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// RUN: mlir-opt %s -o - | FileCheck %s
// CHECK-DAG: #map{{[0-9]+}} = (d0, d1, d2, d3, d4)[s0] -> (d0, d1, d2, d3, d4)
#map0 = (d0, d1, d2, d3, d4)[s0] -> (d0, d1, d2, d3, d4)
// CHECK-DAG: #map{{[0-9]+}} = (d0) -> (d0)
#map1 = (d0) -> (d0)
// CHECK-DAG: #map{{[0-9]+}} = (d0, d1, d2) -> (d0, d1, d2)
#map2 = (d0, d1, d2) -> (d0, d1, d2)
// CHECK-DAG: #map{{[0-9]+}} = (d0, d1, d2) -> (d1, d0, d2)
#map3 = (d0, d1, d2) -> (d1, d0, d2)
// CHECK-DAG: #map{{[0-9]+}} = (d0, d1, d2) -> (d2, d1, d0)
#map4 = (d0, d1, d2) -> (d2, d1, d0)
// CHECK-DAG: #map{{[0-9]+}} = ()[s0] -> (0, s0 - 1)
#inline_map_minmax_loop1 = ()[s0] -> (0, s0 - 1)
// CHECK-DAG: #map{{[0-9]+}} = ()[s0] -> (100, s0 + 1)
#inline_map_minmax_loop2 = ()[s0] -> (100, s0 + 1)
// CHECK: #map{{[0-9]+}} = (d0, d1)[s0] -> (d0 + d1, s0 + 1)
#inline_map_loop_bounds1 = (d0, d1)[s0] -> (d0 + d1, s0 + 1)
// CHECK: #map{{[0-9]+}} = (d0, d1)[s0] -> (d0 + d1 + s0)
#bound_map1 = (i, j)[s] -> (i + j + s)
// CHECK: #map{{[0-9]+}} = (d0, d1) -> (d0 + d1)
#inline_map_loop_bounds2 = (d0, d1) -> (d0 + d1)
// CHECK: #map{{[0-9]+}} = (d0)[s0] -> (d0 + s0, d0 - s0)
#bound_map2 = (i)[s] -> (i + s, i - s)
// CHECK-DAG: @@set0 = (d0)[s0, s1] : (d0 >= 0, d0 * -1 + s0 >= 0, s0 - 5 == 0, d0 * -1 + s1 + 1 >= 0)
@@set0 = (i)[N, M] : (i >= 0, -i + N >= 0, N - 5 == 0, -i + M + 1 >= 0)
// CHECK-DAG: @@set1 = (d0)[s0] : (d0 - 2 >= 0, d0 * -1 + 4 >= 0)
// CHECK: extfunc @foo(i32, i64) -> f32
extfunc @foo(i32, i64) -> f32
// CHECK: extfunc @bar()
extfunc @bar() -> ()
// CHECK: extfunc @baz() -> (i1, affineint, f32)
extfunc @baz() -> (i1, affineint, f32)
// CHECK: extfunc @missingReturn()
extfunc @missingReturn()
// CHECK: extfunc @int_types(i1, i2, i4, i7, i87) -> (i1, affineint, i19)
extfunc @int_types(i1, i2, i4, i7, i87) -> (i1, affineint, i19)
// CHECK: extfunc @vectors(vector<1xf32>, vector<2x4xf32>)
extfunc @vectors(vector<1 x f32>, vector<2x4xf32>)
// CHECK: extfunc @tensors(tensor<??f32>, tensor<??vector<2x4xf32>>, tensor<1x?x4x?x?xi32>, tensor<i8>)
extfunc @tensors(tensor<?? f32>, tensor<?? vector<2x4xf32>>,
tensor<1x?x4x?x?xi32>, tensor<i8>)
// CHECK: extfunc @memrefs(memref<1x?x4x?x?xi32, #map{{[0-9]+}}>, memref<i8, #map{{[0-9]+}}>)
extfunc @memrefs(memref<1x?x4x?x?xi32, #map0>, memref<i8, #map1>)
// Test memref affine map compositions.
// CHECK: extfunc @memrefs2(memref<2x4x8xi8, #map{{[0-9]+}}, 1>)
extfunc @memrefs2(memref<2x4x8xi8, #map2, 1>)
// CHECK: extfunc @memrefs23(memref<2x4x8xi8, #map{{[0-9]+}}, #map{{[0-9]+}}>)
extfunc @memrefs23(memref<2x4x8xi8, #map2, #map3, 0>)
// CHECK: extfunc @memrefs234(memref<2x4x8xi8, #map{{[0-9]+}}, #map{{[0-9]+}}, #map{{[0-9]+}}, 3>)
extfunc @memrefs234(memref<2x4x8xi8, #map2, #map3, #map4, 3>)
// Test memref inline affine map compositions.
// CHECK: extfunc @memrefs3(memref<2x4x8xi8, #map{{[0-9]+}}>)
extfunc @memrefs3(memref<2x4x8xi8, (d0, d1, d2) -> (d0, d1, d2)>)
// CHECK: extfunc @memrefs33(memref<2x4x8xi8, #map{{[0-9]+}}, #map{{[0-9]+}}, 1>)
extfunc @memrefs33(memref<2x4x8xi8, (d0, d1, d2) -> (d0, d1, d2), (d0, d1, d2) -> (d1, d0, d2), 1>)
// CHECK: extfunc @functions((memref<1x?x4x?x?xi32, #map0>, memref<i8, #map1>) -> (), () -> ())
extfunc @functions((memref<1x?x4x?x?xi32, #map0, 0>, memref<i8, #map1, 0>) -> (), ()->())
// CHECK-LABEL: cfgfunc @simpleCFG(i32, f32) -> i1 {
cfgfunc @simpleCFG(i32, f32) -> i1 {
// CHECK: bb0(%arg0: i32, %arg1: f32):
bb42 (%arg0: i32, %f: f32):
// CHECK: %0 = "foo"() : () -> i64
%1 = "foo"() : ()->i64
// CHECK: "bar"(%0) : (i64) -> (i1, i1, i1)
%2 = "bar"(%1) : (i64) -> (i1,i1,i1)
// CHECK: return %1#1
return %2#1 : i1
// CHECK: }
// CHECK-LABEL: cfgfunc @simpleCFGUsingBBArgs(i32, i64) {
cfgfunc @simpleCFGUsingBBArgs(i32, i64) {
// CHECK: bb0(%arg0: i32, %arg1: i64):
bb42 (%arg0: i32, %f: i64):
// CHECK: "bar"(%arg1) : (i64) -> (i1, i1, i1)
%2 = "bar"(%f) : (i64) -> (i1,i1,i1)
// CHECK: return{{$}}
// CHECK: }
// CHECK-LABEL: cfgfunc @multiblock() {
cfgfunc @multiblock() {
bb0: // CHECK: bb0:
return // CHECK: return
bb1: // CHECK: bb1: // no predecessors
br bb4 // CHECK: br bb3
bb2: // CHECK: bb2: // pred: bb2
br bb2 // CHECK: br bb2
bb4: // CHECK: bb3: // pred: bb1
return // CHECK: return
} // CHECK: }
// CHECK-LABEL: mlfunc @emptyMLF() {
mlfunc @emptyMLF() {
return // CHECK: return
} // CHECK: }
// CHECK-LABEL: mlfunc @mlfunc_with_one_arg(%arg0 : i1) -> i2 {
mlfunc @mlfunc_with_one_arg(%c : i1) -> i2 {
// CHECK: %0 = "foo"(%arg0) : (i1) -> i2
%b = "foo"(%c) : (i1) -> (i2)
return %b : i2 // CHECK: return %0 : i2
} // CHECK: }
// CHECK-LABEL: mlfunc @mlfunc_with_two_args(%arg0 : f16, %arg1 : i8) -> (i1, i32) {
mlfunc @mlfunc_with_two_args(%a : f16, %b : i8) -> (i1, i32) {
// CHECK: %0 = "foo"(%arg0, %arg1) : (f16, i8) -> (i1, i32)
%c = "foo"(%a, %b) : (f16, i8)->(i1, i32)
return %c#0, %c#1 : i1, i32 // CHECK: return %0#0, %0#1 : i1, i32
} // CHECK: }
// CHECK-LABEL: mlfunc @mlfunc_ops_in_loop() {
mlfunc @mlfunc_ops_in_loop() {
// CHECK: %0 = "foo"() : () -> i64
%a = "foo"() : ()->i64
// CHECK: for %i0 = 1 to 10 {
for %i = 1 to 10 {
// CHECK: %1 = "doo"() : () -> f32
%b = "doo"() : ()->f32
// CHECK: "bar"(%0, %1) : (i64, f32) -> ()
"bar"(%a, %b) : (i64, f32) -> ()
// CHECK: }
// CHECK: return
// CHECK: }
// CHECK-LABEL: mlfunc @loops() {
mlfunc @loops() {
// CHECK: for %i0 = 1 to 100 step 2 {
for %i = 1 to 100 step 2 {
// CHECK: for %i1 = 1 to 200 {
for %j = 1 to 200 {
} // CHECK: }
} // CHECK: }
return // CHECK: return
} // CHECK: }
// CHECK-LABEL: mlfunc @complex_loops() {
mlfunc @complex_loops() {
for %i1 = 1 to 100 { // CHECK: for %i0 = 1 to 100 {
for %j1 = 1 to 100 { // CHECK: for %i1 = 1 to 100 {
// CHECK: "foo"(%i0, %i1) : (affineint, affineint) -> ()
"foo"(%i1, %j1) : (affineint,affineint) -> ()
} // CHECK: }
"boo"() : () -> () // CHECK: "boo"() : () -> ()
for %j2 = 1 to 10 { // CHECK: for %i2 = 1 to 10 {
for %k2 = 1 to 10 { // CHECK: for %i3 = 1 to 10 {
"goo"() : () -> () // CHECK: "goo"() : () -> ()
} // CHECK: }
} // CHECK: }
} // CHECK: }
return // CHECK: return
} // CHECK: }
// CHECK: mlfunc @triang_loop(%arg0 : affineint, %arg1 : memref<?x?xi32>) {
mlfunc @triang_loop(%arg0 : affineint, %arg1 : memref<?x?xi32>) {
%c = constant 0 : i32 // CHECK: %c0_i32 = constant 0 : i32
for %i0 = 1 to %arg0 { // CHECK: for %i0 = 1 to %arg0 {
for %i1 = %i0 to %arg0 { // CHECK: for %i1 = %i0 to %arg0 {
store %c, %arg1[%i0, %i1] : memref<?x?xi32> // CHECK: store %c0_i32, %arg1[%i0, %i1]
} // CHECK: }
} // CHECK: }
return // CHECK: return
} // CHECK: }
// CHECK: mlfunc @minmax_loop(%arg0 : affineint, %arg1 : affineint, %arg2 : memref<100xf32>) {
mlfunc @minmax_loop(%arg0 : affineint, %arg1 : affineint, %arg2 : memref<100xf32>) {
// CHECK: for %i0 = max #map{{.*}}()[%arg0] to min #map{{.*}}()[%arg1] {
for %i0 = max()[s]->(0,s-1)()[%arg0] to min()[s]->(100,s+1)()[%arg1] {
// CHECK: "foo"(%arg2, %i0) : (memref<100xf32>, affineint) -> ()
"foo"(%arg2, %i0) : (memref<100xf32>, affineint) -> ()
} // CHECK: }
return // CHECK: return
} // CHECK: }
// CHECK-LABEL: mlfunc @loop_bounds(%arg0 : affineint) {
mlfunc @loop_bounds(%N : affineint) {
// CHECK: %0 = "foo"(%arg0) : (affineint) -> affineint
%s = "foo"(%N) : (affineint) -> affineint
// CHECK: for %i0 = %0 to %arg0
for %i = %s to %N {
// CHECK: for %i1 = %i0 to 0 step -1
for %j = %i to 0 step -1 {
// CHECK: %1 = affine_apply #map{{.*}}(%i0, %i1)[%0]
%w = affine_apply(d0, d1)[s0] -> (d0+d1, s0+1) (%i, %j) [%s]
// CHECK: for %i2 = #map{{.*}}(%1#0, %i0)[%arg0] to #map{{.*}}(%1#1, %i1)[%0] {
for %k = #bound_map1 (%w#0, %i)[%N] to (i, j)[s] -> (i + j + s) (%w#1, %j)[%s] {
// CHECK: "foo"(%i0, %i1, %i2) : (affineint, affineint, affineint) -> ()
"foo"(%i, %j, %k) : (affineint, affineint, affineint)->()
// CHECK: %c30 = constant 30 : affineint
%c = constant 30 : affineint
// CHECK: %2 = affine_apply #map{{.*}}(%arg0, %c30)
%u = affine_apply (d0, d1)->(d0+d1) (%N, %c)
// CHECK: for %i3 = max #map{{.*}}(%i0)[%2] to min #map{{.*}}(%i2)[%c30] {
for %l = max #bound_map2(%i)[%u] to min #bound_map2(%k)[%c] {
// CHECK: "bar"(%i3) : (affineint) -> ()
"bar"(%l) : (affineint) -> ()
} // CHECK: }
} // CHECK: }
} // CHECK: }
} // CHECK: }
return // CHECK: return
} // CHECK: }
// CHECK-LABEL: mlfunc @ifstmt(%arg0 : affineint) {
mlfunc @ifstmt(%N: affineint) {
%c = constant 200 : affineint // CHECK %c200 = constant 200
for %i = 1 to 10 { // CHECK for %i0 = 1 to 10 {
if @@set0(%i)[%N, %c] { // CHECK if @@set0(%i0)[%arg0, %c200] {
%x = constant 1 : i32
// CHECK: %c1_i32 = constant 1 : i32
%y = "add"(%x, %i) : (i32, affineint) -> i32 // CHECK: %0 = "add"(%c1_i32, %i0) : (i32, affineint) -> i32
%z = "mul"(%y, %y) : (i32, i32) -> i32 // CHECK: %1 = "mul"(%0, %0) : (i32, i32) -> i32
} else if (i)[N] : (i - 2 >= 0, 4 - i >= 0)(%i)[%N] { // CHECK } else if (@@set1(%i0)[%arg0]) {
// CHECK: %c1 = constant 1 : affineint
%u = constant 1 : affineint
// CHECK: %2 = affine_apply #map{{.*}}(%i0, %i0)[%c1]
%w = affine_apply (d0,d1)[s0] -> (d0+d1+s0) (%i, %i) [%u]
} else { // CHECK } else {
%v = constant 3 : i32 // %c3_i32 = constant 3 : i32
} // CHECK }
} // CHECK }
return // CHECK return
} // CHECK }
// CHECK-LABEL: mlfunc @simple_ifstmt(%arg0 : affineint) {
mlfunc @simple_ifstmt(%N: affineint) {
%c = constant 200 : affineint // CHECK %c200 = constant 200
for %i = 1 to 10 { // CHECK for %i0 = 1 to 10 {
if @@set0(%i)[%N, %c] { // CHECK if @@set0(%i0)[%arg0, %c200] {
%x = constant 1 : i32
// CHECK: %c1_i32 = constant 1 : i32
%y = "add"(%x, %i) : (i32, affineint) -> i32 // CHECK: %0 = "add"(%c1_i32, %i0) : (i32, affineint) -> i32
%z = "mul"(%y, %y) : (i32, i32) -> i32 // CHECK: %1 = "mul"(%0, %0) : (i32, i32) -> i32
} // CHECK }
} // CHECK }
return // CHECK return
} // CHECK }
// CHECK-LABEL: cfgfunc @attributes() {
cfgfunc @attributes() {
bb42: // CHECK: bb0:
// CHECK: "foo"()
"foo"(){} : ()->()
// CHECK: "foo"() {a: 1, b: -423, c: [true, false], d: 1.600000e+01} : () -> ()
"foo"() {a: 1, b: -423, c: [true, false], d: 16.0 } : () -> ()
// CHECK: "foo"() {map1: #map{{[0-9]+}}}
"foo"() {map1: #map1} : () -> ()
// CHECK: "foo"() {map2: #map{{[0-9]+}}}
"foo"() {map2: (d0, d1, d2) -> (d0, d1, d2)} : () -> ()
// CHECK: "foo"() {map12: [#map{{[0-9]+}}, #map{{[0-9]+}}]}
"foo"() {map12: [#map1, #map2]} : () -> ()
// CHECK: "foo"() {cfgfunc: [], d: 1.000000e-09, i123: 7, if: "foo"} : () -> ()
"foo"() {if: "foo", cfgfunc: [], i123: 7, d: 1.e-9} : () -> ()
// CHECK: "foo"() {fn: @attributes : () -> (), if: @ifstmt : (affineint) -> ()} : () -> ()
"foo"() {fn: @attributes : () -> (), if: @ifstmt : (affineint) -> ()} : () -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: cfgfunc @ssa_values() -> (i16, i8) {
cfgfunc @ssa_values() -> (i16, i8) {
bb0: // CHECK: bb0:
// CHECK: %0 = "foo"() : () -> (i1, i17)
%0 = "foo"() : () -> (i1, i17)
br bb2
bb1: // CHECK: bb1: // pred: bb2
// CHECK: %1 = "baz"(%2#1, %2#0, %0#1) : (f32, i11, i17) -> (i16, i8)
%1 = "baz"(%2#1, %2#0, %0#1) : (f32, i11, i17) -> (i16, i8)
// CHECK: return %1#0, %1#1 : i16, i8
return %1#0, %1#1 : i16, i8
bb2: // CHECK: bb2: // pred: bb0
// CHECK: %2 = "bar"(%0#0, %0#1) : (i1, i17) -> (i11, f32)
%2 = "bar"(%0#0, %0#1) : (i1, i17) -> (i11, f32)
br bb1
// CHECK-LABEL: cfgfunc @bbargs() -> (i16, i8) {
cfgfunc @bbargs() -> (i16, i8) {
bb0: // CHECK: bb0:
// CHECK: %0 = "foo"() : () -> (i1, i17)
%0 = "foo"() : () -> (i1, i17)
br bb1(%0#1, %0#0 : i17, i1)
bb1(%x: i17, %y: i1): // CHECK: bb1(%1: i17, %2: i1):
// CHECK: %3 = "baz"(%1, %2, %0#1) : (i17, i1, i17) -> (i16, i8)
%1 = "baz"(%x, %y, %0#1) : (i17, i1, i17) -> (i16, i8)
return %1#0, %1#1 : i16, i8
// CHECK-LABEL: cfgfunc @condbr_simple
cfgfunc @condbr_simple() -> (i32) {
%cond = "foo"() : () -> i1
%a = "bar"() : () -> i32
%b = "bar"() : () -> i64
// CHECK: cond_br %0, bb1(%1 : i32), bb2(%2 : i64)
cond_br %cond, bb1(%a : i32), bb2(%b : i64)
// CHECK: bb1({{.*}}: i32): // pred: bb0
bb1(%x : i32):
br bb2(%b: i64)
// CHECK: bb2({{.*}}: i64): // 2 preds: bb0, bb1
bb2(%y : i64):
%z = "foo"() : () -> i32
return %z : i32
// CHECK-LABEL: cfgfunc @condbr_moarargs
cfgfunc @condbr_moarargs() -> (i32) {
%cond = "foo"() : () -> i1
%a = "bar"() : () -> i32
%b = "bar"() : () -> i64
// CHECK: cond_br %0, bb1(%1, %2 : i32, i64), bb2(%2, %1, %1 : i64, i32, i32)
cond_br %cond, bb1(%a, %b : i32, i64), bb2(%b, %a, %a : i64, i32, i32)
bb1(%x : i32, %y : i64):
return %x : i32
bb2(%x2 : i64, %y2 : i32, %z2 : i32):
%z = "foo"() : () -> i32
return %z : i32
// Test pretty printing of constant names.
// CHECK-LABEL: cfgfunc @constants
cfgfunc @constants() -> (i32, i23, i23, i1, i1) {
// CHECK: %c42_i32 = constant 42 : i32
%x = constant 42 : i32
// CHECK: %c17_i23 = constant 17 : i23
%y = constant 17 : i23
// This is a redundant definition of 17, the asmprinter gives it a unique name
// CHECK: %c17_i23_0 = constant 17 : i23
%z = constant 17 : i23
// CHECK: %true = constant 1 : i1
%t = constant 1 : i1
// CHECK: %false = constant 0 : i1
%f = constant 0 : i1
// CHECK: return %c42_i32, %c17_i23, %c17_i23_0, %true, %false
return %x, %y, %z, %t, %f : i32, i23, i23, i1, i1
// CHECK-LABEL: cfgfunc @typeattr
cfgfunc @typeattr() -> () {
// CHECK: "foo"() {bar: tensor<??f32>} : () -> ()
"foo"(){bar: tensor<??f32>} : () -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: cfgfunc @stringquote
cfgfunc @stringquote() -> () {
// CHECK: "foo"() {bar: "a\22quoted\22string"} : () -> ()
"foo"(){bar: "a\"quoted\"string"} : () -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: cfgfunc @floatAttrs
cfgfunc @floatAttrs() -> () {
// CHECK: "foo"() {a: 4.000000e+00, b: 2.000000e+00, c: 7.100000e+00, d: -0.000000e+00} : () -> ()
"foo"(){a: 4.0, b: 2.0, c: 7.1, d: -0.0} : () -> ()