2019-06-03 05:40:53 +08:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
2019-06-05 10:09:49 +08:00
#===- exploded-graph-rewriter.py - ExplodedGraph dump tool -----*- python -*--#
# Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
# See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
2019-06-03 05:40:53 +08:00
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import collections
import json
import logging
import re
# A deserialized source location.
class SourceLocation(object):
def __init__(self, json_loc):
super(SourceLocation, self).__init__()
self.line = json_loc['line']
self.col = json_loc['column']
self.filename = json_loc['filename'] \
if 'filename' in json_loc else '(main file)'
# A deserialized program point.
class ProgramPoint(object):
def __init__(self, json_pp):
super(ProgramPoint, self).__init__()
self.kind = json_pp['kind']
self.tag = json_pp['tag']
if self.kind == 'Edge':
self.src_id = json_pp['src_id']
self.dst_id = json_pp['dst_id']
elif self.kind == 'Statement':
self.stmt_kind = json_pp['stmt_kind']
self.pointer = json_pp['pointer']
self.pretty = json_pp['pretty']
self.loc = SourceLocation(json_pp['location']) \
if json_pp['location'] is not None else None
elif self.kind == 'BlockEntrance':
self.block_id = json_pp['block_id']
# A value of a single expression in a deserialized Environment.
class EnvironmentBinding(object):
def __init__(self, json_eb):
super(EnvironmentBinding, self).__init__()
self.stmt_id = json_eb['stmt_id']
self.pretty = json_eb['pretty']
self.value = json_eb['value']
# Deserialized description of a location context.
class LocationContext(object):
def __init__(self, json_frame):
super(LocationContext, self).__init__()
self.lctx_id = json_frame['lctx_id']
self.caption = json_frame['location_context']
self.decl = json_frame['calling']
self.line = json_frame['call_line']
# A group of deserialized Environment bindings that correspond to a specific
# location context.
class EnvironmentFrame(object):
def __init__(self, json_frame):
super(EnvironmentFrame, self).__init__()
self.location_context = LocationContext(json_frame)
self.bindings = [EnvironmentBinding(b) for b in json_frame['items']] \
if json_frame['items'] is not None else []
# A deserialized Environment.
class Environment(object):
def __init__(self, json_e):
super(Environment, self).__init__()
self.frames = [EnvironmentFrame(f) for f in json_e]
# A single binding in a deserialized RegionStore cluster.
class StoreBinding(object):
def __init__(self, json_sb):
super(StoreBinding, self).__init__()
self.kind = json_sb['kind']
self.offset = json_sb['offset']
self.value = json_sb['value']
# A single cluster of the deserialized RegionStore.
class StoreCluster(object):
def __init__(self, json_sc):
super(StoreCluster, self).__init__()
self.base_region = json_sc['cluster']
self.bindings = [StoreBinding(b) for b in json_sc['items']]
# A deserialized RegionStore.
class Store(object):
def __init__(self, json_s):
super(Store, self).__init__()
self.clusters = [StoreCluster(c) for c in json_s]
# A deserialized program state.
class ProgramState(object):
def __init__(self, state_id, json_ps):
super(ProgramState, self).__init__()
logging.debug('Adding ProgramState ' + str(state_id))
self.state_id = state_id
self.store = Store(json_ps['store']) \
if json_ps['store'] is not None else None
self.environment = Environment(json_ps['environment']) \
if json_ps['environment'] is not None else None
# TODO: Objects under construction.
# TODO: Constraint ranges.
# TODO: Dynamic types of objects.
# TODO: Checker messages.
# A deserialized exploded graph node. Has a default constructor because it
# may be referenced as part of an edge before its contents are deserialized,
# and in this moment we already need a room for predecessors and successors.
class ExplodedNode(object):
def __init__(self):
super(ExplodedNode, self).__init__()
self.predecessors = []
self.successors = []
def construct(self, node_id, json_node):
logging.debug('Adding ' + node_id)
self.node_id = json_node['node_id']
self.ptr = json_node['pointer']
self.points = [ProgramPoint(p) for p in json_node['program_points']]
self.state = ProgramState(json_node['state_id'],
json_node['program_state']) \
if json_node['program_state'] is not None else None
assert self.node_name() == node_id
def node_name(self):
return 'Node' + self.ptr
# A deserialized ExplodedGraph. Constructed by consuming a .dot file
# line-by-line.
class ExplodedGraph(object):
# Parse .dot files with regular expressions.
node_re = re.compile(
'^(Node0x[0-9a-f]*) \\[shape=record,.*label="{(.*)\\\\l}"\\];$')
edge_re = re.compile(
'^(Node0x[0-9a-f]*) -> (Node0x[0-9a-f]*);$')
def __init__(self):
super(ExplodedGraph, self).__init__()
self.nodes = collections.defaultdict(ExplodedNode)
self.root_id = None
self.incomplete_line = ''
def add_raw_line(self, raw_line):
if raw_line.startswith('//'):
# Allow line breaks by waiting for ';'. This is not valid in
# a .dot file, but it is useful for writing tests.
if len(raw_line) > 0 and raw_line[-1] != ';':
self.incomplete_line += raw_line
raw_line = self.incomplete_line + raw_line
self.incomplete_line = ''
# Apply regexps one by one to see if it's a node or an edge
# and extract contents if necessary.
logging.debug('Line: ' + raw_line)
result = self.edge_re.match(raw_line)
if result is not None:
logging.debug('Classified as edge line.')
pred = result.group(1)
succ = result.group(2)
result = self.node_re.match(raw_line)
if result is not None:
logging.debug('Classified as node line.')
node_id = result.group(1)
if len(self.nodes) == 0:
self.root_id = node_id
# Note: when writing tests you don't need to escape everything,
# even though in a valid dot file everything is escaped.
node_label = result.group(2).replace('\\l', '') \
.replace(' ', '') \
.replace('\\"', '"') \
.replace('\\{', '{') \
.replace('\\}', '}') \
2019-06-20 07:33:55 +08:00
.replace('\\\\', '\\') \
2019-06-03 05:40:53 +08:00
.replace('\\<', '\\\\<') \
.replace('\\>', '\\\\>') \
json_node = json.loads(node_label)
self.nodes[node_id].construct(node_id, json_node)
# A visitor that dumps the ExplodedGraph into a DOT file with fancy HTML-based
# syntax highlighing.
class DotDumpVisitor(object):
def __init__(self):
super(DotDumpVisitor, self).__init__()
def _dump_raw(s):
print(s, end='')
def _dump(s):
print(s.replace('&', '&')
.replace('{', '\\{')
.replace('}', '\\}')
.replace('\\<', '<')
.replace('\\>', '>')
.replace('\\l', '<br />')
.replace('|', ''), end='')
def visit_begin_graph(self, graph):
self._graph = graph
self._dump_raw('digraph "ExplodedGraph" {\n')
def visit_program_point(self, p):
if p.kind in ['Edge', 'BlockEntrance', 'BlockExit']:
color = 'gold3'
elif p.kind in ['PreStmtPurgeDeadSymbols',
color = 'red'
elif p.kind in ['CallEnter', 'CallExitBegin', 'CallExitEnd']:
color = 'blue'
elif p.kind in ['Statement']:
color = 'cyan3'
color = 'forestgreen'
if p.kind == 'Statement':
if p.loc is not None:
self._dump('<tr><td align="left" width="0">'
'<td align="left" width="0"><font color="%s">'
% (p.loc.filename, p.loc.line,
p.loc.col, color, p.stmt_kind, p.pretty))
self._dump('<tr><td align="left" width="0">'
'<i>Invalid Source Location</i>:</td>'
'<td align="left" width="0">'
'<font color="%s">%s</font></td><td>%s</td></tr>'
% (color, p.stmt_kind, p.pretty))
elif p.kind == 'Edge':
self._dump('<tr><td width="0">-</td>'
'<td align="left" width="0">'
'<font color="%s">%s</font></td><td align="left">'
'[B%d] -\\> [B%d]</td></tr>'
% (color, p.kind, p.src_id, p.dst_id))
# TODO: Print more stuff for other kinds of points.
self._dump('<tr><td width="0">-</td>'
'<td align="left" width="0" colspan="2">'
'<font color="%s">%s</font></td></tr>'
% (color, p.kind))
def visit_environment(self, e):
self._dump('<table border="0">')
for f in e.frames:
self._dump('<tr><td align="left"><b>%s</b></td>'
'<td align="left"><font color="grey60">%s </font>'
% (f.location_context.caption,
('(line %s)' % f.location_context.line)
if f.location_context.line is not None else ''))
for b in f.bindings:
self._dump('<tr><td align="left"><i>S%s</i></td>'
'<td align="left">%s</td>'
'<td align="left">%s</td></tr>'
% (b.stmt_id, b.pretty, b.value))
def visit_store(self, s):
self._dump('<table border="0">')
for c in s.clusters:
for b in c.bindings:
self._dump('<tr><td align="left">%s</td>'
'<td align="left">%s</td>'
'<td align="left">%s</td>'
'<td align="left">%s</td></tr>'
% (c.base_region, b.offset,
'(<i>Default</i>)' if b.kind == 'Default'
else '',
def visit_state(self, s):
self._dump('<tr><td align="left">'
'<b>Store: </b>')
if s.store is None:
self._dump('<i> Nothing!</i>')
'<tr><td align="left">')
self._dump('</td></tr><hr />'
'<tr><td align="left">'
'<b>Environment: </b>')
if s.environment is None:
self._dump('<i> Nothing!</i>')
'<tr><td align="left">')
def visit_node(self, node):
self._dump('%s [shape=record,label=<<table border="0">'
% (node.node_name()))
self._dump('<tr><td bgcolor="grey"><b>Node %d (%s) - '
'State %s</b></td></tr>'
% (node.node_id, node.ptr, node.state.state_id
if node.state is not None else 'Unspecified'))
self._dump('<tr><td align="left" width="0">')
if len(node.points) > 1:
self._dump('<b>Program points:</b></td></tr>')
self._dump('<b>Program point:</b></td></tr>')
self._dump('<tr><td align="left" width="0">'
'<table border="0" align="left" width="0">')
for p in node.points:
if node.state is not None:
self._dump('<hr />')
def visit_edge(self, pred, succ):
self._dump_raw('%s -> %s;\n' % (pred.node_name(), succ.node_name()))
def visit_end_of_graph(self):
# A class that encapsulates traversal of the ExplodedGraph. Different explorer
# kinds could potentially traverse specific sub-graphs.
class Explorer(object):
def __init__(self):
super(Explorer, self).__init__()
def explore(self, graph, visitor):
for node in sorted(graph.nodes):
logging.debug('Visiting ' + node)
for succ in sorted(graph.nodes[node].successors):
logging.debug('Visiting edge: %s -> %s ' % (node, succ))
visitor.visit_edge(graph.nodes[node], graph.nodes[succ])
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('filename', type=str)
parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_const', dest='loglevel',
const=logging.DEBUG, default=logging.WARNING,
help='enable debug prints')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_const',
dest='loglevel', const=logging.INFO,
help='enable info prints')
args = parser.parse_args()
graph = ExplodedGraph()
with open(args.filename) as fd:
for raw_line in fd:
raw_line = raw_line.strip()
explorer = Explorer()
visitor = DotDumpVisitor()
explorer.explore(graph, visitor)
if __name__ == '__main__':