NewInst = (*II)->clone()));
ValueMap[*II] = NewInst; // Add instruction map to value.
if ((*II)->hasName())
NewInst->setName((*II)->getName()+".i"); // .i = inlined once
II != --BB->end(); ++II) {
IBB->getInstList().push_back((NewInst = II->clone()));
ValueMap[II] = NewInst; // Add instruction map to value.
if (II->hasName())
NewInst->setName(II->getName()+".i"); // .i = inlined once
// Copy over the terminator now...
switch (TI->getOpcode()) {
case Instruction::Ret: {
const ReturnInst *RI = cast<const ReturnInst>(TI);
const ReturnInst *RI = cast<ReturnInst>(TI);
if (PHI) { // The PHI node should include this value!
assert(RI->getReturnValue() && "Ret should have value!");
assert(RI->getReturnValue()->getType() == PHI->getType() &&
"Ret value not consistent in function!");
PHI->addIncoming((Value*)RI->getReturnValue(), cast<BasicBlock>(BB));
// Add a branch to the code that was after the original Call.
@ -185,15 +181,14 @@ bool InlineFunction(BasicBlock::iterator CIIt) {
// Loop over all of the instructions in the function, fixing up operand
// references as we go. This uses ValueMap to do all the hard work.
for (Function::const_iterator BI = CalledMeth->begin();
BI != CalledMeth->end(); ++BI) {
const BasicBlock *BB = *BI;
for (Function::const_iterator BB = CalledFunc->begin();
BB != CalledFunc->end(); ++BB) {
BasicBlock *NBB = (BasicBlock*)ValueMap[BB];
// Loop over all instructions, fixing each one as we find it...
for (BasicBlock::iterator II = NBB->begin(); II != NBB->end(); II++)
RemapInstruction(*II, ValueMap);
for (BasicBlock::iterator II = NBB->begin(); II != NBB->end(); ++II)
RemapInstruction(II, ValueMap);
if (PHI) RemapInstruction(PHI, ValueMap); // Fix the PHI node also...
@ -204,24 +199,13 @@ bool InlineFunction(BasicBlock::iterator CIIt) {
TerminatorInst *Br = OrigBB->getTerminator();
assert(Br && Br->getOpcode() == Instruction::Br &&
"splitBasicBlock broken!");
Br->setOperand(0, ValueMap[CalledMeth->front()]);
Br->setOperand(0, ValueMap[&CalledFunc->front()]);
// Since we are now done with the CallInst, we can finally delete it.
delete CI;
return true;
bool InlineFunction(CallInst *CI) {
assert(CI->getParent() && "CallInst not embeded in BasicBlock!");
BasicBlock *PBB = CI->getParent();
BasicBlock::iterator CallIt = find(PBB->begin(), PBB->end(), CI);
assert(CallIt != PBB->end() &&
"CallInst has parent that doesn't contain CallInst?!?");
return InlineFunction(CallIt);
static inline bool ShouldInlineFunction(const CallInst *CI, const Function *F) {
assert(CI->getParent() && CI->getParent()->getParent() &&
"Call not embedded into a function!");
@ -242,11 +226,12 @@ static inline bool ShouldInlineFunction(const CallInst *CI, const Function *F) {
static inline bool DoFunctionInlining(BasicBlock *BB) {
for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB->begin(); I != BB->end(); ++I) {
if (CallInst *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(*I)) {
if (CallInst *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(&*I)) {
// Check to see if we should inline this function
Function *F = CI->getCalledFunction();
if (F && ShouldInlineFunction(CI, F))
return InlineFunction(I);
if (F && ShouldInlineFunction(CI, F)) {
return InlineFunction(CI);
return false;
@ -255,16 +240,14 @@ static inline bool DoFunctionInlining(BasicBlock *BB) {
// doFunctionInlining - Use a heuristic based approach to inline functions that
// seem to look good.
static bool doFunctionInlining(Function *F) {
static bool doFunctionInlining(Function &F) {
bool Changed = false;
// Loop through now and inline instructions a basic block at a time...
for (Function::iterator I = F->begin(); I != F->end(); )
if (DoFunctionInlining(*I)) {
for (Function::iterator I = F.begin(); I != F.end(); )
if (DoFunctionInlining(I)) {
Changed = true;
// Iterator is now invalidated by new basic blocks inserted
I = F->begin();
} else {
@ -275,7 +258,7 @@ static bool doFunctionInlining(Function *F) {
namespace {
struct FunctionInlining : public FunctionPass {
const char *getPassName() const { return "Function Inlining"; }
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function *F) {
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function &F) {
return doFunctionInlining(F);
@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ public:
// doPassInitialization - For the raise allocations pass, this finds a
// declaration for malloc and free if they exist.
bool doInitialization(Module *M);
bool doInitialization(Module &M);
// runOnBasicBlock - This method does the actual work of converting
// instructions over, assuming that the pass has already been initialized.
bool runOnBasicBlock(BasicBlock *BB);
bool runOnBasicBlock(BasicBlock &BB);
} // end anonymous namespace
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Pass *createRaiseAllocationsPass() {
bool RaiseAllocations::doInitialization(Module *M) {
bool RaiseAllocations::doInitialization(Module &M) {
// If the module has a symbol table, they might be referring to the malloc
// and free functions. If this is the case, grab the method pointers that
// the module is using.
@ -68,22 +68,22 @@ bool RaiseAllocations::doInitialization(Module *M) {
std::vector<const Type*>(1, PointerType::get(Type::SByteTy)),
MallocFunc = M->getFunction("malloc", MallocType);
FreeFunc = M->getFunction("free" , FreeType);
MallocFunc = M.getFunction("malloc", MallocType);
FreeFunc = M.getFunction("free" , FreeType);
// Check to see if the prototype is missing, giving us sbyte*(...) * malloc
// This handles the common declaration of: 'char *malloc();'
if (MallocFunc == 0) {
MallocType = FunctionType::get(PointerType::get(Type::SByteTy),
std::vector<const Type*>(), true);
MallocFunc = M->getFunction("malloc", MallocType);
MallocFunc = M.getFunction("malloc", MallocType);
// Check to see if the prototype was forgotten, giving us void (...) * free
// This handles the common forward declaration of: 'void free();'
if (FreeFunc == 0) {
FreeType = FunctionType::get(Type::VoidTy, std::vector<const Type*>(),true);
FreeFunc = M->getFunction("free", FreeType);
FreeFunc = M.getFunction("free", FreeType);
@ -95,12 +95,12 @@ bool RaiseAllocations::doInitialization(Module *M) {
// runOnBasicBlock - Process a basic block, fixing it up...
bool RaiseAllocations::runOnBasicBlock(BasicBlock *BB) {
bool RaiseAllocations::runOnBasicBlock(BasicBlock &BB) {
bool Changed = false;
BasicBlock::InstListType &BIL = BB->getInstList();
BasicBlock::InstListType &BIL = BB.getInstList();
for (BasicBlock::iterator BI = BB->begin(); BI != BB->end();) {
Instruction *I = *BI;
for (BasicBlock::iterator BI = BB.begin(); BI != BB.end();) {
Instruction *I = BI;
if (CallInst *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(I)) {
if (CI->getCalledValue() == MallocFunc) { // Replace call to malloc?
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ bool RaiseAllocations::runOnBasicBlock(BasicBlock *BB) {
// source size.
if (Source->getType() != Type::UIntTy) {
CastInst *New = new CastInst(Source, Type::UIntTy, "MallocAmtCast");
BI = BIL.insert(BI, New)+1;
BI = ++BIL.insert(BI, New);
Source = New;
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ bool RaiseAllocations::runOnBasicBlock(BasicBlock *BB) {
if (!isa<PointerType>(Source->getType())) {
CastInst *New = new CastInst(Source, PointerType::get(Type::SByteTy),
BI = BIL.insert(BI, New)+1;
BI = ++BIL.insert(BI, New);
Source = New;
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ namespace {
struct ExternalFuncs {
Function *PrintfFunc, *HashPtrFunc, *ReleasePtrFunc;
Function *RecordPtrFunc, *PushOnEntryFunc, *ReleaseOnReturnFunc;
void doInitialization(Module *M); // Add prototypes for external functions
void doInitialization(Module &M); // Add prototypes for external functions
class InsertTraceCode : public FunctionPass {
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ namespace {
// Add a prototype for runtime functions not already in the program.
bool doInitialization(Module *M);
bool doInitialization(Module &M);
// Function InsertCodeToTraceValues
@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ namespace {
// runOnFunction - This method does the work.
bool runOnFunction(Function *F) {
return doit(F, TraceBasicBlockExits, TraceFunctionExits, externalFuncs);
bool runOnFunction(Function &F) {
return doit(&F, TraceBasicBlockExits, TraceFunctionExits, externalFuncs);
virtual void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const {
@ -98,36 +98,36 @@ Pass *createTraceValuesPassForBasicBlocks() { // Trace BB's and functions
// Add a prototype for external functions used by the tracing code.
void ExternalFuncs::doInitialization(Module *M) {
void ExternalFuncs::doInitialization(Module &M) {
const Type *SBP = PointerType::get(Type::SByteTy);
const FunctionType *MTy =
FunctionType::get(Type::IntTy, vector<const Type*>(1, SBP), true);
PrintfFunc = M->getOrInsertFunction("printf", MTy);
PrintfFunc = M.getOrInsertFunction("printf", MTy);
// uint (sbyte*)
const FunctionType *hashFuncTy =
FunctionType::get(Type::UIntTy, vector<const Type*>(1, SBP), false);
HashPtrFunc = M->getOrInsertFunction("HashPointerToSeqNum", hashFuncTy);
HashPtrFunc = M.getOrInsertFunction("HashPointerToSeqNum", hashFuncTy);
// void (sbyte*)
const FunctionType *voidSBPFuncTy =
FunctionType::get(Type::VoidTy, vector<const Type*>(1, SBP), false);
ReleasePtrFunc =M->getOrInsertFunction("ReleasePointerSeqNum", voidSBPFuncTy);
RecordPtrFunc = M->getOrInsertFunction("RecordPointer", voidSBPFuncTy);
ReleasePtrFunc = M.getOrInsertFunction("ReleasePointerSeqNum", voidSBPFuncTy);
RecordPtrFunc = M.getOrInsertFunction("RecordPointer", voidSBPFuncTy);
const FunctionType *voidvoidFuncTy =
FunctionType::get(Type::VoidTy, vector<const Type*>(), false);
PushOnEntryFunc = M->getOrInsertFunction("PushPointerSet", voidvoidFuncTy);
ReleaseOnReturnFunc = M->getOrInsertFunction("ReleasePointersPopSet",
PushOnEntryFunc = M.getOrInsertFunction("PushPointerSet", voidvoidFuncTy);
ReleaseOnReturnFunc = M.getOrInsertFunction("ReleasePointersPopSet",
// Add a prototype for external functions used by the tracing code.
bool InsertTraceCode::doInitialization(Module *M) {
bool InsertTraceCode::doInitialization(Module &M) {
return false;
@ -214,20 +214,20 @@ static void InsertPrintInst(Value *V,BasicBlock *BB, BasicBlock::iterator &BBI,
new GetElementPtrInst(fmtVal,
vector<Value*>(2,ConstantUInt::get(Type::UIntTy, 0)),
BBI = BB->getInstList().insert(BBI, GEP)+1;
BBI = ++BB->getInstList().insert(BBI, GEP);
// Insert a call to the hash function if this is a pointer value
if (V && isa<PointerType>(V->getType()) && !DisablePtrHashing) {
const Type *SBP = PointerType::get(Type::SByteTy);
if (V->getType() != SBP) { // Cast pointer to be sbyte*
Instruction *I = new CastInst(V, SBP, "Hash_cast");
BBI = BB->getInstList().insert(BBI, I)+1;
BBI = ++BB->getInstList().insert(BBI, I);
V = I;
vector<Value*> HashArgs(1, V);
V = new CallInst(HashPtrToSeqNum, HashArgs, "ptrSeqNum");
BBI = BB->getInstList().insert(BBI, cast<Instruction>(V))+1;
BBI = ++BB->getInstList().insert(BBI, cast<Instruction>(V));
// Insert the first print instruction to print the string flag:
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ static void InsertPrintInst(Value *V,BasicBlock *BB, BasicBlock::iterator &BBI,
if (V) PrintArgs.push_back(V);
Instruction *I = new CallInst(Printf, PrintArgs, "trace");
BBI = BB->getInstList().insert(BBI, I)+1;
BBI = ++BB->getInstList().insert(BBI, I);
@ -257,12 +257,12 @@ InsertReleaseInst(Value *V, BasicBlock *BB,
const Type *SBP = PointerType::get(Type::SByteTy);
if (V->getType() != SBP) { // Cast pointer to be sbyte*
Instruction *I = new CastInst(V, SBP, "RPSN_cast");
BBI = BB->getInstList().insert(BBI, I)+1;
BBI = ++BB->getInstList().insert(BBI, I);
V = I;
vector<Value*> releaseArgs(1, V);
Instruction *I = new CallInst(ReleasePtrFunc, releaseArgs);
BBI = BB->getInstList().insert(BBI, I)+1;
BBI = ++BB->getInstList().insert(BBI, I);
static void
@ -272,29 +272,29 @@ InsertRecordInst(Value *V, BasicBlock *BB,
const Type *SBP = PointerType::get(Type::SByteTy);
if (V->getType() != SBP) { // Cast pointer to be sbyte*
Instruction *I = new CastInst(V, SBP, "RP_cast");
BBI = BB->getInstList().insert(BBI, I)+1;
BBI = ++BB->getInstList().insert(BBI, I);
V = I;
vector<Value*> releaseArgs(1, V);
Instruction *I = new CallInst(RecordPtrFunc, releaseArgs);
BBI = BB->getInstList().insert(BBI, I)+1;
BBI = ++BB->getInstList().insert(BBI, I);
static void
InsertPushOnEntryFunc(Function *M,
Function* PushOnEntryFunc) {
// Get an iterator to point to the insertion location
BasicBlock *BB = M->getEntryNode();
BB->getInstList().insert(BB->begin(), new CallInst(PushOnEntryFunc,
vector<Value*> ()));
BasicBlock &BB = M->getEntryNode();
BB.getInstList().insert(BB.begin(), new CallInst(PushOnEntryFunc,
static void
InsertReleaseRecordedInst(BasicBlock *BB,
Function* ReleaseOnReturnFunc) {
BasicBlock::iterator BBI = BB->end()-1;
BBI = 1 + BB->getInstList().insert(BBI, new CallInst(ReleaseOnReturnFunc,
BasicBlock::iterator BBI = BB->end()--;
BBI = ++BB->getInstList().insert(BBI, new CallInst(ReleaseOnReturnFunc,
// Look for alloca and free instructions. These are the ptrs to release.
@ -306,13 +306,13 @@ ReleasePtrSeqNumbers(BasicBlock *BB,
ExternalFuncs& externalFuncs) {
for (BasicBlock::iterator II=BB->begin(); II != BB->end(); ++II) {
if (FreeInst *FI = dyn_cast<FreeInst>(*II))
if (FreeInst *FI = dyn_cast<FreeInst>(&*II))
InsertReleaseInst(FI->getOperand(0), BB,II,externalFuncs.ReleasePtrFunc);
else if (AllocaInst *AI = dyn_cast<AllocaInst>(*II))
else if (AllocaInst *AI = dyn_cast<AllocaInst>(&*II))
BasicBlock::iterator nextI = II+1;
BasicBlock::iterator nextI = ++II;
InsertRecordInst(AI, BB, nextI, externalFuncs.RecordPtrFunc);
II = nextI - 1;
II = --nextI;
@ -335,8 +335,8 @@ static void TraceValuesAtBBExit(BasicBlock *BB,
// Get an iterator to point to the insertion location, which is
// just before the terminator instruction.
BasicBlock::iterator InsertPos = BB->end()-1;
BasicBlock::iterator InsertPos = BB->end()--;
// If the terminator is a conditional branch, insert the trace code just
// before the instruction that computes the branch condition (just to
@ -349,14 +349,9 @@ static void TraceValuesAtBBExit(BasicBlock *BB,
if (!Branch->isUnconditional())
if (Instruction *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(Branch->getCondition()))
if (I->getParent() == BB) {
SetCC = I;
while (*InsertPos != SetCC)
--InsertPos; // Back up until we can insert before the setcc
InsertPos = SetCC = I; // Back up until we can insert before the setcc
// Copy all of the instructions into a vector to avoid problems with Setcc
const vector<Instruction*> Insts(BB->begin(), InsertPos);
std::ostringstream OutStr;
WriteAsOperand(OutStr, BB, false);
InsertPrintInst(0, BB, InsertPos, "LEAVING BB:" + OutStr.str(),
@ -364,39 +359,35 @@ static void TraceValuesAtBBExit(BasicBlock *BB,
// Insert a print instruction for each value.
for (vector<Instruction*>::const_iterator II = Insts.begin(),
IE = Insts.end(); II != IE; ++II) {
Instruction *I = *II;
if (StoreInst *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(I)) {
for (BasicBlock::iterator II = BB->begin(), IE = InsertPos++; II != IE; ++II){
if (StoreInst *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(&*II)) {
assert(valuesStoredInFunction &&
"Should not be printing a store instruction at function exit");
LoadInst *LI = new LoadInst(SI->getPointerOperand(), SI->copyIndices(),
InsertPos = BB->getInstList().insert(InsertPos, LI) + 1;
InsertPos = ++BB->getInstList().insert(InsertPos, LI);
if (ShouldTraceValue(I))
InsertVerbosePrintInst(I, BB, InsertPos, " ", Printf, HashPtrToSeqNum);
if (ShouldTraceValue(II))
InsertVerbosePrintInst(II, BB, InsertPos, " ", Printf, HashPtrToSeqNum);
static inline void InsertCodeToShowFunctionEntry(Function *M, Function *Printf,
Function* HashPtrToSeqNum){
// Get an iterator to point to the insertion location
BasicBlock *BB = M->getEntryNode();
BasicBlock::iterator BBI = BB->begin();
BasicBlock &BB = M->getEntryNode();
BasicBlock::iterator BBI = BB.begin();
std::ostringstream OutStr;
WriteAsOperand(OutStr, M, true);
InsertPrintInst(0, BB, BBI, "ENTERING FUNCTION: " + OutStr.str(),
InsertPrintInst(0, &BB, BBI, "ENTERING FUNCTION: " + OutStr.str(),
Printf, HashPtrToSeqNum);
// Now print all the incoming arguments
const Function::ArgumentListType &argList = M->getArgumentList();
unsigned ArgNo = 0;
for (Function::ArgumentListType::const_iterator
I = argList.begin(), E = argList.end(); I != E; ++I, ++ArgNo) {
InsertVerbosePrintInst((Value*)*I, BB, BBI,
for (Function::aiterator I = M->abegin(), E = M->aend(); I != E; ++I,++ArgNo){
InsertVerbosePrintInst(I, &BB, BBI,
" Arg #" + utostr(ArgNo) + ": ", Printf,
@ -407,8 +398,8 @@ static inline void InsertCodeToShowFunctionExit(BasicBlock *BB,
Function *Printf,
Function* HashPtrToSeqNum) {
// Get an iterator to point to the insertion location
BasicBlock::iterator BBI = BB->end()-1;
ReturnInst *Ret = cast<ReturnInst>(*BBI);
BasicBlock::iterator BBI = BB->end()--;
ReturnInst &Ret = cast<ReturnInst>(BB->back());
std::ostringstream OutStr;
WriteAsOperand(OutStr, BB->getParent(), true);
@ -417,7 +408,7 @@ static inline void InsertCodeToShowFunctionExit(BasicBlock *BB,
// print the return value, if any
if (BB->getParent()->getReturnType() != Type::VoidTy)
InsertPrintInst(Ret->getReturnValue(), BB, BBI, " Returning: ",
InsertPrintInst(Ret.getReturnValue(), BB, BBI, " Returning: ",
Printf, HashPtrToSeqNum);
@ -443,8 +434,7 @@ bool InsertTraceCode::doit(Function *M, bool traceBasicBlockExits,
if (!DisablePtrHashing)
InsertPushOnEntryFunc(M, externalFuncs.PushOnEntryFunc);
for (Function::iterator BI = M->begin(); BI != M->end(); ++BI) {
BasicBlock *BB = *BI;
for (Function::iterator BB = M->begin(); BB != M->end(); ++BB) {
if (isa<ReturnInst>(BB->getTerminator()))
exitBlocks.push_back(BB); // record this as an exit block
@ -58,13 +58,13 @@ static inline bool isReinterpretingCast(const CastInst *CI) {
static bool HandleCastToPointer(BasicBlock::iterator BI,
const PointerType *DestPTy) {
CastInst *CI = cast<CastInst>(*BI);
if (CI->use_empty()) return false;
CastInst &CI = cast<CastInst>(*BI);
if (CI.use_empty()) return false;
// Scan all of the uses, looking for any uses that are not add
// instructions. If we have non-adds, do not make this transformation.
for (Value::use_iterator I = CI->use_begin(), E = CI->use_end();
for (Value::use_iterator I = CI.use_begin(), E = CI.use_end();
I != E; ++I) {
if (BinaryOperator *BO = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(*I)) {
if (BO->getOpcode() != Instruction::Add)
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ static bool HandleCastToPointer(BasicBlock::iterator BI,
std::vector<Value*> Indices;
Value *Src = CI->getOperand(0);
Value *Src = CI.getOperand(0);
const Type *Result = ConvertableToGEP(DestPTy, Src, Indices, &BI);
if (Result == 0) return false; // Not convertable...
@ -83,13 +83,13 @@ static bool HandleCastToPointer(BasicBlock::iterator BI,
// If we have a getelementptr capability... transform all of the
// add instruction uses into getelementptr's.
while (!CI->use_empty()) {
BinaryOperator *I = cast<BinaryOperator>(*CI->use_begin());
while (!CI.use_empty()) {
BinaryOperator *I = cast<BinaryOperator>(*CI.use_begin());
assert(I->getOpcode() == Instruction::Add && I->getNumOperands() == 2 &&
"Use is not a valid add instruction!");
// Get the value added to the cast result pointer...
Value *OtherPtr = I->getOperand((I->getOperand(0) == CI) ? 1 : 0);
Value *OtherPtr = I->getOperand((I->getOperand(0) == &CI) ? 1 : 0);
Instruction *GEP = new GetElementPtrInst(OtherPtr, Indices, I->getName());
PRINT_PEEPHOLE1("cast-add-to-gep:i", I);
@ -102,16 +102,14 @@ static bool HandleCastToPointer(BasicBlock::iterator BI,
// add instruction type, insert a cast now.
// Insert the GEP instruction before the old add instruction... and get an
// iterator to point at the add instruction...
BasicBlock::iterator GEPI = InsertInstBeforeInst(GEP, I)+1;
// Insert the GEP instruction before the old add instruction...
I->getParent()->getInstList().insert(I, GEP);
PRINT_PEEPHOLE1("cast-add-to-gep:o", GEP);
CastInst *CI = new CastInst(GEP, I->getType());
GEP = new CastInst(GEP, I->getType());
// Replace the old add instruction with the shiny new GEP inst
ReplaceInstWithInst(I->getParent()->getInstList(), GEPI, GEP);
ReplaceInstWithInst(I, GEP);
PRINT_PEEPHOLE1("cast-add-to-gep:o", GEP);
@ -160,7 +158,7 @@ static bool PeepholeOptimizeAddCast(BasicBlock *BB, BasicBlock::iterator &BI,
GetElementPtrInst *GEP = new GetElementPtrInst(SrcPtr, Indices,
BI = BB->getInstList().insert(BI, GEP)+1;
BI = ++BB->getInstList().insert(BI, GEP);
Instruction *NCI = new CastInst(GEP, AddOp1->getType());
ReplaceInstWithInst(BB->getInstList(), BI, NCI);
@ -169,7 +167,7 @@ static bool PeepholeOptimizeAddCast(BasicBlock *BB, BasicBlock::iterator &BI,
static bool PeepholeOptimize(BasicBlock *BB, BasicBlock::iterator &BI) {
Instruction *I = *BI;
Instruction *I = BI;
if (CastInst *CI = dyn_cast<CastInst>(I)) {
Value *Src = CI->getOperand(0);
@ -193,7 +191,7 @@ static bool PeepholeOptimize(BasicBlock *BB, BasicBlock::iterator &BI) {
// DCE the instruction now, to avoid having the iterative version of DCE
// have to worry about it.
delete BB->getInstList().remove(BI);
BI = BB->getInstList().erase(BI);
return true;
@ -326,7 +324,7 @@ static bool PeepholeOptimize(BasicBlock *BB, BasicBlock::iterator &BI) {
GetElementPtrInst *GEP = new GetElementPtrInst(Src, Indices,
BI = BB->getInstList().insert(BI, GEP)+1;
BI = ++BB->getInstList().insert(BI, GEP);
// Make the old cast instruction reference the new GEP instead of
// the old src value.
@ -359,7 +357,7 @@ static bool PeepholeOptimize(BasicBlock *BB, BasicBlock::iterator &BI) {
if (CastInst *CI = dyn_cast<CastInst>(Pointer))
if (Value *CastSrc = CI->getOperand(0)) // CSPT = CastSrcPointerType
if (PointerType *CSPT = dyn_cast<PointerType>(CastSrc->getType()))
if (const PointerType *CSPT = dyn_cast<PointerType>(CastSrc->getType()))
// convertable types?
if (Val->getType()->isLosslesslyConvertableTo(CSPT->getElementType()) &&
!SI->hasIndices()) { // No subscripts yet!
@ -369,7 +367,7 @@ static bool PeepholeOptimize(BasicBlock *BB, BasicBlock::iterator &BI) {
CastInst *NCI = new CastInst(Val, CSPT->getElementType(),
BI = BB->getInstList().insert(BI, NCI)+1;
BI = ++BB->getInstList().insert(BI, NCI);
// Replace the old store with a new one!
ReplaceInstWithInst(BB->getInstList(), BI,
@ -399,7 +397,7 @@ static bool PeepholeOptimize(BasicBlock *BB, BasicBlock::iterator &BI) {
if (CastInst *CI = dyn_cast<CastInst>(Pointer))
if (Value *CastSrc = CI->getOperand(0)) // CSPT = CastSrcPointerType
if (PointerType *CSPT = dyn_cast<PointerType>(CastSrc->getType()))
if (const PointerType *CSPT = dyn_cast<PointerType>(CastSrc->getType()))
// convertable types?
if (PtrElType->isLosslesslyConvertableTo(CSPT->getElementType()) &&
!LI->hasIndices()) { // No subscripts yet!
@ -410,7 +408,7 @@ static bool PeepholeOptimize(BasicBlock *BB, BasicBlock::iterator &BI) {
// Insert the new T cast instruction... stealing old T's name
CastInst *NCI = new CastInst(NewLI, LI->getType(), CI->getName());
BI = BB->getInstList().insert(BI, NewLI)+1;
BI = ++BB->getInstList().insert(BI, NewLI);
// Replace the old store with a new one!
ReplaceInstWithInst(BB->getInstList(), BI, NCI);
@ -435,24 +433,22 @@ static bool PeepholeOptimize(BasicBlock *BB, BasicBlock::iterator &BI) {
static bool DoRaisePass(Function *F) {
static bool DoRaisePass(Function &F) {
bool Changed = false;
for (Function::iterator MI = F->begin(), ME = F->end(); MI != ME; ++MI) {
BasicBlock *BB = *MI;
BasicBlock::InstListType &BIL = BB->getInstList();
for (Function::iterator BB = F.begin(), BBE = F.end(); BB != BBE; ++BB)
for (BasicBlock::iterator BI = BB->begin(); BI != BB->end();) {
DEBUG(cerr << "Processing: " << *BI);
if (dceInstruction(BI) || doConstantPropogation(BI)) {
Changed = true;
DEBUG(cerr << "***\t\t^^-- DeadCode Elinated!\n");
} else if (PeepholeOptimize(BB, BI))
} else if (PeepholeOptimize(BB, BI)) {
Changed = true;
} else {
return Changed;
@ -460,8 +456,8 @@ static bool DoRaisePass(Function *F) {
// RaisePointerReferences::doit - Raise a function representation to a higher
// level.
static bool doRPR(Function *F) {
DEBUG(cerr << "\n\n\nStarting to work on Function '" << F->getName()<< "'\n");
static bool doRPR(Function &F) {
DEBUG(cerr << "\n\n\nStarting to work on Function '" << F.getName() << "'\n");
// Insert casts for all incoming pointer pointer values that are treated as
// arrays...
@ -486,7 +482,7 @@ namespace {
struct RaisePointerReferences : public FunctionPass {
const char *getPassName() const { return "Raise Pointer References"; }
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function *F) { return doRPR(F); }
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function &F) { return doRPR(F); }
virtual void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const {
@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ public:
// Execute the Aggressive Dead Code Elimination Algorithm
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function *F) {
Func = F;
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function &F) {
Func = &F;
bool Changed = doADCE();
@ -126,14 +126,12 @@ bool ADCE::doADCE() {
BBI != BBE; ++BBI) {
BasicBlock *BB = *BBI;
for (BasicBlock::iterator II = BB->begin(), EI = BB->end(); II != EI; ) {
Instruction *I = *II;
if (I->hasSideEffects() || I->getOpcode() == Instruction::Ret) {
if (II->hasSideEffects() || II->getOpcode() == Instruction::Ret) {
++II; // Increment the inst iterator if the inst wasn't deleted
} else if (isInstructionTriviallyDead(I)) {
} else if (isInstructionTriviallyDead(II)) {
// Remove the instruction from it's basic block...
delete BB->getInstList().remove(II);
II = BB->getInstList().erase(II);
MadeChanges = true;
} else {
@ -185,9 +183,8 @@ bool ADCE::doADCE() {
if (DebugFlag) {
cerr << "Current Function: X = Live\n";
for (Function::iterator I = Func->begin(), E = Func->end(); I != E; ++I)
for (BasicBlock::iterator BI = (*I)->begin(), BE = (*I)->end();
BI != BE; ++BI) {
if (LiveSet.count(*BI)) cerr << "X ";
for (BasicBlock::iterator BI = I->begin(), BE = I->end(); BI != BE; ++BI){
if (LiveSet.count(BI)) cerr << "X ";
cerr << *BI;
@ -201,8 +198,8 @@ bool ADCE::doADCE() {
if (AliveBlocks.size() != Func->size()) {
// Insert a new entry node to eliminate the entry node as a special case.
BasicBlock *NewEntry = new BasicBlock();
NewEntry->getInstList().push_back(new BranchInst(Func->front()));
NewEntry->getInstList().push_back(new BranchInst(&Func->front()));
AliveBlocks.insert(NewEntry); // This block is always alive!
// Loop over all of the alive blocks in the function. If any successor
@ -211,8 +208,8 @@ bool ADCE::doADCE() {
// the block to reflect this.
for (Function::iterator I = Func->begin(), E = Func->end(); I != E; ++I)
if (AliveBlocks.count(*I)) {
BasicBlock *BB = *I;
if (AliveBlocks.count(I)) {
BasicBlock *BB = I;
TerminatorInst *TI = BB->getTerminator();
// Loop over all of the successors, looking for ones that are not alive
@ -242,7 +239,7 @@ bool ADCE::doADCE() {
// should be identical to the incoming values for LastDead.
for (BasicBlock::iterator II = NextAlive->begin();
PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(*II); ++II) {
PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(&*II); ++II) {
// Get the incoming value for LastDead...
int OldIdx = PN->getBasicBlockIndex(LastDead);
assert(OldIdx != -1 && "LastDead is not a pred of NextAlive!");
@ -258,17 +255,16 @@ bool ADCE::doADCE() {
// sweep over the program can safely delete dead instructions without
// other dead instructions still refering to them.
for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB->begin(), E = BB->end()-1; I != E; ++I)
if (!LiveSet.count(*I)) // Is this instruction alive?
(*I)->dropAllReferences(); // Nope, drop references...
for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB->begin(), E = --BB->end(); I != E; ++I)
if (!LiveSet.count(I)) // Is this instruction alive?
I->dropAllReferences(); // Nope, drop references...
// Loop over all of the basic blocks in the function, dropping references of
// the dead basic blocks
for (Function::iterator I = Func->begin(), E = Func->end(); I != E; ++I) {
BasicBlock *BB = *I;
for (Function::iterator BB = Func->begin(), E = Func->end(); BB != E; ++BB) {
if (!AliveBlocks.count(BB)) {
// Remove all outgoing edges from this basic block and convert the
// terminator into a return instruction.
@ -283,7 +279,7 @@ bool ADCE::doADCE() {
// Delete the old terminator instruction...
delete BB->getInstList().remove(BB->end()-1);
const Type *RetTy = Func->getReturnType();
Instruction *New = new ReturnInst(RetTy != Type::VoidTy ?
Constant::getNullValue(RetTy) : 0);
@ -302,14 +298,13 @@ bool ADCE::doADCE() {
// instructions from alive blocks.
for (Function::iterator BI = Func->begin(); BI != Func->end(); )
if (!AliveBlocks.count(*BI))
delete Func->getBasicBlocks().remove(BI);
if (!AliveBlocks.count(BI))
BI = Func->getBasicBlockList().erase(BI);
else {
BasicBlock *BB = *BI;
for (BasicBlock::iterator II = BB->begin(); II != BB->end()-1; )
if (!LiveSet.count(*II)) { // Is this instruction alive?
for (BasicBlock::iterator II = BI->begin(); II != --BI->end(); )
if (!LiveSet.count(II)) { // Is this instruction alive?
// Nope... remove the instruction from it's basic block...
delete BB->getInstList().remove(II);
II = BI->getInstList().erase(II);
MadeChanges = true;
} else {
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ namespace {
struct ConstantPropogation : public FunctionPass {
const char *getPassName() const { return "Simple Constant Propogation"; }
bool runOnFunction(Function *F);
bool runOnFunction(Function &F);
virtual void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const {
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Pass *createConstantPropogationPass() {
bool ConstantPropogation::runOnFunction(Function *F) {
bool ConstantPropogation::runOnFunction(Function &F) {
// Initialize the worklist to all of the instructions ready to process...
std::set<Instruction*> WorkList(inst_begin(F), inst_end(F));
bool Changed = false;
@ -28,10 +28,9 @@ namespace {
struct DeadInstElimination : public BasicBlockPass {
const char *getPassName() const { return "Dead Instruction Elimination"; }
virtual bool runOnBasicBlock(BasicBlock *BB) {
BasicBlock::InstListType &Vals = BB->getInstList();
virtual bool runOnBasicBlock(BasicBlock &BB) {
bool Changed = false;
for (BasicBlock::iterator DI = Vals.begin(); DI != Vals.end(); )
for (BasicBlock::iterator DI = BB.begin(); DI != BB.end(); )
if (dceInstruction(DI)) {
Changed = true;
@ -60,7 +59,7 @@ namespace {
struct DCE : public FunctionPass {
const char *getPassName() const { return "Dead Code Elimination"; }
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function *F);
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function &F);
virtual void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const {
@ -68,7 +67,7 @@ namespace {
bool DCE::runOnFunction(Function *F) {
bool DCE::runOnFunction(Function &F) {
// Start out with all of the instructions in the worklist...
std::vector<Instruction*> WorkList(inst_begin(F), inst_end(F));
std::set<Instruction*> DeadInsts;
@ -103,16 +102,14 @@ bool DCE::runOnFunction(Function *F) {
if (DeadInsts.empty()) return false;
// Otherwise, loop over the program, removing and deleting the instructions...
for (Function::iterator I = F->begin(), E = F->end(); I != E; ++I) {
BasicBlock::InstListType &BBIL = (*I)->getInstList();
for (BasicBlock::iterator BI = BBIL.begin(); BI != BBIL.end(); )
if (DeadInsts.count(*BI)) { // Is this instruction dead?
delete BBIL.remove(BI); // Yup, remove and delete inst
for (Function::iterator I = F.begin(), E = F.end(); I != E; ++I)
for (BasicBlock::iterator BI = I->begin(); BI != I->end(); )
if (DeadInsts.count(BI)) { // Is this instruction dead?
BI = I->getInstList().erase(BI); // Yup, remove and delete inst
} else { // This instruction is not dead
++BI; // Continue on to the next one...
return true;
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ namespace {
struct DecomposePass : public BasicBlockPass {
const char *getPassName() const { return "Decompose Subscripting Exps"; }
virtual bool runOnBasicBlock(BasicBlock *BB);
virtual bool runOnBasicBlock(BasicBlock &BB);
static void decomposeArrayRef(BasicBlock::iterator &BBI);
@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ Pass *createDecomposeMultiDimRefsPass() {
// runOnBasicBlock - Entry point for array or structure references with multiple
// indices.
bool DecomposePass::runOnBasicBlock(BasicBlock *BB) {
bool DecomposePass::runOnBasicBlock(BasicBlock &BB) {
bool Changed = false;
for (BasicBlock::iterator II = BB->begin(); II != BB->end(); ) {
if (MemAccessInst *MAI = dyn_cast<MemAccessInst>(*II)) {
for (BasicBlock::iterator II = BB.begin(); II != BB.end(); ) {
if (MemAccessInst *MAI = dyn_cast<MemAccessInst>(&*II)) {
if (MAI->getNumOperands() > MAI->getFirstIndexOperandNumber()+1) {
Changed = true;
@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ bool DecomposePass::runOnBasicBlock(BasicBlock *BB) {
// If any index is (uint) 0, we omit the getElementPtr instruction.
void DecomposePass::decomposeArrayRef(BasicBlock::iterator &BBI) {
MemAccessInst *MAI = cast<MemAccessInst>(*BBI);
BasicBlock *BB = MAI->getParent();
Value *LastPtr = MAI->getPointerOperand();
MemAccessInst &MAI = cast<MemAccessInst>(*BBI);
BasicBlock *BB = MAI.getParent();
Value *LastPtr = MAI.getPointerOperand();
// Remove the instruction from the stream
@ -78,22 +78,22 @@ void DecomposePass::decomposeArrayRef(BasicBlock::iterator &BBI) {
// Process each index except the last one.
User::const_op_iterator OI = MAI->idx_begin(), OE = MAI->idx_end();
User::const_op_iterator OI = MAI.idx_begin(), OE = MAI.idx_end();
for (; OI+1 != OE; ++OI) {
// Check for a zero index. This will need a cast instead of
// a getElementPtr, or it may need neither.
bool indexIsZero = isa<Constant>(*OI) &&
cast<Constant>(*OI)->isNullValue() &&
(*OI)->getType() == Type::UIntTy;
cast<Constant>(OI->get())->isNullValue() &&
OI->get()->getType() == Type::UIntTy;
// Extract the first index. If the ptr is a pointer to a structure
// and the next index is a structure offset (i.e., not an array offset),
// we need to include an initial [0] to index into the pointer.
vector<Value*> Indices;
PointerType *PtrTy = cast<PointerType>(LastPtr->getType());
const PointerType *PtrTy = cast<PointerType>(LastPtr->getType());
if (isa<StructType>(PtrTy->getElementType())
&& !PtrTy->indexValid(*OI))
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ void DecomposePass::decomposeArrayRef(BasicBlock::iterator &BBI) {
// Now create a new instruction to replace the original one
PointerType *PtrTy = cast<PointerType>(LastPtr->getType());
const PointerType *PtrTy = cast<PointerType>(LastPtr->getType());
// First, get the final index vector. As above, we may need an initial [0].
vector<Value*> Indices;
@ -142,15 +142,15 @@ void DecomposePass::decomposeArrayRef(BasicBlock::iterator &BBI) {
Instruction *NewI = 0;
switch(MAI->getOpcode()) {
switch(MAI.getOpcode()) {
case Instruction::Load:
NewI = new LoadInst(LastPtr, Indices, MAI->getName());
NewI = new LoadInst(LastPtr, Indices, MAI.getName());
case Instruction::Store:
NewI = new StoreInst(MAI->getOperand(0), LastPtr, Indices);
NewI = new StoreInst(MAI.getOperand(0), LastPtr, Indices);
case Instruction::GetElementPtr:
NewI = new GetElementPtrInst(LastPtr, Indices, MAI->getName());
NewI = new GetElementPtrInst(LastPtr, Indices, MAI.getName());
assert(0 && "Unrecognized memory access instruction");
@ -158,14 +158,15 @@ void DecomposePass::decomposeArrayRef(BasicBlock::iterator &BBI) {
// Replace all uses of the old instruction with the new
// Now delete the old instruction...
delete MAI;
delete &MAI;
// Insert all of the new instructions...
BBI = BB->getInstList().insert(BBI, NewInsts.begin(), NewInsts.end());
BB->getInstList().insert(BBI, NewInsts.begin(), NewInsts.end());
// Advance the iterator to the instruction following the one just inserted...
BBI += NewInsts.size();
BBI = NewInsts.back();
@ -43,21 +43,21 @@ namespace {
return "Global Common Subexpression Elimination";
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function *F);
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function &F);
// Visitation methods, these are invoked depending on the type of
// instruction being checked. They should return true if a common
// subexpression was folded.
bool visitUnaryOperator(Instruction *I);
bool visitBinaryOperator(Instruction *I);
bool visitGetElementPtrInst(GetElementPtrInst *I);
bool visitCastInst(CastInst *I){return visitUnaryOperator((Instruction*)I);}
bool visitShiftInst(ShiftInst *I) {
return visitBinaryOperator((Instruction*)I);
bool visitUnaryOperator(Instruction &I);
bool visitBinaryOperator(Instruction &I);
bool visitGetElementPtrInst(GetElementPtrInst &I);
bool visitCastInst(CastInst &I){return visitUnaryOperator((Instruction&)I);}
bool visitShiftInst(ShiftInst &I) {
return visitBinaryOperator((Instruction&)I);
bool visitLoadInst(LoadInst *LI);
bool visitInstruction(Instruction *) { return false; }
bool visitLoadInst(LoadInst &LI);
bool visitInstruction(Instruction &) { return false; }
void ReplaceInstWithInst(Instruction *First, BasicBlock::iterator SI);
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Pass *createGCSEPass() { return new GCSE(); }
// GCSE::runOnFunction - This is the main transformation entry point for a
// function.
bool GCSE::runOnFunction(Function *F) {
bool GCSE::runOnFunction(Function &F) {
bool Changed = false;
DomSetInfo = &getAnalysis<DominatorSet>();
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ bool GCSE::runOnFunction(Function *F) {
// program. If so, eliminate them!
while (!WorkList.empty()) {
Instruction *I = *WorkList.begin(); // Get an instruction from the worklist
Instruction &I = **WorkList.begin(); // Get an instruction from the worklist
// Visit the instruction, dispatching to the correct visit function based on
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ bool GCSE::runOnFunction(Function *F) {
// uses of the instruction use First now instead.
void GCSE::ReplaceInstWithInst(Instruction *First, BasicBlock::iterator SI) {
Instruction *Second = *SI;
Instruction &Second = *SI;
//cerr << "DEL " << (void*)Second << Second;
@ -139,15 +139,15 @@ void GCSE::ReplaceInstWithInst(Instruction *First, BasicBlock::iterator SI) {
// Add all uses of the second instruction to the worklist
for (Value::use_iterator UI = Second->use_begin(), UE = Second->use_end();
for (Value::use_iterator UI = Second.use_begin(), UE = Second.use_end();
UI != UE; ++UI)
// Make all users of 'Second' now use 'First'
// Erase the second instruction from the program
delete Second->getParent()->getInstList().remove(SI);
// CommonSubExpressionFound - The two instruction I & Other have been found to
@ -170,16 +170,15 @@ void GCSE::CommonSubExpressionFound(Instruction *I, Instruction *Other) {
// Scan the basic block looking for the "first" instruction
BasicBlock::iterator BI = BB1->begin();
while (*BI != I && *BI != Other) {
while (&*BI != I && &*BI != Other) {
assert(BI != BB1->end() && "Instructions not found in parent BB!");
// Keep track of which instructions occurred first & second
Instruction *First = *BI;
Instruction *First = BI;
Instruction *Second = I != First ? I : Other; // Get iterator to second inst
BI = find(BI, BB1->end(), Second);
assert(BI != BB1->end() && "Second instruction not found in parent block!");
BI = Second;
// Destroy Second, using First instead.
ReplaceInstWithInst(First, BI);
@ -188,13 +187,9 @@ void GCSE::CommonSubExpressionFound(Instruction *I, Instruction *Other) {
// dominates the other instruction, we can simply use it
} else if (DomSetInfo->dominates(BB1, BB2)) { // I dom Other?
BasicBlock::iterator BI = find(BB2->begin(), BB2->end(), Other);
assert(BI != BB2->end() && "Other not in parent basic block!");
ReplaceInstWithInst(I, BI);
ReplaceInstWithInst(I, Other);
} else if (DomSetInfo->dominates(BB2, BB1)) { // Other dom I?
BasicBlock::iterator BI = find(BB1->begin(), BB1->end(), I);
assert(BI != BB1->end() && "I not in parent basic block!");
ReplaceInstWithInst(Other, BI);
ReplaceInstWithInst(Other, I);
} else {
// Handle the most general case now. In this case, neither I dom Other nor
// Other dom I. Because we are in SSA form, we are guaranteed that the
@ -215,12 +210,10 @@ void GCSE::CommonSubExpressionFound(Instruction *I, Instruction *Other) {
// Rip 'I' out of BB1, and move it to the end of SharedDom.
SharedDom->getInstList().insert(SharedDom->end()-1, I);
SharedDom->getInstList().insert(--SharedDom->end(), I);
// Eliminate 'Other' now.
BasicBlock::iterator BI = find(BB2->begin(), BB2->end(), Other);
assert(BI != BB2->end() && "I not in parent basic block!");
ReplaceInstWithInst(I, BI);
ReplaceInstWithInst(I, Other);
@ -231,25 +224,25 @@ void GCSE::CommonSubExpressionFound(Instruction *I, Instruction *Other) {
bool GCSE::visitUnaryOperator(Instruction *I) {
Value *Op = I->getOperand(0);
Function *F = I->getParent()->getParent();
bool GCSE::visitUnaryOperator(Instruction &I) {
Value *Op = I.getOperand(0);
Function *F = I.getParent()->getParent();
for (Value::use_iterator UI = Op->use_begin(), UE = Op->use_end();
UI != UE; ++UI)
if (Instruction *Other = dyn_cast<Instruction>(*UI))
// Check to see if this new binary operator is not I, but same operand...
if (Other != I && Other->getOpcode() == I->getOpcode() &&
if (Other != &I && Other->getOpcode() == I.getOpcode() &&
Other->getOperand(0) == Op && // Is the operand the same?
// Is it embeded in the same function? (This could be false if LHS
// is a constant or global!)
Other->getParent()->getParent() == F &&
// Check that the types are the same, since this code handles casts...
Other->getType() == I->getType()) {
Other->getType() == I.getType()) {
// These instructions are identical. Handle the situation.
CommonSubExpressionFound(I, Other);
CommonSubExpressionFound(&I, Other);
return true; // One instruction eliminated!
@ -259,45 +252,45 @@ bool GCSE::visitUnaryOperator(Instruction *I) {
// isIdenticalBinaryInst - Return true if the two binary instructions are
// identical.
static inline bool isIdenticalBinaryInst(const Instruction *I1,
static inline bool isIdenticalBinaryInst(const Instruction &I1,
const Instruction *I2) {
// Is it embeded in the same function? (This could be false if LHS
// is a constant or global!)
if (I1->getOpcode() != I2->getOpcode() ||
I1->getParent()->getParent() != I2->getParent()->getParent())
if (I1.getOpcode() != I2->getOpcode() ||
I1.getParent()->getParent() != I2->getParent()->getParent())
return false;
// They are identical if both operands are the same!
if (I1->getOperand(0) == I2->getOperand(0) &&
I1->getOperand(1) == I2->getOperand(1))
if (I1.getOperand(0) == I2->getOperand(0) &&
I1.getOperand(1) == I2->getOperand(1))
return true;
// If the instruction is commutative and associative, the instruction can
// match if the operands are swapped!
if ((I1->getOperand(0) == I2->getOperand(1) &&
I1->getOperand(1) == I2->getOperand(0)) &&
(I1->getOpcode() == Instruction::Add ||
I1->getOpcode() == Instruction::Mul ||
I1->getOpcode() == Instruction::And ||
I1->getOpcode() == Instruction::Or ||
I1->getOpcode() == Instruction::Xor))
if ((I1.getOperand(0) == I2->getOperand(1) &&
I1.getOperand(1) == I2->getOperand(0)) &&
(I1.getOpcode() == Instruction::Add ||
I1.getOpcode() == Instruction::Mul ||
I1.getOpcode() == Instruction::And ||
I1.getOpcode() == Instruction::Or ||
I1.getOpcode() == Instruction::Xor))
return true;
return false;
bool GCSE::visitBinaryOperator(Instruction *I) {
Value *LHS = I->getOperand(0), *RHS = I->getOperand(1);
Function *F = I->getParent()->getParent();
bool GCSE::visitBinaryOperator(Instruction &I) {
Value *LHS = I.getOperand(0), *RHS = I.getOperand(1);
Function *F = I.getParent()->getParent();
for (Value::use_iterator UI = LHS->use_begin(), UE = LHS->use_end();
UI != UE; ++UI)
if (Instruction *Other = dyn_cast<Instruction>(*UI))
// Check to see if this new binary operator is not I, but same operand...
if (Other != I && isIdenticalBinaryInst(I, Other)) {
if (Other != &I && isIdenticalBinaryInst(I, Other)) {
// These instructions are identical. Handle the situation.
CommonSubExpressionFound(I, Other);
CommonSubExpressionFound(&I, Other);
return true; // One instruction eliminated!
@ -319,42 +312,42 @@ static bool IdenticalComplexInst(const Instruction *I1, const Instruction *I2) {
std::equal(I1->op_begin(), I1->op_end(), I2->op_begin());
bool GCSE::visitGetElementPtrInst(GetElementPtrInst *I) {
Value *Op = I->getOperand(0);
Function *F = I->getParent()->getParent();
bool GCSE::visitGetElementPtrInst(GetElementPtrInst &I) {
Value *Op = I.getOperand(0);
Function *F = I.getParent()->getParent();
for (Value::use_iterator UI = Op->use_begin(), UE = Op->use_end();
UI != UE; ++UI)
if (GetElementPtrInst *Other = dyn_cast<GetElementPtrInst>(*UI))
// Check to see if this new getelementptr is not I, but same operand...
if (Other != I && IdenticalComplexInst(I, Other)) {
if (Other != &I && IdenticalComplexInst(&I, Other)) {
// These instructions are identical. Handle the situation.
CommonSubExpressionFound(I, Other);
CommonSubExpressionFound(&I, Other);
return true; // One instruction eliminated!
return false;
bool GCSE::visitLoadInst(LoadInst *LI) {
Value *Op = LI->getOperand(0);
Function *F = LI->getParent()->getParent();
bool GCSE::visitLoadInst(LoadInst &LI) {
Value *Op = LI.getOperand(0);
Function *F = LI.getParent()->getParent();
for (Value::use_iterator UI = Op->use_begin(), UE = Op->use_end();
UI != UE; ++UI)
if (LoadInst *Other = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(*UI))
// Check to see if this new load is not LI, but has the same operands...
if (Other != LI && IdenticalComplexInst(LI, Other) &&
TryToRemoveALoad(LI, Other))
if (Other != &LI && IdenticalComplexInst(&LI, Other) &&
TryToRemoveALoad(&LI, Other))
return true; // An instruction was eliminated!
return false;
static inline bool isInvalidatingInst(const Instruction *I) {
return I->getOpcode() == Instruction::Store ||
I->getOpcode() == Instruction::Call ||
I->getOpcode() == Instruction::Invoke;
static inline bool isInvalidatingInst(const Instruction &I) {
return I.getOpcode() == Instruction::Store ||
I.getOpcode() == Instruction::Call ||
I.getOpcode() == Instruction::Invoke;
// TryToRemoveALoad - Try to remove one of L1 or L2. The problem with removing
@ -373,9 +366,7 @@ bool GCSE::TryToRemoveALoad(LoadInst *L1, LoadInst *L2) {
BasicBlock *BB1 = L1->getParent(), *BB2 = L2->getParent();
// FIXME: This is incredibly painful with broken rep
BasicBlock::iterator L1I = std::find(BB1->begin(), BB1->end(), L1);
assert(L1I != BB1->end() && "Inst not in own parent?");
BasicBlock::iterator L1I = L1;
// L1 now dominates L2. Check to see if the intervening instructions between
// the two loads include a store or call...
@ -384,7 +375,7 @@ bool GCSE::TryToRemoveALoad(LoadInst *L1, LoadInst *L2) {
// In this degenerate case, no checking of global basic blocks has to occur
// just check the instructions BETWEEN L1 & L2...
for (++L1I; *L1I != L2; ++L1I)
for (++L1I; &*L1I != L2; ++L1I)
if (isInvalidatingInst(*L1I))
return false; // Cannot eliminate load
@ -404,7 +395,7 @@ bool GCSE::TryToRemoveALoad(LoadInst *L1, LoadInst *L2) {
// Make sure that there are no store instructions between the start of BB2
// and the second load instruction...
for (BasicBlock::iterator II = BB2->begin(); *II != L2; ++II)
for (BasicBlock::iterator II = BB2->begin(); &*II != L2; ++II)
if (isInvalidatingInst(*II)) {
BBContainsStore[BB2] = true;
return false; // Cannot eliminate load
@ -47,9 +47,10 @@ static bool TransformLoop(LoopInfo *Loops, Loop *Loop) {
// info into a vector...
std::vector<InductionVariable> IndVars; // Induction variables for block
for (BasicBlock::iterator I = Header->begin();
PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(*I); ++I)
BasicBlock::iterator AfterPHIIt = Header->begin();
for (; PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(&*AfterPHIIt); ++AfterPHIIt)
IndVars.push_back(InductionVariable(PN, Loops));
// AfterPHIIt now points to first nonphi instruction...
// If there are no phi nodes in this basic block, there can't be indvars...
if (IndVars.empty()) return Changed;
@ -77,7 +78,7 @@ static bool TransformLoop(LoopInfo *Loops, Loop *Loop) {
PHINode *PN = new PHINode(Type::UIntTy, "cann-indvar");
// Insert the phi node at the end of the other phi nodes...
Header->getInstList().insert(Header->begin()+IndVars.size(), PN);
AfterPHIIt = ++Header->getInstList().insert(AfterPHIIt, PN);
// Create the increment instruction to add one to the counter...
Instruction *Add = BinaryOperator::create(Instruction::Add, PN,
@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ static bool TransformLoop(LoopInfo *Loops, Loop *Loop) {
// Insert the add instruction after all of the PHI nodes...
Header->getInstList().insert(Header->begin()+(IndVars.size()+1), Add);
Header->getInstList().insert(AfterPHIIt, Add);
// Figure out which block is incoming and which is the backedge for the loop
BasicBlock *Incoming, *BackEdgeBlock;
@ -123,7 +124,6 @@ static bool TransformLoop(LoopInfo *Loops, Loop *Loop) {
// Loop through and replace all of the auxillary induction variables with
// references to the primary induction variable...
unsigned InsertPos = IndVars.size();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < IndVars.size(); ++i) {
InductionVariable *IV = &IndVars[i];
@ -139,12 +139,11 @@ static bool TransformLoop(LoopInfo *Loops, Loop *Loop) {
// If the types are not compatible, insert a cast now...
if (Val->getType() != IV->Step->getType())
Val = InsertCast(Val, IV->Step->getType(),
Val = InsertCast(Val, IV->Step->getType(), AfterPHIIt);
Val = BinaryOperator::create(Instruction::Mul, Val, IV->Step, Name);
// Insert the phi node at the end of the other phi nodes...
Header->getInstList().insert(Header->begin()+InsertPos++, Val);
Header->getInstList().insert(AfterPHIIt, Val);
if (!isa<Constant>(IV->Start) || // If the start != 0
@ -154,18 +153,16 @@ static bool TransformLoop(LoopInfo *Loops, Loop *Loop) {
// If the types are not compatible, insert a cast now...
if (Val->getType() != IV->Start->getType())
Val = InsertCast(Val, IV->Start->getType(),
Val = InsertCast(Val, IV->Start->getType(), AfterPHIIt);
Val = BinaryOperator::create(Instruction::Add, Val, IV->Start, Name);
// Insert the phi node at the end of the other phi nodes...
Header->getInstList().insert(Header->begin()+InsertPos++, Val);
Header->getInstList().insert(AfterPHIIt, Val);
// If the PHI node has a different type than val is, insert a cast now...
if (Val->getType() != IV->Phi->getType())
Val = InsertCast(Val, IV->Phi->getType(),
Val = InsertCast(Val, IV->Phi->getType(), AfterPHIIt);
// Replace all uses of the old PHI node with the new computed value...
@ -176,9 +173,7 @@ static bool TransformLoop(LoopInfo *Loops, Loop *Loop) {
// Delete the old, now unused, phi node...
delete IV->Phi;
InsertPos--; // Deleted an instr, decrement insert position
Changed = true;
@ -193,7 +188,7 @@ namespace {
return "Induction Variable Cannonicalize";
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function *F) {
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function &) {
LoopInfo &LI = getAnalysis<LoopInfo>();
// Induction Variables live in the header nodes of loops
@ -36,11 +36,11 @@ namespace {
// Worklist of all of the instructions that need to be simplified.
std::vector<Instruction*> WorkList;
void AddUsesToWorkList(Instruction *I) {
void AddUsesToWorkList(Instruction &I) {
// The instruction was simplified, add all users of the instruction to
// the work lists because they might get more simplified now...
for (Value::use_iterator UI = I->use_begin(), UE = I->use_end();
for (Value::use_iterator UI = I.use_begin(), UE = I.use_end();
UI != UE; ++UI)
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ namespace {
const char *getPassName() const { return "Instruction Combining"; }
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function *F);
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function &F);
virtual void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const {
@ -61,37 +61,37 @@ namespace {
// I - Change was made, I is still valid
// otherwise - Change was made, replace I with returned instruction
Instruction *visitNot(UnaryOperator *I);
Instruction *visitAdd(BinaryOperator *I);
Instruction *visitSub(BinaryOperator *I);
Instruction *visitMul(BinaryOperator *I);
Instruction *visitDiv(BinaryOperator *I);
Instruction *visitRem(BinaryOperator *I);
Instruction *visitAnd(BinaryOperator *I);
Instruction *visitOr (BinaryOperator *I);
Instruction *visitXor(BinaryOperator *I);
Instruction *visitSetCondInst(BinaryOperator *I);
Instruction *visitShiftInst(Instruction *I);
Instruction *visitCastInst(CastInst *CI);
Instruction *visitPHINode(PHINode *PN);
Instruction *visitGetElementPtrInst(GetElementPtrInst *GEP);
Instruction *visitMemAccessInst(MemAccessInst *MAI);
Instruction *visitNot(UnaryOperator &I);
Instruction *visitAdd(BinaryOperator &I);
Instruction *visitSub(BinaryOperator &I);
Instruction *visitMul(BinaryOperator &I);
Instruction *visitDiv(BinaryOperator &I);
Instruction *visitRem(BinaryOperator &I);
Instruction *visitAnd(BinaryOperator &I);
Instruction *visitOr (BinaryOperator &I);
Instruction *visitXor(BinaryOperator &I);
Instruction *visitSetCondInst(BinaryOperator &I);
Instruction *visitShiftInst(Instruction &I);
Instruction *visitCastInst(CastInst &CI);
Instruction *visitPHINode(PHINode &PN);
Instruction *visitGetElementPtrInst(GetElementPtrInst &GEP);
Instruction *visitMemAccessInst(MemAccessInst &MAI);
// visitInstruction - Specify what to return for unhandled instructions...
Instruction *visitInstruction(Instruction *I) { return 0; }
Instruction *visitInstruction(Instruction &I) { return 0; }
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitNot(UnaryOperator *I) {
if (I->use_empty()) return 0; // Don't fix dead instructions...
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitNot(UnaryOperator &I) {
if (I.use_empty()) return 0; // Don't fix dead instructions...
// not (not X) = X
if (Instruction *Op = dyn_cast<Instruction>(I->getOperand(0)))
if (Instruction *Op = dyn_cast<Instruction>(I.getOperand(0)))
if (Op->getOpcode() == Instruction::Not) {
AddUsesToWorkList(I); // Add all modified instrs to worklist
return I;
return &I;
return 0;
@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ Instruction *InstCombiner::visitNot(UnaryOperator *I) {
// Make sure that this instruction has a constant on the right hand side if it
// has any constant arguments. If not, fix it an return true.
static bool SimplifyBinOp(BinaryOperator *I) {
if (isa<Constant>(I->getOperand(0)) && !isa<Constant>(I->getOperand(1)))
return !I->swapOperands();
static bool SimplifyBinOp(BinaryOperator &I) {
if (isa<Constant>(I.getOperand(0)) && !isa<Constant>(I.getOperand(1)))
return !I.swapOperands();
return false;
@ -118,16 +118,16 @@ static inline Value *dyn_castNegInst(Value *V) {
return 0;
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitAdd(BinaryOperator *I) {
if (I->use_empty()) return 0; // Don't fix dead add instructions...
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitAdd(BinaryOperator &I) {
if (I.use_empty()) return 0; // Don't fix dead add instructions...
bool Changed = SimplifyBinOp(I);
Value *LHS = I->getOperand(0), *RHS = I->getOperand(1);
Value *LHS = I.getOperand(0), *RHS = I.getOperand(1);
// Eliminate 'add int %X, 0'
if (RHS == Constant::getNullValue(I->getType())) {
if (RHS == Constant::getNullValue(I.getType())) {
AddUsesToWorkList(I); // Add all modified instrs to worklist
return I;
return &I;
// -A + B --> B - A
@ -150,33 +150,33 @@ Instruction *InstCombiner::visitAdd(BinaryOperator *I) {
// %Z = add int %X, 2
if (Constant *Val = *Op2 + *cast<Constant>(ILHS->getOperand(1))) {
I->setOperand(0, ILHS->getOperand(0));
I->setOperand(1, Val);
return I;
I.setOperand(0, ILHS->getOperand(0));
I.setOperand(1, Val);
return &I;
return Changed ? I : 0;
return Changed ? &I : 0;
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitSub(BinaryOperator *I) {
if (I->use_empty()) return 0; // Don't fix dead add instructions...
Value *Op0 = I->getOperand(0), *Op1 = I->getOperand(1);
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitSub(BinaryOperator &I) {
if (I.use_empty()) return 0; // Don't fix dead add instructions...
Value *Op0 = I.getOperand(0), *Op1 = I.getOperand(1);
if (Op0 == Op1) { // sub X, X -> 0
AddUsesToWorkList(I); // Add all modified instrs to worklist
return I;
return &I;
// If this is a subtract instruction with a constant RHS, convert it to an add
// instruction of a negative constant
if (Constant *Op2 = dyn_cast<Constant>(Op1))
if (Constant *RHS = *Constant::getNullValue(I->getType()) - *Op2) // 0 - RHS
return BinaryOperator::create(Instruction::Add, Op0, RHS, I->getName());
if (Constant *RHS = *Constant::getNullValue(I.getType()) - *Op2) // 0 - RHS
return BinaryOperator::create(Instruction::Add, Op0, RHS, I.getName());
// If this is a 'C = x-B', check to see if 'B = -A', so that C = x+A...
if (Value *V = dyn_castNegInst(Op1))
@ -198,59 +198,59 @@ Instruction *InstCombiner::visitSub(BinaryOperator *I) {
return 0;
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitMul(BinaryOperator *I) {
if (I->use_empty()) return 0; // Don't fix dead instructions...
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitMul(BinaryOperator &I) {
if (I.use_empty()) return 0; // Don't fix dead instructions...
bool Changed = SimplifyBinOp(I);
Value *Op1 = I->getOperand(0);
Value *Op1 = I.getOperand(0);
// Simplify add instructions with a constant RHS...
if (Constant *Op2 = dyn_cast<Constant>(I->getOperand(1))) {
if (I->getType()->isIntegral() && cast<ConstantInt>(Op2)->equalsInt(1)){
if (Constant *Op2 = dyn_cast<Constant>(I.getOperand(1))) {
if (I.getType()->isIntegral() && cast<ConstantInt>(Op2)->equalsInt(1)){
// Eliminate 'mul int %X, 1'
AddUsesToWorkList(I); // Add all modified instrs to worklist
return I;
return &I;
} else if (I->getType()->isIntegral() &&
} else if (I.getType()->isIntegral() &&
cast<ConstantInt>(Op2)->equalsInt(2)) {
// Convert 'mul int %X, 2' to 'add int %X, %X'
return BinaryOperator::create(Instruction::Add, Op1, Op1, I->getName());
return BinaryOperator::create(Instruction::Add, Op1, Op1, I.getName());
} else if (Op2->isNullValue()) {
// Eliminate 'mul int %X, 0'
AddUsesToWorkList(I); // Add all modified instrs to worklist
I->replaceAllUsesWith(Op2); // Set this value to zero directly
return I;
AddUsesToWorkList(I); // Add all modified instrs to worklist
I.replaceAllUsesWith(Op2); // Set this value to zero directly
return &I;
return Changed ? I : 0;
return Changed ? &I : 0;
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitDiv(BinaryOperator *I) {
if (I->use_empty()) return 0; // Don't fix dead instructions...
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitDiv(BinaryOperator &I) {
if (I.use_empty()) return 0; // Don't fix dead instructions...
// div X, 1 == X
if (ConstantInt *RHS = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(I->getOperand(1)))
if (ConstantInt *RHS = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(I.getOperand(1)))
if (RHS->equalsInt(1)) {
AddUsesToWorkList(I); // Add all modified instrs to worklist
return I;
return &I;
return 0;
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitRem(BinaryOperator *I) {
if (I->use_empty()) return 0; // Don't fix dead instructions...
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitRem(BinaryOperator &I) {
if (I.use_empty()) return 0; // Don't fix dead instructions...
// rem X, 1 == 0
if (ConstantInt *RHS = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(I->getOperand(1)))
if (ConstantInt *RHS = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(I.getOperand(1)))
if (RHS->equalsInt(1)) {
AddUsesToWorkList(I); // Add all modified instrs to worklist
return I;
AddUsesToWorkList(I); // Add all modified instrs to worklist
return &I;
return 0;
@ -273,123 +273,123 @@ static Constant *getMaxValue(const Type *Ty) {
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitAnd(BinaryOperator *I) {
if (I->use_empty()) return 0; // Don't fix dead instructions...
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitAnd(BinaryOperator &I) {
if (I.use_empty()) return 0; // Don't fix dead instructions...
bool Changed = SimplifyBinOp(I);
Value *Op0 = I->getOperand(0), *Op1 = I->getOperand(1);
Value *Op0 = I.getOperand(0), *Op1 = I.getOperand(1);
// and X, X = X and X, 0 == 0
if (Op0 == Op1 || Op1 == Constant::getNullValue(I->getType())) {
AddUsesToWorkList(I); // Add all modified instrs to worklist
return I;
if (Op0 == Op1 || Op1 == Constant::getNullValue(I.getType())) {
AddUsesToWorkList(I); // Add all modified instrs to worklist
return &I;
// and X, -1 == X
if (Constant *RHS = dyn_cast<Constant>(Op1))
if (RHS == getMaxValue(I->getType())) {
if (RHS == getMaxValue(I.getType())) {
AddUsesToWorkList(I); // Add all modified instrs to worklist
return I;
return &I;
return Changed ? I : 0;
return Changed ? &I : 0;
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitOr(BinaryOperator *I) {
if (I->use_empty()) return 0; // Don't fix dead instructions...
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitOr(BinaryOperator &I) {
if (I.use_empty()) return 0; // Don't fix dead instructions...
bool Changed = SimplifyBinOp(I);
Value *Op0 = I->getOperand(0), *Op1 = I->getOperand(1);
Value *Op0 = I.getOperand(0), *Op1 = I.getOperand(1);
// or X, X = X or X, 0 == X
if (Op0 == Op1 || Op1 == Constant::getNullValue(I->getType())) {
if (Op0 == Op1 || Op1 == Constant::getNullValue(I.getType())) {
AddUsesToWorkList(I); // Add all modified instrs to worklist
return I;
return &I;
// or X, -1 == -1
if (Constant *RHS = dyn_cast<Constant>(Op1))
if (RHS == getMaxValue(I->getType())) {
if (RHS == getMaxValue(I.getType())) {
AddUsesToWorkList(I); // Add all modified instrs to worklist
return I;
return &I;
return Changed ? I : 0;
return Changed ? &I : 0;
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitXor(BinaryOperator *I) {
if (I->use_empty()) return 0; // Don't fix dead instructions...
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitXor(BinaryOperator &I) {
if (I.use_empty()) return 0; // Don't fix dead instructions...
bool Changed = SimplifyBinOp(I);
Value *Op0 = I->getOperand(0), *Op1 = I->getOperand(1);
Value *Op0 = I.getOperand(0), *Op1 = I.getOperand(1);
// xor X, X = 0
if (Op0 == Op1) {
AddUsesToWorkList(I); // Add all modified instrs to worklist
return I;
return &I;
// xor X, 0 == X
if (Op1 == Constant::getNullValue(I->getType())) {
if (Op1 == Constant::getNullValue(I.getType())) {
AddUsesToWorkList(I); // Add all modified instrs to worklist
return I;
return &I;
return Changed ? I : 0;
return Changed ? &I : 0;
// isTrueWhenEqual - Return true if the specified setcondinst instruction is
// true when both operands are equal...
static bool isTrueWhenEqual(Instruction *I) {
return I->getOpcode() == Instruction::SetEQ ||
I->getOpcode() == Instruction::SetGE ||
I->getOpcode() == Instruction::SetLE;
static bool isTrueWhenEqual(Instruction &I) {
return I.getOpcode() == Instruction::SetEQ ||
I.getOpcode() == Instruction::SetGE ||
I.getOpcode() == Instruction::SetLE;
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitSetCondInst(BinaryOperator *I) {
if (I->use_empty()) return 0; // Don't fix dead instructions...
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitSetCondInst(BinaryOperator &I) {
if (I.use_empty()) return 0; // Don't fix dead instructions...
bool Changed = SimplifyBinOp(I);
// setcc X, X
if (I->getOperand(0) == I->getOperand(1)) {
if (I.getOperand(0) == I.getOperand(1)) {
AddUsesToWorkList(I); // Add all modified instrs to worklist
return I;
return &I;
// setcc <global*>, 0 - Global value addresses are never null!
if (isa<GlobalValue>(I->getOperand(0)) &&
isa<ConstantPointerNull>(I->getOperand(1))) {
if (isa<GlobalValue>(I.getOperand(0)) &&
isa<ConstantPointerNull>(I.getOperand(1))) {
AddUsesToWorkList(I); // Add all modified instrs to worklist
return I;
return &I;
return Changed ? I : 0;
return Changed ? &I : 0;
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitShiftInst(Instruction *I) {
if (I->use_empty()) return 0; // Don't fix dead instructions...
assert(I->getOperand(1)->getType() == Type::UByteTy);
Value *Op0 = I->getOperand(0), *Op1 = I->getOperand(1);
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitShiftInst(Instruction &I) {
if (I.use_empty()) return 0; // Don't fix dead instructions...
assert(I.getOperand(1)->getType() == Type::UByteTy);
Value *Op0 = I.getOperand(0), *Op1 = I.getOperand(1);
// shl X, 0 == X and shr X, 0 == X
// shl 0, X == 0 and shr 0, X == 0
if (Op1 == Constant::getNullValue(Type::UByteTy) ||
Op0 == Constant::getNullValue(Op0->getType())) {
AddUsesToWorkList(I); // Add all modified instrs to worklist
return I;
return &I;
// shl int X, 32 = 0 and shr sbyte Y, 9 = 0, ... just don't eliminate shr of
@ -398,10 +398,10 @@ Instruction *InstCombiner::visitShiftInst(Instruction *I) {
if (ConstantUInt *CUI = dyn_cast<ConstantUInt>(Op1)) {
unsigned TypeBits = Op0->getType()->getPrimitiveSize()*8;
if (CUI->getValue() >= TypeBits &&
!(Op0->getType()->isSigned() && I->getOpcode() == Instruction::Shr)) {
!(Op0->getType()->isSigned() && I.getOpcode() == Instruction::Shr)) {
AddUsesToWorkList(I); // Add all modified instrs to worklist
return I;
return &I;
return 0;
@ -411,12 +411,12 @@ Instruction *InstCombiner::visitShiftInst(Instruction *I) {
// isEliminableCastOfCast - Return true if it is valid to eliminate the CI
// instruction.
static inline bool isEliminableCastOfCast(const CastInst *CI,
static inline bool isEliminableCastOfCast(const CastInst &CI,
const CastInst *CSrc) {
assert(CI->getOperand(0) == CSrc);
assert(CI.getOperand(0) == CSrc);
const Type *SrcTy = CSrc->getOperand(0)->getType();
const Type *MidTy = CSrc->getType();
const Type *DstTy = CI->getType();
const Type *DstTy = CI.getType();
// It is legal to eliminate the instruction if casting A->B->A
if (SrcTy == DstTy) return true;
@ -437,27 +437,27 @@ static inline bool isEliminableCastOfCast(const CastInst *CI,
// CastInst simplification
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitCastInst(CastInst *CI) {
if (CI->use_empty()) return 0; // Don't fix dead instructions...
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitCastInst(CastInst &CI) {
if (CI.use_empty()) return 0; // Don't fix dead instructions...
// If the user is casting a value to the same type, eliminate this cast
// instruction...
if (CI->getType() == CI->getOperand(0)->getType() && !CI->use_empty()) {
if (CI.getType() == CI.getOperand(0)->getType() && !CI.use_empty()) {
AddUsesToWorkList(CI); // Add all modified instrs to worklist
return CI;
return &CI;
// If casting the result of another cast instruction, try to eliminate this
// one!
if (CastInst *CSrc = dyn_cast<CastInst>(CI->getOperand(0)))
if (CastInst *CSrc = dyn_cast<CastInst>(CI.getOperand(0)))
if (isEliminableCastOfCast(CI, CSrc)) {
// This instruction now refers directly to the cast's src operand. This
// has a good chance of making CSrc dead.
CI->setOperand(0, CSrc->getOperand(0));
return CI;
CI.setOperand(0, CSrc->getOperand(0));
return &CI;
return 0;
@ -466,28 +466,28 @@ Instruction *InstCombiner::visitCastInst(CastInst *CI) {
// PHINode simplification
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitPHINode(PHINode *PN) {
if (PN->use_empty()) return 0; // Don't fix dead instructions...
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitPHINode(PHINode &PN) {
if (PN.use_empty()) return 0; // Don't fix dead instructions...
// If the PHI node only has one incoming value, eliminate the PHI node...
if (PN->getNumIncomingValues() == 1) {
if (PN.getNumIncomingValues() == 1) {
AddUsesToWorkList(PN); // Add all modified instrs to worklist
return PN;
return &PN;
return 0;
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitGetElementPtrInst(GetElementPtrInst *GEP) {
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitGetElementPtrInst(GetElementPtrInst &GEP) {
// Is it getelementptr %P, uint 0
// If so, elminate the noop.
if (GEP->getNumOperands() == 2 && !GEP->use_empty() &&
GEP->getOperand(1) == Constant::getNullValue(Type::UIntTy)) {
// If so, eliminate the noop.
if (GEP.getNumOperands() == 2 && !GEP.use_empty() &&
GEP.getOperand(1) == Constant::getNullValue(Type::UIntTy)) {
AddUsesToWorkList(GEP); // Add all modified instrs to worklist
return GEP;
return &GEP;
return visitMemAccessInst(GEP);
@ -498,36 +498,36 @@ Instruction *InstCombiner::visitGetElementPtrInst(GetElementPtrInst *GEP) {
// getelementptr instruction, combine the indices of the GEP into this
// instruction
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitMemAccessInst(MemAccessInst *MAI) {
Instruction *InstCombiner::visitMemAccessInst(MemAccessInst &MAI) {
GetElementPtrInst *Src =
if (!Src) return 0;
std::vector<Value *> Indices;
// Only special case we have to watch out for is pointer arithmetic on the
// 0th index of MAI.
unsigned FirstIdx = MAI->getFirstIndexOperandNumber();
if (FirstIdx == MAI->getNumOperands() ||
(FirstIdx == MAI->getNumOperands()-1 &&
MAI->getOperand(FirstIdx) == ConstantUInt::get(Type::UIntTy, 0))) {
unsigned FirstIdx = MAI.getFirstIndexOperandNumber();
if (FirstIdx == MAI.getNumOperands() ||
(FirstIdx == MAI.getNumOperands()-1 &&
MAI.getOperand(FirstIdx) == ConstantUInt::get(Type::UIntTy, 0))) {
// Replace the index list on this MAI with the index on the getelementptr
Indices.insert(Indices.end(), Src->idx_begin(), Src->idx_end());
} else if (*MAI->idx_begin() == ConstantUInt::get(Type::UIntTy, 0)) {
} else if (*MAI.idx_begin() == ConstantUInt::get(Type::UIntTy, 0)) {
// Otherwise we can do the fold if the first index of the GEP is a zero
Indices.insert(Indices.end(), Src->idx_begin(), Src->idx_end());
Indices.insert(Indices.end(), MAI->idx_begin()+1, MAI->idx_end());
Indices.insert(Indices.end(), MAI.idx_begin()+1, MAI.idx_end());
if (Indices.empty()) return 0; // Can't do the fold?
switch (MAI->getOpcode()) {
switch (MAI.getOpcode()) {
case Instruction::GetElementPtr:
return new GetElementPtrInst(Src->getOperand(0), Indices, MAI->getName());
return new GetElementPtrInst(Src->getOperand(0), Indices, MAI.getName());
case Instruction::Load:
return new LoadInst(Src->getOperand(0), Indices, MAI->getName());
return new LoadInst(Src->getOperand(0), Indices, MAI.getName());
case Instruction::Store:
return new StoreInst(MAI->getOperand(0), Src->getOperand(0), Indices);
return new StoreInst(MAI.getOperand(0), Src->getOperand(0), Indices);
assert(0 && "Unknown memaccessinst!");
@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ Instruction *InstCombiner::visitMemAccessInst(MemAccessInst *MAI) {
bool InstCombiner::runOnFunction(Function *F) {
bool InstCombiner::runOnFunction(Function &F) {
bool Changed = false;
WorkList.insert(WorkList.end(), inst_begin(F), inst_end(F));
@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ bool InstCombiner::runOnFunction(Function *F) {
// Now that we have an instruction, try combining it to simplify it...
Instruction *Result = visit(I);
Instruction *Result = visit(*I);
if (Result) {
// Should we replace the old instruction with a new one?
@ -562,10 +562,16 @@ bool InstCombiner::runOnFunction(Function *F) {
ReplaceInstWithInst(I, Result);
} else {
// FIXME: This should DCE the instruction to simplify the cases above.
Changed = true;
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ namespace {
struct LICM : public FunctionPass, public InstVisitor<LICM> {
const char *getPassName() const { return "Loop Invariant Code Motion"; }
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function *F);
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function &F);
// This transformation requires natural loop information...
virtual void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const {
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ namespace {
// hoist - When an instruction is found to only use loop invariant operands
// that is safe to hoist, this instruction is called to do the dirty work.
void hoist(Instruction *I);
void hoist(Instruction &I);
// isLoopInvariant - Return true if the specified value is loop invariant
inline bool isLoopInvariant(Value *V) {
@ -85,21 +85,21 @@ namespace {
// the specified instruction types are hoisted.
friend class InstVisitor<LICM>;
void visitUnaryOperator(Instruction *I) {
if (isLoopInvariant(I->getOperand(0))) hoist(I);
void visitUnaryOperator(Instruction &I) {
if (isLoopInvariant(I.getOperand(0))) hoist(I);
void visitBinaryOperator(Instruction *I) {
if (isLoopInvariant(I->getOperand(0)) &&isLoopInvariant(I->getOperand(1)))
void visitBinaryOperator(Instruction &I) {
if (isLoopInvariant(I.getOperand(0)) && isLoopInvariant(I.getOperand(1)))
void visitCastInst(CastInst *I) { visitUnaryOperator((Instruction*)I); }
void visitShiftInst(ShiftInst *I) { visitBinaryOperator((Instruction*)I); }
void visitCastInst(CastInst &I) { visitUnaryOperator((Instruction&)I); }
void visitShiftInst(ShiftInst &I) { visitBinaryOperator((Instruction&)I); }
void visitGetElementPtrInst(GetElementPtrInst *GEPI) {
Instruction *I = (Instruction*)GEPI;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = I->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i)
if (!isLoopInvariant(I->getOperand(i))) return;
void visitGetElementPtrInst(GetElementPtrInst &GEPI) {
Instruction &I = (Instruction&)GEPI;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = I.getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i)
if (!isLoopInvariant(I.getOperand(i))) return;
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ namespace {
Pass *createLICMPass() { return new LICM(); }
bool LICM::runOnFunction(Function *F) {
bool LICM::runOnFunction(Function &) {
// get our loop information...
const std::vector<Loop*> &TopLevelLoops =
@ -177,30 +177,26 @@ void LICM::visitLoop(Loop *L) {
void LICM::visitBasicBlock(BasicBlock *BB) {
// This cannot use an iterator, because it might get invalidated when PHI
// nodes are inserted!
for (unsigned i = 0; i < BB->size(); ) {
for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB->begin(), E = BB->end(); I != E; ) {
BasicBlock::iterator It = BB->begin()+i;
if (dceInstruction(It))
if (dceInstruction(I))
Changed = true;
void LICM::hoist(Instruction *Inst) {
if (Inst->use_empty()) return; // Don't (re) hoist dead instructions!
void LICM::hoist(Instruction &Inst) {
if (Inst.use_empty()) return; // Don't (re) hoist dead instructions!
//cerr << "Hoisting " << Inst;
BasicBlock *Header = CurLoop->getHeader();
// Old instruction will be removed, so take it's name...
string InstName = Inst->getName();
string InstName = Inst.getName();
// The common case is that we have a pre-header. Generate special case code
// that is faster if that is the case.
@ -209,21 +205,21 @@ void LICM::hoist(Instruction *Inst) {
BasicBlock *Pred = LoopPreds[0];
// Create a new copy of the instruction, for insertion into Pred.
Instruction *New = Inst->clone();
Instruction *New = Inst.clone();
// Insert the new node in Pred, before the terminator.
Pred->getInstList().insert(Pred->end()-1, New);
Pred->getInstList().insert(--Pred->end(), New);
// Kill the old instruction.
// Kill the old instruction...
} else {
// No loop pre-header, insert a PHI node into header to capture all of the
// incoming versions of the value.
PHINode *LoopVal = new PHINode(Inst->getType(), InstName+".phi");
PHINode *LoopVal = new PHINode(Inst.getType(), InstName+".phi");
// Insert the new PHI node into the loop header...
@ -233,11 +229,11 @@ void LICM::hoist(Instruction *Inst) {
BasicBlock *Pred = LoopPreds[i];
// Create a new copy of the instruction, for insertion into Pred.
Instruction *New = Inst->clone();
Instruction *New = Inst.clone();
// Insert the new node in Pred, before the terminator.
Pred->getInstList().insert(Pred->end()-1, New);
Pred->getInstList().insert(--Pred->end(), New);
// Add the incoming value to the PHI node.
LoopVal->addIncoming(New, Pred);
@ -253,7 +249,7 @@ void LICM::hoist(Instruction *Inst) {
// entire loop body. The old definition was defined _inside_ of the loop,
// so the scope cannot extend outside of the loop, so we're ok.
@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ public:
// doPassInitialization - For the lower allocations pass, this ensures that a
// module contains a declaration for a malloc and a free function.
bool doInitialization(Module *M);
bool doInitialization(Module &M);
// runOnBasicBlock - This method does the actual work of converting
// instructions over, assuming that the pass has already been initialized.
bool runOnBasicBlock(BasicBlock *BB);
bool runOnBasicBlock(BasicBlock &BB);
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Pass *createLowerAllocationsPass(const TargetData &TD) {
// This function is always successful.
bool LowerAllocations::doInitialization(Module *M) {
bool LowerAllocations::doInitialization(Module &M) {
const FunctionType *MallocType =
vector<const Type*>(1, Type::UIntTy), false);
@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ bool LowerAllocations::doInitialization(Module *M) {
vector<const Type*>(1, PointerType::get(Type::SByteTy)),
MallocFunc = M->getOrInsertFunction("malloc", MallocType);
FreeFunc = M->getOrInsertFunction("free" , FreeType);
MallocFunc = M.getOrInsertFunction("malloc", MallocType);
FreeFunc = M.getOrInsertFunction("free" , FreeType);
return true;
@ -79,17 +79,18 @@ bool LowerAllocations::doInitialization(Module *M) {
// runOnBasicBlock - This method does the actual work of converting
// instructions over, assuming that the pass has already been initialized.
bool LowerAllocations::runOnBasicBlock(BasicBlock *BB) {
bool LowerAllocations::runOnBasicBlock(BasicBlock &BB) {
bool Changed = false;
assert(MallocFunc && FreeFunc && BB && "Pass not initialized!");
assert(MallocFunc && FreeFunc && "Pass not initialized!");
BasicBlock::InstListType &BBIL = BB.getInstList();
// Loop over all of the instructions, looking for malloc or free instructions
for (unsigned i = 0; i != BB->size(); ++i) {
BasicBlock::InstListType &BBIL = BB->getInstList();
if (MallocInst *MI = dyn_cast<MallocInst>(*(BBIL.begin()+i))) {
BBIL.remove(BBIL.begin()+i); // remove the malloc instr...
const Type *AllocTy = cast<PointerType>(MI->getType())->getElementType();
for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB.begin(), E = BB.end(); I != E; ++I) {
if (MallocInst *MI = dyn_cast<MallocInst>(&*I)) {
BBIL.remove(I); // remove the malloc instr...
const Type *AllocTy = MI->getType()->getElementType();
// Get the number of bytes to be allocated for one element of the
// requested type...
@ -103,35 +104,34 @@ bool LowerAllocations::runOnBasicBlock(BasicBlock *BB) {
// Multiply it by the array size if neccesary...
MallocArg = BinaryOperator::create(Instruction::Mul,MI->getOperand(0),
BBIL.insert(BBIL.begin()+i++, cast<Instruction>(MallocArg));
I = ++BBIL.insert(I, cast<Instruction>(MallocArg));
// Create the call to Malloc...
CallInst *MCall = new CallInst(MallocFunc,
vector<Value*>(1, MallocArg));
BBIL.insert(BBIL.begin()+i, MCall);
I = BBIL.insert(I, MCall);
// Create a cast instruction to convert to the right type...
CastInst *MCast = new CastInst(MCall, MI->getType());
BBIL.insert(BBIL.begin()+i+1, MCast);
I = BBIL.insert(++I, MCast);
// Replace all uses of the old malloc inst with the cast inst
delete MI; // Delete the malloc inst
Changed = true;
} else if (FreeInst *FI = dyn_cast<FreeInst>(*(BBIL.begin()+i))) {
} else if (FreeInst *FI = dyn_cast<FreeInst>(&*I)) {
// Cast the argument to free into a ubyte*...
CastInst *MCast = new CastInst(FI->getOperand(0),
BBIL.insert(BBIL.begin()+i, MCast);
I = ++BBIL.insert(I, MCast);
// Insert a call to the free function...
CallInst *FCall = new CallInst(FreeFunc,
vector<Value*>(1, MCast));
BBIL.insert(BBIL.begin()+i+1, FCall);
CallInst *FCall = new CallInst(FreeFunc, vector<Value*>(1, MCast));
I = BBIL.insert(I, FCall);
// Delete the old free instruction
delete FI;
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ namespace {
struct PiNodeInserter : public FunctionPass {
const char *getPassName() const { return "Pi Node Insertion"; }
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function *F);
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function &F);
virtual void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const {
@ -61,11 +61,10 @@ namespace {
Pass *createPiNodeInsertionPass() { return new PiNodeInserter(); }
bool PiNodeInserter::runOnFunction(Function *F) {
bool PiNodeInserter::runOnFunction(Function &F) {
bool Changed = false;
for (Function::iterator I = F->begin(), E = F->end(); I != E; ++I) {
BasicBlock *BB = *I;
TerminatorInst *TI = BB->getTerminator();
for (Function::iterator I = F.begin(), E = F.end(); I != E; ++I) {
TerminatorInst *TI = I->getTerminator();
// FIXME: Insert PI nodes for switch statements too
@ -112,8 +111,7 @@ bool PiNodeInserter::runOnFunction(Function *F) {
// alreadyHasPiNodeFor - Return true if there is already a Pi node in BB for
// V.
// alreadyHasPiNodeFor - Return true if there is already a Pi node in BB for V.
static bool alreadyHasPiNodeFor(Value *V, BasicBlock *BB) {
for (Value::use_iterator I = V->use_begin(), E = V->use_end(); I != E; ++I)
if (PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(*I))
@ -39,13 +39,13 @@ namespace {
return "Expression Reassociation";
bool runOnFunction(Function *F);
bool runOnFunction(Function &F);
virtual void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const {
void BuildRankMap(Function *F);
void BuildRankMap(Function &F);
unsigned getRank(Value *V);
bool ReassociateExpr(BinaryOperator *I);
bool ReassociateBB(BasicBlock *BB);
@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ namespace {
Pass *createReassociatePass() { return new Reassociate(); }
void Reassociate::BuildRankMap(Function *F) {
void Reassociate::BuildRankMap(Function &F) {
unsigned i = 1;
ReversePostOrderTraversal<Function*> RPOT(F);
ReversePostOrderTraversal<Function*> RPOT(&F);
for (ReversePostOrderTraversal<Function*>::rpo_iterator I = RPOT.begin(),
E = RPOT.end(); I != E; ++I)
RankMap[*I] = ++i;
@ -182,15 +182,11 @@ static Value *NegateValue(Value *V, BasicBlock *BB, BasicBlock::iterator &BI) {
// adding it now, we are assured that the neg instructions we just
// inserted dominate the instruction we are about to insert after them.
BasicBlock::iterator NBI = BI;
// Scan through the inserted instructions, looking for RHS, which must be
// after LHS in the instruction list.
while (*NBI != RHS) ++NBI;
BasicBlock::iterator NBI = cast<Instruction>(RHS);
Instruction *Add =
BinaryOperator::create(Instruction::Add, LHS, RHS, I->getName()+".neg");
BB->getInstList().insert(NBI+1, Add); // Add to the basic block...
BB->getInstList().insert(++NBI, Add); // Add to the basic block...
return Add;
@ -209,12 +205,11 @@ static Value *NegateValue(Value *V, BasicBlock *BB, BasicBlock::iterator &BI) {
bool Reassociate::ReassociateBB(BasicBlock *BB) {
bool Changed = false;
for (BasicBlock::iterator BI = BB->begin(); BI != BB->end(); ++BI) {
Instruction *Inst = *BI;
// If this instruction is a commutative binary operator, and the ranks of
// the two operands are sorted incorrectly, fix it now.
if (BinaryOperator *I = isCommutativeOperator(Inst)) {
if (BinaryOperator *I = isCommutativeOperator(BI)) {
if (!I->use_empty()) {
// Make sure that we don't have a tree-shaped computation. If we do,
// linearize it. Convert (A+B)+(C+D) into ((A+B)+C)+D
@ -245,22 +240,23 @@ bool Reassociate::ReassociateBB(BasicBlock *BB) {
Changed |= ReassociateExpr(I);
} else if (Inst->getOpcode() == Instruction::Sub &&
Inst->getOperand(0) != Constant::getNullValue(Inst->getType())) {
} else if (BI->getOpcode() == Instruction::Sub &&
BI->getOperand(0) != Constant::getNullValue(BI->getType())) {
// Convert a subtract into an add and a neg instruction... so that sub
// instructions can be commuted with other add instructions...
Instruction *New = BinaryOperator::create(Instruction::Add,
Value *NegatedValue = Inst->getOperand(1);
Value *NegatedValue = BI->getOperand(1);
// Everyone now refers to the add instruction...
// Put the new add in the place of the subtract... deleting the subtract
delete BB->getInstList().replaceWith(BI, New);
BI = BB->getInstList().erase(BI);
BI = ++BB->getInstList().insert(BI, New);
// Calculate the negative value of Operand 1 of the sub instruction...
// and set it as the RHS of the add instruction we just made...
@ -275,13 +271,13 @@ bool Reassociate::ReassociateBB(BasicBlock *BB) {
bool Reassociate::runOnFunction(Function *F) {
bool Reassociate::runOnFunction(Function &F) {
// Recalculate the rank map for F
bool Changed = false;
for (Function::iterator FI = F->begin(), FE = F->end(); FI != FE; ++FI)
Changed |= ReassociateBB(*FI);
for (Function::iterator FI = F.begin(), FE = F.end(); FI != FE; ++FI)
Changed |= ReassociateBB(FI);
// We are done with the rank map...
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ public:
// runOnFunction - Run the Sparse Conditional Constant Propogation algorithm,
// and return true if the function was modified.
bool runOnFunction(Function *F);
bool runOnFunction(Function &F);
virtual void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const {
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ private:
void markExecutable(BasicBlock *BB) {
if (BBExecutable.count(BB)) return;
DEBUG(cerr << "Marking BB Executable: " << BB);
DEBUG(cerr << "Marking BB Executable: " << *BB);
BBExecutable.insert(BB); // Basic block is executable!
BBWorkList.push_back(BB); // Add the block to the work list!
@ -177,35 +177,35 @@ private:
// operand made a transition, or the instruction is newly executable. Change
// the value type of I to reflect these changes if appropriate.
void visitPHINode(PHINode *I);
void visitPHINode(PHINode &I);
// Terminators
void visitReturnInst(ReturnInst *I) { /*does not have an effect*/ }
void visitTerminatorInst(TerminatorInst *TI);
void visitReturnInst(ReturnInst &I) { /*does not have an effect*/ }
void visitTerminatorInst(TerminatorInst &TI);
void visitUnaryOperator(Instruction *I);
void visitCastInst(CastInst *I) { visitUnaryOperator(I); }
void visitBinaryOperator(Instruction *I);
void visitShiftInst(ShiftInst *I) { visitBinaryOperator(I); }
void visitUnaryOperator(Instruction &I);
void visitCastInst(CastInst &I) { visitUnaryOperator(I); }
void visitBinaryOperator(Instruction &I);
void visitShiftInst(ShiftInst &I) { visitBinaryOperator(I); }
// Instructions that cannot be folded away...
void visitStoreInst (Instruction *I) { /*returns void*/ }
void visitMemAccessInst (Instruction *I) { markOverdefined(I); }
void visitCallInst (Instruction *I) { markOverdefined(I); }
void visitInvokeInst (Instruction *I) { markOverdefined(I); }
void visitAllocationInst(Instruction *I) { markOverdefined(I); }
void visitFreeInst (Instruction *I) { /*returns void*/ }
void visitStoreInst (Instruction &I) { /*returns void*/ }
void visitMemAccessInst (Instruction &I) { markOverdefined(&I); }
void visitCallInst (Instruction &I) { markOverdefined(&I); }
void visitInvokeInst (Instruction &I) { markOverdefined(&I); }
void visitAllocationInst(Instruction &I) { markOverdefined(&I); }
void visitFreeInst (Instruction &I) { /*returns void*/ }
void visitInstruction(Instruction *I) {
void visitInstruction(Instruction &I) {
// If a new instruction is added to LLVM that we don't handle...
cerr << "SCCP: Don't know how to handle: " << I;
markOverdefined(I); // Just in case
markOverdefined(&I); // Just in case
// getFeasibleSuccessors - Return a vector of booleans to indicate which
// successors are reachable from a given terminator instruction.
void getFeasibleSuccessors(TerminatorInst *I, std::vector<bool> &Succs);
void getFeasibleSuccessors(TerminatorInst &TI, std::vector<bool> &Succs);
// isEdgeFeasible - Return true if the control flow edge from the 'From' basic
// block to the 'To' basic block is currently feasible...
@ -218,8 +218,8 @@ private:
void OperandChangedState(User *U) {
// Only instructions use other variable values!
Instruction *I = cast<Instruction>(U);
if (!BBExecutable.count(I->getParent())) return;// Inst not executable yet!
Instruction &I = cast<Instruction>(*U);
if (!BBExecutable.count(I.getParent())) return;// Inst not executable yet!
@ -241,9 +241,9 @@ Pass *createSCCPPass() {
// runOnFunction() - Run the Sparse Conditional Constant Propogation algorithm,
// and return true if the function was modified.
bool SCCP::runOnFunction(Function *F) {
bool SCCP::runOnFunction(Function &F) {
// Mark the first block of the function as being executable...
// Process the work lists until their are empty!
while (!BBWorkList.empty() || !InstWorkList.empty()) {
@ -284,8 +284,8 @@ bool SCCP::runOnFunction(Function *F) {
if (DebugFlag) {
for (Function::iterator I = F->begin(), E = F->end(); I != E; ++I)
if (!BBExecutable.count(*I))
for (Function::iterator I = F.begin(), E = F.end(); I != E; ++I)
if (!BBExecutable.count(I))
cerr << "BasicBlock Dead:" << *I;
@ -293,20 +293,19 @@ bool SCCP::runOnFunction(Function *F) {
// constants if we have found them to be of constant values.
bool MadeChanges = false;
for (Function::iterator FI = F->begin(), FE = F->end(); FI != FE; ++FI) {
BasicBlock *BB = *FI;
for (Function::iterator BB = F.begin(), BBE = F.end(); BB != BBE; ++BB)
for (BasicBlock::iterator BI = BB->begin(); BI != BB->end();) {
Instruction *Inst = *BI;
InstVal &IV = ValueState[Inst];
Instruction &Inst = *BI;
InstVal &IV = ValueState[&Inst];
if (IV.isConstant()) {
Constant *Const = IV.getConstant();
DEBUG(cerr << "Constant: " << Const << " = " << Inst);
// Replaces all of the uses of a variable with uses of the constant.
// Remove the operator from the list of definitions... and delete it.
delete BB->getInstList().remove(BI);
BI = BB->getInstList().erase(BI);
// Hey, we just changed something!
MadeChanges = true;
@ -315,7 +314,6 @@ bool SCCP::runOnFunction(Function *F) {
// Reset state so that the next invocation will have empty data structures
@ -328,9 +326,9 @@ bool SCCP::runOnFunction(Function *F) {
// getFeasibleSuccessors - Return a vector of booleans to indicate which
// successors are reachable from a given terminator instruction.
void SCCP::getFeasibleSuccessors(TerminatorInst *TI, std::vector<bool> &Succs) {
assert(Succs.size() == TI->getNumSuccessors() && "Succs vector wrong size!");
if (BranchInst *BI = dyn_cast<BranchInst>(TI)) {
void SCCP::getFeasibleSuccessors(TerminatorInst &TI, std::vector<bool> &Succs) {
assert(Succs.size() == TI.getNumSuccessors() && "Succs vector wrong size!");
if (BranchInst *BI = dyn_cast<BranchInst>(&TI)) {
if (BI->isUnconditional()) {
Succs[0] = true;
} else {
@ -343,14 +341,14 @@ void SCCP::getFeasibleSuccessors(TerminatorInst *TI, std::vector<bool> &Succs) {
Succs[BCValue.getConstant() == ConstantBool::False] = true;
} else if (InvokeInst *II = dyn_cast<InvokeInst>(TI)) {
} else if (InvokeInst *II = dyn_cast<InvokeInst>(&TI)) {
// Invoke instructions successors are always executable.
Succs[0] = Succs[1] = true;
} else if (SwitchInst *SI = dyn_cast<SwitchInst>(TI)) {
} else if (SwitchInst *SI = dyn_cast<SwitchInst>(&TI)) {
InstVal &SCValue = getValueState(SI->getCondition());
if (SCValue.isOverdefined()) { // Overdefined condition?
// All destinations are executable!
Succs.assign(TI->getNumSuccessors(), true);
Succs.assign(TI.getNumSuccessors(), true);
} else if (SCValue.isConstant()) {
Constant *CPV = SCValue.getConstant();
// Make sure to skip the "default value" which isn't a value
@ -367,7 +365,7 @@ void SCCP::getFeasibleSuccessors(TerminatorInst *TI, std::vector<bool> &Succs) {
} else {
cerr << "SCCP: Don't know how to handle: " << TI;
Succs.assign(TI->getNumSuccessors(), true);
Succs.assign(TI.getNumSuccessors(), true);
@ -384,7 +382,7 @@ bool SCCP::isEdgeFeasible(BasicBlock *From, BasicBlock *To) {
// Check to make sure this edge itself is actually feasible now...
TerminatorInst *FT = From->getTerminator();
std::vector<bool> SuccFeasible(FT->getNumSuccessors());
getFeasibleSuccessors(FT, SuccFeasible);
getFeasibleSuccessors(*FT, SuccFeasible);
// Check all edges from From to To. If any are feasible, return true.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = SuccFeasible.size(); i != e; ++i)
@ -414,8 +412,8 @@ bool SCCP::isEdgeFeasible(BasicBlock *From, BasicBlock *To) {
// successors executable.
void SCCP::visitPHINode(PHINode *PN) {
unsigned NumValues = PN->getNumIncomingValues(), i;
void SCCP::visitPHINode(PHINode &PN) {
unsigned NumValues = PN.getNumIncomingValues(), i;
InstVal *OperandIV = 0;
// Look at all of the executable operands of the PHI node. If any of them
@ -425,11 +423,11 @@ void SCCP::visitPHINode(PHINode *PN) {
// If there are no executable operands, the PHI remains undefined.
for (i = 0; i < NumValues; ++i) {
if (isEdgeFeasible(PN->getIncomingBlock(i), PN->getParent())) {
InstVal &IV = getValueState(PN->getIncomingValue(i));
if (isEdgeFeasible(PN.getIncomingBlock(i), PN.getParent())) {
InstVal &IV = getValueState(PN.getIncomingValue(i));
if (IV.isUndefined()) continue; // Doesn't influence PHI node.
if (IV.isOverdefined()) { // PHI node becomes overdefined!
@ -445,7 +443,7 @@ void SCCP::visitPHINode(PHINode *PN) {
// Yes there is. This means the PHI node is not constant.
// You must be overdefined poor PHI.
markOverdefined(PN); // The PHI node now becomes overdefined
markOverdefined(&PN); // The PHI node now becomes overdefined
return; // I'm done analyzing you
@ -459,18 +457,18 @@ void SCCP::visitPHINode(PHINode *PN) {
if (OperandIV) {
assert(OperandIV->isConstant() && "Should only be here for constants!");
markConstant(PN, OperandIV->getConstant()); // Aquire operand value
markConstant(&PN, OperandIV->getConstant()); // Aquire operand value
void SCCP::visitTerminatorInst(TerminatorInst *TI) {
std::vector<bool> SuccFeasible(TI->getNumSuccessors());
void SCCP::visitTerminatorInst(TerminatorInst &TI) {
std::vector<bool> SuccFeasible(TI.getNumSuccessors());
getFeasibleSuccessors(TI, SuccFeasible);
// Mark all feasible successors executable...
for (unsigned i = 0, e = SuccFeasible.size(); i != e; ++i)
if (SuccFeasible[i]) {
BasicBlock *Succ = TI->getSuccessor(i);
BasicBlock *Succ = TI.getSuccessor(i);
// Visit all of the PHI nodes that merge values from this block...
@ -478,49 +476,49 @@ void SCCP::visitTerminatorInst(TerminatorInst *TI) {
// constant now may not be.
for (BasicBlock::iterator I = Succ->begin();
PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(*I); ++I)
PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(&*I); ++I)
void SCCP::visitUnaryOperator(Instruction *I) {
Value *V = I->getOperand(0);
void SCCP::visitUnaryOperator(Instruction &I) {
Value *V = I.getOperand(0);
InstVal &VState = getValueState(V);
if (VState.isOverdefined()) { // Inherit overdefinedness of operand
} else if (VState.isConstant()) { // Propogate constant value
Constant *Result = isa<CastInst>(I)
? ConstantFoldCastInstruction(VState.getConstant(), I->getType())
: ConstantFoldUnaryInstruction(I->getOpcode(), VState.getConstant());
? ConstantFoldCastInstruction(VState.getConstant(), I.getType())
: ConstantFoldUnaryInstruction(I.getOpcode(), VState.getConstant());
if (Result) {
// This instruction constant folds!
markConstant(I, Result);
markConstant(&I, Result);
} else {
markOverdefined(I); // Don't know how to fold this instruction. :(
markOverdefined(&I); // Don't know how to fold this instruction. :(
// Handle BinaryOperators and Shift Instructions...
void SCCP::visitBinaryOperator(Instruction *I) {
InstVal &V1State = getValueState(I->getOperand(0));
InstVal &V2State = getValueState(I->getOperand(1));
void SCCP::visitBinaryOperator(Instruction &I) {
InstVal &V1State = getValueState(I.getOperand(0));
InstVal &V2State = getValueState(I.getOperand(1));
if (V1State.isOverdefined() || V2State.isOverdefined()) {
} else if (V1State.isConstant() && V2State.isConstant()) {
Constant *Result = 0;
if (isa<BinaryOperator>(I))
Result = ConstantFoldBinaryInstruction(I->getOpcode(),
Result = ConstantFoldBinaryInstruction(I.getOpcode(),
else if (isa<ShiftInst>(I))
Result = ConstantFoldShiftInstruction(I->getOpcode(),
Result = ConstantFoldShiftInstruction(I.getOpcode(),
if (Result)
markConstant(I, Result); // This instruction constant folds!
markConstant(&I, Result); // This instruction constant folds!
markOverdefined(I); // Don't know how to fold this instruction. :(
markOverdefined(&I); // Don't know how to fold this instruction. :(
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ namespace {
struct CFGSimplifyPass : public FunctionPass {
const char *getPassName() const { return "Simplify CFG"; }
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function *F);
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function &F);
@ -49,29 +49,28 @@ static bool MarkAliveBlocks(BasicBlock *BB, std::set<BasicBlock*> &Reachable) {
// It is possible that we may require multiple passes over the code to fully
// simplify the CFG.
bool CFGSimplifyPass::runOnFunction(Function *F) {
bool CFGSimplifyPass::runOnFunction(Function &F) {
std::set<BasicBlock*> Reachable;
bool Changed = MarkAliveBlocks(F->front(), Reachable);
bool Changed = MarkAliveBlocks(F.begin(), Reachable);
// If there are unreachable blocks in the CFG...
if (Reachable.size() != F->size()) {
assert(Reachable.size() < F->size());
NumSimpl += F->size()-Reachable.size();
if (Reachable.size() != F.size()) {
assert(Reachable.size() < F.size());
NumSimpl += F.size()-Reachable.size();
// Loop over all of the basic blocks that are not reachable, dropping all of
// their internal references...
for (Function::iterator I = F->begin()+1, E = F->end(); I != E; ++I)
if (!Reachable.count(*I)) {
BasicBlock *BB = *I;
for (Function::iterator BB = ++F.begin(), E = F.end(); BB != E; ++BB)
if (!Reachable.count(BB)) {
for (succ_iterator SI = succ_begin(BB), SE = succ_end(BB); SI!=SE; ++SI)
if (Reachable.count(*SI))
for (Function::iterator I = F->begin()+1; I != F->end();)
if (!Reachable.count(*I))
delete F->getBasicBlocks().remove(I);
for (Function::iterator I = ++F.begin(); I != F.end();)
if (!Reachable.count(I))
I = F.getBasicBlockList().erase(I);
@ -85,12 +84,10 @@ bool CFGSimplifyPass::runOnFunction(Function *F) {
// Loop over all of the basic blocks (except the first one) and remove them
// if they are unneeded...
for (Function::iterator BBIt = F->begin()+1; BBIt != F->end(); ) {
if (SimplifyCFG(BBIt)) {
for (Function::iterator BBIt = ++F.begin(); BBIt != F.end(); ) {
if (SimplifyCFG(BBIt++)) {
LocalChange = true;
} else {
Changed |= LocalChange;
@ -42,29 +42,12 @@ static bool StripSymbolTable(SymbolTable *SymTab) {
return RemovedSymbol;
// DoSymbolStripping - Remove all symbolic information from a function
static bool doSymbolStripping(Function *F) {
return StripSymbolTable(F->getSymbolTable());
// doStripGlobalSymbols - Remove all symbolic information from all functions
// in a module, and all module level symbols. (function names, etc...)
static bool doStripGlobalSymbols(Module *M) {
// Remove all symbols from functions in this module... and then strip all of
// the symbols in this module...
return StripSymbolTable(M->getSymbolTable());
namespace {
struct SymbolStripping : public FunctionPass {
const char *getPassName() const { return "Strip Symbols from Functions"; }
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function *F) {
return doSymbolStripping(F);
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function &F) {
return StripSymbolTable(F.getSymbolTable());
virtual void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const {
@ -73,8 +56,8 @@ namespace {
struct FullSymbolStripping : public SymbolStripping {
const char *getPassName() const { return "Strip Symbols from Module"; }
virtual bool doInitialization(Module *M) {
return doStripGlobalSymbols(M);
virtual bool doInitialization(Module &M) {
return StripSymbolTable(M.getSymbolTable());
@ -140,12 +140,12 @@ const Type *ConvertableToGEP(const Type *Ty, Value *OffsetVal,
Offset -= Index*ElSize; // Consume part of the offset
if (BI) { // Generate code?
BasicBlock *BB = (**BI)->getParent();
BasicBlock *BB = (*BI)->getParent();
if (Expr.Var->getType() != Type::UIntTy) {
CastInst *IdxCast = new CastInst(Expr.Var, Type::UIntTy);
if (Expr.Var->hasName())
*BI = BB->getInstList().insert(*BI, IdxCast)+1;
*BI = ++BB->getInstList().insert(*BI, IdxCast);
Expr.Var = IdxCast;
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ const Type *ConvertableToGEP(const Type *Ty, Value *OffsetVal,
if (Expr.Var->hasName())
*BI = BB->getInstList().insert(*BI, Scaler)+1;
*BI = ++BB->getInstList().insert(*BI, Scaler);
Expr.Var = Scaler;
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ const Type *ConvertableToGEP(const Type *Ty, Value *OffsetVal,
Expr.Var, IndexAmt);
if (Expr.Var->hasName())
*BI = BB->getInstList().insert(*BI, Offseter)+1;
*BI = ++BB->getInstList().insert(*BI, Offseter);
Expr.Var = Offseter;
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ namespace {
// runOnFunction - To run this pass, first we calculate the alloca
// instructions that are safe for promotion, then we promote each one.
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function *F);
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function &F);
// getAnalysisUsage - We need dominance frontiers
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ namespace {
void Traverse(BasicBlock *BB, BasicBlock *Pred, vector<Value*> &IncVals,
set<BasicBlock*> &Visited);
bool QueuePhiNode(BasicBlock *BB, unsigned AllocaIdx);
void FindSafeAllocas(Function *F);
void FindSafeAllocas(Function &F);
} // end of anonymous namespace
@ -102,12 +102,12 @@ static inline bool isSafeAlloca(const AllocaInst *AI) {
// FindSafeAllocas - Find allocas that are safe to promote
void PromotePass::FindSafeAllocas(Function *F) {
BasicBlock *BB = F->getEntryNode(); // Get the entry node for the function
void PromotePass::FindSafeAllocas(Function &F) {
BasicBlock &BB = F.getEntryNode(); // Get the entry node for the function
// Look at all instructions in the entry node
for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB->begin(), E = BB->end(); I != E; ++I)
if (AllocaInst *AI = dyn_cast<AllocaInst>(*I)) // Is it an alloca?
for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB.begin(), E = BB.end(); I != E; ++I)
if (AllocaInst *AI = dyn_cast<AllocaInst>(&*I)) // Is it an alloca?
if (isSafeAlloca(AI)) { // If safe alloca, add alloca to safe list
AllocaLookup[AI] = Allocas.size(); // Keep reverse mapping
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ void PromotePass::FindSafeAllocas(Function *F) {
bool PromotePass::runOnFunction(Function *F) {
bool PromotePass::runOnFunction(Function &F) {
// Calculate the set of safe allocas
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ bool PromotePass::runOnFunction(Function *F) {
// and inserting the phi nodes we marked as necessary
set<BasicBlock*> Visited; // The basic blocks we've already visited
Traverse(F->front(), 0, Values, Visited);
Traverse(F.begin(), 0, Values, Visited);
// Remove all instructions marked by being placed in the KillList...
@ -186,8 +186,7 @@ bool PromotePass::runOnFunction(Function *F) {
Instruction *I = KillList.back();
delete I;
NumPromoted += Allocas.size();
@ -248,7 +247,7 @@ void PromotePass::Traverse(BasicBlock *BB, BasicBlock *Pred,
// keep track of the value of each variable we're watching.. how?
for (BasicBlock::iterator II = BB->begin(); II != BB->end(); ++II) {
Instruction *I = *II; //get the instruction
Instruction *I = II; // get the instruction
if (LoadInst *LI = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(I)) {
Value *Ptr = LI->getPointerOperand();
@ -13,16 +13,12 @@
#include "llvm/SlotCalculator.h"
#include "llvm/DerivedTypes.h"
#include "llvm/Module.h"
#include "llvm/Function.h"
#include "llvm/GlobalVariable.h"
#include "llvm/BasicBlock.h"
#include "llvm/Constants.h"
#include "llvm/iMemory.h"
#include "llvm/iTerminators.h"
#include "llvm/iPHINode.h"
#include "llvm/iOther.h"
#include "llvm/SymbolTable.h"
#include "llvm/Argument.h"
#include "Support/StringExtras.h"
#include "Support/STLExtras.h"
#include <algorithm>
@ -317,7 +313,7 @@ static void WriteConstantInt(ostream &Out, const Constant *CV, bool PrintName,
} else if (isa<ConstantPointerNull>(CV)) {
Out << "null";
} else if (ConstantPointerRef *PR = dyn_cast<ConstantPointerRef>(CV)) {
} else if (const ConstantPointerRef *PR = dyn_cast<ConstantPointerRef>(CV)) {
const GlobalValue *V = PR->getValue();
if (V->hasName()) {
Out << "%" << V->getName();
@ -414,7 +410,7 @@ public:
inline void write(const GlobalVariable *G) { printGlobal(G); }
inline void write(const Function *F) { printFunction(F); }
inline void write(const BasicBlock *BB) { printBasicBlock(BB); }
inline void write(const Instruction *I) { printInstruction(I); }
inline void write(const Instruction *I) { printInstruction(*I); }
inline void write(const Constant *CPV) { printConstant(CPV); }
inline void write(const Type *Ty) { printType(Ty); }
@ -428,7 +424,7 @@ private :
void printFunction(const Function *F);
void printArgument(const Argument *FA);
void printBasicBlock(const BasicBlock *BB);
void printInstruction(const Instruction *I);
void printInstruction(const Instruction &I);
// printType - Go to extreme measures to attempt to print out a short,
// symbolic version of a type name.
@ -444,7 +440,7 @@ private :
// printInfoComment - Print a little comment after the instruction indicating
// which slot it occupies.
void printInfoComment(const Value *V);
void printInfoComment(const Value &V);
@ -452,7 +448,7 @@ private :
// without considering any symbolic types that we may have equal to it.
ostream &AssemblyWriter::printTypeAtLeastOneLevel(const Type *Ty) {
if (FunctionType *FTy = dyn_cast<FunctionType>(Ty)) {
if (const FunctionType *FTy = dyn_cast<FunctionType>(Ty)) {
printType(FTy->getReturnType()) << " (";
for (FunctionType::ParamTypes::const_iterator
I = FTy->getParamTypes().begin(),
@ -466,7 +462,7 @@ ostream &AssemblyWriter::printTypeAtLeastOneLevel(const Type *Ty) {
Out << "...";
Out << ")";
} else if (StructType *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(Ty)) {
} else if (const StructType *STy = dyn_cast<StructType>(Ty)) {
Out << "{ ";
for (StructType::ElementTypes::const_iterator
I = STy->getElementTypes().begin(),
@ -476,12 +472,12 @@ ostream &AssemblyWriter::printTypeAtLeastOneLevel(const Type *Ty) {
Out << " }";
} else if (PointerType *PTy = dyn_cast<PointerType>(Ty)) {
} else if (const PointerType *PTy = dyn_cast<PointerType>(Ty)) {
printType(PTy->getElementType()) << "*";
} else if (ArrayType *ATy = dyn_cast<ArrayType>(Ty)) {
} else if (const ArrayType *ATy = dyn_cast<ArrayType>(Ty)) {
Out << "[" << ATy->getNumElements() << " x ";
printType(ATy->getElementType()) << "]";
} else if (OpaqueType *OTy = dyn_cast<OpaqueType>(Ty)) {
} else if (const OpaqueType *OTy = dyn_cast<OpaqueType>(Ty)) {
Out << OTy->getDescription();
} else {
assert(Ty->isPrimitiveType() && "Unknown derived type!");
@ -503,13 +499,14 @@ void AssemblyWriter::printModule(const Module *M) {
if (M->hasSymbolTable())
for_each(M->gbegin(), M->gend(),
bind_obj(this, &AssemblyWriter::printGlobal));
for (Module::const_giterator I = M->gbegin(), E = M->gend(); I != E; ++I)
Out << "\nimplementation ; Functions:\n";
// Output all of the functions...
for_each(M->begin(), M->end(), bind_obj(this,&AssemblyWriter::printFunction));
for (Module::const_iterator I = M->begin(), E = M->end(); I != E; ++I)
void AssemblyWriter::printGlobal(const GlobalVariable *GV) {
@ -524,7 +521,7 @@ void AssemblyWriter::printGlobal(const GlobalVariable *GV) {
if (GV->hasInitializer())
writeOperand(GV->getInitializer(), false, false);
Out << "\n";
@ -566,50 +563,49 @@ void AssemblyWriter::printConstant(const Constant *CPV) {
// Write the value out now...
writeOperand(CPV, true, false);
Out << "\n";
// printFunction - Print all aspects of a function.
void AssemblyWriter::printFunction(const Function *M) {
void AssemblyWriter::printFunction(const Function *F) {
// Print out the return type and name...
Out << "\n" << (M->isExternal() ? "declare " : "")
<< (M->hasInternalLinkage() ? "internal " : "");
printType(M->getReturnType()) << " %" << M->getName() << "(";
Out << "\n" << (F->isExternal() ? "declare " : "")
<< (F->hasInternalLinkage() ? "internal " : "");
printType(F->getReturnType()) << " %" << F->getName() << "(";
// Loop over the arguments, printing them...
const FunctionType *MT = M->getFunctionType();
const FunctionType *FT = F->getFunctionType();
if (!M->isExternal()) {
for_each(M->getArgumentList().begin(), M->getArgumentList().end(),
bind_obj(this, &AssemblyWriter::printArgument));
if (!F->isExternal()) {
for(Function::const_aiterator I = F->abegin(), E = F->aend(); I != E; ++I)
} else {
// Loop over the arguments, printing them...
const FunctionType *MT = M->getFunctionType();
for (FunctionType::ParamTypes::const_iterator I = MT->getParamTypes().begin(),
E = MT->getParamTypes().end(); I != E; ++I) {
if (I != MT->getParamTypes().begin()) Out << ", ";
for (FunctionType::ParamTypes::const_iterator I = FT->getParamTypes().begin(),
E = FT->getParamTypes().end(); I != E; ++I) {
if (I != FT->getParamTypes().begin()) Out << ", ";
// Finish printing arguments...
if (MT->isVarArg()) {
if (MT->getParamTypes().size()) Out << ", ";
if (FT->isVarArg()) {
if (FT->getParamTypes().size()) Out << ", ";
Out << "..."; // Output varargs portion of signature!
Out << ")";
if (M->isExternal()) {
if (F->isExternal()) {
Out << "\n";
} else {
Out << " {";
// Output all of its basic blocks... for the function
for_each(M->begin(), M->end(),
bind_obj(this, &AssemblyWriter::printBasicBlock));
for (Function::const_iterator I = F->begin(), E = F->end(); I != E; ++I)
Out << "}\n";
@ -622,7 +618,7 @@ void AssemblyWriter::printFunction(const Function *M) {
void AssemblyWriter::printArgument(const Argument *Arg) {
// Insert commas as we go... the first arg doesn't get a comma
if (Arg != Arg->getParent()->getArgumentList().front()) Out << ", ";
if (Arg != &Arg->getParent()->afront()) Out << ", ";
// Output type...
@ -653,72 +649,72 @@ void AssemblyWriter::printBasicBlock(const BasicBlock *BB) {
Out << "\n";
// Output all of the instructions in the basic block...
for_each(BB->begin(), BB->end(),
bind_obj(this, &AssemblyWriter::printInstruction));
for (BasicBlock::const_iterator I = BB->begin(), E = BB->end(); I != E; ++I)
// printInfoComment - Print a little comment after the instruction indicating
// which slot it occupies.
void AssemblyWriter::printInfoComment(const Value *V) {
if (V->getType() != Type::VoidTy) {
void AssemblyWriter::printInfoComment(const Value &V) {
if (V.getType() != Type::VoidTy) {
Out << "\t\t; <";
printType(V->getType()) << ">";
printType(V.getType()) << ">";
if (!V->hasName()) {
int Slot = Table.getValSlot(V); // Print out the def slot taken...
if (!V.hasName()) {
int Slot = Table.getValSlot(&V); // Print out the def slot taken...
if (Slot >= 0) Out << ":" << Slot;
else Out << ":<badref>";
Out << " [#uses=" << V->use_size() << "]"; // Output # uses
Out << " [#uses=" << V.use_size() << "]"; // Output # uses
// printInstruction - This member is called for each Instruction in a methd.
void AssemblyWriter::printInstruction(const Instruction *I) {
void AssemblyWriter::printInstruction(const Instruction &I) {
Out << "\t";
// Print out name if it exists...
if (I && I->hasName())
Out << "%" << I->getName() << " = ";
if (I.hasName())
Out << "%" << I.getName() << " = ";
// Print out the opcode...
Out << I->getOpcodeName();
Out << I.getOpcodeName();
// Print out the type of the operands...
const Value *Operand = I->getNumOperands() ? I->getOperand(0) : 0;
const Value *Operand = I.getNumOperands() ? I.getOperand(0) : 0;
// Special case conditional branches to swizzle the condition out to the front
if (isa<BranchInst>(I) && I->getNumOperands() > 1) {
writeOperand(I->getOperand(2), true);
if (isa<BranchInst>(I) && I.getNumOperands() > 1) {
writeOperand(I.getOperand(2), true);
Out << ",";
writeOperand(Operand, true);
Out << ",";
writeOperand(I->getOperand(1), true);
writeOperand(I.getOperand(1), true);
} else if (isa<SwitchInst>(I)) {
// Special case switch statement to get formatting nice and correct...
writeOperand(Operand , true); Out << ",";
writeOperand(I->getOperand(1), true); Out << " [";
writeOperand(Operand , true); Out << ",";
writeOperand(I.getOperand(1), true); Out << " [";
for (unsigned op = 2, Eop = I->getNumOperands(); op < Eop; op += 2) {
for (unsigned op = 2, Eop = I.getNumOperands(); op < Eop; op += 2) {
Out << "\n\t\t";
writeOperand(I->getOperand(op ), true); Out << ",";
writeOperand(I->getOperand(op+1), true);
writeOperand(I.getOperand(op ), true); Out << ",";
writeOperand(I.getOperand(op+1), true);
Out << "\n\t]";
} else if (isa<PHINode>(I)) {
Out << " ";
Out << " ";
for (unsigned op = 0, Eop = I->getNumOperands(); op < Eop; op += 2) {
for (unsigned op = 0, Eop = I.getNumOperands(); op < Eop; op += 2) {
if (op) Out << ", ";
Out << "[";
writeOperand(I->getOperand(op ), false); Out << ",";
writeOperand(I->getOperand(op+1), false); Out << " ]";
writeOperand(I.getOperand(op ), false); Out << ",";
writeOperand(I.getOperand(op+1), false); Out << " ]";
} else if (isa<ReturnInst>(I) && !Operand) {
Out << " void";
@ -740,21 +736,21 @@ void AssemblyWriter::printInstruction(const Instruction *I) {
writeOperand(Operand, true);
Out << "(";
if (I->getNumOperands() > 1) writeOperand(I->getOperand(1), true);
for (unsigned op = 2, Eop = I->getNumOperands(); op < Eop; ++op) {
if (I.getNumOperands() > 1) writeOperand(I.getOperand(1), true);
for (unsigned op = 2, Eop = I.getNumOperands(); op < Eop; ++op) {
Out << ",";
writeOperand(I->getOperand(op), true);
writeOperand(I.getOperand(op), true);
Out << " )";
} else if (const InvokeInst *II = dyn_cast<InvokeInst>(I)) {
} else if (const InvokeInst *II = dyn_cast<InvokeInst>(&I)) {
// TODO: Should try to print out short form of the Invoke instruction
writeOperand(Operand, true);
Out << "(";
if (I->getNumOperands() > 3) writeOperand(I->getOperand(3), true);
for (unsigned op = 4, Eop = I->getNumOperands(); op < Eop; ++op) {
if (I.getNumOperands() > 3) writeOperand(I.getOperand(3), true);
for (unsigned op = 4, Eop = I.getNumOperands(); op < Eop; ++op) {
Out << ",";
writeOperand(I->getOperand(op), true);
writeOperand(I.getOperand(op), true);
Out << " )\n\t\t\tto";
@ -762,7 +758,7 @@ void AssemblyWriter::printInstruction(const Instruction *I) {
Out << " except";
writeOperand(II->getExceptionalDest(), true);
} else if (const AllocationInst *AI = dyn_cast<AllocationInst>(I)) {
} else if (const AllocationInst *AI = dyn_cast<AllocationInst>(&I)) {
Out << " ";
if (AI->isArrayAllocation()) {
@ -772,7 +768,7 @@ void AssemblyWriter::printInstruction(const Instruction *I) {
} else if (isa<CastInst>(I)) {
if (Operand) writeOperand(Operand, true);
Out << " to ";
} else if (Operand) { // Print the normal way...
// PrintAllTypes - Instructions who have operands of all the same type
@ -781,8 +777,8 @@ void AssemblyWriter::printInstruction(const Instruction *I) {
bool PrintAllTypes = false;
const Type *TheType = Operand->getType();
for (unsigned i = 1, E = I->getNumOperands(); i != E; ++i) {
Operand = I->getOperand(i);
for (unsigned i = 1, E = I.getNumOperands(); i != E; ++i) {
Operand = I.getOperand(i);
if (Operand->getType() != TheType) {
PrintAllTypes = true; // We have differing types! Print them all!
@ -794,12 +790,12 @@ void AssemblyWriter::printInstruction(const Instruction *I) {
if (!PrintAllTypes) {
Out << " ";
for (unsigned i = 0, E = I->getNumOperands(); i != E; ++i) {
for (unsigned i = 0, E = I.getNumOperands(); i != E; ++i) {
if (i) Out << ",";
writeOperand(I->getOperand(i), PrintAllTypes);
writeOperand(I.getOperand(i), PrintAllTypes);
@ -4,29 +4,61 @@
#include "ValueHolderImpl.h"
#include "llvm/BasicBlock.h"
#include "llvm/iTerminators.h"
#include "llvm/Type.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CFG.h"
#include "llvm/Constant.h"
#include "llvm/iPHINode.h"
#include "llvm/SymbolTable.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h"
#include "SymbolTableListTraitsImpl.h"
#include <algorithm>
// Instantiate Templates - This ugliness is the price we have to pay
// for having a ValueHolderImpl.h file seperate from ValueHolder.h! :(
// DummyInst - An instance of this class is used to mark the end of the
// instruction list. This is not a real instruction.
template class ValueHolder<Instruction, BasicBlock, Function>;
struct DummyInst : public Instruction {
DummyInst() : Instruction(Type::VoidTy, NumOtherOps) {}
virtual Instruction *clone() const { assert(0 && "Cannot clone EOL");abort();}
virtual const char *getOpcodeName() const { return "*end-of-list-inst*"; }
// Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast...
static inline bool classof(const DummyInst *) { return true; }
static inline bool classof(const Instruction *I) {
return I->getOpcode() == NumOtherOps;
static inline bool classof(const Value *V) {
return isa<Instruction>(V) && classof(cast<Instruction>(V));
Instruction *ilist_traits<Instruction>::createNode() {
return new DummyInst();
iplist<Instruction> &ilist_traits<Instruction>::getList(BasicBlock *BB) {
return BB->getInstList();
// Explicit instantiation of SymbolTableListTraits since some of the methods
// are not in the public header file...
template SymbolTableListTraits<Instruction, BasicBlock, Function>;
BasicBlock::BasicBlock(const std::string &name, Function *Parent)
: Value(Type::LabelTy, Value::BasicBlockVal, name), InstList(this, 0),
: Value(Type::LabelTy, Value::BasicBlockVal, name),
machineInstrVec(new MachineCodeForBasicBlock) {
// Initialize the instlist...
if (Parent)
BasicBlock::~BasicBlock() {
delete machineInstrVec;
@ -40,33 +72,19 @@ void BasicBlock::setName(const std::string &name, SymbolTable *ST) {
if (P && hasName()) P->getSymbolTable()->insert(this);
void BasicBlock::setParent(Function *parent) {
if (getParent() && hasName())
if (getParent() && hasName())
TerminatorInst *BasicBlock::getTerminator() {
if (InstList.empty()) return 0;
Instruction *T = InstList.back();
if (isa<TerminatorInst>(T)) return cast<TerminatorInst>(T);
return 0;
return dyn_cast<TerminatorInst>(&InstList.back());
const TerminatorInst *const BasicBlock::getTerminator() const {
if (InstList.empty()) return 0;
if (const TerminatorInst *TI = dyn_cast<TerminatorInst>(InstList.back()))
return TI;
return 0;
return dyn_cast<TerminatorInst>(&InstList.back());
void BasicBlock::dropAllReferences() {
for_each(InstList.begin(), InstList.end(),
for(iterator I = begin(), E = end(); I != E; ++I)
// hasConstantReferences() - This predicate is true if there is a
@ -123,7 +141,7 @@ void BasicBlock::removePredecessor(BasicBlock *Pred) {
if (max_idx <= 2) { // <= Two predecessors BEFORE I remove one?
// Yup, loop through and nuke the PHI nodes
while (PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(front())) {
while (PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(&front())) {
PN->removeIncomingValue(Pred); // Remove the predecessor first...
assert(PN->getNumIncomingValues() == max_idx-1 &&
@ -134,12 +152,12 @@ void BasicBlock::removePredecessor(BasicBlock *Pred) {
else // Otherwise there are no incoming values/edges, replace with dummy
delete getInstList().remove(begin()); // Remove the PHI node
getInstList().pop_front(); // Remove the PHI node
} else {
// Okay, now we know that we need to remove predecessor #pred_idx from all
// PHI nodes. Iterate over each PHI node fixing them up
for (iterator II = begin(); PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(*II); ++II)
for (iterator II = begin(); PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(&*II); ++II)
@ -170,7 +188,7 @@ BasicBlock *BasicBlock::splitBasicBlock(iterator I) {
iterator EndIt = end();
Inst = InstList.remove(--EndIt); // Remove from end
New->InstList.push_front(Inst); // Add to front
} while (Inst != *I); // Loop until we move the specified instruction.
} while (Inst != &*I); // Loop until we move the specified instruction.
// Add a branch instruction to the newly formed basic block.
InstList.push_back(new BranchInst(New));
@ -186,7 +204,7 @@ BasicBlock *BasicBlock::splitBasicBlock(iterator I) {
// incoming values...
BasicBlock *Successor = *I;
for (BasicBlock::iterator II = Successor->begin();
PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(*II); ++II) {
PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(&*II); ++II) {
int IDX = PN->getBasicBlockIndex(this);
while (IDX != -1) {
PN->setIncomingBlock((unsigned)IDX, New);
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
#include "llvm/Constants.h"
#include "llvm/DerivedTypes.h"
#include "llvm/SymbolTable.h"
#include "llvm/GlobalValue.h"
#include "llvm/Module.h"
#include "llvm/SlotCalculator.h"
#include "Support/StringExtras.h"
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ using std::set;
AnalysisID DominatorSet::ID(AnalysisID::create<DominatorSet>(), true);
AnalysisID DominatorSet::PostDomID(AnalysisID::create<DominatorSet>(), true);
bool DominatorSet::runOnFunction(Function *F) {
bool DominatorSet::runOnFunction(Function &F) {
Doms.clear(); // Reset from the last time we were run...
if (isPostDominator())
@ -40,17 +40,17 @@ bool DominatorSet::dominates(Instruction *A, Instruction *B) const {
// Loop through the basic block until we find A or B.
BasicBlock::iterator I = BBA->begin();
for (; *I != A && *I != B; ++I) /*empty*/;
for (; &*I != A && &*I != B; ++I) /*empty*/;
// A dominates B if it is found first in the basic block...
return *I == A;
return &*I == A;
// calcForwardDominatorSet - This method calculates the forward dominator sets
// for the specified function.
void DominatorSet::calcForwardDominatorSet(Function *M) {
Root = M->getEntryNode();
void DominatorSet::calcForwardDominatorSet(Function &F) {
Root = &F.getEntryNode();
assert(pred_begin(Root) == pred_end(Root) &&
"Root node has predecessors in function!");
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ void DominatorSet::calcForwardDominatorSet(Function *M) {
Changed = false;
DomSetType WorkingSet;
df_iterator<Function*> It = df_begin(M), End = df_end(M);
df_iterator<Function*> It = df_begin(&F), End = df_end(&F);
for ( ; It != End; ++It) {
BasicBlock *BB = *It;
pred_iterator PI = pred_begin(BB), PEnd = pred_end(BB);
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ void DominatorSet::calcForwardDominatorSet(Function *M) {
// only have a single exit node (return stmt), then calculates the post
// dominance sets for the function.
void DominatorSet::calcPostDominatorSet(Function *F) {
void DominatorSet::calcPostDominatorSet(Function &F) {
// Since we require that the unify all exit nodes pass has been run, we know
// that there can be at most one return instruction in the function left.
// Get it.
@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ void DominatorSet::calcPostDominatorSet(Function *F) {
Root = getAnalysis<UnifyFunctionExitNodes>().getExitNode();
if (Root == 0) { // No exit node for the function? Postdomsets are all empty
for (Function::iterator FI = F->begin(), FE = F->end(); FI != FE; ++FI)
Doms[*FI] = DomSetType();
for (Function::iterator FI = F.begin(), FE = F.end(); FI != FE; ++FI)
Doms[FI] = DomSetType();
@ -12,7 +12,24 @@
#include "llvm/BasicBlock.h"
#include "llvm/iOther.h"
#include "llvm/Argument.h"
#include "ValueHolderImpl.h"
#include "SymbolTableListTraitsImpl.h"
iplist<BasicBlock> &ilist_traits<BasicBlock>::getList(Function *F) {
return F->getBasicBlockList();
Argument *ilist_traits<Argument>::createNode() {
return new Argument(Type::IntTy);
iplist<Argument> &ilist_traits<Argument>::getList(Function *F) {
return F->getArgumentList();
// Explicit instantiations of SymbolTableListTraits since some of the methods
// are not in the public header file...
template SymbolTableListTraits<Argument, Function, Function>;
template SymbolTableListTraits<BasicBlock, Function, Function>;
// Argument Implementation
@ -28,36 +45,28 @@ void Argument::setName(const std::string &name, SymbolTable *ST) {
if (P && hasName()) P->getSymbolTable()->insert(this);
// Function Implementation
// Instantiate Templates - This ugliness is the price we have to pay
// for having a ValueHolderImpl.h file seperate from ValueHolder.h! :(
template class ValueHolder<Argument , Function, Function>;
template class ValueHolder<BasicBlock, Function, Function>;
Function::Function(const FunctionType *Ty, bool isInternal,
const std::string &name)
: GlobalValue(PointerType::get(Ty), Value::FunctionVal, isInternal, name),
BasicBlocks(this), ArgumentList(this, this) {
: GlobalValue(PointerType::get(Ty), Value::FunctionVal, isInternal, name) {
ParentSymTab = SymTab = 0;
Function::~Function() {
dropAllReferences(); // After this it is safe to delete instructions.
// TODO: Should remove from the end, not the beginning of vector!
iterator BI = begin();
while ((BI = begin()) != end())
delete BasicBlocks.remove(BI);
BasicBlocks.clear(); // Delete all basic blocks...
// Delete all of the method arguments and unlink from symbol table...
delete SymTab;
@ -118,7 +127,8 @@ bool Function::hasSymbolTable() const {
// delete.
void Function::dropAllReferences() {
for_each(begin(), end(), std::mem_fun(&BasicBlock::dropAllReferences));
for (iterator I = begin(), E = end(); I != E; ++I)
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
#include "llvm/iOther.h"
#include "llvm/iPHINode.h"
#include "llvm/BasicBlock.h"
#include "llvm/Function.h"
#include "llvm/SymbolTable.h"
#include "llvm/Type.h"
@ -4,10 +4,9 @@
#include "llvm/Instruction.h"
#include "llvm/BasicBlock.h"
#include "llvm/Function.h"
#include "llvm/SymbolTable.h"
#include "llvm/Type.h"
Instruction::Instruction(const Type *ty, unsigned it, const std::string &Name)
: User(ty, Value::InstructionVal, Name) {
@ -11,14 +11,29 @@
#include "llvm/Constants.h"
#include "llvm/DerivedTypes.h"
#include "Support/STLExtras.h"
#include "ValueHolderImpl.h"
#include "SymbolTableListTraitsImpl.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
// Instantiate Templates - This ugliness is the price we have to pay
// for having a DefHolderImpl.h file seperate from DefHolder.h! :(
template class ValueHolder<GlobalVariable, Module, Module>;
template class ValueHolder<Function, Module, Module>;
Function *ilist_traits<Function>::createNode() {
return new Function(FunctionType::get(Type::VoidTy,std::vector<const Type*>(),
false), false);
GlobalVariable *ilist_traits<GlobalVariable>::createNode() {
return new GlobalVariable(Type::IntTy, false, false);
iplist<Function> &ilist_traits<Function>::getList(Module *M) {
return M->getFunctionList();
iplist<GlobalVariable> &ilist_traits<GlobalVariable>::getList(Module *M) {
return M->getGlobalList();
// Explicit instantiations of SymbolTableListTraits since some of the methods
// are not in the public header file...
template SymbolTableListTraits<GlobalVariable, Module, Module>;
template SymbolTableListTraits<Function, Module, Module>;
// Define the GlobalValueRefMap as a struct that wraps a map so that we don't
// have Module.h depend on <map>
@ -27,16 +42,20 @@ struct GlobalValueRefMap : public std::map<GlobalValue*, ConstantPointerRef*>{
Module::Module() : GlobalList(this, this), FunctionList(this, this) {
Module::Module() {
GVRefMap = 0;
SymTab = 0;
Module::~Module() {
delete SymTab;
@ -136,11 +155,11 @@ std::string Module::getTypeName(const Type *Ty) {
// delete.
void Module::dropAllReferences() {
for_each(FunctionList.begin(), FunctionList.end(),
for(Module::iterator I = begin(), E = end(); I != E; ++I)
for_each(GlobalList.begin(), GlobalList.end(),
for(Module::giterator I = gbegin(), E = gend(); I != E; ++I)
// If there are any GlobalVariable references still out there, nuke them now.
// Since all references are hereby dropped, nothing could possibly reference
@ -9,8 +9,6 @@
#include "llvm/PassManager.h"
#include "PassManagerT.h" // PassManagerT implementation
#include "llvm/Module.h"
#include "llvm/Function.h"
#include "llvm/BasicBlock.h"
#include "Support/STLExtras.h"
#include "Support/CommandLine.h"
#include <typeinfo>
@ -75,7 +73,7 @@ void AnalysisUsage::preservesCFG() {
PassManager::PassManager() : PM(new PassManagerT<Module>()) {}
PassManager::~PassManager() { delete PM; }
void PassManager::add(Pass *P) { PM->add(P); }
bool PassManager::run(Module *M) { return PM->run(M); }
bool PassManager::run(Module &M) { return PM->run(M); }
@ -220,11 +218,11 @@ const char *Pass::getPassName() const { return typeid(*this).name(); }
// run - On a module, we run this pass by initializing, runOnFunction'ing once
// for every function in the module, then by finalizing.
bool FunctionPass::run(Module *M) {
bool FunctionPass::run(Module &M) {
bool Changed = doInitialization(M);
for (Module::iterator I = M->begin(), E = M->end(); I != E; ++I)
if (!(*I)->isExternal()) // Passes are not run on external functions!
for (Module::iterator I = M.begin(), E = M.end(); I != E; ++I)
if (!I->isExternal()) // Passes are not run on external functions!
Changed |= runOnFunction(*I);
return Changed | doFinalization(M);
@ -232,11 +230,11 @@ bool FunctionPass::run(Module *M) {
// run - On a function, we simply initialize, run the function, then finalize.
bool FunctionPass::run(Function *F) {
if (F->isExternal()) return false;// Passes are not run on external functions!
bool FunctionPass::run(Function &F) {
if (F.isExternal()) return false;// Passes are not run on external functions!
return doInitialization(F->getParent()) | runOnFunction(F)
| doFinalization(F->getParent());
return doInitialization(*F.getParent()) | runOnFunction(F)
| doFinalization(*F.getParent());
void FunctionPass::addToPassManager(PassManagerT<Module> *PM,
@ -256,9 +254,9 @@ void FunctionPass::addToPassManager(PassManagerT<Function> *PM,
// To run this pass on a function, we simply call runOnBasicBlock once for each
// function.
bool BasicBlockPass::runOnFunction(Function *F) {
bool BasicBlockPass::runOnFunction(Function &F) {
bool Changed = false;
for (Function::iterator I = F->begin(), E = F->end(); I != E; ++I)
for (Function::iterator I = F.begin(), E = F.end(); I != E; ++I)
Changed |= runOnBasicBlock(*I);
return Changed;
@ -266,8 +264,8 @@ bool BasicBlockPass::runOnFunction(Function *F) {
// To run directly on the basic block, we initialize, runOnBasicBlock, then
// finalize.
bool BasicBlockPass::run(BasicBlock *BB) {
Module *M = BB->getParent()->getParent();
bool BasicBlockPass::run(BasicBlock &BB) {
Module &M = *BB.getParent()->getParent();
return doInitialization(M) | runOnBasicBlock(BB) | doFinalization(M);
@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ template<> struct PassManagerTraits<BasicBlock> : public BasicBlockPass {
// runPass - Specify how the pass should be run on the UnitType
static bool runPass(PassClass *P, BasicBlock *M) {
// todo, init and finalize
return P->runOnBasicBlock(M);
return P->runOnBasicBlock(*M);
// Dummy implementation of PassStarted/PassEnded
@ -437,9 +437,9 @@ template<> struct PassManagerTraits<BasicBlock> : public BasicBlockPass {
virtual const char *getPassName() const { return "BasicBlock Pass Manager"; }
// Implement the BasicBlockPass interface...
virtual bool doInitialization(Module *M);
virtual bool runOnBasicBlock(BasicBlock *BB);
virtual bool doFinalization(Module *M);
virtual bool doInitialization(Module &M);
virtual bool runOnBasicBlock(BasicBlock &BB);
virtual bool doFinalization(Module &M);
virtual void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const {
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ template<> struct PassManagerTraits<Function> : public FunctionPass {
// runPass - Specify how the pass should be run on the UnitType
static bool runPass(PassClass *P, Function *F) {
return P->runOnFunction(F);
return P->runOnFunction(*F);
// Dummy implementation of PassStarted/PassEnded
@ -485,9 +485,9 @@ template<> struct PassManagerTraits<Function> : public FunctionPass {
virtual const char *getPassName() const { return "Function Pass Manager"; }
// Implement the FunctionPass interface...
virtual bool doInitialization(Module *M);
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function *F);
virtual bool doFinalization(Module *M);
virtual bool doInitialization(Module &M);
virtual bool runOnFunction(Function &F);
virtual bool doFinalization(Module &M);
virtual void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const {
@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ template<> struct PassManagerTraits<Module> : public Pass {
typedef AnalysisResolver ParentClass;
// runPass - Specify how the pass should be run on the UnitType
static bool runPass(PassClass *P, Module *M) { return P->run(M); }
static bool runPass(PassClass *P, Module *M) { return P->run(*M); }
// getPMName() - Return the name of the unit the PassManager operates on for
// debugging.
@ -539,9 +539,9 @@ template<> struct PassManagerTraits<Module> : public Pass {
// run - Implement the PassManager interface...
bool run(Module *M) {
bool run(Module &M) {
TimeInfo = TimingInfo::create();
bool Result = ((PassManagerT<Module>*)this)->runOnUnit(M);
bool Result = ((PassManagerT<Module>*)this)->runOnUnit(&M);
if (TimeInfo) {
delete TimeInfo;
TimeInfo = 0;
@ -563,18 +563,18 @@ template<> struct PassManagerTraits<Module> : public Pass {
// PassManagerTraits<BasicBlock> Implementations
inline bool PassManagerTraits<BasicBlock>::doInitialization(Module *M) {
inline bool PassManagerTraits<BasicBlock>::doInitialization(Module &M) {
bool Changed = false;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = ((PMType*)this)->Passes.size(); i != e; ++i)
return Changed;
inline bool PassManagerTraits<BasicBlock>::runOnBasicBlock(BasicBlock *BB) {
return ((PMType*)this)->runOnUnit(BB);
inline bool PassManagerTraits<BasicBlock>::runOnBasicBlock(BasicBlock &BB) {
return ((PMType*)this)->runOnUnit(&BB);
inline bool PassManagerTraits<BasicBlock>::doFinalization(Module *M) {
inline bool PassManagerTraits<BasicBlock>::doFinalization(Module &M) {
bool Changed = false;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = ((PMType*)this)->Passes.size(); i != e; ++i)
@ -584,18 +584,18 @@ inline bool PassManagerTraits<BasicBlock>::doFinalization(Module *M) {
// PassManagerTraits<Function> Implementations
inline bool PassManagerTraits<Function>::doInitialization(Module *M) {
inline bool PassManagerTraits<Function>::doInitialization(Module &M) {
bool Changed = false;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = ((PMType*)this)->Passes.size(); i != e; ++i)
return Changed;
inline bool PassManagerTraits<Function>::runOnFunction(Function *F) {
return ((PMType*)this)->runOnUnit(F);
inline bool PassManagerTraits<Function>::runOnFunction(Function &F) {
return ((PMType*)this)->runOnUnit(&F);
inline bool PassManagerTraits<Function>::doFinalization(Module *M) {
inline bool PassManagerTraits<Function>::doFinalization(Module &M) {
bool Changed = false;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = ((PMType*)this)->Passes.size(); i != e; ++i)
@ -11,15 +11,11 @@
#include "llvm/SlotCalculator.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/ConstantsScanner.h"
#include "llvm/Function.h"
#include "llvm/GlobalVariable.h"
#include "llvm/Module.h"
#include "llvm/BasicBlock.h"
#include "llvm/iOther.h"
#include "llvm/Constant.h"
#include "llvm/DerivedTypes.h"
#include "llvm/SymbolTable.h"
#include "llvm/Argument.h"
#include "Support/DepthFirstIterator.h"
#include "Support/STLExtras.h"
#include <algorithm>
@ -75,20 +71,22 @@ void SlotCalculator::processModule() {
for (Module::const_giterator I = TheModule->gbegin(), E = TheModule->gend();
I != E; ++I) {
if ((*I)->hasInitializer())
if (I->hasInitializer())
// Add all of the global variables to the value table...
for_each(TheModule->gbegin(), TheModule->gend(),
bind_obj(this, &SlotCalculator::insertValue));
for(Module::const_giterator I = TheModule->gbegin(), E = TheModule->gend();
I != E; ++I)
// Scavenge the types out of the functions, then add the functions themselves
// to the value table...
for_each(TheModule->begin(), TheModule->end(), // Insert functions...
bind_obj(this, &SlotCalculator::insertValue));
for(Module::const_iterator I = TheModule->begin(), E = TheModule->end();
I != E; ++I)
// Insert constants that are named at module level into the slot pool so that
// the module symbol table can refer to them...
@ -132,8 +130,8 @@ void SlotCalculator::incorporateFunction(const Function *M) {
SC_DEBUG("Inserting function arguments\n");
// Iterate over function arguments, adding them to the value table...
for_each(M->getArgumentList().begin(), M->getArgumentList().end(),
bind_obj(this, &SlotCalculator::insertValue));
for(Function::const_aiterator I = M->abegin(), E = M->aend(); I != E; ++I)
// Iterate over all of the instructions in the function, looking for constant
// values that are referenced. Add these to the value pools before any
@ -166,8 +164,10 @@ void SlotCalculator::incorporateFunction(const Function *M) {
SC_DEBUG("Inserting Labels:\n");
// Iterate over basic blocks, adding them to the value table...
for_each(M->begin(), M->end(),
bind_obj(this, &SlotCalculator::insertValue));
for (Function::const_iterator I = M->begin(), E = M->end(); I != E; ++I)
/* for_each(M->begin(), M->end(),
bind_obj(this, &SlotCalculator::insertValue));*/
SC_DEBUG("Inserting Instructions:\n");
@ -5,10 +5,9 @@
#include "llvm/SymbolTable.h"
#include "llvm/InstrTypes.h"
#include "llvm/DerivedTypes.h"
#include "llvm/Module.h"
#include "llvm/Function.h"
#include "llvm/InstrTypes.h"
#include "Support/StringExtras.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
//===-- llvm/SymbolTableListTraitsImpl.h - Implementation ------*- C++ -*--===//
// This file implements the stickier parts of the SymbolTableListTraits class,
// and is explicitly instantiated where needed to avoid defining all this code
// in a widely used header.
#include "llvm/SymbolTableListTraits.h"
#include "llvm/SymbolTable.h"
template<typename ValueSubClass, typename ItemParentClass,typename SymTabClass,
typename SubClass>
void SymbolTableListTraits<ValueSubClass,ItemParentClass,SymTabClass,SubClass>
::setParent(SymTabClass *STO) {
iplist<ValueSubClass> &List = SubClass::getList(ItemParent);
// Remove all of the items from the old symtab..
if (SymTabObject && !List.empty()) {
SymbolTable *SymTab = SymTabObject->getSymbolTable();
for (iplist<ValueSubClass>::iterator I = List.begin(); I != List.end(); ++I)
if (I->hasName()) SymTab->remove(I);
SymTabObject = STO;
// Add all of the items to the new symtab...
if (SymTabObject && !List.empty()) {
SymbolTable *SymTab = SymTabObject->getSymbolTableSure();
for (iplist<ValueSubClass>::iterator I = List.begin(); I != List.end(); ++I)
if (I->hasName()) SymTab->insert(I);
template<typename ValueSubClass, typename ItemParentClass, typename SymTabClass,
typename SubClass>
void SymbolTableListTraits<ValueSubClass,ItemParentClass,SymTabClass,SubClass>
::addNodeToList(ValueSubClass *V) {
assert(V->getParent() == 0 && "Value already in a container!!");
if (V->hasName() && SymTabObject)
template<typename ValueSubClass, typename ItemParentClass, typename SymTabClass,
typename SubClass>
void SymbolTableListTraits<ValueSubClass,ItemParentClass,SymTabClass,SubClass>
::removeNodeFromList(ValueSubClass *V) {
if (V->hasName() && SymTabObject)
template<typename ValueSubClass, typename ItemParentClass, typename SymTabClass,
typename SubClass>
void SymbolTableListTraits<ValueSubClass,ItemParentClass,SymTabClass,SubClass>
::transferNodesFromList(iplist<ValueSubClass, ilist_traits<ValueSubClass> > &L2,
ilist_iterator<ValueSubClass> first,
ilist_iterator<ValueSubClass> last) {
// We only have to do work here if transfering instructions between BB's
ItemParentClass *NewIP = ItemParent, *OldIP = L2.ItemParent;
if (NewIP == OldIP) return; // No work to do at all...
// We only have to update symbol table entries if we are transfering the
// instructions to a different symtab object...
SymTabClass *NewSTO = SymTabObject, *OldSTO = L2.SymTabObject;
if (NewSTO != OldSTO) {
for (; first != last; ++first) {
ValueSubClass &V = *first;
bool HasName = V.hasName();
if (OldSTO && HasName)
if (NewSTO && HasName)
} else {
// Just transfering between blocks in the same function, simply update the
// parent fields in the instructions...
for (; first != last; ++first)
@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
//===-- llvm/ValueHolderImpl.h - Implement ValueHolder template --*- C++ -*--=//
// This file implements the ValueHolder class. This is kept out of line because
// it tends to pull in a lot of dependencies on other headers and most files
// don't need all that crud.
#include "llvm/ValueHolder.h"
#include "llvm/SymbolTable.h"
#include <algorithm>
template<class ValueSubclass, class ItemParentType, class SymTabType>
void ValueHolder<ValueSubclass,ItemParentType,SymTabType>
::setParent(SymTabType *P) {
if (Parent && !empty()) { // Remove all of the items from the old symtab..
SymbolTable *SymTab = Parent->getSymbolTable();
for (iterator I = begin(); I != end(); ++I)
if ((*I)->hasName()) SymTab->remove(*I);
Parent = P;
if (Parent && !empty()) { // Add all of the items to the new symtab...
SymbolTable *SymTab = Parent->getSymbolTableSure();
for (iterator I = begin(); I != end(); ++I)
if ((*I)->hasName()) SymTab->insert(*I);
template<class ValueSubclass, class ItemParentType, class SymTabType>
void ValueHolder<ValueSubclass,ItemParentType,SymTabType>
::remove(ValueSubclass *D) {
iterator I(find(begin(), end(), D));
assert(I != end() && "Value not in ValueHolder!!");
// ValueHolder::remove(iterator &) this removes the element at the location
// specified by the iterator, and leaves the iterator pointing to the element
// that used to follow the element deleted.
template<class ValueSubclass, class ItemParentType, class SymTabType>
ValueSubclass *ValueHolder<ValueSubclass,ItemParentType,SymTabType>
::remove(iterator &DI) {
assert(DI != ValueList.end() &&
"Trying to remove the end of the value list!!!");
ValueSubclass *i = *DI;
DI = ValueList.erase(DI);
i->setParent(0); // I don't own you anymore... byebye...
// You don't get to be in the symbol table anymore... byebye
if (i->hasName() && Parent)
return i;
template<class ValueSubclass, class ItemParentType, class SymTabType>
ValueSubclass *ValueHolder<ValueSubclass,ItemParentType,SymTabType>
::pop_back() {
assert(!ValueList.empty() && "Can't pop_back an empty valuelist!");
ValueSubclass *i = ValueList.back();
i->setParent(0); // I don't own you anymore... byebye...
// You don't get to be in the symbol table anymore... byebye
if (i->hasName() && Parent)
return i;
template<class ValueSubclass, class ItemParentType, class SymTabType>
ValueSubclass *ValueHolder<ValueSubclass,ItemParentType,SymTabType>
::remove(const iterator &DI) {
assert(DI != ValueList.end() &&
"Trying to remove the end of the value holder list!!!");
ValueSubclass *i = *DI;
i->setParent(0); // I don't own you anymore... byebye...
// You don't get to be in the symbol table anymore... byebye
if (i->hasName() && Parent)
return i;
template<class ValueSubclass, class ItemParentType, class SymTabType>
void ValueHolder<ValueSubclass,ItemParentType,SymTabType>
::remove(iterator S, iterator E) {
for (iterator I = S; I != E; ++I) {
ValueSubclass *i = *I;
i->setParent(0); // I don't own you anymore... byebye...
// You don't get to be in the symbol table anymore... byebye
if (i->hasName() && Parent)
ValueList.erase(S, E);
template<class ValueSubclass, class ItemParentType, class SymTabType>
ValueSubclass *ValueHolder<ValueSubclass,ItemParentType,SymTabType>
::replaceWith(iterator &DI, ValueSubclass *NewVal) {
assert(DI != ValueList.end() &&
"Trying to replace the end of the value holder list!!!");
// Remove the value from the current container...
ValueSubclass *Ret = *DI;
Ret->setParent(0); // I don't own you anymore... byebye...
// You don't get to be in the symbol table anymore... byebye
if (Ret->hasName() && Parent)
// Insert the new value into the container...
assert(NewVal->getParent() == 0 && "Value already has parent!");
*DI = NewVal;
if (NewVal->hasName() && Parent)
return Ret;
template<class ValueSubclass, class ItemParentType, class SymTabType>
void ValueHolder<ValueSubclass,ItemParentType,SymTabType>
::push_front(ValueSubclass *Inst) {
assert(Inst->getParent() == 0 && "Value already has parent!");
ValueList.insert(ValueList.begin(), Inst);
if (Inst->hasName() && Parent)
template<class ValueSubclass, class ItemParentType, class SymTabType>
void ValueHolder<ValueSubclass,ItemParentType,SymTabType>
::push_back(ValueSubclass *Inst) {
assert(Inst->getParent() == 0 && "Value already has parent!");
if (Inst->hasName() && Parent)
// ValueHolder::insert - This method inserts the specified value *BEFORE* the
// indicated iterator position, and returns an interator to the newly inserted
// value.
template<class ValueSubclass, class ItemParentType, class SymTabType>
::insert(iterator Pos, ValueSubclass *Inst) {
assert(Inst->getParent() == 0 && "Value already has parent!");
iterator I = ValueList.insert(Pos, Inst);
if (Inst->hasName() && Parent)
return I;
// ValueHolder::insert - This method inserts the specified _range_ of values
// before the 'Pos' iterator, and returns an iterator to the first newly
// inserted element. This currently only works for vector iterators...
// FIXME: This is not generic so that the code does not have to be around
// to be used... is this ok?
template<class ValueSubclass, class ItemParentType, class SymTabType>
::insert(iterator Pos, // Where to insert
iterator First, iterator Last) { // Vector to read insts from
// Since the vector range insert operation doesn't return an updated iterator,
// we have to convert the iterator to and index and back to assure that it
// cannot get invalidated. Gross hack, but effective.
unsigned Offset = Pos-begin();
// Check to make sure that the values are not already in some valueholder...
for (iterator X = First; X != Last; ++X) {
assert((*X)->getParent() == 0 &&
"Cannot insert into valueholder, value already has a parent!");
// Add all of the values to the value holder...
ValueList.insert(Pos, First, Last);
// Insert all of the instructions in the symbol table...
if (Parent)
for (;First != Last; ++First)
if ((*First)->hasName())
return begin()+Offset;
@ -7,10 +7,7 @@
#include "llvm/iTerminators.h"
#include "llvm/BasicBlock.h"
#ifndef NDEBUG
#include "llvm/Type.h" // Only used for assertions...
#include <iostream>
#include "llvm/Type.h"
BranchInst::BranchInst(BasicBlock *True, BasicBlock *False, Value *Cond)
: TerminatorInst(Instruction::Br) {
@ -24,14 +21,6 @@ BranchInst::BranchInst(BasicBlock *True, BasicBlock *False, Value *Cond)
assert(!!False == !!Cond &&
"Either both cond and false or neither can be specified!");
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (Cond != 0 && Cond->getType() != Type::BoolTy) {
std::cerr << "Bad Condition: ";
std::cerr << "\n";
assert((Cond == 0 || Cond->getType() == Type::BoolTy) &&
"May only branch on boolean predicates!!!!");
@ -6,9 +6,6 @@
#include "llvm/iTerminators.h"
#include "llvm/BasicBlock.h"
#ifndef NDEBUG
#include "llvm/Type.h"
SwitchInst::SwitchInst(Value *V, BasicBlock *DefDest)
: TerminatorInst(Instruction::Switch) {
@ -24,30 +24,29 @@ static cl::String ExtractFunc("func", "Specify function to extract", 0, "main");
struct FunctionExtractorPass : public Pass {
const char *getPassName() const { return "Function Extractor"; }
bool run(Module *M) {
bool run(Module &M) {
// Mark all global variables to be internal
for (Module::giterator I = M->gbegin(), E = M->gend(); I != E; ++I)
for (Module::giterator I = M.gbegin(), E = M.gend(); I != E; ++I)
Function *Named = 0;
// Loop over all of the functions in the module, dropping all references in
// functions that are not the named function.
for (Module::iterator I = M->begin(), E = M->end(); I != E;)
for (Module::iterator I = M.begin(), E = M.end(); I != E;)
// Check to see if this is the named function!
if (!Named && (*I)->getName() == ExtractFunc) {
if (!Named && I->getName() == ExtractFunc) {
// Yes, it is. Keep track of it...
Named = *I;
Named = I;
// Make sure it's globally accessable...
// Remove the named function from the module.
E = M->end();
} else {
// Nope it's not the named function, delete the body of the function
@ -57,27 +56,26 @@ struct FunctionExtractorPass : public Pass {
// functions.
std::vector<Function*> NewFunctions;
for (Module::iterator I = M->begin(), E = M->end(); I != E; ++I)
if (!(*I)->use_empty()) {
Function *New = new Function((*I)->getFunctionType(), false,
for (Module::iterator I = M.begin(), E = M.end(); I != E; ++I)
if (!I->use_empty()) {
Function *New = new Function(I->getFunctionType(), false, I->getName());
// Now the module only has unused functions with their references dropped.
// Delete them all now!
// Re-insert the named function...
if (Named)
std::cerr << "Warning: Function '" << ExtractFunc << "' not found!\n";
// Insert all of the function stubs...
M->getFunctionList().insert(M->end(), NewFunctions.begin(),
M.getFunctionList().insert(M.end(), NewFunctions.begin(),
return true;
@ -102,6 +100,6 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
Passes.add(createCleanupGCCOutputPass()); // Fix gccisms
Passes.add(new WriteBytecodePass(&std::cout)); // Write bytecode to file...
return 0;
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ static inline string GetFileNameRoot(const string &InputFilename) {
return outputFilename;
static void insertTraceCodeFor(Module *M) {
static void insertTraceCodeFor(Module &M) {
PassManager Passes;
// Insert trace code in all functions in the module
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ static void insertTraceCodeFor(Module *M) {
// Eliminate duplication in constant pool
// Run passes to insert and clean up trace code...
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ static void insertTraceCodeFor(Module *M) {
// compile should still succeed, just the native linker will probably fail.
std::auto_ptr<Module> TraceRoutines(TraceModule);
if (LinkModules(M, TraceRoutines.get(), &ErrorMessage))
if (LinkModules(&M, TraceRoutines.get(), &ErrorMessage))
cerr << "Warning: Error linking in trace routines: "
<< ErrorMessage << "\n";
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ static void insertTraceCodeFor(Module *M) {
} else {
cerr << "Emitting trace code to '" << TraceFilename
<< "' for comparison...\n";
WriteBytecodeToFile(M, Out);
WriteBytecodeToFile(&M, Out);
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (TraceValues != TraceOff) // If tracing enabled...
insertTraceCodeFor(M.get()); // Hack up module before using passmanager...
insertTraceCodeFor(*M.get()); // Hack up module before using passmanager...
// Build up all of the passes that we want to do to the module...
PassManager Passes;
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
Target.addPassesToEmitAssembly(Passes, *Out);
// Run our queue of passes all at once now, efficiently.
if (Out != &std::cout) delete Out;
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
Passes.add(new WriteBytecodePass(Out, Out != &std::cout));
// Now that we have all of the passes ready, run them.
if ( && !Quiet)
if (*M.get()) && !Quiet)
cerr << "Program modified.\n";
return 0;
Reference in New Issue