2015-07-25 05:03:07 +08:00
//===- Writer.cpp ---------------------------------------------------------===//
// The LLVM Linker
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "Chunks.h"
2015-08-06 07:51:50 +08:00
#include "Config.h"
2015-08-06 23:08:23 +08:00
#include "Error.h"
2015-08-06 07:24:46 +08:00
#include "SymbolTable.h"
#include "Writer.h"
2015-07-28 08:17:25 +08:00
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
2015-08-06 07:24:46 +08:00
#include "llvm/Support/FileOutputBuffer.h"
2015-07-25 05:03:07 +08:00
using namespace llvm;
using namespace llvm::ELF;
using namespace llvm::object;
using namespace lld;
using namespace lld::elf2;
static const int PageSize = 4096;
2015-08-06 07:24:46 +08:00
namespace {
2015-08-12 07:22:24 +08:00
// OutputSection represents a section in an output file. It's a
// container of chunks. OutputSection and Chunk are 1:N relationship.
// Chunks cannot belong to more than one OutputSections. The writer
// creates multiple OutputSections and assign them unique,
// non-overlapping file offsets and VAs.
class OutputSection {
OutputSection(StringRef Name) : Name(Name), Header({}) {}
void setVA(uint64_t);
void setFileOffset(uint64_t);
template <class ELFT> void addSectionChunk(SectionChunk<ELFT> *C);
std::vector<Chunk *> &getChunks() { return Chunks; }
template <class ELFT>
void writeHeaderTo(llvm::object::Elf_Shdr_Impl<ELFT> *SHdr);
// Returns the size of the section in the output file.
uint64_t getSize() { return Header.sh_size; }
StringRef Name;
llvm::ELF::Elf64_Shdr Header;
std::vector<Chunk *> Chunks;
2015-08-06 07:24:46 +08:00
// The writer writes a SymbolTable result to a file.
template <class ELFT> class Writer {
typedef typename llvm::object::ELFFile<ELFT>::uintX_t uintX_t;
2015-08-06 07:51:50 +08:00
Writer(SymbolTable *T) : Symtab(T) {}
2015-08-06 07:24:46 +08:00
void run();
void createSections();
void assignAddresses();
void openFile(StringRef OutputPath);
void writeHeader();
void writeSections();
SymbolTable *Symtab;
std::unique_ptr<llvm::FileOutputBuffer> Buffer;
llvm::SpecificBumpPtrAllocator<OutputSection> CAlloc;
std::vector<OutputSection *> OutputSections;
2015-08-12 07:14:13 +08:00
uintX_t FileSize;
uintX_t SizeOfHeaders;
2015-08-06 07:24:46 +08:00
uintX_t SectionHeaderOff;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Chunk>> Chunks;
} // anonymous namespace
namespace lld {
namespace elf2 {
2015-08-04 22:29:01 +08:00
template <class ELFT>
2015-08-06 07:51:50 +08:00
void writeResult(SymbolTable *Symtab) { Writer<ELFT>(Symtab).run(); }
2015-08-06 07:24:46 +08:00
2015-08-06 07:51:50 +08:00
template void writeResult<ELF32LE>(SymbolTable *);
template void writeResult<ELF32BE>(SymbolTable *);
template void writeResult<ELF64LE>(SymbolTable *);
template void writeResult<ELF64BE>(SymbolTable *);
2015-08-06 07:24:46 +08:00
} // namespace elf2
} // namespace lld
2015-07-25 05:03:07 +08:00
// The main function of the writer.
2015-08-06 07:24:46 +08:00
template <class ELFT> void Writer<ELFT>::run() {
2015-07-25 05:03:07 +08:00
2015-08-06 07:51:50 +08:00
2015-07-25 05:03:07 +08:00
void OutputSection::setVA(uint64_t VA) {
Header.sh_addr = VA;
for (Chunk *C : Chunks)
C->setVA(C->getVA() + VA);
void OutputSection::setFileOffset(uint64_t Off) {
if (Header.sh_size == 0)
Header.sh_offset = Off;
for (Chunk *C : Chunks)
C->setFileOff(C->getFileOff() + Off);
2015-07-30 06:14:50 +08:00
template <class ELFT>
2015-08-05 21:55:34 +08:00
void OutputSection::addSectionChunk(SectionChunk<ELFT> *C) {
2015-08-12 07:14:13 +08:00
typedef typename llvm::object::ELFFile<ELFT>::uintX_t uintX_t;
2015-07-25 05:03:07 +08:00
2015-08-12 07:14:13 +08:00
uintX_t Off = Header.sh_size;
2015-07-25 05:03:07 +08:00
Off = RoundUpToAlignment(Off, C->getAlign());
Off += C->getSize();
Header.sh_size = Off;
2015-08-05 21:55:34 +08:00
Header.sh_type = C->getSectionHdr()->sh_type;
Header.sh_flags |= C->getSectionHdr()->sh_flags;
2015-07-29 08:30:10 +08:00
template <class ELFT>
void OutputSection::writeHeaderTo(Elf_Shdr_Impl<ELFT> *SHdr) {
SHdr->sh_name = Header.sh_name;
SHdr->sh_type = Header.sh_type;
SHdr->sh_flags = Header.sh_flags;
SHdr->sh_addr = Header.sh_addr;
SHdr->sh_offset = Header.sh_offset;
SHdr->sh_size = Header.sh_size;
SHdr->sh_link = Header.sh_link;
SHdr->sh_info = Header.sh_info;
SHdr->sh_addralign = Header.sh_addralign;
SHdr->sh_entsize = Header.sh_entsize;
2015-07-25 05:03:07 +08:00
// Create output section objects and add them to OutputSections.
template <class ELFT> void Writer<ELFT>::createSections() {
2015-07-28 08:17:25 +08:00
SmallDenseMap<StringRef, OutputSection *> Map;
2015-08-05 21:55:34 +08:00
for (std::unique_ptr<ObjectFileBase> &FileB : Symtab->ObjectFiles) {
auto &File = cast<ObjectFile<ELFT>>(*FileB);
for (SectionChunk<ELFT> *C : File.getChunks()) {
2015-08-04 21:39:30 +08:00
OutputSection *&Sec = Map[C->getSectionName()];
if (!Sec) {
Sec = new (CAlloc.Allocate()) OutputSection(C->getSectionName());
2015-08-05 21:55:34 +08:00
2015-07-25 05:03:07 +08:00
// Visits all sections to assign incremental, non-overlapping RVAs and
// file offsets.
template <class ELFT> void Writer<ELFT>::assignAddresses() {
2015-07-29 08:30:10 +08:00
SizeOfHeaders = RoundUpToAlignment(sizeof(Elf_Ehdr_Impl<ELFT>), PageSize);
2015-08-12 07:14:13 +08:00
uintX_t VA = 0x1000; // The first page is kept unmapped.
uintX_t FileOff = SizeOfHeaders;
2015-07-25 05:03:07 +08:00
for (OutputSection *Sec : OutputSections) {
VA += RoundUpToAlignment(Sec->getSize(), PageSize);
FileOff += RoundUpToAlignment(Sec->getSize(), 8);
2015-07-29 08:30:10 +08:00
// Add space for section headers.
SectionHeaderOff = FileOff;
FileOff += (OutputSections.size() + 1) * sizeof(Elf_Shdr_Impl<ELFT>);
2015-07-25 05:03:07 +08:00
FileSize = SizeOfHeaders + RoundUpToAlignment(FileOff - SizeOfHeaders, 8);
template <class ELFT> void Writer<ELFT>::writeHeader() {
uint8_t *Buf = Buffer->getBufferStart();
auto *EHdr = reinterpret_cast<Elf_Ehdr_Impl<ELFT> *>(Buf);
EHdr->e_ident[EI_MAG0] = 0x7F;
EHdr->e_ident[EI_MAG1] = 0x45;
EHdr->e_ident[EI_MAG2] = 0x4C;
EHdr->e_ident[EI_MAG3] = 0x46;
2015-08-05 23:08:40 +08:00
EHdr->e_ident[EI_CLASS] = ELFT::Is64Bits ? ELFCLASS64 : ELFCLASS32;
EHdr->e_ident[EI_DATA] = ELFT::TargetEndianness == llvm::support::little
2015-07-25 05:03:07 +08:00
2015-08-05 19:55:52 +08:00
2015-07-25 05:03:07 +08:00
EHdr->e_type = ET_EXEC;
2015-08-05 23:08:40 +08:00
auto &FirstObj = cast<ObjectFile<ELFT>>(*Symtab->ObjectFiles[0]);
EHdr->e_machine = FirstObj.getObj()->getHeader()->e_machine;
2015-07-25 05:03:07 +08:00
EHdr->e_version = EV_CURRENT;
EHdr->e_entry = 0x401000;
EHdr->e_phoff = sizeof(Elf_Ehdr_Impl<ELFT>);
2015-07-29 08:30:10 +08:00
EHdr->e_shoff = SectionHeaderOff;
2015-07-25 05:03:07 +08:00
EHdr->e_ehsize = sizeof(Elf_Ehdr_Impl<ELFT>);
EHdr->e_phentsize = sizeof(Elf_Phdr_Impl<ELFT>);
EHdr->e_phnum = 1;
EHdr->e_shentsize = sizeof(Elf_Shdr_Impl<ELFT>);
2015-07-29 08:30:10 +08:00
EHdr->e_shnum = OutputSections.size() + 1;
2015-07-25 05:03:07 +08:00
EHdr->e_shstrndx = 0;
auto PHdrs = reinterpret_cast<Elf_Phdr_Impl<ELFT> *>(Buf + EHdr->e_phoff);
PHdrs->p_type = PT_LOAD;
PHdrs->p_flags = PF_R | PF_X;
PHdrs->p_offset = 0x0000;
PHdrs->p_vaddr = 0x400000;
PHdrs->p_paddr = PHdrs->p_vaddr;
PHdrs->p_filesz = FileSize;
PHdrs->p_memsz = FileSize;
PHdrs->p_align = 0x4000;
2015-07-29 08:30:10 +08:00
auto SHdrs = reinterpret_cast<Elf_Shdr_Impl<ELFT> *>(Buf + EHdr->e_shoff);
// First entry is null.
for (OutputSection *Sec : OutputSections)
2015-07-25 05:03:07 +08:00
template <class ELFT> void Writer<ELFT>::openFile(StringRef Path) {
std::error_code EC = FileOutputBuffer::create(Path, FileSize, Buffer,
error(EC, Twine("failed to open ") + Path);
// Write section contents to a mmap'ed file.
template <class ELFT> void Writer<ELFT>::writeSections() {
uint8_t *Buf = Buffer->getBufferStart();
for (OutputSection *Sec : OutputSections) {
for (Chunk *C : Sec->getChunks())