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//===-- Serialization.cpp - Binary serialization of index data ------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "Serialization.h"
#include "Index.h"
#include "RIFF.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compression.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Endian.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
using namespace llvm;
namespace clang {
namespace clangd {
namespace {
Error makeError(const Twine &Msg) {
return make_error<StringError>(Msg, inconvertibleErrorCode());
// We use little-endian 32 bit ints, sometimes with variable-length encoding.
StringRef consume(StringRef &Data, int N) {
StringRef Ret = Data.take_front(N);
Data = Data.drop_front(N);
return Ret;
uint8_t consume8(StringRef &Data) {
uint8_t Ret = Data.front();
Data = Data.drop_front();
return Ret;
uint32_t consume32(StringRef &Data) {
auto Ret = support::endian::read32le(Data.bytes_begin());
Data = Data.drop_front(4);
return Ret;
void write32(uint32_t I, raw_ostream &OS) {
char buf[4];
support::endian::write32le(buf, I);
OS.write(buf, sizeof(buf));
// Variable-length int encoding (varint) uses the bottom 7 bits of each byte
// to encode the number, and the top bit to indicate whether more bytes follow.
// e.g. 9a 2f means [0x1a and keep reading, 0x2f and stop].
// This represents 0x1a | 0x2f<<7 = 6042.
// A 32-bit integer takes 1-5 bytes to encode; small numbers are more compact.
void writeVar(uint32_t I, raw_ostream &OS) {
constexpr static uint8_t More = 1 << 7;
if (LLVM_LIKELY(I < 1 << 7)) {
for (;;) {
OS.write(I | More);
I >>= 7;
if (I < 1 << 7) {
uint32_t consumeVar(StringRef &Data) {
constexpr static uint8_t More = 1 << 7;
uint8_t B = consume8(Data);
if (LLVM_LIKELY(!(B & More)))
return B;
uint32_t Val = B & ~More;
for (int Shift = 7; B & More && Shift < 32; Shift += 7) {
B = consume8(Data);
Val |= (B & ~More) << Shift;
return Val;
// Index data has many string fields, and many strings are identical.
// We store each string once, and refer to them by index.
// The string table's format is:
// - UncompressedSize : uint32 (or 0 for no compression)
// - CompressedData : byte[CompressedSize]
// CompressedData is a zlib-compressed byte[UncompressedSize].
// It contains a sequence of null-terminated strings, e.g. "foo\0bar\0".
// These are sorted to improve compression.
// Maps each string to a canonical representation.
// Strings remain owned externally (e.g. by SymbolSlab).
class StringTableOut {
DenseSet<StringRef> Unique;
std::vector<StringRef> Sorted;
// Since strings are interned, look up can be by pointer.
DenseMap<std::pair<const char *, size_t>, unsigned> Index;
StringTableOut() {
// Ensure there's at least one string in the table.
// Table size zero is reserved to indicate no compression.
// Add a string to the table. Overwrites S if an identical string exists.
void intern(StringRef &S) { S = *Unique.insert(S).first; };
// Finalize the table and write it to OS. No more strings may be added.
void finalize(raw_ostream &OS) {
Sorted = {Unique.begin(), Unique.end()};
std::sort(Sorted.begin(), Sorted.end());
for (unsigned I = 0; I < Sorted.size(); ++I)
Index.try_emplace({Sorted[I].data(), Sorted[I].size()}, I);
std::string RawTable;
for (StringRef S : Sorted) {
if (zlib::isAvailable()) {
SmallString<1> Compressed;
cantFail(zlib::compress(RawTable, Compressed));
write32(RawTable.size(), OS);
OS << Compressed;
} else {
write32(0, OS); // No compression.
OS << RawTable;
// Get the ID of an string, which must be interned. Table must be finalized.
unsigned index(StringRef S) const {
assert(!Sorted.empty() && "table not finalized");
assert(Index.count({S.data(), S.size()}) && "string not interned");
return Index.find({S.data(), S.size()})->second;
struct StringTableIn {
BumpPtrAllocator Arena;
std::vector<StringRef> Strings;
Expected<StringTableIn> readStringTable(StringRef Data) {
if (Data.size() < 4)
return makeError("Bad string table: not enough metadata");
size_t UncompressedSize = consume32(Data);
StringRef Uncompressed;
SmallString<1> UncompressedStorage;
if (UncompressedSize == 0) // No compression
Uncompressed = Data;
else {
if (Error E =
llvm::zlib::uncompress(Data, UncompressedStorage, UncompressedSize))
return std::move(E);
Uncompressed = UncompressedStorage;
StringTableIn Table;
StringSaver Saver(Table.Arena);
for (StringRef Rest = Uncompressed; !Rest.empty();) {
auto Len = Rest.find(0);
if (Len == StringRef::npos)
return makeError("Bad string table: not null terminated");
Table.Strings.push_back(Saver.save(consume(Rest, Len)));
Rest = Rest.drop_front();
return std::move(Table);
// Each field of clangd::Symbol is encoded in turn (see implementation).
// - StringRef fields encode as varint (index into the string table)
// - enums encode as the underlying type
// - most numbers encode as varint
// It's useful to the implementation to assume symbols have a bounded size.
constexpr size_t SymbolSizeBound = 512;
// To ensure the bounded size, restrict the number of include headers stored.
constexpr unsigned MaxIncludes = 50;
void writeSymbol(const Symbol &Sym, const StringTableOut &Strings,
raw_ostream &OS) {
auto StartOffset = OS.tell();
OS << Sym.ID.raw(); // TODO: once we start writing xrefs and posting lists,
// symbol IDs should probably be in a string table.
writeVar(Strings.index(Sym.Name), OS);
writeVar(Strings.index(Sym.Scope), OS);
for (const auto &Loc : {Sym.Definition, Sym.CanonicalDeclaration}) {
writeVar(Strings.index(Loc.FileURI), OS);
for (const auto &Endpoint : {Loc.Start, Loc.End}) {
writeVar(Endpoint.Line, OS);
writeVar(Endpoint.Column, OS);
writeVar(Sym.References, OS);
writeVar(Strings.index(Sym.Signature), OS);
writeVar(Strings.index(Sym.CompletionSnippetSuffix), OS);
writeVar(Strings.index(Sym.Documentation), OS);
writeVar(Strings.index(Sym.ReturnType), OS);
auto WriteInclude = [&](const Symbol::IncludeHeaderWithReferences &Include) {
writeVar(Strings.index(Include.IncludeHeader), OS);
writeVar(Include.References, OS);
// There are almost certainly few includes, so we can just write them.
if (LLVM_LIKELY(Sym.IncludeHeaders.size() <= MaxIncludes)) {
writeVar(Sym.IncludeHeaders.size(), OS);
for (const auto &Include : Sym.IncludeHeaders)
} else {
// If there are too many, make sure we truncate the least important.
using Pointer = const Symbol::IncludeHeaderWithReferences *;
std::vector<Pointer> Pointers;
for (const auto &Include : Sym.IncludeHeaders)
std::sort(Pointers.begin(), Pointers.end(), [](Pointer L, Pointer R) {
return L->References > R->References;
writeVar(MaxIncludes, OS);
for (Pointer P : Pointers)
assert(OS.tell() - StartOffset < SymbolSizeBound && "Symbol length unsafe!");
(void)StartOffset; // Unused in NDEBUG;
Expected<Symbol> readSymbol(StringRef &Data, const StringTableIn &Strings) {
// Usually we can skip bounds checks because the buffer is huge.
// Near the end of the buffer, this would be unsafe. In this rare case, copy
// the data into a bigger buffer so we can again skip the checks.
if (LLVM_UNLIKELY(Data.size() < SymbolSizeBound)) {
std::string Buf(Data);
StringRef ExtendedData = Buf;
auto Ret = readSymbol(ExtendedData, Strings);
unsigned BytesRead = Buf.size() - ExtendedData.size();
if (BytesRead > Data.size())
return makeError("read past end of data");
Data = Data.drop_front(BytesRead);
return Ret;
#define READ_STRING(Field) \
do { \
auto StringIndex = consumeVar(Data); \
if (LLVM_UNLIKELY(StringIndex >= Strings.Strings.size())) \
return makeError("Bad string index"); \
Field = Strings.Strings[StringIndex]; \
} while (0)
Symbol Sym;
Sym.ID = SymbolID::fromRaw(consume(Data, 20));
Sym.SymInfo.Kind = static_cast<index::SymbolKind>(consume8(Data));
Sym.SymInfo.Lang = static_cast<index::SymbolLanguage>(consume8(Data));
for (SymbolLocation *Loc : {&Sym.Definition, &Sym.CanonicalDeclaration}) {
for (auto &Endpoint : {&Loc->Start, &Loc->End}) {
Endpoint->Line = consumeVar(Data);
Endpoint->Column = consumeVar(Data);
Sym.References = consumeVar(Data);
Sym.Flags = static_cast<Symbol::SymbolFlag>(consume8(Data));
Sym.Origin = static_cast<SymbolOrigin>(consume8(Data));
unsigned IncludeHeaderN = consumeVar(Data);
if (IncludeHeaderN > MaxIncludes)
return makeError("too many IncludeHeaders");
for (auto &I : Sym.IncludeHeaders) {
I.References = consumeVar(Data);
return std::move(Sym);
} // namespace
// A file is a RIFF chunk with type 'CdIx'.
// It contains the sections:
// - meta: version number
// - stri: string table
// - symb: symbols
// The current versioning scheme is simple - non-current versions are rejected.
// If you make a breaking change, bump this version number to invalidate stored
// data. Later we may want to support some backward compatibility.
constexpr static uint32_t Version = 3;
Expected<IndexFileIn> readIndexFile(StringRef Data) {
auto RIFF = riff::readFile(Data);
if (!RIFF)
return RIFF.takeError();
if (RIFF->Type != riff::fourCC("CdIx"))
return makeError("wrong RIFF type");
StringMap<StringRef> Chunks;
for (const auto &Chunk : RIFF->Chunks)
Chunks.try_emplace(StringRef(Chunk.ID.data(), Chunk.ID.size()), Chunk.Data);
for (StringRef RequiredChunk : {"meta", "stri"})
if (!Chunks.count(RequiredChunk))
return makeError("missing required chunk " + RequiredChunk);
StringRef Meta = Chunks.lookup("meta");
if (Meta.size() < 4 || consume32(Meta) != Version)
return makeError("wrong version");
auto Strings = readStringTable(Chunks.lookup("stri"));
if (!Strings)
return Strings.takeError();
IndexFileIn Result;
if (Chunks.count("symb")) {
StringRef SymbolData = Chunks.lookup("symb");
SymbolSlab::Builder Symbols;
while (!SymbolData.empty())
if (auto Sym = readSymbol(SymbolData, *Strings))
return Sym.takeError();
Result.Symbols = std::move(Symbols).build();
return std::move(Result);
raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const IndexFileOut &Data) {
assert(Data.Symbols && "An index file without symbols makes no sense!");
riff::File RIFF;
RIFF.Type = riff::fourCC("CdIx");
SmallString<4> Meta;
raw_svector_ostream MetaOS(Meta);
write32(Version, MetaOS);
RIFF.Chunks.push_back({riff::fourCC("meta"), Meta});
StringTableOut Strings;
std::vector<Symbol> Symbols;
for (const auto &Sym : *Data.Symbols) {
visitStrings(Symbols.back(), [&](StringRef &S) { Strings.intern(S); });
std::string StringSection;
raw_string_ostream StringOS(StringSection);
RIFF.Chunks.push_back({riff::fourCC("stri"), StringSection});
std::string SymbolSection;
raw_string_ostream SymbolOS(SymbolSection);
for (const auto &Sym : Symbols)
writeSymbol(Sym, Strings, SymbolOS);
RIFF.Chunks.push_back({riff::fourCC("symb"), SymbolSection});
return OS << RIFF;
} // namespace clangd
} // namespace clang