2019-07-09 00:50:11 +08:00
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* Automatically generated file, do not edit! *
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2021-08-27 22:16:22 +08:00
.. _amdgpu_synid_gfx10_tgt:
2019-07-09 00:50:11 +08:00
2021-08-27 22:16:22 +08:00
2019-07-09 00:50:11 +08:00
An export target:
============== ===================================
Syntax Description
============== ===================================
pos{0..4} Copy vertex position 0..4.
param{0..31} Copy vertex parameter 0..31.
mrt{0..7} Copy pixel color to the MRTs 0..7.
mrtz Copy pixel depth (Z) data.
prim Copy primitive (connectivity) data.
null Copy nothing.
============== ===================================