2010-06-09 00:52:24 +08:00
//===-- Mangled.cpp ---------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include <cxxabi.h>
2010-09-04 07:26:12 +08:00
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
2010-06-09 00:52:24 +08:00
#include "lldb/Core/ConstString.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Mangled.h"
Just like functions can have a basename and a mangled/demangled name, variable
can too. So now the lldb_private::Variable class has support for this.
Variables now have support for having a basename ("i"), and a mangled name
("_ZN12_GLOBAL__N_11iE"), and a demangled name ("(anonymous namespace)::i").
Nowwhen searching for a variable by name, users might enter the fully qualified
name, or just the basename. So new test functions were added to the Variable
and Mangled classes as:
bool NameMatches (const ConstString &name);
bool NameMatches (const RegularExpression ®ex);
I also modified "ClangExpressionDeclMap::FindVariableInScope" to also search
for global variables that are not in the current file scope by first starting
with the current module, then moving on to all modules.
Fixed an issue in the DWARF parser that could cause a varaible to get parsed
more than once. Now, once we have parsed a VariableSP for a DIE, we cache
the result even if a variable wasn't made so we don't do any re-parsing. Some
DW_TAG_variable DIEs don't have locations, or are missing vital info that
stops a debugger from being able to display anything for it, we parse a NULL
variable shared pointer for these DIEs so we don't keep trying to reparse it.
llvm-svn: 119085
2010-11-15 06:13:40 +08:00
#include "lldb/Core/RegularExpression.h"
2010-06-09 00:52:24 +08:00
#include "lldb/Core/Stream.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Timer.h"
2010-06-09 16:50:27 +08:00
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
2010-06-09 00:52:24 +08:00
using namespace lldb_private;
#pragma mark Mangled
// Default constructor
Mangled::Mangled () :
// Constructor with an optional string and a boolean indicating if it is
// the mangled version.
Mangled::Mangled (const char *s, bool mangled) :
if (s && s[0])
SetValue(s, mangled);
// Destructor
Mangled::~Mangled ()
// Convert to pointer operator. This allows code to check any Mangled
// objects to see if they contain anything valid using code such as:
// Mangled mangled(...);
// if (mangled)
// { ...
Mangled::operator void* () const
return (m_mangled) ? const_cast<Mangled*>(this) : NULL;
// Logical NOT operator. This allows code to check any Mangled
// objects to see if they are invalid using code such as:
// Mangled mangled(...);
// if (!file_spec)
// { ...
Mangled::operator! () const
return !m_mangled;
// Clear the mangled and demangled values.
Mangled::Clear ()
// Compare the the string values.
Mangled::Compare (const Mangled& a, const Mangled& b)
2010-09-15 08:13:44 +08:00
return ConstString::Compare(a.GetName(ePreferMangled), a.GetName(ePreferMangled));
2010-06-09 00:52:24 +08:00
// Set the string value in this objects. If "mangled" is true, then
// the mangled named is set with the new value in "s", else the
// demangled name is set.
Mangled::SetValue (const char *s, bool mangled)
if (s)
if (mangled)
m_mangled.SetCString (s);
// Generate the demangled name on demand using this accessor. Code in
// this class will need to use this accessor if it wishes to decode
// the demangled name. The result is cached and will be kept until a
// new string value is supplied to this object, or until the end of the
// object's lifetime.
const ConstString&
Mangled::GetDemangledName () const
// Check to make sure we have a valid mangled name and that we
// haven't already decoded our mangled name.
if (m_mangled && !m_demangled)
// We need to generate and cache the demangled name.
Timer scoped_timer (__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,
"Mangled::GetDemangledName (m_mangled = %s)",
// We already know mangled is valid from the above check,
// lets just make sure it isn't empty...
const char * mangled = m_mangled.AsCString();
2010-12-15 12:20:25 +08:00
// Don't bother running anything that doesn't start with _Z through the demangler
if (mangled[0] != '\0' && mangled[0] == '_' && mangled[1] == 'Z')
2010-06-09 00:52:24 +08:00
2010-09-04 07:26:12 +08:00
// Since demangling can be a costly, and since all names that go
// into a ConstString (like our m_mangled and m_demangled members)
// end up being unique "const char *" values, we can use a DenseMap
// to speed up our lookup. We do this because often our symbol table
// and our debug information both have the mangled names which they
// would each need to demangle. Also, with GCC we end up with the one
// definition rule where a lot of STL code produces symbols that are
// in multiple compile units and the mangled names end up being in
// the same binary multiple times. The performance win isn't huge,
// but we showed a 20% improvement on darwin.
typedef llvm::DenseMap<const char *, const char *> MangledToDemangledMap;
static MangledToDemangledMap g_mangled_to_demangled;
// Check our mangled string pointer to demangled string pointer map first
MangledToDemangledMap::const_iterator pos = g_mangled_to_demangled.find (mangled);
if (pos != g_mangled_to_demangled.end())
2010-06-09 00:52:24 +08:00
2010-09-04 07:26:12 +08:00
// We have already demangled this string, we can just use our saved result!
2010-06-09 00:52:24 +08:00
2010-09-04 07:26:12 +08:00
// We didn't already mangle this name, demangle it and if all goes well
// add it to our map.
char *demangled_name = abi::__cxa_demangle (mangled, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (demangled_name)
m_demangled.SetCString (demangled_name);
// Now that the name has been uniqued, add the uniqued C string
// pointer from m_mangled as the key to the uniqued C string
// pointer in m_demangled.
g_mangled_to_demangled.insert (std::make_pair (mangled, m_demangled.GetCString()));
free (demangled_name);
2010-06-09 00:52:24 +08:00
2010-12-15 12:27:04 +08:00
if (!m_demangled)
// Set the demangled string to the empty string to indicate we
// tried to parse it once and failed.
2010-06-09 00:52:24 +08:00
return m_demangled;
Just like functions can have a basename and a mangled/demangled name, variable
can too. So now the lldb_private::Variable class has support for this.
Variables now have support for having a basename ("i"), and a mangled name
("_ZN12_GLOBAL__N_11iE"), and a demangled name ("(anonymous namespace)::i").
Nowwhen searching for a variable by name, users might enter the fully qualified
name, or just the basename. So new test functions were added to the Variable
and Mangled classes as:
bool NameMatches (const ConstString &name);
bool NameMatches (const RegularExpression ®ex);
I also modified "ClangExpressionDeclMap::FindVariableInScope" to also search
for global variables that are not in the current file scope by first starting
with the current module, then moving on to all modules.
Fixed an issue in the DWARF parser that could cause a varaible to get parsed
more than once. Now, once we have parsed a VariableSP for a DIE, we cache
the result even if a variable wasn't made so we don't do any re-parsing. Some
DW_TAG_variable DIEs don't have locations, or are missing vital info that
stops a debugger from being able to display anything for it, we parse a NULL
variable shared pointer for these DIEs so we don't keep trying to reparse it.
llvm-svn: 119085
2010-11-15 06:13:40 +08:00
Mangled::NameMatches (const RegularExpression& regex) const
if (m_mangled && regex.Execute (m_mangled.AsCString()))
return true;
if (GetDemangledName() && regex.Execute (m_demangled.AsCString()))
return true;
return false;
2010-06-09 00:52:24 +08:00
// Mangled name get accessor
Mangled::GetMangledName ()
return m_mangled;
// Mangled name const get accessor
const ConstString&
Mangled::GetMangledName () const
return m_mangled;
// Get the demangled name if there is one, else return the mangled name.
const ConstString&
2010-09-15 06:03:00 +08:00
Mangled::GetName (Mangled::NamePreference preference) const
2010-06-09 00:52:24 +08:00
2010-09-15 07:44:49 +08:00
if (preference == ePreferDemangled)
2010-09-15 06:03:00 +08:00
2010-09-15 07:48:44 +08:00
// Call the accessor to make sure we get a demangled name in case
// it hasn't been demangled yet...
if (GetDemangledName())
return m_demangled;
2010-09-15 07:44:49 +08:00
return m_mangled;
2010-09-15 07:48:44 +08:00
if (m_mangled)
return m_mangled;
return GetDemangledName();
2010-09-15 06:03:00 +08:00
2010-06-09 00:52:24 +08:00
// Generate the tokens from the demangled name.
// Returns the number of tokens that were parsed.
Mangled::GetTokens (Mangled::TokenList &tokens) const
const ConstString& demangled = GetDemangledName();
if (demangled && !demangled.IsEmpty())
return tokens.Size();
// Dump a Mangled object to stream "s". We don't force our
// demangled name to be computed currently (we don't use the accessor).
Mangled::Dump (Stream *s) const
if (m_mangled)
*s << ", mangled = " << m_mangled;
if (m_demangled)
const char * demangled = m_demangled.AsCString();
s->Printf(", demangled = %s", demangled[0] ? demangled : "<error>");
// Dumps a debug version of this string with extra object and state
// information to stream "s".
Mangled::DumpDebug (Stream *s) const
s->Printf("%*p: Mangled mangled = ", (int)sizeof(void*) * 2, this);
s->Printf(", demangled = ");
// Return the size in byte that this object takes in memory. The size
// includes the size of the objects it owns, and not the strings that
// it references because they are shared strings.
Mangled::MemorySize () const
return m_mangled.MemorySize() + m_demangled.MemorySize();
// Dump OBJ to the supplied stream S.
operator << (Stream& s, const Mangled& obj)
if (obj.GetMangledName())
s << "mangled = '" << obj.GetMangledName() << "'";
const ConstString& demangled = obj.GetDemangledName();
if (demangled)
s << ", demangled = '" << demangled << '\'';
s << ", demangled = <error>";
return s;
#pragma mark Mangled::Token
// Default constructor
Mangled::Token::Token () :
// Equal to operator
Mangled::Token::operator== (const Token& rhs) const
return type == rhs.type && value == rhs.value;
// Dump the token to a stream "s"
Mangled::Token::Dump (Stream *s) const
switch (type)
case eInvalid: s->PutCString("invalid "); break;
case eNameSpace: s->PutCString("namespace "); break;
case eMethodName: s->PutCString("method "); break;
case eType: s->PutCString("type "); break;
case eTemplate: s->PutCString("template "); break;
case eTemplateBeg: s->PutCString("template < "); break;
case eTemplateEnd: s->PutCString("template > "); break;
case eParamsBeg: s->PutCString("params ( "); break;
case eParamsEnd: s->PutCString("params ) "); break;
case eQualifier: s->PutCString("qualifier "); break;
case eError: s->PutCString("ERROR "); break;
s->Printf("type = %i", type);
// Returns true if this token is a wildcard
Mangled::Token::IsWildcard () const
static ConstString g_wildcard_str("*");
return value == g_wildcard_str;
// Dump "obj" to the supplied stream "s"
lldb_private::operator << (Stream& s, const Mangled::Token& obj)
return s;
#pragma mark Mangled::TokenList
// Mangled::TokenList
// Default constructor. If demangled is non-NULL and not-empty
// the token list will parse up the demangled string it is
// given, else the object will initialize an empty token list.
Mangled::TokenList::TokenList (const char *demangled) :
if (demangled && demangled[0])
// Destructor
Mangled::TokenList::~TokenList ()
// Parses "demangled" into tokens. This allows complex
// comparisons to be done. Comparisons can include wildcards at
// the namespace, method name, template, and template and
// parameter type levels.
// Example queries include:
// "std::basic_string<*>" // Find all std::basic_string variants
// "std::basic_string<*>::erase(*)" // Find all std::basic_string::erase variants with any number of parameters
// "*::clear()" // Find all functions with a method name of
// // "clear" that are in any namespace that
// // have no parameters
// "::printf" // Find the printf function in the global namespace
// "printf" // Ditto
// "foo::*(int)" // Find all functions in the class or namespace "foo" that take a single integer argument
// Returns the number of tokens that were decoded, or zero when
// we fail.
Mangled::TokenList::Parse (const char *s)
Token token;
token.type = eNameSpace;
TokenType max_type = eInvalid;
const char *p = s;
size_t span = 0;
size_t sep_size = 0;
while (*p != '\0')
p = p + span + sep_size;
while (isspace(*p))
if (*p == '\0')
span = strcspn(p, ":<>(),");
sep_size = 1;
token.type = eInvalid;
switch (p[span])
case '\0':
case ':':
if (p[span+1] == ':')
sep_size = 2;
if (span > 0)
token.type = eNameSpace;
token.value.SetCStringWithLength (p, span);
case '(':
if (span > 0)
token.type = eMethodName;
token.value.SetCStringWithLength (p, span);
token.type = eParamsBeg;
case ',':
if (span > 0)
token.type = eType;
token.value.SetCStringWithLength (p, span);
case ')':
if (span > 0)
token.type = eType;
token.value.SetCStringWithLength (p, span);
token.type = eParamsEnd;
case '<':
if (span > 0)
token.type = eTemplate;
token.value.SetCStringWithLength (p, span);
token.type = eTemplateBeg;
case '>':
if (span > 0)
token.type = eType;
token.value.SetCStringWithLength (p, span);
token.type = eTemplateEnd;
if (max_type < token.type)
max_type = token.type;
if (token.type == eInvalid)
if (max_type >= eParamsEnd)
token.type = eQualifier;
else if (max_type >= eParamsBeg)
token.type = eType;
token.type = eMethodName;
return m_tokens.size();
// Clear the token list.
Mangled::TokenList::Clear ()
// Dump the token list to the stream "s"
Mangled::TokenList::Dump (Stream *s) const
collection::const_iterator pos;
collection::const_iterator beg = m_tokens.begin();
collection::const_iterator end = m_tokens.end();
for (pos = beg; pos != end; ++pos)
*s << (uint32_t)std::distance(beg, pos) << "] = " << *pos << "\n";
// Find the first token in the list that has "token_type" as its
// type
const Mangled::Token *
Mangled::TokenList::Find (TokenType token_type) const
collection::const_iterator pos;
collection::const_iterator beg = m_tokens.begin();
collection::const_iterator end = m_tokens.end();
for (pos = beg; pos != end; ++pos)
if (pos->type == token_type)
return &(*pos);
return NULL;
// Return the token at index "idx", or NULL if the index is
// out of range.
const Mangled::Token *
Mangled::TokenList::GetTokenAtIndex (uint32_t idx) const
if (idx < m_tokens.size())
return &m_tokens[idx];
return NULL;
// Given a token list, see if it matches this object's tokens.
// "token_list" can contain wild card values to enable powerful
// matching. Matching the std::string::erase(*) example that was
// tokenized above we could use a token list such as:
// token name
// ----------- ----------------------------------------
// eNameSpace "std"
// eTemplate "basic_string"
// eTemplateBeg
// eInvalid "*"
// eTemplateEnd
// eMethodName "erase"
// eParamsBeg
// eInvalid "*"
// eParamsEnd
// Returns true if it "token_list" matches this object's tokens,
// false otherwise.
Mangled::TokenList::MatchesQuery (const Mangled::TokenList &match) const
size_t match_count = 0;
collection::const_iterator pos;
collection::const_iterator pos_end = m_tokens.end();
collection::const_iterator match_pos;
collection::const_iterator match_pos_end = match.m_tokens.end();
collection::const_iterator match_wildcard_pos = match_pos_end;
collection::const_iterator match_next_pos = match_pos_end;
size_t template_scope_depth = 0;
for (pos = m_tokens.begin(), match_pos = match.m_tokens.begin();
pos != pos_end && match_pos != match_pos_end;
match_next_pos = match_pos + 1;
// Is this a wildcard?
if (match_pos->IsWildcard())
if (match_wildcard_pos != match_pos_end)
return false; // Can't have two wildcards in effect at once.
match_wildcard_pos = match_pos;
// Are we at the end of the MATCH token list?
if (match_next_pos == match_pos_end)
// There is nothing more to match, return if we have any matches so far...
return match_count > 0;
if (match_pos->type == eInvalid || match_pos->type == eError)
return false;
if (match_pos->type == eTemplateBeg)
else if (match_pos->type == eTemplateEnd)
assert(template_scope_depth > 0);
// Do we have a wildcard going right now?
if (match_wildcard_pos == match_pos_end)
// No wildcard matching right now, just check and see if things match
if (*pos == *match_pos)
return false;
// We have a wildcard match going
// For template types we need to make sure to match the template depths...
const size_t start_wildcard_template_scope_depth = template_scope_depth;
size_t curr_wildcard_template_scope_depth = template_scope_depth;
while (pos != pos_end)
if (match_wildcard_pos->type == eNameSpace && pos->type == eParamsBeg)
return false;
if (start_wildcard_template_scope_depth == curr_wildcard_template_scope_depth)
if (*pos == *match_next_pos)
match_pos = match_next_pos;
match_wildcard_pos = match_pos_end;
if (pos->type == eTemplateBeg)
else if (pos->type == eTemplateEnd)
if (pos != pos_end)
if (match_pos != match_pos_end)
return false;
return match_count > 0;
// Return the number of tokens in the token collection
Mangled::TokenList::Size () const
return m_tokens.size();
// Stream out the tokens
lldb_private::operator << (Stream& s, const Mangled::TokenList& obj)
return s;