2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
# This file contains implementations of the LLDB display panes in VIM
# The most generic way to define a new window is to inherit from VimPane
# and to implement:
# - get_content() - returns a string with the pane contents
# Optionally, to highlight text, implement:
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
# - get_highlights() - returns a map
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
# And call:
# - define_highlight(unique_name, colour)
# at some point in the constructor.
# If the pane shows some key-value data that is in the context of a
# single frame, inherit from FrameKeyValuePane and implement:
# - get_frame_content(self, SBFrame frame)
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
# If the pane presents some information that can be retrieved with
# a simple LLDB command while the subprocess is stopped, inherit
# from StoppedCommandPane and call:
# - self.setCommand(command, command_args)
# at some point in the constructor.
# Optionally, you can implement:
# - get_selected_line()
# to highlight a selected line and place the cursor there.
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
# FIXME: implement WatchlistPane to displayed watched expressions
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
# FIXME: define interface for interactive panes, like catching enter
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
# presses to change selected frame/thread...
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
import lldb
import vim
import sys
# ==============================================================
# Get the description of an lldb object or None if not available
# ==============================================================
# Shamelessly copy/pasted from lldbutil.py in the test suite
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
def get_description(obj, option=None):
"""Calls lldb_obj.GetDescription() and returns a string, or None.
For SBTarget, SBBreakpointLocation, and SBWatchpoint lldb objects, an extra
option can be passed in to describe the detailed level of description
o lldb.eDescriptionLevelBrief
o lldb.eDescriptionLevelFull
o lldb.eDescriptionLevelVerbose
method = getattr(obj, 'GetDescription')
if not method:
return None
tuple = (lldb.SBTarget, lldb.SBBreakpointLocation, lldb.SBWatchpoint)
if isinstance(obj, tuple):
if option is None:
option = lldb.eDescriptionLevelBrief
stream = lldb.SBStream()
if option is None:
success = method(stream)
success = method(stream, option)
if not success:
return None
return stream.GetData()
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
def get_selected_thread(target):
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
""" Returns a tuple with (thread, error) where thread == None if error occurs """
process = target.GetProcess()
if process is None or not process.IsValid():
return (None, VimPane.MSG_NO_PROCESS)
thread = process.GetSelectedThread()
if thread is None or not thread.IsValid():
return (None, VimPane.MSG_NO_THREADS)
return (thread, "")
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
def get_selected_frame(target):
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
""" Returns a tuple with (frame, error) where frame == None if error occurs """
(thread, error) = get_selected_thread(target)
if thread is None:
return (None, error)
frame = thread.GetSelectedFrame()
if frame is None or not frame.IsValid():
return (None, VimPane.MSG_NO_FRAME)
return (frame, "")
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
def _cmd(cmd):
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
vim.command("call confirm('%s')" % cmd)
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
def move_cursor(line, col=0):
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
""" moves cursor to specified line and col """
cw = vim.current.window
if cw.cursor[0] != line:
vim.command("execute \"normal %dgg\"" % line)
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
def winnr():
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
""" Returns currently selected window number """
return int(vim.eval("winnr()"))
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
def bufwinnr(name):
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
""" Returns window number corresponding with buffer name """
return int(vim.eval("bufwinnr('%s')" % name))
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
def goto_window(nr):
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
""" go to window number nr"""
if nr != winnr():
vim.command(str(nr) + ' wincmd w')
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
def goto_next_window():
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
""" go to next window. """
vim.command('wincmd w')
return (winnr(), vim.current.buffer.name)
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
def goto_previous_window():
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
""" go to previously selected window """
vim.command("execute \"normal \\<c-w>p\"")
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
def have_gui():
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
""" Returns True if vim is in a gui (Gvim/MacVim), False otherwise. """
return int(vim.eval("has('gui_running')")) == 1
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
class PaneLayout(object):
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
""" A container for a (vertical) group layout of VimPanes """
def __init__(self):
self.panes = {}
def havePane(self, name):
""" Returns true if name is a registered pane, False otherwise """
return name in self.panes
def prepare(self, panes=[]):
""" Draw panes on screen. If empty list is provided, show all. """
# If we can't select a window contained in the layout, we are doing a
# first draw
first_draw = not self.selectWindow(True)
did_first_draw = False
# Prepare each registered pane
for name in self.panes:
if name in panes or len(panes) == 0:
if first_draw:
# First window in layout will be created with :vsp, and
# closed later
first_draw = False
did_first_draw = True
if did_first_draw:
# Close the split window
def contains(self, bufferName=None):
""" Returns True if window with name bufferName is contained in the layout, False otherwise.
If bufferName is None, the currently selected window is checked.
if not bufferName:
bufferName = vim.current.buffer.name
for p in self.panes:
if bufferName is not None and bufferName.endswith(p):
return True
return False
def selectWindow(self, select_contained=True):
""" Selects a window contained in the layout (if select_contained = True) and returns True.
If select_contained = False, a window that is not contained is selected. Returns False
if no group windows can be selected.
if select_contained == self.contains():
# Simple case: we are already selected
return True
# Otherwise, switch to next window until we find a contained window, or
# reach the first window again.
first = winnr()
(curnum, curname) = goto_next_window()
while not select_contained == self.contains(
curname) and curnum != first:
(curnum, curname) = goto_next_window()
return self.contains(curname) == select_contained
def hide(self, panes=[]):
""" Hide panes specified. If empty list provided, hide all. """
for name in self.panes:
if name in panes or len(panes) == 0:
def registerForUpdates(self, p):
self.panes[p.name] = p
def update(self, target, controller):
for name in self.panes:
self.panes[name].update(target, controller)
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
class VimPane(object):
""" A generic base class for a pane that displays stuff """
MSG_NO_TARGET = "Target does not exist."
MSG_NO_PROCESS = "Process does not exist."
MSG_NO_THREADS = "No valid threads."
MSG_NO_FRAME = "No valid frame."
# list of defined highlights, so we avoid re-defining them
highlightTypes = []
def __init__(self, owner, name, open_below=False, height=3):
self.owner = owner
self.name = name
self.buffer = None
self.maxHeight = 20
self.openBelow = open_below
self.height = height
def isPrepared(self):
""" check window is OK """
if self.buffer is None or len(
dir(self.buffer)) == 0 or bufwinnr(self.name) == -1:
return False
return True
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2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
def prepare(self, method='new'):
""" check window is OK, if not then create """
if not self.isPrepared():
def on_create(self):
def destroy(self):
""" destroy window """
if self.buffer is None or len(dir(self.buffer)) == 0:
vim.command('bdelete ' + self.name)
def create(self, method):
""" create window """
if method != 'edit':
belowcmd = "below" if self.openBelow else ""
vim.command('silent %s %s %s' % (belowcmd, method, self.name))
vim.command('silent %s %s' % (method, self.name))
self.window = vim.current.window
# Set LLDB pane options
vim.command("setlocal buftype=nofile") # Don't try to open a file
vim.command("setlocal noswapfile") # Don't use a swap file
vim.command("set nonumber") # Don't display line numbers
# vim.command("set nowrap") # Don't wrap text
# Save some parameters and reference to buffer
self.buffer = vim.current.buffer
self.width = int(vim.eval("winwidth(0)"))
self.height = int(vim.eval("winheight(0)"))
def update(self, target, controller):
""" updates buffer contents """
self.target = target
if not self.isPrepared():
# Window is hidden, or otherwise not ready for an update
original_cursor = self.window.cursor
# Select pane
# Clean and update content, and apply any highlights.
if self.write(self.get_content(target, controller)):
cursor = self.get_selected_line()
if cursor is None:
# Place the cursor at its original position in the window
cursor_line = min(original_cursor[0], len(self.buffer))
cursor_col = min(
original_cursor[1], len(
cursor_line - 1]))
# Place the cursor at the location requested by a VimPane
# implementation
cursor_line = min(cursor, len(self.buffer))
cursor_col = self.window.cursor[1]
self.window.cursor = (cursor_line, cursor_col)
def get_selected_line(self):
""" Returns the line number to move the cursor to, or None to leave
it where the user last left it.
Subclasses implement this to define custom behaviour.
return None
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
def apply_highlights(self):
""" Highlights each set of lines in each highlight group """
highlights = self.get_highlights()
for highlightType in highlights:
lines = highlights[highlightType]
if len(lines) == 0:
cmd = 'match %s /' % highlightType
lines = ['\%' + '%d' % line + 'l' for line in lines]
cmd += '\\|'.join(lines)
cmd += '/'
def define_highlight(self, name, colour):
""" Defines highlihght """
if name in VimPane.highlightTypes:
# highlight already defined
"highlight %s ctermbg=%s guibg=%s" %
(name, colour, colour))
def write(self, msg):
""" replace buffer with msg"""
msg = str(msg.encode("utf-8", "replace")).split('\n')
vim.command("execute \"normal ggdd\"")
except vim.error:
# cannot update window; happens when vim is exiting.
return False
move_cursor(1, 0)
return True
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
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def clean(self):
""" clean all datas in buffer """
#self.buffer[:] = None
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def get_content(self, target, controller):
""" subclasses implement this to provide pane content """
assert(0 and "pane subclass must implement this")
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
def get_highlights(self):
""" Subclasses implement this to provide pane highlights.
This function is expected to return a map of:
{ highlight_name ==> [line_number, ...], ... }
return {}
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
class FrameKeyValuePane(VimPane):
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
def __init__(self, owner, name, open_below):
""" Initialize parent, define member variables, choose which highlight
to use based on whether or not we have a gui (MacVim/Gvim).
VimPane.__init__(self, owner, name, open_below)
# Map-of-maps key/value history { frame --> { variable_name,
# variable_value } }
self.frameValues = {}
if have_gui():
self.changedHighlight = VimPane.CHANGED_VALUE_HIGHLIGHT_NAME_GUI
self.changedHighlight = VimPane.CHANGED_VALUE_HIGHLIGHT_NAME_TERM
def format_pair(self, key, value, changed=False):
""" Formats a key/value pair. Appends a '*' if changed == True """
marker = '*' if changed else ' '
return "%s %s = %s\n" % (marker, key, value)
def get_content(self, target, controller):
""" Get content for a frame-aware pane. Also builds the list of lines that
need highlighting (i.e. changed values.)
if target is None or not target.IsValid():
return VimPane.MSG_NO_TARGET
self.changedLines = []
(frame, err) = get_selected_frame(target)
if frame is None:
return err
output = get_description(frame)
lineNum = 1
# Retrieve the last values displayed for this frame
frameId = get_description(frame.GetBlock())
if frameId in self.frameValues:
frameOldValues = self.frameValues[frameId]
frameOldValues = {}
# Read the frame variables
vals = self.get_frame_content(frame)
for (key, value) in vals:
lineNum += 1
if len(frameOldValues) == 0 or (
key in frameOldValues and frameOldValues[key] == value):
output += self.format_pair(key, value)
output += self.format_pair(key, value, True)
# Save values as oldValues
newValues = {}
for (key, value) in vals:
newValues[key] = value
self.frameValues[frameId] = newValues
return output
def get_highlights(self):
ret = {}
ret[self.changedHighlight] = self.changedLines
return ret
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
class LocalsPane(FrameKeyValuePane):
""" Pane that displays local variables """
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2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
def __init__(self, owner, name='locals'):
FrameKeyValuePane.__init__(self, owner, name, open_below=True)
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2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
# FIXME: allow users to customize display of args/locals/statics/scope
self.arguments = True
self.show_locals = True
self.show_statics = True
self.show_in_scope_only = True
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
def format_variable(self, var):
""" Returns a Tuple of strings "(Type) Name", "Value" for SBValue var """
val = var.GetValue()
if val is None:
# If the value is too big, SBValue.GetValue() returns None; replace
# with ...
val = "..."
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
return ("(%s) %s" % (var.GetTypeName(), var.GetName()), "%s" % val)
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
def get_frame_content(self, frame):
""" Returns list of key-value pairs of local variables in frame """
vals = frame.GetVariables(self.arguments,
return [self.format_variable(x) for x in vals]
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
class RegistersPane(FrameKeyValuePane):
""" Pane that displays the contents of registers """
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2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
def __init__(self, owner, name='registers'):
FrameKeyValuePane.__init__(self, owner, name, open_below=True)
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
def format_register(self, reg):
""" Returns a tuple of strings ("name", "value") for SBRegister reg. """
name = reg.GetName()
val = reg.GetValue()
if val is None:
val = "..."
return (name, val.strip())
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
def get_frame_content(self, frame):
""" Returns a list of key-value pairs ("name", "value") of registers in frame """
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
result = []
for register_sets in frame.GetRegisters():
# hack the register group name into the list of registers...
result.append((" = = %s =" % register_sets.GetName(), ""))
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
for reg in register_sets:
return result
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
class CommandPane(VimPane):
""" Pane that displays the output of an LLDB command """
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2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
def __init__(self, owner, name, open_below, process_required=True):
VimPane.__init__(self, owner, name, open_below)
self.process_required = process_required
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def setCommand(self, command, args=""):
self.command = command
self.args = args
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2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
def get_content(self, target, controller):
output = ""
if not target:
output = VimPane.MSG_NO_TARGET
elif self.process_required and not target.GetProcess():
output = VimPane.MSG_NO_PROCESS
(success, output) = controller.getCommandOutput(
self.command, self.args)
return output
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
class StoppedCommandPane(CommandPane):
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
""" Pane that displays the output of an LLDB command when the process is
stopped; otherwise displays process status. This class also implements
highlighting for a single line (to show a single-line selected entity.)
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
def __init__(self, owner, name, open_below):
""" Initialize parent and define highlight to use for selected line. """
CommandPane.__init__(self, owner, name, open_below)
if have_gui():
self.selectedHighlight = VimPane.SELECTED_HIGHLIGHT_NAME_GUI
self.selectedHighlight = VimPane.SELECTED_HIGHLIGHT_NAME_TERM
def get_content(self, target, controller):
""" Returns the output of a command that relies on the process being stopped.
If the process is not in 'stopped' state, the process status is returned.
output = ""
if not target or not target.IsValid():
output = VimPane.MSG_NO_TARGET
elif not target.GetProcess() or not target.GetProcess().IsValid():
output = VimPane.MSG_NO_PROCESS
elif target.GetProcess().GetState() == lldb.eStateStopped:
(success, output) = controller.getCommandOutput(
self.command, self.args)
(success, output) = controller.getCommandOutput("process", "status")
return output
def get_highlights(self):
""" Highlight the line under the cursor. Users moving the cursor has
no effect on the selected line.
ret = {}
line = self.get_selected_line()
if line is not None:
ret[self.selectedHighlight] = [line]
return ret
return ret
def get_selected_line(self):
""" Subclasses implement this to control where the cursor (and selected highlight)
is placed.
return None
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
class DisassemblyPane(CommandPane):
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
""" Pane that displays disassembly around PC """
def __init__(self, owner, name='disassembly'):
CommandPane.__init__(self, owner, name, open_below=True)
# FIXME: let users customize the number of instructions to disassemble
self.setCommand("disassemble", "-c %d -p" % self.maxHeight)
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
class ThreadPane(StoppedCommandPane):
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
""" Pane that displays threads list """
def __init__(self, owner, name='threads'):
StoppedCommandPane.__init__(self, owner, name, open_below=False)
self.setCommand("thread", "list")
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
# FIXME: the function below assumes threads are listed in sequential order,
# which turns out to not be the case. Highlighting of selected thread
# will be disabled until this can be fixed. LLDB prints a '*' anyways
# beside the selected thread, so this is not too big of a problem.
# def get_selected_line(self):
# """ Place the cursor on the line with the selected entity.
# Subclasses should override this to customize selection.
# Formula: selected_line = selected_thread_id + 1
# """
# (thread, err) = get_selected_thread(self.target)
# if thread is None:
# return None
# else:
# return thread.GetIndexID() + 1
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
class BacktracePane(StoppedCommandPane):
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
""" Pane that displays backtrace """
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2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
def __init__(self, owner, name='backtrace'):
StoppedCommandPane.__init__(self, owner, name, open_below=False)
self.setCommand("bt", "")
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
def get_selected_line(self):
""" Returns the line number in the buffer with the selected frame.
Formula: selected_line = selected_frame_id + 2
FIXME: the above formula hack does not work when the function return
value is printed in the bt window; the wrong line is highlighted.
(frame, err) = get_selected_frame(self.target)
if frame is None:
return None
return frame.GetFrameID() + 2
2013-02-12 01:18:14 +08:00
2013-02-12 08:31:40 +08:00
class BreakpointsPane(CommandPane):
2016-09-07 04:57:50 +08:00
def __init__(self, owner, name='breakpoints'):
self.setCommand("breakpoint", "list")