2014-02-26 10:36:06 +08:00
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple i686-linux -Wno-string-plus-int -Wno-pointer-arith -Wno-zero-length-array -fsyntax-only -fcxx-exceptions -verify -std=c++11 -pedantic %s -Wno-comment -Wno-tautological-pointer-compare -Wno-bool-conversion
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
namespace StaticAssertFoldTest {
int x ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( + + x , " test " ) ; // expected-error {{not an integral constant expression}}
static_assert ( false , " test " ) ; // expected-error {{test}}
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
2011-12-21 10:55:12 +08:00
typedef decltype ( sizeof ( char ) ) size_t ;
template < typename T > constexpr T id ( const T & t ) { return t ; }
template < typename T > constexpr T min ( const T & a , const T & b ) {
return a < b ? a : b ;
template < typename T > constexpr T max ( const T & a , const T & b ) {
return a < b ? b : a ;
template < typename T , size_t N > constexpr T * begin ( T ( & xs ) [ N ] ) { return xs ; }
template < typename T , size_t N > constexpr T * end ( T ( & xs ) [ N ] ) { return xs + N ; }
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
struct MemberZero {
2013-04-21 09:08:50 +08:00
constexpr int zero ( ) const { return 0 ; }
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
} ;
namespace DerivedToVBaseCast {
struct U { int n ; } ;
struct V : U { int n ; } ;
struct A : virtual V { int n ; } ;
struct Aa { int n ; } ;
struct B : virtual A , Aa { } ;
struct C : virtual A , Aa { } ;
struct D : B , C { } ;
D d ;
constexpr B * p = & d ;
constexpr C * q = & d ;
2012-02-02 09:16:57 +08:00
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( ( void * ) p ! = ( void * ) q , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ( A * ) p = = ( A * ) q , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ( Aa * ) p ! = ( Aa * ) q , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
constexpr B & pp = d ;
constexpr C & qq = d ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( ( void * ) & pp ! = ( void * ) & qq , " " ) ;
static_assert ( & ( A & ) pp = = & ( A & ) qq , " " ) ;
static_assert ( & ( Aa & ) pp ! = & ( Aa & ) qq , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
constexpr V * v = p ;
constexpr V * w = q ;
constexpr V * x = ( A * ) p ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( v = = w , " " ) ;
static_assert ( v = = x , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( ( U * ) & d = = p , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ( U * ) & d = = q , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ( U * ) & d = = v , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ( U * ) & d = = w , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ( U * ) & d = = x , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
struct X { } ;
struct Y1 : virtual X { } ;
struct Y2 : X { } ;
struct Z : Y1 , Y2 { } ;
Z z ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( ( X * ) ( Y1 * ) & z ! = ( X * ) ( Y2 * ) & z , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
2011-11-11 16:28:03 +08:00
namespace ConstCast {
constexpr int n1 = 0 ;
constexpr int n2 = const_cast < int & > ( n1 ) ;
constexpr int * n3 = const_cast < int * > ( & n1 ) ;
constexpr int n4 = * const_cast < int * > ( & n1 ) ;
constexpr const int * const * n5 = const_cast < const int * const * > ( & n3 ) ;
constexpr int * * n6 = const_cast < int * * > ( & n3 ) ;
constexpr int n7 = * * n5 ;
constexpr int n8 = * * n6 ;
2013-06-15 06:27:52 +08:00
// const_cast from prvalue to xvalue.
struct A { int n ; } ;
constexpr int n9 = ( const_cast < A & & > ( A { 123 } ) ) . n ;
static_assert ( n9 = = 123 , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 16:28:03 +08:00
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
namespace TemplateArgumentConversion {
template < int n > struct IntParam { } ;
using IntParam0 = IntParam < 0 > ;
2011-12-21 10:55:12 +08:00
using IntParam0 = IntParam < id ( 0 ) > ;
2011-12-22 10:22:31 +08:00
using IntParam0 = IntParam < MemberZero ( ) . zero > ; // expected-error {{did you mean to call it with no arguments?}}
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
namespace CaseStatements {
2014-11-14 07:03:19 +08:00
int x ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
void f ( int n ) {
switch ( n ) {
2012-01-19 07:55:52 +08:00
case MemberZero ( ) . zero : / / expected - error { { did you mean to call it with no arguments ? } } expected - note { { previous } }
case id ( 0 ) : / / expected - error { { duplicate case value ' 0 ' } }
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
return ;
2014-11-14 07:03:19 +08:00
case __builtin_constant_p ( true ) ? ( __SIZE_TYPE__ ) & x : 0 : ; // expected-error {{constant}}
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
extern int & Recurse1 ;
2012-03-02 12:14:40 +08:00
int & Recurse2 = Recurse1 ; // expected-note {{declared here}}
int & Recurse1 = Recurse2 ;
2011-12-19 14:19:21 +08:00
constexpr int & Recurse3 = Recurse2 ; // expected-error {{must be initialized by a constant expression}} expected-note {{initializer of 'Recurse2' is not a constant expression}}
extern const int RecurseA ;
const int RecurseB = RecurseA ; // expected-note {{declared here}}
const int RecurseA = 10 ;
constexpr int RecurseC = RecurseB ; // expected-error {{must be initialized by a constant expression}} expected-note {{initializer of 'RecurseB' is not a constant expression}}
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
namespace MemberEnum {
struct WithMemberEnum {
enum E { A = 42 } ;
} wme ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( wme . A = = 42 , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
namespace DefaultArguments {
const int z = int ( ) ;
constexpr int Sum ( int a = 0 , const int & b = 0 , const int * c = & z , char d = 0 ) {
return a + b + * c + d ;
const int four = 4 ;
constexpr int eight = 8 ;
constexpr const int twentyseven = 27 ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( Sum ( ) = = 0 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( Sum ( 1 ) = = 1 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( Sum ( 1 , four ) = = 5 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( Sum ( 1 , eight , & twentyseven ) = = 36 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( Sum ( 1 , 2 , & four , eight ) = = 15 , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
namespace Ellipsis {
// Note, values passed through an ellipsis can't actually be used.
constexpr int F ( int a , . . . ) { return a ; }
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( F ( 0 ) = = 0 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( F ( 1 , 0 ) = = 1 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( F ( 2 , " test " ) = = 2 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( F ( 3 , & F ) = = 3 , " " ) ;
2011-12-21 13:04:46 +08:00
int k = 0 ; // expected-note {{here}}
static_assert ( F ( 4 , k ) = = 3 , " " ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{read of non-const variable 'k'}}
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
namespace Recursion {
constexpr int fib ( int n ) { return n > 1 ? fib ( n - 1 ) + fib ( n - 2 ) : n ; }
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( fib ( 11 ) = = 89 , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
constexpr int gcd_inner ( int a , int b ) {
return b = = 0 ? a : gcd_inner ( b , a % b ) ;
constexpr int gcd ( int a , int b ) {
return gcd_inner ( max ( a , b ) , min ( a , b ) ) ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( gcd ( 1749237 , 5628959 ) = = 7 , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
namespace FunctionCast {
// When folding, we allow functions to be cast to different types. Such
// cast functions cannot be called, even if they're constexpr.
constexpr int f ( ) { return 1 ; }
typedef double ( * DoubleFn ) ( ) ;
typedef int ( * IntFn ) ( ) ;
2011-12-30 05:57:33 +08:00
int a [ ( int ) DoubleFn ( f ) ( ) ] ; // expected-error {{variable length array}} expected-warning{{C99 feature}}
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
int b [ ( int ) IntFn ( f ) ( ) ] ; // ok
namespace StaticMemberFunction {
struct S {
static constexpr int k = 42 ;
static constexpr int f ( int n ) { return n * k + 2 ; }
} s ;
constexpr int n = s . f ( 19 ) ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( S : : f ( 19 ) = = 800 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( s . f ( 19 ) = = 800 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( n = = 800 , " " ) ;
2011-11-13 06:28:03 +08:00
constexpr int ( * sf1 ) ( int ) = & S : : f ;
constexpr int ( * sf2 ) ( int ) = & s . f ;
constexpr const int * sk = & s . k ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
namespace ParameterScopes {
const int k = 42 ;
2012-02-15 10:18:13 +08:00
constexpr const int & ObscureTheTruth ( const int & a ) { return a ; }
2011-12-19 14:19:21 +08:00
constexpr const int & MaybeReturnJunk ( bool b , const int a ) { // expected-note 2{{declared here}}
2012-02-15 10:18:13 +08:00
return ObscureTheTruth ( b ? a : k ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( MaybeReturnJunk ( false , 0 ) = = 42 , " " ) ; // ok
2012-02-15 10:18:13 +08:00
constexpr int a = MaybeReturnJunk ( true , 0 ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{read of variable whose lifetime has ended}}
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
2012-02-15 10:18:13 +08:00
constexpr const int MaybeReturnNonstaticRef ( bool b , const int a ) {
return ObscureTheTruth ( b ? a : k ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( MaybeReturnNonstaticRef ( false , 0 ) = = 42 , " " ) ; // ok
2012-02-15 10:18:13 +08:00
constexpr int b = MaybeReturnNonstaticRef ( true , 0 ) ; // ok
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
constexpr int InternalReturnJunk ( int n ) {
2012-02-15 10:18:13 +08:00
return MaybeReturnJunk ( true , n ) ; // expected-note {{read of variable whose lifetime has ended}}
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
2011-12-19 14:19:21 +08:00
constexpr int n3 = InternalReturnJunk ( 0 ) ; // expected-error {{must be initialized by a constant expression}} expected-note {{in call to 'InternalReturnJunk(0)'}}
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
constexpr int LToR ( int & n ) { return n ; }
constexpr int GrabCallersArgument ( bool which , int a , int b ) {
return LToR ( which ? b : a ) ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( GrabCallersArgument ( false , 1 , 2 ) = = 1 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( GrabCallersArgument ( true , 4 , 8 ) = = 8 , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
namespace Pointers {
constexpr int f ( int n , const int * a , const int * b , const int * c ) {
return n = = 0 ? 0 : * a + f ( n - 1 , b , c , a ) ;
const int x = 1 , y = 10 , z = 100 ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( f ( 23 , & x , & y , & z ) = = 788 , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
constexpr int g ( int n , int a , int b , int c ) {
return f ( n , & a , & b , & c ) ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( g ( 23 , x , y , z ) = = 788 , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
namespace FunctionPointers {
constexpr int Double ( int n ) { return 2 * n ; }
constexpr int Triple ( int n ) { return 3 * n ; }
constexpr int Twice ( int ( * F ) ( int ) , int n ) { return F ( F ( n ) ) ; }
constexpr int Quadruple ( int n ) { return Twice ( Double , n ) ; }
constexpr auto Select ( int n ) - > int ( * ) ( int ) {
return n = = 2 ? & Double : n = = 3 ? & Triple : n = = 4 ? & Quadruple : 0 ;
2011-12-19 14:19:21 +08:00
constexpr int Apply ( int ( * F ) ( int ) , int n ) { return F ( n ) ; } // expected-note {{subexpression}}
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( 1 + Apply ( Select ( 4 ) , 5 ) + Apply ( Select ( 3 ) , 7 ) = = 42 , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
2011-12-19 14:19:21 +08:00
constexpr int Invalid = Apply ( Select ( 0 ) , 0 ) ; // expected-error {{must be initialized by a constant expression}} expected-note {{in call to 'Apply(0, 0)'}}
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
namespace PointerComparison {
int x , y ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( & x = = & y , " false " ) ; // expected-error {{false}}
static_assert ( & x ! = & y , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
constexpr bool g1 = & x = = & y ;
constexpr bool g2 = & x ! = & y ;
constexpr bool g3 = & x < = & y ; // expected-error {{must be initialized by a constant expression}}
constexpr bool g4 = & x > = & y ; // expected-error {{must be initialized by a constant expression}}
constexpr bool g5 = & x < & y ; // expected-error {{must be initialized by a constant expression}}
constexpr bool g6 = & x > & y ; // expected-error {{must be initialized by a constant expression}}
struct S { int x , y ; } s ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( & s . x = = & s . y , " false " ) ; // expected-error {{false}}
static_assert ( & s . x ! = & s . y , " " ) ;
static_assert ( & s . x < = & s . y , " " ) ;
static_assert ( & s . x > = & s . y , " false " ) ; // expected-error {{false}}
static_assert ( & s . x < & s . y , " " ) ;
static_assert ( & s . x > & s . y , " false " ) ; // expected-error {{false}}
static_assert ( 0 = = & y , " false " ) ; // expected-error {{false}}
static_assert ( 0 ! = & y , " " ) ;
2016-10-22 06:00:42 +08:00
constexpr bool n3 = ( int * ) 0 < = & y ; // expected-error {{must be initialized by a constant expression}}
constexpr bool n4 = ( int * ) 0 > = & y ; // expected-error {{must be initialized by a constant expression}}
constexpr bool n5 = ( int * ) 0 < & y ; // expected-error {{must be initialized by a constant expression}}
constexpr bool n6 = ( int * ) 0 > & y ; // expected-error {{must be initialized by a constant expression}}
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( & x = = 0 , " false " ) ; // expected-error {{false}}
static_assert ( & x ! = 0 , " " ) ;
2016-10-22 06:00:42 +08:00
constexpr bool n9 = & x < = ( int * ) 0 ; // expected-error {{must be initialized by a constant expression}}
constexpr bool n10 = & x > = ( int * ) 0 ; // expected-error {{must be initialized by a constant expression}}
constexpr bool n11 = & x < ( int * ) 0 ; // expected-error {{must be initialized by a constant expression}}
constexpr bool n12 = & x > ( int * ) 0 ; // expected-error {{must be initialized by a constant expression}}
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( & x = = & x , " " ) ;
static_assert ( & x ! = & x , " false " ) ; // expected-error {{false}}
static_assert ( & x < = & x , " " ) ;
static_assert ( & x > = & x , " " ) ;
static_assert ( & x < & x , " false " ) ; // expected-error {{false}}
static_assert ( & x > & x , " false " ) ; // expected-error {{false}}
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
constexpr S * sptr = & s ;
2011-12-19 14:19:21 +08:00
constexpr bool dyncast = sptr = = dynamic_cast < S * > ( sptr ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{dynamic_cast}}
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
2012-02-08 16:11:33 +08:00
struct U { } ;
2011-12-12 20:46:16 +08:00
struct Str {
int a : dynamic_cast < S * > ( sptr ) = = dynamic_cast < S * > ( sptr ) ; / / \
2012-01-15 11:51:30 +08:00
expected - warning { { not an integral constant expression } } \
2011-12-13 03:10:03 +08:00
expected - note { { dynamic_cast is not allowed in a constant expression } }
2011-12-12 20:46:16 +08:00
int b : reinterpret_cast < S * > ( sptr ) = = reinterpret_cast < S * > ( sptr ) ; / / \
2012-01-15 11:51:30 +08:00
expected - warning { { not an integral constant expression } } \
2011-12-13 03:10:03 +08:00
expected - note { { reinterpret_cast is not allowed in a constant expression } }
2011-12-12 20:46:16 +08:00
int c : ( S * ) ( long ) ( sptr ) = = ( S * ) ( long ) ( sptr ) ; / / \
2012-01-15 11:51:30 +08:00
expected - warning { { not an integral constant expression } } \
2013-04-26 22:36:30 +08:00
expected - note { { cast that performs the conversions of a reinterpret_cast is not allowed in a constant expression } }
2011-12-12 20:46:16 +08:00
int d : ( S * ) ( 42 ) = = ( S * ) ( 42 ) ; / / \
2012-01-15 11:51:30 +08:00
expected - warning { { not an integral constant expression } } \
2013-04-26 22:36:30 +08:00
expected - note { { cast that performs the conversions of a reinterpret_cast is not allowed in a constant expression } }
2011-12-12 20:46:16 +08:00
int e : ( Str * ) ( sptr ) = = ( Str * ) ( sptr ) ; / / \
2012-01-15 11:51:30 +08:00
expected - warning { { not an integral constant expression } } \
2013-04-26 22:36:30 +08:00
expected - note { { cast that performs the conversions of a reinterpret_cast is not allowed in a constant expression } }
2012-02-08 16:11:33 +08:00
int f : & ( U & ) ( * sptr ) = = & ( U & ) ( * sptr ) ; / / \
2012-01-15 11:51:30 +08:00
expected - warning { { not an integral constant expression } } \
2013-04-26 22:36:30 +08:00
expected - note { { cast that performs the conversions of a reinterpret_cast is not allowed in a constant expression } }
2011-12-12 20:46:16 +08:00
int g : ( S * ) ( void * ) ( sptr ) = = sptr ; / / \
2012-01-15 11:51:30 +08:00
expected - warning { { not an integral constant expression } } \
2011-12-13 03:10:03 +08:00
expected - note { { cast from ' void * ' is not allowed in a constant expression } }
2011-12-12 20:46:16 +08:00
} ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
extern char externalvar [ ] ;
2015-12-03 09:36:22 +08:00
constexpr bool constaddress = ( void * ) externalvar = = ( void * ) 0x4000UL ; // expected-error {{must be initialized by a constant expression}} expected-note {{reinterpret_cast}}
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
constexpr bool litaddress = " foo " = = " foo " ; // expected-error {{must be initialized by a constant expression}} expected-warning {{unspecified}}
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( 0 ! = " foo " , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
namespace MaterializeTemporary {
constexpr int f ( const int & r ) { return r ; }
constexpr int n = f ( 1 ) ;
constexpr bool same ( const int & a , const int & b ) { return & a = = & b ; }
constexpr bool sameTemporary ( const int & n ) { return same ( n , n ) ; }
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( n , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ! same ( 4 , 4 ) , " " ) ;
static_assert ( same ( n , n ) , " " ) ;
static_assert ( sameTemporary ( 9 ) , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
2013-06-05 08:46:14 +08:00
struct A { int & & r ; } ;
struct B { A & & a1 ; A & & a2 ; } ;
constexpr B b1 { { 1 } , { 2 } } ; // expected-note {{temporary created here}}
static_assert ( & b1 . a1 ! = & b1 . a2 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( & b1 . a1 . r ! = & b1 . a2 . r , " " ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{outside the expression that created the temporary}}
constexpr B & & b2 { { 3 } , { 4 } } ; // expected-note {{temporary created here}}
static_assert ( & b1 ! = & b2 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( & b1 . a1 ! = & b2 . a1 , " " ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{outside the expression that created the temporary}}
constexpr thread_local B b3 { { 1 } , { 2 } } ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{reference to temporary}} expected-note {{here}}
void foo ( ) {
constexpr static B b1 { { 1 } , { 2 } } ; // ok
constexpr thread_local B b2 { { 1 } , { 2 } } ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{reference to temporary}} expected-note {{here}}
constexpr B b3 { { 1 } , { 2 } } ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{reference to temporary}} expected-note {{here}}
constexpr B & & b4 = ( ( 1 , 2 ) , 3 , 4 , B { { 10 } , { { 20 } } } ) ; // expected-warning 4{{unused}}
static_assert ( & b4 ! = & b2 , " " ) ;
// Proposed DR: copy-elision doesn't trigger lifetime extension.
constexpr B b5 = B { { 0 } , { 0 } } ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{reference to temporary}} expected-note {{here}}
2013-06-06 16:19:16 +08:00
namespace NestedNonStatic {
// Proposed DR: for a reference constant expression to refer to a static
// storage duration temporary, that temporary must itself be initialized
// by a constant expression (a core constant expression is not enough).
struct A { int & & r ; } ;
struct B { A & & a ; } ;
constexpr B a = { A { 0 } } ; // ok
constexpr B b = { A ( A { 0 } ) } ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{reference to temporary}} expected-note {{here}}
2013-06-08 08:02:08 +08:00
namespace FakeInitList {
struct init_list_3_ints { const int ( & x ) [ 3 ] ; } ;
struct init_list_2_init_list_3_ints { const init_list_3_ints ( & x ) [ 2 ] ; } ;
constexpr init_list_2_init_list_3_ints ils = { { { { 1 , 2 , 3 } } , { { 4 , 5 , 6 } } } } ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
constexpr int strcmp_ce ( const char * p , const char * q ) {
return ( ! * p | | * p ! = * q ) ? * p - * q : strcmp_ce ( p + 1 , q + 1 ) ;
namespace StringLiteral {
2011-12-21 10:55:12 +08:00
template < typename Char >
constexpr int MangleChars ( const Char * p ) {
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
return * p + 3 * ( * p ? MangleChars ( p + 1 ) : 0 ) ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( MangleChars ( " constexpr! " ) = = 1768383 , " " ) ;
2012-01-13 02:54:33 +08:00
static_assert ( MangleChars ( u8 " constexpr! " ) = = 1768383 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( MangleChars ( L " constexpr! " ) = = 1768383 , " " ) ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( MangleChars ( u " constexpr! " ) = = 1768383 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( MangleChars ( U " constexpr! " ) = = 1768383 , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
constexpr char c0 = " nought index " [ 0 ] ;
constexpr char c1 = " nice index " [ 10 ] ;
2011-12-21 13:04:46 +08:00
constexpr char c2 = " nasty index " [ 12 ] ; // expected-error {{must be initialized by a constant expression}} expected-warning {{is past the end}} expected-note {{read of dereferenced one-past-the-end pointer}}
2012-01-07 00:39:00 +08:00
constexpr char c3 = " negative index " [ - 1 ] ; // expected-error {{must be initialized by a constant expression}} expected-warning {{is before the beginning}} expected-note {{cannot refer to element -1 of array of 15 elements}}
2013-04-26 22:36:30 +08:00
constexpr char c4 = ( ( char * ) ( int * ) " no reinterpret_casts allowed " ) [ 14 ] ; // expected-error {{must be initialized by a constant expression}} expected-note {{cast that performs the conversions of a reinterpret_cast}}
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
constexpr const char * p = " test " + 2 ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( * p = = ' s ' , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
constexpr const char * max_iter ( const char * a , const char * b ) {
return * a < * b ? b : a ;
constexpr const char * max_element ( const char * a , const char * b ) {
return ( a + 1 > = b ) ? a : max_iter ( a , max_element ( a + 1 , b ) ) ;
constexpr char str [ ] = " the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog " ;
constexpr const char * max = max_element ( begin ( str ) , end ( str ) ) ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( * max = = ' z ' , " " ) ;
static_assert ( max = = str + 38 , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( strcmp_ce ( " hello world " , " hello world " ) = = 0 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( strcmp_ce ( " hello world " , " hello clang " ) > 0 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( strcmp_ce ( " constexpr " , " test " ) < 0 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( strcmp_ce ( " " , " " ) < 0 , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
2011-12-21 13:04:46 +08:00
struct S {
int n : " foo " [ 4 ] ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{read of dereferenced one-past-the-end pointer is not allowed in a constant expression}}
} ;
2011-12-22 09:07:19 +08:00
struct T {
char c [ 6 ] ;
constexpr T ( ) : c { " foo " } { }
} ;
constexpr T t ;
static_assert ( t . c [ 0 ] = = ' f ' , " " ) ;
static_assert ( t . c [ 1 ] = = ' o ' , " " ) ;
static_assert ( t . c [ 2 ] = = ' o ' , " " ) ;
static_assert ( t . c [ 3 ] = = 0 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( t . c [ 4 ] = = 0 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( t . c [ 5 ] = = 0 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( t . c [ 6 ] = = 0 , " " ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{one-past-the-end}}
2012-01-13 02:54:33 +08:00
struct U {
wchar_t chars [ 6 ] ;
int n ;
} constexpr u = { { L " test " } , 0 } ;
static_assert ( u . chars [ 2 ] = = L ' s ' , " " ) ;
2012-02-17 11:35:37 +08:00
struct V {
char c [ 4 ] ;
constexpr V ( ) : c ( " hi! " ) { }
} ;
static_assert ( V ( ) . c [ 1 ] = = " i " [ 0 ] , " " ) ;
2013-05-06 00:40:13 +08:00
namespace Parens {
constexpr unsigned char a [ ] = ( " foo " ) , b [ ] = { " foo " } , c [ ] = { ( " foo " ) } ,
d [ 4 ] = ( " foo " ) , e [ 5 ] = { " foo " } , f [ 6 ] = { ( " foo " ) } ;
static_assert ( a [ 0 ] = = ' f ' , " " ) ;
static_assert ( b [ 1 ] = = ' o ' , " " ) ;
static_assert ( c [ 2 ] = = ' o ' , " " ) ;
static_assert ( d [ 0 ] = = ' f ' , " " ) ;
static_assert ( e [ 1 ] = = ' o ' , " " ) ;
static_assert ( f [ 2 ] = = ' o ' , " " ) ;
static_assert ( f [ 5 ] = = 0 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( f [ 6 ] = = 0 , " " ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{one-past-the-end}}
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
namespace Array {
2011-12-21 10:55:12 +08:00
template < typename Iter >
constexpr auto Sum ( Iter begin , Iter end ) - > decltype ( + * begin ) {
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
return begin = = end ? 0 : * begin + Sum ( begin + 1 , end ) ;
constexpr int xs [ ] = { 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 } ;
constexpr int ys [ ] = { 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 } ;
constexpr int sum_xs = Sum ( begin ( xs ) , end ( xs ) ) ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( sum_xs = = 15 , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
constexpr int ZipFoldR ( int ( * F ) ( int x , int y , int c ) , int n ,
const int * xs , const int * ys , int c ) {
2011-12-15 07:32:26 +08:00
return n ? F (
2011-12-21 13:04:46 +08:00
* xs , // expected-note {{read of dereferenced one-past-the-end pointer}}
2011-12-17 03:06:07 +08:00
* ys ,
ZipFoldR ( F , n - 1 , xs + 1 , ys + 1 , c ) ) / / \
expected - note { { in call to ' ZipFoldR ( & SubMul , 2 , & xs [ 4 ] , & ys [ 4 ] , 1 ) ' } } \
expected - note { { in call to ' ZipFoldR ( & SubMul , 1 , & xs [ 5 ] , & ys [ 5 ] , 1 ) ' } }
: c ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
constexpr int MulAdd ( int x , int y , int c ) { return x * y + c ; }
constexpr int InnerProduct = ZipFoldR ( MulAdd , 5 , xs , ys , 0 ) ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( InnerProduct = = 35 , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
constexpr int SubMul ( int x , int y , int c ) { return ( x - y ) * c ; }
constexpr int DiffProd = ZipFoldR ( SubMul , 2 , xs + 3 , ys + 3 , 1 ) ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( DiffProd = = 8 , " " ) ;
2011-12-17 03:06:07 +08:00
static_assert ( ZipFoldR ( SubMul , 3 , xs + 3 , ys + 3 , 1 ) , " " ) ; / / \
expected - error { { constant expression } } \
expected - note { { in call to ' ZipFoldR ( & SubMul , 3 , & xs [ 3 ] , & ys [ 3 ] , 1 ) ' } }
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
constexpr const int * p = xs + 3 ;
constexpr int xs4 = p [ 1 ] ; // ok
2011-12-21 13:04:46 +08:00
constexpr int xs5 = p [ 2 ] ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{read of dereferenced one-past-the-end pointer}}
2012-01-07 00:39:00 +08:00
constexpr int xs6 = p [ 3 ] ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{cannot refer to element 6}}
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
constexpr int xs0 = p [ - 3 ] ; // ok
2012-01-07 00:39:00 +08:00
constexpr int xs_1 = p [ - 4 ] ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{cannot refer to element -1}}
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
constexpr int zs [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 ] = { 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 } ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( zs [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = = 1 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( zs [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] = = 16 , " " ) ;
2011-12-21 13:04:46 +08:00
static_assert ( zs [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 2 ] = = 3 , " " ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{read of dereferenced one-past-the-end pointer}}
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( ( & zs [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 2 ] ) [ - 1 ] = = 2 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( * * ( * * ( zs + 1 ) + 1 ) = = 11 , " " ) ;
2012-01-07 00:39:00 +08:00
static_assert ( * ( & ( & ( * ( * & ( & zs [ 2 ] - 1 ) [ 0 ] + 2 - 2 ) ) [ 2 ] ) [ - 1 ] [ - 1 ] + 1 ) = = 11 , " " ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{cannot refer to element -1 of array of 2 elements in a constant expression}}
static_assert ( * ( & ( & ( * ( * & ( & zs [ 2 ] - 1 ) [ 0 ] + 2 - 2 ) ) [ 2 ] ) [ - 1 ] [ 2 ] - 2 ) = = 11 , " " ) ;
constexpr int err_zs_1_2_0_0 = zs [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{cannot access array element of pointer past the end}}
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
2011-12-17 03:06:07 +08:00
constexpr int fail ( const int & p ) {
2012-01-07 00:39:00 +08:00
return ( & p ) [ 64 ] ; // expected-note {{cannot refer to element 64 of array of 2 elements}}
2011-12-17 03:06:07 +08:00
2012-01-07 00:39:00 +08:00
static_assert ( fail ( * ( & ( & ( * ( * & ( & zs [ 2 ] - 1 ) [ 0 ] + 2 - 2 ) ) [ 2 ] ) [ - 1 ] [ 2 ] - 2 ) ) = = 11 , " " ) ; / / \
2011-12-17 03:06:07 +08:00
expected - error { { static_assert expression is not an integral constant expression } } \
expected - note { { in call to ' fail ( zs [ 1 ] [ 0 ] [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) ' } }
2011-12-30 05:57:33 +08:00
constexpr int arr [ 40 ] = { 1 , 2 , 3 , [ 8 ] = 4 } ; // expected-warning {{C99 feature}}
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
constexpr int SumNonzero ( const int * p ) {
return * p + ( * p ? SumNonzero ( p + 1 ) : 0 ) ;
constexpr int CountZero ( const int * p , const int * q ) {
return p = = q ? 0 : ( * p = = 0 ) + CountZero ( p + 1 , q ) ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( SumNonzero ( arr ) = = 6 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( CountZero ( arr , arr + 40 ) = = 36 , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
struct ArrayElem {
constexpr ArrayElem ( ) : n ( 0 ) { }
int n ;
2013-04-21 09:08:50 +08:00
constexpr int f ( ) const { return n ; }
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
} ;
struct ArrayRVal {
constexpr ArrayRVal ( ) { }
ArrayElem elems [ 10 ] ;
} ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( ArrayRVal ( ) . elems [ 3 ] . f ( ) = = 0 , " " ) ;
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
2012-07-08 06:48:24 +08:00
constexpr int selfref [ 2 ] [ 2 ] [ 2 ] = {
selfref [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] + 1 , selfref [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] + 1 ,
selfref [ 1 ] [ 0 ] [ 1 ] + 1 , selfref [ 0 ] [ 1 ] [ 0 ] + 1 ,
selfref [ 1 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] + 1 , selfref [ 0 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] + 1 } ;
static_assert ( selfref [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = = 1 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( selfref [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 1 ] = = 2 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( selfref [ 0 ] [ 1 ] [ 0 ] = = 1 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( selfref [ 0 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] = = 2 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( selfref [ 1 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = = 1 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( selfref [ 1 ] [ 0 ] [ 1 ] = = 3 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( selfref [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 0 ] = = 0 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( selfref [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] = = 0 , " " ) ;
2012-07-11 06:12:55 +08:00
struct TrivialDefCtor { int n ; } ;
typedef TrivialDefCtor TDCArray [ 2 ] [ 2 ] ;
static_assert ( TDCArray { } [ 1 ] [ 1 ] . n = = 0 , " " ) ;
struct NonAggregateTDC : TrivialDefCtor { } ;
typedef NonAggregateTDC NATDCArray [ 2 ] [ 2 ] ;
static_assert ( NATDCArray { } [ 1 ] [ 1 ] . n = = 0 , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
namespace DependentValues {
struct I { int n ; typedef I V [ 10 ] ; } ;
I : : V x , y ;
2012-10-30 02:26:47 +08:00
int g ( ) ;
2012-10-28 14:18:02 +08:00
template < bool B , typename T > struct S : T {
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
int k ;
void f ( ) {
I : : V & cells = B ? x : y ;
I & i = cells [ k ] ;
switch ( i . n ) { }
2012-10-28 14:18:02 +08:00
2012-10-30 02:26:47 +08:00
// FIXME: We should be able to diagnose this.
constexpr int n = g ( ) ;
2012-10-28 14:18:02 +08:00
constexpr int m = this - > g ( ) ; // ok, could be constexpr
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
} ;
namespace Class {
struct A { constexpr A ( int a , int b ) : k ( a + b ) { } int k ; } ;
constexpr int fn ( const A & a ) { return a . k ; }
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( fn ( A ( 4 , 5 ) ) = = 9 , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
2014-09-24 06:52:42 +08:00
struct B { int n ; int m ; } constexpr b = { 0 , b . n } ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
struct C {
constexpr C ( C * this_ ) : m ( 42 ) , n ( this_ - > m ) { } // ok
int m , n ;
} ;
struct D {
C c ;
constexpr D ( ) : c ( & c ) { }
} ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( D ( ) . c . n = = 42 , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
2011-12-22 10:22:31 +08:00
struct E {
2012-02-15 10:18:13 +08:00
constexpr E ( ) : p ( & p ) { }
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
void * p ;
} ;
2013-06-05 08:46:14 +08:00
constexpr const E & e1 = E ( ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
// This is a constant expression if we elide the copy constructor call, and
// is not a constant expression if we don't! But we do, so it is.
2011-12-22 10:22:31 +08:00
constexpr E e2 = E ( ) ;
static_assert ( e2 . p = = & e2 . p , " " ) ;
2011-12-19 14:19:21 +08:00
constexpr E e3 ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( e3 . p = = & e3 . p , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
extern const class F f ;
struct F {
constexpr F ( ) : p ( & f . p ) { }
const void * p ;
} ;
2011-12-19 14:19:21 +08:00
constexpr F f ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
struct G {
struct T {
constexpr T ( T * p ) : u1 ( ) , u2 ( p ) { }
union U1 {
constexpr U1 ( ) { }
int a , b = 42 ;
} u1 ;
union U2 {
constexpr U2 ( T * p ) : c ( p - > u1 . b ) { }
int c , d ;
} u2 ;
} t ;
constexpr G ( ) : t ( & t ) { }
} constexpr g ;
2011-12-21 13:04:46 +08:00
static_assert ( g . t . u1 . a = = 42 , " " ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{read of member 'a' of union with active member 'b'}}
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( g . t . u1 . b = = 42 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( g . t . u2 . c = = 42 , " " ) ;
2011-12-21 13:04:46 +08:00
static_assert ( g . t . u2 . d = = 42 , " " ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{read of member 'd' of union with active member 'c'}}
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
struct S {
int a , b ;
const S * p ;
double d ;
const char * q ;
constexpr S ( int n , const S * p ) : a ( 5 ) , b ( n ) , p ( p ) , d ( n ) , q ( " hello " ) { }
} ;
S global ( 43 , & global ) ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( S ( 15 , & global ) . b = = 15 , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
constexpr bool CheckS ( const S & s ) {
return s . a = = 5 & & s . b = = 27 & & s . p = = & global & & s . d = = 27. & & s . q [ 3 ] = = ' l ' ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( CheckS ( S ( 27 , & global ) ) , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
struct Arr {
char arr [ 3 ] ;
constexpr Arr ( ) : arr { ' x ' , ' y ' , ' z ' } { }
} ;
constexpr int hash ( Arr & & a ) {
return a . arr [ 0 ] + a . arr [ 1 ] * 0x100 + a . arr [ 2 ] * 0x10000 ;
constexpr int k = hash ( Arr ( ) ) ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( k = = 0x007a7978 , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
struct AggregateInit {
const char & c ;
int n ;
double d ;
int arr [ 5 ] ;
void * p ;
} ;
constexpr AggregateInit agg1 = { " hello " [ 0 ] } ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( strcmp_ce ( & agg1 . c , " hello " ) = = 0 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( agg1 . n = = 0 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( agg1 . d = = 0.0 , " " ) ;
2012-01-07 00:39:00 +08:00
static_assert ( agg1 . arr [ - 1 ] = = 0 , " " ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{cannot refer to element -1}}
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( agg1 . arr [ 0 ] = = 0 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( agg1 . arr [ 4 ] = = 0 , " " ) ;
2011-12-21 13:04:46 +08:00
static_assert ( agg1 . arr [ 5 ] = = 0 , " " ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{read of dereferenced one-past-the-end}}
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( agg1 . p = = nullptr , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
2012-04-15 10:50:59 +08:00
static constexpr const unsigned char uc [ ] = { " foo " } ;
static_assert ( uc [ 0 ] = = ' f ' , " " ) ;
static_assert ( uc [ 3 ] = = 0 , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
namespace SimpleDerivedClass {
struct B {
constexpr B ( int n ) : a ( n ) { }
int a ;
} ;
struct D : B {
constexpr D ( int n ) : B ( n ) { }
} ;
constexpr D d ( 3 ) ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( d . a = = 3 , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
struct Bottom { constexpr Bottom ( ) { } } ;
struct Base : Bottom {
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
constexpr Base ( int a = 42 , const char * b = " test " ) : a ( a ) , b ( b ) { }
int a ;
const char * b ;
} ;
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
struct Base2 : Bottom {
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
constexpr Base2 ( const int & r ) : r ( r ) { }
int q = 123 ;
2011-12-19 14:19:21 +08:00
const int & r ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
} ;
struct Derived : Base , Base2 {
constexpr Derived ( ) : Base ( 76 ) , Base2 ( a ) { }
int c = r + b [ 1 ] ;
} ;
constexpr bool operator = = ( const Base & a , const Base & b ) {
return a . a = = b . a & & strcmp_ce ( a . b , b . b ) = = 0 ;
constexpr Base base ;
constexpr Base base2 ( 76 ) ;
constexpr Derived derived ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( derived . a = = 76 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( derived . b [ 2 ] = = ' s ' , " " ) ;
static_assert ( derived . c = = 76 + ' e ' , " " ) ;
static_assert ( derived . q = = 123 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( derived . r = = 76 , " " ) ;
2011-12-19 14:19:21 +08:00
static_assert ( & derived . r = = & derived . a , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( ! ( derived = = base ) , " " ) ;
static_assert ( derived = = base2 , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
constexpr Bottom & bot1 = ( Base & ) derived ;
constexpr Bottom & bot2 = ( Base2 & ) derived ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( & bot1 ! = & bot2 , " " ) ;
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
constexpr Bottom * pb1 = ( Base * ) & derived ;
constexpr Bottom * pb2 = ( Base2 * ) & derived ;
2012-02-02 09:16:57 +08:00
static_assert ( & pb1 ! = & pb2 , " " ) ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( pb1 = = & bot1 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( pb2 = = & bot2 , " " ) ;
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
2012-01-07 00:39:00 +08:00
constexpr Base2 & fail = ( Base2 & ) bot1 ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{cannot cast object of dynamic type 'const Class::Derived' to type 'Class::Base2'}}
constexpr Base & fail2 = ( Base & ) * pb2 ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{cannot cast object of dynamic type 'const Class::Derived' to type 'Class::Base'}}
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
constexpr Base2 & ok2 = ( Base2 & ) bot2 ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( & ok2 = = & derived , " " ) ;
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
2012-01-07 00:39:00 +08:00
constexpr Base2 * pfail = ( Base2 * ) pb1 ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{cannot cast object of dynamic type 'const Class::Derived' to type 'Class::Base2'}}
constexpr Base * pfail2 = ( Base * ) & bot2 ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{cannot cast object of dynamic type 'const Class::Derived' to type 'Class::Base'}}
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
constexpr Base2 * pok2 = ( Base2 * ) pb2 ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( pok2 = = & derived , " " ) ;
static_assert ( & ok2 = = pok2 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ( Base2 * ) ( Derived * ) ( Base * ) pb1 = = pok2 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ( Derived * ) ( Base * ) pb1 = = ( Derived * ) pok2 , " " ) ;
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
2013-06-13 10:46:14 +08:00
// Core issue 903: we do not perform constant evaluation when checking for a
// null pointer in C++11. Just check for an integer literal with value 0.
constexpr Base * nullB = 42 - 6 * 7 ; // expected-error {{cannot initialize a variable of type 'Class::Base *const' with an rvalue of type 'int'}}
constexpr Base * nullB1 = 0 ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( ( Bottom * ) nullB = = 0 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ( Derived * ) nullB = = 0 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ( void * ) ( Bottom * ) nullB = = ( void * ) ( Derived * ) nullB , " " ) ;
2013-06-13 10:46:14 +08:00
Base * nullB2 = ' \0 ' ; // expected-error {{cannot initialize a variable of type 'Class::Base *' with an rvalue of type 'char'}}
Base * nullB3 = ( 0 ) ;
Base * nullB4 = false ; // expected-error {{cannot initialize a variable of type 'Class::Base *' with an rvalue of type 'bool'}}
Base * nullB5 = ( ( 0ULL ) ) ;
Base * nullB6 = 0. ; // expected-error {{cannot initialize a variable of type 'Class::Base *' with an rvalue of type 'double'}}
enum Null { kNull } ;
Base * nullB7 = kNull ; // expected-error {{cannot initialize a variable of type 'Class::Base *' with an rvalue of type 'Class::Null'}}
static_assert ( nullB1 = = ( 1 - 1 ) , " " ) ; // expected-error {{comparison between pointer and integer}}
2012-08-09 01:33:31 +08:00
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
2012-01-18 05:17:26 +08:00
namespace ConversionOperators {
struct T {
constexpr T ( int n ) : k ( 5 * n - 3 ) { }
2013-04-21 09:08:50 +08:00
constexpr operator int ( ) const { return k ; }
2012-01-18 05:17:26 +08:00
int k ;
} ;
struct S {
constexpr S ( int n ) : k ( 2 * n + 1 ) { }
2013-04-21 09:08:50 +08:00
constexpr operator int ( ) const { return k ; }
constexpr operator T ( ) const { return T ( k ) ; }
2012-01-18 05:17:26 +08:00
int k ;
} ;
constexpr bool check ( T a , T b ) { return a = = b . k ; }
static_assert ( S ( 5 ) = = 11 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( check ( S ( 5 ) , 11 ) , " " ) ;
2012-10-25 07:51:56 +08:00
namespace PR14171 {
struct X {
2013-04-21 09:08:50 +08:00
constexpr ( operator int ) ( ) const { return 0 ; }
2012-10-25 07:51:56 +08:00
} ;
static_assert ( X ( ) = = 0 , " " ) ;
2012-01-18 05:17:26 +08:00
2014-07-07 14:00:13 +08:00
struct This {
constexpr int f ( ) const { return 0 ; }
static constexpr int g ( ) { return 0 ; }
void h ( ) {
constexpr int x = f ( ) ; // expected-error {{must be initialized by a constant}}
// expected-note@-1 {{implicit use of 'this' pointer is only allowed within the evaluation of a call to a 'constexpr' member function}}
constexpr int y = this - > f ( ) ; // expected-error {{must be initialized by a constant}}
// expected-note-re@-1 {{{{^}}use of 'this' pointer}}
constexpr int z = g ( ) ;
static_assert ( z = = 0 , " " ) ;
} ;
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
namespace Temporaries {
struct S {
constexpr S ( ) { }
2013-04-21 09:08:50 +08:00
constexpr int f ( ) const ;
2013-06-03 13:03:02 +08:00
constexpr int g ( ) const ;
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
} ;
struct T : S {
constexpr T ( int n ) : S ( ) , n ( n ) { }
int n ;
} ;
2013-04-21 09:08:50 +08:00
constexpr int S : : f ( ) const {
2013-06-03 13:03:02 +08:00
return static_cast < const T * > ( this ) - > n ; // expected-note {{cannot cast}}
constexpr int S : : g ( ) const {
// FIXME: Better diagnostic for this.
return this - > * ( int ( S : : * ) ) & T : : n ; // expected-note {{subexpression}}
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
// The T temporary is implicitly cast to an S subobject, but we can recover the
// T full-object via a base-to-derived cast, or a derived-to-base-casted member
// pointer.
2013-06-03 13:03:02 +08:00
static_assert ( S ( ) . f ( ) , " " ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{in call to '&Temporaries::S()->f()'}}
static_assert ( S ( ) . g ( ) , " " ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{in call to '&Temporaries::S()->g()'}}
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( T ( 3 ) . f ( ) = = 3 , " " ) ;
2013-06-03 13:03:02 +08:00
static_assert ( T ( 4 ) . g ( ) = = 4 , " " ) ;
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
constexpr int f ( const S & s ) {
return static_cast < const T & > ( s ) . n ;
constexpr int n = f ( T ( 5 ) ) ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( f ( T ( 5 ) ) = = 5 , " " ) ;
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
2012-01-26 12:47:34 +08:00
constexpr bool b ( int n ) { return & n ; }
static_assert ( b ( 0 ) , " " ) ;
2014-06-12 03:53:12 +08:00
struct NonLiteral {
NonLiteral ( ) ;
int f ( ) ;
} ;
constexpr int k = NonLiteral ( ) . f ( ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{non-literal type 'Temporaries::NonLiteral'}}
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
namespace Union {
union U {
int a ;
int b ;
} ;
2011-12-30 05:57:33 +08:00
constexpr U u [ 4 ] = { { . a = 0 } , { . b = 1 } , { . a = 2 } , { . b = 3 } } ; // expected-warning 4{{C99 feature}}
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( u [ 0 ] . a = = 0 , " " ) ;
2011-12-21 13:04:46 +08:00
static_assert ( u [ 0 ] . b , " " ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{read of member 'b' of union with active member 'a'}}
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( u [ 1 ] . b = = 1 , " " ) ;
2011-12-21 13:04:46 +08:00
static_assert ( ( & u [ 1 ] . b ) [ 1 ] = = 2 , " " ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{read of dereferenced one-past-the-end pointer}}
2012-01-07 00:39:00 +08:00
static_assert ( * ( & ( u [ 1 ] . b ) + 1 + 1 ) = = 3 , " " ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{cannot refer to element 2 of non-array object}}
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( ( & ( u [ 1 ] ) + 1 + 1 ) - > b = = 3 , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
2012-01-13 02:54:33 +08:00
constexpr U v = { } ;
static_assert ( v . a = = 0 , " " ) ;
union Empty { } ;
constexpr Empty e = { } ;
2012-01-10 12:32:03 +08:00
// Make sure we handle trivial copy constructors for unions.
constexpr U x = { 42 } ;
constexpr U y = x ;
static_assert ( y . a = = 42 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( y . b = = 42 , " " ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{'b' of union with active member 'a'}}
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
namespace MemberPointer {
struct A {
constexpr A ( int n ) : n ( n ) { }
int n ;
2013-04-21 09:08:50 +08:00
constexpr int f ( ) const { return n + 3 ; }
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
} ;
constexpr A a ( 7 ) ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( A ( 5 ) . * & A : : n = = 5 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ( & a ) - > * & A : : n = = 7 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ( A ( 8 ) . * & A : : f ) ( ) = = 11 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ( ( & a ) - > * & A : : f ) ( ) = = 10 , " " ) ;
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
struct B : A {
constexpr B ( int n , int m ) : A ( n ) , m ( m ) { }
int m ;
2013-04-21 09:08:50 +08:00
constexpr int g ( ) const { return n + m + 1 ; }
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
} ;
constexpr B b ( 9 , 13 ) ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( B ( 4 , 11 ) . * & A : : n = = 4 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( B ( 4 , 11 ) . * & B : : m = = 11 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( B ( 4 , 11 ) . * ( int ( A : : * ) ) & B : : m = = 11 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ( & b ) - > * & A : : n = = 9 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ( & b ) - > * & B : : m = = 13 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ( & b ) - > * ( int ( A : : * ) ) & B : : m = = 13 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ( B ( 4 , 11 ) . * & A : : f ) ( ) = = 7 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ( B ( 4 , 11 ) . * & B : : g ) ( ) = = 16 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ( B ( 4 , 11 ) . * ( int ( A : : * ) ( ) const ) & B : : g ) ( ) = = 16 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ( ( & b ) - > * & A : : f ) ( ) = = 12 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ( ( & b ) - > * & B : : g ) ( ) = = 23 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ( ( & b ) - > * ( int ( A : : * ) ( ) const ) & B : : g ) ( ) = = 23 , " " ) ;
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
struct S {
constexpr S ( int m , int n , int ( S : : * pf ) ( ) const , int S : : * pn ) :
m ( m ) , n ( n ) , pf ( pf ) , pn ( pn ) { }
constexpr S ( ) : m ( ) , n ( ) , pf ( & S : : f ) , pn ( & S : : n ) { }
2013-04-21 09:08:50 +08:00
constexpr int f ( ) const { return this - > * pn ; }
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
virtual int g ( ) const ;
int m , n ;
int ( S : : * pf ) ( ) const ;
int S : : * pn ;
} ;
constexpr int S : : * pm = & S : : m ;
constexpr int S : : * pn = & S : : n ;
constexpr int ( S : : * pf ) ( ) const = & S : : f ;
constexpr int ( S : : * pg ) ( ) const = & S : : g ;
constexpr S s ( 2 , 5 , & S : : f , & S : : m ) ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( ( s . * & S : : f ) ( ) = = 2 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ( s . * s . pf ) ( ) = = 2 , " " ) ;
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
2012-02-01 09:42:44 +08:00
static_assert ( pf = = & S : : f , " " ) ;
static_assert ( pf = = s . * & S : : pf , " " ) ;
static_assert ( pm = = & S : : m , " " ) ;
static_assert ( pm ! = pn , " " ) ;
static_assert ( s . pn ! = pn , " " ) ;
static_assert ( s . pn = = pm , " " ) ;
static_assert ( pg ! = nullptr , " " ) ;
static_assert ( pf ! = nullptr , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ( int S : : * ) nullptr = = nullptr , " " ) ;
static_assert ( pg = = pg , " " ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{comparison of pointer to virtual member function 'g' has unspecified value}}
static_assert ( pf ! = pg , " " ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{comparison of pointer to virtual member function 'g' has unspecified value}}
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
template < int n > struct T : T < n - 1 > { } ;
template < > struct T < 0 > { int n ; } ;
template < > struct T < 30 > : T < 29 > { int m ; } ;
T < 17 > t17 ;
T < 30 > t30 ;
constexpr int ( T < 10 > : : * deepn ) = & T < 0 > : : n ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( & ( t17 . * deepn ) = = & t17 . n , " " ) ;
2012-02-01 09:42:44 +08:00
static_assert ( deepn = = & T < 2 > : : n , " " ) ;
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
constexpr int ( T < 15 > : : * deepm ) = ( int ( T < 10 > : : * ) ) & T < 30 > : : m ;
constexpr int * pbad = & ( t17 . * deepm ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}}
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( & ( t30 . * deepm ) = = & t30 . m , " " ) ;
2012-02-01 09:42:44 +08:00
static_assert ( deepm = = & T < 50 > : : m , " " ) ;
static_assert ( deepm ! = deepn , " " ) ;
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
constexpr T < 5 > * p17_5 = & t17 ;
constexpr T < 13 > * p17_13 = ( T < 13 > * ) p17_5 ;
2012-01-07 00:39:00 +08:00
constexpr T < 23 > * p17_23 = ( T < 23 > * ) p17_13 ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{cannot cast object of dynamic type 'T<17>' to type 'T<23>'}}
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( & ( p17_5 - > * ( int ( T < 3 > : : * ) ) deepn ) = = & t17 . n , " " ) ;
static_assert ( & ( p17_13 - > * deepn ) = = & t17 . n , " " ) ;
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
constexpr int * pbad2 = & ( p17_13 - > * ( int ( T < 9 > : : * ) ) deepm ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}}
constexpr T < 5 > * p30_5 = & t30 ;
constexpr T < 23 > * p30_23 = ( T < 23 > * ) p30_5 ;
constexpr T < 13 > * p30_13 = p30_23 ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( & ( p30_5 - > * ( int ( T < 3 > : : * ) ) deepn ) = = & t30 . n , " " ) ;
static_assert ( & ( p30_13 - > * deepn ) = = & t30 . n , " " ) ;
static_assert ( & ( p30_23 - > * deepn ) = = & t30 . n , " " ) ;
static_assert ( & ( p30_5 - > * ( int ( T < 2 > : : * ) ) deepm ) = = & t30 . m , " " ) ;
static_assert ( & ( ( ( T < 17 > * ) p30_13 ) - > * deepm ) = = & t30 . m , " " ) ;
static_assert ( & ( p30_23 - > * deepm ) = = & t30 . m , " " ) ;
2012-02-01 09:42:44 +08:00
struct Base { int n ; } ;
template < int N > struct Mid : Base { } ;
struct Derived : Mid < 0 > , Mid < 1 > { } ;
static_assert ( & Mid < 0 > : : n = = & Mid < 1 > : : n , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ( int Derived : : * ) ( int Mid < 0 > : : * ) & Mid < 0 > : : n ! =
( int Derived : : * ) ( int Mid < 1 > : : * ) & Mid < 1 > : : n , " " ) ;
static_assert ( & Mid < 0 > : : n = = ( int Mid < 0 > : : * ) & Base : : n , " " ) ;
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
namespace ArrayBaseDerived {
struct Base {
constexpr Base ( ) { }
int n = 0 ;
} ;
struct Derived : Base {
constexpr Derived ( ) { }
2013-04-21 09:08:50 +08:00
constexpr const int * f ( ) const { return & n ; }
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
} ;
constexpr Derived a [ 10 ] ;
constexpr Derived * pd3 = const_cast < Derived * > ( & a [ 3 ] ) ;
constexpr Base * pb3 = const_cast < Derived * > ( & a [ 3 ] ) ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( pb3 = = pd3 , " " ) ;
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
// pb3 does not point to an array element.
constexpr Base * pb4 = pb3 + 1 ; // ok, one-past-the-end pointer.
2012-01-07 00:39:00 +08:00
constexpr int pb4n = pb4 - > n ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{cannot access field of pointer past the end}}
constexpr Base * err_pb5 = pb3 + 2 ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{cannot refer to element 2}} expected-note {{here}}
constexpr int err_pb5n = err_pb5 - > n ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{initializer of 'err_pb5' is not a constant expression}}
constexpr Base * err_pb2 = pb3 - 1 ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{cannot refer to element -1}} expected-note {{here}}
constexpr int err_pb2n = err_pb2 - > n ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{initializer of 'err_pb2'}}
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
constexpr Base * pb3a = pb4 - 1 ;
// pb4 does not point to a Derived.
2012-01-07 00:39:00 +08:00
constexpr Derived * err_pd4 = ( Derived * ) pb4 ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{cannot access derived class of pointer past the end}}
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
constexpr Derived * pd3a = ( Derived * ) pb3a ;
constexpr int pd3n = pd3a - > n ;
// pd3a still points to the Derived array.
constexpr Derived * pd6 = pd3a + 3 ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( pd6 = = & a [ 6 ] , " " ) ;
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
constexpr Derived * pd9 = pd6 + 3 ;
constexpr Derived * pd10 = pd6 + 4 ;
constexpr int pd9n = pd9 - > n ; // ok
2012-01-07 00:39:00 +08:00
constexpr int err_pd10n = pd10 - > n ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{cannot access base class of pointer past the end}}
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
constexpr int pd0n = pd10 [ - 10 ] . n ;
2012-01-07 00:39:00 +08:00
constexpr int err_pdminus1n = pd10 [ - 11 ] . n ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{cannot refer to element -1 of}}
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
constexpr Base * pb9 = pd9 ;
constexpr const int * ( Base : : * pfb ) ( ) const =
static_cast < const int * ( Base : : * ) ( ) const > ( & Derived : : f ) ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( ( pb9 - > * pfb ) ( ) = = & a [ 9 ] . n , " " ) ;
2011-11-18 06:56:20 +08:00
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
namespace Complex {
class complex {
int re , im ;
public :
constexpr complex ( int re = 0 , int im = 0 ) : re ( re ) , im ( im ) { }
constexpr complex ( const complex & o ) : re ( o . re ) , im ( o . im ) { }
constexpr complex operator - ( ) const { return complex ( - re , - im ) ; }
friend constexpr complex operator + ( const complex & l , const complex & r ) {
return complex ( l . re + r . re , l . im + r . im ) ;
friend constexpr complex operator - ( const complex & l , const complex & r ) {
return l + - r ;
friend constexpr complex operator * ( const complex & l , const complex & r ) {
return complex ( l . re * r . re - l . im * r . im , l . re * r . im + l . im * r . re ) ;
friend constexpr bool operator = = ( const complex & l , const complex & r ) {
return l . re = = r . re & & l . im = = r . im ;
constexpr bool operator ! = ( const complex & r ) const {
return re ! = r . re | | im ! = r . im ;
constexpr int real ( ) const { return re ; }
constexpr int imag ( ) const { return im ; }
} ;
constexpr complex i = complex ( 0 , 1 ) ;
constexpr complex k = ( 3 + 4 * i ) * ( 6 - 4 * i ) ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( complex ( 1 , 0 ) . real ( ) = = 1 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( complex ( 1 , 0 ) . imag ( ) = = 0 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ( ( complex ) 1 ) . imag ( ) = = 0 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( k . real ( ) = = 34 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( k . imag ( ) = = 12 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( k - 34 = = 12 * i , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ( complex ) 1 = = complex ( 1 ) , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ( complex ) 1 ! = complex ( 0 , 1 ) , " " ) ;
static_assert ( complex ( 1 ) = = complex ( 1 ) , " " ) ;
static_assert ( complex ( 1 ) ! = complex ( 0 , 1 ) , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
constexpr complex makeComplex ( int re , int im ) { return complex ( re , im ) ; }
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( makeComplex ( 1 , 0 ) = = complex ( 1 ) , " " ) ;
static_assert ( makeComplex ( 1 , 0 ) ! = complex ( 0 , 1 ) , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
class complex_wrap : public complex {
public :
constexpr complex_wrap ( int re , int im = 0 ) : complex ( re , im ) { }
constexpr complex_wrap ( const complex_wrap & o ) : complex ( o ) { }
} ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( ( complex_wrap ) 1 = = complex ( 1 ) , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ( complex ) 1 ! = complex_wrap ( 0 , 1 ) , " " ) ;
static_assert ( complex ( 1 ) = = complex_wrap ( 1 ) , " " ) ;
static_assert ( complex_wrap ( 1 ) ! = complex ( 0 , 1 ) , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
constexpr complex_wrap makeComplexWrap ( int re , int im ) {
return complex_wrap ( re , im ) ;
2011-12-10 07:00:37 +08:00
static_assert ( makeComplexWrap ( 1 , 0 ) = = complex ( 1 ) , " " ) ;
static_assert ( makeComplexWrap ( 1 , 0 ) ! = complex ( 0 , 1 ) , " " ) ;
2011-11-11 12:05:33 +08:00
2011-12-17 10:24:21 +08:00
namespace PR11595 {
2013-04-21 09:08:50 +08:00
struct A { constexpr bool operator = = ( int x ) const { return true ; } } ;
2011-12-20 06:01:37 +08:00
struct B { B ( ) ; A & x ; } ;
static_assert ( B ( ) . x = = 3 , " " ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{non-literal type 'PR11595::B' cannot be used in a constant expression}}
2012-01-27 09:14:48 +08:00
constexpr bool f ( int k ) { // expected-error {{constexpr function never produces a constant expression}}
2011-12-20 06:01:37 +08:00
return B ( ) . x = = k ; // expected-note {{non-literal type 'PR11595::B' cannot be used in a constant expression}}
2011-12-17 10:24:21 +08:00
2011-12-20 06:12:41 +08:00
namespace ExprWithCleanups {
struct A { A ( ) ; ~ A ( ) ; int get ( ) ; } ;
constexpr int get ( bool FromA ) { return FromA ? A ( ) . get ( ) : 1 ; }
constexpr int n = get ( false ) ;
2011-12-21 13:04:46 +08:00
namespace Volatile {
volatile constexpr int n1 = 0 ; // expected-note {{here}}
volatile const int n2 = 0 ; // expected-note {{here}}
int n3 = 37 ; // expected-note {{declared here}}
2012-02-05 09:23:16 +08:00
constexpr int m1 = n1 ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{read of volatile-qualified type 'const volatile int'}}
constexpr int m2 = n2 ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{read of volatile-qualified type 'const volatile int'}}
constexpr int m1b = const_cast < const int & > ( n1 ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{read of volatile object 'n1'}}
constexpr int m2b = const_cast < const int & > ( n2 ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{read of volatile object 'n2'}}
2011-12-21 13:04:46 +08:00
struct T { int n ; } ;
const T t = { 42 } ; // expected-note {{declared here}}
constexpr int f ( volatile int & & r ) {
2012-02-05 09:23:16 +08:00
return r ; // expected-note {{read of volatile-qualified type 'volatile int'}}
constexpr int g ( volatile int & & r ) {
return const_cast < int & > ( r ) ; // expected-note {{read of volatile temporary is not allowed in a constant expression}}
2011-12-21 13:04:46 +08:00
struct S {
2012-02-05 09:23:16 +08:00
int j : f ( 0 ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{in call to 'f(0)'}}
int k : g ( 0 ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{temporary created here}} expected-note {{in call to 'g(0)'}}
2011-12-21 13:04:46 +08:00
int l : n3 ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{read of non-const variable}}
int m : t . n ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{read of non-constexpr variable}}
} ;
2011-12-26 05:17:58 +08:00
namespace ExternConstexpr {
extern constexpr int n = 0 ;
extern constexpr int m ; // expected-error {{constexpr variable declaration must be a definition}}
void f ( ) {
extern constexpr int i ; // expected-error {{constexpr variable declaration must be a definition}}
constexpr int j = 0 ;
Move fixit for const init from note to diag, weaken to warning in MS mode.
r235046 turned "extern __declspec(selectany) int a;" from a declaration into
a definition to fix PR23242 (required for compatibility with mc.exe output).
However, this broke parsing Windows headers: A d3d11 headers contain something
struct SomeStruct {};
extern const __declspec(selectany) SomeStruct some_struct;
This is now a definition, and const objects either need an explicit default
ctor or an initializer so this errors out with
d3d11.h(1065,48) :
error: default initialization of an object of const type
'const CD3D11_DEFAULT' without a user-provided default constructor
(cl.exe just doesn't implement this rule, independent of selectany.)
To work around this, weaken this error into a warning for selectany decls
in microsoft mode, and recover with zero-initialization.
Doing this is a bit hairy since it adds a fixit on an error emitted
by InitializationSequence – this means it needs to build a correct AST, which
in turn means InitializationSequence::Failed() cannot return true when this
fixit is applied. As a workaround, the patch adds a fixit member to
InitializationSequence, and InitializationSequence::Perform() prints the
diagnostic if the fixit member is set right after its call to Diagnose.
That function is usually called when InitializationSequences are used –
InitListChecker::PerformEmptyInit() doesn't call it, but the InitListChecker
case never performs default-initialization, so this is technically OK.
This is the alternative, original fix for PR20208 that got reviewed in the
thread "[patch] Improve diagnostic on default-initializing const variables
(PR20208)". This change basically reverts r213725, adds the original fix for
PR20208, and makes the error a warning in Microsoft mode.
llvm-svn: 235166
2015-04-17 16:32:38 +08:00
constexpr int k ; // expected-error {{default initialization of an object of const type}}
2011-12-26 05:17:58 +08:00
2016-05-26 06:06:25 +08:00
extern const int q ;
constexpr int g ( ) { return q ; }
constexpr int q = g ( ) ;
static_assert ( q = = 0 , " zero-initialization should precede static initialization " ) ;
extern int r ; // expected-note {{here}}
constexpr int h ( ) { return r ; } // expected-error {{never produces a constant}} expected-note {{read of non-const}}
struct S { int n ; } ;
extern const S s ;
constexpr int x ( ) { return s . n ; }
constexpr S s = { x ( ) } ;
static_assert ( s . n = = 0 , " zero-initialization should precede static initialization " ) ;
2011-12-26 05:17:58 +08:00
2012-01-10 12:58:17 +08:00
namespace ComplexConstexpr {
constexpr _Complex float test1 = { } ;
constexpr _Complex float test2 = { 1 } ;
constexpr _Complex double test3 = { 1 , 2 } ;
constexpr _Complex int test4 = { 4 } ;
constexpr _Complex int test5 = 4 ;
constexpr _Complex int test6 = { 5 , 6 } ;
2012-01-14 07:34:56 +08:00
typedef _Complex float fcomplex ;
constexpr fcomplex test7 = fcomplex ( ) ;
2012-02-19 06:04:06 +08:00
constexpr const double & t2r = __real test3 ;
constexpr const double & t2i = __imag test3 ;
static_assert ( & t2r + 1 = = & t2i , " " ) ;
static_assert ( t2r = = 1.0 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( t2i = = 2.0 , " " ) ;
constexpr const double * t2p = & t2r ;
static_assert ( t2p [ - 1 ] = = 0.0 , " " ) ; // expected-error {{constant expr}} expected-note {{cannot refer to element -1 of array of 2 elements}}
static_assert ( t2p [ 0 ] = = 1.0 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( t2p [ 1 ] = = 2.0 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( t2p [ 2 ] = = 0.0 , " " ) ; // expected-error {{constant expr}} expected-note {{one-past-the-end pointer}}
static_assert ( t2p [ 3 ] = = 0.0 , " " ) ; // expected-error {{constant expr}} expected-note {{cannot refer to element 3 of array of 2 elements}}
constexpr _Complex float * p = 0 ;
constexpr float pr = __real * p ; // expected-error {{constant expr}} expected-note {{cannot access real component of null}}
constexpr float pi = __imag * p ; // expected-error {{constant expr}} expected-note {{cannot access imaginary component of null}}
constexpr const _Complex double * q = & test3 + 1 ;
constexpr double qr = __real * q ; // expected-error {{constant expr}} expected-note {{cannot access real component of pointer past the end}}
constexpr double qi = __imag * q ; // expected-error {{constant expr}} expected-note {{cannot access imaginary component of pointer past the end}}
static_assert ( __real test6 = = 5 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( __imag test6 = = 6 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( & __imag test6 = = & __real test6 + 1 , " " ) ;
2012-01-10 12:58:17 +08:00
2012-01-18 10:54:10 +08:00
2013-05-23 08:30:41 +08:00
// _Atomic(T) is exactly like T for the purposes of constant expression
// evaluation..
namespace Atomic {
constexpr _Atomic int n = 3 ;
struct S { _Atomic ( double ) d ; } ;
constexpr S s = { 0.5 } ;
constexpr double d1 = s . d ;
constexpr double d2 = n ;
constexpr _Atomic double d3 = n ;
constexpr _Atomic ( int ) n2 = d3 ;
static_assert ( d1 = = 0.5 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( d3 = = 3.0 , " " ) ;
namespace PR16056 {
struct TestVar {
_Atomic ( int ) value ;
constexpr TestVar ( int value ) : value ( value ) { }
} ;
constexpr TestVar testVar { - 1 } ;
static_assert ( testVar . value = = - 1 , " " ) ;
2012-01-18 10:54:10 +08:00
namespace InstantiateCaseStmt {
template < int x > constexpr int f ( ) { return x ; }
template < int x > int g ( int c ) { switch ( c ) { case f < x > ( ) : return 1 ; } return 0 ; }
int gg ( int c ) { return g < 4 > ( c ) ; }
2012-01-24 13:40:50 +08:00
namespace ConvertedConstantExpr {
extern int & m ;
extern int & n ;
constexpr int k = 4 ;
int & m = const_cast < int & > ( k ) ;
// If we have nothing more interesting to say, ensure we don't produce a
// useless note and instead just point to the non-constant subexpression.
enum class E {
em = m ,
en = n , // expected-error {{not a constant expression}}
eo = ( m +
n // expected-error {{not a constant expression}}
) ,
eq = reinterpret_cast < int > ( ( int * ) 0 ) // expected-error {{not a constant expression}} expected-note {{reinterpret_cast}}
} ;
2012-01-26 06:15:11 +08:00
namespace IndirectField {
struct S {
struct { // expected-warning {{GNU extension}}
2013-01-31 11:11:12 +08:00
union { // expected-warning {{declared in an anonymous struct}}
struct { // expected-warning {{GNU extension}} expected-warning {{declared in an anonymous union}}
2012-01-26 06:15:11 +08:00
int a ;
int b ;
} ;
int c ;
} ;
int d ;
} ;
union {
int e ;
int f ;
} ;
constexpr S ( int a , int b , int d , int e ) : a ( a ) , b ( b ) , d ( d ) , e ( e ) { }
constexpr S ( int c , int d , int f ) : c ( c ) , d ( d ) , f ( f ) { }
} ;
constexpr S s1 ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ) ;
constexpr S s2 ( 5 , 6 , 7 ) ;
// FIXME: The diagnostics here do a very poor job of explaining which unnamed
// member is active and which is requested.
static_assert ( s1 . a = = 1 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( s1 . b = = 2 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( s1 . c = = 0 , " " ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{union with active member}}
static_assert ( s1 . d = = 3 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( s1 . e = = 4 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( s1 . f = = 0 , " " ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{union with active member}}
static_assert ( s2 . a = = 0 , " " ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{union with active member}}
static_assert ( s2 . b = = 0 , " " ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{union with active member}}
static_assert ( s2 . c = = 5 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( s2 . d = = 6 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( s2 . e = = 0 , " " ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{union with active member}}
static_assert ( s2 . f = = 7 , " " ) ;
2012-02-02 09:16:57 +08:00
2012-02-09 11:29:58 +08:00
// DR1405: don't allow reading mutable members in constant expressions.
namespace MutableMembers {
struct MM {
mutable int n ; // expected-note 3{{declared here}}
} constexpr mm = { 4 } ;
constexpr int mmn = mm . n ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{read of mutable member 'n' is not allowed in a constant expression}}
int x = ( mm . n = 1 , 3 ) ;
constexpr int mmn2 = mm . n ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{read of mutable member 'n' is not allowed in a constant expression}}
// Here's one reason why allowing this would be a disaster...
template < int n > struct Id { int k = n ; } ;
int f ( ) {
constexpr MM m = { 0 } ;
+ + m . n ;
return Id < m . n > ( ) . k ; // expected-error {{not a constant expression}} expected-note {{read of mutable member 'n' is not allowed in a constant expression}}
struct A { int n ; } ;
struct B { mutable A a ; } ; // expected-note {{here}}
struct C { B b ; } ;
constexpr C c [ 3 ] = { } ;
constexpr int k = c [ 1 ] . b . a . n ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{mutable}}
2014-09-16 09:24:02 +08:00
struct D { int x ; mutable int y ; } ; // expected-note {{here}}
constexpr D d1 = { 1 , 2 } ;
int l = + + d1 . y ;
constexpr D d2 = d1 ; // expected-error {{constant}} expected-note {{mutable}} expected-note {{in call}}
struct E {
union {
int a ;
mutable int b ; // expected-note {{here}}
} ;
} ;
constexpr E e1 = { { 1 } } ;
constexpr E e2 = e1 ; // expected-error {{constant}} expected-note {{mutable}} expected-note {{in call}}
struct F {
union U { } ;
mutable U u ;
struct X { } ;
mutable X x ;
struct Y : X { X x ; U u ; } ;
mutable Y y ;
int n ;
} ;
// This is OK; we don't actually read any mutable state here.
constexpr F f1 = { } ;
constexpr F f2 = f1 ;
struct G {
struct X { } ;
union U { X a ; } ;
mutable U u ; // expected-note {{here}}
} ;
constexpr G g1 = { } ;
constexpr G g2 = g1 ; // expected-error {{constant}} expected-note {{mutable}} expected-note {{in call}}
constexpr G : : U gu1 = { } ;
constexpr G : : U gu2 = gu1 ;
union H {
mutable G : : X gx ; // expected-note {{here}}
} ;
constexpr H h1 = { } ;
constexpr H h2 = h1 ; // expected-error {{constant}} expected-note {{mutable}} expected-note {{in call}}
2012-02-09 11:29:58 +08:00
2012-02-02 09:16:57 +08:00
namespace Fold {
// This macro forces its argument to be constant-folded, even if it's not
// otherwise a constant expression.
# define fold(x) (__builtin_constant_p(x) ? (x) : (x))
constexpr int n = ( int ) ( char * ) 123 ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{reinterpret_cast}}
constexpr int m = fold ( ( int ) ( char * ) 123 ) ; // ok
static_assert ( m = = 123 , " " ) ;
# undef fold
2012-02-15 10:18:13 +08:00
namespace DR1454 {
constexpr const int & f ( const int & n ) { return n ; }
constexpr int k1 = f ( 0 ) ; // ok
struct Wrap {
const int & value ;
} ;
constexpr const Wrap & g ( const Wrap & w ) { return w ; }
constexpr int k2 = g ( { 0 } ) . value ; // ok
2013-06-05 08:46:14 +08:00
// The temporary here has static storage duration, so we can bind a constexpr
// reference to it.
constexpr const int & i = 1 ;
constexpr const int j = i ;
static_assert ( j = = 1 , " " ) ;
// The temporary here is not const, so it can't be read outside the expression
// in which it was created (per the C++14 rules, which we use to avoid a C++11
// defect).
constexpr int & & k = 1 ; // expected-note {{temporary created here}}
constexpr const int l = k ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{read of temporary}}
void f ( ) {
// The temporary here has automatic storage duration, so we can't bind a
// constexpr reference to it.
constexpr const int & i = 1 ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note 2{{temporary}}
2012-02-15 10:18:13 +08:00
2012-02-16 10:46:34 +08:00
namespace RecursiveOpaqueExpr {
template < typename Iter >
constexpr auto LastNonzero ( Iter p , Iter q ) - > decltype ( + * p ) {
return p ! = q ? ( LastNonzero ( p + 1 , q ) ? : * p ) : 0 ; // expected-warning {{GNU}}
constexpr int arr1 [ ] = { 1 , 0 , 0 , 3 , 0 , 2 , 0 , 4 , 0 , 0 } ;
static_assert ( LastNonzero ( begin ( arr1 ) , end ( arr1 ) ) = = 4 , " " ) ;
constexpr int arr2 [ ] = { 1 , 0 , 0 , 3 , 0 , 2 , 0 , 4 , 0 , 5 } ;
static_assert ( LastNonzero ( begin ( arr2 ) , end ( arr2 ) ) = = 5 , " " ) ;
2012-06-26 16:12:11 +08:00
constexpr int arr3 [ ] = {
1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ,
1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ,
1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ,
1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ,
1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ,
1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ,
1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ,
2 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } ;
static_assert ( LastNonzero ( begin ( arr3 ) , end ( arr3 ) ) = = 2 , " " ) ;
2012-02-16 10:46:34 +08:00
namespace VLASizeof {
void f ( int k ) {
int arr [ k ] ; // expected-warning {{C99}}
constexpr int n = 1 +
sizeof ( arr ) // expected-error {{constant expression}}
* 3 ;
2012-02-18 12:58:18 +08:00
namespace CompoundLiteral {
// We don't model the semantics of this correctly: the compound literal is
// represented as a prvalue in the AST, but actually behaves like an lvalue.
// We treat the compound literal as a temporary and refuse to produce a
// pointer to it. This is OK: we're not required to treat this as a constant
// in C++, and in C we model compound literals as lvalues.
constexpr int * p = ( int * ) ( int [ 1 ] ) { 0 } ; // expected-warning {{C99}} expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note 2{{temporary}}
2012-03-14 04:58:32 +08:00
namespace Vector {
typedef int __attribute__ ( ( vector_size ( 16 ) ) ) VI4 ;
constexpr VI4 f ( int n ) {
return VI4 { n * 3 , n + 4 , n - 5 , n / 6 } ;
constexpr auto v1 = f ( 10 ) ;
typedef double __attribute__ ( ( vector_size ( 32 ) ) ) VD4 ;
constexpr VD4 g ( int n ) {
return ( VD4 ) { n / 2.0 , n + 1.5 , n - 5.4 , n * 0.9 } ; // expected-warning {{C99}}
constexpr auto v2 = g ( 4 ) ;
2012-05-01 08:38:49 +08:00
// PR12626, redux
namespace InvalidClasses {
void test0 ( ) {
struct X ; // expected-note {{forward declaration}}
struct Y { bool b ; X x ; } ; // expected-error {{field has incomplete type}}
Y y ;
auto & b = y . b ;
2012-05-15 13:04:02 +08:00
2013-04-22 23:31:51 +08:00
namespace NamespaceAlias {
constexpr int f ( ) {
2014-08-19 23:55:55 +08:00
namespace NS = NamespaceAlias ; // expected-warning {{use of this statement in a constexpr function is a C++14 extension}}
2013-04-22 23:31:51 +08:00
return & NS : : f ! = nullptr ;
2012-07-02 14:15:40 +08:00
// Constructors can be implicitly constexpr, even for a non-literal type.
namespace ImplicitConstexpr {
struct Q { Q ( ) = default ; Q ( const Q & ) = default ; Q ( Q & & ) = default ; ~ Q ( ) ; } ; // expected-note 3{{here}}
2012-08-08 06:06:48 +08:00
struct R { constexpr R ( ) noexcept ; constexpr R ( const R & ) noexcept ; constexpr R ( R & & ) noexcept ; ~ R ( ) noexcept ; } ;
2012-07-02 14:15:40 +08:00
struct S { R r ; } ; // expected-note 3{{here}}
2012-08-08 06:06:48 +08:00
struct T { T ( const T & ) noexcept ; T ( T & & ) noexcept ; ~ T ( ) noexcept ; } ;
2012-07-02 14:15:40 +08:00
struct U { T t ; } ; // expected-note 3{{here}}
static_assert ( ! __is_literal_type ( Q ) , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ! __is_literal_type ( R ) , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ! __is_literal_type ( S ) , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ! __is_literal_type ( T ) , " " ) ;
static_assert ( ! __is_literal_type ( U ) , " " ) ;
struct Test {
friend Q : : Q ( ) noexcept ; // expected-error {{follows constexpr}}
friend Q : : Q ( Q & & ) noexcept ; // expected-error {{follows constexpr}}
friend Q : : Q ( const Q & ) noexcept ; // expected-error {{follows constexpr}}
friend S : : S ( ) noexcept ; // expected-error {{follows constexpr}}
friend S : : S ( S & & ) noexcept ; // expected-error {{follows constexpr}}
friend S : : S ( const S & ) noexcept ; // expected-error {{follows constexpr}}
friend constexpr U : : U ( ) noexcept ; // expected-error {{follows non-constexpr}}
friend constexpr U : : U ( U & & ) noexcept ; // expected-error {{follows non-constexpr}}
friend constexpr U : : U ( const U & ) noexcept ; // expected-error {{follows non-constexpr}}
} ;
2012-05-15 13:04:02 +08:00
// Indirectly test that an implicit lvalue to xvalue conversion performed for
// an NRVO move operation isn't implemented as CK_LValueToRValue.
namespace PR12826 {
struct Foo { } ;
constexpr Foo id ( Foo x ) { return x ; }
constexpr Foo res ( id ( Foo ( ) ) ) ;
2012-07-05 16:39:21 +08:00
namespace PR13273 {
struct U {
int t ;
U ( ) = default ;
} ;
struct S : U {
S ( ) = default ;
} ;
// S's default constructor isn't constexpr, because U's default constructor
// doesn't initialize 't', but it's trivial, so value-initialization doesn't
// actually call it.
static_assert ( S { } . t = = 0 , " " ) ;
2012-07-07 16:35:56 +08:00
namespace PR12670 {
struct S {
constexpr S ( int a0 ) : m ( a0 ) { }
constexpr S ( ) : m ( 6 ) { }
int m ;
} ;
constexpr S x [ 3 ] = { { 4 } , 5 } ;
static_assert ( x [ 0 ] . m = = 4 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( x [ 1 ] . m = = 5 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( x [ 2 ] . m = = 6 , " " ) ;
2012-08-08 06:06:48 +08:00
// Indirectly test that an implicit lvalue-to-rvalue conversion is performed
// when a conditional operator has one argument of type void and where the other
// is a glvalue of class type.
namespace ConditionalLValToRVal {
struct A {
constexpr A ( int a ) : v ( a ) { }
int v ;
} ;
constexpr A f ( const A & a ) {
return a . v = = 0 ? throw a : a ;
constexpr A a ( 4 ) ;
static_assert ( f ( a ) . v = = 4 , " " ) ;
2012-08-29 17:17:34 +08:00
namespace TLS {
__thread int n ;
2012-08-30 02:27:29 +08:00
int m ;
constexpr bool b = & n = = & n ;
constexpr int * p = & n ; // expected-error{{constexpr variable 'p' must be initialized by a constant expression}}
constexpr int * f ( ) { return & n ; }
constexpr int * q = f ( ) ; // expected-error{{constexpr variable 'q' must be initialized by a constant expression}}
constexpr bool c = f ( ) = = f ( ) ;
constexpr int * g ( ) { return & m ; }
constexpr int * r = g ( ) ;
2012-08-29 17:17:34 +08:00
2012-10-02 04:36:17 +08:00
namespace Void {
constexpr void f ( ) { return ; } // expected-error{{constexpr function's return type 'void' is not a literal type}}
void assert_failed ( const char * msg , const char * file , int line ) ; // expected-note {{declared here}}
# define ASSERT(expr) ((expr) ? static_cast<void>(0) : assert_failed(#expr, __FILE__, __LINE__))
template < typename T , size_t S >
constexpr T get ( T ( & a ) [ S ] , size_t k ) {
return ASSERT ( k > 0 & & k < S ) , a [ k ] ; // expected-note{{non-constexpr function 'assert_failed'}}
# undef ASSERT
template int get ( int ( & a ) [ 4 ] , size_t ) ;
constexpr int arr [ ] = { 4 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 } ;
static_assert ( get ( arr , 1 ) = = 1 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( get ( arr , 4 ) = = 4 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( get ( arr , 0 ) = = 4 , " " ) ; / / expected - error { { not an integral constant expression } } \
// expected-note{{in call to 'get(arr, 0)'}}
2012-10-18 07:52:07 +08:00
namespace std { struct type_info ; }
namespace TypeId {
struct A { virtual ~ A ( ) ; } ;
A f ( ) ;
A & g ( ) ;
constexpr auto & x = typeid ( f ( ) ) ;
constexpr auto & y = typeid ( g ( ) ) ; / / expected - error { { constant expression } } \
2014-12-18 05:57:17 +08:00
/ / expected - note { { typeid applied to expression of polymorphic type ' TypeId : : A ' is not allowed in a constant expression } } \
// expected-warning {{expression with side effects will be evaluated despite being used as an operand to 'typeid'}}
2012-10-18 07:52:07 +08:00
2012-10-30 02:26:47 +08:00
namespace PR14203 {
struct duration {
constexpr duration ( ) { }
constexpr operator int ( ) const { return 0 ; }
} ;
template < typename T > void f ( ) {
// If we want to evaluate this at the point of the template definition, we
// need to trigger the implicit definition of the move constructor at that
// point.
// FIXME: C++ does not permit us to implicitly define it at the appropriate
// times, since it is only allowed to be implicitly defined when it is
// odr-used.
constexpr duration d = duration ( ) ;
// FIXME: It's unclear whether this is valid. On the one hand, we're not
// allowed to generate a move constructor. On the other hand, if we did,
2012-11-07 09:14:25 +08:00
// this would be a constant expression. For now, we generate a move
// constructor here.
int n = sizeof ( short { duration ( duration ( ) ) } ) ;
2012-10-30 02:26:47 +08:00
2013-04-22 22:44:29 +08:00
namespace ArrayEltInit {
struct A {
constexpr A ( ) : p ( & p ) { }
void * p ;
} ;
constexpr A a [ 10 ] ;
static_assert ( a [ 0 ] . p = = & a [ 0 ] . p , " " ) ;
static_assert ( a [ 9 ] . p = = & a [ 9 ] . p , " " ) ;
static_assert ( a [ 0 ] . p ! = & a [ 9 ] . p , " " ) ;
static_assert ( a [ 9 ] . p ! = & a [ 0 ] . p , " " ) ;
constexpr A b [ 10 ] = { } ;
static_assert ( b [ 0 ] . p = = & b [ 0 ] . p , " " ) ;
static_assert ( b [ 9 ] . p = = & b [ 9 ] . p , " " ) ;
static_assert ( b [ 0 ] . p ! = & b [ 9 ] . p , " " ) ;
static_assert ( b [ 9 ] . p ! = & b [ 0 ] . p , " " ) ;
2013-05-02 03:00:39 +08:00
namespace PR15884 {
struct S { } ;
constexpr S f ( ) { return { } ; }
constexpr S * p = & f ( ) ;
// expected-error@-1 {{taking the address of a temporary}}
// expected-error@-2 {{constexpr variable 'p' must be initialized by a constant expression}}
// expected-note@-3 {{pointer to temporary is not a constant expression}}
// expected-note@-4 {{temporary created here}}
2013-05-14 13:18:44 +08:00
namespace AfterError {
// FIXME: Suppress the 'no return statements' diagnostic if the body is invalid.
constexpr int error ( ) { // expected-error {{no return statement}}
return foobar ; // expected-error {{undeclared identifier}}
constexpr int k = error ( ) ; // expected-error {{must be initialized by a constant expression}}
2013-06-13 06:31:48 +08:00
namespace std {
typedef decltype ( sizeof ( int ) ) size_t ;
template < class _E >
class initializer_list
const _E * __begin_ ;
size_t __size_ ;
constexpr initializer_list ( const _E * __b , size_t __s )
: __begin_ ( __b ) ,
__size_ ( __s )
{ }
public :
typedef _E value_type ;
typedef const _E & reference ;
typedef const _E & const_reference ;
typedef size_t size_type ;
typedef const _E * iterator ;
typedef const _E * const_iterator ;
constexpr initializer_list ( ) : __begin_ ( nullptr ) , __size_ ( 0 ) { }
constexpr size_t size ( ) const { return __size_ ; }
constexpr const _E * begin ( ) const { return __begin_ ; }
constexpr const _E * end ( ) const { return __begin_ + __size_ ; }
} ;
namespace InitializerList {
constexpr int sum ( const int * b , const int * e ) {
return b ! = e ? * b + sum ( b + 1 , e ) : 0 ;
constexpr int sum ( std : : initializer_list < int > ints ) {
return sum ( ints . begin ( ) , ints . end ( ) ) ;
static_assert ( sum ( { 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 } ) = = 15 , " " ) ;
2014-12-18 03:24:30 +08:00
static_assert ( * std : : initializer_list < int > { 1 , 2 , 3 } . begin ( ) = = 1 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( std : : initializer_list < int > { 1 , 2 , 3 } . begin ( ) [ 2 ] = = 3 , " " ) ;
2013-06-13 06:31:48 +08:00
2013-06-20 11:00:05 +08:00
namespace StmtExpr {
struct A { int k ; } ;
void f ( ) {
static_assert ( ( { const int x = 5 ; x * 3 ; } ) = = 15 , " " ) ; // expected-warning {{extension}}
constexpr auto a = ( { A ( ) ; } ) ; // expected-warning {{extension}}
constexpr int g ( int k ) {
return ( { // expected-warning {{extension}}
const int x = k ;
x * x ;
} ) ;
static_assert ( g ( 123 ) = = 15129 , " " ) ;
constexpr int h ( ) { // expected-error {{never produces a constant}}
return ( { // expected-warning {{extension}}
return 0 ; // expected-note {{not supported}}
1 ;
} ) ;
2013-06-26 02:46:26 +08:00
namespace VirtualFromBase {
struct S1 {
virtual int f ( ) const ;
} ;
struct S2 {
virtual int f ( ) ;
} ;
template < typename T > struct X : T {
constexpr X ( ) { }
double d = 0.0 ;
2014-08-19 23:55:55 +08:00
constexpr int f ( ) { return sizeof ( T ) ; } // expected-warning {{will not be implicitly 'const' in C++14}}
2013-06-26 02:46:26 +08:00
} ;
// Virtual f(), not OK.
constexpr X < X < S1 > > xxs1 ;
constexpr X < S1 > * p = const_cast < X < X < S1 > > * > ( & xxs1 ) ;
static_assert ( p - > f ( ) = = sizeof ( X < S1 > ) , " " ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{virtual function call}}
// Non-virtual f(), OK.
constexpr X < X < S2 > > xxs2 ;
constexpr X < S2 > * q = const_cast < X < X < S2 > > * > ( & xxs2 ) ;
static_assert ( q - > f ( ) = = sizeof ( S2 ) , " " ) ;
2013-06-29 05:07:41 +08:00
namespace ConstexprConstructorRecovery {
2014-08-19 23:55:55 +08:00
class X {
public :
enum E : short {
headers = 0x1 ,
middlefile = 0x2 ,
choices = 0x4
} ;
constexpr X ( ) noexcept { } ;
protected :
2013-06-29 05:07:41 +08:00
E val { 0 } ; // expected-error {{cannot initialize a member subobject of type 'ConstexprConstructorRecovery::X::E' with an rvalue of type 'int'}}
2014-08-19 23:55:55 +08:00
} ;
2013-06-29 05:07:41 +08:00
constexpr X x { } ;
2013-07-24 15:11:57 +08:00
namespace Lifetime {
void f ( ) {
constexpr int & n = n ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{use of reference outside its lifetime}} expected-warning {{not yet bound to a value}}
constexpr int m = m ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{read of object outside its lifetime}}
constexpr int & get ( int & & n ) { return n ; }
struct S {
int & & r ; // expected-note 2{{declared here}}
int & s ;
int t ;
constexpr S ( ) : r ( 0 ) , s ( get ( 0 ) ) , t ( r ) { } // expected-warning {{temporary}}
constexpr S ( int ) : r ( 0 ) , s ( get ( 0 ) ) , t ( s ) { } // expected-warning {{temporary}} expected-note {{read of object outside its lifetime}}
} ;
constexpr int k1 = S ( ) . t ; // ok, int is lifetime-extended to end of constructor
constexpr int k2 = S ( 0 ) . t ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{in call}}
2013-08-06 15:09:20 +08:00
namespace Bitfields {
struct A {
bool b : 1 ;
unsigned u : 5 ;
int n : 5 ;
2015-09-24 06:07:44 +08:00
bool b2 : 3 ;
2015-09-15 05:27:36 +08:00
unsigned u2 : 74 ; // expected-warning {{exceeds the width of its type}}
int n2 : 81 ; // expected-warning {{exceeds the width of its type}}
2013-08-06 15:09:20 +08:00
} ;
constexpr A a = { false , 33 , 31 , false , 0xffffffff , 0x7fffffff } ; // expected-warning 2{{truncation}}
static_assert ( a . b = = 0 & & a . u = = 1 & & a . n = = - 1 & & a . b2 = = 0 & &
a . u2 + 1 = = 0 & & a . n2 = = 0x7fffffff ,
" bad truncation of bitfield values " ) ;
struct B {
int n : 3 ;
constexpr B ( int k ) : n ( k ) { }
} ;
static_assert ( B ( 3 ) . n = = 3 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( B ( 4 ) . n = = - 4 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( B ( 7 ) . n = = - 1 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( B ( 8 ) . n = = 0 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( B ( - 1 ) . n = = - 1 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( B ( - 8889 ) . n = = - 1 , " " ) ;
namespace PR16755 {
struct X {
int x : 1 ;
constexpr static int f ( int x ) {
return X { x } . x ;
} ;
static_assert ( X : : f ( 3 ) = = - 1 , " 3 should truncate to -1 " ) ;
2013-09-11 05:34:14 +08:00
namespace ZeroSizeTypes {
constexpr int ( * p1 ) [ 0 ] = 0 , ( * p2 ) [ 0 ] = 0 ;
constexpr int k = p2 - p1 ;
// expected-error@-1 {{constexpr variable 'k' must be initialized by a constant expression}}
// expected-note@-2 {{subtraction of pointers to type 'int [0]' of zero size}}
int arr [ 5 ] [ 0 ] ;
constexpr int f ( ) { // expected-error {{never produces a constant expression}}
return & arr [ 3 ] - & arr [ 0 ] ; // expected-note {{subtraction of pointers to type 'int [0]' of zero size}}
2013-09-14 04:51:45 +08:00
namespace BadDefaultInit {
template < int N > struct X { static const int n = N ; } ;
2014-11-18 07:36:45 +08:00
struct A {
int k = // expected-error {{cannot use defaulted default constructor of 'A' within the class outside of member functions because 'k' has an initializer}}
X < A ( ) . k > : : n ; // expected-error {{not a constant expression}} expected-note {{implicit default constructor for 'BadDefaultInit::A' first required here}}
2013-09-14 04:51:45 +08:00
} ;
// FIXME: The "constexpr constructor must initialize all members" diagnostic
// here is bogus (we discard the k(k) initializer because the parameter 'k'
// has been marked invalid).
struct B { // expected-note 2{{candidate}}
constexpr B ( // expected-error {{must initialize all members}} expected-note {{candidate}}
int k = X < B ( ) . k > : : n ) : // expected-error {{no matching constructor}}
k ( k ) { }
int k ; // expected-note {{not initialized}}
} ;
2013-11-06 06:18:15 +08:00
namespace NeverConstantTwoWays {
// If we see something non-constant but foldable followed by something
// non-constant and not foldable, we want the first diagnostic, not the
// second.
constexpr int f ( int n ) { // expected-error {{never produces a constant expression}}
return ( int * ) ( long ) & n = = & n ? // expected-note {{reinterpret_cast}}
1 / 0 : // expected-warning {{division by zero}}
0 ;
constexpr int n = // expected-error {{must be initialized by a constant expression}}
2015-12-03 09:36:22 +08:00
( int * ) ( long ) & n = = & n ? // expected-note {{reinterpret_cast}}
1 / 0 : // expected-warning {{division by zero}}
2013-11-06 06:18:15 +08:00
0 ;
2013-11-08 04:07:17 +08:00
namespace PR17800 {
struct A {
constexpr int operator ( ) ( ) const { return 0 ; }
} ;
template < typename . . . T > constexpr int sink ( T . . . ) {
return 0 ;
template < int . . . N > constexpr int run ( ) {
return sink ( A ( ) ( ) + N . . . ) ;
constexpr int k = run < 1 , 2 , 3 > ( ) ;
2013-11-15 10:10:04 +08:00
namespace BuiltinStrlen {
constexpr const char * a = " foo \0 quux " ;
constexpr char b [ ] = " foo \0 quux " ;
constexpr int f ( ) { return ' u ' ; }
constexpr char c [ ] = { ' f ' , ' o ' , ' o ' , 0 , ' q ' , f ( ) , ' u ' , ' x ' , 0 } ;
static_assert ( __builtin_strlen ( " foo " ) = = 3 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( __builtin_strlen ( " foo \0 quux " ) = = 3 , " " ) ;
static_assert ( __builtin_strlen ( " foo \0 quux " + 4 ) = = 4 , " " ) ;
constexpr bool check ( const char * p ) {
return __builtin_strlen ( p ) = = 3 & &
__builtin_strlen ( p + 1 ) = = 2 & &
__builtin_strlen ( p + 2 ) = = 1 & &
__builtin_strlen ( p + 3 ) = = 0 & &
__builtin_strlen ( p + 4 ) = = 4 & &
__builtin_strlen ( p + 5 ) = = 3 & &
__builtin_strlen ( p + 6 ) = = 2 & &
__builtin_strlen ( p + 7 ) = = 1 & &
__builtin_strlen ( p + 8 ) = = 0 ;
static_assert ( check ( a ) , " " ) ;
static_assert ( check ( b ) , " " ) ;
static_assert ( check ( c ) , " " ) ;
constexpr int over1 = __builtin_strlen ( a + 9 ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{one-past-the-end}}
constexpr int over2 = __builtin_strlen ( b + 9 ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{one-past-the-end}}
constexpr int over3 = __builtin_strlen ( c + 9 ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{one-past-the-end}}
constexpr int under1 = __builtin_strlen ( a - 1 ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{cannot refer to element -1}}
constexpr int under2 = __builtin_strlen ( b - 1 ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{cannot refer to element -1}}
constexpr int under3 = __builtin_strlen ( c - 1 ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{cannot refer to element -1}}
// FIXME: The diagnostic here could be better.
constexpr char d [ ] = { ' f ' , ' o ' , ' o ' } ; // no nul terminator.
constexpr int bad = __builtin_strlen ( d ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{one-past-the-end}}
2014-03-06 07:32:50 +08:00
namespace PR19010 {
struct Empty { } ;
struct Empty2 : Empty { } ;
struct Test : Empty2 {
constexpr Test ( ) { }
Empty2 array [ 2 ] ;
} ;
void test ( ) { constexpr Test t ; }
2014-10-22 07:01:04 +08:00
void PR21327 ( int a , int b ) {
static_assert ( & a + 1 ! = & b , " " ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}}
2014-11-20 05:27:17 +08:00
namespace EmptyClass {
struct E1 { } e1 ;
union E2 { } e2 ; // expected-note {{here}}
struct E3 : E1 { } e3 ;
// The defaulted copy constructor for an empty class does not read any
// members. The defaulted copy constructor for an empty union reads the
// object representation.
constexpr E1 e1b ( e1 ) ;
constexpr E2 e2b ( e2 ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note{{read of non-const}} expected-note {{in call}}
constexpr E3 e3b ( e3 ) ;
2014-12-10 07:32:34 +08:00
namespace PR21786 {
extern void ( * start [ ] ) ( ) ;
extern void ( * end [ ] ) ( ) ;
static_assert ( & start ! = & end , " " ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}}
2014-12-14 16:40:47 +08:00
static_assert ( & start ! = nullptr , " " ) ;
2014-12-12 03:36:24 +08:00
struct Foo ;
struct Bar {
static const Foo x ;
static const Foo y ;
} ;
static_assert ( & Bar : : x ! = nullptr , " " ) ;
2014-12-14 16:40:47 +08:00
static_assert ( & Bar : : x ! = & Bar : : y , " " ) ;
2014-12-10 07:32:34 +08:00
2014-12-13 16:12:56 +08:00
namespace PR21859 {
constexpr int Fun ( ) { return ; } // expected-error {{non-void constexpr function 'Fun' should return a value}}
constexpr int Var = Fun ( ) ; // expected-error {{constexpr variable 'Var' must be initialized by a constant expression}}
2015-01-09 18:33:23 +08:00
struct InvalidRedef {
int f ; // expected-note{{previous definition is here}}
constexpr int f ( void ) ; // expected-error{{redefinition of 'f'}} expected-warning{{will not be implicitly 'const'}}
} ;
2015-02-14 03:49:59 +08:00
namespace PR17938 {
template < typename T > constexpr T const & f ( T const & x ) { return x ; }
struct X { } ;
struct Y : X { } ;
struct Z : Y { constexpr Z ( ) { } } ;
static constexpr auto z = f ( Z ( ) ) ;
2015-08-28 10:43:42 +08:00
namespace PR24597 {
struct A {
int x , * p ;
constexpr A ( ) : x ( 0 ) , p ( & x ) { }
constexpr A ( const A & a ) : x ( a . x ) , p ( & x ) { }
} ;
constexpr A f ( ) { return A ( ) ; }
constexpr A g ( ) { return f ( ) ; }
constexpr int a = * f ( ) . p ;
constexpr int b = * g ( ) . p ;
2016-02-12 20:34:44 +08:00
namespace IncompleteClass {
struct XX {
static constexpr int f ( XX * ) { return 1 ; } // expected-note {{here}}
friend constexpr int g ( XX * ) { return 2 ; } // expected-note {{here}}
static constexpr int i = f ( static_cast < XX * > ( nullptr ) ) ; // expected-error {{constexpr variable 'i' must be initialized by a constant expression}} expected-note {{undefined function 'f' cannot be used in a constant expression}}
static constexpr int j = g ( static_cast < XX * > ( nullptr ) ) ; // expected-error {{constexpr variable 'j' must be initialized by a constant expression}} expected-note {{undefined function 'g' cannot be used in a constant expression}}
} ;
P0136R1, DR1573, DR1645, DR1715, DR1736, DR1903, DR1941, DR1959, DR1991:
Replace inheriting constructors implementation with new approach, voted into
C++ last year as a DR against C++11.
Instead of synthesizing a set of derived class constructors for each inherited
base class constructor, we make the constructors of the base class visible to
constructor lookup in the derived class, using the normal rules for
For constructors, UsingShadowDecl now has a ConstructorUsingShadowDecl derived
class that tracks the requisite additional information. We create shadow
constructors (not found by name lookup) in the derived class to model the
actual initialization, and have a new expression node,
CXXInheritedCtorInitExpr, to model the initialization of a base class from such
a constructor. (This initialization is special because it performs real perfect
forwarding of arguments.)
In cases where argument forwarding is not possible (for inalloca calls,
variadic calls, and calls with callee parameter cleanup), the shadow inheriting
constructor is not emitted and instead we directly emit the initialization code
into the caller of the inherited constructor.
Note that this new model is not perfectly compatible with the old model in some
corner cases. In particular:
* if B inherits a private constructor from A, and C uses that constructor to
construct a B, then we previously required that A befriends B and B
befriends C, but the new rules require A to befriend C directly, and
* if a derived class has its own constructors (and so its implicit default
constructor is suppressed), it may still inherit a default constructor from
a base class
llvm-svn: 274049
2016-06-29 03:03:57 +08:00
namespace InheritedCtor {
struct A { constexpr A ( int ) { } } ;
struct B : A { int n ; using A : : A ; } ; // expected-note {{here}}
constexpr B b ( 0 ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{derived class}}
struct C : A { using A : : A ; struct { union { int n , m = 0 ; } ; union { int a = 0 ; } ; int k = 0 ; } ; struct { } ; union { } ; } ; // expected-warning 4{{extension}}
constexpr C c ( 0 ) ;
struct D : A {
using A : : A ; // expected-note {{here}}
struct { // expected-warning {{extension}}
union { // expected-warning {{extension}}
int n ;
} ;
} ;
} ;
constexpr D d ( 0 ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{derived class}}
struct E : virtual A { using A : : A ; } ; // expected-note {{here}}
// We wrap a function around this to avoid implicit zero-initialization
// happening first; the zero-initialization step would produce the same
// error and defeat the point of this test.
void f ( ) {
constexpr E e ( 0 ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{derived class}}
// FIXME: This produces a note with no source location.
//constexpr E e(0);
struct W { constexpr W ( int n ) : w ( n ) { } int w ; } ;
struct X : W { using W : : W ; int x = 2 ; } ;
struct Y : X { using X : : X ; int y = 3 ; } ;
struct Z : Y { using Y : : Y ; int z = 4 ; } ;
constexpr Z z ( 1 ) ;
static_assert ( z . w = = 1 & & z . x = = 2 & & z . y = = 3 & & z . z = = 4 , " " ) ;