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// RUN: mlir-opt -allow-unregistered-dialect %s -split-input-file -verify-diagnostics
// Check different error cases.
// -----
func @illegaltype(i) // expected-error {{expected non-function type}}
// -----
func @illegaltype() {
%0 = constant dense<0> : <vector 4 x f32> : vector<4 x f32> // expected-error {{expected non-function type}}
// -----
func @nestedtensor(tensor<tensor<i8>>) -> () // expected-error {{invalid tensor element type}}
// -----
func @illegalmemrefelementtype(memref<?xtensor<i8>>) -> () // expected-error {{invalid memref element type}}
// -----
func @illegalunrankedmemrefelementtype(memref<*xtensor<i8>>) -> () // expected-error {{invalid memref element type}}
// -----
func @indexvector(vector<4 x index>) -> () // expected-error {{vector elements must be int or float type}}
// -----
// Test no map in memref type.
func @memrefs(memref<2x4xi8, >) // expected-error {{expected list element}}
// -----
// Test non-existent map in memref type.
func @memrefs(memref<2x4xi8, #map7>) // expected-error {{undefined symbol alias id 'map7'}}
// -----
// Test non affine map in memref type.
func @memrefs(memref<2x4xi8, i8>) // expected-error {{expected affine map in memref type}}
// -----
// Test non-existent map in map composition of memref type.
#map0 = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0, d1)>
func @memrefs(memref<2x4xi8, #map0, #map8>) // expected-error {{undefined symbol alias id 'map8'}}
// -----
// Test multiple memory space error.
#map0 = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0, d1)>
func @memrefs(memref<2x4xi8, #map0, 1, 2>) // expected-error {{multiple memory spaces specified in memref type}}
// -----
// Test affine map after memory space.
#map0 = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0, d1)>
#map1 = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0, d1)>
func @memrefs(memref<2x4xi8, #map0, 1, #map1>) // expected-error {{expected memory space to be last in memref type}}
// -----
// Test dimension mismatch between memref and layout map.
// The error must be emitted even for the trivial identity layout maps that are
// dropped in type creation.
#map0 = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0, d1)>
func @memrefs(memref<42xi8, #map0>) // expected-error {{memref affine map dimension mismatch}}
// -----
#map0 = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0, d1)>
#map1 = affine_map<(d0) -> (d0)>
func @memrefs(memref<42x42xi8, #map0, #map1>) // expected-error {{memref affine map dimension mismatch}}
// -----
func @memref_space_after_strides(memref<42x42xi8, 0, offset: ?, strides: [?, ?]>) // expected-error {{expected memory space to be last in memref type}}
// -----
func @memref_stride_missing_colon(memref<42x42xi8, offset ?, strides: [?, ?]>) // expected-error {{expected colon after `offset` keyword}}
// -----
func @memref_stride_invalid_offset(memref<42x42xi8, offset: [], strides: [?, ?]>) // expected-error {{invalid offset}}
// -----
func @memref_stride_missing_strides(memref<42x42xi8, offset: 0 [?, ?]>) // expected-error {{expected comma after offset value}}
// -----
func @memref_stride_missing_strides(memref<42x42xi8, offset: 0, [?, ?]>) // expected-error {{expected `strides` keyword after offset specification}}
// -----
func @memref_stride_missing_colon_2(memref<42x42xi8, offset: 0, strides [?, ?]>) // expected-error {{expected colon after `strides` keyword}}
// -----
func @memref_stride_invalid_strides(memref<42x42xi8, offset: 0, strides: ()>) // expected-error {{invalid braces-enclosed stride list}}
// -----
func @memref_zero_stride(memref<42x42xi8, offset: ?, strides: [0, ?]>) // expected-error {{invalid memref stride}}
// -----
func @bad_branch() {
br ^missing // expected-error {{reference to an undefined block}}
// -----
func @block_redef() {
^bb42: // expected-error {{redefinition of block '^bb42'}}
// -----
func @no_terminator() { // expected-error {{block with no terminator}}
// -----
func @block_no_rparen() {
^bb42 (%bb42 : i32: // expected-error {{expected ')' to end argument list}}
// -----
func @block_arg_no_ssaid() {
^bb42 (i32): // expected-error {{expected SSA operand}}
// -----
func @block_arg_no_type() {
^bb42 (%0): // expected-error {{expected ':' and type for SSA operand}}
// -----
func @block_arg_no_close_paren() {
br ^bb2( // expected-error@+1 {{expected ':'}}
// -----
func @block_first_has_predecessor() {
// expected-error@-1 {{entry block of region may not have predecessors}}
br ^bb43
br ^bb42
// -----
func @no_return() {
%x = constant 0 : i32 // expected-error {{block with no terminator}}
// -----
" // expected-error {{expected}}
// -----
" // expected-error {{expected}}
// -----
func @bad_op_type() {
"foo"() : i32 // expected-error {{expected function type}}
// -----
func @no_terminator() {
"foo"() : ()->()
""() : ()->() // expected-error {{empty operation name is invalid}}
// -----
func @illegaltype(i0) // expected-error {{invalid integer width}}
// -----
func @malformed_for_percent() {
affine.for i = 1 to 10 { // expected-error {{expected SSA operand}}
// -----
func @malformed_for_equal() {
affine.for %i 1 to 10 { // expected-error {{expected '='}}
// -----
func @malformed_for_to() {
affine.for %i = 1 too 10 { // expected-error {{expected 'to' between bounds}}
// -----
func @incomplete_for() {
affine.for %i = 1 to 10 step 2
} // expected-error {{expected '{' to begin a region}}
// -----
#map0 = affine_map<(d0) -> (d0 floordiv 4)>
func @reference_to_iv_in_bound() {
// expected-error@+2 {{region entry argument '%i0' is already in use}}
// expected-note@+1 {{previously referenced here}}
affine.for %i0 = #map0(%i0) to 10 {
// -----
func @nonconstant_step(%1 : i32) {
affine.for %2 = 1 to 5 step %1 { // expected-error {{expected non-function type}}
// -----
func @for_negative_stride() {
affine.for %i = 1 to 10 step -1
} // expected-error@-1 {{expected step to be representable as a positive signed integer}}
// -----
func @non_operation() {
asd // expected-error {{custom op 'asd' is unknown}}
// -----
func @invalid_if_conditional2() {
affine.for %i = 1 to 10 {
affine.if affine_set<(i)[N] : (i >= )> // expected-error {{expected '== 0' or '>= 0' at end of affine constraint}}
// -----
func @invalid_if_conditional3() {
affine.for %i = 1 to 10 {
affine.if affine_set<(i)[N] : (i == 1)> // expected-error {{expected '0' after '=='}}
// -----
func @invalid_if_conditional4() {
affine.for %i = 1 to 10 {
affine.if affine_set<(i)[N] : (i >= 2)> // expected-error {{expected '0' after '>='}}
// -----
func @invalid_if_conditional5() {
affine.for %i = 1 to 10 {
affine.if affine_set<(i)[N] : (i <= 0)> // expected-error {{expected '== 0' or '>= 0' at end of affine constraint}}
// -----
func @invalid_if_conditional6() {
affine.for %i = 1 to 10 {
affine.if affine_set<(i) : (i)> // expected-error {{expected '== 0' or '>= 0' at end of affine constraint}}
// -----
// TODO: support affine.if (1)?
func @invalid_if_conditional7() {
affine.for %i = 1 to 10 {
affine.if affine_set<(i) : (1)> // expected-error {{expected '== 0' or '>= 0' at end of affine constraint}}
// -----
#map = affine_map<(d0) -> (% // expected-error {{invalid SSA name}}
// -----
func @test() {
%1 = "foo"() : (i32)->i64 // expected-error {{expected 0 operand types but had 1}}
// -----
func @redef() {
%x = "xxx"(){index = 0} : ()->i32 // expected-note {{previously defined here}}
%x = "xxx"(){index = 0} : ()->i32 // expected-error {{redefinition of SSA value '%x'}}
// -----
func @undef() {
%x = "xxx"(%y) : (i32)->i32 // expected-error {{use of undeclared SSA value}}
// -----
func @malformed_type(%a : intt) { // expected-error {{expected non-function type}}
// -----
func @resulterror() -> i32 {
return // expected-error {{'std.return' op has 0 operands, but enclosing function (@resulterror) returns 1}}
// -----
func @func_resulterror() -> i32 {
return // expected-error {{'std.return' op has 0 operands, but enclosing function (@func_resulterror) returns 1}}
// -----
func @argError() {
^bb1(%a: i64): // expected-note {{previously defined here}}
br ^bb2
^bb2(%a: i64): // expected-error{{redefinition of SSA value '%a'}}
// -----
func @br_mismatch() {
%0:2 = "foo"() : () -> (i1, i17)
// expected-error @+1 {{branch has 2 operands for successor #0, but target block has 1}}
br ^bb1(%0#1, %0#0 : i17, i1)
^bb1(%x: i17):
// -----
func @succ_arg_type_mismatch() {
%0 = "getBool"() : () -> i1
// expected-error @+1 {{type mismatch for bb argument #0 of successor #0}}
br ^bb1(%0 : i1)
^bb1(%x: i32):
// -----
// Test no nested vector.
func @vectors(vector<1 x vector<1xi32>>, vector<2x4xf32>)
// expected-error@-1 {{vector elements must be int or float type}}
// -----
func @condbr_notbool() {
%a = "foo"() : () -> i32 // expected-note {{prior use here}}
cond_br %a, ^bb0, ^bb0 // expected-error {{use of value '%a' expects different type than prior uses: 'i1' vs 'i32'}}
// -----
func @condbr_badtype() {
%c = "foo"() : () -> i1
%a = "foo"() : () -> i32
cond_br %c, ^bb0(%a, %a : i32, ^bb0) // expected-error {{expected non-function type}}
// -----
func @condbr_a_bb_is_not_a_type() {
%c = "foo"() : () -> i1
%a = "foo"() : () -> i32
cond_br %c, ^bb0(%a, %a : i32, i32), i32 // expected-error {{expected block name}}
// -----
func @successors_in_non_terminator(%a : i32, %b : i32) {
%c = "std.addi"(%a, %b)[^bb1] : () -> () // expected-error {{successors in non-terminator}}
// -----
func @undef() {
%x = "xxx"(%y) : (i32)->i32 // expected-error {{use of undeclared SSA value name}}
// -----
func @undef() {
%x = "xxx"(%y) : (i32)->i32 // expected-error {{use of undeclared SSA value name}}
// -----
func @duplicate_induction_var() {
affine.for %i = 1 to 10 { // expected-note {{previously referenced here}}
affine.for %i = 1 to 10 { // expected-error {{region entry argument '%i' is already in use}}
// -----
func @name_scope_failure() {
affine.for %i = 1 to 10 {
"xxx"(%i) : (index)->() // expected-error {{use of undeclared SSA value name}}
// -----
func @dominance_failure() {
"foo"(%x) : (i32) -> () // expected-error {{operand #0 does not dominate this use}}
br ^bb1
%x = "bar"() : () -> i32 // expected-note {{operand defined here}}
// -----
func @return_type_mismatch() -> i32 {
%0 = "foo"() : ()->f32
return %0 : f32 // expected-error {{type of return operand 0 ('f32') doesn't match function result type ('i32') in function @return_type_mismatch}}
// -----
func @return_inside_loop() {
affine.for %i = 1 to 100 {
// expected-error@-1 {{op expects regions to end with 'affine.yield', found 'std.return'}}
// expected-note@-2 {{in custom textual format, the absence of terminator implies}}
// -----
// expected-error@+1 {{expected three consecutive dots for an ellipsis}}
func @malformed_ellipsis_one(.)
// -----
// expected-error@+1 {{expected three consecutive dots for an ellipsis}}
func @malformed_ellipsis_two(..)
// -----
// expected-error@+1 {{expected non-function type}}
func @func_variadic(...)
// -----
func @redef() // expected-note {{see existing symbol definition here}}
func @redef() // expected-error {{redefinition of symbol named 'redef'}}
// -----
func @foo() {
%x = constant @foo : (i32) -> () // expected-error {{reference to function with mismatched type}}
// -----
func @undefined_function() {
%x = constant @qux : (i32) -> () // expected-error {{reference to undefined function 'qux'}}
// -----
#map1 = affine_map<(i)[j] -> (i+j)>
func @bound_symbol_mismatch(%N : index) {
affine.for %i = #map1(%N) to 100 {
// expected-error@-1 {{symbol operand count and affine map symbol count must match}}
// -----
#map1 = affine_map<(i)[j] -> (i+j)>
func @bound_dim_mismatch(%N : index) {
affine.for %i = #map1(%N, %N)[%N] to 100 {
// expected-error@-1 {{dim operand count and affine map dim count must match}}
// -----
func @large_bound() {
affine.for %i = 1 to 9223372036854775810 {
// expected-error@-1 {{integer constant out of range for attribute}}
// -----
func @max_in_upper_bound(%N : index) {
affine.for %i = 1 to max affine_map<(i)->(N, 100)> { //expected-error {{expected non-function type}}
// -----
func @step_typo() {
affine.for %i = 1 to 100 step -- 1 { //expected-error {{expected constant integer}}
// -----
func @invalid_bound_map(%N : i32) {
affine.for %i = 1 to affine_map<(i)->(j)>(%N) { //expected-error {{use of undeclared identifier}}
// -----
#set0 = affine_set<(i)[N, M] : )i >= 0)> // expected-error {{expected '(' at start of integer set constraint list}}
// -----
#set0 = affine_set<(i)[N] : (i >= 0, N - i >= 0)>
func @invalid_if_operands1(%N : index) {
affine.for %i = 1 to 10 {
affine.if #set0(%i) {
// expected-error@-1 {{symbol operand count and integer set symbol count must match}}
// -----
#set0 = affine_set<(i)[N] : (i >= 0, N - i >= 0)>
func @invalid_if_operands2(%N : index) {
affine.for %i = 1 to 10 {
affine.if #set0()[%N] {
// expected-error@-1 {{dim operand count and integer set dim count must match}}
// -----
#set0 = affine_set<(i)[N] : (i >= 0, N - i >= 0)>
func @invalid_if_operands3(%N : index) {
affine.for %i = 1 to 10 {
affine.if #set0(%i)[%i] {
// expected-error@-1 {{operand cannot be used as a symbol}}
// -----
// expected-error@+1 {{expected '"' in string literal}}
"J// -----
func @calls(%arg0: i32) {
// expected-error@+1 {{expected non-function type}}
%z = "casdasda"(%x) : (ppop32) -> i32
// -----
// expected-error@+2 {{expected SSA operand}}
// -----
func @elementsattr_non_tensor_type() -> () {
"foo"(){bar = dense<[4]> : i32} : () -> () // expected-error {{elements literal must be a ranked tensor or vector type}}
// -----
func @elementsattr_non_ranked() -> () {
"foo"(){bar = dense<[4]> : tensor<?xi32>} : () -> () // expected-error {{elements literal type must have static shape}}
// -----
func @elementsattr_shape_mismatch() -> () {
"foo"(){bar = dense<[4]> : tensor<5xi32>} : () -> () // expected-error {{inferred shape of elements literal ([1]) does not match type ([5])}}
// -----
func @elementsattr_invalid() -> () {
"foo"(){bar = dense<[4, [5]]> : tensor<2xi32>} : () -> () // expected-error {{tensor literal is invalid; ranks are not consistent between elements}}
// -----
func @elementsattr_badtoken() -> () {
"foo"(){bar = dense<[tf_opaque]> : tensor<1xi32>} : () -> () // expected-error {{expected element literal of primitive type}}
// -----
func @elementsattr_floattype1() -> () {
// expected-error@+1 {{expected integer elements, but parsed floating-point}}
"foo"(){bar = dense<[4.0]> : tensor<1xi32>} : () -> ()
// -----
func @elementsattr_floattype1() -> () {
// expected-error@+1 {{expected integer elements, but parsed floating-point}}
"foo"(){bar = dense<4.0> : tensor<i32>} : () -> ()
// -----
func @elementsattr_floattype2() -> () {
// expected-error@+1 {{expected floating-point elements, but parsed integer}}
"foo"(){bar = dense<[4]> : tensor<1xf32>} : () -> ()
// -----
func @elementsattr_toolarge1() -> () {
"foo"(){bar = dense<[777]> : tensor<1xi8>} : () -> () // expected-error {{integer constant out of range}}
// -----
func @elementsattr_toolarge2() -> () {
"foo"(){bar = dense<[-777]> : tensor<1xi8>} : () -> () // expected-error {{integer constant out of range}}
// -----
"foo"(){bar = dense<[()]> : tensor<complex<i64>>} : () -> () // expected-error {{expected element literal of primitive type}}
// -----
"foo"(){bar = dense<[(10)]> : tensor<complex<i64>>} : () -> () // expected-error {{expected ',' between complex elements}}
// -----
"foo"(){bar = dense<[(10,)]> : tensor<complex<i64>>} : () -> () // expected-error {{expected element literal of primitive type}}
// -----
"foo"(){bar = dense<[(10,10]> : tensor<complex<i64>>} : () -> () // expected-error {{expected ')' after complex elements}}
// -----
func @elementsattr_malformed_opaque() -> () {
"foo"(){bar = opaque<10, "0xQZz123"> : tensor<1xi8>} : () -> () // expected-error {{expected dialect namespace}}
// -----
func @elementsattr_malformed_opaque1() -> () {
"foo"(){bar = opaque<"", "0xQZz123"> : tensor<1xi8>} : () -> () // expected-error {{elements hex string only contains hex digits}}
// -----
func @elementsattr_malformed_opaque2() -> () {
"foo"(){bar = opaque<"", "00abc"> : tensor<1xi8>} : () -> () // expected-error {{elements hex string should start with '0x'}}
// -----
func @elementsattr_malformed_opaque3() -> () {
"foo"(){bar = opaque<"t", "0xabc"> : tensor<1xi8>} : () -> () // expected-error {{no registered dialect with namespace 't'}}
// -----
func @redundant_signature(%a : i32) -> () {
^bb0(%b : i32): // expected-error {{invalid block name in region with named arguments}}
// -----
func @mixed_named_arguments(%a : i32,
f32) -> () {
// expected-error @-1 {{expected SSA identifier}}
// -----
func @mixed_named_arguments(f32,
%a : i32) -> () { // expected-error {{expected type instead of SSA identifier}}
// -----
// This used to crash the parser, but should just error out by interpreting
// `tensor` as operator rather than as a type.
func @f(f32) {
^bb0(%a : f32):
%18 = cmpi "slt", %idx, %idx : index
tensor<42 x index // expected-error {{custom op 'tensor' is unknown}}
// -----
func @f(%m : memref<?x?xf32>) {
affine.for %i0 = 0 to 42 {
// expected-note@+1 {{previously referenced here}}
%x = load %m[%i0, %i1] : memref<?x?xf32>
// expected-error@+1 {{region entry argument '%i1' is already in use}}
affine.for %i1 = 0 to 42 {
// -----
func @dialect_type_empty_namespace(!<"">) -> () { // expected-error {{invalid type identifier}}
// -----
func @dialect_type_no_string_type_data(!foo<>) -> () { // expected-error {{expected string literal data in dialect symbol}}
// -----
func @dialect_type_missing_greater(!foo<"") -> () { // expected-error {{expected '>' in dialect symbol}}
// -----
func @type_alias_unknown(!unknown_alias) -> () { // expected-error {{undefined symbol alias id 'unknown_alias'}}
// -----
// expected-error @+1 {{type names with a '.' are reserved for dialect-defined names}}
!foo.bar = i32
// -----
!missing_eq_alias type i32 // expected-error {{expected '=' in type alias definition}}
// -----
!missing_kw_type_alias = i32 // expected-error {{expected 'type' in type alias definition}}
// -----
!missing_type_alias = type // expected-error@+2 {{expected non-function type}}
// -----
!redef_alias = type i32
!redef_alias = type i32 // expected-error {{redefinition of type alias id 'redef_alias'}}
// -----
// Check ill-formed opaque tensor.
func @complex_loops() {
affine.for %i1 = 1 to 100 {
// expected-error @+1 {{expected '"' in string literal}}
"opaqueIntTensor"(){bar = opaque<"", "0x686]> : tensor<2x1x4xi32>} : () -> ()
// -----
func @mi() {
// expected-error @+1 {{expected element literal of primitive type}}
"fooi64"(){bar = sparse<vector<1xi64>,[,[,1]
// -----
func @invalid_tensor_literal() {
// expected-error @+1 {{expected 1-d tensor for values}}
"foof16"(){bar = sparse<[[0, 0, 0]], [[-2.0]]> : vector<1x1x1xf16>} : () -> ()
// -----
func @invalid_tensor_literal() {
// expected-error @+1 {{expected element literal of primitive type}}
"fooi16"(){bar = sparse<[[1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0,, [[0, 0, 0]], [-2.0]> : tensor<2x2x2xi16>} : () -> ()
// -----
func @invalid_affine_structure() {
%c0 = constant 0 : index
%idx = affine.apply affine_map<(d0, d1)> (%c0, %c0) // expected-error {{expected '->' or ':'}}
// -----
func @missing_for_max(%arg0: index, %arg1: index, %arg2: memref<100xf32>) {
// expected-error @+1 {{lower loop bound affine map with multiple results requires 'max' prefix}}
affine.for %i0 = affine_map<()[s]->(0,s-1)>()[%arg0] to %arg1 {
// -----
func @missing_for_min(%arg0: index, %arg1: index, %arg2: memref<100xf32>) {
// expected-error @+1 {{upper loop bound affine map with multiple results requires 'min' prefix}}
affine.for %i0 = %arg0 to affine_map<()[s]->(100,s+1)>()[%arg1] {
// -----
// expected-error @+1 {{vector types must have positive constant sizes}}
func @zero_vector_type() -> vector<0xi32>
// -----
// expected-error @+1 {{vector types must have positive constant sizes}}
func @zero_in_vector_type() -> vector<1x0xi32>
// -----
// expected-error @+1 {{expected dimension size in vector type}}
func @negative_vector_size() -> vector<-1xi32>
// -----
// expected-error @+1 {{expected non-function type}}
func @negative_in_vector_size() -> vector<1x-1xi32>
// -----
// expected-error @+1 {{expected non-function type}}
func @negative_memref_size() -> memref<-1xi32>
// -----
// expected-error @+1 {{expected non-function type}}
func @negative_in_memref_size() -> memref<1x-1xi32>
// -----
// expected-error @+1 {{expected non-function type}}
func @negative_tensor_size() -> tensor<-1xi32>
// -----
// expected-error @+1 {{expected non-function type}}
func @negative_in_tensor_size() -> tensor<1x-1xi32>
// -----
func @invalid_nested_dominance() {
[MLIR] Add RegionKindInterface Some dialects have semantics which is not well represented by common SSA structures with dominance constraints. This patch allows operations to declare the 'kind' of their contained regions. Currently, two kinds are allowed: "SSACFG" and "Graph". The only difference between them at the moment is that SSACFG regions are required to have dominance, while Graph regions are not required to have dominance. The intention is that this Interface would be generated by ODS for existing operations, although this has not yet been implemented. Presumably, if someone were interested in code generation, we might also have a "CFG" dialect, which defines control flow, but does not require SSA. The new behavior is mostly identical to the previous behavior, since registered operations without a RegionKindInterface are assumed to contain SSACFG regions. However, the behavior has changed for unregistered operations. Previously, these were checked for dominance, however the new behavior allows dominance violations, in order to allow the processing of unregistered dialects with Graph regions. One implication of this is that regions in unregistered operations with more than one op are no longer CSE'd (since it requires dominance info). I've also reorganized the LangRef documentation to remove assertions about "sequential execution", "SSA Values", and "Dominance". Instead, the core IR is simply "ordered" (i.e. totally ordered) and consists of "Values". I've also clarified some things about how control flow passes between blocks in an SSACFG region. Control Flow must enter a region at the entry block and follow terminator operation successors or be returned to the containing op. Graph regions do not define a notion of control flow. see discussion here: https://llvm.discourse.group/t/rfc-allowing-dialects-to-relax-the-ssa-dominance-condition/833/53 Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D80358
2020-05-16 01:33:13 +08:00
"test.ssacfg_region"() ({
// expected-error @+1 {{operand #0 does not dominate this use}}
"foo.use" (%1) : (i32) -> ()
br ^bb2
// expected-note @+1 {{operand defined here}}
%1 = constant 0 : i32
"foo.yield" () : () -> ()
}) : () -> ()
// -----
// expected-error @+1 {{unbalanced ']' character in pretty dialect name}}
func @invalid_unknown_type_dialect_name() -> !invalid.dialect<!x@#]!@#>
// -----
// expected-error @+1 {{@ identifier expected to start with letter or '_'}}
func @$invalid_function_name()
// -----
// expected-error @+1 {{arguments may only have dialect attributes}}
func @invalid_func_arg_attr(i1 {non_dialect_attr = 10})
// -----
// expected-error @+1 {{results may only have dialect attributes}}
func @invalid_func_result_attr() -> (i1 {non_dialect_attr = 10})
// -----
// expected-error @+1 {{expected '<' in tuple type}}
func @invalid_tuple_missing_less(tuple i32>)
// -----
// expected-error @+1 {{expected '>' in tuple type}}
func @invalid_tuple_missing_greater(tuple<i32)
Allow creating standalone Regions Currently, regions can only be constructed by passing in a `Function` or an `Instruction` pointer referencing the parent object, unlike `Function`s or `Instruction`s themselves that can be created without a parent. It leads to a rather complex flow in operation construction where one has to create the operation first before being able to work with its regions. It may be necessary to work with the regions before the operation is created. In particular, in `build` and `parse` functions that are executed _before_ the operation is created in cases where boilerplate region manipulation is required (for example, inserting the hypothetical default terminator in affine regions). Allow creating standalone regions. Such regions are meant to own a list of blocks and transfer them to other regions on demand. Each instruction stores a fixed number of regions as trailing objects and has ownership of them. This decreases the size of the Instruction object for the common case of instructions without regions. Keep this behavior intact. To allow some flexibility in construction, make OperationState store an owning vector of regions. When the Builder creates an Instruction from OperationState, the bodies of the regions are transferred into the instruction-owned regions to minimize copying. Thus, it becomes possible to fill standalone regions with blocks and move them to an operation when it is constructed, or move blocks from a region to an operation region, e.g., for inlining. PiperOrigin-RevId: 240368183
2019-03-27 00:55:06 +08:00
// -----
// Should not crash because of deletion order here.
func @invalid_region_dominance() {
"foo.use" (%1) : (i32) -> ()
"foo.region"() ({
Allow creating standalone Regions Currently, regions can only be constructed by passing in a `Function` or an `Instruction` pointer referencing the parent object, unlike `Function`s or `Instruction`s themselves that can be created without a parent. It leads to a rather complex flow in operation construction where one has to create the operation first before being able to work with its regions. It may be necessary to work with the regions before the operation is created. In particular, in `build` and `parse` functions that are executed _before_ the operation is created in cases where boilerplate region manipulation is required (for example, inserting the hypothetical default terminator in affine regions). Allow creating standalone regions. Such regions are meant to own a list of blocks and transfer them to other regions on demand. Each instruction stores a fixed number of regions as trailing objects and has ownership of them. This decreases the size of the Instruction object for the common case of instructions without regions. Keep this behavior intact. To allow some flexibility in construction, make OperationState store an owning vector of regions. When the Builder creates an Instruction from OperationState, the bodies of the regions are transferred into the instruction-owned regions to minimize copying. Thus, it becomes possible to fill standalone regions with blocks and move them to an operation when it is constructed, or move blocks from a region to an operation region, e.g., for inlining. PiperOrigin-RevId: 240368183
2019-03-27 00:55:06 +08:00
%1 = constant 0 : i32 // This value is used outside of the region.
"foo.yield" () : () -> ()
}, {
Allow creating standalone Regions Currently, regions can only be constructed by passing in a `Function` or an `Instruction` pointer referencing the parent object, unlike `Function`s or `Instruction`s themselves that can be created without a parent. It leads to a rather complex flow in operation construction where one has to create the operation first before being able to work with its regions. It may be necessary to work with the regions before the operation is created. In particular, in `build` and `parse` functions that are executed _before_ the operation is created in cases where boilerplate region manipulation is required (for example, inserting the hypothetical default terminator in affine regions). Allow creating standalone regions. Such regions are meant to own a list of blocks and transfer them to other regions on demand. Each instruction stores a fixed number of regions as trailing objects and has ownership of them. This decreases the size of the Instruction object for the common case of instructions without regions. Keep this behavior intact. To allow some flexibility in construction, make OperationState store an owning vector of regions. When the Builder creates an Instruction from OperationState, the bodies of the regions are transferred into the instruction-owned regions to minimize copying. Thus, it becomes possible to fill standalone regions with blocks and move them to an operation when it is constructed, or move blocks from a region to an operation region, e.g., for inlining. PiperOrigin-RevId: 240368183
2019-03-27 00:55:06 +08:00
// expected-error @+1 {{expected operation name in quotes}}
%2 = constant 1 i32 // Syntax error causes region deletion.
}) : () -> ()
Allow creating standalone Regions Currently, regions can only be constructed by passing in a `Function` or an `Instruction` pointer referencing the parent object, unlike `Function`s or `Instruction`s themselves that can be created without a parent. It leads to a rather complex flow in operation construction where one has to create the operation first before being able to work with its regions. It may be necessary to work with the regions before the operation is created. In particular, in `build` and `parse` functions that are executed _before_ the operation is created in cases where boilerplate region manipulation is required (for example, inserting the hypothetical default terminator in affine regions). Allow creating standalone regions. Such regions are meant to own a list of blocks and transfer them to other regions on demand. Each instruction stores a fixed number of regions as trailing objects and has ownership of them. This decreases the size of the Instruction object for the common case of instructions without regions. Keep this behavior intact. To allow some flexibility in construction, make OperationState store an owning vector of regions. When the Builder creates an Instruction from OperationState, the bodies of the regions are transferred into the instruction-owned regions to minimize copying. Thus, it becomes possible to fill standalone regions with blocks and move them to an operation when it is constructed, or move blocks from a region to an operation region, e.g., for inlining. PiperOrigin-RevId: 240368183
2019-03-27 00:55:06 +08:00
// -----
// Should not crash because of deletion order here.
func @invalid_region_block() {
"foo.branch"()[^bb2] : () -> () // Attempt to jump into the region.
"foo.region"() ({
Allow creating standalone Regions Currently, regions can only be constructed by passing in a `Function` or an `Instruction` pointer referencing the parent object, unlike `Function`s or `Instruction`s themselves that can be created without a parent. It leads to a rather complex flow in operation construction where one has to create the operation first before being able to work with its regions. It may be necessary to work with the regions before the operation is created. In particular, in `build` and `parse` functions that are executed _before_ the operation is created in cases where boilerplate region manipulation is required (for example, inserting the hypothetical default terminator in affine regions). Allow creating standalone regions. Such regions are meant to own a list of blocks and transfer them to other regions on demand. Each instruction stores a fixed number of regions as trailing objects and has ownership of them. This decreases the size of the Instruction object for the common case of instructions without regions. Keep this behavior intact. To allow some flexibility in construction, make OperationState store an owning vector of regions. When the Builder creates an Instruction from OperationState, the bodies of the regions are transferred into the instruction-owned regions to minimize copying. Thus, it becomes possible to fill standalone regions with blocks and move them to an operation when it is constructed, or move blocks from a region to an operation region, e.g., for inlining. PiperOrigin-RevId: 240368183
2019-03-27 00:55:06 +08:00
"foo.yield"() : () -> ()
}, {
Allow creating standalone Regions Currently, regions can only be constructed by passing in a `Function` or an `Instruction` pointer referencing the parent object, unlike `Function`s or `Instruction`s themselves that can be created without a parent. It leads to a rather complex flow in operation construction where one has to create the operation first before being able to work with its regions. It may be necessary to work with the regions before the operation is created. In particular, in `build` and `parse` functions that are executed _before_ the operation is created in cases where boilerplate region manipulation is required (for example, inserting the hypothetical default terminator in affine regions). Allow creating standalone regions. Such regions are meant to own a list of blocks and transfer them to other regions on demand. Each instruction stores a fixed number of regions as trailing objects and has ownership of them. This decreases the size of the Instruction object for the common case of instructions without regions. Keep this behavior intact. To allow some flexibility in construction, make OperationState store an owning vector of regions. When the Builder creates an Instruction from OperationState, the bodies of the regions are transferred into the instruction-owned regions to minimize copying. Thus, it becomes possible to fill standalone regions with blocks and move them to an operation when it is constructed, or move blocks from a region to an operation region, e.g., for inlining. PiperOrigin-RevId: 240368183
2019-03-27 00:55:06 +08:00
// expected-error @+1 {{expected operation name in quotes}}
%2 = constant 1 i32 // Syntax error causes region deletion.
}) : () -> ()
Allow creating standalone Regions Currently, regions can only be constructed by passing in a `Function` or an `Instruction` pointer referencing the parent object, unlike `Function`s or `Instruction`s themselves that can be created without a parent. It leads to a rather complex flow in operation construction where one has to create the operation first before being able to work with its regions. It may be necessary to work with the regions before the operation is created. In particular, in `build` and `parse` functions that are executed _before_ the operation is created in cases where boilerplate region manipulation is required (for example, inserting the hypothetical default terminator in affine regions). Allow creating standalone regions. Such regions are meant to own a list of blocks and transfer them to other regions on demand. Each instruction stores a fixed number of regions as trailing objects and has ownership of them. This decreases the size of the Instruction object for the common case of instructions without regions. Keep this behavior intact. To allow some flexibility in construction, make OperationState store an owning vector of regions. When the Builder creates an Instruction from OperationState, the bodies of the regions are transferred into the instruction-owned regions to minimize copying. Thus, it becomes possible to fill standalone regions with blocks and move them to an operation when it is constructed, or move blocks from a region to an operation region, e.g., for inlining. PiperOrigin-RevId: 240368183
2019-03-27 00:55:06 +08:00
// -----
// Should not crash because of deletion order here.
func @invalid_region_dominance() {
"foo.use" (%1) : (i32) -> ()
"foo.region"() ({
"foo.region"() ({
Allow creating standalone Regions Currently, regions can only be constructed by passing in a `Function` or an `Instruction` pointer referencing the parent object, unlike `Function`s or `Instruction`s themselves that can be created without a parent. It leads to a rather complex flow in operation construction where one has to create the operation first before being able to work with its regions. It may be necessary to work with the regions before the operation is created. In particular, in `build` and `parse` functions that are executed _before_ the operation is created in cases where boilerplate region manipulation is required (for example, inserting the hypothetical default terminator in affine regions). Allow creating standalone regions. Such regions are meant to own a list of blocks and transfer them to other regions on demand. Each instruction stores a fixed number of regions as trailing objects and has ownership of them. This decreases the size of the Instruction object for the common case of instructions without regions. Keep this behavior intact. To allow some flexibility in construction, make OperationState store an owning vector of regions. When the Builder creates an Instruction from OperationState, the bodies of the regions are transferred into the instruction-owned regions to minimize copying. Thus, it becomes possible to fill standalone regions with blocks and move them to an operation when it is constructed, or move blocks from a region to an operation region, e.g., for inlining. PiperOrigin-RevId: 240368183
2019-03-27 00:55:06 +08:00
%1 = constant 0 : i32 // This value is used outside of the region.
"foo.yield" () : () -> ()
}) : () -> ()
}, {
Allow creating standalone Regions Currently, regions can only be constructed by passing in a `Function` or an `Instruction` pointer referencing the parent object, unlike `Function`s or `Instruction`s themselves that can be created without a parent. It leads to a rather complex flow in operation construction where one has to create the operation first before being able to work with its regions. It may be necessary to work with the regions before the operation is created. In particular, in `build` and `parse` functions that are executed _before_ the operation is created in cases where boilerplate region manipulation is required (for example, inserting the hypothetical default terminator in affine regions). Allow creating standalone regions. Such regions are meant to own a list of blocks and transfer them to other regions on demand. Each instruction stores a fixed number of regions as trailing objects and has ownership of them. This decreases the size of the Instruction object for the common case of instructions without regions. Keep this behavior intact. To allow some flexibility in construction, make OperationState store an owning vector of regions. When the Builder creates an Instruction from OperationState, the bodies of the regions are transferred into the instruction-owned regions to minimize copying. Thus, it becomes possible to fill standalone regions with blocks and move them to an operation when it is constructed, or move blocks from a region to an operation region, e.g., for inlining. PiperOrigin-RevId: 240368183
2019-03-27 00:55:06 +08:00
// expected-error @+1 {{expected operation name in quotes}}
%2 = constant 1 i32 // Syntax error causes region deletion.
}) : () -> ()
Allow creating standalone Regions Currently, regions can only be constructed by passing in a `Function` or an `Instruction` pointer referencing the parent object, unlike `Function`s or `Instruction`s themselves that can be created without a parent. It leads to a rather complex flow in operation construction where one has to create the operation first before being able to work with its regions. It may be necessary to work with the regions before the operation is created. In particular, in `build` and `parse` functions that are executed _before_ the operation is created in cases where boilerplate region manipulation is required (for example, inserting the hypothetical default terminator in affine regions). Allow creating standalone regions. Such regions are meant to own a list of blocks and transfer them to other regions on demand. Each instruction stores a fixed number of regions as trailing objects and has ownership of them. This decreases the size of the Instruction object for the common case of instructions without regions. Keep this behavior intact. To allow some flexibility in construction, make OperationState store an owning vector of regions. When the Builder creates an Instruction from OperationState, the bodies of the regions are transferred into the instruction-owned regions to minimize copying. Thus, it becomes possible to fill standalone regions with blocks and move them to an operation when it is constructed, or move blocks from a region to an operation region, e.g., for inlining. PiperOrigin-RevId: 240368183
2019-03-27 00:55:06 +08:00
// -----
func @unfinished_region_list() {
// expected-error@+1 {{expected ')' to end region list}}
"region"() ({},{},{} : () -> ()
// -----
func @multi_result_missing_count() {
// expected-error@+1 {{expected integer number of results}}
%0: = "foo" () : () -> (i32, i32)
// -----
func @multi_result_zero_count() {
// expected-error@+1 {{expected named operation to have atleast 1 result}}
%0:0 = "foo" () : () -> (i32, i32)
// -----
func @multi_result_invalid_identifier() {
// expected-error@+1 {{expected valid ssa identifier}}
%0, = "foo" () : () -> (i32, i32)
// -----
func @multi_result_mismatch_count() {
// expected-error@+1 {{operation defines 2 results but was provided 1 to bind}}
%0:1 = "foo" () : () -> (i32, i32)
// -----
func @multi_result_mismatch_count() {
// expected-error@+1 {{operation defines 2 results but was provided 3 to bind}}
%0, %1, %3 = "foo" () : () -> (i32, i32)
// -----
func @no_result_with_name() {
// expected-error@+1 {{cannot name an operation with no results}}
%0 = "foo" () : () -> ()
// -----
func @conflicting_names() {
// expected-note@+1 {{previously defined here}}
%foo, %bar = "foo" () : () -> (i32, i32)
// expected-error@+1 {{redefinition of SSA value '%bar'}}
%bar, %baz = "foo" () : () -> (i32, i32)
// -----
func @ssa_name_missing_eq() {
// expected-error@+1 {{expected '=' after SSA name}}
%0:2 "foo" () : () -> (i32, i32)
// -----
// expected-error @+1 {{invalid element type for complex}}
func @bad_complex(complex<memref<2x4xi8>>)
// -----
// expected-error @+1 {{expected '<' in complex type}}
func @bad_complex(complex memref<2x4xi8>>)
// -----
// expected-error @+1 {{expected '>' in complex type}}
func @bad_complex(complex<i32)
// -----
// expected-error @+1 {{attribute names with a '.' are reserved for dialect-defined names}}
#foo.attr = i32
// -----
func @invalid_region_dominance() {
[MLIR] Add RegionKindInterface Some dialects have semantics which is not well represented by common SSA structures with dominance constraints. This patch allows operations to declare the 'kind' of their contained regions. Currently, two kinds are allowed: "SSACFG" and "Graph". The only difference between them at the moment is that SSACFG regions are required to have dominance, while Graph regions are not required to have dominance. The intention is that this Interface would be generated by ODS for existing operations, although this has not yet been implemented. Presumably, if someone were interested in code generation, we might also have a "CFG" dialect, which defines control flow, but does not require SSA. The new behavior is mostly identical to the previous behavior, since registered operations without a RegionKindInterface are assumed to contain SSACFG regions. However, the behavior has changed for unregistered operations. Previously, these were checked for dominance, however the new behavior allows dominance violations, in order to allow the processing of unregistered dialects with Graph regions. One implication of this is that regions in unregistered operations with more than one op are no longer CSE'd (since it requires dominance info). I've also reorganized the LangRef documentation to remove assertions about "sequential execution", "SSA Values", and "Dominance". Instead, the core IR is simply "ordered" (i.e. totally ordered) and consists of "Values". I've also clarified some things about how control flow passes between blocks in an SSACFG region. Control Flow must enter a region at the entry block and follow terminator operation successors or be returned to the containing op. Graph regions do not define a notion of control flow. see discussion here: https://llvm.discourse.group/t/rfc-allowing-dialects-to-relax-the-ssa-dominance-condition/833/53 Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D80358
2020-05-16 01:33:13 +08:00
"test.ssacfg_region"() ({
// expected-error @+1 {{operand #0 does not dominate this use}}
"foo.use" (%def) : (i32) -> ()
"foo.yield" () : () -> ()
}, {
// expected-note @+1 {{operand defined here}}
%def = "foo.def" () : () -> i32
}) : () -> ()
// -----
func @invalid_region_dominance() {
// expected-note @+1 {{operand defined here}}
[MLIR] Add RegionKindInterface Some dialects have semantics which is not well represented by common SSA structures with dominance constraints. This patch allows operations to declare the 'kind' of their contained regions. Currently, two kinds are allowed: "SSACFG" and "Graph". The only difference between them at the moment is that SSACFG regions are required to have dominance, while Graph regions are not required to have dominance. The intention is that this Interface would be generated by ODS for existing operations, although this has not yet been implemented. Presumably, if someone were interested in code generation, we might also have a "CFG" dialect, which defines control flow, but does not require SSA. The new behavior is mostly identical to the previous behavior, since registered operations without a RegionKindInterface are assumed to contain SSACFG regions. However, the behavior has changed for unregistered operations. Previously, these were checked for dominance, however the new behavior allows dominance violations, in order to allow the processing of unregistered dialects with Graph regions. One implication of this is that regions in unregistered operations with more than one op are no longer CSE'd (since it requires dominance info). I've also reorganized the LangRef documentation to remove assertions about "sequential execution", "SSA Values", and "Dominance". Instead, the core IR is simply "ordered" (i.e. totally ordered) and consists of "Values". I've also clarified some things about how control flow passes between blocks in an SSACFG region. Control Flow must enter a region at the entry block and follow terminator operation successors or be returned to the containing op. Graph regions do not define a notion of control flow. see discussion here: https://llvm.discourse.group/t/rfc-allowing-dialects-to-relax-the-ssa-dominance-condition/833/53 Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D80358
2020-05-16 01:33:13 +08:00
%def = "test.ssacfg_region"() ({
// expected-error @+1 {{operand #0 does not dominate this use}}
"foo.use" (%def) : (i32) -> ()
"foo.yield" () : () -> ()
}) : () -> (i32)
// -----
func @hexadecimal_float_leading_minus() {
// expected-error @+1 {{hexadecimal float literal should not have a leading minus}}
"foo"() {value = -0x7fff : f16} : () -> ()
// -----
func @hexadecimal_float_literal_overflow() {
// expected-error @+1 {{hexadecimal float constant out of range for type}}
"foo"() {value = 0xffffffff : f16} : () -> ()
// -----
func @decimal_float_literal() {
// expected-error @+2 {{unexpected decimal integer literal for a float attribute}}
// expected-note @+1 {{add a trailing dot to make the literal a float}}
"foo"() {value = 42 : f32} : () -> ()
// -----
func @float_in_int_tensor() {
// expected-error @+1 {{expected integer elements, but parsed floating-point}}
"foo"() {bar = dense<[42.0, 42]> : tensor<2xi32>} : () -> ()
// -----
func @float_in_bool_tensor() {
// expected-error @+1 {{expected integer elements, but parsed floating-point}}
"foo"() {bar = dense<[true, 42.0]> : tensor<2xi1>} : () -> ()
// -----
func @decimal_int_in_float_tensor() {
// expected-error @+1 {{expected floating-point elements, but parsed integer}}
"foo"() {bar = dense<[42, 42.0]> : tensor<2xf32>} : () -> ()
// -----
func @bool_in_float_tensor() {
// expected-error @+1 {{expected floating-point elements, but parsed integer}}
"foo"() {bar = dense<[42.0, true]> : tensor<2xf32>} : () -> ()
// -----
func @hexadecimal_float_leading_minus_in_tensor() {
// expected-error @+1 {{hexadecimal float literal should not have a leading minus}}
"foo"() {bar = dense<-0x7FFFFFFF> : tensor<2xf32>} : () -> ()
// -----
// Check that we report an error when a value could be parsed, but does not fit
// into the specified type.
func @hexadecimal_float_too_wide_for_type_in_tensor() {
// expected-error @+1 {{hexadecimal float constant out of range for type}}
"foo"() {bar = dense<0x7FF0000000000000> : tensor<2xf32>} : () -> ()
// -----
// Check that we report an error when a value is too wide to be parsed.
func @hexadecimal_float_too_wide_in_tensor() {
// expected-error @+1 {{hexadecimal float constant out of range for attribute}}
"foo"() {bar = dense<0x7FFFFFF0000000000000> : tensor<2xf32>} : () -> ()
// -----
func @integer_too_wide_in_tensor() {
// expected-error @+1 {{integer constant out of range for type}}
"foo"() {bar = dense<0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF> : tensor<2xi16>} : () -> ()
// -----
func @bool_literal_in_non_bool_tensor() {
// expected-error @+1 {{expected i1 type for 'true' or 'false' values}}
"foo"() {bar = dense<true> : tensor<2xi16>} : () -> ()
[mlir] Add a signedness semantics bit to IntegerType Thus far IntegerType has been signless: a value of IntegerType does not have a sign intrinsically and it's up to the specific operation to decide how to interpret those bits. For example, std.addi does two's complement arithmetic, and std.divis/std.diviu treats the first bit as a sign. This design choice was made some time ago when we did't have lots of dialects and dialects were more rigid. Today we have much more extensible infrastructure and different dialect may want different modelling over integer signedness. So while we can say we want signless integers in the standard dialect, we cannot dictate for others. Requiring each dialect to model the signedness semantics with another set of custom types is duplicating the functionality everywhere, considering the fundamental role integer types play. This CL extends the IntegerType with a signedness semantics bit. This gives each dialect an option to opt in signedness semantics if that's what they want and helps code sharing. The parser is modified to recognize `si[1-9][0-9]*` and `ui[1-9][0-9]*` as signed and unsigned integer types, respectively, leaving the original `i[1-9][0-9]*` to continue to mean no indication over signedness semantics. All existing dialects are not affected (yet) as this is a feature to opt in. More discussions can be found at: https://groups.google.com/a/tensorflow.org/d/msg/mlir/XmkV8HOPWpo/7O4X0Nb_AQAJ Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D72533
2020-01-11 03:48:24 +08:00
// -----
// expected-error @+1 {{unbalanced ')' character in pretty dialect name}}
func @bad_arrow(%arg : !unreg.ptr<(i32)->)
[mlir] Add a signedness semantics bit to IntegerType Thus far IntegerType has been signless: a value of IntegerType does not have a sign intrinsically and it's up to the specific operation to decide how to interpret those bits. For example, std.addi does two's complement arithmetic, and std.divis/std.diviu treats the first bit as a sign. This design choice was made some time ago when we did't have lots of dialects and dialects were more rigid. Today we have much more extensible infrastructure and different dialect may want different modelling over integer signedness. So while we can say we want signless integers in the standard dialect, we cannot dictate for others. Requiring each dialect to model the signedness semantics with another set of custom types is duplicating the functionality everywhere, considering the fundamental role integer types play. This CL extends the IntegerType with a signedness semantics bit. This gives each dialect an option to opt in signedness semantics if that's what they want and helps code sharing. The parser is modified to recognize `si[1-9][0-9]*` and `ui[1-9][0-9]*` as signed and unsigned integer types, respectively, leaving the original `i[1-9][0-9]*` to continue to mean no indication over signedness semantics. All existing dialects are not affected (yet) as this is a feature to opt in. More discussions can be found at: https://groups.google.com/a/tensorflow.org/d/msg/mlir/XmkV8HOPWpo/7O4X0Nb_AQAJ Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D72533
2020-01-11 03:48:24 +08:00
// -----
func @negative_value_in_unsigned_int_attr() {
// expected-error @+1 {{negative integer literal not valid for unsigned integer type}}
"foo"() {bar = -5 : ui32} : () -> ()
// -----
func @negative_value_in_unsigned_vector_attr() {
// expected-error @+1 {{expected unsigned integer elements, but parsed negative value}}
"foo"() {bar = dense<[5, -5]> : vector<2xui32>} : () -> ()
// -----
func @large_bound() {
"test.out_of_range_attribute"() {
// expected-error @+1 {{integer constant out of range for attribute}}
attr = -129 : i8
} : () -> ()
// -----
func @large_bound() {
"test.out_of_range_attribute"() {
// expected-error @+1 {{integer constant out of range for attribute}}
attr = 256 : i8
} : () -> ()
// -----
func @large_bound() {
"test.out_of_range_attribute"() {
// expected-error @+1 {{integer constant out of range for attribute}}
attr = -129 : si8
} : () -> ()
// -----
func @large_bound() {
"test.out_of_range_attribute"() {
// expected-error @+1 {{integer constant out of range for attribute}}
attr = 129 : si8
} : () -> ()
// -----
func @large_bound() {
"test.out_of_range_attribute"() {
// expected-error @+1 {{negative integer literal not valid for unsigned integer type}}
attr = -1 : ui8
} : () -> ()
// -----
func @large_bound() {
"test.out_of_range_attribute"() {
// expected-error @+1 {{integer constant out of range for attribute}}
attr = 256 : ui8
} : () -> ()
// -----
func @large_bound() {
"test.out_of_range_attribute"() {
// expected-error @+1 {{integer constant out of range for attribute}}
attr = -32769 : i16
} : () -> ()
// -----
func @large_bound() {
"test.out_of_range_attribute"() {
// expected-error @+1 {{integer constant out of range for attribute}}
attr = 65536 : i16
} : () -> ()
// -----
func @large_bound() {
"test.out_of_range_attribute"() {
// expected-error @+1 {{integer constant out of range for attribute}}
attr = -32769 : si16
} : () -> ()
// -----
func @large_bound() {
"test.out_of_range_attribute"() {
// expected-error @+1 {{integer constant out of range for attribute}}
attr = 32768 : si16
} : () -> ()
// -----
func @large_bound() {
"test.out_of_range_attribute"() {
// expected-error @+1 {{negative integer literal not valid for unsigned integer type}}
attr = -1 : ui16
} : () -> ()
// -----
func @large_bound() {
"test.out_of_range_attribute"() {
// expected-error @+1 {{integer constant out of range for attribute}}
attr = 65536: ui16
} : () -> ()
// -----
func @large_bound() {
"test.out_of_range_attribute"() {
// expected-error @+1 {{integer constant out of range for attribute}}
attr = -2147483649 : i32
} : () -> ()
// -----
func @large_bound() {
"test.out_of_range_attribute"() {
// expected-error @+1 {{integer constant out of range for attribute}}
attr = 4294967296 : i32
} : () -> ()
// -----
func @large_bound() {
"test.out_of_range_attribute"() {
// expected-error @+1 {{integer constant out of range for attribute}}
attr = -2147483649 : si32
} : () -> ()
// -----
func @large_bound() {
"test.out_of_range_attribute"() {
// expected-error @+1 {{integer constant out of range for attribute}}
attr = 2147483648 : si32
} : () -> ()
// -----
func @large_bound() {
"test.out_of_range_attribute"() {
// expected-error @+1 {{negative integer literal not valid for unsigned integer type}}
attr = -1 : ui32
} : () -> ()
// -----
func @large_bound() {
"test.out_of_range_attribute"() {
// expected-error @+1 {{integer constant out of range for attribute}}
attr = 4294967296 : ui32
} : () -> ()
// -----
func @large_bound() {
"test.out_of_range_attribute"() {
// expected-error @+1 {{integer constant out of range for attribute}}
attr = -9223372036854775809 : i64
} : () -> ()
// -----
func @large_bound() {
"test.out_of_range_attribute"() {
// expected-error @+1 {{integer constant out of range for attribute}}
attr = 18446744073709551616 : i64
} : () -> ()
// -----
func @large_bound() {
"test.out_of_range_attribute"() {
// expected-error @+1 {{integer constant out of range for attribute}}
attr = -9223372036854775809 : si64
} : () -> ()
// -----
func @large_bound() {
"test.out_of_range_attribute"() {
// expected-error @+1 {{integer constant out of range for attribute}}
attr = 9223372036854775808 : si64
} : () -> ()
// -----
func @large_bound() {
"test.out_of_range_attribute"() {
// expected-error @+1 {{negative integer literal not valid for unsigned integer type}}
attr = -1 : ui64
} : () -> ()
// -----
func @large_bound() {
"test.out_of_range_attribute"() {
// expected-error @+1 {{integer constant out of range for attribute}}
attr = 18446744073709551616 : ui64
} : () -> ()
// -----
func @really_large_bound() {
"test.out_of_range_attribute"() {
// expected-error @+1 {{integer constant out of range for attribute}}
attr = 79228162514264337593543950336 : ui96
} : () -> ()
// -----
func @really_large_bound() {
"test.out_of_range_attribute"() {
// expected-error @+1 {{integer constant out of range for attribute}}
attr = 79228162514264337593543950336 : i96
} : () -> ()
// -----
func @really_large_bound() {
"test.out_of_range_attribute"() {
// expected-error @+1 {{integer constant out of range for attribute}}
attr = 39614081257132168796771975168 : si96
} : () -> ()
// -----
func @duplicate_dictionary_attr_key() {
// expected-error @+1 {{duplicate key in dictionary attribute}}
"foo.op"() {a, a} : () -> ()
// -----
func @forward_reference_type_check() -> (i8) {
br ^bb2
// expected-note @+1 {{previously used here with type 'i8'}}
return %1 : i8
// expected-error @+1 {{definition of SSA value '%1#0' has type 'f32'}}
%1 = "bar"() : () -> (f32)
br ^bb1
// -----
func @dominance_error_in_unreachable_op() -> i1 {
%c = constant false
return %c : i1
[MLIR] Add RegionKindInterface Some dialects have semantics which is not well represented by common SSA structures with dominance constraints. This patch allows operations to declare the 'kind' of their contained regions. Currently, two kinds are allowed: "SSACFG" and "Graph". The only difference between them at the moment is that SSACFG regions are required to have dominance, while Graph regions are not required to have dominance. The intention is that this Interface would be generated by ODS for existing operations, although this has not yet been implemented. Presumably, if someone were interested in code generation, we might also have a "CFG" dialect, which defines control flow, but does not require SSA. The new behavior is mostly identical to the previous behavior, since registered operations without a RegionKindInterface are assumed to contain SSACFG regions. However, the behavior has changed for unregistered operations. Previously, these were checked for dominance, however the new behavior allows dominance violations, in order to allow the processing of unregistered dialects with Graph regions. One implication of this is that regions in unregistered operations with more than one op are no longer CSE'd (since it requires dominance info). I've also reorganized the LangRef documentation to remove assertions about "sequential execution", "SSA Values", and "Dominance". Instead, the core IR is simply "ordered" (i.e. totally ordered) and consists of "Values". I've also clarified some things about how control flow passes between blocks in an SSACFG region. Control Flow must enter a region at the entry block and follow terminator operation successors or be returned to the containing op. Graph regions do not define a notion of control flow. see discussion here: https://llvm.discourse.group/t/rfc-allowing-dialects-to-relax-the-ssa-dominance-condition/833/53 Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D80358
2020-05-16 01:33:13 +08:00
"test.ssacfg_region" () ({ // unreachable
// expected-error @+1 {{operand #0 does not dominate this use}}
%2:3 = "bar"(%1) : (i64) -> (i1,i1,i1)
br ^bb4
br ^bb2
%1 = "foo"() : ()->i64 // expected-note {{operand defined here}}
}) : () -> ()
return %c : i1
[MLIR] Add RegionKindInterface Some dialects have semantics which is not well represented by common SSA structures with dominance constraints. This patch allows operations to declare the 'kind' of their contained regions. Currently, two kinds are allowed: "SSACFG" and "Graph". The only difference between them at the moment is that SSACFG regions are required to have dominance, while Graph regions are not required to have dominance. The intention is that this Interface would be generated by ODS for existing operations, although this has not yet been implemented. Presumably, if someone were interested in code generation, we might also have a "CFG" dialect, which defines control flow, but does not require SSA. The new behavior is mostly identical to the previous behavior, since registered operations without a RegionKindInterface are assumed to contain SSACFG regions. However, the behavior has changed for unregistered operations. Previously, these were checked for dominance, however the new behavior allows dominance violations, in order to allow the processing of unregistered dialects with Graph regions. One implication of this is that regions in unregistered operations with more than one op are no longer CSE'd (since it requires dominance info). I've also reorganized the LangRef documentation to remove assertions about "sequential execution", "SSA Values", and "Dominance". Instead, the core IR is simply "ordered" (i.e. totally ordered) and consists of "Values". I've also clarified some things about how control flow passes between blocks in an SSACFG region. Control Flow must enter a region at the entry block and follow terminator operation successors or be returned to the containing op. Graph regions do not define a notion of control flow. see discussion here: https://llvm.discourse.group/t/rfc-allowing-dialects-to-relax-the-ssa-dominance-condition/833/53 Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D80358
2020-05-16 01:33:13 +08:00
// -----
func @invalid_region_dominance_with_dominance_free_regions() {
test.graph_region {
"foo.use" (%1) : (i32) -> ()
"foo.region"() ({
%1 = constant 0 : i32 // This value is used outside of the region.
"foo.yield" () : () -> ()
}, {
// expected-error @+1 {{expected operation name in quotes}}
%2 = constant 1 i32 // Syntax error causes region deletion.
}) : () -> ()