// Use the more strict checking mode on the pass_object_size attribute:
// expected-warning@-3 {{memcpy' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 4, but size argument is 20}}
// Or just fallback to type 0:
// expected-warning@-6 {{memcpy' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 8, but size argument is 20}}
__builtin_strncat(s1,s2,20);// expected-warning {{'strncat' size argument is too large; destination buffer has size 10, but size argument is 20}}
__builtin_strncpy(s1,s2,20);// expected-warning {{'strncpy' size argument is too large; destination buffer has size 10, but size argument is 20}}
__builtin_stpncpy(s1,s2,20);// expected-warning {{'stpncpy' size argument is too large; destination buffer has size 10, but size argument is 20}}
__builtin_memmove(s1,s2,20);// expected-warning {{'memmove' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 10, but size argument is 20}}
__builtin_memset(buf,0xff,11);// expected-warning {{'memset' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 10, but size argument is 11}}
__builtin_snprintf(buf,11,"merp");// expected-warning {{'snprintf' size argument is too large; destination buffer has size 10, but size argument is 11}}
__builtin_vsnprintf(buf,11,"merp",list);// expected-warning {{'vsnprintf' size argument is too large; destination buffer has size 10, but size argument is 11}}
__builtin___sprintf_chk(buf,1,5,"hell\n");// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 5, but format string expands to at least 6}}
__builtin___sprintf_chk(buf,1,6,"hell\0 boy");// expected-warning {{format string contains '\0' within the string body}}
__builtin___sprintf_chk(buf,1,2,"hell\0 boy");// expected-warning {{format string contains '\0' within the string body}}
// expected-warning@-1 {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 2, but format string expands to at least 5}}
__builtin___sprintf_chk(buf,1,5,"hello");// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 5, but format string expands to at least 6}}
__builtin___sprintf_chk(buf,1,1,"%c",'9');// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 1, but format string expands to at least 2}}
__builtin___sprintf_chk(buf,1,1,"%d",9);// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 1, but format string expands to at least 2}}
__builtin___sprintf_chk(buf,1,1,"%i",9);// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 1, but format string expands to at least 2}}
__builtin___sprintf_chk(buf,1,1,"%o",9);// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 1, but format string expands to at least 2}}
__builtin___sprintf_chk(buf,1,1,"%u",9);// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 1, but format string expands to at least 2}}
__builtin___sprintf_chk(buf,1,1,"%x",9);// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 1, but format string expands to at least 2}}
__builtin___sprintf_chk(buf,1,1,"%X",9);// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 1, but format string expands to at least 2}}
__builtin___sprintf_chk(buf,1,1,"%hhd",(char)9);// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 1, but format string expands to at least 2}}
__builtin___sprintf_chk(buf,1,1,"%hd",(short)9);// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 1, but format string expands to at least 2}}
__builtin___sprintf_chk(buf,1,1,"%ld",9l);// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 1, but format string expands to at least 2}}
__builtin___sprintf_chk(buf,1,1,"%lld",9ll);// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 1, but format string expands to at least 2}}
__builtin___sprintf_chk(buf,1,1,"%%");// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 1, but format string expands to at least 2}}
__builtin___sprintf_chk(buf,1,3,"%#x",9);// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 3, but format string expands to at least 4}}
__builtin___sprintf_chk(buf,1,3,"%p",(void*)9);// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 3, but format string expands to at least 4}}
__builtin___sprintf_chk(buf,1,2,"%+d",9);// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 2, but format string expands to at least 3}}
__builtin___sprintf_chk(buf,1,3,"% i",9);
__builtin___sprintf_chk(buf,1,2,"% i",9);// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 2, but format string expands to at least 3}}
__builtin___sprintf_chk(buf,1,5,"%5d",9);// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 5, but format string expands to at least 6}}
__builtin___sprintf_chk(buf,1,8,"%f",9.f);// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 8, but format string expands to at least 9}}
__builtin___sprintf_chk(buf,1,8,"%Lf",(longdouble)9.);// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 8, but format string expands to at least 9}}
__builtin___sprintf_chk(buf,1,9,"%+f",9.f);// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 9, but format string expands to at least 10}}
__builtin___sprintf_chk(buf,1,11,"%e",9.f);// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 11, but format string expands to at least 12}}
sprintf(buf,"hell\0 boy");// expected-warning {{format string contains '\0' within the string body}}
sprintf(buf,"hello b\0y");// expected-warning {{format string contains '\0' within the string body}}
// expected-warning@-1 {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 6, but format string expands to at least 8}}
sprintf(buf,"hello!");// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 6, but format string expands to at least 7}}
sprintf(buf,"12345%%");// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 6, but format string expands to at least 7}}
sprintf(buf,"12345%c",'9');// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 6, but format string expands to at least 7}}
sprintf(buf,"12345%d",9);// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 6, but format string expands to at least 7}}
sprintf(buf,"12345%lld",9ll);// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 6, but format string expands to at least 7}}
sprintf(buf,"123%#x",9);// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 6, but format string expands to at least 7}}
sprintf(buf,"123%p",(void*)9);// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 6, but format string expands to at least 7}}
sprintf(buf,"1234%+d",9);// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 6, but format string expands to at least 7}}
sprintf(buf,"123% i",9);
sprintf(buf,"1234% i",9);// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 6, but format string expands to at least 7}}
sprintf(buf,"1%5d",9);// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 6, but format string expands to at least 7}}
sprintf(buf,"5%.3f",9.f);// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 6, but format string expands to at least 7}}
sprintf(buf,"%+.3f",9.f);// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 6, but format string expands to at least 7}}
sprintf(buf,"5%.1e",9.f);// expected-warning {{'sprintf' will always overflow; destination buffer has size 6, but format string expands to at least 8}}