Fix handling of backslashes in Args parsing

Presently Args::SetCommandString allows quotes to be escaped with backslash. However, the
backslash itself is not removed from the argument, nor there is a way to escape the backslash
itself. This leads to surprising results:

"a b" c"   -> 'a b', 'c'  # Here we actually have an unterminated quote, but that is ignored
"a b\" c"  -> 'a b\" c'   # We try to escape the quote. That works but the backslash is not removed.
"a b\\" c" -> 'a b\\" c'  # Escaping the backslash has no effect.

This change changes quote handling to be more shell-like:
- single quotes and backquotes are literal and there is no way to escape the closing quote or
  anything else inside;
- inside double quotes you can use backslash to escape the closing quote and another backslash
- outside any quotes, you can use backslash to escape quotes, spaces and itself.

This makes the parsing more consistent with what the user is familiar and increases the
probability that pasting the command line from shell to the "process launch" command "just work".

Reviewers: clayborg

Subscribers: lldb-commits

Differential Revision:

llvm-svn: 230955
This commit is contained in:
Pavel Labath 2015-03-02 12:46:22 +00:00
parent 2689d78909
commit 00b7f95b12
9 changed files with 258 additions and 224 deletions

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include <utility>
// Other libraries and framework includes
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
// Project includes
#include "lldb/lldb-private-types.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-types.h"
@ -75,11 +76,9 @@ public:
/// A NULL terminated command that will be copied and split up
/// into arguments.
/// @see Args::SetCommandString(const char *)
/// @see Args::SetCommandString(llvm::StringRef)
Args (const char *command = NULL);
Args (const char *command, size_t len);
Args (llvm::StringRef command = llvm::StringRef());
Args (const Args &rhs);
@ -108,7 +107,7 @@ public:
/// that can be accessed via the accessor functions.
/// @param[in] command
/// A NULL terminated command that will be copied and split up
/// A command StringRef that will be copied and split up
/// into arguments.
/// @see Args::GetArgumentCount() const
@ -118,10 +117,7 @@ public:
/// @see Args::Unshift (const char *)
SetCommandString (const char *command);
SetCommandString (const char *command, size_t len);
SetCommandString (llvm::StringRef command);
GetCommandString (std::string &command) const;
@ -449,6 +445,9 @@ protected:
UpdateArgvFromArgs ();
ParseSingleArgument (llvm::StringRef command);
} // namespace lldb_private

View File

@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ CommandObjectExpression::DoExecute
if (end_options)
Args args (command, end_options - command);
Args args (llvm::StringRef(command, end_options - command));
if (!ParseOptions (args, result))
return false;

View File

@ -2142,7 +2142,7 @@ public:
if (end_options)
Args args (raw_command_line, end_options - raw_command_line);
Args args (llvm::StringRef(raw_command_line, end_options - raw_command_line));
if (!ParseOptions (args, result))
return false;

View File

@ -1211,7 +1211,7 @@ protected:
if (end_options)
Args args (raw_command, end_options - raw_command);
Args args (llvm::StringRef(raw_command, end_options - raw_command));
if (!ParseOptions (args, result))
return false;

View File

@ -33,25 +33,15 @@ using namespace lldb_private;
// Args constructor
Args::Args (const char *command) :
Args::Args (llvm::StringRef command) :
if (command)
SetCommandString (command);
SetCommandString (command);
Args::Args (const char *command, size_t len) :
if (command && len)
SetCommandString (command, len);
// We have to be very careful on the copy constructor of this class
// to make sure we copy all of the string values, but we can't copy the
@ -146,214 +136,159 @@ Args::GetQuotedCommandString (std::string &command) const
return argc > 0;
Args::SetCommandString (const char *command, size_t len)
// A helper function for argument parsing.
// Parses the initial part of the first argument using normal double quote rules:
// backslash escapes the double quote and itself. The parsed string is appended to the second
// argument. The function returns the unparsed portion of the string, starting at the closing
// quote.
static llvm::StringRef
ParseDoubleQuotes(llvm::StringRef quoted, std::string &result)
// Use std::string to make sure we get a NULL terminated string we can use
// as "command" could point to a string within a large string....
std::string null_terminated_command(command, len);
// Inside double quotes, '\' and '"' are special.
static const char *k_escapable_characters = "\"\\";
while (true)
// Skip over over regular characters and append them.
size_t regular = quoted.find_first_of(k_escapable_characters);
result += quoted.substr(0, regular);
quoted = quoted.substr(regular);
// If we have reached the end of string or the closing quote, we're done.
if (quoted.empty() || quoted.front() == '"')
// We have found a backslash.
quoted = quoted.drop_front();
if (quoted.empty())
// A lone backslash at the end of string, let's just append it.
result += '\\';
// If the character after the backslash is not a whitelisted escapable character, we
// leave the character sequence untouched.
if (strchr(k_escapable_characters, quoted.front()) == nullptr)
result += '\\';
result += quoted.front();
quoted = quoted.drop_front();
return quoted;
// A helper function for SetCommandString.
// Parses a single argument from the command string, processing quotes and backslashes in a
// shell-like manner. The parsed argument is appended to the m_args array. The function returns
// the unparsed portion of the string, starting at the first unqouted, unescaped whitespace
// character.
Args::ParseSingleArgument(llvm::StringRef command)
// Argument can be split into multiple discontiguous pieces,
// for example:
// "Hello ""World"
// this would result in a single argument "Hello World" (without/
// the quotes) since the quotes would be removed and there is
// not space between the strings.
std::string arg;
// Since we can have multiple quotes that form a single command
// in a command like: "Hello "world'!' (which will make a single
// argument "Hello world!") we remember the first quote character
// we encounter and use that for the quote character.
char first_quote_char = '\0';
bool arg_complete = false;
// Skip over over regular characters and append them.
size_t regular = command.find_first_of(" \t\"'`\\");
arg += command.substr(0, regular);
command = command.substr(regular);
if (command.empty())
char special = command.front();
command = command.drop_front();
switch (special)
case '\\':
if (command.empty())
arg += '\\';
// If the character after the backslash is not a whitelisted escapable character, we
// leave the character sequence untouched.
static const char *k_escapable_characters = " \t\\'\"`";
if (strchr(k_escapable_characters, command.front()) == nullptr)
arg += '\\';
arg += command.front();
case ' ':
case '\t':
// We are not inside any quotes, we just found a space after an
// argument. We are done.
arg_complete = true;
case '"':
case '\'':
case '`':
// We found the start of a quote scope.
if (first_quote_char == '\0')
first_quote_char = special;
if (special == '"')
command = ParseDoubleQuotes(command, arg);
// For single quotes, we simply skip ahead to the matching quote character
// (or the end of the string).
size_t quoted = command.find(special);
arg += command.substr(0, quoted);
command = command.substr(quoted);
// If we found a closing quote, skip it.
if (! command.empty())
command = command.drop_front();
} while (!arg_complete);
m_args_quote_char.push_back (first_quote_char);
return command;
Args::SetCommandString (const char *command)
Args::SetCommandString (llvm::StringRef command)
if (command && command[0])
static const char *k_space_separators = " \t";
command = command.ltrim(k_space_separators);
while (!command.empty())
static const char *k_space_separators = " \t";
static const char *k_escapable_characters = " \t\\'\"";
const char *arg_end = nullptr;
const char *arg_pos;
for (arg_pos = command;
arg_pos && arg_pos[0];
arg_pos = arg_end)
// Skip any leading space separators
const char *arg_start = ::strspn (arg_pos, k_space_separators) + arg_pos;
// If there were only space separators to the end of the line, then
// we're done.
if (*arg_start == '\0')
// Arguments can be split into multiple discontiguous pieces,
// for example:
// "Hello ""World"
// this would result in a single argument "Hello World" (without/
// the quotes) since the quotes would be removed and there is
// not space between the strings. So we need to keep track of the
// current start of each argument piece in "arg_piece_start"
const char *arg_piece_start = arg_start;
arg_pos = arg_piece_start;
std::string arg;
// Since we can have multiple quotes that form a single command
// in a command like: "Hello "world'!' (which will make a single
// argument "Hello world!") we remember the first quote character
// we encounter and use that for the quote character.
char first_quote_char = '\0';
char quote_char = '\0';
bool arg_complete = false;
arg_end = ::strcspn (arg_pos, k_escapable_characters) + arg_pos;
switch (arg_end[0])
assert (!"Unhandled case statement, we must handle this...");
case '\0':
// End of C string
if (arg_piece_start && arg_piece_start[0])
arg.append (arg_piece_start);
arg_complete = true;
case '\\':
// Backslash character
switch (arg_end[1])
case '\0':
arg.append (arg_piece_start);
arg_complete = true;
// Only consider this two-character sequence an escape sequence if we're unquoted and
// the character after the backslash is a whitelisted escapable character. Otherwise
// leave the character sequence untouched.
if (quote_char == '\0' && (nullptr != strchr(k_escapable_characters, arg_end[1])))
arg.append (arg_piece_start, arg_end - arg_piece_start);
arg.append (arg_end + 1, 1);
arg_pos = arg_end + 2;
arg_piece_start = arg_pos;
arg_pos = arg_end + 2;
case '"':
case '\'':
case '`':
// Quote characters
if (quote_char)
// We found a quote character while inside a quoted
// character argument. If it matches our current quote
// character, this ends the effect of the quotes. If it
// doesn't we ignore it.
if (quote_char == arg_end[0])
arg.append (arg_piece_start, arg_end - arg_piece_start);
// Clear the quote character and let parsing
// continue (we need to watch for things like:
// "Hello ""World"
// "Hello "World
// "Hello "'World'
// All of which will result in a single argument "Hello World"
quote_char = '\0'; // Note that we are no longer inside quotes
arg_pos = arg_end + 1; // Skip the quote character
arg_piece_start = arg_pos; // Note we are starting from later in the string
// different quote, skip it and keep going
arg_pos = arg_end + 1;
// We found the start of a quote scope.
// Make sure there isn't a string that precedes
// the start of a quote scope like:
// Hello" World"
// If so, then add the "Hello" to the arg
if (arg_end > arg_piece_start)
arg.append (arg_piece_start, arg_end - arg_piece_start);
// Enter into a quote scope
quote_char = arg_end[0];
if (first_quote_char == '\0')
first_quote_char = quote_char;
arg_pos = arg_end;
++arg_pos; // Skip the quote character
arg_piece_start = arg_pos; // Note we are starting from later in the string
// Skip till the next quote character
const char *end_quote = ::strchr (arg_piece_start, quote_char);
while (end_quote && end_quote[-1] == '\\')
// Don't skip the quote character if it is
// preceded by a '\' character
end_quote = ::strchr (end_quote + 1, quote_char);
if (end_quote)
if (end_quote > arg_piece_start)
arg.append (arg_piece_start, end_quote - arg_piece_start);
// If the next character is a space or the end of
// string, this argument is complete...
if (end_quote[1] == ' ' || end_quote[1] == '\t' || end_quote[1] == '\0')
arg_complete = true;
arg_end = end_quote + 1;
arg_pos = end_quote + 1;
arg_piece_start = arg_pos;
quote_char = '\0';
// Consume the rest of the string as there was no terminating quote
arg_end = arg_piece_start + strlen(arg_piece_start);
arg_complete = true;
case ' ':
case '\t':
if (quote_char)
// We are currently processing a quoted character and found
// a space character, skip any spaces and keep trying to find
// the end of the argument.
arg_pos = ::strspn (arg_end, k_space_separators) + arg_end;
// We are not inside any quotes, we just found a space after an
// argument
if (arg_end > arg_piece_start)
arg.append (arg_piece_start, arg_end - arg_piece_start);
arg_complete = true;
} while (!arg_complete);
m_args_quote_char.push_back (first_quote_char);
command = ParseSingleArgument(command);
command = command.ltrim(k_space_separators);

View File

@ -1412,7 +1412,7 @@ CommandInterpreter::BuildAliasResult (const char *alias_name,
CommandReturnObject &result)
CommandObject *alias_cmd_obj = nullptr;
Args cmd_args (raw_input_string.c_str());
Args cmd_args (raw_input_string);
alias_cmd_obj = GetCommandObject (alias_name);
StreamString result_str;
@ -2082,8 +2082,8 @@ CommandInterpreter::HandleCompletion (const char *current_line,
// We parse the argument up to the cursor, so the last argument in parsed_line is
// the one containing the cursor, and the cursor is after the last character.
Args parsed_line(current_line, last_char - current_line);
Args partial_parsed_line(current_line, cursor - current_line);
Args parsed_line(llvm::StringRef(current_line, last_char - current_line));
Args partial_parsed_line(llvm::StringRef(current_line, cursor - current_line));
// Don't complete comments, and if the line we are completing is just the history repeat character,
// substitute the appropriate history line.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
LEVEL = ../../make
C_SOURCES := main.c
include $(LEVEL)/Makefile.rules

View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
Test quoting of arguments to lldb commands
import os, time, re
import unittest2
import lldb
from lldbtest import *
class SettingsCommandTestCase(TestBase):
mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
def classCleanup(cls):
"""Cleanup the test byproducts."""
def test_no_quote(self):
self.do_test_args("a b c", "a\0b\0c\0")
def test_single_quote(self):
self.do_test_args("'a b c'", "a b c\0")
def test_double_quote(self):
self.do_test_args('"a b c"', "a b c\0")
def test_double_quote(self):
self.do_test_args('"a b c"', 'a b c\0')
def test_single_quote_escape(self):
self.do_test_args("'a b\\' c", "a b\\\0c\0")
def test_double_quote_escape(self):
self.do_test_args('"a b\\" c"', 'a b" c\0')
def test_double_quote_escape(self):
self.do_test_args('"a b\\" c"', 'a b" c\0')
def test_double_quote_escape2(self):
self.do_test_args('"a b\\\\" c', 'a b\\\0c\0')
def test_double_quote_escape2(self):
self.do_test_args('"a b\\\\" c', 'a b\\\0c\0')
def test_single_in_double(self):
self.do_test_args('"a\'b"', "a'b\0")
def test_double_in_single(self):
self.do_test_args("'a\"b'", 'a"b\0')
def test_combined(self):
self.do_test_args('"a b"c\'d e\'', 'a bcd e\0')
def test_bare_single(self):
self.do_test_args("a\\'b", "a'b\0")
def test_bare_double(self):
self.do_test_args('a\\"b', 'a"b\0')
def do_test_args(self, args_in, args_out):
"""Test argument parsing. Run the program with args_in. The program dumps its arguments
to stdout. Compare the stdout with args_out."""
exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "a.out")
self.runCmd("file " + exe, CURRENT_EXECUTABLE_SET)
self.runCmd("process launch -o stdout.txt -- " + args_in)
with open('stdout.txt', 'r') as f:
output =
self.assertEqual(output, args_out)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import atexit
atexit.register(lambda: lldb.SBDebugger.Terminate())

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
/* This program writes its arguments (separated by '\0') to stdout. */
main(int argc, char const *argv[])
int i;
for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
fwrite(argv[i], strlen(argv[i])+1, 1, stdout);
return 0;