[mlir] Prevent crash in DropUnitDim pattern due to tensor with encoding

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D109984
This commit is contained in:
thomasraoux 2021-09-17 10:56:21 -07:00
parent d13d9da1fb
commit 08f0cb7719
2 changed files with 37 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -361,6 +361,12 @@ struct ReplaceUnitExtents : public OpRewritePattern<GenericOp> {
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(GenericOp genericOp, LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(GenericOp genericOp,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override { PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
// Skip the pattern if the op has any tensor with special encoding.
if (llvm::any_of(genericOp->getOperandTypes(), [](Type type) {
auto tensorType = type.dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
return tensorType && tensorType.getEncoding() != nullptr;
return failure();
MLIRContext *context = rewriter.getContext(); MLIRContext *context = rewriter.getContext();
Location loc = genericOp.getLoc(); Location loc = genericOp.getLoc();

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@ -796,3 +796,34 @@ func @input_stays_same(%arg0 : memref<?x1x?xf32, #map0>, %arg1 : f32, %shape: me
// CHECK: linalg.yield %[[ARG]] : f32 // CHECK: linalg.yield %[[ARG]] : f32
// CHECK: } // CHECK: }
// CHECK: return %[[ARG2]] : memref<?x1x?x1x?xf32> // CHECK: return %[[ARG2]] : memref<?x1x?x1x?xf32>
// -----
// Negative test for case with tensor encoding.
#matvec = {
indexing_maps = [
affine_map<(i,j) -> (i,j)>, // A
affine_map<(i,j) -> (j)>, // b
affine_map<(i,j) -> (i)> // x (out)
iterator_types = ["parallel", "reduction"]
#CSR = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = ["dense", "compressed"] }>
func @sparse_case(%arg0: tensor<8x8xf32, #CSR>, %arg1: tensor<8xf32>) -> tensor<8xf32> {
%0 = linalg.init_tensor [8] : tensor<8xf32>
%1 = linalg.generic #matvec
ins(%arg0, %arg1: tensor<8x8xf32, #CSR>, tensor<8xf32>)
outs(%0: tensor<8xf32>) {
^bb(%a: f32, %b: f32, %x: f32):
%m = mulf %a, %b : f32
%add = addf %x, %m : f32
linalg.yield %add : f32
} -> tensor<8xf32>
return %1: tensor<8xf32>
// CHECK-LABEL: func @sparse_case
// CHECK-NEXT: linalg.init_tensor
// CHECK-NEXT: linalg.generic