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ABI Changelog
This changelog contains information about ABI changes in libc++. Specifically
the addition and deletion of symbols from the libc++ dylib.
Each entry should start with the revision number followed by a description of
the change. The entry should contain a summary of the ABI changes made,
including what symbols were added, removed, or changed.
To generate a summary use "sym_diff.py" diffing against the appropriate ABI list.
Afterwards the ABI list should be updated to include the new changes.
New entries should be added directly below the "Version" header.
Version 4.0
* r283980 - Implement C++17 <optional>
Symbol added: _ZTISt19bad_optional_access
Symbol added: _ZNSt19bad_optional_accessD0Ev
Symbol added: _ZNSt19bad_optional_accessD1Ev
Symbol added: _ZNSt19bad_optional_accessD2Ev
Symbol added: _ZTVSt19bad_optional_access
Symbol added: _ZTSSt19bad_optional_access
* r278310 - Implement C++17 <any>
Symbol added: _ZNKSt12bad_any_cast4whatEv
Symbol added: _ZNSt12bad_any_castD0Ev
Symbol added: _ZTISt12bad_any_cast
Symbol added: _ZTSSt12bad_any_cast
Symbol added: _ZTVSt12bad_any_cast