if(p){}// expected-warning{{Converting a pointer value of type 'class OSBoolean *' to a primitive boolean value; instead, either compare the pointer to nullptr or call getValue()}}
if(!p){}// expected-warning{{Converting a pointer value of type 'class OSBoolean *' to a primitive boolean value; instead, either compare the pointer to nullptr or call getValue()}}
p?1:2;// expected-warning{{Converting a pointer value of type 'class OSBoolean *' to a primitive boolean value; instead, either compare the pointer to nullptr or call getValue()}}
(bool)p;// expected-warning{{Converting a pointer value of type 'class OSBoolean *' to a primitive bool value; did you mean to call getValue()?}}
boolx=p;// expected-warning{{Converting a pointer value of type 'class OSBoolean *' to a primitive bool value; did you mean to call getValue()?}}
x=p;// expected-warning{{Converting a pointer value of type 'class OSBoolean *' to a primitive bool value; did you mean to call getValue()?}}
takes_bool(p);// expected-warning{{Converting a pointer value of type 'class OSBoolean *' to a primitive bool value; did you mean to call getValue()?}}
if(p){}// expected-warning{{Converting a pointer value of type 'class OSNumber *' to a scalar boolean value; instead, either compare the pointer to nullptr or call a method on 'class OSNumber *' to get the scalar value}}
if(!p){}// expected-warning{{Converting a pointer value of type 'class OSNumber *' to a scalar boolean value; instead, either compare the pointer to nullptr or call a method on 'class OSNumber *' to get the scalar value}}
p?1:2;// expected-warning{{Converting a pointer value of type 'class OSNumber *' to a scalar boolean value; instead, either compare the pointer to nullptr or call a method on 'class OSNumber *' to get the scalar value}}
if(p==0){}// expected-warning{{Comparing a pointer value of type 'class OSNumber *' to a scalar integer value; instead, either compare the pointer to nullptr or compare the result of calling a method on 'class OSNumber *' to get the scalar value}}
if(p){}// no-warning
if(!p){}// no-warning
p?1:2;// no-warning
if(p==0){}// no-warning
(int)p;// expected-warning{{Converting a pointer value of type 'class OSNumber *' to a scalar integer value; did you mean to call a method on 'class OSNumber *' to get the scalar value?}}
takes_bool(p);// expected-warning{{Converting a pointer value of type 'class OSNumber *' to a scalar bool value; did you mean to call a method on 'class OSNumber *' to get the scalar value?}}
sugared_boolx=p;// expected-warning{{Converting a pointer value of type 'class OSBoolean *' to a primitive bool value; did you mean to call getValue()?}}
(unsignedlong)p;// expected-warning{{Converting a pointer value of type 'class OSBoolean *' to a primitive integer value; did you mean to call getValue()?}}
(fintptr_t)p;// expected-warning{{Converting a pointer value of type 'class OSBoolean *' to a primitive integer value; did you mean to call getValue()?}}