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# This script will take a number ($ENV{SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_COUNT}) of static archive files
# and pull them apart into object files. These object files will be placed in a directory
# named the same as the archive itself without the extension. Each object file will then
# get renamed to start with the archive name and a '-' character (for archive.a(object.o)
# the object file would becomde archive-object.o. Then all object files are re-made into
# a single static library. This can help avoid name collisions when different archive
# files might contain object files with the same name.
use strict;
use File::Basename;
use File::Glob ':glob';
use List::Util qw[min max];
our $llvm_srcroot = $ENV{SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_0};
our $llvm_dstroot = $ENV{SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_1};
our $llvm_clang_outfile = $ENV{SCRIPT_OUTPUT_FILE_0};
our ($llvm_clang_basename, $llvm_clang_dirname) = fileparse ($llvm_clang_outfile);
our @llvm_clang_slices; # paths to the single architecture static libraries (archives)
our $llvm_configuration = $ENV{LLVM_CONFIGURATION};
our $llvm_revision = "137143";
our $clang_revision = "137143";
our $llvm_source_dir = "$ENV{SRCROOT}";
our @archs = split (/\s+/, $ENV{ARCHS});
our @archive_files = (
Did some work on the "register read" command to only show the first register set by default when dumping registers. If you want to see all of the register sets you can use the "--all" option: (lldb) register read --all If you want to just see some register sets, you can currently specify them by index: (lldb) register read --set 0 --set 2 We need to get shorter register set names soon so we can specify the register sets by name without having to type too much. I will make this change soon. You can also have any integer encoded registers resolve the address values back to any code or data from the object files using the "--lookup" option. Below is sample output when stopped in the libc function "puts" with some const strings in registers: Process 8973 stopped * thread #1: tid = 0x2c03, 0x00007fff828fa30f libSystem.B.dylib`puts + 1, stop reason = instruction step into frame #0: 0x00007fff828fa30f libSystem.B.dylib`puts + 1 (lldb) register read --lookup General Purpose Registers: rax = 0x0000000100000e98 "----------------------------------------------------------------------" rbx = 0x0000000000000000 rcx = 0x0000000000000001 rdx = 0x0000000000000000 rdi = 0x0000000100000e98 "----------------------------------------------------------------------" rsi = 0x0000000100800000 rbp = 0x00007fff5fbff710 rsp = 0x00007fff5fbff280 r8 = 0x0000000000000040 r9 = 0x0000000000000000 r10 = 0x0000000000000000 r11 = 0x0000000000000246 r12 = 0x0000000000000000 r13 = 0x0000000000000000 r14 = 0x0000000000000000 r15 = 0x0000000000000000 rip = 0x00007fff828fa30f libSystem.B.dylib`puts + 1 rflags = 0x0000000000000246 cs = 0x0000000000000027 fs = 0x0000000000000000 gs = 0x0000000000000000 As we can see, we see two constant strings and the PC (register "rip") is showing the code it resolves to. I fixed the register "--format" option to work as expected. Added a setting to disable skipping the function prologue when setting breakpoints as a target settings variable: (lldb) settings set target.skip-prologue false Updated the user settings controller boolean value handler funciton to be able to take the default value so it can correctly respond to the eVarSetOperationClear operation. Did some usability work on the OptionValue classes. Fixed the "image lookup" command to correctly respond to the "--verbose" option and display the detailed symbol context information when looking up line table entries and functions by name. This previously was only working for address lookups. llvm-svn: 129977
2011-04-22 11:55:06 +08:00
if ($ENV{CONFIGURATION} ne "BuildAndIntegration" and -e "$llvm_srcroot/lib")
print "Using standard LLVM build directory...\n";
# LLVM in the "lldb" root is a symlink which indicates we are using a
# standard LLVM build directory where everything is built into the
# same folder
create_single_llvm_arhive_for_arch ($llvm_dstroot, 1);
my $llvm_dstroot_archive = "$llvm_dstroot/$llvm_clang_basename";
push @llvm_clang_slices, $llvm_dstroot_archive;
create_dstroot_file ($llvm_clang_basename, $llvm_clang_dirname, \@llvm_clang_slices, $llvm_clang_basename);
exit 0;
if ($ENV{CONFIGURATION} eq "Debug" or $ENV{CONFIGURATION} eq "Release")
# Check for an old llvm source install (not the minimal zip based
# install by looking for a .svn file in the llvm directory
chomp(my $llvm_zip_md5 = `md5 -q $ENV{SRCROOT}/llvm.zip`);
my $llvm_zip_md5_file = "$ENV{SRCROOT}/llvm/$llvm_zip_md5";
if (!-e "$llvm_zip_md5_file")
print "Updating LLVM to use checkpoint from: '$ENV{SRCROOT}/llvm.zip'...\n";
if (-d "$ENV{SRCROOT}/llvm")
do_command ("cd '$ENV{SRCROOT}' && rm -rf llvm", "removing old llvm repository", 1);
do_command ("cd '$ENV{SRCROOT}' && unzip -q llvm.zip && touch '$llvm_zip_md5_file'", "expanding llvm.zip", 1);
exit 0;
# If our output file already exists then we need not generate it again.
if (-e $llvm_clang_outfile)
exit 0;
# Get our options
our $debug = 1;
sub parallel_guess
my $cpus = `sysctl -n hw.availcpu`;
chomp ($cpus);
my $memsize = `sysctl -n hw.memsize`;
chomp ($memsize);
my $max_cpus_by_memory = int($memsize / (750 * 1024 * 1024));
return min($max_cpus_by_memory, $cpus);
sub build_llvm
#my $extra_svn_options = $debug ? "" : "--quiet";
my $svn_options = "--quiet";
if (-d "$llvm_source_dir/llvm")
print "Using existing llvm sources in: '$llvm_source_dir/llvm'\n";
# print "Updating llvm to revision $llvm_revision\n";
# do_command ("cd '$llvm_source_dir/llvm' && svn update $svn_options --revision $llvm_revision", "updating llvm from repository", 1);
# print "Updating clang to revision $llvm_revision\n";
# do_command ("cd '$llvm_source_dir/llvm/tools/clang' && svn update $svn_options --revision $clang_revision", "updating clang from repository", 1);
print "Checking out llvm sources from revision $llvm_revision...\n";
do_command ("cd '$llvm_source_dir' && svn co $svn_options --revision $llvm_revision http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk llvm", "checking out llvm from repository", 1);
print "Checking out clang sources from revision $clang_revision...\n";
do_command ("cd '$llvm_source_dir/llvm/tools' && svn co $svn_options --revision $clang_revision http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/cfe/trunk clang", "checking out clang from repository", 1);
print "Applying any local patches to LLVM...";
my @llvm_patches = bsd_glob("$ENV{SRCROOT}/scripts/llvm.*.diff");
foreach my $patch (@llvm_patches)
do_command ("cd '$llvm_source_dir/llvm' && patch -p0 < $patch");
print "Removing the llvm/test directory...\n";
do_command ("cd '$llvm_source_dir' && rm -rf llvm/test", "removing test directory", 1);
# Make the llvm build directory
my $arch_idx = 0;
foreach my $arch (@archs)
my $llvm_dstroot_arch = "${llvm_dstroot}/${arch}";
# if the arch destination root exists we have already built it
my $do_configure = 0;
my $do_make = 0;
my $llvm_dstroot_arch_archive = "$llvm_dstroot_arch/$llvm_clang_basename";
print "LLVM architecture root for ${arch} exists at '$llvm_dstroot_arch'...";
if (-e $llvm_dstroot_arch)
print "YES\n";
$do_configure = !-e "$llvm_dstroot_arch/config.log";
# dstroot for llvm build exists, make sure all .a files are built
for my $llvm_lib (@archive_files)
if (!-e "$llvm_dstroot_arch/$llvm_lib")
print "missing archive: '$llvm_dstroot_arch/$llvm_lib'\n";
$do_make = 1;
if (!-e $llvm_dstroot_arch_archive)
$do_make = 1;
print "LLVM architecture archive for ${arch} is '$llvm_dstroot_arch_archive'\n";
print "NO\n";
do_command ("mkdir -p '$llvm_dstroot_arch'", "making llvm build directory '$llvm_dstroot_arch'", 1);
$do_configure = 1;
$do_make = 1;
# If this is the first architecture, then make a symbolic link
# for any header files that get generated.
if ($arch_idx == 0)
if (!-l "$llvm_dstroot/llvm")
do_command ("cd $llvm_dstroot && ln -s './${arch}' llvm");
if ($do_configure)
# Build llvm and clang
print "Configuring clang ($arch) in '$llvm_dstroot_arch'...\n";
my $lldb_configuration_options = '';
$llvm_configuration eq 'Release' and $lldb_configuration_options .= '--enable-optimized --disable-assertions';
do_command ("cd '$llvm_dstroot_arch' && '$llvm_source_dir/llvm/configure' $lldb_configuration_options --enable-targets=x86_64,arm --build=$arch-apple-darwin10",
"configuring llvm build", 1);
if ($do_make)
# Build llvm and clang
my $num_cpus = parallel_guess();
print "Building clang using $num_cpus cpus ($arch)...\n";
do_command ("cd '$llvm_dstroot_arch' && make -j$num_cpus clang-only VERBOSE=1 PROJECT_NAME='llvm'", "making llvm and clang", 1);
do_command ("cd '$llvm_dstroot_arch' && make -j$num_cpus tools-only VERBOSE=1 PROJECT_NAME='llvm' EDIS_VERSION=1", "making libedis", 1);
# Combine all .o files from a bunch of static libraries from llvm
# and clang into a single .a file.
create_single_llvm_arhive_for_arch ($llvm_dstroot_arch, 1);
-f "$llvm_dstroot_arch_archive" and push @llvm_clang_slices, "$llvm_dstroot_arch_archive";
# Combine all skinny slices of the LLVM/Clang combined archive
create_dstroot_file ($llvm_clang_basename, $llvm_clang_dirname, \@llvm_clang_slices, $llvm_clang_basename);
sub create_dstroot_file
my $file = shift;
my $dir = shift;
my $fullpath = "$dir/$file"; # The path to the file to create
my $slice_aref = shift; # Array containing one or more skinny files that will be combined into $fullpath
my $what = shift; # Text describing the $fullpath
print "create_dstroot_file file = '$file', dir = '$dir', slices = (" . join (', ', @$slice_aref) . ") for what = '$what'\n";
if (-d $dir)
if (@$slice_aref > 0)
print "Creating and installing $what into '$fullpath'...\n";
my $lipo_command = "lipo -output '$fullpath' -create";
foreach (@$slice_aref) { $lipo_command .= " '$_'"; }
do_command ($lipo_command, "creating $what universal output file", 1);
if (!-e $fullpath)
# die "error: '$fullpath' is missing\n";
die "error: directory '$dir' doesn't exist to receive file '$file'\n";
# quote the path if needed and realpath it if the -r option was
# specified
sub finalize_path
my $path = shift;
# Realpath all paths that don't start with "/"
$path =~ /^[^\/]/ and $path = abs_path($path);
# Quote the path if asked to, or if there are special shell characters
# in the path name
my $has_double_quotes = $path =~ /["]/;
my $has_single_quotes = $path =~ /[']/;
my $needs_quotes = $path =~ /[ \$\&\*'"]/;
if ($needs_quotes)
# escape and double quotes in the path
$has_double_quotes and $path =~ s/"/\\"/g;
$path = "\"$path\"";
return $path;
sub do_command
my $cmd = shift;
my $description = @_ ? shift : "command";
my $die_on_fail = @_ ? shift : undef;
$debug and print "% $cmd\n";
system ($cmd);
if ($? == -1)
$debug and printf ("error: %s failed to execute: $!\n", $description);
$die_on_fail and $? and exit(1);
return $?;
elsif ($? & 127)
$debug and printf("error: %s child died with signal %d, %s coredump\n",
($? & 127),
($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without');
$die_on_fail and $? and exit(1);
return $?;
my $exit = $? >> 8;
if ($exit)
$debug and printf("error: %s child exited with value %d\n", $description, $exit);
$die_on_fail and exit(1);
return $exit;
sub create_single_llvm_arhive_for_arch
my $arch_dstroot = shift;
my $split_into_objects = shift;
my @object_dirs;
my $object_dir;
my $tmp_dir = $arch_dstroot;
my $arch_output_file = "$arch_dstroot/$llvm_clang_basename";
-e $arch_output_file and return;
my $files = "$arch_dstroot/files.txt";
open (FILES, ">$files") or die "Can't open $! for writing...\n";
for my $path (@archive_files)
my $archive_fullpath = finalize_path ("$arch_dstroot/$path");
if (-e $archive_fullpath)
if ($split_into_objects)
my ($archive_file, $archive_dir, $archive_ext) = fileparse($archive_fullpath, ('.a'));
$object_dir = "$tmp_dir/$archive_file";
push @object_dirs, $object_dir;
do_command ("cd '$tmp_dir'; mkdir '$archive_file'; cd '$archive_file'; ar -x $archive_fullpath");
my @objects = bsd_glob("$object_dir/*.o");
foreach my $object (@objects)
my ($o_file, $o_dir) = fileparse($object);
my $new_object = "$object_dir/${archive_file}-$o_file";
print FILES "$new_object\n";
do_command ("mv '$object' '$new_object'");
# just add the .a files into the file list
print FILES "$archive_fullpath\n";
print "warning: archive doesn't exist: '$archive_fullpath'\n";
close (FILES);
do_command ("libtool -static -o '$arch_output_file' -filelist '$files'");
do_command ("ranlib '$arch_output_file'");
foreach $object_dir (@object_dirs)
do_command ("rm -rf '$object_dir'");
do_command ("rm -rf '$files'");