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//===--- FormatToken.h - Format C++ code ------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// \file
/// This file contains the declaration of the FormatToken, a wrapper
/// around Token with additional information related to formatting.
#include "clang/Basic/IdentifierTable.h"
#include "clang/Basic/OperatorPrecedence.h"
#include "clang/Format/Format.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h"
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_set>
namespace clang {
namespace format {
TYPE(ArrayInitializerLSquare) \
TYPE(ArraySubscriptLSquare) \
TYPE(AttributeColon) \
TYPE(AttributeParen) \
TYPE(AttributeSquare) \
TYPE(BinaryOperator) \
TYPE(BitFieldColon) \
TYPE(BlockComment) \
TYPE(CastRParen) \
TYPE(ConditionalExpr) \
TYPE(ConflictAlternative) \
TYPE(ConflictEnd) \
TYPE(ConflictStart) \
TYPE(CtorInitializerColon) \
TYPE(CtorInitializerComma) \
TYPE(DesignatedInitializerLSquare) \
TYPE(DesignatedInitializerPeriod) \
TYPE(DictLiteral) \
TYPE(ForEachMacro) \
TYPE(FunctionAnnotationRParen) \
TYPE(FunctionDeclarationName) \
TYPE(FunctionLBrace) \
TYPE(FunctionTypeLParen) \
TYPE(ImplicitStringLiteral) \
TYPE(InheritanceColon) \
TYPE(InheritanceComma) \
TYPE(InlineASMBrace) \
TYPE(InlineASMColon) \
TYPE(JavaAnnotation) \
TYPE(JsComputedPropertyName) \
TYPE(JsExponentiation) \
TYPE(JsExponentiationEqual) \
TYPE(JsFatArrow) \
TYPE(JsNonNullAssertion) \
TYPE(JsPrivateIdentifier) \
TYPE(JsTypeColon) \
TYPE(JsTypeOperator) \
TYPE(JsTypeOptionalQuestion) \
TYPE(LambdaArrow) \
TYPE(LambdaLBrace) \
TYPE(LambdaLSquare) \
TYPE(LeadingJavaAnnotation) \
TYPE(LineComment) \
TYPE(MacroBlockBegin) \
TYPE(MacroBlockEnd) \
TYPE(NamespaceMacro) \
TYPE(ObjCBlockLBrace) \
TYPE(ObjCBlockLParen) \
TYPE(ObjCDecl) \
TYPE(ObjCForIn) \
TYPE(ObjCMethodExpr) \
TYPE(ObjCMethodSpecifier) \
TYPE(ObjCProperty) \
TYPE(ObjCStringLiteral) \
TYPE(OverloadedOperator) \
TYPE(OverloadedOperatorLParen) \
TYPE(PointerOrReference) \
TYPE(PureVirtualSpecifier) \
TYPE(RangeBasedForLoopColon) \
TYPE(RegexLiteral) \
TYPE(SelectorName) \
TYPE(StartOfName) \
TYPE(StatementMacro) \
TYPE(StructuredBindingLSquare) \
TYPE(TemplateCloser) \
TYPE(TemplateOpener) \
TYPE(TemplateString) \
TYPE(ProtoExtensionLSquare) \
TYPE(TrailingAnnotation) \
TYPE(TrailingReturnArrow) \
TYPE(TrailingUnaryOperator) \
TYPE(TypenameMacro) \
TYPE(UnaryOperator) \
[clang-format] Add basic support for formatting C# files Summary: This revision adds basic support for formatting C# files with clang-format, I know the barrier to entry is high here so I'm sending this revision in to test the water as to whether this might be something we'd consider landing. Tracking in Bugzilla as: https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=40850 Justification: C# code just looks ugly in comparison to the C++ code in our source tree which is clang-formatted. I've struggled with Visual Studio reformatting to get a clean and consistent style, I want to format our C# code on saving like I do now for C++ and i want it to have the same style as defined in our .clang-format file, so it consistent as it can be with C++. (Braces/Breaking/Spaces/Indent etc..) Using clang format without this patch leaves the code in a bad state, sometimes when the BreakStringLiterals is set, it fails to compile. Mostly the C# is similar to Java, except instead of JavaAnnotations I try to reuse the TT_AttributeSquare. Almost the most valuable portion is to have a new Language in order to partition the configuration for C# within a common .clang-format file, with the auto detection on the .cs extension. But there are other C# specific styles that could be added later if this is accepted. in particular how `{ set;get }` is formatted. Reviewers: djasper, klimek, krasimir, benhamilton, JonasToth Reviewed By: klimek Subscribers: llvm-commits, mgorny, jdoerfert, cfe-commits Tags: #clang, #clang-tools-extra Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D58404 llvm-svn: 356662
2019-03-21 21:09:22 +08:00
TYPE(CSharpStringLiteral) \
TYPE(CSharpNullCoalescing) \
enum TokenType {
#define TYPE(X) TT_##X,
#undef TYPE
/// Determines the name of a token type.
const char *getTokenTypeName(TokenType Type);
// Represents what type of block a set of braces open.
enum BraceBlockKind { BK_Unknown, BK_Block, BK_BracedInit };
// The packing kind of a function's parameters.
enum ParameterPackingKind { PPK_BinPacked, PPK_OnePerLine, PPK_Inconclusive };
enum FormatDecision { FD_Unformatted, FD_Continue, FD_Break };
class TokenRole;
class AnnotatedLine;
/// A wrapper around a \c Token storing information about the
/// whitespace characters preceding it.
struct FormatToken {
FormatToken() {}
/// The \c Token.
Token Tok;
/// The number of newlines immediately before the \c Token.
/// This can be used to determine what the user wrote in the original code
/// and thereby e.g. leave an empty line between two function definitions.
unsigned NewlinesBefore = 0;
/// Whether there is at least one unescaped newline before the \c
/// Token.
bool HasUnescapedNewline = false;
/// The range of the whitespace immediately preceding the \c Token.
SourceRange WhitespaceRange;
/// The offset just past the last '\n' in this token's leading
/// whitespace (relative to \c WhiteSpaceStart). 0 if there is no '\n'.
unsigned LastNewlineOffset = 0;
/// The width of the non-whitespace parts of the token (or its first
/// line for multi-line tokens) in columns.
/// We need this to correctly measure number of columns a token spans.
unsigned ColumnWidth = 0;
/// Contains the width in columns of the last line of a multi-line
/// token.
unsigned LastLineColumnWidth = 0;
/// Whether the token text contains newlines (escaped or not).
bool IsMultiline = false;
/// Indicates that this is the first token of the file.
bool IsFirst = false;
/// Whether there must be a line break before this token.
/// This happens for example when a preprocessor directive ended directly
/// before the token.
bool MustBreakBefore = false;
/// The raw text of the token.
/// Contains the raw token text without leading whitespace and without leading
/// escaped newlines.
StringRef TokenText;
/// Set to \c true if this token is an unterminated literal.
bool IsUnterminatedLiteral = 0;
/// Contains the kind of block if this token is a brace.
BraceBlockKind BlockKind = BK_Unknown;
TokenType Type = TT_Unknown;
/// The number of spaces that should be inserted before this token.
unsigned SpacesRequiredBefore = 0;
/// \c true if it is allowed to break before this token.
bool CanBreakBefore = false;
/// \c true if this is the ">" of "template<..>".
bool ClosesTemplateDeclaration = false;
/// Number of parameters, if this is "(", "[" or "<".
unsigned ParameterCount = 0;
/// Number of parameters that are nested blocks,
/// if this is "(", "[" or "<".
unsigned BlockParameterCount = 0;
/// If this is a bracket ("<", "(", "[" or "{"), contains the kind of
/// the surrounding bracket.
tok::TokenKind ParentBracket = tok::unknown;
/// A token can have a special role that can carry extra information
/// about the token's formatting.
std::unique_ptr<TokenRole> Role;
/// If this is an opening parenthesis, how are the parameters packed?
ParameterPackingKind PackingKind = PPK_Inconclusive;
/// The total length of the unwrapped line up to and including this
/// token.
unsigned TotalLength = 0;
/// The original 0-based column of this token, including expanded tabs.
/// The configured TabWidth is used as tab width.
unsigned OriginalColumn = 0;
/// The length of following tokens until the next natural split point,
/// or the next token that can be broken.
unsigned UnbreakableTailLength = 0;
// FIXME: Come up with a 'cleaner' concept.
/// The binding strength of a token. This is a combined value of
/// operator precedence, parenthesis nesting, etc.
unsigned BindingStrength = 0;
/// The nesting level of this token, i.e. the number of surrounding (),
/// [], {} or <>.
unsigned NestingLevel = 0;
/// The indent level of this token. Copied from the surrounding line.
unsigned IndentLevel = 0;
/// Penalty for inserting a line break before this token.
unsigned SplitPenalty = 0;
/// If this is the first ObjC selector name in an ObjC method
/// definition or call, this contains the length of the longest name.
/// This being set to 0 means that the selectors should not be colon-aligned,
/// e.g. because several of them are block-type.
unsigned LongestObjCSelectorName = 0;
/// If this is the first ObjC selector name in an ObjC method
/// definition or call, this contains the number of parts that the whole
/// selector consist of.
unsigned ObjCSelectorNameParts = 0;
/// The 0-based index of the parameter/argument. For ObjC it is set
/// for the selector name token.
/// For now calculated only for ObjC.
unsigned ParameterIndex = 0;
/// Stores the number of required fake parentheses and the
/// corresponding operator precedence.
/// If multiple fake parentheses start at a token, this vector stores them in
/// reverse order, i.e. inner fake parenthesis first.
SmallVector<prec::Level, 4> FakeLParens;
/// Insert this many fake ) after this token for correct indentation.
unsigned FakeRParens = 0;
/// \c true if this token starts a binary expression, i.e. has at least
/// one fake l_paren with a precedence greater than prec::Unknown.
bool StartsBinaryExpression = false;
/// \c true if this token ends a binary expression.
bool EndsBinaryExpression = false;
/// If this is an operator (or "."/"->") in a sequence of operators
/// with the same precedence, contains the 0-based operator index.
unsigned OperatorIndex = 0;
/// If this is an operator (or "."/"->") in a sequence of operators
/// with the same precedence, points to the next operator.
FormatToken *NextOperator = nullptr;
/// Is this token part of a \c DeclStmt defining multiple variables?
/// Only set if \c Type == \c TT_StartOfName.
bool PartOfMultiVariableDeclStmt = false;
/// Does this line comment continue a line comment section?
/// Only set to true if \c Type == \c TT_LineComment.
bool ContinuesLineCommentSection = false;
/// If this is a bracket, this points to the matching one.
FormatToken *MatchingParen = nullptr;
/// The previous token in the unwrapped line.
FormatToken *Previous = nullptr;
/// The next token in the unwrapped line.
FormatToken *Next = nullptr;
/// If this token starts a block, this contains all the unwrapped lines
/// in it.
SmallVector<AnnotatedLine *, 1> Children;
/// Stores the formatting decision for the token once it was made.
FormatDecision Decision = FD_Unformatted;
/// If \c true, this token has been fully formatted (indented and
/// potentially re-formatted inside), and we do not allow further formatting
/// changes.
bool Finalized = false;
bool is(tok::TokenKind Kind) const { return Tok.is(Kind); }
bool is(TokenType TT) const { return Type == TT; }
bool is(const IdentifierInfo *II) const {
return II && II == Tok.getIdentifierInfo();
bool is(tok::PPKeywordKind Kind) const {
return Tok.getIdentifierInfo() &&
Tok.getIdentifierInfo()->getPPKeywordID() == Kind;
template <typename A, typename B> bool isOneOf(A K1, B K2) const {
return is(K1) || is(K2);
template <typename A, typename B, typename... Ts>
bool isOneOf(A K1, B K2, Ts... Ks) const {
return is(K1) || isOneOf(K2, Ks...);
template <typename T> bool isNot(T Kind) const { return !is(Kind); }
bool isIf(bool AllowConstexprMacro = true) const {
return is(tok::kw_if) || endsSequence(tok::kw_constexpr, tok::kw_if) ||
(endsSequence(tok::identifier, tok::kw_if) && AllowConstexprMacro);
bool closesScopeAfterBlock() const {
if (BlockKind == BK_Block)
return true;
if (closesScope())
return Previous->closesScopeAfterBlock();
return false;
/// \c true if this token starts a sequence with the given tokens in order,
/// following the ``Next`` pointers, ignoring comments.
template <typename A, typename... Ts>
bool startsSequence(A K1, Ts... Tokens) const {
return startsSequenceInternal(K1, Tokens...);
/// \c true if this token ends a sequence with the given tokens in order,
/// following the ``Previous`` pointers, ignoring comments.
/// For example, given tokens [T1, T2, T3], the function returns true if
/// 3 tokens ending at this (ignoring comments) are [T3, T2, T1]. In other
/// words, the tokens passed to this function need to the reverse of the
/// order the tokens appear in code.
template <typename A, typename... Ts>
bool endsSequence(A K1, Ts... Tokens) const {
return endsSequenceInternal(K1, Tokens...);
bool isStringLiteral() const { return tok::isStringLiteral(Tok.getKind()); }
bool isObjCAtKeyword(tok::ObjCKeywordKind Kind) const {
return Tok.isObjCAtKeyword(Kind);
bool isAccessSpecifier(bool ColonRequired = true) const {
return isOneOf(tok::kw_public, tok::kw_protected, tok::kw_private) &&
(!ColonRequired || (Next && Next->is(tok::colon)));
/// Determine whether the token is a simple-type-specifier.
bool isSimpleTypeSpecifier() const;
bool isObjCAccessSpecifier() const {
return is(tok::at) && Next &&
(Next->isObjCAtKeyword(tok::objc_public) ||
Next->isObjCAtKeyword(tok::objc_protected) ||
Next->isObjCAtKeyword(tok::objc_package) ||
/// Returns whether \p Tok is ([{ or an opening < of a template or in
/// protos.
bool opensScope() const {
if (is(TT_TemplateString) && TokenText.endswith("${"))
return true;
if (is(TT_DictLiteral) && is(tok::less))
return true;
return isOneOf(tok::l_paren, tok::l_brace, tok::l_square,
/// Returns whether \p Tok is )]} or a closing > of a template or in
/// protos.
bool closesScope() const {
if (is(TT_TemplateString) && TokenText.startswith("}"))
return true;
if (is(TT_DictLiteral) && is(tok::greater))
return true;
return isOneOf(tok::r_paren, tok::r_brace, tok::r_square,
/// Returns \c true if this is a "." or "->" accessing a member.
bool isMemberAccess() const {
return isOneOf(tok::arrow, tok::period, tok::arrowstar) &&
!isOneOf(TT_DesignatedInitializerPeriod, TT_TrailingReturnArrow,
bool isUnaryOperator() const {
switch (Tok.getKind()) {
case tok::plus:
case tok::plusplus:
case tok::minus:
case tok::minusminus:
case tok::exclaim:
case tok::tilde:
case tok::kw_sizeof:
case tok::kw_alignof:
return true;
return false;
bool isBinaryOperator() const {
// Comma is a binary operator, but does not behave as such wrt. formatting.
return getPrecedence() > prec::Comma;
bool isTrailingComment() const {
return is(tok::comment) &&
(is(TT_LineComment) || !Next || Next->NewlinesBefore > 0);
/// Returns \c true if this is a keyword that can be used
/// like a function call (e.g. sizeof, typeid, ...).
bool isFunctionLikeKeyword() const {
switch (Tok.getKind()) {
case tok::kw_throw:
case tok::kw_typeid:
case tok::kw_return:
case tok::kw_sizeof:
case tok::kw_alignof:
case tok::kw_alignas:
case tok::kw_decltype:
case tok::kw_noexcept:
case tok::kw_static_assert:
case tok::kw___attribute:
return true;
return false;
/// Returns \c true if this is a string literal that's like a label,
/// e.g. ends with "=" or ":".
bool isLabelString() const {
if (!is(tok::string_literal))
return false;
StringRef Content = TokenText;
if (Content.startswith("\"") || Content.startswith("'"))
Content = Content.drop_front(1);
if (Content.endswith("\"") || Content.endswith("'"))
Content = Content.drop_back(1);
Content = Content.trim();
return Content.size() > 1 &&
(Content.back() == ':' || Content.back() == '=');
/// Returns actual token start location without leading escaped
/// newlines and whitespace.
/// This can be different to Tok.getLocation(), which includes leading escaped
/// newlines.
SourceLocation getStartOfNonWhitespace() const {
return WhitespaceRange.getEnd();
prec::Level getPrecedence() const {
return getBinOpPrecedence(Tok.getKind(), /*GreaterThanIsOperator=*/true,
/// Returns the previous token ignoring comments.
FormatToken *getPreviousNonComment() const {
FormatToken *Tok = Previous;
while (Tok && Tok->is(tok::comment))
Tok = Tok->Previous;
return Tok;
/// Returns the next token ignoring comments.
const FormatToken *getNextNonComment() const {
const FormatToken *Tok = Next;
while (Tok && Tok->is(tok::comment))
Tok = Tok->Next;
return Tok;
/// Returns \c true if this tokens starts a block-type list, i.e. a
/// list that should be indented with a block indent.
bool opensBlockOrBlockTypeList(const FormatStyle &Style) const {
if (is(TT_TemplateString) && opensScope())
return true;
return is(TT_ArrayInitializerLSquare) || is(TT_ProtoExtensionLSquare) ||
(is(tok::l_brace) &&
(BlockKind == BK_Block || is(TT_DictLiteral) ||
(!Style.Cpp11BracedListStyle && NestingLevel == 0))) ||
(is(tok::less) && (Style.Language == FormatStyle::LK_Proto ||
Style.Language == FormatStyle::LK_TextProto));
/// Returns whether the token is the left square bracket of a C++
/// structured binding declaration.
bool isCppStructuredBinding(const FormatStyle &Style) const {
if (!Style.isCpp() || isNot(tok::l_square))
return false;
const FormatToken *T = this;
do {
T = T->getPreviousNonComment();
} while (T && T->isOneOf(tok::kw_const, tok::kw_volatile, tok::amp,
return T && T->is(tok::kw_auto);
/// Same as opensBlockOrBlockTypeList, but for the closing token.
bool closesBlockOrBlockTypeList(const FormatStyle &Style) const {
if (is(TT_TemplateString) && closesScope())
return true;
return MatchingParen && MatchingParen->opensBlockOrBlockTypeList(Style);
/// Return the actual namespace token, if this token starts a namespace
/// block.
const FormatToken *getNamespaceToken() const {
const FormatToken *NamespaceTok = this;
if (is(tok::comment))
NamespaceTok = NamespaceTok->getNextNonComment();
// Detect "(inline|export)? namespace" in the beginning of a line.
if (NamespaceTok && NamespaceTok->isOneOf(tok::kw_inline, tok::kw_export))
NamespaceTok = NamespaceTok->getNextNonComment();
return NamespaceTok &&
NamespaceTok->isOneOf(tok::kw_namespace, TT_NamespaceMacro)
? NamespaceTok
: nullptr;
// Disallow copying.
FormatToken(const FormatToken &) = delete;
void operator=(const FormatToken &) = delete;
template <typename A, typename... Ts>
bool startsSequenceInternal(A K1, Ts... Tokens) const {
if (is(tok::comment) && Next)
return Next->startsSequenceInternal(K1, Tokens...);
return is(K1) && Next && Next->startsSequenceInternal(Tokens...);
template <typename A> bool startsSequenceInternal(A K1) const {
if (is(tok::comment) && Next)
return Next->startsSequenceInternal(K1);
return is(K1);
template <typename A, typename... Ts> bool endsSequenceInternal(A K1) const {
if (is(tok::comment) && Previous)
return Previous->endsSequenceInternal(K1);
return is(K1);
template <typename A, typename... Ts>
bool endsSequenceInternal(A K1, Ts... Tokens) const {
if (is(tok::comment) && Previous)
return Previous->endsSequenceInternal(K1, Tokens...);
return is(K1) && Previous && Previous->endsSequenceInternal(Tokens...);
class ContinuationIndenter;
struct LineState;
class TokenRole {
TokenRole(const FormatStyle &Style) : Style(Style) {}
virtual ~TokenRole();
/// After the \c TokenAnnotator has finished annotating all the tokens,
/// this function precomputes required information for formatting.
virtual void precomputeFormattingInfos(const FormatToken *Token);
/// Apply the special formatting that the given role demands.
/// Assumes that the token having this role is already formatted.
/// Continues formatting from \p State leaving indentation to \p Indenter and
/// returns the total penalty that this formatting incurs.
virtual unsigned formatFromToken(LineState &State,
ContinuationIndenter *Indenter,
bool DryRun) {
return 0;
/// Same as \c formatFromToken, but assumes that the first token has
/// already been set thereby deciding on the first line break.
virtual unsigned formatAfterToken(LineState &State,
ContinuationIndenter *Indenter,
bool DryRun) {
return 0;
/// Notifies the \c Role that a comma was found.
virtual void CommaFound(const FormatToken *Token) {}
virtual const FormatToken *lastComma() { return nullptr; }
const FormatStyle &Style;
class CommaSeparatedList : public TokenRole {
CommaSeparatedList(const FormatStyle &Style)
: TokenRole(Style), HasNestedBracedList(false) {}
void precomputeFormattingInfos(const FormatToken *Token) override;
unsigned formatAfterToken(LineState &State, ContinuationIndenter *Indenter,
bool DryRun) override;
unsigned formatFromToken(LineState &State, ContinuationIndenter *Indenter,
bool DryRun) override;
/// Adds \p Token as the next comma to the \c CommaSeparated list.
void CommaFound(const FormatToken *Token) override {
const FormatToken *lastComma() override {
if (Commas.empty())
return nullptr;
return Commas.back();
/// A struct that holds information on how to format a given list with
/// a specific number of columns.
struct ColumnFormat {
/// The number of columns to use.
unsigned Columns;
/// The total width in characters.
unsigned TotalWidth;
/// The number of lines required for this format.
unsigned LineCount;
/// The size of each column in characters.
SmallVector<unsigned, 8> ColumnSizes;
/// Calculate which \c ColumnFormat fits best into
/// \p RemainingCharacters.
const ColumnFormat *getColumnFormat(unsigned RemainingCharacters) const;
/// The ordered \c FormatTokens making up the commas of this list.
SmallVector<const FormatToken *, 8> Commas;
/// The length of each of the list's items in characters including the
/// trailing comma.
SmallVector<unsigned, 8> ItemLengths;
/// Precomputed formats that can be used for this list.
SmallVector<ColumnFormat, 4> Formats;
bool HasNestedBracedList;
/// Encapsulates keywords that are context sensitive or for languages not
/// properly supported by Clang's lexer.
struct AdditionalKeywords {
AdditionalKeywords(IdentifierTable &IdentTable) {
kw_final = &IdentTable.get("final");
kw_override = &IdentTable.get("override");
kw_in = &IdentTable.get("in");
kw_of = &IdentTable.get("of");
kw_CF_CLOSED_ENUM = &IdentTable.get("CF_CLOSED_ENUM");
kw_CF_ENUM = &IdentTable.get("CF_ENUM");
kw_CF_OPTIONS = &IdentTable.get("CF_OPTIONS");
kw_NS_CLOSED_ENUM = &IdentTable.get("NS_CLOSED_ENUM");
kw_NS_ENUM = &IdentTable.get("NS_ENUM");
kw_NS_OPTIONS = &IdentTable.get("NS_OPTIONS");
kw_as = &IdentTable.get("as");
kw_async = &IdentTable.get("async");
kw_await = &IdentTable.get("await");
kw_declare = &IdentTable.get("declare");
kw_finally = &IdentTable.get("finally");
kw_from = &IdentTable.get("from");
kw_function = &IdentTable.get("function");
kw_get = &IdentTable.get("get");
kw_import = &IdentTable.get("import");
kw_infer = &IdentTable.get("infer");
kw_is = &IdentTable.get("is");
kw_let = &IdentTable.get("let");
kw_module = &IdentTable.get("module");
kw_readonly = &IdentTable.get("readonly");
kw_set = &IdentTable.get("set");
kw_type = &IdentTable.get("type");
kw_typeof = &IdentTable.get("typeof");
kw_var = &IdentTable.get("var");
kw_yield = &IdentTable.get("yield");
kw_abstract = &IdentTable.get("abstract");
kw_assert = &IdentTable.get("assert");
kw_extends = &IdentTable.get("extends");
kw_implements = &IdentTable.get("implements");
kw_instanceof = &IdentTable.get("instanceof");
kw_interface = &IdentTable.get("interface");
kw_native = &IdentTable.get("native");
kw_package = &IdentTable.get("package");
kw_synchronized = &IdentTable.get("synchronized");
kw_throws = &IdentTable.get("throws");
kw___except = &IdentTable.get("__except");
kw___has_include = &IdentTable.get("__has_include");
kw___has_include_next = &IdentTable.get("__has_include_next");
kw_mark = &IdentTable.get("mark");
kw_extend = &IdentTable.get("extend");
kw_option = &IdentTable.get("option");
kw_optional = &IdentTable.get("optional");
kw_repeated = &IdentTable.get("repeated");
kw_required = &IdentTable.get("required");
kw_returns = &IdentTable.get("returns");
kw_signals = &IdentTable.get("signals");
kw_qsignals = &IdentTable.get("Q_SIGNALS");
kw_slots = &IdentTable.get("slots");
kw_qslots = &IdentTable.get("Q_SLOTS");
[clang-format] Add basic support for formatting C# files Summary: This revision adds basic support for formatting C# files with clang-format, I know the barrier to entry is high here so I'm sending this revision in to test the water as to whether this might be something we'd consider landing. Tracking in Bugzilla as: https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=40850 Justification: C# code just looks ugly in comparison to the C++ code in our source tree which is clang-formatted. I've struggled with Visual Studio reformatting to get a clean and consistent style, I want to format our C# code on saving like I do now for C++ and i want it to have the same style as defined in our .clang-format file, so it consistent as it can be with C++. (Braces/Breaking/Spaces/Indent etc..) Using clang format without this patch leaves the code in a bad state, sometimes when the BreakStringLiterals is set, it fails to compile. Mostly the C# is similar to Java, except instead of JavaAnnotations I try to reuse the TT_AttributeSquare. Almost the most valuable portion is to have a new Language in order to partition the configuration for C# within a common .clang-format file, with the auto detection on the .cs extension. But there are other C# specific styles that could be added later if this is accepted. in particular how `{ set;get }` is formatted. Reviewers: djasper, klimek, krasimir, benhamilton, JonasToth Reviewed By: klimek Subscribers: llvm-commits, mgorny, jdoerfert, cfe-commits Tags: #clang, #clang-tools-extra Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D58404 llvm-svn: 356662
2019-03-21 21:09:22 +08:00
// C# keywords
kw_dollar = &IdentTable.get("dollar");
kw_base = &IdentTable.get("base");
kw_byte = &IdentTable.get("byte");
kw_checked = &IdentTable.get("checked");
kw_decimal = &IdentTable.get("decimal");
kw_delegate = &IdentTable.get("delegate");
kw_event = &IdentTable.get("event");
kw_fixed = &IdentTable.get("fixed");
kw_foreach = &IdentTable.get("foreach");
kw_implicit = &IdentTable.get("implicit");
kw_internal = &IdentTable.get("internal");
kw_lock = &IdentTable.get("lock");
kw_null = &IdentTable.get("null");
kw_object = &IdentTable.get("object");
kw_out = &IdentTable.get("out");
kw_params = &IdentTable.get("params");
kw_ref = &IdentTable.get("ref");
kw_string = &IdentTable.get("string");
kw_stackalloc = &IdentTable.get("stackalloc");
kw_sbyte = &IdentTable.get("sbyte");
kw_sealed = &IdentTable.get("sealed");
kw_uint = &IdentTable.get("uint");
kw_ulong = &IdentTable.get("ulong");
kw_unchecked = &IdentTable.get("unchecked");
kw_unsafe = &IdentTable.get("unsafe");
kw_ushort = &IdentTable.get("ushort");
// Keep this at the end of the constructor to make sure everything here
// is
// already initialized.
JsExtraKeywords = std::unordered_set<IdentifierInfo *>(
{kw_as, kw_async, kw_await, kw_declare, kw_finally, kw_from,
kw_function, kw_get, kw_import, kw_is, kw_let, kw_module, kw_readonly,
kw_set, kw_type, kw_typeof, kw_var, kw_yield,
// Keywords from the Java section.
kw_abstract, kw_extends, kw_implements, kw_instanceof, kw_interface});
[clang-format] Add basic support for formatting C# files Summary: This revision adds basic support for formatting C# files with clang-format, I know the barrier to entry is high here so I'm sending this revision in to test the water as to whether this might be something we'd consider landing. Tracking in Bugzilla as: https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=40850 Justification: C# code just looks ugly in comparison to the C++ code in our source tree which is clang-formatted. I've struggled with Visual Studio reformatting to get a clean and consistent style, I want to format our C# code on saving like I do now for C++ and i want it to have the same style as defined in our .clang-format file, so it consistent as it can be with C++. (Braces/Breaking/Spaces/Indent etc..) Using clang format without this patch leaves the code in a bad state, sometimes when the BreakStringLiterals is set, it fails to compile. Mostly the C# is similar to Java, except instead of JavaAnnotations I try to reuse the TT_AttributeSquare. Almost the most valuable portion is to have a new Language in order to partition the configuration for C# within a common .clang-format file, with the auto detection on the .cs extension. But there are other C# specific styles that could be added later if this is accepted. in particular how `{ set;get }` is formatted. Reviewers: djasper, klimek, krasimir, benhamilton, JonasToth Reviewed By: klimek Subscribers: llvm-commits, mgorny, jdoerfert, cfe-commits Tags: #clang, #clang-tools-extra Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D58404 llvm-svn: 356662
2019-03-21 21:09:22 +08:00
CSharpExtraKeywords = std::unordered_set<IdentifierInfo *>(
{kw_base, kw_byte, kw_checked, kw_decimal, kw_delegate, kw_event,
kw_fixed, kw_foreach, kw_implicit, kw_in, kw_interface, kw_internal,
kw_is, kw_lock, kw_null, kw_object, kw_out, kw_override, kw_params,
kw_readonly, kw_ref, kw_string, kw_stackalloc, kw_sbyte, kw_sealed,
kw_uint, kw_ulong, kw_unchecked, kw_unsafe, kw_ushort,
// Keywords from the JavaScript section.
kw_as, kw_async, kw_await, kw_declare, kw_finally, kw_from,
kw_function, kw_get, kw_import, kw_is, kw_let, kw_module, kw_readonly,
kw_set, kw_type, kw_typeof, kw_var, kw_yield,
// Keywords from the Java section.
kw_abstract, kw_extends, kw_implements, kw_instanceof, kw_interface});
// Context sensitive keywords.
IdentifierInfo *kw_final;
IdentifierInfo *kw_override;
IdentifierInfo *kw_in;
IdentifierInfo *kw_of;
IdentifierInfo *kw_CF_CLOSED_ENUM;
IdentifierInfo *kw_CF_ENUM;
IdentifierInfo *kw_CF_OPTIONS;
IdentifierInfo *kw_NS_CLOSED_ENUM;
IdentifierInfo *kw_NS_ENUM;
IdentifierInfo *kw_NS_OPTIONS;
IdentifierInfo *kw___except;
IdentifierInfo *kw___has_include;
IdentifierInfo *kw___has_include_next;
// JavaScript keywords.
IdentifierInfo *kw_as;
IdentifierInfo *kw_async;
IdentifierInfo *kw_await;
IdentifierInfo *kw_declare;
IdentifierInfo *kw_finally;
IdentifierInfo *kw_from;
IdentifierInfo *kw_function;
IdentifierInfo *kw_get;
IdentifierInfo *kw_import;
IdentifierInfo *kw_infer;
IdentifierInfo *kw_is;
IdentifierInfo *kw_let;
IdentifierInfo *kw_module;
IdentifierInfo *kw_readonly;
IdentifierInfo *kw_set;
IdentifierInfo *kw_type;
IdentifierInfo *kw_typeof;
IdentifierInfo *kw_var;
IdentifierInfo *kw_yield;
// Java keywords.
IdentifierInfo *kw_abstract;
IdentifierInfo *kw_assert;
IdentifierInfo *kw_extends;
IdentifierInfo *kw_implements;
IdentifierInfo *kw_instanceof;
IdentifierInfo *kw_interface;
IdentifierInfo *kw_native;
IdentifierInfo *kw_package;
IdentifierInfo *kw_synchronized;
IdentifierInfo *kw_throws;
// Pragma keywords.
IdentifierInfo *kw_mark;
// Proto keywords.
IdentifierInfo *kw_extend;
IdentifierInfo *kw_option;
IdentifierInfo *kw_optional;
IdentifierInfo *kw_repeated;
IdentifierInfo *kw_required;
IdentifierInfo *kw_returns;
// QT keywords.
IdentifierInfo *kw_signals;
IdentifierInfo *kw_qsignals;
IdentifierInfo *kw_slots;
IdentifierInfo *kw_qslots;
[clang-format] Add basic support for formatting C# files Summary: This revision adds basic support for formatting C# files with clang-format, I know the barrier to entry is high here so I'm sending this revision in to test the water as to whether this might be something we'd consider landing. Tracking in Bugzilla as: https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=40850 Justification: C# code just looks ugly in comparison to the C++ code in our source tree which is clang-formatted. I've struggled with Visual Studio reformatting to get a clean and consistent style, I want to format our C# code on saving like I do now for C++ and i want it to have the same style as defined in our .clang-format file, so it consistent as it can be with C++. (Braces/Breaking/Spaces/Indent etc..) Using clang format without this patch leaves the code in a bad state, sometimes when the BreakStringLiterals is set, it fails to compile. Mostly the C# is similar to Java, except instead of JavaAnnotations I try to reuse the TT_AttributeSquare. Almost the most valuable portion is to have a new Language in order to partition the configuration for C# within a common .clang-format file, with the auto detection on the .cs extension. But there are other C# specific styles that could be added later if this is accepted. in particular how `{ set;get }` is formatted. Reviewers: djasper, klimek, krasimir, benhamilton, JonasToth Reviewed By: klimek Subscribers: llvm-commits, mgorny, jdoerfert, cfe-commits Tags: #clang, #clang-tools-extra Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D58404 llvm-svn: 356662
2019-03-21 21:09:22 +08:00
// C# keywords
IdentifierInfo *kw_dollar;
IdentifierInfo *kw_base;
IdentifierInfo *kw_byte;
IdentifierInfo *kw_checked;
IdentifierInfo *kw_decimal;
IdentifierInfo *kw_delegate;
IdentifierInfo *kw_event;
IdentifierInfo *kw_fixed;
IdentifierInfo *kw_foreach;
IdentifierInfo *kw_implicit;
IdentifierInfo *kw_internal;
IdentifierInfo *kw_lock;
IdentifierInfo *kw_null;
IdentifierInfo *kw_object;
IdentifierInfo *kw_out;
IdentifierInfo *kw_params;
IdentifierInfo *kw_ref;
IdentifierInfo *kw_string;
IdentifierInfo *kw_stackalloc;
IdentifierInfo *kw_sbyte;
IdentifierInfo *kw_sealed;
IdentifierInfo *kw_uint;
IdentifierInfo *kw_ulong;
IdentifierInfo *kw_unchecked;
IdentifierInfo *kw_unsafe;
IdentifierInfo *kw_ushort;
/// Returns \c true if \p Tok is a true JavaScript identifier, returns
/// \c false if it is a keyword or a pseudo keyword.
bool IsJavaScriptIdentifier(const FormatToken &Tok) const {
return Tok.is(tok::identifier) &&
JsExtraKeywords.find(Tok.Tok.getIdentifierInfo()) ==
[clang-format] Add basic support for formatting C# files Summary: This revision adds basic support for formatting C# files with clang-format, I know the barrier to entry is high here so I'm sending this revision in to test the water as to whether this might be something we'd consider landing. Tracking in Bugzilla as: https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=40850 Justification: C# code just looks ugly in comparison to the C++ code in our source tree which is clang-formatted. I've struggled with Visual Studio reformatting to get a clean and consistent style, I want to format our C# code on saving like I do now for C++ and i want it to have the same style as defined in our .clang-format file, so it consistent as it can be with C++. (Braces/Breaking/Spaces/Indent etc..) Using clang format without this patch leaves the code in a bad state, sometimes when the BreakStringLiterals is set, it fails to compile. Mostly the C# is similar to Java, except instead of JavaAnnotations I try to reuse the TT_AttributeSquare. Almost the most valuable portion is to have a new Language in order to partition the configuration for C# within a common .clang-format file, with the auto detection on the .cs extension. But there are other C# specific styles that could be added later if this is accepted. in particular how `{ set;get }` is formatted. Reviewers: djasper, klimek, krasimir, benhamilton, JonasToth Reviewed By: klimek Subscribers: llvm-commits, mgorny, jdoerfert, cfe-commits Tags: #clang, #clang-tools-extra Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D58404 llvm-svn: 356662
2019-03-21 21:09:22 +08:00
/// Returns \c true if \p Tok is a C# keyword, returns
/// \c false if it is a anything else.
bool isCSharpKeyword(const FormatToken &Tok) const {
switch (Tok.Tok.getKind()) {
case tok::kw_bool:
case tok::kw_break:
case tok::kw_case:
case tok::kw_catch:
case tok::kw_char:
case tok::kw_class:
case tok::kw_const:
case tok::kw_continue:
case tok::kw_default:
case tok::kw_do:
case tok::kw_double:
case tok::kw_else:
case tok::kw_enum:
case tok::kw_explicit:
case tok::kw_extern:
case tok::kw_false:
case tok::kw_float:
case tok::kw_for:
case tok::kw_goto:
case tok::kw_if:
case tok::kw_int:
case tok::kw_long:
case tok::kw_namespace:
case tok::kw_new:
case tok::kw_operator:
case tok::kw_private:
case tok::kw_protected:
case tok::kw_public:
case tok::kw_return:
case tok::kw_short:
case tok::kw_sizeof:
case tok::kw_static:
case tok::kw_struct:
case tok::kw_switch:
case tok::kw_this:
case tok::kw_throw:
case tok::kw_true:
case tok::kw_try:
case tok::kw_typeof:
case tok::kw_using:
case tok::kw_virtual:
case tok::kw_void:
case tok::kw_volatile:
case tok::kw_while:
return true;
return Tok.is(tok::identifier) &&
CSharpExtraKeywords.find(Tok.Tok.getIdentifierInfo()) ==
/// The JavaScript keywords beyond the C++ keyword set.
std::unordered_set<IdentifierInfo *> JsExtraKeywords;
[clang-format] Add basic support for formatting C# files Summary: This revision adds basic support for formatting C# files with clang-format, I know the barrier to entry is high here so I'm sending this revision in to test the water as to whether this might be something we'd consider landing. Tracking in Bugzilla as: https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=40850 Justification: C# code just looks ugly in comparison to the C++ code in our source tree which is clang-formatted. I've struggled with Visual Studio reformatting to get a clean and consistent style, I want to format our C# code on saving like I do now for C++ and i want it to have the same style as defined in our .clang-format file, so it consistent as it can be with C++. (Braces/Breaking/Spaces/Indent etc..) Using clang format without this patch leaves the code in a bad state, sometimes when the BreakStringLiterals is set, it fails to compile. Mostly the C# is similar to Java, except instead of JavaAnnotations I try to reuse the TT_AttributeSquare. Almost the most valuable portion is to have a new Language in order to partition the configuration for C# within a common .clang-format file, with the auto detection on the .cs extension. But there are other C# specific styles that could be added later if this is accepted. in particular how `{ set;get }` is formatted. Reviewers: djasper, klimek, krasimir, benhamilton, JonasToth Reviewed By: klimek Subscribers: llvm-commits, mgorny, jdoerfert, cfe-commits Tags: #clang, #clang-tools-extra Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D58404 llvm-svn: 356662
2019-03-21 21:09:22 +08:00
/// The C# keywords beyond the C++ keyword set
std::unordered_set<IdentifierInfo *> CSharpExtraKeywords;
} // namespace format
} // namespace clang