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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# runtest [options] FILENAME
# Read the file FILENAME. Each line contains a test.
# Convert template to test and crosstest.
# If possilble generate orphaned testversions, too.
# Use make to compile the test
# Global configuration options for the runtestscript itself:
# name of the global configuration file for the testsuite:
$config_file = "ompts.conf";
$logfile = "ompts.log"; # overwriteable by value in config file
$env_set_threads_command = 'OMP_NUM_THREADS=%n; export OMP_NUM_THREADS;';
$debug_mode = 0;
# After this line the script part begins! Do not edit anithing below
# Namespaces:
use Getopt::Long;
#use Unix::PID;
use Data::Dumper;
use ompts_parserFunctions;
# Extracting given options
# Get global configuratino options from config file:
if(! -e $config_file){ error ("Could not find config file $config_file\n", 1);}
open (CONFIG, "<$config_file") or error ("Could not open config file $config_file\n", 2);
while (<CONFIG>) { $config .= $_; }
close (CONFIG);
($logfile) = get_tag_values ("logfile", $config);
($timeout) = get_tag_values ("singletesttimeout", $config);
($display_errors) = get_tag_values("displayerrors", $config);
($display_warnings) = get_tag_values ("displaywarnings", $config);
($numthreads) = get_tag_values ("numthreads", $config);
($env_set_threads_command) = get_tag_values("envsetthreadscommand",$config);
$env_set_threads_command =~ s/\%n/$numthreads/g;
@languages = get_tag_values ("language", $config);
if (!defined($opt_compile)) {$opt_compile = 1;}
if (!defined($opt_run)) {$opt_run = 1;}
if (!defined($opt_orphan)) {$opt_orphan = 1;}
if (!defined($opt_resultsfile)) {($opt_resultsfile) = get_tag_values("resultsfile", $config);}
if ( defined($opt_numthreads) && ($opt_numthreads > 0)) {$numthreads = $opt_numthreads;}
if ($debug_mode) {
print <<EOF;
Testsuite configuration:
Logfile = $logfile
Timeout = $timeout seconds
Language: $opt_lang
Display errors: $display_errors
Display warnings: $display_warnings
Resultsfile: $opt_resultsfile
Numthreads: $numthreads
$num_construcs = 0;
$num_tests = 0;
$num_failed_tests = 0;
$num_successful_tests = 0;
$num_verified_tests = 0;
$num_failed_compilation = 0;
$num_normal_tests_failed = 0;
$num_normal_tests_compile_error = 0;
$num_normal_tests_timed_out = 0;
$num_normal_tests_successful = 0;
$num_normal_tests_verified = 0;
$num_orphaned_tests_failed = 0;
$num_orphaned_tests_compile_error = 0;
$num_orphaned_tests_timed_out = 0;
$num_orphaned_tests_successful = 0;
$num_orphaned_tests_verified = 0;
if ($opt_help) { print_help_text (); exit 0; }
if ($opt_listlanguages){ print_avail_langs (); exit 0; }
if ($opt_list) { print_avail_tests (); exit 0; }
if ($opt_testinfo) { print_testinfo (); exit 0; }
if ($opt_test) { write_result_file_head();
execute_single_test (); exit 0; }
if (-e $ARGV[0]) { write_result_file_head();
execute_testlist($ARGV[0]); print_results();
result_summary(); exit 0;}
# sub function definitions
# Function which prints the results file
sub print_results
system("echo; cat $opt_resultsfile; echo;");
# Function which prints a summary of all test
sub result_summary
my $num_directives = @test_results;
print <<EOF;
S Number of tested Open MP constructs: $num_constructs
S Number of used tests: $num_tests
S Number of failed tests: $num_failed_tests
S Number of successful tests: $num_successful_tests
S + from this were verified: $num_verified_tests
Normal tests:
N Number of failed tests: $num_normal_tests_failed
N + from this fail compilation: $num_normal_tests_compile_error
N + from this timed out $num_normal_tests_timed_out
N Number of successful tests: $num_normal_tests_successful
N + from this were verified: $num_normal_tests_verified
Orphaned tests:
O Number of failed tests: $num_orphaned_tests_failed
O + from this fail compilation: $num_orphaned_tests_compile_error
O + from this timed out $num_orphaned_tests_timed_out
O Number of successful tests: $num_orphaned_tests_successful
O + from this were verified: $num_orphaned_tests_verified
# Function that executest the tests specified in the given list
sub execute_testlist
my ($filename) = @_;
# opening testlist
open(TESTS,$filename) or error ("Could not open $filename\n", 1);
TEST: while (<TESTS>) {
if (/^\s*#/) {next TEST;}
if (/^\s*$/) {next TEST;}
$opt_test = $_;
chomp ($opt_test);
execute_single_test ();
# print Dumper(@test_results);
# Function that executes a system command but takes care of the global timeout
# If command did not finish inbetween returns '-' otherwise the exit status of
# the system command
sub timed_sys_command
my ($command) = @_;
my $exit_status = '-';
# set up the timeout for the command
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub {die "alarm\n"};
alarm $timeout;
log_message_add ("Starting command \"$command\"");
$exit_status = system ($command);
alarm 0;
# check if command finished during the maximum execution time
if ($@ eq "alarm\n") {
# test timed out
# my $pid = Unix::PID->new();
# $pid->get_pidof($command, 1);
# $pid->kill();
if ($debug_mode) {
log_message_add ("Command \"$command\" reached max execution time.\n");
return "TO";
# test finished
return $exit_status;
# Function that runs the tests given as a array containing the testnames
# Returns an array containing the percent values of the passed tests and the
# successful crosstests.
sub run_test
my ($testname, $orphan) = @_;
my $bin_name, $cbin_name;
my $cmd, $exit_status, $failed;
my $resulttest, $resultctest;
# path to test and crosstest either in normal or in orphaned version
if ($orphan) {
$bin_name = "bin/$opt_lang/orph_test_$testname";
$cbin_name = "bin/$opt_lang/orph_ctest_$testname";
} else {
$bin_name = "bin/$opt_lang/test_$testname";
$cbin_name = "bin/$opt_lang/ctest_$testname";
# Check if executables exist
if (! -e $bin_name) {
test_error ("Could not find executable \"$bin_name\".");
return ('test' => '-', 'crosstest' => '-');
# run the test
$cmd = "$env_set_threads_command ./$bin_name >$bin_name.out";
print "Running test with $numthreads threads .";
$exit_status = timed_sys_command ($cmd);
# Check if test finished within max execution time
if ($exit_status eq 'TO') {
print ".... failed (timeout)\n";
return ('test' => 'TO', 'crosstest' => '-')
# check if all tests were successful
$failed = $exit_status >> 8;
if ($failed < 0 or $failed > 100) { $failed = 100; }
$resulttest = 100 - $failed;
if ($resulttest eq 100) {
print ".... success ...";
} else {
print ".... failed $failed\% of the tests\n";
return ('test' => $resulttest, 'crosstest' => '-');
# do crosstest
# check if executable exist
if (! -e $cbin_name) {
test_error ("Could not find executable \"$cbin_name\".");
print "... not verified (crosstest missing)\n";
return ('test' => $resulttest, 'crosstest' => '-');
# run crosstest
# Test was successful, so it makes sense to run the crosstest
$cmd = "$env_set_threads_command ./$cbin_name > $cbin_name.out";
$exit_status = timed_sys_command ($cmd);
# Check if crosstest finished within max execution time
if ($exit_status eq 'TO') {
print "... not verified (timeout)\n";
return ('test' => $result, 'crosstest' => 'TO');
# test if crosstests failed as expected
$resultctest = $exit_status >> 8;
if ($resultctest > 0) {
print "... and verified with $resultctest\% certainty\n";
} else {
print "... but might be lucky\n";
return ('test' => $resulttest, 'crosstest' => $resultctest);
# Function that generates the test binaries out of the sourcecode
sub compile_src
my ($testname, $orphan) = @_;
print "Compiling soures ............";
if ($orphan) {
# Make orphaned tests
$exec_name = "bin/$opt_lang/orph_test_$testname";
$crossexe_name = "bin/$opt_lang/orph_ctest_$testname";
$resulttest = system ("make $exec_name > $exec_name\_compile.log" );
$resultctest = system ("make $crossexe_name > $crossexe_name\_compile.log" );
} else {
# Make test
$exec_name = "bin/$opt_lang/test_$testname";
$crossexe_name = "bin/$opt_lang/ctest_$testname";
$resulttest = system ("make $exec_name > $exec_name\_compile.log" );
$resultctest = system ("make $crossexe_name > $crossexe_name\_compile.log" );
if ($resulttest) { test_error ("Compilation of the test failed."); }
if ($resultctest){ test_error ("Compilation of the crosstest failed."); }
if ($resulttest or $resultctest) {
print ".... failed\n";
return 0;
} else {
print ".... success\n";
return 1;
# Function which prepare the directory structure:
sub init_directory_structure
my ($language) = @_;
if (-e "bin" && -d "bin") { warning ("Old binary directory detected!");}
else { system ("mkdir bin"); }
if (-e "bin/$language" && -d "bin/$language") {
warning ("Old binary directory for language $language found.");}
else { system ("mkdir bin/$language"); }
# Function that generates the sourcecode for the given test
sub make_src
my ($testname, $orphan) = @_;
my $template_file;
my $src_name;
$template_file = "$dir/$testname.$extension";
if (!-e $template_file) { test_error ("Could not find template for \"$testname\""); }
print "Generating sources ..........";
if ($orphan) {
# Make orphaned tests
$src_name = "bin/$opt_lang/orph_test_$testname.$extension";
$resulttest = system ("./$templateparsername --test --orphan $template_file $src_name");
$src_name = "bin/$opt_lang/orph_ctest_$testname.$extension";
$resultctest = system ("./$templateparsername --crosstest --orphan $template_file $src_name");
} else {
# Make test
$src_name = "bin/$opt_lang/test_$testname.$extension";
$resulttest = system ("./$templateparsername --test --noorphan $template_file $src_name");
$src_name = "bin/$opt_lang/ctest_$testname.$extension";
$resultctest = system ("./$templateparsername --crosstest --noorphan $template_file $src_name");
if ($resulttest) { test_error ("Generation of sourcecode for the test failed."); }
if ($resultctest){ test_error ("Generation of sourcecode for the crosstest failed."); }
if ($resulttest or $resultctest) {
print ".... failed\n";
return 0;
} else {
print ".... success\n";
return 1;
# Function which checks if a given test is orphanable
sub test_is_orphanable
my ($testname) = @_;
my $src;
my $file = "$dir/$testname.$extension";
if(! -e $file){ test_error ("Could not find test file $file\n");}
open (TEST, "<$file") or test_error ("Could not open test file $file\n");
while (<TEST>) { $src .= $_; }
close (TEST);
return $src =~/ompts:orphan/;
sub write_result_file_head
open (RESULTS, ">$opt_resultsfile") or error ("Could not open file '$opt_resultsfile' to write results.", 1);
$resultline = sprintf "%-25s %-s\n", "#Tested Directive", "\tt\tct\tot\toct";
print RESULTS $resultline;
# Function which adds a result to the list of results
sub add_result
my ($testname, $result) = @_;
# print Dumper(@{$result});
open (RESULTS, ">>$opt_resultsfile") or error ("Could not open file '$opt_resultsfile' to write results.", 1);
if (${$result}[0][0]) {
$num_tests ++;}
if ($opt_compile and ${$result}[0][1] eq 0) {
${$result}[0][2]{test} = 'ce';
${$result}[0][2]{crosstest} = '-';
if ($opt_run and ${$result}[0][2] and ${$result}[0][2]{test} ne 'ce') {
if (${$result}[0][2]{test} == 100) {
if (${$result}[0][2]{crosstest} == 100){
} elsif (${$result}[0][2]{test} eq 'TO'){
} else {
$resultline = "${$result}[0][2]{test}\t${$result}[0][2]{crosstest}\t";
if (${$result}[1][0]) {
$num_tests ++;}
else { $resultline .= "-\t-\n"; }
if ($opt_compile and ${$result}[1][1] eq 0) {
${$result}[1][2]{test} = 'ce';
${$result}[1][2]{crosstest} = '-';
if ($opt_run and ${$result}[1][2] and ${$result}[1][2]{test} ne 'ce') {
if (${$result}[1][2]{test} == 100) {
if (${$result}[1][2]{crosstest} == 100){
} elsif (${$result}[1][2]{test} eq 'TO'){
} else {
$resultline .= "${$result}[1][2]{test}\t${$result}[1][2]{crosstest}\n";
$num_failed_tests = $num_normal_tests_failed + $num_orphaned_tests_failed;
$num_failed_compilation = $num_normal_tests_compile_error + $num_orphaned_tests_compile_error;
$num_successful_tests = $num_normal_tests_successful + $num_orphaned_tests_successful;
$num_verified_tests = $num_normal_tests_verified + $num_orphaned_tests_verified;
$resultline2 = sprintf "%-25s %-s", "$testname", "\t$resultline";
print RESULTS $resultline2;
# Function which executes a single test
sub execute_single_test
my @result;
init_language_settings ($opt_lang);
init_directory_structure ($opt_lang);
log_message_add ("Testing for \"$opt_test\":");
print "Testing for \"$opt_test\":\n";
# tests in normal mode
if ($opt_compile){ $result[0][0] = make_src ($opt_test, 0);
$result[0][1] = compile_src ($opt_test, 0);}
if ($opt_run && $result[0][1] == 1) {
$result[0][2] = {run_test ($opt_test, 0)};}
# tests in orphaned mode
if ($opt_orphan && test_is_orphanable($opt_test)){
log_message_add ("Testing for \"$opt_test\" in orphaned mode:");
print "+ orphaned mode:\n";
if ($opt_compile) { $result[1][0] = make_src ($opt_test, 1);
$result[1][1] = compile_src ($opt_test, 1);}
if ($opt_run && $result[1][1] == 1) {
$result[1][2] = {run_test ($opt_test, 1)};}
add_result($opt_test, \@result);
# Function that prints info about a given test
sub print_testinfo
my $doc = "";
my $file = $dir."/".$opt_testinfo.".".$extension;
if (! -e $file) {error ("Could not find template for test $opt_testinfo", 5);}
open (TEST,"<$file") or error ("Could not open template file \"$file\" for test $opt_testinfo", 6);
while (<TEST>) {$doc .= $_;}
close (TEST);
(my $omp_version) = get_tag_values ("ompts:ompversion", $doc);
(my $dependences) = get_tag_values ("ompts:dependences", $doc);
(my $description) = get_tag_values ("ompts:testdescription", $doc);
my $orphanable = 'no';
if ($doc =~ /ompts:orphan/) {$orphanable = 'yes';}
print <<EOF;
Info for test $opt_testinfo:
Open MP standard: $omp_version
Orphaned mode: $orphanable
Dependencies: $dependences
Description: $description
# Function that initializes the settings for the given language
sub init_language_settings
my ($language) = @_;
foreach my $lang (@languages) {
(my $name) = get_tag_values ("languagename", $lang);
if ($name eq $language) {
($extension) = get_tag_values ("fileextension", $lang);
($dir) = get_tag_values ("dir", $lang);
($templateparsername) = get_tag_values ("templateparsername", $lang);
# Check if we found the specified language in the config file
if (!$extension and !$dir) {
error ("Language $language could not be found.\n", 3);
# Function that prints all available tests for the given language
sub print_avail_tests
my @tests;
opendir(DIR,"$dir") or error ("Could not open directory $dir", 4);
while($_ = readdir(DIR)) { if (/\.$extension$/) {s/\.$extension//; push (@tests, $_);}}
print "Found ".(@tests)." tests:\n". "-" x 30 . "\n";
foreach (@tests) { print $_."\n";}
# Function that prints all available tests for the given language
sub print_avail_langs
if (@languages > 0) {
print "Available languages:\n";
foreach (@languages) {
(my $name) = get_tag_values ("languagename", $_);
print "$name\n";
} else {
print "No languages available\n";
# Function that prints the error message
sub print_help_text
print <<EOF;
runtest.pl [options] [FILE]
Executes the tests listed in FILE. FILE has to contain the names of the tests,
one test per line. Lines starting with '#' will be ignored.
A language has to be specified for all commands except --help and --listlanguages.
--help displays this help message
--listlanguages lists all available languages
--lang=s select language
--list list available tests for a language
--testinfo=NAME show info for test NAME
--numthreads=NUM set number of threads (overwrites config file settings)
--test=NAME execute single test NAME
--nocompile do not compile tests
--norun do not run tests
--noorphan switch of orphaned tests
--resultfile=NAME use NAME as resultfile (overwrites config file settings)
# Function that writes an error message for a failed test / part of a test
sub test_error
my ($message) = @_;
log_message_add ("ERROR: $message");
if ($display_errors eq 1) { print STDERR "ERROR: $message\n"; }
# Function that returns an warning message
sub warning {
my ($message) = @_;
if ($display_warnings eq 1) { print "Warniong: $message\n"; }
log_message_add ("Warning: $message");
# Function that returns an error message and exits with the specified error code
sub error {
my ($message, $error_code) = @_;
if ($display_errors eq 1) { print STDERR "ERROR: $message\n"; }
log_message_add ("ERROR: $message");
exit ($error_code);
# Function which adds an new entry into the logfile together with a timestamp
sub log_message_add
(my $message) = @_;
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$ydat,$isdst) = localtime();
if(length($hour) == 1) { $hour="0$hour"; }
if(length($min) == 1) { $min="0$min"; }
if(length($sec) == 1) { $sec="0$sec"; }
open (LOGFILE,">>$logfile") or die "ERROR: Could not create $logfile\n";
print LOGFILE "$mday/$mon/$year $hour.$min.$sec: $message\n";