2013-11-07 05:36:55 +08:00
//===- lib/ReaderWriter/MachO/MachONormalizedFileFromAtoms.cpp ------------===//
// The LLVM Linker
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file Converts from in-memory Atoms to in-memory normalized mach-o.
/// +------------+
/// | normalized |
/// +------------+
/// ^
/// |
/// |
/// +-------+
/// | Atoms |
/// +-------+
#include "MachONormalizedFile.h"
#include "ReferenceKinds.h"
#include "lld/Core/Error.h"
#include "lld/Core/LLVM.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Format.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MachO.h"
#include "llvm/Support/system_error.h"
#include <map>
using llvm::StringRef;
using llvm::dyn_cast;
using llvm::isa;
using namespace llvm::MachO;
using namespace lld::mach_o::normalized;
using namespace lld;
namespace {
struct AtomInfo {
const DefinedAtom *atom;
uint64_t offsetInSection;
struct SectionInfo {
SectionInfo(StringRef seg, StringRef sect, SectionType type, uint32_t attr=0);
StringRef segmentName;
StringRef sectionName;
SectionType type;
uint32_t attributes;
uint64_t address;
uint64_t size;
uint32_t alignment;
std::vector<AtomInfo> atomsAndOffsets;
uint32_t normalizedSectionIndex;
uint32_t finalSectionIndex;
SectionInfo::SectionInfo(StringRef sg, StringRef sct, SectionType t, uint32_t a)
: segmentName(sg), sectionName(sct), type(t), attributes(a),
address(0), size(0), alignment(0),
normalizedSectionIndex(0), finalSectionIndex(0) {
struct SegmentInfo {
SegmentInfo(StringRef name);
StringRef name;
uint64_t address;
uint64_t size;
uint32_t access;
std::vector<SectionInfo*> sections;
SegmentInfo::SegmentInfo(StringRef n)
: name(n), address(0), size(0), access(0) {
class Util {
Util(const MachOLinkingContext &ctxt) : _context(ctxt), _entryAtom(nullptr) {}
void assignAtomsToSections(const lld::File &atomFile);
void organizeSections();
void assignAddressesToSections();
uint32_t fileFlags();
void copySegmentInfo(NormalizedFile &file);
void copySections(NormalizedFile &file);
void buildAtomToAddressMap();
void addSymbols(const lld::File &atomFile, NormalizedFile &file);
void addIndirectSymbols(const lld::File &atomFile, NormalizedFile &file);
void addRebaseAndBindingInfo(const lld::File &, NormalizedFile &file);
void addSectionRelocs(const lld::File &, NormalizedFile &file);
void addDependentDylibs(const lld::File &, NormalizedFile &file);
void copyEntryPointAddress(NormalizedFile &file);
typedef std::map<DefinedAtom::ContentType, SectionInfo*> TypeToSection;
typedef llvm::DenseMap<const Atom*, uint64_t> AtomToAddress;
struct DylibInfo { int ordinal; bool hasWeak; bool hasNonWeak; };
typedef llvm::StringMap<DylibInfo> DylibPathToInfo;
SectionInfo *sectionForAtom(const DefinedAtom*);
SectionInfo *makeSection(DefinedAtom::ContentType);
void appendAtom(SectionInfo *sect, const DefinedAtom *atom);
SegmentInfo *segmentForName(StringRef segName);
void layoutSectionsInSegment(SegmentInfo *seg, uint64_t &addr);
void layoutSectionsInTextSegment(SegmentInfo *seg, uint64_t &addr);
void copySectionContent(SectionInfo *si, ContentBytes &content);
uint8_t scopeBits(const DefinedAtom* atom);
int dylibOrdinal(const SharedLibraryAtom *sa);
void segIndexForSection(const SectionInfo *sect,
uint8_t &segmentIndex, uint64_t &segmentStartAddr);
const Atom *targetOfLazyPointer(const DefinedAtom *lpAtom);
const Atom *targetOfStub(const DefinedAtom *stubAtom);
bool belongsInGlobalSymbolsSection(const DefinedAtom* atom);
void appendSection(SectionInfo *si, NormalizedFile &file);
void appendReloc(const DefinedAtom *atom, const Reference *ref,
Relocations &relocations);
static uint64_t alignTo(uint64_t value, uint8_t align2);
typedef llvm::DenseMap<const Atom*, uint32_t> AtomToIndex;
struct AtomAndIndex { const Atom *atom; uint32_t index; };
struct AtomSorter {
bool operator()(const AtomAndIndex &left, const AtomAndIndex &right);
struct SegmentSorter {
bool operator()(const SegmentInfo *left, const SegmentInfo *right);
static unsigned weight(const SegmentInfo *);
struct TextSectionSorter {
bool operator()(const SectionInfo *left, const SectionInfo *right);
static unsigned weight(const SectionInfo *);
const MachOLinkingContext &_context;
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator _allocator;
std::vector<SectionInfo*> _sectionInfos;
std::vector<SegmentInfo*> _segmentInfos;
TypeToSection _sectionMap;
AtomToAddress _atomToAddress;
DylibPathToInfo _dylibInfo;
const DefinedAtom *_entryAtom;
AtomToIndex _atomToSymbolIndex;
SectionInfo *Util::makeSection(DefinedAtom::ContentType type) {
switch ( type ) {
case DefinedAtom::typeCode:
return new (_allocator) SectionInfo("__TEXT", "__text",
case DefinedAtom::typeCString:
return new (_allocator) SectionInfo("__TEXT", "__cstring",
case DefinedAtom::typeStub:
return new (_allocator) SectionInfo("__TEXT", "__stubs",
case DefinedAtom::typeStubHelper:
return new (_allocator) SectionInfo("__TEXT", "__stub_helper",
case DefinedAtom::typeLazyPointer:
return new (_allocator) SectionInfo("__DATA", "__la_symbol_ptr",
case DefinedAtom::typeGOT:
return new (_allocator) SectionInfo("__DATA", "__got",
llvm_unreachable("TO DO: add support for more sections");
SectionInfo *Util::sectionForAtom(const DefinedAtom *atom) {
DefinedAtom::ContentType type = atom->contentType();
auto pos = _sectionMap.find(type);
if ( pos != _sectionMap.end() )
return pos->second;
SectionInfo *si = makeSection(type);
_sectionMap[type] = si;
return si;
void Util::appendAtom(SectionInfo *sect, const DefinedAtom *atom) {
// Figure out offset for atom in this section given alignment constraints.
uint64_t offset = sect->size;
DefinedAtom::Alignment atomAlign = atom->alignment();
uint64_t align2 = 1 << atomAlign.powerOf2;
uint64_t requiredModulus = atomAlign.modulus;
uint64_t currentModulus = (offset % align2);
if ( currentModulus != requiredModulus ) {
if ( requiredModulus > currentModulus )
offset += requiredModulus-currentModulus;
offset += align2+requiredModulus-currentModulus;
// Record max alignment of any atom in this section.
if ( atomAlign.powerOf2 > sect->alignment )
sect->alignment = atomAlign.powerOf2;
// Assign atom to this section with this offset.
AtomInfo ai = {atom, offset};
// Update section size to include this atom.
sect->size = offset + atom->size();
void Util::assignAtomsToSections(const lld::File &atomFile) {
for (const DefinedAtom *atom : atomFile.defined()) {
appendAtom(sectionForAtom(atom), atom);
SegmentInfo *Util::segmentForName(StringRef segName) {
for (SegmentInfo *si : _segmentInfos) {
if ( si->name.equals(segName) )
return si;
SegmentInfo *info = new (_allocator) SegmentInfo(segName);
if (segName.equals("__TEXT"))
info->access = VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_EXECUTE;
else if (segName.equals("__DATA"))
info->access = VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE;
else if (segName.equals("__PAGEZERO"))
info->access = 0;
return info;
unsigned Util::SegmentSorter::weight(const SegmentInfo *seg) {
return llvm::StringSwitch<unsigned>(seg->name)
.Case("__PAGEZERO", 1)
.Case("__TEXT", 2)
.Case("__DATA", 3)
bool Util::SegmentSorter::operator()(const SegmentInfo *left,
const SegmentInfo *right) {
return (weight(left) < weight(right));
unsigned Util::TextSectionSorter::weight(const SectionInfo *sect) {
return llvm::StringSwitch<unsigned>(sect->sectionName)
.Case("__text", 1)
.Case("__stubs", 2)
.Case("__stub_helper", 3)
.Case("__const", 4)
.Case("__cstring", 5)
.Case("__unwind_info", 98)
.Case("__eh_frame", 99)
bool Util::TextSectionSorter::operator()(const SectionInfo *left,
const SectionInfo *right) {
return (weight(left) < weight(right));
void Util::organizeSections() {
if (_context.outputFileType() == llvm::MachO::MH_OBJECT) {
// Leave sections ordered as normalized file specified.
uint32_t sectionIndex = 1;
for (SectionInfo *si : _sectionInfos) {
si->finalSectionIndex = sectionIndex++;
} else {
// Main executables, need a zero-page segment
if (_context.outputFileType() == llvm::MachO::MH_EXECUTE)
// Group sections into segments.
for (SectionInfo *si : _sectionInfos) {
SegmentInfo *seg = segmentForName(si->segmentName);
// Sort segments.
std::sort(_segmentInfos.begin(), _segmentInfos.end(), SegmentSorter());
// Sort sections within segments.
for (SegmentInfo *seg : _segmentInfos) {
if (seg->name.equals("__TEXT")) {
std::sort(seg->sections.begin(), seg->sections.end(),
// Record final section indexes.
uint32_t sectionIndex = 1;
for (SegmentInfo *seg : _segmentInfos) {
for (SectionInfo *sect : seg->sections) {
sect->finalSectionIndex = sectionIndex++;
uint64_t Util::alignTo(uint64_t value, uint8_t align2) {
return llvm::RoundUpToAlignment(value, 1 << align2);
void Util::layoutSectionsInSegment(SegmentInfo *seg, uint64_t &addr) {
seg->address = addr;
for (SectionInfo *sect : seg->sections) {
sect->address = alignTo(addr, sect->alignment);
addr += sect->size;
seg->size = llvm::RoundUpToAlignment(addr - seg->address,_context.pageSize());
// __TEXT segment lays out backwards so padding is at front after load commands.
void Util::layoutSectionsInTextSegment(SegmentInfo *seg, uint64_t &addr) {
seg->address = addr;
// Walks sections starting at end to calculate padding for start.
int64_t taddr = 0;
for (auto it = seg->sections.rbegin(); it != seg->sections.rend(); ++it) {
SectionInfo *sect = *it;
taddr -= sect->size;
taddr = taddr & (0 - (1 << sect->alignment));
int64_t padding = taddr;
while (padding < 0)
padding += _context.pageSize();
// Start assigning section address starting at padded offset.
addr += padding;
for (SectionInfo *sect : seg->sections) {
sect->address = alignTo(addr, sect->alignment);
addr = sect->address + sect->size;
seg->size = llvm::RoundUpToAlignment(addr - seg->address,_context.pageSize());
void Util::assignAddressesToSections() {
uint64_t address = 0; // FIXME
if (_context.outputFileType() != llvm::MachO::MH_OBJECT) {
for (SegmentInfo *seg : _segmentInfos) {
if (seg->name.equals("__PAGEZERO")) {
seg->size = _context.pageZeroSize();
address += seg->size;
else if (seg->name.equals("__TEXT"))
layoutSectionsInTextSegment(seg, address);
layoutSectionsInSegment(seg, address);
2013-11-07 05:57:52 +08:00
llvm::dbgs() << "assignAddressesToSections()\n";
for (SegmentInfo *sgi : _segmentInfos) {
llvm::dbgs() << " address=" << llvm::format("0x%08llX", sgi->address)
2013-11-07 05:36:55 +08:00
<< ", size=" << llvm::format("0x%08llX", sgi->size)
<< ", segment-name='" << sgi->name
2013-11-07 05:57:52 +08:00
<< "'\n";
for (SectionInfo *si : sgi->sections) {
llvm::dbgs()<< " addr=" << llvm::format("0x%08llX", si->address)
2013-11-07 05:36:55 +08:00
<< ", size=" << llvm::format("0x%08llX", si->size)
<< ", section-name='" << si->sectionName
2013-11-07 05:57:52 +08:00
<< "\n";
2013-11-07 05:36:55 +08:00
2013-11-07 05:57:52 +08:00
2013-11-07 05:36:55 +08:00
} else {
for (SectionInfo *sect : _sectionInfos) {
sect->address = alignTo(address, sect->alignment);
address = sect->address + sect->size;
2013-11-07 05:57:52 +08:00
llvm::dbgs() << "assignAddressesToSections()\n";
for (SectionInfo *si : _sectionInfos) {
llvm::dbgs() << " section=" << si->sectionName
2013-11-07 05:36:55 +08:00
<< " address= " << llvm::format("0x%08X", si->address)
<< " size= " << llvm::format("0x%08X", si->size)
2013-11-07 05:57:52 +08:00
<< "\n";
2013-11-07 05:36:55 +08:00
void Util::copySegmentInfo(NormalizedFile &file) {
for (SegmentInfo *sgi : _segmentInfos) {
Segment seg;
seg.name = sgi->name;
seg.address = sgi->address;
seg.size = sgi->size;
seg.access = sgi->access;
void Util::appendSection(SectionInfo *si, NormalizedFile &file) {
// Add new empty section to end of file.sections.
Section temp;
Section* normSect = &file.sections.back();
// Copy fields to normalized section.
normSect->segmentName = si->segmentName;
normSect->sectionName = si->sectionName;
normSect->type = si->type;
normSect->attributes = si->attributes;
normSect->address = si->address;
normSect->alignment = si->alignment;
// Record where normalized section is.
si->normalizedSectionIndex = file.sections.size()-1;
// Copy content from atoms to content buffer for section.
// FIXME: zerofill atoms/sections should not take up content space.
Hex8 *sectionContent = normSect->content.data();
for (AtomInfo &ai : si->atomsAndOffsets) {
// Copy raw bytes.
uint8_t *atomContent = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>
memcpy(atomContent, ai.atom->rawContent().data(), ai.atom->size());
// Apply fix-ups.
for (const Reference *ref : *ai.atom) {
uint32_t offset = ref->offsetInAtom();
uint64_t targetAddress = 0;
if ( ref->target() != nullptr )
targetAddress = _atomToAddress[ref->target()];
uint64_t fixupAddress = _atomToAddress[ai.atom] + offset;
2013-12-20 15:48:29 +08:00
ref->kindNamespace(), ref->kindArch(), ref->kindValue(),
ref->addend(), &atomContent[offset], fixupAddress, targetAddress);
2013-11-07 05:36:55 +08:00
void Util::copySections(NormalizedFile &file) {
// For final linked images, write sections grouped by segment.
if (_context.outputFileType() != llvm::MachO::MH_OBJECT) {
for (SegmentInfo *sgi : _segmentInfos) {
for (SectionInfo *si : sgi->sections) {
appendSection(si, file);
} else {
// Object files write sections in default order.
for (SectionInfo *si : _sectionInfos) {
appendSection(si, file);
void Util::copyEntryPointAddress(NormalizedFile &nFile) {
if (_context.outputTypeHasEntry()) {
nFile.entryAddress = _atomToAddress[_entryAtom];
void Util::buildAtomToAddressMap() {
DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("WriterMachO-address", llvm::dbgs()
<< "assign atom addresses:\n");
const bool lookForEntry = _context.outputTypeHasEntry();
for (SectionInfo *sect : _sectionInfos) {
for (const AtomInfo &info : sect->atomsAndOffsets) {
_atomToAddress[info.atom] = sect->address + info.offsetInSection;
if (lookForEntry && (info.atom->contentType() == DefinedAtom::typeCode) &&
(info.atom->size() != 0) &&
info.atom->name() == _context.entrySymbolName()) {
_entryAtom = info.atom;
DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("WriterMachO-address", llvm::dbgs()
<< " address="
<< llvm::format("0x%016X", _atomToAddress[info.atom])
<< " atom=" << info.atom
<< " name=" << info.atom->name() << "\n");
uint8_t Util::scopeBits(const DefinedAtom* atom) {
switch (atom->scope()) {
case Atom::scopeTranslationUnit:
return 0;
case Atom::scopeLinkageUnit:
return N_PEXT | N_EXT;
case Atom::scopeGlobal:
return N_EXT;
2013-11-07 06:18:09 +08:00
llvm_unreachable("Unknown scope");
2013-11-07 05:36:55 +08:00
bool Util::AtomSorter::operator()(const AtomAndIndex &left,
const AtomAndIndex &right) {
return (left.atom->name().compare(right.atom->name()) < 0);
bool Util::belongsInGlobalSymbolsSection(const DefinedAtom* atom) {
return (atom->scope() == Atom::scopeGlobal);
void Util::addSymbols(const lld::File &atomFile, NormalizedFile &file) {
// Mach-O symbol table has three regions: locals, globals, undefs.
// Add all local (non-global) symbols in address order
std::vector<AtomAndIndex> globals;
for (SectionInfo *sect : _sectionInfos) {
for (const AtomInfo &info : sect->atomsAndOffsets) {
const DefinedAtom *atom = info.atom;
if (!atom->name().empty()) {
if (belongsInGlobalSymbolsSection(atom)) {
AtomAndIndex ai = { atom, sect->finalSectionIndex };
} else {
Symbol sym;
sym.name = atom->name();
sym.type = N_SECT;
sym.scope = scopeBits(atom);
sym.sect = sect->finalSectionIndex;
sym.desc = 0;
sym.value = _atomToAddress[atom];
// Sort global symbol alphabetically, then add to symbol table.
std::sort(globals.begin(), globals.end(), AtomSorter());
for (AtomAndIndex &ai : globals) {
Symbol sym;
sym.name = ai.atom->name();
sym.type = N_SECT;
sym.scope = scopeBits(static_cast<const DefinedAtom*>(ai.atom));
sym.sect = ai.index;
sym.desc = 0;
sym.value = _atomToAddress[ai.atom];
// Sort undefined symbol alphabetically, then add to symbol table.
std::vector<AtomAndIndex> undefs;
for (const UndefinedAtom *atom : atomFile.undefined()) {
AtomAndIndex ai = { atom, 0 };
for (const SharedLibraryAtom *atom : atomFile.sharedLibrary()) {
AtomAndIndex ai = { atom, 0 };
std::sort(undefs.begin(), undefs.end(), AtomSorter());
const uint32_t start = file.globalSymbols.size() + file.localSymbols.size();
for (AtomAndIndex &ai : undefs) {
Symbol sym;
sym.name = ai.atom->name();
sym.type = N_UNDF;
sym.scope = N_EXT;
sym.sect = 0;
sym.desc = 0;
sym.value = 0;
_atomToSymbolIndex[ai.atom] = file.undefinedSymbols.size() + start;
const Atom *Util::targetOfLazyPointer(const DefinedAtom *lpAtom) {
for (const Reference *ref : *lpAtom) {
[lld] Introduce registry and Reference kind tuple
The main changes are in:
Everything else is details to support the main change.
1) Registration based Readers
Previously, lld had a tangled interdependency with all the Readers. It would
have been impossible to make a streamlined linker (say for a JIT) which
just supported one file format and one architecture (no yaml, no archives, etc).
The old model also required a LinkingContext to read an object file, which
would have made .o inspection tools awkward.
The new model is that there is a global Registry object. You programmatically
register the Readers you want with the registry object. Whenever you need to
read/parse a file, you ask the registry to do it, and the registry tries each
registered reader.
For ease of use with the existing lld code base, there is one Registry
object inside the LinkingContext object.
2) Changing kind value to be a tuple
Beside Readers, the registry also keeps track of the mapping for Reference
Kind values to and from strings. Along with that, this patch also fixes
an ambiguity with the previous Reference::Kind values. The problem was that
we wanted to reuse existing relocation type values as Reference::Kind values.
But then how can the YAML write know how to convert a value to a string? The
fix is to change the 32-bit Reference::Kind into a tuple with an 8-bit namespace
(e.g. ELF, COFFF, etc), an 8-bit architecture (e.g. x86_64, PowerPC, etc), and
a 16-bit value. This tuple system allows conversion to and from strings with
no ambiguities.
llvm-svn: 197727
2013-12-20 05:58:00 +08:00
if (_context.kindHandler().isLazyTarget(*ref)) {
2013-11-07 05:36:55 +08:00
return ref->target();
return nullptr;
const Atom *Util::targetOfStub(const DefinedAtom *stubAtom) {
for (const Reference *ref : *stubAtom) {
if (const Atom *ta = ref->target()) {
if (const DefinedAtom *lpAtom = dyn_cast<DefinedAtom>(ta)) {
const Atom *target = targetOfLazyPointer(lpAtom);
if (target)
return target;
return nullptr;
void Util::addIndirectSymbols(const lld::File &atomFile, NormalizedFile &file) {
for (SectionInfo *si : _sectionInfos) {
Section &normSect = file.sections[si->normalizedSectionIndex];
switch (si->type) {
for (const AtomInfo &info : si->atomsAndOffsets) {
bool foundTarget = false;
for (const Reference *ref : *info.atom) {
const Atom *target = ref->target();
if (target) {
if (isa<const SharedLibraryAtom>(target)) {
uint32_t index = _atomToSymbolIndex[target];
foundTarget = true;
} else {
if (!foundTarget) {
for (const AtomInfo &info : si->atomsAndOffsets) {
const Atom *target = targetOfLazyPointer(info.atom);
if (target) {
uint32_t index = _atomToSymbolIndex[target];
case llvm::MachO::S_SYMBOL_STUBS:
for (const AtomInfo &info : si->atomsAndOffsets) {
const Atom *target = targetOfStub(info.atom);
if (target) {
uint32_t index = _atomToSymbolIndex[target];
void Util::addDependentDylibs(const lld::File &atomFile,NormalizedFile &nFile) {
// Scan all imported symbols and build up list of dylibs they are from.
int ordinal = 1;
for (const SharedLibraryAtom *slAtom : atomFile.sharedLibrary()) {
StringRef loadPath = slAtom->loadName();
DylibPathToInfo::iterator pos = _dylibInfo.find(loadPath);
if (pos == _dylibInfo.end()) {
DylibInfo info;
info.ordinal = ordinal++;
info.hasWeak = slAtom->canBeNullAtRuntime();
info.hasNonWeak = !info.hasWeak;
_dylibInfo[loadPath] = info;
DependentDylib depInfo;
depInfo.path = loadPath;
depInfo.kind = llvm::MachO::LC_LOAD_DYLIB;
} else {
if ( slAtom->canBeNullAtRuntime() )
pos->second.hasWeak = true;
pos->second.hasNonWeak = true;
// Automatically weak link dylib in which all symbols are weak (canBeNull).
for (DependentDylib &dep : nFile.dependentDylibs) {
DylibInfo &info = _dylibInfo[dep.path];
if (info.hasWeak && !info.hasNonWeak)
dep.kind = llvm::MachO::LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB;
int Util::dylibOrdinal(const SharedLibraryAtom *sa) {
return _dylibInfo[sa->loadName()].ordinal;
void Util::segIndexForSection(const SectionInfo *sect, uint8_t &segmentIndex,
uint64_t &segmentStartAddr) {
segmentIndex = 0;
for (const SegmentInfo *seg : _segmentInfos) {
if ((seg->address <= sect->address)
&& (seg->address+seg->size >= sect->address+sect->size)) {
segmentStartAddr = seg->address;
llvm_unreachable("section not in any segment");
void Util::appendReloc(const DefinedAtom *atom, const Reference *ref,
Relocations &relocations) {
// TODO: convert Reference to normalized relocation
void Util::addSectionRelocs(const lld::File &, NormalizedFile &file) {
if (_context.outputFileType() != llvm::MachO::MH_OBJECT)
for (SectionInfo *si : _sectionInfos) {
Section &normSect = file.sections[si->normalizedSectionIndex];
for (const AtomInfo &info : si->atomsAndOffsets) {
const DefinedAtom *atom = info.atom;
for (const Reference *ref : *atom) {
appendReloc(atom, ref, normSect.relocations);
void Util::addRebaseAndBindingInfo(const lld::File &atomFile,
NormalizedFile &nFile) {
if (_context.outputFileType() == llvm::MachO::MH_OBJECT)
uint8_t segmentIndex;
uint64_t segmentStartAddr;
for (SectionInfo *sect : _sectionInfos) {
segIndexForSection(sect, segmentIndex, segmentStartAddr);
for (const AtomInfo &info : sect->atomsAndOffsets) {
const DefinedAtom *atom = info.atom;
for (const Reference *ref : *atom) {
uint64_t segmentOffset = _atomToAddress[atom] + ref->offsetInAtom()
- segmentStartAddr;
const Atom* targ = ref->target();
[lld] Introduce registry and Reference kind tuple
The main changes are in:
Everything else is details to support the main change.
1) Registration based Readers
Previously, lld had a tangled interdependency with all the Readers. It would
have been impossible to make a streamlined linker (say for a JIT) which
just supported one file format and one architecture (no yaml, no archives, etc).
The old model also required a LinkingContext to read an object file, which
would have made .o inspection tools awkward.
The new model is that there is a global Registry object. You programmatically
register the Readers you want with the registry object. Whenever you need to
read/parse a file, you ask the registry to do it, and the registry tries each
registered reader.
For ease of use with the existing lld code base, there is one Registry
object inside the LinkingContext object.
2) Changing kind value to be a tuple
Beside Readers, the registry also keeps track of the mapping for Reference
Kind values to and from strings. Along with that, this patch also fixes
an ambiguity with the previous Reference::Kind values. The problem was that
we wanted to reuse existing relocation type values as Reference::Kind values.
But then how can the YAML write know how to convert a value to a string? The
fix is to change the 32-bit Reference::Kind into a tuple with an 8-bit namespace
(e.g. ELF, COFFF, etc), an 8-bit architecture (e.g. x86_64, PowerPC, etc), and
a 16-bit value. This tuple system allows conversion to and from strings with
no ambiguities.
llvm-svn: 197727
2013-12-20 05:58:00 +08:00
if (_context.kindHandler().isPointer(*ref)) {
2013-11-07 05:36:55 +08:00
// A pointer to a DefinedAtom requires rebasing.
if (dyn_cast<DefinedAtom>(targ)) {
RebaseLocation rebase;
rebase.segIndex = segmentIndex;
rebase.segOffset = segmentOffset;
rebase.kind = llvm::MachO::REBASE_TYPE_POINTER;
// A pointer to an SharedLibraryAtom requires binding.
if (const SharedLibraryAtom *sa = dyn_cast<SharedLibraryAtom>(targ)) {
BindLocation bind;
bind.segIndex = segmentIndex;
bind.segOffset = segmentOffset;
bind.kind = llvm::MachO::BIND_TYPE_POINTER;
bind.canBeNull = sa->canBeNullAtRuntime();
bind.ordinal = dylibOrdinal(sa);
bind.symbolName = targ->name();
bind.addend = ref->addend();
[lld] Introduce registry and Reference kind tuple
The main changes are in:
Everything else is details to support the main change.
1) Registration based Readers
Previously, lld had a tangled interdependency with all the Readers. It would
have been impossible to make a streamlined linker (say for a JIT) which
just supported one file format and one architecture (no yaml, no archives, etc).
The old model also required a LinkingContext to read an object file, which
would have made .o inspection tools awkward.
The new model is that there is a global Registry object. You programmatically
register the Readers you want with the registry object. Whenever you need to
read/parse a file, you ask the registry to do it, and the registry tries each
registered reader.
For ease of use with the existing lld code base, there is one Registry
object inside the LinkingContext object.
2) Changing kind value to be a tuple
Beside Readers, the registry also keeps track of the mapping for Reference
Kind values to and from strings. Along with that, this patch also fixes
an ambiguity with the previous Reference::Kind values. The problem was that
we wanted to reuse existing relocation type values as Reference::Kind values.
But then how can the YAML write know how to convert a value to a string? The
fix is to change the 32-bit Reference::Kind into a tuple with an 8-bit namespace
(e.g. ELF, COFFF, etc), an 8-bit architecture (e.g. x86_64, PowerPC, etc), and
a 16-bit value. This tuple system allows conversion to and from strings with
no ambiguities.
llvm-svn: 197727
2013-12-20 05:58:00 +08:00
if (_context.kindHandler().isLazyTarget(*ref)) {
2013-11-07 05:36:55 +08:00
BindLocation bind;
bind.segIndex = segmentIndex;
bind.segOffset = segmentOffset;
bind.kind = llvm::MachO::BIND_TYPE_POINTER;
bind.canBeNull = false; //sa->canBeNullAtRuntime();
bind.ordinal = 1;
bind.symbolName = targ->name();
bind.addend = ref->addend();
uint32_t Util::fileFlags() {
return 0; //FIX ME
} // end anonymous namespace
namespace lld {
namespace mach_o {
namespace normalized {
/// Convert a set of Atoms into a normalized mach-o file.
normalizedFromAtoms(const lld::File &atomFile,
const MachOLinkingContext &context) {
// The util object buffers info until the normalized file can be made.
Util util(context);
std::unique_ptr<NormalizedFile> f(new NormalizedFile());
NormalizedFile &normFile = *f.get();
f->arch = context.arch();
f->fileType = context.outputFileType();
f->flags = util.fileFlags();
util.addDependentDylibs(atomFile, normFile);
util.addSymbols(atomFile, normFile);
util.addIndirectSymbols(atomFile, normFile);
util.addRebaseAndBindingInfo(atomFile, normFile);
util.addSectionRelocs(atomFile, normFile);
return std::move(f);
} // namespace normalized
} // namespace mach_o
} // namespace lld