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// RUN: %clang_cc1 -disable-noundef-analysis -std=c++11 -fsanitize=signed-integer-overflow,integer-divide-by-zero,float-divide-by-zero,shift-base,shift-exponent,unreachable,return,vla-bound,alignment,null,vptr,object-size,float-cast-overflow,bool,enum,array-bounds,function -fsanitize-recover=signed-integer-overflow,integer-divide-by-zero,float-divide-by-zero,shift-base,shift-exponent,vla-bound,alignment,null,vptr,object-size,float-cast-overflow,bool,enum,array-bounds,function -emit-llvm %s -o - -triple x86_64-linux-gnu | opt -instnamer -S | FileCheck %s
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -disable-noundef-analysis -std=c++11 -fsanitize=vptr,address -fsanitize-recover=vptr,address -emit-llvm %s -o - -triple x86_64-linux-gnu | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-ASAN
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -disable-noundef-analysis -std=c++11 -fsanitize=vptr -fsanitize-recover=vptr -emit-llvm %s -o - -triple x86_64-linux-gnu | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=DOWNCAST-NULL
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -disable-noundef-analysis -std=c++11 -fsanitize=function -emit-llvm %s -o - -triple x86_64-linux-gnux32 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-X32
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -disable-noundef-analysis -std=c++11 -fsanitize=function -emit-llvm %s -o - -triple i386-linux-gnu | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-X86
struct S {
double d;
int a, b;
virtual int f();
// Check that type descriptor global is not modified by ASan.
// CHECK-ASAN: [[TYPE_DESCR:@[0-9]+]] = private unnamed_addr constant { i16, i16, [4 x i8] } { i16 -1, i16 0, [4 x i8] c"'S'\00" }
// Check that type mismatch handler is not modified by ASan.
// CHECK-ASAN: private unnamed_addr global { { [{{.*}} x i8]*, i32, i32 }, { i16, i16, [4 x i8] }*, i8*, i8 } { {{.*}}, { i16, i16, [4 x i8] }* [[TYPE_DESCR]], {{.*}} }
// CHECK: [[IndirectRTTI_ZTIFvPFviEE:@.+]] = private constant i8* bitcast ({ i8*, i8* }* @_ZTIFvPFviEE to i8*)
// CHECK-X86: [[IndirectRTTI_ZTIFvPFviEE:@.+]] = private constant i8* bitcast ({ i8*, i8* }* @_ZTIFvPFviEE to i8*)
// CHECK-X32: [[IndirectRTTI_ZTIFvPFviEE:@.+]] = private constant i8* bitcast ({ i8*, i8* }* @_ZTIFvPFviEE to i8*)
struct T : S {};
// CHECK-LABEL: @_Z17reference_binding
void reference_binding(int *p, S *q) {
// C++ core issue 453: If an lvalue to which a reference is directly bound
// designates neither an existing object or function of an appropriate type,
// nor a region of storage of suitable size and alignment to contain an object
// of the reference's type, the behavior is undefined.
// CHECK: icmp ne {{.*}}, null
// CHECK: %[[SIZE:.*]] = call i64 @llvm.objectsize.i64
// CHECK-NEXT: icmp uge i64 %[[SIZE]], 4
// CHECK: %[[PTRINT:.*]] = ptrtoint
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[MISALIGN:.*]] = and i64 %[[PTRINT]], 3
// CHECK-NEXT: icmp eq i64 %[[MISALIGN]], 0
int &r = *p;
// A reference is not required to refer to an object within its lifetime.
// CHECK-NOT: __ubsan_handle_dynamic_type_cache_miss
S &r2 = *q;
// CHECK-LABEL: @_Z13member_access
// CHECK-ASAN-LABEL: @_Z13member_access
void member_access(S *p) {
// (1a) Check 'p' is appropriately sized and aligned for member access.
// CHECK: icmp ne {{.*}}, null
// CHECK: %[[SIZE:.*]] = call i64 @llvm.objectsize.i64
// CHECK-NEXT: icmp uge i64 %[[SIZE]], 24
// CHECK: %[[PTRINT:.*]] = ptrtoint
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[MISALIGN:.*]] = and i64 %[[PTRINT]], 7
// CHECK-NEXT: icmp eq i64 %[[MISALIGN]], 0
// (1b) Check that 'p' actually points to an 'S'.
// CHECK: %[[VPTRADDR:.*]] = bitcast {{.*}} to i64*
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[VPTR:.*]] = load i64, i64* %[[VPTRADDR]]
// hash_16_bytes:
// If this number changes, it indicates that either the mangled name of ::S
// has changed, or that LLVM's hashing function has changed. The latter case
// is OK if the hashing function is still stable.
// The two hash values are for 64- and 32-bit Clang binaries, respectively.
// FIXME: We should produce a 64-bit value either way.
// CHECK-NEXT: xor i64 {{-4030275160588942838|1107558922}}, %[[VPTR]]
// CHECK-NEXT: mul i64 {{.*}}, -7070675565921424023
// CHECK-NEXT: lshr i64 {{.*}}, 47
// CHECK-NEXT: xor i64
// CHECK-NEXT: xor i64 %[[VPTR]]
// CHECK-NEXT: mul i64 {{.*}}, -7070675565921424023
// CHECK-NEXT: lshr i64 {{.*}}, 47
// CHECK-NEXT: xor i64
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[HASH:.*]] = mul i64 {{.*}}, -7070675565921424023
// Check the hash against the table:
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[IDX:.*]] = and i64 %{{.*}}, 127
// CHECK-NEXT: getelementptr inbounds [128 x i64], [128 x i64]* @__ubsan_vptr_type_cache, i32 0, i64 %[[IDX]]
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[CACHEVAL:.*]] = load i64, i64*
// CHECK-NEXT: icmp eq i64 %[[CACHEVAL]], %[[HASH]]
// CHECK-NEXT: br i1
// CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_dynamic_type_cache_miss({{.*}}, i64 %{{.*}}, i64 %[[HASH]])
// CHECK-NOT: unreachable
// CHECK: {{.*}}:
// (2) Check 'p->b' is appropriately sized and aligned for a load.
// FIXME: Suppress this in the trivial case of a member access, because we
// know we've just checked the member access expression itself.
// CHECK: %[[SIZE:.*]] = call i64 @llvm.objectsize.i64
// CHECK-NEXT: icmp uge i64 %[[SIZE]], 4
// CHECK: %[[PTRINT:.*]] = ptrtoint
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[MISALIGN:.*]] = and i64 %[[PTRINT]], 3
// CHECK-NEXT: icmp eq i64 %[[MISALIGN]], 0
int k = p->b;
// (3a) Check 'p' is appropriately sized and aligned for member function call.
// CHECK: icmp ne {{.*}}, null
// CHECK: %[[SIZE:.*]] = call i64 @llvm.objectsize.i64
// CHECK-NEXT: icmp uge i64 %[[SIZE]], 24
// CHECK: %[[PTRINT:.*]] = ptrtoint
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[MISALIGN:.*]] = and i64 %[[PTRINT]], 7
// CHECK-NEXT: icmp eq i64 %[[MISALIGN]], 0
// (3b) Check that 'p' actually points to an 'S'
// CHECK: load i64, i64*
// CHECK-NEXT: xor i64 {{-4030275160588942838|1107558922}},
// [...]
// CHECK: getelementptr inbounds [128 x i64], [128 x i64]* @__ubsan_vptr_type_cache, i32 0, i64 %
// CHECK: br i1
// CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_dynamic_type_cache_miss({{.*}}, i64 %{{.*}}, i64 %{{.*}})
// CHECK-NOT: unreachable
// CHECK: {{.*}}:
k = p->f();
// CHECK-LABEL: @_Z12lsh_overflow
int lsh_overflow(int a, int b) {
// CHECK: %[[RHS_INBOUNDS:.*]] = icmp ule i32 %[[RHS:.*]], 31
// CHECK-NEXT: br i1 %[[RHS_INBOUNDS]], label %[[CHECK_BB:.*]], label %[[CONT_BB:.*]],
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[SHIFTED_OUT_WIDTH:.*]] = sub nuw nsw i32 31, %[[RHS]]
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[SHIFTED_OUT:.*]] = lshr i32 %[[LHS:.*]], %[[SHIFTED_OUT_WIDTH]]
// This is present for C++11 but not for C: C++ core issue 1457 allows a '1'
// to be shifted into the sign bit, but not out of it.
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[SHIFTED_OUT_NOT_SIGN:.*]] = lshr i32 %[[SHIFTED_OUT]], 1
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[NO_OVERFLOW:.*]] = icmp eq i32 %[[SHIFTED_OUT_NOT_SIGN]], 0
// CHECK-NEXT: br label %[[CONT_BB]]
// CHECK: [[CONT_BB]]:
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[VALID_BASE:.*]] = phi i1 [ true, {{.*}} ], [ %[[NO_OVERFLOW]], %[[CHECK_BB]] ]
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[VALID:.*]] = and i1 %[[RHS_INBOUNDS]], %[[VALID_BASE]]
// CHECK-NEXT: br i1 %[[VALID]]
// CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_shift_out_of_bounds
// CHECK-NOT: call void @__ubsan_handle_shift_out_of_bounds
// CHECK: %[[RET:.*]] = shl i32 %[[LHS]], %[[RHS]]
// CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 %[[RET]]
return a << b;
// CHECK-LABEL: @_Z9no_return
int no_return() {
// CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_missing_return(i8* bitcast ({{.*}}* @{{.*}} to i8*)) [[NR_NUW:#[0-9]+]]
// CHECK-NEXT: unreachable
// CHECK-LABEL: @_Z9sour_bool
bool sour_bool(bool *p) {
// CHECK: %[[OK:.*]] = icmp ule i8 {{.*}}, 1
// CHECK: br i1 %[[OK]]
// CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_load_invalid_value(i8* bitcast ({{.*}}), i64 {{.*}})
return *p;
enum E1 { e1a = 0, e1b = 127 } e1;
enum E2 { e2a = -1, e2b = 64 } e2;
enum E3 { e3a = (1u << 31) - 1 } e3;
// CHECK-LABEL: @_Z14bad_enum_value
int bad_enum_value() {
// CHECK: %[[E1:.*]] = icmp ule i32 {{.*}}, 127
// CHECK: br i1 %[[E1]]
// CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_load_invalid_value(
int a = e1;
// CHECK: %[[E2HI:.*]] = icmp sle i32 {{.*}}, 127
// CHECK: %[[E2LO:.*]] = icmp sge i32 {{.*}}, -128
// CHECK: %[[E2:.*]] = and i1 %[[E2HI]], %[[E2LO]]
// CHECK: br i1 %[[E2]]
// CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_load_invalid_value(
int b = e2;
// CHECK: %[[E3:.*]] = icmp ule i32 {{.*}}, 2147483647
// CHECK: br i1 %[[E3]]
// CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_load_invalid_value(
int c = e3;
return a + b + c;
// CHECK-LABEL: @_Z20bad_downcast_pointer
// DOWNCAST-NULL-LABEL: @_Z20bad_downcast_pointer
void bad_downcast_pointer(S *p) {
// CHECK: %[[NONNULL:.*]] = icmp ne {{.*}}, null
// CHECK: br i1 %[[NONNULL]],
2018-03-29 22:31:59 +08:00
// A null pointer access is guarded without -fsanitize=null.
// DOWNCAST-NULL: %[[NONNULL:.*]] = icmp ne {{.*}}, null
// CHECK: %[[SIZE:.*]] = call i64 @llvm.objectsize.i64.p0i8(
// CHECK: %[[E1:.*]] = icmp uge i64 %[[SIZE]], 24
// CHECK: %[[MISALIGN:.*]] = and i64 %{{.*}}, 7
// CHECK: %[[E2:.*]] = icmp eq i64 %[[MISALIGN]], 0
// CHECK: %[[E12:.*]] = and i1 %[[E1]], %[[E2]]
// CHECK: br i1 %[[E12]],
// CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_type_mismatch
// CHECK: br label
// CHECK: br i1 %{{.*}},
// CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_dynamic_type_cache_miss
// CHECK: br label
(void) static_cast<T*>(p);
// CHECK-LABEL: @_Z22bad_downcast_reference
void bad_downcast_reference(S &p) {
// CHECK: %[[E1:.*]] = icmp ne {{.*}}, null
// CHECK-NOT: br i1
// CHECK: %[[SIZE:.*]] = call i64 @llvm.objectsize.i64.p0i8(
// CHECK: %[[E2:.*]] = icmp uge i64 %[[SIZE]], 24
// CHECK: %[[MISALIGN:.*]] = and i64 %{{.*}}, 7
// CHECK: %[[E3:.*]] = icmp eq i64 %[[MISALIGN]], 0
// CHECK: %[[E12:.*]] = and i1 %[[E1]], %[[E2]]
// CHECK: %[[E123:.*]] = and i1 %[[E12]], %[[E3]]
// CHECK: br i1 %[[E123]],
// CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_type_mismatch
// CHECK: br label
// CHECK: br i1 %{{.*}},
// CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_dynamic_type_cache_miss
// CHECK: br label
(void) static_cast<T&>(p);
// CHECK-LABEL: @_Z11array_index
int array_index(const int (&a)[4], int n) {
// CHECK: %[[K1_OK:.*]] = icmp ult i64 %{{.*}}, 4
// CHECK: br i1 %[[K1_OK]]
// CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_out_of_bounds(
int k1 = a[n];
// CHECK: %[[R1_OK:.*]] = icmp ule i64 %{{.*}}, 4
// CHECK: br i1 %[[R1_OK]]
// CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_out_of_bounds(
const int *r1 = &a[n];
// CHECK: %[[K2_OK:.*]] = icmp ult i64 %{{.*}}, 8
// CHECK: br i1 %[[K2_OK]]
// CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_out_of_bounds(
int k2 = ((const int(&)[8])a)[n];
// CHECK: %[[K3_OK:.*]] = icmp ult i64 %{{.*}}, 4
// CHECK: br i1 %[[K3_OK]]
// CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_out_of_bounds(
int k3 = n[a];
return k1 + *r1 + k2;
// CHECK-LABEL: @_Z17multi_array_index
int multi_array_index(int n, int m) {
int arr[4][6];
// CHECK: %[[IDX1_OK:.*]] = icmp ult i64 %{{.*}}, 4
// CHECK: br i1 %[[IDX1_OK]]
// CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_out_of_bounds(
// CHECK: %[[IDX2_OK:.*]] = icmp ult i64 %{{.*}}, 6
// CHECK: br i1 %[[IDX2_OK]]
// CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_out_of_bounds(
return arr[n][m];
// CHECK-LABEL: @_Z11array_arith
int array_arith(const int (&a)[4], int n) {
// CHECK: %[[K1_OK:.*]] = icmp ule i64 %{{.*}}, 4
// CHECK: br i1 %[[K1_OK]]
// CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_out_of_bounds(
const int *k1 = a + n;
// CHECK: %[[K2_OK:.*]] = icmp ule i64 %{{.*}}, 8
// CHECK: br i1 %[[K2_OK]]
// CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_out_of_bounds(
const int *k2 = (const int(&)[8])a + n;
return *k1 + *k2;
struct ArrayMembers {
int a1[5];
int a2[1];
// CHECK-LABEL: @_Z18struct_array_index
int struct_array_index(ArrayMembers *p, int n) {
// CHECK: %[[IDX_OK:.*]] = icmp ult i64 %{{.*}}, 5
// CHECK: br i1 %[[IDX_OK]]
// CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_out_of_bounds(
return p->a1[n];
// CHECK-LABEL: @_Z16flex_array_index
int flex_array_index(ArrayMembers *p, int n) {
// CHECK-NOT: call void @__ubsan_handle_out_of_bounds(
return p->a2[n];
extern int incomplete[];
// CHECK-LABEL: @_Z22incomplete_array_index
int incomplete_array_index(int n) {
// CHECK-NOT: call void @__ubsan_handle_out_of_bounds(
return incomplete[n];
typedef __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4))) int V4I;
// CHECK-LABEL: @_Z12vector_index
int vector_index(V4I v, int n) {
// CHECK: %[[IDX_OK:.*]] = icmp ult i64 %{{.*}}, 4
// CHECK: br i1 %[[IDX_OK]]
// CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_out_of_bounds(
return v[n];
// CHECK-LABEL: @_Z12string_index
char string_index(int n) {
// CHECK: %[[IDX_OK:.*]] = icmp ult i64 %{{.*}}, 6
// CHECK: br i1 %[[IDX_OK]]
// CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_out_of_bounds(
return "Hello"[n];
class A // align=4
int a1, a2, a3;
class B // align=8
long b1, b2;
class C : public A, public B // align=16
alignas(16) int c1;
// Make sure we check the alignment of the pointer after subtracting any
// offset. The pointer before subtraction doesn't need to be aligned for
// the destination type.
// CHECK-LABEL: define{{.*}} void @_Z16downcast_pointerP1B(%class.B* %b)
void downcast_pointer(B *b) {
(void) static_cast<C*>(b);
// Alignment check from EmitTypeCheck(TCK_DowncastPointer, ...)
// CHECK: [[SUB:%[.a-z0-9]*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* {{.*}}, i64 -16
// CHECK-NEXT: [[C:%.+]] = bitcast i8* [[SUB]] to %class.C*
// null check goes here
// CHECK: [[FROM_PHI:%.+]] = phi %class.C* [ [[C]], {{.*}} ], {{.*}}
// Objectsize check goes here
// CHECK: [[C_INT:%.+]] = ptrtoint %class.C* [[FROM_PHI]] to i64
// CHECK-NEXT: [[MASKED:%.+]] = and i64 [[C_INT]], 15
// CHECK-NEXT: [[TEST:%.+]] = icmp eq i64 [[MASKED]], 0
// AND the alignment test with the objectsize test.
// CHECK-NEXT: [[AND:%.+]] = and i1 {{.*}}, [[TEST]]
// CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[AND]]
// CHECK-LABEL: define{{.*}} void @_Z18downcast_referenceR1B(%class.B* nonnull align {{[0-9]+}} dereferenceable({{[0-9]+}}) %b)
void downcast_reference(B &b) {
(void) static_cast<C&>(b);
// Alignment check from EmitTypeCheck(TCK_DowncastReference, ...)
// CHECK: [[SUB:%[.a-z0-9]*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* {{.*}}, i64 -16
// CHECK-NEXT: [[C:%.+]] = bitcast i8* [[SUB]] to %class.C*
// Objectsize check goes here
// CHECK: [[C_INT:%.+]] = ptrtoint %class.C* [[C]] to i64
// CHECK-NEXT: [[MASKED:%.+]] = and i64 [[C_INT]], 15
// CHECK-NEXT: [[TEST:%.+]] = icmp eq i64 [[MASKED]], 0
// AND the alignment test with the objectsize test.
// CHECK: [[AND:%.+]] = and i1 {{.*}}, [[TEST]]
// CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[AND]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @_Z22indirect_function_callPFviE({{.*}} prologue <{ i32, i32 }> <{ i32 846595819, i32 trunc (i64 sub (i64 ptrtoint (i8** {{.*}} to i64), i64 ptrtoint (void (void (i32)*)* @_Z22indirect_function_callPFviE to i64)) to i32) }>
// CHECK-X32: @_Z22indirect_function_callPFviE({{.*}} prologue <{ i32, i32 }> <{ i32 846595819, i32 sub (i32 ptrtoint (i8** [[IndirectRTTI_ZTIFvPFviEE]] to i32), i32 ptrtoint (void (void (i32)*)* @_Z22indirect_function_callPFviE to i32)) }>
// CHECK-X86: @_Z22indirect_function_callPFviE({{.*}} prologue <{ i32, i32 }> <{ i32 846595819, i32 sub (i32 ptrtoint (i8** [[IndirectRTTI_ZTIFvPFviEE]] to i32), i32 ptrtoint (void (void (i32)*)* @_Z22indirect_function_callPFviE to i32)) }>
void indirect_function_call(void (*p)(int)) {
// CHECK: [[PTR:%.+]] = bitcast void (i32)* {{.*}} to <{ i32, i32 }>*
// Signature check
// CHECK-NEXT: [[SIGPTR:%.+]] = getelementptr <{ i32, i32 }>, <{ i32, i32 }>* [[PTR]], i32 0, i32 0
// CHECK-NEXT: [[SIG:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[SIGPTR]]
// CHECK-NEXT: [[SIGCMP:%.+]] = icmp eq i32 [[SIG]], 846595819
// CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[SIGCMP]]
// RTTI pointer check
// CHECK: [[RTTIPTR:%.+]] = getelementptr <{ i32, i32 }>, <{ i32, i32 }>* [[PTR]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK-NEXT: [[RTTIEncIntTrunc:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[RTTIPTR]]
// CHECK-NEXT: [[RTTIEncInt:%.+]] = sext i32 [[RTTIEncIntTrunc]] to i64
// CHECK-NEXT: [[FuncAddrInt:%.+]] = ptrtoint void (i32)* {{.*}} to i64
// CHECK-NEXT: [[IndirectGVInt:%.+]] = add i64 [[RTTIEncInt]], [[FuncAddrInt]]
// CHECK-NEXT: [[IndirectGV:%.+]] = inttoptr i64 [[IndirectGVInt]] to i8**
// CHECK-NEXT: [[RTTI:%.+]] = load i8*, i8** [[IndirectGV]], align 8
// CHECK-NEXT: [[RTTICMP:%.+]] = icmp eq i8* [[RTTI]], bitcast ({ i8*, i8* }* @_ZTIFviE to i8*)
// CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[RTTICMP]]
namespace VBaseObjectSize {
// Note: C is laid out such that offsetof(C, B) + sizeof(B) extends outside
// the C object.
struct alignas(16) A { void *a1, *a2; };
struct B : virtual A { void *b; void* g(); };
struct C : virtual A, virtual B { };
// CHECK-LABEL: define {{.*}} @_ZN15VBaseObjectSize1fERNS_1BE(
B &f(B &b) {
// Size check: check for nvsize(B) == 16 (do not require size(B) == 32)
// CHECK: [[SIZE:%.+]] = call i{{32|64}} @llvm.objectsize.i64.p0i8(
// CHECK: icmp uge i{{32|64}} [[SIZE]], 16,
// Alignment check: check for nvalign(B) == 8 (do not require align(B) == 16)
// CHECK: [[PTRTOINT:%.+]] = ptrtoint {{.*}} to i64,
// CHECK: and i64 [[PTRTOINT]], 7,
return b;
// CHECK-LABEL: define {{.*}} @_ZN15VBaseObjectSize1B1gEv(
void *B::g() {
// Ensure that the check on the "this" pointer also uses the proper
// alignment. We should be using nvalign(B) == 8, not 16.
// CHECK: [[PTRTOINT:%.+]] = ptrtoint {{.*}} to i64,
// CHECK: and i64 [[PTRTOINT]], 7
return nullptr;
namespace FunctionSanitizerVirtualCalls {
struct A {
virtual void f() {}
virtual void g() {}
void h() {}
struct B : virtual A {
virtual void b() {}
virtual void f();
void g() final {}
static void q() {}
void B::f() {}
void force_irgen() {
A a;
B b;
// CHECK-LABEL: define{{.*}} void @_ZN29FunctionSanitizerVirtualCalls1B1fEv
// CHECK-NOT: prologue
// CHECK-LABEL: define{{.*}} void @_ZTv0_n24_N29FunctionSanitizerVirtualCalls1B1fEv
// CHECK-NOT: prologue
// CHECK-LABEL: define{{.*}} void @_ZN29FunctionSanitizerVirtualCalls11force_irgenEv()
// CHECK: prologue
// CHECK-LABEL: define linkonce_odr void @_ZN29FunctionSanitizerVirtualCalls1AC1Ev
// CHECK-NOT: prologue
// CHECK-LABEL: define linkonce_odr void @_ZN29FunctionSanitizerVirtualCalls1A1gEv
// CHECK-NOT: prologue
// CHECK-LABEL: define linkonce_odr void @_ZN29FunctionSanitizerVirtualCalls1A1hEv
// CHECK-NOT: prologue
// CHECK-LABEL: define linkonce_odr void @_ZN29FunctionSanitizerVirtualCalls1BC1Ev
// CHECK-NOT: prologue
// CHECK-LABEL: define linkonce_odr void @_ZN29FunctionSanitizerVirtualCalls1B1bEv
// CHECK-NOT: prologue
// CHECK-LABEL: define linkonce_odr void @_ZN29FunctionSanitizerVirtualCalls1B1gEv
// CHECK-NOT: prologue
// CHECK-LABEL: define linkonce_odr void @_ZN29FunctionSanitizerVirtualCalls1B1qEv
// CHECK: prologue
namespace UpcastPointerTest {
struct S {};
struct T : S { double d; };
struct V : virtual S {};
// CHECK-LABEL: upcast_pointer
S* upcast_pointer(T* t) {
// Check for null pointer
// CHECK: %[[NONNULL:.*]] = icmp ne {{.*}}, null
// CHECK: br i1 %[[NONNULL]]
// Check alignment
// CHECK: %[[MISALIGN:.*]] = and i64 %{{.*}}, 7
// CHECK: icmp eq i64 %[[MISALIGN]], 0
// CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_type_mismatch
return t;
V getV();
// CHECK-LABEL: upcast_to_vbase
void upcast_to_vbase() {
// No need to check for null here, as we have a temporary here.
// CHECK-NOT: br i1
// CHECK: call i64 @llvm.objectsize
// CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_type_mismatch
// CHECK: call void @__ubsan_handle_dynamic_type_cache_miss
const S& s = getV();
struct nothrow {};
void *operator new[](__SIZE_TYPE__, nothrow) noexcept;
namespace NothrowNew {
struct X { X(); };
// CHECK-LABEL: define{{.*}}nothrow_new_trivial
void *nothrow_new_trivial() {
// CHECK: %[[is_null:.*]] = icmp eq i8*{{.*}}, null
// CHECK: br i1 %[[is_null]], label %[[null:.*]], label %[[nonnull:.*]]
// CHECK: [[nonnull]]:
// CHECK: llvm.objectsize
// CHECK: icmp uge i64 {{.*}}, 123456,
// CHECK: br i1
// CHECK: call {{.*}}__ubsan_handle_type_mismatch
// CHECK: [[null]]:
// CHECK-NOT: {{ }}br{{ }}
// CHECK: ret
return new (nothrow{}) char[123456];
// CHECK-LABEL: define{{.*}}nothrow_new_nontrivial
void *nothrow_new_nontrivial() {
// CHECK: %[[is_null:.*]] = icmp eq i8*{{.*}}, null
// CHECK: br i1 %[[is_null]], label %[[null:.*]], label %[[nonnull:.*]]
// CHECK: [[nonnull]]:
// CHECK: llvm.objectsize
// CHECK: icmp uge i64 {{.*}}, 123456,
// CHECK: br i1
// CHECK: call {{.*}}__ubsan_handle_type_mismatch
// CHECK: call {{.*}}_ZN10NothrowNew1XC1Ev
// CHECK: [[null]]:
// CHECK-NOT: {{ }}br{{ }}
// CHECK: ret
return new (nothrow{}) X[123456];
// CHECK-LABEL: define{{.*}}throwing_new
void *throwing_new(int size) {
// CHECK: icmp ne i8*{{.*}}, null
// CHECK: %[[size:.*]] = mul
// CHECK: llvm.objectsize
// CHECK: icmp uge i64 {{.*}}, %[[size]],
// CHECK: %[[ok:.*]] = and
// CHECK: br i1 %[[ok]], label %[[good:.*]], label %[[bad:[^,]*]]
// CHECK: [[bad]]:
// CHECK: call {{.*}}__ubsan_handle_type_mismatch
// CHECK: [[good]]:
// CHECK-NOT: {{ }}br{{ }}
// CHECK: ret
return new char[size];
// CHECK-LABEL: define{{.*}}nothrow_new_zero_size
void *nothrow_new_zero_size() {
// CHECK: %[[nonnull:.*]] = icmp ne i8*{{.*}}, null
// CHECK-NOT: llvm.objectsize
// CHECK: br i1 %[[nonnull]], label %[[good:.*]], label %[[bad:[^,]*]]
// CHECK: [[bad]]:
// CHECK: call {{.*}}__ubsan_handle_type_mismatch
// CHECK: [[good]]:
// CHECK-NOT: {{ }}br{{ }}
// CHECK: ret
return new char[0];
// CHECK-LABEL: define{{.*}}throwing_new_zero_size
void *throwing_new_zero_size() {
// Nothing to check here.
// CHECK-NOT: __ubsan_handle_type_mismatch
return new (nothrow{}) char[0];
// CHECK: ret
struct ThisAlign {
void this_align_lambda();
void this_align_lambda_2();
void ThisAlign::this_align_lambda() {
// CHECK-LABEL: define internal %struct.ThisAlign* @"_ZZN9ThisAlign17this_align_lambdaEvENK3$_0clEv"
// CHECK-SAME: (%{{.*}}* {{[^,]*}} %[[this:[^)]*]])
// CHECK: %[[this_addr:.*]] = alloca
// CHECK: store %{{.*}}* %[[this]], %{{.*}}** %[[this_addr]],
// CHECK: %[[this_inner:.*]] = load %{{.*}}*, %{{.*}}** %[[this_addr]],
// CHECK: %[[this_outer_addr:.*]] = getelementptr inbounds %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}* %[[this_inner]], i32 0, i32 0
// CHECK: %[[this_outer:.*]] = load %{{.*}}*, %{{.*}}** %[[this_outer_addr]],
// CHECK: %[[this_inner_isnonnull:.*]] = icmp ne %{{.*}}* %[[this_inner]], null
// CHECK: %[[this_inner_asint:.*]] = ptrtoint %{{.*}}* %[[this_inner]] to i
// CHECK: %[[this_inner_misalignment:.*]] = and i{{32|64}} %[[this_inner_asint]], {{3|7}},
// CHECK: %[[this_inner_isaligned:.*]] = icmp eq i{{32|64}} %[[this_inner_misalignment]], 0
// CHECK: %[[this_inner_valid:.*]] = and i1 %[[this_inner_isnonnull]], %[[this_inner_isaligned]],
// CHECK: br i1 %[[this_inner_valid:.*]]
[&] { return this; } ();
namespace CopyValueRepresentation {
// CHECK-LABEL: define {{.*}} @_ZN23CopyValueRepresentation2S3aSERKS0_
// CHECK-NOT: call {{.*}} @__ubsan_handle_load_invalid_value
// CHECK-LABEL: define {{.*}} @_ZN23CopyValueRepresentation2S4aSEOS0_
// CHECK-NOT: call {{.*}} @__ubsan_handle_load_invalid_value
// CHECK-LABEL: define {{.*}} @_ZN23CopyValueRepresentation2S1C2ERKS0_
// CHECK-NOT: call {{.*}} __ubsan_handle_load_invalid_value
// CHECK-LABEL: define {{.*}} @_ZN23CopyValueRepresentation2S2C2ERKS0_
// CHECK: __ubsan_handle_load_invalid_value
// CHECK-LABEL: define {{.*}} @_ZN23CopyValueRepresentation2S5C2ERKS0_
// CHECK-NOT: call {{.*}} __ubsan_handle_load_invalid_value
struct CustomCopy { CustomCopy(); CustomCopy(const CustomCopy&); };
struct S1 {
CustomCopy CC;
bool b;
void callee1(S1);
void test1() {
S1 s11;
S1 s12;
s12 = s11;
static bool some_global_bool;
struct ExprCopy {
ExprCopy(const ExprCopy&, bool b = some_global_bool);
struct S2 {
ExprCopy EC;
bool b;
void callee2(S2);
void test2(void) {
S2 s21;
S2 s22;
s22 = s21;
struct CustomAssign { CustomAssign &operator=(const CustomAssign&); };
struct S3 {
CustomAssign CA;
bool b;
void test3() {
S3 x, y;
x = y;
struct CustomMove {
CustomMove(const CustomMove&&);
CustomMove &operator=(const CustomMove&&);
struct S4 {
CustomMove CM;
bool b;
void test4() {
S4 x, y;
x = static_cast<S4&&>(y);
struct EnumCustomCopy {
EnumCustomCopy(const EnumCustomCopy&);
struct S5 {
EnumCustomCopy ECC;
bool b;
void callee5(S5);
void test5() {
S5 s51;
S5 s52;
s52 = s51;
void ThisAlign::this_align_lambda_2() {
// CHECK-LABEL: define internal void @"_ZZN9ThisAlign19this_align_lambda_2EvENK3$_1clEv"
// CHECK-SAME: (%{{.*}}* {{[^,]*}} %[[this:[^)]*]])
// CHECK: %[[this_addr:.*]] = alloca
// CHECK: store %{{.*}}* %[[this]], %{{.*}}** %[[this_addr]],
// CHECK: %[[this_inner:.*]] = load %{{.*}}*, %{{.*}}** %[[this_addr]],
// Do not perform a null check on the 'this' pointer if the function might be
// called from a static invoker.
// CHECK-NOT: icmp ne %{{.*}}* %[[this_inner]], null
auto *p = +[] {};
// CHECK: attributes [[NR_NUW]] = { noreturn nounwind }