llvm-reduce: Restrict test to only test relevant reductions

Avoids breaking this test in a future change.
This commit is contained in:
Matt Arsenault 2022-09-14 08:42:10 -04:00
parent 23bc343855
commit 0e1ee738f1
1 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# REQUIRES: amdgpu-registered-target
# RUN: llvm-reduce -abort-on-invalid-reduction -simplify-mir -mtriple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa --test FileCheck --test-arg --check-prefix=CHECK-INTERESTINGNESS --test-arg %s --test-arg --input-file %s -o %t 2> %t.log
# RUN: llvm-reduce -abort-on-invalid-reduction --delta-passes=ir-instruction-references,ir-block-references,ir-function-references -simplify-mir -mtriple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa --test FileCheck --test-arg --check-prefix=CHECK-INTERESTINGNESS --test-arg %s --test-arg --input-file %s -o %t 2> %t.log
# RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=RESULT %s < %t
@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
# RESULT: bb.2:
# RESULT-NEXT: G_STORE %{{[0-9]+}}(<2 x s32>), %{{[0-9]+}}(p5) :: (store (<2 x s32>) into %fixed-stack.0, addrspace 5)
# RESULT: G_STORE %{{[0-9]+}}(<2 x s32>), %{{[0-9]+}}(p5) :: (store (<2 x s32>) into %fixed-stack.0, addrspace 5)
# RESULT-NEXT: G_STORE %{{[0-9]+}}(<2 x s32>), %{{[0-9]+}}(p5) :: (store (<2 x s32>) into %stack.0, addrspace 5)
# RESULT: bb.3:
# RESULT-NEXT: G_STORE %{{[0-9]+}}(s32), %{{[0-9]+}}(p5) :: (store (s32) into %ir.keep.store, addrspace 5)
# RESULT: G_STORE %{{[0-9]+}}(s32), %{{[0-9]+}}(p5) :: (store (s32) into %ir.keep.store, addrspace 5)
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