2017-11-13 09:47:52 +08:00
; RUN: opt < %s -simplifycfg -S | FileCheck -enable-var-scope %s
2012-09-21 06:37:36 +08:00
define zeroext i1 @test1(i1 zeroext %flag, i32 %blksA, i32 %blksB, i32 %nblks) {
br i1 %flag, label %if.then, label %if.else
2014-12-23 16:26:55 +08:00
; CHECK-LABEL: test1
2012-09-21 06:37:36 +08:00
; CHECK: add
; CHECK: select
; CHECK: icmp
%cmp = icmp uge i32 %blksA, %nblks
%frombool1 = zext i1 %cmp to i8
br label %if.end
%add = add i32 %nblks, %blksB
%cmp2 = icmp ule i32 %add, %blksA
%frombool3 = zext i1 %cmp2 to i8
br label %if.end
%obeys.0 = phi i8 [ %frombool1, %if.then ], [ %frombool3, %if.else ]
%tobool4 = icmp ne i8 %obeys.0, 0
ret i1 %tobool4
define zeroext i1 @test2(i1 zeroext %flag, i32 %blksA, i32 %blksB, i32 %nblks) {
br i1 %flag, label %if.then, label %if.else
2014-12-23 16:26:55 +08:00
; CHECK-LABEL: test2
2012-09-21 06:37:36 +08:00
; CHECK: add
; CHECK: select
; CHECK: icmp
%cmp = icmp uge i32 %blksA, %nblks
%frombool1 = zext i1 %cmp to i8
br label %if.end
%add = add i32 %nblks, %blksB
%cmp2 = icmp uge i32 %blksA, %add
%frombool3 = zext i1 %cmp2 to i8
br label %if.end
%obeys.0 = phi i8 [ %frombool1, %if.then ], [ %frombool3, %if.else ]
%tobool4 = icmp ne i8 %obeys.0, 0
ret i1 %tobool4
2014-12-23 16:26:55 +08:00
declare i32 @foo(i32, i32) nounwind readnone
define i32 @test3(i1 zeroext %flag, i32 %x, i32 %y) {
br i1 %flag, label %if.then, label %if.else
%x0 = call i32 @foo(i32 %x, i32 0) nounwind readnone
%y0 = call i32 @foo(i32 %x, i32 1) nounwind readnone
br label %if.end
%x1 = call i32 @foo(i32 %y, i32 0) nounwind readnone
%y1 = call i32 @foo(i32 %y, i32 1) nounwind readnone
br label %if.end
%xx = phi i32 [ %x0, %if.then ], [ %x1, %if.else ]
%yy = phi i32 [ %y0, %if.then ], [ %y1, %if.else ]
%ret = add i32 %xx, %yy
ret i32 %ret
; CHECK-LABEL: test3
; CHECK: select
; CHECK: call
; CHECK: call
; CHECK: add
2016-08-23 03:07:15 +08:00
define i32 @test4(i1 zeroext %flag, i32 %x, i32* %y) {
br i1 %flag, label %if.then, label %if.else
%a = add i32 %x, 5
store i32 %a, i32* %y
br label %if.end
%b = add i32 %x, 7
store i32 %b, i32* %y
br label %if.end
ret i32 1
; CHECK-LABEL: test4
; CHECK: select
; CHECK: store
; CHECK-NOT: store
define i32 @test5(i1 zeroext %flag, i32 %x, i32* %y) {
br i1 %flag, label %if.then, label %if.else
%a = add i32 %x, 5
store volatile i32 %a, i32* %y
br label %if.end
%b = add i32 %x, 7
store i32 %b, i32* %y
br label %if.end
ret i32 1
; CHECK-LABEL: test5
; CHECK: store volatile
; CHECK: store
define i32 @test6(i1 zeroext %flag, i32 %x, i32* %y) {
br i1 %flag, label %if.then, label %if.else
%a = add i32 %x, 5
store volatile i32 %a, i32* %y
br label %if.end
%b = add i32 %x, 7
store volatile i32 %b, i32* %y
br label %if.end
ret i32 1
; CHECK-LABEL: test6
; CHECK: select
; CHECK: store volatile
; CHECK-NOT: store
define i32 @test7(i1 zeroext %flag, i32 %x, i32* %y) {
br i1 %flag, label %if.then, label %if.else
%z = load volatile i32, i32* %y
%a = add i32 %z, 5
store volatile i32 %a, i32* %y
br label %if.end
%w = load volatile i32, i32* %y
%b = add i32 %w, 7
store volatile i32 %b, i32* %y
br label %if.end
ret i32 1
; CHECK-LABEL: test7
; CHECK-DAG: select
; CHECK-DAG: load volatile
; CHECK: store volatile
; CHECK-NOT: load
; CHECK-NOT: store
; %z and %w are in different blocks. We shouldn't sink the add because
; there may be intervening memory instructions.
define i32 @test8(i1 zeroext %flag, i32 %x, i32* %y) {
%z = load volatile i32, i32* %y
br i1 %flag, label %if.then, label %if.else
%a = add i32 %z, 5
store volatile i32 %a, i32* %y
br label %if.end
%w = load volatile i32, i32* %y
%b = add i32 %w, 7
store volatile i32 %b, i32* %y
br label %if.end
ret i32 1
; CHECK-LABEL: test8
; CHECK: add
; CHECK: add
; The extra store in %if.then means %z and %w are not equivalent.
define i32 @test9(i1 zeroext %flag, i32 %x, i32* %y, i32* %p) {
br i1 %flag, label %if.then, label %if.else
store i32 7, i32* %p
%z = load volatile i32, i32* %y
store i32 6, i32* %p
%a = add i32 %z, 5
store volatile i32 %a, i32* %y
br label %if.end
%w = load volatile i32, i32* %y
%b = add i32 %w, 7
store volatile i32 %b, i32* %y
br label %if.end
ret i32 1
; CHECK-LABEL: test9
; CHECK: add
; CHECK: add
%struct.anon = type { i32, i32 }
; The GEP indexes a struct type so cannot have a variable last index.
define i32 @test10(i1 zeroext %flag, i32 %x, i32* %y, %struct.anon* %s) {
br i1 %flag, label %if.then, label %if.else
%dummy = add i32 %x, 5
%gepa = getelementptr inbounds %struct.anon, %struct.anon* %s, i32 0, i32 0
store volatile i32 %x, i32* %gepa
br label %if.end
%dummy1 = add i32 %x, 6
%gepb = getelementptr inbounds %struct.anon, %struct.anon* %s, i32 0, i32 1
store volatile i32 %x, i32* %gepb
br label %if.end
ret i32 1
; CHECK-LABEL: test10
; CHECK: getelementptr
; CHECK: getelementptr
; CHECK: phi
; CHECK: store volatile
; The shufflevector's mask operand cannot be merged in a PHI.
define i32 @test11(i1 zeroext %flag, i32 %w, <2 x i32> %x, <2 x i32> %y) {
br i1 %flag, label %if.then, label %if.else
%dummy = add i32 %w, 5
%sv1 = shufflevector <2 x i32> %x, <2 x i32> %y, <2 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1>
br label %if.end
%dummy1 = add i32 %w, 6
%sv2 = shufflevector <2 x i32> %x, <2 x i32> %y, <2 x i32> <i32 1, i32 0>
br label %if.end
%p = phi <2 x i32> [ %sv1, %if.then ], [ %sv2, %if.else ]
ret i32 1
; CHECK-LABEL: test11
; CHECK: shufflevector
; CHECK: shufflevector
; We can't common an intrinsic!
define i32 @test12(i1 zeroext %flag, i32 %w, i32 %x, i32 %y) {
br i1 %flag, label %if.then, label %if.else
%dummy = add i32 %w, 5
%sv1 = call i32 @llvm.ctlz.i32(i32 %x)
br label %if.end
%dummy1 = add i32 %w, 6
%sv2 = call i32 @llvm.cttz.i32(i32 %x)
br label %if.end
%p = phi i32 [ %sv1, %if.then ], [ %sv2, %if.else ]
ret i32 1
declare i32 @llvm.ctlz.i32(i32 %x) readnone
declare i32 @llvm.cttz.i32(i32 %x) readnone
; CHECK-LABEL: test12
; CHECK: call i32 @llvm.ctlz
; CHECK: call i32 @llvm.cttz
2016-08-30 18:56:08 +08:00
; The TBAA metadata should be properly combined.
define i32 @test13(i1 zeroext %flag, i32 %x, i32* %y) {
br i1 %flag, label %if.then, label %if.else
%z = load volatile i32, i32* %y
%a = add i32 %z, 5
store volatile i32 %a, i32* %y, !tbaa !3
br label %if.end
%w = load volatile i32, i32* %y
%b = add i32 %w, 7
store volatile i32 %b, i32* %y, !tbaa !4
br label %if.end
ret i32 1
!0 = !{ !"an example type tree" }
!1 = !{ !"int", !0 }
!2 = !{ !"float", !0 }
!3 = !{ !"const float", !2, i64 0 }
!4 = !{ !"special float", !2, i64 1 }
; CHECK-LABEL: test13
; CHECK-DAG: select
; CHECK-DAG: load volatile
2017-11-13 09:47:52 +08:00
; CHECK: store volatile {{.*}}, !tbaa ![[$TBAA:[0-9]]]
2016-08-30 18:56:08 +08:00
; CHECK-NOT: load
; CHECK-NOT: store
2016-08-31 18:46:16 +08:00
; The call should be commoned.
define i32 @test13a(i1 zeroext %flag, i32 %w, i32 %x, i32 %y) {
br i1 %flag, label %if.then, label %if.else
%sv1 = call i32 @bar(i32 %x)
br label %if.end
%sv2 = call i32 @bar(i32 %y)
br label %if.end
%p = phi i32 [ %sv1, %if.then ], [ %sv2, %if.else ]
ret i32 1
declare i32 @bar(i32)
; CHECK-LABEL: test13a
; CHECK: %[[x:.*]] = select i1 %flag
; CHECK: call i32 @bar(i32 %[[x]])
[SimplifyCFG] Change the algorithm in SinkThenElseCodeToEnd
r279460 rewrote this function to be able to handle more than two incoming edges and took pains to ensure this didn't regress anything.
This time we change the logic for determining if an instruction should be sunk. Previously we used a single pass greedy algorithm - sink instructions until one requires more than one PHI node or we run out of instructions to sink.
This had the problem that sinking instructions that had non-identical but trivially the same operands needed extra logic so we sunk them aggressively. For example:
%a = load i32* %b %d = load i32* %b
%c = gep i32* %a, i32 0 %e = gep i32* %d, i32 1
Sinking %c and %e would naively require two PHI merges as %a != %d. But the loads are obviously equivalent (and maybe can't be hoisted because there is no common predecessor).
This is why we implemented the fairly complex function areValuesTriviallySame(), to look through trivial differences like this. However it's just not clever enough.
Instead, throw areValuesTriviallySame away, use pointer equality to check equivalence of operands and switch to a two-stage algorithm.
In the "scan" stage, we look at every sinkable instruction in isolation from end of block to front. If it's sinkable, we keep track of all operands that required PHI merging.
In the "sink" stage, we iteratively sink the last non-terminator in the source blocks. But when calculating how many PHIs are actually required to be inserted (to work out if we should stop or not) we remove any values that have already been sunk from the set of PHI-merges required, which allows us to be more aggressive.
This turns an algorithm with potentially recursive lookahead (looking through GEPs, casts, loads and any other instruction potentially not CSE'd) to two linear scans.
llvm-svn: 280351
2016-09-01 18:44:35 +08:00
; The load should be commoned.
define i32 @test14(i1 zeroext %flag, i32 %w, i32 %x, i32 %y, %struct.anon* %s) {
br i1 %flag, label %if.then, label %if.else
%dummy = add i32 %x, 1
%gepa = getelementptr inbounds %struct.anon, %struct.anon* %s, i32 0, i32 1
%sv1 = load i32, i32* %gepa
%cmp1 = icmp eq i32 %sv1, 56
br label %if.end
%dummy2 = add i32 %x, 4
%gepb = getelementptr inbounds %struct.anon, %struct.anon* %s, i32 0, i32 1
%sv2 = load i32, i32* %gepb
%cmp2 = icmp eq i32 %sv2, 57
2017-07-29 04:21:02 +08:00
call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata i32 0, metadata !9, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !11
[SimplifyCFG] Change the algorithm in SinkThenElseCodeToEnd
r279460 rewrote this function to be able to handle more than two incoming edges and took pains to ensure this didn't regress anything.
This time we change the logic for determining if an instruction should be sunk. Previously we used a single pass greedy algorithm - sink instructions until one requires more than one PHI node or we run out of instructions to sink.
This had the problem that sinking instructions that had non-identical but trivially the same operands needed extra logic so we sunk them aggressively. For example:
%a = load i32* %b %d = load i32* %b
%c = gep i32* %a, i32 0 %e = gep i32* %d, i32 1
Sinking %c and %e would naively require two PHI merges as %a != %d. But the loads are obviously equivalent (and maybe can't be hoisted because there is no common predecessor).
This is why we implemented the fairly complex function areValuesTriviallySame(), to look through trivial differences like this. However it's just not clever enough.
Instead, throw areValuesTriviallySame away, use pointer equality to check equivalence of operands and switch to a two-stage algorithm.
In the "scan" stage, we look at every sinkable instruction in isolation from end of block to front. If it's sinkable, we keep track of all operands that required PHI merging.
In the "sink" stage, we iteratively sink the last non-terminator in the source blocks. But when calculating how many PHIs are actually required to be inserted (to work out if we should stop or not) we remove any values that have already been sunk from the set of PHI-merges required, which allows us to be more aggressive.
This turns an algorithm with potentially recursive lookahead (looking through GEPs, casts, loads and any other instruction potentially not CSE'd) to two linear scans.
llvm-svn: 280351
2016-09-01 18:44:35 +08:00
br label %if.end
%p = phi i1 [ %cmp1, %if.then ], [ %cmp2, %if.else ]
ret i32 1
2017-07-29 04:21:02 +08:00
declare void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata, metadata, metadata)
2016-10-18 03:28:44 +08:00
!llvm.module.flags = !{!5, !6}
!llvm.dbg.cu = !{!7}
!5 = !{i32 2, !"Dwarf Version", i32 4}
!6 = !{i32 2, !"Debug Info Version", i32 3}
!7 = distinct !DICompileUnit(language: DW_LANG_C99, file: !10)
!8 = distinct !DISubprogram(name: "foo", unit: !7)
!9 = !DILocalVariable(name: "b", line: 1, arg: 2, scope: !8)
!10 = !DIFile(filename: "a.c", directory: "a/b")
!11 = !DILocation(line: 1, column: 14, scope: !8)
[SimplifyCFG] Change the algorithm in SinkThenElseCodeToEnd
r279460 rewrote this function to be able to handle more than two incoming edges and took pains to ensure this didn't regress anything.
This time we change the logic for determining if an instruction should be sunk. Previously we used a single pass greedy algorithm - sink instructions until one requires more than one PHI node or we run out of instructions to sink.
This had the problem that sinking instructions that had non-identical but trivially the same operands needed extra logic so we sunk them aggressively. For example:
%a = load i32* %b %d = load i32* %b
%c = gep i32* %a, i32 0 %e = gep i32* %d, i32 1
Sinking %c and %e would naively require two PHI merges as %a != %d. But the loads are obviously equivalent (and maybe can't be hoisted because there is no common predecessor).
This is why we implemented the fairly complex function areValuesTriviallySame(), to look through trivial differences like this. However it's just not clever enough.
Instead, throw areValuesTriviallySame away, use pointer equality to check equivalence of operands and switch to a two-stage algorithm.
In the "scan" stage, we look at every sinkable instruction in isolation from end of block to front. If it's sinkable, we keep track of all operands that required PHI merging.
In the "sink" stage, we iteratively sink the last non-terminator in the source blocks. But when calculating how many PHIs are actually required to be inserted (to work out if we should stop or not) we remove any values that have already been sunk from the set of PHI-merges required, which allows us to be more aggressive.
This turns an algorithm with potentially recursive lookahead (looking through GEPs, casts, loads and any other instruction potentially not CSE'd) to two linear scans.
llvm-svn: 280351
2016-09-01 18:44:35 +08:00
; CHECK-LABEL: test14
; CHECK: getelementptr
; CHECK: load
; CHECK-NOT: load
; The load should be commoned.
define i32 @test15(i1 zeroext %flag, i32 %w, i32 %x, i32 %y, %struct.anon* %s) {
br i1 %flag, label %if.then, label %if.else
%dummy = add i32 %x, 1
%gepa = getelementptr inbounds %struct.anon, %struct.anon* %s, i32 0, i32 0
%sv1 = load i32, i32* %gepa
%ext1 = zext i32 %sv1 to i64
%cmp1 = icmp eq i64 %ext1, 56
br label %if.end
%dummy2 = add i32 %x, 4
%gepb = getelementptr inbounds %struct.anon, %struct.anon* %s, i32 0, i32 1
%sv2 = load i32, i32* %gepb
%ext2 = zext i32 %sv2 to i64
%cmp2 = icmp eq i64 %ext2, 57
br label %if.end
%p = phi i1 [ %cmp1, %if.then ], [ %cmp2, %if.else ]
ret i32 1
; CHECK-LABEL: test15
; CHECK: getelementptr
; CHECK: load
; CHECK-NOT: load
define zeroext i1 @test_crash(i1 zeroext %flag, i32* %i4, i32* %m, i32* %n) {
br i1 %flag, label %if.then, label %if.else
%tmp1 = load i32, i32* %i4
%tmp2 = add i32 %tmp1, -1
store i32 %tmp2, i32* %i4
br label %if.end
%tmp3 = load i32, i32* %m
%tmp4 = load i32, i32* %n
%tmp5 = add i32 %tmp3, %tmp4
store i32 %tmp5, i32* %i4
br label %if.end
ret i1 true
; CHECK-LABEL: test_crash
; No checks for test_crash - just ensure it doesn't crash!
2016-09-01 20:58:13 +08:00
define zeroext i1 @test16(i1 zeroext %flag, i1 zeroext %flag2, i32 %blksA, i32 %blksB, i32 %nblks) {
br i1 %flag, label %if.then, label %if.else
%cmp = icmp uge i32 %blksA, %nblks
%frombool1 = zext i1 %cmp to i8
br label %if.end
br i1 %flag2, label %if.then2, label %if.end
%add = add i32 %nblks, %blksB
%cmp2 = icmp ule i32 %add, %blksA
%frombool3 = zext i1 %cmp2 to i8
br label %if.end
%obeys.0 = phi i8 [ %frombool1, %if.then ], [ %frombool3, %if.then2 ], [ 0, %if.else ]
%tobool4 = icmp ne i8 %obeys.0, 0
ret i1 %tobool4
; CHECK-LABEL: test16
; CHECK: zext
2016-09-11 16:07:30 +08:00
; CHECK: zext
define zeroext i1 @test16a(i1 zeroext %flag, i1 zeroext %flag2, i32 %blksA, i32 %blksB, i32 %nblks, i8* %p) {
br i1 %flag, label %if.then, label %if.else
%cmp = icmp uge i32 %blksA, %nblks
%frombool1 = zext i1 %cmp to i8
store i8 %frombool1, i8* %p
br label %if.end
br i1 %flag2, label %if.then2, label %if.end
%add = add i32 %nblks, %blksB
%cmp2 = icmp ule i32 %add, %blksA
%frombool3 = zext i1 %cmp2 to i8
store i8 %frombool3, i8* %p
br label %if.end
ret i1 true
; CHECK-LABEL: test16a
; CHECK: zext
2016-09-01 20:58:13 +08:00
; CHECK-NOT: zext
define zeroext i1 @test17(i32 %flag, i32 %blksA, i32 %blksB, i32 %nblks) {
switch i32 %flag, label %if.end [
i32 0, label %if.then
i32 1, label %if.then2
%cmp = icmp uge i32 %blksA, %nblks
2016-09-11 16:07:30 +08:00
%frombool1 = call i8 @i1toi8(i1 %cmp)
2016-09-01 20:58:13 +08:00
br label %if.end
%add = add i32 %nblks, %blksB
%cmp2 = icmp ule i32 %add, %blksA
2016-09-11 16:07:30 +08:00
%frombool3 = call i8 @i1toi8(i1 %cmp2)
2016-09-01 20:58:13 +08:00
br label %if.end
%obeys.0 = phi i8 [ %frombool1, %if.then ], [ %frombool3, %if.then2 ], [ 0, %entry ]
%tobool4 = icmp ne i8 %obeys.0, 0
ret i1 %tobool4
2016-09-11 16:07:30 +08:00
declare i8 @i1toi8(i1)
2016-09-01 20:58:13 +08:00
; CHECK-LABEL: test17
; CHECK: if.then:
; CHECK-NEXT: icmp uge
; CHECK-NEXT: br label %[[x:.*]]
; CHECK: if.then2:
; CHECK-NEXT: icmp ule
; CHECK-NEXT: br label %[[x]]
; CHECK: [[x]]:
; CHECK-NEXT: %[[y:.*]] = phi i1 [ %cmp
2016-09-11 16:07:30 +08:00
; CHECK-NEXT: %[[z:.*]] = call i8 @i1toi8(i1 %[[y]])
2016-09-01 20:58:13 +08:00
; CHECK-NEXT: br label %if.end
; CHECK: if.end:
; CHECK-NEXT: phi i8
; CHECK-DAG: [ %[[z]], %[[x]] ]
; CHECK-DAG: [ 0, %entry ]
define zeroext i1 @test18(i32 %flag, i32 %blksA, i32 %blksB, i32 %nblks) {
switch i32 %flag, label %if.then3 [
i32 0, label %if.then
i32 1, label %if.then2
%cmp = icmp uge i32 %blksA, %nblks
%frombool1 = zext i1 %cmp to i8
br label %if.end
%add = add i32 %nblks, %blksB
%cmp2 = icmp ule i32 %add, %blksA
%frombool3 = zext i1 %cmp2 to i8
br label %if.end
%add2 = add i32 %nblks, %blksA
%cmp3 = icmp ule i32 %add2, %blksA
%frombool4 = zext i1 %cmp3 to i8
br label %if.end
%obeys.0 = phi i8 [ %frombool1, %if.then ], [ %frombool3, %if.then2 ], [ %frombool4, %if.then3 ]
%tobool4 = icmp ne i8 %obeys.0, 0
ret i1 %tobool4
; CHECK-LABEL: test18
; CHECK: if.end:
; CHECK-NEXT: %[[x:.*]] = phi i1
; CHECK-DAG: [ %cmp, %if.then ]
; CHECK-DAG: [ %cmp2, %if.then2 ]
; CHECK-DAG: [ %cmp3, %if.then3 ]
; CHECK-NEXT: zext i1 %[[x]] to i8
2016-09-02 15:29:00 +08:00
define i32 @test_pr30188(i1 zeroext %flag, i32 %x) {
%y = alloca i32
%z = alloca i32
br i1 %flag, label %if.then, label %if.else
store i32 %x, i32* %y
br label %if.end
store i32 %x, i32* %z
br label %if.end
ret i32 1
; CHECK-LABEL: test_pr30188
; CHECK-NOT: select
; CHECK: store
; CHECK: store
2016-09-07 16:40:20 +08:00
define i32 @test_pr30188a(i1 zeroext %flag, i32 %x) {
%y = alloca i32
%z = alloca i32
br i1 %flag, label %if.then, label %if.else
call void @g()
%one = load i32, i32* %y
%two = add i32 %one, 2
store i32 %two, i32* %y
br label %if.end
%three = load i32, i32* %z
%four = add i32 %three, 2
store i32 %four, i32* %y
br label %if.end
ret i32 1
; CHECK-LABEL: test_pr30188a
; CHECK-NOT: select
; CHECK: load
; CHECK: load
; CHECK: store
2016-09-07 16:15:54 +08:00
; The phi is confusing - both add instructions are used by it, but
; not on their respective unconditional arcs. It should not be
; optimized.
define void @test_pr30292(i1 %cond, i1 %cond2, i32 %a, i32 %b) {
%add1 = add i32 %a, 1
br label %succ
br i1 %cond, label %two, label %succ
call void @g()
%add2 = add i32 %a, 1
br label %succ
%p = phi i32 [ 0, %entry ], [ %add1, %one ], [ %add2, %two ]
br label %one
declare void @g()
; CHECK-LABEL: test_pr30292
; CHECK: phi i32 [ 0, %entry ], [ %add1, %succ ], [ %add2, %two ]
2016-09-11 17:00:03 +08:00
define zeroext i1 @test_pr30244(i1 zeroext %flag, i1 zeroext %flag2, i32 %blksA, i32 %blksB, i32 %nblks) {
2016-09-11 16:07:30 +08:00
2016-09-11 17:00:03 +08:00
%p = alloca i8
br i1 %flag, label %if.then, label %if.else
2016-09-11 16:07:30 +08:00
2016-09-11 17:00:03 +08:00
%cmp = icmp uge i32 %blksA, %nblks
%frombool1 = zext i1 %cmp to i8
store i8 %frombool1, i8* %p
br label %if.end
2016-09-11 16:07:30 +08:00
2016-09-11 17:00:03 +08:00
br i1 %flag2, label %if.then2, label %if.end
2016-09-11 16:07:30 +08:00
2016-09-11 17:00:03 +08:00
%add = add i32 %nblks, %blksB
%cmp2 = icmp ule i32 %add, %blksA
%frombool3 = zext i1 %cmp2 to i8
store i8 %frombool3, i8* %p
br label %if.end
ret i1 true
2016-09-11 16:07:30 +08:00
2016-09-11 17:00:03 +08:00
; CHECK-LABEL: @test_pr30244
; CHECK: store
; CHECK: store
2016-09-11 16:07:30 +08:00
2016-09-19 16:23:08 +08:00
define i32 @test_pr30373a(i1 zeroext %flag, i32 %x, i32 %y) {
br i1 %flag, label %if.then, label %if.else
%x0 = call i32 @foo(i32 %x, i32 0) nounwind readnone
%y0 = call i32 @foo(i32 %x, i32 1) nounwind readnone
%z0 = lshr i32 %y0, 8
br label %if.end
%x1 = call i32 @foo(i32 %y, i32 0) nounwind readnone
%y1 = call i32 @foo(i32 %y, i32 1) nounwind readnone
%z1 = lshr exact i32 %y1, 8
br label %if.end
%xx = phi i32 [ %x0, %if.then ], [ %x1, %if.else ]
%yy = phi i32 [ %z0, %if.then ], [ %z1, %if.else ]
%ret = add i32 %xx, %yy
ret i32 %ret
; CHECK-LABEL: test_pr30373a
; CHECK: lshr
; CHECK-NOT: exact
; CHECK: }
define i32 @test_pr30373b(i1 zeroext %flag, i32 %x, i32 %y) {
br i1 %flag, label %if.then, label %if.else
%x0 = call i32 @foo(i32 %x, i32 0) nounwind readnone
%y0 = call i32 @foo(i32 %x, i32 1) nounwind readnone
%z0 = lshr exact i32 %y0, 8
br label %if.end
%x1 = call i32 @foo(i32 %y, i32 0) nounwind readnone
%y1 = call i32 @foo(i32 %y, i32 1) nounwind readnone
%z1 = lshr i32 %y1, 8
br label %if.end
%xx = phi i32 [ %x0, %if.then ], [ %x1, %if.else ]
%yy = phi i32 [ %z0, %if.then ], [ %z1, %if.else ]
%ret = add i32 %xx, %yy
ret i32 %ret
; CHECK-LABEL: test_pr30373b
; CHECK: lshr
; CHECK-NOT: exact
; CHECK: }
[SimplifyCFG] Do not sink and merge inline-asm instructions.
Conservatively disable sinking and merging inline-asm instructions as doing so
can potentially create arguments that cannot satisfy the inline-asm constraints.
For example, SimplifyCFG used to do the following transformation:
%0 = call i32 asm "rorl $2, $0", "=&r,0,n"(i32 %r6, i32 8)
br label %if.end
%1 = call i32 asm "rorl $2, $0", "=&r,0,n"(i32 %r6, i32 6)
br label %if.end
%.sink = select i1 %tobool, i32 6, i32 8
%0 = call i32 asm "rorl $2, $0", "=&r,0,n"(i32 %r6, i32 %.sink)
This would result in a crash in the backend since only immediate integer operands
are permitted for constraint "n".
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D29111
llvm-svn: 293025
2017-01-25 14:21:51 +08:00
; Check that simplifycfg doesn't sink and merge inline-asm instructions.
define i32 @test_inline_asm1(i32 %c, i32 %r6) {
%tobool = icmp eq i32 %c, 0
br i1 %tobool, label %if.else, label %if.then
%0 = call i32 asm "rorl $2, $0", "=&r,0,n,~{dirflag},~{fpsr},~{flags}"(i32 %r6, i32 8)
br label %if.end
%1 = call i32 asm "rorl $2, $0", "=&r,0,n,~{dirflag},~{fpsr},~{flags}"(i32 %r6, i32 6)
br label %if.end
%r6.addr.0 = phi i32 [ %0, %if.then ], [ %1, %if.else ]
ret i32 %r6.addr.0
; CHECK-LABEL: @test_inline_asm1(
; CHECK: call i32 asm "rorl $2, $0", "=&r,0,n,~{dirflag},~{fpsr},~{flags}"(i32 %r6, i32 8)
; CHECK: call i32 asm "rorl $2, $0", "=&r,0,n,~{dirflag},~{fpsr},~{flags}"(i32 %r6, i32 6)
2016-10-13 02:15:33 +08:00
declare i32 @call_target()
define void @test_operand_bundles(i1 %cond, i32* %ptr) {
br i1 %cond, label %left, label %right
%val0 = call i32 @call_target() [ "deopt"(i32 10) ]
store i32 %val0, i32* %ptr
br label %merge
%val1 = call i32 @call_target() [ "deopt"(i32 20) ]
store i32 %val1, i32* %ptr
br label %merge
ret void
; CHECK-LABEL: @test_operand_bundles(
; CHECK: left:
; CHECK-NEXT: %val0 = call i32 @call_target() [ "deopt"(i32 10) ]
; CHECK: right:
; CHECK-NEXT: %val1 = call i32 @call_target() [ "deopt"(i32 20) ]
2017-07-07 02:47:05 +08:00
%T = type {i32, i32}
define i32 @test_insertvalue(i1 zeroext %flag, %T %P) {
br i1 %flag, label %if.then, label %if.else
%t1 = insertvalue %T %P, i32 0, 0
br label %if.end
%t2 = insertvalue %T %P, i32 1, 0
br label %if.end
%t = phi %T [%t1, %if.then], [%t2, %if.else]
ret i32 1
; CHECK-LABEL: @test_insertvalue
; CHECK: select
; CHECK: insertvalue
; CHECK-NOT: insertvalue
2017-11-13 09:47:52 +08:00
; CHECK: ![[$TBAA]] = !{![[TYPE:[0-9]]], ![[TYPE]], i64 0}
2016-10-18 03:28:44 +08:00
; CHECK: ![[TYPE]] = !{!"float", ![[TEXT:[0-9]]]}
; CHECK: ![[TEXT]] = !{!"an example type tree"}