[flang] Refactor IntrinsicProcTable::Implementation::Probe for readability

Original-commit: flang-compiler/f18@4a7211e42b
Reviewed-on: https://github.com/flang-compiler/f18/pull/749
Tree-same-pre-rewrite: false
This commit is contained in:
Jean Perier 2019-09-17 03:11:35 -07:00
parent 9a01a4915e
commit 00c02c469c
1 changed files with 63 additions and 66 deletions

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@ -1584,6 +1584,21 @@ static bool ApplySpecificChecks(
return ok;
static DynamicType GetReturnType(const SpecificIntrinsicInterface &interface,
const common::IntrinsicTypeDefaultKinds &defaults) {
TypeCategory category{TypeCategory::Integer};
switch (interface.result.kindCode) {
case KindCode::defaultIntegerKind: break;
case KindCode::doublePrecision:
case KindCode::defaultRealKind: category = TypeCategory::Real; break;
default: CRASH_NO_CASE;
int kind{interface.result.kindCode == KindCode::doublePrecision
? defaults.doublePrecisionKind()
: defaults.GetDefaultKind(category)};
return DynamicType{category, kind};
// Probe the configured intrinsic procedure pattern tables in search of a
// match for a given procedure reference.
std::optional<SpecificCall> IntrinsicProcTable::Implementation::Probe(
@ -1592,115 +1607,97 @@ std::optional<SpecificCall> IntrinsicProcTable::Implementation::Probe(
if (call.isSubroutineCall) {
return std::nullopt; // TODO
parser::Messages *finalBuffer{context.messages().messages()};
std::string name{call.name.ToString()};
// Special case: NULL()
// All special cases handled here before the table probes below must
// also be caught as special names in IsIntrinsic().
if (call.name == "null") {
parser::Messages nullBuffer;
parser::ContextualMessages nullErrors{
call.name, finalBuffer ? &nullBuffer : nullptr};
FoldingContext nullContext{context, nullErrors};
auto result{HandleNull(arguments, nullContext, intrinsics)};
if (finalBuffer != nullptr) {
return result;
if (name == "null") {
return HandleNull(arguments, context, intrinsics);
// Probe the generic intrinsic function table first.
// Helper to avoid emitting errors before it is sure there is no match
parser::Messages localBuffer;
parser::Messages *finalBuffer{context.messages().messages()};
parser::ContextualMessages localMessages{
call.name, finalBuffer ? &localBuffer : nullptr};
FoldingContext localContext{context, localMessages};
std::string name{call.name.ToString()};
auto matchOrBufferMessages{
[&](const IntrinsicInterface &intrinsic,
parser::Messages &buffer) -> std::optional<SpecificCall> {
if (auto specificCall{
intrinsic.Match(call, defaults_, arguments, localContext)}) {
if (finalBuffer != nullptr) {
return specificCall;
} else if (buffer.empty()) {
} else {
return std::nullopt;
// Probe the generic intrinsic function table first.
parser::Messages genericBuffer;
auto genericRange{genericFuncs_.equal_range(name)};
for (auto iter{genericRange.first}; iter != genericRange.second; ++iter) {
if (auto specificCall{
iter->second->Match(call, defaults_, arguments, localContext)}) {
ApplySpecificChecks(*specificCall, localMessages);
if (finalBuffer != nullptr) {
matchOrBufferMessages(*iter->second, genericBuffer)}) {
ApplySpecificChecks(*specificCall, context.messages());
return specificCall;
} else if (genericBuffer.empty()) {
} else {
// Probe the specific intrinsic function table next.
// Each specific intrinsic maps to a generic intrinsic.
parser::Messages specificBuffer;
auto specificRange{specificFuncs_.equal_range(name)};
for (auto specIter{specificRange.first}; specIter != specificRange.second;
++specIter) {
// We only need to check the cases with distinct generic names.
if (const char *genericName{specIter->second->generic}) {
// First try to find an exact match in the specific intrinsics.
if (auto specificCall{specIter->second->Match(
call, defaults_, arguments, localContext)}) {
if (auto specificCall{
matchOrBufferMessages(*specIter->second, specificBuffer)}) {
specificCall->specificIntrinsic.name = genericName;
specificCall->specificIntrinsic.isRestrictedSpecific =
if (finalBuffer != nullptr) {
// TODO test feature AdditionalIntrinsics, warn on nonstandard
// specifics with DoublePrecisionComplex arguments.
return specificCall;
} else if (specificBuffer.empty()) {
} else {
// If there was no exact match with a specific, try to match the related
// generic and convert the result to the specific required type.
// If there was no exact match with a specific, try to match the related
// generic and convert the result to the specific required type.
for (auto specIter{specificRange.first}; specIter != specificRange.second;
++specIter) {
// We only need to check the cases with distinct generic names.
if (const char *genericName{specIter->second->generic}) {
if (specIter->second->useGenericAndForceResultType) {
auto genericRange{genericFuncs_.equal_range(genericName)};
for (auto genIter{genericRange.first}; genIter != genericRange.second;
++genIter) {
if (auto specificCall{genIter->second->Match(
call, defaults_, arguments, localContext)}) {
specificCall->specificIntrinsic.name = genericName;
specificCall->specificIntrinsic.isRestrictedSpecific =
// Force the result type
TypeCategory category{TypeCategory::Integer};
switch (specIter->second->result.kindCode) {
case KindCode::defaultIntegerKind: break;
case KindCode::doublePrecision:
case KindCode::defaultRealKind:
category = TypeCategory::Real;
default: CRASH_NO_CASE;
int kind{
specIter->second->result.kindCode == KindCode::doublePrecision
? defaults_.doublePrecisionKind()
: defaults_.GetDefaultKind(category)};
DynamicType newType{category, kind};
if (auto specificCall{
matchOrBufferMessages(*genIter->second, specificBuffer)}) {
// Force the call result type to the specific intrinsic result type
DynamicType newType{GetReturnType(*specIter->second, defaults_)};
"Argument type does not match specific intrinsic '%s' "
"requirements, using '%s' generic instead and converting the "
"result to %s if needed"_en_US,
name, genericName, newType.AsFortran());
if (finalBuffer != nullptr) {
return specificCall;
} else if (specificBuffer.empty()) {
} else {
// No match; report the right errors, if any
if (finalBuffer != nullptr) {
if (specificBuffer.empty()) {