constPrivate&a=Private();// expected-warning {{copying variable of type 'CopyCtorIssues::Private' when binding a reference to a temporary would invoke an inaccessible constructor in C++98}}
constNoViable&b=NoViable();// expected-warning {{copying variable of type 'CopyCtorIssues::NoViable' when binding a reference to a temporary would find no viable constructor in C++98}}
constAmbiguous&c=Ambiguous();// expected-warning {{copying variable of type 'CopyCtorIssues::Ambiguous' when binding a reference to a temporary would find ambiguous constructors in C++98}}
constDeleted&d=Deleted();// expected-warning {{copying variable of type 'CopyCtorIssues::Deleted' when binding a reference to a temporary would invoke a deleted constructor in C++98}}