2019-11-02 10:59:32 +08:00
; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_test_checks.py UTC_ARGS: --function-signature --scrub-attributes
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; RUN: opt -attributor --attributor-disable=false -attributor-max-iterations-verify -attributor-annotate-decl-cs -attributor-max-iterations=7 -S < %s | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=CHECK,MODULE,MODULE_OLD
; RUN: opt -attributor-cgscc --attributor-disable=false -attributor-annotate-decl-cs -attributor-max-iterations=7 -S < %s | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=CHECK,CGSCC,CGSCC_OLD
; RUN: opt -passes=attributor --attributor-disable=false -attributor-max-iterations-verify -attributor-annotate-decl-cs -attributor-max-iterations=7 -S < %s | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=CHECK,MODULE,MODULE_NEW
; RUN: opt -passes='attributor-cgscc' --attributor-disable=false -attributor-annotate-decl-cs -attributor-max-iterations=7 -S < %s | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=CHECK,CGSCC,CGSCC_NEW
2020-04-09 13:31:41 +08:00
; XFAIL: *
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; UTC_ARGS: --disable
[Attributor] Unify testing (=updates,prefixes,run configurations,...)
When the Attributor was created the test update scripts were not well
suited to deal with the challenges of IR attribute checking. This
partially improved.
Since then we also added three additional configurations that need
testing; in total we now have the following four:
{ TUNIT, CGSCC } x { old pass manager (OPM), new pass manager (NPM) }
Finally, the number of developers and tests grew rapidly (partially due
to the addition of ArgumentPromotion and IPConstantProp tests), which
resulted in tests only being run in some configurations, different
prefixes being used, and different "styles" of checks being used.
Due to the above reasons I believed we needed to take another look at
the test update scripts. While we started to use them, via UTC_ARGS:
--enable/disable, the other problems remained. To improve the testing
situation for *all* configurations, to simplify future updates to the
test, and to help identify subtle effects of future changes, we now use
the test update scripts for (almost) all Attributor tests.
An exhaustive prefix list minimizes the number of check lines and makes
it easy to identify and compare configurations.
Tests have been adjusted in the process but we tried to keep their
intend unchanged.
Reviewed By: sstefan1
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D76588
2020-04-09 08:04:57 +08:00
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; MODULE_OLD: @dead_with_blockaddress_users.l = constant [2 x i8*] [i8* inttoptr (i32 1 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i32 1 to i8*)]
; MODULE_NEW: @dead_with_blockaddress_users.l = constant [2 x i8*] [i8* inttoptr (i32 1 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i32 1 to i8*)]
; CGSCC_OLD: @dead_with_blockaddress_users.l = constant [2 x i8*] [i8* blockaddress(@dead_with_blockaddress_users, %lab0), i8* blockaddress(@dead_with_blockaddress_users, %end)]
; CGSCC_NEW: @dead_with_blockaddress_users.l = constant [2 x i8*] [i8* inttoptr (i32 1 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i32 1 to i8*)]
2019-11-02 11:35:18 +08:00
@dead_with_blockaddress_users.l = constant [2 x i8*] [i8* blockaddress(@dead_with_blockaddress_users, %lab0), i8* blockaddress(@dead_with_blockaddress_users, %end)]
2020-01-12 14:34:38 +08:00
declare void @no_return_call() nofree noreturn nounwind nosync
2019-07-23 07:58:23 +08:00
2019-08-03 05:31:22 +08:00
declare void @normal_call() readnone
2019-07-23 07:58:23 +08:00
declare i32 @foo()
2019-11-02 10:59:32 +08:00
declare i32 @foo_nounwind() nounwind
2019-08-05 02:38:53 +08:00
declare i32 @foo_noreturn_nounwind() noreturn nounwind
2019-07-23 07:58:23 +08:00
declare i32 @foo_noreturn() noreturn
2019-08-03 05:31:22 +08:00
declare i32 @bar() nosync readnone
2019-07-23 07:58:23 +08:00
2019-08-21 07:16:57 +08:00
; This internal function has no live call sites, so all its BBs are considered dead,
; and nothing should be deduced for it.
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; MODULE-NOT: define internal i32 @dead_internal_func(i32 %0)
2019-08-21 07:16:57 +08:00
define internal i32 @dead_internal_func(i32 %0) {
%2 = icmp slt i32 %0, 1
br i1 %2, label %3, label %5
; <label>:3: ; preds = %5, %1
%4 = phi i32 [ 1, %1 ], [ %8, %5 ]
ret i32 %4
; <label>:5: ; preds = %1, %5
%6 = phi i32 [ %9, %5 ], [ 1, %1 ]
%7 = phi i32 [ %8, %5 ], [ 1, %1 ]
%8 = mul nsw i32 %6, %7
%9 = add nuw nsw i32 %6, 1
%10 = icmp eq i32 %6, %0
br i1 %10, label %3, label %5
2020-01-26 16:51:57 +08:00
; CHECK: Function Attrs: argmemonly nofree norecurse nounwind uwtable willreturn
2019-08-03 05:31:22 +08:00
define i32 @volatile_load(i32*) norecurse nounwind uwtable {
%2 = load volatile i32, i32* %0, align 4
ret i32 %2
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; MODULE-NOT: internal_load
2019-08-03 05:31:22 +08:00
define internal i32 @internal_load(i32*) norecurse nounwind uwtable {
%2 = load i32, i32* %0, align 4
ret i32 %2
; TEST 1: Only first block is live.
2019-08-06 07:22:05 +08:00
; CHECK: Function Attrs: nofree noreturn nosync nounwind
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; MODULE-NEXT: define i32 @first_block_no_return(i32 %a, i32* nocapture nofree nonnull readnone %ptr1, i32* nocapture nofree readnone %ptr2)
; CGSCC-NEXT: define i32 @first_block_no_return(i32 %a, i32* nocapture nofree nonnull readnone %ptr1, i32* nocapture nofree readnone %ptr2)
2019-08-03 05:31:22 +08:00
define i32 @first_block_no_return(i32 %a, i32* nonnull %ptr1, i32* %ptr2) #0 {
call i32 @internal_load(i32* %ptr1)
call void @no_return_call()
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; CHECK: call void @no_return_call()
; CHECK-NEXT: unreachable
2019-08-21 07:16:57 +08:00
call i32 @dead_internal_func(i32 10)
2019-08-03 05:31:22 +08:00
%cmp = icmp eq i32 %a, 0
br i1 %cmp, label %cond.true, label %cond.false
cond.true: ; preds = %entry
call i32 @internal_load(i32* %ptr2)
%load = call i32 @volatile_load(i32* %ptr1)
call void @normal_call()
%call = call i32 @foo()
br label %cond.end
cond.false: ; preds = %entry
call void @normal_call()
%call1 = call i32 @bar()
br label %cond.end
cond.end: ; preds = %cond.false, %cond.true
%cond = phi i32 [ %call, %cond.true ], [ %call1, %cond.false ]
ret i32 %cond
; TEST 2: cond.true is dead, but cond.end is not, since cond.false is live
2019-07-23 07:58:23 +08:00
; This is just an example. For example we can put a sync call in a
; dead block and check if it is deduced.
2019-08-03 05:31:22 +08:00
; CHECK: Function Attrs: nosync
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; CHECK-NEXT: define i32 @dead_block_present(i32 %a, i32* nocapture nofree readnone %ptr1)
2019-08-03 05:31:22 +08:00
define i32 @dead_block_present(i32 %a, i32* %ptr1) #0 {
2019-07-23 07:58:23 +08:00
%cmp = icmp eq i32 %a, 0
br i1 %cmp, label %cond.true, label %cond.false
cond.true: ; preds = %entry
call void @no_return_call()
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; CHECK: call void @no_return_call()
; CHECK-NEXT: unreachable
2019-08-03 05:31:22 +08:00
%call = call i32 @volatile_load(i32* %ptr1)
2019-07-23 07:58:23 +08:00
br label %cond.end
cond.false: ; preds = %entry
call void @normal_call()
%call1 = call i32 @bar()
br label %cond.end
cond.end: ; preds = %cond.false, %cond.true
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; CHECK: cond.end:
; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 %call1
2019-07-23 07:58:23 +08:00
%cond = phi i32 [ %call, %cond.true ], [ %call1, %cond.false ]
ret i32 %cond
2019-08-03 05:31:22 +08:00
; TEST 3: both cond.true and cond.false are dead, therfore cond.end is dead as well.
2019-07-23 07:58:23 +08:00
define i32 @all_dead(i32 %a) #0 {
%cmp = icmp eq i32 %a, 0
br i1 %cmp, label %cond.true, label %cond.false
cond.true: ; preds = %entry
call void @no_return_call()
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; CHECK: call void @no_return_call()
; CHECK-NEXT: unreachable
2019-08-21 07:16:57 +08:00
call i32 @dead_internal_func(i32 10)
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; CHECK-NOT: call
2019-07-23 07:58:23 +08:00
%call = call i32 @foo()
br label %cond.end
cond.false: ; preds = %entry
call void @no_return_call()
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; CHECK: call void @no_return_call()
; CHECK-NEXT: unreachable
2019-08-21 07:16:57 +08:00
call i32 @dead_internal_func(i32 10)
2019-07-23 07:58:23 +08:00
%call1 = call i32 @bar()
br label %cond.end
cond.end: ; preds = %cond.false, %cond.true
%cond = phi i32 [ %call, %cond.true ], [ %call1, %cond.false ]
ret i32 %cond
declare i32 @__gxx_personality_v0(...)
2019-08-03 05:31:22 +08:00
; TEST 4: All blocks are live.
2019-07-23 07:58:23 +08:00
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; CHECK: define i32 @all_live(i32 %a)
2019-07-23 07:58:23 +08:00
define i32 @all_live(i32 %a) #0 {
%cmp = icmp eq i32 %a, 0
br i1 %cmp, label %cond.true, label %cond.false
cond.true: ; preds = %entry
call void @normal_call()
%call = call i32 @foo_noreturn()
br label %cond.end
cond.false: ; preds = %entry
call void @normal_call()
%call1 = call i32 @bar()
br label %cond.end
cond.end: ; preds = %cond.false, %cond.true
%cond = phi i32 [ %call, %cond.true ], [ %call1, %cond.false ]
ret i32 %cond
2019-11-02 10:59:32 +08:00
; TEST 5.1 noreturn invoke instruction with a unreachable normal successor block.
2019-07-23 07:58:23 +08:00
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; CHECK: define i32 @invoke_noreturn(i32 %a)
2019-07-23 07:58:23 +08:00
define i32 @invoke_noreturn(i32 %a) personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__gxx_personality_v0 to i8*) {
%cmp = icmp eq i32 %a, 0
br i1 %cmp, label %cond.true, label %cond.false
cond.true: ; preds = %entry
call void @normal_call()
%call = invoke i32 @foo_noreturn() to label %continue
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
unwind label %cleanup
; CHECK: %call = invoke i32 @foo_noreturn()
; CHECK-NEXT: to label %continue unwind label %cleanup
2019-08-05 02:38:53 +08:00
cond.false: ; preds = %entry
call void @normal_call()
%call1 = call i32 @bar()
br label %cond.end
cond.end: ; preds = %cond.false, %continue
%cond = phi i32 [ %call, %continue ], [ %call1, %cond.false ]
ret i32 %cond
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; CHECK: continue:
; CHECK-NEXT: unreachable
2019-08-05 02:38:53 +08:00
br label %cond.end
%res = landingpad { i8*, i32 }
catch i8* null
ret i32 0
2019-11-02 10:59:32 +08:00
; TEST 5.2 noreturn invoke instruction replaced by a call and an unreachable instruction
2019-08-05 02:38:53 +08:00
; put after it.
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; CHECK: define i32 @invoke_noreturn_nounwind(i32 %a)
2019-08-05 02:38:53 +08:00
define i32 @invoke_noreturn_nounwind(i32 %a) personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__gxx_personality_v0 to i8*) {
%cmp = icmp eq i32 %a, 0
br i1 %cmp, label %cond.true, label %cond.false
cond.true: ; preds = %entry
call void @normal_call()
%call = invoke i32 @foo_noreturn_nounwind() to label %continue
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
unwind label %cleanup
; CHECK: call void @normal_call()
; CHECK-NEXT: call i32 @foo_noreturn_nounwind()
; CHECK-NEXT: unreachable
2019-07-23 07:58:23 +08:00
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; CHECK-NOT: @foo_noreturn_nounwind()
2019-08-06 05:35:02 +08:00
2019-07-23 07:58:23 +08:00
cond.false: ; preds = %entry
call void @normal_call()
%call1 = call i32 @bar()
br label %cond.end
cond.end: ; preds = %cond.false, %continue
%cond = phi i32 [ %call, %continue ], [ %call1, %cond.false ]
ret i32 %cond
br label %cond.end
%res = landingpad { i8*, i32 }
catch i8* null
ret i32 0
2019-11-02 10:59:32 +08:00
; TEST 5.3 unounwind invoke instruction replaced by a call and a branch instruction put after it.
define i32 @invoke_nounwind(i32 %a) personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__gxx_personality_v0 to i8*) {
; CHECK-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@invoke_nounwind
; CHECK: cond.true:
; CHECK-NEXT: call void @normal_call()
; CHECK-NEXT: [[CALL:%.*]] = call i32 @foo_nounwind()
; CHECK-NEXT: br label [[CONTINUE:%.*]]
[Attributor] Unify testing (=updates,prefixes,run configurations,...)
When the Attributor was created the test update scripts were not well
suited to deal with the challenges of IR attribute checking. This
partially improved.
Since then we also added three additional configurations that need
testing; in total we now have the following four:
{ TUNIT, CGSCC } x { old pass manager (OPM), new pass manager (NPM) }
Finally, the number of developers and tests grew rapidly (partially due
to the addition of ArgumentPromotion and IPConstantProp tests), which
resulted in tests only being run in some configurations, different
prefixes being used, and different "styles" of checks being used.
Due to the above reasons I believed we needed to take another look at
the test update scripts. While we started to use them, via UTC_ARGS:
--enable/disable, the other problems remained. To improve the testing
situation for *all* configurations, to simplify future updates to the
test, and to help identify subtle effects of future changes, we now use
the test update scripts for (almost) all Attributor tests.
An exhaustive prefix list minimizes the number of check lines and makes
it easy to identify and compare configurations.
Tests have been adjusted in the process but we tried to keep their
intend unchanged.
Reviewed By: sstefan1
Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D76588
2020-04-09 08:04:57 +08:00
; CHECK: continue:
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; CHECK-NEXT: br label [[COND_END:%.*]]
2019-11-02 10:59:32 +08:00
%cmp = icmp eq i32 %a, 0
br i1 %cmp, label %cond.true, label %cond.false
cond.true: ; preds = %entry
call void @normal_call()
%call = invoke i32 @foo_nounwind() to label %continue
unwind label %cleanup
cond.false: ; preds = %entry
call void @normal_call()
%call1 = call i32 @bar()
br label %cond.end
cond.end: ; preds = %cond.false, %continue
%cond = phi i32 [ %call, %continue ], [ %call1, %cond.false ]
ret i32 %cond
br label %cond.end
%res = landingpad { i8*, i32 }
catch i8* null
ret i32 0
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; UTC_ARGS: --enable
2020-01-08 06:01:57 +08:00
; TEST 5.4 unounwind invoke instruction replaced by a call and a branch instruction put after it.
define i32 @invoke_nounwind_phi(i32 %a) personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__gxx_personality_v0 to i8*) {
; CHECK-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@invoke_nounwind_phi
; CHECK-SAME: (i32 [[A:%.*]]) personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__gxx_personality_v0 to i8*)
; CHECK-NEXT: entry:
; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%.*]] = icmp eq i32 [[A]], 0
; CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[CMP]], label [[COND_TRUE:%.*]], label [[COND_FALSE:%.*]]
; CHECK: cond.true:
; CHECK-NEXT: call void @normal_call()
; CHECK-NEXT: [[CALL:%.*]] = call i32 @foo_nounwind()
; CHECK-NEXT: br label [[CONTINUE:%.*]]
; CHECK: cond.false:
; CHECK-NEXT: call void @normal_call()
; CHECK-NEXT: [[CALL1:%.*]] = call i32 @bar()
; CHECK-NEXT: br label [[CONTINUE]]
; CHECK: continue:
; CHECK-NEXT: [[P:%.*]] = phi i32 [ 0, [[COND_TRUE]] ], [ 1, [[COND_FALSE]] ]
; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[P]]
; CHECK: cleanup:
; CHECK-NEXT: unreachable
%cmp = icmp eq i32 %a, 0
br i1 %cmp, label %cond.true, label %cond.false
cond.true: ; preds = %entry
call void @normal_call()
%call = invoke i32 @foo_nounwind() to label %continue
unwind label %cleanup
cond.false: ; preds = %entry
call void @normal_call()
%call1 = call i32 @bar()
br label %continue
%p = phi i32 [ 0, %cond.true ], [ 1, %cond.false ]
ret i32 %p
%res = landingpad { i8*, i32 } catch i8* null
ret i32 0
; TEST 5.5 unounwind invoke instruction replaced by a call and a branch instruction put after it.
define i32 @invoke_nounwind_phi_dom(i32 %a) personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__gxx_personality_v0 to i8*) {
; CHECK-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@invoke_nounwind_phi_dom
; CHECK-SAME: (i32 [[A:%.*]]) personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__gxx_personality_v0 to i8*)
; CHECK-NEXT: entry:
; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%.*]] = icmp eq i32 [[A]], 0
; CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[CMP]], label [[COND_TRUE:%.*]], label [[COND_FALSE:%.*]]
; CHECK: cond.true:
; CHECK-NEXT: call void @normal_call()
; CHECK-NEXT: [[CALL:%.*]] = call i32 @foo_nounwind()
; CHECK-NEXT: br label [[CONTINUE:%.*]]
; CHECK: cond.false:
; CHECK-NEXT: call void @normal_call()
; CHECK-NEXT: [[CALL1:%.*]] = call i32 @bar()
; CHECK-NEXT: br label [[CONTINUE]]
; CHECK: continue:
; CHECK-NEXT: [[P:%.*]] = phi i32 [ [[CALL]], [[COND_TRUE]] ], [ [[CALL1]], [[COND_FALSE]] ]
; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[P]]
; CHECK: cleanup:
; CHECK-NEXT: unreachable
%cmp = icmp eq i32 %a, 0
br i1 %cmp, label %cond.true, label %cond.false
cond.true: ; preds = %entry
call void @normal_call()
%call = invoke i32 @foo_nounwind() to label %continue
unwind label %cleanup
cond.false: ; preds = %entry
call void @normal_call()
%call1 = call i32 @bar()
br label %continue
%p = phi i32 [ %call, %cond.true ], [ %call1, %cond.false ]
ret i32 %p
%res = landingpad { i8*, i32 } catch i8* null
ret i32 0
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; UTC_ARGS: --disable
2019-08-03 05:31:22 +08:00
; TEST 6: Undefined behvior, taken from LangRef.
2019-07-23 07:58:23 +08:00
; FIXME: Should be able to detect undefined behavior.
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; CHECK: define void @ub(i32* nocapture nofree writeonly %0)
2019-08-05 02:38:53 +08:00
define void @ub(i32* %0) {
2019-07-23 07:58:23 +08:00
%poison = sub nuw i32 0, 1 ; Results in a poison value.
%still_poison = and i32 %poison, 0 ; 0, but also poison.
%poison_yet_again = getelementptr i32, i32* %0, i32 %still_poison
store i32 0, i32* %poison_yet_again ; Undefined behavior due to store to poison.
ret void
define void @inf_loop() #0 {
br label %while.body
while.body: ; preds = %entry, %while.body
br label %while.body
2019-08-03 05:31:22 +08:00
; TEST 7: Infinite loop.
2019-07-23 07:58:23 +08:00
; FIXME: Detect infloops, and mark affected blocks dead.
define i32 @test5(i32, i32) #0 {
%3 = icmp sgt i32 %0, %1
br i1 %3, label %cond.if, label %cond.elseif
cond.if: ; preds = %2
%4 = tail call i32 @bar()
br label %cond.end
cond.elseif: ; preds = %2
call void @inf_loop()
%5 = icmp slt i32 %0, %1
br i1 %5, label %cond.end, label %cond.else
cond.else: ; preds = %cond.elseif
%6 = tail call i32 @foo()
br label %cond.end
cond.end: ; preds = %cond.if, %cond.else, %cond.elseif
%7 = phi i32 [ %1, %cond.elseif ], [ 0, %cond.else ], [ 0, %cond.if ]
ret i32 %7
define void @rec() #0 {
call void @rec()
ret void
2019-08-03 05:31:22 +08:00
; TEST 8: Recursion
2019-07-23 07:58:23 +08:00
; FIXME: everything after first block should be marked dead
; and unreachable should be put after call to @rec().
define i32 @test6(i32, i32) #0 {
call void @rec()
%3 = icmp sgt i32 %0, %1
br i1 %3, label %cond.if, label %cond.elseif
cond.if: ; preds = %2
%4 = tail call i32 @bar()
br label %cond.end
cond.elseif: ; preds = %2
call void @rec()
%5 = icmp slt i32 %0, %1
br i1 %5, label %cond.end, label %cond.else
cond.else: ; preds = %cond.elseif
%6 = tail call i32 @foo()
br label %cond.end
cond.end: ; preds = %cond.if, %cond.else, %cond.elseif
%7 = phi i32 [ %1, %cond.elseif ], [ 0, %cond.else ], [ 0, %cond.if ]
ret i32 %7
2019-08-03 05:31:22 +08:00
; TEST 9: Recursion
2019-07-23 07:58:23 +08:00
; FIXME: contains recursive call to itself in cond.elseif block
define i32 @test7(i32, i32) #0 {
%3 = icmp sgt i32 %0, %1
br i1 %3, label %cond.if, label %cond.elseif
cond.if: ; preds = %2
%4 = tail call i32 @bar()
br label %cond.end
cond.elseif: ; preds = %2
%5 = tail call i32 @test7(i32 %0, i32 %1)
%6 = icmp slt i32 %0, %1
br i1 %6, label %cond.end, label %cond.else
cond.else: ; preds = %cond.elseif
%7 = tail call i32 @foo()
br label %cond.end
cond.end: ; preds = %cond.if, %cond.else, %cond.elseif
%8 = phi i32 [ %1, %cond.elseif ], [ 0, %cond.else ], [ 0, %cond.if ]
ret i32 %8
2019-08-21 07:16:57 +08:00
; SCC test
; char a1 __attribute__((aligned(8)));
; char a2 __attribute__((aligned(16)));
; char* f1(char* a ){
; return a?a:f2(&a1);
; }
; char* f2(char* a){
; return a?f1(a):f3(&a2);
; }
; char* f3(char* a){
; return a?&a1: f1(&a2);
; }
@a1 = common global i8 0, align 8
@a2 = common global i8 0, align 16
define internal i8* @f1(i8* readnone %0) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; ATTRIBUTOR: define internal i8* @f1(i8* readnone %0)
2019-08-21 07:16:57 +08:00
%2 = icmp eq i8* %0, null
br i1 %2, label %3, label %5
; <label>:3: ; preds = %1
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; ATTRIBUTOR: %4 = tail call i8* undef(i8* nonnull align 8 @a1)
2019-08-21 07:16:57 +08:00
%4 = tail call i8* @f2(i8* nonnull @a1)
br label %5
; <label>:5: ; preds = %1, %3
%6 = phi i8* [ %4, %3 ], [ %0, %1 ]
ret i8* %6
define internal i8* @f2(i8* readnone %0) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; ATTRIBUTOR: define internal i8* @f2(i8* readnone %0)
2019-08-21 07:16:57 +08:00
%2 = icmp eq i8* %0, null
br i1 %2, label %5, label %3
; <label>:3: ; preds = %1
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; ATTRIBUTOR: %4 = tail call i8* undef(i8* nonnull align 8 %0)
2019-08-21 07:16:57 +08:00
%4 = tail call i8* @f1(i8* nonnull %0)
br label %7
; <label>:5: ; preds = %1
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; ATTRIBUTOR: %6 = tail call i8* undef(i8* nonnull align 16 @a2)
2019-08-21 07:16:57 +08:00
%6 = tail call i8* @f3(i8* nonnull @a2)
br label %7
; <label>:7: ; preds = %5, %3
%8 = phi i8* [ %4, %3 ], [ %6, %5 ]
ret i8* %8
define internal i8* @f3(i8* readnone %0) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; ATTRIBUTOR: define internal i8* @f3(i8* readnone %0)
2019-08-21 07:16:57 +08:00
%2 = icmp eq i8* %0, null
br i1 %2, label %3, label %5
; <label>:3: ; preds = %1
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; ATTRIBUTOR: %4 = tail call i8* undef(i8* nonnull align 16 @a2)
2019-08-21 07:16:57 +08:00
%4 = tail call i8* @f1(i8* nonnull @a2)
br label %5
; <label>:5: ; preds = %1, %3
%6 = phi i8* [ %4, %3 ], [ @a1, %1 ]
ret i8* %6
2019-08-22 04:56:41 +08:00
2020-01-12 14:17:08 +08:00
declare void @sink() nofree nosync nounwind willreturn
2019-08-22 04:56:41 +08:00
define void @test_unreachable() {
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; CHECK: define void @test_unreachable()
2020-01-12 14:34:38 +08:00
; CHECK-NEXT: call void @sink()
2019-08-22 04:56:41 +08:00
; CHECK-NEXT: call void @test_unreachable()
; CHECK-NEXT: unreachable
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
2020-01-12 14:34:38 +08:00
call void @sink()
2019-08-22 04:56:41 +08:00
call void @test_unreachable()
2019-09-05 00:35:20 +08:00
define linkonce_odr void @non_exact1() {
call void @non_dead_a0()
call void @non_dead_a1()
call void @non_dead_a2()
call void @non_dead_a3()
call void @non_dead_a4()
call void @non_dead_a5()
call void @non_dead_a6()
call void @non_dead_a7()
call void @non_dead_a8()
call void @non_dead_a9()
call void @non_dead_a10()
call void @non_dead_a11()
call void @non_dead_a12()
call void @non_dead_a13()
call void @non_dead_a14()
call void @non_dead_a15()
call void @middle()
ret void
define internal void @middle() {
call void @non_dead_b0()
call void @non_dead_b1()
call void @non_dead_b2()
call void @non_dead_b3()
br label %bb1
call void @non_dead_b4()
call void @non_dead_b5()
call void @non_dead_b6()
call void @non_dead_b7()
br label %bb2
call void @non_dead_b8()
call void @non_dead_b9()
call void @non_dead_b10()
call void @non_dead_b11()
br label %bb3
call void @non_dead_b12()
call void @non_dead_b13()
call void @non_dead_b14()
call void @non_dead_b15()
br label %bb4
call void @non_exact2()
ret void
define linkonce_odr void @non_exact2() {
call void @non_dead_c0()
call void @non_dead_c1()
call void @non_dead_c2()
call void @non_dead_c3()
call void @non_dead_c4()
call void @non_dead_c5()
call void @non_dead_c6()
call void @non_dead_c7()
call void @non_dead_c8()
call void @non_dead_c9()
call void @non_dead_c10()
call void @non_dead_c11()
call void @non_dead_c12()
call void @non_dead_c13()
call void @non_dead_c14()
call void @non_dead_c15()
call void @non_exact3()
ret void
define linkonce_odr void @non_exact3() {
call void @non_dead_d0()
call void @non_dead_d1()
call void @non_dead_d2()
call void @non_dead_d3()
call void @non_dead_d4()
call void @non_dead_d5()
call void @non_dead_d6()
call void @non_dead_d7()
call void @non_dead_d8()
call void @non_dead_d9()
call void @non_dead_d10()
call void @non_dead_d11()
call void @non_dead_d12()
call void @non_dead_d13()
call void @non_dead_d14()
call void @non_dead_d15()
%nr = call i32 @foo_noreturn()
call void @dead_e1()
ret void
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; CHECK: define linkonce_odr void @non_exact3() {
; CHECK-NEXT: call void @non_dead_d0()
; CHECK-NEXT: call void @non_dead_d1()
; CHECK-NEXT: call void @non_dead_d2()
; CHECK-NEXT: call void @non_dead_d3()
; CHECK-NEXT: call void @non_dead_d4()
; CHECK-NEXT: call void @non_dead_d5()
; CHECK-NEXT: call void @non_dead_d6()
; CHECK-NEXT: call void @non_dead_d7()
; CHECK-NEXT: call void @non_dead_d8()
; CHECK-NEXT: call void @non_dead_d9()
; CHECK-NEXT: call void @non_dead_d10()
; CHECK-NEXT: call void @non_dead_d11()
; CHECK-NEXT: call void @non_dead_d12()
; CHECK-NEXT: call void @non_dead_d13()
; CHECK-NEXT: call void @non_dead_d14()
; CHECK-NEXT: call void @non_dead_d15()
; CHECK-NEXT: %nr = call i32 @foo_noreturn()
; CHECK-NEXT: unreachable
2019-09-05 00:35:20 +08:00
2020-01-12 14:34:38 +08:00
define internal void @non_dead_a0() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_a1() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_a2() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_a3() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_a4() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_a5() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_a6() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_a7() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_a8() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_a9() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_a10() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_a11() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_a12() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_a13() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_a14() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_a15() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_b0() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_b1() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_b2() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_b3() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_b4() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_b5() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_b6() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_b7() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_b8() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_b9() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_b10() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_b11() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_b12() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_b13() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_b14() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_b15() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_c0() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_c1() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_c2() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_c3() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_c4() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_c5() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_c6() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_c7() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_c8() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_c9() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_c10() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_c11() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_c12() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_c13() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_c14() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_c15() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_d0() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_d1() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_d2() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_d3() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_d4() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_d5() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_d6() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_d7() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_d8() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_d9() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_d10() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_d11() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_d12() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_d13() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_d14() {
call void @sink()
ret void
define internal void @non_dead_d15() {
call void @sink()
ret void
2019-09-05 00:35:20 +08:00
define internal void @dead_e0() { call void @dead_e1() ret void }
define internal void @dead_e1() { call void @dead_e2() ret void }
define internal void @dead_e2() { ret void }
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_a0()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_a1()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_a2()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_a3()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_a4()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_a5()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_a6()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_a7()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_a8()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_a9()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_a10()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_a11()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_a12()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_a13()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_a14()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_a15()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_b0()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_b1()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_b2()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_b3()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_b4()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_b5()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_b6()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_b7()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_b8()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_b9()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_b10()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_b11()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_b12()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_b13()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_b14()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_b15()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_c0()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_c1()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_c2()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_c3()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_c4()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_c5()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_c6()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_c7()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_c8()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_c9()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_c10()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_c11()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_c12()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_c13()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_c14()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_c15()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_d0()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_d1()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_d2()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_d3()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_d4()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_d5()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_d6()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_d7()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_d8()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_d9()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_d10()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_d11()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_d12()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_d13()
; CHECK: define internal void @non_dead_d14()
2019-09-05 00:35:20 +08:00
; Verify we actually deduce information for these functions.
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; MODULE: Function Attrs: nofree nosync nounwind willreturn
; MODULE-NEXT: define internal void @non_dead_d15()
; MODULE-NOT: define internal void @dead_e
; CGSCC: Function Attrs: nofree nosync nounwind willreturn
; CGSCC-NEXT: define internal void @non_dead_d15()
2019-09-05 04:34:52 +08:00
declare void @blowup() noreturn
define void @live_with_dead_entry() personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__gxx_personality_v0 to i8*) {
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; CHECK: define void @live_with_dead_entry(
; CHECK-NEXT: entry:
; CHECK-NEXT: invoke void @blowup()
; CHECK-NEXT: to label %live_with_dead_entry.dead unwind label %lpad
; CHECK: lpad: ; preds = %entry
; CHECK-NEXT: %0 = landingpad { i8*, i32 }
; CHECK-NEXT: catch i8* null
; CHECK-NEXT: br label %live_with_dead_entry
; CHECK: live_with_dead_entry.dead: ; preds = %entry
; CHECK-NEXT: unreachable
; CHECK: live_with_dead_entry: ; preds = %lpad
; CHECK-NEXT: ret void
2019-09-05 04:34:52 +08:00
invoke void @blowup() to label %live_with_dead_entry unwind label %lpad
%0 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } catch i8* null
br label %live_with_dead_entry
ret void
define void @live_with_dead_entry_lp() personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__gxx_personality_v0 to i8*) {
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; CHECK: define void @live_with_dead_entry_lp(
; CHECK-NEXT: entry:
; CHECK-NEXT: invoke void @blowup()
; CHECK-NEXT: to label %[[LIVE_WITH_DEAD_ENTRY_DEAD1:.*]] unwind label %[[LP1:.*]]
; CHECK: [[LP1]]: ; preds = %entry
; CHECK-NEXT: %lp = landingpad { i8*, i32 }
; CHECK-NEXT: catch i8* null
; CHECK-NEXT: invoke void @blowup()
; CHECK-NEXT: to label %[[LIVE_WITH_DEAD_ENTRY_DEAD2:.*]] unwind label %[[LP2:.*]]
; CHECK: [[LP2]]: ; preds = %lp1
; CHECK-NEXT: %0 = landingpad { i8*, i32 }
; CHECK-NEXT: catch i8* null
; CHECK-NEXT: br label %live_with_dead_entry
; CHECK-NEXT: unreachable
; CHECK-NEXT: unreachable
; CHECK: live_with_dead_entry: ; preds = %lp2
; CHECK-NEXT: ret void
2019-09-05 04:34:52 +08:00
invoke void @blowup() to label %live_with_dead_entry unwind label %lp1
%lp = landingpad { i8*, i32 } catch i8* null
invoke void @blowup() to label %live_with_dead_entry unwind label %lp2
%0 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } catch i8* null
br label %live_with_dead_entry
ret void
2019-10-13 16:08:18 +08:00
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; CHECK: define internal void @useless_arg_sink()
2019-10-13 16:08:18 +08:00
define internal void @useless_arg_sink(i32* %a) {
2020-01-12 14:34:38 +08:00
call void @sink()
2019-10-13 16:08:18 +08:00
ret void
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; CHECK: define internal void @useless_arg_almost_sink()
2019-10-13 16:08:18 +08:00
define internal void @useless_arg_almost_sink(i32* %a) {
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; CHECK: call void @useless_arg_sink()
2019-10-13 16:08:18 +08:00
call void @useless_arg_sink(i32* %a)
ret void
; Check we do not annotate the function interface of this weak function.
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; CHECK: define weak_odr void @useless_arg_ext(i32* %a)
2019-10-13 16:08:18 +08:00
define weak_odr void @useless_arg_ext(i32* %a) {
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; CHECK: call void @useless_arg_almost_sink()
2019-10-13 16:08:18 +08:00
call void @useless_arg_almost_sink(i32* %a)
ret void
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; CHECK: define internal void @useless_arg_ext_int(i32* %a)
2019-10-13 16:08:18 +08:00
define internal void @useless_arg_ext_int(i32* %a) {
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; CHECK: call void @useless_arg_ext(i32* %a)
2019-10-13 16:08:18 +08:00
call void @useless_arg_ext(i32* %a)
ret void
define void @useless_arg_ext_int_ext(i32* %a) {
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; CHECK: call void @useless_arg_ext_int(i32* %a)
2019-10-13 16:08:18 +08:00
call void @useless_arg_ext_int(i32* %a)
ret void
2019-11-02 02:57:49 +08:00
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; UTC_ARGS: --enable
2019-11-02 02:57:49 +08:00
; FIXME: We should fold terminators.
define internal i32 @switch_default(i64 %i) nounwind {
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; MODULE-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@switch_default()
; MODULE-NEXT: entry:
; MODULE-NEXT: switch i64 0, label [[SW_DEFAULT:%.*]] [
; MODULE-NEXT: i64 3, label [[RETURN:%.*]]
; MODULE-NEXT: i64 10, label [[RETURN]]
; MODULE: sw.default:
; MODULE-NEXT: call void @sink()
; MODULE-NEXT: ret i32 undef
; MODULE: return:
; MODULE-NEXT: unreachable
; CGSCC-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@switch_default()
; CGSCC-NEXT: entry:
; CGSCC-NEXT: switch i64 0, label [[SW_DEFAULT:%.*]] [
; CGSCC-NEXT: i64 3, label [[RETURN:%.*]]
; CGSCC-NEXT: i64 10, label [[RETURN]]
; CGSCC: sw.default:
; CGSCC-NEXT: call void @sink()
; CGSCC-NEXT: ret i32 123
; CGSCC: return:
; CGSCC-NEXT: unreachable
2019-11-02 02:57:49 +08:00
switch i64 %i, label %sw.default [
i64 3, label %return
i64 10, label %return
2020-01-12 14:17:08 +08:00
call void @sink()
2019-11-02 02:57:49 +08:00
ret i32 123
ret i32 0
define i32 @switch_default_caller() {
2020-02-17 06:42:47 +08:00
; CHECK-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@switch_default_caller()
; CHECK-NEXT: [[CALL2:%.*]] = tail call i32 @switch_default()
; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 123
2019-11-02 02:57:49 +08:00
%call2 = tail call i32 @switch_default(i64 0)
ret i32 %call2
2020-01-12 14:17:08 +08:00
define internal i32 @switch_default_dead(i64 %i) nounwind {
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; CGSCC-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@switch_default_dead()
; CGSCC-NEXT: entry:
; CGSCC-NEXT: switch i64 0, label [[SW_DEFAULT:%.*]] [
; CGSCC-NEXT: i64 3, label [[RETURN:%.*]]
; CGSCC-NEXT: i64 10, label [[RETURN]]
; CGSCC: sw.default:
; CGSCC-NEXT: ret i32 123
; CGSCC: return:
; CGSCC-NEXT: unreachable
2020-02-17 06:42:47 +08:00
2020-01-12 14:17:08 +08:00
switch i64 %i, label %sw.default [
i64 3, label %return
i64 10, label %return
ret i32 123
ret i32 0
define i32 @switch_default_dead_caller() {
; CHECK-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@switch_default_dead_caller()
; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 123
%call2 = tail call i32 @switch_default_dead(i64 0)
ret i32 %call2
2019-11-01 11:45:17 +08:00
2020-02-17 06:42:47 +08:00
define void @call_via_pointer_with_dead_args(i32* %a, i32* %b, void (i32*, i32*, i32*, i64, i32**)* %fp) {
; CHECK-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@call_via_pointer_with_dead_args
; CHECK-SAME: (i32* [[A:%.*]], i32* [[B:%.*]], void (i32*, i32*, i32*, i64, i32**)* nocapture nofree nonnull [[FP:%.*]])
; CHECK-NEXT: call void [[FP]](i32* [[A]], i32* [[B]], i32* [[A]], i64 -1, i32** null)
; CHECK-NEXT: ret void
call void %fp(i32* %a, i32* %b, i32* %a, i64 -1, i32** null)
ret void
; FIXME: We have to prevent the propagation of %fp in the new pm CGSCC pass until the CallGraphUpdater can handle the new call edge.
define internal void @call_via_pointer_with_dead_args_internal_a(i32* %a, i32* %b, void (i32*, i32*, i32*, i64, i32**)* %fp) {
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; MODULE-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@call_via_pointer_with_dead_args_internal_a
; MODULE-SAME: (i32* [[A:%.*]], i32* nonnull align 128 dereferenceable(4) [[B:%.*]], void (i32*, i32*, i32*, i64, i32**)* nocapture nofree nonnull [[FP:%.*]])
; MODULE-NEXT: call void @called_via_pointer(i32* [[A]], i32* nonnull align 128 dereferenceable(4) [[B]], i32* [[A]], i64 -1, i32** null)
; MODULE-NEXT: ret void
2020-02-17 06:42:47 +08:00
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; CGSCC_OLD-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@call_via_pointer_with_dead_args_internal_a
; CGSCC_OLD-SAME: (i32* [[A:%.*]], i32* [[B:%.*]])
; CGSCC_OLD-NEXT: call void @called_via_pointer(i32* [[A]], i32* [[B]], i32* [[A]], i64 -1, i32** null)
; CGSCC_OLD-NEXT: ret void
; CGSCC_NEW-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@call_via_pointer_with_dead_args_internal_a
; CGSCC_NEW-SAME: (i32* [[A:%.*]], i32* [[B:%.*]], void (i32*, i32*, i32*, i64, i32**)* nocapture nofree nonnull [[FP:%.*]])
; CGSCC_NEW-NEXT: call void [[FP]](i32* [[A]], i32* [[B]], i32* [[A]], i64 -1, i32** null)
; CGSCC_NEW-NEXT: ret void
2020-02-17 06:42:47 +08:00
call void %fp(i32* %a, i32* %b, i32* %a, i64 -1, i32** null)
ret void
define internal void @call_via_pointer_with_dead_args_internal_b(i32* %a, i32* %b, void (i32*, i32*, i32*, i64, i32**)* %fp) {
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; MODULE-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@call_via_pointer_with_dead_args_internal_b
; MODULE-SAME: (i32* [[A:%.*]], i32* nonnull align 128 dereferenceable(4) [[B:%.*]], void (i32*, i32*, i32*, i64, i32**)* nocapture nofree nonnull [[FP:%.*]])
; MODULE-NEXT: call void @called_via_pointer_internal_2(i32* [[A]], i32* nonnull align 128 dereferenceable(4) [[B]], i32* [[A]], i64 -1, i32** null)
; MODULE-NEXT: ret void
; CGSCC_OLD-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@call_via_pointer_with_dead_args_internal_b
; CGSCC_OLD-SAME: (i32* [[A:%.*]], i32* [[B:%.*]])
; CGSCC_OLD-NEXT: call void @called_via_pointer_internal_2(i32* [[A]])
; CGSCC_OLD-NEXT: ret void
2020-03-13 13:59:02 +08:00
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; CGSCC_NEW-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@call_via_pointer_with_dead_args_internal_b
; CGSCC_NEW-SAME: (i32* [[A:%.*]], i32* [[B:%.*]], void (i32*, i32*, i32*, i64, i32**)* nocapture nofree nonnull [[FP:%.*]])
; CGSCC_NEW-NEXT: call void [[FP]](i32* [[A]], i32* [[B]], i32* [[A]], i64 -1, i32** null)
; CGSCC_NEW-NEXT: ret void
2020-02-17 06:42:47 +08:00
call void %fp(i32* %a, i32* %b, i32* %a, i64 -1, i32** null)
ret void
define void @call_via_pointer_with_dead_args_caller(i32* %a, i32* %b) {
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; MODULE-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@call_via_pointer_with_dead_args_caller
; MODULE-SAME: (i32* [[A:%.*]], i32* [[B:%.*]])
; MODULE-NEXT: [[PTR1:%.*]] = alloca i32, align 128
; MODULE-NEXT: [[PTR2:%.*]] = alloca i32, align 128
; MODULE-NEXT: [[PTR3:%.*]] = alloca i32, align 128
; MODULE-NEXT: [[PTR4:%.*]] = alloca i32, align 128
; MODULE-NEXT: call void @call_via_pointer_with_dead_args(i32* [[A]], i32* nonnull align 128 dereferenceable(4) [[PTR1]], void (i32*, i32*, i32*, i64, i32**)* nofree nonnull @called_via_pointer)
; MODULE-NEXT: call void @call_via_pointer_with_dead_args(i32* [[A]], i32* nonnull align 128 dereferenceable(4) [[PTR2]], void (i32*, i32*, i32*, i64, i32**)* nofree nonnull @called_via_pointer_internal_1)
; MODULE-NEXT: call void @call_via_pointer_with_dead_args_internal_a(i32* [[B]], i32* nonnull align 128 dereferenceable(4) [[PTR3]], void (i32*, i32*, i32*, i64, i32**)* nofree nonnull @called_via_pointer)
; MODULE-NEXT: call void @call_via_pointer_with_dead_args_internal_b(i32* [[B]], i32* nonnull align 128 dereferenceable(4) [[PTR4]], void (i32*, i32*, i32*, i64, i32**)* nofree nonnull @called_via_pointer_internal_2)
; MODULE-NEXT: ret void
; CGSCC_OLD-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@call_via_pointer_with_dead_args_caller
; CGSCC_OLD-SAME: (i32* [[A:%.*]], i32* [[B:%.*]])
; CGSCC_OLD-NEXT: [[PTR1:%.*]] = alloca i32, align 128
; CGSCC_OLD-NEXT: [[PTR2:%.*]] = alloca i32, align 128
; CGSCC_OLD-NEXT: [[PTR3:%.*]] = alloca i32, align 128
; CGSCC_OLD-NEXT: [[PTR4:%.*]] = alloca i32, align 128
; CGSCC_OLD-NEXT: call void @call_via_pointer_with_dead_args(i32* [[A]], i32* nonnull align 128 dereferenceable(4) [[PTR1]], void (i32*, i32*, i32*, i64, i32**)* nofree nonnull @called_via_pointer)
; CGSCC_OLD-NEXT: call void @call_via_pointer_with_dead_args(i32* [[A]], i32* nonnull align 128 dereferenceable(4) [[PTR2]], void (i32*, i32*, i32*, i64, i32**)* nofree nonnull @called_via_pointer_internal_1)
; CGSCC_OLD-NEXT: call void @call_via_pointer_with_dead_args_internal_a(i32* [[B]], i32* nonnull align 128 dereferenceable(4) [[PTR3]])
; CGSCC_OLD-NEXT: call void @call_via_pointer_with_dead_args_internal_b(i32* [[B]], i32* nonnull align 128 dereferenceable(4) [[PTR4]])
; CGSCC_OLD-NEXT: ret void
; CGSCC_NEW-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@call_via_pointer_with_dead_args_caller
; CGSCC_NEW-SAME: (i32* [[A:%.*]], i32* [[B:%.*]])
; CGSCC_NEW-NEXT: [[PTR1:%.*]] = alloca i32, align 128
; CGSCC_NEW-NEXT: [[PTR2:%.*]] = alloca i32, align 128
; CGSCC_NEW-NEXT: [[PTR3:%.*]] = alloca i32, align 128
; CGSCC_NEW-NEXT: [[PTR4:%.*]] = alloca i32, align 128
; CGSCC_NEW-NEXT: call void @call_via_pointer_with_dead_args(i32* [[A]], i32* nonnull align 128 dereferenceable(4) [[PTR1]], void (i32*, i32*, i32*, i64, i32**)* nofree nonnull @called_via_pointer)
; CGSCC_NEW-NEXT: call void @call_via_pointer_with_dead_args(i32* [[A]], i32* nonnull align 128 dereferenceable(4) [[PTR2]], void (i32*, i32*, i32*, i64, i32**)* nofree nonnull @called_via_pointer_internal_1)
; CGSCC_NEW-NEXT: call void @call_via_pointer_with_dead_args_internal_a(i32* [[B]], i32* nonnull align 128 dereferenceable(4) [[PTR3]], void (i32*, i32*, i32*, i64, i32**)* nofree nonnull @called_via_pointer)
; CGSCC_NEW-NEXT: call void @call_via_pointer_with_dead_args_internal_b(i32* [[B]], i32* nonnull align 128 dereferenceable(4) [[PTR4]], void (i32*, i32*, i32*, i64, i32**)* nofree nonnull @called_via_pointer_internal_2)
; CGSCC_NEW-NEXT: ret void
2020-02-17 06:42:47 +08:00
%ptr1 = alloca i32, align 128
%ptr2 = alloca i32, align 128
%ptr3 = alloca i32, align 128
%ptr4 = alloca i32, align 128
call void @call_via_pointer_with_dead_args(i32* %a, i32* %ptr1, void (i32*, i32*, i32*, i64, i32**)* @called_via_pointer)
call void @call_via_pointer_with_dead_args(i32* %a, i32* %ptr2, void (i32*, i32*, i32*, i64, i32**)* @called_via_pointer_internal_1)
call void @call_via_pointer_with_dead_args_internal_a(i32* %b, i32* %ptr3, void (i32*, i32*, i32*, i64, i32**)* @called_via_pointer)
call void @call_via_pointer_with_dead_args_internal_b(i32* %b, i32* %ptr4, void (i32*, i32*, i32*, i64, i32**)* @called_via_pointer_internal_2)
ret void
define void @called_via_pointer(i32* %a, i32* %b, i32* %c, i64 %d, i32** %e) {
; CHECK-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@called_via_pointer
; CHECK-SAME: (i32* [[A:%.*]], i32* nocapture nofree readnone [[B:%.*]], i32* nocapture nofree readnone [[C:%.*]], i64 [[D:%.*]], i32** nocapture nofree readnone [[E:%.*]])
; CHECK-NEXT: entry:
; CHECK-NEXT: tail call void @use_i32p(i32* [[A]])
; CHECK-NEXT: tail call void @use_i32p(i32* [[A]])
; CHECK-NEXT: ret void
tail call void @use_i32p(i32* %a)
tail call void @use_i32p(i32* %a)
ret void
define internal void @called_via_pointer_internal_1(i32* %a, i32* %b, i32* %c, i64 %d, i32** %e) {
; CHECK-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@called_via_pointer_internal_1
; CHECK-SAME: (i32* [[A:%.*]], i32* nocapture nofree readnone [[B:%.*]], i32* nocapture nofree readnone [[C:%.*]], i64 [[D:%.*]], i32** nocapture nofree readnone [[E:%.*]])
; CHECK-NEXT: entry:
; CHECK-NEXT: tail call void @use_i32p(i32* [[A]])
; CHECK-NEXT: tail call void @use_i32p(i32* [[A]])
; CHECK-NEXT: ret void
tail call void @use_i32p(i32* %a)
tail call void @use_i32p(i32* %a)
ret void
; FIXME: Figure out why the MODULE has the unused arguments still
define internal void @called_via_pointer_internal_2(i32* %a, i32* %b, i32* %c, i64 %d, i32** %e) {
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; MODULE-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@called_via_pointer_internal_2
; MODULE-SAME: (i32* [[A:%.*]], i32* nocapture nofree readnone [[B:%.*]], i32* nocapture nofree readnone [[C:%.*]], i64 [[D:%.*]], i32** nocapture nofree readnone [[E:%.*]])
; MODULE-NEXT: entry:
; MODULE-NEXT: tail call void @use_i32p(i32* [[A]])
; MODULE-NEXT: tail call void @use_i32p(i32* [[A]])
; MODULE-NEXT: ret void
; CGSCC_OLD-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@called_via_pointer_internal_2
; CGSCC_OLD-SAME: (i32* [[A:%.*]])
; CGSCC_OLD-NEXT: entry:
; CGSCC_OLD-NEXT: tail call void @use_i32p(i32* [[A]])
; CGSCC_OLD-NEXT: tail call void @use_i32p(i32* [[A]])
; CGSCC_OLD-NEXT: ret void
; CGSCC_NEW-LABEL: define {{[^@]+}}@called_via_pointer_internal_2
; CGSCC_NEW-SAME: (i32* [[A:%.*]], i32* nocapture nofree readnone [[B:%.*]], i32* nocapture nofree readnone [[C:%.*]], i64 [[D:%.*]], i32** nocapture nofree readnone [[E:%.*]])
; CGSCC_NEW-NEXT: entry:
; CGSCC_NEW-NEXT: tail call void @use_i32p(i32* [[A]])
; CGSCC_NEW-NEXT: tail call void @use_i32p(i32* [[A]])
; CGSCC_NEW-NEXT: ret void
2020-02-17 06:42:47 +08:00
tail call void @use_i32p(i32* %a)
tail call void @use_i32p(i32* %a)
ret void
declare void @use_i32p(i32*)
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; UTC_ARGS: --disable
2019-11-02 11:35:18 +08:00
; Allow blockaddress users
2020-04-09 18:07:36 +08:00
; MODULE-NOT: @dead_with_blockaddress_users
; CGSCC_NEW-NOT: @dead_with_blockaddress_users
; CGSCC_OLD: @dead_with_blockaddress_users
2019-11-02 11:35:18 +08:00
define internal void @dead_with_blockaddress_users(i32* nocapture %pc) nounwind readonly {
br label %indirectgoto
lab0: ; preds = %indirectgoto
%indvar.next = add i32 %indvar, 1 ; <i32> [#uses=1]
br label %indirectgoto
end: ; preds = %indirectgoto
ret void
indirectgoto: ; preds = %lab0, %entry
%indvar = phi i32 [ %indvar.next, %lab0 ], [ 0, %entry ] ; <i32> [#uses=2]
%pc.addr.0 = getelementptr i32, i32* %pc, i32 %indvar ; <i32*> [#uses=1]
%tmp1.pn = load i32, i32* %pc.addr.0 ; <i32> [#uses=1]
%indirect.goto.dest.in = getelementptr inbounds [2 x i8*], [2 x i8*]* @dead_with_blockaddress_users.l, i32 0, i32 %tmp1.pn ; <i8**> [#uses=1]
%indirect.goto.dest = load i8*, i8** %indirect.goto.dest.in ; <i8*> [#uses=1]
indirectbr i8* %indirect.goto.dest, [label %lab0, label %end]