[mlir][spirv] Enhance AccessChainOp index type handling

This patch extends the AccessChainOp index type handling to be able to deal with
all Integer type indices (i.e., all bit-widths and signedness symantics).

There were two ways of achieving this:
1- Backward compatible: The new way of handling the indices will assume that
   an index type is i32 by default if not specified in the assembly format,
   this way all the old tests would pass correctly.
2- Enforce the format: This unifies the spv.AccessChain Op format and all the old
   tests had to be updated to reflect this change or else they fail.

I picked option-2 to unify the Op format and avoid having optional index-type fields
that can lead to somewhat confusing tests format and multiple representations for
the same Op with undocumented assumption that an index is i32 unless stated.
Nonetheless, reverting to option-1 should be straightforward if preferred or needed.

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D81763
This commit is contained in:
HazemAbdelhafez 2020-06-22 10:04:53 -04:00 committed by Lei Zhang
parent b30c16670e
commit 02022ff2e3
17 changed files with 103 additions and 62 deletions

View File

@ -723,12 +723,6 @@ static LogicalResult verifyShiftOp(Operation *op) {
static Type getElementPtrType(Type type, ValueRange indices, Location baseLoc) {
if (indices.empty()) {
emitError(baseLoc, "'spv.AccessChain' op expected at least "
"one index ");
return nullptr;
auto ptrType = type.dyn_cast<spirv::PointerType>();
if (!ptrType) {
emitError(baseLoc, "'spv.AccessChain' op expected a pointer "
@ -791,19 +785,37 @@ static ParseResult parseAccessChainOp(OpAsmParser &parser,
OpAsmParser::OperandType ptrInfo;
SmallVector<OpAsmParser::OperandType, 4> indicesInfo;
Type type;
// TODO(denis0x0D): regarding to the spec an index must be any integer type,
// figure out how to use resolveOperand with a range of types and do not
// fail on first attempt.
Type indicesType = parser.getBuilder().getIntegerType(32);
auto loc = parser.getCurrentLocation();
SmallVector<Type, 4> indicesTypes;
if (parser.parseOperand(ptrInfo) ||
parser.parseOperandList(indicesInfo, OpAsmParser::Delimiter::Square) ||
parser.parseColonType(type) ||
parser.resolveOperand(ptrInfo, type, state.operands) ||
parser.resolveOperands(indicesInfo, indicesType, state.operands)) {
parser.resolveOperand(ptrInfo, type, state.operands)) {
return failure();
// Check that the provided indices list is not empty before parsing their
// type list.
if (indicesInfo.empty()) {
return emitError(state.location, "'spv.AccessChain' op expected at "
"least one index ");
if (parser.parseComma() || parser.parseTypeList(indicesTypes))
return failure();
// Check that the indices types list is not empty and that it has a one-to-one
// mapping to the provided indices.
if (indicesTypes.size() != indicesInfo.size()) {
return emitError(state.location, "'spv.AccessChain' op indices "
"types' count must be equal to indices "
"info count");
if (parser.resolveOperands(indicesInfo, indicesTypes, loc, state.operands))
return failure();
auto resultType = getElementPtrType(
type, llvm::makeArrayRef(state.operands).drop_front(), state.location);
if (!resultType) {
@ -816,7 +828,8 @@ static ParseResult parseAccessChainOp(OpAsmParser &parser,
static void print(spirv::AccessChainOp op, OpAsmPrinter &printer) {
printer << spirv::AccessChainOp::getOperationName() << ' ' << op.base_ptr()
<< '[' << op.indices() << "] : " << op.base_ptr().getType();
<< '[' << op.indices() << "] : " << op.base_ptr().getType() << ", "
<< op.indices().getTypes();
static LogicalResult verify(spirv::AccessChainOp accessChainOp) {

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ module attributes {gpu.container_module} {
%0 = spv._address_of @kernel_arg_0 : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<12 x f32, stride=4> [0]>, StorageBuffer>
%2 = spv.constant 0 : i32
%3 = spv._address_of @kernel_arg_0 : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<12 x f32, stride=4> [0]>, StorageBuffer>
%4 = spv.AccessChain %0[%2, %2] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<12 x f32, stride=4> [0]>, StorageBuffer>
%4 = spv.AccessChain %0[%2, %2] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<12 x f32, stride=4> [0]>, StorageBuffer>, i32, i32
%5 = spv.Load "StorageBuffer" %4 : f32

View File

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
spv.module Logical GLSL450 requires #spv.vce<v1.0, [Shader], []> {
spv.func @array_stride(%arg0 : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32, stride=4>, stride=128>, StorageBuffer>, %arg1 : i32, %arg2 : i32) "None" {
// CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.AccessChain {{%.*}}[{{%.*}}, {{%.*}}] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4 x !spv.array<4 x f32, stride=4>, stride=128>, StorageBuffer>
%2 = spv.AccessChain %arg0[%arg1, %arg2] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32, stride=4>, stride=128>, StorageBuffer>
// CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.AccessChain {{%.*}}[{{%.*}}, {{%.*}}] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4 x !spv.array<4 x f32, stride=4>, stride=128>, StorageBuffer>, i32, i32
%2 = spv.AccessChain %arg0[%arg1, %arg2] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32, stride=4>, stride=128>, StorageBuffer>, i32, i32

View File

@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ spv.module Logical GLSL450 requires #spv.vce<v1.0, [CooperativeMatrixNV], [SPV_N
// CHECK-LABEL: @cooperative_matrix_access_chain
spv.func @cooperative_matrix_access_chain(%a : !spv.ptr<!spv.coopmatrix<8x16xf32, Subgroup>, Function>) -> !spv.ptr<f32, Function> "None" {
%0 = spv.constant 0: i32
// CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.AccessChain {{%.*}}[{{%.*}}] : !spv.ptr<!spv.coopmatrix<8x16xf32, Subgroup>, Function>
%1 = spv.AccessChain %a[%0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.coopmatrix<8x16xf32, Subgroup>, Function>
// CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.AccessChain {{%.*}}[{{%.*}}] : !spv.ptr<!spv.coopmatrix<8x16xf32, Subgroup>, Function>, i32
%1 = spv.AccessChain %a[%0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.coopmatrix<8x16xf32, Subgroup>, Function>, i32
spv.ReturnValue %1 : !spv.ptr<f32, Function>

View File

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ spv.module Logical GLSL450 requires #spv.vce<v1.0, [Shader], []> {
spv.func @memory_accesses(%arg0 : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, StorageBuffer>, %arg1 : i32, %arg2 : i32) "None" {
// CHECK: loc({{".*debug.mlir"}}:61:10)
%2 = spv.AccessChain %arg0[%arg1, %arg2] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, StorageBuffer>
%2 = spv.AccessChain %arg0[%arg1, %arg2] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, StorageBuffer>, i32, i32
// CHECK: loc({{".*debug.mlir"}}:63:10)
%3 = spv.Load "StorageBuffer" %2 : f32
// CHECK: loc({{.*debug.mlir"}}:65:5)

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ spv.module Logical GLSL450 requires #spv.vce<v1.0, [Shader], []> {
%0 = spv._address_of @globalInvocationID : !spv.ptr<vector<3xi32>, Input>
%1 = spv.constant 0: i32
// CHECK: spv.AccessChain %[[ADDR]]
%2 = spv.AccessChain %0[%1] : !spv.ptr<vector<3xi32>, Input>
%2 = spv.AccessChain %0[%1] : !spv.ptr<vector<3xi32>, Input>, i32

View File

@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ spv.module Logical GLSL450 requires #spv.vce<v1.0, [Shader], []> {
spv.func @loop_kernel() "None" {
%0 = spv._address_of @GV1 : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<10 x f32, stride=4> [0]>, StorageBuffer>
%1 = spv.constant 0 : i32
%2 = spv.AccessChain %0[%1] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<10 x f32, stride=4> [0]>, StorageBuffer>
%2 = spv.AccessChain %0[%1] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<10 x f32, stride=4> [0]>, StorageBuffer>, i32
%3 = spv._address_of @GV2 : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<10 x f32, stride=4> [0]>, StorageBuffer>
%5 = spv.AccessChain %3[%1] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<10 x f32, stride=4> [0]>, StorageBuffer>
%5 = spv.AccessChain %3[%1] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<10 x f32, stride=4> [0]>, StorageBuffer>, i32
%6 = spv.constant 4 : i32
%7 = spv.constant 42 : i32
%8 = spv.constant 2 : i32
@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ spv.module Logical GLSL450 requires #spv.vce<v1.0, [Shader], []> {
spv.BranchConditional %10, ^body, ^merge
// CHECK-NEXT: ^bb2: // pred: ^bb1
%11 = spv.AccessChain %2[%9] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<10 x f32, stride=4>, StorageBuffer>
%11 = spv.AccessChain %2[%9] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<10 x f32, stride=4>, StorageBuffer>, i32
%12 = spv.Load "StorageBuffer" %11 : f32
%13 = spv.AccessChain %5[%9] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<10 x f32, stride=4>, StorageBuffer>
%13 = spv.AccessChain %5[%9] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<10 x f32, stride=4>, StorageBuffer>, i32
spv.Store "StorageBuffer" %13, %12 : f32
// CHECK: %[[ADD:.*]] = spv.IAdd
%14 = spv.IAdd %9, %8 : i32

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ spv.module Logical GLSL450 requires #spv.vce<v1.0, [Shader], []> {
// CHECK-LABEL: @matrix_access_chain
spv.func @matrix_access_chain(%arg0 : !spv.ptr<!spv.matrix<3 x vector<3xf32>>, Function>, %arg1 : i32) -> !spv.ptr<vector<3xf32>, Function> "None" {
// CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.AccessChain {{%.*}}[{{%.*}}] : !spv.ptr<!spv.matrix<3 x vector<3xf32>>, Function>
%0 = spv.AccessChain %arg0[%arg1] : !spv.ptr<!spv.matrix<3 x vector<3xf32>>, Function>
%0 = spv.AccessChain %arg0[%arg1] : !spv.ptr<!spv.matrix<3 x vector<3xf32>>,Function>, i32
spv.ReturnValue %0 : !spv.ptr<vector<3xf32>, Function>
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ spv.module Logical GLSL450 requires #spv.vce<v1.0, [Shader], []> {
// CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.MatrixTimesScalar {{%.*}}, {{%.*}} : !spv.matrix<3 x vector<3xf16>>, f16 -> !spv.matrix<3 x vector<3xf16>>
%result = spv.MatrixTimesScalar %arg0, %arg1 : !spv.matrix<3 x vector<3xf16>>, f16 -> !spv.matrix<3 x vector<3xf16>>
spv.ReturnValue %result : !spv.matrix<3 x vector<3xf16>>

View File

@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ spv.module Logical GLSL450 requires #spv.vce<v1.0, [Shader], []> {
spv.func @access_chain(%arg0 : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>, %arg1 : i32, %arg2 : i32) "None" {
// CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.AccessChain {{%.*}}[{{%.*}}] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4 x !spv.array<4 x f32>>, Function>
// CHECK-NEXT: {{%.*}} = spv.AccessChain {{%.*}}[{{%.*}}, {{%.*}}] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4 x !spv.array<4 x f32>>, Function>
%1 = spv.AccessChain %arg0[%arg1] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>
%2 = spv.AccessChain %arg0[%arg1, %arg2] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>
%1 = spv.AccessChain %arg0[%arg1] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>, i32
%2 = spv.AccessChain %arg0[%arg1, %arg2] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>, i32, i32
@ -31,13 +31,13 @@ spv.module Logical GLSL450 requires #spv.vce<v1.0, [Shader], []> {
// CHECK: [[LOAD_PTR:%.*]] = spv.AccessChain {{%.*}}[{{%.*}}, {{%.*}}] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<1 x f32, stride=4> [0]>
// CHECK-NEXT: [[VAL:%.*]] = spv.Load "StorageBuffer" [[LOAD_PTR]] : f32
%0 = spv.constant 0 : i32
%1 = spv.AccessChain %arg0[%0, %0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<1 x f32, stride=4> [0]>, StorageBuffer>
%1 = spv.AccessChain %arg0[%0, %0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<1 x f32, stride=4> [0]>, StorageBuffer>, i32, i32
%2 = spv.Load "StorageBuffer" %1 : f32
// CHECK: [[STORE_PTR:%.*]] = spv.AccessChain {{%.*}}[{{%.*}}, {{%.*}}] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<1 x f32, stride=4> [0]>
// CHECK-NEXT: spv.Store "StorageBuffer" [[STORE_PTR]], [[VAL]] : f32
%3 = spv.constant 0 : i32
%4 = spv.AccessChain %arg1[%3, %3] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<1 x f32, stride=4> [0]>, StorageBuffer>
%4 = spv.AccessChain %arg1[%3, %3] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<1 x f32, stride=4> [0]>, StorageBuffer>, i32, i32
spv.Store "StorageBuffer" %4, %2 : f32
@ -46,13 +46,13 @@ spv.module Logical GLSL450 requires #spv.vce<v1.0, [Shader], []> {
// CHECK: [[LOAD_PTR:%.*]] = spv.AccessChain {{%.*}}[{{%.*}}, {{%.*}}] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<1 x i32, stride=4> [0]>
// CHECK-NEXT: [[VAL:%.*]] = spv.Load "StorageBuffer" [[LOAD_PTR]] : i32
%0 = spv.constant 0 : i32
%1 = spv.AccessChain %arg0[%0, %0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<1 x i32, stride=4> [0]>, StorageBuffer>
%1 = spv.AccessChain %arg0[%0, %0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<1 x i32, stride=4> [0]>, StorageBuffer>, i32, i32
%2 = spv.Load "StorageBuffer" %1 : i32
// CHECK: [[STORE_PTR:%.*]] = spv.AccessChain {{%.*}}[{{%.*}}, {{%.*}}] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<1 x i32, stride=4> [0]>
// CHECK-NEXT: spv.Store "StorageBuffer" [[STORE_PTR]], [[VAL]] : i32
%3 = spv.constant 0 : i32
%4 = spv.AccessChain %arg1[%3, %3] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<1 x i32, stride=4> [0]>, StorageBuffer>
%4 = spv.AccessChain %arg1[%3, %3] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<1 x i32, stride=4> [0]>, StorageBuffer>, i32, i32
spv.Store "StorageBuffer" %4, %2 : i32

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ spv.module Logical GLSL450 requires #spv.vce<v1.0, [Shader], []> {
// CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.undef : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<f32>, StorageBuffer>
%7 = spv.undef : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<f32>, StorageBuffer>
%8 = spv.constant 0 : i32
%9 = spv.AccessChain %7[%8] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<f32>, StorageBuffer>
%9 = spv.AccessChain %7[%8] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<f32>, StorageBuffer>, i32

View File

@ -102,14 +102,14 @@ spv.module Logical GLSL450 {
%37 = spv.IAdd %arg4, %11 : i32
// CHECK: spv.AccessChain [[ARG0]]
%c0 = spv.constant 0 : i32
%38 = spv.AccessChain %arg0[%c0, %36, %37] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<12 x !spv.array<4 x f32>>>, StorageBuffer>
%38 = spv.AccessChain %arg0[%c0, %36, %37] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<12 x !spv.array<4 x f32>>>, StorageBuffer>, i32, i32, i32
%39 = spv.Load "StorageBuffer" %38 : f32
// CHECK: spv.AccessChain [[ARG1]]
%40 = spv.AccessChain %arg1[%c0, %36, %37] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<12 x !spv.array<4 x f32>>>, StorageBuffer>
%40 = spv.AccessChain %arg1[%c0, %36, %37] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<12 x !spv.array<4 x f32>>>, StorageBuffer>, i32, i32, i32
%41 = spv.Load "StorageBuffer" %40 : f32
%42 = spv.FAdd %39, %41 : f32
// CHECK: spv.AccessChain [[ARG2]]
%43 = spv.AccessChain %arg2[%c0, %36, %37] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<12 x !spv.array<4 x f32>>>, StorageBuffer>
%43 = spv.AccessChain %arg2[%c0, %36, %37] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<12 x !spv.array<4 x f32>>>, StorageBuffer>, i32, i32, i32
spv.Store "StorageBuffer" %43, %42 : f32

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ spv.module Logical GLSL450 {
spv.func @callee() "None" {
%0 = spv._address_of @data : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.rtarray<i32> [0]>, StorageBuffer>
%1 = spv.constant 0: i32
%2 = spv.AccessChain %0[%1, %1] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.rtarray<i32> [0]>, StorageBuffer>
%2 = spv.AccessChain %0[%1, %1] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.rtarray<i32> [0]>, StorageBuffer>, i32, i32
spv.Branch ^next
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ spv.module Logical GLSL450 {
// CHECK: [[VAL:%.*]] = spv.Load "StorageBuffer" [[LOADPTR]]
%2 = spv._address_of @arg_0 : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<i32 [0]>, StorageBuffer>
%3 = spv._address_of @arg_1 : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<i32 [0]>, StorageBuffer>
%4 = spv.AccessChain %2[%1] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<i32 [0]>, StorageBuffer>
%4 = spv.AccessChain %2[%1] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<i32 [0]>, StorageBuffer>, i32
%5 = spv.Load "StorageBuffer" %4 : i32
%6 = spv.SGreaterThan %5, %1 : i32
// CHECK: spv.selection
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ spv.module Logical GLSL450 {
spv.BranchConditional %6, ^bb1, ^bb2
^bb1: // pred: ^bb0
// CHECK: [[STOREPTR:%.*]] = spv.AccessChain [[ADDRESS_ARG1]]
%7 = spv.AccessChain %3[%1] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<i32 [0]>, StorageBuffer>
%7 = spv.AccessChain %3[%1] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<i32 [0]>, StorageBuffer>, i32
// CHECK-NOT: spv.FunctionCall
// CHECK: spv.AtomicIAdd "Device" "AcquireRelease" [[STOREPTR]], [[VAL]]
// CHECK: spv.Branch

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ spv.module Logical GLSL450 {
// CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv._address_of @var0 : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<i32 [0], !spv.struct<f32 [0], i32 [4]> [4], f32 [12]>, Uniform>
%0 = spv._address_of @var0 : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<i32, !spv.struct<f32, i32>, f32>, Uniform>
// CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.AccessChain {{%.*}}[{{%.*}}] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<i32 [0], !spv.struct<f32 [0], i32 [4]> [4], f32 [12]>, Uniform>
%1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%c0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<i32, !spv.struct<f32, i32>, f32>, Uniform>
%1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%c0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<i32, !spv.struct<f32, i32>, f32>, Uniform>, i32

View File

@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ func @combine_full_access_chain() -> f32 {
// CHECK-NEXT: spv.Load "Function" %[[PTR]]
%c0 = spv.constant 0: i32
%0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, !spv.array<4xi32>>, Function>
%1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%c0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, !spv.array<4xi32>>, Function>
%2 = spv.AccessChain %1[%c0, %c0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>
%1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%c0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, !spv.array<4xi32>>, Function>, i32
%2 = spv.AccessChain %1[%c0, %c0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>, i32, i32
%3 = spv.Load "Function" %2 : f32
spv.ReturnValue %3 : f32
@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ func @combine_access_chain_multi_use() -> !spv.array<4xf32> {
// CHECK-NEXT: spv.Load "Function" %[[PTR_1]]
%c0 = spv.constant 0: i32
%0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, !spv.array<4xi32>>, Function>
%1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%c0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, !spv.array<4xi32>>, Function>
%2 = spv.AccessChain %1[%c0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>
%3 = spv.AccessChain %2[%c0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4xf32>, Function>
%1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%c0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, !spv.array<4xi32>>, Function>, i32
%2 = spv.AccessChain %1[%c0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>, i32
%3 = spv.AccessChain %2[%c0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4xf32>, Function>, i32
%4 = spv.Load "Function" %2 : !spv.array<4xf32>
%5 = spv.Load "Function" %3 : f32
spv.ReturnValue %4: !spv.array<4xf32>
@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ func @dont_combine_access_chain_without_common_base() -> !spv.array<4xi32> {
%c1 = spv.constant 1: i32
%0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, !spv.array<4xi32>>, Function>
%1 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, !spv.array<4xi32>>, Function>
%2 = spv.AccessChain %0[%c1] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, !spv.array<4xi32>>, Function>
%3 = spv.AccessChain %1[%c1] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, !spv.array<4xi32>>, Function>
%2 = spv.AccessChain %0[%c1] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, !spv.array<4xi32>>, Function>, i32
%3 = spv.AccessChain %1[%c1] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, !spv.array<4xi32>>, Function>, i32
%4 = spv.Load "Function" %2 : !spv.array<4xi32>
%5 = spv.Load "Function" %3 : !spv.array<4xi32>
spv.ReturnValue %4 : !spv.array<4xi32>

View File

@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ spv.func @cooperative_matrix_fdiv(%a : !spv.coopmatrix<8x16xf32, Subgroup>, %b :
// CHECK-LABEL: @cooperative_matrix_access_chain
spv.func @cooperative_matrix_access_chain(%a : !spv.ptr<!spv.coopmatrix<8x16xf32, Subgroup>, Function>) -> !spv.ptr<f32, Function> "None" {
%0 = spv.constant 0: i32
// CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.AccessChain {{%.*}}[{{%.*}}] : !spv.ptr<!spv.coopmatrix<8x16xf32, Subgroup>, Function>
%1 = spv.AccessChain %a[%0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.coopmatrix<8x16xf32, Subgroup>, Function>
// CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.AccessChain {{%.*}}[{{%.*}}] : !spv.ptr<!spv.coopmatrix<8x16xf32, Subgroup>, Function>, i32
%1 = spv.AccessChain %a[%0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.coopmatrix<8x16xf32, Subgroup>, Function>, i32
spv.ReturnValue %1 : !spv.ptr<f32, Function>

View File

@ -8,21 +8,21 @@ func @access_chain_struct() -> () {
%0 = spv.constant 1: i32
%1 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<f32, !spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>
// CHECK: spv.AccessChain {{.*}}[{{.*}}, {{.*}}] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<f32, !spv.array<4 x f32>>, Function>
%2 = spv.AccessChain %1[%0, %0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<f32, !spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>
%2 = spv.AccessChain %1[%0, %0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<f32, !spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>, i32, i32
func @access_chain_1D_array(%arg0 : i32) -> () {
%0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4xf32>, Function>
// CHECK: spv.AccessChain {{.*}}[{{.*}}] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4 x f32>, Function>
%1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%arg0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4xf32>, Function>
%1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%arg0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4xf32>, Function>, i32
func @access_chain_2D_array_1(%arg0 : i32) -> () {
%0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>
// CHECK: spv.AccessChain {{.*}}[{{.*}}, {{.*}}] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4 x !spv.array<4 x f32>>, Function>
%1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%arg0, %arg0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>
%1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%arg0, %arg0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>, i32, i32
%2 = spv.Load "Function" %1 ["Volatile"] : f32
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ func @access_chain_2D_array_1(%arg0 : i32) -> () {
func @access_chain_2D_array_2(%arg0 : i32) -> () {
%0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>
// CHECK: spv.AccessChain {{.*}}[{{.*}}] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4 x !spv.array<4 x f32>>, Function>
%1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%arg0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>
%1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%arg0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>, i32
%2 = spv.Load "Function" %1 ["Volatile"] : !spv.array<4xf32>
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ func @access_chain_2D_array_2(%arg0 : i32) -> () {
func @access_chain_rtarray(%arg0 : i32) -> () {
%0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr<!spv.rtarray<f32>, Function>
// CHECK: spv.AccessChain {{.*}}[{{.*}}] : !spv.ptr<!spv.rtarray<f32>, Function>
%1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%arg0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.rtarray<f32>, Function>
%1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%arg0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.rtarray<f32>, Function>, i32
%2 = spv.Load "Function" %1 ["Volatile"] : f32
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ func @access_chain_non_composite() -> () {
%0 = spv.constant 1: i32
%1 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr<f32, Function>
// expected-error @+1 {{cannot extract from non-composite type 'f32' with index 0}}
%2 = spv.AccessChain %1[%0] : !spv.ptr<f32, Function>
%2 = spv.AccessChain %1[%0] : !spv.ptr<f32, Function>, i32
@ -58,7 +58,34 @@ func @access_chain_non_composite() -> () {
func @access_chain_no_indices(%index0 : i32) -> () {
%0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>
// expected-error @+1 {{expected at least one index}}
%1 = spv.AccessChain %0[] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>
%1 = spv.AccessChain %0[] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>, i32
// -----
func @access_chain_missing_comma(%index0 : i32) -> () {
%0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>
// expected-error @+1 {{expected ','}}
%1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%index0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, Function> i32
// -----
func @access_chain_invalid_indices_types_count(%index0 : i32) -> () {
%0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>
// expected-error @+1 {{'spv.AccessChain' op indices types' count must be equal to indices info count}}
%1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%index0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>, i32, i32
// -----
func @access_chain_missing_indices_type(%index0 : i32) -> () {
%0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>
// expected-error @+1 {{'spv.AccessChain' op indices types' count must be equal to indices info count}}
%1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%index0, %index0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>, i32
@ -68,7 +95,7 @@ func @access_chain_invalid_type(%index0 : i32) -> () {
%0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>
%1 = spv.Load "Function" %0 ["Volatile"] : !spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>
// expected-error @+1 {{expected a pointer to composite type, but provided '!spv.array<4 x !spv.array<4 x f32>>'}}
%2 = spv.AccessChain %1[%index0] : !spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>
%2 = spv.AccessChain %1[%index0] : !spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, i32
@ -77,7 +104,7 @@ func @access_chain_invalid_type(%index0 : i32) -> () {
func @access_chain_invalid_index_1(%index0 : i32) -> () {
%0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>
// expected-error @+1 {{expected SSA operand}}
%1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%index, 4] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>
%1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%index, 4] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>, i32, i32
@ -86,7 +113,7 @@ func @access_chain_invalid_index_1(%index0 : i32) -> () {
func @access_chain_invalid_index_2(%index0 : i32) -> () {
%0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<f32, !spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>
// expected-error @+1 {{index must be an integer spv.constant to access element of spv.struct}}
%1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%index0, %index0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<f32, !spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>
%1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%index0, %index0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<f32, !spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>, i32, i32
@ -96,7 +123,7 @@ func @access_chain_invalid_constant_type_1() -> () {
%0 = std.constant 1: i32
%1 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<f32, !spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>
// expected-error @+1 {{index must be an integer spv.constant to access element of spv.struct, but provided std.constant}}
%2 = spv.AccessChain %1[%0, %0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<f32, !spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>
%2 = spv.AccessChain %1[%0, %0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<f32, !spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>, i32, i32
@ -106,7 +133,7 @@ func @access_chain_out_of_bounds() -> () {
%index0 = "spv.constant"() { value = 12: i32} : () -> i32
%0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<f32, !spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>
// expected-error @+1 {{'spv.AccessChain' op index 12 out of bounds for '!spv.struct<f32, !spv.array<4 x f32>>'}}
%1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%index0, %index0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<f32, !spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>
%1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%index0, %index0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<f32, !spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>, i32, i32
@ -115,7 +142,7 @@ func @access_chain_out_of_bounds() -> () {
func @access_chain_invalid_accessing_type(%index0 : i32) -> () {
%0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>
// expected-error @+1 {{cannot extract from non-composite type 'f32' with index 0}}
%1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%index, %index0, %index0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>
%1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%index, %index0, %index0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, Function>, i32, i32, i32
// -----

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ spv.module Logical GLSL450 {
// CHECK: [[VAR1:%.*]] = spv._address_of @var1 : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<f32, !spv.array<4 x f32>>, Input>
// CHECK-NEXT: spv.AccessChain [[VAR1]][{{.*}}, {{.*}}] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<f32, !spv.array<4 x f32>>, Input>
%1 = spv._address_of @var1 : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<f32, !spv.array<4xf32>>, Input>
%2 = spv.AccessChain %1[%0, %0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<f32, !spv.array<4xf32>>, Input>
%2 = spv.AccessChain %1[%0, %0] : !spv.ptr<!spv.struct<f32, !spv.array<4xf32>>, Input>, i32, i32