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//===-- SoftwareBreakpoint.cpp ----------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "SoftwareBreakpoint.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Error.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Log.h"
#include "lldb/Host/Debug.h"
#include "lldb/Host/Mutex.h"
#include "NativeProcessProtocol.h"
using namespace lldb_private;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// static members
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
SoftwareBreakpoint::CreateSoftwareBreakpoint (NativeProcessProtocol &process, lldb::addr_t addr, size_t size_hint, NativeBreakpointSP &breakpoint_sp)
Log *log (GetLogIfAnyCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_BREAKPOINTS));
if (log)
log->Printf ("SoftwareBreakpoint::%s addr = 0x%" PRIx64, __FUNCTION__, addr);
// Validate the address.
return Error ("SoftwareBreakpoint::%s invalid load address specified.", __FUNCTION__);
// Ask the NativeProcessProtocol subclass to fill in the correct software breakpoint
// trap for the breakpoint site.
size_t bp_opcode_size = 0;
const uint8_t *bp_opcode_bytes = NULL;
Error error = process.GetSoftwareBreakpointTrapOpcode (size_hint, bp_opcode_size, bp_opcode_bytes);
if (error.Fail ())
if (log)
log->Printf ("SoftwareBreakpoint::%s failed to retrieve software breakpoint trap opcode: %s", __FUNCTION__, error.AsCString ());
return error;
// Validate size of trap opcode.
if (bp_opcode_size == 0)
if (log)
log->Printf ("SoftwareBreakpoint::%s failed to retrieve any trap opcodes", __FUNCTION__);
return Error ("SoftwareBreakpoint::GetSoftwareBreakpointTrapOpcode() returned zero, unable to get breakpoint trap for address 0x%" PRIx64, addr);
if (bp_opcode_size > MAX_TRAP_OPCODE_SIZE)
if (log)
log->Printf ("SoftwareBreakpoint::%s cannot support %lu trapcode bytes, max size is %lu", __FUNCTION__, bp_opcode_size, MAX_TRAP_OPCODE_SIZE);
return Error ("SoftwareBreakpoint::GetSoftwareBreakpointTrapOpcode() returned too many trap opcode bytes: requires %lu but we only support a max of %lu", bp_opcode_size, MAX_TRAP_OPCODE_SIZE);
// Validate that we received opcodes.
if (!bp_opcode_bytes)
if (log)
log->Printf ("SoftwareBreakpoint::%s failed to retrieve trap opcode bytes", __FUNCTION__);
return Error ("SoftwareBreakpoint::GetSoftwareBreakpointTrapOpcode() returned NULL trap opcode bytes, unable to get breakpoint trap for address 0x%" PRIx64, addr);
// Enable the breakpoint.
uint8_t saved_opcode_bytes [MAX_TRAP_OPCODE_SIZE];
error = EnableSoftwareBreakpoint (process, addr, bp_opcode_size, bp_opcode_bytes, saved_opcode_bytes);
if (error.Fail ())
if (log)
log->Printf ("SoftwareBreakpoint::%s: failed to enable new breakpoint at 0x%" PRIx64 ": %s", __FUNCTION__, addr, error.AsCString ());
return error;
if (log)
log->Printf ("SoftwareBreakpoint::%s addr = 0x%" PRIx64 " -- SUCCESS", __FUNCTION__, addr);
// Set the breakpoint and verified it was written properly. Now
// create a breakpoint remover that understands how to undo this
// breakpoint.
breakpoint_sp.reset (new SoftwareBreakpoint (process, addr, saved_opcode_bytes, bp_opcode_bytes, bp_opcode_size));
return Error ();
SoftwareBreakpoint::EnableSoftwareBreakpoint (NativeProcessProtocol &process, lldb::addr_t addr, size_t bp_opcode_size, const uint8_t *bp_opcode_bytes, uint8_t *saved_opcode_bytes)
assert (bp_opcode_size <= MAX_TRAP_OPCODE_SIZE && "bp_opcode_size out of valid range");
assert (bp_opcode_bytes && "bp_opcode_bytes is NULL");
assert (saved_opcode_bytes && "saved_opcode_bytes is NULL");
Log *log (GetLogIfAnyCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_BREAKPOINTS));
if (log)
log->Printf ("SoftwareBreakpoint::%s addr = 0x%" PRIx64, __FUNCTION__, addr);
// Save the original opcodes by reading them so we can restore later.
lldb::addr_t bytes_read = 0;
Error error = process.ReadMemory(addr, saved_opcode_bytes, static_cast<lldb::addr_t> (bp_opcode_size), bytes_read);
if (error.Fail ())
if (log)
log->Printf ("SoftwareBreakpoint::%s failed to read memory while attempting to set breakpoint: %s", __FUNCTION__, error.AsCString ());
return error;
// Ensure we read as many bytes as we expected.
if (bytes_read != static_cast<lldb::addr_t> (bp_opcode_size))
if (log)
log->Printf ("SoftwareBreakpoint::%s failed to read memory while attempting to set breakpoint: attempted to read %lu bytes but only read %" PRIu64, __FUNCTION__, bp_opcode_size, bytes_read);
return Error ("SoftwareBreakpoint::%s failed to read memory while attempting to set breakpoint: attempted to read %lu bytes but only read %" PRIu64, __FUNCTION__, bp_opcode_size, bytes_read);
// Log what we read.
if (log)
int i = 0;
for (const uint8_t *read_byte = saved_opcode_bytes; read_byte < saved_opcode_bytes + bp_opcode_size; ++read_byte)
log->Printf ("SoftwareBreakpoint::%s addr = 0x%" PRIx64 " ovewriting byte index %d (was 0x%x)", __FUNCTION__, addr, i++, static_cast<int> (*read_byte));
// Write a software breakpoint in place of the original opcode.
lldb::addr_t bytes_written = 0;
error = process.WriteMemory (addr, bp_opcode_bytes, static_cast<lldb::addr_t> (bp_opcode_size), bytes_written);
if (error.Fail ())
if (log)
log->Printf ("SoftwareBreakpoint::%s failed to write memory while attempting to set breakpoint: %s", __FUNCTION__, error.AsCString ());
return error;
// Ensure we wrote as many bytes as we expected.
if (bytes_written != static_cast<lldb::addr_t> (bp_opcode_size))
error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("SoftwareBreakpoint::%s failed write memory while attempting to set breakpoint: attempted to write %lu bytes but only wrote %" PRIu64, __FUNCTION__, bp_opcode_size, bytes_written);
if (log)
log->PutCString (error.AsCString ());
return error;
uint8_t verify_bp_opcode_bytes [MAX_TRAP_OPCODE_SIZE];
lldb::addr_t verify_bytes_read = 0;
error = process.ReadMemory(addr, verify_bp_opcode_bytes, static_cast<lldb::addr_t> (bp_opcode_size), verify_bytes_read);
if (error.Fail ())
if (log)
log->Printf ("SoftwareBreakpoint::%s failed to read memory while attempting to verify the breakpoint set: %s", __FUNCTION__, error.AsCString ());
return error;
// Ensure we read as many verification bytes as we expected.
if (verify_bytes_read != static_cast<lldb::addr_t> (bp_opcode_size))
if (log)
log->Printf ("SoftwareBreakpoint::%s failed to read memory while attempting to verify breakpoint: attempted to read %lu bytes but only read %" PRIu64, __FUNCTION__, bp_opcode_size, verify_bytes_read);
return Error ("SoftwareBreakpoint::%s failed to read memory while attempting to verify breakpoint: attempted to read %lu bytes but only read %" PRIu64, __FUNCTION__, bp_opcode_size, verify_bytes_read);
if (::memcmp(bp_opcode_bytes, verify_bp_opcode_bytes, bp_opcode_size) != 0)
if (log)
log->Printf ("SoftwareBreakpoint::%s: verification of software breakpoint writing failed - trap opcodes not successfully read back after writing when setting breakpoint at 0x%" PRIx64, __FUNCTION__, addr);
return Error ("SoftwareBreakpoint::%s: verification of software breakpoint writing failed - trap opcodes not successfully read back after writing when setting breakpoint at 0x%" PRIx64, __FUNCTION__, addr);
if (log)
log->Printf ("SoftwareBreakpoint::%s addr = 0x%" PRIx64 " -- SUCCESS", __FUNCTION__, addr);
return Error ();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// instance-level members
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
SoftwareBreakpoint::SoftwareBreakpoint (NativeProcessProtocol &process, lldb::addr_t addr, const uint8_t *saved_opcodes, const uint8_t *trap_opcodes, size_t opcode_size) :
NativeBreakpoint (addr),
m_process (process),
m_saved_opcodes (),
m_trap_opcodes (),
m_opcode_size (opcode_size)
assert ( opcode_size > 0 && "setting software breakpoint with no trap opcodes");
assert ( opcode_size <= MAX_TRAP_OPCODE_SIZE && "trap opcode size too large");
::memcpy (m_saved_opcodes, saved_opcodes, opcode_size);
::memcpy (m_trap_opcodes, trap_opcodes, opcode_size);
SoftwareBreakpoint::DoEnable ()
return EnableSoftwareBreakpoint (m_process, m_addr, m_opcode_size, m_trap_opcodes, m_saved_opcodes);
SoftwareBreakpoint::DoDisable ()
Error error;
assert (m_addr && (m_addr != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS) && "can't remove a software breakpoint for an invalid address");
Log *log (GetLogIfAnyCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_BREAKPOINTS));
if (log)
log->Printf ("SoftwareBreakpoint::%s addr = 0x%" PRIx64, __FUNCTION__, m_addr);
assert ( (m_opcode_size > 0) && "cannot restore opcodes when there are no opcodes");
if (m_opcode_size > 0)
// Clear a software breakpoint instruction
uint8_t curr_break_op [MAX_TRAP_OPCODE_SIZE];
bool break_op_found = false;
assert (m_opcode_size <= sizeof (curr_break_op));
// Read the breakpoint opcode
lldb::addr_t bytes_read = 0;
error = m_process.ReadMemory (m_addr, curr_break_op, m_opcode_size, bytes_read);
if (error.Success () && (bytes_read < static_cast<lldb::addr_t> (m_opcode_size)))
error.SetErrorStringWithFormat ("SoftwareBreakpointr::%s addr=0x%" PRIx64 ": tried to read %lu bytes but only read %" PRIu64, __FUNCTION__, m_addr, m_opcode_size, bytes_read);
if (error.Success ())
bool verify = false;
// Make sure we have the a breakpoint opcode exists at this address
if (::memcmp (curr_break_op, m_trap_opcodes, m_opcode_size) == 0)
break_op_found = true;
// We found a valid breakpoint opcode at this address, now restore
// the saved opcode.
lldb::addr_t bytes_written = 0;
error = m_process.WriteMemory (m_addr, m_saved_opcodes, m_opcode_size, bytes_written);
if (error.Success () && (bytes_written < static_cast<lldb::addr_t> (m_opcode_size)))
error.SetErrorStringWithFormat ("SoftwareBreakpoint::%s addr=0x%" PRIx64 ": tried to write %lu bytes but only wrote %" PRIu64, __FUNCTION__, m_addr, m_opcode_size, bytes_written);
if (error.Success ())
verify = true;
error.SetErrorString("Original breakpoint trap is no longer in memory.");
// Set verify to true and so we can check if the original opcode has already been restored
verify = true;
if (verify)
uint8_t verify_opcode [MAX_TRAP_OPCODE_SIZE];
assert (m_opcode_size <= sizeof (verify_opcode));
// Verify that our original opcode made it back to the inferior
lldb::addr_t verify_bytes_read = 0;
error = m_process.ReadMemory (m_addr, verify_opcode, m_opcode_size, verify_bytes_read);
if (error.Success () && (verify_bytes_read < static_cast<lldb::addr_t> (m_opcode_size)))
error.SetErrorStringWithFormat ("SoftwareBreakpoint::%s addr=0x%" PRIx64 ": tried to read %lu verification bytes but only read %" PRIu64, __FUNCTION__, m_addr, m_opcode_size, verify_bytes_read);
if (error.Success ())
// compare the memory we just read with the original opcode
if (::memcmp (m_saved_opcodes, verify_opcode, m_opcode_size) == 0)
if (log)
int i = 0;
for (const uint8_t *verify_byte = verify_opcode; verify_byte < verify_opcode + m_opcode_size; ++verify_byte)
log->Printf ("SoftwareBreakpoint::%s addr = 0x%" PRIx64 " replaced byte index %d with 0x%x", __FUNCTION__, m_addr, i++, static_cast<int> (*verify_byte));
log->Printf ("SoftwareBreakpoint::%s addr = 0x%" PRIx64 " -- SUCCESS", __FUNCTION__, m_addr);
return error;
if (break_op_found)
error.SetErrorString("Failed to restore original opcode.");
error.SetErrorString("Failed to read memory to verify that breakpoint trap was restored.");
if (log && error.Fail ())
log->Printf ("SoftwareBreakpoint::%s addr = 0x%" PRIx64 " -- FAILED: %s",
return error;
SoftwareBreakpoint::IsSoftwareBreakpoint () const
return true;