2019-10-03 08:39:33 +08:00
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++2a -verify %s -DNEW=__builtin_operator_new -DDELETE=__builtin_operator_delete
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++2a -verify %s "-DNEW=operator new" "-DDELETE=operator delete"
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++2a -verify %s "-DNEW=::operator new" "-DDELETE=::operator delete"
constexpr bool alloc_from_user_code ( ) {
void * p = NEW ( sizeof ( int ) ) ; // expected-note {{cannot allocate untyped memory in a constant expression; use 'std::allocator<T>::allocate'}}
DELETE ( p ) ;
return true ;
static_assert ( alloc_from_user_code ( ) ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{in call}}
namespace std {
using size_t = decltype ( sizeof ( 0 ) ) ;
// FIXME: It would be preferable to point these notes at the location of the call to allocator<...>::[de]allocate instead
template < typename T > struct allocator {
constexpr T * allocate ( size_t N ) {
return ( T * ) NEW ( sizeof ( T ) * N ) ; // expected-note 3{{heap allocation}} expected-note {{not deallocated}}
constexpr void deallocate ( void * p ) {
DELETE ( p ) ; // expected-note 2{{'std::allocator<...>::deallocate' used to delete pointer to object allocated with 'new'}}
} ;
constexpr bool alloc_via_std_allocator ( ) {
std : : allocator < int > alloc ;
int * p = alloc . allocate ( 1 ) ;
alloc . deallocate ( p ) ;
return true ;
static_assert ( alloc_via_std_allocator ( ) ) ;
template < > struct std : : allocator < void ( ) > {
constexpr void * allocate ( ) { return NEW ( 8 ) ; } // expected-note {{cannot allocate memory of function type 'void ()'}}
} ;
constexpr void * fn = std : : allocator < void ( ) > ( ) . allocate ( ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{in call}}
struct Incomplete ;
template < > struct std : : allocator < Incomplete > {
constexpr void * allocate ( ) { return NEW ( 8 ) ; } // expected-note {{cannot allocate memory of incomplete type 'Incomplete'}}
} ;
constexpr void * incomplete = std : : allocator < Incomplete > ( ) . allocate ( ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{in call}}
struct WrongSize { char x [ 5 ] ; } ;
static_assert ( sizeof ( WrongSize ) = = 5 ) ;
template < > struct std : : allocator < WrongSize > {
constexpr void * allocate ( ) { return NEW ( 7 ) ; } // expected-note {{allocated size 7 is not a multiple of size 5 of element type 'WrongSize'}}
} ;
constexpr void * wrong_size = std : : allocator < WrongSize > ( ) . allocate ( ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{in call}}
constexpr bool mismatched ( int alloc_kind , int dealloc_kind ) {
int * p ;
switch ( alloc_kind ) {
case 0 :
p = new int ; // expected-note {{heap allocation}}
break ;
case 1 :
p = new int [ 1 ] ; // expected-note {{heap allocation}}
break ;
case 2 :
p = std : : allocator < int > ( ) . allocate ( 1 ) ;
break ;
switch ( dealloc_kind ) {
case 0 :
delete p ; // expected-note {{'delete' used to delete pointer to object allocated with 'std::allocator<...>::allocate'}}
break ;
case 1 :
delete [ ] p ; // expected-note {{'delete' used to delete pointer to object allocated with 'std::allocator<...>::allocate'}}
break ;
case 2 :
std : : allocator < int > ( ) . deallocate ( p ) ; // expected-note 2{{in call}}
break ;
return true ;
static_assert ( mismatched ( 0 , 2 ) ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{in call}}
static_assert ( mismatched ( 1 , 2 ) ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{in call}}
static_assert ( mismatched ( 2 , 0 ) ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{in call}}
static_assert ( mismatched ( 2 , 1 ) ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{in call}}
static_assert ( mismatched ( 2 , 2 ) ) ;
constexpr int * escape = std : : allocator < int > ( ) . allocate ( 3 ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{pointer to subobject of heap-allocated}}
constexpr int leak = ( std : : allocator < int > ( ) . allocate ( 3 ) , 0 ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}}
constexpr int no_lifetime_start = ( * std : : allocator < int > ( ) . allocate ( 1 ) = 1 ) ; // expected-error {{constant expression}} expected-note {{assignment to object outside its lifetime}}
2019-10-03 08:39:35 +08:00
void * operator new ( std : : size_t , void * p ) { return p ; }
constexpr bool no_placement_new_in_user_code ( ) { // expected-error {{never produces a constant expression}}
int a ;
new ( & a ) int ( 42 ) ; // expected-note {{call to placement 'operator new'}}
return a = = 42 ;
namespace std {
constexpr bool placement_new_in_stdlib ( ) {
int a ;
new ( & a ) int ( 42 ) ;
return a = = 42 ;
static_assert ( std : : placement_new_in_stdlib ( ) ) ;
namespace std {
template < typename T , typename . . . Args >
constexpr void construct_at ( void * p , Args & & . . . args ) {
new ( p ) T ( ( Args & & ) args . . . ) ; // #new
constexpr bool call_std_construct_at ( ) {
int * p = std : : allocator < int > ( ) . allocate ( 3 ) ;
std : : construct_at < int > ( p , 1 ) ;
std : : construct_at < int > ( p + 1 , 2 ) ;
std : : construct_at < int > ( p + 2 , 3 ) ;
bool good = p [ 0 ] + p [ 1 ] + p [ 2 ] = = 6 ;
std : : allocator < int > ( ) . deallocate ( p ) ;
return good ;
static_assert ( call_std_construct_at ( ) ) ;
constexpr bool bad_construct_at_type ( ) {
int a ;
// expected-note@#new {{placement new would change type of storage from 'int' to 'float'}}
std : : construct_at < float > ( & a , 1.0f ) ; // expected-note {{in call}}
return true ;
static_assert ( bad_construct_at_type ( ) ) ; // expected-error{{}} expected-note {{in call}}
constexpr bool bad_construct_at_subobject ( ) {
struct X { int a , b ; } ;
union A {
int a ;
X x ;
} ;
A a = { 1 } ;
// expected-note@#new {{construction of subobject of member 'x' of union with active member 'a' is not allowed in a constant expression}}
std : : construct_at < int > ( & a . x . a , 1 ) ; // expected-note {{in call}}
return true ;
static_assert ( bad_construct_at_subobject ( ) ) ; // expected-error{{}} expected-note {{in call}}
constexpr bool change_union_member ( ) {
union U {
int a ;
int b ;
} ;
U u = { . a = 1 } ;
std : : construct_at < int > ( & u . b , 2 ) ;
return u . b = = 2 ;
static_assert ( change_union_member ( ) ) ;
int external ;
// expected-note@#new {{visible outside}}
static_assert ( ( std : : construct_at < int > ( & external , 1 ) , true ) ) ; // expected-error{{}} expected-note {{in call}}
constexpr int & & temporary = 0 ; // expected-note {{created here}}
// expected-note@#new {{construction of temporary is not allowed in a constant expression outside the expression that created the temporary}}
static_assert ( ( std : : construct_at < int > ( & temporary , 1 ) , true ) ) ; // expected-error{{}} expected-note {{in call}}
constexpr bool construct_after_lifetime ( ) {
int * p = new int ;
delete p ;
// expected-note@#new {{construction of heap allocated object that has been deleted}}
std : : construct_at < int > ( p ) ; // expected-note {{in call}}
return true ;
static_assert ( construct_after_lifetime ( ) ) ; // expected-error {{}} expected-note {{in call}}
2019-10-11 06:31:17 +08:00
constexpr bool construct_after_lifetime_2 ( ) {
struct A { struct B { } b ; } ;
A a ;
a . ~ A ( ) ;
std : : construct_at < A : : B > ( & a . b ) ; // expected-note {{in call}}
// expected-note@#new {{construction of subobject of object outside its lifetime is not allowed in a constant expression}}
return true ;
static_assert ( construct_after_lifetime_2 ( ) ) ; // expected-error {{}} expected-note {{in call}}